tv Teen Kids News KRON November 23, 2013 2:30pm-3:01pm PST
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dial 1-800-273-8255 and press 1. >> welcome to "teen kids news." i'm siena. we'll start with our top story. thousands of cheering spectators. contestants from all over the world. fierce challenges. glorious victories. the olympics, right? nope. emily explains. >> is this gonna be the best year ever, fans? [ cheers ]
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>> they have a lot to cheer about. from 42 states and 14 countries, these teams have made it to the finals of a global competition called "destination imagination." >> i am standing in front of 10,000 of the smartest, most creative, amazing problem-solvers in the entire world. >> destination imagination, or d.i. for short, was held at the university of tennessee in knoxville. to make it here, the teams had to find solutions to challenges that involve the "4 c's"... ed the four ed >> well, i think it's critical in terms of developing problem-solvers and independent learners, kids who can collaborate with teams. >> at the start of each season, the teams decide which of seven challenges they want to take on. to meet the challenge might require skills like science and math, or maybe theatre know-how,
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and, of course, imagination. >> i like getting that it's okay to be different, and, like, i can just be myself and creative, and it, like, lets me escape and be creative and stuff. >> during the week-long finals, they get to stretch their imaginations -- from testing racecar driving skills to pretending to clean the ocean floor. for this challenge, teams had to design wheels that could be guided with accuracy. it's harder than it looks. [ cheers and applause ] >> the first year, we came in dead last, and from there, we had to build up, and i think that was really important to our experience in d.i. we've really learned the value of winning and losing and doing it right. >> another challenge was to create costumes for the "duct tape" ball. that's because one of the sponsors is the company that makes the versatile tape -- 3m. >> they come up with some very clever ideas -- really cool things that we want to keep getting, you know, sort of the
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influences from. it's very genius. >> in fact, some of their ideas may be out of this world. >> we're here because this is the generation that's going to be doing the next generation of exploration for our nation. these students now will be the ones that are taking these rockets that nasa's working on to destinations unknown. >> [ cheers ] >> at the closing ceremony, there were trophies to celebrate, as well as new friendships. >> i think my favorite part about global finals is interacting with all the students from all over the world. it's just a really incredible experience, very diverse, and everybody is really excited to talk to each other and interact with each other. and i think it's awesome. [ all cheer ] >> if d.i. seems awesome to you, check out the link on our website. it has information on how to start your own team. [ cheers and applause ] for those of you who might need
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some encouragement, here's a fitting quote to keep in mind -- "if you can imagine it, you can achieve it." >> this week's driving tip is brought to you by the national road safety foundation. [ cellphone chimes ] safety foun. >> so, how was your drive? >> interesting. >> it's a painful subject for teens, but singing and dancing might help. i'll have the story.
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>> for too many kids, bullying is an ugly fact of life. experts say one in five high-school students are bullied on school property. that doesn't even count what happens at the mall or in the neighborhood. then add in bullying by text and online. clearly, bullying is an issue. and, as monika reports, in a number of schools, a unique program is taking center stage. >> outside, it looks like just another day at the h.c. crittenden middle school. but inside, the students are getting ready for a special performance. [ up-tempo music plays ] >> all: ♪ summer's over and you know what that means ♪ ♪ we're going back to school >> "the new kid" is an anti-bullying musical. it's an hour long, and it stars
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kids in all of the roles, which is really cool for the kids watching so that they can relate to it, and it tells the story of zack, a new kid at a middle school, and the challenges he faces trying to fit in with the other kids. >> ♪ i'm the new kid ♪ like, i don't even have a name ♪ ♪ but i think i know this game's first rule ♪ ♪ they say, "hey you, kid" ♪ and even though i'm shy, i just look up and say "hi" real cool ♪ >> well, there are these four groups, and everyone is supposed to belong to one of them. and there's the brainiacs who wear blue, and they are, like, the smart girls in the school. and there's the mods who wear yellow, and they're the popular and the mean girls. and the geeks wear purple, and they're, obviously, the geeky boys. and the gangstas are two boys and one girl, and they push everyone around and they have to wear red. >> ♪ this here's shawn, and she's my main man ♪
