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tv   KRON 4 News Weekend  KRON  June 2, 2024 7:00am-10:00am PDT

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jack: thanks for joining me on today's adventure. from the columbus zoo, i'm jack hanna, hoping you'll join me next time as we go into the wild. >> now on the kron 4 morning news. a massive blaze sparks just outside of tracy burning more than 12,000 acres. so far shutting down both directions of i-580. the latest on evacuation orders. plus, governor gavin newsom delays a
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minimum wage boost for health care workers out of the governor is defending his decision. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 7. >> all right. good morning. thank you so much for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. >> i'm stephanie lin. it is sunday june. the second. let's get right over to dave spahr with a look at your forecast. good morning days, stephanie. good morning and good morning, everybody. a little bit of a start with some fog going on. that's going to mix out for us into the mostly sunny mode. now that fog is kind of a nice thing. we've been talking about the fires a little bit here. >> getting some of that moisture inland least a little bit of fog comes with a right to those onshore. winds will continue today. now here's a look at the east bay shoreline. you can see some of that fog really pill peeling a waiver in nicely. as you can see, the sun filling up the east bay shoreline as we speak. back to the fog here. it may linger in parts of the east bay shoreline. and more importantly, along the coast. by the time we get around noon might be some areas it could
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snag, but everybody should see some sun this afternoon even at the coast as well. now comes back again for tomorrow. so again, that's some good news as it spills back over in the tri valley a little bit that you can expect the continuation of those onshore winds right on through monday. there's a weak little system. it will be dropping south. it really hasn't separated itself yet for the major jet. as you can see upstream. but that will be enough to give us some clouds probably on monday. this all serves to delay the inevitable coming our way, which is excessive heat. this has been expanded now the excessive heat watch that was in place for solano county has been built upon. now you see those orange colors there covering the east bay. also the north bay. basically it's tuesday morning through thursday evening is the time for it. we're watching temperature for we're in the 50's upper 50's at that. 62 up to santa rosa. 63 meanwhile for antioch and it is a little warmer than our readings from yesterday. the up to santa rosa. 14 degrees ahead. so for today, some lingering clouds and spots going mostly sunny about 66 by 11. that too, will
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try. 75 morning forecast a bit, stephanie. all right, dave, thanks for that. in our top story this morning, firefighters continue to battle the coral fire. >> just outside of tracy. the blaze sparked saturday afternoon incinerating more than 12,000 acres kron four's. jeff moment reports from the scene. >> standing right here on corral hollow road. one of the areas that was evacuated over what you see right here behind absolutely. raging fire that out around 11:00pm was around 10,000 acres started around 02:00pm on saturday. just started by basically nothing but quickly, crews had to shut down highway 5.80, in both directions. and you can see 5.80, right here behind me has been just completely shut down these flames growing extremely quickly. we know as of saturday night, 2 firefighters have suffered minor to moderate burn injuries. they have been transported to local hospitals. the cause of the fire as of saturday night is
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still unknown right now. wind is still a predominant factor in fueling this place. >> saturday evening started with an evacuation area west of the 5.80, south across hollow road, which is where i'm standing here. there was a temporary evacuation site established that the large clover community center. that's 1, 1, 1, 5, 7 west larch road in tracy. we did have a chance to speak with a young man there who said him and his family just escaped in i was telling most of my friends who have a chance. he has leave my friends and allison than anybody else his heels when you leave the exit, you can from the altamonte just like there's a crisp line of red. this isn't just a grassland. we're standing on right here. this is property owned by people, people who have their own farms. we had a chance to catch up with several people. >> who were driving well over the speed limit just to make sure they got their families and their livestock out of the way. we had a chance to speak with one man who escaped with his horses. he said several people had to leave their horses behind. people still waiting there. they in get their animals. yeah, that know
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is a person out there. they like maybe fight. >> we ve only get one you got all your animals out. i got there. yes, all i even if those living outside. >> us to outside. and as you can see, still very much a community in shock wondering how this fire was able to spread so quickly and ravaged their homessand their property. now, still to come later this weekend, fire crews say they will be back on scene to investigate the cause of this fire. in tracy jacmel. but kron 4 news. >> governor gavin newsom signed a bill delaying a proposed $25 minimum wage law for health care workers. the law was originally set to take effect tomorrow. it will instead go into place on july. 1st, the governor and democrats behind the doing so will help the state navigate its projected multi-billion dollar deficit. republicans have long argued the new minimum wage is an affordable
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and cook for some rural hospitals to close. >> it is clear that these workers need this in order to help support their families. this is just bad policy. and frankly, the only route is the completely repeal the bill altogether. supporters of the new minimum wage law say it's expected to impact more than 400,000 health care workers across the state. >> once it finally goes into effect. the number of people experiencing homelessness in contra costa county is increasing contra costa health releasing new numbers showing an 18 and a half percent increase in the number of unhoused people compared to last year. preliminary numbers show more than 2800 people without housing. this year's count shows a majority of the homeless between the ages of 25 54. 7% were under the age of 18. was the city with the most homeless people followed by richmond, concord and martinez. ticket sales
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company. live nation says a hacker group is trying to sell stolen data from ticketmaster on the dark web. group called shiny hunters announced responsibility for the hack claiming to have stolen personal data belonging to 560 million customers. ticketmaster confirm the half friday in a federal filing. live nation says it identified unusual activity on may 20th beiore launching an investigation the company does not believe the have had an impact on business or operations. mail carrier robberies have become an issue recently. but mail carriers also face four-legged threats. dog bites remain an issue for usps workers. and as bryce moore reports, the postal service is asking homers, homeowners rather to do what they can to prevent this problem. >> it's the u.s. postal service's dog bite awareness week. officials stressing folks keep their dogs secure when carriers or outs to live or email. i spoke to one who was bitten by a dog incident. i had about 11 years ago when
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i got bit. >> i was about to uphold someone's house to deliver their mail i required a signature and that's when the dog came from behind and let's on to my arm mizzou. she was out for a few months before returning to delivery duty. officials tell me delivery does not resume in these cases until the dog is properly restrained carriers are also trains to use their satchel as a physical barrier when delivering to a front-door and carry this dog spray in case things get serious the active ingredient is basically cayenne pepper and it's a very low percentage like about 2% or needs to be a situation where they feel threatened. >> and that the that the dog is actually actively pursuing the carrier. it's not just that the park. >> officials say there's been a bigger emphasis on drivers honking their horn upon arrival to alert to the dog of their presence and that the customers well might have time to prepare and put the dog away in a different room at the packages being delivered to the door. you need to put
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dog >> all it takes is a one rushed. now. officials say keeping your canine secure during deliveries is mostly about their driver safety. but your convenience is at risk as well. if their carriers feel threatened, you don't get your mail. i think we all want the same end goal, which is for your mail to be delivered. >> and the best way for that to happen is for it to a safe process. >> some good rules of thumb keeping your dog in another room. if you have a front store delivery or making sure your pup is least if they're in your yard. >> and that was bryce moore reporting for us. according to a 2023 dog attack. ranking report, california ranked as the top state for these kinds of attacks with 700 and 27. governor gavin newsom issuing a proclamation for the start of pride month yesterday. pride month is recognized throughout the month of june. and in a statement, newsom said it is a time to, quote, celebrate the resilience of
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the lgbtq+ community. and they're hard fought victories to advance acceptance and equality. the rainbow flag has now raised over the state capitol. in the east bay, the city of walnut creek expanded the number of pride event scheduled for june ranging from yoga in the park to this drag queen story time plus crafts. just yesterday they hosted their drag queen story time events that went on without any issues from protesters. this is not unfortunately been. unfortunately, this is not been the case in the past, but just yesterday, many kids and families got to enjoy a very peaceful rating at civic park there. as you can see and tiktok is reportedly building a special algorithm just for the u.s.. this is to prepare for a potential sale of the business efforts to rebuild the algorithm would allow the popular video sharing app to operate separately from bytedance potentially clearing the way for it to remain in business. if tiktok was sold to a u.s. buyer. the department of fish and wildlife is working with the
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oakland zoo to treat illegally shipped codes. 6 granular toads were being shipped illegally. these are restricted cash. a species in california, if let into the environment, they could become dangerous to other animals. and this means it is illegal to own these toads. the animals were brought to the oakland zoo's vet hospital to be examined and treated. coming up on the kron 4 morning news. more major road closures going to place this weekend. we show you where and how best to avoid them. >> plus, we're now just a few days away from opening game for the oakland ballers. how you can support the team leading up to that big event. and hundreds of students left in limbo after their college admissions exams are canceled due to a wi-fi issue. how the city is responding. >> and today we're shake off some of that fog at the coastal that for you open things up. 66 by 11 by 2 were mostly sunny. at 75, a pretty sweet sunday. but get ready for a heat spike coming our way. middle of the week. we'll
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talk kron 4 morning news talk kron 4 morning news continues. ( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ )
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mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ liz neeley: you know, you've probably heard it said that some people have to hit rock bottom before they really come to the lord and give him their life. mugs. and that's what happened.
