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tv   KRON 4 Early News  KRON  November 13, 2014 4:00am-6:01am PST

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this won't on kron 4 more news one person dead following an officer involved shooting be have new details lead to the incident >> : update on the search for missing software engineer his family believes a body found in the bay on tuesday as his mattel you what they're saying >> : we do have isolated showers on the bay area full details on the arabian neighborhood street had >> : a warning to all august 13th. us: the weather traffic on this morning. none the majority of the rain fell overnight we did have disorganize cold front that did bring impressive announced to the bay area's >> : store tracker for showing
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off moisture offshore right now hitting land very minimal at best. salmon here take a look you notice a few isolated showers we do have some cells caught on high 101-calamondin a bottle and is light in intensity. we aren't seeing any major on fort sumter in 4/7 cup heavy drizzle fog was to dry conditions along the mid and slow. larry not livermore now clear that affects your eye and interstate 580 the for now that's the extent of it. notice we have rain just off-putting to the bay area with a couple hours. nothing to organize >> : still dealing with low line cloud cover and cooler some measures in the afternoon and then expect what weather to continue until 8:00 this morning. analysts see mainly under quarter of an inch of a small isolated areas and santa cruz bonds and up to a half-inch in terms of accumulation and looks like there is a slight chance for lingering showers in the afternoon of ccf dried condition with a mix of sun
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and clouds >> : his look at future cast for you notice and a 5:00 hour most of oyster is north of the golden gate bridge. putting pot in the motions of the club will see some muscle on the coast wrestle more relaxed dress for the most part mix of sun and clouds >> : and looks like rain not over just yet although looking and dry conditions for friday. and we could see some of my sprinkles and then north have the weekend to lend area of significant system heading our way some impressive totals and this is a for tuesday wednesday we could see some showers as early as monday night delead unfortunately traffic is great clutter on the bay area after attending to a few minor accidents are now did here roadway flooding on yestreen 7 cisco but the bay bridge toll plaza obelisk strong volunteer as little as a wet of fortune the toll plaza of the most are pretty conditions working with a severance the scope drive
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time 11 minutes from the maze heading to the city >> : cemetery ridge recognitions on the stand little the moisture on the left and but the port foster city >> : golden gate bridge right now lots of places and in cars triton 25 minutes on a bottle in the city. hey enrichments nfl bridge right now very good thing that was bound trip >> : is in store moving in national weather service warning beachgoers about powerful ways and the bay area. calls saker ways he had to be secret but they should stay in the virginia back to the ocean and try to avoid rocks the cecil is also increase the risk of the shelling in the high surf today in respect of the ways to beat up to the evening >> : latest of a storm moving through >> : an stars following this thursday morning police investigating officer or volscian in concord burning this morning the suspect has died >> : at the willow shopping center before 5:00 class i
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here's the scene and the sheriff said he is chasing a governess one car. been in the vehicle here and rental of shopping center >> : he tried it carjacked two cars there before he was able the card read a third vehicle >> : this confronted them and rammed a police car using that the vehicle carjacking on officer showed him several times set of injuries and has been publicly identified get he's been convicted of multiple fonts >> : body from sure suspects under sentence as a witness in the interest and rental that had turned to delete one crashed in spite teenager was hit and killed the 14 your lead bonafide ivan cruise morning the boy >> : reseal spoke with the >> :
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island cruises watter libya says the among the crowd of people mourning the teen sudden death >> : he was very loved his friends family the committee of >> : the school and teachers of crossing the street at ashland avenue 14th street or reckless driver pot into the 14 year-old left him for dead >> : and said this is happening is such a great kid always happy hour smiling well mannered century did for the small of caring for others to the loving mother the good son carey for those caring for the mom >> : used risque pour up and down and a say whats up >> : in rows of small arms faced
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on nothing to write a pack but do the right thing turn yourself then >> : they chase the driver and lost track of the carnage on the suspect vehicle ditch letter covered by authorities the driver stow large >> : a 433 take a look get the police activity a lead of the deadly collision and other stories following the family missing software engineer dan hot about on tuesday in the bay is his >> : as well family making that announcement yesterday they don't believe a 26 year-old killed himself and lead the cause under investigation new line medical examiners still waiting for data records to confirm the idea of the body and the plan a moral service to our nights a mess the lutheran church in san francisco mission district and investigate a
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house fire san jose dozens of firefighters rushing to put the fire last night video for how the partnership abc seven news fire started and a home on champagne like near sun crest ave no injuries reported >> : crews responding to a mess of water main break in downtown la electric of the geyser overnight it sells california boulevard little information available right now crawling to the scene being an update desert in downtown wallstreet this morning >> : happening today and nurses working tight kaiser medical center in northern california decided to return 08 work this morning many workers, have a contract the started digging tuesday at their at short staffed and hasn't been enough preparation for tritium bull patients since representatives say there of the train staff members and resources needed to safely screen patients are as for
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the virus strike ends of seven this morning >> : so i had it been tense debate over the place is in trouble south by both sides coming up >> : and as a reception and santa clara still creating problems despite city offers the best safety >> : outpouring of support for family coverage and has will student shot and killed in front of his own home where his family has say about the push for peace >> : ion storm tracker for have your showers out there a link to the petaluma northern marin area and another one just off shore some more heavy rain in times coming up for services goes ever tell the story coming up in minutes and on ♪ ♪
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so you can welcome your family home... for the first time. chase. so you can. look met the kron 4 more news and as a police publican put running pilot season procedures bourse are using a drone on strike >> : and then set a stage at a
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meeting last night in and just a public concerns or a young man fled devices >> : as just bushels residents were fired up >> : a has a couple concerned was apartment in the kron business apartment but drone aircraft back in january and did not get any public input on the use of new technology causing a huge backlash the program on nice cell >> : mitterrand. the neighborhood on the application envisioned for the unmanned aerial system the primary use the ball spun license your ballmer that it will access hard to reach locations and profound downlink video of the technician >> : other uses for search rescue operations of hostage situation in a hard rich area >> :
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they want to use the drought and a limit to capacity but some citizen groups say to a possibility for privacy be used by authorities >> : very concerns surveillance technology could be used for surveillant bonds on the community and not on surveillance turned right away it makes people fearful >> : of a specific time line on to when the drug won't operation and stow it is a lot then is it done including getting lessons from the faa the lines live and weather center star tracker at lesley ann charters and the bay area and maurice your pocket picking up offshore >> : tracts in jars and an error prone return >> :
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hey! welcome home! hey mom! woah, this kitchen looks beautiful. it's bigger! it's great, right? give him the tour. let me show you! quartz countertop, soft-close drawers, farm sink, under cabinet lighting, look at this spice rack. um... where's my room? right there where it's always been! we had to take just a little bit for the kitchen. just slide right in! ranked highest in customer satisfaction. ikea kitchens.
