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tv   KRON 4 Evening News  KRON  April 18, 2018 5:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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serious warning tonight about the hayward fault line...and the death and destruction that could be caused by a 7- point-oh magnitude earthquake. good evening i'm grant lodes.(vicki) and i'm vicki liviakis. the hayward fault has been described as a "tectonic time bomb." it's not a question of if the big one is coming, but rather when it will strike. and when it does, as kron for's rob fladeboe reports now, there will be dire consequences. (animation of hayward fault) the hayward fault...which stretches the length of the east bay, from san pablo bay through berkeley, oakland, haward fremont and milpitas... is the most dangerous fault in the bay. the so called "haywired scenario" imagines a magnitude 7-point-0 quake on that fault... centered south of oakland. ken hudnut/u.s. geological survey " the haywired scenario, 800 people die, 2,500 people will need to be rescued from heavily damaged buildings, another 22,000 people will be trapped in elevators, 152,000 households will be displaced..."(standup at
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central park) rob fladeboe/fremont "...i'm here at central park in fremont. the hayward fault cuts right through the middle of the park. that swale or hump you see behind me, that is actuallythe hayward fault pushing the ground up, which has created that hump, which is getting a little bit bigger all the time..."(cracks in the pavement/broken curbs)look at this. there are cracks all over the pavement here and the curbs around the parking lot are moving along with the fault below. inside the community center, there is an ever-widenng crack in the concrete floor. these signs that suggest there would also be widespread damage to infrastricture and underground utilities.ken hudnut/u.s. geological survey "...nobody should be surprised by an earthquake that strikes a direct hit, like 1906, you may not know this but 1994 and 1989 were not direct hits, even 1906 was slightly offshore, we're talking about worse, much worse because this will be a direct hit on the est bay urban corridor..." making matters even worse, much of the fault zone, home to some 2-million people, is soft sandy soil and prone to what's called liquifaction, which amplifies the shaking, as shown in this simple but frightening demonstration. (liquifaction demonstration)in fremont rob fladeboe ron 4 news
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(grant) thanks rob. we have team coverage on the hayward fault concerns tonight. in berkeley-- the fault runs through the cal campus. (vicki) kron 4's maureen kelly is live there tonight-- showing us some of the major retrofit projects to buildings that sit right on top of the fault. maureen? (maureen)that's right of the biggest structures straddling the hayward fault is the home of the cal recently underwent a 200 million dollar retrofit....but even still you can see evidence of the fault's gradual movements. cal's memorial stadium was almost completely rebuilt account for the fact that the hayward fault runs right thru the stadium.some of the seismic retrofit work is under the feet of the football fans who come root on the these concrete
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expansion joints....the press box has steel girders underneath....built like a bridge so it can move when the quake erupts underneath.some of the safety enhancements are overheard....they are called seismic dusters but they are essentially giant shock help absorb the energy of a big quake so the structure stays intact. but there are still places like this handrail where you can see the effect of being on top of the creeps about 4 millimeters a year. you come back in a year you'll find this crack is bigger and bigger until it has to be faxed the building was designed so fans can get out safely.i tell people all the time even though this thing is right on the hayward fault i would have no problem being an earthquake here it is been designed that much structural integritythe media were shown the work done to preserve the historic herbst memorial mining building which opened they year after the 06 quake. to make it seismically safer...the foundation was dug out....creating essentially a cement bathtub....and inside are 134 bearings... because it allows us to keep the original building in tact. if you see a
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regular seismic retrofit you'll see girders all over you'll see steel girders all over it really takes the architectural look at a building this allows us to keep the building in its original design but the building actually stays ice isolated in the ground was below it (maureen)those here at cal say the loma prieta and northridge quakes woke them up to the need seismic retrofitting and they've spent the the last 20 years and tens of millions of dollars projecting their faciilies or replacing them. maureen kelly kron4 news. (vicki)(vicki) today marks the 112th anniversary of the great san francisco earthquake and fire of 19-06. this is video of a ceremony in san francisco today. every year-- the only fire hydrant working in the area at the time is painted gold. because of that hydrant-- several structures were saved. there were 26-aftershocks and it took firefighters 74-hours to stop the fire caused by the
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earthquake. (vicki) and don't forget... we have a special earthquake section on there you will find a map of the latest quakes to hit the bay area. we also have information on what you should do when an earthquake hits-- as well as what you should have in your earthquake kits at home and in the car. it's all on kron4-dot com. (grant) another big story we are following tonight-- an officer has been released from the hospital after being injured in a hit-and-run in san francisco. here's a look at who police have behind bars. they say 18-year-old marisa androvich hit the officer while he was crossing the street yesterday afternoon at eddy and larkin streets. police say the officer was in plain clothes... and androvich took off after hitting him. she was arrested later that afternoon in the richmond district...near 26th avenue and california street. androvich is now facing felony hit-and-run charges. (vicki)(on cam) a driver has been killed in a crash that involved multiple happened on a road leading to the oakland airport.. other drivers were
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left seriously hurt. kron4's haaziq madyun spoke to investigators about the potential cause of the tragedy. sotit happened wednesday around 10:27 am here on doolitle drive near langley street in oakland. this stretch of highway is commonly used by commuters traveling to and from the city of alameda and the oakland airport. deputies with the alameda county sheriff's office were first on the scene, followed by first responders from oakland fire who had to use hydraulic rescue tools, commonly referred to as the jaws of life to gain access to the deceased driver jaws of life nats/haaziqwere they successful at gaining at extracting and gaining access? sot
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females and two males. they were all driving in solo occupied vehicles. the three surviving motorists were transported to a local hospitals with serious injuries. the identity of driver who died is being withheld pending notification of next of oakland haaziq madyun kron4news (grant) developing tonight-- an investigation continues into what went wrong when an engine exploded on a southwest airlines flight. philadelphia's f-b-i field office is assisting the national transportation safety board with its investigation. the plane made an emergency landing at philly's airport yesterday-- shortly after taking off from new york's la guardia airport. one woman died of her injuries
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after being partially sucked out a broken window...where engine shrapnel broke that window....hitting her. today-- an n-t-s-b official said the plane landed at a much higher-than-normal speed. robert sumwalt/ntsb chairman: "the speed at touchdown was around -- was right at about 165 knots. that converts to 190 miles-per-hour. but to put it in perspective, i'm going to say that a typical approach speed for a 737 might be around 135 knots. this aircraft was landing at 165 knots."(grant) the n-t-s-b also said a preliminary look at the 737's engine showed that one of its fan blades was missing. a hunk of debris was recovered about 70 miles from philadelphia's airport. (grant) tonight-- we are learning new details about the woman who was killed on that flight. 43-year-old jennifer riordan was making her way back home to new mexico when the terrifying incident happened. reporter royale da takes a look at how the community is
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remembering the mother of two. johntraub / minor league baseball manager"it's just a tragic, tragic loss for everybody."friends and family of jennifer (reer-den) riordan are hurting;thinking of an incredible person with a huge smile.a woman who loved new mexico.they say to know jennifer was to know how one person can make such a big difference.john traub / minor league baseball manager "jennifer is somebody who embodied everything that is good, not just in our community but about being a human being."john traub (trob) is the isotopes general manager.he's known jennifer for more than 15 years.john traub / minor league baseball manager"she was the perfect mother, the perfect wife, the perfect friend."jennifer was 43 years old, married to former city c-o-o, michael riordan.the couple has two children, a 4th and sixth grader.john traub / minor league baseball manager"her family is everything to her. i can't even imagine what the family is going through." professionally, she was the v- p of community relations for wells fargo.she was a dedicated community volunteer, sitting on various one point, she worked for unm hospital. paula maes / new mexico broadcasters association
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"she would just full of life she had an energy when you would see her ">the new mexico broadcasters association says jennifer went to u-n-m, was in the journalism program there and even got a scholarship from the nm-ba.paula maes / new mexico broadcasters association"she was a remarkable mother, a remarkable wife a remarkable addition to our community."the news of jennifer's passing.. .. is stunning.john traub / minor league baseball manager "it's still pretty numb."so many wondering how such a bright soul... could be gone...killed in a bizarre plane accident. (grant) that was royale da reporting. today-- philadelphia's medical examiner says riordan's died of blunt impact trauma to her dead, neck and torso. the n-t-s-b says she was wearing her seatbelt when the incident happened. (vicki) this just in --- california and the trump adminstration have come to an agreement on terms to send national guard troops to the u-s mexico border... today governor brown announced 400 national guard members will be mobilized to fight against gun and drug smugglers and human
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trafficking. this all comes after a request from president trump...governor brown says the california national guard will not enforce immigration laws or participate in the construction of any new border barrier. (vicki) coming up-- san francisco's pot party is just days away. we'll take a look at how city officials are gearing up for 4-20. (grant) plus-- a warning for pet owners. we'll tell you about the new report that indicates which foods are the most dangerous for dogs. (vicki) plus after the break-- former first lady barbara bush is slammed on twitter-- just hours after her death is announced. and tonight a college professor is facing a lot of backlash after her twitter rant. (lawrence) i'm chief meteorologist lawrence karnow, i'll have your full bay area forecast after the break.
