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tv   KRON 4 News Weekend  KRON  December 31, 2023 7:00am-10:00am PST

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that's some bad luck brian. and i think i'm late on my car insurance. good thing the general gives you a break when you need it. yeah, with flexible payment options to keep you covered. so today is your [crash] so today is your for a great low rate, go with the general. thanks for joining me on today's adventure. [crash] so today is your from the columbus zoo, i'm jack hanna, hoping you'll come along next time as we go "into the wild." >> now on the kron 4 morning news. the oakland police department is mourning one of their own fatally gunned down in the line of duty. the community reaction from those who knew him. and chp is out
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in full force this holiday weekend. now they're working to keep the roads safe. this new year's and the wet weather and high serve causing flooding across the california coastline. the safety tips to keep in mind. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 7. >> good morning. thank you so much for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm stephanie lin. >> it's december 31st. happy new year's eve get you started with a look at the weather with brittany bed. >> today. a lot better than yesterday. as you know, yesterday was a gray wet, chilly mess. temperatures going to be a little bit warmer. but the good news is it won't be as what we saw chance for some scattered showers. but thankfully radar right now working for us. so we'll take it. let's talk about we do need to know taking a look at sfo. i just checked some slight delays, but nothing crazy. you can see those not looking bad. maybe a little bit of shine on the
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runway. but overall sitting on the tone we're looking good. this temperatures right now, a little bit chillier compared to yesterday around the region. you can see that the sun is going to pop up and it's going to warm us up. san francisco, 50 oakland, 48 san jose, 50 livermore. 47 concord. 47 santa rosa. 50 half moon bay. we're at fifty-two. the story for us right now. it's just going to the foggy conditions. you can see up to the north places like santa rosa. you're seeing it nevado same story for you and that fog is going around for the next couple of hours. stormtracker just showing us a system to the north of us not causing any issues right now. but could we see some light sprinkles later? we're going to talk about that and we'll track up the cloudy conditions with your new year's eve forecast, stephanie. all right. looking forward to it. thank you. brittany. >> when the east bay community members are mourning the death of oakland police officer twan lay who died while responding to a burglary kron four's amanda hari reports. >> it's well loved by everybody. devastating news for the entire oakland
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community. 36 year-old oakland police officer twan lay was shot and killed early friday morning while responding to a burglary, a cannabis dispensary near jack london square. president of the oakland chinatown chamber foundation. carl chan. >> says he knew lay for about 4 years. a guy with a smile. chances late would often work in the chinatown and little saigon communities. he says working with asian officer has helped build trust between those communities and opd. he was able to communicate with pretty much everyone. >> with a smile. and so that commend us it always be remembered by all committee lay in immigrant from vietnam. >> graduated from the police academy in 2020 and served as a community resource officer in west oakland for the past 2 years, we need to support all police officers because sometimes, you know, people in uniform, they may not always be being appreciated being a police officer not easy.
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>> and especially a police officer, you know, chance as they're working to raise funds to help support lay's family. >> he hopes lay's family knows the community is behind that. we look at >> and you know, we're all called to support that we can all to family. >> that was kron four's amanda hari reporting for us. oakland police say several suspects were seen running off after lay was shot. no arrests made yet. what a pleasant hill police department honored officer lay on saturday evening. their flag flying at half-staff. as you can see there, the department sharing on social media, quote, our hearts are heavy department adding at least service and sacrifice will not be forgotten. the oakland police commission has set a new deadline to get a new list of candidates for police chief. together. this comes just days after mayor thao rejected the previous list of 3 finalists which included former chief leronne armstrong. that new list is expected to be ready by march. 1st, we heard from a
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civil rights attorney and former member of the police commission selection panel on this. >> there's obviously tension between the mayor and the police commission over this. and i would be for any way to alleviate the tension and to get the best person in a collaborative way for the city >> well, the commission is tasked with picking the most suitable candidates, but the mayor has the final say. for san francisco. police officers are recovering from injuries this morning after a chase ended in a crash. investigators say officers tried to pull over a wanted suspect leading into that chase pursuit ended at 3rd street. and cesar chavez near potrero hill just after 10, 30 4 police officers were rushed to the hospital. they are expected to make a full recovery. the investigation is ongoing. >> i take a look at this new set new video from santa cruz
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shows huge waves battering the coast of lighthouse field, state beach. the recent storm and high surf causing coastal flooding up and down the california coast. some parts even seeing 30 feet waves. another reason why people are warned against getting too close to the water. see what happens when that towering wave crashed over the pacifica pier. there. >> standards were completely knocked over and sent tumbling from the force of that powerful serve really just stay away from the water. just weeks after a judge blocked a state law banning californians from carrying guns in most public places. a federal appeals court is allowing that law to go into effect in the new year. for now signed by the governor and september beloved fans, californians from carrying guns and 26 public places including park sports stadiums, amusement parks and houses of worship. earlier this month, u.s. district judge cormac carney
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ruled against the law arguing it is against the second amendment. on saturday. the appeals court determined the law can go into effect on january. 1st. but another panel of judges will make a final ruling later in the new year. one person is dead and 2 more injured saturday after a head-on crash in contra costa county. chp says it happened around 6.25. when a white chevrolet silverado crossed into oncoming traffic. the truck crashed head-on with a kia sedan. the driver of the kia was pronounced dead at the scene. investigation shows they were not wearing their seat belts. the crash is now under investigation. as you prepare to ring in the new year, right to various city agencies are stepping up safety measures to keep celebration safe. prof was tiffany justice live for us san francisco with the latest on this. good morning. tiffany. good morning. stephanie sfpd, along with other law enforcement agencies around the bay area will be wrapping up their patrols as we ring in the new year wanting you to celebrate new year's eve.
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>> have a large presence of police officers in areas known to have big celebrations for this occasion. >> for oakland opd sending out a checklist. they'll be out patrolling with dui checkpoints at strategic locations throughout the city. strongly advising all residents and visitors to celebrate responsibly and plan ahead. if you choose to consume alcohol. they're also warning against celebratory gunfire. opd saying that they will be actively monitoring for this. also urging residents report this activity. they're also keeping a keen eye on sideshows. they do not want those happening over and chp will also be out in full looking out for drunk drivers kicking off their maximum enforcement period for the new year's enforcement will continue through 11:59pm on january. chp says during a similar enforcement period during the recent christmas holiday, tragically 20 people were killed in crashes between december 20 seconds through
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the 25th chp, making 900 dui arrests. they say one every 5 minutes. stephanie, back to right, tiffany, thank you. >> firework preps are underway for san francisco's new your show tonight. kron four's justin campbell got a sneak peek. >> more than 1000 fireworks shows are packed on a barge, undisclosed location. pyro tax are making their final preparations to fire them off. right when the clock strikes 12 ringing in the new year. it will be an amazing new year's eve display. pat dyas the show producer says you can expect a 17 minute fireworks show and he says this year's show finale will look different. it's a very intense finale. intense, but short, sometimes we make them less intense but longer so but the finale, ies big shells all the the performance will go from the barge. >> all the way to over 1000 feet in the sky. dias says anywhere along the embarcadero
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is a great spot to see the show and roughly 200,000 spectators expected. so you want to get there early. >> and get the best spot go by the ferry building. you'll be in perfect spot reporting in san francisco, justin campbell kron. 4 news. >> coming up on the kron 4 morning news as we approach the new year, some new state laws are going into effect. and big changes could be coming to your utility bills. the potential impact on your wallet in the new year. >> and we're tracking the chance for maybe a scattered shower or 2. plus, cloudy conditions tonight. and what about 2024, how that forecast when you wake up answers.
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>> major changes could soon be coming to your utility bill, depending on how much money you make. but some lawmakers are pushing back from forres a ton. wallace takes us through the debate and what it means for you. >> it's a scary they were going to take republican senator rosalee co boat expressing concerns over a b 205. a law passed and signed in 2022. that could change the criteria for how you may be charged on your utility bill as it stands today. utility bills in california are based on consumption. the more electricity you use, the more you pay. but a provision in a b 205, will allow utility bills to be at least partly based on your fixed income. the higher the income, the higher the utility bill feet. supporters of the legislation argue it's designed to help low-income californians struggling to make ends meet. but opponents including ochoa
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vogue believe the policy will hurt middle-class californians and disincentivize them from conservation. there's no incentive to action. saved. >> on utilities doing and it's going to be very costly for voters on the middle and upper californians security californians for the law, the california public utilities commission has until summer 2024. to hammer out details and determine how exactly the new billing system will work. >> but before told bogan her senate republican colleagues sent the governor this letter urging him to either repeal the law entirely or make changes to it. some democrats sharing a similar message in an op-ed senator josh becker, an assembly member mark berman wrote, quote, this proposed change is at risk of being poorly implemented with long-lasting affordability in climate impacts. ciobo copes the latest messaging about the law from both sides of the aisle could lead to change. maybe it will >> it will pressure pressure to actually use we're we're moving forward with this
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particular place and we reached out to governor newsom's office for his take on all this but did not hear back as of news time. >> reporting at the state capitol, a tom wallace kron. 4 news. >> all right. taking a live look now from our mount tam camera where a britney was saying earlier. she thinks that this is probably where the care bears. would live if if thing. a little said the care bears are living at the mount tam cam. you can see beautiful. that's right. the purported valentine's day. mother nature giving us beautiful shot. but that sun coming up. but it does tell on a serious note, a weather story. so let me step outside of mount tam just showing you the sun comes up. we're dealing with the foggy conditions, the golden gate bridge is showing a little bit of moisture on the bridge. >> half moon not bad yesterday. a little bit tough, but today better san francisco, east bay hills and even san jose, maybe some slightly a cloudy conditions. but overall, we're going to see a drier day, but we still have the chance, believe it or not, for some scattered showers. so stormtracker 4
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just really showing up to the northwest right out of our viewing area with the potential for shower or 2 in some scattered showers right now in the sacramento area. but as we fast for that clock in the 9.30 hour, we could see it right off the coast. that band of showers making its way to us maybe a pop-up shower or 2. that's going to be a possibility. the window is really from the 09:00am to 05:00pm. and you can see that fast forward to 2 o'clock from la all the way up to san francisco right into the reading area that band of showers and even some maybe snow and the southern part of california, we could see a light sprinkle or 2 in the sierra for us, nothing like we've dealt with the past couple of days. so we do again have a chance for scattered showers that window really looking like from the 9 to 5, but will be less than a 10th of an inch. but just enough outside of concord, you probably noticed just enough to get a your windshield maybe see those windshield wipers go back and forth. of it's been kind of wet for us rainier starts in october. we already got 3 to 4 inches in some
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spots and we're building. so we'll take it. temperatures are going a little bit chillier compared to we're struggling to get to the 60's. it looks like a san jose's at 61. everybody else staying in those upper 50's santa rosa. 58 ending up 57 half moon bay. 58 in san francisco right there at 57. so we'll stay in those upper 50's throughout the day. slightly breezy conditions. if you live inland that delta breeze is going make the upper 50's probably feel more like the lower 50's august. the conditions up to 17 miles per hour going make it feels like temperature a little bit chillier than what it actually is. so, however, you just yesterday, go ahead, maybe add an extra layer if you live inland. taking a look at the big picture. again, those low temperatures, thankfully we're above freezing. it's dry saint rose will be at 39. half moon bay will be at 47 mountain few. 43 and san jose. 45? but the big question want to know is all right with the fireworks. will we see cloudy conditions? 6.45 san francisco, half moon bay mountain view. san jose. hey word. yes, we're going to see some cloudy conditions. the good news is we're not looking
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at 0. i think we'll be fine in terms of the fireworks. but we will see some cloudy conditions throughout the evening. and as you wake up tomorrow, the good news, though, when you wake up tomorrow as that, it's going to be dry. that's the big question. so as we keep a look at the time piece waiting for the clock to strike midnight, we're going to see slightly cloudy conditions on new year's day. we're going to be a cloudy, but sunshine will be in the 60's. and the big picture, stephanie, just really showing ice. i need to move that over us. obviously. new year's is on monday. haha, but it's so excited it's going to be dry. but more chances of rain will happen on wednesday. getting a break. that's a good news. don't look at the type o, right, right. that year clock. yes. okay. very good. so i'm glad to hear that things are looking pretty nice for us. right? oh, yeah. like that. thank you so much. all right. >> well, as we approach the new year, some new state laws are going into effect. pedro rivera gives us a rundown of some of them. >> when the calendar flips to
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january 2024, new laws will enter the first there senate bill 2 which establishes new measures for concealed carry firearm permit holders. sb 2 limits were firearms can be carried like schools, government buildings and public transit. it also requires applicants be at least 21 years old have previous firearm training and pass background checks. if you have a record of domestic abuse, you shouldn't have a gun. if you're on social media threatening the lives of people, you shouldn't have a gun. the law was supposed to take place on january first but was blocked by u.s. district judge, meaning the law will make its way to federal court and likely the u.s. supreme court for decision now to the fight against fentanyl. lawmakers passed assembly bill 701. which enhances punishments for people convicted of dealing more than a kilo of fentanyl. according to the governor's office, nearly 7,000 californians overdose from the drug in 2022, several loss in 2024. are intended to protect and improve the quality of
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life for california workers. there's assembly bill. 21 88 which protects workers or applicants from discrimination based on their use of cannabis products outside of the workplace. it's important to note while off the clock discrimination is prohibited. it is still illegal to use cannabis while on the clock. minimum wage is going up in california from 15, 50 an hour for all employees in 2023 to $16 an hour in 2024. in april, fast, food workers will see an even bigger increase to $20 an hour paid sick days are also going to increase for workers from 3 minimum paid sick days to 5. here's the bill's author, state senator lena gonzales. >> huge victory again for all workers are. it's a really wonderful opportunity to get extra days to recover to rest for mental health, whatever they needed. >> and in 2020 for a big win for the low rider community counties and cities are blocked from imposing bans on cruising on city streets.
