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tv   KRON 4 News Weekend  KRON  March 2, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PST

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honey... honey. nyquil severe honey. powerful cold and flu relief with a dreamy honey taste nyquil honey, ks for joining me on today's adventure. from the columbus zoo, i'm jack hanna, hoping you'll come along next time as we go "into the wild." >> now on the kron 4 morning news governor gavin newsom announcing a new plan to fix problems in the city of oakland. the changes coming to tackle climate and clean up the streets. and storm cleanup
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continues across the bay area this morning when the next round of rain is expected. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 7. >> good morning. thank you so much for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. it's good to have you. i'm stephanie lin. it's saturday march the second and you're likely waking up to some wet weather outdoors. let's check in now with dave the morning dave. well, good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. we're being treated to a bay area winter. finally, this is the real feel for what we've got going on. we've got some cold winds at work here. we have some rain that's going to be spotty through the day. but >> it will pounce at times. kind of coming and going throughout the day. can't rule out. a couple of flashes are clashes of lightning in there. >> potentially some hail those snow levels have really dropped, though. so you might start to see some snow collect in our local mountains. here's the shot from a radar you can see in the cloud sector as well. again, it's kind of variable, cloudy variable range story, rain on and off
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throughout the day today. you can expect that with some nice clumps of some heavy rain thrown in there at brief moments. there's a shot of the east bay shoreline. looks like the skies trying to open up a little bit there, but we'll keep it mostly cloudy on balance today. those winds with us until 10 this morning wind advisory not typically everywhere. you see a clear patch around the perimeter of the bay, but certainly can see it inland and along the coast. you're going to feel some of those shelley winds working here on shore. they will be look at them into the 2020's and teens. what we speak, a look at the actual temperatures not going to see much movement there either. we're in the 40's and don't expect to get much beyond mid-fifties. if you're lucky is about the height. 4 of the contrast to 24 hours ago. you can see where some half-dozen degrees behind. one of the interesting things will be for tonight. now with this moisture lingering around, it's going to be the telling of the tale of how cold we get tonight. we may not get as cold if we have too much moisture hanging around here. the brady basic breakdown. keep some showers and rain all day today. temperatures into the 40's. but again, some
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spots looking to make it into the 50's in a bit. we'll talk about a little bit what you can expect for tomorrow and into next week to stephanie. >> all right, dave, thank you. storm cleanup continues this morning across the bay area. but as david just mentioned, more rain is on the way trump was tiffany justice. continuing our team coverage for us this morning. she's live in way. high surf advisory is still in effect. tiffany, how are things looking out there? >> great things are pretty calm right now here. pacifica driving over from the city earlier this morning around 5 o'clock. we did drive through some showers. some rain right now because of the good. calm right now. but we are expecting some more rain today. the national weather service as the showers will continue throughout the day today and that high surf advisory is still in place now will continue to be in place until later this afternoon. so more rain to come while the cleanup process continues from last night's storm, rain and
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wind wrecking havoc across the bay area. take a look at 4 people were injured when a tree fell onto a car in san francisco just before 6 o'clock last evening. it came down at lagoon in golden gate avenues in the city's fillmore district. firefighters say all 4 people injured were taken to the hospital. thankfully, the injuries were not life-threatening. in the meantime, crews in the east bay had a clear way, a fallen tree in danville. this was just off a 6.80, on sycamore valley road between brookside and morning home dries eastbound lanes of sycamore valley road or temporary close while crews broke down that tree and cleared the way that brain and near saratoga, there's another mudslide on highway 9 last night. the mud came sliding down between sanborn road redwood goals that stretch of highway 9 still remains closed at this moment. caltrans says the road will remain closed until bree is removed from that roadway. however, officials to caltrans
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says that they're unsdre when that debris will be removed, taking into consideration the upcoming storms that >> are expecting in consideration that more debris could fall onto the highway. so they're unsure on one highway. 9 will reopen at this moment reporting live in city. got to just as back to you. all right, tiffany, stay safe out there. thank you. >> and windy weather. not a deal for these girls trying to sell their girl scout cookies. as you can see there, we found emma and julia now in downtown campbell last night. they say they had to get a little creative to keep other merchandise drive. >> and the cause, if it starts girl scout cookies what they get french. we want to the we put them in the bag so they wouldn't get wet. and then we also have them in the boxes over here lack it. >> well, despite those extra
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effort, sales were unfortunately still slow. the girls say that they only sold about 30 boxes on friday. not probably not too many people out given the wet weather either, but t give them some props for getting creative and you can stay up-to-date with the latest weather updates online by scanning this qr code on your screen. it will take you to our page kron 4 dot com where you can keep up with road closures. the current conditions in your area, 7 day forecast and more. east bay governor gavin newsom announcing a 10 point plan to help the city of oakland. he says it outlines a strategy targeting street safety and beautification, including installing security cameras and increasing litter reduction and beautification projects. the plan also includes holding local hiring events and efforts to address homeless encampments councilmember dan kalb says that these are not new ideas, adding that some of been in place for years now. but he that if the state can help bolster existing efforts, then he's all for it.
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>> the help we can get from the state that you know, the open is not an island and we've always as many as most cities have you always have interaction within some reliance on federal and state assistance to do different things. that's nothing unusual. and we just a little more assistance than we normally would otherwise here. the state is stepping up to kind step up, the things they've already been doing and to add new things into that. and that's that's a good plant. >> mayor sheng thao, thank the governor for his continued support of oakland. the state also investing resources to fight crime in the city including newsom's recent deployment of 120 chp officers too. the city newsom's office says that a recent operation led to the arrest of 71 suspects in the recovery of more than 100 stolen cars. another big story we're following today. you can see you could soon see more women. driverless taxis traveling on the peninsula. state regulators approve the
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company's expansion despite some pushback from local leaders for is dan thorn reports. >> waymo gets its wish to expand operations outside of san francisco. the california public utilities commission joining the dmv friday in allowing the driverless robotaxi service to move on to the peninsula. we've seen the circus of what's happened in san francisco. what i'm afraid of >> is that they're going to bring the circus. to san mateo county. >> san mateo county supervisor david can has been protesting the expansion. he says waymo has not communicated enough with the communities. they will be operating in. he's also worried about the safety of the driverless tech. i'm not against the technology. i just don't think not only is ready. >> for primetime, san jose state senator dave cortez. he has introduced a bill allowing cities and counties to have more control over autonomous vehicles. he says there should be a hybrid approach between the state and local governments. motor vehicles in california always been co
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regulated, but governments to sue sets up or speed limit? so its use sub-sea pros to schools. >> and that's who decides whether or not we have one-way streets two-way streets. senator court as he echoed kind of his concerns about safety. >> he says waymo might be celebrating now, but this expansion could be a disaster. sadly. >> it's just a matter of time before we see more tragedy, lives are at stake, especially with these vehicles. >> and that was kron four's. dan thorn reporting for us this morning. despite the expansion into san mateo county, waymo cars will not be allowed at sfo. that requires a special permit and approval from the airport. >> francisco mayor london breed says the city is seeing fewer people even living on the streets. >> a new report by the city shows encampment at numbers fell 37% in the last quarter. the number of cars being lived in dropped 42%. the mayor says encampment teams help place
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1500 people into shelters last year and got 3,000 people off the streets last week. a lawsuit against san francisco over homeless sweeps was put on hold. in berkeley. the american jewish committee is calling for a criminal investigation into a pro-palestine demonstration on monday. the protest happened against an event organized by jewish students laubach playhouse forcing police to evacuate attendees and a speaker from israel. 200 demonstrators broke through the doors of that venue agency sending a letter to da pamela price, arguing monday's demonstration was not a normal one. on friday, we spoke with the chief legal officer of the committee. >> is why was this allowed to happen and that that requires some explanation from university, which is not to say they're guilty of anything, but it requires an independent investigation. >> in a statement, uc berkeley is vice chancellor says there have been dozens of protests. panel seminars and until
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monday, not a single one had ever been disrupted in this way. we are already talking about what we need to do to change. so this never happens again. that's statement there. and students at mount view high school. using their school of censorship. journalism students filed a lawsuit thursday after schools after the school's principal removed a story about an alleged assault case against a teacher and fired the school's journalism advisor. the story has been published by the student run newspaper. oracle, the lawsuit is asking for the right to publish the story of for their advisor to be reinstated. the district and principal have 30 days to respond to the lawsuit. the san francisco unified school district is getting a new payroll system. this comes after complaints from district workers claiming the district failed to get them accurate paychecks for nearly 2 years. district officials say the new system is the most used in the state and plan to present a contract to the board of education later this month for approval. the new system is
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expected to go into place by july 2025. coming up on the kron. 4 morning news in lee faces pressure from the city for the trash outside the biz. >> or rather faces pressure from the city. and the cdc also announces new protocols for covid. plus a major snowstorm in the sierra making travel extremely dangerous. we take up the latest that's happening up in the sierra. we're also keeping an eye on the weather taking a live look at stormtracker 4 radar. more rain expected over the next few days. we have a complete look at your forecast. dave spahr.