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soi'm not giving you chewbacca got han solo? collect all twelve exclusive trading cards and try a new movie-inspired menu only at denny's. solo: a star wars story. may 25th. by living off the grid. completely. or... just set the washing machine to cold. do your thing. with energy upgrade california. (vicki) a big story we are
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following tonight-- a fresno state professor is under fire for a series of tweets condemning former first lady barbara bush. and those tweets were posted just hours after her death was announced. connie tran joins us now live from fresno state... connie... what, if any, disciplinary action will be taken? fresno state president joseph castro says "randa jarrar's" case will be under review... with her union. they'll look at if she broke any university policies... all of this will be a personnel matter... so it will be kept private. though it was a typical school day... for many fresno state students wednesday... security measures were ramped up. following a controversial tweet posted by english professor... "randa jarrar". the
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creative writing teacher... who has been with the univeristy since 2010... took to twitter tuesday night... calling former first lady barbara bush a quote "amazing racist". bush had died just hours before, at the age of 92. (01:59) please know that the university is taking this matter very seriously; and the incident is under review but jarrar's attack on bush didn't stop there. she used a profanity in the tweet. and posted a response that she was a "tenured" professor who makes 100-thousand a year and could quote "never be fired". president joseph castro says that's not necessarily true.(06:08) just because she's a tenure professor doesn't mean that she can do and say whatever she wishes; this is something that we will look at carefully within the collective bargaining agreement and our policies and make the best judgment possible jarrar also tweeted about bush saying quote: "i'm happy the witch is dead". castro called jarrar's tweets inappropriate and disrespectful.(nat break) jarrar is not currently teaching this semester... provost "lynnette zelezny" says "jarrar" had previously asked to take a leave of absence.(06:14) we do have codes of social media behavior; again; one of the things i want to point out here is that what we're most concerned about is we do represent as a univerisity values of respect for diversity jarrar's twitter page is now
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set to private... she was also supposed to perform at a "lit hop" event at fresno city college this weekend... but officials there... say "jarrar" will no longer be in attendance. live tonight at fresno state. (vicki)(vicki) tonight we are learning when funeral services will be held for barbara bush. on friday-- the public is invited to pay their respects to the former first lady as she will lie in repose at saint martin's church in houston texas. then on saturday, the bush family will hold a private funeral and burial service.
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among the guests at the ceremony will be current first lady melania trump. former presidents barack obama and bill clinton and their wives also plan to attend funeral services for former first lady. (vicki) preparations are underway as thousands of marijuana fans are expected at golden gatepark this friday - for the annual 4-20 event. (grant) it's a it's a cannabis event that's 'not' sanctioned by the city of san francisco, but that doesn't mean city officials aren't deeply involved in the planning process.. catherine heenan is here with the latest on the preparations.. (catherine) this year's 4-20 event will again include help from a private sponsor... that was part of a pilot program last year, and city officials sayit's definitely worth doing again. and they admit -- they need the help. (natsot) roughly 15-thousand people are again expected to pour into robin williams meadow.....and surrounding neighborhoods. this friday marks the first 4-20 day since prop 64
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took effect - which legalizes recreational marijuana for adults. at a news conference, the board president put a positivespin on the occasion. "one of our favorite days of the year in san francisco." that depends on who you talk to... as breed herself went on to detail....the celebrations have led to 'horrific traffic, overwhelmed residential streets, public urination, and damage to public and private property.' and tons of trash. this year - a haight street merchant will again help sponsorand produce the event. an idea that debuted last year and worked 'pretty well.' it means things like more clean-up, vendors, porta potties, better fencing and security. and the list of things you can't do..... "there will be no tents, canopies, tables or other structures. no unpermitted vendors will be allowed inside or outside the area. no coolers larger than 9 by 12 - no barbecues or cooking equpment amplified sound equipment."and that's a 'partial' list. throw in things like no drones, glass, weapons...and absolutely no kids...
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kids...absolutely no kids... (catherine) organizers are also reminding people to be aware of recent warnings against using 'synthetic' marijuana.. there's been a string of cases across the country of peoplegetting sick - and even dying - after using it. grant and vicki? (grant) a northern california man is dead tonight after a skiing accident yesterday afternoon. placer county officials say jeffrey pearl-stein of kings beach at lake tahoe... lost control and crashed while skiing at alpine meadows ski resort. first responders tried to resuscitate pearlstein but he died at the scene. authorities say pearlstein was wearing a helmet at the time of the incident. the investigation is on going. (anchor) time now to check on our weather... with chief meteorologist
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lawrence karnow. lawrence karnow: we enjoyed partly cloudy skies and cool temperatures today. highs were in the 50s and 60s. it is quiet on the doppler radar right now but that may change as another storm system approaches the coast. on the satellite image you can see a rather small low pressure system headed our way. we will see increasing clouds tonight with a chance of showers mainly near the coast. it appears that storm will skirt the coastline so we aren't expecting much rain inland. once it moves out we can expect a big warm up into the weekend. so tomorrow we will see partly cloudy skies with a slight chance of showers near the coast. highs will be a little warmer with 50s at the coast, 60s in the bay and a few low 70s inland. it will be mostly sunny and warmer on friday. other than patchy coastal fog this weekend we can expect sunshine and 80s in the valleys. temperatures will cool with increasing clouds on tuesday.
