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tv   Teen Kids News  KRON  June 29, 2013 2:30pm-3:01pm PDT

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>> here's what's coming up on this edition of "teen kids news." >> raising money for a good cause? you don't even have to leave your room, but you do have to do your homework. i'll explain. >> when parents get divorced, what rights do their kids have? we'll talk to an expert. >> i'll tell you about a state that's truly a diamond in the rough. >> the marines call it the evening parade, but you can call it "awesome." >> all that and more -- next on "teen kids news."
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>> welcome to "teen kids news." i'm mwanzaa. >> and i'm livia. here's this week's top story. >> here's yet another way the web is changing our world. it's helping major charities and even kids raise money for good causes. but you also need to do some research before you start clicking away. scott has the story. >> there are lots of ways to do fundraising. you can join a walkathon, sell cookies or wrapping paper -- you can even go swimming. but any way you do it, raising money is a challenge. >> i've done a lot of fundraising for school. >> i think just getting people's attention was the hardest part about it. >> sometimes it's hard to raise money because sometimes people don't take you seriously. >> but thanks to recent technology, teens today have a powerful new tool. it's called "crowdfunding." there are lots of websites that can help you get started. dave boyce runs one of them --
2:32 pm >> crowdfunding is a way to raise money by putting a page online -- a website online -- and then inviting all of your friends through social media to come and join you in raising money for something that you care about. >> the charity i'm raising money for is the boys and girls club of new jersey. it's a charity that focuses on after-school activities for underprivileged children. and i'm going to raise money for their art program. >> courtney is a high-school senior, and she's sold on crowdfunding. >> i've done other fundraising things, and it's been a lot of hard work, so with fundly, i just kind of go online and set up an account and then wait for the money to come in, i guess. >> she's also using the site to raise money for an ice-skating show she's planning. >> we've seen a lot of teenagers raising money for really interesting projects on fundly. you can raise money for a team,
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you can raise money for a school, you can raise money for a friend who's in need, you can raise money for medical expenses. >> that's why more and more organizations are using crowdfunding. you can put up links for information and upload photos and video. if you have a good cause, it's a way to reach out far beyond your own community. >> we've seen teenagers say, "you know what? this year for my birthday, don't give me presents. i want to raise money for a cause that i really care about." >> but keep this in mind -- most crowdfunding sites make money by taking a commission on each donation you get. so your first move is to find out just how much their service is going to cost. that's why it's a good idea to get some guidance from a parent or other trusted adult. >> there's still lots ahead, so stay with us. >> we'll be right back. [ cellphone dings ]
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>> so, how was your drive? >> interesting.
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>> it's one of the most difficult situations a kid can experience. we're talking about divorce. but, as lauren reports, there are ways to make the situation better. >> whether it comes as a sudden surprise or as a breakup that was clearly building over time, divorce can turn your life upside down. and unfortunately, it's all too common. >> i have friends that have parents that are divorced. >> i have friends whose parents are divorced. >> yes, i do know kids whose parents are divorced. >> in fact, divorce affects 1.5 million kids every year.
