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tv   KRON 4 News Weekend  KRON  March 24, 2024 7:00am-10:01am PDT

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and allergists, that helps heal your skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. jack: thanks for joining me on today's adventure. ask your eczema specialist from the columbus zoo, i'm jack hanna, hoping to see you next time as we go "into the wild." take off, buddy! >> now on the kron 4 morning news, united airlines faces increased oversight by the faa amid a growing number of problems involving their flights. and a new tour
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increase approved for the golden gate bridge. how much more you'll be paying. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 7. >> good morning. thank you so much for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. >> i'm stephanie lin. it's sunday marks the 24th. let's get your day started with a look at the weather with dave sphar day. well, good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. we are dealing still with some leftover rain showers a little bit. so what we have in the morning hours will be kind of like some spotty rain and all of that and actually see the skies open up a little bit by the late morning hours. that will give us couple of good hours. >> of sunshine before this fires up again, very, very isolated off towards looks like the east bay little bit. all right. this is we have on radar right now. the couple splotches you can see and even a couple clearing ys as well. live shot coming in from the east bay shoreline. there you see the scattered clouds off towards the distance. and as we put it into motion, you can
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see we're kind of on the backside of this low is a true versus by. it's still spring us with some scattered showers. still have to be in that forecast. our winds sosewhat variable into the teens and single digits. we have 50's on the board here. 42 chilly degrees up to santa rosa with 48 for san jose and a quick comparison for you. little cooler up towards the north, but a little bit more mild mid bay. it looks like now the breakdown today notes the variable cloudy story, part of the story, but it's going to be much more widely scattered with those showers even more so than we saw yesterday, at least despite a location. you saw them on and off on and off. well, for many folks after you get past the morning hours, you probably won't see much the way of rain except for some very isolated spots. and those isolated spots could be some thunder showers will be getting more into that coming up in a bit. stephanie. >> all right, dave, thank you. our top story this morning, the faa announced plans to ramp up oversight of united airlines after a series of recent safety concerns. kron four's sara stinson reports.
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>> the faa will be inspecting united airlines to see where can improve on safety will be looking at everything between pilots and maintenance and overall operations. i spoke with a retired pilot to learn about what this federal evaluation entails. >> between an engine fire and losing a tire during takeoff. united airlines has recently seen a spike in safety issues. now the federal aviation administration is increasing oversight of the airline to see what's going wrong. the vice president of united corporate safety, sasha johnson, put out a memo notifying employees about an increased presence of the faa in the coming weeks. johnson says recent safety events have caused them to pause and evaluate whether there's something they can do differently. federal regulators will be inspecting united work processes manuals and facilities. it will be a top to bottom look at the operation. doug rice is a retired airline pilot. he's
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been flying for 53 years. he says it is routine for the faa to increase oversight after issues arise. >> and they will spend time at the airport. they will spend time at the training center. they will spend time with management and they'll ensure that what is supposed to be done is actually being done. question will be whether the policies and practices that united our proven and whether there are flaws there and making sure that those flaws, if they're found are rice says the faa will most likely spend most of its time evaluating the airline's operation at sfo. >> for many of these incidents occurred partially because all the flights were operating to and from francisco, partly because san francisco is a major maintenance base. so they're going to see the additional oversight here. and that will be a >> very big plus for the traveling public here in the bay area. the faa says future projects a united airlines may be put on hold, depending on what they find. want to wait
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and see. >> when that evaluation gets released. i'm sara stinson reporting at sfo. back to you. >> and the faa announcement coming just after a united airlines flight scheduled to leave sfo was delayed for more than 17 hours live. look now sfo at the moment here. this flight was originally supposed to leave for aspen, colorado friday at around 4 o'clock in the afternoon. the initial delay was about 15 hours, then delayed again for another 2 hours. this all according to the united airline's website. now we have reached out to united to see what caused the delay and have not yet heard back. >> and the east bay, the highway patrol is investigating a deadly crash on southbound. i-880, near paseo padre parkway in fremont. this is video from the citizen app around 9.30 last night. the chp says the crash. happened a ford taurus hit a prius. the driver of the ford crashed into an embankment and died. the driver of the prius is cooperating with this investigation. all lanes are
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back open to traffic one person is dead after a fatal shooting in fremont. this happened early saturday morning on east 12th street. officers say when they got to the scene, the shooter had fled the victim died. that person's identity has not yet been released. and new this morning, firefighters on the peninsula work to stamp out this blaze in a commercial building. this is video from the citizen app shot in the bayshore area of brisbane. no reports of any injuries. developing news we're following out of san francisco. one person is in the hospital after another car crashed into a bus stop. san francisco fire says this happened last night at the corner of park, presidio and fulton street. a quarter does serve as an entrance into golden gate park for residents of the richmond district. this crash coming just one week after another car crashed into a bus stop killing a family of 4. it happened in the west portal neighborhood. police are investigating what caused that crash. officers arrested. a vallejo teen wanted in
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connection with the killing of a driver during a police chase that chase and crash happened last august when police spotted a car linked to several armed robberies the teen driver allegedly sped off before slamming into 2 other cars, killing one of those drivers. police say the teen then ran off leaving a passenger and a loaded gun behind investigators caught up with the suspect on wednesday. their name is being withheld because of their age. had a lot of police are looking for 2 men suspected of stealing from a hardware store. police say these 2 men walked into friedman's home improvement center on thursday, march 14th and stuart, nearly $1500 worth of merchandise. police say the thieves drove off in a red hatchback car. anyone has information, please contact petaluma police. meanwhile, police in santa rosa are looking for this man. they say he is accused of stealing money from a chase bank on sonoma avenue thursday afternoon, a reward of up to $2500 is offered for information leading to his arrest. in national news,
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president joe biden signed a 1.2 trillion dollars spending package which fears of a partial government shutdown. in a statement, the president said the bipartisan agreement was the result of a compromise and neither side got everything. it wanted the spending package in part, keeps money flowing to the pentagon and homeland security. some republicans demanding deep cuts in spending opposed this bill. and some unfortunate news for bay area drivers this morning, golden gate bridge transit officials in approved a toll increase. it goes into effect later this year. proffers tiffany justice is live for us at the bridge this morning with the latest details on this. tiffany. good morning, stephanie. and yes, it's going to cost drivers more to get across the golden gate bridge toll prices will be increasing this summer. >> starting on july first. so we want to talk more about this. the announcement was made by the golden gate bridge
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highway and transportation district board. they say most customers will be seeing a $0.50 increase from the current rate of 9. 75 starting in july, the toll invoice will be $10.25 now for the fast track drivers who currently pay 8.75. to go across. they will be paying 9.25. when the toll hike goes into effect. this toll hike is part of a plan from the public transit agency to increase the tools starting every july for the next 5 years until 2028, which will raise approximately 139 million over the next 5 years. that whole program is said to provide funding for bridge operations and maintenance and bus and ferry transit service is now officials go on to say the bridge is currently facing 220 million 5 year deficit based on the current transit service levels. >> are going through the bridge reporting live to the da back seat. tiffany, thank you.
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>> has started to phase out their trains and replace them with electric electric cars. excuse me. the agency invited people to say goodbye to be a regional train cars with final ride. caltrain also handed out these posters showing the evolution of the service over the years. we'll pull that up in just a moment here. and those images show the first train going into service 18, 64. no one won. last night's powerball lottery. the jackpot is up to 800 million dollars. that's a cash value of more than 384 million dollars. the next drawing is tomorrow night. meanwhile, the mega millions drawing is now worth more than a billion dollars that drawing is on tuesday night. so good luck to all of you who play. coming up on the kron 4 morning news. the latest efforts by lawmakers out of washington, d.c., to make rent more affordable. plus, hundreds of people demonstrate in the east bay calling for a cease-fire in gaza. and after the break, a deadly mountain lion attack in
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northern california. what we know about the victim and where this happened. >> well, very wide basis, he and scattered showers as you can see, watches too little break, trying to develop. you're a little bit. and then of some very, very isolated showers. will redevelop looks like in the east bay would put this all together for and look at what the week looks like ahead the clock for to use. it's the work behind the scenes, let's take a look at this knee. that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ]
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for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! kaiser permanente.
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(smelling) ew. gotta get rid of this. ♪tell me why♪ because it stinks. ♪have you tried downy rinse and refresh♪ it helps remove odors 3x better than detergent alone. it worked guys! ♪yeahhhh♪ downy rinse and refresh. charged with style. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. ♪yeahhhh♪ get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. >> well, developing news out of el dorado county. one man is dead and another hurt after a mountain lion attacked. it happened in a rural area near georgetown and annex brings us
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the details. >> a 21 year-old man died after he and his 18 year-old brother were attacked by a mountain lion whili antler shed hunting in the area of darling ridge road. the younger brother was able to dial 9-1-1, when deputies arrived, they outline crowds down next to a downed individual outline was facing the deputies and attempt to get to the individual to render first aid. the dist charge their firearms surgeon parker says they believe the mountain lion was shot before running off, but deputies were able to make it the individual day did. see that he was deceased. unfortunately, his younger brother was taken to a local hospital for his injuries and is expected to survive wardens with fish and wildlife responded to this area to search.
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>> for that mountain lion, the area is remote and densely populated with huge trees. search in parker says the mountain lion was still alive when 3 trackers located it. he was eventually shot and put down. it's unclear what gender the lie and was. the investigation continues by nightfall. many locals in town heard of the attack. some say they've encountered mountain lions in the past on their property. our greatest condolences go out to the very just tragic of that in eldorado county. shadix. >> and taking a live look now outside from our mount tam camera looking very chilly outside at 7.14 this morning day. what are you keeping an eye well, we're actually seeing the same kind of scenario we had yesterday, but a lot less in the way of rain that will get from this. >> very, very spotty. but actually, you can see some openings happening, ironically enough near around mount tam
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up to the north. but all over the place probably by late morning hours. lot of folks are going to see that mixture of sun and clouds going on. but there will be that afternoon affair. that's got to keep an eye on a little bit very, very widely scattered. and it shows up largely favoring the east and with daytime heating, that may be potentially thunder shower because we have all the elements in place. it's still a little cold upstairs. pretty saturated. we don't have a typical diversion thing to deal with. and there's the cloud cover you can see. this is from sutro. there's the golden gate off towards the distance. so kind of a rainy look here. the folks that there storms prediction center say basically the expectation for thunder showers were on the very, very northwest edge of it. so it's mostly going to be central valley points to the south central coast and out of socal. now back to future cast for which is what we've been watching with the shul see kind of things kind of evaporate away. look at that. nice opening happening. that allows of some daytime heating heats up the atmosphere and so forth and potentially, yeah, these little cells might yield and isolate a little thunder
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shower. you can see they're favoring the east bay where in the west bay or so it hurts even to the west opens up nicely. it's definitely a different type of microclimates going on here with some folks see the sunshine and maybe some showers going off to the east bay. there that everybody's pretty much clears out and earn is pretty good for tonight. tomorrow, late in the day, looks like the redevelopment of some cloud cover on your monday. this looks pretty benign, however, compared to what we've been through, it should largely be dry and rain-free in the next thing we're watching for, as we've been talking about, that's midweek. now, those winds still even those opening up nicely in the afternoon is going to kind of breezy going on here to windy picking at the coast. both to the north peninsula and even san francisco and kind a little breezy off towards the east bay to this is all the way up till tuesday as we haven't retired the winds entirely with this will be that still breeze working here. here's a cell phone. the background variable clouds will call balance and afternoon thunder shower. that's favoring basically the east bay. that's a possibility with highs around 60 or so. now for early in the week, we have a dry break in the action. sun and
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clouds, mixture, blah, blah, middle of the week as wednesday. we're really watching for something to happen there. that's when it returns. and then stormy on friday. we're using that for a particular reason because that placement of that low, we know this from experience this time. it's coming in from the north and where exactly it is going to drive those winds. that's something to be watched into a wet week and it looks like it's going a sloppy and its exit. unfortunately, we're going continue to monitor models runs to see if things start to change on this because maybe it will clear out a little bit there. but it looks like friday at this point. but on the stormy side, 60 for san francisco variable clouds, a few showers thrown in there. 62 open 62 also san jose. you got your early showers there, but basically on balance variable clouds on the big board there. we've got lower 60's for highs, some 50's off towards the west of the coast. so don't forget you couple that with the winds will breezy. so definitely the jacket. if you're headed to the coast. but you may get some better sunshine today. all right. some helpful guidance there. thank you so much to that. >> all right.
