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tv   ET Entertainment Tonight  KRON  December 18, 2019 7:30pm-8:01pm PST

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♪ tonight meghan and harry's christmas dis? plu after the shrug felt aroundhe world new signs of friction. then drama at the voice you didn't see. embarrsed. e knew, i would b so plu in th cockpit with tom cruise. we're behind the scenes as he shows off his top gun maverick stunts >> when you get back home it's good. jordan for his hometown . surprise. and -- o special guest co-host christina miln is
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here. >> from a.m. to p.m. that's right, actress, sing, song writer, christina milian is in the house here at the london west hollywood. you know it's always good to see you. welcome. >> it's good to be back and i brought a friend. >> let's jump right in with new royal drama. >> let's jump right into it. >> let'so it. >> today washe annual christmas brunch at kensington palace. but did harry and meghan snub the queen? >> pnce lliam behind the wheel, 6-year-old prince george ridingp front in a booster seat. kate arrived separately with 4-ye-old crlotte and separate cars, the kids split,. think there's still trouble with the couple after this royally awkward shrug-off went viral? don't worry. cambridge clan left together. but m.i.a. from all the festivities -- harry, meghan and
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it's been nearly six weeks since we saw the duke and duchess of sussex out together at royal event. they're stl on their six-week break from official duties and are at an undisclosed location with their son and spending time with meghan's modoria. >> hello. doesn't this look amazing. >> but bacto this moment we can't help bukeep playing onepeat, kate and william's pda gate. did kate brush off her husband as they filmed a bbc christmas special? one royal source tells us the two make a point to keep the pda to a minimum at public events because they are the future king and queen. the most you'll get is william opening a door or putting his hand on her back, plus a rare moment when kate puts her hand on williams's knee or a fun hug after a competition. i mean compare the couple with harry and meghan. those two n be very touchy fey. but in this moment kate was mindful that she w being recorded by multip cameras and just wanted to remain profession.
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in a good place and devoted to , their family. >> have a very happy christmas. >> in fact, here's a look at the cambridge christmas card taken over the summer. te, william and the kids are perched on a vintage motor bike. kate signs the card with her given name, catherine. >> oh, she signed it catherine. >> they're very fancy those royals. >> this is a great day for you to be here today. the voice cwned their winner last night and you were on e show for three seasons. >> i can'tait to see what happs. >> well this season not all of the dra was over w won thanks to chssy teigen's >> we're all going to dinner tonight. >> chrissy's freaking out on twitter. she doesn't even hava cake. >> what? i'm demanding a cake. i'm just kidding. i don't need no cake. >> so here's what happened. the coaches we all super excited to have chrissy cook them a post-fina dinner. >> chrissy tiegen is cooking for us. >>e'rectually having aoach
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dinner. we're very excit. >> but chrissy saishe didn't realize it was finale night. so what did she do? oh, just have a little twier meltdown blaming john, quote, this is very john. didn't make a finale meal. i would haveotten a ca. ultimate john had a solution. ♪ everything's gonna be all right ♪ >> thiis our life in a nutshell. john orderedhis cake and yet i ordered this. >> your cakes have no writing. >> but back to the reason they were partying, the epic "voice" finale. >> i'm just gonna get my trophy. >> much blake's disappointment kelly eard her third win thanks to country crner jake hoot. >> jake hoot! >> kelly clarkson beats ake shelton with a cntry artist. >> ho ho merry chrisas yo, ye yes, yes. >> gwen revealed her biggest yle secre ever.
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>> if anyone kne you secretly designed by wardre i would be so embarrassed. >> let's get towo. perft. >> a mullet, blake. really? >> youe going to bring it back. i'such genius. >> this one seems dangerous. >> i can't move my arms. g for. >> what do you think? >> it looks just like my drawing. >> okay. blak and gwen are the new kanye and kim. >> the only dress i want to see him design is a wedding dress. let's just move on to tom uise. i think it's safe to say we're all excited for e "top gun" sequel. >> yeah, and it seems tom was annelling maveck today alongside a new mystery lady. >> there's tom with a big ile as he heads to a chopper on a london rooftop today. joining him for the ridethis blonde woman who wasscorted out about ten minutes before 57-year-old mr. cruise showed up taking the pilot's seat turally before taking off.
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no doubt it s a smooer take off than this one. >> you just can't recreate this shoot it live.ce unless you >> tom giving us this bend the scenes look at theaking of "top gun: maverick distortion in the face. the >> putting us up in this these jets, it's very serious. that'shy evebody thought it was impossible. when tom heard impossible, >> tom's had the need for speed ever sin he was a kid which we learned when we were on set for op gun" 1985. >> who didn't grow up wanting to fly an-14 when he grew up wanting toe an astnaut? tom's back in the cockpit feeling all the g-forces. >> tom did some of his own flying, in the movie, like thi scene with jennifer connelly in his personal vintage plane. but did he also fly thfighter jets? th's a negative ghost rider.
