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tv   KRON 4 Evening News  KRON  September 27, 2018 5:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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harassment and death threats. "my family and my name have been totally and permanently destroyed."(grant) today judge brett kavanagh and his accuser... doctor christine blasey ford gave their testimonies in front of the senate. both have stated their families have suffered greatly in the days since these allegations came to light. (grant) good evening and thank you for joining us. i'm grant lodes.(vicki) and i'm vicki liviakis. brett kavanaugh spent the day vehemently denying allegations of sexual assault. the supreme court nominee shouted and at times fought back tears as he testified in front of the senate judiciary committee. but his accuser -- christine blasey ford -- was also passionate -- and pointed to kavanaugh as her assaulter. (grant) kristen holmes has more on the emotional testimony from capitol hill. supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh says democrats' actions in the past couple of weeks may mean he will never again get to do two things he loves, teach law and coach basketball.kavanaugh's comments thursday came in an extraordinary, 45-minute opening statement in which he repeatedly expressed rancor toward democrats on the senate judiciary committee.kavanaugh
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is blaming democrats for the fraught environment stemming from allegations of sexual misconduct made by christine blasey ford and two other women. he denied sexually assaulting anyone, including ford when they were teenagers in high school.on thursday afternoon, ford finished her testimony before the senate judiciary committee about her allegation that supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh sexually assaulted her when both were teenagers. she says he pinned her onto a bed, groped her and tried to take her clothes off while laughing with a friend, who was also in the room.she said thursday that she was "terrified" to be speaking at the hearing but felt that it was her civic duty to come blew kisses to a couple of people in the audience after her testimony ended. (kristen) brett kavanaugh (kristen) (kristen) brett kavanaugh / supreme court nominee: "i'm innocent of this charge."supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh defending himself against sexual assault allegations brett kavanaugh / supreme court nominee: "i'm not have been sexually assaulted by some person, in some place at some time, but i have never done this to her or anyone." christine blasey ford says kavanaugh assaulted her at a party more than three decades ago, when the two were in high school.sen. dick durbin / -d- illinois: "dr. ford with what degree of certainty did brett kavanaugh assaulted you?" christine blasey ford / accuses kavanaugh of sexual assault: "100 percent" long-time sex crimes prosecutor - rachel mitchell --- standing in for the all-male republican committee members--- attempted to poke holes in ford's memory of the events.christine blasey ford / accuses kavanaugh of sexual assault: "i can't give the exact date."kavanaugh insisting the allegations are part of a smear campaign.sen. dianne feinstein / -d- california: "why aren't you also asking the fbi to investigate these claims?" brett kavanaugh /supreme court nominee: "my family has been destroyed, whatever the committee decided. i am all in immediately."republican senator lindsey graham blaming democratssen. lindsey graham / -r- south carolina: "this is the most unethical sham since i've been in politics. and if you really wanted to know the truth, you sure as hell wouldn't have done what you've done to this guy."kavanaugh
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remaining adamant -- he will stay the supreme court nominee. brett kavanaugh / supreme court nominee: "i will not be intimidated into withdrawing from this process." (kristen) (grant) here at home...people gathered to support doctor ford...and are hailing her testimony as nothing short of heroic.(vicki) kron four's rob fladeboe attended a "we believe attended a "we palo alto. hometown of ford's city hall in dr. rally outside christine" rally outside city hall in dr. ford's hometown of palo alto. palo alto.hometown of
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(grant) here at home...people gathered to support doctor ford...and are hailing her testimony as nothing short of heroic.(vicki) kron four's rob fladeboe attended a "we believe christine" rally outside city hall in dr. ford's hometown of palo alto. nats (ford supporters chant and cheer)even before the historic hearing had concluded, just as they have sincedr. christine blazey ford came forward with her story, friends and supporterstook to the streets of palo alto in a show of solidarity. among the organizers is linda henigin linda henigin/"we believe christine" "...i'm here because i want dr. ford and all other victims of sexual assault, which includes my self, to know that we stand together in solidarity to say that sexual assault is a form of bullying and you cant fight a bully alone so we stand together..."the obviously partisan gathering featured now familiar signs hailing their friend and neighbor as a hero whose story they have long since accepted as the truth. palo alto mayor liz kniss, who recently announced that she too is a victim of sexual assault, invited the public to join her in watching the hearing at city hall.liz kniss/palo alto mayor " happened to me and it happened twice, luckily i was a little older, she was just 15 and that's pretty dramatic
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but it doesn't matter, it stays with you for life..." judge kavanagh and the republicans came in for some attacks while many in the crowd wrote very personal "we believe you christine" messages on a huge thank you card. a thank you, they said, on behalf of all women.idarose sylvester/supports dr. ford '.....women are rising up and standing up to decades of systematic oppression, subtly and not so subtle, we are not over what happened to anita hill 25 years ago, this time we are standing up and we are going to stay in this fight..." in palo alto rob fladeboe kron4news
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(vicki) while dr. ford and judge kavanaugh were giving their testimonies... just a block away from the hearing a large group of supporters of judge brett kavanaugh gathered on capitol hill for the "i stand with brett" rally. they wore shirts saying women for kavanaugh and held signs saying confirm kavanaugh. conservative activist group concerned women for america and a group of students from liberty a private christian university in virginia came to stand up for kavanaugh. "friends of mine have been wrongly accused of similar crimes, so if that's the case i want him to be exonerated." "senate democrats have been cynically using pain of women and others for their political agenda."(vicki) hundreds of women attended the rally which centered around woman speaking up for republican beliefs and defending brett kavanaugh's innocence. (grant)a busy day at the
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salesforce transit center... which was shut-down tuesday after the discovery of a cracked structural support beam.(vicki)since that discovery they have found a second cracked beam... and now work as begun to prepare the site so it can be shored up and hopefully reopened.kron 4's dan kerman is live tonight at the transit center on fremont street with more. (dan) repair crews at the salesforce transit center spent thursday clearing the area above fremont street where two cracked support beams were discovered earlier this week. here you see them taking out ceiling panels to expose the beams that will be shored up sot mark zabaneh/transbay joint powers authority 16-23 we'll be holding up the beams that have cracks , we'll be pusing up on the beam you see there to relieve the beams from the loading... in other words to relieve the stress on the cracked beams, massive verticle pieces of steel will be erected in the center of fremont street to support the weight of the bus deck and rooptop park above. this
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work could begin as early as this weekend depending on how quickly materials are available... the hope is to get it done by the end of next week so some of what is closed now can reopen.sotthe first step is to open fremont street, the second step is to restore bus operations at the transit the meantime, the investigation into the cause of the cracks continues, as does inspection of other beams throughout the transit center.sotwe have found nothing but the two cracks we reported yesterday we continue to monitor just to make sure.113/ to make sure (dan)
