tv KRON 4 Evening News KRON August 29, 2016 5:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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the country's mistreatment toward people of color. kaepernick >>: "i've been blessed to be able to get this far and have the privilege of being in the nfl and making the kind of money i make and enjoy luxuries like that, but i can't look in the mirror and see other people dying on the street that should have the same opportunities that i've had. butt sots i'll continue to sit. i'm going to continue to stand with the people that are being oppressed. to me, this is something that has to change. when there's significant change and i feel like that flag represents what it's supposed to represent, this country is representing people the way that it's supposed to" >> reporter: colin kaepernick-- standing up, by sitting down-- a polarizing decision that's sparked millions of opinions. so far, his actions not sitting well.for some that used to work with him. jim harbaugh- kaepernick's former coach >>:"i acknowledge his right to do that. i don't respect the motivation or the action,"
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>> reporter:a statement jim harbaugh softened his stance on hours later-- by tweeting-- 'i apologize for misspeaking my true sentiments. to clarify, i support colin's motivation. it's his method of action that i take exception to.' meanwhile, former niners lineman alex boone.not diluting any of his remarks. >>:alex boone-kaepernick's former teammate "it's almost disrespectful. you see all these pictures of these veterans that have no legs, and they're standing up in a wheelchair, i had a brother that served, and he lost friends. i know how much it means to him. it's shameful. i'm a very emotional person, so i think that if i had known that, my emotions would have been rolling. we probably would have had a problem on the sideline."
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while kaepernick is ripped around the league, he appears to have safe harbor in his own locker room. chip kelly said he has a right to express his feelings. and over the weekend, the team held a players-only meeting. the specific dialogue from those conversations will stay in- house. but one conclusion is no one will let this become a distraction. daniel kilgore-49ers offensive lineman "i've learned where kaep is coming from again, i said this yesterday. i don't necessarily agree with sitting down during the national anthem. that's his right and i respect that." joe staley- 49ers offensive lineman "that's what makes the nfl so great is you have so many different people fr many all come goal> reporter:some 49ersd it's unknown if any other teammates plan to joi earlier today, eagles rookie lineback he sit down in pr but he has since retracted his statement and will stand during the anthem. the niners are back in action
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thursday in san diego. mark carpenter, kron4 news >> catherine:for the past several months.kaepernick's strong feelings about police and violence have been reflected on his social media accounts. catherine heenan is here now. she's been on line looking at what the 49er has been saying online. >> catherine:a look at kaepernik's twitter account is revealing. over the last year - he's posted more than 100 times on race- related issues. most of those are re-tweets from other accounts.and most of them have been this summer. about 90 of them -- just since july. an example -- there are many posts about police misbehavior across the country.including the racist texting scandal in
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the san francisco police department. this one - a retweet on the fact 19 officers were caught sending the tweets.and most of them kept their jobs. some directly reference black lives matter rallies.including one where protestors were asked to leave a hillary clinton dinner in february. one re-tweet talks about white supremacy. others talk about "white privilege." one of the times kapernik speaks directly - writing the message himself - he's talking about the shooting of a black man in minnesota earlier this summer. philando castle was in his car.along with his girlfriend. she actually streamed the aftermath of his shooting on facebook. saying they'd been pulled over for a broken tail light and that her boyfriend had told police he was armed and had a license to carry.but was shot after reaching for his i-d. kaepernik tweeted."we are under attack. it's as clear as day." it appears that his feelings have been intensifying in recent weeks and months. earlier postings focused on his team and his charity work. but in the last 50 posts -- 40 were directly related to race issues. with other topics - including his team - taking a back seat. >> grant:the san francisco police officers association is firing back at colin kaepernick's refusual to stand during the national anthem. >> grant:the group sent a letter to 49ers c-e-o. jed york and n- f-l commissioner roger goodell. expressing disappointment in kaepernicks actions. >> grant:the police officers
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association writes. quote "not only does he show an incredible lack of knowledge regarding our profession and "officer involved" shootings, but also shows a naivety and total lack of sensitivity towards police officers. ironically it is officers who on numerous occasions have protected mr. kaepernick and have ensured that the venues where the nfl holds its events are fully protected."--- end quote. >> grant:the police officer association goes on to invite kaepnick to its training facilities. and asks for an apology. the alameda county sheriff's office. has also sent kaepernick an open invitation to come visit its regional training center. sheriff deputies say they would like to meet with him. talk about issues.and show him how they train for use of force situations. >> vicki:bay area has a history of athletes taking a political stand. the most infamous. tommie smith and john carlos. from san jose state. in 1968 the track stars. won olympic medals in mexico city. they raised their fists while the star bangled banner played at the medal cermoney. and got them suspended from the team.
