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tv   KRON 4 Early News  KRON  November 18, 2014 4:00am-6:01am PST

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>> reporter: criminal bay heading into downtown san francisco there are some big boxes from the line 101 lot are. keep that in mind if you're going in the northbound direction for 1 01. the richmond center fell
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commuted to see traffic is very light with no problems to report. >> james: san francisco taxi driver will live driver to play the same feed that they have to pay. we had to protest last night vigil from the airport will refuse to pick up passengers for a couple hours please have meant to regulate traffic to other people waiting for ride.
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>> james: that led to the statement at the border to the risers meeting. >> reporterr the 14th row was killed at the this hit-and-run accident he think the committee for out for support than he receives is ivan's death. meanwhile he
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remains in custody and is facing numerous felony charges if it come back the currency life in prison. our brother is gone and i'll never see again. >> james: he had a history will law-enforcement the
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person who killed and a fiery crash that happened on the second-floor no other injuries were reported
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samoset please a look for suspicious person looking around schools. for over 60,000 california foster children,
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the holidays can be an especially difficult time. everything's different now. sometimes i feel all alone. christmas used to be my favorite. i just don't expect anything. what if santa can't find me?
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to help, sleep train is holding a secret santa toy drive. bring your gift to any sleep train, and help keep the spirit of the holidays alive. not everyone can be a foster parent, but anyone can help a foster child.
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>> reporter: and one week
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later tonight when i concerned off we are concerned about the chilling conditions. central will be 37 degrees. --santa rosa de force on headed this way will the tonight at 6 part.
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>> reporter: most of the water and enter even less. the rally in that the morning commute tomorrow to
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images restore trickle-down over the next couple days with the series of storms in this way adds. sunday will be dry and high pressure takes over next week. the accident in the into area a tie with four and eased on direction and sand creek road. an accident with injuries the tow truck is headed to the area will not sing any delays in backups.
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here's a look at the bay bridge approach. >> james: please his mom to the home that will surely before nine ride when a bullet shot total from all their home. an amber learn that they issue yes today about the same voice was kidnapped was a false alarm had been kidnapped and then located later and today that have an unnamed do now in custody the fact similar was
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based on was fabricated. >> james: >> reporter: 1.4 million new drivers under the bill will not show prove that they are present in the united states does of fraud by federal law. process
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consider will be opening up in san are they specifically designed for first-time applicants what did people waiting in line at the dmv and then the city think about the changes. i think is a good family hard to be negative. in this segment is getting any better seem like it's getting worse.
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>> reporter: the start of what appears to be a burglary in process. she said the man in the videos go house keys darkies local shows will house alarm and laurie that when is the main going in that out on friday is the
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pitch is a call the police the problem is local police have yet to act. >> reporter: they said cases are you on monday >> james: coming up to the top women best of our program facing off in palo alto. religion of his ally of the outside oslo's to
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make your way into san francisco.
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>> james: fifth then on into the shot off when time runs out. if if >> james: phil just last
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week and save the game with the saints. the had the travel far to the east their
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optimism that he will be in san francisco to wearing their giants jersey. will be back with more and a minute.
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>> james: cab drivers role in the process at the airport that the overall vote of hours and refused to capacitors fifth >> james: pfft a suspect facing charges with a deadly and ron--diddley hit and run.
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>> james: this is pretty into is whether we are saying >> reporter: rest of dealing with very cold temperatures. for the midwest of the parts of the northeast minneapolis and chicago and nine
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degrees and 11 in chicago and you see some more snow falling and the great lakes region also of state you are tempted are still very chilly parts of st. louis 15 degrees even atlanta 24 degrees. >> reporter: fifth if kept we are tracking the rain spent this way. with clear skies out there this morning at temperatures are still chilly with some spots
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not as bad as it is today to the still 37 in santa rosa 46 and ample. 49 in vallejo the to a low of 46 for france in san jose. the rainfall overnight it will impact the morning commute to allow the majority of all early wednesday morning at
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9:00. fifth >> reporter: figure rose had all week. >> reporter: keep your arles' handy all week. no
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made hot spots this morning by an attack in assets from 580 westbound. if will be a little bit of a layup for the was bound direction. no major impact to traffic in a major delays. fifth the golden gate bridge nothing is there to sell your ride.