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dr. mark banschick is a child psychiatrist. he wrote "the intelligent divorce." although the book's aimed at parents, the doctor has a lot of good advice for kids, as well. when kids find out their parents are divorcing, what's their first worry? >> they're going to be concerned about where they're going to be living, are they going to still see their friends, are they going to be in the same school? those are the kind of things they worry about right away. >> what else are they worried about? >> teens are particularly aware that their parents aren't perfect, you know? and so, since their parents aren't perfect and the divorce is happening, they're usually not surprised. but they are worried that one of their parents may be struggling, and they sometimes worry about their younger siblings. >> is it common for teens to feel caught in the middle? >> it's very common. teens are often caught in the middle. parents, when they get divorced, oftentimes stop being, like, totally parents. they get more needy sometimes, and they want you to be on their side against your other parent. it's really not right. >> so, in your book, you have a
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children's bill of rights. why? >> because in the united states, we have the bill of rights, right? so kids need a bill of rights, too. they're going through a divorce, and they need to be protected properly. that's the bill of rights. >> the first one is "don't ask me to choose sides." >> right. they shouldn't have to choose sides. you have two parents. your parents should stay parents. you should stay a kid and enjoy your life. >> another one is "i am not your messenger." >> you know, sometimes two parents still live in the same house, or they can't talk to each other. and they put you on the phone. they say, "you talk to daddy. i can't talk to daddy." well, it's just not right. >> although divorce is difficult for everyone in the family, dr. banschick says most kids end up adjusting pretty well. >> i'm fine with my parents being divorced now. >> if a teen has a friend whose parents are divorcing, what's the best way to be helpful? >> be her friend. she's not a martian, okay? do what you normally do with her. however, if she starts to talk
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about the divorce, open your ears and listen. one last thing -- if something looks like it's going wrong, like your friend is having a real problem -- i don't know, he wants to cut himself, or she wants to run away -- you know, you're going to have to go to an adult for help. >> that's some good advice. thank you for talking with us, dr. banschick. >> it has been my pleasure. thank you. >> for more information on divorce, visit our website. for "tkn," i'm lauren. >> we see them all the time, but very few of us look closely. so here's this week's "flag facts." >> when you think of digging for diamonds, you probably think of africa, but diamond mining does exist in the u.s., in one place -- arkansas. that's why the state flag's most prominent feature is a big blue-and-white diamond. >> the flag of arkansas pays tribute to the diamonds that
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have been mined in that state. if you look at the flag, you'll see a diamond shape with stars inside of it, and also, the white field is in a diamond shape. >> arkansas was the 25th state to enter the union, and there are 25 white stars on the border. the blue stars stand for countries that have claimed the area through its history -- spain, france, the u.s.a., and one other. >> this star represents arkansas' place in the confederacy. after they seceded from the union, they joined the confederacy in 1861. >> arkansas withdrew from the union during the civil war, but it was a state divided. >> at that time, 60,000 people sided with the confederacy. however, 15,000 people from the state chose to stick with the union. >> nowadays, arkansans are united in their pride -- pride for their state's natural beauty and for their diamonds. in fact, tourists are welcome to hunt for the gems at crater of diamonds state park. with "flag facts," i'm libby.
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>> here's a great way to improve your math skills. the next time you shop for groceries, try guessing what everything in your cart will cost. it's called "estimating," and experts say it's a valuable technique for problem-solving. the more you practice, the more you'll be able to make good math guesses. just don't try and guess your way through your homework. >> injuries happen. when they do, we'll show you what you should do.
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>> knowing what to do in case of an emergency is important. that's why we're working with the american red cross to bring you this special series on first aid. >> sprains and strains are a pain, but a little first aid can go a long way. lipica shah is an instructor for the american red cross.
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what is the difference between a sprain and a strain? >> a sprain is the stretching or tearing of ligaments at a joint, and a strain is the stretching or tearing of your muscles and tendons, so just different body parts. >> so, what do we do? >> so, let's all get on the ground. because if you hurt your ankle, you'd be on the ground, right? regardless of whether it's a sprain or a strain, we treat it the same way -- using the acronym "rice" -- r.i.c.e. that stands for "rest, immobilize, cold, and elevate." "rest" just means stay in the position that we found it. if it's at an awkward angle, i want to leave it that way, 'cause straightening it out could cause the injury to be worse. "immobilize" really only comes into play if i need to move cammie somewhere else, like if it's unsafe where i am. i want to make sure that her injury isn't going to move from its position while we are moving, so i might have to do something to keep it in place.
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"cold" is really one of the most important things, and that's exactly what it sounds like. take something cold -- an ice pack, a bag of frozen vegetables -- anything to help reduce swelling. so i'll put a towel or some other material between her skin and the ice and put the ice right over the injury site. and "elevation" -- elevation's another way to reduce swelling, but it should only be done if it won't cause more pain. so if i can, i'm very gently going to lift up her foot. can you grab that backpack right there? 'cause you can really use anything to elevate the injury, and gently place it back down. so that's all you would do for a sprain or strain. r.i.c.e. -- rest, immobilize, cold, elevate. >> "rice" is good to know, but remember -- even with relatively minor injuries, it's important to get proper medical attention. for "tkn," i'm alexa. >> this report is brought to you by yahoo! digital crave. >> it's all about the future of interactive entertainment here at the 2013 e3 expo in l.a.