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that was found in a fishtank inside a san francsico home has finally been identified as the owner of the home, 65 year old brian egg.(grant) the body was found back in august. kron4's maureen kelly has the latest on the status of the investigation. it's no surprise to any of us, we had a visual we did lotta things to celebrate his life. but his head hands are still missing so we have to keep asking where that isa long time neighbor and friend of the man now identified as brian egg....says he is still shaken by the gruesome discovery. he had reported the 65 year old victim missing back in june...police visiting the clara street home three times in late july and early august, but going away when no one answered the door.but then neighbors spotted a private crime scene clean up company at the home....then police came back and discovered a headless torso in a fish tank inside the home and ended up arresting two people robert mcafrey and lance silva. these court records allege that silva had used egg's credit card to hire the cleaning crew...and purchase a 2007 bmw. both were arrested on suspicion of homicide and indentity theft but but they have not been charged....due to a lack of evidence. while the medical examiner can
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finally say for sure that body is brian egg...the cause of his death is still unknown and has yet to be officially ruled a homicide. silva is still being held in jail on a probation violation....mcafrey was released. egg's friend and neighbor says he feels like he's in limbo.this person who's in jail now i don't know when he'll eventually be charged with but i'm really concerned that are out there roaming the streets that are out involved in this they haven't been arrested maybe they question some people i don't knowhe says the victim in this case deserves justice. maureen kelly kron4 news. (anchor1) taking a live look outside-- our sutro look outside-- taking a live (anchor1)
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kron4 news. maureen kelly kron4 news. (anchor1) taking a live look outside-- our sutro camera looking at the golden gate bridge. (anchor 2) time now to check on our weather... with chief meteorologist lawrence karnow. temperatures temperatures began to cool today but it was still hot in some of the valleys with highs in the 80 and low 90s. patchy fog lingered at the coast to keep those temperatures with highs only in the 50s and the 60s and 70s and 80s around the bay. you can see the clouds spinning toward the coast. we will see a mix of sun and clouds tomorrow with much cooler temperatures. highs will be in the 70s inland with 60s and 70s around the bay and 50s and 60s at the coast. low pressure will bring a slight chance of showers to the north bay on saturday with even
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cooler weather for the entire weekend. another weather system will bring a chance of showers again on monday. more sunshine and warmer weather is expected late next week. (grant)(grant) fleet week is almost here - and this year expect more than just sailors, ships and f-a 18 hornets... we'll show you the beefed up security presence that s-f-p-d has planned. (vicki) and a warning for parents tonight. where a man was allegedly trying to lure children into his car. (grant) suspecetd apple store theves are now behind bars. we are taking alook at just how many of these robberies in the bay area were connected. (vicki) it's a story we
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brought you first on kron4... a number of arrests after one million dollars in apple products were stolen. investigators believe a crime ring made off with the loot in a long series of grab and runs at apple stores here in the bay area, and in other parts of the state. (vicki) yesterday we told you about how 7 people from the east bay were taken into custody... (grant) now we are learning this crime ring was even bigger, and the thefts occurred in 19 counties.
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(grant) kron four's terisa estacio is in oakland for us with more on this big break. .. (estacio) the state attorney general announced today they have filed charges against 17 people for those grab and run crimes effecting apple stores. in fact, the crimes occured in nearly 2 dozen county up and down the state. 7 of those arrested, here in oakland with the help of the opd. (take pkg) chief anne kirkpatrick, opd. actually, this is a large ring, 19 counties opd helped, lead agency slo. oakland's police chief on helping assist state law enforcment officers and other counties with taking down a crime ring. apple thefts like this one in santa rosa the other day have struck fear in many and stumped police until now. the state attorney general claiming the arrests extinguish a mob mentality ... often the pack hit hard and fast, wearing hoodies and out in a flash. the groups reportedly responsible for at least 50 thefts. chief. one milion dollars, that effects you and me, glad we could play a part. kron four news has learned all 7 were busted at one home in oakland tuesday evening... all are in custody in alameda county jail, expect for one person busted in sonoma county following a theft. kron four news obtained this exclusive video of one suspect being taken down. (estacio) this is certainly not the end... the
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attorney genereal says there are 9 outstanding warrants and that they are working on bringing those people in to hold them responsible. te
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happening now: a warning tonight for parents... a predator is lurking in petaluma... after a man tried to lure a young teenager into his car. kron4's ryan o'donnell joins us with more on what happened. ryan? according to police... this happened last night. a man driving a black s-u-v with tinted windows... pulled-up next to a 13-year old boy and tried to get him into his vehicle. police say this happened in petaluma in the area of ely boulevard south and casa grande road near casa grande high school at around 6-30 p-m. they say the driver told the teen to get into his car... threatening him harm if he refused. police say the teen ran until he couldn't see the black s-u-v anymore. at this time, police don't have a good description of the driver... and ask if you happened to have see this... or if your child has experienced something like this as well, to please give them a call. p-d says all the petaluma schools have all been notified about this incident. (vicki) new at five - are you
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ready? fleet week kicks off next week...and as usual... kron4 is your official fleet week station.(grant) with massive crowds...comes the need to keep people safe. kron4's haaziq madyun shows us how first responders in san francisco are preparing for the big event.(take pkg) (pkg)2018 fleetweek event is just about ready to take off. here at san francisco's department of emergency management first responders announce a coordinated joint public safety effort to keep people safe during the week long eventsotsot
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smartsotif you're planning on enjoying the airshow while you are out on the baysotthe best way to stay informed in the event of an emergencysot "sign up for alert sf during fleetweek. all you have to do is text the word fleetweeksf, all one word to 888-777 hit send and you phone will be connected to alert sf">in san francisco haaziq madyun kron4news (anchor) (anchor) taking a live (anchor) (anchor)
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(anchor) taking a live look outside-- overlooking downtown san overlooking look outside-- taking a live (anchor) (anchor) taking a live look outside-- overlooking downtown san francisco. (anchor) time now to check on our weather... with chief meteorologist lawrence karnow. temperatures began to cool today but it was still hot in some of the valleys with highs in the 80 and low 90s. patchy fog lingered at the coast to keep those temperatures with highs only in the 50s and the 60s and 70s and 80s around the
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bay. you can see the clouds spinning toward the coast. we will see a mix of sun and clouds tomorrow with much cooler temperatures. highs will be in the 70s inland with 60s and 70s around the bay and 50s and 60s at the coast. low pressure will bring a slight chance of showers to the north bay on saturday with even cooler weather for the entire weekend. another weather system will bring a chance of showers again on monday. more sunshine and warmer weather is expected late next week.