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>> we call for a season-high. the knees. >> hundreds of people marched 20 miles from brooklyn. alameda calling for a cease-fire in gaza. the protest lasted 12 hours with stops for prayer. those participating carried all of branches as a symbol of peace and remembrance. organizers say the event was part of a global movement happening in 145 cities across 18 countries. and they're several congregations in the bay area 16. i think that have the cease-fire signs on their houses of worship. >> and so we're mapping through all the different houses of worship in berkeley, oakland and alameda the group is also calling on california senators alex padilla and laphonza butler to back a permanent. >> and immediate cease-fire. police arrested nearly a dozen people for blocking roads near travis air force base in
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fairfield, police say protesters gathered on air base parkway and parker road friday morning. we're told the group had been warned about blocking traffic. can see what's happening on your screen. there. police also say furniture and nails quote, fashion to flatten tires were found dumped on some of the roads around the base. police say they support the right to protest, but it has to be done without breaking the law. this was described as an antiwar protest by police. the united nations secretary-general is calling lack of aid in gaza, a moral outrage as he renews calls for a cease-fire. the secretary general visited egypt to see the situation near gaza's southern border. he said he saw a long line of aid trucks waiting to be let it he warned against sending more troops into the region. meantime, israel says a ground invasion is necessary to eliminate hamas. >> any further that onslaughts, we'll make sings even worse. what policy and
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see the lions, what for the oss, the jews and all people of the region. >> the secretary general's comments come a day after a u.s. backed cease-fire resolution failed. the un security council. the council is expected to consider a different resolution on monday. lawmakers is trying to make it easier for americans to pay their rent. washington correspondent maddie beer-temple explains the new renters agenda introduced on capitol hill and why some say it's not the answer. >> they call themselves the congressional renters caucus. and california congressman jimmy gomez says they have a plan that will help millions of americans pay their rent. start of a new era of housing policy in washington, an era where we put renters at the heart of federal housing strategy. the group this week announced 15 bills they say will lower costs and increase the number of affordable rental homes. a lot of our
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efforts of the federal government and across the country have been too small, too slow and too inefficient. one of those bills is vermont congresswoman becca balance community housing act. it would spend 500 billion dollars to build new housing. she says a bigger supply will drive rents down. it will keep renters in their homes and keeps rent rent affordable. other legislation aims to limit evictions reform, zoning laws and provide more rental assistance. a recent report from moody's says the average renter now pays 30% of their income on rent >> the highest it's been in 20 years. but conservative groups say these bills are about idea. the recent slew progressive proposals on affordable housing will actually exacerbate. >> the problem, joel griffith with the heritage foundation says federal subsidies are what made housing costs too high in the first place. dish rate their footprint in the marketplace. congressman gomez says he's talking with republicans to try to gain bipartisan support. >> he says the caucus is open to anyone with solutions in
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washington. maddie beer-temple. >> still ahead on the kron 4 morning news, instagram announcing changes to the way it handles political content on its platform. this in on its platform. this in mr. clean magic eraser powers through tough messes.
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so it makes it look like i spent hours cleaning, and you know i didn't. it makes my running shoe look like new! it's amazing. it's so good. it makes it look like i have magical powers. magic eraser and sheets make cleaning look easy.
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changing the way it limits political content. users now have to go into their settings area in the app and turn off the limiting feature. well, earlier this year, instagram announced it would no longer proactive. we recommend political content in a post on threads. the head of instagram said the policy changes to preserve the ability for people to choose to interact with political content,
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respecting each person's appetite for it. >> spacex >> launched its dragon resupply aircraft to the international space station, the dragon period, 6,000 pounds of cargo, nasa says the aircraft safely arrived at the space station on saturday and several private companies are exploring supersonic commercial travel. the company called boom looks to be the closest their flights they say would fly faster than the speed of sound around 700 miles per hour. who says it plans to cut flight time from new york to germany to just 4 hours and 15 minutes who hopes to be in service by 2029, nasa and the aerospace company exo sonic are also looking into supersonic flights. now possible discovery out of santa cruz. students from terror, redwood elementary
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discover the fall. so last spring into the to the museum of natural history for study, look at their faces there. experts recognized as an arm bone from a giants between 11,300 1000 years old. what a find. and a great story for those college applications too. still ahead, some major inhaler makers agreed to cap the price of lifesaving the price of lifesaving prescriptions. my late father-in-law lit up a room, but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga, like: hazy or blurred vision, so it's hard to see fine details, colors that appear dull or washed out, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge.
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if you think you have ga, don't wait. treatments are available. ask a retina specialist about fda-approved treatments for ga and go to it's the work behind the scenes, ask a retina specialist about fda-approved treatments for ga let's take a look at this knee. that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! kaiser permanente.
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at first, i used better than bouillon for broth. and then stir fry... sauces... even marinades! and with all the varieties... organic... reduced sodium... and now the culinary collection... ... it's like the deliciousness never ends! make everything better with better than bouillon! ( ♪ ♪ ) ♪ (just one kiss) ♪ ( ♪ ♪ ) with reynolds wrap, cooking becomes so easy you can feel like the chef of your kitchen. easy prep. easy cook. easy clean. reynolds wrap. >> now on the kron, 4 morning news march is women's history month.
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>> made the bay area woman dedicating her life to supporting cancer patients. >> bipartisan lawmakers introduced a bill they believe will tackle retail capitol correspondent eytan have a closer look. tell you what the legislation aims to do for law enforcement. >> welcome back to the 4 morning news. thanks so much for being here with us today. let's get a look at the forecast with dave spahr hey, good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. and we're still playing a little bit of this rain game game here, but it's a it's a lot less quantitative we had from yesterday. it's not going to be as much of an interruption. it's going to be very selective on where it hits. basically after this late morning hours right now, you see even some clear patches trying develop here. the only concern is when we get some of that in some spots that's going to the atmosphere a little bit of energy and that freezing line is still very low to spark off potentially maybe a couple strikes of lightning or a little bit of hail or something like that with that beyond that and it's we're going to be very isolated. we won't have much in the way of issues going on. there's sfo for you. they have
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about a 45 minute delay or so. that's basically due to construction issues. it's not going to be impediment from weather and it doesn't look like it in this forecast. the breakdown for you today generally speaking, is that mixed bag of sun and clouds. notice how by midday it really starts to open up, fills up a little bit with some cloud cover. but again, on watching out for that isolated little shower. and the total view shows a nice clear patch developing that's going to be for tomorrow little bit on tuesday before again, we change again for wednesday. another storm system look out for 51 at this hour for oakland and san francisco in antioch as we speak up to the north bay holding on to some 40's 50 for in. 48 for san jose in quick comparison for you. a little chillier up north and south, somewhat close to our numbers yesterday in the center is you will notice that coming up in a little bit here. we're going to walk through the longer range forecast for you because yes, rain is returning and it will follow the winter type pattern and keep us on the cool side. stepping. thanks so much, dave. >> happening tomorrow, congressman mark to saulnier
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hosts a town hall meeting in martinez to discuss refinery safety. the song it represents contra costa county monday's event will go over ideas on how to protect the local environment and quality of life. the meeting comes after several recent flaring incidents at martinez refineries contra costa, health and air quality officials will also be there. the event is scheduled for 6.30, tomorrow night at john muir elementary school. 2 east bay men face charges connected to an alleged kidnapping. police in tracy say they rescued a woman held hostage at gunpoint. officers got a tip on friday that a kidnapping victim was being held at a home on lake shore. drive. officers surrounded the home. they say one man trying to get away. the other surrendered. police say suspects of dirt dorado turn arrow result result excuse me from livermore and lopez. guterres from oakland are both accused of kidnapping. and happening today, the in and out burger location on hegenberger and oakland closes its doors for good. the
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restaurant first announced the closure back in january citing car break-ins, property damage and armed robberies as the reason this will be the first in and out burger to close in the company's 75 year. history. state lawmakers from both sides of the aisle are launching a new effort they say will help combat retail theft. capitol correspondent eytan wallace reports. >> well, that is something member behind the bill says in addition to protecting the public, the hope is to also protect jobs. doing nothing is not an option someone member mike gibson's messages, he in this group of bipartisan lawmakers introduced legislation they say will combat the statewide issue of retail theft. >> it is a threat to our livelihoods. >> are hard working. california's and the blow to our economy in community, especially of color. that's why he and others here say they're backing assembly bill. 1990, also known as the stop act. it authorizes an officer to make an arrest for a
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misdemeanor. shoplifting offense. >> even if the defense was not committed in the officer's presence, all the officer would need is probable cause to believe the suspect is committed shoplifting. the goal putting a stop to retail that los angeles is someone number one, the to the legislation. she points out a major part of the bill will allow officers to formally arrest and book a misdemeanor shoplifting suspects into jail instead of simply citing them and then releasing them that she says happens all too often today feeling the security from. >> a law enforcement to be able to actually arrest and book someone. it's a big difference. it's a sentiment shared by republicans at some one member. one on springs, real and this helps public safety as well, especially our retailers who have gone without any help for many, many years. most importantly, it will make a difference in retaining jobs in california as we continue to see that. so many stories continue to close because of retail that still legislative republicans believe any reform must also include a repeal of prop. 47
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passed by california voters in 2014. the law changed certain nonviolent crimes from felonies to misdemeanors, including theft when the items stolen are valued at less than $950. >> while supporters have long argued the law will help reduce california's prison population and lead to criminal justice reform opponents, including republican assemblymember tom lackey say it emboldened criminals to take part in certain crimes like retail theft, but little to no punishment. property heavily contributed to the problem. >> and so in order to find a solution to have to first address the problem. and that's prop 47. >> and as for the stop act, it will soon have a hearing at the assembly public safety committee reporting at the state capitol. a tonn wallace kron. 4 news. >> final numbers show that just about 47% of san francisco voters cast ballots in the march 5th primary election. that's the lowest level for a primary since just ballots were cast. the city
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has more than 500,000 registered voters. almost 90% of ballots this year. we're vote by mail back in the 2012 presidential primary. voter turnout was just over 30%. >> think of the work that we're doing. that's helping a child in the future is coming here to play at this playground because neighbor who is going to kind enjoy that 9 trees that were planted today. we want to see what we see before us today. people from the sheriff's department coming out, neighbors from the community students and the more working together, the stronger safer city we for all of it's important for us to come out and do this work to bring community together and making due unsafe for that. is that every day? we love love to work with community come out about. >> and have some fun. >> san jose mayor matt mahan posted this video on social media. the long bluff center neighborhood association and sheriffs cadets planted 9 new trees at the low block park
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saturday in a different part of the city. residents also trash cleanup. the mayor said these events help create a cleaner community. 3 of the world's 4 largest inhaler makers agreed to cap the price of their products at $35. a month after pressure from capitol hill, lawmakers, 41 million americans rely on inhalers and similar medicines to treat asthma or chronic pulmonary disease. before the price cap, american patients were paying 10 times more for the same inhalers as patients and other parts of the world. >> and my impression is that these companies. as well as many others in the pharmaceutical industry. but beginning to catch on to the fact that the american people are sick and tired of paying astronomical prices for the prescription drugs they need to stay alive, but the ease their suffering. >> teva is the only company that has yet to commit to
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lowering the price of its inhalers. the first over-the-counter birth control is now available approved by the fda in pill hit the shelves of various walgreens stores this week. well, some states already allow pharmacists to dispense birth control without a prescription. this is the first time the medicines accessible nationwide. and we continue to honor women's history month on kron 4 south bay resident jay crawford has pioneer cancer support for more than 4 decades. kron four's terisa stasio reports. if you go behind area here we have a number of weeks and we have trained volunteers who will help you fit guy. crawford excitedly shows off a well-stocked cancer care point center in san jose. the bag that we send home with patients is really very special as well. >> and we often give them an arm pillow. some of them have lymphedema crawford knows better than most. she was diagnosed with cancer in 1974.
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>> i became my own advocate because in those days they were doing things radical mastectomies and i had to search what my options. after winning a battle crawford set to work helping others face down that demon. >> devoting her life to guiding people through the early often confusing days of a cancer diagnosis. he is the most passionate. >> advocate for best work we would not be here or doing the things that we can do. if it weren't for her heart. don hoak is executive director of cancer care point. >> she has lost count of how many people crawford is touched throughout the years. she's a blessing. jenny maggot lost her husband and daughter to cancer. she recruited crawford into hospice of the valley. back in 1978, what are you most grateful about with her? her ability to sense.
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>> what's going on? not only with the patients because she was a patient or but also what was going families with involvement, cancer care point in creed, kids. >> craig, is kids has helped 20,000 families with children who have cancer once a year. the group holds a mother's day event. >> i'm great america. they come from all over california. some in nevada and they look at it as a picnic they can being with other kids, not in the hospital. >> plaques. newspaper clippings and other mementos tell the story of crawford's 50 year career as a cancer fighter volunteering with more than a half a dozen other programs in an advocate volunteerism. all my life. crawford also had a hand in creating a state cancer registry, which collects invaluable research data that can be used to save lives.