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>> vicki:tonight at 8. we talk with tommie smith about what kaepernick did and why smith says why more fallout is yet to come. >> vicki:in the east bay, oakland mayor libby schaaf announced that the city is formally launching a national search to find a new police chief. >> grant:this past spring, a far reaching sex scandal resulted in three o-p-d chiefs resigning in less than a month. as a result, the department has been under civilian leadership since june. >> vicki:kron 4's charles clifford is live for us tonight in oakland with details on the mayor's plan. charles, we understand the mayor really wants to focus on getting the community involved in the selection process? >> reporter:yes, very much so. the mayor announced today that there will be no less than 10 opportunities, including several public citywide forums, for people to offer up their input on the hiring of a new police chief. video
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now, at a press conference this afternoon, the mayor says they have been working the past few months to set up all of these public meetings as well as online surveys that people can fill out to give their input if they can't attend the public events. the mayors office also says that a recruiter has been hired to start searching for a new police chief. it's a national search, although they didn't rul out the possibility that someone internally from o- p-d could get the job. the mayor really seemded to want to move beyond the drama that made this search for a new police chief necessary. today she said this is really an opportunity for a new chief to come in and do some good oakland represents a great opportunity for a reform minded police leader to really make their mark and demonstrate the potential of 21st century policing. ok, the plan is to hold those community forums this fall, start accept applications for the job in october, interview potential candidates in november and hopefully have a new police
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chief in place by early next year. in oakland, charles clifford kron 4 news. now, the the mayor says that if all goes according to plan they hope the have a new chief in place at opd by early next year. in oakland, charles clifford kron 4 news. >> grant:in the south bay.the long simmering debate about how to get more cops on the streets. is coming to a head. the san jose city council is ready to consider whether to declare a public safety emergency. that would clear the way for the chief of police to take action. kron four's rob fladeboe is live
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at police headquarters with the latest on what many are calling a crisis.rob? >> reporter:i made a brief swing through the police parking lot here at the corner of taylor and mission streets and counted about two dozen motor homes. the numbers vary from one week to the next. bottom line, cops who commute long distances to work are simply spending the night here because there is frequently not enough time between shifts for those working mandatory overtime. sot sam liccardo/san jose mayor on tuesday, the city council will consider emergency action that would authorize police
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chief eddie garcia to bypass union rules that permit officers to bid for certain shifts, many of which are not being filled. instead, the chief wants to re-assign detectives to bring patrol up to minimum levels. sot sam liccardo/san jose mayor the staffing shortage, widely blamed on 2012's pension reform that led to an exodus of cops, comes as homicides are on pace for a 25 year high in san jose. but the mayor scoffs at the notion that the impending council action is a 'political stunt' designed to garner support for 'measure f,' which supporters say would restore lost benefits and ultimately solve the low staffing problem.
