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tv   KRON 4 Early News  KRON  September 4, 2017 4:00am-7:00am PDT

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(tiffany) this morning on the kron 4 morning news...president trump hints that a military strike on north korea could be on the table. the latest developments ahead of today's emergency u.n. meeting. ( tiffany ) and we'll explore a new report that says president trump may have already made up his mind on what to do about daca. ( tiffany ) and... some reason for optimism as houston begins its long road to recovery from hurricane harvey. the kron 4 morning news starts right now. ( tiffany ) good morning and thanks for joining us. i'm tiffany mcelroy. (dave)the strong ridge of high
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pressure that brought two consecutive days of oppressive heat to our region will continue to drift off to the east over the next few days. as a result, a cooling trend that began on sunday will continue through midweek. moisture from remnants of tropical storm lidia will produce a slight chance of showers and thunderstorms across mainly southern portions of our region through monday night. (tiffany) north korea claims to
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have developed an advanced hydrogen bomb that could be launched in an intercontinent al ballistic missile. this has leaders in the u-s looking for more ways to step up the pressure on north korea. melisa raney reports. reporter:"mr. president, will
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you attack north korea?" president trump:"we'll see." "we'll see"... those words from the commander-in-chief on sunday following major news out of north korea... president trump hinting that a retaliatory military strike could be on the table after the rogue nation's largest nuclear test yet. the president took to twitter sunday morning,saying north korea's words and actions "continue to be very hostile and dangerous to the united states."the test came just hours after north korea released images of leader kim jong un inspecting what it said was a hydrogen bomb ready to be put on top of an intercontinental ballistic missile --- the type of weapon the country would need to deliver a nuclear warhead to far-away locations like the united states.the test prompted a sunday afternoon national security meeting at the white house... with both trump and the vice president in attendance.secretary james mattis"we made clear that we have the ability to defend ourselves and our allies, south korea and japan. from any attack, and our commitment among the allies are ironclad. any threat to the united states or its territories, including guam or our allies will be met with a massive military response."new
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sanctions are already in the works.treasury secretary steven mnuchin spoke about those plans on sunday.steven mnuchin, treasury secretary: "i'm gonna draft a sanctions package to send to the president for his strong consideration that anybody that wants to do trade or business with them would be prevented from doing trade or business with us. we are going to work with our allies, we'll work with china, but people need to cut off north korea economically. this is unacceptable behavior."an emergency u-n security council meeting will be held monday morning in response to north korea's latest nuclear test. i'm melisa raney reporting. (tiffany) that was melisa raney reporting. japanese officials say the bomb used on sunday sent tremors across the region that were 10 times more powerful than pyongyang's previous test a year ago. while the type of bomb used and its size remain
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unverified, if true, north being able to launch a nuclear warhead at the u-s mainland. (tiffany)eight-hundred thousand undocumented immigrants await news of possible policy change. president trump's decision on the deferred action for childhood arrivals program should be official within 48-hours.john lorinc reports. the "dream" may soon be over for nearly a million people living in america."it's a very, very tough subject. we are going to deal with daca with heart."president trump is expected to announce an end to the deferred action for childhood arrivals program on tuesday, according to four sources who are familiar with trump's thinking. the plan would have daca repealed in six months.if repealed, that means many undocumented immigrants who arrived in the country as children could lose protection from deportation. "i came to the u.s. with my family in 2005 as a 12-year-old." "so i came here in 2004, i was like 9-years-old." president obama put the policy in place five
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years ago through executive order.sen. jeff flake/r-arizona "there are 800-thousand daca kids. kids who are brought across the border. the median age i think is six years old for those 800-thousand when they came across the border. they should not be punished for the sins of their parents." two sources familiar with trump's plan say he hopes to give congress six months to legislate a formal replacement for daca sarah huckabee sanders/white house press secretary"the president's priorities on immigration are to create a system that encourages legal immigration and benefits our economy and american workers." steven mnuchin/treasury secretary "this is a complicated issue and something i'm sure that the president will consider carefully as it relates to the economic impact." senator bernie sanders says if the president ends daca, it "will be one of the ugliest and cruelest decisions ever made by a president in our modern history."and on tuesday, those 800-thousand dreamers will find out whether or not their
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american dreams will be coming to an end.officials from ten states had said that they would give president trump until september 5 to announce an end to the program.i'm john lorinc reporting. (tiffany) there's some optimism in houston, as the city continues the massive clean up from hurricane harvey. you can see here... all the piles of soaked trash people have now piled up in the streets. the city's mayor says 95-percent of houston's electrical grid is operational. and that most businesses will re-open on tuesday. and, in churches, yesterday was a "national day of prayer" for storm victims. from our partners at cnn... sonia moghe has the latest. joel osteen, lakewood church pastor:hope is rising again in our city...."joel osteen's lakewood mega-church, which became a shelter for hundreds of flood victims in houston last week, held its sunday
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mass on this "national day of prayer". churches across the country prayed for those who lost loved ones in the storm-- and the thousands who lost everything.millions of dollars are pouring into the city to help people get back on their feet.volunteers are passing out clothes, food and cleaning supplies at events like this one organized by n-f-l player j-j watt.jj watt: "one of the most important things about today is not a single dollar has been spent yet. all ten semi-trucks were donated, all ten trucks are filled with goods that were donated. these are all volunteers so we haven't even spent a single cent yet and we're already going out and making a big impact." meanwhile, some people are returning home to see the damage left behind. houston's mayor, sylvester turner, says he believes most of the city will be "up and running" this week. .mayor sylvester turner, (d) houston: i suspect on tuesday, many if not most of our businesses will be open. over 95 percent of the city is now dry. and i'm encouraging people to get up and let's get going." (tiffany) coming up.. a hurricane katrina evacuee now living in san francisco shares her story as well as her hopes
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for the people of houston. also, we have some safety tips for navigating the crowded beaches today. and scotland comes to alameda county. we spoke to some people who braved the heat to take part in the festivities. (tiffany) and here's a live look the san mateo-hayward bridge.
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( tiffany ) welcome back. checking in on your morning forecast. (dave)the strong ridge of high pressure that brought two consecutive days of oppressive
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heat to our region will continue to drift off to the east over the next few days. as a result, a cooling trend that began on sunday will continue through midweek. moisture from remnants of tropical storm lidia will produce a slight chance of showers and thunderstorms across mainly southern portions of our region through monday night.
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(tiffany) the l-a tuna fire is being called the biggest fire by acreage in the history of the city of los angeles. governor jerry brown has declared a state of emergency in los angeles county due to the massive brush fire.
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the wildfire is only 15- percent contained. the flames have already burned nearly six-thousand acres, destroyed three homes and shut down a stretch of the two-ten freeway. hundreds of homes have already been evacuated. (sot) (chief ralph terrazas/los angeles fire department): "we still do have some mandatory evacuation zones. the good news is that we've had a thousand people show up to these centers. and we've released 900 of those people. (tiffany) cooling temperatures and calmer winds have provided firefighters some much needed help. but officials warn that the weather could change at a moment's notice. (tiffany) the evacuation orders for all areas surrounding the ponderosa fire in butte county...have been lifted. evacuation orders in the community of feather falls...has also been lifted. the fire has burned over four thousand acres. crews say the flames are 64-percent contained. the fire has destroyed 32 homes and another
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five-hundred homes are threatened. over 15 hundred firefighting personnel are working to put the wildfire out. (tiffany) and in trinity county.... the helena fire as now grown over 74 hundred acres...crews say the fire is only six percent contained. it started wednesday near the town of helena, west of weaverville along highway 299. 72 homes have been destroyed and 60 structures are still threatened. the cause of the fire is still under investigation. (tiffany) a new hampshire couple says there isn't enough being done for hurricane harvey victims with disabilities. they decided to make a big cash donation and are hoping others will do the same. reporter siobhan lopez has more. watching footage from texas after harvey's devastation... you see a lot of people walking to safety.but a hampton woman says disasters
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like this make mobility even more frustrating for people who can't get around without the help of a wheelchair.jim conant/local resident:"e've just been overwhelmed with the destruction going on down in houston. and anita, in particular, wanted to try to do something for people that are facing disabilities."anita conant has been in a wheelchair, unable to move since she was in a car crash in 2005.after some research, she and her husband jim discovered the houston center for independent living... a non-profit that's helped more than one thousand people out of nursing homes.anita decided to donate ten thousand dollars. jim conant/local resident:"and so anita said let's do something, i want to help these people, directly help these people and also bring awareness that there are people out there that have handicaps that are facing bigger challenges than people that are able bodied."she has made charitable donations in the past but wanted this one to be public... hoping others will follow her lead.jim conant/local resident:"we think that this donation is going to go a long ways to
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help a lot of people (tiffany) hurricane harvey made landfall nearly 12 years after what had been considered this country's most devastating storm, hurricane katrina. the impact of that disaster still lingers in the city of new orleans. kron4's maureen kelly talked to a woman who evacuated to san francisco after katrina and says she hopes the people of houston are treated better. i would've loved to of gotten to have gone back i missed new orleans my heart is a new orleansdiane evans fled new orleans with her daughter and 7 year old grandson and now lives in san francisco's tenderloin. we came to san francisco after katrina after we got off the roof we came out heretemporarily but they were no jobs no housing no schools in new orleansthe pictures of the devastation in and around houston is bringing back some bad memories for her. i pray they don't have to go
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through what we went through she felt that those who didn't evacuate before hurricane katrina hit were blamed for what happened to them after. folks said well they should have left. folks didn't have money my daughters car would've made it to baton rouge.people were blame for their condition and by blaming the people you have no trouble just forgetting about them discounting them and i pray that doesn't happen with harvey. she says the government and the groups who were supposed to help victims of katrina let them down...and there was a impact from that neglect.after katrina people started dying because of stress, old people young people dying just dealing with stress but a lot of that stress is on this was unnessary and that's what i hope is not visited on the people of harvey the effects of hurricane katrina is still visable in new orleans, especially in it's demographics. there are 100-thousand fewer african americans living there than before the can go into parts of new orleans today and it looks like
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katrina left last month they refuse to build back up inhe areas that were heavily black she hopes this time around, there's more help to get evacuees back home quickly, so they can begin to rebuild their lives.maureen kelly kron4 news (tiffany) hot weather plus a holiday equals enormous crowds at the coast. but it also means danger if you're not careful. kron four's spencer blake reports from ocean beach where the rip currents... swept a man out to sea this weekend. ocean beach was the place to be sunday - whether you were paddleboardingreadingor enjoying an old-fashioned cook-out."oh man. i haven't seen this place packed in a while, and the weather's pretty much done it."thousands of people came to the shoreso parking was not easy by any stretch of the imagination. cars parked as illegally and creatively as possible, and there was still no room left for more."the parking, it took us a while, look a good 30 minutes to find a good parking spot.""like maybe 20 minutes." "and here's the really annoying part about parking. not only are you waiting for a long time, but there are so many cars that drivers