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nothing has stopped or not. a second cancer diagnosis back in 2004 and certainly not her age. crawford recently turned 80 telling friends and family and her husband roy retirement isn't an option. >> rhinos at dinner time, the phone rings and i disappear. i'm i'm working with the patient trying to get them >> to recess stasio kron. 4 news. just a remarkable woman right there. and kron 4 does on a remarkable women of the bay area all month long. >> read more about our finalists by scanning the qr code right there on your screen. we are new stories each week right here on kron 4 and kron 4 dot com. coming up on the kron 4 morning news. seasonal allergies may already have you coughing and sneezing >> the health guidance from experts. >> the tech that wants to mnke your life better, including an ai fridge. that knows exactly what's inside. plus, bio engineered plants that clean engineered plants that clean the sometimes your work shirt needs to be for more
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>> spring is here. and that means flowers, birds, bees and seasonal allergies. doctors say allergies affect around 25% of adults and 20% of children. the pollen count hits its peak in april or may doctors say common symptoms can include runny nose, itchy eyes, and sneezing. >> the pollen is because get this like coming down like snow right now. i have noticed it to ice and runny nose and also have a lot of propane. the asthma and allergy association of america says people can try closing their windows, washing hands
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frequently and >> wearing sunglasses. take o look at this. a water spout was caught camera around monterey bay. can spot it. the clouds had just enough circulation for the national weather service to classify it as a. water spout. excuse me. if you look closely, you can see it moving over the water on the left-hand side of your screen. i promise you it is. they're kind of stringing. yeah, it's pretty small, but it is there on small, you know, by the way, stephanie, that that's actually pretty common on the west coast here because we have the mild air at the surface and it's cold upstairs. >> recipe for that. and when you want tornadic activity, one of water spout out in the ocean. definitely very cool information. there has got to technically we may see some more of that. maybe this time around will be in socal. perhaps a good morning, stephanie. good morning. all we jump to the radar real quick. it's kind of scenario we're talking about. you'll get some of that activity and
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on the home front here, we might see a little stray thunder shower leftover the east bay. a walk through that in just a moment. right now. here's radar. >> actually, the bigger issue is some clearing going on in for most folks going to see a mixed bag, a sun and clouds, maybe a passing shower. if you're lucky. san jose state, look at this. all usually clear down south about this case around. they're still socked in with the cloud cover for now that will improve for the day too. winter weather at this until 8. what has about other 15 minutes left over? but the basic takeaway from this is the snow levels have been, as you can see, got down a little bit lower here around 4,000 feet or so. so. and says they're above 4,000 feet. so it got out of that lower level. that's one of issues with that before with these other storm systems. a lot of times it has been very high. so therefore, the foothills got treated to rain, not snow. tahoe forecast has mixed bag sun and clouds next couple of days. wednesday, rain, maybe some snow showers to cap that off when it's all said and done. but we're watching a more potent storm on friday. all right. we'll get to that
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in a bit. keep it short term. there you see a nice opening up in the skies briefly up in the north bay. so it gets that energy. then it fires off some showers mostly in the east bay. it looks like they're, you know, remains clear towards the west. potentially could be a couple strikes of lightning. but quantitatively not much at all with this thing today opens up nicely for the weekend. i'll just go and show you with futurecast has to say about the rainfall. that's it may be a couple of dimes down south, but mostly pennies everywhere. so not going to pick up much from all of this. now long-range, let's go for we get a break here early in the week. wednesday's the next day. we want to watch. maybe that won't be as cold as we showed you in the tahoe forecast. the getting further upstream. boy, does this look familiar? know the rotation right here in our backyard. that drives some good, widespread winds. we have the cold air aloft and all that business that can also get the lightning going and all of that. now, the problem is this issue had this storm system has trouble clearing so it may mess up the weekend a little bit. we're watching that to see how the models are because they can
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change. could change with that low is that could change make every difference in the world for us. but as of now, it looks like kind of a stormy friday, ok, early into the following week again, will be monitoring highs today. we've got lower 60's off towards the east bay. 62 san jose up north also got some 60's, not too shabby. so we have some sun poking out a little bit better than yesterday. checking out our 7 day forecast for you have lots of 60's on the board and 50's return into friday. that means that storm system is cold. yesterday was kind of funky a little you saw this with the sunshine out. the same time. the rain coming. magical. that is odd. so yes, we that we make rainbows. right. you know like that, that funnel cloud. i'm sorry. that you know, that's possible. and socal we might see today because all that's going down yeah. very cool information. thanks for breaking down that science forced thanks a lot. dave. >> in today's tech, smart rich demuro takes a look at new technology that is meant to make our lives easier.
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>> technology shows like c e s lots of products want to make your life easier. so if i just go like this, the bridge will open itself up. it does do it on the other door as well. some of like that will open itself up. so this is brand-new samsung's bespoke ai family hub. fridge will open the door for you. this is the first one fully opens the door. there's also an ai camera that logs what goes in and out. so you always know what's on hand. you'll hear a little and basically that's recognizing that i just removed one of the ingredients when it comes to water. how about making your own? it gives people the water freedom to be able to do what they want with water. the water cube 100 from genesis systems makes fresh water from the air. a three-step filtration process ensures its pure even for drinking. it's a good way that we can be water, water stewart's. i'm putting water back. not taking from the
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aquifers. this system can be paired with solar and run. 24 hours generating up to 100 gallons a day. it's $20,000. >> maybe use some of that water for neo plants. the first plants bioengineered to purify the air inside your home. we tell you to form and put it he can find in any all much of volatile organic compounds that come from out of things. you have indoor space on the piece furniture, all even household products. the plants start at $179. and one of the offense is equivalent just said she read it all in terms of a happy vacation. finally, a gadget i've been using for months now. the gator grabbed. we are simple solutions to common problems like how to keep your phone or tablet propped up for watching videos and more. it grips >> and it's like alligator. it has those teeth that will. great this thing really is handy. my only gripe with the gator grabbed just be careful when you're taking off your
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phone so it doesn't snapping that's our motto you get here. - they're anywhere. a grippy rubber strip. keep your gadget place. $20 for a phone grip. 25 for a tablet i'm rich demuro and you are tech smart. >> happening today, the san francisco giants are back in northern california. the team wrapped up their spring training schedule in arizona yesterday. they now play their final 3 exhibition games before the start of the regular season. today's game will be played in sacramento against the river. cats. first pitch is set for 507, diets and play against the a's. the first game happening tomorrow night at the coliseum. then tuesday night, the teams and with the end of season, rather with a game at oracle park, both teams start their regular seasons on thursday. the ncaa basketball tournament continues today for both the men and women cowboys. erin wilson has the latest on march madness. >> well, the man is continued on saturday as the ncaa
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tournament head into the second round of play in will. we will take packs. well, where we see with states is still dancing in the tournament. we have to start with the 11 th-seeded oregon. the to you know, they look to school. the number 3 creighton is run in the final and it was by far the best games so far in the tournament, which i'm sure were leading up to some great harm burner. this some point. but the ducks and the blue jays take the cake for the first when they traded leads all night long. time to 58 with a little more than 2 to-go drink. who do not throw that ally the folly. didn't say who throws down the jam and willed he does a little dance celebrate that he had 28 points 20 rebounds does they were up to with 10 seconds ago. baylor shiri right there hits jumper to give the game and send it into overtime. so now in overtime, the delta down 3.20 seconds cool, closet. >> at 3 point and there and we are headed into a second over time. but kuz i have 32 points for the ducks on saturday. but the ducks they ran out of for some reason in the second ot
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in the blue jays just ran off 15 straight to open up the second overtime. steven ashworth, he nails the 3 right there, that 3 of the 21 that he had on the night in creighton survive the double ot to win. 86 to 73 is your final and now meet tennessee in the sweet 16 next week. that's creighton in tennessee. this out we have to you. >> aaron, >> thank you. we'll be right >> thank you. we'll be right back. have heart failure with unresolved symptoms? it may be time to see the bigger picture. heart failure and seemingly unrelated symptoms like carpal tunnel syndrome,
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shortness of breath, and irregular heartbeat could mean something more serious, called attr-cm a rare, underdiagnosed disease that worsens over time. sound like you? call your cardiologist and ask about attr-cm. another one in the books. but we're just getting started. everything going well? oh yeah. let's take a look at this knee. because it's the work behind the scenes,
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that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! for all that is me, for all that is you. kaiser permanente. when you smell the amazing scent of gain flings... time stops. (♪♪) and you realize you're in love... steve? with a laundry detergent. (♪♪) gain flings. seriously good scent.
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>> if you're looking to expand your family with a furry friend. lots of senior dogs are in need of a forever home. we spoke with hanna came of those foster care manager on fostering and adopting older docks. >> and one thing that is really amazing about fostering, especially with my is you're getting to experience life with a wide variety of what you do to adopt. really is. i fill out a little questionnaire to tell us a bit about you your home so we can try to you know, with appropriate suitable dog. >> and for a full list of dogs available, just visit muttville dot org. the cost of dating is creating a new level of stress for some people. a new survey by cell financial says 68% of americans are on edge about how much today it will cost and which party should pay. 44% of those surveyed say the person who earns more should pay for the first date. 36% surveyed say
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it's best to go. fifty-fifty on the first date, political experts say the person who's treated on the first date may want to offer to pay on the second one. some food for thought there. it's still ahead on the kron. 4 morning news. a toll increase for the golden gate bridge has been approved. when you can expect to pay more to drive across. >> plus, a deadly mountain lion attack in northern california. but we know about the victims. now on the kron.
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4 morning news. united airlines facing increased oversight by the faa amid a growing number of problems
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involving their flights. and a new toll increase approved for the golden gate bridge. how much more you'll be paying. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at >> good morning. thank you so much for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm stephanie lin. >> it's sunday marks the 24th. let's get your morning started with a look at the weather with dave sphar. morning, dave. well, good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. and we're still messing around a little bit of leftover showers, but it will be very sparse, quantitatively, nothing at all. like we picked up from yesterday and many folks will see a nice opening up at least partially a little bit by late morning hours. but there is a resurgence. it looks to be favoring the east bay of some showers. kind of watch out for because they may have a couple of strikes of lightning in there. here we have right now. radar at this hour. and there you have it. a couple spots appear there. the general trend is this stuff moving to the south again, opening up things in the north bay a bit. the shot from sutro is pretty
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much lots of cloud cover here. we don't have our typical inversion thing. in other words, it goes cooler as you go higher up. and it's pretty moist all the way up there, too. so that's where the concern is about. when we get the sun out a little bit that energizes the surface sense stuff up above us. and that can sometimes make little ice crystals. they rub against each other and that's when they start to get some sparkles gold. there's a storm tracker 4 and there you see up to the north again, some leftover showers. but and the most part, it will be a little bit of a partial clearing story. winds are still somewhat active. worth noting we have some teens. you can see the go right across the golden gate off towards the bay bridge and off to the carquinez strait. so numbers are in the teens to lower single digits and it will remain kind of windy along the coast today. tomorrow, even so a bit on the chilly side, even if the sun does polk out for you 50's across a good chunk of real estate here with some 40's on the peripherals to the south. and meanwhile, up north and that compares with the same thing will chillier north and south midday, a little bit
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more mild in a bit. we're going to walk through what you can expect for this afternoon and take a look at the longer range forecast. stefanie. all right, dave, thank you. >> our top story this morning, the faa announced plans to ramp up oversight of united airlines after a series of recent safety concerns for sara stinson reports. >> the faa will be inspecting united airlines to see where can improve on safety will be looking at everything between pilots and maintenance and overall operations. i spoke with a retired pilot to learn about what this federal evaluation entails between an engine fire and losing a tire during takeoff. united airlines has recently seen a spike. >> in safety issues. now the federal aviation administration is increasing oversight of the airline to see what's going wrong. the vice president of united corporate safety, sasha johnson, put out a memo notifying employees about an increased presence of the faa in the coming weeks. johnson says recent safety events have
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caused them to pause and evaluate whether there's something they can do differently. federal regulators will be inspecting united work processes manuals and facilities. it will be a top to bottom look at the operation. doug rice is a retired airline pilot. he's been flying for 53 years. he says it is routine for the faa to increase oversight after issues arise. >> and they will spend time at the airport. they will spend time at the training center. they will spend time with management and they'll ensure that what is supposed to be done is actually being done. question will be whether the policies and practices that united our proven and whether there are flaws there and making sure that those flaws, if they're found are rice says the faa will most likely spend most of its time evaluating the airline's operation at sfo. >> for many of these incidents occurred partially because all the flights were operating to and from charities partly
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because san francisco is a major maintenance base. so they're going to see the additional oversight here. and that will be a >> very big plus for the traveling public here in the bay the faa says future projects a united airlines may be put on hold, depending on what they find. want to wait and see. >> when that evaluation gets released. i'm sara stinson reporting at sfo. back to you. >> in the east bay, the highway patrol is investigating a deadly crash on southbound. i-80 near paseo padre parkway in fremont. this is video taken earlier from the citizen app around 9.30, last night. chp says the crash happened after a ford taurus hit a prius. the driver of the ford crashed into an embankment and died. the driver of the prius is cooperating with the investigation. all lanes are now back open. one person is dead after a fatal shooting in oakland. this happened early saturday morning on east 12th street. officers say when they got to the scene, the shooter had fled the victim died. that
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person's identity has not yet been released. and new this morning, firefighters on the peninsula work to stamp out this blaze case will building. this is video from the citizen app shot in the bayshore area of brisbane. no reports of any injuries. developing news we're following out of san francisco. one person is in the hospital after another car crashed into a bus stop. san francisco fire says this happened last night at the quarter up our presidio and fulton street. that corner serves as an entrance into golden gate park for residents of the richmond district. the crash comes just one week after another car crashed into a bus stop killing a family of 4. it happened in the west portal neighborhood. police are still investigating what caused that crash. officers arrested of allay teen wanted in connection with the killing of a driver during a police chase. the chase and crash happened just last august. one police spotted a car linked to several armed robberies. the teen driver allegedly sped off before slamming into 2 other
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cars, killing one of those drivers. police say the teen then ran off leaving a passenger and a loaded gun behind investigators caught up with the suspect on wednesday. their name is being withheld because of their age. petaluma police are looking for 2 men suspected of stealing from the hardware store. police say these 2 men walked into freeman's home improvement center on thursday, march 14th and stole nearly $1500 worth of merchandise. police say the thieves drove off in a red hatchback car. if anyone has information, please get in touch with petaluma police. meanwhile, police in santa rosa are looking for this man. they say he's accused of stealing money from the chase bank on sonoma avenue thursday afternoon, award of up to $2500 is offered for information leading to his arrest. developing news now out of eldorado county. one man is dead and another hurt after a mountain lion attack. it happened in a rural area near georgetown when a shed. has the details. a 21 year-old
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man died after he and his 18 year-old brother were attacked by a mountain lion while antler shed hunting in the area of darling ridge road. >> the younger brother was able to dial 9-1-1, when deputies arrived, they outline crowds down next to a downed individual outline was facing the deputies and an attempt to get to the individual to render first aid. the dist charge their firearms surgeon parker says they believe the mountain lion was shot before running off. deputies were able to make it the individual day did. see that he was deceased. unfortunately, his younger brother was taken to a local hospital for his injuries and is expected to survive wardens with fish and wildlife responded to this area to search. >> for that mountain lion, the area is remote and densely
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populated with huge trees. search in parker says the mountain lion was still alive when 3 trackers located it. he was eventually shot and put down. it's unclear what gender the lie and was. the investigation continues by nightfall. many locals in town heard of the attack. some say they've encountered mountain lions in the past on their property. our greatest condolences go out to the very just tragic of that in eldorado county rowena shaddox. >> in national news, president joe biden signed a 1.2 trillion dollars spending package which and fears of a partial government shutdown. in a statement the president said the bipartisan agreement was the result of a compromise and neither side got everything. it wanted the spending package in part, keeps money flowing to the pentahon and homeland security. some republicans demanding deep cuts in spending opposed the bill.