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false alarm. thousands of people evacuated, hundreds of flights delayed and diverted, catherine heenan is here to show us how the chaos soread. the time was eight forty five. a busy sunday night at los angeles international airport. l=a police dispatch erupted with calls of gunshots, first at terminal eight then at two adjacent terminals. pacific units possible shooting occorred at lax, united airlines baggage claim area number four female passenger heard unknown number of shots. all of the sudden there was a flood of people running to the bathroom saying there was a shooter coming "these are difficult situations because there were multiple reports of something that was very significant and potentially very dangerous. >> catherine:panic=stricken passengers pushed through emergency doors. at nine p=m, the airport's south runways had to be shut down because people were on the tarmac. dozens of flights had to be diverted to other airports. >>:"the terminals were evacuated. the central terminal area roadways were shut down, as part of our active shooter protocols. once areas were empty, the terminals were evacuated, our officers, with the support of our bomb/explosive detective canine teams, did a methodical search of all our terminal areas. there
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was no indication that there was or had been an active shooter. >> catherine:at 10 45 police gave the all clear. the roadways reopened. passengers were allowed back in. to face long lines at security checkpoints. police say the scare may have been prompted by this scene. five minutes before the false shooting report. nat a man costumed as zorro is confronted by police outside terminal seven. they determined that his sword was plastic and he posed no threat. the next thing i know, they let
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me go, they didn't arrest me they explained crazy things happened at the airport. crazy is one way to describe it. the result: 281 arriving and departing flights were delayed. airport operations did not return to nortmal until late this morning. and firefighters have issued new evacuation warnings for a small part of monterey county near the massive soberanes fire. >> grant:firefighters are worried about winds pushing the fire close to homes in the area. >> grant:it started back on july 22nd at an illegal campfire in garrapata state park. and has grown to more than 142 square miles. >> grant:containment has been holding at 60-percent. a bulldozer operator was killed when his machine overturned and plummeted down a ravine. >> grant:four other people have been injured. firefighters originally hoped to have the fire contained by the end of this month, but they now expect containment by the end of september. >> vicki: >> britteny: the alert is for the north bay and to the rest of
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tonight little weather disturbance read up the coast as it is a little bit closer it could it have a slight chance of thunderstorms. and that's read about what the lighting and that helps put out any sparks a closer look at our cellaret our shop the moister just moving right in the north bay. right into the rest of this evening we do want to point out this entire area all the north pay under a dollar dry lightning a possibility this will happen right around midnight be careful mixture ego aside and wednesday to pick not 20 and fairfield 13 and concord and the into the next few hours of
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sunshine for in the locations will '60s by 9:00 and then clear skies friend and spots a 63 in line 63 for the bay area and for the coast we start to see little the cloudiness right on route 11:00 p.m.. >> britteny: and then we track high from the region of what's in store coming up in 15 minutes. >> vicki: the comic actor pastor at age 83 michele turner looks at his life and his legacy
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his breakthrough role as the neurotic accountant "leo bloom" in the 1968 brooks' comedy "the producers," earned wilder an oscar nomination for best supporting actor. "no! no! don't hit. it doesn't help. it only increases my sense of danger." gene wilder was born in milwaukee, wisconsin and caught the acting bug by doing theater. his professional relationship with brooks was akin to lightning in a bottle. he earned his second oscar nod, this time for best adapted screenplay for their parody "young frankenstein." "it could work!" his role as a hard-drinking gunslinger in "blazing saddles," also helped to cement wilder's meteoric rise to stardom. "yeah, but i shoot with this hand." perhaps the film that endeared the witty actor to many across generations is "willy wonka and the chocolate factory." "in a world of pure imagination." his private life became public with his marriage in 1984 to "saturday night live" star gilda radner. sadly, after two years of marriage radner was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and died three years later. wilder dealt with his grief by establishing "gilda's club," a home away from home for patients and families. the actor teamed up with his friend richard pryor for a string of successful comedies, including "silver streak," stir crazy," and "see no evil, hear no evil." by the 1990s wilder remarried and kept his career going with various projects. however in 1999, the performer was diagnosed with non-hodgkins lymphoma. with the help of chemotherapy and stem cell transplants, wilder made a complete recovery. acting took a back seat in his life, and except for a few small t-v roles, he focused his energy on writing. in 2005, he released his memoir "kiss me like a stranger: my search for love and art." gene wilder will be remembered for his wit and warmth, and his memorable performances that were simply unforgettable. the new york times is reporting.
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every day, the oil companies pollute our air. putting their... ...profits ahead of our kids' health. now they're trying to weaken california's clean air laws. i'm tom steyer. we've had a million kids get asthma. we need to send the oil companies a message. tell your legislator to stand up to the oil companies and protect our clean air laws. don't let the oil companies put their profits... ...ahead of our kids.
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thousands of people across the country started the week with a test monday -- the first day they could take a commercial drone pilot exam under new federal rules. >> reporter: tickets to the gathering in hand many with their hair freshly died jackets fake fur not sure how to describe these pants this woman's carry-on luggage as a pair of butterfly wings. this artistic expression she expects to see on display.
