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tv   KRON 4 News Weekend  KRON  April 7, 2024 7:00am-10:01am PDT

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jack: thanks for joining me on today's adventure. from the columbus zoo, i'm jack hanna hoping you'll come along next time as we go "into the wild."
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>> now on the kron 4 morning news. the clock is ticking to find 2 kids missing in mountain view. the latest details on the search. as francisco board of supervisors president aaron peskin officially launches his mayoral campaign. the changes he's promising if he wins the job. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 7. >> good morning. thank you so much for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm stephanie lin. >> it's sunday. april, the 7th. let's get your day started with a look at the weather with dave sphar. good morning, dave. well, good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. another a start to the day in terms not much interference who don't see right now going on. however, later on today, we'll see the development of some scattered clouds going on in. you might have an isolated shower going on up there in the hills. but >> beyond that looks pretty good for your sunday and a warm up if you're ready for that east bay shoreline. there you have it. just some scattered clouds off towards
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the distance. and the big map here, what's going on as high pressure will be building into next week. and that means the warm-up phase. we call this a heat spike at this for summer. a look at the wind tracker. you can see not a lot going on there. some minor new once that is going to impact us locally. all get into that a little laters. 37 up there to santa rosa. still chilly. start with 30's up in the north bay. we have 40's off to the east bay. 42 freeman. 44 san jose. and compared to yesterday were actually warmer over most of the district that we were this time yesterday by a few degrees. cooler off there to the coast. 54 by 11 o'clock in the afternoon. those clouds redevelop again and again might see a few isolated showers up in the hills ago and more details coming up in a bit. stephanie. >> all right, dave, thank you so much. the search continues this morning for 2 missing kids last seen in mountain view more than 24 hours ago. hope for stephanie justice is live for us now. and mountain view police headquarters this morning with the latest on this. tiffany.
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>> hi, stephanie. chp issuing an endangered missing person advisory for those 2 young boys. that advisory spanning from la to santa clara county. so here's what we know about this. >> chp is now looking to locate daniel wu who was 9 years old, and his brother david wu, who's 4 years old. daniel, is 67 pounds 4 feet, 11 inches has brown hair and brown eyes. his brother 3 feet tall and weighs about 40 pounds. has brown eyes and brown hair. now this is the type of car they believe the children were taken in a 2018 ford escape in blue with the missouri license plate of the b 9 b one w now, according to police, david and daniel were last seen around one 30 in the morning on saturday. and police are looking for this woman. taylor woo. the children were last seen with her. police say 38 years old. weighs 176 pounds and is 5 feet. 10 inches. now they were last seen here in mountain
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view off of montas ego avenue and sanitary way again here in mountain view in that ford escape. police are asking if you do see those 3 individuals, please call reporting live justice kron. 4 news. tiffany, thank you for your reporting this morning. >> and today we are getting new details about a fire that broke out on treasure island. kron. 4 spoke with a man who rescued someone from that blaze. 7.40 friday night. san francisco fire crews say, but this property was supposed to be vacant they found evidence of squatting and hoarding andreas lives across the street. he happens to be a certified lifeguard. he says the entryway of the affected property with the help of other bystanders raise was able to get the man to safety. >> i was just like. happy i was able to beat has the right place right time. i'm sure anyone else with the same
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thing given, you given the situation. you just never know what you you know, hunt until something like that happens. >> reyes was treated at the hospital for smoke inhalation the man who saved left the scene before firefighters got to got there. and take a look at this. flames shooting from the roof of a house in san francisco's potrero hill neighborhood saturday afternoon. this was taken around 4 o'clock on kansas street. firefighters say they were able to put out the fire. no word yet on the extent of the building damages, no injuries reported. >> in the east bay, a fatal crash happened on i-880, in fremont. let's take a look at video from the citizen app. chp says a red toyota rav 4 overturned several times heading north on i-880, earlier saturday evening. investigators believe high speeds were a factor in the crash. one person was ejected from the car and died. lanes are back open. new this
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morning, the san mateo county sheriff's transit police bureau is investigating a deadly collision involving a person and caltrain. it happened around midnight last night in san carlos. a test run on thsouthbound track in san carlos struck a person who was on the tracks for an unknown reason. the situation remains under investigation. the identity of the of of the victim rather has not been released. santa clara county district attorney jeff rosen wants to eliminate the county's death row. he is looking instead to re sentence. the 15 men now on death row and to life in prison without the possibility of parole. called death row. quote, antiquated racially biased and an error prone system. he says it also cost the state millions of public dollars. 650 people now sit on death row in california. that's the highest population in the u.s. back in 2019, governor gavin newsom placed a moratorium on executions. the state is working to move inmates out of san quentin's
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death row and into other facilities. jeff assist. the police say they've arrested a man for a deadly shooting in the mission. 30 year-old alexander martinez was found and detained in richmond just before 10, 30 friday night. sfpd says he pulled the trigger around one 30 friday afternoon near the intersection of mission in 20th citizen app. video of the scene shows a heavy police presence earlier in the day. despite life saving efforts by first responders, the victim was pronounced dead at the scene. now to new video from the vacaville police department on tuesday. officers were chasing this truck believed to be involved in several car burglaries at the start of the chase, the car was going the wrong way on i-80 eventually the driver turned around and headed into vacaville video from chp helicopter shows this chase. 4 people eventually did get out of the car and they tried to run off. they were eventually arrested. north bay drivers be aware starting next friday, april 12 highway 37 between
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solano and sonoma counties closes for 4 straight weekends. caltrans is repaving westbound lanes the weekend of april. 12th and 19th and then working on the eastbound lanes of the weekend of april. 26 and may 3rd. so be aware of that. from 4 is your local election headquarters. san francisco board of supervisors president aaron peskin officially launched his mayoral campaign on saturday. the host of supporters in portsmouth square in san francisco's chinatown. he addressed the cost of living in the city, homelessness and public safety issues. but right here in this neighborhood, i've stood up for safety, stood up against hate crimes. >> can't me speaking foot patrols to walk the beat, expanded community ambassadors and strengthen pedestrian safety. that's what every neighborhood in this city deserves. peskin enters the race along with incumbent mayor london breed supervisor ahsha safai fight.
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>> nonprofit executive daniel lurie and former san francisco interim mayor and supervisor mark farrell. popular fast food chains are raising their prices after the new $20 an hour minimum wage law that started last week. a burger king popular meals that were $15 are now a dollar. more in a now also raised some prices in some locations. no word yet if chick-fil-a wendy's and mcdonald's plan to do some sad news for anyone in california hoping to wake up a millionaire this morning. the powerball jackpot winning ticket was purchased in oregon. the jackpot drawing was worth 1.0. 1, 3, billion dollars. 1.1, 2 to 1.3 billion dollars. that's a cash value of 621 million dollars. the prize was the 8th largest in u.s. lottery history. so quite a bit of money there. in the north bay saturday, there was a spring celebration for children who are blind or visually impaired. this is the
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second year. the event is running. it is a family fun event with aches that they make sounds for the kids and arts and crafts face painting and the children. they also spent some time. >> with guide dogs was hosted by lighthouse for the blind and visually impaired at their campus in sandra fell. was graham lotus was the mc for this >> coming up on the kron 4 morning news, a 3.2 earthquake rocked the city of berkeley on saturday. hear from a local expert on the recent shaking happening around the globe. and after the break, eclipses tomorrow, before you raise your phones to the sky to snap some photos. we've got the safety tips that you want to keep in mind. >> and least we have some clear skies working their magic today and into next week, by the way, still. but on the chilly side afternoon, clouds building up there in the hills, you might have an isolated shower thrown in for good next year. back at forecast kron 4 morning news forecast kron 4 morning news continues.
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we know you care. [music plays] but if this is all too real for you and your loved ones. make the call. because we care too. ♪♪ home instead. to us, it's personal. >> the bay area got to shake up just before noon yesterday. a 3.2 magnitude earthquake shook the city of berkeley and much of the bay area just after 11 o'clock, the epicenter was near claremont canyon. the united states geological survey said the quake ran 5.8 miles deep. no reports of any damage in the area. there's been a lot of shifting is shaking around the world this week. kron four's rob nesbitt spoke to doctor bob degroot from the u.s. geological survey for additional perspective.
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>> i want to experience its biggest earthquake in a quarter of a century last week. so berkeley, new jersey, taiwan, is this rare to have so many around the same time span globally. >> there are earthquakes going on all the time around the world. and it turns out that we've had events that have happened in very highly populated areas. 20 million people on the east coast in the northeast. millions of people in taiwan and of course, millions of people in the bay area. so these earthquakes tend to be noticed quite a bit. >> mean, one thing that happened on >> earlier this week or 2 earthquakes near chico. and it turns out that for those earthquakes and not for the one that occurred this morning, the shaler earthquake early warning system which we have in california, oregon, washington was was triggered. so, yes, even had events just this week in california where early warning was was used. so my last question for you, kind of what advice do you have for our viewers talking about all these different places that have experienced earthquakes.
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what should people do to make sure they're fully prepared? yes, there there are 3 things. i think that people should really doing. number one, horst know what to do. if you feel shaking or if you get an alert on your phone. and if you don't have quick early warning on your phone, find out more about that at shea color dot org. so number one know what to do if you feel shaking are getting alert, drop cover and hold on. number 2, there are lots of tools that the united states geological survey offers. so usgs dot gov. you'll find all kinds of resources that you can you can use and learn more about earthquakes, part of knowing about what to do having some control over what happens is knowing about how earthquakes work. and number 3 get involved. if you feel an earthquake reported, tell us what happened. allows us to to learn more about that earthquake and to to improve things to improve infrastructure, everything. be
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involved, know what to do. and if you haven't downloaded shake alert, powered up on your phone, do it as soon as you can. doctor group from usgs, great advice. thank you for your time. >> all right. taking a live look outside now from our mount tam camera live look at the bay city of san francisco right there on the right hand side of your screen looking nice at 7.15, this morning, though. it's also looking like probably a good idea to have a jacket off with police tape yet another chilly side. yeah. good morning, stephanie. good morning. but doing layers because this afternoon going to warm up a little bit, although still be in the cool side compared to what's coming this week. >> and for earthquakes, remember, it's still all part of the carbon cycle. good thing, east bay shoreline. there you have it. >> sum sun start to appear on through a little bit. there's some scattered clouds off towards the distance. stormtracker 4 were starting to set up for a nice what we call in summer months. a heat spike off towards the east. maybe some mountain thundersnow going on later for
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today's so says the storm prediction center's kind of watching out for some thunder showers out that way. more locally, though, in our hills, we might see the development of a few little showers very isolated. driven by your typical daytime heating. this is futurecast for here you go. we've got to build up here with the cloud cover compliments of daytime heating. so the sun's up doing its thing, the atmosphere becomes more excited. it sets and everything goes away. so it's just that trap moisture in the atmosphere. when we get that heating pushes it up to higher levels and it gives us some rain. i should mention, however, when you get out of the service, very dry. so a lot of or gummy evaporated before even striking the ground, even though that may even show up an afternoon radar. a look at your winds for today. a little bit of an onshore breeze is at work here. that's what the players not yet in place, but we can see the high trying to nudge its way through. here's the correction that offshore wind, we would normally get nervous. we see an offshore wind. however, this is not very widespread. and the fact we've had a lot of rain recently. so that highs going kind of park
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itself over a good course of the week. and again at this for the summer months, we talking heat spike. now. it's a kind of a nice little treat. we'll see some nice numbers in the 80's come the middle of the week. so the winds will die down after that. so putting this together for you today, we got the sunny skies afternoon clouds, some of those blow off. a little clouds may drift in some valleys there in the afternoon. but the showers remaining in the hills early in the week sunny warming is what we've got to get in the middle of the week. as we look for the big pop to happen. that means to get around 80 or so inland and might even see some of the lower 80's working there beyond. now, later on next week, some of the models are trying to hand. may a chance of some showers, kind of breezing on by. we'll be showing you that later in tce forecast. but generally speaking, i want to jump on that just yet. let's wait. week a little closer. 59 san francisco, mostly sunny and cool. 62 going on for oakland again, noting the afternoon clouds kind of blow off and then 63 for san jose. there's the big temperature map for you. only numbers in the lower 60 still sore, a little sluggish and the temperature department. keep with us,
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however, because a nice warm-up is coming our way. we'll change seasons right before your eyes this fantastic. and hopefully all the flowers will be blossoming everything over and give us a garden work after next weekend. pole in the and have the nasal spray ready that, too. thanks so much, dave. >> well, prices to get the best view of monday's solar eclipse are over the moon. some hotels in the path of the so-called great american eclipse. >> are raising their nightly rates by as much as 10 times the normal price. according to the new york times, some analysts say the phenomenon could bring in billions to local economies as restaurants and other retailers are also expected to jack up their prices. chase travel reports that online prices and hotel bookings are 4 times higher than this same period last year. happening tomorrow, we get to see a partial solar eclipse here in the bay area. neal's or reggae has more on how to enjoy that experience safely. >> picture after picture on
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monday, countless will be taken and posted to celebrate solar scenery and some of the phones taking them will likely end up. in cell phone repair store so that you a quick picture of it. and then all other cameras from black during the last partial solar eclipse, the codus trailed in a one. so we will repair saw sunspots burned in the lenses which required total camera replacements. he says uv rays during an eclipse can damage a phone, even though taking pictures on a clear day, won't it flips does make it concentrated cycle my mind. find love. so relief is going to burn a hole in the camera. >> just like we need eclipse glasses to safely view an eclipse. so does our phone. and while you could tape air and get 3 good pictures. a simpler solution is solar snap. and even as a free companion app lets you control exposure, focus and puts you in control. >> who are better than the phone when it comes to this
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time. >> doctor douglas duncan is an astronomer who worked on the hubble space telescope team. he invented solar snap and says for the few minutes of totality, you won't need the filter, but you might. what the app if you just press the total >> it will take pictures all the way through to a totally its own. and you can watch and don't forget to get a picture of yourself. but as soon as it starts coming back to light. >> put back on. >> the oakland dollars hosted their first open tryouts yesterday over 50 players came out for the bay area's newest baseball team. the ball is play in the independent pioneer league. they are spending 1.6 million dollars to renovate oakland's raimondi park their first 48 home games. start on june 4th. still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news video captures an e-bike exploding at a train station.