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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when you smell the amazing scent of gain flings... time stops. (♪♪) and you realize you're in love... steve? with a laundry detergent. (♪♪) gain flings. seriously good scent.
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>> happening right now, we're tracking dangerous winter conditions in the sierra where a blizzard warning is in effect. i-80 is closed in both directions there. and this is a live look now at 80 near donner lake. you can see near complete whiteout conditions there. westbound traffic is being turned around at the nevada state line. eastbound traffic is being turned around a drug for bay in placer county. hope was to still has more on the impacts of this major storm. >> from whiteout conditions to wind speeds clocking in past 150 miles an this storm is packing a punch. it promised >> we sent over 50 fire engines and a couple 100 individuals to various locations. we've also sent swift water rescue teams for some of the areas that might see downstream impacts was chris darden, a spokesperson with the california office of emergency services doubling down >> encouraging californians to play it safe and stay home as this weekend is expected to bring even worse weather. >> like we said, these are
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extremely dangerous conditions. whiteout conditions, 10 plus feet of snow in some areas. these are not conditions that are passable by your average individual. so hunker down. if you're if you're in the snowy areas, if you're not a just cancel or postpone your plans, do not try to travel in these really dangerous conditions. take a look at this on i-80 in nevada county stretching over the donner summit. slow going. >> as trucks got stuck and caltrans crews stepped in to i mean, yeah, you can see the wind. it is absolutely insane right in the camera's shaking, much tripods fallen it is pretty crazy out here. >> and palisades tahoe, the resort slammed with snow, forcing operations to shut down friday to 145 mile per hour. wind gusts at a the record is 199 miles per hour, but we could potentially beat that but it is really blustery up don't really recommend coming up here at all.
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>> leahy says that for the rest of the weekend, it will be a wait and see as the conditions are predicted to get even worse before getting any better. theresa kron, 4 news. >> and taking a live look now at mount tam, a beautiful shot of the bay at hour of the day. 7.16, this morning. uc san francisco on the right hand side of your screen and looking very dreamy there a day. but he think. all right. good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. we're actually being printed finally to some real type winter weather. i know it's very ironic as we walk and they meet a logical spring. >> which happened on friday. but this is more the kind of weather we get. we comes from the gulf of alaska. it's cold. it's lovering. it comes a lot of times with all those winds. it's delivering. in fact, we've got the warning going on up there around tahoe. this until 10 tomorrow morning. here's a look at the general forecast and no surprise on this snow. snow snow going right on into through tuesday. keeping those temps cold at 26 for a high tomorrow. 34 for
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monday and on tuesday about 38 or so. so gradual moderation here. but going to be quite cold with all of this. now, the storms we've been used to have been very juicy, but they've come from the lower latitudes much this season. so even though technically this is less moisture, it's colder. so therefore it's being park and it's being driven by some heavy winds that's causing all these blizzard conditions that just 70 now normally can see the peaks out there to the distance. but you can't with this nasty weather going on here. you can see the snow banks at work. the moisture train keeps coming general direction from west to east. quite active on the board is going to stay that way. little breaks of sun try to come out here a little bit sfo. the sun was trying to poke out just a little bit here last few hours. thunder showers possible from central coast. central valley due north. it looks like encompassing the entire pacific coast from that point as well. so with that, there's a chance of here in the rumbling and bumbling of thunder going on because the snow levels are very low and we have some instability.
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those the 2 factors that drive it for us now, those snow levels will drop to about 2000 feet or so sore local mountains could be treated to some of this. question is, will it stick is the issue to watch this play into motion here today. you can see the breaks happen and then the lines of war, commitment of rain fill back in again. that happens all the way through tonight becomes a little drier of by the time we get to sunday morning. but we still have the same type of pattern breaks. then here comes the line of rain, showers breaks and on and off, drying out a little bit in the afternoon, though, but i'm not a whole lot of looks like on sunday that we walk into monday with more unsettled weather is actually a couple more ways to play out until middle of the week. here are those winds. how talk about a wind advisory with us for much of the day until 10:00am rather and then into sunday evening. it's still with us. a good stiff onshore wind. keeping those winds in the teens and 20's as well. this another way by monday with another system dropping south. what drives some of those winds as well, not as long lasting. looks
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like that secondary way. so here's a for you. getting cloudy again. rain on and off. cool. 50's prevail everywhere. cool breeze. coupled with that tomorrow breaks of sun spotty showers working on there. it's not going to be as heavy with that rain that comes and goes still couple of flashes of lightning, perhaps maybe some hail thrown in there the next week. we've got unsettled early part of the week. the big shoe to fall looks like on tuesday. we get to wednesday. onward. we start to dry out a little bit and maybe some mild weather by the time we get to friday. so today basically mostly cloudy. 53 will keep it rain on and off. 53 san francisco, also san jose coming in at 56. yeah, this the best we're going to muster for high temperatures. 50's on the board. so finally, a cold winter storm system here at the very end of the season. all right. keep winter gear out and ready. this we must do. okay. thanks a >> the cdc is changing isolation recommendations for people who test covid positive kron four's. dan kerman spoke with medical experts on what this means.
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>> for the last several years, testing positive for covid-19 men staying out of the officers school. now, that's not necessarily required the centers for disease control says those who test positive for covid-19 no longer have to isolate for 5 days. they say if you test positive, but your symptoms are mild in improving and you're fever-free for 24 hours. you can return to work or school, but some things are changing and what's not changing is that. >> regardless of when you're positive, you need to continue to wear masks unless you can demonstrate you have a negative test that 10 day period is up. >> ucsf, infectious disease specialist doctor peter chin-hong says the cdc's new guidance puts the rest of the aountry in line with changes. california made at the beginning of the year. but the cdc's new covid isolation protocols also mean there's a greater risk. people could become exposed if you're a higher risk for. >> getting covid every a complication from it. the
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responsibility use that you have move were questions the correction were before because you you people around you, careful. >> uc berkeley, infectious disease specialist doctor john swartzberg says those 65 and older or immunocompromised should consider masking in crowded indoor settings and should definitely make sure they're up to date on the vaccine. >> side and that only 40% of those who are older than 65 have gotten the formulation of the covid, the vaccine. and i think we need to do better. >> also this week, the cdc announced those 65 and older should get a second dose of the updated covid vaccine 4 to 6 months after the first one. experts say this makes sense build high-risk group. >> take advantage of the fact that we got this vaccine for you. been at least us perfectly 6 to have 4 words
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since your last updated vaccine. give you protection. >> dan kerman kron, 4 news. >> still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news meet the east bay educator named one of california's teachers of the year. we're also keeping an eye on the wet weather outdoors. taking a live look now at stormtracker 4 radar. you can see the rain coming down over parts of the bay area and even more is expected over the next few days. i have active psoriatic arthritis. but with skyrizi to treat my skin and joints, i'm feeling this moment. along with clearer skin skyrizi helps me move with less joint pain,
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stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. and is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. there's nothing like clearer skin and better movement-and that means everything! ask your doctor about skyrizi today. learn how abbvie could help you save. here's your biggie bag. all that food for 5 bucks. -that's my go to. -oooh - that's my ride or die. hah.... just like you and me.... (singing) ♪ bag boys ♪ ♪ bag boys, whatcha gonna do ♪ don't... -♪ whatcha gonna do ♪ -don't... -♪ when we bring your food ♪ - it... go biggie and get all this with the jbc for just 5 bucks.
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county animal services is asking the community for help
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with fostering or adopting dogs. >> officials say kennels are full capacity sheltering 180 dogs including 46 puppies. right now we spoke with the shelter director on ways you can help. >> we're asking the community to to come out help us to move these animals new homes and give them a break from the would really help us out to the lower our population and be able to say even work with more animals. as we move through the day. >> shelter officials add they are also caring for 30 animals tied to a recent cruelty case. the shelter says it will provide food dog beds and vet care for one interested in fostering a pet. and when interested can get in touch with sonoma county animal shelter, lots of animals, life. a bay area teacher is one of 5 educators named california, a teacher of the year. just a valrico teaches engineering and oversees the robotics program that congress ignacio valley high school. he also runs the school's college and career access pathway of
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rico, majored in biology and taught in his native philippines before coming to the u.s. in 2003 ignacio valley principal jonathan pike said the school is proud about very co not only for his teaching before his connection to the community. congratulations. cvs and walgreens. start selling the abortion pill. mifepristone this month, the fda issued guidelines for dispensing the drug last year with james plan to make the medication available in stores in several states starting this month, including some locations here in california. cvs and walgreens say they will gradually expand to all states where abortion is legal. in a statement friday, president biden called the move a, quote, important milestone in ensuring access to the drug. still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news, a bay area county issues, a public health advisory after seeing an advisory after seeing an increase in overdose deaths.
