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tv   KRON 4 News Weekend  KRON  February 26, 2022 7:00am-10:01am PST

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yeah, my bowling team. i like it there's money in puns. do business like a gigillionaire at&t business fiber, now with speeds up to 5-gigs. limited availability >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 mhrning news at 7. >> good saturday morning to you. thanks for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm noelle bellow. it is saturday february. 26. now it is the last weekend of february. we're going to get you a check of your forecast. first off this morning, dave sphar is standing by with all the details. stay my 2 my calendar. ready to go back put it back again. it's on with the program. good good morning, everybody. >> hey, we're off to a pretty good start. a soak up the sunshine this morning because of the layer of high cloudiness. the will thicken up on us. there's the shot from the golden gate bridge and even public this morning.
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we'll start to see but they're often the distance. it's kind of picture s that walk. but again, we'll start to fill up quite a bit. turn those pasty white skies and we get some puppy cumulus thrown in there for good measure. so considerable clouds on balance today. there's the downtown shot and you can see still a lot of sunshine working. meanwhile, we had clear skies to let those temperatures going to tumble zone, although not as cold as what we've seen 30 santa rosa clear laker. 27 this morning. 33 vallejo, that's chilly 30's cover the east bay shoreline. 38 san jose. but let's compare because it's been cold. the last couple of mornings were actually ahead by a couple degrees going in the right direction, fortune because all this cloud cover temperatures will be kept down compared to tomorrow. the bulk of the energy sent north might get a stray shower or perhaps up in the north bay. but on balance, it's kind of a mostly cloudy turning that way on balance for today. 54. we'll call it by 11 by 2, maybe about 60 at 2 o'clock again. coming up in the forecast, we'll be talking to what's going take your sunday with much more sun working. well.
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>> breaking news out of ukraine this morning. russian troops pressed toward ukraine's capital today after night of explosions and street fighting in key gunfire and explosions have been seen and heard on and off all last night in ukraine's capital city officials there are warning residents to remain in shelters and to avoid going near windows or on balconies. now we do have some video recorded from an apartment building in keep across from a series of buildings tied to the ukrainian army. at the beginning of the footage of flaming object can be seen at the bottom of the screen followed by those sounds of shattering glass. residents of kyiv have been urged by authorities to use molotov cocktails if they have them in defense of the city. we've
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also learned a second russian military transport plane has been shot down about 50 miles south of key eve. that's in addition to a russian plane that was shot down on thursday with paratroopers on board. now, president joe biden has authorized an additional 350 million dollars in immediate military assistance to ukraine to help defend itself. this move comes after ukrainian president volodymyr zelensky rejected an offer from the american government to evacuate the capital city of kyiv saying the fight is here. i need ammunition. not a ride. now president biden and other countries are now personally targeting president putin with sanctions. and for the first time nato is deploying its response force to protect member nations. these latest moves are directly targeting putin and his foreign minister, sergey lavrov. the announcement came hours after the european union announced it intended to freeze putin's assets and british prime minister boris
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johnson told nato leaders his country would also sanction putin and ukraine's ambassador called the decision to freeze the assets of putin himself. the right one. now happening today, back here at home, another rally in support of ukraine against the russian invasion. kron four's camila barco joining us live now from san francisco with more details on what set to be happening at the embarcadero later today. camila. yes and well. people have been standing in solidarity for ukraine sense before the russian invasion. we've seen protests happened this week and now to people are going to be doing the same. >> and they are going to continue to protest against vladimir more tactics. now we're taking a look at video from earlier this week when people in the bay area protested outside san francisco city hall and the ferry building. you can see a lot of signs there in a big turnout. some people say that they are refugees. some say
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that they have relatives backing ukraine, but others have no connection to the country. they say that they rally to stand solidarity with ukraine and condemn putin's actions. now the attacks killed more than 100 people during the first day of the invasion. and today in ukraine as we heard no, i'll talk about russian forces are closing in on ukraine's capital people there have been advised to stay away from windows, take cover and avoid going outside. this has been happening now for almost 2, 2, days and here in the bay area. many are worried for ukraine and for relatives and friends. still there. fortunately, we have here. >> but we love country and want the best future for the citizens. so if ukraine, some of my friends had to spend the night today tonight in the metro stations, so to and the so i hope there will okay. but >> no one. >> now, organizers from these
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protests are sending a message to putin by hosting valleys. and today, the rally they are demanding that he withdraw his troops from ukraine. they say that he is a threat to ukraine and to democracy around the world now know. well, today's rally is set to take place at the ferry building at 12, 30 this afternoon. back to you will definitely be continuing to follow up on this story as it develops. camila, thank you for that live report. >> meanwhile, 2 of the bay area's most prominent congresswoman are voicing their anger over the russian invasion. speaking in berkeley, house speaker nancy pelosi and congresswoman barbara lee showed support for president biden's handling of the crisis. >> the 2 reaffirmed the united states will support its nato allies but not send troops into ukraine. >> we are not going in. he is not he who is not going to provoke the world the a nato
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and the rest of us into world war 3, if that's his go, he will not succeed. if his goal was to split nato. he has failed. naidoo has never been stronger. >> congresswoman lee said congress currently has a team in poland assessing the crisis to help congress craft a relief package for the people of ukraine. now to follow all the latest updates on the ukraine crisis. scanned the qr code that you see on your screen here. it's going to take you straight to our website for all the latest developments. coming up here on the kron. 4 morning news. a celebration of life in oakland for oscar grant this weekend. we're going to hear from his mother about her efforts to honor him. >> and right after the break, a deadly crash in the east bay takes the life of a 16 year-old boy. we've got details on what happened next.
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tools that help protect. one bank that puts you in control. chase. make more of what's yours. >> welcome back. 7.10, on this saturday morning and over in the east bay, a 16 year-old boy. >> has died after he was struck by a car while riding his bike and conquered. the multi-car crash happened around 3.30 yesterday afternoon at the intersection of the lindo street and clayton road. when first responders arrived, they say they found the teenager trapped between a light pole and one of the vehicles. he was pronounced dead at the scene. his identity has not yet been released. police say one of the drivers was arrested for vehicular manslaughter. their identity
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has not been released yet. i for. also in the east bay, a man has been charged with murder in connection to a freeway shooting. the charges stemming from a shooting. >> back on october 27th of last year on west bound 5.80, and the macarthur off-ramp. the victim died after their car was hit with multiple via multiple bullets. the accused shooter is 27 year-old oakland resident larry coney coney was originally in custody at the santa rita jail for unrelated charges. also, an oakland police there say they've arrested 2 suspects who are using a stolen car to ram police vehicles thursday night happened on san pablo avenue. police say the 2 individuals are believed to be connected to robberies and carjackings. when officers tried to arrest them, they say the 2 began ramming police vehicles and cause some severe damage during the investigation. police recovered 2 loaded firearms. the suspects are also connected to several other of violent crimes. investigators say this comes
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just one day after 4 known gang members were also arrested. they're believed to be connected to multiple violent crimes as well, including shootings throughout the city of oakland, 5 firearms with high capacity magazines were recovered during that arrest. dave. >> another chilly start we have and temperatures well kind of warming up into the 60's today, but the cloud cover will build just in time for afternoon. we'll make up for it on your sunday. keep it here. look at weekend here. look at weekend forecast. the kr okay jack, these recipes aren't gonna create themselves. it's crunch time! but first, it's heinz dip & crunch time! i'm dipping into the latest innovation by combining heinz secret sauce and potato chip crunchers for the perfect bite. my heinz dip & crunch bacon cheeseburger combo. only at jack in the box.
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>> welcome back. at 7.14 on this saturday morning. the sun has come up. i'm wondering how many layers i need, though today, so many, you know, it's it's been a chilly start. but eventually all these morning. so you price repealing some stuff off. what we want to keep something on course that did, you know, it's still going to be kind of a kind of cool today. we have a little bit of a breeze going. we have the cloud cover building to won't have the saw. >> the consolation of having some sun going on here. this is the most and we're going to see there's the east bay shoreline lit up nicely here for you. kind of hazy off to the background. again, it's the pasty white skies with some bumps. developing later on for today. storm tracker for most of the energy is getting set up and around us. this is a missed rain opportunity. if things are a little different, we be talking about some scattered showers. can't rule out. maybe a little breeze by up in the north bay. but most of the bay will be up avoided from 30's up to the north bay for right now. 32 from a bottle still cold. 31 for livermore, east
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bay shoreline, even dipping still into the 30's. now, reminder, it's still winter. 41 for oakland. 38 san jose are 70 make it kind of forget that it's winter those early part of the week. futurecast for there's the cloud cover that we have. all right, robin, then it starts to clear out a little bit as we get to this evening just in time for overnight. but we'll have some on sunday late in the day. cloud cover redevelop shore. but it looks like it will clear out for the early part of the week. so that's we'll see a nice little bump happening with those temperatures there. you can see in the monday looks pretty good. and that just some leftovers from that system grazing us to the north. so putting it all together for you, considerable clouds and mild for today on balance, lower 60's. tomorrow, we're mostly sunny and warmer. mid 60. some areas may pot that about 70. and for next week, warming into next week with some 70's at first until that correction middle of the week, cloudy later in a shower. maybe thursday's the big day to look at anywhere between wednesday, thursday, even lingering a little on friday, 60 san francisco. 61 oakland,
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65 san jose. high clouds will call at that point and way off to the east bay temperature. check for you. these are highs projected lower sixties east bay shoreline livermore. 63 65 san jose will get more into the center for some forecast coming up in a bit. well, thanks, dave. >> happening this weekend, the city of oakland celebrating the life of oscar grant the oscar grant foundation is hosting a festival today with speakers and live music. all comes as the city is set to recognize tomorrow, february 27th as oscar grant day grant died back in 2009 on new year's day after he was fatally shot by a bart police officer. he would have turned 36 years old tomorrow. now, 13 years after his death, the city of oakland is remembering him by officially making february 27th oscar grant day grant's mother wanda johnson says she's committed to memorializing her son by leading efforts to change the name of fruitvale station where grant was killed to the oscar grant station. >> individuals are killed
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their names are memorialized in different ways. and these are one of the ways that we want. in ames to continue to be remembered throughout. not just this time, but throughout history. >> today's festival is going to take place at the frank ogawa plaza in front of oakland city hall from 12 o'clock this afternoon until 04:00pm. this weekend marks onecmonth since 24 year-old oakley resident alexis gabe was reported missing, but her family and friends remain hopeful. she'll be found fallen telling him a lot of anger and frustration. >> and every day. get a little more angry and more frustrated. >> that's been going on over in contra costa county where groups are checking remote areas off the beaten path for gave 50 volunteers joined the first to ground searches. the
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oakley police department is leading the investigation into alexis depict disappearance. she's not been seen since january 27th after she was visiting her ex-boyfriend in antioch. police say her car was found elsewhere and her keys were found in the ignition. police also served a search warrant at the ex-boyfriend's home, but he has not been named a suspect about 300 people have signed up online to help joined those searches which are scheduled to continue today and tomorrow unless she's found. on the peninsula, the fate of a new trial for convicted killer scott peterson rests on the testimony from a juror and his original trial. that juror took the stand yesterday. kron four's as you spoke to a legal expert about what happened in court. >> did convicted murderer scott peterson get a fair trial back in 2004 for killing his wife lacy and their unborn son. that is the focus of a hearing in san mateo county superior court to determine whether or not juror number 7,
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rachelle nease was a stealth juror who withheld information that likely would have disqualified her from being on the jury in the murder trial. it's boiled down to. >> did richelle juror number 7 and miss statements. fact the alternate fairness of scott peterson's trial attorney paula canny, has been following the peterson case from the beginning. she says was shoney's the only witness on day one of the hearing took the stand was granted immunity from being prosecuted for perjury and told the court the follow. what she said is that. >> she called the police on her boyfriend >> and the police came because she wanted some help. and then he was arrested for domestic violence. she said she filed a restraining order for her. this woman who she'd had fights with who was a former girlfriend of a boyfriend.