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>> james: israeli police say to a palestinian man wanted to drill to a synagogue killing four israeli worshipers.
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>> reporter >> james: law-enforcement their way to find if he will be indicted for the shooting death and michael brown. is
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not clear when a grand jury would hand down the decision whether to indict officer barron wilson. -- darren wilson >> reporter: he is bringing in the national guard spot protection. will be back with more news in just a
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>> gabe slate: is really unique is a to in one is a pad from tax money is a smart phone. they may really affordable $200 gets you this device. as a fully functioning angeles talent and in androids more fun for to for the dollars. hist
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>> gabe slate: because you're combining to batteries the battery life is good. >> james: coming on the kron 4 morning news will have information on traffic and mother. --whether that will full details in just a minute.
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>> reporter: there's a live look at the golden gate bridge we're waking up to clear skies a little chilly in some spots of the north bay. were not sent any the less will be another night stay with lots of sunshine. temperatures are still chilly for santa rosa of the
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'40's and the bottle. buyers for today are very nice comfortable conditions. and
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i will have unsettled weather for the rest of the week. it is like it will be dry and with temperatures above average set >> reporter: 580 was about and that's all row with the report of an accident here.
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it is a non injury accident. that no major backups and delays hist >> james: the drug enforcement administration there are playing away from home no rest for maybe a
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will you updated on that story. >> james: house democrats are meeting privately to that they lost in is a dozen seats on election day and some democrats grumble privately. most the on blank policy. >> james: one last load with the clock ticking. the new
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devices setup on street lights are not cameras. that put the boxes out to of the buses run more efficiently. >> reporter: 6 you will see the new system in action is very subtle we would notice the light staying green as it approaches the intersection and rolled on through. testing was done on
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the street earldom this year >> reporter: the programs remain better than expected that shade the six descendant >>
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a plan was presented to restore full control let in july 2016 the board of governors meeting will continue today. i hear the live look outside line on the way in the still falling sometime today.
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>> james: if you missed the
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interview with her and repairs this morning right after the kron 4 morning news at 10:00 >> james: according to new york times to lab million dollars to advertise. >> reporter: he is not having the best week less
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than a week after you read timmy with jennifer lawrence it is the have not its better day for the nuptials. >> james: please call the four men was the assailant around the san mateo adult school over to say he tried to get it woman to leave with to have a live report on the latest on that story.
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>> james: above the store will look like it will be on the weak side will take what we can get the golden gate bridge camera off in showing clear conditions. and the tech a look at the headlines today it will be chilly in some spots. you see the
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clouds are getting closer and closer >>george: a very quiet start to the morning commute. no made as his lawyer ride.
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>>mark: a man is sent out on the adult school tried to get one until the with him. >>will tran: had as bad as an asian or filipino man. never one to capture them of last week became the to the one at the adults will talk to her, letting her-she offered her money to get into his car. they want to capture him because they are fearful that he could next time become violent.
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>>darya: also reported clear on the farm issue another lycee that an unnamed do not custody in that the admiral byrd was falls they issued yesterday's alert out an abundance of caution >>mark: his economic calling
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charges including second- degree murder invested assess several people came forward to help track him down >>darya: she was in line and she used the driver of one of the she changed her mind and that over the woman on friday afternoon, she died at the hospital
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>>mark: that this attack was pure terror. >>darya: 3 not liz are
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looking for some of possible for stilling the the fuel from a gas station. mcguinness said it is some rain overnight
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honebuncs of oats! i's got . likehe ltlebunches oats. at iike is tual the flakes. 'got unch, whici love. mm it's. yay!