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(grant) hope village is now home. just how much the city is renting it out for. (vicki) it was a rough day for one central valley pup. the creative way firefighters were able to rescue her from inside a wall.
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(vicki) a central valley dog got caught in a tight predicament. literally.(grant) luna the dog was trapped in a wall, but is now free thanks to a local fire department. jennifer mc- graw reports. firefighters get called out to just about everything and on this unusual call all it took was a usual tool."kerri foust/owner"i started calling her outside and she never came,"luna, may be happy and free now, but yesterday was a ruff one.kerri foust/owner"i thought she got out or chased a cat over the fence and then i kept calling and i see her tail wag, like in a bush,"and unforeseen.. her head stuck in a wall.kerri foust/owner"she was getting scared and there was no way her head was coming out of that hole,"kerri foust then called 911, fearing luna had been holded up for hours. no fonts available"we have had the traditional cat stuck in a tree, we have had ducklings stuck in sewer drains."to the rescue came the crews from the lathrop manteca fire district.. soon to encounter this strange fonts available"of course with the tones go off you think, well that's different."no fonts available"we get every kind a call you can possibly imagine and all the ones that you're never going to think of." luckily they didn't have to use the paws of life to free the pup, just a metal bar and a strong fonts available "butted it up against the concrete as burke was holding it and then i struck it with a sledgehammer.""it actually came together quite easily""10
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minutes or 12 minutes total." her neck may be in pain, but nothing compared to this face of shame.kerri foust/owner "yeah it was a lot."a lot of thanks to the firefighters who rescued this rescue pup for the manteca family.kerri foust/owner"it was a really good outcome and the fire department came together, they are amazing,as for it happening again, the fousts say..kerri foust/owner"the wall is coming out (laughs)," to paraphrase the song.. "all in all it wasn't just another brick in the wall, it was a just a dog..."jennifer mcgraw/reporting"the family took luna to the vet and i'm told she's going to be just fine. (vicki) emotional and heated. today we heard the
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testimonies from both supreme court nominee and a palo alto doctor. now we are getting reaction from your representitives on the impacts of these hearings.
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capitol hill... (vicki) christine blasey ford testified that president trump's supreme court nominee, brett kavanaugh, sexually assaulted her 36 years ago. (grant) kavanaugh also testified and defended himself -- strongly denying the allegations.our washington correspondent alexandra limon has the details of the heated hearing. .. trt 1:52alexandra limon / washington correspondentit was tense and emotional as both dr. ford and judge kavanaugh testified. but now the question is - what impact it will all have on judge kavanaugh's nomination to the supreme court.both under oath - dr christine ford and judge brett kavanaugh gave starkly different testimony to the senate judciary committeejudge kavnaughi'm here to tell the truth, i've never sexually assaulted anyone.dr. christine fordi believed he was going to rape me.dr. christine blasey recounted the assault she says she suffered at the hands of kavnaugh more than three decades ago.dr. christine ford i tried to yell for help. when i did brett put his hand over my mouth to stop me from yelling.dr ford rejected suggestions that she was attacked by someone else and
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not judge kavanaughwhen asked about it by senator feinstein. sen. feinstein / ford split screeso what you are telling us is this could not be a case of mistaken identity. absolutely not.while dr ford was questioned directly by democratic senators on the committeerepublicans hired a prosecutor to question dr ford for them - rachel mitchell mitchellhas anyone come forward to you saying hey remember i was the one who drove you no. alexandra limonjudge brett kavanaugh defended his innocence much more forcefully than we'd seen in the past at times he was emotional and he said he would not be intimidated into withdrawing kavanaughmy family and my name have been totally and permanently destroyedduring kavanaugh's testimony republicans took questioning back into their own handssen. hatchdid the ranking member raise these allegations in your one on one meeting with her? kavanaugh's voiceshe did not.alexandra limon / washington correspondentthe key question is whether dr ford's testimony convinced any republican senators to vote down kavanaugh's washington alexandra limon.
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kron4 is always tracking local stories. (grant) here's a look at what's going on in your neighborhood right now. (grant) san francisco's newly opened sales-force transit center will remain closed through next week as engineers continue to inspect two cracks found on steel beams. the larger of the two cracks is located on a beam that extends east - west, across fremont street which is closed. the cracked beams support the third-level bus deck as well as the fourth-story park above. kron4's lydia pantazes reports on the street level traffic tie ups. san francisco's newly opened salesforce transit center will remain closed through next week as engineers continue to inspect a crack found tuesday in a steel beam, as well as a
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newly discovered crack on a parallel beam. workers installing ceiling panels discovered the first crack tuesday morning on the third-level bus deck above fremont street. officials with the transbay joint powers authority then promptly closed the $2.2 billion facility and a portion of fremont street between howard and mission streets was closed too. the first crack that was discovered is 2 feet 6 inches long. the second is smaller and was discovered while engineers inspected the first. the larger of the two cracks is located on a beam that extends east and west, across fremont street, and supports the third-level roof and bus deck as well as the fourth-story park above.lpa kron 4 news
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(grant) in the east bay... a former walnut creek science teacher will spend 25 years to life in prison after pleading guilty to four counts of child molestation. michael bartel was teaching at walnut creek intermediate school...when a witness from the east coast provided a tip to the martinez police department... that he was talking about his crimes with minors in an online forum. police say his crimes did not involve students at the school. (grant) and happening now in at city hall in pittsburgh... bart's board of directors is discussing their new safety and security plan...and tracking systems. the board will be reviewing the surveilance policies and technology... including cameras and drones. it
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will also review related rider complaints. the public is allowed to address the board. the meeting started at 5:00 and is expected to last several hours. (vicki) those living in hope village in san jose have a new home. today residents the homeless emcampment started moving in to the new location this morning with the help of volunteers. the city of san jose has agreed to lease land for only a dollar a month for the next six months to the homeless encampment. the new site is across from the old one. hope village is run by homeless advocates with the goal of making this encampment a model for future homeless housing projects. (grant) in the north bay...a soap opera star who made his home in vacaville was remembered by family and friends this week. frank parker played grandpa shawn brady on days of our lives from 19-83 to 2008. parker passed away from complications related to parkinson's disease and dementia. he was 79. (vicki) on the peninsula we have an update on the