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. traffic with grain moving through the do have few
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isolated showers nothing not to organize was the rain fell of folks sleeping in some warmup was rushed for pushing on the coast as well analects hour or so. with a zoom in on your neighborhood take a look at petaluma isolated showers and a few cells right over highway 101 ride from hell mutt into nevada. and currently falling late nature which hill liberals gobble * done san francisco alba rain coming off of the golden gate bridge over the marina district right now and some light rain around reruns' north beach daily city where oyster heading your way >> : and we do have some cells containing heavier rain making air raid a passive bay pacific are now the cosine dealing with heavier rain within the next 30 minutes in line take a look at these bay for the most part recognition the few lingering showers over livermore area to the mind if you're over at
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interstate 580 adults, pass >> : a wider view satellite radar and a the bay area getting moisture we do have some rain right now in some snow and the pacific northwest charts of the heading of saw hope will continue on into the afternoon evening hours and let's get sillier rainfall totals will test kolar's 9 san fransico 477 and 1/4 of an inch and local area was location half-inch in fact was received so far receptors on steel and lively outside and the north bay. some rain weekend see among the whites of their >> : future cast for shows rain mailing north of the golden gate bridge in the 5:00 hour answering boat along the coast and seven noticed nothing to organize and more cycladic conditions and what was special long coastline that continues on in the afternoon lingering cloud cover was to dry conditions in a few weather dries up as a head and it's more >> : for several like pensions
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for sprinkles and the north bay and the 20 percent chance and an expert rain maker will have late monday night and tuesday even shower activity wednesday and now those umbrellas would just get this tax system bilious upper >> : details coming up in the next report >> : and live like a traffic from the bay area fortunately not seeing a whole lot accidents out there certainly good news when yes a deal a lot pavement. what with the bay bridge toll plaza low moisture out there but traffic moving smoothly the back appear at the payson on cemetery ridge run on schedule try cent tolls the team is working with foster city no problems or delays accidents of the golden gate bridge and currently at the rain out there as to make your to census data line is surf white heroes nfl bridge and a lawyer's telephone little extra time for was one trip or the traffic maps of for the trove and ride a hercules berkeley it was bought 80
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and do the caldecott tunnel and macarthur is not for the most part it easy conditions set san ramon valley in the case the north was not our >> : policy and the size first longwall law passed a minor taught sits in downtown livermore >> : followed not to my kron 4 story dangerous intersection in the south bay. check the streets of a problem and discovered another accident >> : neighbors still fighting for solution >> : follow up to our kron 4 story >> : all over again always hitting each other going tomorrow and there's lots of opportunity there to hit somebody >> : these images all too familiar to cars to people involved the crash outside
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the home saturday afternoon run grocery bun >> : is everybody hears this summary * none the city responded to our initial report the dangers of the center section met with the tractor public-works and city trends and hedges to observe his ability of the intersection the trees overgrown which goes down >> : also notice streetlight timing adjusted giving drivers more time to clear the intersection avoid collision >> : their lives to iran and of the second >> : bus solution add additional what can turn lane some old bonds and wrote solution the city has set the press to extensive
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>> : the score being built up now and become one of those more traffic >> : is third injury accident at this intersection since late august and in this case police say to people treated us of hospital for minor injuries miss theatre say the accident was caused by a driver running rubellite not the design of the intersection >> : david regina and say it is only a matter of time before someone dies here neons if the one responsible does he have about the issue later on nuanced give story one us to investigate got stuck kron-4-dot-com for the kron 4 story tabbed as some of your idea >> : pushing for peace big turnout last night at a peace rally held for
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teenager who was gunned down as far north >> : stories shows kush's friends family others broader reform has will run the frazier >> : this right here struggle of the words concentre parker contain herself panels losing her son still fresh 16 year-old rodney frazier jr. star point guard fortune high gun down in his front yard fred and i will please believe the case of mistaken been heavily promote the we love to play basketball >> : is one to do right in this will hurt terribly out here even deserve that >> :
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hundreds of today's cost is even less oil players cannot to richmond's summit center troy support lighting candles calling for an end to the violence but they say legs richmond's >> : when the powerful to from the school coach >> : after practicing this beckham to that >> : you're the struggle was they watched rodney it tickets last breath no way in america since israel was should have to watch one of their role models died at his front yard line this was a blessing was good and the community >> : coming up here on morning news all this is getting
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ready for the first with 49 hours following the suspension a chair harbaugh as a bargain >> : levels outside right now seen the rain coming down to up the place so far are watching for any spots out there on this early what thursday morning ♪
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with kaiser permanente, you'll connect with your doctor any time, anywhere. another way care and coverage together makes life easier. ♪ become a member of kaiser permanente. because together, we thrive. ♪
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and a one stamford volatile team no. 21 usc last night's stamford going on to win the first two sets in this one. in the third set with the kill to won the match file scored three to zero and those the first when u.s. aid since 2010 >> : all ends with back-49ers back to work for if ever new jersey gets giants on sunday misstated the team at the ninth game suspension flames first game of the season
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>> : jim harbaugh said vastness attorney and hearty qb in line all the weeks ago ... updated refer back the last year it will come back and play steps first week back. question will see >> : could be a wall before for foreigners for linebacker returns o'bannon mri yesterday screens and soreness in his knee results haven't been released yet >> : as expected pot will send all sweepstakes done at two teams a chance in the boston red sox the lead the show and just then backed away to to 6 is spent seven the number of years and of all lookingthe giants >> : also concerns a but his conditioning the long-term deal and lime gens favorite and reported to lead a saw
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other options for the giants >> : and coming up in the morning is still looking for the driver involved in a hit- and-run yourself leandro 14 year-old the closer look at the moments leading up to the accident including police chiefs >> : this isn't the police on sesame street battle will ensue is charged with >> : bay area weather and rain and heavy pot is and just off the coast of francisco right now >> : have your downpour's about the make the way >> :
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at shell, we believe the world needs a broader mix of energies, which is why we are supplying natural gas, to generate cleaner electricity, that has around 50% fewer co2 emissions than coal. and why with our partner in brazil, we are producing a biofuel made from renewable sugarcane to fuel cars. let's broaden the world's energy mix, let's go. carter to cars the third police say he used it to ram
