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tv   Teen Kids News  KRON  May 25, 2013 2:30pm-3:01pm PDT

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>> "teen kids news" is next, and here's what we've got. >> i'll show you how science plus math can add up to a great meal. >> we'll introduce you to a teen whose winning idea earned her a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. >> i'll tell you some things you probably didn't know about breakfast. >> the facts about a strangely simple state flag. >> pita chips from scratch and our own special dip. today, i'll show you how. >> we all get tired now and then, but i'll tell you when being too tired is a warning sign of a more serious condition. >> i'll introduce you to some u.s. marines who really "band" together. >> so join us now for this
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week's "teen kids news." >> welcome to "teen kids news." i'm mwanzaa. >> and i'm siena. we'll start with our top story. [ school bell rings ] >> these fifth graders aren't going to gym or to lunch. they're on their way to a classroom with no walls and a lot of dirt. the classroom is a garden. here they're learning about planting and harvesting. >> kids just love coming out here and investigating and exploring, and we never know what we're gonna find when we come out here. >> today's big discovery was a pretty large praying mantis. >> mr. o'neil, i found it on a piece of milkweed.
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>> he's probably eating the milkweed bugs. >> but the main focus is on the vegetables and plants. >> can i smell it again? >> sure. >> [ sniffs ] i don't know. that smells just like basil, although it's purple. >> whether it's purple or more commonly green, basil is the main ingredient in the next stage of this project -- taking what they grow in the garden and using it in a recipe. >> we're making bruschetta today, and we're just getting basil and everything we need to make it. >> so with fresh basil in hand, it's back to the classroom. >> okay, we have different types of tomatoes here -- roman tomatoes and beefsteak. and we have garlic that we grew, as well. >> but this is not a home-ec lesson. >> there certainly is gardening and cooking involved, but there's also the science and math -- teaching the kids how to quadruple, triple, double recipes. cut it in half. remove the seeds.
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using fractions in measuring, that's where we incorporated the mathematics. >> a fun way to learn math. >> we're gonna take a minute to use our senses in order to describe what we see. we're gonna be using our sense of taste. science -- they use a lot of observation skills learning how to use their senses to describe things. today, we're actually working with an acid. vinegar is an acid. by adding the vinegar to the tomatoes, you did create a chemical change, whereas you've now changed the properties of the tomato and the basil and the garlic. okay, it can no longer go back to the way it was. >> i learned a little bit about chemistry. i learned that the vinegar broke down all the stuff. then it made the flavor come out. >> delicious. >> i thought it was really fun. it was a lot more fun than just looking at the board. instead, you just find a way to learn it.
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>> oh, and there's one more lesson mr. o'neil wanted to teach his students about vegetables. >> i learned that you should try new stuff, because you can really like it. >> learning has never tasted so good. >> we have a lot more to tell you about. >> so stay with us.
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>> time now for "health bites." [ crunching ] >> it's the most important meal of the day, and yet many of us skip it. jax hubbard is a nutritionist at downstate long island college hospital. hi, jax. >> hi there. >> jax, is breakfast really that important? >> yes, it really is. if you skip a healthy breakfast, chances are you'll be less alert, you'll have a shorter attention span, and you'll feel increasingly run-down as the day goes on. >> so i'm guessing doughnuts don't exactly fit in the picture here? >> definitely not.