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i love thit's siracha.i burger. sluracha? no. si-rah-chah. siriracha. no. watch how i say it. si-rah-cha. that's not helping. bam! that's jack's new spicy sriracha burger comin' in all hot and melty with jalapeños and bacon! but the best part? it's not just sriracha sauce, it's creamy sri-rah... slur-rah cha... whatever it's called, it's awesome sauce.
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th o sma cat.en e ve b for day mirrs. everydayhey sh wh do bety b but caonlyeel at'shapping. onhe senthay betifuskins realed do is ffert. with o quaer msturingcrea it helpskin el me fi anelasc. really wanto fl e dieren? takehe de 7 y te.
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hey john,whoa!k it out. yeah, i was testing to see if we really can turn any device in your house into a tv. and the tablet worked just fine. but i wanted to see if the phone would work as well. so i shrunk sharon. every channel is live just like on tv. but it's my phone. it's genius. shh! i'm watching tv. tiny sharon is mean. i'm right here. watch any channel live on any device around your home. download the xfinity tv app today.
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>>mark: it will likely be measured in feet up to 5 ft. of snow and is expected in the buffalo area.
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>>darya: its chilly out there in the bay area and we're expecting rain. >> james: will not see rain will fall until late tonight. philosophy loss in
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the morning for will finally see showers in the north bay. by 3 in the morning and see the front beginning to enter the view start making his way over to the north bay and earnest. >> james: the rise in teen
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to move on through as the half to the first half of tomorrow. and as one arrives thursday will be weaker than one instead of the tonight the data are ride because of the sister live on saturday.
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>>george: a tobacco morning on floating out there on the remark. here in the southwest of very light and easy ride not tracking any problems and enough to commute looks great out of the bottle heading south for
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the golden gate bridge. there's something reported in the lane to out there when island but it has been cleared. >>darya: 750 gal. of fuel was taken from valero guest this and said friday night to saturday morning at an
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today the survival of all living wage orders. a living wage is different than a minimum-wage will reduce and vote and adopt the ordinance. it affects thousands of working families in santa clara causing >>darya: the wal-mart truck slammed into the back of his limousine. what are claimed
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the victim's injuries will part will be due to them not wearing seat belts is not clear when the grand jury will and down >>mark: missouri's governor has declared a state emergency for ferguson's. see >>mark: charles manson may
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be getting married to worm that obtained a marriage license who was convicted in 1971 of planning the murders of 70 people-seven people i
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he knows was born on and he is the one is in the trip when nobody else says. >>mark: she said a fact she said she had have rain-- brinain
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tag: sooner or later, everyone needs a helping hand, or a helping paw! so mattress discounters good deed dogs is raising money to help train assistance dogs for wounded veterans. veteran: i live independently because of what all it provides for me. and it's huge! there's a lot of wounded, ill, and injured out there just like myself, who just maybe need a little bit of help. tag: you can lend a helping paw too. give at or any mattress discounters. mattress discounters good deed dogs-- helping dogs help people.