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some that indicates that she's a victim of domestic violence and she was pregnant when she was the victim. >> needs testified that she, without all of that information while she was going through the jury selection process, even so candy explains why peterson's legal defense team is in for an uphill climb, trying to get his life sentence over there's a bunch of law rules that basically preserve the sanctity. >> verdicts so it's harder to set aside a verdict. then it is to uphold the that's just the practical reality. >> has made you kron 4 news? >> still ahead here on the kron, 4 morning news, president joe biden making his historic nomination for the next supreme court justice lawmakers are weighing in on his pick will hear what they have to say after the break.
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>> welcome back. president biden has nominated 51 year-old judge ketanji brown jackson to the supreme court. if confirmed jackson would be the first black woman to sit on the highest court, washington, dc correspondent raquel martin has more on the announcement. >> i believe it's time that we have a court reflects the full pounds and greatness.
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>> our nation friday, president joe biden nominated judge can talk brown jackson to become the first black woman to sit on the supreme court nominee of extraordinary qualifications. my life has been blessed beyond measure during the announcement. 51 year-old judge jackson, thank the president for family and god for the honor. one can only come this far. i think. and she vowed to be a fair jurise upholding the rule of law and the sacred principles upon which this great nation was founded. judge jackson grew up in miami, has 2 degrees from harvard. and as a former clerk of retiring supreme court justice, steven briar, joe jackson deserves to be confirmed. but before she takes her seat here at the supreme court, judge jackson, we'll first need to be confirmed by the u.s. senate and lawmakers on both sides of the aisle say they're eager to jump start the vetting process. judge jackson will receive a prompt hearings. senate majority leader chuck schumer says he's confident in
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judge jackson's record and i expect and hope. >> she will earn bipartisan support in the senate. republican senator mike rounds as republicans. >> are ready to ask questions will listen with an open mind. iowa republican senator chuck grassley who was key to moving jackson's nomination forward is promising to play fair. >> and while weeks ago, president biden did bow to make this announcement by the end of this month. some republicans have been critical of the timing. tennessee republican marsha blackburn calling it extremely inappropriate for him to make this announcement during the invasion of ukraine. for now in washington, raquel martin, back to you. >> 7.26, we're going take a break here. but coming up on the kron 4 morning news, the cdc is easing mask restrictions across the nation. how the new guidelines are impacting people here in the bay area.
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in new york city, ♪ ♪ there's always something new to discover. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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come be a part of it. plan your next vacation at >> good morning. welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news almost about to be 7.30, here. want to start off in this half hour with a look at the forecast, dave, we had like little snippets of potential rain in our forecast. those are really seem to materializing know, except in the seven-day it we make it a shot there towards the middle. the weeks old. he's got to wait for that. >> today, a lot of cloud covers war, kind of kind of negotiate within us is going to be kind of a layering up on us all day. it's like mother nature going. the lakers on us
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first, the thin high clouds and then it starts to thicken up throughout the day east bay shoreline. there you see the sun appearing on through the bigger picture from space tells the tale most. the energy is being sent towards the north. however, you can see this layer of cloud cover will just thicken up for the day. still not bad with temperatures compared to what we've been through, but not quite the sunshine. we'll get a little boost tomorrow without much better, the way of sunshine. so variable clouds work for the morning hours here by 2 o'clock. everybody's pretty much socked in with cloud cover in the 60's we go. now that will clear out by late tonight and then that will get us off to a sunny start tomorrow. temperature. check for us now with the clear skies overnight. we're still subfreezing way up here in the napa. santa rosa. even 31 for livermore. most the east bay readings are at least above freezing in the 30's with 41 for open. 45 san francisco in 38 for san jose again, for today. we're looking about 60 san francisco to 65 san jose. open checking in at 61. we'll look at that 70 forecast. plus also where the rain will be in
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your 4 zone forecast as well. well, thanks, dave. >> big story we're following this morning. a major to covid mask guidance. the cdc now says most americans can ditch their face coverings. the new guidelines mean healthy people can safely go without a mask. in most indoor settings, including in schools, kron four's dan kerman is breaking down the updated recommendations. >> as expected, the cdc has revised its recommendations on indoor mask-wearing allowing over 70% of americans to remove their face coverings indoors, including the classroom. this updated approach focuses on directing a prevention efforts towards protecting people at high risk for severe >> and preventing hospitals and healthcare systems from being overwhelmed. >> during a teleconference friday, the cdc announced county's covid-19 level will now be determined is low, medium or high based on new covid hospitalizations, current hospital beds occupied by covid-19 patients and new
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covid-19 cases ranking masking to the amount of disease in your community. >> i think it's very prudent. ucsf. infectious disease specialist doctor monica gandhi supports the new guidance. though she feels vaccination rates should have played a role, a critical piece. i think the cdc is completely right about that is. >> how are hospitals doing while also supporting the new guidance uc berkeley's doctor john swartzberg remains concerned about the current level of cases. i'd like to wait a little bit more because the trajectory suggests very few weeks. >> we're going to be really low in much safer. >> under the new metric, 6 of the 9 bay area counties are considered low with santa clara county, medium and solano and napa counties as high. the cdc recommends those living in a low county must stay up to date on vaccinations and get tested if symptomatic high-risk individuals at the medium level should consider masking and taking additional precautions and those living in a county at the high level should continue wearing masks
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indoors. now, these are just guidelines. the state of california also issues guidelines, in fact, on monday, they're expected to talk about masking in schools, but ultimately the decision making is typically left up to each individual county. dan kerman kron, 4 news. >> santa clara county is still the only county in the bay area that continues to have an indoor mask mandate. however, that could change as early as next week county's health officer doctor sara cody is announced the county is expected to record less than 550 new cases per day over the next week. that's the last of 3 metrics needed in order to lift the county's mask mandate. the other 2 metrics were low hospitalizations and an 80% or higher vaccination rate. those 2 have already been met. doctor cody says if the numbers hold the indoor mask mandate will be lifted next wednesday, march 2nd. after nearly 2 years. governor newsom says the state of emergency due to covid-19 will
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remain in place. but he says the state's going to drop most of his covid-related executive actions in the coming months. here's a breakdown of the rules that are winding down. 19 of them and immediately including provisions related to state owned property and edi claim processing as well as federal covid relief funds. 18 executive actions will end on march 31st, including rules related to virtual meetings and teacher staffing. 15 actions will and june 30th which include rules related to telehealth. that's going to leave california with 30 emergency provisions in place for help with vaccines testing hospital capacity and workplace safety. >> right now to shut down emergency. means that state in a situation where they could run the basic programs that i think californians are expecting the state to run for them. we're at a point where those programs are no longer necessary to protect people. then i they could be why brown down.
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>> some republicans say the state of emergency gives the governor too much power to control the state without using the proper systems of government. a state senate committee will consider a resolution to end new sums pandemic related state of emergency on march. 15th. over in the east bay. in other news now, 10 security cameras have been installed in oakland to try and crack down on illegal dumping. city workers say last year alone they collected almost 15 million pounds of garbage off the streets of oakland. the cameras have been installed near some hot spots where trash is off and dumped. the mayor says the video is going to be used to try and identify who's doing this so they can be held responsible. >> you know where this one is today, but we're not telling you where the other 9 are going. and that is because we have got to stop the people that are dumping on our beautiful city. we are not going to tolerate people dumping on oakland. >> anyone found guilty of illegal dumping can be fined
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up to $1000. >> per incident per day. >> california senator alex padilla, meanwhile, has introduced a new bill that aims to tackle the homeless crisis on a federal level. >> this building is a truly comprehensive plan to address. >> what was this assault? the affordable housing shortage in our many of the programs in my fired by effort that we're playing right here in kabul for. >> senator padilla the legislation is called the housing for all act of 2022, it would provide more than 530 billion dollars in federal funds over the next 10 years to fight homelessness and increase affordable housing, the largest investment would be for the federal housing trust fund. 45 billion would be put towards program that towards the program that finances affordable housing for the lowest income households. >> all right, 7.36 coming up on the kron. 4 morning news, a
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bay area artist who's been working with people in ukraine trying to provide some help is going tell us of the situation of living there in ukraine after the attack.
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♪ one-two-three ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ uh, alright, uh! ♪ ♪ got to know how to pony like bony maronie ♪ ♪ uh! you know i feel alright? ♪ ♪ hah! i feel pretty good, yall ♪ ♪ uh! ♪ ♪ oww! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ohh, help me! ♪
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lives right now. kron four's amanda hari spoke with him about how those friends are keeping in contact despite the invasion. >> my friends may not make it through the tonight videos of destruction and death have been pouring out of ukraine. bay area artists, john doyle is getting them directly from people. he knows i am seeing people walking around with cameras with bodies blown apart. >> you know, it's it's just instigating me to 2. >> figure out ways to help. doyle has been collaborating with people in the ukraine, our community for 3 years. but now he's supporting his friends by getting out their message of what has happened since the russian invasion. my friends are are wondering what to do. you know, do we put down a paint brushes and pick up guns? >> or do we remain pacifists? i don't know what to do, but i am on the phone calling anybody i can to take a look at this thing feel helpless. i honestly i feel very helpless. i feel very scared. he's in a group chat with his friends through a messenger app.
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that's how they keep everyone informed of how they're doing. he read off some messages. his goal is to eliminate our country, people and culture. we can confidently say that ukraine will never give up. we're on our home ground and fight to win. but we also need support of the world community. he's encouraging people to reach out to organizations that are helping ukraine like the ukrainian-american coordinating council says nothing to do with politics. this is this is about loss of life. this is about people getting caught in the crossfire. this is about civilian buildings being bombed out. he says he will continue to check in on his friends and share their story. it's we have x amount of people. and luckily those numbers aren't falling. amanda hari kron. 4 news. >> now the city of berkeley is going to be flying the ukrainian flag starting monday in a show of solidarity. mayor jesse arreguin said in a tweet and invited people to civic center park at 9 o'clock monday morning. he also wrote,
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quote, ukraine, we stand with you. >> all right. going to be a bit of a cooler day today as we look at numbers on the board of the lower 60's. but to calculate the fact you're going to be lot of sunshine, at least today will make up for some of that tomorrow. a little warming trend early next week. we'll put it all together for you coming up in a bit.