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>> pedro rivera reporting for us there now. a long time fremont restaurant is no longer closing after support from the community and the mayor dino's family restaurant is closed is calling the closure off. so some good news for them. the restaurant describes their menu is down-home country cooking dino's has been in business for more than 46 years. wow. congratulations on that achievement. still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news drug price hikes are coming in january. >> the major pharmaceutical companies joining in. and a reminder join us this for the bay area's only live a local new year's show. it's happening tonight. kron four's growth, grant, lotus and just in while there will be hosting, you don't want to miss the spectacular fireworks that will be going off over the bay. it all starts at 9 tonight on kron 4.
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>> well, if you haven't seen them yet, this is a look at bart's, new fare gates. they're located at the west oakland station. bart says this new design should prevent people from popping over the gate and help improve access for riders with bikes and strollers. the plan is to replace all fare gates to look like these by the end of 2025. well, today poff bar offers extended service for new year's eve trains run until 01:00am on monday but runs on a sunday schedule. meaning that trains run every 20 minutes up until midnight. state farm insurance is expected to raise rates in
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california next year. the state department of insurance gave state farm the green light to raise homeowner rates by 20% starting march. 15th state farm says the rate changes are driven by increased cost and risk. and healthcare research firm says hundreds of drugs could see price hikes in the new year. the spike comes as big pharma companies prepare for the biden administration. the pushback on higher manufacturing costs. major companies at raising prices include pfizer and to keita. meanwhile, other companies like glaxosmithkline are cutting costs and drugs like insulin to avoid penalties stemming from the 2021. american rescue plan act. still ahead on the kron 4 morning news. we're tracking a new trend. why more people are new trend. why more people are leaving california. i know what it's like to perform through pain. if you're like me, one of the millions suffering from pain caused by migraine,
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nurtec odt may help. it's the only medication that can treat a migraine when it strikes and prevent migraine attacks. treat and prevent, all in one. don't take if allergic to nurtec. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. relief is possible. talk to a doctor about nurtec odt.
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>> now on the kron 4 morning news. a civil rights advocate is accused of threatening a small business owner. >> over a music video criticize a san francisco mayor. london breed. and the new changes coming to california health insurance next year. good morning. welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news. let's get you started this half hour with a look at the forecast with brittany begley. brittany. yeah. rise and shine. let's playing today. thankfully the weather better than what you woke up yesterday. still watching for the potential for scattered showers. but the good news >> things are looking better. i look minutes a little chill as you step out. but you'll notice gy and that's really the good news. so the big
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picture just showing us. we take a look at the graphics. a storm tracker. we have a system right off the coast that's going to make its way to us. we could see again, some scattered showers. i'm thinking less than a 10th of an inch for the entire region, but still something we'll continue to watch. you can see that right up to the north and the sacramento area. taking a look at 9.45. this morning. you'll see it getting a little bit closer to the coast and some spotty showers for us overall. and the northern part of the map up by 2.15 looks like from la all the way up to us. band of showers, light rain. >> as a possibility and then the corner of your screen, you can see a little bit of snow and the southern areas of california with the mountains. we might get a sprinkle or 2 in the sierra, too, but basically throughout the day that 9 o'clock to 5 o'clock. when do we have the opportunity for scattered showers? not like yesterday, but still it's enough to maybe put on the windshield wiper too. you'll also notice some foggy conditions again today, not as bad as yesterday, but foggy conditions, especially up to the north in places like santa rosa nevado and napa
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going to clear out around the 10. 45 and then will be nice and clear. we will see some cloudy conditions tonight, though, as we plan your new year's, it's going to be breezy exception will be the fairfield area, gusty conditions for you. so that feels like temperatures going to be a little bit chillier than yesterday. so add another layer on top of it actually being a little bit chillier than yesterday. you can see that across the region. temperatures right now as we speak, san francisco, 49 oakland, 48 san jose, 50 livermore. 47 concord, 47 santa rosa. we're at 50 and half moon bay. right now. we're at 50, but we're really going to struggle to to the 60's today. it's going to chile or so. we'll break that down for you. plus, we have the sierra forecast. some light snow thankfully don't need chains, stephanie. but if anyone's heading out that way, we have all the answers they need to get to the holiday on time. >> alright, brittany, thank you. we'll stay tuned in san francisco. a civil rights leader is accused of threatening a small business owner over a music video criticizing mayor london breed
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andy chino yang, a restaurant owner and rapper claims that reverend amos brown, the president of the san francisco naacp, made threats against yang's business and family in a post on instagram saturday yang along with the organization, asian justice movement claim reverend brown came to yang's business demanding that he apologize for a rap video. but yang produced blaming mayor london breed for a rise in crime. well, yea issued an apology for that music video earlier this week, but said that he felt forced to do so yang and a age am rather of the asian justice movement. they issued a statement on saturday specifically calling out reverend brown writing in part, quote, we are concerned with the actions by the reverend purporting to represent the naacp, which actions have had the impact of hitting the asian and black communities against one another. we are stronger when we stand together. well, yeah, in the group are now in turn demanding an apology from the
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reverent. we spoke with brown last night and he says he denies all the allegations being made saying gang should have told him he was feeling threatened. if that were the case. starting january first, california becomes the first state to offer health insurance to all undocumented adults. that means medical coverage for 700,000 undocumented people between the ages of 26 49. the expansion is projected to cost 2.6 billion dollars annually. california's population has fallen for a 3rd straight year. but for the first time in 2023, the state saw a net decline of high income residents. it's the top one percent of those people who pay 45% of the income tax. >> the census found the golden state saw a net loss of 750,000 residents to other states over the last 3 years. >> have a million to 2 million dollars sitting in there. i r a and they're saying when i retired, i start pulling out i or any out i'm going to be
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paying 13% state income tax. so i don't want to do that. so they're heading out because of that reason. >> many people are moving to states like arizona, texas, florida, tennessee and nevada. people in california could save thousands of dollars off their state income tax and other states. the national debt is pushing towards a new high. 35 trillion dollars that works out to almost $100,000 for every man, woman and child in the nation. but 6 months ago, congressional republicans reached a deal with president joe biden to raise the national debt limit. lawmakers from both sides of the aisle say the debt is excessive but have not come to an agreement on what to do. we're now just a few days away until the iowa caucuses when republican voters will make their pick for the party's nominee. levy dean reports from cedar rapids. >> former ambassador nikki haley aiming to score points with iowa saturday. today's
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visit comes as he leases to knock off former president trump. he's still leads the rest of the field by more than 30 points in iowa as well as governor desantis who said this week, playing for number 2 in the white house, not iowa. she supposedly the darling of the never trumpers. >> and yet she won't say definitively that she would not under any circumstances accept the vp slot from trump. the trump campaign not wasting anytime to distance the former president from sending out this e-mail yesterday. >> criticizing tax increases under haley saying her shameful record as governor has now been exposed and voters are witnessing who she really is. the former president will be back in iowa next week as he continues to fight legal battles. his opponents making clear this week they would pardon him if he was convicted. >> i would pardon trump. a leader needs to think about what's in the best interest of the country. what's in the best interest of the country is not to have an 80 year-old man sitting in jail. that continues to divide our country. what's in the best
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interest of the country would be to pardon him so that we can move on as a country and no longer talk about would you. >> i've said i've said that months >> and we're looking back at the big stories from 2023 and for much of the year, politics was front and center newsnation's. kelli meyer takes a look back. >> in order to make america great glorious again. i am tonight announcing my candidacy for president. >> the fight for 2024. that's why i'm running for re-election with less than a year to go until the general election 2024 hopefuls spent the year on the campaign trail locking in on iowa and new hampshire as the decisive caucuses near tuesday, january 23rd. we're going to win the new hampshire primary and then we're going to. >> price crooked joe biden next november. if former president donald trump expressing confidence but hot
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on his heels are republican contenders also vying for the nomination? >> gop hopeful speaking directly to voters during a news nation town hall. one of the things i've realized since i left office is that i'm i'm well known, but i'm not known well, tackling the tough questions. is your faith? >> fair game in this election. you know what? i would be very honest. everything is fair game to ask about in this election semi. really just yes, i of him, too. >> i'm not christian and we are a nation founded on judeo-christian values. but here's what i can say with confidence. i share those same values and the political side on now running as an independent, hoping to impact the dynamics of the race. i'm running because i feel like my party has lost its way. >> that the high on represent my father where have
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>> neglected. let's say all leading to a showdown at news nation's gop debate. it is make or break time for the candidates on this stage right now. addressing kitchen table issues. i don't think men should be going in the little girls bathrooms. i think it's wrong. >> all of this 7 or 8 million illegal to have come under biden's watch. >> absolutely. have to go back. we have to stop the incentive of what's bringing them over here in the first afraid to offend donald trump. >> and what are you going to do when you sit across from president xi? you sit across from the ayatollah. you sit across from putin. you have to be willing to offend with the truth. and news nation's kris tire walt going face to face with voters in iowa to get a pulse of the people. and this is my 5th cycle. >> coming to iowa and i've never seen anything like it in either party. they know what they're going to get with trump. iowans, at least the ones i know republicans stop
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they support there are and yeah, they want to see they want to go through the process, their fear and want to go through the process. just in case, you know, trump doesn't get through all these legal things. >> the warriors took on the mavericks last night kron 4 sports reporter erin wilson breaks down what happened. well, the warriors, they hosted the dallas mavericks last night. no kyree a day to day lucas. so that was somewhat questionable. but who did play cp 2? he was welcome back to the action. finally in the worry is they had a chance. >> to add one to the winning column as they were trying to get above 500 or at least push towards that mark. but the mavericks would ntt make that easy on the nation. still coming to try cp 3 all out there starting with the splash scoreless, cp, 3 and t j d with a little pick and roll action in the lob to get chasing on their feet early 5 to go now in the first 4 years down by 8 klay thompson drives and draws the defense league
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is wide open out there on 3 and he gets the 3.14, weeks on the night. 2nd quarter. now, cp 3 with 3 of his from the top of the key. the point guard had 24 on the night, the warriors, they trailed by 3, but luka was trouble all night last night t j b had local container. so it's and look at his the midrange. he hits it with no problem gets the foul. he does it through the contact. what's up with this guy? and then local is far from done because local right here. see the opportunity to get derrick lively, a shot. he gets in the bucket easy. 39 points. 10 assist for luke on the night. 3rd quarter now where the warriors are trailing by 13 address green drive extends the lead with 2 more 80 for him on the night last night in the warrior, they tried going back 3 to go in the ports to get a look at the work right praise and separation. get 3 to fall. he has 25 on the night. but the memories they win this one final score. one. 32 to one. 22 in after the game head coach steve kerr. of course he wasn't happy. he said it all came down to not being on the
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same page. take a listen. we're we're not competing through the tough parts of the game in. >> there is an intangible. there's a feeling there's a vibe where you fight where everybody's energy is right and when we don't have that right now. >> don't have it right now. tell you what, it's early enough that they should find it. but they get fined if they want to do with it 8, paso got to wait to see what they do. but outside the back to you at the desk. still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news, the latest effort from a local pet rescue to help animals in need. >> all eyes on the timepiece as we wait for it strike midnight. what kind of weather we're going out today and what about 2024, i going to be waking up son, hazy conditions. i have all those conditions. i have all those answers coming up.
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you'll never guess what we're doing to the baconator. —we're putting it... —a pretzel bun!!?? on the baconator. kathryn, you seeing this? poster's everywhere. what? the baconator you love with a new pretzel twist. choose wisely. choose wendy's new pretzel baconator.