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(grant) still ahead.. california's air quality is california's air quality is apparently very bad. we'll tell you where the bay area ranks... coming up. (vicki) canine cops are a key tool for law enforcement trying to protect public places. why a worldwide demand is creating a shortage of service dogs..
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♪ ♪ get high speed internet from at&t. $30 per month. no extra monthly fees. more for your thing. that's our thing. visit (grant) our safety and security frequently depend on man's best friend. bomb sniffing dogs walk with us through airports and stadiums. the demand for the dogs is increasing, and officials fear we are facing a worldwide shortage of the working dogs. as kron4's washington correspondent drew petrimoulx reports... an alabama lawmaker wants to make sure there's always a trained dog ready for
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duty. at a metro stop just outside of d-c -- a team at the department of homeland security -- is testing the abilities of bomb sniffing dogs.the dogs give each person a sniff until a decoy carrying target material walks by.the dog alerts -- just like it's trained to do.the reward is a few minutes to play with a favorite ball.don roberts director, dhs k-9 program: "what we're really trying to do is understand how good they are."don roberts is director of a d-h-s department that does k-9 research. he says this type of working dog is in high demand.they need the ability to find explosives with accuracy and precision. don roberts director, dhs k-9 program:"the threat set varies in types, weights, concealment methods, body placements, bags."they also must have the temperament to work in close quarters with the public.drew petrimoulx, reporting: "in order to protect things like transportation -- dhs alone deploys 25-hundred working dogs across the country. but they're retired after 8-10 years and replacing them is becoming increasingly difficult."the majority of working dogs in the u-s come from overseas.rising demand from other countries and the private sector is straining the needs of american law enforcement and security
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agencies.sen. doug jones, d-al: "the best way for detection of explosives, the detection of drugs. and there just hasn't been enough of them."alabama senator doug jones is pushing a bill to increase funding for k-9 research.sen. doug jones, d-al:"it's an important part of our nation's security."the goal is to increase domestic breeding and training programs. don roberts 9 program:resource in greater supply."roberts says with all the security technology many times nothing beats the nose of man's best drew petrimoulx (grant) (grant) while we think of them as family... we have a good reminder tonight that your dogs can't eat everything we do. (vicki) dog food maker "nom-nom-now" has just
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released a list of the top 10 most dangerous human foods that shouldn't be given to dogs. take a look.. the number one most dangerous food is chocolate. that's followed by coffee and tea... or caffeine in general next is alcohol, xylitol-- which is a natural sweetener then grapes and raisins, high salt foods, gum and candy, yeast dough, milk and dairy, and nuts veterinarians say most pet poisoning cases are caused by everyday human foods. (grant) next at 5:30... new secretary of state nominee... mike pompeo... makes a secret trip to north korea. how he was laying the groundwork for the meeting between kim jong un and president trump. (vicki) plus... relief is coming soon for bay area commuters. details on when a new lane is opening on the richmond san rafael bridge.
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tonight at 5:30.. we are always tracking local stories on kron4. here's a look at what's happening in your neighborhood right now... (grant) starting in the north bay-- where relief is coming for commuters. on friday-- there is a ribbon cutting ceremony in marin county for the new lane on the richmond-san rafael bridge. starting on friday-- the shoulder in the eastbound direction will become a third traffic lane during peak traffic. the third lane will be open from 2:00 p-m
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until 7:00 p-m seven days a week. the ceremony for the opening of the new lane is being held friday morning at 9:00 on the marin county side of the bridge. (grant) sonoma county will receive nearly 10 million dollars in state gas tax funding next year. the money will be used for road maintenance and critical safety projects on local streets and roads. half of the money will go toward a pavement preservation program. the other half will go to the county transportation and public works department. last night the board of supervisors approved a list of local streets and road projects that would be financed by the tax money. (vicki) in the south bay.... milpitas police are asking for help in identifying this driver. police say he fled the scene of a hit and run after refusing to give insurance information. the accident happened earlier this month in a shopping center on west calaveras boulevard. the suspect's car is described as a white toyota tundra with gray primer on the tailgate with "piercey toyota" paper plates.
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(grant) in the east bay.... richmond police have a one million dollar arrest warrant for this man -- vernon dowell. police say dowell shot and killed a man after getting into an argument with him last week. the cause of the argument is still under investigation. dowell is about five-- ten-inches and weighs about 170 pounds. police say dowell is armed and dangerous and should not be approached. (vicki) on the peninsula-- eight baby ducklings are recovering after being rescued from a storm drain in san mateo. the peninsula humane society says the baby ducks were found trapped in mu at the bottom of a concrete drainage ditch... right off of highway 101 on the poplar avenue exit. a driver found the ducklings and called the humane society. the ducklings will be released back into the wild once they are older and self-sufficient. lawrence karnow: we enjoyed partly cloudy skies and cool temperatures today. highs were in the 50s and 60s. it is quiet on the doppler radar right now but that may change as another storm system
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approaches the coast. on the satellite image you can see a rather small low pressure system headed our way. we will see increasing clouds tonight with a chance of showers mainly near the coast. it appears that storm will skirt the coastline so we aren't expecting much rain inland. once it moves out we can expect a big warm up into the weekend. so tomorrow we will see partly cloudy skies with a slight chance of showers near the coast. highs will be a little warmer with 50s at the coast, 60s in the bay and a few low 70s inland. it will be mostly sunny and warmer on friday. other than patchy coastal fog this weekend we can expect sunshine and 80s in the valleys. temperatures will cool with increasing clouds on tuesday.