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>> welcome back. 7.44. on this saturday and of course, earlier this week, we've got to taste of winter. we got a
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little bit of rain. dave spahr says that we're going to get spring-like in the next week on day. yeah, we are the same time we have some rain come back into this forecast. an a for today. soak up the sunshine we have right now because >> cloud cover will be building throughout the day today. there's this big system out to the west. now, this was supposed to give us a little shot of some showers, looked way upstream. there. and this is all we're getting to the southern edge of that. you know, this little pieces of the systems. this is very reminiscent of about a 2 or 7 years ago or so. we walked into the last temperatures for you right now. got the lower 30's up to the north bay here. 41 for oakland. 31 livermore still cold in spots, though, although not as cold as we have been a much of this week. 38 san jose against a 45 for san francisco. back to that drought situation as we know because it was a very bountiful fall and early winter we made up for a lot of that's we go to the severe category. however, notice a little piece of sonoma county has gone to the extreme
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category, has fallen back to that. speaking of which what does it look like upstream with? that's the first system that passes us. it warms up early in the week and then by wednesday, thursday, here comes a little shot. yes, we're on the southern edge of this. but at least is that possibility of maybe picking up some rain showers will be a correction and temperatures on the other side of all of that. but we should clear up in time for next weekend. at least the timing issues up, put together nicely. 4 zone forecast for your saturday. 61 san francisco calculate this with less sunshine, though, that we're used to about 60 or 50's return to the coast. so again, still feeling somewhat winter like 61 burlingame to the south. 63 palo alto. 62 from mountain view and the south bay mid 60's will build on these a little bit tomorrow. 65 san jose cupertino. 64 lower 60's east bay shoreline matching that tri valley looks like 63 also for walnut creek. 62 for concord, 64 berkeley toledo, it's 61. also for fairfield. napa comes in at 60 62 for santa rosa. so a little
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flavor. get a spring trying to come back in the early part of this forecast here we pop up to the lower 70's, as you can see, we get banged out again as we go into next weekend after this opportunity, some showers hellos to one. well, not the 20's anymore or 30's. looks like the 40's inland going on. and 40's also covers of the coast. well, thank you, dave. >> as we continue to honor black history month, we're highlighting the life and legacy of maya angelou and her family. she's become the first black woman to be featured on us currency kron four's reyna harvey spoke with her son, guy, johnson just days before he passed away at his home in oakland. >> i think their grandma are about to be the first one of the quarter kicking down the door for the rest of the women that will follow. doctor maya angelo has been no stranger to breaking the mold. the literary giant and civil rights activists became the first female inaugural poet. >> and first female african american cable car conductor in san francisco. but to her
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son, guy, johnson and grandson, ellie jones, the matriarch of their family, always had a word of wisdom to share. she used to say. >> can you a world? able to it's been 10. so. and like that. and so. we would have the key to. we be. >> of >> problem that set people are. >> the distinguished poet is making history yet again by being the first black woman to be featured on the u.s. court are are >> because this is big again. to recognize. what women. and then this country. from the it's for.
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>> for doctor angelos family, this newest historic moment for them means her legacy and universal message of love and community continues to be pushed to the forefront, uplifting others, even during trying times. always liked poetry for kind questions like this. and i think that she would make it very clear, you know, like in her home, the human family that, you know, we're more like that. we're a light. >> long as we look for divisions and differences instead of the similarities will never come together to achieve what we need to achieve. >> she would that. that division. maybe, chris, we care. cable. the team then. the and like it or >> the new coin doctor angelou is gracing is a part of them. american women quarters program an initiative to commemorate a number of prominent american women
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throughout history. east bay congresswoman barbara lee introduced a bill to create the program. >> i'm just excited because, you know, so who have contributed to the building of this country in so many ways, the public only sees skies the family that is and now they'll be able to see women and women of color. and our first coin our beloved doctor. maya angelou. doctor angelo is the first of 6 women honorees who's coins will be featured in circulation. >> through 2025, she will be pitcher on that hill side of the coin with their arms stretching towards the skies. with a bird's wings marrying her movement not to her famous auto biography. i know why the caged bird sings >> that but the and there. >> the win. >> and i'm stout in some sense, her. this key here. it
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doctor. angelo garnered a number of prestigious literary and humanitarian awards throughout her life. >> and her family tells me she continues to give even after her death through her doctor, my angelo foundation, her tireless giving. >> she was truly selfless in every sense of the word. this new moment at stu, her cement, his legacy. >> and a reminder that change is ongoing. but the of the things you would say. >> there is to do. yes, and get ready. just of this is in the case. we have a long way to go. me practices across the board. >> reyna harvey kron, 4 news.
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>> you can see more of our local black history month stories on kron 4 dot com scan the qr code that you see on your screen, it will take you to our black history month page. we're also going to be re airing our special tomorrow night. >> at 9.30, we'll be right back after the break.
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>> welcome back. the warriors came back from the all-star break with a big win over the portland trail blazers and tomorrow they're set to take on the dallas mavericks. the teams get still going to be without center. james wiseman, though. >> he's not played since last april, due to an injury. but good news is wiseman's now practicing with the g league. santa cruz warriors. it's a good sign. he gets healthy and get in game shape before for a possible playoff run with the warriors. here's what teammates steph curry had to say about wiseman. >> it's just kind of chomping at the bit get to the next step of his return to play schedule. so. he's a beast. when you look at him on the especially with rest of our couldn't decide you. it does stand out and can do some amazing things is not and get comfortable. and again, just getting those reps. >> the warriors face mavericks tomorrow at the chase center. tipoff set for 4.30 tomorrow afternoon. still ahead here in
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the next hour, the kron 4 morning news. the celebration of life in oakland for oscar grant happening today. we're going to hear from his mother about her efforts to honor him. >> plus, russia closing in on ukraine's capital as the 2 countries continue to fight. we have an update on the conflict overseas. >> and here at home, a rally happening today in san francisco in support of ukraine. we've got a live report. know where that's going to be. we'll be right back after the break.
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>> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at >> good saturday morning to you. thanks for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm noelle bellow. it is the final weekend of february. we've made it that a lot to get to this morning. lots going here at home and around the world. of course, we want to start off. >> with a check of your forecast, dave spahr standing by. he says you're going to need a jacket today because so some clouds out there. yeah, turning kind of mostly cloudy and, you know, march is technically in the middle logical calendar, the start of spring. and it looks like, ok, and spring is going to be bringing up a son.
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>> it looks like into early next week, but we'll get some springtime showers perhaps by the end of the week. is the golden gate already for? we talked 7 o'clock. you can see a lot more that shredded stratus trying to work in here. so more of that to come half moon bay had looked pretty good about 10 minutes ago. so again, we have this building going on as well from just the southern fringe of this system that was supposed to potentially give us some rain showers because you're clear overnight temperatures are able to fall. we've got 33 santa rosa. 31 clearlake. the only subfreezing temperature on the board here. 45 san francisco. 41 san jose fremont coming in at about 36. we're clear overnight. turning the cloud cover up for today. we're already ahead of where we were this time from yesterday by a couple of degrees watching things on the stormtracker 4 like little stray shower perhaps far north and the north bay. but the big factor is going to impact everybody, not even winds really just cloud cover. so we'll make it feel a little cooler. you get a little breeze with the cloud cover you as will stick to a 58 at
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high noon by 3 o'clock. we're talking 60 generally speaking, cloudy skies will make up for this tomorrow as the sky. the clouds start to park for us tonight. also pretty good first start watching as well. and we'll take a look at the longer range forecast for you, too. well. >> we begin with breaking news out of ukraine this morning. russian troops pressing toward ukraine's capital today after a night of explosions and street fighting in key gunfire and explosions have been seen and heard on and off all last night in ukraine's capital city officials there are warning residents to remain in shelters and to avoid going near windows or on balconies. now that video we were looking at was reported from an apartment building in kyiv just across from a series of buildings tied to the ukrainian army at the beginning of the footage of flaming object could be seen there at the bottom of the screen followed by those
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sounds of shattering glass and bullets. residents of kyiv have been urged by authorities to use molotov cocktails in defense of the city. >> we've also learned a second russian military transport plane was shot down about 50 miles south of key eve. that's in addition to the russian plane that was also shot down thursday with paratroopers on board. now, president joe biden has authorized an additional 350 million dollars in immediate military assistance to the ukraine to help defend itself. the move comes after ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskiy rejected an offer from the american government to evacuate the capital city of kyiv saying the fight is here. i need ammunition. not a right. now. president biden and other countries are also now personally targeting president putin with sanctions. and for the first time nato is deploying its response force to protect member nations. the latest moves are directly targeting putin and his foreign minister, sergey lavrov. the
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announcement came hours after the european union announced it intended to freeze putin's assets and british prime minister boris johnson told nato leaders his country would also be ship sank. shunning putin and ukraine's ambassador called the decision to freeze the assets of putin himself. the right one. back here at home. happening today. there's going to be another rally in support of ukraine against the russian invasion. kron four's camila barco. joining us live now from san francisco with details on what's happening at the later this afternoon. camila. know what we've seen that people in san francisco have been standing in solidarity for ukraine. a sense before the russian invasion and now to people are also standing in solidarity. >> and they're going to continue to protest against vladimir war tactics. they are taking a look at video from earlier this week when people in the bay area protested outside san francisco city hall and the ferry building, you can see a big turn now and
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some just across the area. some people say that they are refugees. some say that they have relatives back in ukraine and others have no connection to the country. but they say that they rally to stand in solidarity with ukraine and condemn putin's actions. now the attack killed more than 100 people during the first day of the invasion and today in ukraine, as we've heard, no, i'll say russian forces are closing in on ukraine's capital. people there have been advised to stay away from windows, take cover and going outside here in the bay area. people are watching this all unfold and they are standing up for the people in ukraine. we spoken to a few people who haven't dissipated and these protest and here's why they say they are supporting ukraine. >> both of what's going this aggression enough room. russia against ukraine was number wait here all together supporting ukraine. >> and and that putin as an
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american. i would be out here anyway, even if it wasn't personal because putin is a threat democracy around the world. i cherish this right. i cherish this right to come out and >> speak and be free and that's all want. >> now today people are going to be at the ferry building to protest. organizers are sending a message to putin by hosting that rally today. they say that they are demanding that he withdraw his troops from ukraine. and while today's rally, like i said, is set to take place at the ferry building at 12, 30 this afternoon. back to you. that video from those earlier rallies looks like lots of people did show it's going to be interesting to see how many show up this afternoon there. camila. thank you. >> for that live report now, though, hundreds of thousands of people have fled ukraine. many are unable to leave due to the country's martial law, which bans men aged 18 to 60 from fleeing the country. among them is the father of the san mateo man. he told kron 4 his parents are
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sticking it out in a relatively safe area. >> id a scene. ukrainian machines going to work. he to protect the it for but we are not allowed show this information where they've been or what machines there. but there's a some summit we've been moving toward kyiv to protect key is to protect the president to protect ukrainian institutions and to protect ukrainian democracy. >> he's calling on everyone in the united states to call their lawmakers to help his home country. now to follow all the latest updates on the ukraine get your phone scan, this qr code that you see on your screen. it's going to take you straight to our website where we've got news and updates on all the latest developments. 8, 0, 6, year. coming up in the copper news, the celebration of life in oakland for oscar grant this weekend. we're going to hear from his mother about her efforts to honor her son.