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as trump and his team wrestled over what the details would be there is speculation at times from trump himself that he may be softening is hard promise. >> vicki: complete political strategist is speaking out against such the controversial candidate. we sat down with their longtime republican and why he thinks a lot of president trump in the coming months. >> reporter: years been involved with republican politics for years. but here at the picture with president george h. bush and a handwritten thank-you from president george w. bush. these days he's thrilled to be supporting and donald trump he hopes will be the next president. he is watching
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closely some to be released immigration policy speech as learned the canada and yet another controversy. he has come under increasing attack for lack of details on plans to deal with bill in million undocumented immigrants he's not worried and defense trump. as far as the accusations that trump is racist for some of his ideas but some strongly dispute that claim. he
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haddam resign from congress stayed with him after a new outbreak of on line misbehavior that wrecked the milk campaign in latest said one of the last straw that posted photos of shouting in bed with his young son claiming he was at the same time testing with the woman the poster proclaiming he is still sending. and then release a statement saying that after long and painful consideration work on her marriage as the decision to separate and could be destined for bigger things if clinton is elected president. >> britteny: alicea lot of fog on this camera but show you right now a very clear beautiful
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shot. into the rest of society see clear skies for most locations few areas deal with fog but it will be the widespread dense fog that we are used to seeing each night. a closer look at shows as a going to overnight hours we still see clear conditions this you thought and parts of oakland then to about what miles. and not as bad as we typically see. still comfortable
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>> vicki: says his product to stop for the city has come lanier's. >>: called you for coming today and remember to make sure everyone the soul's knows that a part of us not only past and present but paul is in the future they go very much because the hurricane in u.s. history with the damage. >> vicki: x closing higher after a today flopped as a interest- rate hundred. in the s&p
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climbed 11 points. every day, the oil companies pollute our air. putting their... ...profits ahead of our kids' health. now they're trying to weaken california's clean air laws. i'm tom steyer. we've had a million kids get asthma. we need to send the oil companies a message. tell your legislator to stand up to the oil companies and protect our clean air laws. don't let the oil companies put their profits... ...ahead of our kids.
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i know what we can do. what if papa tells us some stories? oh i don't think so... oh come on dad you have great stories, come on. well okay. you kids know how your grandmother and i met? not that one, skip. what? just next. swipe. i used to collect marbles when i was... next haha. thanks. swipe. get high speed internet from at&t with over 99% reliability. at an everyday price with no extra monthly fees. keep calm, you internet's on.
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are commercial from pilots must pass an aeronautical exam loans must be under 55 lbs. staying in view of the operator and cannot fly higher than 400 ft. to one fly at night you'll need a waiver the changes to open up opportunities for rescues inspecting utility lines cupping farmer's check their crops. the sky longer the limit and industry almost unimaginable a few years ago.
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by lawyers to pay for a little bit at a time and maybe the answer you need for cash strapped travelers. >> grant:mylan de mayo of new models with a generic at the penn available in several weeks and cost $300 for tupac the brand pish as a price tag that is twice that much " to measure box becomes announcement after people across the country for outraged over the high price of the branded version.
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>> vicki: hillsdown and analysts will be watching closely. >> grant: camera over san francisco international airport a beautiful day for most of the bay area. close >> britteny: to the '70s for san francisco look ahead into the rest of tonight low clouds expected parts of the area we will also see a
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king as dry lightning in the north bay round midnight heading into the rest of this evening. something we continue watching. we notice mild conditions all the way it has pleasanton can yak warm conditions mild air continues to move east into tuesday wednesday seasonable temperatures expected for us right down tomorrow and mostly sunny conditions starting at noon all the way till 3:00 p.m.. by noon 64 for the cars the base 79 inland and then into the afternoon we see most locations warming into the mid '60s low '70's for the bay and 83.
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on proposition 55. reagan duncan: prop 55 prevents 4 billion in new cuts to our schools. letty muñoz-gonzalez: simply by maintaining the current tax rate on the wealthiest californians. ryan ruelas: no new education cuts, and no new taxes. reagan duncan: vote yes on 55. sarah morgan: to help our children thrive. i am sir-can-a-lot, here to save you from another breakfast bore. wake up those eggs with glorious spam! see what spam can! do... at
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new york's madison square garden was the place to be last night, as stars and fans converged for the m-t-v video music awards. from beyoncé's surprise stage re-creation of "lemonade" to britney spears' big comeback. the insider's michael yo shows us some of the best moments from sunday's show. >> reporter: that sure looks
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now on kron 4 news at 6: the oakland police department has been without a chief ever since a sex scandal rocked the police department. today in the east bay, oakland mayor libby schaaf announced that the city is formally launching a national search to find a new police chief. this past spring, a far reaching sex scandal resulted in three o- p-d chiefs resigning in less than a month. as a result, the department has been under civilian leadership since june. kron 4's charles clifford is live tonight in oakland, with details on the mayor's plan. charles, we understand the mayor really wants to focus on getting the community involved in the selection process? >> reporter:i have been fielding
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inquiries from some of the top chiefs in the country since we launched this process a couple months ago. i remain very optimistic that this remains one of the plum jobs in the country. just based on the feedback i remain very optimistic. june >> reporter: hold positions until which is found all the search is now starting to ramp up she has spent talking to canada's for a couple weeks.
