tv KRON 4 Early News KRON February 23, 2016 4:00am-7:01am PST
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visitors of all of the world, the tip of the peninsula of san francisco and san francisco bay beckoned that some day the great city would rise up here. >> the city of san francisco was born during the time of mexican rule. located halfway between the presidio and mission delores, it was called yerba buena, spanish of the good herb which smelled of mint and found in abundance on the hills overlooking the great natural harbor. in 1846, america went to war with mexico and seized control of california. a year later, washington bartlett, navy lieutenant who governed yerba buena named it san francisco. san francisco -- it will be changed forever by the purity of the gold rush. there is no greater event in
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san francisco's history than the gold rush. because san francisco was both the birthplace and the gateway to the gold rush. >> in january of 1848, in the sierra foothills, gold was discovered by james marshall at sutter's mill on the american river. john sutter wanted to keep it secret, but the extraordinary news of a gold strike soon leaked out. san francisco's population was just over 800 when a merchant who published the town's first newspaper and became one of the first millionaires confirmed the discovery of gold. >> the gold rush didn't really get started until may 12, 1848. that's when a man by the name of sam brannen came down from san francisco, marched across portsmout square waving a bottle yelling gold, gold, gold from
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the american river. >> james poke officially announced the news to congress and the rest of the world -- the gold rush was on, creating one of the greatest mass migrations in history. >> there was a time in 1849 when the population of san francisco was doubling every ten days. and san francisco almost overnight was changed from a pastoral little village to a bustling metropolis. >> people came from everywhere, overland, by sea around cape horn. san francisco's harbor soon filled with sailing ships from all over the world, some 20,000 people came by the end of '48, 100,000 by the end of next year. and by 1852, a quarter million people had arrived in california. san francisco was a multicultural city from the
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start. >> you find yankees, southerners, somoans, chileans, australians, chinese, kanakas or hawaiians, filipinos. every kind of cultural representation here. >> the gold rush jump started san francisco pushing it to a well deserved reputation for he donnism. the population is dominated by young single males fueled by gold dust and looking for saloons and bordellos. >> on the low end, you have small wooden shanties when prostitutes plied their trades. some hang out maked to the waist offering men to touch one breast for ten cents, two breasts for 15 cents or 25 cents to a dollar to step inside. >> it was the world's greatest
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stag party. there were touching at that time of men who were break into tears when they see a woman walking down the street or children. there were so few families here. so the sight of a child was something that was really extraordinary and deeply touching for many of these men. >> in 1850, when california is admitted to the union, john geary becomes it first mayor of san francisco. and while the city has acquired a well-deserved reputation for vice and sin, it's also a place of cultural good times with dancers, singers, minstrels, and trub doors and famous of the day like lola mon tez, booth, and crabtree. >> san francisco has been a theater time. a place where the miners loved the dancehalls an the performers and especially the opera. the opera as far back as the city goes.
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>> san francisco's first opera was performed at the french run theater. the opera was losonama by belinni. it was sung three years after gold was discovered. almost a decade after james marshall's historic discovery at sutter's mill, the value of the gold taken out by the miners exceeded some $500 million. but san francisco had become its own commercial emporium, built not by the miners but by the city's entrepreneurs and merchant class who made their own fortunes. living in the fashionable
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neighborhood in rincon hill and south park were the city's well-to-do. >> that was the thing most interesting about the 1850s is the speed with which an aristocratic society formed itself in san francisco. the other interesting thing here is that the early aristocracy is southerners. >> in the last year of the decade with the population now at 55,000, san francisco is emerged as the most important city in the west. it has published more newspapers than london, a wells fargo company was in business. a female doctor has established a medical practice on dupont street. and the coves of yerba buena was filled in, creating the financial district. richard henry damon was a young seaman who came to san francisco in 1835 when it was a small december late trading post.