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>> take a look at this and e-bike explodes at a train station. this happened back in march near london. the owner of the bike said he never had any problems with the bite before this. he says he feels lucky. no one was injured. he says he's in touch with the maker of the bike to see what might have caused this malfunction. take a look at this video to helicopters rescued 11 hikers and 3 dogs at the end of march in ventura county. the group was trapped in harsh conditions and los
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padres national forest, the ventura sheriff's office says they had to use helicopters to reach this group because of rising water levels from recent severe weather. a california family is finally reunited with their dog mishka who had been missing for the past 8 months. it's a very sweet moment. their last july. mishka wonder from the family's garage workshop in san diego. her owners were visiting minnesota for easter when they got the call. the michigan had been found. police spotted her loose in the neighborhood in harper woods, michigan, more than 2000 miles from their home in san diego. >> so we called them and of the wife answered the phone and started screaming and getting all excited and emotional. and we learned that the dog had been missing for 7 or 8 months. and this is the
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very first time then a microchip owner has ever ended up being out of state and come to get their animals so expedient. lee, it's just remarkable. >> no one is exactly sure how michigan ended up all the way in michigan. but her family sure is happy that she's back home. it's a very sweet moment there. >> well, still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news, excitement is building in sacramento for the oakland a's. we've got the details coming up.
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>> now on the kron. 4 morning news. the cia wants to ramp up surveillance to curb the fentanyl crisis. and we're spotlighting a bay area program helping adults with special needs launch new careers. good morning. welcome back to the prom for morning news. thank you so much for joining us. let's get you started this half hour with a look at our forecast with dave spahr. good morning, dave. well, good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. a pretty nice start to our day, although it's a bit on the chilly side and we'll stay kind of that way. even this afternoon. but we're looking for some warming as we get into next week. now for your sunday. >> looks pretty much mostly sunny, although we'll get some blow off cloud little bit from the hills. there's a nice shot of sfo delays occurring this morning. so nice start to the sunday. the breakdown today does note some of those blow off clouds a little bit this afternoon. we'll call to what variable in some spots later
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on that says with daytime heating once the sun sets, we go back to the starlet overnight. there you see storm tracker 4, we're kind of getting into the clear of everything. high pressure will be building and that means we would normally call that a heat spike in the summer months, maybe early fall. but now is going to be a beautiful spring day. 37 going on up there to santa rosa. 38 for napa. elsewhere. we see 40's making way. 37 for livermore. so little chilly and tri valley to start and will also rectify that as well. so the heater, it can take a bit of a break. it looks like in the seven-day forecast. here's the breakdown, though, to get you there. 70 or so expected for your monday tuesday. keep the sun going by 74 and it keeps going up beyond that. we'll have your extended look at your 4 zone forecast to stephanie. all right. looking forward to that. thank you, dave. >> well, this just in. we have an update to a story we first brought to you at the top of the hour. 2 boys missing since early saturday morning in mountain view. that story. well, we're going to give you an update on that right now. police saying the boy's mother is also missing. kron four's. tiffany justice is live for us
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now at mountain view police headquarters with the latest on this. tiffany. >> all right, stephanie, we reached out to mountain view this morning and we heard back learning more about this missing person's case. chp releasing advisory endangered missing person advisory for those 2 young boys and their mother. now, this advisory spans all the way from la to santa clara county. so we want to tell you more about what is going on. chp is now trying to locate daniel wu who is 9 years old and his brother david wu, who's 4 years old. daniel, is 67 pounds 4 feet, 11 inches has brown hair and brown eyes. his brother david is 3, 3, feet tall and weighs about 40 pounds. brown eyes and brown hair and their mother who is taylor woo. the children were last seen with her. police say she is. 38 years old. weighs 176 pounds and is 5 feet tall in 10
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inches. now this is a type of car. they believe the children and mother were last seen 2018 ford escape in blue with the missouri license plate reading v b 9 b one w now, according to police, david in daniel, along with their mother, were last seen around one 30 in the morning on saturday. the mother and 2 boys were last here in mountain view right off of mont co avenue in saint pierre. way in that ford escape. now, initially police believing that the mother was a suspect, but we did just get update from mountain view police and they say that the mother is missing as well along with those 2 boys. they are asking anybody if they see those 3 individuals, please call 9-1-1. reporting live to justice kron. 4 news and we certainly hope that everyone is found safely. thank you so much to pay for your life. reporting this morning. >> and while fans in oakland are disappointed, the a's are leaving the town at the end of this season. the excitement is building in sacramento. zach
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boetto has the details. >> sutter health park in west sacramento. just a stone's throw from california's capital city. and for a kid who grew up here, then went on to play major league baseball for 16 years. the a's temporary move to west sacramento is a huge deal. sentinel is probably one of the biggest good the to be able to have >> you know, now another professional team to get a root for. i mean, i think it's it's, you know, it's cold. there's room for about 14,000 fans at sutter health park as it stands right now. >> and the a's are expected to play about 80 games here per season. for reference, the sacramento kings basketball team one 6th of the season. >> 4 time. mlb all-star greg vaughn, who earned his stripes at kennedy high school in sac city college says the a's move to west sacramento. we'll make it much easier for families not to have to travel hours away to see their idols
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playing person. i think do want you know, it good >> here's the look like to you know wiat was growing up. i was able to turn on the tv and the players the players that looks like i cuts that they'll be able actually go up there do for it does i think it'd be a great thing for the city is more so for for baseball for airport, literally like at event while families and the younger generation benefit from the move visit, sacramento ceo mike testa says the business community is also wide eyed and ready for the opportunities based on the size of sutter health part based on the number of games we can accommodate that. i don't have any concern that our restaurant scene will be able to accommodate the people going to the game. again, you've got potentially 14,000 people in the state and not all of them will be from out of town staying in hotels. we've got tte infrastructure to do. this is not a concern. test us as we're approaching a
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new era for the sacramento region. the people who will tell you that sacramento's boring, there's nothing to do here. there's a government. i don't think they're paying attention because >> this is not that city anymore. >> law enforcement agencies nationwide are warning about strange and unexpected varieties of fentanyl. u.s. intelligence officials say to fight drug trafficking, they need to expand government surveillance programs. news nation's jorge ventura reports. >> the cia is trying to persuade lawmakers on capitol hill to give the intelligence agency axis to monitor foreigners suspected of trafficking fentanyl into the u.s. for the past year. the cia has been pushing congress to reauthorize section 702 of the foreign intelligence surveillance act or fisa, which would allow the cia to conduct warrantless eavesdropping on foreigners with fentanyl ties section. 72 has always been essence of september 11th attacks happened. >> but usually it's been used to monitor electronic communications overseas. that our base in u.s. providers.
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but now they're sort of wanting to open that up again to to the traffickers. according to a usa today report the say once a minor and spy on transnational criminal organizations trafficking fentanyl from mexico into the united states. the agency also wants to track the greetings to make fentanyl coming from china. they're being shipped into mexico. the threat from a list of drugs remains at historic levels. >> with mexican transnational criminal organizations applying and moving large amounts of synthetic opioids such as fentanyl into the united states. more than 100,000 americans have died from drug-related overdoses during the past year. and most of those deaths have been attributed to illicit fentanyl. as of today, the cia could only view section 702, against drug traffickers release him to one of the 3 certify threat groups. has a c is seeking a so called for certification which would allow us buys more freedom to go after non americans involved in the fencing on trade will having to make connections to certify 3 groups. 702 has.
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>> broken out 7. some trafficking rings in china. but that's because they were tracking chinese in terms of but we sort of trapped that there's nothing new about that. but i think this will be different in that. it will get the traffickers. >> april is celebrated as autism acceptance month. and here kron 4, we're spotlighting a south bay program giving adults with learning disabilities a chance to continue their college education. philippe djegal shows us how it works. >> we're going to talk about what acceptance and inclusion inspire participation at the college of adaptive arts. healthy shine who i want to be and house grow is a nonprofit co-founded by deanna purse. i and doctor pamela munsey a decade and a half ago now supports 230 students in person at their facility on the west valley college campus in saratoga and online
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nationally and internationally via zoom. absolutely transformative right here. we have a whole group of >> aspiring apprentice. is that one of the assistance in the sign language class, they want to be professors in the theater class. many of the students diagnosed with intellectual and developmental disabilities, noting setbacks early in life was a bumpy ride. my mind is my most powerful tool. you know, i need to be able to use it and use to the best of my abilities that that overtime obstacles to learning overcome with students through continued education in the classroom. mine is not holding back match. now, as i find tough what i would do find its top cares for people know how to help you. the school gives adults and special education, real college experience and the path towards a career of their choosing. important that
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we have learned how to work recently launched a new workforce development program for students like sam headley and victoria rivera are trained and paid apprenticeship positions song in jennings don't let your disability. >> stop. he of my goal eventually to become, you know, a professor here at caa and teach classes. but of course, there's still a long way to go in all 50 states. adults in the special education system are mandated out of public schools by the age of 21 or 22, according to the centers for disease control and prevention, 6 and a half million people in the united states live with intellectual or developmental disabilities. goal is to give a lifelong equitable college experience to adults. >> who historically haven't had access. doctor, lindsay says the college has 10 schools of study in liberal arts, including visual arts business communications and dance. the students are moving
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mountains. they do have a lot of extra hills to climb and to move and they're doing it so beautifully. i would like to be the one of me and can share them a difference as part of rivera's apprenticeship, which like for the rest of her peers. last she has been appointed a project manager. >> and he's organizing cea's 15 year anniversary celebration on mother's day called the low rider car show at mexican heritage plaza in san jose. baez like emmanuel so effective, these routines like a home or, >> you know, ca i could do just fine for those who cannot be accommodated with services to support their disabilities at community college programs like caa. give those students who otherwise would have had to end their education. a chance at life long learning. >> without age limits or restrictions. we're just here to try to provide our students and our staff as well. >> with everything that they need to really achieve their own personal visions. the school encourages students to
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re enroll. >> even after they have graduated in saratoga, it >> philippe djegal kron. 4 news. >> coming up here on the kron 4 morning news after the recent snowfall in the sierra experts issue an important safety warning. plus, a san francisco mediterranean restaurant is expanding throughout the bay area. we take a look at some of their mouthwatering dishes when we come back. >> and for today, the lots of sunshine going on. but those temps still. but on the sluggish side, a little slow going here. but in our 7 day forecast, you'll see a nice punch happening. got a look at that forecast. we come back on that forecast. we come back on for morning news continues.
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♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections.
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a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell ♪ ♪ the little pill ♪ ♪ with a big story to tell! ♪
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>> all right. taking a live look now at the golden gate bridge. 7.43. this sunday morning. looking like people are waking up to some relatively nice conditions out there. but let's check in for day for the full. no doubt. it a good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. like yesterday. want to bundle up a bit on the chilly as it is in places like yosemite to and tahoe. yeah, we've been talking about them as well. >> nice coating of snow, however, today. and as you're going to see in the forecast next couple of days, it's a warming face for those folks to 62 by wednesday. you get the idea this really stress to get some melting going on. so we're going to lose. so what we have already we do see some
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systems upstream that while the impact of the bay area's very questionable that will deliver again, fresh knows for them later on. so they're entirely done seeing snow and they tend to get some rain to also with all of the storm tracker, 4, the only deal here is you can see we're start going to the clear mode here. we'll have some local issues now. we get that daytime heating with residual moisture left over. once you heat the atmosphere, the atmosphere starts moving and you might get some cloud development of the mountains for a typical just daytime heating stuff. 37 for santa rosa got a lot of 40's around the perimeter of the bay, 50 san francisco. chilly for tri valley at 37. you can see there back to future cast for now as we get that daytime heating, not only do you see some of that puppy cumulus, but you might get a little isolated shower, working its magic there and then some of the blow off cloud. but as you can see, they're not really moving. it's just kind of we're local lysed. and then as you lose the daytime heating, it dwindles away. also see, some snow is also happened. the mountains get very modest with that. so we have the warming phase high pressure in control. and then this little deal happens. yeah, i know.