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i probably had a lot of anxiety at that point about my future, but as i began to study the word and a lot of dr. stanley's teachings and sermons, i began to realize that, through the love of jesus, god saved me for a purpose. >> all right, taking a live look out at our sutro camera on this foggy sunday morning. just a glorious sight out there just above the clouds dave eyes, you're taking this all in. what do you think okay with that's that's a marine layer. talked about some of that fog is going to mix out for us will go back to mostly sunny mode. we can see actually that >> imagery right here so is only in pockets that that's going on. but again, we're going to be seeing that for everybody. and again, those mild temperatures and the onshore winds, good direction with all that we've been ward
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talking about with the fires, middle to upper 50's right now. 63 for antioch, 62 up to santa rosa. 61. meanwhile, 4 san jose back to that marine layer i talked about there's the progress mixing out very nicely. we're mostly sunny for today. coming back again for tomorrow. now and not impacting the north bay as much. it looks like it will be to the south and moderate. maybe a few little sprinkles here and there potentially the timing of all of this is really the big issue in system drops south. you can actually see the footprints of it as it comes by boom, boom, boom, right about there. it's passing through late morning commute. and here it is a little chance. how about that? a little shower there in eastern alameda county. we hope about that. if you were to get that. but just as an addendum, you might get a little stray shower tomorrow from what we see here, just the thicker marine layer type thing with this front dropping south and that just delays. the heat spike coming our way, clearing up for the afternoon. by the way. and it's tuesday,
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wednesday that are the big days to look out for for those temperatures to really start moving big time back to those winds. notice the arrow direction. key point all coming in from the coast. good direction. we like it now. humidity levels have actually been climbing and they've been climbing also in the east bay. to what happens is you get this marine layer gets pipe. then here in inland and it gets heated up and you just have warm air and that moisture which has been brought in from the coast. so that's good news with dew point values in the 50's off towards the east. that's good news. there. when we're talking about what we are at the coast, you can see the numbers are popping much more so into the 30's and the winds kind of linger for much of the day. if you'll notice here and into monday, little bit of a breeze hanging as well. so the low down with this bank of fog for us at sfo. we've got clearing a nice 70's for the bay 88 inland monday. still some scattered clouds and mild. i did mention verbally you might get that stray sprinkle because of passes tuesday and wednesday. that's the heat spike day. and those are the days of those possible
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see inland popping near 100 or so late the week. sunny, in cooling 70's for the bay 80's happening well inland. we'll going to give it mostly sunny skies here. 66 clearing and breezy san francisco, 72 for oakland, 78. meanwhile for san jose, there's some 80's off to the east bay and up to the north bay around the perimeter of the bay. it's more to the lower 70's territory is that marine layer pretty much controls things for us next couple of days. we'll keep it into the 70's. there's that passing system tuesday. wow. 95, what happened? and different rise. surprise and into wednesday. going to be kinda hot as well, too. so. >> but the good news is we've leased have these onshore winds during this whole period. so that's been a nice and helpful. i take a nice breeze now and then just kind of help. cool us off bat. all right. thanks a lot, dave. all right. well, more than 1000 students in the east bay left in limbo this morning after their college admissions exams are canceled. >> due to a wi-fi issue at the testing site. that's according to the college board. the
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incident affected some 1400 students. one student we spoke with says that that was not the only problem here. think around. after they took our phones cause they had. like these kind of small square boxes that put a phoned in. >> but they don't have enough boxes for for all the phones. so then they just started pulling funds onto like the table to side. and at that are comruters had been on for a while now and they're running out of battery and there wasn't like enough charger outlets sunday, like i just like. maybe turn off your computer for a little bit. and we'll tell you the wi-fi is on. >> that's a sounds like a stressful experience for those students participating. there. the college board says the test was scheduled at the marriott hotel due to a quote, shortage of high schools and other institutions willing to serve has weakened testing centers. college board says all affected students get a full refund and steps are being taken to make sure that students can. we test. ap a
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heritage month wrapped up on friday. but we continue our coverage of the bay area's diverse communities year round. in case you missed it. here's our special report on the golden state warriors, energetic hype man. franco finn. still the only asian american emcee in the nba. >> a familiar face in even more familiar voice to doug nation. has been the golden state warriors hype man for 21 seasons. a trailblazer in an industry where filipino representation is slim to none. i was the first. >> and only filipino american asian american hype man in the nba fan was born and raised in san francisco after his mom immigrated from the philippines in the 70's your mom back in the philippines. yeah, this my moment. the philippines. you can see she
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graduated here from of far eastern university. she's the first act or her family. >> and a loyal warriors fan credits his mom angeles for his love of sports side. sit right next to her and we would watch basketball. we watch warriors. watch all that. >> that love and passion. was definitely from the early beginnings of my mom loving the sport. >> he still lives with her. always putting her first. >> my mother is a true warrior. that still gets up. still stands up. i'm talking us know, cancer survivor stroke survivor covid survivor and now colon cancer survivor. what most people don't know is all that fun does after he steps off the court then serves on the executive board of the san francisco chamber of commerce hotel council and film commission. okay, my mom will see later somehow he still finds the energy in time for back to back events. he reached elementary kids. amy has an idea. >> being light pole goes on post various events for asian
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american and pacific islander heritage month. business and auctioneers i juggled 3 or 4 these in one day. >> but i'm not going to stop its just, you know, as long as my phone keeps ringing and they want a little bit energy, they want to hype man, a host of mc an auctioneer. i'm here for the community of here for the people's so they can use communities are as with reading to the kids. yeah. and i really still find time to volunteer. i want to really put my money where my mouth is growing up in the bay area says he didn't see himself represented on the screen so he never even dreamed of hosting until after he graduated from santa clara university in 2002, he got his first on your job radio, disney. he was also selected to be part of stir tv. a magazine style show about asian-americans. but he got his big break unexpectedly while he was hyping up the crowd for a hillary duff concert oakland, mobile whole
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ahead, worriers executives and their daughters backstage. >> and their mouths were like. did you just get this arena hyped up as the opening act? >> for this pop sensation more than 2 decades and for nba championship rings later fence as he's now starting to feel like he's making a difference. and then i started getting messages on social media later in my career. >> from people in the philippines, asia all over the world saying. thank you for representing like what is there's not a lot of host that look like you and last year friend got the honor of hosting nba all-star game in utah and then go to his family's home country of the philippines for the federation international basketball world cup. and it was spectacular. it was like the homecoming. i never thought. >> researched about me. i had a press conference says the most rewarding part of it all is being a role model to the next generation of asian americans. but they're like
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i've been watching you since i was, you know, 6, 7, 8, and now they're all grown up and said i'm doing what you're doing because i i know i can. so that's why. >> this month matters, visibility matters. and your voice matters. i'm sarah stinson reporting kron. 4 news. >> and we'll be right back.