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24 years later, dana has returned. he was overwhelmed by the city's transformation. >> sunday, august 14. when i awoke in the morning and overlooked the window in the city of san francisco with the towers, steeples, courthouses, theaters, hospitals, daily journal, the learned professions, the warmth and harvest with the 1,000 ton clipper ships. when i saw all of these things reflected on what i once was and saw here and what now surrounded me, i could scarcely keep my hold on reality at all. >> when "birth of a city" return
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in april of 1861, when the confederates fired on ft. sumpter, it was the beginning of the civil war. thousands of miles from the bloody fields of battle, the war will have an impact on california. san francisco streets were filled with speech making and rallies. the patriotic unitarian minister thomas star king made his
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impassioned pleas for the union cause later to be called union square. because of the southern population, the city was a place of conspiracies and plots to take over california and establish a confederate republic. arrests were made and conspirators jailed on alcatraz island where gun batteries were built to protect san francisco from southern privateers. it was the riches of gold and silver, however, which caused the most serious concern. >> that's one reason the confederacy, although never really able to pull together the serious attempt to see san francisco always lusted after it. if they had blockaded that discovery and kept the union from getting the gold and silver, that could have strangled the war. >> california raised money for the union cause and sent a small number of troops off to war. then in april of 1865, a few days after the confederates
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surrendered at ap mat tox, san francisco was again divided when president abraham lincoln was assassinated. >> the majority of the city was in mourning, the southern continge contingent, many of them, pulled down the blinds and celebrated behind closed shutters. >> the main street of the city, montgomery street, is definitely the upper clatsz district. it is at the same time the root of the pay at paris, the picadilly of london, and the broadway of new york. >> by the middle of the decade, there were over 15,000 buildings in the city. the courthouse had opened. st. ignacious college, predecessor at the university of san francisco completed the first degree. and frank mckoppen elected the first irish-born mayor of san
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francisco in 1867. the irish. the irish came by the thousands fleeing their homeland when the gold rush of california was the world's greatest adventure. >> it was more -- california to the irish was a promiseland. >> so was -- from saint to sinner, the irish were central to the city's evolution. it became its cops and firemen, bankers, physicians, tailors, black smiths, lawyers, and politicians. the irish settled in the mission district and south of market. dublin-born engineer jasmine o'farrell laid out the san francisco streets including the grand design of market street which so angered property owners that he was almost lynched. irish immigrant peter donahue
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established the city's first iron works, streetcar railway, and gas works company. ancestor of pg&e, the pacific gas and electric company. the irish were also theater everyone sar yous. >> he was one of the finest looking men who came to this city and dressed the part. >> the high-stakes gambler who loved opera and lost as many fortunes as he won. during the gold rush found work as a saloon keeper and built theaters like jenny lynn and opera house. >> it didn't seem to ask about payment. he wasn't that kind of a person. people came not knowing if he would get paid or not. that's the way he ran and what made him a great character. >> he filled the theater with the great performers of today.
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james o'neill, father of eugene o'neill. mcguire also brought to san francisco the scandalous actors' poet aday isaacs men kin. she was the star of manzeppa. mcguire paid her the rich some of $500 a night to perform. her most sensational moment occurred when she rode a live stallion in the flesh colored costume that made her appear almost nude. she was a box office smash when 30,000 people paid to see her performance in the two-week period. she also overwhelmed a young mark twain who wrote that she was a magnificent spectacle and dazzled my vision. he was a river boat pilot who brought briefly for the confederates in the civil war, sought refuge in the west, mined silver in nevada and turned to
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journalism. he changed his name from samuel clemens to mark twain. when he arrived in san francisco in 1864 to the silver boom in virginia city, 29-year-old twain took a job writing for the city's morning call newspaper. of this new city, he wrote, i fell in love with the most cordial and socialable city in the union. after the sage brush and al kalica deserts, san francisco is a paradise to me. >> he's going to the theater, reporting on the police, going to the city council meetings. >> twain became famous with his celebrated story "jumping frog of call various county." when he left in 1866, twain was commissioned to write a series of letters for the newspaper. it was in the west that he found himself as a writer. >> many of these letters
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contained small pictures with our clear foretellers of the kind of literature that you and i are familiar with. and i think that there's no doubt in my mind at all that much of what we value as mark twain as a writer was learned here in san francisco. >> when "birth of a city" returns, a cable car is born.
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golden gate park. three miles long, half a mile wide, 1,000 lush acres. >> the great recreation ground of san francisco and he perfected a culture such as ours, that's as close as you get to holy ground. >> when the development began in 1870, it was a place of intrigue, squatters, and sand. one newspaper described the park's location as a dreary waste of shifting sand hills. >> it looked originally like the sahara dezzer. >> when he was 24 years old, william hammond hall became the park's first designer and
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superintendent. >> he does what many people feel is impossible, begins growing on the sand do you knows of western san francisco. and many people felt he couldn't do it. but by the end of the 1870s, it was clear it was going to work. >> like golden gate park, knob hill had been a primitive wasteland. in time, it would become the mecca of palatial living for san francisco's rich and important. leland stanford built his mansion at the cost of $2 million. >> it was a mechanical wonder. it had all of the latest devices. for example, a seating area that was surrounded by plants and to which were embedded mechanical birds and at the push of a button, they would all burst into song. >> charles crocker's estate koths $2 million and had a collection over $1 million. the home of mark hawkens cost $3
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million. >> so the houses, in fact, represent both point of pride for san franciscos and also elegance. because the railroad was so hate in the 19th century these houses represent almost futile nobility in the top of the hill. >> but the spectacular growth of knob hill happened because of the invention of the cable car. >> he was a brilliant inventor who at the age of 18 was designing benches up in sierra. >> when andrew ala day arrived in 1887 and opens business, the principle methods of transportation were horse drawn carriages and theme cars. but halladay had been successful
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with his system of wire rope, hauling gold and miners out of the sierras. >> he adapted the continuous cable to the cable car by running them in. >> halladay's continuous streak cable was generated by a generator. on the cold and foggy morning of august 2 of 1873, history was made. with friends onboard and halladay at the controls, the first san francisco cable car made a run from knob hill down clay street and back up to clay street, steep 300-foot grade. >> the cable car had a tremendous impact because they could go anywhere. they could go up to the steepest
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hill and go out even to the sand do you knows. -- dunes. so everywhere the cable cars were built, the land values appreciate and coming up like mushrooms after a rain. >> the chinese -- exotic, often called celestials. they helped build california. it was the chinese who helped build the western half of the transcontinental railroad. the chinese mined gold, the claim of land from the delta. california's first mine workers. san francisco they built successful businesses. tolerated after the gold rush arrival, their acceptance was short lived. >> the idea of san francisco as
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a place of tolerance and liberality and that kind of thing is a vicious construct. they were viciously racist. the cartoon, the way the ethnic groups were being reported. it didn't vary much from other cities at that time. it was open field day on virtually everyone unless you were white, angelo saxon, protesta protestant. >> in the '50s, a series of laws were enacted against the chinese. could not vote, own land, attend schools with the whites. there was a pig tail ordnance which required them to cut off their traditional long braided hair running down their black. the chinese are not allowed to testify against whites in the court of law. >> which mean ifs the chinese got beaten or robbed by a white, the testimony could not be used in court against them.