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that's a friday. we get to that now. i'm not jumping on board with this just yet. we don't know if that's going to all come together in the good news about this it blows on past. we're done with the weekend and from what we saw from last week, this whole system stuff move through quickly that it hit on thursday, not friday. so those things long-range can really change. but we do see in the short term period, a nice warm up, but you'll see it so much today yet. so give it some time. alright, today, 59 san francisco at the coast. those chilly 50's outing with a little bit onshore breeze. by the way, 60 per burlingame us to about 61 foster city in palo alto for the south bay. we're into lower 60's territory, east bay shoreline now grazing some of the lower 60's along the tribe. ali, 60 dublin and danville. 62 62 going on for open the les, what, 60, 64 for fairfield. 62 nap and 65 santa. rosa, give me spring. you say we got it right here as we go right through the week through the 70's and into the 80's thursday into friday. and for right now, what is put a cloud
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pup on friday, stephanie. we'll see if that develops into anything. we do know there's a little drop in temperatures but nothing too major, ok? got it. still dress in layers. if you're. >> in certain parts of the bay for definitely for today, though, because going to be a little chilly and then it's going to be somewhat milder, not as cold to start. but then later this week are going to change. wardrobe. okay. thanks so much, dave. good tips. but with warmer spring temperatures heading our way just like they've just described there. you may be tempted to head to a lake or river. >> but officials say all the sierra snow could make things a little more dangerous for you. riley carroll explains. this is folsom lake friday, crisp air and not a person in sight. but this is likely the last friday night the lake will be empty until fall as an interesting time, right? we're having hail were having help out a tooth right >> and then next week going to be the 80's. cal fire says people often underestimate how cold the water is at the start of the spring. and even summer
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seasons. one of the things that we're really worried about in the fire department is people. >> just rushing out to the rivers, rushing up to the lakes. the average temperature of folsom lake in may is 66 degrees. >> it jumps to 73 in june and 78 in july for lake tahoe. the current water temp is about 44 degrees and has an average of 50 in may. >> 57 in june and 67 in july. but with the increased snowmelt from the increase snow pack this year. >> officials say will likely hit those average temperatures later, if at all. >> if you jump in the water is going to take your breath away. if you're not a great strong swimmer, that may almost a mobile eyes. you and that's not the only danger the increased snowmelt poses. if you cant see underneath the surface of the water, you may encounter things that washed down from the logs. snags props, things along those lines that ensnare your trapping and potentially wonder this is an even larger
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problem in rivers where you have moving water. if you're traveling up towards like the american river in placer county or even and the rivers in the valley a that is a huge concern for us because that material is still moving downstream, especially after we've had this rain, which might have knocked some things that are loose or maybe previous fires just from some erosion. cal fire says if someone does start to lose control in the water. >> call 9-1-1 immediately and don't send anyone in after them. probably not the best week to go run out it is it jump in the water, at least maybe enjoy from the shore. >> kron four's vicki liviakis introduces us to sula. >> the mediterranean restaurant that's expanded to 6 locations around the bay. >> you right. >> so what is family friendly? fast casual with the mediterranean flair? sure you can do pick up at the counter dine-in and meet the ever popular lamb or chicken rotisserie flavor of the land israel or here at the dogpatch
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location pull up to them as a bar and grab a and glass wine or beer being great. >> everything you know, has always revolved around >> owner charles billi zone family had a restaurant, but he gets his inspiration from the souvlaki joints. you see all over athens. >> and then we have as a bar. this marble bar with its own menu. >> here at them as a bar, the menu includes classic light dishes like dips and pita chips taking a course. everyone knows and loves greek yogurt cucumber and dill. don't let your fresh octopus or these wicked little doughnut holes called look modest. you won't want to pass on a cool swirl of frozen greek yogurt topped with either crushed buck lavar, cherry syrup, or even olive oil and sea salt. of course, no as it goes without a beverage to wash it down. everything really designed to be you can't do hostess. glass from the vineyards of greece.
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yeah. do your in san francisco, vicki liviakis kron. 4 news. >> a bay area baseball is back in full swing. the giants look to keep winning as the a's are looking for just their second win of the season. kron four's erin wilson brings us the highlights. >> basking in the glow of opening-day walk-off win on fridays against the padres, the giant. they tried to double up and get to in a row. it. at oracle on saturday, but they just didn't. in fact, let's start by showing you something night that will uplift to this camilla tomorrow. sun barely in getting pitching practice. you nobody was actually the borrows actually the reliever there for the giants. and you get his son ready to. >> you know, take him up on is offering maybe fill shoes one day. meanwhile, the giants starter kid when no look at all on saturday night, the giants defense let him down and well, he gave up a walk to load the bases in with 2 out jurickson profar cranks one
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high and deep to right into the pavilion ago. then just like that is a four-point game. 4 to nothing actually in the padres favor and then hurt things more. the giants bennett will live only 4 hits and it didn't help. jackson. merrill was stealing them as well. padres put down the giants on saturday night. 4 to nothing. was the final mean? wow. in detroit, it was t-shirt season or at least it seemed like it was t-shirt weather in the motor city on saturday. they look to get a win over the tigers, although the a's out their lawns butler, he was dressed for the snow probably because on friday it was snowing before the game. not today, though, and brent rocha. well, he was eating up. he hit his first homer of the season on friday against the tigers. will he continue performance on saturday? right? that what a 2 run bomb way out to left in the first inning. and right pop blackburn he's had an amazing start to the season. they continue. he pitched 6 innings out of set up shutout ball rather to get his first win of the and will he strikes
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a haunted by is there? he hasn't allowed a run in 2 starts this season. may they went on to beat the tigers 4 to nothing and the court. their second win of the season. at sports, i'm back to this. all right, erin, thank you so much. and we'll be you so much. and we'll be right back.
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♪♪ ♪ you've got a friend in me ♪ ♪♪ ♪ you've got a friend in me ♪ ♪♪ ♪ you just remember what your old pal said ♪ ♪ boy, you've got a friend in me ♪ ♪♪ it's a celebration of friendship & beyond. from the new parade to together forever - a new nighttime spectacular fireworks show. pixar fest. at the disneyland resort for a limited time. starting april 26th. time to travel. if you're a fan of flora and fauna, lots of people are heading to japan for the cherry blossoms out there. >> let's take a look at video
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of tokyo where crowds are gathering to enjoy. the new blooms. doesn't that look gorgeous out there? the trees are blossoming a little later than usual in japan. but lots of tourists say it was worth the wait. back here in the bay area. cherry blossom season is also underway for us. you can find them at the japanese tea garden and throughout san francisco's golden gate park and right in the heart of china, japan town. you can check out the cherry blossom festival next weekend on april 13th and the weekend after that on april, 20th. well, you can also enjoy a variety of live performances and food. there. it's the nutritious food, facilities or the overall cost of health care wallet. hub says san francisco is the best place to be. the city. also rank second for daily fruit and vegetable consumption and 3rd and healthy restaurants. but good health does come at a price. the study also found san francisco has the highest cost of gym memberships in the country and the second
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healthiest city in in california rather, according to wallet, hub is san diego. so something else to consider and hopefully their gym memberships are a little cheaper out there. well, still ahead on the next hour of the problem, orning news we're following developing news on 2 missing children in mountain view. >> we've got the latest details from police coming up. plus, we spoke to a resident that helped out another person during the treasure island fire. details ahead and board of supervisors. president aaron peskin formally announces his run for san francisco. mayor, stay with us. the kron 4 morning news continues with those stories and more.
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>> now on the kron 4 morning news. the clock is ticking to find 2 missing kids from mountain view. the latest details on the search. as their francisco board of supervisors president aaron peskin officially launches his mayoral campaign. the changes he's promising if he wins the job. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news >> good morning. thank you so much for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm stephanie lin. >> it's sunday. april, the 7th. let's get your day started with a look at the weather with dave spahr. good morning, dave. hey, good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. and boy, lot of sunshine going on for your sunday as well. that will feel good. but a bit on the chilly side still cause the heating up that we're talking about. that's a working progress going take all week to kind of get there just about half the week or so. right now the situation is of the sunshine peering through very nicely through the skies there to some scattered clouds off towards the distance.
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there's the east bay shoreline just about all that up for you. >> and that will be the case. it looks like for the next several days as this high pressure just positions itself in the right spot to help us out with what we would call in the summer months. heat spike. it will be a nice little warm. bump will call for the middle of the week here. our winds are kind of calm. single digits will get the typical onshore winds this afternoon. little pop, though, of offshore winds for the high to position itself. just right. so we'll see that later on. but because the recent rains, we can take it 40% roads and for napa. most ratings are now in the 40's. they are in the 30's last hour. if you recall, 51 san francisco still chilly up to a looks like livermore valley. 44 going on for a concord at this hour. that's a little bit ahead of the numbers from yesterday, except the little little slip. you can see there from half moon bay, which a little cooler than yesterday. so today we are noting the sunshine, but also noting some afternoon clouds in the mountains will see kind of the development of some afternoon cumulus, terrible drift off into some of the valleys. the might be a little isolated little shower up there. that will be due to
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daytime heating. we'll have more on that warming up. spell for you for the rnst this week. coming up in a bit, stephanie. >> all right, dave, thank you. a developing story we continue to follow this morning. chp searching for 2 boys and their mother who have been missing for more than 24 hours. pope was tiffany justice is live for us now at mountain view police headquarters this morning with the latest knee. >> all right, stephanie, we did hear from mountain view police this morning about this case that they're currently investigating. we do know the chp issued an endangered missing person advisory for those 2 young boys along with their mother. now, this advisory spans from la all the way to santa clara county. so here's what we know about this case so far. chp is now trying to locate daniel wu who is 9 years old and his brother david wu, who's 4 years old. daniel is 67 pounds 4 feet. 11 inches has brown hair and brown eyes. his brother david is 3 feet tall and weighs
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about 40 pounds, has brown eyes and brown hair. they're also looking for their mother. taylor woo. he was the last person along seen with her children. police say she is. 38 years old. weighs 176 pounds and is 5 feet and 10 inches. now this is the car in the type of car that police are now looking for. and they believe that they were all last seen in this type of car. a 2018 ford escape in blue with the missouri license plate reading the b 9 b, one w know according to police, david in daniel, along with their mother were last seen around one 30 in the morning on saturday. the mother and the 2 boys were last seen here in mountain view, often much co avenue in saint pierre way in that ford escape. now police are asking if anyone has seen these 3 individuals, please give a call or call 9-1-1. now, a new police also telling kron 4 this morning
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that no one at this time is being considered a suspect. reporting live to kron. 4 news. certainly hope everyone is found soon. thank you so much. tiffany. >> and new video in to kron 4 this morning. sideshows take over streets in 4 different cities overnight and on the bay bridge. witnesses tell us this was between 3, 15 3.30, this morning. you can dozens of people crowded around watching that sideshow. happening. there were similar scenes in menlo park around 11 o'clock last night. and then again, in mountain view, witnesses say a sideshow happened around 2 o'clock this morning. there are also reports of 2 separate incidents in oakland. at least one of those sideshows. you can see fireworks being set off as you can see on your screen there. we have reached out chp and police for more information on all of these cases. we will keep you updated as we learn more. and this morning we're getting new details about a fire that broke out on treasure island. kron spoke with a man who rescued someone from that
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blaze. this is video of the fire at a home around 7.40 friday night. francisco fire crews say it was supposed to be vacant. they found evidence, though, of squatting in hardin, andreas lives across the street from here. he happens to be a certified lifeguard. he says he found a man passed out in the entryway of the affected property and with the help of other bystanders, reyes says he was able to get the man to safety. >> i was just like. happy i was able to beat has the right place right time. i'm sure anyone else with the same thing given, you given the situation. you just never know what you you know, hunt until something like that happens. >> raz was treated at the hospital for smoke inhalation. the man he saved left the scene before firefighters arrived all right. take a look at this. flames shooting from the roof of a house in san francisco's potrero hill neighborhood saturday afternoon. this was taken