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check that out. thousands of people showed up saturday for the 46 union street festival in san francisco enjoying live music, an artisan market, food
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vendors and live painting union street between fillmore to gas streets stay shut down as the festivities continue today. you want to get there by noon. so you don't miss the start of the decades-old waiters race. that's like a relay race of sorts. sounds like fun. and today the asian art museum kicks off the summer with. >> free first sundays doors open from 10 this morning to 5 at night. it was a discounted special on exhibition tickets as well. museum is showcasing the phoenix kingdoms which highlights 2 kingdoms that flourished at the end of china's bronze age. the discounted price is $15. >> we started working on in february. we started working with our partners in the the creative team with fred again is really incredible. >> well, fans of fred again and skrillex 2 deejays. they packed the streets of san francisco last night pumped up and excited to see the
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performers. and we heard from some people who were there. >> what they're doing downtown right now is i think it's amazing. we're bringing 25,000 people back into the city. they said over 40% is like, you know, from out of state. so like my buddy said, doing great work for the city and we're really excited to be here for show. >> reading >> and that concert ended at 10:00pm last night. if you missed the event, but want to see, fred, again perform the a 3 more chances this week. he said to appear at the frost amphitheater in stanford's tuesday through thursday this week as well. looks like a great time. >> firefighters rescued a man who fell off an 80 foot cliff in pacifica north county fire sharing these photos of the rescue. the man fell onto the rocks below the cliff near esplanade beach. crews managed to lift him to safety just after 6.30, friday evening, he was taken to a hospital and is expected to survive. still
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ahead, protesters take to the golden gate bridge to draw awareness to gun violence. their latest demands to lawmakers. now on the kron. 4
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morning news state lawmakers under pressure to navigate a massive budget deficit. our capitol correspondent eytan wallace breaks down the latest. plus, mayor matt mahan delivers his state of the city address. what he's prioritizing for the year ahead. happening today, lanes on 6.80, are closed for a pavement project. caltrans says this affects southbound
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6.80, between alcosta boulevard in san ramon and the i 586, 80 connector in pleasanton lanes reopen at 4 in the morning on monday. all right. welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news. we're going to get to those stories that we teased at the top of the just in just a moment here. but let's get you started with a look at the forecast with dave spahr heyday. a good morning, stephanie. good morning, let's go go first to those winds to see the idea what's going across the east bay a little bit here. that's one of the years we've been watching through ellen meeting county because of the recent fires there. the good news is been the winds that they have had. >> have all been on shore in the dew point values of all. but in the 50's, that's pretty good there. you can see a little shot of it there. it's kind of hard to make this all out. but all those arrows are pointing in from the west now 41, that's a little bit of a freakish number. i don't know that i looked at other locations around that. it's not that high. most readings are in the teens, but still we expected to be breezy today with winds in the 20's again,
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the right direction. humidity levels are high. that's all plus. but we like to not have the winds, but they're still with us anyway at the coast, here's half moon bay for you. a lot of cloud cover. there is the fog. hang around that we're dealing with the morning hours. but this will pierce away in the next couple of hours. meanwhile, up north, nice blanket of clouds, a little piece of energy will break off of that dropping south overnight to monday morning. micah passing little sprinkle potentially. would that be something right to round of the fires? that will be kind of nice. then the heat spike starts to take over for the remainder of the middle portion of the week. 66 for antioch at this hour. 62 going on for santa rosa. but in the east bay shoreline, most readings in the mid to upper 50's. we are above what the numbers were from this time yesterday. santa rosa, a little warmer there, as you can see about 14 degrees ahead. 66 at 11 o'clock by 2. we'll try. 74 and decent readings today again, breezy with those onshore winds. a little bit of an interruption for tomorrow. but then the longer-range can avoid it. our
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heat spike is coming. where more on that coming up in a bit. stephanie. >> all right. thanks so much. in san francisco, dozens of people marched across the golden gate bridge to rally against gun violence. supporters were orange to mark national gun violence awareness day. we heard from demonstrators. >> i just feel like there's more that we can do and that's why i volunteered with moms demand action. that's why a volunteer with throughout the ride to try and educate the community. keep the conversation going, make sure that people understand what gun violence is. what are the causes of it and how we can stem that because we really don't have to live this way. and we certainly shouldn't be dying this way. >> the wear orange campaign hosted rallies across the u.s. on saturday. in the east bay. a man found guilty for a 2000 a kidnapping and a 2015 attack. but the maximum sentence from the judge in 2008 investigators say key very approached a teenager near berkeley high school, kidnapped and sexually
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assaulted her. then in 2015, very walked into a brooklyn home and attacked a woman who did fight back asbury ended up running out the front door. investigators say justice was delayed in that case because the rape kit was not tested until 2014, 6 years after the crime in alameda county judge sentenced asbury to 75 years to life. this morning. berkeley police continue their search for the person who set a university patrol car on fire saturday. police say it happened just before 5 on barrows lane near the south side of the uc berkeley campus behind sprawl hall. the man was wearing dark clothing and rent towards piedmont avenue. before officers got there. anyone with information is asked to please get in touch with police. police arrested 80 cease-fire demonstrators at uc santa cruz friday morning. protesters upset about the conflict in gaza have camped out on campus since last month. tents and barricades
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blocking the main entrance to campus were taken down by police protesters. we spoke with said they think the school has gone too far. >> so what's the mood amongst everybody right the mood is really, really we're we're quite frankly, were furious. people are out there. they're yelling and the screaming because this enormous violation of constitutional rights and a overboard reaction in terms the level of brutality that we're witnessing. >> the university, however, says they've been asking the demonstrators to leave and to stop blocking access to the school. in a statement, the school defended its decision to involve police saying they need to put an end to so-called unlawful and unsafe actions saying demonstrators disrupted campus operations, even delaying access of emergency vehicles. in the south bay. san jose mayor matt mahan delivered the state of the city address on saturday. this year's event at happy hollow zoo looked a little different council members
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helped to lead projects to beautify san jose from planting trees working on the vietnamese and japanese heritage gardens and cleaning up creeks. these initiatives emphasized a point in the mayor speech to keep waterways and parks clean from dumping and encampments. mayor mahan spoke on new efforts to provide more resources for the unhoused. >> what's new is our investment safe. sleeping sites. a lot of those are showing results in san diego here to what's already working san jose as our foothill communities made up prefabricated modular units deployed on public lands. all in all over the next year. we will move from 1000 additional people safe conditions. what other was continue live on our streets along our creeks. >> mayor mahan also encourage residents to be more involved in helping to keep the streets clean. over the last week he launched and adopt a block
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program were volunteers can commit to weekly or monthly litter cleanup walks in their neighborhood. as california lawmakers navigate a massive budget deficit. hundreds of crime victims took to the state capitol earlier this approved funding for survivor programs. this comes after democratic leaders reached a budget deal. they say protect core services. capitol correspondent eytan wallace has the details. >> more than 200 crime victim advocates demonstrating outside the state capitol. they're concerned governor gavin newsom's proposed budget will not invest in programs that they believe are crucial to help survivors of crime. everything from mental health services to legal assistance. how? >> the governor for him to do his job and for him to approve the budget. >> that >> they say as a stance today, the governor's budget proposal lacks the funding needed to
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adequately help victims. it comes as the governor has said he may have no other choice but to either cut or limit funding for some programs that the state faces a projected multibillion-dollar deficit. we are here to demand that california step up to meet its rocks, responsibility to survivors while they are concerned with the governor's budget proposal, they applauded legislative democratic leaders for coming out with their own budget proposal. assembly speaker robert reid, son, senate president pro tempore mike mcguire announced a proposal wednesday claiming it will not cut core services include it in their plan. 103 million dollar investment for crime victims support programs. means our advocacy is working yet. >> just after this. good morning, everybody. the assembly budget committee met to review the legislature's budget proposal, a proposal that calls for 2 billion more dollars in education and homelessness pending the governor's proposal. in addition of that democratic leaders about their proposal will slash the governor's proposed cuts to state funded
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social services, including in-home care for eligible undocumented californians and cash aid for low income californians in the cow works program. we have ensured. >> but the budget is not balance most vulnerable populations. but to balance the budget. democrats who came up with the plan are proposing 1 billion dollars in additional climate cuts and 1 billion dollars in additional prison cuts. the plan also calls for the state to accelerate a pause of some tax credits for large businesses. these are difficult choices. we have to set priorities in created in actions because that is what this moment requires. but republicans say they're frustrated. the plan was negotiated only among democrats. seems right now that the budget is very focused on a political narrative on the political ideology and sometimes california is just want to the government to solvent. >> and the programs that they actually care about that actually affect their kids affected daily lives. that's what we need to focus on that. >> and of course, this is not a done deal. the senate budget committee still needs to take it up. and of course, the governor will ultimately have
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the final say. the newsom administration confirms he is reviewing the proposal reporting at the state capitol. a tonn wallace kron. 4 news. >> the state insurance commissioner is working on bringing insurance companies back to california. but it's not seeing unanimous support from lawmakers. kron four's dan kerman reports. >> with homeowners across the bay area and the state being dropped by insurance companies mostly due to fire risk. the governor has proposed speeding up the review of insurance company rate hike requests to just 60 days. the time. >> is important in terms of the rate decision making and that's what we're promoting as short-term step and continue to promote the larger package in partnership with the insurance commissioner. this is an important element. >> of what needs to be a multi pronged fix so we can get back to business in california. >> rex frazier's with the personal insurance federation of california, which represents large auto and home
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insurance companies in california. oftentimes it takes months and months before an insurance company even knows where it stands with the state. under this proposal, the state at 60 days and every 30 days thereafter they would have to declare where they stand on a rate filing that accountability. that's good for everyone. as the governor has proposed a plan that is not going to get homeowners access to more coverage and affordable price. but carmen bill burr with the group consumer watchdog thinks the proposal gives away too much. what the governor has proposed will tie the hands of the insurance commissioner and reviewing rate hikes and cut public participants out of the process. and that is guaranteed to lead to higher unjustified rates for california homeowners. now it'll be up to state legislators to decide whether to include the governor's insurance proposal as it stands or change it when approving this year's budget. dan kerman kron, 4 news. >> and as temperatures warm up a beloved water park in the south bay is getting ready to open with a new name. kelly