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>> now on the kron 4 morning news. the search for oakland's new police chief takes a big step forward. the latest from mayor shane towns office. and chances are you're waking up to some rain falling outside of your window. the bay area seeing some showers this morning and more is on the way. good morning. welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news. thank you for joining us. let's get you started this half hour with a look at your forecast with dave sphar day their day. a good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. and rain, the word for today. it looks like a little bit lingering into tomorrow as well. but when both cases were sharing the skies a little bit with some sun trying to come out.
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>> just a touch a little bit here. it's not going to do anything except in the atmosphere, a little energy, maybe for a couple strikes of lightning. maybe or even perhaps tumbling of some hail going on. what we have going on right now. here's a live shot of radar. as we discussed. we're getting a little break in the rain except in the east bay. there can see a line there. but for san francisco up to moran, looks like it's quiet until the next line moves through. basically a west to east pattern sfo. yeah, it's nice to see the sun and all but don't have that for. you are looking at delays cooking around 2 hours or so in coming, particularly so that may cause some issues later weather decides to do, by the - way, we do have that wind advisory covered the winds part of the program until 10 this morning. it is selective, however, not covering area surrounding the immediate bay, but it's those inland valleys in the east bay and along the coast. temperatures quite chilly where our 40's all over the board not going to move much. be on that by comparison. were half-a-dozen degrees behind all of this. so, you know, it's all chilly and cold at all this moisture
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that's in place actually keeps temperatures up just a bit overnight. that may change, particularly on sunday night as we start to dry out a little bit. all right. as we see today, 48 by 11 o'clock it to maybe 50 or so, but basically cloudy to mostly cloudy showers and rain in the forecast a bit less so that looks like for tomorrow total. look at that forecast. and when we finally shake this off next week, stephanie. all right, dave, thank you. the wet weather drenched parts of the bay area on friday. >> kron four's amanda hari continues. our team coverage from the east bay. >> rain hitting the east bay hard friday night. in danville, a tree fell across the eastbound lanes of sycamore valley road between brookside and morning home. >> temporarily shutting down the street north of danville in concord. people were trying to escape the rain and traffic at the veranda shopping center as she came fairfield and i came from and when i was
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coming, i had to go like 30 on the freeway because it was just crazy. and then the way you can stand your lanes. everybody's like swerving all over jennifer plumber and brittany brewer were eating dinner at yard house dave car shopping. >> in the rain, we want to make sure it handles well. >> it breaks well and everything checks driving more cautious because of the rain. i get on a groom. stephanie sand says her weekend plans changed because of the dreary forecast. we when indoor climbing, they close taco and want to go snowboarding, but he decided not to because they closed today because there's too much snow out there. yeah. so he was where they were worried about safety and avalanches. what not so. >> that's pretty crazy. she says she'll spend the rest of the wet weekend checking in on her yard and garden to make sure the weather isn't causing damage. the last storm that we had a bit ago, really not a lot of trees over destroyed a lot of staff.
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>> we have a lot of terrible when you're already. so it's kind of been a rough when that happens. you know, i got to go double check everything. >> i would have had a greenhouse just blowing on me. >> in concord, amanda hari kron, 4 news. >> and the search for a new police chief in oakland takes another step forward. the police commission officially submitting a list of finalists to the mayor for her consideration. these are same 4 candidates invited to take part in thursday night's community forum. one of them is former san leandro police chief abdul pridgen mayor sheng thao now expected to review of the choices and conductor own interviews she can then green light. one of the candidates or reject them all. oakland has been without a permanent chief for more than a year after mayor thao fired the wrong armstrong from the job. police and other to now investigating 7 separate home burglaries. all happening in the span of 2 weeks. the latest incident happening thursday on tuscaloosa avenue and adam way this past tuesday, 2 homes were targeted
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on oak grove avenue and and signal avenue. police have not said what was stolen. but this does come as 3 separate burglaries reported earlier in february. police want to remind residents to lock up their homes every time that they leave. even if you're playing to just step out for a few moments. a 4th suspect been charged with murder in the killing of oakland police officer twang lay. the officer was shot and killed late december while responding to a burglary near jack london square. so brian russell now facing murder charges along with mark sanders, marcus cooper and alan brown also was originally charged with 3 counts of burglary and entered a not guilty plea. prosecutors believe that was mark sanders who pulled the trigger killing way. the 4 defendants were are scheduled for a preliminary hearing on monday. and oakland deli's menu was set on fire in the shop. burglarized. this is the same delhi. it faces a nearly $10,000 fine from the city over trash outside of the business. philippe djegal explains.
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>> this point, should they be surprised? racing? good news is at his wits end. we need help. i mean, we're trying to figure it out. you know, we're not we're not security experts. cook food. surveillance pictures show one of 2 suspects rifling through state goal deli in west oakland early friday morning. a business herbers as own for 7 years. >> he says the same man and woman broke in and stole a safe last month. this time broke in. >> by. cutting through the metal security gate, trying the door open. then they cut into the atm. could again, if you know the atm stoll to learn about change box aside to the menu board fire. >> before rolling out, uber says his manager arrived at the business as the menu was in flames. he reported the incident to the police department which did not immediately send officers to
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the scene due to the number of priority calls received in the morning. overall herbers says he has been burglarized so many times. he cannot even count. there's nothing left to steal. >> we've begun taking with us. we forgot to change box last night. we will make that mistake again. this has herbers is pushing back against paying the nearly $10,000 in excess litter fees. the city says he owes. >> the fees imposed on food businesses and the program was adopted in 2006. the city says the money is used to pay for contractors to pick up litter along commercial corridors. >> the city says those workers collect 400,000 pounds of litter each year. >> herbers has not paid those fees dating back to 2021. and with interest and late fees. the total amount due has ballooned. he claims the city neglects his property where people illegally dump their trash and mass amounts on a
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weekly basis. the city says it is willing to work with herbers to reduce the charges and reached out to him. after kron 4 aired his story this week. but herbers says the 2 sides have been playing phone tag and have yet to connect. it's been days. nothing they do care. philippe djegal all kron. 4 news. >> health officials in marin county issued a public health advisory over and increase in overdose deaths. the county has seen 5 suspected overdose deaths related to fentanyl since valentine's day. officials are asking people who choose to use drugs to also carry narcan. san jose council members are proposing a pilot program that will create 1000 new beds for unsheltered people called lifting up of lives. it would provide beds and access to mental health care and substance abuse. it would provide help to those who are suffering from those issues and also offer job training because it would be pretty built. houses and beds would
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save time and money for the county officials say if the project gets green-lit, the council members say it can done in 5 months but cost 1.5 million dollars. republicans in the state legislature are demanding an ethics investigation amid a report suggesting one governor gavin newsom's campaign donors inappropriately benefited from an exemption in the state's new fast-food minimum wage law. allaster newsom signed a law to increase the minimum wage to $20 per hour and most fast food chains in california come april. 1st, exception was made specifically for chains that baked bread and sell it as a stand-alone item. it was understood that exemption included panera bread. well, fast forward to last week, a bloomberg article suggested the exemption was made because newsom's donor and panera bread. franchisee billionaire greg flynn who went to the same high school as newsom expressed concern the new minimum wage would hurt flynn's business, including
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the 24 panera. bread franchises he owns across the state. republicans in the legislature sent attorney general rob bonta this letter demanding an ethics investigation the other day bonta's office confirmed to kron 4 that they got the letter but cannot comment further at this time in response to all of newsom spokesperson issued a statement, quote, the governor never met with flynn about this bill and the stories of served. our legal team is reviewing. it appears mayor is not exempt from the law. as for flynn, he wrote in part, quote, at no time did i ask for an exemption or special consideration? in fact, idea never even occur to me. and i was surprised when the exemption appeared in the final legislation. coming up on the kron 4 morning news, santa clara county officials may have a problem when it comes to their voting center's. find out why the community. >> is speaking out on this issue. and the warriors headed to toronto on a back-to-back after beating the knicks in new york. find out if the dogs can keep the winning going.
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>> and cold rain on and off throughout the day today. some breaks of sun going on there to notice. some of the color is a shun poking out here on the maps a little bit with those higher elevations may be collecting a little snow for the right to. we'll have more on your forecast with kron. 4 morning news.