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so -- so it was -- that's how the -- that's how the great chinamen came to our language. it was a very racially hostile environment. many chinese withdrew, eventually to what we now call china town. the urban ghettos. and, in fact, china town, which the institutional monument for racism. >> unemployment and depression impacted san francisco in the '70s. big business and labor engaged in a bitter economic struggle. chinese became the natural scapegoat for unemployed white workers. one of the most violent incidents against a chinese occurred on july 23, 1877 when angry mobs attacked them and destroyed a number of their businesses.
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police and a quickly formed committee of safety fought running battles with the rioters. >> you had at one point a federal gun boat anchored offshore of san francisco in case the city succumbed totally. >> the rage and frustration continued two days later when a rumor spread that the pacific male steam ship company brought in more immigrants. the wharf was on the fire. shooting broke out. when it was older, 18 were wounded, four were dead. the summer of discontent had reached the flash point. >> when you read these things in a sense of rage, how could this be? >> six months after the anti-chinese riots, representatives of the chinatown community seeking justice delivered an impassioned address before the joint committee of the senate and the house of representatives of the united
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states. >> where is that liberty your fathers fought for, that a mob led by aliens could be undisserved, burn their property, and denounce them as thieves. >> would you like the desire -- one of the fundamental principles of this great government is that all men are born free and equal. when "birth of a city" returns, san francisco's
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dens. sandra bernhart called it the most wicked location on earth. it was on the waterfront district of broadway, pacific, and jackson streets. it took its name from the infamous pirate-infested coast of north africa. >> there were a lot of people looking for quick and easy money in the coast at night. and you had to keep your wits about you. there was murder, there was mayhem. >> the coast was also the center of the vicious and abusive slave trade called shanghai. >> san francisco was the most notorious shanghai fort in the world in the 1880s and later. >> shanghai, illegal, at times, murderous. unsuspected victims were beaten into submission. but most often, they were
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supplied with mickie thins. drinks of alcohol spiked with drugs. after passing out, the victim was taken to a ship anchor in the bay, bound for ports around the world like shanghai. >> the next thing you do, you're 50 or 100 miles outside of the golden gate, headed for the arctic ocean on a one or two-year whaling voyage. >> for the price of around $100 per body, fortunes were made in this human slave trade. >> and shanghai went on from 1849 to about 1915 here for a period of 65 years. so if you say 2,000 people per year with shanghai for 65 years, that was 130,000 people. it was a very, very cruel practice.
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>> notorious and corrupt chris buckley. the eccentric self-appointed emperor norton one of the city's most legendary characters died. come stock millionaire george hearst became the owner of the newspaper to the san francisco examiner. when the 23-year-old son william randolph herself assumes control, young herself hired the best talent available. ambrose fooers and jack london. on broadway in 1886, the oldest italian restaurant in the country opened for business. it was locate in the heart of north beach home of the italians. >> it was very much like their italy they left behind. the bay, the blue waters in the mediterranean, the sunny climate. >> the first italians came from
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the northern provinces of genoise and tuscany. they settled in the latin part of the district near telegraph hill in 1850. later they arrived from naples, luca, and sicily. the tuscans were garners. fishermen looked for the harvest in the bay. made a small fortune in the wholesale produce business. retired at the age of 31 and formed the bank of italy which became the world's largest bank of america. an italian merchant, domingo gi ghiardelli brought chocolate to sap fran. >> he's gold rush settler. in to san francisco, sets up
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shop. starts to make chocolate. very successful. so he's the first of the italians big time entrepreneurs. >> the italians built their own community in north beach and they will become america. it was also that way for the jews. this was built in 1886. this story is also a symbol of how important and successful the city's jewish merchant class was in the 19th century. >> they became bankers, millionaire manufacturers. >> believing behind centuries of european anti-semitism and persecution for the gold rush in 1849, most were jews from germany who assimilated easily
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to the new world. here they practiced their religion and retained their jewish traditions. but there were some who celebrated easter and christmas. >> they came here at the same time with other pioneers and they suffered the same deprivation and the same successes as others. >> the jews transformed their lives from modest shopkeepers to miners to real estate developers and department store magnates. levi strauss built an empire selling blue jeans to miners. gump created a retail establishments importing elegant structures from around the world. it became a san francisco landmark. the jews raised families, built major industrial enterprises and impacted the city's politics, higher education, and philanthro philanthropy. >> they really felt that it belonged to them. they were part of it. like in no other city in the united states.