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>> all right, taking a live look now from our sutro cam ward's looking pretty gloomy out there, quite overcast over the golden gate bridge. >> hopefully things clear out for the fireworks tonight. britney, what do you think? yeah, they're going to get i think today is better than yesterday, but we are still dealing with the opportunity of some fog. we're going to window opportunity for some scattered showers models really showing the 9 to 5 but as we just showed you in that camera, we're still watching it right now as well. and >> you can see right off the coast. we have band of showers making its way to assess storm tracker showing some scattered showers right now, especially up to the north of us in the
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sacramento area as well. so right out of our viewing area. but we're getting some spots. futurecast showing you as the day progresses around 10 o'clock. that system i showed you slowly making its on to us. and you can see that scattered showers around that 10 o'clock hour. and it's going to stay that way. and so around 5 and things are going to slowly look better. now, those numbers are still showing less than a 10th of an inch. but you're still going to see that potential for some rain, especially if you have outdoor activities. it's going to be chilly and again, spotty showers. you can see that with the numbers were right there below a 10th of an inch except for concord. so enough to just here at hln, maybe put a little sprinkle or 2 on your windshield you put on your windshield wipers, but it won't be as bad as it has been the past couple of days. temperatures, though, will be chillier. you can see that yesterday we were in the upper 50's and 60's right now. we're pretty much in the upper 50's with the exception of san jose at 61 santa rosa. 58 san francisco. 57 mount view. 58 inland. we're right there at 57 for antioch in livermore.
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hey, we're at 59 and fremont. 59. so upper 50's for the entire region. with the exception of san jose. so we just showed you some foggy conditions of the next couple of hours, to the areas of the north 10, 15. you can see we're going to still have foggy conditions in some spots like nevado down to the south san jose hayward, even oakland. so some cloudy conditions. if you're planning on seeing fireworks, i don't think it's going to be too cloudy, but we will have clouds as the evening goes on. we're also going to see some gustier conditions up to the north of fairfield 17 miles per hour. so those chillier temperatures are going to feel even cooler. thanks to that delta breeze. so again, it's going to feel even chillier than yesterday. and it is chillier than not. but you're also going to see some gusty conditions up north. big picture to show you those lows are going to be in the upper 30's and 40's santa rosa. 39 novato 41 half moon bay. 47 mount a few. 43 san jose. 45 livermore. we're going to be
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at 40. so again, those lows are going to upper 30's and 40's. if you're headed to the sierra, what watches may be the potential of a sprinkle or 2, some snow showers may week tonight. nothing crazy. >> the next chance for some snow will be on wednesday. temperatures will be at 36 and the big picture just showing you. everybody wants to know about monday, sunny, upper 60's for some while lows will stay in the 40's and the next chance for rain will be on tuesday. stephanie? alright, brittany, we'll have those umbrellas ready to go. >> in today's flying tails, come four's. ken wayne introduces us to the bay area rescue. >> saving the lives of special needs animals. >> we're off to a familiar place on another rescue run. fresno. this time i'm the copilot as longtime animal rescue volunteer, kim purcell handles controls, intervene, tailbone >> on the ground, there is a buzz of activity we run into dance of pilot loading up 8 boxer pit mixes in a chihuahua pug mix in to assess, notify
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them to new homes in the reno area. for us, we're picking up 11 crates of cats to head back to the bay area. there are simply too many animals here for the shelters. and if we don't get them, they'll be put down. this is where we meet one special little kitten with birth defects that left to pause to form more on her in a moment. given i are back in the bonanza heading to nap and drop off most of the margot from whiskers tails and farrell's. meet us at the napa airport to take the cats to her shelter again. without people like margot, these cats would likely have been euthanized. >> short flight over sonoma mountain and we're in petaluma the kitten with the polish jews is going to its new home at snap cat in santa rosa. snap stands for special needs are precious. >> shelters, rescues, everybody because the special needs of the last ones usually to get adopted. so shelters who are always full look at what they have and the special
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needs are always the ones to be euthanized. darryl roberts founded cats in 2013 to save the cats. no one else >> here you'll find dozens of cats with a host of ailments, twisted or missing limbs, blind deaf diabetic at first glance, it might seem to be a depressing place, but there'll says the cats don't seem to be bothered. one of the things people don't understand is animals cannot rationalize. so the countless have another cat and say why do i have 3 they have 4. >> they are who they are. they don't feel sorry for themselves so we should feel sorry for them. that's one of the things i try to stress when we have new volunteers come in, people, the public come in they adapt very quickly. that's why you can have a cat who had a leg amputation and the next day they're just upon all 3, just like they were up for. i think. if we understand that they don't feel sorry for themselves and they don't know there are any different than anyone else. and we shouldn't either. >> there are cats from across california and as far away as
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the middle east snap katz is a one of a kind rescue known around the world. we open the crate to let out our little kitten takes a while before she seems to gather the courage to venture out little kitten that you brought down. we ended up naming sugar. and she's messina right front paw and a little right back paw. >> from what i understand, she was just one run out in, you know, alone she wasn't being cared for. she was probably a stray. the mom probably left or because did they know better than to try to spend their energy kassab might not survive. >> sugar seems to a fit right in here at snap cat. but unlike some of the others who have been here for years, sugar will probably be gone soon. it's going to happen. sugar sugar is going to adopt real quick. she she's too cute. >> great rescue. well, now to our next story, calfire veteran josh potter has been with the department for 18 years reporter right carol met
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with him to learn more about his career of public service. >> on a rainy day at a cal fire station near solano county. you might be able to find captain josh potter training hand showing them the ropes of putting line and vegetation to help prevent the spread of a wildfire like earnhardt to but this isn't where captain potter started for that. we have to go back to 1998. in parris island, south carolina, from there. i went to school, then tree and got my sign it to go the same time, threes and a sign that camp pendleton, california potter served 8 years in the marine corps black to get back. yeah. had to be dead. 2 deployments, 3 tours in iraq. 17 countries even learned to new language is arabic and spanish. i change my military service for anything my first year and i was sent to or more for a tactics. instructor school. >> upon completion, i ended up training 5,000 troops urban
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warfare about 6 months later, i was sent to a >> rescue swimmer school and they sent me to another structure school or you ring come out. our survival in a 60,000 troops in one year that leadership experience state with potter as he looks for his next steps after the marines, he started volunteering as a firefighter after about a week of training and whatnot. i. >> i asked my says their way to do this full time and then i got hired as a seasonal firefighter, tony caldeira senator >> reminded me of similar to combat marines it. i made a choice >> you know, this is what i want to do at the end of the season. captain potter went to butte college and graduated 3rd in his class. he was eventually hired on full-time with cal fire helping others in need they can't help themselves. it translated and into becoming a first responder. those sense of urgency >> experiences that experience and marines really related to. >> what i've done in the fire
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service with both of captain potter's grandfather serving in the military being in the marines and now a first responder has come naturally to him adding he always sees the connections between the 2 groups. >> that 9, 1, forced to me is a lot like the required 9, 1, 4, 6, men. you know, the president or, you know, country's in trouble. they sent in. they sent reason. even though protecting life and property is they're consistent goal protecting those that that we do serve. >> there's no greater feeling when when you say people's homes and they come up and they, you know, they say thank you for saving our house. captain potter says one of the things he likes about his cal-fire job is the unpredictability of what to expect. every day's a different day at work. you never know what you're going to get. there's a lot of opportunities with our department and i value that. and, you know, take pride and my job and and >> 18th year of doing this. captain potter now dedicates his time serving others by being a firefighter and
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training back to the ran pooled but he says even after teen years out of the marine corps will never forget where he came from. you have family in the military. >> it's everything hits differently and you know, it. for those that know they know what that flag means and it stands for a lot and it stands for everybody. and we'll be right back.
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>> well, after a tough christmas last, the forty-niners are hoping to bounce back for their new year's eve matchup with the washington commanders. brock purdy is looking to bounce back after that tough game on christmas day where he had his first career four-interception game pretty spoke about how he hopes to read >> mentally, it was a good experience to understand like you have to play one play that time. you know, even if we're down multiple scores. so the whole 2nd half to play, you have to still think clearly in terms of what we're trying to do with each play, not just try to get back into the game with one or 2 plays, you know, with explosives. it's being smart. those are all things i had to learn. you know, towards the end, i feel like i was searching for those big plays. you get back in the game rather than playing playing the position. and so i'm watching the stuff. but it's good for me. i had to learn it and i'm glad it happened. now. >> kickoff for today's game is set for 10 o'clock this morning. still ahead on the next hour, the kron 4 morning
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news. a look at the festivities planned across the bay to ring in the new year. plus, the oakland police commission sets a new deadline to find police chief candidates. >> and the community continues to mourn the loss of an oakland police officer gunned down in the line of duty. stay with us. the kron 4 morning news continues with those stories and now on the kron. 4
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morning news. the oakland police department is mourning
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one of fatally gunned down in the line of duty. the community reaction from those full force this holiday in -- weekend. how they're working to keep the roads safe this new year's and the wet weather and high surf causing flooding across the california coastline. the safety tips to keep in mind. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news >> good morning. thank you so much for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm stephanie lin. >> it's december 31st. happy new year's eve. let's get you started with a look at the weather with brittany begley. good morning, yes, happy new year's weather today could be a little bit better than yesterday, but we are watching for the potential for some scattered showers throughout the day. but hopefully that's going to clear 5 o'clock hour. starr fireworks will be fine, although we will see some cloudy conditions. >> all right. let's get right into everything you need to know as you plan your day is take a look at the golden gate. you can see those cloudy
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conditions a little shine on the roadway as well. kind of setting up the town. the big picture really is just going to show you that our temperatures. i think it's going to get a little bit chillier than what we've been dealing with. we're also still dealing with some fog. so up to the north, places like santa rosa. >> that's going to be lingering around right now. napa and nevado just showed it as well. i think around the 10 o'clock hour, things will slowly start to look better in terms of the fog, although around the 5 or 6 o'clock hour this evening, we'll start to see those cloudy conditions again. radar right now as you speak. you can see there's actually 2 different systeps, one to the west of us and want to the east of us. so right some misty scattered showers, the potential as that line right there makes its way and to the coast. but overall, it's going to be a lot drier than what we've been doing with the past couple of days. we're looking at less than a 10th of an inch with the exception of napa. you're really close to that. and concord, but overall, just enough to get that windshield wet today. as you're planning your day. but i think by the
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time, if you're going to see the fireworks, it's going to dry for you. chilly and breezy, but dry temperatures right for the most part, just a little bit chillier than yesterday. you can see that especially up to the north in places like napa. >> san francisco where 49 oakland, 49 san jose, 50 livermore. 47 concord, 48 santa rosa, 50 and half moon bay. we're at 50. but what are those temperatures tomorrow and headed to tahoe? what can you expect when you see some snow in the forecast? details coming up shortly. all right. brittney, thank you. >> in the east bay community members are mourning the death of oakland police officer twan lay who died while responding to a burglary kron four's amanda hari reports. >> it's well loved by everybody. devastating news for the entire oakland community. 36 year-old oakland police officer twan lay was shot and killed early friday morning while responding to a burglary, a cannabis dispensary near jack london square. president of the oakland chinatown chamber
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foundation. carl chan. >> says he knew lay for about 4 years. a guy with a smile chances lay would often work in the chinatown and little saigon communities. he says working with asian officer has helped build trust between those communities and opd. he was able to communicate with pretty much everyone. >> with a smile. and so that commend us it always be remembered by all committee lay an immigrant from vietnam. >> graduated from the police academy in 2020 and served as a community resource officer in west oakland for the past 2 years, we need to support all police officers because sometimes, you know, people in uniform, they may not always be being appreciated being a police officer not easy. >> and especially a police officer, you know, chance as they're working to raise funds to help support lay's family. >> he hopes lay's family knows the community is behind that. we love
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>> and, you know, we're all called to support that we can all go to the family. >> and that was kron four's amanda hari reporting for us. oakland police say several suspects were seen running after running off rather after lay was shot. no arrests have been made yet. pleasant hill police department honored officer lay saturday evening. their flag flying at half-staff department sharing on social media. our hearts are heavy, adding that lays service and sacrifice will not be forgot. the oakland police commission has set a deadline to get a new list of police chief line a list together. this comes just days after mayor shane tell rejected the previous list of 3 finalists, which included former chief leronne armstrong. that new list is expected to be ready by march. 1st, we heard from a civil rights attorney and former member of the police commission selection panel. >> there's obviously tension between the mayor and the police commission over this. and i would be for any way.