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some sad news for bay area drivers this morning, golden gate bridge transit officials approved a toll increase. it goes into effect later this year. tiffany justice is live for us at the bridge this morning with the latest details on this. tiffany. >> good morning, stephanie. yeah, soon drivers will be paying more to get across the golden gate bridge toll prices will be increasing this summer starting on july first. so here's what we know. the announcement was made by the golden gate bridge highway and transportation district court. they say most customers will be seeing a $0.50 increase from the current rate of 9.75. in starting in july. >> the toll invoice will be $10 and $0.25 now for fast track drivers who currently pay a 75 to get across. they will be paying 9.25. when the toll hike goes into effect. this whole hike is part of a plan from the public transit agency to increase that whole
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starting every july for the next 5 years until 2028, which will raise approximately 139 million dollars. >> over the next 5 years, that whole program is said to provide funding for bridge operations and maintenance along with us and ferry transit service. officials go on to say the bridge is currently facing 220 million 5 year deficit due to the level of transit services daily on the back to you. >> alright, tiffany, thank you so much for that update. caltrain has started to phase out their trains and replace them with electric ones. the agency invited people to say goodbye to the original a train cars with a final ride. caltrain also handed out these posters showing the evolution of the service over the years. you could see it shows the first train going into service all the way back in 18, 64. just incredible. well, no one last night's powerball lottery. sorry to break the
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news to you. the jackpot is now up to 800 million dollars at the cash value of more than 384 million. the next drawing is tomorrow night. meanwhile, the mega millions drawing is now worth more than a billion dollars that drawing is on tuesday night. coming up on the kron 4 morning news. the latest efforts by lawmakers out of washington, d.c., to make rent more affordable. plus, hundreds of people demonstrate in the east bay calling for a cease-fire in gaza. >> we're keeping tabs on the radar there. still couple splotches worth noting here, but for most folks are going to see just very, very light rain showers, mostly concentrate the morning kind of clearing up a little bit with a mixed bag, a sun and clouds this afternoon. but we may see a little cell develop off the east we'll talk about the kron. 4 morning news continues.
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it's the work behind the scenes, let's take a look at this knee. that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! kaiser permanente. sometimes your work shirt needs to be for more than just work. like when it needs to be a big soft shoulder to cry on. which is why downy does more to make clothes softer, fresher, and better. downy. breathe life into your laundry. business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. it's the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. trust. hang out. and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business.
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powering more businesses than anyone. powering possibilities. welcome back to kron. 4 morning news this a shot coming in from our sutro camera shows. >> all of downtown there golden gate bridge off towards the distance in the bay. a little bit of the gloomy side to give it some time. improve those conditions to for the skies. we have a mixed bag, a sun and clouds fair to say for today on balance, although of the rain that we're going to get pretty much the next few hours for most folks, that's all the rain you're going to get today and it will be pretty much taking a breather on this till mid week. now, here's the green line here. this just means general possibility of some thunder showers. all really that means that's from the severe prediction center. they're really watching out for severe weather, which this is not saying it all. just maybe some thunder showers. now we did
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live up to that a little bit. that's a water spout around monterey bay. however, you can see it cuts right through the east bay just a little bit there. and there is an interesting cell that drops to the east bay this afternoon. let's get to that now for early part of the day. leftover showers opening up the skies that lets the daytime heating the sun actually technically heats the ground. the ground and subsequently heats the air. and that's what starts the mechanics of everything we get some evaporation and sends that 2 above us and above us, gets colder. so that's what starts to drive the ice crystals in the potential lightning strikes. and then we do see a cell develop in the east bay. it seems that they've the east bay little bit this afternoon during maxim heating of the day. so that's why the all that is so just kind of on the lookout for something like that. after that, we kind of go into the clear overnight and cool off nicely tomorrow. you will scattered clouds kind of left over. but on balance, looking pretty good. it's really by the time we get to wednesday in the longer range forecast that things get interesting. and really it's on friday. this looks like it's still holding up in terms of that stormy feel for friday and
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into the weekend. now, with all this going on, even though some cases of sky conditions are improving, we're going have a consistent wind going on. that will be at the coast. we you might see the sun come out a little bit. definitely dress with the winter gear because it's going to be on the chilly side with temps in the 50's. and you've got these winds with the ride. it's going to feel chilly with all that. all right. this is everything put together, got the variable clouds and afternoon thunder shower. that's favoring basically the east bay. temperatures in the 60's range around 60 and then for early in the week. it's a dry break here with sun and clouds. mixtures we discussed will be monday into tuesday. highs will be in the mid to upper 60's. not too bad. and then late in the week, it's a well. we've got rain returning. that's wednesday. and then more importantly, the stormy friday. and unfortunately, the latest model runs keep that in the next saturday sunday. but that can change and model runs can change in-that low may not be in the right ideal spot, which means it won't be so stormy. so again, hang with us. 61 on for san francisco. some variable clouds and a few
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showers mostly early on. 62 for oakland. 62 also for san jose. again, these will be largely early showers except maybe open. watch out this afternoon. lower 60's cover their the east bay and also up to the north bay, too. but again, with those winds hang little on the chilly side to get the coast, even the sun come out a little bit. there. so just prepare for a little bit of winter and we warm up a little bit later this week. it will get some upper 60's in there, too. all right. so keep the jacket. and all right. thanks so much. day. >> we call for a season-high. the knees. >> hundreds of people marched 20 miles from berkeley to alameda calling for a cease-fire in gaza. the protest lasted 12 hours with stops for prayer, those participating carried all of branches as a symbol of peace and remembrance. organizers say the event was part of a global movement happening in 145 cities across 18
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countries. >> and there are several congregations in the bay area 16. i think that have the cease-fire signs on their houses of worship. and so we're mapping through all the different houses of worship in berkeley, oakland and alameda >> the group is also calling on california senators alex padilla and laphonza butler to back a permanent and immediate cease-fire. police arrested nearly a dozen people for blocking roads near travis air force base in fairfield, police say protesters gathered on air base parkway and parker road friday morning. we're told the group had been warned about blocking traffic. police also say furniture and nails quote, fashion to flatten tires were found dumped on some of the roads around the base. police say they support the right to protest, but it must be done without breaking the law. this was described as an antiwar protest by police. a group of lawmakers is trying to make it easier for americans to pay their rent. our washington correspondent maddie beer-temple explains
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the new renters agenda introduced on capitol hill and why some say it's not the answer. >> they call themselves the congressional renters caucus. and california congressman jimmy gomez says they have a plan that will help millions of americans pay their rent. start of a new era of housing policy in washington. >> an era where we put renters at the heart of federal housing strategy. the group this week announced 15 bills they say will lower costs and increase the number of affordable rental homes. a lot of our efforts of the federal government and across the country >> have been too small, too slow and too inefficient. one of those bills is vermont congresswoman becca balance. community housing act. it would spend 500 billion dollars to build new housing. she says a bigger supply will drive rents down. it will keep renters in their homes and keeps rent rent affordable. other legislation aims to limit evictions reform, zoning laws and provide more rental assistance. a recent report from moody's says the average renter now pays 30% of their
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income on rent the highest it's been in 20 years. >> but conservative groups say these bills are about idea. the recent slew progressive proposals on affordable housing will actually exacerbate. >> the problem, joel griffith with the heritage foundation says federal subsidies are what made housing costs too high in the first place. dish rate their footprint in the marketplace. congressman gomez says he's talking with republicans to try to gain bipartisan support. >> he says the caucus is open to anyone with solutions in washington. maddie beer-temple. >> it is spring and with that means bears waking up from hibernation. randy reports on how mountain towns are preparing for more potential wildlife encounters. the start of spring, the end of hibernation. >> means up to 40,000, california bears on the hunt for food and every year the remote village of pine mountain club becomes a bear magnet. so crews are at the
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ready with nonlethal tactics. the community actually has bear hazing patrols ready to help residents to scare bears away. in this case, fire nonlethal pepper pellets. most of the 2800 residents here also electric fences and mats which help with deterrence. wildlife officials call the situation in pine mountain. >> a human black bear conflict zone and this season is already trending worse than last year when residents reported over 500 encounters, the massive mammals have broken through doors and windows and even through rooms in order to get to whatever food is inside. >> one house even burned to the ground after bear climbed onto the stove and actually turned it james weinstock has
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lived here almost 30 years. he says loves the bears and takes videos when they show up. but he is scarred from a close encounter with a hungry bear that ventured into still some fish. >> i had a baseball bat use the chase him away and it wouldn't hurt. it was one of those little kitty baseball bats came after me. i backed up. so i and so you can see of it. now. when a bear scratch is you. they don't scratch you like that. they have a big chunk of sure flashes con. >> i should let him finish the fish. james is fine and admits it was his fault for leaving the fish out with development and wildfires cutting into the food supply for california bears. the bear battle keep spreading with hundreds of sightings and food thefts. even in suburban los angeles during the summer months, bears are often captured, enjoying backyard pools. and
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some have even learned the doordash drill, snatching food deliveries before unsuspecting customers. even open their front doors. still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news, instagram announcing changes to the way it handles political content. >> in advance of the november general election.
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>> instagram is changing the way it limits political content. users now have to go into their settings area in the app and turn off the limiting feature earlier this year, instagram announced it would no longer proactively recommend political content in a post on threads. the head of
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instagram said the policy changes to preserve the ability for people to choose to interact with political content while respecting each person's appetite for it. spacex launched its dragon resupply aircraft to the international space station. can see the dragon carrying 6,000 pounds of cargo. nasa says the aircraft safely arrived at the space station on saturday. and several private companies are exploring supersonic commercial travel. a company called boom looks to be the closest and it looks really cool. actually, their flights would fly faster than the speed of sound around 700 miles per hour. boom says it plans to cut flight time from new york to germany to just 4 hours and 15 minutes hopes to be in service by 2029, nasa and the aerospace company exo sonic also looking into supersonic flights. come to the future there now to an
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ancient fossil discovery out of santa cruz, students from terror, redwood elementary school discovered the fall. so last spring and to the to the museum of natural history for study. experts there recognized it as an arm bone from a giant slide between 11,000 and 300,000 years old. quite a discovery there. and a great story for those college applications. some major inhaler makers agree to cap the price of lifesaving prescriptions.
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another one in the books. but we're just getting started. everything going well? oh yeah. let's take a look at this knee. because it's the work behind the scenes, that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! for all that is me, for all that is you. kaiser permanente.