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>> we have the greatest fighter pilots in the world working with us. >> as super hun as tom is, he'still considered civilian and the navy dsn't l civilis fly thr $34 miion highly technal f-18s. so tom took a ba seat, literally, and let the rl navy pilots do the flying. >> that's what i'malking about! >> i mean, does it get any better than that? >> while we n't see tom back as maverick until june 2020, you watching michael b. jordan merry chrimas. michael gave his hometown crowd some love at the screening of s drama "just mercy" and he just couldn't contain his excitement. >> we know you are happy to be backome too because we were stalking your instagram story. we saw the -- >> did you s the moves? d you see the mos? i can't do nothing anymore. when y get back home it feels good. so i'm back. let's do this. let's rock o. michael. jordan! [ cheers and applause ] >> how does iteel,hough, to bring this movie, especially
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this movie, backere to newark? >> it just feels good, man, to be able toive this. it's a powerful film with a powerful message. >> please judge, hold on o second. >> jordan plays real-life super hero. civil rights attorney brian stevsowho foughto ve a ma playebyamie foxx, wrongly accused on death row. the real-life brian joked to me there was just one thing missing in michael's ptrayal. e's a little disappointed because he wanted the killmonger vibe forou to ay him he needed that. >> he needed that. >> that's whate wanted. how happy were you when you saw what he did with you on the screen? >> i w blown away. yeah. >> it's extraordinary, extraordinary performance. >> the 32-year-old actor's celebrating another milestone. he just became an uncl >> in honor of your new nephew, we got a lite gift for you. >> okay. >> okey dokey for the new editn to the family. open it up. >> what we got here? jordan. cle is micha bae >> that's pretty -- that's
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pretty dope. >> i hope he wears it. >> thanks so much. >> that littleoy is going to grow up knowing his uncle is somebody the ladies love. >> he's a hottie. >> saking of that bab fever, your second one is on the way. we got you a little gift. i have a little bae of my own >> yes, you do. >> whatid you get me? >> you're in the family now. >> of course. >> coming soon so i'll just relax. >> how are this the second time around? >> this babys showing his personality. he bopping ound. your daughter has been >> he does.her brother? e rubs my bell so cute. ♪ >> yr new netflix show "soundtrack" drops today. >> it's a love story through music. did you a jenna dewan plan your pregnancies? >> there's something in the air. she called me a month after i
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announce i' preant too.we my gh girl all weo is talk aboutow bloated we feel. ♪ >> i'm going to take youack for a send. >> m first starring role in a moe. i'm excited. >> i'm cute. >> do you remember that? doou remember this moment? >> lot don't cost a thing had just comeout. the dream was comin alive.nce. who wou have known thateen movie would have been a classic that people still talk about and watch. >> we could chat all day talking about now. we have to take this conversation to a quiet place. >> what was that? >> a qui place. >> i hear you especially after seei emily blunt's sent return. >> details onour new avatar
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sequels. then only we have oprah's big announcement tt involves ppies, winend bread. plu angelina jolie mistress of laughter. our meficentut
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♪ at the recording academy p grammy gala
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♪ who are we? we can't protect them. >> i still don't think i hav recovered from seeing a "quiet place." >> did it freak you out too? >> it definitely freaked me out. >> the movie w the surprise block buster of 2018 raking in more than $300 million. >> and i cant wait to see the sequel. especially after checking ou rst look.ive nerve-wracking >> it's 25 seconds of pe tension. no sound of course and emily blunt taking a risky step. part two was written and directed by john krasinski. >> we loved the first one. it's a world you get to explore, who i in this world. >> any tease? >> no, none. another sequel in the works actually four of them ames cameron's "avata" today marks the 10th anniversary of the original movie.
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>> i see you. >> "avatar" was the highest grossing film of all time, earnin$2.7 billion, holding that record until the final "aveers" insllment eclipsed what do the sequels have in store? >> you know when you come back to see h and jake suy, they're not e young love birds. they're having to beat a lot more adversities and it's going >> check out this just released scre test with zoe saldana and samantha worthington. this is before all the digital magic was added. >> we call thia triamokre, a tree of voes, the voices of our ancestors. >> it's crazy to tnk james meron is shooting all four sequels at the same time. they will be released betwee december of 2020 and december of 2025. sense. per year which makes
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why oprah is hitting the ro withady gaga. >> then only we're gng all the way to new zealando meet the new mulan. >> only on "e.t." >> a heart warming holiday making christmas brighter for thes kids. >> they a lost a parent in we want them to know we appreciate them. >>losed captioning provided by --
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kerrygold haa taste so rich
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it can take you toreland's . where grass-fed cows produce ch, eamy milk for a truly delicious taste. kerrygold. t taste that takes you there. ♪ oprah is back y'all and so on "e.t." is taking you behind the scenes of her newmy ww" campai mpaign. ♪ you >> classic lady o, it's shot at home with r dogs, so wine, wind pof make-up. >> this face can go through the nor'easteroney. >> and plenty of carbs. the new progra their most flexible ever for all s of eaters including winfrey who's a -- >> bread lover!