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an officer's car and the shot him several soul * c death from his injuries. family missing a software engineer released a body found in the bay near the golden gate bridge tuesday. the filling making the announcement yesterday in the family says it and believe it was a suicide the cause the death under investigation >> : tomorrow services schedules latest week >> : family community morning following badly hit and run your san leandro killing a 14 year-old boy friend's family ivan shoes coming together to remember the team during a car chase the its recently that there's a land drill. implicit in for the driver involved >> : area traffic right now and rain coming through >> : announcing anything to organize this have pockets of isolated showers bringing rain to some of us. storm tracker for resumed in still dealing with light rain and now and sea conditions up
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high won a one heading to nevada >> : this will affect your i read on how won a 1¢ and beech also dealing with iran now look at the bay bridge span on the western end of its accord dealing with light rain. and this is a very of yellow self containing heavy rain right now and see over the half moon bay area all wrong high one letter and right now on birling days a retail heavier rain heading in your direction and the most are looking at dry conditions in the east bay and the south bay. give one was rushed for now not too much in fact was activity has put she's also dealing with the rain in the pacific northwest >> : and cetus also of u.s.s.r. showers first of the morning check conditions since the afternoon rally dealing with the rain for your morning commute we also of a pretty thick fog on the bay area will hard to drive out their visibility it at ocean beach in and snapped could
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this allows for said rosa and 4 mi. for a ride to conquer this morning on keep in mind you will need your umbrella and window wipers 3:00 this morning. most locations a quarter of an inch of rain and remodels looking at because the will is verified and wheat than we sell more for seven years on half an inch accumulation >> : missiles and look will see some breaks for cash shows really just a morning and the 7:00 hours of francisco dealing with someone reins of the coastline of use but showers and working their way east recognitions by the latter half of the morning >> : clearly of sunday on before castro weather on tap for tomorrow and a little mostly dry conditions setting and the weakened as well all looking at a cold front and a lot blast of arctic air heading our way will see mostly dry weather by sunday night and monday tuesday such an early wednesday but never a pretty significant
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rain event and continue to posted >> : for traffic kron obeyed the most part dealing meth like conditions west on direction of the bay bridge pretty good right now and others are in line up a >> : and metering lights are often not drive them still of the men told minutes from the mason to a city like cemetery ridge study traffic however little heavier on our hands on the screen: gate bridge seeing lots of 10 cars nine is running thru cents a beach and working your way to san francisco book highway traffic is your version some of the bridge. cuban wont go to a vehicle crash and sees much to be heading to coast and through in san francisco on oakland's >> : port about the rain moving through roadways this morning on jackie is the vest and a slow one >> : of us here near the 580 exit
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on 11 downtown san the fall in and see from the shot and is running out here not accumulate hard but significant video shot from 1520 minutes ago as you move to the north bay you'll find much more than a heavy mess right now but i can tell you roadways are wet out here and at some cooling obviously some rain overnight and to appear in the north bay we expect this to move through relatively quickly for those a year getting ready to leave bill at the jack umbrella proline not been a cause much more than a bad hair day at this point but definitely raining out here and we need the rain >> : certainly do did the storm's going through and will follow rainshowers and the bay area this morning >> : whether stories is investigating the deadly hit-and-run near san leandro and a leading police chased the driver hidden kill the teenager the chase lasted less than three
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minutes reach speeds up to 65 m.p.h. the driver eventually getting away >> : j.r. stone now is a closer look at the moments leading up to the deadly accident >> : that two mile trace route taken the 14 year-old ivan cruise hitting killed by a fleeing driver and started here on inc. san leandro this residential street >> : of separate sedan or what mao driver attorney east 14th >> : chase blessed than three minutes spending on inc. are your area's and leandro salmon runs though the sum of the recorded dispatch transitions between officers chasing the party line continue on a porn porn court suit 65 amateur fights for not continuing soft
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bundy's 14 traffic since a 45 new line after that point crut evan cruz hit and killed across 14th street >> : in guangdong the wrong way soft on east 14th when 63 >> : a said the car struck a pedestrian ashland's in any medical their >> : that speed during the chase 34 walls nor ever 65 m.p.h. >> : 50 old man known and " rebel hearing >> : at arrested in san francisco last month and a public nuisance charges a street performer who dresses up as all mall from sesame street performance differences go in near city now being held to a is $50,000 bonds >> : still lead on a morning
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news press college more extensive average tuition cost how much they are compared to last year >> : and yet my was dizzy to represent children with down's syndrome animated movie and this is responding what disney has say >> : some will see you terrace of videos in your facebook feed they added that new unique feature holidays in the sec report what they look like a talk about whether they'll be a good or something well turn really >> : >> : is live look for rv. care process francisco rainshowers coming down and to the check on the storm at the sporting guns
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soon going see a new type of the taste of feed social moderate added a new feature for your holidays the
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company launched a new video to a halt so go just as viral the same things project the deal cards for your friends and family how is the times they shared the other these savings get videos and time for this is giving the run one minute long beach is a friend your december 1st to 15 pictures featured in the video that freeload 15 pictures guessing you a person as a sail easily swap for the for pictures and on really quick under a minute to make one any extra to see a lot in the featured a lot was done in share video facebook added some pictures and other music all fancy transition special effects and deliver the video to the friend said it plans to >> : make as many of these as you walk so the special page for
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users will want to make these >> : truckling to the page log on to the kron website >> : but the text page new line and protection bureau sending furniture protection and other prepaid cards petrol regulator new rules today prepaid card users to be protected against freshman charges provided with three monthly billing statements >> : are using reloaded old prepaid as a substitute for checking accounts and on press attending college and more sense of college board average state solution and reward $19,000 in the beverage under 30 33,000 >> : annual college costs and the tuition rates increases or the students saw the average and years ago >> : gas prices fall below $3 a gallon next year the provinces on average
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american drivers paid $2.94 a gallon 56¢ cheaper than the city on this occurring gas consumption else and travers an economy more than $60 billion to nine large gas prices and acts like a tax cut woman's bunch of other things >> : right back as one news continues and check the storm coming through or rain and smog from the bay area right now look at the root roadways here and so far moving smoothly with a multi on the rain timing traffic hotspots >> :
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bay area or the traffic decline star tracker you notice areas of spotty showers affecting the kosar peninsula few locations and zooming here you notice some light rain right now east