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>> now on the kron, 4 morning news march is women's history month made the bay area woman dedicating her life to supporting cancer patients. >> bipartisan lawmakers introduced a bill they believe will tackle retail capitol correspondent eytan have a closer look. plus, tell you what the legislation aims to do for law enforcement. >> welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news. thank you so much for joining us today. let's get you started with a look this half hour with the with dave spahr was look at the weather for us. he's here a good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. >> and we're still kind of mention a little bit in the way of some shoe fuel showers here. but very little quantitatively speaking compared to yesterday and most of the lion's share for most people could be in the morning hours the next few hours here. and then beyond that point is maybe a sprinkle and you're going to see a little bit more in the way of some sunshine going on here, too. so it's almost fair to say a kind of variable cloudy for most with
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the risk of a shower. we are watching interesting little cell that will play in the east bay a bit. we'll be showing you the model runs. but right now, here's the radar. as you can see, the concentration of most, the rain as we speak right now is in the peninsula along the coast there and a little bit in the bay as well. very, very light up to the north. there's the shot from sfo. most of the delays are just about 20 minutes 45 minutes or so. basically due to construction issues. and we don't see much the way of whether it's really stopping things there too much. got 56 going on at high noon. this really underscores the fact of the skies opening up around new niche and in the east bay, particularly that's what that few showers thing means. it's not so much san francisco where the north bay were down south. it's really in the east bay that this may pop up in the concern is that maybe a little isolated little thunder shower thrown in the next. all right. here it is in total. you can see we're on the western edge of this system. there are 4 things open up as we get into monday into tuesday. temperature check for you. a mixed bag of 40's and 50's and with those winds, by the way, could be a
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little chilly at the coast. even when the sun comes out, a little cooler up north and down south by compared to yesterday, midday right on target in a bit. we're going to walk through more the longer range forecast because after get out of today, we're not in the clear yet there's more winter type weather coming our way for wednesday. and in the end of next week, stephanie. all right, dave, thank you. >> happening tomorrow, congressman mark to hosts a town hall meeting in martinez to discuss refinery safety. the song it represents contra costa county monday's event will go over ideas how to protect the local environment and quality of life. the meeting comes after several recent flaring incidents at martinez refineries, contra costa, health and air quality officials will be there. the event is scheduled for 6.30, tomorrow night at john muir elementary school. and to east bay men face charges connected to an alleged kidnapping. police in tracy say they rescued a woman held hostage at gunpoint. officers got a tip on friday that a kidnapping victim was being held at a home on lake shore. drive. officers surrounded the
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home. they say one man tried to run off the other surrendered. police say suspects dorado rover, solace from livermore and lopez. but here is from oakland are both accused of kidnapping. happening today. the in and out burger location on he can burger and oakland closes its doors for good the restaurant first announced the closure back in january citing car break-ins, property damage and armed robberies as the reason this will be the first in and out burger to close in the company. 75 year. history. state lawmakers from both sides of the aisle are launching a new effort they say will help combat retail theft. capitol correspondent eytan wallace reports. >> well, something member behind the bill says in addition to protecting the public, the hope is to also protect jobs, doing nothing is not an option that says something member. mike gibson's messages. he in this group of bipartisan lawmakers introduced legislation they say will combat the statewide issue of retail theft.
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>> it is a threat to our livelihoods are hard-working. california's and the blow to our economy in community, especially of color. that's why he and others here say they're backing assembly bill. 1990, also known as the stop act. it authorizes an officer to make an arrest for misdemeanor shoplifting offense. >> even if the defense was not committed in the officer's presence, all the officer would need is probable cause to believe the suspect is committed shoplifting. the goal putting a stop to retail to at los angeles. i'm remember when the country a lot of the legislation, she points out, a major part of the bill will allow officers to formally arrest and book a misdemeanor shoplifting suspects into jail instead of simply citing them and then releasing them that she says happens all too often today feeling the security from. >> a law enforcement to be able to actually arrest and book someone. it's a big difference. it's a sentiment shared by republicans at some one member. one on these. the springs, real and this helps
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public safety as well, especially our retailers who have gone without any help for many, many years. most importantly, it will make a difference in retaining jobs in california as we continue to see that. so many stories continue to close because of retail that still legislative republicans believe any reform must also include a repeal of prop. 47 passed by california voters in 2014. the law changed certain nonviolent crimes from felonies to misdemeanors, including theft when the items stolen are valued at less than $950. >> while supporters have long argued the law will help reduce california's prison population and lead to criminal justice reform opponents, including republican assemblymember tom lackey say emboldened criminals to take part in certain crimes like retail theft, but little to no punishment. property heavily contributed to the problem. >> and so in order to find a solution to have to first address the problem. and prop 47. >> and as for the stop act, it will soon have a hearing at the assembly public safety committee reporting at the
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state capitol. a tonn wallace kron. 4 news. final numbers show that just about 47% of san francisco voters cast ballots in the march 5th primary election. >> that's the lowest level for a primary since 2012, just over 233,000 ballots were cast. the city has more than 500,000 registered voters. almost 90% of ballots this year. but we're vote by mail back in the 2012 presidential primary. voter turnout was just over 30%. well, 3 of the world's 4 largest inhaler makers agreed to cap the price of their products at $35 a month after pressure from capitol hill, lawmakers, 41 million americans rely on taylor's and similar medicines to treat asthma or chronic pulmonary disease. before the price cap, american patients were paying 10 times more for the same inhalers as patients and other parts of the world. >> and my impression is that these companies. as well as many others in the pharmaceutical industry. but
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beginning to catch on to the fact that the american people are sick and tired of paying astronomical prices for the prescription drugs they need to stay alive or to ease their suffering. >> teva is the only company that has yet to commit to lowering the price of its inhalers. the first over-the-counter birth control is now available approved by the fda in pill hit the shelves in various walgreens stores this week. while some stores already allow pharmacists to dispense birth control without a prescription. this is the first time the medicine is accessible nationwide. and we continue to honor women's history month here on kron 4 south bay resident kate crawford has pioneer cancer support for more then for decades and from first to assist. also brings us her story. >> if you go behind area here we have a number of weeks and we have trained volunteers who will help you fit gate crawford excitedly shows off a
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well-stocked cancer care point center in san jose. the bag that we send home with patients is really very special as well. >> and we often give them an arm pillow. some of them have lymphedema crawford knows better than most. she was diagnosed with cancer in 1974. >> i became my own advocate because in those days they were doing things radical mastectomies and i had to search what my options. after winning a battle crawford set to work helping others face down that demon. >> devoting her life to guiding people through the early often confusing days of a cancer diagnosis. he is the most passionate. >> advocate best work. >> we would not be here or doing the things that we can do. >> if it weren't for her heart. don hoak is executive director of cancer care point.
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>> she has lost count of how many people, crawford he's touched throughout the years. she's a blessing. jenny maggot lost her husband and daughter to cancer. she recruited crawford into hospice of the valley. back in 1978, what are you most grateful about with her? her ability to sense. >> what's going on? not only with the patients because she was a patient or but also what was going with families with her involvement, cancer care point in creed, kids. >> craig, is kids has helped 20,000 families with children who have cancer once a year. the group holds a mother's day event. >> i'm great america. they come from all over california. some in nevada and they look at it as a picnic they can being with other kids, not in the hospital. >> plaques. newspaper clippings and other mementos
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tell the story of crawford's 50 year career as a cancer fighter volunteering with more than a half a dozen other programs in an advocate for volunteerism. all my life. crawford also had a hand in creating a state cancer registry, which collects invaluable research data that can be used to save lives. nothing has stopped or not. a second cancer diagnosis back in 2004 and certainly not her age. crawford recently turned 80 telling friends and family and her husband roy retirement isn't an option. >> rhinos at dinner time, the phone rings and i disappear. i'm i'm working with the patient trying to get them >> to recess stasio kron. 4 news truly remarkable and kron 4 continues to honor remarkable women of the bay area all month long. read more about our finalists by scanning the qr code right there on your screen. we are news stories each week right here on kron 4 and kron 4 dot com. our website. well, if
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you're looking to expand your family with a furry friend there are lots of senior dogs. >> in need of a forever home. we spoke with hanna k hannah kaye brother who is but bill's foster care manager on fostering and adopting older docks. >> i one thing that is really amazing about fostering, especially with my is you're getting to experience life with a wide variety of what you do to adopt. really is. i fill out a little questionnaire to tell us a bit about you your home so we can try to you know, with appropriate suitable dog. >> for a full list of dogs available affil dot or coming up on the kron. 4 morning news. seasonal allergies may already coughing and sneezing. >> the health guidance from experts. >> the tech that wants to make your life better, including an ai fridge that knows exactly what's inside. plus engineered plants that clean the air in
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plants that clean the air in your mr. clean magic eraser powers through tough messes. so it makes it look like i spent hours cleaning, and you know i didn't. it makes my running shoe look like new! it's amazing. it's so good. it makes it look like i have magical powers. magic eraser and sheets make cleaning look easy.
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(music) have heart failure with unresolved symptoms? it may be time to see the bigger picture. heart failure and seemingly unrelated symptoms, like carpal tunnel syndrome, shortness of breath, and irregular heartbeat
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could be something more serious called attr-cm, a rare, underdiagnosed disease that worsens over time. sound like you? call your cardiologist, and ask about attr-cm. >> well, spring is here. and that means flowers, birds, the bees and seasonal allergies. doctors say allergies effect around 25% of adults and 25 or other 20% of children. the car, the pollen count, hits its peak in april or may. so brace yourselves. doctors say common symptoms can include runny nose, itchy eyes, and sneezing. >> the pollen is because get this like coming down like snow right now. i have noticed it to ice and runny nose and also have a lot of propane. yikes. well, the asthma and allergy association of america
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says people can try closing their windows, washing hands frequently and wearing sunglasses to help. >> all right. take a look at this and take a really good look at your screen. going to be really tiny. but a water spout was caught on camera around monterey bay. the clouds had just enough circulation for the national weather service to classify this as a water spout. so if you look really closely, it moving out over the water to the left-hand side. there. this video was taken at street late in monterey bay. so really cool and natural phenomenon out there. it's a little bit tight very showing you. but if you got to have one of those things better over water doesn't touch anything over water for the most part, right? but let's let's go and take a live look now at the golden gate at the golden gate from the sutro tower >> and looking very foggy out there a day. but what are you keeping an eye on? i don't see anything stringy their i hope good morning, stephanie. good morning, all and yes, a lot of moisture at the ground here. but you know what? good news
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is. >> look at the opening that's happening to the north. yeah, these the skies start open up a little bit now to the south. it's kind of a different story there. little line almost like a squall line trying to develop here just south of pacifica heading in the moss beach a bit. so. the central coast that may be treated to little bit more to some of this kind of weather unsettled a bit. but for the bay, we'll call today in improving story. now, this opening you see is going to yield some sunshine a little bit later on. good thing right now. some variable clouds and all, however, that's going to the atmosphere, some energy for a last hurrah, if you will. and that's what the concern is that little cell that will develop later today, setting up to yosemite national park. all would have to how about that? fresh snow as we also see in as well. now they've actually change. now the statement said everything. it's now that winter weather advisory, small little sliver here, a going on around tahoe until about 11 this morning is turn that off. but the snow levels going down about 4,000 feet. again, underscoring how cold it is upstairs for all of this. they will return with
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snow again on wednesday. looks like and then upstream on friday into saturday sunday, unfortunately, may not be a great weekend heading up there, but let's see how the details are. we get a little closer short term forecast monday, tuesday. take a breather in the 40's wednesday may be starting off as rain to at the lower levels but getting some snow back in here again by wednesday afternoon. back to future cast for here's the opening. we mentioned all nice, boom. there's a little cell that develops. i think that's mild hamilton. it looks pops up a little bit. that's up sloping. that's typical. 10 times gets more intense. but the bigger issue with all of this is after daytime heating. and when you have maximum heating of the day like that, that content a spark off a thunder shower. if you have that cold air aloft with that nasty stuff we're talking about with with water spouts and the like they may see some of that in southern california today. even the central coast because they are in that zone of the colder air, all that all 6 to the south monday to tuesday, relatively uneventful until wednesday. rainfall amounts vary token. today we're talking pennies there,
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although to the south, maybe picking up a dine. if you get lucky with this now longer-range, what's the deal? get to wednesday. another dose to look out for to quick mover, though, doesn't last too long. and it's really friday. that is the more interesting one. notice how the lows right in our backyard like this before. the other systems we got came from the south. so they were warm. this is coming from the north. it's cold core that can fire off more in the way of water spouts and sometimes locally severe weather. but that may drive those surface winds. and that's what we had last go around to that low as place of that exact location that may be kind of that stormy feel that will be friday and unfortunately looks like it lingers a little bit into the weekend. again, stay with us because these models can really change a lot, particularly with that bull's eye, right on top of us like that. that's a perfect placement, if you will, lower 60's in the east bay for highs today. getting a little bit of sun up to the north bay as well. meanwhile, down south, a 59 maybe around mountain view half moon bay. 57. and even though that seems to be
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somewhat mild, remember, got some winds coming with this. so we want to dress the part. it's still the winter program. here it is for the weak ahead. unsettled will call again all eyes on wednesday and particularly into friday to see how this all comes together because some that's a really interesting placement that look like it's going to clear out for the next weekend. and right now not looking so hopeful. so hopefully that will improve. >> like we always say, april showers bring may flowers even though it is march. but you know that we're looking ahead, right? okay. thanks so much, dave. well, in today's tech, smart rich demuro takes a look at new technology that's meant to make your life easier. >> technology shows like c e s lots of products want to make your life easier. so if i just go like this, the bridge will open itself up. it does do it on the other door as well. some of like that will open itself up. so this is brand-new samsung's bespoke ai family hub. fridge will open
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the door for you. this is the first one fully opens the door. there's also an ai camera that logs what goes in and out. so you always know what's on hand. you'll hear a little and basically that's recognizing that i just removed one of the ingredients when it comes to water. how about making your own? it gives people the water freedom to be able to do what they want with water. the water cube 100 from genesis systems makes fresh water from the air. a three-step filtration process ensures its pure even for drinking. it's a good way that we can be water, water stewart's. i'm putting water back. not taking from the aquifers. this system can be paired with solar and run. 24 hours generating up to 100 gallons a day. it's $20,000. >> maybe use some of that water for neo plants. the first plants bioengineered to purify the air inside your home. we tell you to form and put it he can find in any all much of volatile organic compounds come from a lot of things. you have indoor space
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on the the sell furniture, all even household products. the plants start at $179. and one of the offense is equivalent just said she read it all in terms of a happy vacation. finally, a gadget i've been using for months now. the gator grabbed. we are simple solutions to common problems like how to keep your phone or tablet propped up for watching videos and more. it grips >> and it's like alligator. it has those teeth that will. great this thing really is handy. my only gripe with the gator grabbed just be careful when you're taking off your phone. so doesn't snapping your fingers gripping january. that's our motto you get here. they're anywhere. a grippy rubber strip. keep your gadget in place. $20 for a phone grip. 25 for a tablet i'm rich demuro and you are tech smart. >> it seems like it would come in handy. well, the ncaa basketball tournament continues today for both the men and women kron four's.