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inadvertently get stuck going the wrong way in a one-way parking lot, and there's very little room down there to actually turn around."on a more serious note, san francisco firefighters put out a message warning people about rip currents, which can be especially dangerous for an unsuspecting out-of-towner. they had to rescue a man who was drowning saturday.remember - don't try to swim against the current.get out of it at 90 degrees.surfers tend to know that bit of safety information.they also say saturday was an even better day on the waves than sunday. "this place was packed. unfortunately there was a little more garbage than i like to see at my local beach." "the waves are pretty mellow compared to how they usually are at ocean beach."families, friends, and pets stuck around until sunset.nobody seemed to want to go home."we've been playing with the waves and splashing."but the labor day weekend isn't over yetwhich means there are a few more footballs to throwand a couple more bacon-wrapped hot dogs to enjoy where surf meets ocean beach in san francisco, spencer blake, kroon four news (tiffany) atendance at scottish
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games in pleasanton this weekend took a hit because of the hot weather. kron four's philippe djegal was at the alameda county fairgrounds... and tells us how people tried to stay cool. (philippe)nats- bagpipes the sights and sounds of scotland...nats- fierce competition...nats- "deliciousness" and, delectable traditional scottish food...nats- "here comes the fish." an inticing spectacle that for more than a century and a half now has drawn thousands from around the bay area.evan mulch/visiting from aptos- "good food, good drinks and good people." but with temperatures, again, surpassing 100-degrees... the mulch's from aptos, say their number one priority is making sure their two-month old daughter doesn't overheat. kayla mulch/visiting from aptos- "she can't regulate her heat very well right now, so we put an ice pack underneath her, so she's fine right now." nats- "i'll request the ambulances on cnet." alameda county paramedics were on standby at the fairgrounds in pleasanton in case of any emergencies... dawn narry says, during the two-day event, at least a dozen people were treated for heat
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exhaustion. some had to be taken to hospitals.dawn narry/paramedic- "try and educate them is the hugest thing, and try to get them to remember that alcohol is not an exchange for water."charles mckinven/caledonian club of san francisco- "(philippe) who would have expected it to be so hot on september 3rd. (charles) certainly not anybody that's here and wearing eight yards of kilts." charles mckinven is chief of the caledonian club of san francisco... the organization that sponsors this event. mckinven says attendance is down this year. charles mckinven/caledonian club of san francisco- "we probably are down about 15, maybe 20-percent." but those who did make the trip, like the mulch's, took advantage of the shade, misters, and mesh screens to block the sun...evan mulch/visiting from aptos- "it's a mixture of coming inside and outside, because all the buildings are a/c'd, so go in there and cool off a little bit." then head back outside... catch some of the performances on stage and the athletes putting on a show. in pleasanton, philippe djegal, kron four news. (tiffany) and make sure you have the kron4 mobile app to track the weather. we will also let you know when breaking news happens in your neighborhoods - through push alerts. the app is free to
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download. ( tiffany ) and a reminder... that the lake merritt bart station will be closed for one more day while crews work on the tracks. the closure will impact customers traveling on the warm springs, dublin/pleasant on, and oakland airport lines. bart will instead provide free buses for riders with tickets to connect to other stations. but -- expect about a 30- minute delay. the station will re-open tomorrow. (tiffany) and here's a live look outside... at the golden gate bridge. hollywood minute coming up after the break.
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(tiffany) welcome back to the kron four morning news. time for entertainment news, beginning with video of a hollywood superstar who's melting hearts -- with some help from a canine companion. david daniel has that and more in the hollywood minute. (nat)"captain america" --
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taken down by a dog! chris evans recently returned from "10 long weeks" filming away from home, and his puppy, dodger, was very happy to see him. evans posted the clip on twitter, where it received hundreds of thousands of "likes" within hours."i've learned more about humiliation in the past few weeks than i'd hoped i would in a lifetime." from humiliation to celebration! "the queen" star claire foy is getting the royal treatment: the actress has been named the 20-17 britannia british artist of the year. she'll pick up her prize october 27th at the british academy britannia awards in los angeles... two weeks after her latest movie, "breathe," opens in limited release."who is this woman?" "she's my, um, secretary, sir." (nat) "she's, she's a very good secretary."warner brothers is celebrating despite the summer slump at the box office. warner topped all other major studios for the season, with 790-million
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dollars in domestic grosses, led by "wonder woman"... christopher nolan's world war two epic "dunkirk"... and the hit horror prequel "annabelle: creation," a trio that made the other studios' summers even scarier. in hollywood, i'm david daniel. (tiffany) and here's a live look outside... at the bay bridge toll plaza.
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( tiffany ) now lets get a check of weather with dave spahr. (dave)the strong ridge of high pressure that brought two consecutive
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days of oppressive heat to our region will continue to drift off to the east over the next few days. as a result, a cooling trend that began on sunday will continue through midweek. moisture from remnants of tropical storm lidia will produce a slight chance of showers and thunderstorms across mainly southern portions of our region through monday night.
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(tiffany) as north korea races to develop missiles that can threaten the united states... the u-s has a last line of defense. it's in a remote part of alaska. reporter kyung lah got rare access to those ground-based interceptors... and some of what the nation's leaders have planned. this is america's final shieldthe last and only protection against an incoming north korean nuclear missile. housed deep underground in the heart of alaska's wilderness at fort greely about 150 miles north of fairbanks. the heavily armed 49th missile defense battalion secures 38
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missile silos dotting a landscape frigid even in late summer. the tip barely revealing what lies beneath we're allowed rare access to bring you up close to america's 38 ground based missile interceptors, or gbi's. lt. col. orlando ortega, commander of the 49th missile defense, strategic missile defense command: "this is what will be launched out of ft. greely to intercept any threat coming in to the defended homeland."kyung lah/reporting: "the key piece of equipment is right here."lt. col. orlando ortega, commander of the 49th missile defense, strategic missile defense command: "the kill vehicle is right there, towards the top."the kill vehicle to take down any potential intercontinental ballistic missile coming to the u-s., including from north korea - which the u.s. could face in the future. here's how it worksnorth korea launchesnats: "impact location is los angeles. we are engaging the threat at this time."instantly activating a secured room in fort greely.what you're seeing now is a drill de-classified so we can show you generally how the ground based interceptors work to protect the u-s. col. kevin kick/brigade commander 100 missile defense brigade: "as the alarms would go off, what
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you'd see is those white shells (points) that you see behind us would separate extremely quickly. and then immediately you'd see a flash of flame as that gbi would loseleave the tube at a really incredible rate of speed."outside the earth's atmosphere -in space - if it works - the interceptor kills the incoming nuclear weapon. major: "we train to shoot a bullet at a bullet and destroy it so it doesn't destroy us." kyung lah/reporting: "have the drills this year taken on a new meaning?"major: "what that does is it just makes it more real for us. now i've got a leader of a foreign country who says i'm going to take my missile and i'm going to kill your citizens with it."kyung lah/reporting: "what kind of confidence do you have if north korea launches a missile that this system will work? col. kevin kick/brigade commander 100 missile defense brigade: "i have 100 percent confidence that the system will work."that's despite a 60 percent success rate. out of 18 test launches the interceptors have only struck its target 10 times in
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controlled launches. sen. dan sullivan/(r) alaska: "just because we've had some failures, doesn't mean we're not learning."alaska senator dan sullivan believes the interceptors are still america's best shot as a last defense as north korea rapidly moves closer to being able to strike the u-s mainland introducing a bill boosting the number of missiles to a total of 72 studying the possibility of 100 missile far - a cost of $40 billion to taxpayers. sen. dan sullivan/(r) alaska: "i think doing nothing, doing ánothingá in the face of this threat, when we clearly have capability to make sure we have a very protected homeland is not an acceptable option and i think most americans would agree with me on that." (tiffany) that was kyung lah reporting. north korea fired a missile over japan last week. president trump has warned pyongyang that "all options are on the table." (tiffany) last night, burning man organizers held the traditional temple burn... which signals the end of the 9-day festival... this after a man died after running
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into the flames of the burning tower saturday. the man who died is 41-year old aaron joel mitchell. authorities say he ran through two-layers of security officers into the fire. mitchell was rescued by firefighters and then airlifted to the burn center at u-c davis hospital, where he died. doctors confirmed mitchell wasn't under the influence of alcoholbut that a toxicology report is pending as part of the investigation. about 70-thousand people attended this years festival about 100 miles north of reno. ( tiffany) walter becker...the guitarist, bassist and co-founder of steely dan...has died. he passed away sunday at the age of 67, according to his personal website. no word as to the cause of his death becker co-founded steely dan with singer donald fagen in 19-72. they went on to produce a string of major hits in the 70s and early 80s, including "reelin' in the years", "do it again" and
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"rikki don't lose that number." steely dan was inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame in 2001. in a statement first reported by rolling stone, fagen says he intends to keep the music he and becker created together alive as long as he can. (tiffany) as the summer comes to an unoffical close this labor day... officials have some recommendations for those who will be barbecuing today. kron4's hermela arigawi tells us how to stay safe. staying safe while barbequing this labor day officials say.. it only takes one mistake to start a deadly fire.tip number one.. keep at least three feet around the barbequing area.. tracey chin/oakland fire dept batallion chiefplease please please not on a wooden deck and also enough distance away from home and also not under any covering of your if anything should happenw here the bbq gets out of control and flames up and flares up then its not going to extend to your home officials say also allow time
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after you initially start the fire rather than adding more fuel. tracey chin/oakland fire dept batallion chiefsometimes what they do is they dont see that flame right away so theyll relight it again so they'll bring that ignition source back over or theyll also pour more lighter fluid and that usually creates some significant issues where theyll have a flare up and let coal and equipment cool down before you put it away or throw it away. (tiffany) months after a bridge in big sur was demolished... construction on a new one continues. new video showing the progress is up next. (tiffany) and here's a live look outside... at the
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work is underway to reconstruct big sur's pfeiffer canyon bridge... that crumbled in last winter's storms. but the project is running behind. reporter caitlin conrad has details on the tight schedule to get all the work done.... seeing the 900-ton steel girders spanning pfeiffer canyon is awe-inspiring. pulling the bridge across was no easy feat.this time-lapse video from caltrans shows the week's worth of work it took to pull the bridge across inch by inch -- a first for caltrans.voice of david galarza, california department of transportation: "we've never taken a fully-assembled bridge, the girders, and launch them longitudinally from one side of a canyon or an obstruction to the other side."now that they've reached the south side, the next step is to lower the bridge into place. caitlin conrad, reporter: "to give you some scale on just how big that job
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is: i am about 5'6", and they need to bring this bridge down 18 feet to the concrete abutments."crews are using a combination of timber cribs and hydraulic jacks and will seesaw the bridge down until the girders are finally secure. the 24-million-dollar project is being executed on an expedited schedule, and while it's running a bit behind, caltrans hopes to open the bridge in early october. david galarza, california department of transportation: "we're going to work all weekend -- again -- and, in fact, we'll be working on labor day, as well, and just continue on through until the project is done. there is no more... there's no days off until it's done." (tiffany) after nine and a half months in space -- american astronaut peggy wilson came back to earth this weekend. her return marks the end of a record-breaking flight that moved her into first place for u.s. space endurance. wilson spent 288 days off-planet on this mission alone -- and her 665 total space days is the most for any american and any other woman worldwide. the
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57-year old also set a record for world's oldest spacewoman -- on her 10th spacewalk. she says she's happy to get back to showers and pizza...but will miss the feeling of weightlessness. coming up you may have noticed a larger police prescense in the south bay this afternoon... we'll explain why in people behaving badly after the break. (tiffany) live look outside... at the san francisco international airport.