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lots of great stuff to show you. before we talk about what's coming this fall, which you'll love, out this friday -- "the last of us," for playstation 3. this sony game rocks. one of my favorite games, and i'm not alone. it's got an average review score of 96% on why? well, it's an emotionally driven story about the near future, where a pandemic has wiped out most of the u.s. you're taking care of a 14-year-old girl -- ellie -- as you work your way across the country. there's intense combat. there's puzzle solving, exploration, all wrapped into this amazing game. $59.99, actually. out this friday, for ps3 -- "the last of us." now, a lot of the buzz here at e3 2013 is about the new hardware. this is it -- the playstation 4, coming out this holiday season for $399, which is 100 bucks less than the xbox one, by the way. cool-looking machine. but what's really important is what's under the hood. built for gamers, it's got an amazing processor. so fast speeds, beautiful graphics that are photo-realistic. i love the ability to share content with your friends while you're playing. there's a "share" button on the controller, right there in the
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top-left corner. you can upload a video clip or a photo to your favorite social media site. and lots, lots more. you're gonna love it. out this holiday season for $399 -- playstation 4. the last game i want to get to before some great gadgets for the summer -- "skylanders swap force." this is from activision, the third in the billion-dollar franchise. if you're a parent of young kids, you're very familiar with this brand. it combines action figures with video games. so when you place the action figures on what's called the portal of power, connected to the video-game console, they come alive in the video game. as the name suggests, with "swap force," you've got 16 new characters where you can swap the tops and bottoms to create 250 new combinations. more than that, in fact. available for all major consoles, coming out this fall, and all the old "skylanders" will work with the new game. parents will like that. now on to some gadgets. this is the latest ultrabook convertible, inspired by intel. it's called the dell xps 12. what's cool about it is that not only is it under three pounds, less than an inch thick, and it boots up right away, but it's got that hinge design -- a flip-and-fold design -- where it converts from a laptop to a
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tablet. this, of course, built on windows 8. this is a great hybrid device -- the two in one, and best of both worlds, if you will. available for about $1,000 from dell and intel. and, finally, my favorite gadget of the year is the wireless plus from seagate. this is it right here, about the size of a deck of cards. it's a portable hard drive that you first connect to your pc. or your mac. you drag and drop content onto to the drive, up to 500 hd movies, in fact. then you take it with you to go. press the button, turns it on, and it creates a wireless network -- a little hot spot, where up to 8 people can now access what they want, wirelessly, from that shared drive. imagine being on a road trip with your friends or your kids, even, and they can all watch what they want at the same time. it's about a 10-hour battery, and it's $199 for that one terabyte drive from seagate, called the wireless plus. well, there you have it -- the latest and greatest from the 2013 e3 expo. for "teen kids news," in los angeles, i'm marc saltzman. i pledge allegiance to the flag
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of the united states of america... and to the republic for which it stands... one nation, under god... indivisible, with liberty... and justice for all. our disabled veterans pledged to sacrifice life and limb to ensure our way of life. now, they deserve our support. find out how you can help disabled veterans in your community. visit tell you about a new
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medical website designed especially for older folks. website you say! i can't work on computers, they're not senior-friendly. blah, blah, blah. but the national institutes of health fixed all that. now you can make the type bigger, increase contrast, even make it talk to you. just go to and get the best medical information available anywhere. nih built with you in mind. music i want some more. what's he doing? please sir, i want some more. more? he has asked for... thank you. well he did say please... yes he did. and thank you. please and thank you. pass it on. (crowd of children) thank you.