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around 4 o'clock on kansas street. firefighters say they were able to put out the blaze. no word yet on the extent of the building damages, no injuries were reported. in the east bay. a fatal crash happened on i-80 in fremont. let's take a look at video now from the citizen app. chp says a red toyota are rav 4 rather overturned several times heading north on i-880, earlier saturday evening. investigators believe high speeds were a factor in the crash. one person was ejected from the car and died. all lanes are back open. and new this morning, the mateo county sheriff's transit police bureau is investigating a deadly collision involving a person and caltrain. it happened around midnight last night in san carlos. a test train on the southbound track in san carlos struck a person who was on the tracks for an unknown reason. the situation remains under investigation. the identity of the victim has not been released. santa clara county district attorney jeff rosen wants to eliminate the
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country's or rather the county's death row. he is looking instead to re sentence. the 15 men now on death row to life in prison without the possibility of parole. roseann called death row a, quote, antiquated racially biased and error prone system. he says it also cost the state millions of public dollars. 650 people currently sit on death row in california. that's the highest population in the u.s. back in 2019, governor gavin newsom placed a moratorium on executions. the state is looking to move inmates out of san quentin's death row and into other facilities. francisco police say they've arrested a man for a deadly shooting in the mission. 30 year-old alexander martinez was found and detained in richmond just before 10, 30 friday night. sfpd rather says he pulled the trigger around one 30 friday afternoon near the intersection of mission and 20th citizen app. video of the scene shows heavy police presence earlier in the day. despite life saving efforts by first responders, the victim was pronounced dead at the
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scene. and now the new video from the vacaville police department on tuesday. officers were chasing a truck believed to be involved in several car burglaries. as you westbound lanes of the weekend of april. 12th 19th and then working on the eastbound lanes the weekend of april. 26 and may 3rd. so just be aware of those closures. >> a couple your local election headquarters. san francisco board of supervisors president aaron peskin officially launched his mayoral campaign on saturday. >> he hosted hundreds of
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supporters in portsmouth square in san francisco's chinatown. he addressed the cost of living in the city, homelessness and public safety issues. but right here in this neighborhood, i've stood up for safety, stood up against hate crimes. >> can't me speaking foot patrols to walk the beat, expanded community ambassadors and strengthen pedestrian safety. that's what every neighborhood in this city deserves. peskin enters the race along with incumbent mayor london breed supervisor ahsha stuff. i e. >> nonprofit executive daniel lurie and former francisco interim mayor and supervisor mark farrell. popular fast food chains are raising their prices after the new $20 an hour minimum wage law that started last week. a burger king popular meals that were $15 an hour. a dollar more internet also raise prices in some locations. no word yet if chick-fil-a. wendy's and mcdonald's also plan to do and
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some tough news for anyone in california hoping to wake up a millionaire this morning. the powerball jackpot winning ticket was purchased in oregon. that jackpot join was worth 1.3 billion dollars. that's a cash value of 621 million. the prize was the 8th largest in u.s. lottery history. in the north bay saturday, there was a spring celebration for children who are blind or visually impaired this is the second year the event is running its a family fun event with some for the children who are involved in participating with this. and the kids also got to spend some time with guide dogs. this is hosted by lighthouse for the blind and visually impaired at their campus in sandra fell across 4 zone. grant lotus was the mc for this coming up on the kron 4 morning news. a 3.2 magnitude earthquake rocks the city of
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berkeley. >> hear from a local expert on the recent shaking that's happening around the globe. after the break. eclipse is tomorrow. before you raise your phones to snap the sky for some photos, the safety tips that you might want to keep in mind. >> for the moon will basically be in our tomorrow. here's a look at what's going to go on for today. 57 by high noon of 3, we're going to about 60 something sauce clouds from the mountains a little bit this afternoon, which enjoy the sunshine, got a warming phase coming our way. the kron 4 morning news continues. good
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morning, everybody. welcome back to kron. 4 morning news. here's a from half moon what's going on there? yeah, some scattered clouds and all the ship right into parts give way to mostly sunny skies. basically just a little leftover moisture in the atmosphere. >> and that could really be the deal today because generally speaking, it's pretty dry when you look upstairs say 700 millibars or so, boom, it's rolled right up there. so a lot of it's pretty close to the surface is just residual moisture left over and that heating the atmosphere gets more excited and starts moving some stuff around. and this up here might be some thundersnow going on up there on the rockies a little bit later on right back to future cast for you. see it. i'm talking about after kind of calm start a little bit. you get some of this build up in the mountains, particularly that sometimes on his upslope in a little bit. it's it's a air mass that goes up against the hills as is rising. that gets pushed it further and the start to get some moisture that comes out
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of the atmosphere a little bit. but we don't have too much to deal with. so if you happen to see some cumulus, there might drift onto the valleys and maybe a little isolated shower up there as well. just like an addendum to the forecast as we get into monday, we're going to run out of that moisture so it should stay mostly sunny and away. we go with those temperatures as well. here's a look at the winds little bit of an onshore pop that somewhat typical with daytime heating looks like it's hovering around the coast a little bit. there still could be a little chilly anyway. and you add an onshore breeze to that to him with the sunshine out. so definitely windbreaker and sweater will be needed for that. there's your offshore winds developing in the monday. this is the high positioning itself after the big trough. we had and that sets us up for a nice little warming spell into the middle of the week will also lose the winds to probably won't even need that map going forward. sunny those afternoon clouds developing a little bit of the hills. cool with a possible afternoon shower up there early in the week. sunny and warming were moving through the 70's popping about 80 or so come wednesday and thursday. those look to be the 2 warmest days. worried a
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little bit as we go forward. yeah, friday looks kind of some of the models are hinting it may be little shower. getting back in here. before we jump on that, we're going to wait. 59 san francisco, mostly sunny on balance here. some exhaust clouds. 62 oakland, 63 san jose. check it out. and temperature map here, not a lot of movement. it's pretty close to what numbers were yesterday. however, we'll get this movement go as we get into tomorrow and into tuesday as well. so wednesday should be the warmest day. and then thursday, backing off a little bit friday. look so scary. some of these models here, but don't know if that's necessarily going to happen. so we know a little bit of a cool down, but spring-like weather you can expect this week. definitely. alright. so spring-like weather, meaning the return of more full hours. yeah, lance and right. >> warming up to is the key issue. get some 80's inland. so the heat shut off right now. on the pga need bills all right. well, that's another story for another thanks so much the bay area got to shake up just before noon yesterday.
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a 3.2 earthquake shook the city of berkeley and much of the bay area just after 11, the epicenter was near claremont canyon. the united states geological survey said the quake ran 5.8 miles deep. no reports of any damage in the area. there's been a lot of shifting in shaking around the world this week. well, was rob nesbitt spoke to doctor bob degroot from the u.s. geological survey for additional perspective. taiwan experience its biggest earthquake in a quarter of a century last week. so berkeley, new jersey, taiwan, is this rare to have so many around the same time span globally. >> there are earthquakes going on all the time around the world. and it turns out that we've had events that have happened in very highly populated areas. 20 million people on the east coast in the northeast. millions of people in taiwan and of course, millions of people in the bay area. so these earthquakes tend to be noticed quite a bit. mean, one thing that happened on earlier this week or 2 earthquakes near
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chico. and it turns out that for those earthquakes and not for the one that occurred this morning, the shaler earthquake early warning system which we have in california, oregon, washington was was triggered. so, yes, even had events just this week in california where early warning was was used. so my last question for you, kind of what advice do you have for our viewers talking about all these different places that have experienced earthquakes. what should people do to make sure they're fully prepared? yes, there there are 3 things. i think that people should really doing. number one, horst know what to do. if you feel shaking or if you get an alert on your phone. and if you don't have quick early warning on your phone, find out more about that at shea color dot org. so number one know what to do if you feel shaking are getting alert, drop cover and hold on. number 2, there are lots of tools that the united states geological survey offers. so usgs dot gov. you'll find all kinds of resources that you
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can you can use and learn more about earthquakes, part of knowing about what to do having some control over what happens is knowing about how earthquakes work. and number 3 get involved. if you feel an earthquake reported, tell us what happened. allows us to to learn more about that earthquake and to to improve things to improve infrastructure, everything. be involved, know what to do. and if you haven't downloaded shake alert, power nap on your phone, do it as soon as you can. doctor group from usgs, great advice. thank you for your time. >> well, prices to get the best view of monday's solar eclipse are over the moon. some hotels in the path of the so-called great american eclipse are raising their nightly rate by as much as 10 times the normal price. according to the new york times, some analysts say the phenomenon could bring in billions to local economies as restaurants and other retailers are also expected to jack up their prices. chase
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travel reports that airline prices and hotel bookings are 4 times higher than this same time period last year. >> and happening tomorrow, we get to see a partial solar eclipse here in the bay area. >> nos are being has more on how we can all enjoy that experience safely. >> picture after picture on monday, countless will be taken and posted to celebrate solar scenery and some of the phones taking them will likely end up. in cell phone repair store so that you a quick picture of it. and then all other cameras from black during the last partial solar eclipse dakota stroud in a repair saw sunspots burned in the lenses which required total camera replacements. he says uv rays during an eclipse can damage a phone, even though taking pictures on a clear day, won't it clips does make it concentrated cycle my mind if i love. so relief is going to burn a hole in the camera. >> just like we need clips glasses to safely view an
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eclipse. so does our phone. and while you could tape air and get 3 good pictures. a simpler solution is solar snap. and even as a free companion app which lets you control exposure, focus and puts you in control. >> who are better than the phone app when it comes to this time. >> doctor douglas duncan is an astronomer who worked on the hubble space telescope team. he invented solar snap and says for the few minutes of totality, you won't need the filter, but you might want the app if you just press the total >> it will take pictures all the way through to a totally its own. and you can watch and don't forget to get a picture of yourself. but as soon as it starts coming back to light. >> put that on my car. >> the oakland dollars hosted their first open tryouts yesterday over 50 players came out for the bay area's newest baseball team. the ball is plan. the independent pioneer
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league. they're spending 1.6 million dollars to renovate oakland's raimondi park. the first of the 48 home games start june 4th. still ahead on the kroe, 4 morning news video captures an e-bike exploding at the train station.
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( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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deo for your whole body? that actually works! how do they do it? native combines the best of nature with the best of science to make a deodorant spray with naturally-derived ingredients that fights odor at the source and is clinically proven to keep stank at bay. all day. right. take a look at this and e-bike explodes at a train station. this happened back in march near london. the owner
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said of the bike said that he never had any problems with his bike before this. he says he feels lucky. no one was injured and that he is in touch now with the bike make manufacturer to see what might have caused this malfunction. and take a look at this video to helicopters rescued 11 hikers and 3 dogs at the end of march in ventura county. the group is trapped in harsh conditions in the last page or u.s. a national forest there. the ventura sheriff's office says they had to use helicopters to reach the group because of rising water levels from recent severe weather. and a california family is finally reunited with their dog mishka with been missing for the past 8 months. a special moment there last july, michigan had wandered from the family's garage workshop in san diego. her owners were visiting minnesota for easter when they got the call. the michigan have been
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found. police spotted her loose in a neighborhood in harper woods, michigan, more than 2000 miles from their home in san diego. >> so we called them and of the wife answered the phone and started screaming and getting all excited and emotional. and we learned that the dog had been missing for 7 or 8 months. and this is the very first time then a microchip owner has ever ended up being out of state and come to get their animals so expedient. lee, it's it's just remarkable. >> no one is sure how mishka ended up all the way in michigan. but her family is very happy. as you just heard there to have her home. well, still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news, excitement is building in sacramento for the oakland a's. we've got the oakland a's. we've got the details after this.
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we know you care. [music plays] but if this is all too real for you and your loved ones. make the call. because we care too. ♪♪ home instead. to us, it's personal.