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82-year old woman found dead in her home in san francisco. police have identified her as chii-chyu horng. she was discovered after police were called to do a welfare check on a man and woman. the name of the suspect has not been released but authorities say it was a member of the victim's family. police are investigating the incident as a homocide and are asking for any witnesses or those with more information to come forward. (vicki) riders who use cal train on the weekends in san francisco may have to change their plans starting october 6th. cal-train is shutting down service to san francisco's 22nd street and fourth and king streets stations while they work on the san francisco tunnel. buses will be available from bayshore station and are accessible to those with disabilities. completion of the project is expected by late spring 20-19 however they will suspend working for the 20-19 college football national championship game at levi's stadium. temperatures began to cool
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today but it was still hot in some of the valleys with highs in the 80 and low 90s. patchy fog lingered at the coast to keep those temperatures with highs only in the 50s and the 60s and 70s and 80s around the bay. you can see the clouds spinning toward the coast. we will see a mix of sun and clouds tomorrow with much cooler temperatures. highs will be in the 70s inland with 60s and 70s around the bay and 50s and 60s at the coast. low pressure will bring a slight chance of showers to the north bay on saturday with even cooler weather for the entire weekend. another weather system will bring a chance of showers again on monday. more sunshine and warmer weather is expected late next week. (cross shot) police have arrested a man believed to have started
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5 different fires last summer in placer county.(vicki) kron4's ryan o'donnell is here with more on this man's confession. (ryan)investigators say this man here... 33-year-old kyle bridgman... is an arsonist. accused of setting multiple fires in the city of lincoln. the fires were set between june 19th and augaust third of last year. according to police... bridgman, who lives in lincoln as well, has admitted to setting these 5 different fires... which has his neighbors shocked, saying he always looked out for them. rhada dewayne/suspect's neighbor: "checked on us and made sure that nobody was going to take advantage of us." 0:07(ryan) this isn't the first time bridgman has been arrested for arson. in the summer of 20-10, he was arrested and later pleaded guilty to arson and resisting arrest. bridgman is being held on a 160-thousand dollar bond. (grant) for the first time ever, visitors will be able to explore an underwater "trail". the popular vacation spot
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getting a new dive park. (vicki) fast food chain mcdonald's is known for their burgers. the ingredient they are removing that will change everypart of their burgers. this isn't just any long-distance relationship.
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this is long distance with the best wifi experience plus the most free shows to stream. and with savings on wireless, this is a relationship with more money to spend on the important things. this is how xfinity makes life... simple. easy. awesome. get started with xfinity internet for just $29.99 a month for 12 months, and ask how you can save when you include xfinity mobile with your internet. click, call or visit a store today.
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by living off the grid. completely. or... just set the washing machine to cold. do your thing. with energy upgrade california. (grant) part of the uniform worn by boy scouts is being recalled -- for too much lead! the government says dangerous lead levels were
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found in colored enamel used on some of the uniform's brass necker-chief slides. they were sold at stores and online between february and august this year. no injuries have been reported-- but lead is toxic if ingested. parents should take them away from kids right away -- and return them for a safe replacement. (vicki) mc-donald's is removing artificial ingredients from its burgers -- and even the big mac special sauce will get a makeover. the fast-food company announced the changes to its seven classic burgers wednesday. the burgers will no longer include artificial preservatives, flavors, or coloring-- the change affects nearly every part of the sandwich-- including the bun, cheese, and sauce. (grant) lake tahoe is known for it's clear and beautiful waters. now opening in emerald bay is a
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new way to explore below the surface.
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(grant) breaking news: police are at the scene of a pepper spray attack at a walgreens in vallejo. it happened on springs road.a person reportedly walked into the store and pepper sprayed two employees. more than a dozen people were sickened.... we'll have a live report coming up at six from the scene. (vicki)california state parks are set to open a brand new trail near south lake tahoe (grant)its the first of its kind in california... ashley zavala explains.. ((az))state parks is launching its first ever underwater trail here at emerald
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bay...theyre hoping it will show the state has more to offer beyond lands end. ((nats))(ken-diver state parks) it's uniquely situated and for us it's a real privilege to the the first of its kind" the state's first underwater trail features four dive sites... the final resting places for recreational boats, launches and barges.experts say the lake's cold water helped preserve the ships... some up to 100 years.(denise jaffke- archaelogist "individually they're interesting but as a collection they represent tahoe's recreational past, and it's also the largest collection of small recreational boats, in place to exist in the world" (nats) divers say at some of the sites, you don't need scuba gear..."it's fairly shallow water so you can put on a mask and snorkel or even look out the side of your boat to see these beautiful barged." the sites have to be accessed by boat which state parks will have spread throughout the bay. state parks officials hope for the future...this won't be the state's only underwater trail "we have cultural resources underwater. the fact that we just don't look. i hope this revives that interest and we build moment from this and start establishing other sites." ((az)) friday state parks will be hosting an underwater facebook live tour of the sited. the trail officially opens to the public monday. tag
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temperatures tagtagtag temperatures temperatures began to cool today but it was still hot in some of the valleys with highs in the 80 and low 90s. patchy fog lingered at the coast to keep those temperatures with highs only in the 50s and the 60s and 70s and 80s around the
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bay. you can see the clouds spinning toward the coast. we will see a mix of sun and clouds tomorrow with much cooler temperatures. highs will be in the 70s inland with 60s and 70s around the bay and 50s and 60s at the coast. low pressure will bring a slight chance of showers to the north bay on saturday with even cooler weather for the entire weekend. another weather system will bring a chance of showers again on monday. more sunshine and warmer weather is expected late next week. (anchor) (anchor) taking a live look outside... at the san mateo bridge.(anchor) time now to check on our weather... with chief meteorologist lawrence karnow.
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(grant) it's a moment one north carolina man will never forget. the time he was reunited with his two best friends-- acdc and babes. jack denton says these dogs are everything to him, but when hurricane florence hit... he made a decision he never thought he'd have to make-- leaving his dogs behind, to save himself. jack denton/reunited with dogs: "when i woke up the storm was still going through. i had to swim out of my house, because i am handicapped." nicole kincaid/cause for paws of nc: "by the time we got out there, the skies had opened up. it was pouring down rain" (grant) four rescuers from a nonprofit group called "cause for paws onorth carolina" boated through a flooded street and found the dogs stranded on a roof. at the time, they had no idea who the dogs belonged to -- until people on social media made the connection. (vicki) ready to retire.