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>> and right after the break, a deadly crash in the east bay takes the life of a 16 year-old boy. we've got details living with metastatic breast cancer means being relentless. because every day matters. and having more of them is possible with verzenio.
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>> in the east bay, a 16 year-old boy has died after he was struck by a car while riding his bike in conquered. the multi-car crash happened around 3.30 yesterday afternoon at the intersection of the lindo street and clayton road. when first
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responders arrived, they found the teenager trapped between a light pole and one of the vehicles. he was pronounced dead at the scene. his identity has not yet been released. police say one of the drivers was arrested for vehicular manslaughter. their identity has not yet been released either. also in the east bay, a man has been charged with murder in connection to a freeway shooting. those charges stemming from a shooting back on october 27th of last year happened on west bound 5.80, and macarthur off-ramp. the victim died after their car was hit with multiple bullets. >> the accused shooter's 27 year-old oakland resident larry coney coney was originally in custody at the santa rita jail for some unrelated charges. >> oakland police say they've arrested 2 suspects who were using a stolen car to ram police vehicles thursday night. >> happened on us and pablo avenue. police say 2 individuals are believed to be connected to robberies and carjackings. when officers tried to arrest them, they say
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the 2 began ramming police vehicles and cause some severe damage during the investigation. police were able to recover 2 loaded firearms. the suspects are also connected to several other violent crimes. now, investigators say this comes just one day after 4 known gang members were arrested as well. they're believed to be connected to multiple violent crimes, including shootings throughout the city, 5 firearms with high-capacity magazines are covered and that arrest >> all right. the cloud cover already starting to build and that will be the case through this afternoon about 58 by high noon to 3 o'clock. we're talking 60 going on here. a little bit of a warming phase inch tomorrow in early part of the weekend. don't you know what righty we got maybe a shot of some rain showers by the middle to latter portion of next week. >> your forecast is next. keep it here.
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>> welcome back. 8.14, on this saturday morning to get you a check of your forecast, dave. i feel like we had a beautiful sunrise. nice and bright and then the clouds kind of moved in pretty quickly. yeah. perfect timing here. clear skies overnight to let a school and now the cloud cover comes over. warmer in the warming phase. here's half moon bay for you already turning somewhat. >> kind of almost a mostly cloudy view on this gloomy looking this the culprit, as you can see in our backyard here, most of the action is up in the northwest and northern california can't rule out a stray sprinkle up in the north bay, way up north as a
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possibility. but most will be. basically the effects you will get will be the turning cloudy skies, not even much the way of winds, but they'll provide a little bit of a chill covering up the sun like that. 33 santa rosa, 31 clearlake the only a sub freezing mark that we can find. 34 livermore and 40's letter to the east bay 40 minute delay home. 41 for san jose. futurecast for cloud cover is here. late in the night by midnight or so. it starts to clear out. so this brings us into our sunday. lots of sunshine late on sunday clouds return again. this will be temporary, though. that should clear out in time for monday. looking good at that. and the early part of the week, we'll be back to a little bit of a spring flavor going on for you. by the time we get the latter portion of the week, a different story and we do have a shot of rain wednesday and thursday program. so considerable clouds, mild, lower 60's today. bump that up a little bit here. mostly sunny and warmer, some mid 60's. and there's some spots really inland that may pop at about 70 or so. now for next
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week, warming early in the week. again, 70's more than spread out cloudy later on with the shower wednesday night through thursday zone. and keeping linger as late as friday. clearing up in time of the next weekend. so we've got this all timed out. great. bring some possibility of some rain in which we really much need highs today, 60 san francisco, again, little chill from the cloud. 61 for oakland. 65 san jose. and that will be the rule of thumb for most of the board will get more into this in your 4 zone forecast coming up. and of course, check in to that extent that well, thanks, dave. >> happening this weekend, the city of oakland celebrating the life of oscar grant the grant, the oscar grant foundation hosting a festival today with speakers and live music. comes as the city set to recognize tomorrow, february 27th as oscar grant day grant died back in 2009 on new year's day after being fatally shot by a bart police officer. he would have turned 36 years old tomorrow. now, 13 years after his death, the city of oakland is remembering him by officially making
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february 27th oscar grant day grant's mother wanda johnson says she's committed to memorializing her son by leading efforts to also change the name of fruitvale station where graham was killed to the oscar grant station. >> individuals are killed their names are memorialized in different ways. and these are one of the ways that we want. in ames to continue to be remembered throughout. not just this time, but throughout history. >> today's festival is taking place at the frank ogawa plaza in front of oakland city hall. it starts at noon and it will go until 4 o'clock this afternoon. this weekend marks a month since 24 year-old oakley resident alexis gabe was reported missing and she's not been seen since her disappearance, but there is renewed help that she'll be found. kron four's phillipe djegal has been covering this story since it happened. the klaas kids foundation has
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joined the search efforts and volunteers are expected to continue this ground search through sunday. >> some 50 volunteers joined the first to ground searches for 24 year-old alexis gabe, an effort organized by the class kids foundation. the teams are spread out across eastern contra costa county, checking remove areas off the beaten path. >> for the oakley resident, we are coordinating with the police department in terms of areas that they. >> have wanted us to focus on. the oakley police department is leading the investigation into a lexus is disappearance. her older brother going and his girlfriend, morgan strenfel stationed at the contra costa county fairgrounds in antioch, the staging area for the search moving in. a lot of anger and frustration. >> and every day. get a little more angry and more frustrated, but grateful for the attention and support his family has received from the
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community. marc klass, who founded the non-profit after his daughter, polly, was kidnapped in the north bay in 1993, and murdered. >> says these efforts make a difference. we're here to do whatever we can. >> to bring to bring her home. a lexus has not been seen since january 27th after visiting her ex-boyfriend in antioch. the oakley police department says her car and keys were found in the ignition elsewhere. police also served a search warrant at the ex-boyfriend's home. but he has not been named a suspect. a lot of pictures of him coming in with clues and stuff. so. >> so we're hoping that we don't have to do this for more than a couple days. about 300 people have signed up online to help join the searches, which are scheduled to continue saturday and sunday. >> unless a lexus is found. >> in contra costa county police, a call from 4 news. >> well, the first witness took the stand in the evidentiary hearing to
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overturn scott peterson's life sentence. the witnesses, one of the jurors who convicted peterson for killing his wife lacy and their unborn child. and is the reason for this latest legal battle? the san mateo county superior court must now determine whether or not that juror number 7, rochelle, nice was a stealth juror that someone who withheld information that likely would have disqualified her from being a juror on the murder trial attorney paula canny has been following the peterson case from the beginning. she says nice took the stand, was granted immunity from being prosecuted for perjury and told the court the following. >> what she said is that. she called the police on her boyfriend >> and the police came because she wanted some help. and then he was arrested for domestic violence. she said she filed a restraining order for her. this woman who she'd had fights with who was a former
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girlfriend of a boyfriend. some that indicates that she's a victim of domestic violence and she was pregnant when she was the victim. she testified she withheld all of that information during the jury selection the hearing was set for >> 5 days. then both the defense and prosecution will have some time to prepare and present their closing arguments before ultimately leaving the decision in the judge's hands. the judge that has up to 90 days to announce her ruling, which can then be appealed by either side. still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news, president joe biden making his historic nomination for the next supreme court justice. >> lawmakers are weighing in on his pick will hear what they have to say after the break.
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>> in national news this morning, the u.s. supreme court may soon have its first african-american female justice. president biden introduced judge ketanji brown jackson to as his nominee to the high court. gaynor hall has the story. >> i am standing here today by the grace of god at the white house. president biden praised the broad experience of his supreme court pick, judge ketanji brown jackson is the first black woman ever
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nominated to the nation's highest court. >> fulfilling a promise he made during the campaign for too long. >> our government, our courts haven't looked like america. i believe is time that we have a court reflects the full pounds and greatness. our nation, nominee of extraordinary qualifications. >> she would replace retiring justice steven briar and she clerked for him early in her career. the 51 year-old jackson is harvard educated. she has served as a federal public defender and also worked in private practice. she was a federal trial court judge and was elevated last year to the powerful u.s. court of appeals for the dc circuit. if i'm fortunate enough to be confirmed. >> as the next associate justice of the supreme court of the united states. i can only hope that my life and career. my love of this country and the constitution and my commitment to upholding the rule of law and the sacred
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principles upon which this great nation was founded. will inspire future generations of americans. >> the mary mother of 2 also highlighting the personal experiences that shaped her. her parents were school teachers. her father later became a lawyer. she had an uncle who was incarcerated and several relatives in law enforcement. >> her opinions are always carefully reasoned tethered to precedent and demonstrate fact respect for how law impacts everyday people. >> jackson's confirmation would not impact the court's ideological balance of power with 6 conservatives in 3 liberals. she's an extraordinary person in terms of her life story and her professional qualifications to serve on the court. illinois senator durbin, chair of the senate judiciary committee, says the process should move quickly. we're going to start the formal investigation of this nominee today. senator lindsey graham, one of 3 republicans who voted to confirm jackson for the
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appeals court last year tweeted he expects a respectful but interesting hearing saying the harvard yale train to the supreme court continues to run on abated and republican leader mitch mcconnell who voted against confirming jackson to her current position called for rigorous exhaustive review of her nomination to the lifetime appointment. i think it's. >> about time, but i'm excited that we're living to see this moment. nikki across lee, president of the black women lawyers, association of greater chicago says jackson story is inspiring. she was also the vice chair of the united states sentencing commission where she led the charge in retroactively and meeting the guidclines range for crack cocaine sentences. >> which disproportionately affect minorities. this is the kind of ground, the experience and perspective that we need to address current issues that we're grappling with.