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♪ you mess with her, you'll be in pain, man ♪ >> and i'm samantha, and i wear black because i got kicked out of being in any of the groups. >> all: ♪ popular ♪ you're not popular ♪ ooh, what you wouldn't trade if you want to absolutely have it made and be popular ♪ ♪ oh, so popular ♪ it's the greatest feeling in the world ♪ >> random farms kids theater produces the show. they stage performances at various local schools. >> you see those kids over there? the brainiacs doing homework during recess. >> the audience is both entertained and educated. they learn that bullying can take many different forms -- for example, making kids do things that are just plain wrong. >> because they don't know you and you can get close, is to copy the homework and get it back to me by the end of the day. >> dre, the bully -- he gives zack, the main character, three tasks. and the first one is that he has to copy homework from another
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group of kids, the brainiacs. >> and then the second test was that he had to kiss a girl, a girl that he didn't really know -- he had just met a few minutes ago. >> are you gonna kiss me or what? >> i...guess. >> should i take out my gum? >> the third test is that zack has to beat up a geek named "louis." and he's not really comfortable doing that because it's one of his really good friends. so it's, kind of, a very uncomfortable situation. >> maybe in real life things don't always work out, but they do in the play. >> everyone realizes that to be themselves, it's better than just to be fake, and no matter if someone doesn't like you, just be true to yourself and stay with who you really are. [ cheers and applause ] >> even when the curtain comes down, it's not over. an important part of the program is what happens next. the cast comes back out on
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stage, and the audience gets to ask them questions. >> i think the audience is getting how we're trying to tell them a very important lesson about bullying, so when we're giving it to them, they're gonna say, "oh, maybe i was being a bully." >> what is a bully? or who is a bully? >> i love seeing, you know, like, how the kids react to the show 'cause i really love it how they're like, "oh, my god, you know, i really was moved and stuff," and, you know, it's great that we're actually, like, making a change or a difference in what kids think. >> some of the cast members were once in the audience themselves. >> i decided to join the play because it really sent out a good message when i first saw it, and it was something that i've always wanted to do because i've been bullied myself. >> after the show, students told us they're more determined than ever to stand up to bullying. there's even a term for it -- being an "up-stander." >> an up-stander is somebody who takes a stand for someone who's being bullied, and they don't just stand by. they really speak out, and they
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>> it's one of the most common flavorings added to foods and drinks, so it's no surprise that many teens grow up craving its sweet taste. as nicole found out, many of us may actually be hooked on sugar. >> dr. deb kennedy wrote a book about our addiction to sugar. she says the problem is out of control. >> when you eat sugar, you want more of it, like you do with other addictions -- you want more and more of it, and when you stop, you definitely go through some withdrawal symptoms. >> so, dr. deb, should teens really be concerned about how much sugar they're eating? >> absolutely.
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because if i could tell you one thing that if you changed, you would study better, do better at sports, be healthier, live longer, wouldn't you want to do it? >> absolutely. >> okay, so sugar is the number-one cause of being overweight and diabetes, and i'll show you how much sugar you're allowed to have every day. now, that is after you've had everything that the u.s.d.a. says you should have every day. so if, at my plate, you haveay. your fruits and your vegetables and your whole grains and your protein and your milk, there is some leftover calories. they're not saying, "go ahead and eat all this sugar," but if you have leftover calories and you want something sweet, as a girl, you're allowed five teaspoons a day. >> so this means i'm allowed up to five teaspoons or i should go ahead and eat my five teaspoons of sugar? >> no, no, no, no, no. if you want something sweet, you have up to five teaspoons that you're allowed every day. okay? and if you're a boy, because you're eating more calories, you get more added sugar -- eight and a quarter teaspoons a day.