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>> with just days until primary election day, we're getting a better idea about how voter turnout is shaping out across the state and it's not looking ideal kron four's
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capitol correspondent eytan wallace joins us from sacramento with a closer look at the data. >> well, more than 20 million registered california voters received a ballot in the mail. but as for how many have actually voted, it's not a lot. the ballots are out. but according to political data inc, a voter information service tracking ballot and voter trends of the 22 million ballots sent to registered voters in the mail. >> just 2 and a half million have been returned. that means statewide turnout so far is just 11%. this is low turnout. paul mitchell as the vice president of political data inc. he says when it's all said and done tuesday night based on the data trends he sees. now turnout was slightly improved, but stay relatively low. his expectations come election night, probably a 3rd of voters returned. their ballots may be fewer than that. >> that's probably due to the fact that we just don't have a competitive democratic or republican primary at this point for president. he says trends suggest younger voters are staying home. this election while those 65 and
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older are voting, the electorate is going to return. a ballot is going to be close to 60%. seniors were there about a quarter of the registered voters. what's important is that when turnout drops california doesn't drop equally for all populations. this is a real negative impact on turnout among minorities, younger people renters and really does skew the kind electorate that will decide not only the u.s. senate race but also local contest legislative races, congressional races, ballot measures all across the board. and speaking of the u.s. senate race, a new la times uc berkeley poll shows for the first time republican steve garvey leading what democrat adam schiff just behind within the margin of error in reach. a first the survey shows democrat katie porter and 3rd and democrat barbara lee in for what's become more more striking as election day draws closer is help order in lee. >> to progressive democratic women how much they're herman each other if one or the other of them were to have stepped
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aside, it's almost certain. but the remaining candidates would be competing for first place in the almost certain to go on to the if garvey does make the runoff again shift progressive democrats may look back and see. this is a profound loss opportunity for that. and a reminder you can return your ballot to your local voting center or send it back in the mail must be postmarked. no later. >> the march 5th reporting in tom wallace kron 4 news. >> as voters prepare to cast their ballots east, san jose leaders say their neighborhood is facing a shortage of voting location for tuesday's primary election. santa clara county supervisor cindy chavez, who represents that area, says the main concern is that the san jose has the highest level of people who are transit dependent. she added that constituents who contacted her office had specific areas and at ballot drop boxes and that she connected them directly with the santa clara county registrar of voters. county election workers say it's too late and more voting centers.
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but for the for the primary. but they will account that the back in november. we spoke with mayor matt mahan on the voting coverage plan for the upcoming election on tuesday. i think the important. >> message is that people have many options for voting by saying our county registrar to be very clear about their coverage planning to make sure that we are serving all neighborhoods in our city, all communities and that everyone has equal access to opportunities to vote. >> tomorrow, more than 100 voting centers will open throughout the county vote center hours at 09:00am and for this weekend. and on election day, all locations will be open from 07:00am to 08:00pm. >> and uc berkeley poll and on the race for the california u.s. senate seat shows republican steve garvey. >> in a tie with democratic congressman adam schiff now in a car because 27% of the vote while shift is 25%. the survey also shows democrat katie porter and 3rd and democrat
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barbara lee in 4th place there. >> become more more striking as election day draws closer is help order in lee to progressive. democratic women. how much they're herman each other. if one or the other of them were to have stepped aside. it's almost certain. but the remaining candidates would be competing for first place in the almost certain to go on to the runoff. >> the poll finds that shift would be car be 53% to 38%. but remember that the top 2 advance to the november election. the poll included people who have already voted or considered likely to vote in tuesday's primary. >> and reminder for all employees, local election headquarters, you can join us on election day tuesday, march 5th for live election results from around the bay area. >> coverage starts at 08:00pm. take a live look now at the golden gate bridge or that's not actually the bridge may be a different perspective. fear
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island is that out there day what you the treasure island ok, alright. goodbye. women away. okay. now. >> maybe maybe not. but in any case, 7.48, this morning for you. what should we know about the weather, ok? we have some breaks occurring. i mentioned this earlier, stephanie, and look at the half moon bay. we've got the sun coming out little bit here, although you can basically mostly cloudy skies and upstream. we do have a line of still another dose of rain coming our way. that's going continue all day today here that i was talking about right here. so just getting a break. don't get to adjusted to it. and line drop south and we do a little bit more rain again. now, all this daytime heating will do if it comes out of it is just warm up the lower atmosphere in give us some energy upstairs instability. thank you with a low snow level and that means hail, thunder showers and all that kind of business. so she's going to come back at us again. 40's on the board for right now. that's the temperature check. not much movement in terms of moving up. let's hand it back to
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future cast for see what i'm talking about. lines of rain continue all day for today. so it'll come and go come and go come and go quantitatively. this is not as strong as we've been used to because this stuff's not popping up from the southern latitudes. this is more the typical winter-like pattern coming with winds with it as well. we talked about the blizzard warning going on up around tahoe and the snow levels will continue to come that way. all this weekend. now we see a little bit of a break. try to happen a bit on sunday night. that's worth noting it's going to try to dry out a little bit. and some of the coldest temperatures we will see in the week day forecast will be by monday morning. now the line of rain tries to come in and then tuesday, probably a stronger one. the winds they pretty much are committed on shore. just about all day. they kind of fuss around a little bit from the offshore direction temporarily. little break in there until sunday. we'll get a little pop and then another one into monday. it looks like 2. so the winds themselves will come and go in austin. throughout the day longer range forecast comes out like this. we have this
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traffic to deal with early on to the week. that's the last hit right here. looks this going all the way out to wednesday morning to the funding plays out, drying out through the remainder of the weekend. well, don't take that to the bank that sunday. monday thing we're still working on next weekend's forecast wouldn't necessarily put that in the shore that we're going to get hit like that and your high temperatures today in the lower 50's looks like for highs across the board today. not much of an improvement from where temperatures stand now. this again is more like our winter type weather patterns tend to be some of the warmer mild stuff. look at this longer range forecast, though, very unsettled going on mountain snow. that means in the bay area. we don't flip things around until wednesday and then a nice little. a warm-up days trying to happen into friday as get temperatures into the 60's with all of that as well. so nearly half of the weekend make no mistake about it still going to be very, very much like winter weather in the yeah, it really just look at this graphic behind you them a
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lot but then you can over look over here. you'll see if there's also something something to look forward bring sunshine thanks so much. they would appreciate that. >> all right. so now the various sports, the warriors head to toronto after winning in new york just the night before aaron wilson has the details. >> well, step curry and the warriors running on fumes on friday night in toronto in a second, a back-to-back after playing difficulties. the get them their late 50's still had time for his fans. and guess his family is coming. they're welcoming another baby. it seems that they are welcoming a 4th child. now. no word on the gender. i. >> hoping that it might be a boy dad to the 2 girls. i think there will be cooler riley, ryan and canon. they'll be welcome in a new sibling here sometimes. so now the warriors, though, they looked tired early on with the turnovers and missed shots, the rafters they took advantage. rj barrett drives the lane here no resistance rises up, throws it down. 23 points on the night barrett.
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>> but the warriors they woke up course jk was a big part of that i will have them there from the i look at it we've got to show you that once he's a bucket right moses moody had a nice game as well. starting in place of andrew. we can see at 17 point the miss this shot south with puts it back in that's obviously why everyone loves moses moody as they like to say, steph curry, though he started to connect is live in the 2nd quarter as will bring a 3 right there. that was just one of 7. we'll show you another in the second. well, on the way down, though, play thompson able to get into the action of his own in the corner here, hand in his face, rise up, drops another one from deep to give the warriors their first lead of the game and play here 14 on the night we welcoming becoming a beast. no surprise there. step with the bounce. jk with the rise up and throw down there with the flying another replay for you because jk is just the highlight reel this season. why not? obviously and is some more stiff because does what he does. he drops one from the
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top of the key there. he had. 25 points coming ahead. 24 points. the warriors hit 120 points over the raptors 105. now it was the 8th straight win on the road for the warriors. they have now won 13 of their last 16 matchups. they're on a roll. it's all we have that sense to you at the dentist. >> aaron, thank you. what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress
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and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. of what it an iconic children's author. doctor seuss is 112 birthday doctor. seuss enterprises pledges to give every baby born. today is
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march second, a personalized copy of the cat in the hat. >> expecting parents can visit seuss pledge dot com to claim their baby's first book. the company hopes this will encourage parents to read to their babies and inspire a love for books that last a lifetime. >> still ahead on kron 4 governor gavin newsom has a new plan in oakland to try and clean up the streets. and we continue to keep our eye on the weather in the bay area, seeing some showers this morning with more rain is on the way. we have a complete look at your forecast. coming up. at first, i used better than bouillon for broth. and then stir fry... sauces... even marinades! and with all the varieties... organic... reduced sodium... and now the culinary collection... ... it's like the deliciousness never ends! make everything better with better than bouillon!
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lowe's knows you don't just want a low price... you want the lowe's-est price. did you say lowest, or lowe's-est price? it's basically the same thing. if you find a better price somewhere else, we'll match it. get the lowe's-est price, with our lowest price guarantee. you got this. we got you.