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palo my area of high with 37 ran the direction some all- american canyon vallejo area >> : and a windshield wipers down toward san afloat right now east of the beach in sausalito >> : won a one down to a bay bridge bottomless out their sentences goat or so the city of dealing with rain daly city air also assault concerning recovery right now >> : the threat of the bay bridge we do have some rain drops in the west for not take a look at the mid peninsula area is screening all and thus keep hovering over seven sale this is crossing a cemetery ridge traction hayward union city under most to dry conditions right now in the next 1520 minutes you will need your arm also we do have someone sturluson's shore right now nothing to organize and continuous but showers next couple hours >> : to the will to the north pacific northwest rain snow max >> : in addition we are dealing
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with low-lying cloud cover for the fog impacting visibility and the cn mile and half moon bay highway one 2 mi. of his abilities and rosa nappa >> : fog when you're on into the afternoon but you notice showers putting a much richer and the letter f morning >> : rain plus light sentences go oakland ab the mid peninsula as well in some o'clock hour but pass that not much on the back end of the system and actually catch some cracks in the afternoon later on today everyone in the '60s mild conditions livermore 6867 in the bay 65 degrees in downtown san francisco >> : sunday are the forecast dry weather out any a yard return of the do get out and do what this we can lead to another system heading in our direction in the models mostly dry weather for the weekend and that's holding it holding true to some in that other rainmaker heading in our direction in a three
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day event >> : would give the possibility of showers monday tuesday searching early wednesday >> : something we continue to monitor right now on the traffic center we are tracking a similar eastbound 80 heading the bay bridge the lower deck though not the coming attraction passing any backups currently but with this could be a problem if it's out there too much longer aquarius' chp the swap deal bay opera wild >> : its spell emergency crews on this been to attend plays lancelot right now. heading out to the east bay >> : and bay bridge toll plaza looks good west on traffic doing ok the green lights are off to san mateo bridge try time study to 13 is less space between cars the golden gate bridge is raining as you work toward a severance is go and search and senate fell bridge we see traffic has increased volume is up and easy conditions for westbound ride >> : is the bay area looking pretty good for the most
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part hotspot free and mid peninsula on the route center. the up and started not conquer please shoot and kill men overnight low shopping center mike bell and live up seen my not act on papeete with an update >> : the numbers dysenteries office please pardon reviews the case involving both copper please cut the cost accounting chefs apartment at this point stories releasing very little information 0 enough so far 845 last i can't replace what the sun valley mall to assist such a cost the trust department and they follow a stolen vehicle. the driver of the vehicle of the car at the mall and locked or ran to nearby willow's shopping center police say the man tried and failed the cartoon ever people filing car drug somebody in the third attempt at this point on a clear field weapon the could
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leave a lot the ran up the patrol car in the back part in making love shopping center and offices are shot and killed a man >> : pending notification mexican please identify the suspect and has multiple felony convictions earlier this morning the officers on the scene told me he had multiple witnesses on a possible of in rearing them and looking as if they're shopping center as a surveillance video showing more happen less i >> : mother for maniac getting disney the represent children with down syndrome with an animated movies they respond is committed to continuing to create characters accessible relatable and all children and her daughter has down's syndrome and says her breaks our hearts know fan of it is the princess's all walls off christian averaging
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role >> : beloved pet is missing and owners think the animal fell prey to online >> : the border some ranch land in morgan hill and abraham saying the daughter woke up to a dog barking when she opened the door the goggles hacked up the other major crossings bottom-line no sign of a dog and by keeping a pet in pet food indoors and out close watch on the children >> : to or plats side and sit with them to mature but dedham, here in this in the back >> : and show fear sit from forcing for my as a search for water falling run >> : the following national moves closer top reagan decision on what executive actions are taking on immigration
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and a pledge to act on immigration for than the year that the this its present sudd of deportations corn oil hustles for some bizarre moment discussing options was cabot members here final recommendation after returns from his trip australia sunday awesome representatives voting on a keystone pipeline bill today to is vote springsteen and the efforts of have to sue the fortunes of summit in december off molly lynch group incumbent senator >> : democrats blocked the pipeline and not for the help the have her >>:catherine into the senate >> : and thus bears and and the got scott that scaffolding collapsed on the new world trade center bomb to under washers tingling from the nation's top skyscraper develops slack and light of the scene here traps 68
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stories above the street for two hours by fires had used diamond cutters to saw through the rubble there would no inch thick and able poll workers to safety in a hole in the quest >> : doctor and india are arrested for sterilization procedures on 13 women all of them died of a serious to the doctor performed or the procedures and six hours on saturday and operator it's for performing more than 30 sterilizations and a single lead part of a government run program to control population growth >> : so far) procedure more than six dealers hospitalized >> : quick break a morning news track of bay area weather and rain moving through some tracker for heavier cells in the peninsula tracking toward the east bay >> :
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this killing a few weeks away and certain of things during dinner six different options won desert >> : the king at the pump cap old spice cake and the misuse and three different polymers and a three different takes light low-sulfur key >> : and the desert sands alone inches tall 23 lbs. about costly and placate the sells for 759 has come again apple fudge p con hundred $75 >> : of the stories pearly- friedrich veteran giving new pride often surprised first dance without a wheelchair joe johnson
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served in afghanistan where returns severed from the gst and riding motorcycles relieve symptoms and the motorcycle accident now confined to a wheelchair and make his wedding day x special sauces from skater harness total surprise to his new bride and everyone else and the wedding >> : much anticipated movie a trailer and a boy been making a bay announcement jerry roth says stories in today's volatile man >> : the version says he refers to a trail for divergent series insurgent at the internet a vision of a mother performed every defying stunts safer from a burning building and it really sartorius >> : to ignore the music world what ben took his foot or the state the it's the special part of a lead up to release what do latest annual out of four. the tv
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special set their own government for its third nbc another shake-up american idol and andy jackson leading reality it competition and the former judge of the panel said on as a mentor for season 13 >> : rescheduled premier on fox in january >> : special judge leland the child to start early next year accuses up accepting bribes and it settled a done deal for a campaign contribution latest in this case >> : severe winter weather over by cars the nation better where where they're getting hit the hardest strong tracker have to reign over the peninsula right now and simmer until bridge check travelers as for moving in this morning >> :
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hey! welcome home! hey mom! woah, this kitchen looks beautiful. it's bigger! it's great, right? give him the tour. let me show you! quartz countertop, soft-close drawers, farm sink, under cabinet lighting, look at this spice rack. um... where's my room? right there where it's always been! we had to take just a little bit for the kitchen. just slide right in! ranked highest in customer satisfaction. ikea kitchens. rightabva c heaito sor in as few aswo a a hf da whensed theirstign. witht ithe vus seads fr celto cl.