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bunga offers. 23 water attractions at the san jose location previously known as raging waters. a sacramento-based company took over the lease for the site earlier this year. they did not announce the exact date for the grand opening but said tickets will be available soon. coming up on the kron 4 morning news. the giants take on the yankees in their second game of the series. we take a look at the highlights. >> from hands free, driving to google built and on the big screen, we're checking the tech on the latest cadillac. all electric suv. the optic. >> i'm rich demuro. that's coming up in rich on tech. and temps are going to spike. oh, yeah. big time towards the middle of the week. heres the geography that's covered here a little bit here. >> right. and solano county got excessive heat watch. excess of heat advisory covering good chunk of the north and the east bay. we're take a look at your numbers. plus the
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>> all right. taking a live look outside at the bay. this beautiful sunday morning at 07:44am, of course, a lot going on in terms of our weather. let's check in now with day for more. okay. good morning, stephanie. good morning. everybody was switched to the winds. real quick here. check things out. we've been talking about them being on shore and they continue this morning, too. >> most of the real readings are in the teens, although the probably pick up in the 20's and even some spots could get even into the 30's. your tahoe forecast, not too shabby short sleeve shirts already looking at 66 tomorrow, tuesday at 77, 83 by wednesday. that's the heat spike. they're getting up
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there now before we get there, this little piece of energy from the jet is going to drop south and in may potentially bring a sprinkle, maybe maybe. but the bigger issue most will notice is continuation of these mild temperatures compared to be speaking and scattered clouds on monday. once that passes, it's done and off to the heat spike zone we go. let's get back to those winds again, just to see what they do today. going to be more apparent to the coast. there's another little pop and the lee side of the east bay hills. you'll notice through a lot of those valleys, a good channel. but again, the direction is right. we've already seen the dewpoint values have been very elevated in the 50's may not feel the greatest, but at least that helps out a little bit. it's not so dry and we want to avoid that issue getting into monday. don't forget there's that system and our backyard dropping south. getting all the cloud cover. but there's the pop with the winds. you can see into the 20's. let's go into another shot of that. there it is right there for tomorrow. and it will be very brief morning hours to around noon. take a breather. high
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pressure controls it for a couple of days. as we talked about bubbling up from the south. this is interesting. we tend to see this later in the as the summer season into fall. and you got to watch about these things because they sometimes can produce some thunder showers even for us now in this case. and i think we'll get some scattered clouds. but there are some, perhaps perhaps some thunder showers will fire up in the mountains in around tahoe as well. so later in the week, if you're hanging out all week long, you might get some thunder showers working their by friday. all right. 4 zone forecast. let's check it out here. we're looking about 66 san francisco. little changed at the coast about 60 again fighting some of that fog to mix out. 68 burning game. 71 foster city mid 70's in this pocket here with palo alto. meanwhile, in the south bay, upper 70's still slow going it may seen, but just wait east bay shoreline, the lower 70's tri valley. you're looking at about 80 81 going on for walnut creek. 83 for concord. 71 berkeley, 72 for oakland. 72 also afford delay. whoa, 85
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fairfield, 82 for napa with 87 for santa rosa. here's the big heat spike. we talked about middle the week tuesday wednesday about 99. still 90's. it looks like by thursday heading into next weekend. don't forget all that traffic. i just showed you coming up from the south. so not a big drop in temperatures but into the 80's. so maybe some scattered clouds beginning next next weekend. ok, good to know. and, you know, it's interesting as you talk about these. >> rising temperatures as well. we do have the fire that's burning southwest. rescinding a must be tougher in terms of firefighting conditions that the big issue is dry air. we don't want that. and that's the that's the good plus. so when you feel like, oh, it's a sticky and hot, humid. well, at least it's humid. so all right. good. yeah. for that will give those fire crews in assists and will lose some winds by the middle of the week, because of that high starts to build. although that's what's going to be so hot. all right. well, fingers crossed that they get it under control for you much. all right. well, cadillacs latest all electric suv. the uptick offers a 33 inch screen hands for driver assist. >> and 300 miles of range.
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rich demuro tested the features in today's rich on tech. americans love their suvs. and that's why we're seeing a lot more all electric versions of them. >> cadillac is introducing a midsize tv called the optic recently. i got a look at some of its more tech forward features. the 2025 cadillac optic is a new all electric suv built on the same ultium platform as the lyric. >> but this one starts at about $20,000 less the app because going to be for final younger by rethinking older millennials somebody was definitely pack some reason should in the latest technology and safety standard equipment. >> but also some of the ones that everyday functional sport utility vehicle. the crossover launches later this year. we've got a look at the design, which has some tech centric features front and center like this. 33 inch screen. so you've got 3 kind
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of different zones, all one the 3 different zones and those can be customized by the council. gmc has opted to do away with carplay and android auto in favor. >> of pool being built into this screen optic is expected to get around 300 miles on a charge at launch. it will have a traditional charging port, then an adapter for tesla's supercharging later models will have the port built in speaking of charging. this is kind of unique. you can slip your phone right here. it will wirelessly charge. this is the first cadillac to come with super cruise standard for 3 years that such a an entry point into luxury. they'll give customers that great feature standard. take your hands off the wheel on hundreds of thousands of miles of highway the system uses hd gps maps and a driver attention system for safety. all lane changes can be automated that the customer wishes. just relax. take a lot of pressure off them. other interesting touches include a unique light show, expansive
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glass roof and sustainable interior materials. i think in tears or really a place of customers are going join spending a lot of time. >> there you have it. the 2025 cadillac optic to row suv. it starts at $54,000 deliveries begin later this year. if you want to learn more about it, you can go to my website rich on tech dot tv. i'm rich demuro. that's rich on tech. happening today. the oakland ballers are putting finishing touches on raimondi park. >> ahead of opening day on tuesday and they're inviting residents to help them out. the theme of this first season is built by oakland. opening day is sold out against the yellow high. wheeler expected to be a good day to play. the giants are looking to bounce back after a game. one loss to the yankees on friday night kron four's erin wilson has the highlights. >> well, it was game 2 between the yankees and the giants on
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saturday night at oracle with the giants looking to get some payback after friday night's loss, aaron judge, he made a triumphant return to san francisco on friday night hitting 2 home runs and the yankees win over the giants. on saturday night. the came from london will be minimal rockland zone logan way up. it was a matchup of local kids making good in the big leagues. so kamal, early on with city of linden who hit the early lead in the yankees first run judge and he did not miss a live 3 to change up. >> judge did his best barry bonds for impersonation with that changeup crank 460 foot bomb out to left for the 21st homer of the season. the yankees, they go up to nothing over. the giant jai is now down 3 to nothing. they get their first runner and their first hit in the 3rd inning. it was a big one. kasey smith hit with his first homer of the season over the fence in left in the giant. they're at this point. let's to for 42 the giants down. 23 man off alex verdugo. he take the ryan walker sinker in laces over
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the levels. not those in center field. the up the base of the wall. judge scored all the way around from first and verdugo. well live in the 3rd there. an rbi triple 5 to 3 yankees. 4 pitches later, john carlos and he rips the whopper side down the line over the ambulance and left stanton's 14th. homer of the season is what that was. and then i just belong to judge and the bronx bombers. the yankees, they take game 2 with 7 to 3 with one more today. i'll toss it back to you at the desk. be right back.
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>> and google announces a new smart watch for kids. it's called the fit bit ace lte. the watch is designed for kids ages 7 and up. it encourages them to stay active through interactive 3 d games. the watch features real-time location tracking calling and messaging and it's all self-contained. there's no need for a companion smartphone for this. the devices, water resistant and offers 16 hour battery life. it sells for around $230 starting june 5th. so services $10 a month. buyers get a year of service for half the price. still ahead on the next hour of the kron, 4 morning news, a massive fire consumes thousands of acres southwest of tracy forcing evacuations in the area. >> a look at just how big the blaze is now and the conditions. fire crews are up against. plus, governor gavin newsom delays a law increasing health care wages, how he's defending that decision. stay with us. the kron 4 morning
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news continues in just a moment with those stories. now
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on the kron. 4 morning news. a massive blaze sparks just outside of tracy burning more than 12,000 acres. shutting down both directions of i-580. the latest on evacuation orders. plus, governor gavin newsom delays a minimum wage boost for health care workers. how the governor is defending his decision.
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>> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news >> thanks so much for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm stephanie lin. >> it's sunday, june. the second. let's get right to dave spahr with a look at your forecast today. hey, good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. we have pretty much more of the same as we're kind of in the delayed holding pattern until we get to the heat. spike come the middle of this week. so those onshore winds are going continue. that's going to keep that moisture level somewhat elevated even inland. so that's good news. we've been talking about and it means the morning fog. good morning air it is that a half moon bay still kind of overcast, but you can see that brightness off towards the distance as this will start to peel away back to the fog. now, whatever fog we have for the most part will be gone as we approach around the noon hour, even up the coast, the sun will be breaking out and then to tomorrow morning and see kind of how thick it is. we like seeing that thick off to alameda county. they're nicely through tri valley that will help out get some moisture off towards the east. now into
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monday. also, another feature will be this driving little front down south coming in from the major front that you see up north that will bring some scattered clouds, some cooler temperatures delaying the warmup we're talking about in potentially maybe a little passing sprinkles may be possible the higher elevations. what are we looking at this week, though? excessive heat, the red you see there, solano county, we've been spend there for a couple of days now. that is an excessive heat. watch. meanwhile, the heat advisory east bay and most up in the north bay for the most part peninsula, san francisco and most of the south bay. you're not in this technically 50's for the east bay shoreline 60's in some spots such as santa rosa up to antioch and also conquered. meanwhile, what do we stand from? 24 hours ago, we're headed most 10 degrees ahead, for example, in santa rosa and the breakdown today puts us about 70 at high noon to 3 o'clock. 75 and again, tomorrow is not going to be so hot, but by tuesday, get have more on that forecast in a bit. stephanie.