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one woman has been doing a job she loves for 50 years. the big birthday she's waiting for to finally retire is longer than most people live! (vicki) some people can't
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wait to retire. but one beautician must really love what she does because she has been working for over 50 years. (grant) reporter stephanie scurlo tells us how one woman is finally retiring at the age of 100. callie terrell/ beautician:"i
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work because this is what i've enjoyed doing all my life. from a little girl i always loved messing with my sisters' hair. they had beautiful hair. and i always enjoyed doing this."callie terrell loves making women look and feel good."that feels good." "well i'll do it again. maybe you'll pay more."mrs. terrell now only works to keep busy and to satisfy a few longtime customers like her daughter. . inez.she's 99 years old. . and anxiously awaiting her 100th birthday in november."whenever i give out my birthday to people, you have to pay for it. november 26th."reporter: "how old will you be?"terrell: "1-0-0. how about that?"her zeal for life is amazing. . and so is her work ethic. wreg checked the state of tennessee and they first issued her license to operate on january 30th 1945! she rents space in a salon now but once had her own thriving business. she's outlived almost all of her customers. "people my age that i used to buddy buddy with? i don't have a single one. i was in a bridge club. i'm the only one in the club that's living." work. . is part of her secret to longevity."i'm not used to just being up in the house. you see i worked so long i've just been around people and doing something exciting. most old people they're so dry and droll. i can't deal with that. i gotta live and do the things that make me happy." working brings her joy. . but she plans to finally retire at the end of the year. she says don't expect to find her sitting around the house doing nothing. "i just be waiting on somebody to call and say, 'callie you busy?' i say, 'nah, what is it?' well come on over here. they say we're doing so and so. so i jump in the car and go. i just want to do something." (vicki) (vicki) that was stephanie
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scurlo reporting. that wraps up kron 4 news at 5. (grant) pam moore and catherine heenan are here with kron 4 news at six. (pam) thank you grant and vicki..we are following breaking news at six. multiple people have been hurt inside a walgreens after a pepper spray attack. this is new video from the scene just in to our newsroom. we'll have a report coming up at six..(catherine) also - the emotional testimony today from a palo alto woman accusing the president's supreme nominee of sexual assault.. we'll hear what doctor christine blasey ford said -- and show you the heated response from judge
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brett kavanaugh. that's next at six. (pam) breaking (pam) breaking
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news tonight.... a pepper spray incident at a vallejo least two employees had to be taken to the hospital after being sprayed.(catherine) and we're hearing that at least a dozen other people may have been affected... let's turn to kron4's hermela argawi - who's standingby with the latest... hermela? i am here this morning to answer these allegations and to tell the truth. and the truth is that i have never sexually assaulted anyone-not in high school, not in college, not ever. "with what degree of certainty do you believe brett kavanaugh assaulted you?" "100%"( pam) ford> "100%"( pam) ( pam) ford> "100%" ( pam) ( pam) ford> "100%"( pam)
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the accuser was the supreme court nominee was outraged. our other top story tonight ... high drama and strong emotions on capitol hill.good evening. (catherine) i'm for the committee vote tomorrow remarkable hearing in a political ryan o'donnell is highlights. ryan? ryan?highlights. here with the o'donnell is ryan battle.political (ryan)(ryan) ryan?highlights. here with the o'donnell is ryan battle.political high stakes hearing in a remarkable after a tomorrow is set for committee vote the ken for catherine i'm (catherine) i'm catherine for ken wayne. the committee vote is set for tomorrow after a remarkable hearing in a high stakes political battle. ryan o'donnell is here with the highlights. ryan? (ryan)tears, anger and dual
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realities.christine blahzey ford says she was a victim of sexual assault.judge brett kavanaugh says he is the victim. "you have replaced advice and consent with search and destroy."> brett kavanaugh's prepared statement angrily denounced senate democrats. "i will not be intimidated by withdrawing from this process. you've tried hard. you've given it your all, you may defeat me in the final vote, but you'll never get me to quit. never." "my greatest fears have been realized - and the reality has been far worse than what i expected. christine blahzey ford said she was victimized by kavanaugh 36 years ago ... and again when she came forward with her story. "apart from the assault itself these past couple of weeks have been the hardest of my life. i've had to relive the trauma in front of the world and i've seen my life picked apart by people on television on twitter other social media other media ."she identified kavanaugh as someone who tried rape her at a house party while they were in high school, dragging her into a bedroom and covering her mouth when she tried to scream. "so what you're telling us is this could not be a case of mistaken identity." "absolutely not." kavanaugh was equally adamant. "i have never done this to her or to anyone, that's not who i am, it is not who i was. i am innocent of this charge. i intend no ill will to dr. ford and her family. the other night ashley and my daughter
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liza said their prayers, and little liza all of ten years old (pauses, choking up), said to ashley we should pray for the woman. that's a lot of wisdom from a 10-year-old."the nominee was frequently emotional ... both tearful and outraged. "this is a circus. the consequences will extend long past my nomination, the consequences will be with us for decades. " (ryan)
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(ryan) kavanaugh's attack on democrats was unusually partisan for a supreme court nominee, but it apparently went down well at the white house. president trump tweetedthat the judge wuote "showed america exactly why i nominated him," (catherine) repair crews at the salesforce transit center spent the day working above fremont street... they're preparing the site to be shored up -- after the discovery of 2 cracked support beams. kron 4's dan kerman is live for us tonight at the transit center with more.. dan? trsit center thursday 092718 6 insertthursday repair crews at the salesforce transit center were removing ceiling panels above fremont street in the area where cracks were discovered in two support beams. it's here massive verticle pieces of steel running from the bottom of the deck to the center of fremont street will be erected to support the weight of the bus deck and rooptop park above. sot mark zabaneh/transbay joint powers authority 21-27 it's an uptmost safety issue for us to relieve the loads off of the beams.this work
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could begin as early as this weekend depending on how quickly materials are available... the hope is to get it done by the end of next week so some of what is closed now can reopen.sot our focus is get the shoring done, open fremont street and get bus operations going authorities have so far found no additional cracked beams, but the inspection is continuing . sot weve check the location on fremont street and the location on first street which has a similar beam column configuration and we are checking them107 /checking them
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the remains of the headless body discovered inside a fishtank ... in a home in san francisco's south of market neighborhood, has now been identified. 65- year old brian egg had been reported missing from that home eariler this summer. kron4's maureen kelly has the lastest on the investigation. i think he deserves justice and the people responsible for this should be brought to justice that's all i can say
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and i'm sure i'm not the only one who feels this waya long time neighbor and friend of the man now identified as brian egg....says he is still shaken by the gruesome discovery. he had reported the 65 year old victim missing back in june...police visiting the clara street home three times in late july and early august, but going away when no one answered the door.but then neighbors spotted a private crime scene clean up company at the home....then police came back and discovered a headless torso in a fish tank inside the home and ended up arresting two people robert mcafrey and lance silva. these court records allege that silva had used egg's credit card to hire the cleaning crew...and purchase a 2007 bmw. both were arrested on suspicion of homicide and indentity theft but but they have not been charged....due to a lack of evidence. while the medical examiner can finally say for sure that body is brian egg...the cause of his death is still unknown and has yet to be officially ruled a homicide. silva is still being held in jail on a probation violation....mcafrey was released. egg's friend and neighbor says he feels like he's in limbo.this person who's in jail now i don't know when he'll eventually be charged with but i'm really concerned that are out there roaming the streets that are out involved in this they haven't been arrested maybe they question some people i don't knowhe says he hopes those responsible have enough humanity to help police locate his friend's missing head and hands.....expressing doubt
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that egg's family and friends will be able to ever feel closure until that happens. maureen kelly kron4 news. you first on kron4.... there have been arrests -- after a string ofgrab and go thefts of apple products.... with more than a million dollars worth of merchandise being ripped out of apple stores.. it turns out that the crime ring being blamed was evenbigger than we thought --- with thefts in 19 counties. kron four's terisa estacio is in oakland with more on this big break. terisa?