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erin wilson has the latest on march madness. >> well, the men is continued on saturday as the ncaa tournament head into the second round of play in will. we will take it to the facts. well, where we see with seems is still dancing in the tournament. we have to start with the 11 th-seeded oregon. the to you know, they look to school. the number 3 creighton is run in the final and it was by far the best games so far in the tournament, which i'm sure were leading up to some great harm boerne this some point. but the ducks and the blue jays take the cake for the first when they traded leads all night long tie to 58 with a little more than 2 bank who do not throw down an alley the folly. didn't say who throws down the jam and willed he does a little dance celebrate that he had 28 points 20 rebounds. does. they were up to with 10 seconds ago. baylor shiri right there hits jumper to give the game and send it into overtime. so now in overtime, the delta down 3.20 seconds cool, closet. >> at 3 point and there and we are headed into a second over
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time. but car had 32 points for the ducks on saturday. but the ducks they ran out of for some reason in the second ot in the blue jays just ran off 15 straight to open up the second overtime. steven npashworth, he nails the 3 righ there, that 3 of the 21 that he had on the night in creighton survive the double ot to win. 86 to 73 is your final and now meet this tennessee in the sweet 16 next week. that's creighton in tennessee. this out we have the option to you. >> aaron, thank you. and we'll be right back.
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>> the cost of dating is creating a new level of stress for some people. a new survey by cell financial says 68% of americans are on edge about how much a date will cost and which party should pay. 44% of those surveyed say the person who earns more should pay for the first date. 36% surveyed say it's best to go. fifty-fifty on the first date protocol. experts say that the person who was treated on the first day may want to offer to pay on the second one. some food for thought. and still ahead on the kron 4 morning news, a toll increase for the golden gate bridge has just been approved when you can expect to pay more to drive across. >> plus, a deadly mountain lion attack in northern california. know about the victim.
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>> now on the kron 4 morning news. united airlines facing increased oversight by the faa amid a growing number of problems involving their flights. and a new toll increase approved for the golden gate bridge. how much more you'll be pay. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at no. >> good morning. thank you so much for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm
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stephanie lin. it's sunday marks the 24th. let's get your day started with a look at the weather with dave sphar. good morning, dave. well, good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. we're sharing the skies still some leftover little showers here in some variable. clouds on balance will call today, but not anywhere near what we got from yesterday. so >> it's going to kind of a break up in terms of who's going to get what that will be tracking a little bit here. first things first, though, what's going on with the radar where the peninsula, you folks, they're getting a nice little dose of rain to the along the coast as this trip south monterey bay's going to get some of this as well. so some pretty good rain elsewhere around the bay. uneventful, for the most part, even opening up the skies a little bit. so get used to that. more to come shot from sutro. still waiting on that apartment. see lot of low level moisture in place as we see this system play out. we're on the backside of this low. and when you get the backside of the low, you sometimes get some subsidence that's means falling area. you can't get the production of cells as easily, even where we get daytime heating. but there's an interesting one that does develop in the east bay later today. winds, by the
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way, we'll be a little bit brisk and it's a cooler. so keep that in mind, particularly when you're heading out towards the coast, even with sunshine, it will be a bit on the chilly side with winds in the teens mid-fifties line at the east bay shoreline. 49 at this hour for santa rosa. 53 san jose. pretty close to our numbers from yesterday. if not cooler up north and pretty much on the button for mid bay. now again, we'll be watching for a little cell that develops for the east bay. it looks like this afternoon after daytime heating. that's thing we're kind of watching. and then longer-range another hit for wednesday and friday looks like kind of a mess at this point. but that's long range will have more on that a bit, stephanie. all right, dave, thank you. >> developing news now out of eldorado county. one man is dead and another hurt after a mountain lion attack. it happened in a rural area near georgetown, remission. annex has the details. >> a 21 eear-old man died after he and his 18 year-old brother were attacked by a mountain lion while antler shed hunting in the area of darling ridge road. the
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younger brother was able to dial 9-1-1, when deputies arrived, they outline crowds down. >> next to a downed individual outline was facing the deputies and attempt to get to the individual to render first aid. the dist charge their firearms surgeon parker says they believe the mountain lion was shot before running off, but deputies were able to make it the individual day did. see that he was deceased. unfortunately, his younger brother was taken to a local hospital for his injuries and is expected to survive wardens with fish and wildlife responded to this area to search. >> for that mountain lion, the area is remote and densely populated with huge trees. search in parker says the mountain lion was still alive when 3 trackers located it. he was eventually shot and put
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down. it's unclear what gender the lie and was. the investigation continues by nightfall. many locals in town heard of the attack. some say they've encountered mountain lions in the past on their property. our greatest condolences go out to the very just tragic of that in eldorado county rowena shaddox. >> in the east bay, the highway patrol is investigating a deadly crash on southbound. i-880, no pass put padre parkway in fremont. this is video from the citizen app around 9.30 last night. the chp says the crash happened after a ford taurus hit a prius. the driver of the ford crashed into an embankment and died. the driver of the prius is cooperating with the investigation. all lanes are now back open. one person is dead after a fatal shooting in oakland. this happened early saturday morning on east 12th street. officers say when they got to the scene, the shooter had fled. the victim died. that person's identity has not
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yet been released. and new this morning, firefighters on the peninsula work to step out this blaze in a commercial building. this is video from the citizen app shot in the bayshore area of brisbane. no reports of any injuries. and developing news we're following out of san francisco. one person is in the hospital after another car crashed into a bus stop. francisco fire says this happened last night at the quarter of park, presidio and fulton street. that corner serves as an entrance into golden gate park for residents of the richmond district. this crash comes just one week after another car crashed into a bus stop killing a family of 4 happened in the west portal neighborhood. police are still investigating what caused that crash. and officers arrested of allay teen wanted in connection with the killing of a driver during a police chase. the chase and crash happened last august police spotted a car linked to several armed robberies. the teen driver allegedly sped off before slamming into 2 other cars, killing one of those
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drivers. police say the teen then ran off leaving a passenger and a loaded gun behind investigators caught up with the suspect on wednesday. their name is being withheld because of their age. the police are looking for 2 men suspected of stealing from the hardware store. police say these 2 men walked into friedman's home improvement center on thursday, march 14th and stole nearly $1500 worth of merchandise. police say the thieves drove off in a red hatchback car. if anyone has information, please contact the police. meanwhile, police in santa rows are looking for this man. they say he is accused of stealing money from the chase bank on sonoma avenue thursday afternoon, a reward of up to $2500 is offered for information leading to his arrest. in national news, president joe biden signed a 1.2 trillion dollars spending package which and fears of a partial government shutdown. in a statement the president said the bipartisan agreement was the result of a compromise and neither side got everything. it wanted the spending package
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in part keeps money flowing to the pentagon and homeland security. some republicans demanding deep cuts in spending opposed to the bill. tough news for bay area drivers this morning, golden gate bridge transit officials approved a toll increase. it goes into effect later this year. hope was tiffany justice is live for us at the bridge this morning with the latest details on this. good morning to you. didn't good morning, stephanie. s soon drivers will be paying more to get across the golden gate bridge toll prices will be increasing this summer. >> starting on july 1st. so here's what we know. according to an announcement made by the golden gate bridge highway and transportation district board. they say most customers will be seeing a $0.50 increase from the current rate of 9.75. starting in july, the toll invoice will be $10. and $0.25 now for fast track drivers who currently pay a 75 to get across. they will be paying 9d25. when the toll hike goes
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into effect this summer. now this toll hike is part of a plan from the public transit agency to increase the toll starting every july for the next 5 years until 2028, which will raise approximately 139 million dollars over the next 5 years. that whole program is set to provide funding for bridge operations and maintenance along with bus and ferry transit services. officials also go on to say the bridge is currently facing 220 million 5 year deficit due to the current transit services going through back >> all right, stephanie, thank you so much for your ongoing coverage on this this morning. i will help train has started to phase out their trains and replace them with electric ones. the agency invited people to say goodbye to the original trains with a final ride. caltrain also headed out the special posters that show the evolution of the service over the years. it shows the first rain going into service all the way back in 18. 64. incredible. is that. our top
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story this morning, the faa announced plans to ramp up oversight of united airlines after a series of recent safety concerns. kron four's sara stinson reports. >> the faa will be inspecting united airlines to see where can improve on safety will be looking at everything between pilots and maintenance and overall operations. i spoke with a retired pilot to learn about what this federal evaluation entails. >> between an engine fire and losing a tire during takeoff. united airlines has recently seen a spike in safety issues. now the federal aviation administration is increasing oversight of the airline to see what's going wrong. the vice president of united corporate safety, sasha johnson, put out a memo notifying employees about an increased presence of the faa in the coming weeks. johnson says recent safety events have caused them to pause and evaluate whether there's something they can do
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differently. federal regulators will be inspecting united work processes manuals and facilities. it will be a top to bottom look at the operation. doug rice is a retired airline pilot. he's been flying for 53 years. he says it is routine for the faa to increase oversight after issues arise. >> and they will spend time at the airport. they will spend time at the training center. they will spend time with management and they'll ensure that what is supposed to be done is actually being done. question will be whether the policies and practices that united our proven and whether there are flaws there and making sure that those flaws, if they're are rice says the faa will most likely spend most of its time evaluating the airline's operation at sfo. >> for many of these incidents occurred partially because all the flights were operating to and from francisco, partly because san francisco is a major maintenance base. s% they're going to see the additional oversight here. and
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that will be a >> very big plus for the traveling public here in the bay the faa says future projects a united airlines may be put on hold, depending on what they find and want to wait and see. >> when that evaluation gets released. i'm sara stinson reporting at sfo. back to you. >> got breaks developing and those clouds there. but the radar is still active, particularly down here around the peninsula. as you can see, some heavier rain showers and work here. the santa cruz mountains elsewhere around the bay. again, sun coming out a little bit. we're still watching for still an afternoon. little isolated thunder shower back in a bit with the kron. 4 morning news
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all right. taking a live look now from our sutro cam. good morning, san francisco. as you wake up over here, looks like a little bit of a foggy start to the day, dave. yeah, that low level moisture, though, starting to the pardon a little bit. good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. but we're still not done with the rain. the radars, a bit active. look at this to the south. >> south there towards monterey bay. but it's based in the santa cruz mountains right now with the heavier to moderate rain showers elsewhere around the bay. again, we're starting to retire this rain partially not completely. now we want to mention there's quite tower check out some breaks in the clouds already in san francisco and up north. that continues as well. so this is going to carry the next few hours with this variable cloudy story may be opening up the skies a bit. let the sun shine out. that heats the ground. and that's the only
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thing that may be chance of afternoon. isolated shower or thundershower. there's the zone of concern out of prediction center just means general thunder showers possible. and this continues all the way down to socal. let's get to future cast for this really is the putting, if you will. there's the opening up of the skies. and then there's that isolated fire up here of a shower or thundershower favoring the east bay and a little bit out of the south bay as well. once that's done, we're pretty much done then until the middle of the week, we'll get some variable clouds come jump in and out of this, maybe even some light mountain snow is added to it. but everybody is now watching wednesday and really the next thing to watch out for is friday to see how this not knowing where this low is going to be on friday, but it would clear it all for the weekend. it's not looking good right now in terms of getting some clearing those winds, by the way, to have a good stiff wind. it departs most of the bay but lingers along the coast. it looks like all day today tomorrow, even as late as tuesday before it funny subsides because you