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i'm shocked. i can't quite belive it.i'm quite surprised. a new report the bay area's air is not as clean as many people think.and cars aren't the only culprit.the american lung associaton's annual state of the air report says climate change is causing a spike in ozone pollution.(grant)three bay area counties were graded "f."catherine heenan is back now to break down the numbers. catherine? (catherine) the lung association issues these reports every year, but we should point out that the figures are based on a three=year average. this one covers the years 2014 to 2016... so the disastrous wildfires of last year are not included. even so, the numbers are up. coughbad air threatens the health of hundreds of thousands of people in the bay area ... especially at=risk groups like children with asthma.breathing ozone inflames the lungs, making it difficult to breathe.he american lung association blames 2016's near record
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temperatures for reversing years of decline.the east bay was hit especially hard. alameda county had more than ten days of unhealthy ozone levels.santa clara and contra costa had four.san francisco, marin, sonoma and napa had none.particle pollution is even more dangerous than ozone. microscopic bits of soot can bypass the body's defenses, and lodge deep in the lungs where they can cause serious damage.bad soot days dropped by eighty percent since 2004 the rolling average does not include the weeks of smoky air after last year's wildfire. for the three years previous , san franciso. san mateo and sonoma counties had no unhealthy particle days.napa and contra costa earned a grade of "b."santa clara, alameda, solano and marin each got a "c." (catherine) the american lung
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association says the greater bay area, which includes santa cruz and san joaquin counties, is tenth in the nation in particle pollution. grant and vicki? (grant) new at five.... the santa cruz county sheriff's office is holidng a community meeting tonight after seeing an increase in gun violence. officials are discussing whether they'll add temporary license plate readers near soquel drive. the department is working to find ways to prevent future violence while also generating investigative leads. while there are only talks about adding the readers, the department wants to hear the public's concern before they proceed with any plans. (grant) a man who spent more than 20 years on california's death row before his conviction was overturned... will ánot be re- tried. as a result... vicente figueroa could be a free man within a matter days. he was convicted in 19-93 of raping and killing his girlfriend's one-year-old daughter. the state supreme court threw out his conviction in march.... saying
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the medical evidence was proven false. many of the doctors who testified at the trial later recanted. (vicki) president trump acknowledging today that c-i-a director mike pompeo made a secret trip to north korea -- reportedly laying the groundwork for direct talks between kim jong un and president trump. omar jimenez has the very latest from washington. president donald trump: he just left north korea, had great meeting with kim jong un and got along with him really well, really great.president trump confirming reports c.i.a. director mike pompeo met with kim jong un in north korea over easter weekend.this as part of the behind-the- scenes preparations for president trump and kim jong un 's expected in-person meeting later in may or early june. it would be the first face-to-face encounter between a sitting u.s. president and a north korean leader.president donald trump: i think he'll go down as truly a great secretary of statesdespite president trump's confidence in pompeo, he faces a difficult road to senate confirmation to become the new secretary of republicans and democrats on the foreign relations committee are split on whether
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revelations of this meeting help or hurt his case. sen. bob corker / -r- tennessee / chairman, foreign relations committee: i want those people meeting with kim jong un or the people around him prior to the two leaders of the countries meeting together.but the two top ranking democrats on the committee oppose pompeo's confirmation.sen. bob menendez / -d- new jersey / ranking member, senate foreign relations committee: once you're nominated for a position, you don't go and begin to act as if you're in that position before you're confirmed.on a conference call with reporters, the white house reiterating their confidence in pompeo's qualifications and is encouraging bipartisan support as he spends wednesday meeting with senators ahead of his confirmation washington, i'm omar jimenez. (grant) coming up-- a warning before you use caffeine to jump-start your day. why the f-d-a is cracking down on liquid caffeine supplements. (vicki) and after the break-- reclining airline seats could soon be a thing of the past. we'll show you the proposed seats of the future.
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(vicki) an italian company is releasing images of their new airline seats called the skyrider two-point-o. the seats look more like roller coaster seats than regular airline seats with an upright passenger design. the companys says the new seats will allow airlines to increase passenger numbers by 20 percent. but early
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concerns include the seats causing delays during emergency evacuations and limited space underneath. so far, no airlines have picked up the new design. (grant) still ahead... there's high demand for strong cell phone signals in the bay area-- but one east bay community is against towers popping up in its neighborhoods. (lawrence) i'm chief meteorologist lawrence karnow, i'll have your full bay area forecast after the break.
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(vicki) as the demand for data grows in the bay area... smaller cities like danville... are trying to balance the need for stronger cell phone signals... verses... the concerns of their residents about cell towers popping up. kron 4's gabe slate explains. danville, like most bay area cities is growing quickly the demand on the cell phone networks is being pushed. the cell phone network providers want to add these micro towers called small cells to existing city infrastructure to boost
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cell signals. these are typically added to the tops of light poles or power poles. danville is one of many east bay cities that some of the carriers want to place these small cells throughout the downtown area and neighborhoods . tehy may be small.. but they are still a cell tower and that has some people worried what they will look like estiticly or radiation concerns..sound from danville residents. sound from tai williams, aicp - danville assistant town manager "there is little a city can do with cell tower regulation" tai williams is danville's assistant town manager, she says the fcc handels cell phone tower regulation. the only a city can do through their ordinance is enforce some minor cosmetic rules. sound from tai williams, aicp - danville assistant town manager "it can only be this high, hide it as best you can etc " tai williams says a few residents have contacted the city expressing radiation concerns over these small cell towers tai says there is nothing the city can do about that they can't deny the towers over those concerns. sound from tai williams, aicp - danville assistant town manager "the federal gov won't let us denie over health issues " in danville gabe slate kron 4 news. (grant)
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(grant) (grant) let's get a check on what we are working on for kron4 news at six. steve aveson is standing by in the kron4 newsroom. steve? thank you grant - coming up new tonight at six. we are now learning a shooting threat was made against youtube... just days áafterá a woman opened fire inside the company's san bruno headquarters. tonight -- what we know about the person believed to be behind this second threat. that's coming up new tonight at six. (anchor) time now to
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check on our weather... with chief our weather... to check on time now to check on our weather... to check on our weather... with chief meteorologist lawrence karnow. lawrence karnow: we enjoyed partly cloudy skies and cool temperatures today. highs were in the 50s and 60s. it is quiet on the doppler radar right now but that may change as another storm system approaches the coast. on the satellite image you can see a rather small low pressure system headed our way. we will see increasing clouds tonight with a chance of showers mainly near the coast. it appears that storm will skirt the coastline so we aren't expecting much rain inland. once it moves out we can expect a big warm up into the weekend. so tomorrow we will see partly cloudy skies with a slight chance of showers near the coast. highs will be a little warmer with 50s at the coast, 60s in the bay and a few low 70s inland. it will be
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mostly sunny and warmer on friday. other than patchy coastal fog this weekend we can expect sunshine and 80s in the valleys. temperatures will cool with increasing clouds on tuesday. (grant) exciting news for contact lens wearers-- the fda has approved the first contact lenses with light-adaptive lenses with first contact approved the the fda has wearers--contact lens news for exciting (grant) (grant) (grant) (grant) exciting news for
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contact lens wearers-- the fda has approved the first contact lenses with light-adaptive technology. technology. the acuvue lenses automatically darken in bright light. they're able
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to react to the sun's ultraviolet rays and will return to their normal tint when the user moves to normal or darker lighting. the contacts will be available next year. (vicki) packaged and liquid caffeine supplements can kill in high doses. the fda is now acting to make sure this doesn't happen. here's reid binion with today's health minute. the food and drug administration is cracking down onhighly concentrated caffeine products and working to have them removed from storesand warning consumers to stay away.they say powder and liquid dietary supplements with concentrated amounts of caffeine are a threat to public health...and have already been linked to two deaths in the u-s.the fda says some of these products can contains as much as32-hundred milligrams of caffeine, the equivalent of as much as 28
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cups of coffee.sot dr. henry spiller, nationwide children's hospital"when they take, what they think is a dose. its 10, 15, 20 times what they're expecting."in low doses caffeine can help you get a jump start on your day.but too much caffeine can ruin it... causing an upset stomach, irritability, sleepless nights and heart palpitations.and less than two tablespoons of some types of powdered pure caffeine can even though caffeine may help boost weight loss, the mayo clinic says higher doses of caffeine won't result in better results. for today's health minute, i'm reid binion. (grant) next on kron4 news at 5... the sharks go for the sweep tonight. we'll take a look at the excitement in san jose before game 4 against the ducks.