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we are now learning, 17 people are wanted in connection with those apple thefts .... the state attorney general making the big announcement today... 7 of those arrested, here in oakland with the help of the opd. (take pkg) apple thefts like this one in santa rosa the other day have struck fear in many and stumped police until now. the state attorney general claiming the arrests extinguish a mob mentality ... often the pack hit hard and fast, wearing hoodies and out in a flash. the groups reportedly responsible for at least 50 thefts. chief. one milion dollars, that effects you and me, glad we could play a part. oakland's police chief on helping assist state law enforcment officers and other counties with taking down a crime ring. chief anne kirkpatrick, opd. actually, this is a large ring, 19 counties opd helped, lead agency slo.kron four news has learned all 7 were busted at one home in oakland tuesday evening... all are in custody in alameda county jail, expect for one person busted in sonoma county following a theft. kron four news obtained this exclusive video of one suspect being taken down. (estacio) this is certainly not the end... the attorney genereal says there are 9 outstanding warrants and that they are working on bringing those people in to hold them responsible. te
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coming up... more on todays explosive hearing over the sexual assault accustaions by a palo alto professor and the trump supreme court nominee .. and what is next in the process.. ahead we'll get expert analysis ... also ... the bay area's hot real estate market has been cooling off a bit -- but not in every community... we have the latest numbers.
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more trouble for tesla c-e-o elon musk and this time the companys' shareholders are paying a price .. details next. (lawrence) i'm chief meteorologist lawrence karnow, i'll have your full bay area forecast after the break. you could save energy by living off the grid. completely. you could generate your own energy, at home.
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maybe you could save energy by weaving your own shoes... out of flax. or... just set the washing machine to cold. do your thing, with energy upgrade california. ♪ ♪ they're the moderne stone age family. ♪ ♪ from the town of bedrock. ♪ meet george jetson. ♪ ♪ his boy elroy. with instant acceleration, electric cars are more fun to drive and more affordable than ever. electric cars are here. plug into the present. (pam) tesla
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shares dropped sharply today on the news that c-e-o elon musk is being sued by the security exchange commission.. (catherine) tesla stock has now dropped nearly
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30 percent since musk sent a tweet that initially sent the stock price soaring. grant lodes joins us now with more on that infamous tweet. grant? this is the tweet... funding secured... to take tesla private at $420 a share. typically, stocks match takeover prices that a company publicizes.the stock went as high as 387 dollars the day of this tweet... august 7th...but has tumbled since.and today the s-e-c said it is suing musk for making fse and misleading statements to investors.and that the number he arrived at... 420... was intended as a joke. (grant) musk was dating
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the musican "grimes." as you may recall... about a month after that tweet... musk appeared on the joe rogan experience podcast... and openly smoked pot. telsa stock also took a hit after that smoke session. among other things, the s-e-c is now asking a federal judge to prevent musk from serving as an officer or director of a public company. musk issed a statement calling the action unjustified... saying integrity is the most important value in his life. (pam) an explosive hearing at the senate judiciary committee today. brett kavanaugh on the hot seat ... defending himself from allegations of physical and sexual assault .... made by palo alto professor christine blasey ford. dr. ford said today, she was 100- percent sure ... it was kavanaugh who assaulted her... meanwhile, kavanaugh vehemently denied the
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accusations. questions and comments from the committee... sharply divided along party lines. (pam) this a sexual assault claim .... has become a political football.. in an already heated political scene. (catherine) joining us now to talk about this... nicholas conway...professor of political science at san francisco state... (adlib/ q- and- a)and- a)
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let's take a look outside right now... chief meteorologist lawrence karnow joins us now with the four zone forecast. temperatures began to cool today but it was still hot in some of the valleys with highs in the 80 and low 90s. patchy fog lingered at the coast to keep those temperatures with highs only in the 50s and the 60s and 70s and 80s around the bay. you can see the clouds spinning toward the coast. we will see a mix of sun and clouds tomorrow with much cooler temperatures. highs will be in the 70s inland with
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60s and 70s around the bay and 50s and 60s at the coast. low pressure will bring a slight chance of showers to the north bay on saturday with even cooler weather for the entire weekend. another weather system will bring a chance of showers again on monday. more sunshine and warmer weather is expected late next week. coming up - he said the league put his football career on ice because of his protests over social injustice protests over because of his career on ice football league put his - he said the coming up coming up - he said
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the league put his football career on ice because of his protests over social injustice .. but tonight - eric reid is back in the n-f-l.... details later in sports and one of the bay area's favorite events.. fleet week is just days away... we'll preview what's ahead and the security plans being put in place.. this is customizable streaming tv for your family.
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...whatever size. it's saving money with flexible channel packs. live tv and the latest shows to stream. and all your streaming apps in one place - even netflix. this is how xfinity makes life. simple. easy. awesome. get started with xfinity internet and tv for just $34.99 a month for 12 months and customize by adding flexible channel packs. click, call or visit a store today. (catherine) are you
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ready? fleet week kicks off next week..and as usual - kron4 is your official fleet week station. with huge crowds - there also comes the needto keep people safe... kron4's haaziq madyun shows us how first responders in san francisco are preparing... (pkg)2018 fleetweek event is just about ready to take off. here at san francisco's department of emergency management first responders announce a coordinated joint public safety effort to keep people safe during the week long eventsot
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emergency on the marina green during an air event or it could be an emergency in our neighborhoods">sot
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kron4newshaaziq madyun francisco haaziq madyun kron4news coming coming up at 6:45.. in southern california... the theft of a 12-pack of beer... leads to a confrontation involving a gun.. and next, todays intensity on capitol hill in the kavanaugh hearings ... reverberated in the bay area... local supporters of christine blasey-ford again rally to her defense...