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>> now on the kron 4 morning news. the cia wants to ramp up surveillance to curb the fentanyl crisis. >> and we're spotlighting a bay area program helping adults with special needs launch new careers. good morning. welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news. thank you so much for being here with us today. let's get you started this half hour with a look at our forecast. dave spahr is in the weather center with the their day. a good morning, stephanie. good morning. all and lots of sunshine going on for your sunday again, although a bit on the cool side, we're building your temperature part of your forecast bit by bit. here you'll see a nice little warm up by the middle of the
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week, particularly in a really start to feel like april may be. >> a touch of may where we're at and no delays going out at sfo. nice start to the day. there. your breakdown with some afternoon clouds to make note of, they'll probably develop up in the mountains a little bit where there might be a little stray shower going on. and then we just get the exhaust clouds later on this afternoon. so kind of variable clouds in some spots there. but basic in storm tracker 4. we don't see any storms coming our way right now towards the end of next week. there's a question mark of a little system coming down south will see if that holds together 40 for santa rosa. we have 40 for napa, 50 for any act. most readings in the east bay in the 40's. 47 meanwhile for san jose and a look ahead is plenty of sunshine our way, particularly for monday into tuesday. it's 74 again, popping about the 80's come wednesday when a more on that extended for class. but your 4 zone and a bit, stephanie. >> all right, dave, thank you, wolf. as an oakland are disappointed, the a's are leaving the town at the end of the season. the excitement is building in sacramento. zach boetto has the details. >> sutter health park in west
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sacramento. just a stone's throw from california's capital city. and for a kid who grew up here, then went on to play major league baseball for 16 years. the a's temporary move to west sacramento is a huge deal. sentinel probably one of the biggest good the to be able to have >> you know, now about their professional team to get a root for. i mean, i think it's it's, you know, it's cold. there's room for about 14,000 fans at sutter health park as it stands right now. >> and the a's are expected to play about 80 games here per season. for reference, the sacramento kings basketball team season. >> 4 time. mlb all-star greg vaughn, who earned his stripes at kennedy high school in sac city college says the a's move to west sacramento. we'll make it much easier for families not to have to travel hours away to see their idols playing person. i think if do want you know, it good >> here's the look like to you
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know what? was growing up. i was able to turn on the tv and the players and players that looks like i cuts that they'll be able actually go up there do for it does i think it'd be a great thing for the city fact. more so for for baseball for airport, literally like played while families and the younger generation benefit from the move visit, sacramento ceo mike testa says the business community is also wide eyed and ready for the opportunities based on the size of sutter health part based on the number of games we can accommodate that. i don't have any concern that our restaurant scene will be able to accommodate the people going to the game. again, you've got potentially 14,000 people in the state and not all of them will be from out of town staying in hotels. we've got the infrastructure to do. this is not a concern. test us as we're approaching a new era for the sacramento region. the people who will tell you that sacramento's
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boring, there's nothing to do here. there's a think they're paying attention because >> this is not that city anymore. a law enforcement agencies nationwide are warning about strange and unexpected varieties of fentanyl. >> u.s. intelligence officials say to fight drug trafficking, they need to expand government surveillance programs. news nation's jorge ventura reports. >> the cia is trying to persuade lawmakers on capitol hill to give the intelligence agency axis to monitor foreigners suspected of trafficking fentanyl into the u.s. for the past year. the cia has been pushing congress to reauthorize section 702 of the foreign intelligence surveillance act or fisa, which would allow the cia to conduct warrantless eavesdropping on foreigners with fentanyl ties section. 72 has always been here since of the september. 11th attacks happened. >> but usually it's been used to monitor electronic communications overseas. that our base in u.s. providers. but now they're sort of wanting to open that up again
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to to the traffickers. according to a usa today report to say once a minor and spy on transnational criminal organizations, trafficking fentanyl from mexico into the united states. the agency also wants attracted creating some make fentanyl coming from china. they're being shipped into mexico. the threat from a list of drugs remains at historic levels. >> with mexican transnational criminal organizations applying and moving large amounts of synthetic opioids such as fentanyl into the united states. more than 100,000 americans have died from drug-related overdoses during the past year. and most of those deaths have been attributed to illicit fentanyl. as of today, the cia could only view section 702, against drug traffickers. if it leaks into one of the 3 certify threat groups, has a c is seeking a so called for certification which would allow us buys more freedom to go after non americans involved in the fencing on trade will having to make connections to certify 3 groups. 702 has. >> broken out 7. some trafficking rings in china. but that's because they were
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tracking chinese in terms of manufacturing. they've always sort of trapped that there's nothing new about that. but i think this will be different in that. it will get the traffickers. >> well, april is celebrated as autism acceptance month and here kron 4. we're spotlighting a south bay program giving adults with learning disabilities a chance to continue their college education kron four's philippe djegal shows us how it works. >> we're going to talk about what kids are except inc and inclusion, inspire participation at the college of adaptive arts. healthy shine who i want to be and house is a nonprofit co-founded by deanna purse. i and doctor pamela munsey a decade and a half ago now supports 230 students in person at their facility on the west valley college campus in saratoga and online nationally and internationally. >> via zoom, absolutely transformative right here. we have a whole group aspiring
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apprentice. is that one of the assistance in the sign language class, they want to be professors in the theater class. many of the students diagnosed with intellectual and developmental disabilities, noting setbacks early in life was a bumpy ride. my mind is my most powerful tool. you know, i need to be able to use it and use to the best of my abilities that overtime obstacles to learning overcome with students through continued education in the classroom might not hold reebok match. now, as i find it factor what i would find its top cares for people know how to help you. the school gives adults and special education, real college experience and the path towards a career of their choosing. important that we have learned how to work recently launched a new workforce development program students like sam headley and
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victoria rivera are trained and paid apprenticeship positions song in jennings don't let your disability. >> stop. he of my goal eventually to become, you know, a professor here at and teach classes. but of course, there's still a long way to go in all 50 states. adultssin the special education system are mandated out of public schools by the age of 21 or 22, according to the centers for disease control and prevention. >> 6 and a half million people in the united states live with intellectual or developmental disabilities. goal is to give a lifelong equitable college experience to adults. >> who historically haven't had access. doctor, lindsay says the college has 10 schools of study in liberal arts, including visual arts business communications and dance. the students are moving mountains. they do have a lot of extra hills to climb and to move and they're doing it so beautifully. i would like to
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be the one of me and to ensure that makes a difference as part of rivera's apprenticeship, which like for the rest of her peers. last she has been appointed a project manager. >> and he's organizing cea's 15 year anniversary celebration on mother's day called the low rider car show at mexican heritage plaza in san jose. baez like emmanuel so effective, these routines like a home or, >> you know, ca i could do just fine for those who cannot be accommodated with services to support their disabilities at community college programs like caa. give those students who otherwise would have had to end their education. a chance at life long learning. >> without age limits or restrictions. we're just here to try to provide our students and our staff as well. >> with everything that they need to really achieve their own personal visions. the school encourages students to re enroll. >> even after they have graduated in saratoga, it
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>> philippe djegal kron. 4 news. >> a great program. well, bay area baseball is back in full swing. the giants look to keep winning as the a's are just looking for their second win of the season. kron four's erin wilson brings us the highlights. >> basking in the glow of opening-day walk-off win on fridays against the padres, the giant. they tried to double up and get to in a row. it. at oracle on saturday, but they just didn't. in fact, let's start by showing you something night that a little blip to this camilla tomorrow, sun barely in getting pitching practice. you nobody was actually the borrows actually the reliever there for the giants. and you get his son ready to. >> you know, take him up on is offering maybe fill shoes one day. meanwhile, the giants starter or key when no look at all. on saturday night, the giants defense let him down and well, he gave up a walk to load the bases in with 2 out jurickson profar cranks one
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high and deep to right into the pavilion ago. then just like that is a four-point game. 4 to nothing actually in the padres favor and then hurt things more. the giants bennett will live only 4 hits and it didn't help. jackson. merrill was stealing them as well. padres put down the giants on saturday night. 4 to nothing was the final. meanwhile in detroit, it was t-shirt season or at least it seemed like it was t-shirt weather in the motor city on saturday. they look to get a win over the tigers, although the a's out their lawns butler, he was dressed for the snow probably because on friday it was snowing before the game. not today, though, and brent rocha. well, he was eating up. he hit his first homer of the season on friday against the tigers. will he continue performance on saturday? right? that what a 2 run bomb way out to left in the first inning. and right pop blackburn. he's had an amazing start to the season. they continue. he pitched 6 innings out of set shutout ball rather to get his first
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win of the and will he strikes a haunted by is there? he hasn't allowed a run in 2 starts this season. may they went on to beat the tigers 4 to nothing and court. their second win of the season. at sports, i'm back to this. still ahead on the kron 4 morning news wallet hub ranked the healthiest cities in the u.s.. >> find out which bay area city made the list. >> and we're working on a little bit of a warming phase over the next several days here. getting up to about 74. so come tuesday. for today, some scattered clouds thrown in there in the afternoon. might even see a couple sprinkles up there in the hills like its forecast. a difficult morning news continues.
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>> all right. welcome back live. look now outside at 8.43. on your sunday at the golden gate bridge. looking so beautiful out there. dave, what are you keeping an eye on? >> well, stephanie, a nice little warming phase going on for us as we get to the middle of the week show you 70 national park in the background here. yeah, this is half. there. we have that fresh coating of snow from the recent storms. now, what we're going to see over the next few days as a warming phase, also in tahoe as well. and that's going to add of those rivers we've talked about from before 2.58 by tuesday, wednesday at 63. so you're getting some serious melting, by the way, we do see success of systems coming. and even though the impact on the bay area's very questionable at worst, still, they may pick up a little in the way of some more snow and cooler temps with that still going forward throughout
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april. so it's not quite time to break out the shorts sleeve shirts up in the hills, though, are the mountains got to wait for a little longer for that storm tracker 4, much weight interference is what we're going to wait for upstream here. 40 going on for santa rosa. 46 for the battle. 47 for oakland off to the east bay. most readings in the 50 40's, 50 for antioch and 52, san francisco. but here's what us talking about before. you're adding the heating. the atmosphere is getting excited. we start to be cloud cover development and isolated little shower. notice how even when they appear they don't really move much at all. they're very much generated by just the heating of the day and just the leftover moisture in the atmosphere. you see a lot of this kind of stuff in the summer months. chance of afternoon evening thundershowers in the ohio valley in the east coast a little bit there. we also see this from the monsoon just a touch as well. sometimes we get that moisture bubbling up from the southeast. but this is what i mentioned earlier. some mountain snow, as you might have, some isolate a little bit of that going forward. now looking upstream, high pressure built a pretty quiet the next few days. middle of the week, latter portion of the week. that's scary. i know that's time we
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get to friday. we'll see if that really holds together. but it looks like still some more additional mountain snow is probably going to be possible with all of that. nothing major at this point. but we'll see. now we do see a pullback with temperatures heading into next weekend. it looks like it does clear out in time for the weekend itself. 4 zone forecast comes in like this. 59 san francisco. and even though we should clear out nicely for the coast, remember those onshore winds going to add a little chill. so we definitely need the jacket or the sweater there got 60 for burlingame. 61 foster city, san carlos about 62 and also in the south bay in the lower 60's east bay shoreline around 60 ish along with tri valley, dublin, 60 63 walnut creek. 59 for berkeley. billy, what 60 64 fairfield. 62 napa and 65 santa rosa, let's go in the 70's dude. yeah. into the middle of the week there in popping in the lower 80's by thursday into friday. so kind of watching to see what's going to go on with that next system by friday. this point, what is keep some cloud pups and their stephanie. all right, dave, thank you.
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>> is your local election headquarters? the race for san francisco mayor just got more crowded with the board of supervisors. president aaron peskin announcing his bid to run on saturday in joining us live now with perspective on how this could impact the race is political analyst and former mayor of sausalito melissa blouse teen. he previously worked on dennis herrera's campaign for mayor in 2011. good morning to you, melissa. good morning, stephanie. thanks for having me. and it's always a pleasure to have you here. and you know aaron peskin really interesting candidate in this race, a big splashy announcement in chinatown yesterday. a lot of eyes on tell us, you know, about the optics around this. he held this in chinatown. he had some pretty prominent people out there. listen, this is a game changer. san francisco has been through a lot the last 3 years beginning with the closure of san francisco. one of the first city's mayor breed closing us during covid. >> since then, we've been kind of this long, scary loop. voters are really wondering who is going to get us out of
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it. right. and here comes supervisor peskin. he's got over 2 decades of experience for better or for worse on those progressive values. he is the first real strong progressive candidate to come into this race. and that's mixing things up. but what i think is really important to consider when we think about what his entry means is, is san francisco still the progressive city that we were 4 years ago? exactly, because we've seen, you know, for recall, sorry to successful recall elections in the last 4 years. so are we shifting more to the right? is this a sure thing for the progressive candidate? only the voters now? right? exactly. and know, notably joe and cardio out in the sunset. there was that upset that he he was considered not the progressive in that case. and also matt dorsey as well. but of people showing up for >> last several elections. so i'm curious, too. i mean, you mention city of san francisco going through so much over the last several years. obviously, we also the fentanyl crisis,
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affordable housing homelessness, a retail store closures and mean, can someone like aaron peskin turn things around for the city think? i think that's what the voters want to know. i think that everyone is trying to make that case to their voters to say i am the person who's going to solve that problem for you. and here are the steps i'm going to take. >> and whats really interesting in this mayor's race is given the situation the city is in. it's not a sure thing for the incumbent. so mayor breed is working really hard to make a case. and to her credit, i think we saw with the march election and the 2 ballot up propositions that she really did come forward and say this is the direction the take the but will that be enough? and do people want more of a progressive bent towards how we solve some of these problems or do they want more of a law and order approach like a supervisor? former mayor mark farrell is taking. we have to see. yeah. >> you know, we heard pretty quickly from haskins opponents in this shortly even after it was it was rumored that he was going to entering this time. so it seems pretty clearly even though you know, you bring up this point of, you
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know, there is this moderate push in the city to against the progressive movement. it seems like his opponents are taking his presence into race pretty seriously. they do see him as a threat. he's got 2 decades of experience and he's a stands on his progressive values. so it would be ill advised to not take him seriously as a candidate, but i think it's too soon to say whether we have enough progressive votes to really pull forward the wind. and i think it's about who can really convince voters that they have a clear plan. >> and a path forward to change the direction the city is going and whether that's, you know, our incumbent or somebody new and supervisor peskin brings a different% approach and a different group of supporters you saw yesterday, you know, mark leno, i heard was among the crowd really beloved, well-known officials. so, but i think it's it's not just him in the race. you know, there's a lot going on. there are, you know, we've got a couple of moderate known entities we have the political newcomer, daniel lurie, who is running for mayor with a lot of money in the race. and he's saying, you know, these people who start start of these problems can't necessarily get us out
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of them. we've got to unknown supervisor who is really trying to play his cards. so we don't know and how do you see ranked choice voting playing a factor in all of this ranked choice. voting is so interesting because you never really know. right. if you look at the polling, it might show someone out in front with the number of first place votes. that's really clear. but then someone else with 2, 3, comes through with the wind. i mean, look what we saw in oakland, not once but twice and so it really shifts the dynamic it make space for, for example, if you're really upset with all of known entity, candidates, then someone who's an outsider might get more 2 and threes, for so it can really can really be a huge shift. so we don't know yet. now at this point in the race again, with peskin announcing you really see the gloves coming off with a lot of these different candidates. things really intensifying at this point moving forward. i mean, this is just the beginning of the gloves coming off of you seems ever politics this. yeah. >> i mean, i think we'll start
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to see more and more placements from campaigns. people trying to make the case to reporters like you to share stories from folks skeletons in their closets or, you know, they'll definitely be a lot of interesting hit pieces, but i really think what will win voters over in this race is is the candidate who has a clear plan and who is taking steps right now to say, okay, we're going to address the fentanyl crisis. we're going to do something about homelessness. we're going to clean up our streets. and if you can do that to make the case to voters, i think that's better than just going after the gloves coming off. and it's an attacking your candidates because you've got to stand on your own record if you want to win this all right. political analysts, melissa blouse, thank you so much for sharing your insight with us this morning. we appreciate it. thank you for having all right. and we will be right back.