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>> to alleviate the tension and to get the best person in a collaborative way for the city >> the commission is tasked with picking the most suitable candidates. but the mayor has final say. for francisco. police officers are recovering from injuries this morning after a chase ended in a crash. investigators say officers tried to pull over a wanted suspect leading into that chase. the pursuit ended at 3rd street. and cesar chavez near potrero hill just after 10, 30 4 police officers were rushed to the hospital. they are expected to make a full recovery. the investigation is ongoing. >> take a look at this new video from santa cruz shows. waves battering the coast of lighthouse field. state beach. the recent storm, a high surf causing coastal flooding up and down the california coastline. some areas even saw 30 foot waves. another reason why people are warned against
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getting too close to the water. you see what happened tower wave crashed over the pacifica pier. >> bystanders are knocked over and sent tumbling from the force of that powerful serve. so stay away from the water. just weeks after a judge blocked a state law banning californians from carrying guns and most public spaces. a federal appeals court is allowing that law to go into effect in the new year. for now signed by the governor in september of a law bans californians from carrying guns in 26 public places including park sports stadiums, amusement parks and houses of worship. earlier this month, u.s. district judge cormac carney ruled against sb 2, which is the name of that legislation that was signed into law. they argued it was against the second amendment, an appeals court on saturday. well, they determined that the law can go into effect on january. first, another panel of judges makes a final ruling later in the new year. and one person is dead and 2 more injured saturday after a head-on crash in contra cta county. chp
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says the crash happened around 6.25. when a white chevrolet lverado crossed into oncoming traffic, the truck crashed head-on with a kia sedan. the driver of the kia was pronounced dead at the scene. investigation shows that the driver was not wearing a seat belt. the crash is now under investigation. >> as you prepare to ring in the new year, right, various city agencies are stepping up safety measures to keep celebration safe. kron excuse me them a check in with my producer real quick. okay. it looks like we're having some technical issues with tiffany will try to bring her back later on in the show. let's move on to our next story here. happening tonight, fire where preps are underway for san francisco's new year's show tonight. kron 4 s justin campbell got a sneak peek on what to expect. >> more than 1000 fireworks shows are packed on a barge, undisclosed location. pyro tax are making their final preparations to fire them off. right when the clock strikes
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12 ringing in the new year. it will be an amazing new year's eve display. pat dyas the show producer says you can expect a 17 minute fireworks show and he says this year's show finale will look different. it's a very intense finale. >> intense. but short, sometimes we make them less intense but longer so but the finale, its big shells all the the performance will go from the barge. >> all the way to over 1000 feet in the sky. dias says anywhere along the embarcadero is a great spot to see the show and roughly 200,000 spectators expected. so you want to get there early. >> and get the best spot go by the ferry building. you'll be in perfect spot reporting in san francisco, justin campbell kron. 4 news. >> coming up on the kron, 4 morning news as we approach the new year, some new state laws are going into effect. and big changes could be coming to your utility bills. the potential impact on your wallet.
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>> and we continue to track radar. scattered showers to the west and east of us. will we see some rain today? probably plus kind of conditions. what about tomorrow? answers all coming up in less than 20 minutes.
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>> i'm meteorologist brittany begley taking a live look around the reason the set up that whole mount tam, you can see that camera just showing you a cloudy conditions. san jose same story east bay, san francisco and golden gate
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bridge is showing you some gray skies. we'll continue to watch stormtracker 4 throughout the day. we have the potential for of some showers and then opportunities really going to be between the 9 5 o'clock hour. but we could see something right now. maybe some mister drizzle. we have 2 different bands that we're watching one right off the coast and the other one just east of us were kind of sitting in the middle. but as we fast forward radar, you can see by the 10, 30 that system that we're showing you right off the coast, slowly making its way into our area again, giving us that chance for some light. scattered showers. have those numbers still looking less than a 10th of an inch, but definitely picking up by 3 o'clock. you can see all the way down to la some scattered showers and then up to us and into reading that line right here showing that we have a busy year in terms of weather as you plan your day, not to mention a gray skies in cloudy conditions, not only for us, but just to the east of us as well as southern california. they gets a little bit of snow in the mountains. we might get a sprinkle or 2 in the tahoe
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area. we'll break that down coming up in 20 minutes. going back to the rain. what i was talking about with that one of opportunity really looking at the 9 o'clock to 5 o'clock, less than a 10th of an inch for most of the region. concord, you're the exception. but overall setting the tone of a just enough to get maybe your what what will continue to watch, though, right now and a little bit later those cloudy conditions podcaster for showing you santa rosa san livermore. concord, you're probably seeing those foggy conditions that's going to stick around. probably until the 10 o'clock hour because you can see up to the some of that fog just lingering clearing out. maybe 10 o'clock 11, 30 hour and those cloudy conditions will pick back up again around the 6.45 hour down south south of think about fireworks near san jose mountain view. and that's going to stay that way as we roll into the evening hours. it's not going to be too cloudy, but there's definitely going to be some clouds. those temperatures as you walk out
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the door still going to feel a little bit chillier today compared to yesterday. that's because those temperatures are chillier. we're going to be right there at the upper 50's for the entire region with the exception of san jose looking at 61 oakland, 57 santa rosa, 58 half moon bay. 58 livermore. 58, antioch. 57, so temperatures for us around the board, but we will see some gusty conditions. so even though inland areas, you're going to be the upper 50's, you can see that delta breeze with gusts of 70 miles per definitely are dropped on that. feels like temperatures making it feel even colder than what it actually is. so those lows, as you roll into the new year might be a little bit chillier and will be in the just above freezing for santa rosa. everybody else looking at the mid 40's. big picture again showing you the good news monday. it's going to tuesday with that chance again for some evening showers. same story on wednesday. >> and mountain snow on saturday. so a break on monday, stephanie. that's the good but more rain on the way. alright, brittany, thank you for that update. and as you prepare to ring in the new
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year, right, various city agencies are stepping up safety measures to keep celebration safe. >> kron four's tiffany justice live for us now in san francisco with the latest on the stephanie. >> all right. stephanie sfpd, along with other law enforcement agencies in the bay area will be wrapping up their patrols as we ring in the new want you to celebrate safely. the san francisco police department says they will have a large presence of police officers in areas known to have big celebrations for this occasion for oakland opd sending out a checklist, they'll be out patrolling with dui checkpoints at strategic locations throughout the city. strongly advising all residents and visitors to celebrate responsibly and plan ahead. if you choose to consume alcohol. they're also warning against celebratory gunfire. opd says they will be actively monitoring for this. also urging residents to report this activity. opd is also keeping a keen eye on those possible sideshows trying to prevent those from happening. chp will also be out in full force. they'll be
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out looking for drunk drivers kicking off their maximum enforcement period for the new year's eve. >> this imports that will continue through 11:59pm on january. first, chp saying during a similar inforcement period during the recent christmas holiday, tragically 20 people were killed in crashes between december 22nd through the 25th chp making 900 dui arrests. they say one in every 5 minutes. stephanie. >> back to all right, tiffany, thank you for that. as we approach the new year, some new state laws are going into effect. pedro rivera gives us a rundown. >> when the calendar flips to january 2024, new laws will enter the first there senate bill 2 which establishes new measures for concealed carry firearm permit holders. sb 2 lihits were firearms can be carried like schools, government buildings and public transit. it also requires applicants be at least 21 years old have previous firearm training and pass background checks. if you
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have a record of domestic abuse, you shouldn't have a gun. if you're on social media threatening the lives of people, you shouldn't have a gun. the law was supposed to take place on january first but was blocked by u.s. district judge, meaning the law will make its way to federal court and likely the u.s. supreme court for decision. now to the fight against fentanyl. lawmakers passed assembly bill 701. which enhances punishments for people convicted of dealing more than a kilo of fentanyl. according to the governor's office, nearly 7,000 californians overdose from the drug in 2022, several loss in 2024. are intended to protect and improve the quality of life for california workers. there's assembly bill. 21 88 which protects workers or ation based on their use of cannabis products outside of the workplace. it's important to note while off the clock discrimination is prohibited. it is still illegal to use cannabis while on the clock. minimum wage is going up in california from 15, 50 an hour for all employees in 2023 to
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$16 an hour in 2024. in april, fast, food workers will see an even bigger increase to $20 an hour paid sick days are also going to increase for workers from 3 minimum paid sick days to 5. here's the bill's author, state senator lena gonzales. >> huge victory again for all workers are. it's a really wonderful opportunity to get extra days to recover to rest for mental health, whatever they >> and in 2020, for a big win for the low rider community counties and cities are blocked from imposing bans on cruising on city streets. >> the major changes could be coming to your utility bill, depending on how much money you make. but some lawmakers are pushing back. kron four's on wallace takes us through the debate and what it means for you. >> it's a scary they were going to take republican senator rosalee co boat expressing concerns over a b 205. a law passed and signed in 2022. that could change the
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criteria for how you may be charged on your utility bill as it stands today. utility bills in california are based on consumption. the more electricity you use, the more you pay. but a provision in a b 205, will allow utility bills to be at least partly based on your fixed income. the higher the income, the higher the utility bill feet. supporters of the legislation argue it's designed to help low-income californians struggling to make ends meet. but opponents, told vogue, believe the policy will hurt middle-class californians and disincentivize them from conservation. there's no incentive to action. saved. >> on utilities doing and it's going to be very costly for voters on the middle and upper how one secure californians for the law. the california public utilities commission has until summer 2024. to hammer out details and determine how exactly the new billing system will work. >> but before then, a troll bogan. her senate republican colleagues sent the governor this letter urging him to either repeal the law entirely
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or make changes to it. some democrats sharing a similar message in an op-ed senator josh becker, an assembly member mark berman wrote, quote, this proposed change is at risk of being poorly implemented with long-lasting affordability in climate impacts. ciobo copes the latest messaging about the law from both sides of the aisle could lead to change. maybe it will >> it will that sure enough pressure to actually use there are moving forward with this particular lawsuit based and we reached out to governor newsom's office for his take on all this but did not hear back as of news time. >> reporting at the state capitol, a tom wallace kron. 4 news. >> well, if you've got any collectible cards over the holidays and are wondering just what their value is, there is an app for that. rich demuro tells us more. >> i first told you about an app called collects about a year ago. it was started by a father and son who wanted easy way to scan their baseball cards to see how much they're worth. well, now it's a hit and it's driving an entirely new interest in collecti-g
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trading and selling. for 35 years. now the customers keep coming through the doors at burbank, sports cards. people that died in the hobbit to crowds used to be local. but thanks to the internet. they're now worldwide to shape 7, 8, 900 orders a day to all the island didn't even exist. small car collecting has always been a constant. an app called ca. lex is sparking a new interest. we've got about 600,000 users to scam 100 million cards. we first told you about collects last year. >> the app was created by ted mann and his 10 year-old son. they wanted to make it easier to find the value of a car. this is probably something i would have as a gary carter, the app lets you scan a wide range of collectible cards tracked pricing and now buy sell and trade. they are now all the sudden using the app to to not just kind of on their clutching the 2 deals, make tyson to everything. obviously. >> i don't think it's going anywhere because sports is so
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big in this country. sharon chong is a high profile collector that specializes in autographed rookie cards. i buying a card watching kids play and you know, it's kind of like watching stocks go up and down for the cards that we have entered into about 29% 95% accuracy. a classic hobby. now blending the best of physical and digital. there are a huge number of people out there cards that just don't know what they're worth. and we're helping those people figure that out. and in the process get back into the half. >> the average user scans about 200 cards collects tells me they've seen about 50 million dollars worth of buying and selling activity through the app in the past 6 months. if you want a link to download it, just go to my website. it is rich on tech dot tv. i'm rich demuro and you are tech smart. >> still ahead on the kron 4 morning news drug price hikes are coming in january. the major pharmaceutical companies joining in. and don't forget
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to join us this weekend for the bay area's only live in local new year's show hosted by kron four's grant lotus in just moment. we don't want to miss this spectacular fireworks over the bay either. it's all going to start at 9 it's all going to start at 9 tonight on kron 4.
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with nurtec odt, i can treat a migraine when it strikes and prevent
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migraine attacks, all in one. don't take if allergic to nurtec. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. ask about nurtec odt. >> well, if you haven't seen them yet, here's a look at bart's new fare gates. these are located at the west oakland station. bart says the
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new design should prevent people from hopping over the gate and improve access for riders with bikes and strollers. the plan is to replace all fare gates to ones like these by the end of 2025. and today bar offers extended service for new year's eve trains run until 01:00am on monday, but runs on a sunday schedule. meaning trains run every 20 minutes up until midnight. the longtime fremont restaurant is no longer closing after support from the community and the mayor dino's family restaurant is calling the closure off. the restaurant describes the menu as down-home country cooking. the nose has been in business for more than 46 to hear, but they will not be closing. well, state farm insurance is expected to raise rates in california next year. the state department of insurance case, state farm, the green light to raise homeowner rates by 20% starting march. 15th, state farm says the rate changes are driven by increased cost and risk. and
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healthcare research firm says hundreds of drugs could see price hikes in the new year. the spike comes as big pharma companies prepare the bye for the biden administration to pushback on higher manufacturing costs. major companies include raising prices include pfizer and to kate up. meanwhile, other companies like glaxo smith kline are cutting costs and drugs like insulin to avoid penalties stemming from the 2021. american rescue plan act. still ahead on the kron 4 morning news. we're tracking a new trend. why more people are choosing to leave california.