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all right, dave, thank you. in our top story this morning, firefighters continue to battle a battle. the corral fire. >> just outside of tracy. that blaze sparked saturday afternoon incinerating more than 12,000 acres. proffers. jeff moment reports from the scene. standing right here on corral hollow road. one of the areas that was evacuated. >> over what you see right here behind absolutely. raging fire that out around 11:00pm was around 10,000 acres started around 02:00pm on saturday. just started by basically nothing but quickly, crews had to shut down highway 5.80, in both directions. and you can see 5.80, right here behind me has been just completely shut down these flames growing extremely quickly. we know as of saturday night, 2 firefighters have suffered minor to moderate burn injuries. they have been transported to local hospitals. the cause of the fire as of saturday night is still unknown right now. wind
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is still a predominant factor in fueling this place. >> saturday evening started with an evacuation area west of the 5.80, south across hollow road, which is where i'm standing here. there was a temporary evacuation site established at the large clover community center. that's 1, 1, 1, 5, 7 west larch road in tracy. we did have a chance to speak with a young man there who said him and his family just escaped in the nick of time and he was texting his friends to make sure they made it out as well. i was telling most of my friends who have a chance. he has leave my friends and allison than anybody else case, you when you leave the exit, you can from the altamonte just like there's a crisp line of red. this isn't just a grassland. we're standing on right here. this is property owned by people, people who have their own farms. we had a chance to catch up with several people. >> who were driving well over the speed limit just to make amilies and their livestock out of the way. we had a chance to speak with one man who escaped with his horses. he said several people had to leave their horses behind. people still waiting there. they in get their animals. yeah, that know
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is a person out there. they like maybe fight. >> we're the only get one you've got all your animals out. i got there. yes, all i even if living outside. >> us to outside. and as you can see, still very much a community in shock wondering how this fire was able to spread so quickly and ravaged their homes and their property. now, still to come later this weekend, fire crews say they will be back on scene to investigate the cause of this fire. in tracy jack moment. kron 4 news. >> governor gavin newsom delay to rather signed the bill delaying a proposed $25 minimum wage law for health care workers was originally set to take effect tomorrow. it will instead go into place on july. 1st, the governor and democrats behind the doing so will help the state navigate its projected multi-billion dollar deficit. republicans have long argued the new minimum wage is an affordable and could for some rural hospitals to close.
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>> it is clear that these workers need this in order to help support their families. this is just bad policy. and frankly, the only route is the completely the bill altogether. supporters of the new minimum wage law say it's expected to impact more than 400,000 health care workers across the state. >> once it finally takes effect. the number of people experiencing homelessness in contra costa county is increasing contra costa health releasing new numbers showing an 18 and a half percent increase in the number of unhoused people compared to last year. preliminary numbers show more than 2800 people without housing. this year's count shows a majority of the homeless between the ages of 25 54. 7% were under the age of 18. any off was the city with the most most homeless, followed by richmond, conquer and martinez. ticket sales company live nation says a hacker group is trying to sell
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stolen data from ticketmaster on the dark web. group called shiny hunters announced responsibility for the attack claiming to have stolen personal data belonging to 560 million customers. ticketmaster come from the half friday in a federal filing. live nation says it identified unusual activity on may 20th before launching an investigation into the hack. the company does not believe this had an impact on business or operations. well, carrier robberies have become an issue recently. but mail carriers also face four-legged threats. dog bites remain an issue for usps workers. and as bryce moore reports, the postal service is asking homeowners to do what they can to prevent the problem. >> it's the u.s. postal service's dog bite awareness week. officials stressing folks keep their dogs secure when carriers or outs to live or email. i spoke to one who was bitten by a dog incident. i had about 11 years ago when i got bit. >> i was about to uphold
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someone's house to deliver their mail i required a signature and that's when the dog came from behind and let's on to my arm mizzou. she was out for a few months before returning to delivery duty. officials tell me delivery does not resume in these cases until the dog is properly restrained carriers are also trains to use their satchel as a physical barrier when delivering to a front-door and carry this dog spray in case things get serious the active ingredient is basically cayenne pepper and it's a very low percentage like about 2% or needs to be a situation where they feel threatened. >> and that the that the dog is actually actively pursuing the care. it's not just that their part. >> officials say there's been a bigger emphasis on drivers honking their horn upon arrival to alert to the dog of their presence and that the customers well might have time to prepare and put the dog away in a different room at the packages being delivered to the door. you need to put dog
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>> all it takes is a one rushed. now. officials say keeping your canine secure during deliveries is mostly about their driver safety. but your convenience is at risk as well. if their carriers feel threatened, you don't get your mail. i think we all want the same end goal, which is for your mail to be delivered. >> and the best way for that to happen is for it to a safe process. >> some good rules of thumb keeping your dog in another room. if you have a front store delivery or making sure your pup is least if they're in your yard. >> and that was bryce moore reporting for us. according to a 2023 dog attack. ranking report, california ranked as the top state for these attacks with 727. governor gavin newsom issued the proclamation for the start of pride month yesterday, pride month is recognized throughout the month of june. in a statement, newsom says this is a time to, quote, celebrate the resilience of the lgbtq+ community and they're hard fought victories to advance acceptance and equality. the rainbow flag has now raised
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over the state capitol. in the east bay, the city of walnut creek expanded its pride event scheduled for june, ranging from yoga in the park to this drag queen storytime plus crafts on saturday they hosted their drag queen story time event that went on without any disruption from demonstrators. tiktok is reportedly building a special algorithm just for the u.s.. this is to prepare for a potential sale of the business efforts to rebuild the algorithm would allow the popular video sharing app to operate separately from bytedance potentially clearing the way for it to remain operational. if tiktok was sold to a u.s. buyer. the department of fish and wildlife is working with the oakland zoo to care for some rescued toads. check these out. and these 6 granular toads are restricted species in california and worshiped in illegally. if what into the environment, they could be dangerous to other wildlife and the bay area. that means these animals are illegal to
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own. the toads were brought to the oakland zoo's veterinary hospital to be examined and treated. coming up on the kron 4 morning news. more major road closures going to place this weekend. >> we tell you where and how best to avoid them. and after the break, hundreds of students left in limbo after their college admissions exams are canceled due to a wi-fi issue. now the city is responding. >> not bad for your sunday here. we still have those winds going on 70 by a high noon and 3 o'clock. we'll see the mid 70's but inland are going to see a little bit more on the way 80's and we saw from yesterday. it's pike not far from home, will be talking about on the kron. 4 morning about on the kron. 4 morning news. with cascade platinum plus,
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i have upped my dish game auntie, in that dishwasher? watch me platinum plus gives you the highest standard of clean, even in your machine. clean enough for you? yeah! scrape. load. done. cascade platinum plus. when migraine strikes, do you question the tradeoffs of treating? ubrelvy is another option. it works fast to eliminate migraine pain. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness. ask about ubrelvy. ( ♪ ♪ ) ♪ (just one kiss) ♪ ( ♪ ♪ ) with reynolds wrap, cooking becomes so easy you can feel like the chef of your kitchen.