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okay? >> so teens are eating five teaspoons or eight teaspoons every day? >> i wish. please, please, please. i wish. what they're eating every day is this -- 28 teaspoons of sugar every day. >> wow! that is quite a difference. >> isn't that huge? that is huge. >> that's more than these two put together. >> right. and, when you add this up every year, that's 94 pounds of sugar. >> every year? >> every year they're eating 94 pounds of sugar. >> that's as much as i weigh. >> i know. kids are eating their weight in sugar every year. that's the message i want to get out. stop doing that. that's insane! 211 cups of sugar every year. >> that's crazy. you're not gonna grow up healthy with that habit. >> we all need to pay attention to what's in our food and drink because there's nothing sweet about the long-term effects of too much sugar. for "teen kids news," i'm nicole. >> he didn't look like a baseball star -- a bit chubby
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and not particularly attractive -- but he changed sports forever. i'll have that story when "teen kids news" continues. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america... and to the republic for which it stands... one nation, under god... indivisible, with liberty... and justice for all. our disabled veterans pledged to sacrifice life and limb to ensure our way of life. now, they deserve our support.
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find out how you can help disabled veterans in your community. visit tell you about a new medical website designed especially for older folks. website you say! i can't work on computers, they're not senior-friendly. blah, blah, blah. but the national institutes of health fixed all that. now you can make the type bigger, increase contrast, even make it talk to you. just go to and get the best medical information available anywhere. nih built with you in mind. music i want some more. what's he doing? please sir, i want some more. more? he has asked for... thank you. well he did say please... yes he did. and thank you.
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please and thank you. pass it on. (crowd of children) thank you. >> he's probably the first superstar of sports. although born with the name george, he was better known to fans as the "sultan of swat" or "the bambino" or, more simply, as just "babe." scott takes us on a tour of a museum in baltimore dedicated to baseball's most famous player. >> he was, you know, the biggest star in baseball. he was the biggest star in new york. he, kind of, was the emblem for the roaring '20s of america. the whole country embraced him
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for the exuberance with which he lived, the dynamic, the spirit that he had. >> babe ruth was big news back in the early days of baseball, and not just on the field. he was in movies, in comic books, there was even babe ruth underwear. a candy bar believed to be named after him is still popular today -- the baby ruth. these are just some of the fascinating exhibits you'll see here, at the babe ruth birthplace museum. this is the actual building where the babe was born. >> thousands of visitors from all around the world come every year because ruth is not just important to america, but he is important to the game of baseball wherever it's played. he established all of the slugging records in baseball. back when he was coming on as a home-run hitter, he would frequently out-homer what entire teams were able to put up in a single year. and he also was an all-star-caliber pitcher, so there is no other player in history who has ever done that.
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>> it's thrilling to get a glimpse into not just the babe's professional career, but his personal life, as well. >> and this is babe ruth's grandparents' bedroom. and babe's mother came here and gave birth to babe, but also to seven other kids because back in 1895, and at that time frame, that's what americans did -- they gave birth at home. >> don't let the dainty room and baby picture fool you. george herman ruth was born into a gritty life. his parents ran a saloon, and young george ran kind of wild. when he was just 7, his parents were forced to send him to school for problem kids. >> the state was threatening them and saying, "we're gonna make him a ward of the state, take him away from you," so they put him in st. mary's, which was run by a group of catholic brothers, and it was known for discipline. you get a little bit of an education, as well. >> fortunately, st. mary's also was known for its baseball team. >> this is babe ruth's catcher's mitt from st. mary's industrial
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school. >> he was scouted for the orioles -- a minor-league team back then. here's his rookie baseball card -- now worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. the guy next to him is jack dunn, the owner of the baltimore orioles. george was so young, that in order to hire him, dunn had to become george's legal guardian. >> they go to spring training and the baltimore sun starts referring to george ruth as "jack dunn's baby," and by may of that year, it had been shortened to "babe ruth." >> soon, fans could tune into radio broadcasts of the babe pitching for the boston red sox. but he was even more valuable as a slugger. he moved on to the championship yankees and stardom. but he always made time for his fans, especially young ones. >> there are many stories about the babe coming home from yankee stadium after a game, and he would stop the car if he saw a game of ball going on, and get out and play with the kids because he just was like that. >> babe ruth had a heart as big as yankee stadium.