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i'm april kennedy and i'm an arborist with pg&e in the sierras. since the onset of the drought, more than 129 million trees have died in california. pg&e prunes and removes over a million trees every year to ensure that hazardous trees can't impact power lines. and since the onset of the drought we've doubled our efforts. i grew up in the forests out in this area and honestly it's heartbreaking to see all these trees dying. what guides me is ensuring that the public is going to be safer and that these forests can be sustained and enjoyed by the community in the future. light onto this speaking your
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truth is nothing short of heroic. /// this is the most unethical sham since i've been in politics> (2-shot/bam)(catherine) the emotional scene on capitol hill today... divided along partisan lines. here in the bay area... supporters of doctor ford united... and again rallied to her cause in palo alto.(2-shot/pam) as kron four's rob fladeboe reports now, "we believe you christine" was the mantra for many -- including the mayor of palo alto.
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nats (ford supporters chant and cheer)even before the historic hearing had concluded, just as they have sincedr. christine blazey ford came forward with her story, friends and supporterstook to the streets of palo alto in a show of solidarity. among the organizers is linda henigin linda henigin/"we believe christine" "...i'm here because i want dr. ford and all other victims of sexual assault, which includes my self, to know that we stand together in solidarity to say that sexual assault is a form of bullying and you cant fight a bully alone so we stand together..."the obviously partisan gathering featured now familiar signs hailing their friend and neighbor as a hero whose story they have long since accepted as the truth. palo alto mayor liz kniss, who recently announced that she too is a victim of sexual assault, invited the public to join her in watching the hearing at city hall.liz kniss/palo alto mayor " happened to me and it happened twice, luckily i was a little older, she was just 15 and that's pretty dramatic but it doesn't matter, it stays with you for life..." judge kavanagh and the republicans came in for some attacks while many in the crowd wrote very personal "we believe you christine" messages on a huge thank you card. a thank you, they said, on behalf of all women.idarose sylvester/supports dr. ford '.....women are rising up and standing up to decades of systematic oppression, subtly and not so subtle, we are not over what happened to anita hill 25 years ago, this time
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we are standing up and we are going to stay in this fight..." in palo alto rob fladeboe kron4news at tonight's top local stories. we are now learning, 17 people are wanted in connection with those apple thefts .... the
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state attorney general making the big announcement today... 7 of those arrested, here in oakland with the help of the opd. (take pkg) apple thefts like this one in santa rosa the other day have struck fear in many and stumped police until now. the state attorney general claiming the arrests extinguish a mob mentality ... in san francisco the in san francisco the medical examiner has identified the headless body that was found floating in a fishtank inside a south of market home as 65 year old brian egg. egg had been reported missing by his neighbors back in june.but it wasn't until they spotted a private crime scene cleaning crew taht police came back with a search warrant and made the grissly discovered. two men were arrested on suspicion of murder but have not been the cause of egg's death is still unknown and yet to be officially ruled a homicide.maureen kelly kron4 news
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sot2018 fleetweek is just about ready to take off. here at san francisco's department of emergency management first responders announce a coordinated joint public safety effort to keep people safe during the week long eventsotsot
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temperatures began to cool today but it was still hot in some of the valleys with highs in the 80 and low 90s. patchy fog lingered at the coast to keep those temperatures with highs only in the 50s and the 60s and 70s and 80s around the bay. you can see the clouds spinning toward the coast. we will see a mix of sun and clouds tomorrow with much cooler temperatures. highs will be in the 70s inland with 60s and 70s around the bay and 50s and 60s at the coast. low pressure will bring a slight chance of showers to the north bay on saturday with even cooler weather for the entire weekend. another weather system will bring a chance of showers again on monday. more sunshine and warmer weather is expected late next week.
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(catherine) people are buying fewer homes in the bay area right least according to 'core-logic' -- a company that monitors local home sales.(pam ) however - homes in one area are still selling like hot cakes.. kron4's ryan o'donnell joins us with more on what is going on with the housing market. home sales were down 10
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percent last month... compared to august of 2017... but it appears... it could be, because the average home might be getting too expensive. the report, by core-logic, found the average price of all homes in the bay area sold in august, was 830-thousand dollars. a 12.4 percent price increase compared to homes sold last august. this summer showed the slowest sales activity in home buying in 7 years. except for one area... castro valley. homes apparently are flying off the market according to the website ranking them 4th, among the nation's 10 "hottest" areas for home sales this year. it's popular, the website states, because of affordability, excellent school system, and easy rail access to san francisco, oakland and berkely. the
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website found the average price of a home sold in castro valley is just over 784- thousand dollars. halloween is just over a month away.. and while some people are already getting into the spirit ... others are just as quickly stealing it.. details ahead..
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(catherine) a family in martinez has lost ait of
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their halloween spirit...and say they're hoping you can help them to find out who's responsible.. (pam) grant lodes is here with more about how a home security system.... may help track down the culprit. (grant) the crawford family says they bought the sign for their kids and it has been displayed on their front porch for the last two weeks...until it was stolen last night. now check this out...their home security system clearly shows a man walking up to their door, taking the sign.... and walking away. this was just after 11:00 last night... and while it appears nothing else was taken from other homes on the street...the crawfords want to catch the man responsible... not only so they can get their sign back...but so they can also help stop any future thefts. if you recognize the suspect please contact
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martinez police. in sports... the raiders prepare for rookie quarterback and number-1 draft pick - baker mayfield and the browns... and former 49-er and national anthem protester eric reid finally has an n-f-l job... mark carpenter has that story... coming up
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(pam) it was a horrific ordeal for a s angeles store clerk.(catherine) the incident began with a shop-lifting customer... and then a fight involving a b-b gun. tom wait has more. "watch the woman and the yellow hoodie casually walk out the door with a 12 pack of beer and then book it.a split second later the clerk gives chase he comes back with a stolen gear.but this is when things get ugly.the female thief returns to confront the clerk, an argument ensues.its gets physical and the woman comes back with reinforcements. one of them looks like he has a handgun as the fight goes on the gun is pointed at the clerk.the fight escalates as the woman and man lock arms.he throws her down she tears his shirt and the man with the gun
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comes back and start shooting. turns out the weapon was a bb gun but it was fired multiple rabizadeh/owner "he's going to be ok, he was on the floor and the other clerk was helping him out."the owner of the shop was not in the store at the time this beatdown unfolded.the disturbing scene has them wondering why anyone would behave like rabizadeh/owner"i don't get it. they come, they still take the beer but they are punching and shooting the guy."from another angle you can see after the shooting that these continued to terrorize the clerk is the woman at the top left struggles this deal beard from the cooler page family gets a 12 pack of heineken. sina rabizadeh/owner"for a 12 pack of beer you shoot somebody? i don't get it."" (on cam )(on cam ) (on cam )(on cam ) (on cam )that was tom wait reporting. authorities have not released information on the suspects.