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>> here they had an equal chance. >> in addition, another of the city's important newspaper families were the dionne. their original dealer sheet was now called "daily morning chronicle." the paper had acquired a reputation for bold and aggressive reporting. but it was also known for another very colorful and contentious brand of journalism. >> it was chronicles specializing black male extortion, anything you could imagine. but it's what people wanted to read, and it gave them power and wealth. >> it gave the three brothers enemies. in 1879, the oldest of the brothers, engaged in a bitter public feud with a baptist minister who was running for
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mayor of san francisco. the chronicle published unflattering details of his past, the most sensational that colic was an adulter. >> and the minister attacked him from the pulpit claiming the mother ran a whorehouse in st. louis. ao. >> he was outraged to the insult to the family name. he confronted the minister and shot him. colic recovered from his wounds and was elected mayor. but deyoung continued his attacks to the next year. it would cost him his life. >> and whatever the chronicle offices -- >> charles deyoung was dead at the age of 35. the minister's son was tried for murder and acquitted. michael deyoung was now the publisher of the chronicle. >> michael deyoung doesn't seem
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to learn much from his brother's fate. in the early 1880s, he takes on the spreks family. they were too big and too mean to take on. >> michael deyoung published frequent stories and editorials, alleging fraud and other misconduct by the hawaiian commercial and sugar company. he sought revenge. in november of 1884, he confronted deyoung and shot him twice. deyoung survived. he was tried for attempted murder and acquitted. >> generally, in this realm of society at that time is -- you can get off a reasonable cause very easily. there seemed to be no libel laws at that time which makes the reading colorful and exciting. >> today the deyoung's newspaper is published as the san francisco chronicle.
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actors, writers, politicians, and celebrities of the sporting fraternity with pretty women. >> it was the decade of the gay '90s and ragtime music and one in four californians lived in san francisco. from the gold rush population of some 8%, women were now almost half of the state's population. isidore duncan who would become a famous dancer was teaching dance at the age of 14. in 1892 in college football, the first big games were played. sfanford beat california 14-10. and to the women of the city who offered glances, testifies known as pompadour jim, but james j. corbett was known as gentleman
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jim. corbett became the heavyweight champion of the world when he knocked out the legendary john l. sullivan 21st round of the championship fight. corbett would remain the heavyweight champion for almost five years. >> and the irish -- even though corbett was irish, they resented the fact that their idol, john l. sullivan had been beaten by the upstart dude they called corbett. he was a clothes horse. gentleman jim was something he relished. >> it was called the midwinter international fair and opened in january of 18984 in golden gate park. civic leaders like publisher michael deyoung helped to publish an economy. visitors were entertained by a wide variety of civilians, trading companies, animal acts, bands, restaurants, and
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concessions. it was california's first world's fair. and in the six months it was open, 2 1/2 million people attended. that same year, san francisco, weary of political corruption and fearful of the precarious business plan elected a new mayor, adolf sutro, a highly popular which 65-year-old millionaire. a jew, he came to san francisco in 1861. ran a mercantile business. went to nevada. he built a mining company, sold out for millions, and returned to san francisco buying some 10% of the city's real estate. he also built a great private estate overlooking the pacific. the world famous sutro baths in 1896 and rebuilt the cliff house, one of the city's great social gathering places. >> he was a great art director. he collected whole libraries in
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europe and brought them to san francisco. this is the root of the sutro library still here today. >> when he was elected san francisco's 24th mayor. suit you was the city's first jewish mayor. >> one of the most colorful is this mayor. he's mayor for two years and not used to operating in a corrupted democratic system. so he decides his office is -- no one knows who he is when he leaves office. it's a sad end to an extremely illustrious career. another. >> san francisco in the '90s continued to flourish. the ferry builder opened at the foot of market street. the deyoung museum became a permanent fixture in golden gate park.
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the shoots provided entertainment on k street. in january of 1897, james duval stevens was inaugurated as the last mayor of san francisco in the 19th century. urbane, sophisticated, aristocratic, the 36-year-old wanted to make his city equal to one of europe's great capitals. >> san francisco by 1899 was the undisputed leader urban center of the far west. it's a period of great optimism for san francisco. they feel that everything is going their way and nothing can go wrong or stop them from becoming the paris of the pacific. >> in the five decades since the gold rush, san francisco emerged from the humble beginnings as a small tralding post to a thriving and important metropolis which controlled california's destiny.
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the spanish-american war of 1898 had transformed san francisco and the presidio from a minor frontier outpost to the most important military base in the pacific and the gateway to asia. >> the last year of a remarkable decade. and a young san francisco writer writes one of the most charming novels ever in san francisco. blix, in which in 1899, two lovers based upon norris and his wife stand on a high hill of the presidio overlooking the golden gate and think of their joy and their sense of good fortune of being here in this great world city in this great spike. >> san francisco convulsed, endured, prospered. from sand dunes to grand dames, the life in the 19th century was
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filled with epic drama. the gold rush -- a world migration, great wealth and fortunes. vendetta and retribution. racism, scandal, empire building. in the end, though, san francisco's story was the story of its people. countless builders and dreamers, uncommon, imperfect, remarkable. me and women who saw possibility wanted to make a new life and prove that anything was possible in san francisco. in the last year of the 19th century, the population of the city by the golden gate is approximately 350,000. san francisco had become the new one.