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>> coming up here on the kron 4 morning news, the cdc eases mask restrictions across the nation. how the new guidelines may impact those of us here in the bay area. we'll be right the bay area. we'll be right back after the break. oh, wow, barbara corcoran! good morning. sorry, we don't need any business help now. we're gigillionaires. what? we're gigillionaires now. i don't get it we have at&t business fiber with hyper-gig speeds. but i just... so thanks, but, we're doing great. i'm so happy for you! but i'm just here for my order. oh. entre-pin-eurs? yeah, my bowling team. i like it there's money in puns. do business like a gigillionaire at&t business fiber, now with speeds up to 5-gigs. limited availability
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>> welcome back at 8.30, on this saturday morning. and it's cold and wearing jacket
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backcourt here because it's cold here in the studio and i know it's cloudy outside. dave sphar has got a little bit more detail on your forecast a day. she's got a little flour flower power fire percolating over there and making smores show you're missing out here. i'll be keeping warm anyway. good morning. well, good morning, everybody. >> lots of cloud cover half moon bay, as you can see, and we just started. it's going to be more of this all day long as we go to kind of an overcast are mostly cloudy story. here's how it looks like some storm tracker. 4 rain. yeah. up to the north might get a stray sprinkle maybe props up in the north bay is a possibility. breaking it down for you. turning cloudy. we'll still manage into the 60's. were no action up as cool as we were this time yesterday with those current temperatures. so there are an improvement from that. look at that. already clearly, 33 santa rosa. 43 for oakland 34 livermore. 41 coming in for san jose highs today about 60 san francisco to about 65 san jose. 61 coming in for oakland. meanwhile, on the big
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board lower to approaching middle 60's, we're going to add to that tomorrow with essentially mostly sunny skies and into early next week. looks like again, a flavor of spring. that's when logical spring gets here and a chance of maybe some rain showers as we get to the middle portion of the week. we'll put all that together for you coming up in just a bit. spectating. well. >> thanks, dave. the big story we're following this morning. a major overhaul to covid mask guidance. the cdc now says most of americans can ditch their face coverings. the new guidelines mean healthy people can safely go without a mask. in most indoor settings, which includes school settings. kron four's dan kerman breaking down the updated recommendations. >> as expected, the cdc has revised its recommendations on indoor mask-wearing allowing over 70% of americans to remove their face coverings indoors, including the classroom. this updated approach focuses on directing a effort towards protecting people at high risk for severe
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>> and preventing hospitals and healthcare systems from being overwhelmed. >> during a teleconference friday, the cdc announced county's covid-19 level will now be determined is low, medium or high based on new covid hospitalizations, current hospital beds occupied by covid-19 patients and new covid-19 cases linking masking to the amount of disease in your community. >> i think it's very prudent. ucsf, infectious disease specialist doctor monica gandhi supports the new guidance. though she feels vaccination rates should have played a role, a critical piece. i think the cdc is completely right about that is. >> how are hospitals doing while also supporting the new guidance uc berkeley's doctor john swartzberg remains concerned about the current level of cases. i'd like to wait a little bit more because the trajectory suggests very few weeks. >> we're going to be really low in much safer. >> under the new metric, 6 of the 9 bay area counties are considered low. the santa clara county medium and solano and napa counties is high. the
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cdc recommends those living in a low county must stay up to date on vaccinations and get tested if symptomatic high-risk individuals at the medium level should consider masking and taking additional precautions and those living in a county at the high level should continue wearing masks indoors. now, these are just guidelines. the state of california also issues guidelines, in fact, on monday, they're expected to talk about masking in schools, but ultimately the decision making is typically left up to each individual county. dan kerman kron, 4 news. >> santa clara county is the only county in the bay area that still has its indoor mask mandate in place. but that could change as early as next week. the county's health officer doctor sara cody, has announced the county is expected to record less than 550 new cases per day over the next week. and that's the last of 3 metrics needed in order to lift the mandate. the other 2 metrics, low hospitalization rates and an 80% or higher vaccination rate have already
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been met. doctor cody says if the numbers hold the indoor mask mandate will be lifted next wednesday, march 2nd. now after nearly 2 years. governor newsom says the state of emergency due to covid will remain in place, but he says the state's going to be dropping most of his covid related executive actions in the coming months. here's a breakdown of the rules that are winding down. 19 of those rules will and immediately including provisions related to state and property and e d d claim processing as well as federal covid relief funds. 18 executive actions will end on march 31st, including rules related to virtual meetings and teacher staffing and then 15 more actions when june 30th, including rules related to telehealth. this is going to leave california with 30 emergency provisions in place for help with vaccines testing hospital capacity and workplace safety. >> right now to shut down emergency. means that state in
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a situation where they could run the basic program. but i think californians are expecting the state to run for them. we're at a point where those programs are no longer necessary to protect people. then i they could be why ground down. >> some republicans say the state of emergency gives the governor too much power to control the state without using the proper systems of government. so there is a state senate committee considering a resolution to and the pandemic related state of emergency on march. 15th. in the east bay, 10 security cameras have been installed in oakland to try and crack down on illegal dumping. city workers say last year alone they collected almost 15 million pounds of garbage off the streets of oakland. those cameras have been installed near hotspots where trash is off and dumped. the mayor says the video is going to be used to try and identify who's doing this so they can be held responsible. >> you know where this one is today, but we're not telling you where the other 9 are going. and that is because we
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have got to stop the people that are dumping on our beautiful city. we are not going to tolerate people dumping on oakland. >> anyone found guilty of illegal dumping can be fined up to $1000 per incident per day. all right, 8.37, coming up. we're going to continue to honor black history month. introducing you to a woman who is grooming future leaders and inspiring them to do the same for others will be right back after the break.
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there's an invisible threat in your backyard that could cause deadly heartworm disease for your dog. but not if you protect him every month with heartgard plus, the #1 choice of dogs. digestive and neurological side effects have rarely been reported. ask your vet for heartgard plus. we learn about covid-19, the more questions we have. the biggest question now, what's next? what will covid bring in six months, a year? if you're feeling anxious about the future, you're not alone. calhope offers free covid-19 emotional support. call 833-317-4673, or live chat at today.
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>> they feature i mean, people you're and look at it. >> a big story. pope francis visited the russian embassy in rome yesterday expressing grave concern over the war in ukraine. it's being considered an extraordinary gesture considering the pope canceled several upcoming events due to his knee pain. the pope did stop short of condemning russia's actions, presumably over fear the russian orthodox church would react. but he is calling for dialogue to end the conflict and says he is praying for peace in ukraine and the church here in the bay area. a visiting scholar at san jose state from ukraine is now wondering if she can go back home one day kron four's. justin campbell has her story. >> they're scared, but they always staying strong. little area is a visiting scholar at san jose state. she came from
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ukraine just 3 weeks ago to study the large ukrainian community here in the bay. my research to be it a sub out a ukrainian migrations and how actually the community and >> is integrating but now because of the war, she says her final dissertation may change a bit. it change my perspective for sure, i started my research when everything was. >> peacefully. she says she wants more sanctions put on russia. she says all of her family and friends are in ukraine and she hopes to have a country to go back to when her scholarship ends in april. you think russia will >> i hope so. i really hope so. and i want it reporting in san jose. justin campbell kron, 4 news. >> all right. we're looking at those temperatures to approach the middle 60's, but basically lower 60's over most of the geography. lots of cloud cover
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going on today. sorry about that. make up for sunday. and there's a little chance we might see some rain showers develop. going to have the whole program coming up for you next kron. 4 morning news continues.
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>> welcome back. 8.44 here on this saturday morning. still here with my jacket because it's cold. dave keeping keeping warm. they're trying. it's this is the back. you we
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have a telethon and going on here and it's for noel to get herself a space heater we'll take radiation heating take, of course, there. whatever you got to know, just, you know, couple hampshire's good morning, everybody. we have a look at tahoe. what's going on up there? actually a temperature klein, other guy was much of the way of cloud cover going on because this is all going to cut through maybe about central valley. they'll get the high cloudiness, but >> that's about it. 49 tomorrow. 52 a monday and tuesday. 55, mostly cloudy. there is another opportunity, though, as we get a shower here of maybe seeing some snow showers working in their mid to latter portion of the week. there's or beauty shot east bay shoreline lit up. there's that kind of cloud cover start to build and collect here. covering up the blue skies with the hazy cloudiness that we're getting here is that is out in the pacific. and this is ideally timed here for the day today. here comes the cloud cover by late this afternoon and this evening. well, clears up with the stars. come out. we cool down again tomorrow looks pretty
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good. and then tomorrow night, another to bout with some cloud cover. but it looks good into early next week as we get a little flavor of spring coming our way again. still chilly up to 33 santa rosa there. but at least we're above freezing in these numbers and readings. we've been talking about a bit above where we've been bor a lot of the week. so that cold edge has been taken away, even though we are going to clear out again for tonight that tends to let those temperatures fall. 39, by the way, freeman in palo alto there. 41 san jose. so in the big board in terms of watching things, pay a plan out here again, we make it a stray little shower up in the north bay. but what we're waiting on latter portion of the week after get a nice warm up, there's an opportunity for showers. this will be monday or wednesday night through thursday morning. and then it clears out. looks like into the following week, another system by passes us typical. and then something to watch out for the following monday. see if that comes together. part is getting the pieces of the system's 4 zone forecast for this saturday. minus a lot of sun, lot of winds, but minus the sun, 60 san
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francisco. we'll keep the 50's along the coast here off to the bay side of the peninsula. 61 for burlingame foster city. 62 63 for palo alto. so modest high temperatures going on here down to the south bay. 65 san jose. 64 for cupertino. lower 60's east bay shoreline, tri valley. pretty much matching that. also, 63 walnut creek, 62 for concord, 60 going on for berkaley. so you can see these muted high. 61 for vallejo, by the way, tomorrow will be better. 61 fairfield, 60 for napa and 62 santa rosa for the whole thing up there. put it all together for you. what we're talking about. minor warming up happening monday. spring-like 72 by tuesday. flip things change opportunity for showers wednesday night through thursday, we've got falling back to the lower 60's here. but our nightly lows will be 40's. yes, some 30's returning, but at least we're staying out of those 20's 40's cover. so the coast, noel, thanks, dave. >> kron 4 is honoring black
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history month this morning highlighting the east oakland youth development center. the program has been led by regina jackson for 27 years, but now she's stepping down. kron four's. pam moore spoke with her about her career and the program. >> janet jackson always seems happiest surrounded by kids. hundreds of kids in a big crowd. small groups of kids class on a field trip guiding, loving and cheering them on july. the fact that has been her life for nearly 3 decades at like the sea. >> i believe that once i landed. idc that it. it felt more like a calling that the work that i was there to do was to change the trajectory of young people's lives in 1994, he took over a good but waning program that started in 1978. >> and turned it into a
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nationally recognized model for success and a troubled urban neighborhood. it has been a love affair between her and the young people of all ages from elementary school to college graduation and their families who have come through the doors. >> the same kids that i would like see like fighting on the playground, skipping class bought. i've seen on college tours. i've seen graduate college are seeing lead to college tours shows the shape is out to be better. people. >> and not. go up and be somebody that they're not. i feel like i've definitely grown and become a better person because of mister gina. she's very inspirational by one conversation with her. can definitely change your perspective on a whole bunch of stuff. she gives you tough he had that magic you talk to about some. she'll make it happen for you. putting me like. she stays true to her word. our mission is to enhance the possibility of young people. >> by helping them to become responsible citizens and
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dynamic leaders. data white is one of the latest heading to college in my environment. my family. i was just predisposed to a lot of like the feelings of east oakland. she kind of. >> saw my potential. >> and she just kind of like not a this is not what i want for you. so you're going to just have to like live up to what i want i want you to be the neighborhood that we serve. >> is always one foot on a banana peel. something that is going to topple you over and whether it's poverty or hunger or desperation or health or anger and vindictiveness. it is. >> the depths of my soul to try and relieve some of that pain, try to resolve some of that circumstance be the one that. tell them it's going to be okay. ydc is an escape from the hopelessness that dominates much of the east oakland in 2015 jackson rebuild the old building,
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making it a bigger, brighter center of hope, inspiration and safety enhancing all of the and so much more taking kids from east oakland, on trips to china. great wall of china, there was this. you who temple. sol is like one of the largest in the world to haiti right now in central park to new york with the raiders not be love holiday shopping trips with greater donald penn. they met president clinton and been to the white house and the pats a college program regularly take students across the country on college tours where your support has been critical to us. high-profile support from the warriors, steph curry donated his mvp comedian mark curry singer the way wiggins. going to tell you about my personal experience with i d see all of them come back to visit the center and inspire other candles at the heart of her work is grooming. future leaders and the
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training starts early. older kids become youth leaders of the younger ones. the younger ones and aspire to do the same venue see enough of us kind of. >> making way for the next wave of leaders. 70% of our professional staff video ydc our alumni many including selena wilson, learning under jackson since age 11. she is now the center's new leader. a lot of folks working with young people from marginalized communities. >> don't expect much of us. and i think the fact that mister dina has really high hopes, but also high expectations and a commitment to not just placing 4th those expectations. but supporting us in meeting those expectations i think makes a really big difference and look at these this pipeline of leadership of young people. it just fulfills me. >> but there's also a time when as a leader, you've done the work to prep for the next
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generation and then it's time to move out of the way my heart will always be there. you my spirit is in every corridor, in every corner. my commitment to the organization will never cease. >> a mural for san francisco's first black firefighter was unveiled in the fillmore district this week. mayor london breed joined other city leaders and san francisco's black firefighters association to honor earl gage junior. he served as the city's first black firefighter back in 1955. earl junior remained the only black member of the department for more than a decade after he started. you can read the full story about earl gage junior's life and legacy on kron 4 dot com. >> stick with us. kron morning news continues after the break. well, if you're
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thinking of hitting up the beach this year, trip advisor has put out its list of the best beaches in the world. they say based on the quantity and quality of reviews from their website, the best beach in the world. >> is grace beach day in turks and caicos. second comes is a very beach in cuba. if we're talking domestic, though, trip advisor says the best beach in america is hop on beach state recreation area and hawaii
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siesta beach in florida comes in second place. poipu beach park in kauai comes in 3rd 4th place is california is very own moonstone beach up in san luis obispo county. and rounding out the top 5 is hawaii again, kailua beach park la jolla cove in san diego, also placed in the top 10. if you're looking for good beach trip advisor's got that new list out. still ahead here in the next hour of the kron. 4 morning news city of oakland honoring the life of oscar grant this weekend got a celebration of life. >> set for today. we'll hear from his mother coming up. plus, russia closing in on ukraine's capital. got the latest sights and sounds from kyiv as the invasion continues. and coming up in a live report, another rally here at home to support the people of ukraine. we're going to tell you where to
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if you're feeling anxious about the future, you're not alone. calhope offers free covid-19 emotional support. call 833-317-4673, or live chat at today. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at no. >> good saturday morning to you. thanks for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. >> i'm noelle bellow. it is saturday, february 26, the final saturday of february got a lot to get to this morning. lots going on around the world as well as here at home. but first, want to get you a check of our forecast. dave spahr has got a look at those cloudy conditions were seen to yeah, good good morning, everybody. not quite the sunshine that we've experienced after getting a cold start each day for the last week. now.