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now lets get a check of weather with dave spahr. (dave)the strong ridge of high
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pressure that brought two consecutive days of oppressive heat to our region will continue to drift off to the east over the next few days. as a result, a cooling trend that began on sunday will continue through midweek. moisture from remnants of tropical storm lidia will produce a slight chance of showers and thunderstorms across mainly southern portions of our region through monday night.
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(tiffany) this past week there were a lot of motorcycle cops pulling over drivers in los altos hills, saratoga and cupertino. stanley roberts was there for the 5- hour traffic crackdown. traffic officers from different cities in santa clara count y hit the streets looking for all forms of bad behavior from everything from drivers to pedestrians and anything in between nats: ambiance for instance, see this black mercedes making a turn into homestead school in cupertino from the outside lane that a big no-no, the driver should have waited in line like everyone so sgt gonzalez from the santa clara county sheriffs office will have a chat with him when you were coming this way and you made the right turn what lane
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were you in and big rigs drivers not following the seatbelt law do you wear your seat belt normally there was also a truck checkpoint where trucks were given the once over for safety this truck and trailer was taken out of service because the driver while he had a license it wasn't the right type.sir where out here doing truck inspections today do you have your drivers license, registrations, and insurance as you may well know school is back in session and during the first month it can be chaotic .this driver was stopped outside kennedy middle school so when you came out of driver way school right here tere's a sign posted it's a right turn only between 7 and 9 in the morning the reason why you had to wait for so long you were blocking .. you did see it that big sign posted right there in the entrance at one point a resident flagged us down éa few more minutes and it will be almost to that corner and then they will be turning around in the middle of the street this is her complaint as parents drop off there kids they make a u-turn which by it self is not illegal unless there a another car approaching less that 200 feet away sir the reason why i stopped you when you made the u-turn there, remember the u turn . no english and then just outside apple on de anza
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pedestrians ignoring the don't' walk signals . this is grup of people crossing against the light everybody here from the grey jacket everyone stopped were issued tickets for ignoring a pedestrian signal . well almost everyone . this guy sorta slipped through the cracks heard mentality you see the group going there will be more crackdowns in santa clara county so my suggestion always follow the rules . then you won't have anything to worry about in santa clara county stanley roberts kron 4 news (tiffany)153 hikers in oregon stranded overnight near the site of two wildfires have all been safely rescued.members of the national guard dropped water and supplies to the hikers to hold them over until help could safely arrive.some of the hikers are recalling their close encounter.jennifer dowling reports. (no transcript provided)oc: "...a little camera shy right
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(tiffany)officials say it's likely the three thousand acre eagle creek fire was caused by the misuse of fireworks.oregon state police have a suspect, but have not released a name. (tiffany) and next. a dine and dish worthy of a
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toast. vicki liviakis takes us to carneros ... for a celebration of all things bubbly.
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(tiffany) if you have ever taken a drive through wine country between napa and sonoma ... you might see a huge chateau on a hill... it's called domaine carneros. if you've ever wondered what's inside... in this edition of dine and dish - kron4's vicki liviakis pops the cork and gives us a peek. nothing says party like popping and pouring a bottle of bubbly.(tourists) someone likes their champagne? oh yes, the le reve. and the glasses are empty! champagne - sparkling wine. no matter what you call it - it's the beverage of celebrations. not that you need an excuse.(tourist) oh yes, happy as long it's pink. here at domaine carneros, visitors from all over come to celebrate the grape. peggy is our effervescent hostess.(hostess peggy) i'm the queen of
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bubbles. the queen of bubbles will pop and pour to your heart's content...and dispense some wine wisdom along with it. on the terrace - nestled between rows of vineyards - people sip and soak up the scenery.(tourist) the sparkling wine and the warm weather... champagne and caviar make a great combo. czar nicolai caviar is from california. local rates high here.(tourist) california style sparkling wine it's probably in my opinion to french champagne. for the record - champagne is the name of a region in france where sparkling wine is produced. as for the fizz, there's a staggering 49 million bubbles in a bottle of champagne (vicki) call it champagne or sparkling wine... some people just call it bubbles... and that's worthy of a sonoma, vicki liviakis kron 4 news.
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(tiffany) if you have a restaurant, bistro, cafe or bar... you want featured on 'dine and dish'. you can send an email to dine and dish at kron 4 dot com .... or head to our website... and fill out the submission form.. you can also check out our new 'dine and dish' facebook page. (tiffany) one maine lobsterman has seen blue lobsters, half orange lobsters.... but he had never seen a lobster that looked like this before. alex todd says it was "definitely weird" when he saw the ghostly, pale blue creature in his trap. he took the pictures of the lobster before tossing it back in the ocean. todd says the lobster was an egg-bearing female... those are off limits to fishermen. (tiffany) coming up... with huge crowds expected to head to the beaches today... we'll have some tips on how to stay safe and sane this labor day. and protesters take to the streets in anticipation of trump's expected daca announcement this week. we'll have live report from lydia pantazes in the east bay.
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and bart service remains shut down at one east bay station... we'll give you some other transportation options for getting around today.
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( lydia ) the president is set to make a decision that could impact nearly a million people in the u-s illegally. i will have reaction in a live report. ( dave ) and i will have your labor day forecast coming up. ( tiffany ) good morning i'm tiffany mcelroy( mark ) and i'm mark danon. lets start the morning with a check of weather with dave spahr...
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(dave)the strong ridge of high pressure that brought two consecutive days of oppressive heat to our region will continue to drift off to the east over the next few days. as a result, a cooling trend that began on sunday will continue through midweek. moisture from remnants of tropical storm lidia will produce a slight chance of showers and thunderstorms across mainly southern portions of our region through monday night. ( mark ) now lets get a check of the bridges... taking a live look at the san mateo bridge. ( mark ) and here is a
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live look at the bay bridge. ( mark ) now to the richmond bridge. ( mark ) and the golden gate bridge. ( mark ) our top story this morning...president trump is expected to announce that he will end the "dreamers" program.( tiffany ) the program known as "daca" granted work permits to undocumented immigrants who arrived in the country as children.( mark ) kron 4's lydia pantazes is live in berkeley where a rally will be held later this afternoon to oppose the president's plan. lydia. ( lydia )
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"this is the country that they know as their home they grew up here. they are for all intensive purposes are americans and we should be embracing them and they're trying to get their education, they are trying to start their careers. they are trying to start families and they have to worry about whether they are going to get deported to a country that they may not even know very well. we have kids that get deported to say mexico that dont know spanish because they grew up here and
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didn't learn spanish from their parents.:" ( mark ) thanks lydia. we will check back with you through out the morning. ( tiffany ) apple ceo tim cooks says he is standing by hundreds of apple immigrant employees brought to the united states. cooks says those employees came to the u-s as children shielded from deportation by daca. daca...has allowed nearly 800- thousand immigrants who were brought to the country illegally as kids... to remain in the u.s. and legally work. ( mark ) happening today... there are safety warnings out this morning if you are heading to the beach.( tiffany ) this comes after rip currents swept a man out to sea over the weekend. kron 4's will tran is live at ocean beach this morning with the details. will. ( will )ocean beach was the place to be sunday - whether you were paddleboardin
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greadingor enjoying an old-fashioned cook-out. thousands of people came to the shoreso parking was not easy by any stretch of the parked as illegally and creatively as possible, and there was still no room left for more.on a more serious note, san francisco firefighters put out a message warning people about rip currents, which can be especially dangerous for an unsuspecting out-of-towner. they had to rescue a man who was drowning saturday.remember - don't try to swim against the current.get out of it at 90 degrees.surfers tend to know that bit of safety information.they also say saturday was an even better day on the waves than sunday.
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( tiffany ) thanks will. we will check back with you through out the morning. ( mark ) happening today... hundreds of people in the east bay will join workers in more than 300 cities to march in a labor day strike. the workers say they will be stressing their demand for union rights. the protests
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will be conducted by the same people who marched for a 15-dollar minimum wage in california. today's march will start at 9:00 at the mcdonald's on jackson street in oakland. ( mark ) happening now... crews are battling a fire in gilroy. this is video was sent to us by a kron four viewer. the fire is burning near bally bunion court and eagle ridge court. the fire has burned about 10 to 15 acres. there are no reports of any injuries or buildings being threatened. ( tiffany ) police arrested a man accused of attacking a bart passenger with a knife in oakland. it happened saturday night on a pittsburg-bay point train. officers were already on scene when the train arrived at the west oakland station. police arrested 23-year-old jayeddy davis after a brief chase. davis was already on active probation and was booked into the glenn dyer jail in oakland. the victim was injured in the attack but is expected to be okay. ( tiffany ) a fire burning in southern california is being called the biggest fire in the history of the city of
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los angeles. governor jerry brown has declared a state of emergency in los angeles county due to the massive brush fire. the flames have already burned nearly six-thousand acres, destroyed three homes and shut down a stretch of the two-ten freeway. hundreds of homes have already been evacuated.