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>>jackie sissel: it continue to work and extinguish the fire burn less take a look at the video according to the oakland fire department and broken out at around 150 this morning at the corner of 52nd at a buddhist temple with quickly got out here and determine that they needed firefighters but we're being told is their release for people inside of that simple they're all in with to get out on their own but the fire quickly spread to a house next door the have people inside are all those people were able to get out all so we're looking somewhere between 16 and 18 people.
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were ribbing toll from across right now helping to about a dozen people find shelter for the night several of the people in the temple has already found shelter that will be out here for several more hours during the investigation obviously they do not have a cause lead no. continue to pour water on the structures. >>darya: make sure you have the mobile applications to your ticket alert from britain news anytime anywhere in is for him will send you push a button you need to know something immediately. >>james: overnight although he did collect already hit it off into space to concede the live shot it is exactly a talk about
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the exercise the cold temperatures once again in the fourth across the pavement a warm-up nicely will warm up to levels pretty much on par we had yesterday it was a quick break down if you're ready for school forecast by noontime nice and sunny to the judge in the mid to upper 60s and solidly in the low seven is just about everyone as we get to the 3:00 hour. >>robin winston: we're hot spot free no major crashes or stalls tracking travel time started off with a commit on the san mateo bridge picking up a lot of bright lights it is track to come out of hayward is definitely crowder but it is not bad the average high time to
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cook for 10 minutes from 880 out to 101 so far the san mateo bridge is in great shape. >>robin winston: it is already crowded coming out of the all too much into little more for team manager from alaska to the dublin and to change a quick mention the bark recovering from the early quick your problems if you're using part this month is a 20 minute delay and then sitting into pittsburgh in dublin. >>mark: he is facing 16 charges for saturday's rampage. >>anny hong: he faces six counts of murder and a fire on charges of carrying out the seven hour rampage at three different locations investigators recovered the pistol that he used in the rampage in kalamazoo area after searching his home
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investigators found a total of 11 rifles the shooting spree happened and started an apartment complex replacing he gunned down a woman in a parking lot to is expected to be ok and the more the four hours later this is a father and son were shot and killed in a car dealership just minutes after the police said he opened fire in a restaurant parking lot killing four people and injuring another it is a 14 your girl who was still in critical condition this morning police say he was an driver picking up and dropping off passengers in between all the shootings. >>anny hong: he was looking for even more affairs after the final attack is being held without bail the invested try and figure almost for the attack.
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>>darya: person is in custody in connection with the death of two to two your spacing police on the body on saturday and she had been shot multiple times and found the body along the road in fremont she was last alive at a party two weeks before in hayward her family reported her missing last tuesday the sanded her boyfriend was arrested for domestic violence police said domestic violence charge was related to her but they have not said if her boyfriend was involved with her death. >>mark: police are trying to identify a person whose body was found in the marshlands near the dumbarton here in fremont of the profession and found a body floating in the marshlands on sunday night and is not clear how long the body had been there they're looking into the cause of death hi.
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>>darya: sea was last seen leaving james logan high school here is a photo of the missing your family is asking a turn name and age not be released and as you look at the fall she is also described as 5 ft. 5 to is a thin build as a consent shoulder length hair. >>mark: they argue that could lead to hackers eventually exploiting in the back door that
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they create in using the to bring into the customers' homes to have to file its response to a court order requiring the company to help with investigation the victim went to a party at fraternity house on friday night and this all happened in the room where. >>darya: the first of several 11 near people's park and then to more attacks reported last
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>>mark: 2 of his rivals to john case instead crews have some big misfits' yesterday and the talks will force the started this video misquoting more or real sang about the bible tyler put god mr. this spokesperson they ask for and accepted his resignation this season opportunity saying more dirty tricks this came on the same day that he met a question or more about women who have to past campaigns hit tatoos when the common-they want him to
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>>mark: after morgan freeman is available to give you directions would now know what was responsible for the wheel that covered birds follow on the map california coast will have the new information had. abet, dealith gh..may ow wt it lio janua wos wh youbloo hes lgar higur. anworklesshen ur bod sugais l, beuse wor jabynhanng yr bo's o ilitto ler bod sar. plusanuv, bytsel is t like to use ightain janua shld n be ed i tien wittype diates ich y beeverand ad t hcludg st takg javia d ca ur dtor ght ay i
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quick check of the ride across the golden gate bridge looks good at the limit in both directions from san francisco this morning is going to be fine for a quick 15 minute trip from 11580. >>mark: couch undiscovered of the problems for the concrete in the bay bridge tunnel yesterday it all started last month when he was driving on the bridge and almost hit by falling to kron 4 from inside the tunnel piecework aside slab of concrete the accident prompted couch ran to have a more detailed inspection of the tunnel by tapping on the ceiling with a hammer to found a dozen with concrete spots the did spot repairs and replaced it
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with concrete with fresh material but they're trying to figure out what caused the we spots. >>: we're doing a really thorough and comprehensive investigation something is causing it to swell whether it is the rain water or something else. >>mark: they insist the tunnel is safe in the new repairs should hold up to the call problems discovered more repair work could be needed in that work will take place in the overnight hours. >>darya: armed men attacked to men and robbed them and a mall will for the attack happened at stone ridge mall parking lot and pleasanton the first attack on saturday night a 17 year-old girl was walking nippy of chiang three men approached her they tried to take her purse and she fought back and pushed her
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and punched her they may have been holed a metal stick call or along the on on sunday afternoon a 63 your woman was standing by her car that will slide down by a woman who said she was sexual assault of drive and they're part of victory lane. >>mark: they gave a similar since the description. >>darya: of the substitute
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teacher who taught at to the schools is under arrest david pressure was charged yesterday with possession and distribution of child pornography investing in a dissent that he threw his laptop from the second story apartment in lafayette as police were serving the search warrant he also had previously taught in toronto london and miami there is no evidence at this point that any children have been harmed. >>mark: president obama one call was to shut down one time more than in the proposal to congress and where he plans on sending the detainees to a live look outside the golden gate bridge
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you to work or where ever you need to go out as a promotion for the coming film london has fallen as about terrorist attacking i am tracking are really nice weather around the bay today looking at had to land on the horizon will talk more about that coming up in just a minute. >>will tran: major developments in the case of the san jose woman who had what police say was murdered was to you what could happen as soon as today in a live report.