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news governor gavin newsom announcing a new plan to fix problems in the city of oakland. the changes coming to tackle crime and clean up the streets. and storm cleanup continues across the bay area this morning when the next round of rain is expected. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news >> good morning. thank you so much for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm stephanie lin. >> it's saturday march. the second in our top story this morning is the weather. let's take a look at this together. this is a live image from a pg and e camera showing snow on mount diablo. check that it looks pretty chilly out there and you can see all that snow gathering on top of that mountain. they're looking quite gray outside as well. let's get right to dave spahr with a look at the there, dave. hey, good morning, stephanie. good morning, everyone. what we tend to see it every winter, some snow collecting on bay area
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mountains and hills and that is delivering. >> as we see the freeze line go below 2000 feet. so anything the 2000 feet or above its possibility. we'll get some snow up there. don't. how long will stick? but from that shot, it looks like it's trying to at least and it's going to have kind of an all-day event here of this playing out new waves coming in off the pacific. as you can see, we'll see that continue throughout the day today. and as we get some breaks in the clouds that will just give the atmosphere more energy for thunder showers because we get instability with that, too. that's not at home home front there. that's back up to somebody. sorry that slide and they're all right. here's a look at what we also have 2 winds coming in from the onshore direction. cold as they are, although because the topography, we have kind of shielding, it looks like the peninsula bayside and also along the east bay shoreline as well. however, those winds so getting up to the teens and even the 20's will see that all day today. although the expiration comes in a 10, it will be windy in spots throughout the day today, tomorrow and even a little bit monday. they're the 40's on
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the board. don't expect a lot of mercury movement for afternoon highs today. contrast to 24 hours ago were some half-dozen degrees behind. and again, it remains cold above us where the action are at the breakdown today. basically mostly cloudy, but you have seen and we will continue to see some breaks in this in the skies a little bit for some brief sunshine, but high temperatures only in the modest lower 50's and a bit. we'll uake a look at what you can expect into your sunday as well. and then still a little unsettled as we get into early next week. stephanie. all right, dave, thank you. >> storm cleanup continues this morning across the bay area. but as david just mentioned, more rain is on the way. kron four's tiffany justice continues. our live team coverage now. she's on a were a high surf advisory is still in effect. good morning to you, tiffany. >> good morning. 70 s national weather service as well as saying that showers will continue throughout the day here in pacifica along the coast. we're not seeing any showers right now, but it is quite windy. and we also know
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there is a high surf advisory in place right now and that will remain in place until later this afternoon. more rain to come all while the cleanup process continues from last night's storm. rain and wind wrecking havoc across the bay area. so let's take a look at this. 4 people were injured when a tree fell onto a car in san francisco just before 6 o'clock last evening, it came down a lagoon in golden gate avenues in the city's fillmore district. firefighters there say that all 4 people were injured were taken to the hospital. thankfully. >> those injuries were not life-threatening. in the meantime, crews in the east bay had to clear away a fallen tree in danville. this was just off of 6.80, on sycamore valley road, which brookside and morning home drives eastbound lanes of sycamore valley road or temporary close while crews broke down the tree in clear that debris away. and then near saratoga, there was another mudslide on highway 9 last night. the mud came sliding down between sanborn road and redwood gold. that stretch of highway 9 still remains closed at this
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time. caltrans says a road will remain closed until that is removed away from the roadway. but officials go on to say it's unknown when that will happen, taking into consideration upcoming storms and the possibility that more debris could fall on highway there. still keeping an eye on that back to you in studio all right, stephanie, thank you for your live coverage this morning. >> take a look at this. new video sent to us from a kron. 4 viewer. this is in el sobrante showing what appears to be sleet or snow. the viewer who sent this video telling us this is the first time in years they've seen anything like this. >> cold out there. but they can add a little too, a wet and windy weather. for these girl scouts selling their cookies without emma and julia out in downtown campbell last night, they say they had to get a little creative to keep their merchandise dry. >> and the cause, if it starts
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federal scout cookies what they get french. we want to the we put them in the bag so they wouldn't get wet. and then we also have them in the boxes over here and the lack >> well, despite those extra effort sales, unfortunately, we're still pretty slow. the girls say that they have only sold about 30 boxes on >> we'll be tough with the weather, you know, prevents people from heading outdoors. we'll stay up to date with the latest weather updates online by scanning this qr code. it will take you are page kron 4 dot com where you can keep up with road closures. the current conditions in your area and the 7 day forecast. plus much more. in the east bay governor gavin newsom announcing a 10 point plan to help the city of oakland. it was a strategy targeting street safety and beautification, including installing security cameras, increasing litter reduction and beautification projects as well. councilmember dan kalb
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says that these are not new ideas, adding that some of them happening for years now. but he says if the state can help bolster those efforts and he's all for it. >> the help we can get from the state that you know, the open is not an island and we've always as many as most cities have you always have interaction within some reliance on federal and state assistance to do different things. that's nothing unusual. and we just a little more assistance than we normally would otherwise here. the state is stepping up to kind of step up, the things they've already been doing and to add new things into that. and that's that's a good plant. >> mayor sheng thao, thank the governor for his continued support. the state also investing resources to fight crime in oakland, including newsom's recent deployment, 120 chp officers to the city newsom's office says a recent operation led to the arrest of 71 suspects and more 100 stolen cars. another big story
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we're following. you could soon see more waymo. driverless taxis driving on the peninsula. but insula state regulators approved the company's expansion despite pushback from some local leaders. kron four's. dan thorn reports. >> waymo gets its wish to expand operations outside of san francisco. the california public utilities commission joining the dmv friday in allowing the driverless robotaxi service to move on to the peninsula. we've seen the circus of what's happened in san francisco. what i'm afraid of >> is that they're going to bring the circus. to san mateo county. >> san mateo county supervisor david kind has been protesting the expansion. he says waymo has not communicated enough with the communities. they will be operating in. he's also worried about the safety of the driverless tack. and i'm not against the technology. i just don't think not only is ready. >> for primetime, san jose state senator dave cortez. he has introduced a bill allowing cities and counties to have
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more control over autonomous vehicles. he says there should be a hybrid approach between the state and local governments. motor vehicles in california always been cool, regulated, but local governments, those who sets up or speed limit. so its use sub-sea pros to schools. >> that's who decides whether or not we have one-way streets two-way streets. senator court as he echoed kind of his concerns about safety. >> he says waymo might be celebrating now, but this expansion could be a disaster. sadly. >> it's just a matter of time before we see more tragedy, lives are at stake, especially with these vehicles. >> and that was kron four's. dan thorn reporting this morning despite the expansion into san mateo county, waymo cars will not be allowed at sfo. that requires a special permit and airport approval. the american jewish committee is calling for a criminal investigation on uc berkeley following the protest against an israeli speaker on monday night. of gayle ong reports.
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>> i'm monday around 200 protesters broke through the doors of the zellerbach playhouse at uc berkeley where presentation was supposed to take place in the window was broken. people were called you. >> and then the speaker could not complete is his remarks. the campus polics department says 4 reports were filed with allegations of assault and battery along with anti-semitic slurs. >> the speaker, israeli attorney and former member of the israeli defense force ran bar-yoshafat was evacuated on thursday. the american jewish committee which advocates for the well being of jewish people and the country of israel sent letters to alameda county district attorney pamela price and the department of justice, assistant attorney general for civil rights. kristen clarke calling for a criminal investigation on uc berkeley following monday night's protest art. >> position is that this is not ordinary college high jinx. this is a direct assault on the college as a place of free inquiry. and it therefore
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needs to be treated with greater seriousness. then, you know, excessive exuberance by college students the assistant vice chancellor of executive communications at uc berkeley says. >> there have been numerous similar events on campus since the hamas attack in israel on october 7. the start of the war in gaza. the question is why was this allowed to happen? >> and that that requires some explanation from university, which is not to say they're guilty of anything, but it requires an independent investigation. >> a statement from this week reads in part, quote, there have been dozens of protest demonstrations. panel, discussions, seminars, workshops related to the war in gaza until monday. not a single one has ever been disrupted. we understand we're in new territory now. we are already talking about what we need to do to change. so this never happens again. a spokesperson for the university says it has opened a formal criminal investigation. and has initiated its student code of conduct process. none of the
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alleged assailants have been identified. kron 4 also reached out to be a price and doj assistant attorney clark for comment on the latest call for action. we have not yet heard back get along. kron 4 news. >> coming up here on the kron, 4 morning news at oakland. delhi is targeted by burglars who's also started a fire. and the cdc announces new protocols for covid. plus a major snowstorm in the sierra making travel extremely dangerous. we'll check out the latest conditions up in the mountains. and we're also keeping an eye on the weather this morning. taking a live look at stormtracker 4 radar, more rain expected over the next few days. we have a complete look at your forecast with dave sphar. coming up.