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carbs alone will make you burn out fast. think of a combo pack -- protein plus carbs... >> some kids skip breakfast because they don't want to put on weight. what about that? >> they'll probably end up putting on more weight. kids who skip breakfast tend to eat more than they should at their next meal, and they snack more between meals. >> what about not having time to eat? >> trust me. the extra few minutes of sleep just aren't worth it. so set your alarm a bit earlier. if you're still worried about having enough time for breakfast, here are some suggestions. before you go to bed, make a hard-boiled egg or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. then in the morning, you can grab and go. and take along an orange or an apple, too. >> okay, i'll think of it as the last bit of homework at night. >> good idea. >> thanks, jax. with "health bites," i'm ellie. >> this report is brought to you by the national road safety foundation. over the last few months, we've been reporting on this year's
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drive2life contest. it invited kids across the country to come up with a p.s.a. -- that's like a tv commercial -- for safe driving. the winner was 16-year-old olivia yavorek. olivia had learned about the contest from her high-scol teacher. >> she'll look up contests like this, and so, she found this one and asked me if i wanted to do it. so i gave it a shot. >> her shot was a home run. of more than 1,300 ideas that were sent in, the national road safety foundation worked with scholastic to choose olivia's. >> my mom called me in the middle of school, and i thought it was something bad, but it was actually really good, so i kind of got out of class and told my teacher. so we were really excited. >> as part of her prize, olivia was brought to new york city to work with an emmy award-winning director. >> hello, olivia. >> the director introduced olivia and her mom to the tv crew... >> this is sean. this is your director of photography. >> hi. nice to meet you. >> and you've already met the associate producer. >> ...and then gave them a quick tour of the location where they were gonna shoot the p.s.a. >> why don't you sit down?
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let's go through the storyboards. >> storyboards are a series of pictures the production team uses to visualize the scenes they need to shoot. then they discuss some of the props to be used in the p.s.a. >> so we have a green version, also, we'd have to make up if you feel that red's gonna be a problem. >> no, i think the red is gonna pop better. >> while the crew got ready for the first shot, olivia helped the associate producer create one of the messages on the driveway. and she had one other important job to do. the director wanted her to be the driver in the p.s.a. >> like, is my hand going to, like, pretend to, like, turn the radio on, or am i just looking down and seeing the note? >> i think you're just looking down... >> okay. >> you're thinking about turning on the radio. you see the note, and now you're not gonna do it. >> all right. >> what do you think? >> it's good. >> all right. >> finally, it was time to start shooting. the first shot was a bit tricky. to be able to see over the car to the message written on the driveway, the cameraman needed to be high up on a ladder. >> what you did the last time was perfect -- the way you clicked and went. >> mm-hmm. >> same thing. can you go a little faster this
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time -- just a little faster, not too much faster? okay, standing by. >> next. >> now we go outside, and we do the coming around the corner on the family. so, what do you think? >> i like it. >> so, we come down. grandma and grandpa are waving. good! excellent. thank you, folks. >> and the scene after that is the lemonade stand, where we're gonna have two kids. one is gonna be pouring lemonade. and the other is going to be holding a sign that says "no eating while driving." >> mm-hmm. it's good. >> all right, we ready to go? >> yep. >> let's keep going. >> excellent. i think we got it all, right? kristen, we got all the shots? >> mm-hmm. that was our last one with the two kids. >> all right, so what do you think? >> it was good. >> went all right? >> yeah. >> well, congratulations.
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>> thank you. >> nicely done. >> we're ready to go. >> with the shooting completed, the next stop was the edit room. working with rick the editor, olivia saw how all the different elements are brought together to create the p.s.a. >> mm-hmm. >> and i found a little part at the end. here's the end, by the way. [ up-tempo music plays ] [ music stops ] >> yeah. >> so then the key is to, like, mix the two together. >> yeah. >> the director came in, and the production team watched the final edit. [ up-tempo music resumes ] [ cellphone chimes ] >> olivia's not done yet. now she has to present the p.s.a. to the national road safety foundation for their approval. we'll have that report next week.
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>> in "flag facts," we salute the heritage of another one of our great states.
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>> this looks more like a road sign than a state flag. for starters, it's often flown as a square instead of a rectangle. but that's not an "x" in the middle. >> the flag is based on the saint andrew's cross, which also uses this deep, dark red known as crimson. >> and the color crimson is a clue to this flag's identity -- if you follow college sports. >> the crimson tide is the nickname of the university of alabama's sports teams. >> the flag of alabama looks simple, but it echoes a more complex and controversial symbol -- the flag of the confederacy from the civil war. >> this is not a coincidence at all. the flag of alabama is based on the confederate battle flag. >> much later, alabama was a different kind of battleground during the civil-rights movement. dr. martin luther king jr. not only marched here -- he was born here. and so was rosa parks -- the african-american woman who refused to move to the back of the bus. it may be a simple flag, but alabamians take pride in it.