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>> in just over two wes oprah's hitting the road with her fave make-up artist. >> gaga ju did my lips. >> thanks for letting me do ur makep. ♪ y and i >> mothemonster will join the kick off to her 2020 visn, your life in focus, speaking to. oprah's traveling to nine cities inspirational musicians, f comedians, and famous female ces. the ly guy to make t list -- dwayne johon. th're all t to motivate the masses. >> 2020 is t year. let's do this thing. ♪ she's on tour >> meanwhile, i also embarked on a journey all the way to new zealand. "e.t." was first on the brth-taking set of disney's live action "mulan." >> i don't want to put too much presre on you but you're lan. that's a big weight to carry. >> i try to not give myself too >> i met "mulan's" break-out
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star, 32-year-old chine actress yifei liu on the rural new zealand set de to look like chinese training camp. this live action remake hits theaters march 27th, but unlike the 1998 animated film there is no singing. ♪ when will my reflecon show >> but there is plenty of girl por mulan transrms save her father fromoing to to when they fd out whyou are they wl show y no mercy. >> finding the right mulan was no small task. production was delayed for over a year until directoniki caro met yifei. >> what was it about yifei that she's very strong.lan? she kicks ass with a srd. >> i lov it. >> s's incredibly beautiful.
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>> but she's also really handsome. so as a guy she fits in and she was worth waiting for. >> i mean that's a compliment. >> i would take it. >> mulan hits theaters in march >> meanwhile, another movie classic "forrest gump" turned 2 >> t movie actually inspired gary sinise aka lieutenant dan vets and military families. ing and only i joined gary for this year's feel-good holay mission. >> gimme a hug. >> we love you. remember that, okay? >> ty've all lost a parent in military service. they go through a lot difficult, difficult things throughout the year, but we brg them together and we show them a lot of love these families sacrifice a lot. we want them to know we appreciate them. >> my grandma always used to say to mgiving back is actually a selfish thing because it makes us feel bett. >> what makes me feel better is seeing these kids have a good time. >> the smiles on their faces say it all. the love and support these
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childrenf our fallen heros feel durg e holidays is the ultite goal of the garsinise foundation's snow ball express. this year they're sending over 1,700 kids to disney wld in florida, some making their first plane ride ever. >> oh, i've never seen -- >> i was five months pregnant with ramon whemy husband was killed in action. >> i like to idolize my father because he served this country well and he'll always be my hero and i always know that he'll be watching me in heaven. >> we' here beuse lost their father, my late husband, four yearsgo. >> santa! >> i wanto go on some rides and then see some princesses. >> from a gratitude walk to gary rocking e bass with his lieutenant dan band named for his "forrest gump" character. of coue lieutenant dan was the
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character in "forrest gump" who first put gary on the map. >> where you boys from in the world. >> alabama, sir. >> you twins? >> it was just one of the best days. >> what a blessing. >> really was. "e.t." birthdays.tonight's which once upon a time in hollywood star was in a pringles commercialcurtain of glass, so like a skysaper except on side sick. he put the fire for cal but he was the first e one to do these windows that it was all assic skyscraper and people freaked out they hated it. never do that again and then it took 40 years later until they actually did one point san francisco's . at going to ar down
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you shoun't have to live wh in. you shouldn't have to prenyou're fine.
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you shoun't have to be the amnce. you shouldn't have to be inking about the ct. covered california can help you find a health plan that fits your eds and budget. because we believe you shouldn't have to choose between the life you've built eand the care you need.
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> travel consideration prided by -- beltfor our pilot pete ur seat exclusive. >> you gave us the windmill. >> i gave you the windmill, y. >> my question is -- >> only we're with the new chelor and his very supportive parents. plus only "e.t." is behind thscenes for "ncing with the stars" tour joined by our
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dancg guest co-hosts. >> what can wexpect? >> some inexperienced co-hosts. >> a lotof dancing. >> tomorrow one.t." in tonight's "" birthdays which one upo a time in hollywood store waseatured in a pringles commercial. that is brad pitt who is 56 today. >> oh, yeah. that's my other husband. >> s it louder for people i the back. >> here's an exclusiv with brad's ex angelinjolie. ly we can show the wicked good time the cast had making maleficent mistress of evil. ♪ >> you'reyoung. don't get married so quickly. >> you can get maleficent mistress of evil on download or
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blu-ray. >> bye,uys. >> bye bye. >> take care. on the economy, a ique leader. mike bloomberg's created over 4,000 jobs. as president, opportunity economy that works for us. tax fairness- wherth wealthy pay thr fair share. education .. fordable colge and high skill vocational training so people can succeed in t new economy. economic security .. ler cost health care and affordable middlelass houng. proven leadership on jobs .. to bld an economy wher pe don't just get by, they get ahead. i'm mike bomberg and i approve ts message.
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>watching kron 4 news at a december 18. a great day for the constitution of the united states. that the president's days me take it off. do see >>for only th3rd time in united states history, a sitting american president is impeached. the house of representatives passes 2 articles of impeachment, the


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