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>> when you think of the u.s. marines, you typically think of soldiers hitting the beach in a hard-fought battle. but it's not all they do. nicole gives us a new view of the united states marines. >> welcome to marine barracks, washington. [ drums play ] it's the oldest active military post in the u.s. marine corps. >> marine barracks, washington, was founded on march 31, 1801, when president thomas jefferson rode on horseback with lieutenant colonel william ward burrows, our second commandant of the marine corps. they rode around southeast d.c. looking for a home for marine barracks, washington. >> ever since then, marines have
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been stationed here. >> there are seven companies that make up marine barracks, washington. altogether, we're stationed here we're about 1,200 marines, sailors, and civilians. >> one of the oldest buildings in washington is the commandant's home. the commandant is the highest-ranking marine. it's easy to see why the post was declared a historic landmark. everywhere you look, you're surrounded by the proud tradition of the marine corps. >> what's interesting about the flag you see flown here this evening is it has 15 stars and 15 stripes. and when the barracks was founded in 1801, there were actually, at that time, 15 states in the union. hence, the 15 stars and the 15 stripes. >> this special flag is only flown here and at maryland's fort mchenry, birthplace of "the star spangled banner." >> the barracks was established to defend the nation's capital, and it's because this is the oldest post of the corps, because most of our history
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comes from this place from the 19th century, we started holding parades to show people what we're all about. >> good evening, ladies. welcome to marine barracks, washington. >> every friday evening over the summer, the public is invited to visit the post to watch the evening parade. >> what's really nice about marine barracks, washington, is that we treat all of our guests with the utmost respect. they receive all military courtesies, customs... >> welcome to the barracks. have a great night. >> whether you're 5 years old or 85 years old, officer, enlisted, we welcome everyone aboard equally, and we try to show them the hospitality that they would get anywhere when you invite people to your home. >> need any assistance? main gate, 4 south. actually, it's going to be right here, ladies. >> the reason we escort the ladies while we're outside on 8th street is to demonstrate propriety and courteousness. during the time of the 19th and sometimes early 20th century, men actually did that for women. but that's something we try to
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carry out here. >> inside, the stands quickly fill up. marines are on hand to tell the visitors the history of the barracks. as part of the opening ceremonies, chesty, the marine mascot, is brought out. >> he is named after the general lewis b. "chesty" puller, one of our former marines -- most decorated marines in the marine corps. >> actually, chesty xii is retiring. he's turning over the leash to chesty xiii. >> one thing that's guaranteed at one of our evening parades is chesty always gets that same applause. he always gets the oohs and ahhs, and everyone loves chesty. >> when we come back, the evening parade -- u.s. marine style. [ mid-tempo music plays ]
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think again. the spot you missed could be a killer. that spot on your skin could be skin cancer. if you're a man over 50, you're in a group most likely to develop skin cancer, including melanoma, the kind that kills one person every hour. that's why your best shot is to check for a spot. it's easy -- follow through and check your skin. go to to find out how. a message from the american academy of dermatology. um] ♪[tum] ♪[tum] ♪[tum] ♪[tum] ♪[tum] ♪[tum] [phone ring,] car brakes hard [phone ring] [car crash] glass shatters
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[sirens] this video was submitted by a student through the safety scholars program. for more information on teen safety visit [ fanfare ]
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>> we continuously practice all year 'round to put on the best show in america right here in d.c. [ mid-tempo music plays ] >> because the marine corps grew out of the navy, they often use nautical terms. for example, marines call the parade grounds the deck -- as in a deck on a ship. >> well, here on parade deck, you don't get tanks, you don't get guns, you don't get whiz-bang lasers or anything like that. you get a marine in dress blues out there, showing the american people what we're all about. and it is about discipline. it is about honor, courage, and our commitment to the country. [ indistinct shouting ] [ cheers and applause ] >> battalion, fix bayonets! [ mid-tempo music plays ]
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[ cheers and applause ] >> ladies and gentlemen, please rise for the presentation of the colors. >> rise for the colors! [ "you're a grand old flag" plays ] >> after the troops have lined up, the color guard makes its entrance. [ music stops ] >> [ shouting indistinctly ] [ "the star-spangled banner" plays ] >> what's really fascinating
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about marine barracks, washington, is everything that we stand for in marine corps, for our honor, courage, and commitment -- our core values -- they culminate here on the parade deck at marine barracks. >> [ shouts indistinctly ] >> and everyone leaves here with such a smile on their face. it makes this a very, very proud place to be for us as marines. >> it was amazing -- definitely. [ "taps" plays ] >> it's quite an experience. and we only gave you a taste of the evening parade. they've also got famous marching bands and a drill team. to find out more about the evening parade, visit our website. for "teen kids news," i'm
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nicole. >> that's our program for this week. thanks for joining us. >> and, of course, "teen kids news" will be back again next week, so we'll see you then.
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