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it's been well it's been it's been well documented that colin kaepernick has still yet to sign with a team, however, here's some news that may open the door for his return. eric reid-- his former teammate and the man that knelt beside him during the national anthem... has inked a deal with the carolina panthers. the pro bowl safety's absence from football finally came to an end this morning... as reid signed his new contract. he's on a roster...despite the league's players union filing a grievance on his behalf that owners colluded against signing him.. for his protests. the 49ers reportedly offered reid a deal this week, but the 26-year-old turned it down. here's some reaction to the signing from santa clara. i'm happy for him, you know it's a good carolina team, i'm sure they're excited to have him, he's a good player and always has been. big ups to eric man, that's a blessing. i'm proud of him, i'm happy for him, he's a great football player. he's bout to go out there and do his thing, show them what they been missing. i mean i always knew he'd get
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signed, he's a good player. a lot worse players getting signed these days, could've had a hard time explaining that for sure. and colin kaepernick also weighed in with a tweet: congrats 2 my brother @eóreid35, all pro safety who should have been signed the 1st day of free agency, who has signed a football contract. he was the 1st person 2 kneel alongside me. eric is a social justice warrior, continues to support his family and communities in need and back to the current niners...with our mercedes keys to the game... 3 things crucial for this sunday against the chargers... --new qb cj beathard needs to step in for jimmy g...keep his composure and not get rattled. --also, the defense can't allow 38-points like it did last week...expect a more focused effort against philip rivers. --finally, the team as a whole...must use the jimmy g injury as a way to come together...and play some inspired ball for their leader. we'll dive in to the raiders keys to the game later
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tonight, but for now, we'll say this, they need to figure out how to win. the silver and the browns this sunday at the coliseum. if you can believe it, a cleveland team that actually has a better record than the raiders... browns got their first win in 635-days last week behind a sensational effort from their rookie quarterback baker mayfield. the heisman trophy winner... entered the game with the browns down 14-zip.. and engineered multiple scoring drives en route to a 21-17 win. jon gruden...on the abilities of the top overall pick. "he makes plays happen when there is something there, in the pocket when it's clean, he can hit the open receivers. when nobody is open and he has to move around, he has a lot of garcia in him. he'll dive for first downs. he'll extend plays. he's got a really good, competitive spirit about him. i love the way he plays. i know he'll be very excited for his first career start. we have to do a great job giving him some looks and getting some pressure on him." finally tonight, the a's are off today... but there
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were still developments on their chances to host the wildcard game. --yankees wrapping up their series with the rays in tampa.. and they won in a 12-1 rout... --the victory brings their magic number down to 1... so another victory or an a's loss means the playoff game will be played at yankee stadium. --here's an interesting moment from the game... cc sabathia...need ed to pitch 7 innings for a 500-thousand dollar bonus, but in the 6th, he gets ejected for plunking a retalliation for his teammate getting thrown at earlier. --so the vallejo native...opting to back up his friend over cashing in. cashing in. (pam) from the 4- a-m bar bill to net neutrality ... we will talk about some of the big bills awaiting governor brown's signature, before they can become law.
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this is customizable streaming tv for your family.
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...whatever size. it's saving money with flexible channel packs. live tv and the latest shows to stream. and all your streaming apps in one place - even netflix. this is how xfinity makes life. simple. easy. awesome. get started with xfinity internetnd tv for just $34.99 a month for 12 months and customize by adding flexible channel packs. click, call or visit a store today. california state parks are set
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to open a brand new trail near south lake tahoe(pam)its the first of its kind in california... ashley za-va-la explains.. ((az))state parks is launching its first ever underwater trail here at emerald bay...theyre hoping it will show the state has more to offer beyond lands end. ((nats))(ken-diver state parks) it's uniquely situated and for us it's a real privilege to the the first of its kind" the state's first
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underwater trail features four dive sites... the final resting places for recreational boats, launches and barges.experts say the lake's cold water helped preserve the ships... some up to 100 years.(denise jaffke- archaelogist "individually they're interesting but as a collection they represent tahoe's recreational past, and it's also the largest collection of small recreational boats, in place to exist in the world" (nats) divers say at some of the sites, you don't need scuba gear..."it's fairly shallow water so you can put on a mask and snorkel or even look out the side of your boat to see these beautiful barged." the sites have to be accessed by boat which state parks will have spread throughout the bay. state parks officials hope for the future...this won't be the state's only underwater trail "we have cultural resources underwater. the fact that we just don't look. i hope this revives that interest and we build moment from this and start establishing other sites." ((az)) friday state parks will be hosting an underwater facebook live tour of the sited. the trail officially opens to the public monday. tag (pam)
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(pam) governor brown has a big weekend ahead of him. he has to decide the fatof 350 bills... ( catherine) everything from abortion pills on college campuses, to adding two more hours to last call. kron4's ryan o'donnell joins us with more... ryan? 350 bills... that's a lot to decide on before monday. but he has a couple of options. he can sign these bills into law... he can do nothing and let them become law... or he can veto them. here are some of the big ones sitting on his desk right now. s-b 822... pertains to net neutrality protections... and if it becomes law, would bar internet service companies from slowing rival websites or those that don't pay more for faster service. s-b 905
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would allow san francisco, oakland and 7 other cities to keep bars open until 4 a-m, instead of 2. s-b 320 would allow college campuses to offer abortion pills. s-b 14-49 would require rape kits to be tested promptly, with results back 'within' 120 days. again... that's just a few of the 350 bills waiting for the governor's attention this weekend. and most of the ones i mentioned... if approved... will become law starting january 1st. (catherine) the most recent flu season was the deadliest in forty years. the c-d-c says that 80- thousand americans died of flu complications last winter. in previous seasons, flu- related deaths ranged from 12-thousand to 56-thousand. people were also getting seriously sick across a wide rangeof ages - which isn't typical. the effectiveness of the flu vaccine for last season was estimated to be 40-percent.
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that wraps up that wraps up kron4 news at 6. we'll see you tonight at 8.... on your bay area's local news station.
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what you didn't see on tv on this day that will live in history. >> i am terrified. >> the hearing is happening just down this hallway. >> accuser's story grips the nation. >> i was pushed onto the bed and brett got on top of me. >> i don't think that any human being should treat people that way. ♪ god bless america. ♪ >> america divided. >> we believe christine blasey ford! >> and then --
7:01 pm


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