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>> pam: of figueroa said down there is office decided to put an administrator in charge for now. . the san jose this part and lot tells a troubling story these are these: place officers they need them so it can stay close to the job because the police staffing crunches such a problem and mandatory overtime. now the city is responding. the bacillus that i could result in
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more police on patrol in city of san josekron four's rob fladeboe spoke with san jose's mayor about what is needed and why. >> reporter: preselling to the police parking lot the numbers vary from one week to the next bottom-line, to commute long distances simply spending the night here because they there's not time between shares between commendatory overtime. emergency action authorize police chief garcia the permit officers for certain shares many of which are being sold all. then said the chief was reassigned detectives to bring control up to minimal walls. widely blamed on 2000
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pension reform exodus of cops causes homicides with a 25 year high in san jose the mayor scoffs at the motion that the impending council action is a poet political stunt and this fall which supporters say it " have lost benefits ultimately saw of salt vote was staffing problem. but a few hundred your officers in san jose a there was about a decade ago. until the
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city council to section. police say the men robbed "latino unidos" which is a money transfer service. >> vicki:investigators say on friday afternoon. they walked in and one of the men pulled out a gun demanding money. they then escaped in a red sedan. possibly a toyota camry. wintesses say the car also had tinted windows. both men are described as being latino. >> steve:a woman who escaped police custody friday at a jail in martinez remains at large today. according to authorities. san pablo police were dropping off 29-year-old nyilah hutcherson at the martinez detention facility. when she gave them the slip. police say, a search by foot ,
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car , and even air followed but was called off a few hours later, due to the non-violent nature of hutcherson's original alleged crimes. hutcherson is said to be about 5= foot= 7 in height.and about 120- pounds she was last seen wearing a black, hooded sweatshirt, white t-shirt, and black pants. she was handcuffed when she escaped custody. 49ers quarterback colin kaepernick. was back at practice today. after defending his actions on the sidelines. kaepernick refused to stand during the national anthem before last thursday's exhibition game. >> pam:. you can see kaepernick here. seated on the bench, while his teammates stood during the playing of the star- spangeled banner. kaep. was back in the swing of things this morning. trying to regain his starting quarterback
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position. he says he will not show pride and stand for a flag, that quote "oppresses black people and people of color". he added - his stance is not aimed at whose who serve the u.s. military. actor gene wilder has died. always considered a unique presence in hollywood. catherine heenan is here with more on why he is being remembered with such fondness today.
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look right now 78 fairfield son for vallejos and nine cockers 70 degrees in oakland 74 livermore low 70's and san jose at 64 san francisco. and next six hours west of tonight of to clause will remain and the 69 for the day inland location 69 incomparable closer to 11:00 p.m.. our temperatures in half moon bay a not bad close average for this time of year seller in our chat shows we are seeing a few clouds portion to parts of the north bay all part of a weather disturbance off the coast all little bit of moisture
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that is evaporating as it gets closer to our inland locations but watch the north bank closely into the rest of tonight and a slight chance of thunderstorms dry lightning all the details coming up x forecast and tenants tendinous 10 minutes >> catherine: gene wilder was the frizzy haired genius - you couldn't really compare to anyone else. he died late sunday in his connecticut home from complications from alzheimers disease. he starred in comedy classics including 'young frankenstein'.'blazing saddles'. and teamed up with his friend
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richard pryor in several movies.including 'stir crazy.' but for generations of children - he might be best remembered as willy wonka in "willy wonka and the chocolate factory." it's generally accepted that it was mel brooks who first saw something funny in gene wilder. brooks has said that when he offered him the lead role of accountant 'leo bloom' in the 1968 comedy "the producers" -- wilder was so touched and surprised, he cried. the two men remained close friends.and wilder is remembered well liked by everyone he worked with. we have put together a section on our website on actor gene wilder. you can find it. by going to kron 4 dot com. it's right on the front page. >> vicki:investigators are focusing on 911 calls that set off a mass panic at los angeles international airport last night.