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(vicki) a popular toy maker is asking people to recycle their toys. hasbro just announced a pilot program that would put old toys to use. under the program-- donated toys will be transformed into materials used to make playgrounds, park benches, and flower pots. people can participate by creating an account with the company "terra-cycle". the company will send a free shipping label so you can ship the toys to be recycled. (grant) in san jose, the sharks are one game away from advancing to the semifinals .... they are just one of 2 teams in the
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nhl that remain undefeated in the playoffs.. (vicki)game 4 is tonight down at the shark tank.. kim smith is there with a look ahead to tonight's action... it seems to be the theme in the bay area with comfortable leads... you can't relax even when you are up 3 games in a series.. the sharks remember all too well that feeling back in 2014 when they blew a 3-nothing lead to the kings in the western conference finals... (vo) tonight they have another huge advantage over the anaheim ducks... the sharks have outscored the ducks 14 to 6 so far in this series, including a historic game 3... 8 goals on the night... add that with a record setting 45 saves by martin jones... it's a recipe
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for success...the sharks have the speed and the physicality to clinch this next round... but remembering the past, the sharks know they can't get too comfortable...(pavelski: "it's exactly right where we want to (vicki)(vicki) sports (vicki) that wraps up kron 4 news at 5.(granti) steve aveson and catherine heenan are here with kron 4 news at six. (steve) thank you grant and vicki..coming up new tonight at five...after a new report detailing the ammount of death and destruction a 7-point-oh magnitude earthquake could cause in the bay area. we'll tell you what utilities are doing to
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try and soften the impact of an eruption of the hayward fault.(catherine)then - a 4-car accident near the oakland airport has left one person dead... and several others hurt. we"ll tell you the potential cause investigators are looking into.... that's coming up next at six.
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tonight at 6... a driver has been killed in a crash that involved four happened on a road leading to the oakland airport.. other drivers were left seriously hurt. thank you for joining us, i'm steve aveson.(catherine)and i'm catherine heenan. kron4's haaziq madyun talked to investigators about the potential cause of the tragedy.
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an illegal u-turn...prelimary cause for a four-vehicle collision killing a woman behind the wheel and injuring three other driverssotit happened wednesday around 10:27 am here on doolitle drive near langley street in oakland. this stretch of highway is commonly used by commuters traveling to and from the city of alameda and the oakland airport. deputies with the alameda county sheriff's office were first on the scene, followed by first responders from oakland fire who had to use hydraulic rescue tools, commonly referred to as the jaws of life to gain access to the deceased driver nats/haaziq were they successful at gaining at extracting and gaining access?sot
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in oakland haaziq madyun kron4news (steve) another big story we are following tonight-- an officer has been released from the hospital after being injured in a hit-and-run in san francisco. here's a look at who police have behind bars for the incident. they say 18-year-old marisa androvich hit the officer while he was crossing the street yesterday on eddy and larkin streets. police say the officer was in plain clothes... and androvich took off after hitting him. she was arrested shortly later near 26th avenue and california street. androvich is now facing felony hit-and-run charges. (catherine) the n-t-s-b held a news conference today - as they launch their investigation into what
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happened yesterday when a southwest airliner blew an engine and had to make an emergency landing. (steve) one woman died as a result of her injuries after being partially sucked out of an airplane window. grant lodes joins us now in studio with the latest. (grant) today.... a hunk of debris was recovered hunk of debris today.... a hunk of debris was recovered about 70 miles north of philadelphia's airport. in the news conference... the n-t-s-b said the plane landed at a much higher-than-normal speed...about 190 miles per hour. the n-t-s-b also said a preliminary look at the engine showed that one of its fan blades was missing and that there was evidence of metal fatigue where the blade attaches to the hub. and this just in.... us airline regulators say they will order inspections on engine fan blades like the one involved in the fatal failure.
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the entire fleet. we need to understand what happened here> (grant) meanwhile the pilot of the plane -- tammie jo shults is being praised for her poise under pressure. she's a former fighter pilot --- one of the navy's first women to fly the fa-18 hornet. one passenger says she displayed "nerves of steel" during the emergency. passengers said shults spoke to them directly after the landing to make sure everyone was all right. (catherine) there was another incident involving southwest airlines today. flight 577 took off from nashville's airport just after five this morning... only minutes later - it was forced to turn around after the plane hit a bird. the plane will be taken out of service to be checked. 70 passengers were on board. .
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(bam vo/catherine) it would be 30 times more powerful than 2014's napa earthquake and cause ten times more damage than loma prieta in 1989. (steve) so says a new report that imagines an even bigger quake -- or "a direct hit" on the hayward fault in the east bay. kron four's rob fladeboe has more - on what's called the 'hay-wired scenario." (animation of hayward fault) the hayward fault., which stretches the length of the east bay, from san pablo bay through berkeley, oakland, haward fremont and milpitas is the most dangerous fault in the bay. the so called "haywired scenario" imagines a magnitude7-point-0 earthquake on the hayward fault centered south of oakland. ken hudnut/u.s. geological survey " the haywired scenario, 800 people die, 2,500 people will need to be rescued from heavily damaged buildings, another 22,000 people will be trapped in elevators,
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152,000 households will be displaced..."(standup at central park) rob fladeboe/fremont "...i'm here at central park in fremont. the hayward fault cuts right through the middle of the park. that swale or hump you see behind me, that is actuallythe hayward fault pushing the ground up, which has created that hump, which is getting a little bit bigger all the time..."(cracks in the pavement/broken curbs)look at this. there are cracks all over the pavement here and the curbs around the parking lot are moving along with the fault below. inside the community center, there is an ever-widenng crack in the concrete floor. these signs that suggest there would also be widespread damage to infrastricture and underground utilities.ken hudnut/u.s. geological survey "...nobody should be surprised by an earthquake that strikes a direct hit, like 1906, you may not know this but 1994 and 1989 were not direct hits, even 1906 was slightly offshore, we're talking about worse, much worse because this will be a direct hit on the est bay urban corridor..." until that day, it's all but reducing risks.hoping to mitigate anticipated shortages of power and water. this animation showshow the san francisco p.u.c. is counting on retrofited water pipes to survive a big quake.steve richie/san francisco public utilities commissionin san jose rob fladeboe kron 4 news
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one hundred one hundred and twelve years ago today. a seven point eight magnitude earthquake rocked the city by the bay. three thousand people died. to this day, it ranks as one of the most signifigant quakes ever recorded. (steve) this morning in san francisco, people gathered to remember the anniversary of the quake. that was on the san andreas fault. but scientist are predicting that we are due for another big quake on the hayward fault in the east bay. kron4's maureen kelly was in berkeley today to show us some of the major retrofit projects to buildings that sit right on top of the hayward fault.