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>> and now to this morning's dine and dish kron four's vicki liviakis introduces us to sue love the mediterranean restaurant that's expanded to 6 locations around the bay. >> you right. >> so what is family friendly? fast casual with a mediterranean flair? sure you can do pick up at the counter dine-in and meet the ever popular lamb or chicken rotisserie have flavor of the lab. that's really good or here at the dogpatch location. pull up to them as a bar and grab a and glass wine or beer being great. >> everything you know, has always revolved around
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>> owner charles billi zone family had a restaurant, but he gets his inspiration from the souvlaki joints. you see all over athens. >> and then we have as a bar. this marble bar with its own menu. >> here at them as a bar, the menu includes classic light dishes like dips and pita chips taking a course. everyone knows and loves greek yogurt cucumber and dill. don't let your fresh octopus or these wicked little doughnut holes called look you won't want to pass on a cool swirl of frozen greek yogurt topped with either crushed buck lavar, cherry syrup, or even olive oil and sea salt. of course, no as it goes without a beverage to wash it down. everything really just going to be sure. but toast wine glass from the vineyards of greece? most your in san francisco, vicki liviakis kron. 4 news. >> francisco may be second to none when it comes to health. according to wallet hub, whether it be nutritious food,
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recreational facilities are the overall cost of health care while it helps as san francisco is the best place to be. the city also ranks second for daily fruit and vegetable consumption and 3rd for the rate of healthy restaurants, a number of healthy restaurant. but good health does come at a price. the study also found san francisco has the highest cost of gym memberships in the country. some of the other healthiest cities in san francisco or other in america after san francisco include honolulu and seattle, the second healthiest city in california is san diego. according to that study. still ahead on the next hour of the proper morning news, 2 children last seen in mountain view are reported missing. and in danger. >> find out what we've learned in the last 24 hours and the board of supervisors, president aaron peskin formally announces his run for san francisco. mayor, stay with us. the kron 4 morning news continues with those news continues with those stories and more. choice hotels is a family of brands that helps you get the most for your money,
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so you can be any traveler you want to be. you can be a free, hot breakfast hero at a comfort hotel. yes! that's how you waffle! mr. "this script got a plot twist" at a radisson hotel. a business big leaguer. (phone ringing) go for key. (blowing) even the ultimate pool float inflator. with 22 brands and the best value for your money, choice hotels has a stay for any you. stay twice and get a free night when you book direct at gotta get the corners.
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>> now on the kron 4 morning news. the clock is ticking to find 2 missing kids from mountain view. the latest details on the search. and san francisco board of supervisors president aaron peskin officially launches his mayoral campaign. the changes he's promising if he wins the job. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at no. >> good morning. thank you so much for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm stephanie lin. good sunday to you. >> let's get your day started with a look at the weather with dave spahr. good morning, dave. well, good morning, stephanie. good morning,
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everybody. lots of sunshine going on for you today, although still a little bit on the chilly side will see some afternoon cloud cover development in our local mountains and maybe a sprinkle thrown up there for good measure. but on balance, a pretty uneventful as we see a warming. fay still fighting some clouds of the coast here, though, although things will clear out do want to watch out that breeze coupled with the cool temperatures will feel chilly there with highs only in the 50's and winds on top of that, a breeze. here's what looks like. a storm tracker for the high hasn't taken over just yet. so take a couple days to get this all positioned. well, calm winds to single-digit. you can see kind of variable for now. we do expect them on shore. a little pop offshore as expected briefly tomorrow we've got 40's and 50's on the big board now. 52, san francisco and half moon bay, although still a lot of chilly 40's well inland. this is above by a couple degrees. what our numbers were from yesterday and this is what you can expect today. lot of 50's maybe popping 60 or so by 4 o'clock and noting some of those exhaust-clouds will have more on your forecast coming up in just a bit. stephanie. all right, dave, thank you. a
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developing story we continue to follow this morning. >> chp searching for 2 boys and their mother who had been missing for more than 24 hours. well, for stephanie justice is live for us now in mountain view police headquarters this morning with the latest funny. >> rice, stephanie, we did hear from mountain view police this morning about this missing person's case. we know that chp issuing and endangered missing person advisory for those young boys and their mother. we also do know that this advisory spans all the way from la to santa clara county. so we want to talk about everything we know so far. we know the chp is now trying to locate daniel wu who is 9 years old and his brother david wu, who is 4 years old. daniel, is 67 pounds 4 feet, 11 inches with brown hair and brown eyes. david is 3 feet tall and weighs about 40 pounds. brown hair and brown eyes. they are also looking for their mother. taylor the
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mother and the children last seen together. police say the mother is 38 years old. weighs 176 pounds and is 5 feet 10 inches now. this is the type of car the 3 were last seen 2018. ford escape in blue with missouri license plate reading the b 9 b one w now, according to police, david daniel, along with their mother were last seen around one 30 in the morning on saturday. the more the mother and 2 boys were last seen off onto his avenue in saint pierre way here in mountain view in that ford escape. now police are asking if you do see those 3 individuals, give 9-1-1 a call. and we also know after hearing from mountain view pd this morning that at this time no one is being considered a suspect reporting live to justice kron. 4 news. tiffany, thank you for staying on top of this story for us. >> and new video in to kron 4 this morning. sideshows take over streets in 4 different
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cities overnight and on the bay bridge. witnesses tell us this was between 3, 15 3.30, this morning. you can dozens of people crowded around watching similar scenes in menlo park around 11 o'clock last night. and then again in mountain view, witnesses say a sideshow happened around 2 o'clock this morning. there are also 2 reports of at least 2 separate incidents in oakland and at least one of those sideshows. you can see fireworks being set off, as you can see right there. reached out to chp and police for more information. we will keep you updated as we learn more. and this morning we're getting new details about a fire that broke out on treasure island. kron. 4 spoke with a man who rescued someone from the blaze. >> now this is video of the fire at a home around 7.40 friday night. san francisco fire crews say it was supposed to be vacant. they found evidence, though, of squatting and hoarding inside andreas lives across the street. he happens to be a certified lifeguard. he found a man passed out in the entryway of the affected property with the help of other bystanders raise
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was able to get the man to safety. >> i was just like. happy i was able to beat has the right place right time. i'm sure anyone else with the same thing given, you given the situation. you just never know what you you know, hunt until something like that happens. >> raz was treated at the hospital for smoke inhalation. the man he saved left the scene before firefighters arrived. take a look at this. flames shooting from the roof of a house in san francisco's potrero hill neighborhood saturday afternoon. this was taken around 4 o'clock on kansas street. firefighters say they were able to put out the fire. no word yet on the extent of the building damages, no injuries were reported. in the east bay, a fatal crash happened on i-80 in fremont. this is video from the citizen app. chp says a red toyota rav 4 overturned several times heading north on
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i-80 earlier saturday evening. investigators believe high speeds were a factor in the crash. one person was ejected from the car and died. all lanes are back open. and new this morning, the san mateo county sheriff's transit police bureau is investigating a deadly collision involving a person and caltrain. it happened around midnight last night in san carlos. a test train on the southbound track in san carlos struck a person who was on the tracks for an unknown reason. the situation remains under investigation. the identity of the victim has not been released. they cook said a clare county district attorney jeff rosen wants to eliminate the county's death row. he is looking instead to re a sentence. the 15 on death row and to life in prison without the possibility of parole. those are called death row a, quote, antiquated racially biased error prone system. he says it also cost the state millions of public dollars. 650 people now sit on death row in california. that's the highest population in the u.s. back in 2019,
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governor gavin newsom placed a moratorium on executions. the state is working to move inmates out of san quentin's death row and into other facilities. san francisco police say they've arrested a man for a deadly shooting in the mission. 30 year-old alexander martinez was found and detained and richmond just before 10, 30 friday night, as deputy says he pulled the trigger around one 30 friday afternoon near the intersection of mission and 20th citizen app. video of the scene shows a heavy police presence earlier in the day. despite life saving efforts by first responders, the victim was pronounced dead at the scene. and now to new video from the vacaville police department on tuesday. officers were chasing a truck believed to be involved in several car burglaries at the start of the chase, the car was going the wrong way on i-80 eventually the driver turned around and headed into vacaville video from the chp helicopter shows the chase. 4 people got out of the car and ran. they were eventually arrested. north bay drivers be
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aware starting next friday, april 20th highway 37 between solano and sonoma counties closes for 4 straight weekends. caltrans is repaving westbound lanes the weekend of april 12 and the 19th and then working on the eastbound lanes the weekend of april. 26 and may 3rd. 4 is your local election headquarters francisco board of supervisors president aaron peskin officially launched his mayoral campaign on saturday. he hosted supporters in portsmouth square in san francisco's chinatown. he addressed the cost of living in the city, homelessness and public safety issues. >> but right here in this neighborhood, i've stood up for safety, stood up against hate crimes, can't me speaking foot patrols to walk the beat, expanded community ambassadors and strengthen pedestrian safety. that's what every neighborhood in this city deserves. peskin enters the race along with incumbent mayor london breed supervisor
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ahsha stuff. it. >> nonprofit executive daniel lurie and former san francisco interim mayor and supervisor mark farrell. popular fast food chains are raising their prices after the new $20 an hour minimum wage law that started last week. a burger king popular meals that were $15 are now a dollar more in and out has also raised prices in some locations. no word yet if chick-fil-a, wendy's and mcdonald's plan to also do the same. and some sad news for anyone in california hoping to wake up a millionaire this morning. the powerball jackpot winning ticket was purchased in oregon. the jackpot join was worth 1.3 billion dollars. that's a cash value of 621 million. the prize was the 8th largest in u.s. us lottery history, rather when the north bay saturday, there was a spring celebration for kids who are blind or visually impaired. >> this is the second year.
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the event is running its a family fun event. >> that involves some eggs that was special sound as you can hear right there in the background arts and crafts face painting a and the children also got to spend some time with guide dogs. this event was hosted by lighthouse for the blind and visually impaired at their campuses. sandra >> the was graham. lotus was the mc for this event. coming up on the kron. 4 morning news. a 3.2 earthquake rocks the city of berkeley saturday. hear from a local expert on the recent shaking that's happening around the globe. >> and after the break, the eclipse is tomorrow. before you raise your phones to the sky to snap some photos, the safety tips that you might want to keep in mind. >> and my shadow for today, we'll see some afternoon clouds kind of drift off the hills a little bit there. but on balance, lots of sunshine. and what 60 for inland highs back in a bit with the forecast to kron. 4 morning news continue.