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there was chaos inside terminals, and traffic stand- stills into and out of one of country's busiest airports. what investigators do know is that.the first of several 911 calls falsely reported gunshots. and, a public address of a gunman on scene made matters worse. panicked travelers ran onto streets and the jet's tarmac. a search uncovered no evidence of a gunman or shots fired. the burning man festival is getting started this week. the gathering, known for it's massive art installations and social experimentation, started here in san francisco 30 years ago.
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we need to send the oil companies a message. tell your legislator to stand up to the oil companies and protect our clean air laws. don't let the oil companies put their profits... ...ahead of our kids. now it takes place in the nevada desert.and has become internationally known. kron4's maureen kelly found some
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so called burners taking off from civic center this morning. if you get on you must have your ticket >> reporter:all board the burner express. there was a long line of people waiting to get one of the many buses headed for black rock city. but this was definatetly a lot different than your average greyhound crowd. there were lots of colorful outfits.and some revealing ones.fake fur and fuzzy jackets. there were several locals.but some from other stateslike these two playing a little tennis as they waitedin from new
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haven i play on playa better than clay or grassand the ball boys are dressed in more interesting ways. this guy with his hair dyed like a desert sunset is here from florida. he says burning man changes you. bite i meet first time burners from botswanna and austraila.who say they are excited for what they are going to experience. the art scultpures in the middle of nowhere people were packing pratical things like coolers along whimiscal butterfly wings. or a mixture of both in the form of art bikes for getting around. him: well it's a big place it's a desert and you need to have
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glow lights on your bike. me: and it needs to be wrapped in silver and have a dragon on it? him: of course. for those feeling like they are missing out by not going to burning manthere is an upside for us locals staying home. everyone seems to report the streets feel a little bit empier without all the burners here. at least until this sunday when the festival is overand the roughly 70 thousand burning man attendees head back to civilization. maureen kelly kron4 news to decision 2016: the race for the white house has come to the bay area again. in fact an event is going on right now on the peninsula. grant lodes is tracking it for us. >> reporter: conservative the president of canada is taking its fight from the battlefield to the cornfield and beyond. is it too little too late for dublin to get canada its name so far only a handful roster's including colorado and utah for
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grant,last week it was hillary clinton. today donald trump. >> grant:we had heard trump was coming to town. possibly last week. turns out today was the day. this video from our helicopter partners at a-b-c 7 shows a fundraiser that's being held in woodside. it's a little hard to tell from all the trees on the property. but we've seen a heavy police presence. there are also numerous guests already there. many of them in dresses and suits and ties. word is it cost 25-thousand dollars to get in to this event. we have a crew outside. and we'll have a report tonight on kron 4 news at eight and ten. while donald trump is at the fundaiser on the pennisula - a republican strategist and supporter is speaking out about the nominee and his upcoming immigration policy speech. the presidential republican candidate was initially set to deliver his immigration plans last week. he found himself in more controversy last week, when he seemed to be switching gears a bit on his initial plan to send back the 11 million immigrants living illegally in the united states. however, this past weekend on a campaign stop, he again mentioned he would remove criminal illegal immigrants from the country.