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easy prep. easy cook. easy clean. reynolds wrap. norman, bad news... eai never graduatedk. from med school. what? -but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... i know... faster wifi and savings? ...i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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>> everybody. we're taking a live look at the golden gate bridge. look at that. looks like some fog want to pick in the middle of the towers there and just say, hey, i'm still hang in ok? most part, it's really opened up from this vantage point and light traffic. 2 flags showing you on shore. the winds that will continue today tomorrow and we lose the winds probably by tomorrow afternoon. good morning, everybody. we're now and half moon bay. the fog not too far away from that picture has been cleared of the coast. so and this is some sometimes a bit of a snag down the peninsula little bit. sometimes it takes a while for that to kind of clear on out as it goes down in monterey bay. but we probably will start to see the sun come out this afternoon here. all right. we have 50's lighting up the east bay shoreline, antioch, a kind of a lofty 66 60's. also up to the north bay with 58 for napa, futurecast
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for has that clearing. i just mentioned they're looking pretty good tonight. here comes the cloud cover and the fog, should say again, the marine layer with set up stairs. yeah, up north, we have this weak little front dropping south. there is that risk possibility of the few little drizzles pretzels or something along those lines with its passage. but it's just like a lot of moisture in the atmosphere that's going to drop south at the lower levels like this. that marine layer kind of thing fortified. that's good news. we've been talking about an alameda county. so good timing on this. and it delays the heat spike to for another day. that clears on out by the afternoon. so when you see the scattered clouds going on, that's part of the program that i just mentioned there. let's get back to those winds. we talked about them being on shore. arrows are all pointing in that direction. not as lively inland here. so i guess that's kind of good news. have a lot of winds more pronounced as you can see at the coast and remains that way late in the day. just about everywhere, right on through monday. in fact, as late as tuesday, this is when the winds will start to subside a
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little bit. so we do lose the winds with the high kind of shutting everything down a little bit. but it means it's harder to get that marine layer in the let's get to that moisture part today. it does dry out inland a little bit there. as you can see, those humidity levels start to drop a bit. but because of that front or backyard overnight, we always get that out. but tomorrow afternoon, that's not too bad. that's because of that front helping out so it's going to be a little more humid inland. but that's good news. what we've been talking about with the fires and everything and then we'll start to get out to tuesday morning. obviously, this is elevated, but these numbers will drop a bit. now, remember, when you're talking about relative humidity means it's relative. i take a cubic cube of a cubic meter of air. and i just heat it and i don't do anything to it. these numbers would automatically drop because it can support more moisture in. it doesn't necessarily mean the area's dry or when those numbers drop. that's why we like to look at dew points. that's the absolute measurement. and right now we've been looking for a lot of readings in the east in the 50's. so when that
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starts to drop in the 40's, that's not good news. all right. look ahead here. we've got clearing a nice 7 is going on in the bay 80's ish or so in london. look at this. we've got fog. meanwhile, sfo early in the week, monday, we have some scattered clouds. i did talk about that weak system. mild tuesday and wednesday. are the heat spike days. that's when the advisory heat advisory north bay east bay. and of course, that afar where i'm sorry that to heat a watch. excessive heat watch for solano county all goes into effect, sunny and cooling for the latter portion of the week. however, friday looks like a weak little system to make note up. there. back to those winds. action thus are keenest rate. but again, associate the general direction with the winds have been. 66 clearing and breezy. 72 going on for open mostly sunny night. 78 for san jose. there's some of those 80's lower to middle 80's. we're still working on upper 80's up north. we probably won't hold best this tomorrow. she'd see about 76 because of that passing system. but the gloves are off by tuesday at 95. and
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we'll probably see some 100 plus numbers to be found wednesday for plus. yeah, will be a couple spots there. more noting is that the troubled areas and pleasant a little bit. you might see that maybe in santa rosa. so those are the spots want to look out for. okay. so >> things that people should be keeping in mind from safety perspective, when those temperatures to hit triple we just want to keep the water flowing because as you start to dry out as early as it starts to dry out, you lose moisture. you don't know what to say on a thursday. don't feel that whatever what you're because your body's that one. evaporating. you don't notice it. so it's always a thing to say yet. this is the time of year. you've got to have the water bottle handy. always walk out of the car out of the house with the water bottles and standards. we sure keep the ac crank and hopefully there's no problems at home. your check on thanks so much. more than 1000 students in the east bay left in limbo this morning after the college admissions exams are canceled. >> due to a wi-fi testing issue at the testing site. now, that's according to the
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college board. the incident affected some 1400 students. one student we spoke with said that the wifi issue wasn't the only problem here. think around. >> after they took our phones cause they had. like these kind of small square boxes that put a phoned in. but they don't have enough boxes for for all the phones sunday to start pulling funds onto like the table to side. and at that are computers had been on for a while now and they're running out of battery and there wasn't like enough charger outlets sunday, like i just like. maybe turn off your computer for a little bit. and we'll tell you the wi-fi is on. >> the college board says the test was scheduled at the marriott hotel due to a quote, shortage of high schools and other institutions willing to serve has sat weekend tests enters college board says all affected students get a full refund and steps are being taken now to make sure students can retest. well, api
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heritage month wrapped up on friday, but we continue our coverage of the bay area's diverse communities. >> year round in case you missed it. here's our special report on the golden state warriors, energetic hype man. franco finn. still the only asian american emcee in the nba. >> a familiar face in even more familiar voice to doug nation. franco finn has been the golden state warriors hype man for 21 seasons. a trailblazer in an industry where filipino representation is slim to none. i was the first. >> and only filipino american asian american hype man in the nba fan was born and raised in san francisco after his mom immigrated from the philippines in the 70's your mom back in the philippines. yeah, this my moment. the philippines. you can see
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graduated here from of far east in university. she's the first act or her family. >> and a loyal warriors fan fan credits his mom angeles for his love of sports side. sit right next to her and we would watch basketball. we watch warriors. watch all that. >> that love and passion. was definitely from the early beginnings of my mom loving the sport. >> he still lives with her. always putting her first. >> my mother is a true warrior. that still gets up. still stands up. i'm talking us know, cancer survivor stroke survivor covid survivor and now colon cancer survivor. what most people don't know is all that fun does after he steps off the court then serves on the executive board of the san francisco chamber of commerce hotel council and film commission. okay, my mom will see later somehow he still finds the energy in time for back to back events. he reached elementary kids. amy has an idea. >> being light pole goes on
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host various events for asian american and pacific islander heritage month. business and auctioneers i juggled 3 or 4 these in one day. >> but i'm not going to stop its just, you know, as long as my phone keeps ringing and they want a little bit energy. they want to hype man, a host of mc an auctioneer. i'm here for the community of here for the people's so they can use communities are as with reading to the kids. yeah. and i really still find time to volunteer. i want to really put my money where my mouth is growing up in the bay area. finan says he didn't sen himself represented on the screen so he never even dreamed of hosting until after he graduated from santa clara university in 2002, he got his first on your job at radio, disney. he was also selected to be part of stir tv. a magazine style show about asian-americans. but he got his big break unexpectedly while he was hyping up the crowd for a hillary duff concert oakland. global haul
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ahead, worriers executives and their daughters backstage. >> and their mouths were like. did you just get this arena hyped up as the opening act? >> for this pop sensation more than 2 decades and for nba championship rings later fence as he's now starting to feel like he's making a difference. and then i started getting messages on social media later in my career. >> from people in the philippines, asia all over the world saying. thank you for representing like what is there's not a lot of homes that look like you and last year friend got the honor of hosting the nba all-star game in utah and then go to his family's home country of the philippines for the federation international basketball world cup. and it was spectacular. it was like the homecoming. i never thought. >> researched about me. i had a press conference says the most rewarding part of it all is being a role model to the next generation of asian
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americans. but they're like i've been watching you since i was, you know, 6, 7, 8, and now they're all grown out and said i'm doing what you're doing because i i know i can. so that's why this month matters. visibility matters. and your voice matters. i'm sarah stinson reporting kron. 4 news. >> still ahead on the kron 4 morning news, the streets of san francisco ship with the sounds of edm saturday night. the community reaction up next. well, thousands of
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people showed up saturday for the 46 union street festival in san francisco enjoying live music and artisan market food vendors and live painting union street between fillmore to go. streets stay shut down as the festivities continue today and you want to get there by noon. so you don't miss the start of the decades-old waiters race. that's a relay race of sorts. sounds like fun. well, today the asian art museum kicks off the summer with free for sundays. >> doors open from 10 this morning to 5 at night. there is a discounted special, an exhibition tickets. museum is showcasing the phoenix kingdoms which highlights 2 kingdoms that flourished at the end of china's bronze age. the discounted price is $15. >> we started working on in february. we started working with our partners in the city the creative team with red again is really incredible.
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>> and fans of fred again and skrillex packed the streets of san francisco last night pumped up and excited to see the deejays. and we heard from some people there. >> what they're doing downtown right now is i think it's amazing. we're bringing 25,000 people back into the city. they said over 40% is like, you know, from out of state. so like my buddy said, doing great work for the city and we're really excited to be here for show. >> reading looks like a great time. the concert ended at 10:00pm last night. if you missed the event, but want to see fred, again perform. there are still 3 more he is set to appear at the frost amphitheater in stanford tuesday through thursday. this wow, civic center was packed. still ahead, protesters take to the golden gate bridge to draw awareness to gun violence. their latest demands to lawmakers.
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>> now on the kron 4 morning news state lawmakers under pressure to navigate a massive budget deficit. our capitol correspondent breaks down the latest. plus, mayor matt mahan in san jose delivers his state of the city address. what he's prioritizing for the year ahead. happening today, lanes on 6.80, are closed for a pavement project. caltrans says this effect southbound 6.80, between alcosta boulevard in san ramon and the i 5, 86, 80 connector in pleasanton lanes reopen at 4 in the morning on monday. all right. welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news. thanks so much for joining us. we've got a lot of stories we're covering for you today. let's
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get you started this half hour at 8.30, with a look at the weather with dave. hey, hey, good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. and we're starting things off. a little bit of leftover fog is pretty much hanging around the coast. we've been seeing a pockets around the bay, but the most part it's really opened up nicely. >> where to continue with those onshore winds. so that keeps the moisture off going to the east, which is where we wanted to go. there's a quick snapshot of the general locations throughout alameda county. some of those numbers are a little bit freakishly high. the trend has been pretty much in the teens and lower 20's in some spots. and we did see them pick up a little bit yesterday in the 30's. i don't think they'll be as intense as yesterday and going into that heat spike we talked about. don't forget there will be a drop in the suppose looking at more than a 2 and a half hour delay now. this is due to construction. not so much fog, but there is fog as you'll notice. this is a little problem area. meanwhile, up north, a player late tonight, tomorrow is a piece of energy from the system up north. and that's going to drop of some cloud cover kind of intensify.
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little that marine layer in maybe even a stray little sprinkle with its passage early tomorrow morning. a lot of 50's on the board 70 already for antioch 60's. meanwhile, up north little bit ahead. we're numbers were from this time yesterday. got a lot of sunshine flowing for today. about 70 going on in high noon to 3 75. but they're going to be some 80's to be had as well. take a look at the 4 zone forecast for you and the hot extended as well too 70. all right. looking forward to it. thank you. this morning, berkeley police continue their search for the person who set a university patrol car on fire saturday. >> police say it happened just before 5 on barrows lane near the south side of the uc berkeley campus behind sprawl hall. the man was wearing dark clothing and ran towards piedmont avenue before officers arrived. anyone with information is asked to call police. police arrested 80 cease-fire demonstrators at uc santa cruz friday morning.