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>> good morning. welcome back to kron. 4 morning this is a little shot coming in from half moon bay. still some scattered clouds working their magic, but we're actually going to watch some of those griffin, the mountains later when we get daytime heating. this is some leftover moisture which we talk a little bit about. the might be some coastal drizzle a bit just with the marine layer and interesting enough might actually see some thundersnow occurring up in parts of the rockies later on for today. back in the home front. once you get that solar heating for the day and those higher elevations, you start to develop some of the cloud cover. we sometimes start to see this in reverse. the monsoon coming in from the south easterly direction. but
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additionally with this kind of weather pattern, money get a little bit the way of some snow just just a touch up in the mountains. just a touch there. and you can see everything all dissipates even up around tahoe in yosemite after you lose the sunshine heating because that's what's driving everything basically. all right. the winds continue on with that onshore wind a little bit today. it will be a little bit more pronounced at the coast coupled with temperatures in the 50's. so bundle up a little bit about accordingly, even though you may see a lot of sunshine. there's the typical pop afterwards of some offshore winds. a pretty impressive with any of that. and of course, offshore not a problem now because we've had the rain, but this shows us the high pressure trying to take control and will lose pretty much a lot of surface winds except just the local daily fluctuations. we tend to get when the sun joins us. so we'll get into a calm weather pattern which would be in the summer months. a heat spike sunny today with those afternoon clouds and cool possible afternoon. little shower up in the hills that early in the week. sunny and warming moving through the 70's. we're not done by the middle of the week. we may pop about 80 or lower 80's
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wednesday and thursday, the 2 days to look out for starts to get kind of interesting. we get to around friday. there's a system the models are saying might come our way, but good little time to see if at all really comes together. let's to san francisco about 59 for today. mostly sunny, on balance school. 62 oakland, 63. meanwhile for san jose, sunny, with some of those late clouds again, drifting off places like mount hamilton and the santa cruz mountains. 62 oakland for a high today. 63 off to antioch and kirk a straight there. lower 60's cover, a good chunk try valley with 65. meanwhile, up to santa rosa to be covering a little bit more. this coming up in a little bit long in your 4 zone forecast and extended. but for now, stephanie looks pretty good in the next week, though, the week ahead will be seeing some lower 80's, feel good. all right. love the sound of that. although i will have the nasal spray i know it's now. it is course. it's pollen season. yeah. a lot of growing going on this week. something keep in mind waiting for us. and standing in
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>> stage left. all right. thanks so much, dave. well, you got a shake-up just before noon yesterday. a 3.2 earthquake shook the city of berkeley and much of the bay area just after 11. >> the epicenter was near claremont canyon. the united states geological survey said the quake rant 5.8 miles deep. no reports of any damage in the area. well, there's been a lot of shifting and shaking around the world this week. prof was rob nesbitt, spoke to doctor bob degroot from the u.s. geological survey for additional perspective. taiwan experience its biggest earthquake in a quarter of a century last week. so berkeley, new jersey, taiwan, is this rare to have so many around the same time span globally. >> there are earthquakes going on all the time around the world. and it turns out that we've had events that have happened in very highly populated areas. 20 million people on the east coast in the northeast. millions of people in taiwan and of course, millions of people in the bay area. so these
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earthquakes tend to be noticed quite a bit. >> mean, one thing that happened on >> earlier this week or 2 earthquakes near chico. and it turns out that for those earthquakes and not for the one that occurred this morning, the shaler earthquake early warning system that we have in california, oregon. washington was was triggered. so, yes, even had events just this week in california where early warning was was used. so my last question for you, kind of what advice do you have for our viewers talking about all these different places that have experienced earthquakes. what should people do to make sure they're fully prepared? yes, there there are 3 things. i think that people should really doing. number one, horst know what to do. if you feel shaking or if you get an alert on your phone. and if you don't have quick early warning on your phone, find out more about that at shea color dot org. so number one know what to do if you feel shaking are getting alert, drop cover and hold on. number 2, there are lots of tools
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that the united states geological survey offers. so usgs dot gov. you'll find all kinds of resources that you can you can use and learn more about earthquakes, part of knowing about what to do having some control over what happens is knowing about how earthquakes work. and number 3 get involved. if you feel an earthquake reported, tell us what happened. allows us to to learn more about that earthquake and to to improve things to improve infrastructure, everything. be involved, know what to do. and if you haven't downloaded shake alert, powered up on your phone, do it as soon as you can. doctor group from usgs, great advice. thank you for your time. >> prices to get the best view of monday's solar eclipse are over the moon. some hotels in the path of the so-called great american eclipse are raising their nightly rates by as much as 10 times the normal price. according to the new york times, some analysts say
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the phenomenon could bring in billions to local economies as restaurants and other retailers also expected to jack up their prices. chase travel reports that online prices and hotel bookings are 4 times higher and this same period last year. happening tomorrow, we get to see a partial solar eclipse in the bay area. neal's a reggae has more on how to enjoy that experience safely. >> picture after picture on monday, countless will be taken and posted to celebrate solar scenery and some of the phones taking them will likely end up. in cell phone repair store so that you a quick picture of it. and then it was cameras from black during the last partial solar eclipse dakota stroud in a repair saw sunspots burned in the lenses which required total camera replacements. he says uv rays during an eclipse can damage a phone, even though taking pictures on a clear day, won't it clips does make it concentrated cycle my mind if
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i love. so relief is going to burn a hole in the camera. >> just like we need eclipse glasses to safely view an eclipse. so does our phone. and while you could tape air and get 3 good pictures. a simpler solution is solar snap. and even as a free companion app which lets you control exposure, focus and zoo puts you in control. >> who are better than the phone app when it comes to this time. >> doctor douglas duncan is an astronomer who worked on the hubble space telescope team. he invented solar snap and says for the few minutes of totality you won't need the filter, but you might. what the app if you just press the total >> it will take pictures all the way through to a tally totally its own. and you can watch and don't forget to get a picture of yourself. but as soon as it starts coming back to light. >> put back on. >> the oakland ballers hosted their first open tryouts yesterday over 50 players came out for the bay area's newest,
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a baseball team. the ball is play in the independent pioneer league. they are spending 1.6 million dollars to renovate oakland's raimondi park. the first of the 48 home games start on june still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news video captures an e-bike exploding at a train station.
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all right. take a look at this
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and e-bike explodes at a train station. this happened back in march near london. the owner of the bike said he never had any problems with his bike before this. he says he feels lucky. no one was injured. he says he's in touch now with the manufacturer to see what might have caused this malfunction. take a look at this video to helicopters rescued 11 hikers and 3 dogs at the end of march in ventura county. they were trapped in harsh conditions in the los padres national forest. the ventura sheriff's office says they had to use helicopters to reach the group because of rising water levels from recent severe weather. a california family is finally reunited with their dog mishka who had been missing for the past 8 months. line is the water from the family's garage workshop in san diego, her owners were visiting minnesota for you, sir. when they got the call that niche that have been found. >> police spotted her loose in
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a neighborhood in harper woods, michigan, more than 2000 miles from home in san diego. >> so we called them and of the wife answered the phone and started screaming and getting all excited and emotional. and we learned that the dog had been missing for 7 or 8 months. and this is the very first time then a microchip owner has ever ended up being out of state and come to get their animals so expedient. lee, it's just remarkable. >> a true homeward bound story. no one is sure how michigan ended up all the way in michigan. but her family is very happy that she's home. still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news. excitement is building in sacramento for the oakland a's. details coming oakland a's. details coming up. ( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving.
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how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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news. the cia wants to ramp up surveillance to curb the fentanyl crisis. and we're spotlighting a bay area program helping adults with special needs launch new careers. welcome back to the proper morning news. i'm stephanie lin, thank you so much for joining us today. let's get you started this half hour with a look at our forecast with dave sphar hit today. a good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. and a pretty good day store for you today, although still a bit on the chilly side working on that warm up phase, got to get a couple of this kind of get its act together. we need to get the high right in the late location to do its act. >> we do still have some leftover moisture. so that may mean some clouds developing up in the hills a bit. here's a cell phone for, you know,
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delays going on for this morning. the breakdown noting some afternoon scattered clouds. they're going to about 60 onshore breeze at that. so it's going to be really chilly places like the coast, even with all that rick sunshine. so upstream, we expect this high to settle in the right spot here. and that's going to allow the temperatures to fly away. we've got lower 50's lining up the east bay shoreline 40's inland. you can see in the east bay and up north. 54 in about one. 52. meanwhile for san jose looking ahead over the next few days here, 70 by tomorrow. 74 tuesday and looks like the lower 80's into the middle of the week. it kind of interesting we get to about friday will kind of point that out and get into your 4 zone forecast as well. stephanie. dave, thank you. >> well, fans in oakland are disappointed. the a's are leaving the town at the end of the season. the excitement is building in sacramento. zach boetto has the details. >> sutter health park in west sacramento. just a stone's throw from california's capital city. and for a kid who grew up here, then went on to play major league baseball for 16 years. the a's
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temporary move to west sacramento is a huge deal. sentinel is probably one of the biggest good the to be able to have >> you know, now professional team to get a root for. i mean, i think it's it's, you know, it's cold. there's room for about 14,000 fans at sutter health park as it stands right now. >> and the a's are expected to play about 80 games here per season. for reference, the sacramento kings basketball team season. >> 4 time. mlb all-star greg vaughn, who earned his stripes at kennedy high school in sac city college says the a's move to west sacramento. we'll make it much easier for families not to have to travel hours away to see their idols playing person. i think you want you know, it good >> here's the look like to you know what was growing up. i was able to turn on the tv and the players the players that
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looks like i cuts that they'll be able actually go up there do for it does i think it would be a great thing for the city fact. more so for for baseball for airport literally played while families and the younger generation benefit from the move visit, sacramento ceo mike testa says the business community is also wide eyed and ready for the opportunities based on the size of sutter health part based on the number of games we can accommodate that. i don't have any concern that our restaurant scene will be able to accommodate the people going to the game. >> again, you've got potentially 14,000 people in the state and not all of them will be from out of town, staying in hotels. we've got the infrastructure to do. this is not a concern. test us as we're approaching a new era for the sacramento region. the people who will tell you that sacramento's boring, there's nothing to do here. there's a i don't think they're paying attention because this is not that city anymore. >> a law enforcement agencies nationwide are warning about strange and unexpected
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varieties of fentanyl. u.s. intelligence officials say to fight drug trafficking, they need to expand government surveillance programs. news nation's jorge ventura reports. >> the caa trying to persuade lawmakers on capitol hill to give the intelligence agency axis to monitor foreigners suspected of trafficking fentanyl into the u.s. for the past year. the cia has been pushing congress to reauthorize section 702 of the foreign intelligence surveillance act or fisa, which would allow the cia to conduct warrantless eavesdropping on foreigners with fentanyl ties section. 72 has always been essence of september 11th attacks happened. >> but usually it's been used to monitor electronic communications overseas. that our base in u.s. providers. but now they're sort of wanting to open that up again to to the traffickers. according to a usa today report to say once a minor and spy on transnational criminal organizations, trafficking fentanyl from mexico into the
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united states. the agency also wants attracted creating some make fentanyl coming from china. they're being shipped into mexico. the threat from a list of drugs remains at historic levels. >> with mexican transnational criminal organizations applying and moving large amounts of synthetic opioids such as fentanyl into the united states. more than 100,000 americans have died from drug-related overdoses during the past year. and most of those deaths have been attributed to illicit fentanyl. as of today, the cia could only view section 702, against drug traffickers. if it leaks into one of the 3 certify threat groups, has a c is seeking a so called for certification which would allow us buys more freedom to go after non americans involved in the fencing on trade will having to make connections to certify 3 groups. 702 has. >> broken out 7. some trafficking rings in china. but that's because they were tracking chinese in terms of manufacturing. they've always sort of trapped that there's nothing new about that. but i think this will be different in that. it will get the traffickers.