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threatened. over 15 hundred firefighting personnel are currently working to put the wildfire out. ( mark ) and in trinity county.... the helena fire as now grown to more than 74 hundred acres. it is only 6 percent contained this morning.. it started wednesday near the town of helena, west of weaverville along highway 299. 72 homes have been destroyed and 60 structures are still threatened. the cause of the fire is under investigation. ( tiffany ) north korea carries out another nuclear test and u-s military officials say this is the biggest one yet.( mark ) north korean officials say they have now developed an advanced hydrogen bomb that could sit atop an intercontinental ballistic missile.( tiffany ) melisa raney has the latest. reporter:"mr. president, will you attack north korea?" president trump:"we'll see." "we'll see"... those words from the commander-in-chief on sunday following major news out of north korea... president trump hinting that a retaliatory military strike could be on the table after the rogue nation's largest
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nuclear test yet. the president took to twitter sunday morning,saying north korea's words and actions "continue to be very hostile and dangerous to the united states."the test came just hours after north korea released images of leader kim jong un inspecting what it said was a hydrogen bomb ready to be put on top of an intercontinental ballistic missile --- the type of weapon the country would need to deliver a nuclear warhead to far-away locations like the united states.the test prompted a sunday afternoon national security meeting at the white house... with both trump and the vice president in attendance.secretary james mattis"we made clear that we have the ability to defend ourselves and our allies, south korea and japan. from any attack, and our commitment among the allies are ironclad. any threat to the united states or its territories, including guam or our allies will be met with a massive military response."new sanctions are already in the works.treasury secretary steven mnuchin spoke about those plans on sunday.steven mnuchin, treasury secretary: "i'm gonna draft a sanctions package to send to the president for his strong consideration that anybody that wants to do trade or business with them would be prevented from doing trade or business with us. we are going to work with our allies, we'll work with china, but people need to cut off north korea economically. this is unacceptable behavior."an emergency u-n security council meeting will be held monday
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morning in response to north korea's latest nuclear test. i'm melisa raney reporting. ( tiffany ) and a reminder... that the lake merritt bart station will be closed for one more day while crews work on the tracks. the closure will impact customers traveling on the warm springs, dublin/pleasant on, and oakland airport lines. bart will instead provide free buses for riders with tickets to connect to other stations. but -- expect about a 30- minute delay. the station will re-open tomorrow. ( tiffany ) still ahead on the kron four morning news... cleanup efforts are underway in texas following hurricane harvey. see the long road
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ahead for the people of texas and after the break... people are not the only ones dealing with the heat. see the steps bay area shelters are taking to keep animals safe from the heat.( dave ) and i will check your bay area forecast coming up (dave)warm not as hot today, your forecast is next ! (burke) at farmers, we've seen almost everything
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so we know how to cover almost anything. even a swing set standoff.
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and we covered it, july first, twenty-fifteen. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ fitting into my skinny jeans ♪again? that's cool. feeling good in slim fit? that's cool. looking fabulous in my little black dress? that's cool. getting the body you want without surgery, needles, or downtime? that's coolsculpting. coolsculpting is the only fda-cleared non-invasive treatment that targets and freezes away stubborn fat cells. visit today and register for a chance to win a free treatment. ( tiffany ) animal
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shelters here in the bay area are doing what they can to try and keep their animals safe from the heat. this is video from the humane society of the north bay in vallejo. they put sheets on the fences to block the sun. then they spray those sheets with water to keep the animals cool. they also put pools out for the dogs. they've even given their animals popsicles to stay cool. the director said some of the small dogs are in the air conditioning but they have a special system for the others.
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constantly dripping into the kennel so it keeps the kennel temps lower. if the heat continues to rise then we will spray the tops of the roofs down every 15 minutes or so to help minimize the heat inside the kennel space. >( tiffany ) officials at the shelter say you shouldn't walk your dogs on the concrete or asphault during this hot weather. they also warn against leaving your dogs in the car without the windows open. ( mark ) ( darya ) welcome back to the kron 4 morning news. let's get a check of the forecast with james fletcher. (dave)the strong ridge of high
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pressure that brought two consecutive days of oppressive heat to our region will continue to drift off to the east over the next few days. as a result, a cooling trend that began on sunday will continue through midweek. moisture from remnants of tropical storm lidia will produce a slight chance of showers and thunderstorms across mainly
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( mark ) now lets get a check of the bridges... taking a live look at the san mateo bridge. ( mark ) and here is a live look at the bay bridge. ( mark ) now to the richmond bridge. ( mark ) and the golden gate bridge. ( tiffany ) this moring people in texas are cleaning up after hurricane harvey.( mark ) most of the businesses in houston are
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expected to reopen tomorrow.( tiffany ) kristen holmes has the latest from texas. good morning we're here in kingwood, texas where the cleaning up process has really just begun. you can see behind me here there are piles of trash, furniture, debris, insulation-- these are people's lives-- and this is just unique to this neighborhood. we've seen it street after street. this is what these communities are dealing with now and probably for the next days, weeks. months-- even years. --pkg-- with ninety-five percent of the city finally dry-- houston is beginning the long process of cleaning up...healing... and rebuilding"i lost everything from my hosue- all my efforts for seven years-- all my things-- my children's things-- i lost everything" many victims of hurricane harvey attended church sunday for the first time since the storm hit"so god gave us a storm"while celebrities lent a helping hand harry connick jr. / entertainer: "all my friends in houston, i'm gonna let it shine..."singer harry connick
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jr. entertaining evacuees at a houston convention center. saturday-- president trump and the first lady visiting areas of storm ravaged texas and lousianapresident trump handed out hugs pres donald trump/saturday/h ouston: "really, i think people appreciate what's been done. it's been done very efficiently, very well and that's what we want. we're very happy with the way everything's going. there's a lot of love, a lot of love." but it's a long road to recovery---the city of beaumont finally getting running water-- but officials warn residents may have to continue to boil it before use for another monthand with the start of the school year just around the corner-- up to fifteen thousand students could be displaced-- with nearly two hundred schools reporting damage.harvey could be one of the most expensive disasters in us history.the white house has asked for a nearly eight billion dollars in disaster greg abbott/-r- texas: "it is very clear, the president has made it clear, congress is making it clear, this is just a down payment//we have over five million people who are affected by this. it's not just the flood in houston. it is the hurricane swath all the way from corpus christi over to beaumont. so, it's gonna require even more than what was funded for katrina, which
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was about 120 billion dollars." ( mark ) about 70 dogs and cats have been flown to the bay area from texas. a shelter in austin needed help finding homes for the animals it already had in order to make room for the large number of pets that were lost in the storm. crews brought in 50 dogs and 20 cats. 4 different bay area crews are working together to find these animals a home. thos groups include the san francisco s-p-ca... and charlie's acres of sonoma who donated the private jet to bring the animals to california.
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probably belong to people. so it was challenging to leave so many behind but knowing that they probably have families and knowing that there's more work to do.">( mark ) these pets should be available for adoption by the end of next week. if you want to help foster or adopt you can find a list of the participating orginizations on kron 4 dot com. ( mark ) and some bay area firefighters who are in texas helping with the recovery efforts my soon be deployed to florida. officials fear that hurricane irma could target florida later this week as it moves through the caribbean. right now... fire fighters from south san francisco... san mateo... palo alto... san jose and menlo park are all in texas waiting to find out if they will be sent to florida. ( mark ) if you want to help the victims of hurricane harvey -- you can make a donation to the red cross. you can donate ten dollars by texting the word harvey to 90-999... you can also log on to the red cross's website:
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red-cross-dot-org. ( tiffany ) still ahead on the kron four morning news... see the new project on bart and how it is meant to make the tracks safer. and next... millions of people across the country will be barbecuing today. the warnings from bay area firefighters after the break. and here's a live look outside... bay bridge.
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all hail...those who flail. everybody stumbles, but some of us do it well. there's a little klutz in all of us. that's why we made clorox splash-less bleach... ...splashless. shine on, klutzes. shine on.
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when i walked through for a cigarette, that's when i knew i had to quit. for real this time. that's why i'm using nicorette. only nicorette gum has patented dual-coated technology for great taste, plus intense craving relief. every great why needs a great how. ♪ ( tiffany ) happening
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today if you are one of the people who will be out barbecuing fire officials have some safety tips for you.( mark ) kron4's hermela arigawi has the details. staying safe while barbequing this labor day officials say.. it only takes one mistake to start a deadly fire.tip number one.. keep at least three feet around the barbequing area..tracey chin/oakland fire dept batallion chiefplease please please not on a wooden deck and also enough distance away from home and also not under any covering of your if anything should happenw here the bbq gets out of control and flames up and flares up then its not going to extend to your home officials say also allow time after you initially start the fire rather than adding more fuel. tracey chin/oakland fire dept batallion chiefsometimes what they do is they dont see that flame right away so theyll relight it again so they'll bring that ignition source back over or theyll
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also pour more lighter fluid and that usually creates some significant issues where theyll have a flare up and let coal and equipment cool down before you put it away or throw it away. ( mark ) still ahead ( mark ) ( mark ) still ahead on the kron 4 morning news... president trump is set to end one of president obama's signature immigration policies. how it could impact nearly a million undocumented immigrants. ( dave ) your bay area forecast is next. (dave)warm not as hot today, your forecast is next !
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i don't want to lie down. i refuse to lie down. why suffer? stand up to chronic migraine with botox® botox® is the only treatment for chronic migraine shown to actually prevent headaches and migraines before they even start. botox® is for adults with chronic migraine, 15 or more headache days a month each lasting 4 hours or more. it's injected by a doctor once every 12 weeks. and is covered by most insurance. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing,
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speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don't take botox® if there's a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. for a limited time, you can qualify for two treatments at no cost. stand up to chronic migraine. talk to a headache specialist today. ( mark )(tiffany) welcome
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back to the kron four morning news... lets start the half hour with a check of weather and traffic... (dave)the strong ridge of high pressure that brought two consecutive days of oppressive heat to our region will continue to drift off to the east over the next few days. as a result, a cooling trend that began on sunday will continue through midweek. moisture from remnants of tropical storm lidia will produce a slight chance of showers and
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thunderstorms across mainly southern portions of our region through monday night. ( mark ) now lets get a check of the bridges... taking a live look at the bridge. ( mark ) and here is a live look at the bay bridge. ( mark ) now to the richmond bridge.