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>> we pay for it with some cloud cover here. going to be a bit cooler today than tomorrow. that's kind of a given with the cloud cover will make up for some of this. tomorrow, though, there looks like from the golden gate bridge. we join to this morning. you can see some sun peering on through a little color is ation off to the distance. here is the east bay shoreline as well. turning kind of that milky. look, 44 concord at this hour, 40 for livermore. 46 free antioch. also the 40's along the east bay shoreline. some chilly 30's up to the north bay. 45 meanwhile, 4 san jose comparison. we're still ahead of where we were this time yesterday. and that's what the clear skies we had basically overnight. so a little moderation is sneaking in here and you'll start to feel that into tomorrow and early next week actually now there is some rain with this general system, but it's all to the north might get grazed by couple sprinkles up in the north bay enough to dirty up your car. the breakdown for you today. 59 by 1 o'clock by for cloudy at 60. don't see a lot of winds working in here. so that guess is little plus. but coming up, we'll take a look at that forecast. looks
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like into tomorrow and hint a lot more. sunshine is expected. noel. >> breaking news out of ukraine this morning. russian troops pressing it toward ukraine's capital today after a night of explosions in street fighting in the gunfire and explosions have been seen and heard on and off all last night in ukraine's capital city officials there are warning residents to remain in shelters and to avoid going near windows or on balconies. that video recorded from them an apartment building in kyiv across from a series of buildings that are tied to the ukrainian army. they're the target there. at the beginning of the footage, you can see a flaming object at the bottom of the screen followed by the sounds of shattering glass. residents of kyiv have been urged by authorities to use molotov cocktails at they have them in defense of the city.
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we've also learned a second russian military transport plane was shot down about 50 miles south of key. that's in addition to the russian plane that was shot down thursday. the one that had paratroopers on board. now, president joe biden has authorized an additional 350 million dollars in immediate military assistance to ukraine to help defend itself. the move comes after ukrainian president zelenskiy rejected an offer from the american government to evacuate the capital city of keep saying the fight is here. i need a munition, not a ride. now president biden and other countries are now personally targeting president putin's with sanctions. and for the first time nato is deploying its response force to protect member nations. the latest moves are directly targeting putin and his foreign minister sergei, a lot of raw of the announcement came hours after the european union announced it intended to freeze putin's asset and british prime minister boris
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johnson told nato leaders his country would also be putting sanctions on putin and lavrov. ukraine's ambassador called the decision to freeze the assets of putin himself. the right one. now here at home. but there is another rally going on in support of ukraine against this russian invasion. kron four's camila barco joining us live now in san francisco with details on what's going to be going on at the embarcadero later this afternoon. camila. so while we've seen people stand in solidarity for ukraine through out the weekend before even the russian invasion and out today, people are going to continue to protest. >> against vladimir war tactics. you're taking a look at video from earlier this week when people in the bay area protested outside san francisco city hall and the ferry building, some people who are participating in these protests say that they are refugees. some have relatives back in ukraine and others have no connection to the country. but they say they
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rally to stand in solidarity with ukraine. and could again prove actions. the attacks killed more than 100 people during the first day of the invasion. and today in ukraine, russian forces are closing in on ukraine's capital. people there have been advised to stay away from windows, take cover and avoid going outside here in the bay area. many are worried for ukraine and for relatives and friends that are still there. >> but we have here. >> but we love country and want the best future for the citizens. so if ukraine, some of my friends had to spend the night today tonight in the metro station, so to and the signs. so i hope there will be okay. but >> no one. >> now, today there will be another bally and organizers are sending a message to putin by hosting it. they are demanding that he withdraw his troops from ukraine. they say that he is a threat not only
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to ukraine but to democracy around the world. and that protest today is going to take place at the san francisco ferry building at 12 30 this afternoon. noel, back to you. yeah, in the intense for folks who know people in ukraine, if that's their homeland, it will be interesting to see how many folks come out to the embarcadero for that rally. camila, thank you for that live report. >> now the city of sebastopol up in sonoma county has had a sister city in ukraine since 1993, they may be 6200 miles apart, but the 29 years of friendship keep sebastien poll and the city check here in in close connection. the sister city relationship is clearly written on sebastien polls. a welcome sign. the mayor patrick slater says there have been middle school student exchanges with the city located in the central part of ukraine for years now since the russian invasion, mayor slater and other city leaders have been in contact with should he run so far? no
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reports of military activity there. but he does worry for the entire country as those missile strikes continue. >> it's unbelievable violence towards people who are going about their own lives, living their lives doing. things that we all do and take for granted that we get to do them. >> without the fear of being. >> overrun or bombed or shot. >> mayors later also said miss communication lines with ukraine have been uninterrupted during russia's invasion. so they've been getting updates from friends and families throughout online messaging. to follow all the latest updates on the ukraine crisis. just scan the qr code that you see on your screen here. it's going to guide you to our website. we have all the latest developments. all right. coming up here on the kron, 4 morning news. a celebration of life in oakland for oscar grant this weekend will also hear from his mother about her efforts to honor him. >> and right after the break, a deadly crash in the east bay takes the life of a 16 year-old boy. we've got details on what happened.
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>> in the east bay, a 16 year-old boy has died after he was struck by a car while riding his bike in conquered. the multi-car crash happened around 3.30 yesterday afternoon at the intersection of the lindo street and clayton road. when first responders arrived, they found the teenager trapped between a light pole and one of those vehicles. he was pronounced dead at the scene. identity
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has not yet been released. police say one of the drivers was arrested for vehicular manslaughter and their identity has not been released yet. either. also in the east bay, a man has been charged with murder in connection to a freeway shooting in oakland. the charges stem from a shooting back on october 27th of last year happened on west bound 5.80, and the macarthur off-ramp. the victim died after their car was hit with multiple bullets. the accused shooter, 27 year-old oakland resident larry county. kony is already in custody. he was originally in custody at the santa rita jail for unrelated charges. oakland police also say they've arrested 2 suspects who were using a stolen car to ram police vehicles. thursday night happened on san pablo avenue. police say the 2 individuals are believed to be connected to robberies and carjackings. when officers tried to arrest them, they say the 2 began ramming police vehicles and cause some severe damage during the investigation. police recovered 2 loaded
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firearms. those suspects are also connected to several violent crimes throughout the city. meanwhile, investigators say their arrests come just one day after 4 known gang members were also arrested. they're believed to be connected to multiple violent crimes, including shootings throughout oakland, 5 firearms with high-capacity magazines were recovered during that arrest tape. >> turning mostly cloudy for the balance of today. we're looking at high noon at 59 60 or so with lower 60's expected for highs today with all the sunshine hiding will make up for tomorrow under mostly sunny skies and a minor bump on those temperatures early next week. keep it here. back in a ♪ ♪ at lowe's, you never have to be finished with your finishing touches. with aisles of ways to refresh and restyle.
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>> welcome back. time for another check of your weather forecast. cloudy out there, dave, is it windy, too? and no that's not going to be as much of an issue will be a little breeze, but there won't be a you know, we don't see a big spike in those winds occurring. we have the overcast skies that are just about to develop. as you can see, at least we get some bright sunshine through it a little bit for now. >> but expect more of this to come throughout the day. storm tracker for shows you that will last looks like the balance of today. some light rain showers perhaps in the north bay or possibility and then points towards the north as just get the southern fringe of all of that, most readings are in the 40's across the bay. 38 up their santa rosa. the cold spot at 39. also palo alto. meanwhile, 52 for antioch and 46, half moon bay. 48 san francisco
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handing it over to future cast for there's the cloud cover with a store the day today. and then by tonight starts to clear out a little bit of some clearing skies and looks like in tomorrow. pretty good for much of the day. but then late in the afternoon. again, another dose of this. but don't worry early next week, we'll see some springtime weather around here to be by tuesday. those numbers will be popping through the 70's. it looks like. so we get a little flavor of spring. another system is expected. not this one. here is the later in the week wednesday thursday. we'll be watching for a little shot of maybe some rain showers. here's of kind of up close and personal golden gate, considerable clouds, mild, lower 60's going on for today. that mild for the season and then tomorrow, mostly sunny and warmer mid 60's to near 70 back again, as just talked about then later in the week, warming sure got the 70's here and then cloudy later with the shower by thursday, wednesday, thursday. that's the zone to look out for. hopefully is on a repeat of just this. we get some cloud cover in the action stays north, 60 san francisco.