4:59 am
ly aeva netres dp and artso wo immiate to bck t vir and otechea. you cod he you ld se, ft, as fast twond aalf ys wh useat t fir sig learhow revatartto wk immeatelat aeva.m n't ugh out knk itut, st. th aeva. female narrator: the mattress price wars are on the mattress price wars are on at sleep train. we challenged the manufacturers to offer even lower prices. now it's posturepedic versus beautyrest with big savings of up to $400 off. serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years' interest-free financing. plus, free same-day delivery, set-up, and removal of your old set. when brands compete, you save. mattress price wars are on now at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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i will muckrake an overnight and not talking about the rain causing an >> : incredible video i report >> : to in the washington star and the bay area what right now over essential part of the bay and tracking the storm >> : sphere one person dead after police chase leads to an officer involved shooting in concord on removing through this morning looks like the timing more is coming down >> : recognitions the midmorning in areas of the isolated showers are now zemin here tickle the north bay blesses center fell in tired ride on the golden gate the severn cisco dealing with what weather right now the rain is pretty light nature and no purpose of the heist downtown midtown terrace of
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dealing with showers. it pencil right now and the cemetery bridge. and a ton more rainfall quarter of an inch of rain per hour in the union city area >> : in looks like that arise in the next 1015 minutes and potentially hazardous driving conditions and a portion of interstate 80 drier weather right now and livermore valley. the good news for those of you a long all long pass. allot warmup shot short. and then fought a big deal as a hidden to the next couple did ours ninth full details on your afternoon coming up and to miss you and the tracking in the sentences go. and chp on ramp. and the lower deck of
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the bay bridge earlier this morning. jackknifed when it said in and a punctured its own filled tank and then the big rigs strained out now contending with a fuel leak and mixing with the rain that's creating problems >> : to left lanes here at the san francisco anchorage blocked >> : an eastbound and westbound heading to the east bay >> : they also have the close of first-rate honor to lower deck of the bay bridge and also that the street for those the lows, " second not going to be will use the sterling on rap and instead it access that to the embarcadero brian street. in the problem is those two lanes shot down they approached the bay bridge and could end up creating big delays chp now estimating 7730 sothos travel management center that might be a little optimistic in the deal marks in with the rain my make cleanup pretty heart
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operation >> : also watching the way is now coming out tracy was bound to 05. and there's some small box truck here at north winn road and less backing up the rise trying to connect with 580 and taken some pressure off all my past ride the bus bmorning ce so with center fell 1 01 >> : along 101587 center fell. and see the rain is coming down and away for several hours of video from a little bit earlier start of the day most center felton upon row area reining it to consistently and making our way southbound on 11. and now as i have arranged but if not much more than real heavy mist at this point. rain we can use some puddling on the road lay driving around definitely be aware of that >> :
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knowledge more than having mess and causing pretty bad for folks out there through without number of red and green jacket but we will take anywhere rick and get as much as low as making the right now nice as a water main break at walnut creek happen overnight soft california boulevard will trend live there now reliance hundreds of thousands of dollars a behind me california boulevard at around 1145 last night britain and all the street and dramatic video talking basically a geyser 34 stories high and 1 oz some people down here and called police apartment had the of the sun rose lewis
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capped underneath the street. the for showing the damage in the area >> : just a talk with the sergeant of the place apartment here's what he had to say about the water main break >> : impressive sight multiple line 11 calls of 40 3:00 p.m. and responded briskly saw water gushing 78 ft. >> : and went to a half hours ago it could news summary drains in this area watter managed to slow down there in the many nearby business is not impacted on behind me a couple restaurants and getting ready for the day to have water service now what dracut boat longer prowl mormon crickets, now set to back on a weather coverage
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over the past five minutes as started coming and picking up by the second >> : a little heavier now >> : lurie for a live shot it was dry during the course of the live shot market never were all still uncertain up and add the run by to the upper range iraq as well very what saudi morning. stay dry very difficult the keep track and the studios >> : run will pick up very shortly out there >> : and working at present chrominance signal across ... in california expected the back door this morning union workers of contract and started getting on tuesday because they are hasn't been enough preparation for a treatment
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for rebel patients >> : defense staff members and mussels have the resources they say this as a screen patients at risk for the virus >> : expect to be over seven this morning >> : friends family of 14 year- old boy hit and killed in a hit-and-run crash are mourning his death in honor of livens his mother libya among those there tuesday he was crossing the street ashland avenue 14th in your san leandro a driver pursued by police hit the boy and then just put off a >> : barricade of is happy and always smiling well mannered just a great kid. >> : to deserve that news to drive the skateboard >> : and sent whats up during his what it an honest response is due on please continue
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its search for the hit-and- run driver and eight officers to locate the saturn assault in a hit-and- run and that have that now >> : more news two-story latest on officer involved shooting shopping center countered shot and killed we give up its from police headquarters had >> : big snowstorm major cold snap is no vietnam but that details had >> : watch of your own mother tracking the storm moving through a rain toward the east bay u.s. hey john, check it out.
5:09 am
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5:11 am
eth'firslinef dense? but ily tingnd dnkin can lee enel rgh a wea introding w coate enamelealttootaste its iqueormu plenhes ak sts withatur calum.. ..nd gtly lish... .fortron heahy emel. rengen t enal at ptectyoureeth intrucinnew lgat enam heah tohpas. plenh anpoli r hethy amel coate. so the morning in san francisco to lanes are blocked on the approach toward the bay bridge. at san francisco and has the first on ram shot down home by a big rig jackknife
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ruptured its fuel tank and now we can't we he its fuel in the roadway have to have the to live plans an offer and struck on not estimated to date to open any time soon gritting big backup says morning commute it's all >> : weather has passed in some parts of the u.s. and michigan's upper peninsula 3 fetus known past few days like that >> : to his of heavy snow by some as well bringing the chilly temperatures in parts of a coming days ninth well band of rain in the east bay and live like a storm tracker parts san francisco affects the rights bay bridge this morning details on an afternoon forecast a morning news returns >> :
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i love makg thkindf fo you' feereally good about ttinin yr bo. i ow wt yore thkindf fo thinng, t th is new and imoved can beeve 's n butr! 100% tte, tifial pservives made wita bld of dicio oil purifi wat, an st ainchf sa. two pleaseand spad osoma m he allay. new and impred ian'tbelie ie it timto bieve
5:14 am
television announcer: mattress discounters' $197 mattress sale $197 mattress sale is on now. bulldog: mattress discounters' $197 mattress sale! television announcer: right now, you can get a serta mattress, any size, for just $197 each piece when you buy the complete set. bulldog: any size mattress - twin, full, queen, or king - for one low price! and they'll deliver it free. television announcer: the $197 mattress sale... bulldog: oh boy! television announcer: on now. ♪ mattress discounters ♪ s♪ in the lane,ng, arsnow is glistenin' ♪ ♪ a beautiful sight, we're happy tonight ♪ ♪ towin' in a winter wonderland ♪ with the disneyland resort wrapped in holiday magic, the happiest place on earth, just got merrier. ♪ towin' in a winter wonderland... ♪
5:15 am
weee hoooooo! ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it. and tracker all fired up