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republican strategist leo lecayo says his policy is a work in progress and says it is all in an effort to make the country great. >>:sot/tc: he has to negotiate his policy. this is all to make american great again. he just wants to return the country to law abiding folks. trump is expected to deliver his immigration policy speech now on wednesday. trump is head to the central valley tomorrow for some campaign events. this election year plenty of americans are torn over who they'll vote for. however - while your options may seem limited - a new candidate is jumping into the presidential race -ready to offer an alternative to donald trump or hillary clinton. kron 4's national correspondent mark meredith introduces us to the man whose longshot odds. are
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not stopping him from trying to reach the white house. trump, clinton, clinton, trump - it seems for a year now it's all we've heard about. but do you know who this man is? "i'm the only one in this race who has firsthand experience fighting terrorism" evan mcmullin - a former c-i-a operative and investment banker - is now a conservative presidential candidate taking his fight from the battlefields to cornfields of iowa and beyond. at forty years old - mcmullin says he's jumping into the race to offer to offer an alternative. "i had hoped someone with national name id would step forward, no one did so the question was do nothing or get involved" but is it too little, too late? the deadline to get a candidate's name on the ballot has passed in many states and so far mcmullin is only on a handful of rosters including: colorado, iowa, and utah. so we asked him - how he could ever expect to compete? "in the case we're not on the ballot in certain states, well be advancing a write in campaign" but before he can get write-in support- mcmullin knows he needs to get people's attention. it's no easy task - especially this year - but this underdog says it's all about offering a direct appeal. "the message is very clear.americans want something new, a new approach to leadership" the latest sexting scandal for disgraced ex-congressman anthony weiner may be the last straw. his wife.a top aide to hillary clinton. says they're separating. >> pam: it follows reports that the ex- congressman and new york mayoral candidate exchanged suggestive photos, while the couple's 5- year old son was beside him. human abedin says she and weiner "remain devoted to doing what is best for our son." you'll recall weiner resigned congress five years ago after admitted sending lewd photographs of himself and pursuing women on social media. the new other woman is identified as a divorcee, who supports trump. kron 4 news has learned president obama will be the lake tahoe summit this wednesday. this is the 20th year the summit has been held. it focuses on protecting the environment and tackling climate change. he'll be the second sitting president to attend the summit. president bill clinton attended its inaugural year. >> steve:
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the event is open ot the public. but those wanting to go will need to purchase a ticket. to adjust comfortable and and it is here with the north bay weather alert for sniper. >> britteny: into the rest of tonight we see more moisture moving into parts of merely the north bay that will give a slight chance for thunderstorms and even of possibility for dry lightning happens around midnight that and start fire of heavy step if you live in the north bay and the rest of us tonight we see clear conditions for a bond locations a few clouds must clear coastal fog still expected to our morning clouds which will lead to lots of sunshine in the afternoon like we saw today and then close to next week and the state close to our seasonal averages and then 58 nevada 67 degrees in san francisco 70 oakland 74 livermore and low 70's at on
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view celebrate our short-run the cloud coverage and parts of santa rosa it also see of bit of moisture here and as it gets closer inland locations and dries up we see most of it evaporating and that will be the recipe i could give a slight chance of dry lightning for parts of the north bay. cool conditions close at francisco in the east bay in oakland for tracker shows us most of the north bay we see clear conditions and the rest of tonight even into tomorrow morning close to half when they opened hayward even out to livermore. >> reporter: after noon we seem mild temperatures all the way it out to parts of the east bay even as far as livermore former
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condition stick around. we notice on wednesday temperature's dropped a little bit below average and again the green ridges livermore mob conditions expected for us even all the way to san jose a comparable conditions for most of the area highs around the region tomorrow 8174 a word and at 73 degrees monday it 80 degrees in san jose 67 san francisco to more will be nice crazy conditions expected a fall like wednesday for us by thursday temperatures recovering near 70 forecast shows as to go into next week and we eat warm back up again. >> pam: ,$8drw
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>> steve:the national highway traffic safety administration saystraffic deaths rose a whopping 7.2 percent in 2015. compared to the previous year. that's the largest single-year increase since 1966. the final total of 35 thousand deaths is 0.5 percent lower than the 7.7 percent estimated increase released in july. officials say the spike in deaths are due to the increase of drivers on the road.
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preliminary estimates for the first six motnhs of 20-16 show the traffic death trend increasing. with fatalities up 9 percent >> pam:john lennon's killer will stay behind bars. he has been denied parole for the ninth time. the new york state parole board today announced. it has again denied parole to mark david chapman. chapman shot and killed the former beatle, outside lenon's luxury manhattan apartment on december 8, 1980. new york's parole board concluded. that the factors supporting chapman's request were outweighed by the pre- mediated and "celebrity- seeking" nature of his crime. (scal): good day, m'lady! i am sir-can-a-lot, here to save you from another breakfast bore. wake up those eggs with glorious spam! see what spam can! do... at
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concern >> reporter: action on tuesday the people please patrol and the council is expected to vote on our emergency order that allowed chief of police to bypass union rules to meet minimum petrol standards that could mean reassigning as many as 47 detectives to patrol that would mean fewer cops would have to camp out at times here and a parking lot and the police department
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extended their ladders spray water down to the building fire investigators are inside the building to find out what caused the fire and no one should of been inside the building at the time but a lot of homeless in this area and that is one component that will be looking into. >> reporter: 0 lot of people in colorful outfits freshly dyed hair and fake fur jackets a few locals getting on board the burner expressed several from other states. >> pam:the company that makes the epi-pen now says it is making a cheaper generic version.