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protesters upset about the conflict in gaza have camped out on campus since last month. tents and barricades blocking the main entrance to campus were taken down by police protesters. we spoke with said they think the school has gone too far. >> so what's the mood amongst everybody right the mood is really, really we're we're quite frankly, were people are out there. they're yelling and the screaming because this is enormous violation of her constitutional rights and a overboard reaction in terms the level of brutality that we're witnessing. the university, however, says that they had been asking protesters to leave in stop blocking access to the school. >> in a statement, the school defended its decision to involve police saying they needed to put an end to so-called unlawful and unsafe actions. they say demonstrators disrupted campus operations, even delaying access to emergency vehicles. in the east bay. a man found guilty for a 2000, a kidnapping and a 2015 attack
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got the maximum sentence from a judge in 2008 investigators say has very approached a teen near berkeley high school, kidnapped and sexually assaulted her. and in 2015, very walked into a brooklyn home and attacked a woman who did fight back as ended up running out the front door. in that case, investigators say justice was delayed in that 2008 case because the rape kit was not tested until 2014, 6 years after the crime alameda county judge sentenced asper to 75 years to life. in the south bay. san jose mayor matt mahan delivered the state of the city address yesterday. this year's event at happy hollow zoo looked a little different council members helped to lead projects to beautify san jose from planting trees working on the vietnamese and japanese heritage gardens and cleaning up creates these initiatives emphasized a point in the mayor's speech to keep waterways in parks, clean from dumping and encampments. mayor
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mahan spoke on new efforts to provide more resources from the unhoused. >> what's new is our investment safe. sleeping sites. a lot of those are showing results in san diego here to what's already working in san jose. it's our quick build communities made up prefabricated modular units deployed on public lands. all in over the next year. we will move from 1000 additional people of unsafe conditions. what other was continue live on our streets along our creeks. >> mayor mahan also encourage residents to be more involved in keeping streets clean over the last week he launched an adopt a block program where volunteers can commit to weekly or monthly litter cleanup walks. as california lawmakers navigate a massive budget deficit, hundreds of crime victims took to the state capitol earlier this week demanding governor newsom approved funding for survivor programs. this comes after
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democratic leaders reached a budget deal. they say we'll protect core services. capitol correspondent eytan wallace has the details. >> more than 200 crime victim advocates demonstrating outside the state capitol. your concern, governor gavin newsom's proposed budget will not invest in programs that they believe are crucial to help survivors of crime. everything from mental health services to legal assistance. how? >> the governor for him to do his job and for him to approve the budget that >> they say as a stance today, the governor's budget proposal lacks the funding needed to adequately help victims. it comes as the governor has said he may have no other choice but to either cut or limit funding for some programs that the state faces a projected multibillion-dollar deficit. we are here to demand that california step up to meet its rocked responsibility to
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survivors while they are concerned with the governor's budget proposal, they applauded legislative democratic leaders for coming out with their own budget proposal. assembly speaker robert reid, son, senate president pro tempore mike mcguire announced the proposal wednesday claiming it will not cut core services include it in their plan. 103 million dollar investment for crime victims support programs. means our advocacy is working yet. >> just after this. good morning, everybody. the assembly budget committee met to review the legislature's budget proposal, a proposal that calls for 2 billion more dollars in education and homelessness pending the governor's proposal. in addition of that democratic leaders about their proposal will slash the governor's proposed cuts to state funded social services, including in-home care for eligible undocumented californians and cash aid for low income californians in the cow works program. we have ensured. >> at the budget is not balance most vulnerable populations but to balance the budget. democrats who came up with the plan are proposing 1 billion dollars in additional climate cuts and
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1 billion dollars in additional prison cuts. the plan also calls for the state to accelerate a pause of some tax credits for large businesses. these are difficult choices we have to set priorities in created in actions because that is what this moment requires. but republicans say they're frustrated. the plan was negotiated only among democrats. seems right now that the budget is very focused on a political narrative on a political ideology. and sometimes california's just want to the government to solvent. >> and the programs that they actually care about that actually affect their kids affect their daily lives. that's what we need to focus on that. >> and of course, this is not a done deal. the senate budget committee still needs to take it up. and of course, the governor will ultimately have the final say. the newsom administration confirms he is reviewing the proposal reporting at the state capitol. a tonn wallace kron. 4 news. >> the state insurance commissioner is working on bringing insurance companies back to california. but it's not seeing unanimous support from lawmakers. kron four's dan kerman reports.
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>> homeowners across the bay area and the state think drop by insurance companies mostly due to fire risk. the governor has proposed speeding up the review of insurance company rate hike requests to just 60 days. the time. >> is important in terms of the rate decision making. and that's what we're promoting as short-term step and continue to promote the larger package in partnership with the insurance commissioner. this is an important element. >> of what needs to be a multi pronged fix so we can get back to doing business in california. >> rex frazier's with the personal insurance federation of california, which represents large auto and home insurance companies in california. oftentimes it takes months and months before an insurance company even knows where it stands with the state. under this proposal, the state at 60 days and every 30 days thereafter they would have to declare where they stand on a rate filing that accountability. that's good for everyone. as the governor has proposed a plan that is not going to get homeowners
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access more coverage and affordable price. but carmen bill burr with the group consumer watchdog thinks the proposal gives away too much. what the governor has proposed will tie the hands of the insurance commissioner and reviewing rate hikes and cut public participants out of the process. and that is guaranteed to lead to higher unjustified rates for california homeowners. now it'll be up to state legislators to decide whether to include the governor's insurance proposal as it stands or change it when approving this year's budget. dan kerman kron, 4 news. >> and we continue our coverage of the growing corral fire burning just southwest of tracy this morning. the san joaquin office of emergency services just issuing the following evacuation orders. it reads, quote, wildfire on corral road east of i-580, areas west of the california aqueduct south of corral hollow creek, west, alameda county and south to stanislaus
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county should leave now. so all residents living in these affected areas again listed there on your screen need to evacuate immediately. all right. moving on to our next story here. as temperatures do warm up a beloved water park in the south bay is getting ready to open with a new name. tele bunga offers. 23 acres of water attractions at the san jose location previously known as raging waters. a sacramento-based company took over the lease for the site earlier this year. they did not announce the exact date for the grand opening but said tickets will be available soon. >> probably would want them this week to because look at this excessive heat coming our way, assess excessive heat. watch for solano county and heat advisory covering the east bay and also up in the north. they will have a look at those numbers in the extended forecast. we'll take a look your 4 zone as well. you keep it here. the kron 4 morning news continues.