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touring arenas this season downpours. did you see the rain >> : is little bit more but i did get a little >> : bit of rain in north bay right now affecting drivers heading down the golden gate bridge most phocion these bay in san francisco starting to dry up right now is building with a few light showers and downtown dry conditions right now clustered ocean beach sunset district in downtown santa as well for the peninsula dealing with some heavy rain in the past hour looks like the hassam's cross san mateo bridge. just a light rain remain sematech opening game right now in hayward right however, pushes a retail bridge take a look at the cell area of yellow on the screen indicate train currently falling at a rate of a quarter of an inch per hour pushing in dublin pleasanton area also dry for now to have more rain on the way and there's not much of the back end anymore. analysis continues to work
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its way east but also dealing with fog this morning. >> : fog is still a factor not dealing with trade only but also use an inch of lepers look here low-lying cod coverage is no. this and rose the 2 mi. this ability to have malls for now but in seen some improvement in half moon bay in the last hour down to a mild but have seen an increase up to 3 mi. along highway one this morning future cast continued see some spotty showers bad morning at 7:00 hour looks like some light rain said francisco peninsula beyond that looks like dry conditions even some bricks of sunshine >> : and mild conditions in the afternoon at temperatures in the '60s fairfield 76 to 8 degrees and oakland's upper 60s and the south bay today daily city high of 63. many of us watter but looks like dry conditions persist in the weekend's >> : booking a cold front bring a blast of arctic air in the bay area >> : traps temperatures and rain
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chance monday tuesday wednesday >> : models in disagreement with what will happen early next week a possibility of a series of storms having the bay area and significant amount for a >> : 518 now the forecast rain having an impact with traffic >> : if benefactor in the similar balking lanes here the bay bridge response >> : and i spoke earlier this morning the chp they said the trailer spawn now all the big rig it taking the first straight on ramp and jackknifed and when it swung around. the corner of the trailer puncheon the fuel tank cap that's why we have resulting fuel leak >> : they believe they were able straighten up the big rig but the two left lanes and a first-rate and on ramps up to the bay bridge are shut down. in order to accommodate crews stranded deal of fuel spill further exacerbated by the rain and
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combination of fuel and rain make for extremely hazardous conditions weather so much concerned about getting the fields bill completely cleaned up and likely to take several more hours according to chp in order for the system the cleared are not radical enough not a big problem but it's expected say it long enough to to the could have a big impact on the commute >> : and mentioned earlier a stall here westbound interstate 5 81st supported the north win closer to grab one at a up the ride coming under trees to this morning was on to will five in taking little better track of pressure off of all to pass. this but you conceive the raindrops there in the wind. and still pick up the rain and sprayed their at the toll plaza like ride though. sematech a bridge highway 92 planes break on the roadway not yet what trafficking of looking at the golden gate bridge tried almost are the cst the
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raindrops pre is like traffic south of self are heading in the marin same conditions here was richmond bridge series right now we have an easy drive to richmond in a state 5 a u.s. bonds >> : of the show say the possible bull vaccine and must separate the late the next year >> : a new case of the disease reported a molly and reports the death toll now surpassed 5000 to >> : and helped officials telling congress testing begin liberia surly owned by january if they go well hall officials could no but the middle of next year whether those vaccine is effective >> : have to judge putting and corruption case against a fast track the trial >> : the judge once the political consultant keith jackson other defendants early next year nuanced and the tin bribes offerings up illegal gun steal exchange for a
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cafe and campaign contributions jackson pleaded not guilty to a wrenching process for the senator from guilty 20 years in prison >> : dramatic rescue trade center building investigators looking at how stop fooling collapsed with into window washers dangling their from a skyscraper 68 stories above this true lies in keeping and from crushing stood around zero tethers tied atop a buildin that we used them in cutters saw through a window told him in that way and see going on right there >> : and rescued expected to be a case in mind new rulings services official court losing the construction is a department and concealed permit applicants to show good moral character caused train cars at a firing range beyond ruling call it
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carries and caught fire and not required and owners to show good cause and on the need for self-defense >> : please choose agencies should have the right to raise it later start someone from carrying a loaded and handgun in public traditional revealing the ruling to decide whether to appeal mind still ahead on morning news would tiger on loose on disneyland paris and on the store coming up in 6:00 our morning news >> : and in the bay area heavier rain picking up at the east bay east shore freeway 8680 right now >> : will have the removing through and more on the time as well the
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i lo theaconn th sub loveacono mu, i'm lachina li of conjewey. awi'veeen ose line but-haveou er se bac brs? whatas tt? eryo lov bac at bwayinishingtour try itn a con g & eese subw. eafres
5:24 am
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to the opening at the industry's record highs after regulators five leaders to conspiring to
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manipulate foreign currency trading and numbers yesterday from the belt to 0.7 points and the nasdaq 14 record highs set the stop, boss. s&p 500 closing down one right now and finishes up 17 big news for a half flight by their soapberries $6.4 billion >> : so far but companies more than a million dollars to allow program advertisements on what sites went down yesterday as a web sites were slow to lotus others showed blacks bases were the eds usually run >> : down for more than an hour in one group of service outage cause advertisers a million dollars an hour >> : costed to send your kids to school price of attending college more expensive this year than in years past according to college more than in state tuition in including room board $20,000
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a road out of state $33,000 >> : annual college cost for what it's called college board says in tuition rates increase lower than soon saw five for 10 years ago warning news in richmond high school student shot and killed in front of his home >> : here for a victim's family >> : car jacking suspect police say the officers fear for the lives >> : here is a live this morning for team coverage of the storm hitting the bay area are rain falling right now heavyset the moment regency outside their silent night not so silent? with sleep number, now there's an adjustment for that.
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give the gift of amazing sleep, only at a sleep number store. where you'll find our lowest price ever on the c4 queen mattress-just $1499.98. ends sunday. know better sleep with sleep number. i never reallyave ch tught th. ner thght out e coee i was inki havg acs. it ner dned me at it cou huryoureeth heold to e pramel it goi to lp ptect thenam in ur tth. itllowme tcontue torinky coee, anit w a rl ea switcho ma. female narrator: it's posturepedic versus beautyrest it's posturepedic versus beautyrest with up to $400 off. serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years' interest-free financing. mattress price wars are on now at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ i'carie enish,inneof "ameca'sext p mol." i haveodere toever aquesoriis. so tald toy door abt myondion d myreatnt oions he tolme aut slara in aedic stu, 7 ouof 1stela®aties saw lea 75%lear ski 12 eks. and out 10 tien hatheiplaq psoasisated as caredr mimalat2 we.
5:29 am
[ ma annncer stara mayowerour ilit fig inftion and crea yo risof iectis so serus iectis quirhospalizion befo staing elar® ur dtor ouldest fotubeulos. stela®ay ireas ur rk ofance waysell ur dtor yohaveny sn ofnfecon, ve h canr, oif y veloany w sk grohs. alt yo docr ofew or wseni proems, inudinheadhes,eizus, cousio andisioprobms. thesmay sig of aare,otenallyatal brn coitio seous lerg reaions caoccu te youdoct if u anye inour use eds haseceny reived a ccin afte2 stter ses, i ke slara, d mykin cleer.he talk tyouroctoto s stera®s rit foyou. with sleep number, now there's an adjustment for that. give the gift of amazing sleep, only at a sleep number store. where you'll find our lowest price ever on the c4 queen mattress-just $1499.98. ends sunday. know better sleep with sleep number.