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>> good morning, everybody. and welcome back to kron morning news. so here's a quick shot. what's going on? san jose state? how about that blue sky trying to take hold temporarily some clouds off towards the distance but don't put the rain gear away just yet. yes, we're expecting a line to come marching on through going to be continuous throughout the day today, tonight into tomorrow, a little bit as well. the thing about these storms, unlike what we've experienced through much of this holiday or the holiday this winter season has been. these art is wet when they come from the northwest like this there colder, of course, they produce more in the way of snow or lower levels at that. but they tend to break up a little bit like this. what we're seeing as well. so we have the spotty action. here's another line trying to form right out to sea. but you could patches of here, patches of no rain in patches, the skies open up a
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little bit as well. stormtracker 4 we've got the bigger picture. want to show here. this is all areas potentially coming. a lot of real estate too, potentially of seen a thunder shower, which we already saw little bit from yesterday. that is possible to continue today and even some areas of hail to areas to have hail. and what happens is when the sun comes out, it heats the ground and you get some of operational. that's just energy for the atmosphere with instability added to that, boom, you start to fire off some of that hail and some thunder shower action. so future cast for says more lines yet to come throughout the day today again on and off rain. you can expect it quantitatively. it's not producing a lot of problems yet in terms of widespread flooding, at least. but as the winds were watching, at least till 10 o'clock, they're going to come back up again. it looks like tonight and even into tomorrow. notice how on your sunday and we do the same things today. but a little drier and better brakes happening in the skies to should probably see a couple more raise the sun tomorrow. not as heavy on the rain. when you do get it and continuing to be more spotty and more
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spread out than what it is for today and looks like we get kind of a dry patch trying to happen monday before yet. another line that gels with our tuesday line before the 2nd half of the week is one dry. winds continue onshore again. that wind advisory until 10. but beyond that time in the scope of that, we continue on with the winds. this is sunday night right into monday. it looks like there's another way, but it showed you it comes in the package with more on the way into monday evening as well. e- the backside of that looks like it gets involved. there's that behind all of this. by the way, they're cooking on a near two-hour delay for incoming flights. rain on off today. 50 ish, cool breeze thrown into this cold, windy at times tomorrow looks like breaks of sun, spotty showers at that little dryer on balance to what we're seeing today. thunder showers still possible. cause you get the breaks to get in the skies. the next week's looks like unsettled early part of the week. that monday tuesday zone. we're kind of watching
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wednesday into thursday start to dry out, clearing out by the time we finish the weekend, it looks like we're trying to work on a little bit of a warming phase here today, mostly cloudy. we'll keep that rain on and off. 53 san francisco in oakland, san jose coming in at 56 in the temperature board here is pretty boring. it doesn't move up much beyond current temperatures there, stephanie. so keep the rain handy because even though it's not too exciting right now, you might get caught in the line of rain working its magic and then tomorrow a little bit less. so not as intense. and then i remember that seven-day forecast from earlier. you're doing some nice the some sunshine there and i will bring the sunshine next exciting. thanks so much, david. >> all right. well, happening right now, we're tracking some dangerous winter conditions in the sierra where a blizzard warning is in effect >> i-80 is closed in both directions and this is a live look now at 80 near donner lake can see near whiteout conditions out there. westbound traffic is being turned around at the nevada state line. eastbound traffic is being turned around a drone for bay in placer county.
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first recess stasio as more of the impacts of this major storm. >> whiteout conditions to wind speeds clocking in past 150 miles an this storm is packing a punch. it promised >> we've sent over 50 fire engines and a couple 100 individuals to various locations. we've also sent swift water rescue teams for some of the areas that might see downstream impacts was chris darden, a spokesperson with the california office of emergency services doubling down. >> encouraging californians to play it safe and stay home as this weekend is expected to bring even worse weather. >> like we said, these are extremely dangerous conditions. whiteout conditions, 10 plus feet of snow in some areas. these are not conditions that are passable by your average individual. so hunker down. if you're if you're in the snowy areas, if you're not a just cancel or postpone your plans, do not try to travel in these really dangerous conditions. take a look at this on i-80 in
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nevada county stretching over the donner summit. slow going. >> as trucks got stuck and caltrans crews stepped in to i mean, yeah, you can see the wind. it is absolutely insane. right the camera's shaking, much tripods fallen it is pretty crazy out here. >> and palisades tahoe, the resort slammed with snow forcing operations to shut down friday to 145 mile per hour. wind gusts at our the record is 199 miles per hour. but we could potentially beat that but it is really blustery up don't really recommend coming up here at all. >> leahy says that for the rest of the weekend, it will be a wait and see as the conditions are predicted to get even worse before getting any better. theresa kron, 4 news. >> the cdc is changing isolation recommendations for people who test covid positive kron four's. dan kerman spoke with medical experts on what
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this means. >> for the last several years, testing positive for covid-19 men staying out of the officers school. now, that's not necessarily required the centers for disease control says those who test positive for covid-19 no longer have to isolate for 5 days. they say if you test positive, but your symptoms are mild in improving and you're fever-free for 24 hours. you can return to work or school, but some things are changing and what's not changing is that. >> regardless of when you're positive, you need to continue to wear masks unless you can demonstrate you have a negative test that 10 day period is up. >> ucsf, infectious disease specialist doctor peter chin-hong says the cdc's new guidance puts the rest of the country in line with changes. california made at the beginning of the year. but the cdc's new covid isolation protocols also mean there's a greater risk. people could become exposed if you're not a risk for. >> getting covid every of
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complication from it. the responsibility use that you have to be a little more cautious. the correction were before because you can people around you. careful. >> uc berkeley, infectious disease specialist doctor john swartzberg says those 65 and older or immunocompromised should consider masking in crowded indoor settings and should definitely make sure they're up to date on the vaccine. >> side and that only 40% of those who are older than 65 have gotten the formulation of the covid, the vaccine. and i think we need to do betttr. >> also this week, the cdc announced those 65 and older should get a second dose of the updated covid vaccine 4 to 6 months after the first one. experts say this makes a high group. >> take advantage of the fact that we got this vaccine for you. been least us perfectly 6 to have 4 words since your
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last updated vaccine. give you protection. >> dan kerman kron, 4 news. >> elon musk is suing the company behind chatgpt and its ceo for alleged breach of contract. musk filed the complaint on thursday. it claims that sam altman and openai divers from its mission of benefiting humanity by partnering with microsoft for 13 billion dollars. musk wants a jury trial and for openai to pay back profits. musk co-founded openai in 2015. he left and has since formed his own ai company. we're getting a first look at the new uniforms for the oakland ballers. check this out. the ball is posted. these images on their social media pages for the fans to see. you can now support by pre ordering the jerseys at oakland ish dot com. still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news meet the east bay educator named one of california's teachers of the year. >> and we are also keeping an
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eye on the weather for you. taking a live look now at stormtracker 4 radar. more rain expected over the next few days. dave spahr is tracking it all for us with a complete look at your complete look at your forecast. coming up. "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics."
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let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. here's your biggie bag. all that food for 5 bucks. -that's my go to. -oooh - that's my ride or die. hah.... just like you and me.... (singing) ♪ bag boys ♪ ♪ bag boys, whatcha gonna do ♪ don't... -♪ whatcha gonna do ♪ -don't... -♪ when we bring your food ♪ - it... go biggie and get all this with the jbc for just 5 bucks.
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(smelling) ew. gotta get rid of this. ♪tell me why♪ because it stinks. ♪have you tried downy rinse and refresh♪ it helps remove odors 3x better than detergent alone. it worked guys! ♪yeahhhh♪ downy rinse and refresh. >> welcome back. sonoma county animal services is asking the community for help with fostering or adopting dogs. officials say kennels are full capacity shelter in 180 dogs, including 46 puppies. so they do need a lot of help there. we spoke with the shelter director and how you can support.
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>> we're asking the community to to come out help us to move these animals to new homes and give them a break from the would really help us out to the lower our population and be able to say even work with more animals. as we move through the day. >> shelter officials at their also caring for 30 animals tied to a recent cruelty case. the shelter says it will provide food dog beds and that care for foster pet parents. anyone interested can get in touch with sonoma county animal shelter. just look at all those cute faces and they're looking for love in their forever home. think about helping them out. a bay area teacher is one of 5 educators, name california teacher of the year. just a valrico teaches engineering and oversees the robotics program that conquers ignacio valley high school. he also runs the school's college and career access pathway rico major in biology and taught in his native philippines before coming to the u.s. in 2003
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ignacio valley principal jonathan pike said the school is proud of rico not only for his teaching before his connection to the community. cvs and walgreens. start selling the abortion pill. mifepristone. this month, the fda issued guidelines for dispensing the drug last year. the chains plan to make the medication available in stores in several states during this month, including some locations here in california. cvs and walgreens say they will gradually expand all states where abortion is legal. in a statement friday, president biden called the move a, quote, important milestone in ensuring access to the drug. still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news, a bay area county issues, a public health advisory. i launched our campaign at this union hall. let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future.
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it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done.