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65 san jose. 61 for oakland. off in the east bay and you get the central valley will start to thin out a little bit high cloudiness probably won't affect tahoe was much, though, lower 60's going on for the far east bay here, 60 for san francisco. 62 santa rosa in a bit. we'll check that out. your 4 zone forecast. noel. thanks, dave. >> happening this weekend, the city of oakland celebrating the life of oscar grant the oscar grant foundation is hosting a festival today with speakers and live music. this comes as the city is set to recognize tomorrow, february 27th as oscar grant day grant died back in 2009 on new year's day after being fatally shot by a bart police officer. he would have turned 36 years old tomorrow. now, 13 years after his death, the city of oakland is remembering him by officially making february 27th oscar grant day grant's mother wanda johnson says she is committed to memorializing her son by leading efforts to change the name of fruitvale station where he was killed to
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the oscar grant station. >> individuals are killed their names are memorialized in different ways. and these are one of the ways that we want names to continue to be remembered throughout. not just this time, but throughout history. >> today's festival will take place at the frank ogawa plaza in front of oakland city hall from noon until 04:00pm. also in the east bay. this weekend marks one month since 24 year-old oakley resident alexis gabe was reported missing, but her family and friends remain hopeful. she'll be found volunteers let a ground search earlier this week. an effort organized by the class kids foundation. the teams are spread out across eastern contra costa county, checking remote areas off the beaten path for gabe, 50 volunteers joined the first to ground searches. >> going in a lot of anger and frustration. and every day.
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get a little more angry and more frustrated. >> the oakley police department is leading the investigation into alexis disappearance. she's not been seen since january 27th after visiting her ex-boyfriend in antioch. police say her car was found elsewhere and keys found in the ignition. police also served a search warrant at the ex-boyfriend's home. that's the video you're looking at. but he has not been named a suspect. about 300 people have signed up online to help join the search is scheduled to continue today and tomorrow unless she's found. on the peninsula, the fate of a new trial for convicted killer scott peterson rests on the testimony from a juror in his original trial. that juror took the stand yesterday. kron four's haaziq madyun spoke to a legal expert about what happened in court. >> did convicted murderer scott peterson get a fair trial back in 2004 for killing his wife lacy and their unborn
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son. that is the focus of a hearing in san mateo county superior court to determine whether or not juror number 7, richelle nease was a stealth juror who withheld information that likely would have disqualified her from being on the jury in the murder trial. it's boiled down to. >> did richelle nice juror number 7 and miss statements. fact, the ultimate fairness of scott peterson's trial attorney paula canny, has been following the peterson case from the beginning. she says rachelle knees, the only witness on day one of the hearing took the stand was granted immunity from being prosecuted for perjury, told the court the follow. what she said is that. >> she called the police on her boyfriend >> and the police came because she wanted some help. and then he was arrested for domestic violence. she said she filed a restraining order for her.
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this woman who she'd had fights with who was a former girlfriend of a boyfriend. some that indicates that she's a victim of domestic violence and she was pregnant when she was the victim. >> needs testified that she, without all of that information while she was going through the jury selection process, even so candy explains why peterson's legal defense team is in for an uphill climb, trying to get his life sentence over there's a bunch of law rules that basically preserve the sanctity >> so it's harder to set aside a verdict. then it is to uphold the that's just the practical reality. >> has made you kron 4 news? >> still ahead here in the proper morning news president joe biden's made an historic nomination of for the next supreme court. justice lawmakers are weighing in on the pick. we've got comments
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coming up. welcome back. 9.24.
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and president biden has nominated. 51 year-old judge ketanji brown jackson to the supreme court. >> if she's confirmed, jackson would be the first black woman to sit on the nation's highest court. washington, dc correspondent raquel martin has more on the announcement. >> i believe it's time that we have a court reflects the full
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pounds and greatness. >> our nation friday, president joe biden nominated judge can talk brown jackson to become the first black woman to sit on the supreme court nominee of extraordinary qualifications. my life has been blessed beyond measure during the announcement. 51 year-old judge jackson, thank the president for family and god for the honor. one can only come this far. i think. and she vowed to be a fair jurist upholding the rule of law and the sacred principles upon which this great nation was founded. judge jackson grew up in miami, has 2 degrees from harvard and he's a former clerk of retiring supreme court justice steven briar, joe jackson deserves to be confirmed, but before she takes her seat here at the supreme court, judge jackson, we'll first need to be confirmed by the u.s. senate and lawmakers on both sides of the aisle say they're eager to jump start the vetting process. judge jackson will receive a prompt hearings.
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senate majority leader chuck schumer says he's confident in judge jackson's record and i expect and hope. >> she will earn bipartisan support in the senate. republican senator mike rounds as republicans. >> are ready to ask questions will listen with an open mind. iowa republican senator chuck grassley who was key to moving jackson's nomination forward is promising to play fair. >> and while weeks ago, president biden did bow to make this announcement by the end of this month. some republicans have been critical of the timing. tennessee republican marsha blackburn calling it extremely inappropriate for him to make this announcement during the invasion of ukraine. for now in washington, raquel martin, back to you. >> coming up in morning news. cdc easing mask restrictions across the nation. we've got the details on all the guidelines. plus a bay area artist who's been working with people in ukraine trying to provide help. he's got more details on the situation of living in ukraine after the attack.
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it's time for the ultimate sleep number event on the sleep number 360 smart bed. what if i sleep hot? ...or cold? no problem, the sleep number 360 smart bed is temperature balancing so you both sleep just right. and it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. so, you can really promise better sleep? yes! you'll know exactly how well you slept, night after night. we take care of the science. all you have to do is sleep. don't miss the final days to save 50% on the sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus, 0% interest for 48 months on all smart beds. ends monday. ♪ one-two-three ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ uh, alright, uh! ♪
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♪ got to know how to pony like bony maronie ♪ ♪ uh! you know i feel alright? ♪ ♪ hah! i feel pretty good, yall ♪ ♪ uh! ♪ ♪ oww! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ohh, help me! ♪ >> welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news. just about to be 9.30, on this saturday. we've got a lot of clouds to deal with today. but dave says middle of next week, we're going to feel like spring. it's going to be until we get a little chance. maybe of a
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shower working here. course, this is looks like we'll get more this, but hopefully we'll be able to scrounge up a couple raindrops there. good morning, everybody. live shot coming the east bay shoreline. there you can see some blue breaking through still, but this is kind of the picture you're going to see throughout much of the day today, by the way, not this case all, because it's not going to extend that far to the east. you see the high cloudiness marching through the central valley little bit. but the hope is being sent to the north, along with most of the rain showers make a little drizzle, perhaps in some spots, the far north bay breaking it down for you today. turning mostly cloudy of its not already that way. your house, 60 by 4 o'clock as you will notice. and don't you know it just in time for tonight. things kind of clear out a little bit and looks like tomorrow will be mostly sunny, at least a good balance of the day. 52 antioch, we've got 40 for livermore. 38%. rosa, 41 front 44 coming in for fremont. get the forecast today calls for 60 san francisco. 65 san jose and 61 for oakland coming up in a bit. we'll check in your 4 zone forecast.
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>> they feature i mean, people you're and include it. >> pope francis visited the russian embassy in rome yesterday expressing grave concern over the war in ukraine. it's being considered an extraordinary gesture considering the pope did cancel several upcoming events due to some knee pain. the pope did stop short of condemning russia's actions, though, presumably over fear the russian orthodox church would react. but he's calling for dialogue to end the conflict and says he's praying for peace in ukraine. now back here at home, a visiting scholar at san jose state from ukraine is now wondering if she'll be able to go back home. one day kron four's. justin campbell has her story. >> they're scared, but they always staying strong. little area is a visiting scholar at san jose state. she came from ukraine just 3 weeks ago to study the large ukrainian community here in the bay. my
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research to be it a sub out a ukrainian migrations and how actually the community is integrating >> but now because of the war, she says her final dissertation may change a bit. it change my perspective for sure, i started my research when everything was. >> peacefully. she says she wants more sanctions put on russia. she says all of her family and friends are in ukraine and she hopes to have a country to go back to. >> when her scholarship ends in april, you think russia will i hope so. i really hope so. and i want it reporting in san jose. justin campbell kron, 4 news. >> meanwhile, a bay area artist says he personally knows some of the people in ukraine who are in fear for their lives. john doyle has seen the video of destruction and death sent directly from his friends. doyle's been collaborating with people in
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the ukraine art community for 3 years now. and now he's supporting his friends by getting out their message of what's happened since the russian invasion. >> my friends are are wondering what to do. you know, do we put down a paint brushes and pick up guns or do we remain pacifists? i don't know what to do, but i am on the phone calling anybody i can to take a look at this thing feel helpless. i honestly i feel very helpless. i feel very scared. >> doyle's encouraging people to reach out to organizations that are helping in ukraine like the ukrainian american coordinating council. he also says he's going to continue to check in on his friends and share their stories. city of berkeley is going to be flying the ukrainian flag starting monday in a show of solidarity. the mayor has also invited anyone who wants to join to the civic center park at 9 o'clock monday morning for the raising of the flag. he also tweeted, quote, ukraine, we stand with you. turning now to our coronavirus
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coverage, a major overhaul to covid masking guidance. the cdc now says most americans can ditch the face coverings new guidelines mean healthy people can safely go without a mask in most indoor settings, which include our schools. kron four's dan kerman is breaking down the updated recommendations. >> as expected, the cdc has revised its recommendations on indoor mask-wearing allowing over 70% of americans to remove their face coverings indoors, including the classroom. this updated approach focuses on directing a effort towards protecting people at high risk for severe >> and preventing hospitals and healthcare systems from being overwhelmed. >> during a teleconference friday, the cdc announced county's covid-19 level will now be determined is low, medium or high based on new covid hospitalizations, current hospital beds occupied by covid-19 patients and new covid-19 cases ranking masking to the amount of disease in your community. >> i think it's very prudent. ucsf, infectious disease
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specialist doctor monica gandhi supports the new guidance. though she feels vaccination rates should have played a role critical piece. i think the cdc is completely right about that is. >> how are hospitals doing while also supporting the new guidance uc berkeley's doctor john swartzberg remains concerned about the current level of cases. i'd like to wait a little bit more because the trajectory suggests very few weeks. >> we're going to be really low in much safer. >> under the new metric, 6 of the 9 bay area counties are considered low. the santa clara county medium and solano and napa counties is high. the cdc recommends those living in a low county must stay up to date on vaccinations and get tested if symptomatic high-risk individuals at the medium level should consider masking and taking additional precautions and those living in the county at the high level should continue wearing masks indoors. now, these are just guidelines. the state of california also issues guidelines, in fact, on monday, they're expected to talk about masking in schools,
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but ultimately the decision making is typically left up to each individual county. dan kerman kron, 4 news. >> now santa clara county is the only one here in the bay area with an indoor mask mandate still in place. however, that is expected to change as early as next week county's health officer doctor sara cody has announced santa clara is expected to record less than 550 new covid cases per day over the next week. that's the last of the 3 metrics needed in order to lift the mandate. the other 2 metrics were low hospitalizations and an 80% or higher vaccination rate. and those have already been met. doctor cody says if the numbers hold the indoor mandate will be lifted next wednesday, march 2nd. governor newsom is set to keep the covid-19 related state of emergency in place. but he says he'll drop most of his covid related executive orders in the coming months. our capitol bureau reporter ashley zavala explains the move and how some lawmakers are
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reacting to it. >> advance a proclamation, a state of emergency nearly 2 years after declaring california in a state of emergency because of covid-19 governor gavin newsome will drop most of his executive actions stemming from that proclamation. newsom's administration friday announced all but 5% of covid-19 related rules will end between now and june 30th. but the state of emergency will remain the administration defended this friday right now to shut down emergency. >> but leave state in a situation where they could run the basic programs that i think californians are expecting the state to run for them. we're at a point where those programs are no longer necessary to protect people. then i they could be round out of the rules that are winding down. 19 of them and immediately including provisions related to state owned property ev-d claim processing and federal covid relief funds. >> 18 will end march 31st, including rules related to
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virtual meetings and teacher staffing 15 will end june 30th including rules related to telehealth. this will leave california with 30 emergency provisions in place that will continue to help with vaccines testing hospital capacity and workplace safety. the essential nature of options in powers to really help us manage down to the current public health challenge in front of certainly the future this is reached the point absurdity. republican assemblyman kevin kiley has supported numerous efforts to get the governor to end the state of emergency. >> he says the state of emergency gives the governor too much power to control the state without using the proper systems of government. a state senate committee march 15th will consider a resolution to end newsom's pandemic related state of emergency. if the senate does pass it and then the assembly passes that the new sums emergency powers will be cut off. that is the end of the state of emergency. that is what the law says. and so if i were the governor, i think he would be well served to make sure it does not reach that point. governor newsom's office says it does not comment on pending legislation.