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in addition to the pledge of allegiance to the stars and recite a special pledge of allegiance to their state flag. with "flag facts," i'm katie. >> grab a pen. aubrey has another great recipe from the culinary institute of america. >> hi, everyone. i hope you're doing well. today, we're going to make really, really easy and delicious hummus with homemade pita chips. earlier, i cut and toasted my pita... ...i squeezed the juice out of a lemon... ...and i peeled some fresh garlic. i have all of my ingredients ready. we have 2 cups of chickpeas, half a cup of olive oil. we have 2 tablespoons of tahini, which is a sesame paste that you can find in any grocery store. we have garlic. i peeled more garlic than i need, but once i do it, i can use it for the rest of the week in all of the food that i make. we also have salt and the juice of one lemon.
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now, all we'll have to do is put everything into the food processor... our chickpeas... olive oil... tahini... one clove of garlic, unless you like it very garlicky... lemon juice... and a pinch of salt. if you noticed earlier, i didn't salt or season the pita chips. that's because i salted the hummus. remember, salt is only optional. now we'll place it right on top. [ food processor whirs ] now unplug the machine, take off the top, and we're going to help
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the hummus along by scooping around the sides with a spatula. now, i notice that it's a little bit thick so i'm going to add a little bit of olive oil. now put the top back on, plug it in, and keep pulsing. [ food processor whirs ] and be nice to your parents. clean up the food processor when you're finished. mmm. now that we have the hummus perfectly smooth, all we have to do is scoop it into our bowl.
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and now we're ready to eat. mmm. hummus is so delicious, and now you can make it, too. for "tkn," my name is aubrey. from the culinary institute of america, have a great day. >> if you missed any of these recipes, no worries. they're all listed on the "teen kids news" website. i pledge allegiance to the flag
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of the united states of america... and to the republic for which it stands... one nation, under god... indivisible, with liberty... and justice for all. our disabled veterans pledged to sacrifice life and limb to ensure our way of life. now, they deserve our support. find out how you can help disabled veterans in your community. visit tell you about a new medical website designed especially for older folks. website you say! i can't work on computers, they're not senior-friendly. blah, blah, blah. but the national institutes of health fixed all that. now you can make the type bigger, increase contrast, even make it talk to you.
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just go to and get the best medical information available anywhere. nih built with you in mind. music i want some more. what's he doing? please sir, i want some more. more? he has asked for... thank you. well he did say please... yes he did. and thank you. please and thank you. pass it on. (crowd of children) thank you.
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>> here's another report in our series on first-aid basics. >> what is heat exhaustion? >> heat exhaustion occurs when the body gets too hot. >> what causes it? >> well, our body cools itself by sweating. so when we're in the heat for a long time or we're doing physical activity for a long time without replenishing those fluids that we lost through sweating, then the hypothalamus -- a part of the brain that controls heat regulation -- is actually overwhelmed. we end up producing more heat than we release. >> what are some signs to look for? >> the person's skin will be cool to the touch. it'll be moist, and they'll be heavily sweating. they might appear pale and flush. they will probably be complaining of a headache, feel dizzy and weak, and maybe even nauseous. >> okay. what should we do? >> we're gonna move them to a cool place first.