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4 morning news, the search for oakland's new police chief takes a big step forward. what's next from mayor sharon tells office? and chances are you're waking up to some rain falling outside your window right now. the bay area seeing some showers this morning and more is on the way. good morning. welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news. thank you so much for joining us today. >> let's get you started this half hour with a look at your forecast. dave spahr in the weather center with the very latest. >> but a good morning, everybody. and finally, we're getteng a real true blue winter-like storm right across the bay area here in early march. hello, what? what away march is coming in for us this year. i guess this will qualify as a lion or something. but here's a look at radar for you. finally seeing a line march into san francisco extent. it's way out towards the coast. you'll see. so the peninsula, you're going to getting your toast your bit here in the few moments. this
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also producing some mountain snows in the local mountains. it looks like as well. we know the snow levels are going down about 2000 feet or a little bit below that. even and some sticking. we saw that earlier, mount tam so certainly has some of the local mountains to qualify for 2000 feet and above with all about so we're looking at a 2 hour delay and sunshine peering through a little bit there, too. but arriving flights again, big delays here. and that may cause a domino effect for you later in the days. so again, consult with your specific they've taken the south. the advisory gone. we do have windy conditions. still prevailing, but you can see the wind advisory until 10 o'clock has now been removed from the folks. the national weather service, lots of 40's on the board here, 50 for half moon bay. we actually saw some sunny skies early this morning. mid 40's cover the east bay in this for contrast to some half-a-dozen degrees behind where the numbers were this time from yesterday, despite some breaks in the clouds a little bit here, keeping it pretty much mostly
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cloudy, scattered showers, light rain. call it what you will. the rain comes and goes throughout the day. now when we get those breaks of sun that gives the atmosphere energy to produce a little bit of hail because dynamics thunderstorms as well. coming up, a little bit of the forecast here. we'll be telling you it's going to go on for the longer range into one funny shake this off at the end of next week, stephanie. all right. looking for that. thank you, dave. >> the wet weather drenched parts of the bay area. on friday. trump was amanda hari continues. our team coverage from the east bay. >> rain hitting the east bay hard friday night. in danville, a tree fell across the eastbound lanes of sycamore valley road between brookside and morning home. >> temporarily shutting down the street north of danville in concord. people were trying to escape the rain and traffic at the veranda shopping center as she came fairfield and i came from and when i was coming, i had to go like 30 on the freeway because it was just crazy. and then the way you can stand your lanes.
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everybody's like swerving all over jennifer plumber and brittany brewer were eating dinner at yard house dave car shopping. >> in the rain, we want to make sure it handles well. >> it breaks well and everything checks driving more cautious because of the rain. i get on a groom. stephanie sand says her weekend plans changed because of the dreary forecast. we when indoor climbing, they close taco and want to go snowboarding, but he decided not to because they closed today because there's too much snow out there. yeah. so he was where they were worried about safety and avalanches. what not so. >> that's pretty crazy. she says she'll spend the rest of the wet weekend checking in on her yard and garden to make sure the weather isn't causing damage. the last storm that we had a bit ago, really not a lot of trees over destroyed a lot of staff. >> we have a lot of terrible when you're already. so it's kind of been a rough when that happens. you know, i got to go
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double check everything. >> i would have had a greenhouse just blowing on me. >> in concord, amanda hari kron, 4 news, the search for a new police chief in oakland takes another step forward. >> the police commission officially submitting a list of finalists to the mayor for her consideration. these are the same 4 candidates invited to take part and thursday nights community forum, one of them is former san leandro police chief abdul pridgen mayor sheng thao now expected to review the choices and conduct her own interviews. she can then green light one of the candidates or reject them all. oakland has been without a permanent chief for more than a year after mayor thao fire. the ron armstrong from the job. police and other now investigating 7 separate home burglaries. all happening in the span of 2 weeks. the latest incident happening thursday on tuscaloosa avenue and adam way this past tuesday, police say 2 homes were hit on oak grove avenue and single avenue. this comes following 3 separate burglaries in february. police
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are reminding residents to lock up their homes every time they leave the house, even if it's just for a few moments. nolan deli's menu is set on fire in the shop. burglarized. this is the same business facing a nearly $10,000 fine from the city over trash outside of the business kron four's philippe djegal reports. >> this point should they be surprised to some good is at his wits end? we need help. i mean, we're trying to figure it out. you know, we're not we're not security experts. cook food. surveillance pictures show one of 2 suspects rifling through state goal deli in west oakland early friday morning. a business herbers as own for 7 years. >> he says the same man and woman broke in and stole a safe last month. this time broke in. >> by. cutting through the metal security gate, trying the door open. then they cut into the atm. could again, if you know the atm still cooler
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about change box aside to the menu board fire. >> uefore rolling out, uber says his manager arrived at the business as the menu was in flames. he reported the incident to the police department which did not immediately send officers to the scene due to the number of priority calls received in the morning overall herbers says he has been burglarized so many times. he cannot even count. there's nothing left to steal. >> we've begun taking with us. we forgot to change box last night. we will make that mistake again. this has herbers is pushing back against paying the nearly $10,000 in excess litter fees. the city says he owes. >> the fees imposed on food businesses and the program was adopted in 2006. the city says the money is used to pay for contractors to pick up litter along commercial corridors.
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>> the city says those workers collect 400,000 pounds of litter each year. >> herbers has not paid those fees dating back to 2021. and with interest and late fees. the total amount due has ballooned. he claims the city neglects his property where people illegally dump their trash and mass amounts on a weekly basis. the city says it is willing to work with herbers to reduce the charges and reached out to him. after kron 4 aired his story this week. but herbers says the 2 sides have been playing phone tag and have yet to connect. it's been days. nothing they do care. philippe djegal all kron. 4 news. >> health officials in marin county issued a public health advisory over an increase in overdose deaths. the county has seen 5 suspected overdose deaths related to fentanyl since valentine's day. it said was a council members are proposing a pilot program that will create 1000 new beds for unsheltered people. it's called lifting up lives,
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officials say would provide beds and access to mental health care and substance abuse. help it also job training because it would be pretty builds houses. embeds officials say it would save time and money for the county if they project it's green lit. the council members say it could be built in 5 months costing 1.5 million dollars. we're just days until primary election day. we're getting a better idea about how voter turnout is shaping out across the state. of capitol correspondent eytan wallace joins us from sacramento with a closer look at the data. >> while more than 20 million registered california voters received a ballot in the mail. but as for how many have actually voted, it's not a lot. the ballots are out. but according to political data, inc, a voter information service tracking ballot and voter trends of the 22 million ballots sent to registered voters in the mail. >> just 2 and a half million have been returned. that means statewide turnout so far is just 11%. this is low turnout. paul mitchell as the vice
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president of political data inc. he says when it's all said and done tuesday night based on the data trends he sees. now turnout was slightly improved, but stay relatively low. his expectations come election night, probably a 3rd of voters returned. their ballots may be fewer than that. >> that's probably due to the fact that we just don't have a competitive democratic or republican primary at this point for president. he says trends suggest younger voters are staying home. this election while those 65 and older are voting electorate is going to return. a ballot is going to be close to 60%. seniors were there about a quarter of the registered voters. what's important is that when turnout drops california doesn't drop equally for all populations. this is a real negative impact on turnout among minorities, younger people renters and really does skew the kind electorate that will decide not only the u.s. senate race but also local contest legislative races, congressional races, ballot measures all across the board. and speaking of the u.s.
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senate race, a new la times uc berkeley poll shows for the first time republican steve garvey leading what democrat adam schiff just behind within the margin of error in reach of first, the survey shows democrat katie porter and 3rd and democrat barbara in for what's become more more striking as election day draws closer is help order in lee. >> to progressive democratic women how much they're herman each other if one or the other of them were to stepped aside, it's almost certain. but the remaining candidates would be competing for first place in the almost certain to go on to the runoff. if garvey does make the runoff again shift progressive democrats may look back and see. this is a profound loss opportunity for that. and a reminder you can return your ballot to your local voting center or send it back in the mail must be postmarked. no later. >> the march 5th reporting in tom wallace kron 4 news. >> and a reminder com for local election headquarters join usn election day
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tuesday, march 5th for a live election results from around the bay area. coverage starts at 08:00pm. we'll see you then. >> and still watching the rain. we're going couple breaks in the action. the sun poking out here. but a nice little line developing near san francisco, extending up to richmond. looks like and they'll be more to come upstream, breeze and and it's still winter. the kron 4 morning news continues.