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>> now on the kron 4 morning news. a civil rights advocate is accused of threatening a small business owner. >> over a music video criticizing san francisco mayor london breed. and the new changes coming to california health insurance next year. all right. welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news. we'll get to those stories in just a moment. but let's get you started this half hour with a look at our forecast with brittany begley. now, britney, the people expect some nice weather for new year's eve. you know, we're going to get some nicer weather, but i think you'll like tomorrow even better. >> we are watching just some foggy conditions. we have the chance on and off today for some scattered showers, especially during the 9 to 5 o'clock. >> our but i think around fireworks time things are ange the good news. the big picture as we show you as a foe and quickly, i'm just checking right now. some slight delays, but nothing like we've been dealing with the past couple of days. you can some some
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planes right there on the runway, getting ready to take off here eventually, despite gloomy hazy conditions that we're dealing with temperatures right now as we speak, san francisco, 49 oakland, 49 san jose, 50 livermore. 47 concord. 48 santa rosa, 50 and half moon bay. we're sitting at 50. those temperatures are struggled to to the 60's today. it's going to be little bit chillier than what we have been dealing with. and we are going to continue to see some foggy conditions right now keeping those colder temperatures where they're at specially santa rosa, nevada. napa, you're seeing the foggy conditions and that's going to clear up around 11 o'clock hour. but what about the rain will talk about that and snow coming up next. >> is san francisco a civil rights leader is accused of threatening a small business owner over a music video criticizing mayor london breed andy chino yang, a restaurant owner and rapper claims that reverend amos brown, the president of the san francisco naacp, made threats against his business and family. in a
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post on instagram saturday yang along with the organization, asian justice movement claim that reverend brown came to business demanding that he apologize for a rap video that yang made blaming mayor london breed for a rise in crime. well, yeah, issued an apology for that video earlier this week but said he felt forced to do so yang and aj m the asian justice movement. they issued a statement saturday specifically calling out reverend brown writing in part, quote. we are concerned with the actions by reverend brown purporting to represent the naacp, which actions have had the impact of pitting the asian and black communities against one another. we are stronger when we stand together. yang in the group are now in turn demanding an apology from the reverent. well, we spoke with the reverend last night. he says he denies all these allegations and says that yang should have told him he was feeling threatened if that were indeed the case. starting january first, california becomes the first state to offer health insurance to all
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undocumented adults. that means medical coverage for 700,000 undocumented people between the ages of 26 49. the expansion is projected to cost 2.6 billion dollars annually. california's population has declined for the 3rd straight year. but for the first time in 2023, california so a net high income residents. it's the top one percent of those people repay. 45% of the income tax. says he's found the golden state saw a net loss of 750,000 residents to other states over the last 3 years. >> we have a million to 2 million dollars sitting in there. i r a and they're saying when i retired, i start pulling out i or any out i'm going to be paying 13% state income tax. so i don't want to do that. so they're heading out because of that reason. >> well, many people are moving to states like arizona, texas, florida, tennessee, and people in california could save thousands of dollars off their state income tax in
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other states. the national debt is pushing towards a new high. 35 trillion dollars that works out to almost $100,000 for every man, woman and child in the nation about 6 months ago. congressional republicans reached a deal with president biden to raise the national debt limit. lawmakers from both sides of the aisle agree the debt is not accept is excessive rather but have not come to an agreement on what to do. and we're now just a few days away until the iowa caucuses when republican voters will make their pick for the party's nominee. libyan reports from cedar rapids. >> former ambassador nikki haley aiming to score points with island saturday. today's visit comes as he leases to knock off former president trump. he's still leads the rest of the field by more than 30 points in iowa as well as governor desantis who said this week, playing for number 2 in the white house, not iowa. she supposedly the darling of the never trumpers.
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>> and yet she won't say definitively that she would not under any circumstances accept the vp slot from trump. the trump campaign not wasting anytime to distance the former president from sending out this e-mail yesterday. >> criticizing tax increases under haley saying her shameful record as governor has now been exposed and voters are witnessing who she really is. the former president will be back in iowa next week as he continues to fight legal battles. his opponents making clear this week they would pardon him if he was convicted. >> i would pardon trump. a leader needs to think about what's in the best interest of the country. what's in the best interest of the country is not to have an 80 year-old man sitting in jail. that continues to divide our country. what's in the best interest of the country would be to pardon him so that we can move on as a country and no longer talk about would you. >> i've said i've said that months >> and we're looking back at
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the big stories from 2023 and for much of the year, politics was front and center news nation's kelli meyer takes a look back. >> in order to make america great glorious again. i am tonight announcing my candidacy for president >> the fight for 2024. that's why i'm running for re-election with less than a year to go until the general election 2024 hopefuls spent the year on the campaign trail locking in on iowa and new hampshire as the decisive caucuses near tuesday, january 23rd. we're going to win the new hampshire primary and then we're going >> price crooked joe biden next november. if former president donald trump expressing confidence but hot on his heels are republican contenders also vying for the nomination? gop hopeful speaking directly to voters during a news nation town hall. one of the things i've realized since i left office is that i'm i'm well known,
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but i'm not known well, tackling the tough questions. is your faith? >> fair game in this election. you know what? i would be very honest. everything is fair game to ask about in this election semi. really just yes, i am of him, too. >> i'm not christian and we are a nation founded on judeo-christian values. but here's what i can say with confidence. i share those same values and a political scion now running as an independent, hoping to impact the dynamics of the race. i'm running because i feel like my party has lost its way. >> that the high on represent my father where have >> neglected. let's say all leading to a showdown at news nation's gop debate. it is make or break time for the candidates on this stage right now. addressing kitchen table issues. i don't think men should be going in the little girls bathrooms. i think it's wrong.
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>> all of this 7 or 8 million illegals that have come under biden's watch. >> absolutely. have to go back. we have to stop the incentive of what's bringing them over here in the first afraid to offend donald trump. >> what are you going to do when you sit across from president xi? you sit across from the ayatollah. you sit across from putin. you have to be willing to offend with the truth. and news nation's kris tire walt going face to face with voters in iowa to get a pulse of the people. and this is my 5th cycle. >> coming to iowa and i've never seen anything like it in either party. they know what they're going to get with trump. iowans, least the ones i know republicans stop they support there are and yeah, they want to see they want to go through the process, their fear and want to go through the process. just in case, you know, trump doesn't get through all these legal things. >> well, the warriors took on
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the mavericks last night. kron 4 sports reporter aaron wilson breaks down what happened. well, the warriors, they hosted the dallas mavericks last night. no kyree a day to day lucas. so that was somewhat questionable. but who did play cp 2? he was welcome back to the action. finally in the worry is they had a chance. >> to add one to the winning column as they were trying to get above 500 or at least push towards that mark. but the mavericks would not make that easy on the nation. still coming to try cp 3 all out there starting with the splash scoreless, cp, 3 and t j b with a little pick and roll action in the lob to get chasing on their feet early 5 to go now in the first 4 years down by 8 klay thompson drives and draws the defense league is wide open out there on 3 and he gets the 3.14, weeks on the night. 2nd quarter. now, cp 3 with 3 of his from the top of the key. the point guard had 24 on the night, the warriors, they trailed by 3, but luka was trouble all night last night t j b had local
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container. so it's and look at his the midrange. he hits it with no problem gets the foul. he does it through the contact. what's up with this guy? and then local is far from done because local right here. see the opportunity to get derrick lively, a shot. he gets in the bucket easy. 39 points. 10 assist for luke on the night. 3rd quarter now where the warriors are trailing by 13 address green drive extends the lead with 2 more 80 for him on the night last night in the warriors they tried going back 3 to go in the ports to get a look at the work right praise and separation. get 3 to fall. he has 25 on the night. but the memories they win this one final score. one. 32 to one. 22 in after the game head coach steve kerr. of course he wasn't happy. he said it all came down to not being on the same page. take a listen. we're we're not competing through the tough parts of the game in. >> there is an intangible. there's a feeling there's a vibe where you fight where everybody's energy is right and when we don't have that right now. >> don't have it right now.
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tell you what, early enough that they should find it. but they get fined if they want to do with it 8, paso got to wait to see what they do. but outside the back to you at the all right, erin, thank you. still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news, the latest effort from a local pet rescue to help animals in >> and all eyes on the clock as suspects midnight. what kind of weather we're going to have as you wake up tomorrow and what about tonight? have and what about tonight? have all those answers coming
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>> all right, taking a live look now from the bay bridge looking like its pretty relatively manageable when it comes to the weather out, there is not too dangerous for people who are on the roadways right now, but maybe things could change. but maybe we're looking at gray skies. i think we all want sunshine. we do have an opportunity for some rain in the window. i think you're going to be watching fireworks is going to clear out for sfo was californians traveling this holiday season from the airport to the roadways. it's going to be busier, some delays. but overall, not bad. despite the foggy conditions, you can see that airplane just getting ready. >> the take off. what we'll continue to watch is really the we have us line of showers to the west of us and east of us. and we're right in the middle with may be scattered showers throughout the day again at windows, looking more like the 9 to 5 window, especially around 11 o'clock. so you can see that system making its way to us around 11 linger around for a couple of hours towards the la area making its way up to us. and
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the reading that's going to be around the 6.15, hours. so we will see some rain just enough to get the windshield wet the majority of the people a little bit more for places like concord, napa, close to a 10th of an inch. it's still going to set the tone for some a 45 santa rosa nevado and napa. that's going to clear out around 11 o'clock hour and it's going to slowly start to pick up those cloudy conditions. you can see around the 8 o'clock hour 9.30, for some as we roll into the new year. so we will see cloudy but i don't think it's going to be so cloudy that you can't though, will be chillier compared to we're going to struggle to get to the 60 san jose. you're going to get the 60's everybody else in the upper santa rosa. 59 san francisco. 57 fremont. 59 antioch, so right there at the upper 50's and those lows will be santa rosa. 39, everybody else. we're going to be a right there at the 40's 7 day
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showing you it's going to be dry on monday. that's your gift from mother but more rain on the way pm showers on tuesday, wednesday and partly cloudy conditions on thursday and friday and more snow and rain in the sierra on saturday. seth? >> alright, brittany, thank you for that update in today's flying tails can kron four's ken wayne introduces us to the bay area rescue saving the lives of special needs animals. >> we're off to a familiar place on another rescue run. fresno. this time i'm the copilot as longtime animal rescue volunteer, kim purcell handles controls, intervene, tailbone >> on the ground, there is a buzz of activity we run into dance of pilot loading up 8 boxer pit mixes in a chihuahua pug mix in to assess, notify them to new homes in the reno area. for us, we're picking up 11 crates of cats to head back to the bay area. there are simply too many animals here for the shelters. and if we don't get them, they'll be put
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down. this is where we meet one special little kitten with birth defects that left to pause to form more on her in a moment. given i are back in the bonanza heading to nap and drop off most of the margot from whiskers tails and farrell's. meet us at the napa airport to take the cats to her shelter again. without people like margot, these cats would likely have been euthanized. >> short flight over sonoma mountain and we're in petaluma the kitten with the polish jews is going to its new home at snap cat in santa rosa. snap stands for special needs are precious. >> shelters, rescues, everybody because the special needs of the last ones usually to get adopted. so shelters who are always full look at what they have and the special needs always want to to be euthanized. darryl roberts founded cats in 2013 to save the cats. no one else >> here you'll find dozens of cats with a host of ailments, twisted or missing limbs, blind deaf diabetic at first
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glance, it might seem to be a depressing place, but there'll says the cats don't seem to be bothered. one of the things people don't understand is animals cannot rationalize. so the countless 7 other cat and say why do i have 3 legs? and they have 4. they are who they are. they don't feel sorry for themselves. so we should feel sorry for them. that's one of the things i try to stress when we have volunteers come in, people, the public come >> they adapt very quickly. that's why you can have a cat who had a leg amputation and the next day they're just upon all 3, just like they were up for. i think. if we understand that they don't feel sorry for themselves and they don't know there are any different than anyone else. and we shouldn't either. >> there are cats from across california and as far away as the middle east snap katz is a one of a kind rescue known around the world. we open the crate to let out our littleo kitten takes a while before she seems to gather the
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courage to venture out little kitten that you brought down. we ended up naming sugar. and she's messina right front paw and the little right back paw. >> from what i understand, she was just one run out in, you know, alone she wasn't being cared for. she was probably a stray. the mom probably left or because did they know better than to try to spend their energy on catch that might not survive. >> sugar seems to a fit right in here at snap cat. but unlike some of the others who have been here for years, sugar will probably be gone soon. it's going to happen. sugar sugar is going to adopt real quick. she she's too cute. >> well, incredible organization. calfire veteran josh potter has been with the department for 18 years. reporter ryan lee carroll met with him to learn more about his career of public service. >> on a rainy day at a cal fire station near solano county. you might be able to find captain josh potter training hand showing them the
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ropes of putting line and vegetation to help prevent the spread of a wildfire like hide to but this isn't where captain potter started for that. we have to go back to 1998. in parris island, south carolina, from there. i went to school, then tree and got my sign it the same time, threes and a sign that camp pendleton, california potter served 8 years in the marine corps black to get back. yeah. had to be dead. 2 deployments, 3 tours in iraq. 17 countries even learned to new language is arabic and spanish. i change my military service for anything my first year and i was sent to or more for a tactics. instructor school. >> upon completion and i ended up training 5,000 troops urban warfare about 6 months later, i was sent to a >> rescue swimmer school and they sent me to another structure school or the king of ring. come out. our survival in a 60,000 troops in
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one year that leadership experience state with potter as he looks for his next steps after the marines, he started volunteering as a firefighter after about a week of training and whatnot. i. >> i asked my says their way to do this full time and then i got hired as a seasonal firefighter. tony caldeira senator reminded me of. >> somewhere to combat the marines it. i made a choice that. >> you know, this is what i want to do at the end of the season. captain potter went to butte college and graduated 3rd in his class. he was eventually hired on full-time with cal fire helping others in need they can help the cells. it translated and into becoming a first responder. those sense of urgency >> experiences that experience and marines really related to what i've done in the fire service with both of captain potter's grandfather serving in the military being in the marines and now a first responder has come naturally to him. >> adding, he always sees the connections between the 2
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groups. >> that 9, 1, forced to me is a lot like the required 9, 1, 4, 6, men. you know, the president or, you know, country's in trouble. they said they sent reason even though protecting life and property is they're consistent goal protecting those that that we do serve. >> there's no greater feeling when when you say people's homes and they come up and they, you know, they say thank you for saving our house. captain potter says one of the things he likes about his cal-fire job is the unpredictability of what to expect. every day's a different day at work. you never know what you're going to get. there's a lot of opportunities with our department and i value that. and, you know, take pride and and my job and and 18th year doing this. captain potter now dedicates his time serving others by being a firefighter and training back to the pooled but he says even after years out of the marine corps will never forget where he came from. you have family in the military.