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( mark ) and the golden gate bridge. ( mark ) our top story this morning... president trump is planning on ending a program that protects nearly a million immigrants who came to the u-s illegaly as children.( tiffany ) the president is expected to make the decision official tomorrow. john lawrence has the details. the "dream" may soon be over for nearly a million people living in america."it's a very, very tough subject. we are going to deal with daca with heart."president trump is expected to announce an end to the deferred action for childhood arrivals program on tuesday, according to four sources who are familiar with trump's thinking. the plan would have daca repealed in six months.if repealed, that means many undocumented immigrants who arrived in the country as children could lose protection from deportation. "i came to the u.s. with my family in 2005 as a
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12-year-old." "so i came here in 2004, i was like 9-years-old." president obama put the policy in place five years ago through executive order.sen. jeff flake/r-arizona "there are 800-thousand daca kids. kids who are brought across the border. the median age i think is six years old for those 800-thousand when they came across the border. they should not be punished for the sins of their parents." two sources familiar with trump's plan say he hopes to give congress six months to legislate a formal replacement for daca sarah huckabee sanders/white house press secretary"the president's priorities on immigration are to create a system that encourages legal immigration and benefits our economy and american workers." steven mnuchin/treasury secretary "this is a complicated issue and something i'm sure that the president will consider carefully as it relates to the economic impact." senator bernie sanders says if the president ends daca, it "will be one of the ugliest and cruelest decisions ever made by a president in our modern history."and on tuesday, those 800-thousand dreamers will
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find out whether or not their american dreams will be coming to an end.officials from ten states had said that they would give president trump until september 5 to announce an end to the program.i'm john lorinc reporting. ( mark ) police arrested a mother for hitting her children at a bart station. police say 28-year-old cherrelle mcmillion of oakland was drunk at the macarthur station saturday afternoon. witnesses say mcmillion punched and slapped her 9- year-old daughter and pushed her 22-month old toddler. mcmillion was arrested and booked into the santa rita jail on charges of of public intoxication and injury to a child. her children are now staying with other family members. ( mark ) bart is about to get 9-million dollars for two security projects meant to protect the system from potential threats. the biggest chunk of the money.. about 7-point-5 million dollars... will go to plans to protect the transbay tube. the rest of the money will be used to form an 8 member team to patrol the "critical asset corridor", which is a
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passageway connecting san francisco and oakland. (tiffany) a man dies after running into the flames of the burning tower at burning man. the man who died is 41-year old aaron joel mitchell. authorities say he ran through two-layers of security officers into the fire. mitchell was rescued by firefighters and then airlifted to the burn center at u-c davis hospital, where he died. doctors confirmed mitchell was ánot under the influence of alcoholbut that a toxicology report is pending as part of the investigation. about 70-thousand people attended this years festival about 100 miles north of reno. (tiffany) crews are doing some impressive work in big sur. they're on a tight schedule to get the pfeiffer canyon bridge project done. caltrans released this time-lapse video. now that crews have reached the south side.. the next step is to lower the bridge into place. caltrans hopes to have the 24- million dollar project done by early next month.
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weekend -- again -- and, in fact, we'll be working on labor day, as well, and just continue on through until the project is done. there is no more... there's no days off until it's done.">(tiffany) once the bridge is lowered into place... crews still have more work to do. they'll still have to add rebar and pour more than 500 cubic yards of concrete. ( mark ) this morning we are learning what advice president obama offered president trump before leaving office. c-n-n obtained the copy of a letter that president obama left for president trump in the white house. mr. obama urged the president to build opportunities for the less fortunate. the letter also said that the u-s is key to sustaining the international order - and it should be maintained through action and example. and finally, mr. obama advised president trump to take time for family and friends... because they'll help him get through rough patches. shortly after the inauguration... president trump said he appreciated the letter from president obama, calling it "long, complex and thoughtful". ( mark ) prince william and the duchess of cambridge are expecting their third
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child. kensington palace says the queen is delighted by the news. but the duchess is suffering from severe morning sickness... so she couldn't carry out her engagements today. william and kate already have two children... prince george and princess charlotte. (tiffany) coming up on the kron four morning news... rebuiling after hurricane harvey. what the local sikh community is doing to help out.( mark ) and later... surviving hurricane katrina. an evacuee starts a new life in san francisco. what she hopes the victims of harvey are getting... that she didn'tl (tiffany) and after the break... reunited with his best friend. the sweet video posted by actor chris evans... that will make you say "awww." and here's a live look outside...bay bridge.
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copd makes it hard to breathe. so to breathe better, i go with anoro. ♪go your own way copd tries to say, "go this way." i say, "i'll go my own way" with anoro. ♪go your own way once-daily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators, that work together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. anoro is not for asthma . it contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. the risk is unknown in copd. anoro won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, high blood pressure, glaucoma, prostate, bladder, or urinary problems. these may worsen with anoro. call your doctor if you have worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain while taking anoro. ask your doctor about anoro. ♪go your own way get your first prescription
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free at ( tiffany ) in
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entertainment news... captain america gets taken down by a puppy.( mark ) david daniel has that and more in the hollywood minute. (nat)"captain america" -- taken down by a dog! chris evans recently returned from "10 long weeks" filming away from home, and his puppy, dodger, was very happy to see him. evans posted the clip on twitter, where it received hundreds of thousands of "likes" within hours."i've learned more about humiliation in the past few weeks than i'd hoped i would in a lifetime." from humiliation to celebration! "the queen" star claire foy is getting the royal treatment: the actress has been named the 20-17 britannia british artist of the year. she'll pick up her prize october 27th at the british academy britannia awards in los angeles... two weeks after her latest movie, "breathe," opens in limited release."who is this woman?"
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"she's my, um, secretary, sir." (nat) "she's, she's a very good secretary."warner brothers is celebrating despite the summer slump at the box office. warner topped all other major studios for the season, with 790-million dollars in domestic grosses, led by "wonder woman"... christopher nolan's world war two epic "dunkirk"... and the hit horror prequel "annabelle: creation," a trio that made the other studios' summers even scarier. in hollywood, i'm david daniel. (dave) your bay area forecast is after the break. today, we're out here with some big news about type 2 diabetes. you have type 2 diabetes, right? yes. so let me ask you this... how does diabetes affect your heart? it doesn't, does it? actually, it does. type 2 diabetes can make you twice as likely to die from a cardiovascular event,
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like a heart attack or stroke. and with heart disease, your risk is even higher. you didn't know that. no. yeah. but, wait, there's good news for adults who have type 2 diabetes and heart disease. jardiance is the only type 2 diabetes pill with a lifesaving cardiovascular benefit. jardiance is proven to both significantly reduce the chance of dying from a cardiovascular event in adults who have type 2 diabetes and heart disease and lower your a1c. jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration. this may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, or lightheaded, or weak upon standing. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. symptoms include nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, tiredness, and trouble breathing. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of ketoacidosis or an allergic reaction. symptoms of an allergic reaction include rash, swelling, and difficulty breathing or swallowing. do not take jardiance if you are on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. other side effects are sudden kidney problems, genital yeast infections, increased bad cholesterol, and urinary tract infections, which may be serious. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar.
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tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. so now that you know all that, what do you think? that it's time to think about jardiance. ask your doctor about jardiance. and get to the heart of what matters. they must first learn before tto stand out. tall... get everything they need to shine, for less. this week at staples, shop our fifty cent deals. staples. it's pro time. ( mark ) at least 6 people
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are dead after tropical storm lidia hit mexico's baja california south. this is video of the storm making landfall. more than 5 thousand homes will need to be rebuilt due to severe flooding. ( mark ) ( darya )( robin ) checking bay area roads before you head out the door.. (dave)the strong ridge of high pressure that brought two
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consecutive days of oppressive heat to our region will continue to drift off to the east over the next few days. as a result, a cooling trend that began on sunday will continue through midweek. moisture from remnants of tropical storm lidia will produce a slight chance of showers and thunderstorms across mainly southern portions of our region through monday night. ( mark ) now lets ( mark ) now lets get a
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check of the bridges... taking a live look at the san mateo bridge. ( mark ) and here is a live look at the bay bridge. ( mark ) now to the richmond bridge.
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( mark ) and the golden gate bridge. ( mark ) walter becker...the guitarist, bassist and co-founder of steely dan...has died. he passed away sunday at the age of 67, according to his personal website. no word as to the cause of his death becker co-founded steely dan with singer donald fagen in 19-72. they went on to produce a string of major hits in the 70s and early 80s, including "reelin' in the years", "do it again" and "rikki don't lose that number." steely dan was inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame in 2001. in a statement first reported by rolling stone, fagen says he intends to keep the music he and becker created together alive as long as he can. ( tiffany ) that was just one in a series of implosions to demolish the old span of the bay bridge over the weekend.