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>>mark: japan slid back into
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recession. >>darya: the panda has traveled to the far east. and you decided to be in boston to lead the red sox. what sane could really appreciate his work. the
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giants said they expect and want to re-signed paul--pa blo >> reporter: taxicab process last night calls loss of headed for park--travelers. i lo theaconn th sub
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loveacono mu, i'm lachina li of conjewey. awi'veeen ose line but-haveou er se bac brs? whatas tt? eryo lov bac at bwayinishingtour try itn a con g & eese subw. eafres you' feereally good about ttinin yr bo. i ow wt yore thinng, t th is new and imoved can beeve 's n butr! 100% tte, tifial pservives made wita bld of dicio oil purifi wat, an st ainchf sa. two pleaseand spad osoma m he allay. new and impred ian'tbelie ie it timto bieve
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>> james: the storm system coming in minute by minute a lot of calls as offshore. storm on the three storms system that one factor is always wrong. --you're even give you is find 11:00 or so in the evening look at how widespread it is. we're looking for possibly a total accumulation and have
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finished for san francisco this is part one of repair parts system >>george: still tracking a pretty good ride around the bay area will not tracking any hot spots. and the cash plans on inside left and right the fast-track plans are still moving pretty well. within the next 10 to 12 minutes to see the metering lights activated. december sale bridges and easy trip but do not expect that to last. so far is just 11 minutes it was bound. >>darya: traffic is back to normal this morning sfo
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>> jackie sissel: things are back to normal here but was a much different scene last night the taxicabs does of them protested here tear the bill hot last night at the height of it starting around 9:00 dozen of cab drivers simply were driving around the exterior of the sfo not picking up any riders left dozens of riders stranded and caused huge traffic backups will the process over it was over the ride share program services that are currently able sfo is unfair and unsafe they're handing out fliers of people saying that and that a $4 every time they pick someone up. it is unfair advantage
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that they don't have a thing to pick anyone up. this said that on a charge of $2 we pay $4 to the customers at the airport they pay nothing. it's not fair we already gave san francisco not make that the airport there butchering us out we lost so many drivers at yellow cat will have 405 driver strong we are barely at 200. >> jame>> jackie sissel: it was back in october auto but
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they give them permission to pick up customers >>mark: said they caught the cook all--the cult the crook on camera and then tracked him down and she said this man stole house keys car keys and remote-controlled car alarms and dollars to have someone come and violate you.
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>>mark: they spotted the same car and never would they took pictures and called police. >>darya: this surviving suspect that happened in july pleaded not guilty it was unclear yesterday and the man the man i hostage and is charged with three counts of murder and hostas it death. also faces
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attempted murder charges for finding at least is due back in court and they wear. >>mark: " the 1.4 million drivers license application will or apply for new licenses will have to scheduled of women 90 days in advance as a new corvette and bsn and
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he how you dn' it hts. th is what ican be li to ve shingles.
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a inful blisringash. th is what ican be li to ve shingles. if y hadhick pox, thshingles vus is readinside you. as y getlderourimmune stems and justan't stand keep e shseei himike is.. e shglesash can st uto 3days. ingl in their fetime. 'in pain. onin three t wishhat ere was sothing i uld to help. me pple th shinglewillhave lonn ich n la for a fewmonths to. me pple th shinglewillhave lonn n'waitntil someone u lo develops ingles. ta to yr phmacist abo yourisk. ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na
5:40 am
♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it.
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>>darya: the bill or spend from 45th 46 trip across to enter have million dollars to advertise on the billboard four weeks. >>mark: will watching the for their ticket-selling in >>mark: will watching the for their ticket-selling in a rare fo wholesomerain sur. oy six? sigrams of sar? cellent, dicious... and mmy! hoy bunches oats. cellent, dicious... tasty! mmy! then boom... what happened? stress, fun, bad habits, kids, now what? let's build a new, smarter bed using the dualair chambers to sense your movement, heartbeat, breathing. introducing the sleep number bed with sleepiq™ technology. it tracks your sleep and tells you how to adjust for a good, better and an awesome night.
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the difference? try adjusting up or down you'll know cuz sleep iq™ tells you. give the gift of amazing sleep, only at a sleep number store. find our best buy rated c2 queen mattress with sleepiq. know better sleep with sleep number.
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>>mark: his face enormous
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chilling charges including second-degree murder accusal recklessly driving chase them less to the he hit and killed ivan what was crossing the street corners to police. >>mark: temperatures in the teens and 20s today and tomorrow to know as much as 5 ft. deep south of buffalo. >>darya: is way different than what they have there. it will only bring us some light rain. in all
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likelihood you'll be in bed before the rain evenfall. some of our early commuters like the running as a migraine not have iran will be widespread like rain. and have attached to an inch of rain centimos of 38 minutes
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of the '40's disaster no upper fifties to low 60s thursday this is the no. 2 gold was spotty showers may lead to get a thunderstorm here and there friday night to saturday the system is the strongest of the law. >> james: they're a lot on what will keep tracking for you. >>george: the minimized our active now you can see it is inching up a 80 ratch the
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drive times are still under 18 minutes for your commit this morning for the san mateo bridge highway 92 about our way from saying things that appear where still looking at a 12 minute commute time over the senate sale if rewrite the golden gate bridge and easy trip both directions looking at your command here the richmond bridge is still an easy enough ride the toll plaza that no backups or delays on five headed to richmond was bound interstate 80 was bound looks good
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>>mark: the meeting is to urge this with return of power to the sentences commuted college district.