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have a big low here takes a while to kind of completely clear the area. sfo spoke out about a 45 minute delay due to construction issues, not weather related. we'll call variable clouds today and afternoon again. isolated thunder shower thrown in their highs around 60 ish early in the week. dry breaks and clouds mixture. highs will be in the mid to upper 60's. little heat pump that we're getting here. it's almost like treatment spring here before reminder of winter again to late in the week. there's wednesday his plane right there. wednesday, rain returns. and then on friday, we're also looking for that kind of score me feel wet into the weekend. it looks like from the current model runs. but again, we'll see how the later runs do if we kind of clear out from that 60 san francisco, a few showers, we pretty much had already. 62 for open 62, san jose, an early shower, but you might get a later one as well. with that little system dropping south. all right. lower 60's going on for highs today. it looks like over the board. again, note along the coast, you got those stronger winds at work that will give you a chilly feel. so want to bundle up just a little bit. what's
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cooking over there? stephanie? dave, thanks so much. >> a new upscale restaurant is betting big on the city of san francisco. do my day is one of the city's biggest rooftop bars with a massive dining room seating 400 people serving up delicious japanese peruvian cuisine. and joining us live now to talk us through the concept is owner and founder kurt stays are good morning to you her. good morning. lovely to see you. and we know that you're visiting us all the way from the uk i am. and this is my be making my last before flying out again. well, hunter and it's lovely to see this morning. so, you know, first of all, for our viewers who aren't familiar with the term choked on day, what does that mean? that means wait a minute. in fact, it's a bit slang and you'd have to narrowly to use it correctly side, which is the polite aspect. it's the police. >> because he would just say to some way to second, that would be a bit rude, ok? and that's why i like and so it's a japanese phrase and white name your restaurant after that well, you it was a quite
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a common phrase that i come across for. many is working in the deputy sect, a restaurants we would use that amongst ourselves and it was a working itle to start with. but when i explain that to a japanese person that that might be the name and they laughed and thought it was really keep that now quite charming. and so, you know, you're going to something delicious force in just a moment here. but real quick, if you chose an open this business in san francisco, we've all heard about the different headlines about san francisco and how there are people who are chose choosing to leave the city. so why choose san francisco as the next place to open up such a beautiful rest always go against the tide. is my business to the opposite? that tends to work out well, but the truth is san francisco's not going anyway. it's a great city. yes, it's had its ups and experience to down. and i do think we're in a recovery stage right now say we like i'm a local now. >> you know, opening this restaurant and seeing the levels of business. it's the busiest restaurant. i own my group internationally. this one smashes all of them, sir. it was the right decision for
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sure that some good deals to be had when everyone's walking away land. let's get a bit more desperate, sir. we've got a really good deal on probably one of the best sites i could think of finding in the world said it was a great idea for us to come in. well, it really is a beautiful business. and you're about to walk us through one of the beautiful dishes that you offer at up so the nikkei says she i like to use. this is a demonstration. if anything, to show the japanese aspects of the dish and the proven and you have to see all the ingredients here. we've got the yellowtail sashimi, which you'd find in any japanese restaurant closed. then you start to get a bit different, you know, because this slowly and using his some japanese elements and truffle. so now we get some us. but this color and vibrancy doesn't just make the play book beatiful. it makes it taste just as good so what i'm going to start to get all right. we've got says she me cut. they're ready. it's yellow. tell gorgeous. green jalapenos. i'm going. and so in peru, they a very typical salsa called south and then that is green. how opinions
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calatrava cilantro, red onions and lots of lime said those dishes that there's a side dish that have with other others and what we've done. his combine, those 2 dishes pretty much so a side dish and says she me dish excuse the hands. but it's really any way to get that around. bites of coaching at all that we can plated up excuse the speed of it. and know we're in a slight russia. well, most delicious. and you know, like when i was out in peru, we were looking around or so how colorful vibrant the buildings where the textiles materials. excuse me here. we're going to just live urges on with the balance. yeah, i wanted to have that replicated on the plate. you know, often, you know, food doesn't replicant replicate the landscape. but hey, we did. we made our own plates. they're very croft and so we have purple potatoes here. that adds a little bit of crunch and cola, which we like. nice texture. yeah. so the text is will also important. what you get when
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you bring all of these things together. spice you get this hour, the sweet notes, the savior notes and the floral notes that we get from the corey and what we call it said, not sure that like to add a little bit of extra color with these edible to fall and then finish with a little sprinkling of salt of the top. in good to go. not your dish. gorgeous. all the prep book is when will the labor missing is the 5 spot. and really is be a new start to see a dish that comes together like that. this really beautiful. and most importantly, extremely tasty. but i do believe, you know, full display re. i had a chance to to try this just the other day. >> this this was actually my favorite item on the knew that so is it was just incredibly fresh and very flavorful. and just the colors in the text or just went together. so, yeah, i mean this. this works pretty well. it's been on a man, you over 10 years when we are now fest in and expanded around the wellness follows us. everywhere we go, we have a few of the dishes i can talk.
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let's do. this is a chance to talk to talk essentially means lightly cooked on the outside. >> and then surrounded by a must admit. so we cool capacities to me. so us go so well with the tuna because jen actually has some qualities like beef right hospital host rendition wasabi couple works on this play propose. they got a very could be sweet. honey sweetness comes from honey. we don't like to show multiple hubs in there with some chilly. so it's a spicy sweet. most of the dish you can any taste that understand how looks beautiful and you call him pops to cause. i believe that we call them goes in japan stuff with the prawns and cook gets cooks and then packaged into the skin and one sides grilled facedown and the other side stained as it to put cooking press they have a smoke puns in the middle with a red. epa's and a potato right around the edge. oh, my you know your just opens up a
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few months ago, but it's already become a >> hot spot for local a bunch of local news makers. just the other day. believe when i was there, i saw a former mayor, willie brown. yeah, 90th. but i was actually at that table within the yeah. his 90th birthday as you tell us what he ordered, what we voted for ahmadinejad, a motive. but we had special menu made for this trip in particular where we went locally and so stole the seafood out of the we went as far as maine to get a love says, but it was a locally sourced. seafood inspired menu. >> also inspiration came from a recent trip that i just had in peru discovered all these new techniques. and we want to put the straight to work. and we did so with that menu. so worked out really well. and it was a one of a kind man but i'm thinking of adding those dishes straight to the money because they were really good test incur as we wrap things up here. i i love for you to share this with our viewers. you know, this is obviously not the first restaurant opened. you're quite a success story being behind great establishments like no caught this on. >> that was the secret to your success. you think how book
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determination and when anyone tells me i do it. i have to prove them wrong. so that's great motivation for me because everyone's told me my whole life com do something. >> and that's elevated me for words of advice for those who are seeking to follow in your footsteps. i'm coming talk to help 35 to get right to and you know, i still still i'm learning. so if you're new to the business, go to professionals, get good advice, get a good mental and let them help you through those painstaking decisions that you have to make throughout his career. >> all right. fantastic hurts. days are with took them update. thank you so much for my pleasure. really nice to see thanks having me. of see thanks having me. of course. we'll be right back. thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer
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spacex launched its dragon resupply aircraft to the international space station. the drive-in carried 6,000 pounds of cargo. nasa says the aircraft safely arrived at the space station on saturday to infinity and beyond. several private companies are exploring supersonic commercial travel company called boom, looks to be the closest their flights would fly faster than the speed of sound around 700 miles per hour says it plans to cut flight time from new york to germany to just 4 hours and 15 minutes who hopes to be in service by 2029. nasa aerospace company exo sonic are also looking into supersonic flights as well. so stay tuned for that. now to an inch or discovery out of santa cruz, students from terror,
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redwood elementary school discovered this fossil last spring and took it to the museum of natural history for study. well, guess what? experts there, they recognized it as an arm bone from the giants lot between 11,300 1000 years old. discovered there and put a story for the college applications. once those kids get there. well, still ahead on kron 4 weekend news, some major inhaler makers agree to cap the price makers agree to cap the price of lifesaving prescriptions. ( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started.
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>> now on the kron 4 morning news march is women's history month meet the bay area woman dedicating her life to supporting cancer patients. >> bipartisan lawmakers introduced a bill they believe will tackle retail capitol correspondent eytan have a closer look. tell you what the legislation aims to do for law enforcement. >> welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news that get you started with a look at the forecast with dave sphar. good morning. well, good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. and still get to keep it keep few showers in our forecast of that rain falling in the peninsula and out of santa cruz mountains. but later today, once we get some daytime heating, you might have that little isolated shower going on or thundershower concentrate in the east bay may be drifting a little bit of the santa clara valley. >> later today live shot of what's going on with our radar there you see a lot of the bay really start to clear out a little bit. so let's head down south. that's where the action is for now in the santa cruz
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mountains, extending out to sea. now most of the activity for the west coast is going remain from this point south. so for us, we're a little bit of clearing patch somewhat sfo. 45 minute delays due to the fact of some construction here. don't you can actually see some sun trying to peer in through just a little bit. the breakdown today has a notation of the opening up of the skies a little bit. yeah, some showers, but that's going to be concentrated again in the east bay. don't think you can see as much activity in san francisco peninsula or and a good chunk of the north bay and points to the west. there it is in totality. it's just kind of a leftover lower on the backside. you tend to get some falling error, which is not good to create rain activity on the backside of the low. and then we have a break for a couple of days until that next system drops south by the middle of the week. got 52 oakland right now. also in half moon bay, 53 san jose and 49 for santa rosa. now in a bit, we're going to walk through again. what's going to the little cell that may pop up later this afternoon. plus, the longer range forecast has a couple more bouts of familiar
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wintertime like weather coming our way. stephanie. all right, dave, thank you. >> happening tomorrow, congressman mark to saulnier hosts a town hall meeting in martinez to discuss refinery safety. the represents contra costa county monday's event will go over ideas on how to protect the local environment and quality of life. the meeting comes after several recent flaring incidents at martinez refineries, contra costa, health and air quality officials will be there. the event is scheduled for 6.30, tomorrow night at john muir elementary school. 2 east bay men face charges connected to an alleged kidnapping police in tracy say they rescued a woman held hostage at gunpoint. officers got a tip on friday that a kidnapping victim was being held on a home on lake or shore drive. officers surrounded the home. they say one man tried to run off the other surrendered. police say suspects dorado turnover is all as from livermore and angel lopez could tear us from oakland are both accused of kidnapping. happening today. the in and out burger location on heat in
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burger and oakland of closing its doors for good. the restaurant first announced the closure back in january, citing car break-ins, property damage and armed robberies as the reason this will be the first in and out burger to close in the company's 75 year. history. state lawmakers from both sides of the aisle are launching a new effort they say will help combat retail theft. our capitol correspondent eytan wallace reports. >> well, something member behind the bill says in addition to protecting the public, the hope is to also protect jobs, doing nothing is not an option someone member mike gibson's messages, he and this group of bipartisan lawmakers introduced legislation they say will combat the statewide issue of retail theft. >> it is a threat to our livelihoods. >> are hard-working california's and the blow to our economy in community, especially of color. that's why he and others here say they're backing assembly bill.