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then remove or loosen any tight clothing to promote heat loss. then spray them with water or even apply cold, wet cloths to the skin. fan them. and if conscious, and only if conscious, then we give them a small amount of water or sports drink. if at any time they refuse that liquid or they start to vomit, call 911, 'cause their situation's getting worse. >> heat exhaustion can be serious, and if not quickly treated, it can worsen, causing heat stroke. and that can be deadly. so let's go over what you need to do if someone has heat exhaustion. when it comes to first aid, there's a lot to know. that's why the red cross has an app for smart phones. it gives simple, easy-to-follow
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information, and it's free. although, if it helps save someone's life, it's priceless. for "tkn," i'm emily. >> you can find out more first-aid tips on our website. just follow the link. >> i bet you didn't know that the u.s. marines have a regularly scheduled battle right here in america -- a battle of the bands, that is. it's actually one of the highlights of a proud tradition called "evening parade." nicole tells us more. >> every friday evening during the summer, the public is invited onto the marines' oldest military post. called "marine barracks washington," the post was established in 1801 to protect our nation's capital. >> in this day and age, we are more famous for our ceremonial marching units and our musical units -- "the commandant's own" and "the president's own" u.s. marine band. >> and during evening parade, both bands get to strut their stuff. [ rhythmic drumming ]
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officially called the u.s. marine band, it was created by an act of congress in 1798. >> we played for john adams and his wife and a small party of guests before john adams left office, but it was really thomas jefferson, who took office right after that, that gave us the name "the president's own." >> the president needed his own musical unit to perform at different white house functions for foreign dignitaries and those that may attend, well, his very nice estate. >> we've played at every inaugural since thomas jefferson, and i believe that's 52 inaugurations over 210 years. so we're very proud of that fact, as well. >> the marine band is composed of people from all over the country, and only the best of the best are allowed into the president's unit. >> the band does not go through basic training. their sole duty is to provide musical support for the president. >> over the years, many great musicians were members of the marine band. >> the most prominent of all is john philip sousa, known as "the march king," and he was the one who wrote
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"the stars and stripes forever." [ "the stars and stripes forever" plays ] >> being sousa's band as we are, we play a lot of his marches, because, mainly, he wrote most of them for "the president's own." >> i'll have more on the marine bands at the evening parade when we return. so stay "tuned."
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think again. the spot you missed could be a killer. that spot on your skin could be skin cancer. if you're a man over 50, you're in a group most likely to develop skin cancer, including melanoma, that's why your best shot is to check for a spot. it's easy -- follow through and check your skin. go to to find out how. a message from the american academy of dermatology. um] ♪[tum] ♪[tum] ♪[tum] ♪[tum] ♪[tum] ♪[tum] [phone ring,] car brakes hard [phone ring] [car crash] glass shatters [sirens] this video was submitted by a student
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through the safety scholars program. for more information on teen safety visit >> so, we've already met the marine band known as "the president's own." [ bugle music plays ] now meet the marine drum and bugle corps. they're known as "the commandant's own." [ rhythmic drumming ] >> well, "the commandant's own"
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was established in 1934 to supplement the marine band at the ceremonies here at the barracks. and they became so good that decided that he was gonna have his own musical unit. if the president's gonna have marines, you know, a musical unit of his own, the commandant better have his own, as well. >> and we're also very different in that we play only drums and only bugles. they play every other kind of instrument out there there is. but we are, i'd say, 10 times as loud as they are. [ marching-band music playing ] >> all the marines in "the commandant's own" are fully qualified to go to war. we are marines first, musicians second. >> they're infantry-trained, and then they have to pass a musical audition before they come into the marine corps if they want a position in the unit. once they acquire a position in the unit, they come here to marine barracks washington, d.c. they're the best of the best of
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marine musicians who try out for the recruiters. [ marching-band music playing ] >> out on what's called the parade deck, there's a bit of friendly rivalry between "the commandant's own" and "the president's own." >> one tries to out-flash the other as they play their songs across the parade deck. >> not all the music played at evening parade is instrumental. the marine band's rendition of "proud to be an american" brought the audience to their feet. >> ♪ god bless the usa >> it was really good. i'm really excited, because i'm actually enlisted in the marines, to be in the band. so seeing this was a really good experience for me to get me ready for boot camp and, like, to see what i can become. [ marching-band music plays ] >> the evening parade is open to the public. admission is free. to find about getting tickets,
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check out our website. for "teen kids news," i'm nicole. >> that's all for this week. thanks for joining us. >> we'll see you next time with more "teen kids news." >> write to us at...
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