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there and moving to the bay area of encino isolated showers not what and jackie is in san rafael. coming down pretty good and light >> : it's pretty consistent >> : as 3:00 this morning and training will more than where i am right now and set up in nevada since the end been consistent and not much more than having mess but putting on the roadways on this morning and the gregorian trickett an umbrella >> : since coming down >> : tucked erica about the timing of this thing and to what is coming tapering down to up the morning >> : and bolster the showers will be on here between 78 >> : and now dealing with heavier rain in the east bay or sing
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rain coming now little harder starting dryout already jackie situation of the golden gate bridge not seen too much and some white out in severances go heavy fog also a factor in mid peninsula some rain right now pushing and corpus of the caught by rain poured 7 tel burlingame and i onscreen does have light rain right now heyward union city and had the right on a 80 and choose your windshield wiper and then discuss unless report right now centers over the double imposing some areas orenthal currently falling at a rate 1/4 minutes per hour in the mid fifties to miss this all will be situated over livermore and to push on to all small past affects your ride on i 580 >> : one review of satellite radar. not much offshore right now and was sent to view continues or to ease. into the afternoon mostly dry conditions allow the cloud cover will stick around as >> : in the quarter of an inch of rain and in fall of the past
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today's verified so isolated areas has been up to 1/2 inch >> : sunbreaks in the afternoon dry conditions was parts of this weekend but talk about a series of storms heading our way coming up next report >> : here's george >> : thinks u.s. attorney monster problem in san francisco right at the san francisco and the bay bridge on the lower decks of getting used on toward the east bay >> : as so far managed a lot get any delays but still toolings blocking at the first day on what was closed >> : between early morning in the spate and this darlan on ramp toward the bay bridge and from the embarcadero bright streak. first street and ethics street firms second both closed >> : and we did speak with caltrans moments ago about it so that big rig away and just at the content of fuel spill was about 40 gal. of diesel fuel waiting on the roadway trucks and tanks,
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punctured likely because the trailers brunt out >> : with the check-option the same >> : track in the red the bay bridge westbound new direction already starting the bill will probably with the next 1515 as a see the meeting was activated back up against a drug >> : called the story of a cocker please shouldn't go carjacking suspect unless i will a shopping center mike, >> : i conquered in police headquarters with one store >> : sworn in concord police to release unlimited permission on the ongoing association earlier this month to remember is the kind of district attorney's office as they review the case and take a look as early as morning losses also truckle proposed shopping complex time when the concord police patrol car involves a incident. already far less i unconquered please officers went to sun valley mall to assess the insurance department. and the pds fall
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in the solar vehicle and the driver of the film collected at the mall and the antelope shopping center complex is a man tried the failed project of the drivers did successful on the third try and unclear if he had a weapon >> : at feet before it could leave a lot in nearly soviet " he ran a police patrol car in the back parking lot during for their safety shot and killed a man place a hit multiple felony convictions they have not identified any pending notification mexican an ounce and of your own witnesses in the case earlier this morning despite what but concord police department that able to provide much more information about say the officer involved in this instance are ok >> : police in san jose just public concern about news of drones and looking for input that will help repulse the procedure before drums are
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used wallstreet >> : and less sense officer briefed the neighborhood commission >> : the primary use of the jurors would be used for the bomb squad in line that allowed bomb technicians in that area robot to be able the access harder to reach locations provided dublin to video to a bomb technician in other uses by the department search and rescue operations and hostage situations and hard rich areas >> : family friends supporters hope holding up honoring the trend rugby frazier >> : said don from his home was make >> : hundreds of people coming from or set to consider and calling for an end to recent filings. the gang feud involves >> : frazier not and the gang and family heartbroken >> : but fisher was a good kid >> :
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who's never the streets like all is the kids. thus were reheard everyone else and didn't deserve that infringers death was a case of mistaken identity so far no rest >> : 50 year-old man known as bad elmo to mcorp for bail hearing >> : daniel samurais since criminal threat public nuisance charges he does is it was almost as mistreat and performance there francisco and new york city and a being held on to under $50,000 the length study recall affected in the air bags and recalling another son 1000 vehicles in the air bags explode and shrapnel as a driver passengers when it goes off and tax the very models >> : sell for defective air bags
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have best in the state's >> : and president obama getting closer to making decisions on executive action taken and immigration and the presidents at the on immigration toward them earlier activist president to a halt deportations according to white house spokesperson this obama discussing options options with seven members of on a recommendation after returns from the tree 27 on sunday >> : 536 lots more had on the morning news team coverage continuing of the rain this morning strong tracker for all falling harder well your sleeping and not uncertainly is often what will be right back >> : coming up ucsf shuttle's raise this warlord crossings affected the shore robbers ever get the back of a bus and in the next addition of people behaving badly >> :
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in news and not as possible in san francisco or deck of the bay bridge right at the approaches of francisco to lift him lanes blocked. big rig they're leaking fuel after the trader dried knifed and making plans to move the big trade-off in the east side of a bridge. and stop the content of fuels bill us what a first- rate and epic street on ramp remains close behind saints on the first images from
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the fed proem landed on, 310 million mi. from earth in turn sought european pro but had mechanical issues >> : now buckled down and standing there after harpoon screws deployed >> : spacecrafts and crashed at, but before but this is a first control soft landing and history >> : rosetta it's off 10 years ago carrying up till april and travel some half a billion miles before arriving in early august and the, pro touchdown >> : first look at the, and the thursday morning commute level test contractor grade on a space south bay or coming offshore full details future cast on the kron 4 more news returns >> :
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d fomanyit'sbes stggleo ke youa1c wn. so imagine, what ither waa neclasof micinthat
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works diffentlto lowebloosuga image, ling ur nbers inoducg onceailynvoka® it's the fst oa ne nd opresipti medine that'ssed ong th dt and erci to wer ood sugar indult th te 2 abet. invoka® ia on-dai pil at wks aund e clk to he low a1c here's howthe dneyallo gar be sorb backnto e bo. invokana®educ themoun sug alled bk inand sends someugarut toughthprocs. and whilit's nofor igh, it m helyoulo somweig. invoka® c cau imrtansideffec, including hydrion,hichay caussomeeoplto he lo of body water d sa. this may ao cae you feedizz faint, lighead, oreak escial . othesideffec mayincle kiey , genital ast fectns,urary act fe, changes urition gh passi in e bld,
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or ireas in olesrol. do not te inkana if u haveeverkidn proems are on diasis ifalrgico ia or i ingdien. symptoms oalleic reacon m incde rh, swellingdiffultybreaing n youxpernce any of theseymp, stop takininvona®nd cl ur dtor ght ay ogo t thneart hoital tell youdoct abo anmedil coitio, medicatis yoare king d ifou he kiey oriverrobls. using voka® wh a suonyleaa incrse rk oflow ood gar. it'sime. lower yourlood sur wi i. aginlovi younumbers. ask yourocto
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of 44 big stars following the suspect is dead this morning officer involved shooting conquered 9:00 last night at the low shopping center man ran in the center tried a car wreck several vehicles officers opened fire and the man ran to a police car for that nine men opened fire he was killed >> : mess a water main break in downtown warmup creek overnight dealing with now this morning on soft california boulevard is expected to cause some traffic problems this morning rain could be a problem for your commute this morning have your overnight then it is right now video falling in cinephiles pretty city light at this hour >> : rainfall totals over a quarter of the mansion oakland and a little better for and more were sitting out smoking in these bay and south bay is picking up a bit in most locations run a quarter of the mansion tracking for the last couple days have verified zooming in here martina's dealing
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with some light rain same for the takeover to concord to 42 continues on sarin rhone valley and the dry conditions in san francisco fall most part. though not necessarily showing on the storm tracker they do have some have to miss a special clause in ocean beach in addition and we can't have that effect for this more >> : look at the east bay dry conditions atlanta right now heyward son reigned over san mateo bridge toll plaza of menlo park polos out and with city contending light rain and also sunnyvale getting some and also dry conditions in san jose much rainfall there >> : and nothing to organize all back and look as satellite radar but continued to see if use body isolated showers moving next hour or so and more activity actually of pacific northwest dealing with a rain still mixed but the visibility because farceur leave factor this morning in addition we are sitting five
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mouse and arrows of 3 mi. visibility nappa area visibility improved 5 mi. in and out of half moon bay high won >> : the trick task force shows looks like the rain will be increased by 7:00 hour affecting the coastline to in slot pass that looks like will move in the church cannot hire other in such a letter this afternoon >> : while weather persists plenteous 6 is for the days temperatures fairfield sought 7064 nation half moon bay high 6468 degrees in sunnyvale and sunday on the bay forecast dry weather pretty much in the league and outdoor plants and again with the weather at was the right condition >> : other models like talking about a series the storms heading our way and early next week or details on that coming up in the next report >> : will channel all electric grid now it's coming down >> :
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our stand a biotech it neat and pessimism is coming down and picking up speed this man here so kind stop by having the bart board you think of all this >> : it's greatly need to re >> : haven't had much rain and to four years we needed >> : it to your right rain overnight and electric. searches a few minutes before midnight at around three started rain heavy just for a few minutes beyond somebody at home or even in the steal my nothing concerning as hard as of filling explained that >> : is another really good rainout right over us and coming straight down >> : a few hundred to is: sa i had the biggest up and while some said the find something rainproof warm.