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mike told me the story of babe's promise to a kid dying of a rare disease. it was a promise that seems to have helped save the young fan's life. >> over here, you see a bunch of baseballs all signed by babe ruth, but the one second-in from the left is the ball that babe ruth signed, and he made the prediction that he would hit a homer for little johnny sylvester in the 1926 world series, and this is the ball where he writes the prediction. on the side of the ball, he writes, "i'll knock a homer in wednesday's game for you." and he hit three. and the boy listens to the game on the radio and he gets better. >> in the 1932 world series, ruth hit one of the most famous home runs in history -- "the called shot." the yankees were playing in chicago. the cub fans, and even the players, were booing the bambino. >> i'll never forget it was a tough series...both clubs riding each other, doing everything to get each other's goat.
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well, after this one... >> after two strikes, ruth says he wanted to send a message. >> and at that point, he points. >> you can barely see him pointing in this picture from a spectator. legend has it, he was showing just where he was going to send the ball. >> but nevertheless, the next pitch comes in -- it is low and away -- and ruth goes down and gets it and hits the longest home run in the history of wrigley field. >> some people don't believe he was really calling the shot. they claim he was pointing at something else. but ruth would always say he pointed to the american flag, and that's where he hit the home run. do you think he called the shot? >> oh, yeah. yeah, he called it. he is telling everybody that something big is gonna happen, and it did. >> coming up, i get to go where very few people visit. you can call it "the vaults of sports history." um]um]
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of the united states of america... and to the republic for which it stands... one nation, under god... indivisible, with liberty... and justice for all. our disabled veterans pledged to sacrifice life and limb to ensure our way of life. now, they deserve our support. find out how you can help disabled veterans in your community. visit
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>> camden yards is where the baltimore orioles play now. babe ruth could probably have blasted a long ball right on over to the next stop on our tour. >> well, scotty, this is our other building. this is kind of like a state sports museum. it's called "sports legends," but we got a little bit of babe ruth in here, too. come on. i'll show you around. >> maryland's great teams and athletes are showcased here. but mike and i were on a mission, so there was no time to huddle. >> [ chuckles ] >> we walked right past all kinds of amazing displays... on our way to something even more amazing. >> a place that you will remember for the rest of your life. come on in to this room. this is kind of a special space. it is called "the archives." and this is where we process all of the 10,000 artifacts that we have in our museum, but the
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stuff that gets put into safekeeping comes back into this room, which is the vault. so come on in and we'll take a look at the vault. >> the vault is jam-packed with sports history -- from the recent past... >> cal ripken's cleats are here. >> way back when. football players, olympians -- if they made their mark in sports, they're remembered here. >> you can see the baltimore orioles are represented in here, the baltimore ravens are here, michael phelps is in here. so anything and everything to do with the state of maryland and sports is here, but there's one artifact that i thought you might be really interested in seeing, and that's a babe ruth game-used bat. >> of course, a bat this extraordinary must be handled with care. >> the first thing i have to do is i have to put on my special gloves -- i want you to put on gloves -- because when we deal with artifacts in the museum world, we don't want to get our
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hand oil all over the artifact because that hurts the artifact. okay? we're gonna take out a bat that babe ruth used in the year that he hit 60 home runs -- 1927. so this bat is very special because it is notched. you see that it has seven notches on it. we're not sure if that's for home runs or hot dogs... >> [ chuckles ] >> ...that he achieved with this. anyway, grab ahold of that. that's a pretty valuable piece of turf you got there right now. louisville slugger. and as you can see... "george 'babe' ruth"... personalized. >> well, it's as if the power of the babe is still in the bat. there's nothing like holding a piece of history in your own hands. not only did babe ruth set all sorts of hitting and home-run records, he also set records for missing the ball. but as he used to say, "never let the fear of striking out get
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