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in berkeleycal's memorial stadium was almost completely rebuilt account for the fact that the hayward fault runs right thru the stadium.some of the seismic retrofit work is under the feet of the football fans who come root on the these concrete expansion joints...some of the safety enhancements are overheard....they are called seismic dusters but they are essentially giant shock help absorb the energy of a big quake so the structure stays intact. but there are still places like this handrail where you can see the effect of being on top of the creeps about 4 millimeters a year.the building was designed so fans can get out safely.the media were shown the work done to preserve the historic herbst memorial mining building which opened they year after the 06 quake. to make it seismically safer...the foundation was dug out....creating essentially a cement bathtub....and inside are 134 bearings... this allows us to keep the building in its original design but the building actually stays ice isolated in the ground was below it there are awful lot of buildings that i've never been retrofitted. this is
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something you can recognize for yourself whether you're in a building that should be a concern to you whether you own it or renting and you can have a structural engineer check it out. so you think you have a realistic concern about the building you're in you can take action do something about it the tour happened before this conference talking about the very realistic probability of a magnitude 7 quake strike on this fault. i spoke to a usgs geophysicist who sayssays there's a lot of the bay area housing homeowners out there that need to take stock about the need for making their own structures safer. there are awful lot of buildings that i've never been retrofitted. this is something you can recognize for yourself whether you're in a building that should be a concern to you whether you own it or renting and you can have a structural engineer check it out. so you think you have a realistic concern about the building you're in you can take action do something about it those here at cal say the loma prieta and northridge quakes woke them up to the need seismic retrofitting and they've spent the the last 20 years and tens of millions of projecting their faciilies or replacing them.maureen kelly kron4 news. a live look outside right now... as we get our first look at the four zone forecast with chief zone
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forecast with chief meteorologist lawrence karnow. lawrence karnow: we enjoyed partly cloudy skies and cool temperatures today. highs were in the 50s and 60s. it is quiet on the doppler radar right now but that may change as another storm system approaches the coast. on the satellite image you can see a rather small low pressure system headed our way. we will see increasing clouds tonight with a chance of showers mainly near the coast. it appears that storm will skirt the coastline so we aren't expecting much rain inland. once it moves out we can expect a big warm up into the weekend. so tomorrow we will see partly cloudy skies with a slight chance of showers near the coast. highs will be a little warmer with 50s at the coast, 60s in the bay and a few low 70s inland. it will be mostly sunny and warmer on friday. other than patchy coastal fog this weekend we can expect sunshine and 80s in the valleys. temperatures will
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cool with increasing clouds on tuesday. (catherine) death row inmate vicente benavides has become just the second man in california history to have his death row conviction fully reversed... and- have the prosecuting agency dismiss the charges. he's spent the last 26 years behind bars. reporter olivia lavoice has more. lisa: it was extremely difficult, i think one of the hardest decisions i've had to make in the last seven and a half years...many sleepless nightsit's been five weeks since the california supreme court overturned the 1993 death penalty judgement against vicente benavides. since then the ball's been in district attorney lisa green's court. she'd have the final say on whether benavides would be freed-or would have to face another jury trial for the alleged murder of his then girlfriend's 21 month old daughter, consuelo verdugo in 1991. benavides was alone with the toddler for no more than 15 minutes when he said he found her unconcious outside. at the time, doctors said the child was
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sexually assaulted so severely-that it caused her fatal internal injuries. but decades later-the same doctors said they reviewed medical records that made them completely change their opinion.olivia: do you believe that the child was sexually assaulted?lisa: nobut that doesn't mean green thinks he's innocent. lisa: the evidence suggests-strongly suggests that mr.benavides is not innocent but it also is convicincing that he shouldn't have been doing his time on death row.if she were to retry the case-green says the theory would be a child abuse homicide of 2nd degree murder-for which the sentence is 15 years to life. but she says the challenges were ultimately too great- especially after the supreme court ruled the sexual assault evideence was even if we had the witnesses who say well yes i do think there is phsyical abuse-the word false evidence is going to be every other word out of a defense attorney's mouth. (catherine) that was
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olivia lavoice reporting. attorneys still are working on the release details... if benavides decides to sue - he'll first have to prove to a board that he's innocent. if that happens - he could be eligible for a pay-out of about a million dollars. (( áá v.o. / steve áá )) it's may be the biggest pot party in the world and this year organizershave plans to make noise and cleanup more palatable to neighbors. (( áá v.o. / catherine áá )) in the east bay a local student is happily shocked to get a rare cash award - good for attending any college in america. (( áá v.o. / steve áá )) and a fresno state professor is under fire for comments she made on social media after former first lady barbara bush passed away.find out how the school is
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a fresno state professor is under fire for her tweets about barbara bush that she posted just an hour after the former first lady's death was announced. randa jarrar, who teaches in the english department, took to twitter last night and wrote a series of tweets condemning bush. she uses vulgar language to describe the bush family. the tweets generated controversy online, with many saying that her words against bush were inappropriate.
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in one tweet, the fresno professor said she couldn't be fired because she has tenure. the school has tried to distance itself from jarrar, saying that her tweets were written as a 'private citizen' and they don't reflect the university. (steve) on friday-- the public is invited to pay their respects to the former first lady as she will lie in repose at saint martin's church in houston texas. then on saturday, the bush family will hold a private funeral and burial service. among the guests at the ceremony will be current first lady melania trump. former presidents barack obama and bill clinton and their wives also plan to attend funeral services for former first lady. (steve) today... flags around the country and in washington are flying at half-staff in
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memory the former first lady. reporter anna wiernicki is in washington where lawmakers are remembering her legacy. lamar smith: this is the first photograph you see when you walk into my dc office.anna wiernicki: texas congressman lamar smith says the nation knows former first lady barbara bush as a political matriarch.lamar smith: here's barbara bush right here.anna wiernicki: but only a few, he says, were lucky enough to know her as a friend.lamar smith: whenever you think of her you've got a smile.anna wiernicki: smith says he'll never forget the day former president george h. w. bush invited him over for a coke at the bush's home in texas.lamar smith: barbara bush says to me yes he told me, pause, i am just glad he didn't ask you to spend the nightanna wiernicki: it was that firey sense of humor that texas congressman jodey arrington says he'll never forget.i think we can all know mrs. bush by the character of her husband, but also by the personality of her son, who again was that firey, quick-witted.president donald trump called mrs. bush an oustanding woman of character.
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he ordered flags nationwide to be flown at half-staff in her honor.anna wiernicki: and dozens of texas lawmakers took to twitter to share their favorite memory of mrs. bush. inclduing democrat beto o'rourke who described her as a woman of "grace, compassion and kindness"congressman will hurd says she was a great ambassador for america and texas.someone who has made a mark on our culture, on our society, and she is going to be missed.//lamar smith: she was such a gem of a person and no doubt a star in the heavens todayanna wiernicki: a loving mother, wife, and first lady. smith says her legacy lives on through her work and her place in americans washington, i'm anna wiernicki. (catherine) thousands of marijuana fans are expected at golden gatepark this friday - for the annual 4-20 event. the cannabis event is 'not' sanctioned by the city of san francisco -- but city officialsare all over the planning process. they're again using help from private sponsors to improve things ranging fromclean-up to
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security. that idea debuted last year and reportedly worked well.. past years have resulted in serious problems, including property damage andhorrendous traffic jams. and always - tons of trash are left behind. board president london breed says the city is trying to do more to curb those problems...and has a warning for anyone planning to come. london breed - there will be no tolerance for violence. we will not allow 420 to be used as an excuse to damage our parks or our neighborhoods. this is still not a city-sanctioned or approve event. this is about safety and the quality of life in the neighborhood. she also wants people to read up on the list of things not tents, tables,glass or cooking equipment. roughly 15-thousand people are again expected to pour into robin williams meadow.....and surrounding neighborhoods.