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>> : barring a much for the situation and that will produce a fretting good admission still be really puddles >> : the rain helps also ease off the life and especially because rain has been a factor in the mass of a delay this morning was clear problem contributing cause here but in san francisco trailer of the spirit jackknifed spun around puncture the tank of the truck and the fuel spill on the road play its full weight just the trucks own tanks that those seven things on the side carried 40 gal. of fuel and off load to be a problem >> : across the bay of vehicle hydroplanes your 80 northbound in see traffic slowing approach muscarine
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ever dear sector hydroplaning and the giving reports of standing water in some locations east shore freeway ride not too bad how for are pretty heavy coming to any acts san ramon valley said in a slow between livermore dublin and early morning stall westbound 580 back up the traffic coming out of tracy and installs a grand alliance city 1 01 interchange reports of standing water as much as 2 in. on the connecting ramp >> : birthday right now tracking any major problems but we know marin is sometimes subject to flooding their >> : living at the bridges bay bridge was on dried metering lights activated >> : you conceive of vehicles moving pretty slow the here and that backup is already drawing on the 92 san mateo bridge tracking a pretty smooth ride without may delays: gate bridge try again delayed free up
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southbound but was bound and is here richmond bridge toll plaza where there is no backup on five the west on for the roadways play when >> : an active railroad tracks trends travel access 7 mi. an hour in our rear car venture to clear the tracks might just be to close >> : trevor stopping emesis is from those happening with these university california 7 cisco show the line on every scholer reads this bus stop on all railroad crossing summer or crossing is or most road crossing reads all watching the see the driver stopped far few between >> : a slowdown in the california stop to be fair some drivers
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did stop like this one but to the hazards as say it intends stop most people keep going >> : sit all was the stop or crossings + + at the entrance >> : this was up for not at the tracks >> : every bus actually reads it at all stopple most don't bother boggles the mind set >> : one would tend to think once i have to cross a did be expected month in the stretch as a placard syllabi time trains use the shuttle are too light >> : when ucsf promises award winning it on social service it looks like they really mean it >> : after seeing the city of some drivers will be careful around train tracks or had
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here do it tracking the rain had not heavy of the diablo valley area just to 683 livermore valley and the showers tracking it >> : and back as a morning news >> : ♪ hersy'spres. brg the deliou'e >> : ♪ - th hshe's spreads, thpossibilits ardelious.
5:54 am
you' feereally good about ttinin yr bo. th hshe's spreads, i ow wt yore thinng, t th is new and imoved can beeve 's n butr! 100% tte, tifial pservives made wita bld of dicio oil purifi wat, an st ainchf sa. two pleaseand spad osoma m he allay. new and impred ian'tbelie ie it timto bieve bulldog: bulldog: oooh! mattress discounters' $197 mattress sale! television announcer: get a serta mattress, any size, for just $197 each piece when you buy the complete set. the $197 mattress sale... bulldog: oh boy! television announcer: on now. ♪ mattress discounters
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fo wholesomerain sur. oy six? sigrams of sar? fo wholesomerain cellent, dicious... and mmy! hoy bunches oats. cellent, dicious... tasty! mmy!
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22 year-old woman diagnosed hiv after she has her nails done with a shared master: situation daily mail documents say new form of transmission is the case but in very rare when a woman dying of us does not report any usual list at risk factors. a few years before she said she had shared medicare plan and was a cousin later found to be hiv-positive >> : but developing stories french authorities as a tiger on lewis near disneyland paris >> :
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their son's search of the tide coming up then video in one muckrake this morning on the water main break overnight >> : and tracking bay area weather as well >> : as water main break their a few air a few feet out there this morning late radar and moving to ease their now a movie on a cemetery, a coastal grayback and to miss the call for morning news continues levels of detail bridge and stops for now heavy over the bridge of half an hour ago traffic number one was spawned in the hot spot >> : love more all forecast a hit in the wet conditions: get this as a morning >> :
5:58 am
i lo theaconn th sub loveacono mu, i'm lachina li of conjewey. awi'veeen ose line but-haveou er se bac brs? whatas tt? eryo lov bac at bwayinishingtour try itn a con g & eese subw. eafres i was t awe ofow mhacity s in. thatt wadamang t enal. want to x itightway. my dtistecomndedronal. heaid onam can ma my eth rong. pramels heing lea e li thai wa to ve. i tell them aveeno®. because beautiful skin goes with everything.
5:59 am
[ female announcer ] aveeno® daily moisturizing lotion has active naturals® oat with five vital nutrients naturally found in healthy skin. where do i wear aveeno®? everywhere. aveeno® daily moisturizing lotion.. and try the body wash too. aveeno®. naturally beautiful results™. and fall coming up final electric skidded very wet nothing to do with the
6:00 am
rainfall coming out and show the dramatic feel live report >> : and as far enough space center fell how much longer coming up the live reporting on meantime a winter storm crackling much of the country and bringing bitter cold temperatures and is not over yet >> : team coverage of the weather here in the bay area are country surf hear what this morning's heaviest of the overnight was 100 now it's mostly in the space of the to his condition for the peninsula coastline in the north bay. not much on the back end of the system here little >> : cloud cover unpaid storm tracker mainly out and livermore valley


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