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>>mark: the fire spreading to a home that was attached to the temple is started this morning that would try to figure what started this new video from the scene and to kron 4 this morning >>jackie sissel: there on east 10th street and the continue to look for the cause of the fire started early this morning that
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one on three long to get more cruise out here the good news is 11 people inside the temple were able to get out all six of those people able to get above not before obviously the continue to look for cause of the fire the good news is and what was able to get out as we said on their own >>jackie sissel: they're back out here on the scene where come back all their lives it appeared to be out here for several more hours waiting for fire investigators to get out here to determine the cause of the fire pish
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closed here and see his speech is issued a traffic alert for this is well your coming out of vacaville come out their field is already crawling back from highway 12 we will keep an eye on it. >>darya: we're live at the hayward police to part with the latest of this person of interest. >>will tran: if they finish today they will pass along the report to the alameda county prosecutor we don't know her
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official cause of death get we do know according to investigators it was the same that her boyfriend was arrested for domestic violence at this point they're not saying to domestic violence is related to stacey or if he's the person of interest but here is the thing they're telling the public this morning that they do not have anything to fear that the person behind the murder is in custody at this time. >>mark: happen today the
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berkeley city council by taking a close look in the report and from hundreds of buildings and the city need repairs in order to avoid future incidents like the deadly about the collapse last june 64 killed and seven others were injured when this that and it collapsed at the library garden apartments inspectors letter from the balcony was became because water intrusion they launched a building inspection program across berkeley after the collapse is far more than 400 buildings need repair the city council will talk about the report at a meeting today in the end of the a number of buildings that have to be inspected. >>darya: national news president obama is one to submit and on- line petition to congress and outlined to petition congress to shut down guantanamo than it has long allowed to close the prison tears use it as a recruiting tool and it is too costly to maintain, was opposed
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previous plans to shut out of guantanamo bay the car plant and falls transfer most of the detainees to other countries they were doing to dangerous to travel will be sent to detention facility here in the united states. >>mark: researchers think they know the source of oil covering at least nine vs of unrest in the monterey bay area last year the will not interest licking cargo ship that some of the california coast would six years ago they sent to a lot of confirm the oil came from the as an objective look about the boat sank in hundred and 80 ft. of water on july 14th 1953 about 70 mi. west southwest of the golden gate bridge the car of vessel loaded with almost 500,000 gal. of bunker fuel and has been backing sporadically over the years. >>darya: still had a 97 your woman has lived in her home for more than 60 years and she is
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being told she had to get out we will tell you why twin sisters in utah where trouble getting pregnant now have multiple sets of twins will have their story coming up a major health warning about how laminate floors and your home information you need to know after the break. (vo) when i first took jake home
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we ate anything. until i decided we both needed to eat better. now jake gets purina cat chow naturals indoor a nutritious formula for indoor cats with no artificial flavors. it helps to control hairballs and maintain a healthy weight. so these days, we're both eating better. naturally!! purina cat chow. nutrition to build better lives.
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the limit but is off to rock star and this is you're ride about 15 to 20 minutes early a major health warning for people with a certain type of laminate going the cdc issuant and report this week that raised the estimate at a cancer risk from formaldehyde and some land and foreign involvement and a flowing from lumber liquidators that was made in china. >>mark: the cdc says the could result in six the third cancer cases of soaring per 100,000 people exposed that is now three times higher than the previous estimate.
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this... i can do easily. benefiber healthy shape helps curb cravings. it's a clear, taste-free daily supplement.... ...that's clinically proven to help keep me fuller longer. benefiber healthy shape. this, i can do. find us in the fiber aisle. wheall i can think abouthit, is getting relief. only nicorette mini has a patented fast-dissolving formula. it starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. i never know when i'll need relief.
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that's why i only choose nicorette mini. >>mark: their time to figure what caused this buddhist temple to open flames it happened at 2:00 this morning on the attached to the temple it caught fire and three mines but thankfully there were no major injuries the man accused of going on a shooting spree and killing six people and come to michigan faces 16 charges now from saturday's rampage this comes after investigators found in kyushu the stockpile of weapons.