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this friday marks the first 4-20 day since prop 64 took effect - which legalizes recreational marijuana for adults. (steve) a controversial state senate bill that aimed to increase housing near public transit throughout the state will not move forward this year. sb-827 failed to get out of the senate's transportation and housing committee. six senators voted against it, four voted in favor and three abstained. supporters say the bill would reduce regulations, strengthen housing laws, boost construction and increase housing supply. opponents said it would take away power from local jurisdicition communities. let's take a look outside right now... chief meteorologist chief meteorologist lawrence karnow joins us now with the four zone forecast. lawrence karnow: we enjoyed partly cloudy skies and cool temperatures today. highs were in the 50s and 60s. it is quiet on the doppler radar right now but that may change
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as another storm system approaches the coast. on the satellite image you can see a rather small low pressure system headed our way. we will see increasing clouds tonight with a chance of showers mainly near the coast. it appears that storm will skirt the coastline so we aren't expecting much rain inland. once it moves out we can expect a big warm up into the weekend. so tomorrow we will see partly cloudy skies with a slight chance of showers near the coast. highs will be a little warmer with 50s at the coast, 60s in the bay and a few low 70s inland. it will be mostly sunny and warmer on friday. other than patchy coastal fog this weekend we can expect sunshine and 80s in the valleys. temperatures will cool with increasing clouds on tuesday. (catherine (catherine more than 7
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months after hurricane maria slammed into puerto rico --- the entire island was without power today....with only some of it back on tonight. maria destroyed the electrical grid and much of the infrastructure. puerto rico has been dealing with power outages ever since -- but today's problem is huge and might have been caused by an excavator that was clearing brush.. hospitals lost power...although back-up generators helped. utilities, trains and banks were affected. it could take more than a day for the problem to be fixed. sharks going for a sweep tonight at the tank... we'll have a preview coming up
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(steve) the sharks are getting closer to sweeping the anaheim ducks and moving on to the semifinals... they are one
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game away...(catherine) game 4 is tonight at the shark tank.. kim smith is there with a look ahead to tonight's action...
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home crowd... reporting from the sap center. in san jose. kim smith kron 4 sports> (( áá v.o. / catherine áá )) coming up next... a new study reveals some surprising contradictions about californians and their attitudesabout immigration.. (lawrence)and i'm tracking your weeknight forcast... that's just ahead. ♪ ♪ get high speed internet from at&t. $30 per month. no extra monthly fees.
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more for your thing. that's our thing. visit (catherine) a new study
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by u-c berkeley shows that while overall, californians support racial inclusion, they hold some contradictory views on issues like deportation. (steve) two thirds of californians oppose donald trump's proposed wall. 64 percent think the state should limit cooperation with federal immigration officials. however, 59 percent of respondents in the study also said increasing deporations is important. (catherine) that seems at odds with the fact that 79 percent supposedly support a pathway to citizenship for dreamers. and while 70 percent of californias say immigrants strengthen the cournty -- nearly half support the so called "muslim ban." (steve) today the kern county district attorney announced she will not file charges against two ice agents
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accused of lying during the investigation into a deadly collision in delano... involving two undocumented immigrants who were laid to rest earlier this month. (catherine) local police said they had surveilance video that contradicted the ice agents' claims that they did not pursue the couple. kristin price has details from bakersfield. ice agents pulled over santos hilario garcia and marcelina garcia perfecto march 13 on west cecil avenue near kennedy high school. the couple initially stopped, but took off as the ice agent got out of an unmarked car. according to delano police, agents ramiro sanchez and dimas benitez said they followed the immigrants' for about 15 seconds, pulled over and eventually continued, but were not pursuing the couple. delano police say surveillance video contradicts the deportation officers statements.(14:45:03-32)lisa green: "a pursuit, as that
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term is used in the law enforcement world, describes actively attempting to apprehend a suspect who is attempting to avoid arrest while operating a motor vehicle at a high speed and using evasive driving techniques."kristin: while green says the video shows the officers had their lights on, by definition, the officers were not in pursuit. (14:45:19-32)lisa green: "were the agents following the ford? yes. were they speeding and or passing cars in order to catch up to the ford? or to actively catch up to the people in the ford? no."kristin: additionally green says the agents statements do not meet the requirements of the charges delano police requested. (14:47:02)lisa green: "these statements are not material. the only way they could be considered pursuit with lights and sirens was a factor in the cause of the accident." sothere on doolittle drive in oakland a violent four-vehicle collision ends with three drivers being taken to the hospital and a female driver who died at the sceneit happened wednesday around 10:27 am here on doolitle
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drive near langley street in oakland. this stretch of highway is commonly used by commuters traveling to and from the city of alameda and the oakland airport. deputies with the alameda county sheriff's office were first on the scene, followed by first responders from oakland fire who had to use hydraulic rescue tools, commonly referred to as the jaws of life to gain access to the deceased driver sotin oakland haaziq madyun kron4news here in fremont, the ever-widening crack in the floor of the community center is among many warning signs that we should prepare for a large earthquake on here in fremont, the
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ever-widening crack in the floor of the community center is among many warning signs that we should prepare for a large earthquake on the hayward fault. in a new report dubbed the "haywired scenario," usgs scientists have envisioned a magnitude 7.0 quake centered on the hayward fault, which runs the entire length of the east bay, home to some 2 million people.. it says such a disaster would kill 800people, trap thousands in collapsed buildings and destroy tens of thousandsof homes. the report urges both public and private action now to prepare and hopefully reduce risks not if, but when the big one strikes. in fremont rob fladeboe kron 4 news in berkeleycal's memorial stadium was almost completely rebuilt account for the fact that the hayward fault runs right thru the stadium.some of the seismic retrofit work is under the feet of the football fans who come root on the bears......some enhancements are overheard....they are called seismic dusters but they are essentially giant shock help absorb the energy of a big quake so the structure stays intact. those here at cal say
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the loma prieta and northridge quakes woke them up to the need seismic retrofitting and they've spent the the last 20 years and tens of millions of dollars projecting their faciilies or replacing them. maureen kelly kron4 news lawrence karnow: we enjoyed partly cloudy skies and cool temperatures today. highs were in the 50s and 60s. it is quiet on the doppler radar right now but that may change as another storm system approaches the coast. on the satellite image you can see a rather small low pressure system headed our way. we will see increasing clouds tonight with a chance of showers mainly near the coast. it appears that storm will skirt the coastline so we aren't expecting much rain inland. once it moves out we can expect a big warm up into the
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weekend. so tomorrow we will see partly cloudy skies with a slight chance of showers near the coast. highs will be a little 50s at the coast, 60s in the bay and a few low 70s inland. it will be mostly sunny and warmer on friday. other than patchy coastal fog this weekend we can expect sunshine and 80s in the valleys. temperatures will cool with increasing clouds on tuesday. (catherine) the body of a sixth member of the hart family was identified yesterday. 12 year old ciera hart died after her family's s-u-v plunged off a mendocino county cliff last month. reporter gabrielle karol talked to a friend of one of the mothers.