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disaster assistance the " brat and temporary housing, was allowed to $200,000 for home repairs not covered by insurance. for a dollar for personal properties including vehicles. >>darya: the white howard is under investigation. they're investigating that he beat his six year-old son with a belt buckle. did did he hit his tile with a bell but he did not know it was wrong because he was hit when he was a kid. >>darya: the incident have been in georgia and now they are investigating.
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>>mark: that headed to court to discuss what followed the video evidence can be heard and trial. he's pleaded not guilty there are still scrambling to find one less vote >>mark: the hunt is on for the 60 is both--60 its boat. >> reporter: tomahawk riding aboard manson is nearing an
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exclusive sit-down with the scandal that brought her family and brought down the show during the interview if you missed his sixth was to interview every is this morning at 10:00 right after the kron 4 news
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ve b for day th o sma cat. mirrs. everydayhey sh wh do bety b but caonlyeel at'shapping. onhe senthay betifuskins realed do is ffert. with o quaer msturingcrea it helpskin el me fi anelasc. really wanto fl e dieren?
5:54 am
takehe de 7 y te. start a revolution a revolution in coffee quality with the finest nespresso coffee blends. a revolution in technology with unique centrifusion. a revolution in taste with a naturally formed crema on both coffee and espresso. nespresso vertuoline. experience the revolution of coffee. t meet ts stight. ye laaid is 0% rl milk? rit. rl mi. t meet ts stight. ye but iton'tausee discfort extly,o diomfo, beuse 's mk wiout thlacte. d itaste it reamilkcomen, wod i e abt th? ctaid® 100%eal lk. no dcomft. antry ctai® splemts th yr fit bi to g in
5:55 am
allour iry voris. a broader mix of energies, world needs to move, to keep warm, to make clay piggies. that's why we are supplying natural gas, to generate cleaner electricity, that has around 50% fewer co2 emissions than coal. let's broaden the world's energy mix, let's go.
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>>darya: testing was done on mission street officials
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said they had seen a as a result were learning more about victims killing >>mark: they're calling a d fomanyit'sbes stggleo ke youa1c wn. so imagine, what ither waa neclasof micinthat works diffentlto lowebloosuga image, ling ur nbers inoducg onceailynvoka® it's the fst oa ne nd opresipti medine
5:58 am
that'ssed ong th dt and erci to wer ood sugar indult th te 2 abet. invoka® ia on-dai pil at wks aund e clk to he low a1c here's howthe dneyallo gar be sorb backnto e bo. invokana®educ themoun sug alled bk inand sends someugarut toughthprocs. and whilit's nofor igh, it m helyoulo somweig. invoka® c cau imrtansideffec, including hydrion,hichay caussomeeoplto he lo of body water d sa. this may ao cae you feedizz faint, lighead, oreak escial . othesideffec mayincle kiey , genital ast fectns,urary act fe, changes urition gh passi in e bld, or ireas in olesrol. do not te inkana if u haveeverkidn proems are on diasis ifalrgico ia or i ingdien. symptoms oalleic reacon m incde rh,
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swellingdiffultybreaing n youxpernce any of theseymp, stop takininvona®nd cl ur dtor ght ay ogo t thneart hoital tell youdoct abo anmedil coitio, medicatis yoare king d ifou he kiey oriverrobls. using voka® wh a suonyleaa incrse rk oflow ood gar. it'sime. lower yourlood sur wi i. aginlovi younumbers. ask yourocto abt inkana.
6:00 am
>> james: will have lots to talk about will following lots of series of storms heading our way. will have a lease in inch or have the edge of rain.


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