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the thirteen concrete islands will be destroyed on weekends through november. kron4's jeff pierce was there for the first implosion. saturday morning caltrans prepared for the final steps in removing the remnants of the old eastern span of the bay bridge. the next set of underwater explosions to remove the underwater piers began with clearing the bridge of pedestrians and bicyclists. representatives from the marine mammal center were in place to monitor any harm that might come to any mammals in the bay. so far all the safety mechanisms that they have set up worked because we have not had any injuries or stunnings that we have had to pull out of the water in any previous implosions. the california highway patrol briefly halted traffic on the new eastern span in an abundance of caution. we do this as a caution just to make sure that nobody hears the site implosion and causes a collision of some kind. with everything in place a veil of undersea air bubbles enveloped the two piers just seconds beforethe bay erupted in what appears to have been a successful operation. we'll
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continue to monitor the area over the next couple of hours later in the day we'll go in and do a sonar read of the actual demolition work but from the surface everything looked and appeared to go successfully today. the remaining underwater piers will go through this same process on weekends through the end of the year. we plan to be done by the end of the calendar year and some weekends we will be imploding one two or three of the piers going forward and i think so far the contractor has represented that he will be able to pull that off successfully. at the eastern span of the bay bridge jeff pierce kron four news. ( mark ) hurricane harvey made landfall nearly 12 years after what had been considered this country's most
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devastating storm... hurricane katrina.( tiffany ) the impact of that disaster still lingers in the city of new orleans. kron4's maureen kelly talked to a woman who evacuated here to san francisco after katrina and says she hopes the people of houston are treated better. i would've loved to of gotten to have gone back i missed new orleans my heart is a new orleansdiane evans fled new orleans with her daughter and 7 year old grandson and now lives in san francisco's tenderloin. we came to san francisco after katrina after we got off the roof we came out heretemporarily but they were no jobs no housing no schools in new orleansthe pictures of the devastation in and around houston is bringing back some bad memories for her. i pray they don't have to go through what we went through she felt that those who didn't evacuate before hurricane katrina hit were blamed for what happened to them after. folks said well they should have left. folks didn't have
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money my daughters car would've made it to baton rouge.people were blame for their condition and by blaming the people you have no trouble just forgetting about them discounting them and i pray that doesn't happen with harvey. she says the government and the groups who were supposed to help victims of katrina let them down...and there was a impact from that neglect.after katrina people started dying because of stress, old people young people dying just dealing with stress but a lot of that stress is on this was unnessary and that's what i hope is not visited on the people of harvey the effects of hurricane katrina is still visable in new orleans, especially in it's demographics. there are 100-thousand fewer african americans living there than before the can go into parts of new orleans today and it looks like katrina left last month they refuse to build back up inhe areas that were heavily black time around, there's more help to get evacuees back home quickly, so they can rebuild
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their maureen kelly ( tiffany ) the devastation caused by harvey has motivated the bay area's sikh community to lend a helping hand. ( mark ) kron 4's ella sogomonian explains. sot: karm phagur, bay star trans truck driver// "i travel quite a bit for my job so i figured why not head out there and try to make a difference." truck driver karm phagur figured he travels through texas anyway so what's another 600 miles to houston to deliver goods to flood victims? sot: karm phagur, bay star trans truck driver// "i'll probably be out there a few days extra and help out with whatever i can do and whatever they need me to do."by tuesday his refrigetrated 18 wheeler will be filled with supplies he will hand deliver.the trucking company along with members of the sikh community across the bay area came up with the donation idea as they watched the horrific aftermath of hurricane harvey. sot: gurjeet hothi, hothi freight lines owner// "it was just an idea of some friends we were just sitting together and thinking how fortunate we are we can help the less fortunate and we just got the idea to raise as much stuff as we can to help those victims out
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there."the formal drop off location is this hayward warehouse on industrial parkway but sikh temples across the bay are helping too. they're collecting clothes, diapers, toiletries, food and money that will be shipped off on wednesday. ( mark ) if you want to help the victims of hurricane harvey -- you can make a donation to the red cross. you can donate ten dollars by texting the word harvey to 90-999... you can also log on to the red cross's website: red-cross-dot-org. ( mark ) coming up on the kron four morning news... after the break see which movie came out on top over the holiday weekend.
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so let me get this straight. you're a rabbit? im vern, the orange money retirement rabbit, from voya. ririiight. and tt means...? i'm the money you save for retirement. i help you get organized so your money could multiply. see? got it. who's he? he's green money for spending today. you know, paying bills, maybe a little online shopping... makes it easy to tell you apart. that, and i am better looking. i heard that. when it's time to get organized for retirement, it's time to get voya. (tiffany) it's a sign the
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summer movie season is coming to an end.... there were no new releases at the box office. david daniel has a rundown of this weekend's top money makers.
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( lydia ) the president is set to make a decision that could impact nearly a million people in the u-s illegally. i will have reaction in a live report. ( will ) and officials
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stressing ocean safety this labor day. i will have the details in a live report. ( dave ) and i will have your labor day forecast coming up. ( tiffany ) good morning i'm tiffany mcelroy( mark ) and i'm mark danon. lets start the morning with a check of weather with dave spahr... (dave)the strong ridge of high pressure that brought two consecutive days of oppressive heat to our region will continue to drift off to the east over the next few
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days. as a result, a cooling trend that began on sunday will continue through midweek. moisture from remnants of tropical storm lidia will produce a slight chance of showers and thunderstorms across mainly southern portions of our region through monday night. ( mark ) now lets get a check of the bridges... taking a live look at the san mateo bridge. ( mark ) and here is a live look at the bay bridge. ( mark ) now to the richmond bridge. ( mark ) and the golden
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gate bridge. ( mark ) our top story this morning...president trump is expected to announce that he will end the "dreamers" program.( tiffany ) the program known as "daca" granted work permits to undocumented immigrants who arrived in the country as children.( mark ) kron 4's lydia pantazes is live in berkeley where a rally will be held later this afternoon to oppose the president's plan. lydia. ( lydia )there is expected to be a protest here on the campus of usc berkeley at 4pm against ending the program known as daca.(take vo)the deferred action for early childhood arrivals program grants work permits for undocumented immigrants who arrived in the country as children.two of the sources said the plan is to have a six-month delay in any action regarding daca program to allow congress time to pass a fix through legislation that would allow the undocumented immigrants to stay in the
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country.the daca program is popular among democrats and moderate republicans, many of whom have introduced legislation in congress to try to protect the population permanently.we heard from a california senator scott weiner on the issue.(sot)the program was introduced by president obama in 2012 has protected an 800-thousand young adults from deportation. reporting live in berkeley, lydia pantazes kron4 news. ( mark ) thanks lydia. we will check back with you through out the morning. ( tiffany ) apple ceo tim cooks says he is standing by hundreds of apple immigrant
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employees brought to the united states. cooks says those employees came to the u-s as children shielded from deportation by daca. daca...has allowed nearly 800- thousand immigrants who were brought to the country illegally as kids... to remain in the u.s. and legally work. ( mark ) happening today... there are safety warnings out this morning if you are heading to the beach.( tiffany ) this comes after rip currents swept a man out to sea over the weekend. kron 4's will tran is live at ocean beach this morning with the details. will. ( will )ocean beach was the place to be sunday - whether you were paddleboardin greadingor enjoying an old-fashioned cook-out. thousands of people came to the shoreso parking was not easy by any stretch of the parked as illegally and creatively as possible, and there was still no room left for more.on a more serious note, san francisco firefighters put out a message warning people about rip currents, which can be especially dangerous for an
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unsuspecting out-of-towner. they had to rescue a man who was drowning saturday.remember - don't try to swim against the current.get out of it at 90 degrees.surfers tend to know that bit of safety information.they also say saturday was an even better day on the waves than sunday. ( tiffany ) thanks will. we will check back with you through out the morning.
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( mark ) happening today... hundreds of people in the east bay will join workers in more than 300 cities to march in a labor day strike. the workers say they will be stressing their demand for union rights. the protests will be conducted by the same people who marched for a 15-dollar minimum wage in california. today's march will start at 9:00 at the mcdonald's on jackson street in oakland. ( mark ) happening now... crews are battling a fire in gilroy. this is video was sent to us by a kron four viewer. the fire is
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burning near bally bunion court and eagle ridge court. the fire has burned about 10 to 15 acres. there are no reports of any injuries or buildings being threatened. ( tiffany ) police arrested a man accused of attacking a bart passenger with a knife in oakland. it happened saturday night on a pittsburg-bay point train. officers were already on scene when the train arrived at the west oakland station. police arrested 23-year-old jayeddy davis after a brief chase. davis was already on active probation and was booked into the glenn dyer jail in oakland. the victim was injured in the attack but is expected to be okay. ( tiffany ) a fire burning in southern california is being called the biggest fire in the history of the city of los angeles. governor jerry brown has declared a state of emergency in los angeles county due to the massive brush fire. the flames have already burned nearly six-thousand acres, destroyed three homes and shut down a stretch of the two-ten freeway. hundreds of homes have already been evacuated.
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angeles fire department): "we still do have some mandatory evacuation zones. the good news is that we've had a thousand people show up to these centers. and we've released 900 of those people. > ( tiffany ) cooler temperatures and calmer winds provided firefighters some much needed help on sunday. but the fire is still only 10- percent contained this morning. ( mark ) the evacuation orders for all areas surrounding the ponderosa fire in butte county...have been lifted. the fire has burned over four thousand acres. crews say the flames are 64-percent contained. the fire has destroyed 32 homes and another five-hundred homes are threatened. over 15 hundred firefighting personnel are currently working to put the wildfire out. ( mark ) and in trinity county.... the helena fire as now grown to more than 74 hundred acres. it is only 6 percent contained this morning.. it started wednesday near the town of helena, west of weaverville along highway 299. 72
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homes have been destroyed and 60 structures are still threatened. the cause of the fire is under investigation. ( tiffany ) north korea carries out another nuclear test and u-s military officials say this is the biggest one yet.( mark ) north korean officials say they have now developed an advanced hydrogen bomb that could sit atop an intercontinental ballistic missile.( tiffany ) melisa raney has the latest. reporter:"mr. president, will you attack north korea?" president trump:"we'll see." "we'll see"... those words from the commander-in-chief on sunday following major news out of north korea... president trump hinting that a retaliatory military strike could be on the table after the rogue nation's largest nuclear test yet. the president took to twitter sunday morning,saying north korea's words and actions "continue to be very hostile and dangerous to the united states."the test came just hours after north korea released images of leader kim jong un inspecting what it said was a hydrogen bomb ready
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to be put on top of an intercontinental ballistic missile --- the type of weapon the country would need to deliver a nuclear warhead to far-away locations like the united states.the test prompted a sunday afternoon national security meeting at the white house... with both trump and the vice president in attendance.secretary james mattis"we made clear that we have the ability to defend ourselves and our allies, south korea and japan. from any attack, and our commitment among the allies are ironclad. any threat to the united states or its territories, including guam or our allies will be met with a massive military response."new sanctions are already in the works.treasury secretary steven mnuchin spoke about those plans on sunday.steven mnuchin, treasury secretary: "i'm gonna draft a sanctions package to send to the president for his strong consideration that anybody that wants to do trade or business with them would be prevented from doing trade or business with us. we are going to work with our allies, we'll work with china, but people need to cut off north korea
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economically. this is unacceptable behavior."an emergency u-n security council meeting will be held monday morning in response to north korea's latest nuclear test. i'm melisa raney reporting. ( tiffany ) and a reminder... that the lake merritt bart station will be closed for one more day while crews work on the tracks. the closure will impact customers traveling on the warm springs, dublin/pleasant on, and oakland airport lines. bart will instead provide free buses for riders with tickets to connect to other stations. but -- expect about a 30- minute delay. the station will re-open tomorrow. ( tiffany ) still ahead on the kron four morning news... cleanup efforts are underway in texas following hurricane harvey. see the long road ahead for the people of texas and after the break... people are not the only ones dealing with the heat. see the steps bay area shelters are taking to keep animals safe from the heat.( dave ) and i will check your bay area forecast coming up (dave)warm not as hot today, your forecast is next !