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>> it's everything hits differently and you know, it. for those that know they know what that flag means and it stands for a lot. and it's sense for everybody. >> and we thank you for his >> and we thank you for his service. we'll be right back.
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>> well, after a tough christmas loss, the forty-niners are hoping to bounce back for their new year's eve matchup with the washington commanders. brock purdy looking to bounce back after that tough game on
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christmas day where he had his first career for interception game. >> pretty spoke about how he hopes to rebound. >> mentally, it was a good experience to understand like you have to play one play at a time. you know, even if we're down multiple scores. so the whole 2nd half to play, you have to still think clearly in terms of what we're trying to do with each play, not just try get back into the game with one or 2 plays, you know, with explosives. it's being smart. those are all things i have learned. you know, towards the end, i feel like i was searching for those big plays. you get back in the game rather than playing playing the position. and so i'm watching the stuff. but it's good for me. i had to learn it and i'm glad it happened. now. >> a kickoff for today's game is set for 10 o'clock this morning. still ahead on the next hour kron, 4 morning news. a look at the festivities planned across the bay. >> to ring in the new year. plus, the oakland police commission sets a new deadline to find police chief candidates. and the community continues to mourn the loss of an oakland police officer
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gunned down in the line of duty. stay with us. the kron 4 morning news continues with morning news continues with those stories and more.
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with nurtec odt, i can treat a migraine when it strikes and prevent migraine attacks, all in one. don't take if allergic to nurtec. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. ask about nurtec odt. the kron. 4 morning news. the oakland police department is mourning one of their own fatally gunned down in the line of duty. the community reaction from those who knew and chp is out in full force this holiday weekend. how they
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are working to keep the roads safe for this new year's and the wet weather and high surf causing flooding across the california coastline. safety tips to keep in mind. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at >> good morning. thank you so much for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm stephanie lin. >> it's december 31st. new year's eve. let's get you started with a look at the weather with brittany begley. good morning, brittany. yeah, rise and shine will continue to watch some gray skies. you can see it behind us foggy conditions better than yesterday, better things are headed our way. so the top story. so for us, it's going to be a live look at right now. we have some delays, but not as bad as it's been. you can see right there despite the gray skies and the fog can see that plane >> taking off right now as we speak. so double check your flight, but things are looking better compared to the last couple of weeks. temperatures right now as speak. san francisco, 50 oakland, 51 san
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jose. 51 livermore. 47 concord. 49 santa rosa, 50 and half moon bay. we're sitting at 50. those temperatures going really struggle to get to the 60's today because we have cloudy conditions and we have 2 different systems, one to the west of us. one to the east of us, bring us those scattered showers right now. spotty sprinkle or 2. but by 11, 15, you can see that system from the coast making its way onto land, bringing us those weather conditions. i think those numbers are really going to be less than a 10th of an inch. so just enough to get that windshield maybe a little aggravating as you're walking the dog. but the good news, if you're going to see the fireworks, i think it's going to clear out by then those numbers again showing you less than a 10th of an inch except for concord and napa. you're really close. otherwise a sprinkle or 2 here and there throughout the day. the other story we'll continue to watch so foggy conditions up to the north santa rosa. you can see nevado and napa us beautiful little foggy for you. clearing out around 11 o'clock hour. but we will see
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you again tonight. more cloudier conditions around the 6 o'clock hour. all the way up to the 11 o'clock hour. so i still think we'll be able to see the fireworks, but we will have some cloudy conditions. so something to think about. we'll track throughout the morning for you. alright, brittany, thank you. >> in the east bay community members are mourning the death of oakland police officer twan lay who died while responding to a burglary for his amanda hari reports. >> he well liked by everybody. devastating news for the entire oakland community. 36 year-old oakland police officer twan lay was shot and killed early friday morning while responding to a burglary, a cannabis dispensary near jack london square. president of the oakland chinatown chamber foundation. carl chan. >> says he knew lay for about 4 years. a guy with a smile. chances late would often work in the chinatown and little saigon communities. he says working with asian officer has helped build trust between those communities and opd. he
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was able to communicate with pretty much everyone. >> with a smile. and so that commend us it always be remembered by our committee lay in immigrant from vietnam. >> graduated from the police academy in 2020 and served as a community resource officer in west oakland for the past 2 years, we need to support all police officers because sometimes, you know, people in uniform, they may not always be being appreciated being a police officer not easy. >> and especially being and not a police officer, you know, see chance as they're working to raise funds to help support lay's family. >> he hopes lay's family knows the community is behind that. we look at him. >> and you know, we're all called to support that we can to the family. >> and that was kron four's amanda hari reporting for us. oakland police say several suspects were seen running off after lay was shot. no arrests made yet. pleasant hill police department honored office
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early on saturday evening. their flag flying at half-staff. the department sharing on social media. quote, our hearts are heavy that in that lays service and sacrifice will not be forgotten. the oakland police commission has set a new deadline to get a new list of police chief finalist together. this comes just days after mayor sheng thao rejected the previous list of 3 finalists which included former chief leronne armstrong. that new list is expected to be ready by march. 1st, we heard from a civil rights attorney and former member of the police commission selection panel. >> there's obviously tension between the mayor and the police commission over this. and i would be for any way to alleviate the tension and to get the best person in a collaborative way for the city >> the commission is tasked with pity picking the most suitable candidates. but the mayor has final say. for san francisco. police officers are recovering from injuries this morning after a chase ended in
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a crash. investigators say officers tried to pull over a wanted suspect leading into that chase. the pursuit ended at 3rd street. and cesar chavez near potrero hill just after 10, 30 4 police officers were rushed to the hospital. they are expected to make a full recovery. the investigation meantime, is ongoing. we'll take a look at this new video from santa cruz shows huge waves battering the coast of white house feels state beach. the recent storm and high surf causing coastal flooding up and down california. some parts of the coast saw 30 foot waves. another reason why people are warned against getting too close to the water. you see that. that's what happens when a towering wave crashed over the pacifica pier. bystanders were knocked over and sent tumbling from the force of that powerful surf. so best to stay away from the water. now,
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just weeks after a judge blocked a state law banning californians from carrying guns and most public spaces, a federal appeals court is allowing that law to go into effect in the new year. for now signed by the governor in september of a law bans californians from carrying guns and including parks, sports stadiums, amusement parks and houses of worship. earlier this month, u.s. district judge cormac carney ruled against the law arguing it is against second amendment. on saturday. the appeals court determined the law can go into effect january. 1st, another panel of judges makes final ruling later in the new year. and one person is dead. 2 more injured saturday after a head-on crash in contra costa county. chp says the crash happened around 06:25pm. when a white chevrolet silverado crossed into oncoming traffic. the truck crashed head-on with the kia sedan. the driver of the kia was pronounced dead at the scene. investigation shows the driver was not wearing a seatbelt. the crash is now under investigation. was to
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prepare to ring in the new year. right? various city agencies are stepping up safety measures to keep celebrations safe. kron four's tiffany justice live for us now in san francisco with the latest tiffany. all right. stephanie sfpd, along with other law enforcement agencies around the bay area wrapping up their patrols. >> as we ring in the new year wanting you to celebrate new year's eve safely. so san francisco police department says they will have a large presence of police officers in areas known to have big celebrations for this occasion. >> for oakland opd sending out a checklist, they will be out patrolling with dui checkpoints at specific locations. >> throughout the city strongly advising all residents and visitors to celebrate responsibly and plan ahead. if you choose to consume alcohol. they're also warning against celebratory gunfire. opd says they will be actively monitoring for this. also urging residents to report this activity. they're also keeping an eye on
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sideshows and preventing those from happening. chp will be out in full force as well. they'll be looking for drunk drivers kicking off their maximum enforcement period for new year's eve. this imports will continue through 11:59pm. on january. for first, chp says during a similar enforcement period during the recent christmas holiday. tragically 20 people were killed in crashes between december 22nd through december. 25th chp making 900 dui arrests. they say one every 5 minutes. stephanie, back to you. all right, tiffany, thank you for your coverage this morning. >> a firework preps are underway for san francisco's new year show tonight. kron 4 justin campbell got a sneak peek for us. >> more than 1000 fireworks shows are packed on a barge, undisclosed location. pyro tax are making their final preparations to fire them off. right when the clock strikes 12 ringing in the new year. it will be an amazing new year's eve display. pat dyas the show
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producer says you can expect a 17 minute fireworks show and he says this year's show finale will look different. it's a very intense finale. >> intense. but short, sometimes we make them less intense but longer so but the finale, its big shells all the the performance will go from the barge. >> all the way to over 1000 feet in the sky. dias says anywhere along the embarcadero is a great spot to see the show and roughly 200,000 spectators expected. so you want to get there early. >> and get the best spot go by the ferry building. you'll be in perfect spot reporting in san francisco, justin campbell kron. 4 news. >> coming up on the kron, 4 morning news as we approach the new hear some new state laws are going into effect. and big changes could be coming to your utility bills. the potential impact on your wallet. >> and we'll continue track some scattered showers. the system to the west and the
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east of us bringing us some foggy conditions as well. what about tonight? the fireworks. i have those answers for 20 minutes. in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yup, $1000.
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>> i'm meteorologist brittany begley. let's plan your day. live look at micro climates. all the different weather story. san jose, cloudy conditions, east bay, san francisco. great across the map. mount tam cam really showing you all the clouds we're working with right now. >> half moon bay, you can looking better than yesterday that coastal advisory with choppy waters for you and golden gate bridge. all lanes
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are open. a little bit of shine. definitely on the golden gate bridge. >> we'll continue to watch stormtracker 4 we've been showing you this is restarting newscast off at 7, again, assess a system to the west and the east going a little bit better. now, really going to bring us a potential are, too, for some sprinkles around right now to the 5 o'clock hour. and you can see with future cast around eleven-thirty the system off the coast, making its way onto our area, san francisco and just north to us. so i do think we're going to get a sprinkle or 2. you can see by 11 45, it's slowly coming into the la area and then up by 4 o'clock. that release foundation is built right here from la into san francisco. but even though it looks so and looks active, those numbers aren't as juicy as it looks. we're still going to see some rain less than a 10th of an inch with the exception of concord and napa. you're really close to a 10th. otherwise a sprinkle or 2, as you plan your day and i want to make sure you're prepared because it is a holiday with extra travel on the road and skies as well. we'll continue
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to see some foggy conditions throughout the morning. you can see that nevada you're seeing right now, oakland hayward, even san jose, that's going to stick around to the 11 o'clock hour. and you're going to be some fireworks. i think it's going to start up those cloudier conditions tonight, probably around the 5 o'clock hour, all the way through a midnight. you're still going to see the fireworks, but we will have cloudy conditions. temperatures going to be chillier and general. then yesterday you can see that as you step outside, you're going to feel the differences. slight difference in our numbers are reflecting that. we're in the upper 50's and 60's san jose. you're at 60 santa rosa. 59 half moon bay. 59 in livermore. 58, antioch, 58. so those temperatures right there in the upper 50's but it's going to be gusty so inland, even though you're at 59, those gustier conditions going make it feels cooler. thanks to that delta breeze. we're looking at 11 miles per hour near fairfield. so keep that mind, however, you dress yesterday, especially inland at another layer because a 17 miles per hours can make it feel a lot chillier than it was yesterday. temperatures
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above freezing. that's a good news for our low santa rosa. 39, half moon bay. 46, san jose. 45 in livermore. we're at 40. so those temperatures, upper 30's and 40's hayward, you're at 50. that's the good news. all eyes really, again, going to be right here on this time clock. this timepiece waiting for it to turn midnight those temperatures again, not going to be back for us tomorrow. we're going to be in the 50's and 60's. but the big story for us as we start the new year said drive, more rain on tuesday. you can see that and wednesday and we'll get a in the right on thursday and friday, stephanie. all right, bernie, thank you. >> as we approach the new year, some new state laws are going into effect. pedro rivera gives us a rundown of some >> when the calendar flips to january 2024, new laws will enter the first there senate bill 2 which establishes new measures for concealed carry firearm permit holders. sb 2 limits were firearms can be carried like schools, government buildings and
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public transit. it also requires applicants be at least 21 years old have previous firearm training and pass background checks. if you have a record of domestic abuse, you shouldn't have a gun. if you're on social media threatening the lives of people, you shouldn't have a gun. the law was supposed to take place on january first but was blocked by a u.s. district judge. meaning the law will make its way to federal court and likely the u.s. supreme court for decision. now to the fight against fentanyl. lawmakers passed assembly bill 701. which enhances punishments for people convicted of dealing more than a kilo of fentanyl. according to the governor's office, nearly 7,000 californians overdose from the drug in 2022, several loss in 2024. are intended to protect and improve the quality of life for california workers. there's assembly bill. 21 88 which protects workers or applicants from discrimination based on their use of cannabis products outside of the workplace. it's important to note while off the clock discrimination is prohibited.