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>>james: where one to walk and we see right now beginning with a wide view sublet perspective and some of those clouds tear which indefinitely sees somewhat cloudy overhead and spots but generally most a clear out there this morning and on the chilly sign temperatures this really run into pleasanton 39 degrees 42 out near livermore for for concord the east of dollars on the to the side in the south than the about as cold cash
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>>james: by noontime to the lunch hours '70s-and began to filter and the yellow is creeping in and pretty much tax over the map as we head toward free in the afternoon kids getting out of school a lot of after-school programs getting under way should be nice outside the kids or to the jack of this when the lid on to it will be sure to and t-shirt weather. >>robin winston: it is a crass
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as blocking for almost an hour north 11 and vermont street the two right lanes are closed the back of his ruling is crawling with back in the 280 split if you're looking for alternate this is the commute do not use no. 101 this month it is going to be stop tour from 280 the second hot spot is in fairfield was bound 80 as soon voluntarism reported cash. >>robin winston: this is the commit direction for those of you come on vacaville and fairfield you see a lot of heavy traffic on highway 12 split your
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average drive time 14 minutes to get from oakland and to downtown. >>darya: happening now we are learning more about the deadly shooting the happened outside of the sentences of madonna's run across the street from a police station a man were shot and killed in the city's western addition neighborhood and he had been targeted he has and i decided to sit for year-old he were shot around 3:00 in the afternoon he had dreams to been arrested in connection with a deadly shooting in may of 2012 disconfirmed yesterday's that he had been targeted in that shooting of a wicked they did not say it was connected to the 2012 shooting.
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>>mark: she had an oral agreement with the former landlord the sheik is take-home for the rest of her life with the landlord was murdered new landlord said the trust requires him to sell the home this year and he will help her move she is fighting cancer but she wants to stay put the home has been passed down or three generations. >>darya: guest today near their airport the pilot says he was making an approach for landing when a wind gust to blow him off course the plane hit the roof tops in the wind chills of two cars before the win broke off
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the ventura county and has filed a misdemeanor charge against pick a truck driver who killed a man after crashing into direct commuter the crash happened out start of every two to four last year they say jose santos ramirez turned right prematurely. >>mark: the justice and increase the legal age from 18 to 21 was approved by the borders of russia this week it was in tuzla to the rise scott wenner to prevent young people from smoking retailers to sell
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tobacco products will be given a one-year grace period in which no one will be penalized for some tobacco to some 1819 or 20 legislation moves forward on by the full board? protections are well known yosemite attractions in sued for compensation the concession-from owners of associated with the california state park it would not affect federal landmarks include hotels and attractions and a son to be renamed the salmon the announcement it would change the names on march 1st.
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>>darya: they hope. >>darya: centigrade returning after the 2015 and saw him placed third in side of. >>mark: a bright moon and chilly temperatures and 42 santa rosa and the more 38 right now and fairfield another one afternoon we're watching temperatures for today he then i'll shower of rain by the end of the week details ahead.
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>>jackie sissel: there were also destroyed where been told 10 people are displaced by a fire. >>james: a few clouds overhead but really nothing that is causing any problems the colonized and high we have no fault this week about if you're planning on giving the kids off to school here is what you need to know how we would expect
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unfair filled with about 80 texas on valley road this will involve the car this morning loss of heavy traffic from high with 12 also estimated time on this one the shuttle frozen with until you it is backed up to the foot of the maze 20 minutes from downtown oakland to the worst bomb skyway. >>mark: the driver accused along on a shooting spree killing six people and kalamazoo machine faces 16 charges from saturday's rampage after investing is from the kyushu and
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>>anny hong: investigators found a total of 11 rifles the shooting spree started at an apartment complex where they say he gunned down a woman and a parking lot and she is expected to bill came were the four hours later a father and son were shot and killed a part car dealership they said he opened fire at a restaurant parking lot killing four people and injuring another that victim is a 14 year-old girl who still in critical condition this morning he was a drive for picking up and dropping off passengers
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investigators try to figure of motor off for the attack will allow more about them will get you out information and come out alive later it will bring you more updates. >>darya: person in custody in connection with the death a 22 year-old stacy and you are placed on the body on saturday she had been shot multiple times the from the water long road and fremont she was last seen the domestic violence charge was related to her but the have not said if he is involved in her death they're
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looking for a young girl whose last name was last seen at james logan high school yesterday. >>darya: she is 5 ft. 5 and has a thin build and shoulder length black hair that has pink and choose lasting wearing black pants and a yellow sweater this is to consider interest with a she was upset about something that happened. >>mark: their planning process to show support for apple's battle with the fbi and the justice department san francisco there were be a rally of 530 to nine policemen
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>>mark: the state of emergency in their very few buildings left on the average is home to about 4500 people there reached hundred and 77 m.p.h. saturday and sunday the workers and the to bring each officials say is the biggest will they send in a decade on the right that is major damage to 100 your bridge the more i want is a major ice jam they have to keep the closed what to make repairs to the bridge.