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(catherine) that was
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gabrielle karol reporting. two of the hart children remain missing -- and are feared dead. (steve) new at six..we're learning that a shooting threat was made against youtube in the aftermath of a gunman opening fire there. san bruno police say that it was an online threat - and it warned of other shootings. investigators were able to track down the source. they say it was made by someone under 18 -- and was not a credible threat. no word yet on whether criminal charges will be filed. (( áá v.o. / steve áá )) police are thanking the facebook community today after a stolen chihuahuais returned to it's owner just hours after an appeal for help. (( áá v.o. / catherine áá )) she's one of only 20 students in america to get big money for the college ofher choice.... and the award was a complete surprise! how much she earned and why - when we come back. ♪
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♪ protect your pets from fleas and ticks with frontline plus for dogs and frontline plus for cats. its two killer ingredients work fast and keep working all month long preventing new flea infestations on your pet. frontline plus. the number 1 name in flea and tick protection.
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you could generate yourat home.rgy, or to save energy, unplug unused appliances. do your thing, with energy upgrade california. (catherine) a little dog
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stolen from its owner's office was returned safely... hours after santa cruz police posted the story to its facebook page.(steve) officers say someone spotted "apple" the chihuahua and convinced the person who had the stolen dog to hand them over. this is the survallience video from the santa cruz police department of apple being taken from the downtown office. police said the dog's owner was posting missing photos of apple around the downtown area... believing he had run away from the office, when he saw the video.
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(catherine) today researchers banded three baby peregrine falcons...who are on top of p-g-and-e's san francisco headquarters. it's done before the chicks take their first flights -- so they can be tracked. (steve) the chicks hatched in march and have been resting, eating, and growing. pg&e is also donating to researchers from u-c santa cruz who specialize in studying the birds -- which were once near extinction. after a triumphant freebie at the ball park last night, could the a's win in extra innings today? and the warriors ship out to san antonio after taking two games from thespurs in the first round of the playoffs, all that and more coming up in sports.
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before we get to the fun
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and games... some terrible news out of san antonio... spurs head cach gregg popovich's wife... erin... has died after a long illness... not many details have been released by the team... other than a statement from team general manger r.c. buford "we mourn the loss of erin... she was a strong, wonderful, kind, intelligent woman who provided love, support and humor to all of us." the popovichs were married four decades and had two children. popovich ran the spurs' practice today... no word on what his coaching plan are for tomorrow's game 3 or the remainder of the series back to the warriors... they boarded their charter floght for san antonio this mormning and practiced in texas... they lead the first round best-of-seven series 2 games to none... but were at home in oakland... quinn cook... looks like a nice salad in his hand... kevin durant, klay thompson and the rest of the team hopes to close out the spurs today and sunday to advance to the second round to face the winner of the new orleans pelicans and the portland trail blazers... the pelicans lead that series 2-0....
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winning the first two in portland here is steve kerr on game 3(sot: kerr) "there's a few different ways to do that and you know 1 is to force some turnovers obviously and another is to make sure you rebound, keep them off the offensive glass and we gotta try to be disruptive defensively and we can't let them come down and just execute which i thought they did for most of game two." how about the sharks... monday they scored a franchise playoff record 8 goals to take a 3-0 series lead against the anaheim ducks... they can close it out with a win at the sharkk tank tonight... almost as impressive as the 8 goals was they were scored by
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8 different players... another franchise record... 45 saves from martin jones was almost an afterthought... but he now had 100 saves in the series the sharks next opponent assuming they close out the ducks would be the las vegas golden knights... who swept their first round series but sharks head coach peter deboer says he hasn;tbeen paying much attrention to any hockey other than his team (sot: deboer) "we still got a lot of work left to do here. this is a very good team we're playing and my concentration has been on that so ... actually with my wife watched billionaire last night ... we watched that show. its much better for my head than watching hockey"
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after draing 47,000 fans on free baseball night yesterday the a's were back down to 13,000-plus today at the coliseum... some nice defense here... matt joyce... with the diving catch in left field to rob yolmer sanchez of extra bases.... a's pitcher andrew triggs likes it but the a's go down 9-5 in the 4th inning... matt davidson... with the rbi single to put oakland in a big hole in the bottom of the 8th... a's close it to 10-9... and jed lowrie... is there anyone in the game hotter right now... 2-run homer to put the a's up a run unfortunately the white sox tied it to send the game to extra innings... but in the bototm of the 14th matt olsen with the drive to deep left... marcus semien scores on the walk off a's win their 4th
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straight...12-11 in 14 innings finally finally patriots tight end rob gronkowski is pursuing a new line of work. the outspoken pats star is getting into the horse racing business.... after purchasing a minority stake in a horse named after him. the 3-year-old-colt gronk is scheduled to run at next month's kentucky derby...and he got that name because it's trainer is a huge pats fan. it was originally purchased for 400-thousand-dollars.. (( áá v.o. / steve áá )) it looked
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steve áá )) it looked like a disaster in sonoma today but no one was injured, what was happening at the airport that had people doing a double take
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(steve) new tonight at 6.the sonoma county airport conducted emergency preparedness drills today. the drills involved a simulated aircraft crash on the tarmac. it was coordinated with local state and federal agencies to practice response time and train together. santa rosa fire, cal fire, and the red cross all participated, among others. emergency personnel responded as they would in a real emergency -- including the use of sirens and firefighting equipment. volunteers were called on to act as victims.
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school of her choice from footlocker. samone wasn't told beforehand what today's pep rally announcement would be... she has a 4-point-2 g-p-a and is taking 4 a-p classes..and also plays basketball and softball.
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expecting much rain inland. once it moves out we can expect a big warm up into the weekend. so tomorrow we will see partly cloudy skies with a slight chance of showers near the coast. highs will be a little warmer with 50s at the coast, 60s in the bay and a few low 70s inland. it will be mostly sunny and warmer on friday. other than patchy coastal fog this weekend we can expect sunshine and 80s in the valleys. temperatures will cool with increasing clouds on tuesday. tuesday.
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>> what we've learned about the hero pilot who landed the crippled plane. >> they're calling her the new sully. >> and first video, the mom who died after she was nearly sucked out of the window. >> plus, were the passengers wearing the masks all wrong? >> i thought that those are my last few moments on earth. >> then, president trump's furious tweet about stormy daniels and that sketch. >> i hope his lawyers are like pulling their hair out. >> and the accused killer granny, the new billboards going up right now across america, and did she just rob a bank? >> then, dae


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