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it is a change that comes only after a firestorm of complaints over the companys recent epi-pen price hike. catherine heenan is here with the update. the drug company mylan has been making a lot of people angry.because of its huge price hikes to the epi-pen. >> catherine:it can be a life- saver for people with severe allergies. so being able to afford it means a lot to many families. a two-pack cost about $94 dollars in 2007 --- a price that recently sky-rocketed to $608. now - after national outrage -- mylan says a 2-pack will cost $300. and that generic version will be available in several weeks. consumers and politicians had been accusing mylan of price- gouging. the company also recently announced a savings card and revised a patient assistance program. those options will continue.
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steve and pam? >> pam:the city of new orleans paused to remember the anniversary of 'hurricane katrina'. a wreath was laid near the memorial. for all the victims. it was 11- years ago today, the monster storm made landfall. breaking the levees and inundating the region. it became one of the deadliest natural disasters in united states history. killing more than 18- hundred people. more than one- million others were displaced in the aftermath. damage from katrina is estimated at 108- billion dollars. making it the costliest hurricane to hit the united states. >> steve: people make their way home here on the evening commute. opinion we live close
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close to leucocyte you can see mostly sunny skies a few high thin clouds. >> britteny: planning your date closer to the east bay in oakland tomorrow we see another comfortable day by 10:00 a.m. lunch time 53 in the mid '60s downtown san francisco high of 67 degrees closer to san mateo. by 6:00 a.m. to noon and then 70 but low 70's. and also for the
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evening. we see temperatures all little bit below average tenure no. date forecast and then the show. communication technology could help in fighting poverty also a model of a solar powered aircraft biggest change now longer need to get a pilot's license which is inexpensive and at times intensive endeavor.
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narrator: it wasn't that long ago. years of devastating cutbacks to our schools. 30,000 teachers laid off. class sizes increased. art and music programs cut. we can't ever go back. ryan ruelas: so vote yes on proposition 55. reagan duncan: prop 55 prevents 4 billion in new cuts to our schools. letty muñoz-gonzalez: simply by maintaining
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the current tax rate on the wealthiest californians. ryan ruelas: no new education cuts, and no new taxes. reagan duncan: vote yes on 55. sarah morgan: to help our children thrive. >> gary: when they talk about a subject matter particular a quarterback he now you get as far reaching story as the thing ought to stand for the exhibition game at that practice today going down paul last call
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thank you for joining us see you at 8 stay connected at thank you for joining us see you at 8 stay connected at kron4news-dot-com even well fitting dentures let in food particles. just a few dabs of super poligrip free is clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. so it's not about keeping my dentures in,
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it's about keeping the food particles out. try super poligrip free. the oil companies pollute our air. putting their... ...profits ahead of our kids' health. now they're trying to weaken california's clean air laws. i'm tom steyer. we've had a million kids get asthma. we need to send the oil companies a message. tell your legislator to stand up to the oil companies and protect our clean air laws. don't let the oil companies put their profits... ...ahead of our kids.
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"the insider" tracking the biggest stories making news today. number one. the mtv vmas go for the girl power. ♪ i call the shots >> we're breaking down the top trending moments including the all white carpet wild fashion. >> she's a style icon for a reason. >> justin bieber a no-show at the vmas. where we caught the biebz performing instead. >> and number three. rob lowe gets burned before his roast. >> oh my god. i watched it eight times. >> what are you talking about? plus, our "insider" bonus. will sully land tom hanks' third
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oscar? >> i called the academy. >> they haven't answered my phone calls since the 1990s. >> the nicest guy in hollywood reflects on his iconic career. >> life is like a box of capsules. works better when they're sharpened. >> "insider" together with yahoo. >> the u.s. tennis open is off and running in new york but why are the guys on the court getting an advantage and causing quite the racket? >> there's a good reason for that. we'll get to it in a bit. welcome back. we missed you around here. especially me. >> me too. let's get back to the number one tracking story. the mtv vmas. it's a top trending topic. michael yo joining us from new york in the center of it all. >> it wouldn't be the mtv vmas without the shock and show stoppers. >> y'all having a good time?
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