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it is still illegal to use cannabis while on the clock. minimum wage is going up in california from 15, 50 an hour for all employees in 2023 to $16 an hour in 2024. in april, fast, food workers will see an even bigger increase to $20 an hour paid sick days are also going to increase for workers from 3 minimum paid sick days to 5. here's the bill's author, state senator lena gonzales. >> huge victory again for all workers are. it's a really wonderful opportunity to get extra days to recover to rest for mental health, whatever they >> and in 2020, for a big win for the low rider community counties and cities are blocked from imposing bans on cruising on city streets. >> major changes could soon be coming to your utility bill, depending on how much money you make. but some lawmakers are pushing back. kron four's. a tall wallace takes us to the debate and what it means for you. >> it's a scary they were going to take republican
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senator rosalee co boat expressing concerns over a b 205. a law passed and signed in 2022. that could change the criteria for how you may be charged on your utility bill as it stands today. utility bills io california are based on consumption. the more electricity you use, the more you pay. but a provision in a b 205, will allow utility bills to be at least partly based on your fixed income. the higher the income, the higher the utility bill feet. supporters of the legislation argue it's designed to help low-income californians struggling to make ends meet. but opponents, including a chore of vogue. believe the policy will hurt middle-class californians and disincentivize them from conservation. there's no incentive to action. saved. >> on utilities doing and it's going to be very costly for voters on the middle and upper how one security californians for the law, the california public utilities commission has until summer 2024. to hammer out details and determine how exactly the new billing system will work.
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>> but before then, a troll bogan. her senate republican colleagues sent the governor this letter urging him to either repeal the law entirely or make changes to it. some democrats sharing a similar message in an op-ed senator josh becker, an assembly member mark berman wrote, quote, this proposed change is at risk of being poorly implemented with long-lasting affordability in climate impacts. ciobo copes the latest messaging about the law from both sides of the aisle could lead to change. maybe it will want. >> it will put that sure enough pressure actually use s we're we're moving forward with this particular based and we reached out to governor newsom's office for his take on all this but did not hear back as of news time. >> reporting at the state capitol, a tom wallace kron. 4 news. >> well, if you've got any collectible cards over the holidays are wondering just with their value that there's an app for that, which demero tells us more. >> i first told you about an app called collects about a year ago. it was started by a father and son who want easy
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way to scan their baseball cards to see how much they're worth. well, now it's a hit and it's driving an entirely new interest in collecting trading and selling. for 35 years. now the customers keep coming through the doors at burbank, sports cards. people that died in the hobbit to crowds used to be local. but thanks to the internet. they're now worldwide to shape 7, 8, 900 orders a day to honor one of island didn't even exist. small car collecting has always been a constant. an app called ca. lex is sparking a new interest. we've got about 600,000 users to scam 100 million cards. we first told you about collects last year. >> the app was created by ted mann and his 10 year-old son. they wanted to make it easier to find the value of a car. this is probably something i would have as a gary carter, the app lets you scan a wide range of collectible cards tracked pricing and now buy sell and trade. they are now all the sudden using the app
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to to not just kind of on their clutching the 2 deals, make tyson to everything, obviously. >> i don't think it's going anywhere because sports so big in this country. sharon chong is a high profile collector that specializes in autographed rookie cards. i buying a card watching kids play and you know, it's kind of like watching stocks go up and down for the cards that we have entered into this in 29% 95% accuracy. a classic hobby. now blending the best of physical and digital. there are a huge number of people out there that own cards that just don't know what they're worth. and we're helping those people figure that out. and in the process get back into the half. >> the average user scans about 200 cards collects tells me they've seen about 50 million dollars worth of buying and selling activity through the app in the past 6 months. if you want a link to download it, just go to my website. it is rich on tech dot tv. i'm rich demuro and you are tech smart.
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>> still ahead on the kron 4 morning news drug price hikes are coming in january. the major pharmaceutical companies joining in. and don't forget to join us tonight for the bay area's only live in local new year's show. proper is grant lotus and just in waltman are going to be hosting and you don't want to. this is spectacular. fireworks across the bay as well. it all starts at 9 o'clock tonight on kron 4.
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some migraine attacks catch you off guard. but for me a stressful day can trigger migraine attacks, too. that's why my go-to is nurtec odt. it's the only migraine medication that can treat and prevent my attacks all in one. don't take if allergic to nurtec. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. now, i'm in control. with nurtec odt, i can treat a migraine attack and prevent one. talk to your doctor about nurtec today.
9:24 am
you'll never guess what we're doing to the baconator. —we're putting it... —a pretzel bun!!?? on the baconator. kathryn, you seeing this? poster's everywhere. what? the baconator you love with a new pretzel twist. choose wisely. choose wendy's new pretzel baconator.
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>> well, if you haven't seen them yet, take a look at bart's, new fare gates. these are located at the west oakland station. bart says this new design should prevent people from popping over the and avoiding paying the fare it's hopes to improve access for riders who have bikes and strollers with him as well. this plan or rather the plan is to replace all fare gates to look like this by the end of 2025. today, barr offers extended service for new year's eve trains run until 01:00am on monday. bart runs on a sunday schedule. many trains run every 20 minutes until midnight. a longtime fremont restaurant is no longer closing after support from the community and the mayor dino's family restaurant is calling the closure off some good news there. the restaurant describes the menu as down-home country cooking dinos has been in business for more than 46 years. looks like they'll make. it 50 with state farm insurance is expected to raise rates in california next year. the state department
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state department of insurance rather gave state farm the green light to raise homeowner rates by 20% starting march. 15th state farm says the rate changes are driven by increased cost and risk. and healthcare research firm says hundreds of drugs could see price hikes in the new year. the spike comes as big pharma companies prepare for the biden administration to push back on higher manufacturing costs. major companies raising prices include pfizer and to keita. meanwhile, other companies like glaxosmithkline are cutting costs on drugs like insulin to avoid penalties stemming from the 2021 american rescue plan act. well, still ahead on the kron 4 morning news. we're tracking a new trend. why more people are choosing to leave california.
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king c. gillette is an award winning lineup men's health best beard trimmer for beginners among men's journal's best beard shampoos and washes and gq's best beard conditioners for soft no-itch, facial hair. your beard is our trade these are your tools king c. gillette honey... honey... nyquil severe honey. powerful cold and flu relief with a dreamy honey taste. nyquil honey, the nighttime, sniffing, sneezing, couging, aching, fever, honey-licious, best sleep with a cold, medicine.
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>> now on the kron 4 morning news. a civil rights advocate is accused of threatening a small business owner over a music video criticize a san francisco mayor. london breed. and the new changes coming to california health insurance next year. >> all right. welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news. let's get you started this half hour with a look at your forecast with brittany begley. know brittany, we expect some nice weather for those fireworks tonight? you yes and no. it's going to be chilly. i
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think it's better than yesterday. so i yes. with contacts. alright, think we all want like sunshine like warm weather, but it is a december january. >> let's talk about you need to know to let you decide for yourself. a live look again outside. you're going to see some gray skies. you can kind of see it behind me to some foggy conditions. we actually had the opportunity for us. right now all the way to the 5 - o'clock hour as a outside the east bay, you can see those cloudy conditions. you can see the gray skies setting up the tone radar just showing you right off the coast to the west of us and even to the east of us near the sacramento area. we have just some 2 bands of really just bringing us since we're in the middle of some scattered showers. some moisture in the air that you're seeing those gray skies but when everything is said and done around the 5 o'clock hour, we're going to see less rain except for concord. r o- you're right. there. but overall, just setting the tone that we're going to see a sprinkle or 2 throughout the day. and with those 2 systems bringing us a foggy gray
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conditions. so those temperatures are going to be chillier compared to yesterday. so a little drier than yesterday, but chillier. we'll go with that. you can see just right with a glance at those numbers are below yesterday. san francisco, 50 oakland, 51 san jose. 51 livermore. 47 concord, 49 santa rosa. 50 n half moon bay. we're sitting at 52. struggled to get to the 60's just because of those cloudy conditions. if you're headed to the sierra i checked, we don't need chance on 50 or 80, but we do have chance for maybe a little light snow, light snow. i should say a sprinkle or 2. nothing dramatic like we had the past couple of days in the higher elevations. you can see those temperatures monday, tuesday and wednesday. we're going to be at least monday and tuesday and the upper 40's a chance of showers on wednesday for us and for the mountains. we'll break that down a little bit later for you, stephanie. alright, brittany, thank you. >> francisco a civil rights leaders accused of threatening a small business owner over a music video criticizing mayor
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london breed. and did she do yang a restaurant owner and rapper claims reverend amos brown, the president of the san francisco naacp made threats against his business and family in a post on instagram saturday yang along with the organization, asian justice movement claim that the reverend came to yang's business demanding he apologize for rap video blaming mayor breed for rise in crime yang issued an apology for that music video earlier this week, but said that he felt forced to do so yang and aj ma jun justice movement. they issued a statement saturday specifically calling out reverend brown writing in part, quote, we are concerned with the actions by reverend brbwn purporting to represent the naacp, which actions have had the impacts of pitting the asian and black communities against one another. we are stronger when we stand together. in the group are now in turn demanding an apology from the reverent. we spoke with the reverend last night.
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he says he denies all the allegations and says yang should have told him he was feeling threatened. if that was the case. starting january first, california becomes the first state to offer health insurance to all undocumented adults. that means medical coverage for the 700,000 undocumented people in our state between the ages of 26 49. the expansion is projected to cost 2.6 billion dollars annually. california's population has declined for a 3rd straight year. but for the first time in 2023, the state saw a net decline of high income residents and it's the top one percent of those people replay. 45 1% of the income tax. the census found the golden state saw a net loss of 750,000 residents to other states over the last 3 years. >> i have a million to 2 million dollars sitting in there. i r a and they're saying when i retired, i start pulling out i or any out i'm going to be paying 13% state income tax. so i don't want to do that. so they're heading
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out because of that reason. >> many people are moving to states like arizona, texas, florida, tennessee and nevada. people in california could say thousands of dollars off their state income tax in other states. the national debt is pushing towards a new high. 35 trillion dollars that works out to almost $100,000 for every man, woman and child in the nation about 6 months ago. congressional republicans reached a deal with president biden to raise the national debt limit. lawmakers from both sides of the aisle agree the dead is excessive but have not come to an agreement on what to do. and we're now just a few days away until the iowa caucuses when republican voters make their pick for the party's nominee would be. dean reports from cedar rapids. >> former ambassador nikki haley aiming to score points with iowa saturday. today's visit comes as he leases to knock off former president trump. he's still leads the rest of the field by more than 30 points in iowa as well as governor desantis who said
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this week, playing for number 2 in the white house, not iowa. she supposedly the darling of the never trumpers. >> and yet she won't say definitively that she would not under any circumstances accept the vp slot from trump. the trump campaign not wasting anytime to distance the former president from sending out this e-mail yesterday. >> criticizing tax increases under haley saying her shameful record as governor has now been exposed and voters are witnessing who she really is. the former president will be back in iowa next week as he continues to fight legal battles. his opponents making clear this week they would pardon him if he was convicted. >> i would pardon trump. a leader needs to think about what's in the best interest of the country. what's in the best interest of the country is not to have an 80 year-old man sitting in jail. that continues to divide our country. what's in the best interest of the country would be to pardon him so that we can move on as a country and no longer talk about would you.