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate
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over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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live look now at the golden gate bridge. not too much traffic out there at this hour. and you can see just some blue skies up above there. nice little break from the rain forest. but that might not last for long. let's check in now with date. >> yeah, good morning, stephanie. good morning. everybody is going to change throughout the day constantly like this. here's a look at radar. you can see kind of a line. it just looks like it's sailing to the south. now, the golden gate and conditions have changed a little bit. just down south to half moon bay because the weather that happened in san francisco now going down the peninsula, making it. you can see here now to half moon bay with the kind of spooky looking skies that we have to showers on and off all day to day and cold air aloft. this is what we typically see in the winter months got 40's all over the board here. speak and a half moon bay. they're checking into a mild 50 year in some ways, too, with some of these temperatures going on the ocean and to some degree the bay is acting as a bit of a buffer from temperatures falling to much. and you don't get that inland where they can fall again. it's land sea type
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situation. there's the spotty showers will see throughout the day breaks happening in the skies and all of that. another little heavier dose looks like it happens in the late afternoon. we get into tomorrow the same pattern. yes, but much more spotty for the rain and some breaks happening in the skies at times. but that still can produce lightning strikes. so be careful. and even some hail with that as well. here's thicker moisture that we get by the time we get to monday and then another hit looks like on tuesday as well. before we finally put this to rest, they're taking away the wind advisory. but you can see the winds still in place. they'll pop a little bit this afternoon. still and it looks like it lingers all the way through sunday, a bit to some kind of a stiff breeze is a fair way of saying it to windy in spots with that being on shore in a cold one at that. here's the long-range forecast that we have here. we don't really completely shake this out. a little wave playing out this model run makes it a little longer and it's a little close that source of that low got to watch that out. sometimes we've been through pit through that before and sometimes with the winds can start to build near
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the center of a low like that and drive some local winds. that's a little different. this will come in from the south, but that's midweek after that drying patch throughout the remainder of the week and not so sure what's going to happen there because the models are a lot of disagreement high temperatures today. lot of 50's going on lower to middle 50's for highs. that's it. but there is a warming trend happening later. left-hand side your screen here. mountain snow, showers and rain and all of that. we get to thursday into friday. look at that. got some 60's coming back. and it looks like spring is trying to spring spring trying to spring spring this front. stephanie, back to >> all right, dave, thank you. it's women's history month and joining us live today as someone who continues to break barriers in the culinary world. she's an award-winning chef cookbook, author. you may have even seen her on the food network. francisco's own kathy fay joins us live in studio this morning. good morning to you, kathy in morning. thank you so much for joining us.
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thank you for having me. it's a huge it's an honor to have you here with us. so tell us a bit about what you've brought today and why you're showcasing okay. so for me, women's history month is all about showing appreciation for women because women honestly do it all. we wear so many different hats. we have to. >> take care of our careers. we are moms, we're daughters, we are wives. >> there's just so much that we do. and sometimes we get underappreciated fact, we don't even appreciate ourselves. and so this month, i encourage all women to do a little self care. take care of yourself if you don't have to break the bank with it. sometimes it takes 5 minutes just to do something for yourself. >> ok, really that you can do this month? okay. the first thing is the healthy bento box. takes about 5 minutes. put together. we have a very healthy tina solid, the lowest that tuna salad. other have. oil. there's or avocado. it's
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wow. shredded coconut fresh curry leaves and tiber chiles and onions, ok? tons of lime juice and lemon juice and salt. well, super then i have some healthy peta here and a simple some fresh fruit. and then these are chocolates from so glad it is a female owned local business. that's another thing a way that you can support women who have small businesses in your neighborhood in your city, you know, a way to show appreciation is to patronize the businesses and absolutely yes. so this right here is a jasmine tea chocolate and also passion fruit. little sweet treat for you or just that. i also do want to point out, too, that you actually this is something that you yourself that you would make for yourself. yes, you're on the go all the time with your old business. yeah, i am always on the go. i have to cause. i've got like my parents to take care of and then a restaurant to run. yes. and so typically i eat this like in little
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tupperware boxes, but this just makes it so much more enjoyable. so if you create a little box for yourself, take 10 minutes of your day, sit down and really enjoy your lunch rather than do it on the go. yeah. here is another thing that you can do enjoy sit down for a cup of tea. you can pair it with your lunch or dinner and that he hears from darjeeling. also local beautiful. it's got these puddles rose petals in here. if i can even managed to open smell it's i mean, they just yeah. i mean, given to yes, it's been a show appreciation. yeah. oh, that's lovely. during that in so fragrant suit or radar, >> and then here's something that you can do at night when you get home and you want to unwind after a crazy hectih day because it's always crazy. i love candles. okay. candles can transport you a cent. and
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so if i'm like home working on my computer, it feels like i'm still working. right? even though i'm home, i'm not at the restaurant and the kids are in the lighting a nice scandal just can like really set the mood and the town. and then before i go to bed, i also love room space, all spray my side of the my side of the usually something very like aromatic or you can do live under idea that some time and it makes me feel like i'm at a spa. but i got to sleep gosh. haha love that. i love a good a bit of aroma therapy. it's a great things introduce >> and then i have one last thing here. it's incensed. so okay for because of my asian heritage actually grew up around incense. my grandparents would always light in the morning and pay their respects to. >> you know, they were buddhists and so i would always smell that and think of my childhood. and it's very peaceful. so i actually do
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that every morning, even i might not have time to meditate or do any of that, even if i'm getting ready, if a lighted up and i smell it, it just kind of fields grounding for me and makes me think about my childhood. all that's very sweet. >> speaking of your tell us a bit about your business as well. it's it's family owned and operated. tell us about how things are going today and how things are going with your parents as well. >> so you know, i grew up in my parents, business and house of payne king. the restaurant know is approaching 36 years. and then i opened a restaurant with my dad fanned restaurant and that's been around for 15 and so i feel like i'm very lucky and fortunate that i get to work with them really help them preserve the legacy that they've created and build upon it. they're doing wonderful. i mean, they're basically working every single day. i should tell them about because there 7 days a i'm crazy work
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ethic. so yeah, it's out and it's a work ethic that really has helped propel you forward. i imagine so many ways. >> you know, while you're here and because it is women's history month, we wanted to ask you as well. you know, give any advice for women who are seeking. she had a breakthrough in the culinary space just as as you have. >> for me, you my path is very unusual. a lot of people going to call in air space. i would recommend you to go work at different restaurants and really get exposure and learn what the industry is like. and if this is suitable for you and if it is then like just hit the pavement, i didn't actually work at any other restaurant except for my parents. but what i learned is when you find something that you're truly passionate about, then you need to go after it because i think a lot of people suffer from a little bit of paralysis when it comes to chasing after things that they want because they're afraid of failure. but i always tell people, you know, if you don't give it a try, you've already failed. right?
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so you've got to go out there and just do what you want to do. don't be afraid to fail if it's something that you love to do, go work it out will go work at a restaurant. start from the very bottom right. and then from there, figure out what direction and path you want to go into. if this is the right thing for you to do, you will shine and it wonderful. and as we wrap things up here, kept >> do you have sort of any words of encouragement or inspiration for other women? this women's history month that perhaps some some advice on how to develop resilience in the face of challenges. >> and how do stand up to resilience? how how can you be resilient? well, i like i think everything ties back down to this, which is this whole health care idea if you want to go out there and take over the world, which is going to be very challenging. the first thing you need to do is you need to take care of yourself. you need to find your moral compass and figure out what are the things core values for you and from there
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anything that you do, whether it's challenging or difficult? there is no other alternative. you have to go for it. even if you fail, you will try again. so find that moral compass and take care of yourself. make sure you are in a good place. then you can anything. alright. award winning chef. kathy, thank. thank you so much for joining us this morning. and for tips with us. >> all right. we'll be right >> all right. we'll be right back.
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my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya.
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seuss's 100 and 20th birthday doctor. seuss enterprises is giving every baby born today. march second, a personalized copy of the cat in the
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expecting parents can visit seuss pledge dot com to claim their baby's first book. >> the company hopes this will encourage parents to read to their babies and inspire a love for books that last a lifetime. still ahead on kron 4 governor gavin newsom has a plan oaklyn to try and clean up the streets. there. >> and we continue to keep our eye on the weather. are the bay area seeing some showers this morning and more is on the way. we have a complete look at your forecast with look at your forecast with dave sphar. coming up. a mystery! jessie loves playing detective. but the real mystery was her irritated skin. so, we switched to tide pods free & gentle. it cleans better, and doesn't leave behind irritating residues. and it's gentle on her skin. tide free & gentle is epa safer choice certified. it's got to be tide.
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
9:00 am
the kron 4 morning news governor gavin newsom announcing a new plan to fix problems in the city of oakland. the changes coming to tackle crime and clean up the streets. and storm cleanup continues across the bay area this morning when the next round of rain is expected. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at no. >> good morning. thanks so much for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm stephanie lin. >> it's saturday march, the second and our top story this morning is the weather. take a look now at this. this is a live image from the pg and e camera showing snow on mount diablo. you can see that at the bottom where you can see lots of snow out. there are excuse me. this is donner lake. haha along i-80 and you can see near whiteout conditions out there looking pretty cold. let's get right to dave spahr with more on our forecast. if you're in 5,000 feet elevation on care where you are, you're


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