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take a look at the forecast beginning with the east bay shoreline slightly warm for please let san ramon ramos in the '70s and for the livermore valley in the south bay a little warmer but it was yesterday 7576 can be a very popular name for plants to let san jose is was really nice to have much outside
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>>james: gradually. >>robin winston: off to restore things to overturn the crash from the 5:00 hour lasted look they just opened one of the lines we've gone from having the two right lane block to just the far right wing several vehicles about six and 1 ft. over loss of heavy traffic from the 280 split of one of two vermont street if
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the problem is discovered more repair work might be needed. >>darya: police and the east of the at morning you to be on high alert armed men have attacked two women and rob them unpopular long will the tax happened at the stone ridge mall parking lot in pleasanton the for the attack on saturday night a 17 year-old girl if she was walking in p f* three men walked up to her and tried to occur pars that in the pushing and punching her invested seven men have been holding a metal stick or long gone on sunday afternoon 63 your woman was standing by her car in the mall parking lot with three men grabbed her purse she also tried to fire back with the poor or rifle and kicked her they believe the central command behind these attacks and they released a sketch of one of the suspects and the guise of between the ages of 18 and 25
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they drove away about attacks and and as you v. >>mark: police a man armed with a knife robbed another man with his wallet in self on sunday night at the sun rise apartments minutes later police a flat down by woman who says she was sexually assaulting san francisco mayor at the end great sir are changes. >>darya: police training is stepping back and try to calm down the situation in competition with arms suspects
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community activist and a watchdog groups one who was protesting police shootings were decent will read me on my family and i will use my god-given and all pointed right and duty to kill you officer was reinstated by independent arbitrator last week and he has been assigned to a desk job a petition is signed a letter of the cost him to be removed from the force. >>mark: he is not die from his injuries the 16 your boy was one of five people on board the site the helicopter and grass and
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water review is arizona memorial the boy was for from the water and strapped into his seat still had president obama once congress to shut down guantanamo bay his new plans to where he will send the detaining and we're finally getting a first look it, a west and concur-and three model some st. after the break the tech to the post on a website.
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on and let you know if it's anything you need to worry about. >>robin winston: the slow traffic is still they're not allowed at the vermont street exit it will help you get on the slow track of the crash cleared and a chapter is out of the way that is about to the minister of candlestick into the central freeway better news for 80 was about 80 that is where the big rig collided this is one to be a tough ride.
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blaze the fire broke off at around 150 this morning the buddhist temple 52nd avenue and east st. there were 11 people inside the temple on the fire broke out for months and plus seven other people are able to get out without any issues as far as the calls we have a chance with the battalion chief about 15 minutes ago everyone
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inside the temple the good news is they had a working smoke detectors 10 people all born to be displaced by the fire across as helping those folks are. >>darya: she is a san jose woman reported missing after a party in hayward were lower than it would please the prom with more on what police will say
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>>will tran: they have the personal interests behind bars this morning and alameda county they're still investigating the case when they're done that going to pass all the information to prosecutors the prosecutors would then possibly file charges at that point we could know the person >>mark: 64 killed and seven others from injured when about to collapse at the gardens apartment is on the balcony with
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the cave of the water intrusion the city launched a building inspection program is far more the 400 buildings that need repair the city council talk about the report at a meeting to the editor of them a number of buildings for the still have to be inspected president obama is one to submit an outline to congress to shut down guantanamo bay and along about to close down the prison the terrorists used as a recruiting tool and that it is too costly to maintain >>darya: the card catalog transform wrote to the attendees are the country and those were deemed too dangerous to travel will be sent to detention facility here in the united states
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>>mark: he called him yesterday and he is not include our groups currently operated in cereal like isis that in another source of will cover nine per cent of interested in the moderate area since late last year >>darya: 1953 is sank about 70 mi. west southwest of the golden gate bridge it was loaded with 457,000 gal. of fuel and has been leaking sporadically over all these years.
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>>mark: the new 58 express train is now open an automatic counting drivers can get used to the changes >>stanley roberts: we call the car plant in california these lanes are in effect from 5 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. monday through friday and you can enter and exit at will accept weather are double white lines and fact that there is a sign that reads the not cross the white lines next 2 mi. of course you will see drivers cross in the the white
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in bangkok for chieftain get to it is the ticket of $490 the does not come to the point so is a parking ticket on the highway. >>darya: the senses, mcdonnell shooting from the police station a man was shot and killed in the city's western addition neighborhood and police same he was targeted use of the
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drive to win somewhat of please confirm that he started the have not said if to connected to the 212 shooting. >>mark: the eviction of 97 you're one is cost out raised she received an eviction notice early this year same vichy has to walk her home she had an oral agreement with the former landlord to ship to stay at home for the rest of her life but he has dined the sources stress required to sell home she just wants to stay put.
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>>darya: small airplane club small cars at the crash landing this happen yesterday near the airport the pilot says he was making an approach for landing when a wind gust of blew him off scores the plane hit the roof tops and the windshield of two cars before the win broke off the pilot walk away from this emergency landing no one on the ground was and the faa said the pilot tried to return to the airport for unknown reasons shortly after takeoff will be right back with more news weather and traffic.
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>>male announcer:this is the bay area news station,kron 4 morning news starts now >>mark: this massive fire and a buddhist temple in oakland spring to on the attached is started at 2:00 this morning >>will tran: completely destroyed the temple and heavily damaged a nearby house here is video from earlier this morning
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