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>> legislative democratic leaders and the governor announcing an agreement this week to shrink the state's budget deficit by more than 17 billion dollars. our capitol correspondent eytan wallace has the details. >> well, the senate president pro 10 makes clear some of the decisions to shrink. the deficit are tough decisions, but he maintains it's the responsible thing to do. californians deserve a balance, on-time budget. and here's my promise. we're going to deliver that to them here in the coming week, senate president pro tempore mike mcguire making that promise to the people of california during an exclusive one-on-one interview with us. it comes as the state faces a projected budget deficit that could range anywhere from 38 to 73 billion dollars. >> we have a budget deficit just as we always do at home. we need to be able to get our budget in line with our finances. he says legislative leaders are doing exactly that just hours before this interview, mcguire governor gavin newsom and assembly speaker robert remus announced
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an early budget action agreement to shrink the deficit by 17.3 billion dollars. just how they plan to do it. their proposal calls for 5.2 billion in borrowing. another 5.2 billion in funding delays and 3.6 billion in actual cuts including a 300 plus million dollar cut to some climate programs. a 500 million dollar cut to a program responsible for building school facilities. and a 700 plus million dollar cut to reduce administrative costs across state agencies. this urgent action is going to make the job of closing the remainder of the deficit, less daunting. tough but less daunting as we move into the june deadline. it's sort of like if you were looking at your household budget and you pay down some of your debt or, you know, paid off of a loan early that reduces your future obligations to pay that loan back. that's exactly what the state is trying to do. governor gavin newsom expressing optimism about the plan, calling it a balanced
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approach that meets the needs of californians and maintains a strong fiscal foundation for the state's future. but republicans say they believe it does not go far enough with cuts. they also are disappointed they were not included in any budget negotiations. that's frustrating to me. and i think it's unfortunate for the process and republican caucus represents 8 million californians. >> who are left out of the saw behind the scenes discussions to come up with solutions just scenes on democratic today. >> and the legislature is scheduled to vote on the early budget action deal next week. but important to note, this is just step one. lawmakers will once again have to meet and vote on the full budget for next fiscal year. no later than june. 15th reporting at the state capitol, a tonn wallets kron. 4 news. >> april is celebrated is autism acceptance month and here kron 4. we're spotlighting a south bay program giving adults with learning disabilities a chance
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to continue their college education kron four's philippe djegal shows us how it works. >> we're going to talk about what kids are except inc and inclusion, inspire participation at the college of adaptive arts. healthy shine who i want to be and house is a nonprofit co-founded by deanna purse. i and doctor pamela munsey a decade and a half ago now supports 230 students in person at their facility on the west valley college campus in saratoga and online nationally and internationally. >> via zoom, absolutely transformative right here. we have a whole group of aspiring apprentice. is that one of the assistance in the sign language class, they want be professors in the theater class. many of the students diagnosed with intellectual and developmental disabilities, noting setbacks early in life was a bumpy ride. my mind is my most
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powerful tool. you know, i need to be able to use it and use to the best of my abilities that that overtime obstacles to learning overcome with students or through continued education in the classroom might not hold reebok match. now, as i find it what i would do find its top cares for people know how to help you. the school gives adults and special education, real college experience and the path towards a career of their choosing. important that we have learned how to work recently launched a new workforce development program receiving 06:00am headley and victoria rivera are trained and paid apprenticeship positions song in jennings don't let your disability. >> stop. he of my goal eventually to become, you know, a professor here at and teach classes. but of course, there's still a long way to go in all 50 states, adults in
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the special education system are mandated out of public schools by the age of 21 or 22, according to the centers for disease control and prevention, 6 and a half million people in the united states live with intellectual or developmental disabilities. goal is to give a lifelong equitable college experience to adults. >> who historically haven't had access. doctor, lindsay says the college has 10 schools of study in liberal arts, including visual arts business communications and dance. students are moving mountains. they do have a lot of extra hills to climb and to move and they're doing it so beautifully. i would like to be the one of me and to ensure that makes a difference as part of rivera's apprenticeship, which like for the rest of her peers last she has been appointed a project manager. >> and he's organizing cea's 15 year anniversary celebration on mother's day called the low rider car show at mexican heritage plaza in
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san jose. baez like emmanuel so effective, these routines like a home or, >> you know, ca i could do just fine for those who cannot be accommodated with services to support their disabilities at community college programs like caa. give those students who otherwise would have had to end their education. a chance at life long learning. >> without age limits or restrictions. we're just here to try to provide our students and our staff as well. >> with everything that they need to really achieve their own personal visions. the school encourages students to re enroll. >> even after they have graduated >> in saratoga, it >> philippe djegal kron. 4 news. >> coming up on the par 4 morning news after the recent snowfall in the sierra experts issue an important safety warning. and a francisco mediterranean restaurant is expanding throughout the bay area. we take a look at some
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of their mouthwatering dishes when we come back. >> ok, most mostly sunny, to kind of start things off for the most part, some afternoon, clouds 100 develop a little bit today, but warming up as we get to the middle of the yeah, the on the 70's that's just getting started have a look at the extended. but your 4 zone forecast called for morning.
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>> taking a live look now at the golden gate bridge and 9.43. this sunday morning.
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looking pretty nice out there. day. >> see which way the tide was going to cause. we look at the water. real careful. you can see the flow in and around. not sure. any weather, though, no groceries coming or going from that shot there. good morning, stephanie. good morning. all. and here's the frozen crystallize version of it. up up around yosemite national park. now this snow is kind of fresh from recent snows. it's going to get some serious melting. it looks like over the next couple of days. same thing for tahoe. that's going help fill up some of those waterways a little bit here helps out the reservoirs, a touch. we want to lose too much yet. it's still very early in the season, by the way, will be minor. a bit added to this. it looks like for the week ahead again, minor. but we do see this warming trend up to 63. it looks like by wednesday, essentially mostly sunny towards end of the week. it's kind of interesting get to them to bit one of the high pressure kind of park itself. once we get the daytime heating, though, might see a few scattered clouds 40's up to the north bay. still and off to the east bay over the east bay hills. lower 50's line up the east bay shoreline. now for today again, we'll see that puppy
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cumulus develop. maybe a nice little shower. doesn't really do anything. doesn't remove very far. and then some of the cloud cover kind of spread a little bit over some of the valleys. we take away the sun and even some of these snow is going on. everything goes away to some residual moisture left over in the atmosphere gets excited from daytime heating. it wants to move a little bit and sometimes you get some rain showers with that. all right. clearing up for a couple of days here with high pressure. warming up to love it. but then friday, i know that looks scary. don't know if that's all going to come together with this. but if it were to pass and the models kind of hinting that this may occur clears up pretty quickly, there's for the weekend. there is a drop with temperatures. that's true. and maybe the mountains might get that snow. but for us to get the rain again, kind of waiting on that might be more modest than what that appears, which we get closer. 4 zone forecast today. still those chilly numbers with all the sun. 59 san francisco in off toward the coast. want to have that jacket with you because even again with sunny skies, it's chilly in the 40's 50's rather. and you got the breeze work and 60 per burning game.
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61 foster city, san carlos about 62. we're looking at lower 60's. also in the south bay, lower 60's line up the east bay shoreline and tri valley. it's a nice climb from those chilly 40's this morning. 63 for walnut creek, 59 berkeley, 60 billy host, 64 fairfield napa. it 62 and 65 for santa rosa. let's get out of this decade into the 70's allow already by tomorrow and through tuesday, jump into the 80's ever. so briefly, interesting little passage on friday, stephanie cool off just a touch into the weekend. but all in all very much like a spring-like pattern here. and what kind of get back to you on friday to see if that's really holding together. they're so okay. hopefully it does. thank you so much data about all right. >> well, with warmer spring temperatures as dave just described there, there's are heading our way. you might be tempted to head to a lake or river. >> but officials say all the sierra snow could make things a little more dangerous. riley carroll explains. >> this is folsom lake friday, crisp air and not a person in sight. but this is likely the
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last friday night the lake will be empty until fall was an interesting time, right? we're having hail were having to help out a tooth right and then next week going to be the 80's. cal fire says people often underestimate how cold the water is at the start of the spring. and even summer seasons. one of the things that we're really worried about in the fire department is people. >> just rushing out to the rivers, rushing out to the lakes. the average temperature of folsom lake in may is 66 degrees. >> it jumps to 73 in june and 78 in july for lake tahoe. the current water temp is about 44 degrees and has an average of 50 in may. >> 57 in june and 67 in july. but with the increased snowmelt from the increase snow pack this year. >> officials say will likely hit those average temperatures later, if at all. >> if you jump in the water is going to take your breath away. if you're not a great strong swimmer, that may almost a mobile eyes. you and that's not the only danger the increased snowmelt poses. if
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you cant see underneath the surface of the water, you may encounter things that washed down from the logs. snagged rocked things along those lines. i ensnare trap you and potentially such. you wonder this is an even larger problem in rivers where you have moving water. if you're traveling up towards like the american river in placer county or even in the rivers in the valley. a that is a huge concern for us because that material is still moving downstream, especially after we've had this rain, which might have knocked some things that were loose or maybe previous fires just from some erosion. cal fire says if someone does start to lose control in the water. >> call 9-1-1 immediately and don't send anyone in after them. probably not the best week to go run out it is it jump in the water at least may be enjoyed from the short. >>don now to this morning's dine and dish conference, vicki liviakis introduces us to suit la the mediterranean restaurant that's expanded to 6 locations around the bay. >> you right.
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>> so what is family friendly? fast casual with a mediterranean flair? sure you can do pick up at the counter dine-in and meet the ever popular lamb or chicken rotisserie have flavor of the land israel or here at the dogpatch location pull up to them as a bar and grab a and glass wine or beer being great. >> everything you know, has always revolved around >> owner charles billi zone family had a restaurant, but he gets his inspiration from the souvlaki joints. you see all over athens. >> and then we have as a bar. this marble bar with its own menu. >> here at them as a bar, the menu includes classic light dishes like dips and pita chips taking a course. everyone knows and loves greek yogurt cucumber and dill. don't let your fresh octopus or these wicked little doughnut holes called look you won't want to pass on a cool swirl of frozen greek yogurt
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topped with either crushed buck lavar, cherry syrup, or even olive oil and sea salt. of course, no as it goes without a beverage to wash it down. everything really designed to be you can't do hostess. glass from the vineyards of greece. yeah. do your in san francisco. vicki liviakis kron. 4 news >> bay area baseball is back in full swing. the giants look to keep winning as the a's are looking for just their second win of the season. kron four's erin wilson has the highlights for us. basking in the glow of opening-day walk-off win on fridays against the padres, the giant. they tried to double up and get to in a row. it. >> a lot of fans at oracle on saturday, but they just didn't. in fact, let's start by showing you something night that a little blip to this camilla tomorrow, sun barely in getting pitching practice. you nobody was actually the borrows actually the reliever there for the giants. and you
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get his son ready to. >> you know, take him up on is offering maybe fill shoes one day. meanwhile, the giants starter kid when no look at all on saturday night, the giants defense let him down and well, he gave up a walk to load the bases in with 2 out jurickson profar cranks one high and deep to right into the pavilion ago. then just like that is a four-point game. 4 to nothing actually in the padres favor and then hurt things more. the giants bennett will live only 4 hits and it didn't help. jackson. merrill was stealing them as well. padres put down the giants on saturday night. 4 to nothing. was the final mean? wow. in detroit, it was t-shirt season or at least it seemed like it was t-shirt weather in the motor city on saturday. they look to get a win over the tigers, although the a's out their lawns butler, he was dressed for the snow probably because on friday it was snowing before the game. not today, though, and brent rocha. well, he was eating up. he hit his first homer of the season on friday against the tigers. will he
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continue performance on saturday? right? that what a 2 run bomb way out to left in the first inning. and right pop blackburn. he's had an amazing start to the season. they continue. he pitched 6 innings out of sort shutout ball rather to get his first win of the and will he strikes a haunted by is there? he hasn't allowed a run in 2 starts this season. may they went on to beat the tigers 4 to nothing and court. their second win of the season. at sports, i'll toss it back to you. thank you so much, aaron. we'll be right back.
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>> well, spring is a nice time of travel. if you're a fan of flora and fauna, lots of people are heading to japan for the cherry blossoms. and this is video of tokyo right now where crowds are gathering to enjoy the new blooms. the trees are blossoming a little later than usual in japan. but many tourists say it was worth the wait. and back here in the bay area. cherry blossom season is also underway. you can find them at the japanese tea garden and throughout san francisco's golden gate park right in the heart of japantown, you can check out the cherry blossom festival next weekend on april 13th and the weekend after that on april 20th, you can enjoy a variety of live performances and food. there. and whether it is nutritious food, recreational facilities over or the overall cost of health care. while it helps a san francisco is the best place to be. the city also ranks second for daily fruit and vegetable consumption and 3rd in the healthy restaurants category. the good health also comes at
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a price. the study also found san francisco has the highest cost of gym memberships in the country. the second healthiest city in california, according to wallet hub this san diego. and we know you love san diego right now. i do. yes, place. they're always. they say the perfect weather. 24 7 >> this is not to shabby, stephanie. we got the week coming up here. kind of walk through some things. first we get the daytime heating, ok, sun's up doing its thing. >> atmosphere gets excited. it's getting warm, but it's starting to move around. so up in the hills, we start to get a few little isolated showers may pop and just making that as a side addendum here, what most people notice some of that puppy cumulus work and we sometimes get this in the summer months to. but using comes from the other direction or sometimes off the bay to the east bay hills. plus, in the mountains and the snow. you can see they're just a little dusting, perhaps with that. so says the sun sets. it kind of goes away with all of that longer-range. what's going on here? well, let's get past pretty clear. high pressure building in all. and the models agree friday, something worth watching. but
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we'll see if that comes together. important point is the mountains may actually pick up a little bit of snow with all of this. even if we are impacted by that higher elevation. of sometimes they just get grazed a little bit. it's still early in the season. still april and clears on out for next weekend. so even if that does come to fruition, number one, we clear out for the weekend or number 2, it could come earlier like last weekend's win. the models are predicting friday. it came out actually thursday. high temperatures today. there you lower 60's approaching mid 60's up in the north a little bit. we can build on that at octane here. let's go. let's go. 70's 80's. here we go. lots of sunshine for you for the week ahead. a little flavor of mature spring for now. let's put some cloud cover on friday. just briefly there. this is kind of little posted. know. we'll get back to you on that little slight drop in temperatures for the following weekend, but it clears out and i think we can deal with the 70's. okay. i think we yeah, 70's. i think we can totally do with and you
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know, it's looking good for folks who might want to check out the cherry blossoms that are in the tea garden to in san francisco. this is good to out for the week ahead. you're have a really nice weather for that would lower 80's any tourists are already coming. they're getting a treatment to summer weather almost. all right. very good. thanks so much, thanks so much to all of you for joining us here on the bumper weekend morning news. i'm stephanie lin. on behalf of the entire team here. thank you so much for being here with us and we'll see you next weekend. taken care. everybody. business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. it's the go-tos that keep us going.
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