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(burke) at farmers, we've seen almost everything
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so we know how to cover almost anything. even a swing set standoff. and we covered it, july first, twenty-fifteen. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ ( tiffany ) animal shelters here in the bay area are doing what they can to try and keep their animals safe from the heat. this is video from the humane society of the north bay in vallejo.
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they put sheets on the fences to block the sun. then they spray those sheets with water to keep the animals cool. they also put pools out for the dogs. they've even given their animals popsicles to stay cool. the director said some of the small dogs are in the air conditioning but they have a special system for the others. ( tiffany ) officials at the shelter say you shouldn't walk your dogs on the concrete or asphault during this hot weather. they also warn against leaving your dogs in the car without the windows open. ( mark ) ( darya ) welcome back to the kron 4 morning news. let's get a check of the
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forecast with james fletcher. (dave)the strong ridge of high pressure that brought two consecutive days of oppressive heat to our region will continue to drift off to the east over the next few days. as a result, a cooling trend that began on sunday will continue through midweek. moisture from remnants of tropical storm lidia will produce a slight chance of showers and thunderstorms across mainly southern portions of our region through monday night.
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( mark ) now lets get a check of the bridges... taking a live look at the san mateo bridge. ( mark ) and here is a live look at the bay bridge. ( mark ) now to the richmond
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bridge. ( mark ) and the golden gate bridge. ( tiffany ) this moring people in texas are cleaning up after hurricane harvey.( mark ) most of the businesses in houston are expected to reopen tomorrow.( tiffany ) kristen holmes has the latest from texas. good morning we're here in kingwood, texas where the cleaning up process has really just begun. you can see behind me here there are piles of trash, furniture, debris, insulation-- these are people's lives-- and this is just unique to this neighborhood. we've seen it street after street. this is what these communities are dealing with now and probably for the next days, weeks. months-- even years. --pkg-- with ninety-five percent of the city finally dry-- houston is beginning the long process of cleaning up...healing... and rebuilding"i lost
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everything from my hosue- all my efforts for seven years-- all my things-- my children's things-- i lost everything" many victims of hurricane harvey attended church sunday for the first time since the storm hit"so god gave us a storm"while celebrities lent a helping hand harry connick jr. / entertainer: "all my friends in houston, i'm gonna let it shine..."singer harry connick jr. entertaining evacuees at a houston convention center. saturday-- president trump and the first lady visiting areas of storm ravaged texas and lousianapresident trump handed out hugs pres donald trump/saturday/h ouston: "really, i think people appreciate what's been done. it's been done very efficiently, very well and that's what we want. we're very happy with the way everything's going. there's a lot of love, a lot of love." but it's a long road to recovery---the city of beaumont finally getting running water-- but officials warn residents may have to continue to boil it before use for another monthand with the start of the school year just around the corner-- up to fifteen thousand students could be displaced-- with nearly two hundred schools reporting damage.harvey could be one of the most expensive disasters in us history.the white house has asked for a nearly eight billion dollars in disaster greg abbott/-r- texas: "it is very clear, the president has made it clear, congress is making it clear, this is just a down payment//we have over five million people who are affected by this. it's not just the flood in houston. it is the hurricane swath all the way from corpus christi over to beaumont. so, it's gonna require even more than what was funded for katrina, which was about 120 billion dollars."
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( mark ) about 70 dogs and cats have been flown to the bay area from texas. a shelter in austin needed help finding homes for the animals it already had in order to make room for the large number of pets that were lost in the storm. crews brought in 50 dogs and 20 cats. 4 different bay area crews are working together to find these
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animals a home. thos groups include the san francisco s-p-ca... and charlie's acres of sonoma who donated the private jet to bring the animals to california. ( mark ) these pets should be available for adoption by the end of next week. if you want to help foster or adopt you can find a list of the participating orginizations on kron 4 dot com. ( mark ) and some bay area firefighters who are in texas helping with the recovery efforts my soon be deployed to florida. officials fear that hurricane irma could target florida later this week as it moves through the caribbean. right now...
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fire fighters from south san francisco... san mateo... palo alto... san jose and menlo park are all in texas waiting to find out if they will be sent to florida. ( mark ) if you want to help the victims of hurricane harvey -- you can make a donation to the red cross. you can donate ten dollars by texting the word harvey to 90-999... you can also log on to the red cross's website: red-cross-dot-org. ( tiffany ) the intense heat in the east bay... led to a drop in attendance at teh scottish games in pleasanton over the weekend.( mark ) kron 4's philippe djegal takes a look at how people tried to enjoy the fun and stay cool. (philippe)nats- bagpipes the sights and sounds of scotland...nats- fierce competition...nats- "deliciousness" and, delectable traditional scottish food...nats- "here comes the fish." an inticing spectacle that for more than a century and a half now has drawn thousands from around the bay area.evan mulch/visiting from aptos- "good food, good drinks and good people." but with temperatures, again, surpassing 100-degrees...
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the mulch's from aptos, say their number one priority is making sure their two-month old daughter doesn't overheat. kayla mulch/visiting from aptos- "she can't regulate her heat very well right now, so we put an ice pack underneath her, so she's fine right now." nats- "i'll request the ambulances on cnet." alameda county paramedics were on standby at the fairgrounds in pleasanton in case of any emergencies... dawn narry says, during the two-day event, at least a dozen people were treated for heat exhaustion. some had to be taken to hospitals.dawn narry/paramedic- "try and educate them is the hugest thing, and try to get them to remember that alcohol is not an exchange for water."charles mckinven/caledonian club of san francisco- "(philippe) who would have expected it to be so hot on september 3rd. (charles) certainly not anybody that's here and wearing eight yards of kilts." charles mckinven is chief of the caledonian club of san francisco... the organization that sponsors this event. mckinven says attendance is down this year. charles mckinven/caledonian club of san francisco- "we probably are down about 15, maybe 20-percent." but those who did make the trip, like the mulch's, took advantage of the shade, misters, and mesh screens to block the sun...evan mulch/visiting from aptos- "it's a mixture of coming
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inside and outside, because all the buildings are a/c'd, so go in there and cool off a little bit." then head back outside... catch some of the performances on stage and the athletes putting on a show. in pleasanton, philippe djegal, kron four news. ( tiffany ) still ahead on the kron four morning news... see the new project on bart and how it is meant to make the tracks safer. and after the break... why your morning cup of coffee is making you crave a bar of candy. and here's a live look outside... san mateo bridge.
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(tiffany) if you costantly find yourself craving sweets then you can thank your coffee for that. researchers at cornell university have found caffeine can affect the way we perceive sweetness and make us crave sweets even more.( mark )
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here's what happens. caffeine gives us energy because it blocks out the chemical that makes us feel sleepy. and that's the same chemical that also helps us tastes sweets. so when you chemically block people's ability to taste sweet flavours, it makes them crave more sweets.(tiffany) of course caffeine has health benefits too including reducing the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. ( mark ) still ahead on the kron 4 morning news... president trump is set to end one of president obama's signature immigration policies. how it could impact nearly a million undocumented immigrants.
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food. water. internet. we need it to live. but what we don't need are surprises, like extra monthly fees.
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i see you, fee, played by legendary actress anjelica huston. you got me, mark. we just want fast internet for one, simple rate. for all the streaming and the shopping and the newsing, but most of all... for the this. internet for one everyday simple price and no extra monthly fees. little rain... suddenly turns
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into a gusty storm. in santa barbara... the wind sent beach umbrellas and kayaks bouncing. one woman says her niece was hit by a flying object. the little girl is okay. ( mark )(tiffany) welcome
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back to the kron four morning news... lets start the half hour with a check of weather and traffic... (dave)the strong ridge of high pressure that brought two consecutive days of oppressive heat to our region will continue to drift off to the east over the next few days. as a result, a cooling trend that began on sunday will continue through midweek. moisture from remnants of tropical storm lidia will produce a slight chance of showers and thunderstorms across mainly southern portions of our region through monday night. ( mark ) now lets get a check of the bridges... taking
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a live look at the san mateo bridge. ( mark ) and here is a live look at the bay bridge. ( mark ) now to the richmond bridge.( mark ) ( mark ) now to the richmond bridge. ( mark ) and the golden gate bridge. ( mark ) our top story this morning... president trump is planning on ending a program that protects nearly a million immigrants who came to
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the u-s illegaly as children.( tiffany ) the president is expected to make the decision official tomorrow. john lawrence has the details. the "dream" may soon be over for nearly a million people living in america."it's a very, very tough subject. we are going to deal with daca with heart."president trump is expected to announce an end to the deferred action for childhood arrivals program on tuesday, according to four sources who are familiar with trump's thinking. the plan would have daca repealed in six months.if repealed, that means many undocumented immigrants who arrived in the country as children could lose protection from deportation. "i came to the u.s. with my family in 2005 as a 12-year-old." "so i came here in 2004, i was like 9-years-old." president obama put the policy in place five years ago through executive order.sen. jeff flake/r-arizona "there are 800-thousand daca kids. kids who are brought across the border. the median age i think is six years old
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for those 800-thousand when they came across the border. they should not be punished for the sins of their parents." two sources familiar with trump's plan say he hopes to give congress six months to legislate a formal replacement for daca sarah huckabee sanders/white house press secretary"the president's priorities on immigration are to create a system that encourages legal immigration and benefits our economy and american workers." steven mnuchin/treasury secretary "this is a complicated issue and something i'm sure that the president will consider carefully as it relates to the economic impact." senator bernie sanders says if the president ends daca, it "will be one of the ugliest and cruelest decisions ever made by a president in our modern history."and on tuesday, those 800-thousand dreamers will find out whether or not their american dreams will be coming to an end.officials from ten states had said that they would give president trump until september 5 to announce an end to the program.i'm john lorinc reporting. ( mark ) police arrested a mother for hitting her children at a bart station.