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1990, also known as the stop act. it authorizes an officer to make an arrest for misdemeanor shoplifting offense. >> even if the defense was not committed in the officer's presence, all the officer would need is probable cause to believe the suspect is committed shoplifting. the goal putting a stop to retail to at los remember one to corey? a lot of the legislation. she points out a major part of the bill will allow officers to formally arrest and book a misdemeanor shoplifting suspects into jail instead of simply citing them and then releasing them that she says happens all too often today feeling the security from. >> a law enforcement to be able to actually arrest and book someone. it's a big difference. it's a sentiment shared by republican assemblymember one on springs. real and this helps public safety as well. especially our retailers who have gone without any help for many, many years. most importantly, it will make a difference in retaining jobs in california as we continue to see that so many stores continue to close because of the toll that still legislative republicans
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believe any reform must also include a repeal of prop. 47 passed by california voters in 2014. the law changed certain nonviolent crimes from felonies to misdemeanors, including theft when the items stolen are valued at less than $950. >> while supporters have long argued the law will help reduce california's prison population and lead to criminal justice reform opponents, including republican assemblymember tom lackey say emboldened criminals to take part in certain crimes like retail theft, but little to no punishment from 47 was heavily contributed to the problem. >> and so in order to find a solution to have to first address the problem. that's prop 47. >> and as for the stop act, it will soon have a hearing at the assembly public safety committee reporting at the state capitol. a tonn wallace kron. 4 news. >> the final numbers show that just about 47% of san francisco voters cast ballots in the march 5th primary election. that's the lowest level for a primary since 2012, just over 233,000
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ballots were cast. the city has more than 500,000 registered voters. almost 90% of ballots this year. we're vote by mail back in the 2012 presidential primary. voter turnout was just over 30%. >> bigger the work that we're doing, that's helping a child in the future is coming here to play at this playground. think of neighbor who's going to kind enjoy that 9 trees that were planted today. we want to see what we see before us today. people from the sheriff's department coming out, neighbors from the community students and the more working together, the stronger safer city we for all of it's important for us to come out here and do this work to bring community together and making due unsafe for is that every day? we love love to work with community to come out, help out and have some fun. >> jose mayor matt mahan posted that video on social media of alone bluffs enter neighborhood association has
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sheriff's cadets planted 9 new trees at the long bluff park saturday in a different part of the city. residents also did a trash cleanup. the mayor said these events help create a cleaner community. 3 of the world's largest or rather 4 largest inhaler makers agreed to cap the price of their products at $35 a month after pressure from capitol hill, lawmakers, 41 million americans rely on inhalers and similar medicines to treat asthma or chronic pulmonary disease. before the price cap, american patients were paying 10 times more for the same inhalers as patients and other parts of the world. >> and my impression is that these companies. as well as many others in the pharmaceutical industry. but beginning to catch on to the fact that the american people are sick and tired of paying astronomical prices for the prescription drugs they need to stay alive or to ease their suffering.
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>> the tape was the only company that has yet to commit to lowering the price of its inhalers. the first over-the-counter birth control is now available approved by the fda in pill hit the shelves at varias walgreen store this week while some states already allow pharmacists to dispense birth control without a prescription. this is the first time the medicine is accessible nationwide. and we continue to honor women's history month here kron 4 south bay resident gave crawford has pioneered cancer support for more than 4 decades. a probe was theresa brings us her story. if you go behind area here. >> we have a number of weeks and we have trained volunteers who will help you fit guy. crawford excitedly shows off a well-stocked cancer care point center in san jose. the bag that we send home patients is really very special as well. and we often give them an arm pillow. some of them have lymphedema crawford knows better than most. she was
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diagnosed with cancer in 1974. >> i became my own advocate because in those days they were doing things radical mastectomies and i had to search what my options. after winning a battle crawford set to work helping others face down that demon. >> devoting her life to guiding people through the early often confusing days of a cancer diagnosis. he is the most passionate. >> advocate for best work we would not be here or doing the things that we can do. if it weren't for her heart. don hoak is executive director of cancer care point. >> she has lost count of how many people crawford is touched throughout the years. she's a blessing. jenny maggot lost her husband and daughter to cancer. she recruited crawford into hospice of the valley. back in 1978, what are
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you most grateful about with her? her ability to sense. >> what's going on? not only with the patients because she was a patient or but also what was going with families. with her involvement, cancer care point in creed, kids. >> craig, is kids has helped 20,000 families with children who have cancer once a year. the group holds a mother's day event. >> i'm great america. they come from all over california. some in nevada and they look at it as a picnic they can being with other kids, not in the hospital. >> plaques. newspaper clippings and other mementos tell the story of crawford's 50 year career as a cancer fighter volunteering with more than a half a dozen other programs in an advocate volunteerism. all my life. crawford also had a hand in creating a state cancer
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registry, which collects invaluable research data that can be used to save lives. nothing has stopped or not. a second cancer diagnosis back in 2004 and certainly not her age. crawford recently turned 80 telling friends and family and her husband roy retirement isn't an option. >> rhinos at dinner time, the phone rings and i disappear. i'm i'm working with the patient trying to get them >> to recess stasio kron. 4 news. >> kron, 4 honors. remarkable women of the bay area all month long. read more about our finalists by scanning the qr code on your screen. we're new stories each week right here on kron 4 and kron 4 dot com. >> all right. we still have some showers kind of left over here a little bit in the firing up later today. right now, most of the action is in the peninsula getting into the santa cruz mountains that to what exit stage your forecast is next. the kron 4 morning is next. the kron 4 morning news continues. ss.
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it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer.
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gain flings with oxi boost and febreze. >> welcome back. taking a live look now at the golden gate from the sutro tower camera. looking like a gorgeous start to your sunday morning at 09:43am. >> dave, what are you keeping an eye on will look at that just peeling away. good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody, though. sky improvements are coming our way. however, we're not completely done yet because as the skies open up, that's radiational heating. and that starts to get the atmosphere sometimes excited with some leftover moisture here. so not done entirely, but this could be a better day than yesterday. here's the radar
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right now. you can see it's really trying to come very sparse with skies open up the activities mostly in the south, as you can see here from almost the south bay to the santa cruz mountains out to sea. and it's going to be points out that most of the action is going to be today. we have a little bit to keep an eye on in our backyard. we'll get to that in a bit right now. 70 fresh snow as we're also seeing in tahoe. and i know it looked like it was going to be over with, but we still have a little bit the way. but when winter weather advisory hanging up there for tahoe for the next couple of hours here. and again, note, the fact of the snow levels are going down to 4,000 feet from march. that's getting kind of lonely or use the expect that the winter months and this particular winter, we've had all that warm moisture bubbling up. so therefore, the snow levels were so high. so it's inverted from what you would expect here. but there is some gusty conditions and this is a good template for wednesday and watch out for friday to we get a better handle on all this forecast. short term noting rain coming here, wednesday harbor, the higher elevations that will be snow. temps hang in the 40's in the lower
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elevation. here's a nice break in the action next couple days that your monday and your tuesday wednesday is that guy out there? let's get more local. hear what's going on for today. breaking the skies as we talked about. and that's what worried about. a little flare up in the afternoon right there during maximum daytime heating chance of a thunder shower. but at least maybe a little shower there to interrupt you focused mostly in the east bay. also in the south bay a little bit. maybe solano county. but to the west, it looks like you're not really going to be impacted by this here. so you're on the right piece of geography for this to go forward. still, some scattered clouds left over for monday, tuesday and so forth. rainfall totals. yeah, i don't have to worry about the rain bucket sitting out there collecting this pennies is all we've got going on here. alright. longer range forecast. here's the deal. here's the break wednesday. the other thing worth noting, not particularly bree copious in terms of how much moisture we're going compare speaking fast, moving another break develops thursday friday. the placement of this is important. we seeing a low like this before happened. it really drove some surface.
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winds bring intense, but that was kind of perfect set up. and that came from the south to israel mile. this is from the north. so that means cold air aloft. you've got the surface winds working in there. so that may be a bit of an issue make note of and it might spark off some locally heavier storms because of that cold air is close to us. that will drive that. so something to keep in mind. and unfortunately, looks like it's kind of messy to the part here. it was a little cleaner in the early model runs earlier model runs lower 60's cover. a lot of the bay will see a little warm up in the next couple of days. before we go back again, there's your 7 day forecast watching wednesday with some winds and rain. more to come for friday and on into early next weekend. but i'm still hungry. stephanie, feel me >> all right, dave, thank you. the james beard foundation recently announced the winners of its america's classics award. that recognition is given to local restaurants, serving quality food and that reflect the character of their communities. it's an francisco. the honor went to mandalay in the richmond district. and joining us live
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now to share more about the award in recognition is owner sherry dog. good morning to you the monies. stephanie, thank you. via iona the here. yeah, of course it was so happy to have you here. and congratulations on the recognition. tell us about it. how does this feel right now? >> sadie and so happy. and then finally it. thank you for that can i me in? we had the hot looking for the 40 year and a half's and because of the 44 year. because this to me for for for and thank you for week when the days be open, of is it is this something that you apply force for james beard to come out and try or food or do they just announced today? just find out. >> they just announced i don't i don't. i just falling. and i was so sprite. yeah, they give me that sprite or bra. >> oh, that's incredible. now tell us a bit about your business as well. you've been around for decades in san francisco. >> we had 40 you for the for
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us, but meet restoring the united states. and then we've been here for service for the light goes so before the committee and then go full for coming at us. the i mean, united states. yes, yes, so. a full 4. they keep continue to open the restaurant yes. and so you specialize in burmese food. and so tell us a bit about your menu, right? what are some items that >> are must orders? yeah. we had the to fema dishes. that top signet at issue is caught tv, that that he is with their fermented and laura crunch eased up. >> lycopene, a sesame seed ground it fetched a meal on an. >> refreshing and the texture and then. >> yes, oh, my gosh. making us all hungry. haha, if you want to go the second dishes, coleman, special new to is
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especially today this ignition do okay. there's a only home make for new with risch coconut cody and then so then dole, fresh lemon like a showcase, become way make on the table. the that love, it sounds so good on the biggest fan of flat of pulled noodles to. thank you for that visual that that sounds delicious. sherry, francisco has really seen its share of ups and downs. you moved here in the 1990's rights as stage with his business. you know, how did you what what's the secret your success? how did you really pull through some of those challenges? the restaurant the bees that is not easy as show. these sometimes you shut the meme pas la and then. >> but we had the good team is especially hot walking and then the epa, especially in the richmond district. community is releasable that's why tried to make the best
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food to get especially consistently full for the the full quality and service. that's why we keep continue to have and to 40 year and the yeah. and here's to another. 42 and beyond right. thank you. thank and that federal. and you know, you really infused are burmese. >> culture and heritage into this restaurant. tell us a little bit about your process with that as well. when you are crafting your menu. yes, because, >> you know, you have to eui-yong heart do walk with the food and then you have love for them. all the everything. so that made you full is tasty. and tester. >> and everything ok. all right. so remember to head over some time in order those what was the name of it? again? >> them and the least mission new to integrate. he saw a
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signature dishes. all right. we'll definitely do that. thank you so sherry dog. >> with just recognized by the james for beard foundation. what an incredible honor. and thank you so much for just being part of our bridge bay area community. thank you. yes, thank you so much. yes. all right. we'll be right all right. we'll be right back. mr. clean magic eraser powers through tough messes. so it makes it look like i spent hours cleaning, and you know i didn't. it makes my running shoe look like new! it's amazing.
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it's so good. it makes it look like i have magical powers. magic eraser and sheets make cleaning look easy.
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to expand your family with a furry friend, lots of senior dogs are in need of a forever home right now. we spoke with hanna came up bills, foster care manager on fostering and adopting senior dogs. yes, having great time.
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>> one thing that is really amazing about fostering, especially with my is you're getting to experience life with a wide variety of what you do to adopt. really is. i fill out a little questionnaire to tell us a bit about you your home so we can try to you know, with appropriate suitable dog. >> for a full list of dogs available does of ville dot or happening today? the san francisco giants are back in northern california. the team wrapped up their spring training schedule in arizona yesterday. they will now play their final 3 exhibition games before the start of the regular season. today's game will be played at sacramento against the river. cats. first pitch is set for 507. the giants didn't play against the a's. the first happens tomorrow night at the coliseum that tuesday night, teams and the preseason with a game at oracle park. both teams start their regular seasons on thursday. this is the cost of dating is creating a new level of stress for some people as
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if we were all stressed enough. new survey by cell financial says 68% of americans are on edge about how much will cost and which party should pay. 44% of those surveyed say the person who earns more should pay for the first date. 36% surveyed say it's best to go. fifty-fifty on the first date. the protocol experts say the person who's treated on the first date may want to offer to pay on the second day. and the gosh, is so complicated nowadays. and as you know, is how the blurred out the faces there as a for something real controversial. haha. >> serious investigative journalism. we the a's and the giants. thing and sac. i think they're getting a little bit of break in the weather on the bayfront. we still have some leftover i know we need some spring weather. we're talking about this, but this is exhibition. so >> this is what you have right now on radar. up to the north is where things are clearing up. but look at all that down south. yeah. so it's kind of active in the santa cruz mountains for right now. but what we're worried about is the state time heating. it
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looks like they'll be a little cell that starts develop. little cluster and will favor the east bay dropping south throughout the late afternoon. but for a lot of the bay variable clouds pretty much cover it. now going forward. we're watching wednesday and into friday, the success of models have really become messy. it used to be kind of clearing out very nicely for the weekend. unfortunately, does not look that way. also the placement of this low is a little ominous if it stays there because that's going to drive surface winds and we're going have the cold air aloft and that can sometimes be a little bit of nasty weather with it as well. so we have to see if that's going to be placed in exact location that could change later model runs again. we say stay tuned, but look at the drop in temperatures getting their kids while another treatment of winter weather just without walking into spring. well. >> how will just stay tuned in just to enjoy the ride, but we can and they will get a dry summer from all of this, too. and they think it also nice. that's something to think about. yeah. thanks so much, dave. thanks so much for joining us here at the popular
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weekend morning news that we appreciate you tuning in with us every weekend. >> we'll see you back here tomorrow. starting at 07:00am. and in the meantime, stick around for kron for news at 06:00pm. there you go. i'm stephanie lin taking care. stephanie lin taking care. everybody. norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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> anncr: the following is a paid program from joel osteen ministries.


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