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>> i've said i've said that months >> we're looking back at the big stories from 2023 and for much of the year, politics was front and center news nation's kelli meyer takes a look back. >> in order to make america great glorious again. i am tonight announcing my candidacy for president. >> the fight for 2024. that's why i'm running for re-election with less than a year to go until the general election 2024 hopefuls spent the year on the campaign trail locking in on iowa and new hampshire as the decisive caucuses near tuesday, january 23rd. we're going to win the new hampshire primary and then we're going >> price crooked joe biden next november. if former president donald trump expressing confidence but hot on his heels are republican contenders also vying for the nomination? gop hopeful
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speaking directly to voters during a news nation town hall. one of the things i've realized since i left office is that i'm i'm well known, but i'm not known well, tackling the tough questions. is your faith? >> fair game in this election. you know what? i would be very honest. everything is fair game to ask about in this election semi. really just yes, i am of him, too. >> i'm not christian and we are a nation founded on judeo-christian values. but here's what i can say with confidence. i share those same values and a political scion now running as an independent, hoping to impact the dynamics of the race. i'm running because i feel like my party has lost its way. >> that the high on represent my father where have >> neglected. let's say all leading to a showdown at news nation's gop debate. it is make or break time for the
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candidates on this stage right now. addressing kitchen table issues. i don't think men should be going in the little girls bathrooms. i think it's wrong. >> all of this 7 or 8 million illegals that have come under biden's watch. >> absolutely. have to go back. we have to stop the incentive of what's bringing them over here in the first afraid to offend donald trump. >> what are you going to sit across from president xi? you sit across from the ayatollah. you sit across from putin. you have to be willing to offend with the truth. and news nation's kris tire walt going face to face with voters in iowa to get a pulse of the people. and this is my 5th cycle. >> coming to iowa. >> and i've never seen anything like it in either party. they know what they're going to get with trump. iowans, least the ones i know republicans stop they support there are and yeah, they want to see they want to go through
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the process, their fear and want to go through the process. just in case, you know, trump doesn't get through all legal things. >> warriors took on the mavericks last night. 4 sports reporter aaron wilson breaks down what happened. well, the warriors, they hosted the dallas mavericks last night. no kyree a day to day lucas. so that was somewhat questionable. but who did play? >> cp 2. he was welcome back to the action. finally in the worry is they had a chance to add one to the winning column as they were trying to get above 500 or at least push towards that mark. but the mavericks would not make that easy on the nation. still coming to try cp 3 all out there starting with the splash scoreless, cp, 3 and t j b with a little pick and roll action in the lob to get chasing on their feet early 5 to go now in the first 4 years down by 8 klay thompson drives and draws the defense league is wide open out there on 3 and he gets the 3.14, weeks on the night. 2nd quarter. now, cp 3 with 3 of his from the top of the key. the point
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guard had 24 on the night, the warriors, they trailed by 3, but luka was trouble all night last night t j b had local container. so it's and look at his the midrange. he hits it with no problem gets the foul. he does it through the contact. what's up with this guy? and then local is far from done because local right here. see the opportunity to get derrick lively, a shot. he gets in the bucket. easy. 39.10 assist for luke on the night. 3rd quarter now where the warriors are trailing by 13 address green drive extends the lead with 2 more 80 for him on the night last night in the warriors, they tried going back 3 to go in the ports get a look at the work right praise and separation. get 3 to fall. he has 25 on the night. but the memories they win this one final score. one. 32 to one. 22 in after the game head coach steve kerr. of course he wasn't happy. he said it all came down to not being on the same page. take a listen. we're we're not competing through the tough parts of the game in. >> there is an intangible. there's a feeling there's a
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vibe where you fight where everybody's energy is right and when we don't have that right now. >> don't have it right now. tell you what, it's early enough that they should find it. but they get fined if they want to do with it 8, paso got to wait to see what they do. but outside the back to you at the all right, aaron, thank you. and still ahead here on the kron, 4 morning news, the latest effort from a local pet rescue to help animals in need. >> and we can do it. stack scattered showers. happening now, foggy conditions and maybe some snow in the sierra. a lot to break down. but some good news for tomorrow. we'll talk about coming up after the talk about coming up after the break.
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nurtec is the only medication that can treat and prevent my migraine attacks, all in one. don't take if allergic to nurtec. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. talk to your doctor about nurtec today. you'll never guess what we're doing to the baconator.
9:43 am
—we're putting it... —a pretzel bun!!?? on the baconator. kathryn, you seeing this? poster's everywhere. what? the baconator you love with a new pretzel twist. choose wisely. choose wendy's new pretzel baconator.
9:44 am
>> welcome back. taking a live look now in the bay bridge camera that we've got here. lots of people on the early start on their niche year's plans been to beat that weather. yeah, we are watching a couple things in the weather center as we take a look at sfo. you can see a lot of people traveling 15 million californians. >> are actually traveling, according to triple a in the sky on the roadways this holiday season. so that's why republic sing the extra traffic. what we are watching and what we will watch for the rest of the day is really going to be a storm tracker 4. we have a system off the coast. so weak system and same store in the sacramento area. that's going to bring us some moisture and some light rain maybe around the 9 o'clock right now to the 5 o'clock hour thing is when we're really going to see that and future cast showing you at noon. really that system coming off the coast making its way into the san francisco area around 4.30. it's going
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to really start to build in los angeles. even a little snow for the southern california and make that way up to us with that rain. i think around the 5 o'clock 6 o'clock hour, that's going all clear out those numbers looking less than a 10th of an inch. so just a sprinkle or 2, someone to get wet on your windshield with the exception of concord, your numbers are building inland for but overall, it's going to be wet, not as what is that has been, but i just want to set the tone. take a look at another issue is going to just be those foggy conditions are going to notice that we've been showing you some camera santa rosa. that's the same story for we're going to clear out around the 12 o'clock hour. but those cloudy conditions are going to pick up again around 5 o'clock all the way to 11. so i don't think it's going problem in terms of your fireworks. but we are going to see some cloudy conditions. those temperatures are gorng to be colder than yesterday as you step out, you're going to feel around the region and for region. we're going to stay right in the upper 50's with the exception of san jose at 61 santa rosa. 59 san francisco. 57 livermore. 58
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antioch, 57. so again, those temperatures holding steady at the upper 50's but inland. you're going to see those wind gusts of 30 to 17 miles per hour. so that delta breeze is going make it feel even cooler than what it actually is. so it's actually colder and land and the breeze is going make anyone feel double colder. so again, dress in layers, everybody. it's going to be colder today than yesterday basically a long-winded way of saying that upper 40's for our lows is going to be dry tomorrow. that's a good new, stephanie. but more rain on our way next week. >> all right. we'll have the umbrellas ready to thank you, brittany. in today's flying tails, kron four's ken wayne introduces us to the bay area rescue saving the lives of special needs animals. >> we're off to a familiar place on another rescue run. fresno. this time i'm the copilot as longtime animal rescue volunteer, kim purcell handles controls, intervene, tailbone >> on the ground, there is a buzz of activity we run into
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dance of pilot is loading up 8 boxer pit mixes in a chihuahua pug mix in to assess, notify them to new homes in the reno area. for us, we're picking up 11 crates of cats to head back to the bay area. there are simply too many animals here for the shelters. and if we don't get them, they'll be put down. this is where we meet one special little kitten with birth defects that left to pause to form more on her in a moment. given i are back in the bonanza heading to nap and drop off most of the margot from whiskers tails and farrell's. meet us at the napa airport to take the cats to her shelter again. without people like margot, these cats would likely have been euthanized. >> short flight over sonoma mountain and we're in petaluma the kitten with the polish jews is going to its new home at snap cat in santa rosa. snap stands for special needs are precious. >> shelters, rescues, everybody because the special needs of the last ones usually to get adopted. so shelters who are always full look at
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what they have and the special needs always want to to be euthanized. darryl roberts founded snapchat's in 2013 to save the cats. no one else >> here you'll find dozens of cats with a host of ailments, twisted or missing limbs, blind deaf diabetic at first glance, it might seem to be a depressing place, but there'll says the cats don't seem to be bothered. one of the things people don't understand is animals cannot rationalize. so the countless 7 other cat and say why do i have 3 they have 4. >> they are who they are. they don't feel sorry for themselves. so we should feel sorry for them. that's one of the things i try to stress when we have new volunteers come in, people, the public come they adapt very quickly. that's why you can have a cat who had a leg amputation and the next day they're just upon all 3, just like they were up for. i think. if we understand that they don't feel sorry for themselves and they don't know
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there are any different than anyone else. and we shouldn't either. >> there are cats from across california and as far away as the middle east snap katz is a one of a kind rescue known around the world. we open the crate to let out our little kitten takes a while before she seems to gather the courage to venture out little kitten that you brought down. we ended up naming sugar. and she's messina right front paw and a little right back paw. >> from what i understand, she was just one run out in, you know, alone she wasn't being cared for. she was probably a stray. the mom probably left or because did they know better than to try to spend their energy on catch that might not survive. >> sugar seems to a fit right in here at snap cat. but unlike some of the others who have been here for years, sugar will probably be gone soon. it's going to happen. sugar sugar is going to real quick. she she's too cute. yeah, it. what a great rescue. >> calfire veteran josh potter has been with the department for 18 years. reporter ryan
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lee carroll met with him to learn more about his career of public service. >> on a rainy day at a cal fire station near solano county. you might be able to find captain josh potter training hand showing them the ropes of putting line in vegetation to help prevent the spread of a wildfire like hide good to but this isn't where captain potter started for that. we have to go back to 1998. in parris island, south carolina, from there. i went to school then to tree and got my sign. same time, threes and a sign that camp pendleton, california potter served 8 years in the marine corps black to get back. yeah. had to be dead. 2 deployments, 3 tours in iraq. 17 countries even learned to new language is arabic and spanish. i change my military service for anything my first year and i was sent or more for a tactics. instructor school.
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>> upon completion and i ended up training 5,000 troops urban warfare about 6 months later, i was sent to a >> rescue swimmer school and they sent me to another structure. score became ring. come out. our survival in a tree. 60,000 troops in one year that leadership experience state with potter as he looks for his next steps after the marines, he started volunteering as a firefighter after about a week of training and whatnot. i i asked muchas or way to do this full time and then i got hired as a seasonal firefighter, tony caldeira senator. yes. >> reminded me of. some are combat marines i made a choice that. >> you know, this is what i want to do at the end of the season. captain potter went to butte college and graduated 3rd in his class. he was eventually hired on full-time with cal fire helping others in need they can't help themselves. it translated and into becoming a first responder. those sense of urgency >> experiences that i experienced and marines really
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related to what i've done in the fire service with both of captain potter's grandfather serving in the military being in the marines and now a first responder has come naturally to him adding he always sees the connections between the 2 groups. >> that 9, 1, forced to me is a lot like the required 9, 1, 4, 6, you know, the president or, you know, country's in trouble. they said they sent reason even though protecting life and property is they're consistent goal protecting those that that we do >> there's no greater feeling when when you say people's homes and they come up and they, you know, they say thank you for saving our house. captain potter says one of the things he likes about his cal-fire job is the unpredictability of what to expect. every day's a different network. you never know what you're gonna get. there's a lot of opportunities with our department and i value that. and, you know, take pride and and my job and 18th year of doing this. captain potter now dedicate his time serving others by
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being a firefighter and training. have active vibrant tools but he says even after years out of the marine corps will never forget where he came from. you have family in the military. >> it's everything hits differently you know, it. for those that know they know what that 5 and it stands for a lot. and it's as for everybody. >> and we thank him and others for their service. we'll be right back.
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>> well, after a tough christmas loss, the forty-niners are hoping to
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make a comeback for their new year's eve matchup with the washington commanders property looking to bounce back after that tough-game on christmas day where he had his first career four-interception game pretty spoke about how he hopes to rebound. >> mentally, it was a good experience to understand like you have to play one play that time. you know, even if we're down multiple scores. so the whole 2nd half to play, you have to still think clearly in terms of what we're trying to do with each play, not just try to get back into the game with one or 2 plays, you know, with explosives. it's being smart. those are all things i had to learn. you know, towards the end, i feel like i was searching for those big plays. you get back in the game rather than playing playing the position. and so i'm watching the stuff. but it's good for me. i had to learn it and i'm glad it happened. now. >> a kickoff for today's game is set for 10 o'clock this morning. >> the seven-day, we'll continue to watch that weather
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for us. get a chance of scattered showers. that's going to the story for us. really. we're going continue to watch a dry conditions for money. that's the good news going to be sunny. you can see that will be in the 60's for entire region for the most part tuesday and wednesday. more chances for rain and then thursday, it's going to be mostly sunny. thank you for that. so you can see again. i like good. so again today scattered showers is going to be a possibility from the 9 to 5 window. i thing we're see some slightly cloudy conditions for those fireworks. but good news on monday. we'll start the year off dry, which was yeah, i don't think get we get options for 2024, love >> well, that's it for us here at the cop. a weekend news. thank you so much, brittany. i'm stephanie lin and >> from all of us here at kron 4, thank you so much for joining us. and for tuning in throughout this past little strong, it weakened to work so hard to get the newscast up
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every weekend. so really appreciate you tuning in make sure that you you join us back here next weekend in the new year. in the meantime, happy new year's eve and enjoy the fireworks tonight.
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