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police say 28-year-old cherrelle mcmillion of oakland was drunk at the macarthur station saturday afternoon. witnesses say mcmillion punched and slapped her 9- year-old daughter and pushed her 22-month old toddler. mcmillion was arrested and booked into the santa rita jail on charges of of public intoxication and injury to a child. her children are now staying with other family members. ( mark ) bart is about to get 9-million dollars for two security projects meant to protect the system from potential threats. the biggest chunk of the money.. about 7-point-5 million dollars... will go to plans to protect the transbay tube. the rest of the money will be used to form an 8 member team to patrol the tube between san francisco and oakland (tiffany) a man dies after running into the flames of the burning tower at burning man. the man who died is 41-year old aaron joel mitchell. authorities say he ran through two-layers of security officers into the fire. mitchell was rescued by firefighters and then airlifted to the burn center at u-c davis hospital, where he died. doctors confirmed
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mitchell was ánot under the influence of alcoholbut that a toxicology report is pending as part of the investigation. about 70-thousand people attended this years festival about 100 miles north of reno. (tiffany) crews are doing some impressive work in big sur. they're on a tight schedule to get the pfeiffer canyon bridge project done. caltrans released this time-lapse video. now that crews have reached the south side.. the next step is to lower the bridge into place. caltrans hopes to have the 24- million dollar project done by early next month. (tiffany) once the bridge is lowered into place... crews still have more work to do. they'll still have to add rebar and pour more than 500 cubic yards of concrete. ( mark ) this morning we are learning what advice president obama offered president trump before leaving office. c-n-n obtained the
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copy of a letter that president obama left for president trump in the white house. mr. obama urged the president to build opportunities for the less fortunate. the letter also said that the u-s is key to sustaining the international order - and it should be maintained through action and example. and finally, mr. obama advised president trump to take time for family and friends... because they'll help him get through rough patches. shortly after the inauguration... president trump said he appreciated the letter from president obama, calling it "long, complex and thoughtful". ( mark ) prince william and the duchess of cambridge are expecting their third child. kensington palace says the queen is delighted by the news. but the duchess is suffering from severe morning sickness... so she couldn't carry out her engagements today. william and kate already have two children... prince george and princess charlotte. ( mark ) coming up... surviving hurricane katrina. an evacuee starts a new life in san francisco. what she hopes the victims of harvey are getting... that she didn'tl and after the break... one of the biggest comebacks
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in sports history. how u-c-l-a erased 34 points from the board. and here's a live look outside... golden gate bridge. ♪ this is a story about mail and packages.
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and it's also a story about people. people who rely on us every day to deliver their dreams they're handing us more than mail they're handing us their business and while we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget... that your business is our business the united states postal service. priority: you ♪
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endzone...touchdown jordan leslie! >( mark ) and that's what it sounds like to come back and win a game when you're down 34 points. u-c-l-a pulled off the incredible feat last night after being down 44 to 10 in the 3rd quarter. at that point in time u-c-l-a had only a point five percent chance of winning the game. quarterback josh rosen threw 4 touchdowns in the 4th quarter.(tiffany) u-c-l-a's gigantic come from behind win capped off a weekend of upsets in college football. the biggest of which was when howard university upset u-n-l-v 43 to 40. u-n-l-v was a 45 point favorite to win. they had paid howard 600 thousand dollars to play the school too. (dave) and i'm tracking your
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morning forecast. what to expect as you head out the door right after the break.
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♪ hey! ♪ bee to hive to the comb ♪ combing that honey ♪ into some gold ♪ take that gold and make it an o ♪ ♪ good goes around and around and around hey! ♪ ♪ bee to hive to the o ♪ oat from the farm is the yum in yo bowl ♪ ♪ put in the good and the good will grow ♪ ♪ good goes around and around and around hey! ♪ ♪ good goes around good goes around and around and around. hey! ♪ at least 6 people are dead after tropical storm lidia hit mexico's baja california south. this is video of the storm making landfall. more than 5
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thousand homes will need to be rebuilt due to severe flooding. ( mark ) ( darya )( robin ) checking bay area roads before you head out the door.. (dave)the strong ridge of high pressure that brought two consecutive days of oppressive heat to our region will continue to drift off to the east over the next few days. as a result, a cooling trend that began on sunday will continue through midweek. moisture from remnants of tropical storm
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lidia will produce a slight chance of showers and thunderstorms across mainly southern portions of our region through monday night. ( mark )
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( mark ) now lets get a check of the bridges... taking a live look at the san mateo bridge. ( mark ) and here is a live look at the bay bridge. ( mark ) now to the richmond bridge.
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( mark ) and the golden gate bridge. ( mark ) walter becker...the guitarist, bassist and co-founder of steely dan...has died. he passed away sunday at the age of 67, according to his personal website. no word as to the cause of his death becker co-founded steely dan with singer donald fagen in 19-72. they went on to produce a string of major hits in the 70s and early 80s, including "reelin' in the years", "do it again" and "rikki don't lose that number." steely dan was inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame in 2001. in a statement first reported by rolling stone, fagen says he intends to keep the music he and becker created together alive as long as he can. ( tiffany ) that was just one in a
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series of implosions to demolish the old span of the bay bridge over the weekend. the thirteen concrete islands will be destroyed on weekends through november. kron4's jeff pierce was there for the first implosion. saturday morning caltrans prepared for the final steps in removing the remnants of the old eastern span of the bay bridge. the next set of underwater explosions to remove the underwater piers began with clearing the bridge of pedestrians and bicyclists. representatives from the marine mammal center were in place to monitor any harm that might come to any mammals in the bay. so far all the safety mechanisms that they have set up worked because we have not had any injuries or stunnings that we have had to pull out of the water in any previous implosions. the california highway patrol briefly halted traffic on the new eastern span in an abundance of caution. we do this as a caution just to make sure
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that nobody hears the site implosion and causes a collision of some kind. with everything in place a veil of undersea air bubbles enveloped the two piers just seconds beforethe bay erupted in what appears to have been a successful operation. we'll continue to monitor the area over the next couple of hours later in the day we'll go in and do a sonar read of the actual demolition work but from the surface everything looked and appeared to go successfully today. the remaining underwater piers will go through this same process on weekends through the end of the year. we plan to be done by the end of the calendar year and some weekends we will be imploding one two or three of the piers going forward and i think so far the contractor has represented that he will be able to pull that off successfully. at the eastern span of the bay bridge jeff pierce kron four news.
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( mark ) hurricane harvey made landfall nearly 12 years after what had been considered this country's most devastating storm... hurricane katrina.( tiffany ) the impact of that disaster still lingers in the city of new orleans. kron4's maureen kelly talked to a woman who evacuated here to san francisco after katrina and says she hopes the people of houston are treated better. i would've loved to of gotten to have gone back i missed new orleans my heart is a new orleansdiane evans fled new orleans with her daughter and 7 year old grandson and now lives in san francisco's tenderloin. we came to san francisco after katrina after we got off the roof we came out heretemporarily but they were no jobs no housing no schools in new orleansthe pictures of the devastation in and around houston is bringing back some bad memories for her. i pray they don't have to go through what we went through she felt that those who didn't evacuate before hurricane
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katrina hit were blamed for what happened to them after. folks said well they should have left. folks didn't have money my daughters car would've made it to baton rouge.people were blame for their condition and by blaming the people you have no trouble just forgetting about them discounting them and i pray that doesn't happen with harvey. she says the government and the groups who were supposed to help victims of katrina let them down...and there was a impact from that neglect.after katrina people started dying because of stress, old people young people dying just dealing with stress but a lot of that stress is on this was unnessary and that's what i hope is not visited on the people of harvey the effects of hurricane katrina is still visable in new orleans, especially in it's demographics. there are 100-thousand fewer african americans living there than before the can go into parts of new orleans today and it looks like katrina left last month they
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refuse to build back up inhe areas that were heavily black she hopes this time around, there's more evacuees back home quickly, so they can rebuild their lives.maureen kelly ( mark ) a lack of sleep may be a contributing factor to a-d-h-d. docotrs have found a strong connection between people with a-d-h-d and sleep problems. saying the connection could be because a person's day and night rhythem has been disrupted. and the timing of several physical processes has been disrupted as well which include body temperature, movement patterns and meal timing. difficulty in falling asleep and staying asleep is also connected to daytime sleepiness, lack of energy, drowsiness, fatigue and irritability. a-d-h-d affects 75 percent of children and adults. ( mark ) we'll be back as the kron 4 morning news continues... and here's a live look outside... embarcadero. mail and packages.
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and it's also a story about people and while we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget... that your business is our business the united states postal service. priority: you ( tiffany ) in
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entertainment news... captain america gets taken down by a puppy.( mark ) david daniel has that and more in the hollywood minute. (nat)"captain america" -- taken down by a dog! chris evans recently returned from "10 long weeks" filming away from home, and his puppy, dodger, was very happy to see him. evans posted the clip on twitter, where it received hundreds of thousands of "likes" within hours."i've learned more about humiliation in the past few weeks than i'd hoped i would in a lifetime." from humiliation to celebration! "the queen" star claire foy is getting the royal treatment: the actress has been named the 20-17 britannia british artist of the year. she'll pick up her prize october 27th at the british academy britannia awards in los angeles... two weeks after her latest movie, "breathe," opens in limited release."who is this woman?" "she's my, um, secretary, sir." (nat) "she's, she's a very good secretary."warner brothers is celebrating despite the summer slump at
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the box office. warner topped all other major studios for the season, with 790-million dollars in domestic grosses, led by "wonder woman"... christopher nolan's world war two epic "dunkirk"... and the hit horror prequel "annabelle: creation," a trio that made the other studios' summers even scarier. in hollywood, i'm david daniel. ( mark ) take a look at this.. u-s-c puts in blind snapper jake olson for the final extra point in the game. olson lost his vision after having his eye removed due to cancer. olson was guided on the field by his kicker teammate chase mcgrath. the umpire makes sure he's in the right place and is ready. he makes a nice snap and the extra point is good! teammate swarm him and help him off the field. he's congratulated by coaching staff and teammates. ( mark ) coming up in the next hour on the kron 4 morning news... president trump is set to end one of president obama's signature
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immigration policies. we are live in the east bay where people will be protesting this afternoon. plus... it is the largest wildfire in the history of los angeles. the steps the governor is taking to help people in southern california. ( lydia ) the president is
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set to make a decision that could impact nearly a million people in the u-s illegally. i will have reaction in a
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live report. ( will ) and officials stressing ocean safety this labor day. i will have the details in a live report. ( dave ) and i will have your labor day forecast coming up. ( tiffany ) good morning i'm tiffany mcelroy( mark ) and i'm mark danon. lets start the morning with a check of weather with dave spahr... (dave)remnant moisture from lidia will continue to spread northward across the region today and result in a slig


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