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>> in sacramento, ashley zavala kron, 4 news. >> over in the east bay, 10 security cameras have been installed in oakland to try and crack down on illegal dumping. city workers say last year alone they collected almost 15 million pounds of garbage off the streets of oakland. those cameras have been installed near some hot spots where trash is off and dumped. the mayor says the video is going to be used to try and identify who's doing this so they can be held responsible. >> you know where this one is today, but we're not telling you where the other 9 are going. and that is because we have got to stop the people that are dumping on our beautiful city. we are not going to tolerate people dumping on oakland. >> anyone found guilty of illegal dumping can be fined up to $1000 per incident per day. california senator alex padilla introduced a new bill that aims to tackle the homeless crisis on a federal level. take a listen. >> this building is a truly comprehensive plan to address
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assistance, solve the affordable housing shortage in our many of the programs in my fired by effort that we're playing right here in california. >> senator padilla is legislation is called the housing for all act of 2022, it would provide more than 530 billion dollars in federal funds over the next 10 years to fight homelessness and increase affordable housing. the largest investment would be for the federal housing trust fund. 45 billion dollars would then be put into the program that finances affordable housing for the lowest income households >> all we're looking at temperatures for highs today. only in the lower 60's under a lot of cloud cover. looks like we'll make up for some of this tomorrow. a little bit of a warming trend looks like into early next week. you're look at your week long forecast coming up in a bit. kron 4 morning news continues.
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>> well, we are still 6 months away from the official start of fire season in california. but dry conditions have crews battling flames all months of the year. now, cal fire says they're ready for a fire to strike at all times. and you should be as well. the national weather service says the small amount of rain we got earlier this weekend. the snow up in the sierra is not enough to end california's dry spell. >> we can, you know, rest on our laurels. we can expect that this year's going to be different than last year. so
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what we do is we prepare and plan for the absolute worst. >> cal fire says homeowners should also start preparing for fire season. you should begin removing dead brush and clearing out rain gutters. when you get the chance, you should also make sure you have an emergency plan in place. those go bags are no joke. you definitely need to have one of dave spahr is joining us now talk a little about our weather forecast because we do have like tiny little chance of rain later this week. yeah, one of those little job is that he's talked about here. that would be too much help. unfortunate. that will be wednesday night into thursday. and we're dealing with a another drought situation. now. we did have rain earlier in the season and the late fall, which helped out a bit put us in the severe category, although encroaching now in the sonoma county little piece of it along the coast. >> is walking back into the extreme category. so something to watch up to tahoe, including today. lots of sunshine, a few scattered clouds tomorrow looks good as we get to about tuesday or so warming up and there's an opportunity for them to pick
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up some snow and bank of those temperatures back down again. east bay shoreline. we have all this cloud cover that settled over us for today. it will probably break up tonight. and then tomorrow looks to be clear up, mostly sunny. and then again, cloud cover developing later in the day. but at least it will time out a little better during the daylight hours will get a lot more sun than today. unfortunately, the clouds come right now as we have a whole day ahead of us up to the north. you see the rain at work here like it sprayed by shower to dirty up your car. way up in the north bay is a possibility with all of this. again, clearing out by later tonight. temperature check for you were up to 52 already for antioch, but it's a nice climb that we've had because start off with a lot of 30's up in the north bay in the 40's except for santa rosa. 38. 48 for san francisco. 45 meanwhile, 4 san jose. so for the future cast for here's the rain bit that we're looking for here. we come to about wednesday ot so. yeah, wednesday night into thursday again, another mountain snow producer for us. it's not real
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potent. however, it looks to be somewhat week now. we hope it rets better by the time we get there. and then that breaks for another weekend. there is a success of system look out for on monday. it's not real impressive here, but at the taps into some more moisture that can pop, you know, sometimes the models that will compress of upstream, but they can get impressive just like it does the other way around. unfortunately, 4 zone we've got today, 60%, francisco to the coast, upper 50's to about 60 or so they side will be around the lower 60's. it looks like so reducing the highs a bit. 62 foster city palo alto at 63 in the south bay. but it's down from the mid 60's here. 65 san jose. 64 for cupertino. east bay shoreline to the south and the lower 60's along with tri valley. looks like 63 for walnut creek, concord at 60 to 64 berkeley. but les, what? 61 fairfield, 61 as well. napa at 60 and santa rosa. 62 still chilly, though, at the beaches in the 40's as you'll notice. okay, 7 day forecast. here's a little pop here. spring monday into tuesday, conveniently for
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the beginning of march because of the middle optical calendar. that's the first month of the spring season. cooling off a bit towards the latter portion of the week. we already know wednesday, thursday, there's an opportunity, hopefully by the early part of next week, there will be another one. now your lows here. yeah, we do double again in the 30's in spots, but at least the 40's have replaced those cool cold cold 20's and 40's cover us nicely. one, the coast well. >> we're continuing to honor black history month and we want to highlight the life and legacy of maya angelou being the first black woman to be featured on us currency kron fours reyna harvey actually spoke with her son, guy, johnson just days before he passed away at his home in oakland. we want to honor both of their lives by bringing you johnson's words on his mother's achievements. >> i think their grandma are about to be the first one of the quarter kicking down the door for the rest of the women that will follow. doctor maya angelo has been no stranger to breaking the mold. the
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literary giant and civil rights activists became the first female inaugural poet. >> and first female african american cable car conductor in san francisco. but to her son, guy, johnson and grandson, ellie jones, the matriarch of their family, always had a word of wisdom to share. she used to say. >> can you a world? able to it took 10 so. and like that. so. we would have the key to. we be. >> all of the >> problems that set people are. >> the distinguished poet is making history yet again by being the first blac woman to be featured on the u.s. court are are >> because this is big again. to recognize. what women. and
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then this country. from the it's for. >> for doctor angelos family, this newest historic moment for them means her legacy and universal message of love and community continues to be pushed to the forefront, uplifting others, even during trying times. always look a poetry for kind of questions like this. and i think that she would make it very clear, you know, like in her home, the human family that, you know, we're more like that. we're a light. >> long as we look for divisions and differences instead of the similarities will never come together to achieve what we need to achieve what we need to achieve. that division. maybe chris, we care. cable. the team then. the and like it or
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>> the new coin doctor, angelo is gracing is a part of them. american women quarters program an initiative to commemorate a number of prominent american women throughout history. east bay congresswoman barbara lee introduced a bill to create the program. >> i'm just excited because, you know, so who have contributed to the building of this country and so many ways the public only sees skies the family that is and now they'll be able to see women and women of color. and our first coin our beloved doctor, maya angelou. doctor angelo is the first of 6 women honorees who's coins will be featured in circulation. >> through 2025, she will be pitcher on that hill side of the coin with their arms stretching towards the skies. with a bird's wings, marrying her movement and not to her famous auto biography. i know why the caged bird sings high
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thought. >> that but the and there. >> the win. >> throughout in some sense, her. this time, key here. it doctor. angelo garnered a number of prestigious literary and humanitarian awards throughout her life. >> and her family tells me she continues to give even after her death through her doctor, my angelo foundation, her tireless giving. >> she was truly selfless in every sense of the word. this new moment. that's to her cement, his legacy. >> and a reminder that change is ongoing. but the of the things you would say it is. >> there is >> work to do. >> yes, and get ready. just of this is in the case. we have a long way to go. was me
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practices across the board. >> reyna harvey kron, 4 news. >> beautiful story there. also a mural for san francisco's first black firefighter has been unveiled in the fillmore district. mayor london breed joined other city leaders and san francisco's black firefighters association to honor earl gage junior. he served as the city's first black firefighter back in 1955. and he remains the only black member of the department for more than a decade after he started, we did highlight him this month as well as part of our black history month specials. you can learn more about his story and his life and legacy on kron 4 dot com. of course, our local black history month stories are going to be re aired again. if you missed our special this past again, just scan the qr code that you see on our screen. it will take you straight to our black history month page. we'll be right back after the break.
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the warriors have come back from the all-star break with a big win over the portland trail blazers tomorrow. they're set to take on the dallas mavericks. the team still going to be without center. james wiseman know he's not played since last april due to an injury, but there is some good news he's now practicing with the g league. santa cruz warriors.
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it's a good sign as he gets healthy and get in game shape for a possible playoff run with the warriors. steph curry some good things to say about wiseman. >> it's just kind of chomping at the bit get to the next step of his return to play schedule. so. he's a beast. when you look at him on the especially with rest of our couldn't decide you. it does stand out and can do some amazing things is not and get comfortable. and again, just getting those reps. >> the warriors will face the mavericks tomorrow at chase center. tipoff is set for 04:30pm, in the afternoon. you'll probably want to bring a jacket if you're headed out there to the chase center, taking a look at our 7 day forecast right now. we've got some good cloud cover today. so it's going to be chilly out there. definitely want a jacket lows. 38 39 degrees tonight. and then tomorrow night. but we do warm up as the week goes on, getting a little spring like by monday.
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definitely don't throw away the jackets because then as you see it get dips down by the end of next week getting on that roller coaster as we inch towards spring. that's what all the time we've got for today here on the kron. 4 morning news. thanks for joining us. we'll see you back here tomorrow morning. >> i'm noelle bellow. have a good day.
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