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>> all right, taking a live look out at mount from our mount tam camera, rather on this beautiful sunday morning. and of course, lots of news that we're covering today. we are going to toss things over to dave spahr for a look at our weather conditions. what can people expect this sunday morning? >> well, good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody exceed that marine layer making its way. it's breaking up a little bit, however, except along the coast as one of the problem areas, we all of the mountains. this is just 70 and a nice start to the day forecast and tahoe. the next couple of days. we talked about a heat spike in the home front. look at the way we go to 83 or so come the middle of the week there by a chance all
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week, latter portion a week, different story. now we're all watching a weak system bubbling up from the south that may throw even some thunder showers your way, perhaps as we head into the weekend, we get into that season when that does happen with daytime heating here's the big boy here this early part of the week. this is monday. opc energy dropping south may potentially throw a couple little sprinkles and our skies a little bit there. here's a look at your onshore winds. they're popping into the 20's little bit more animated along the coast. however, not as intense as it was yesterday, but it's enough to bring on the moisture will see the same thing on monday because that system drops south. after that, we start to lose a lot of the surface winds and temperatures will start climbing. here's how it looks like on the there's a first little hit. high pressure builds for a couple of days. watch here along the coast. how sneaky look at that. that's by friday. maybe early as thursday. that will kind of break the heat spike a yplittle bit for us. throws maybe some scattered clouds our way. but again, up in the hills, the mountains there might see some showers and potentially some thunder showers there heading into the
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weekend will be widely scattered, 4 zone forecast. 66 san francisco to the coast. let's keep it in the upper 50's at about 60 burlingame. checking in at 68 mid 70's here for palo alto, redwood city. meanwhile, the south bay readings in the upper 70's east bay shoreline, lower 70's tri valley's looking at approaching at about 80 81 wannacry conquered. and 83 72 oakland, what? 72 fairfield. 85 napa. 82 and 87 for santa rosa in consistencies of spring, i suppose. but here we go for some summer weather. 95 tuesday by wednesday about 99. we'll see probably some hundreds pop here. and there with that moisture bubbling tp from the south. remember thursday into friday. but for some scattered clouds, a little cooler. stephanie. >> wednesday, really looking like a scorcher there. thanks so much. dave lund as the weather heats up, you might be looking for some lighter recipes that you can make with produce that spot right at your local farmer's market. joining us live now with some fun ideas is livermore chef leslie dabney also known as
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vineyard mom mom, excuse big. it's been a busy morning busy morning. good morning if you're going to lighten things up for us, i am. i'm so excited. this time of year is great for grilling being outside. >> and some really great fresh produce that you've got a farmers market and go shopping and get it so fantastic. all of these recipes fruits, vegetables from my farmers market. and we're going to grill everything. all right, i'm going to start off with one of my favorite things to to grow, especially when you're entertaining and you want something you can make a little ahead of time doing some skewers rate. and i'm adding to the some great, beautiful, vibrant peppers. i added some shrimp and for a little spice doing. and dewey sausage. but >> you you i like some but if you want something, you could not so spicy. go ahead and just do some, you know, regular, traditional italian sausage. but i'm gonna show
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you how i did this because there's like i said so much great produce and vegetables. so i started off with some yellow bell peppers and i'm adding to this. now i'm using cooked shrimp because i didn't want to be handling a raw meat here today since i'm touching other food. so shrimp and these putative full peppers. i mean, look at the colors, go get the orange and get the also adding the sausage. and then i added these beautiful tomatoes that are in season. this right on the grill. yeah, and here's is a we're getting. i don't want to touch this because this is a little bit hot, but we're just going as let these go for 5 minutes per side. and that said, ok, and you can in the morning. so once assembled, you're ready to go. i just go ahead and put them out and everybody can help themselves. yes. and how long did it take for you put together the set up right here? probably about 10 minutes so well. so, really
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fast. it was really fast. so go ahead. get them assembled. put him in the refrigerator and then get ready to move on to some other fun stuff that we're going make today. so we're going let that go. but if you noticed on my grill, still have some other fruit vegetable. so i have some beautiful peaches and pre now the peaches, i'm going to add over here. i'm making a grilled peach and arugula salad. yeah, it is delicious and healthy. i it is and i can't oversell this solid enoygh because it's one of my favorites. and what i did was i just took some beautiful arugula and i trust this. usually i do it at the end. but this time rested at the beginning. and was that because i really want to make it where toppings are not oversaturated with the i really want them to stand out. so, of course, you know, i love to make my own dressing. home just did it again. this
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one has the champagne vinegar in it. a little bit of jaime can it some local olive oil. >> a little bit some honey and some dijon mustard. so we get that really suffocation on that. >> so i put that i'm right there. kind of mixed it up together. i'm going to add to his curled peaches that are so. flash and they're so sweet when you them up. yes. and the at so much flavor, simon at those aunt for some more flavor and a little bit of saltiness. i have the push to do. and again, this is something you can just get at the store that's ready to go. you don't have to cook it. and i love to put these on salads, especially summer ones. so you've got the spicy ness of that arugula. and you've got that really, really fresh peach flavor. and we're going to add some juice to it because everything's better with some cheese. so 100 and i half some burrata.
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>> that i'm on the top with the press shoot. all that's is a dream haven't late such. like i said, i can't tell you how much i love the it is a winner and its great as the site. but it's also create by itself to who gets a meal by itself. >> i like to tap my off with just a little bit of extra virgin olive oil. >> and i like to use in our local one. so that salad delicious with the skewers by themselves. i feel like we should have some dessert to really make grounded. absolutely so i again was grilling the peaches. so crowd, some a pre cots. okay. and i got some at my farmers market, but i also have a tree at my house. so i make a lot this is organic. so this is real quick workout these are great because you can use them in so many different recipes, but i grilled them brought out that really good sweetness. and and then it's just easy to
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top it. this is just to make it a little healthier and lighter to says greek yogurt. i don't mean to have to whip cream. i say let or, you know, ice cream just do some greek yogurt. yeah. so much flavor. really perfect for some crunch. i'm just going add something concept. now, if you like his own lots or if you like walnuts, you can add that if you're not person who can eat the nuts, that's ok, leave them out. that's fine. but these are great because now i'm going out a little bit of local honey to it say, oh, yeah, ok, we're going to really add some more sweetness and even though this is sweet by itself, just because those cots are delicious were going out a little bit more to it and you can make a plate of these and you can take us many as you want. but honestly, they're healthy. they're delicious. they taste flavorful. but of course, we have to peer someone, of course, because you are the vineyard mom. yes, and i really with these delicious
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skewers full of vegetables and some of the i love a nice chardonnay with think that really brings out the flavor. and if you want to have this delicious arugula salad with the peaches, i love chris, 7 block with that. so fresh, so fresh for summer and same thing with the fruit. either one of these wines just great across the kill much flavor and really fresh and ready for summer. love that you want to give a shout out your local farmer's market as well. the downtown livermore farmers market is amazing. i'm a regular there on sunday. so don't know. you do they're farmers are great. and everybody there is just fantastic. so support your local farmer's market. so important thank you so much to leslie dabney, the vineyard mom for sharing these delightful summer grilling recipes with us. thank you. and cheers. cheers. all right. we'll be right back.
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>> google announces a new smart watch for kids. it's called the fit bit ace lte. >> the watch is designed for kids ages 7 and up. it encourages them to stay active through interactive games. the watch features real-time location tracking calling and messaging and it's all self-contained. that means that there's no need for a companion smartphone. the device is water resistant and has 16 hours of battery life. it sells around $230 starting june 5th cell service is 10 bucks a month. early buyers get a year of service for half the price. all right. still ahead on the next hour of the pump are warning news. a massive fire consumed thousands of acres just southwest of tracy.
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>> forcing evacuations. we take a look at how big the blaze is now and the conditions that fire crews are up against. plus, governor gavin newsom delays a law increasing health care wages, how he's defending his decision. stay with us. the proper morning news continues with those stories in just a with those stories in just a moment. ( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus
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when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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morning news. a massive blaze sparks just outside of tracy burning more than 12,000
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acres. shutting down both directions of i-580. the latest on evacuation orders. plus, governor gavin newsom delays a minimum wage boost for health care workers. how the governor is defending that decision. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at no. >> thank you so much for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm stephanie lin. >> it's sunday, june. the second unit at 8.59. this morning. let's get you over to dave spahr with a look at your forecast. hey, good stephanie. good morning, everybody. kind of almost like a spring-like situation we had as we finished off last week and a little bit of the weekend, although temperatures start to move into the 80's a little bit inland. >> but that is nothing compared to what's coming our way in the middle of next week. but before we get there, we do have those onshore winds to continue in that marine layer quite thick this morning in spots at the coast. it's so slow going to peel this back a little bit, although around the bay, we're getting a lot
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of sunny weather. meanwhile, upstream, this isn't a diet and a little piece of energy drop south. there that will bring some scattered clouds our way thicken up the marine layer and maybe even a couple little sprinkles going on potentially in those higher elevations are as it goes across that terrain, uneven terrain, maybe might see some of that after that saw past. when we get to tuesday wednesday and thursday. it's the heat. excessive heat. watch with the dark red is you can see that with solano county. that's all issued by the sacramento office and then for our office, that's the east bay shoreline. you see in the orange and up in the north bay. that's a heat advisory. the time period tuesday, wednesday and into thursday afternoon. now upper 50's lineup pretty much the east bay shoreline, antioch at 70 with 60's. meanwhile, up north, by contrast to 24 hours ago with a little warmer than we were as start. so will build on that for today. the breakdown puts us about 74 at 1 o'clock it for about 76. but again, plenty of 80's to be had replaced by 90's and
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popping about 100 by the middle of the more on your forecast and a bit. stephanie. all right. thank you. >> in our top story this morning, firefighters continue to battle the corral fire just outside of tracy. the blaze sparked saturday afternoon incinerating more than 12,000 acres. jack moment reports from the >> standing right here on corral hollow road. one of the areas that was evacuated over what you see right here behind absolutely. raging fire that out around 11:00pm was around 10,000 acres started around 02:00pm on saturday. just started by basically nothing but quickly, crews had to shut down highway 5.80, in both directions. and you can see 5.80, right here behind me has been just completely shut down these flames growing extremely quickly. we know as of saturday night, 2 firefighters have suffered minor to moderate burn injuries. they have been transported to local
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hospitals. the cause of the fire as of saturday night is still unknown right now. wind is still a predominant factor in fueling this place. >> saturday evening started with an evacuation area west of the 5.80, south across hollow road, which is where i'm standing here. there was a temporary evacuation site established at the large clover community center. that's 1, 1, 1, 5, 7 west larch road in tracy. we did have a chance to speak with a young man there who said him and his family just escaped in the nick of time and he was texting his friends to make sure they made it out as well. i was telling most of my friends who have a chance. he has my friends and allison than anybody else case, you when you leave the exit, you can from the altamonte just like there's a crisp line of red. this isn't just a grassland. we're standing on right here. this is property owned by people, people who have their own farms. we had a chance to catch up with several people. >> who were driving well over the speed limit just to make sure they got their families and their livestock out of the way. we had a chance to speak with one man who escaped with his horses. he said several people had to leave their horses behind. people still
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waiting there. they in get their animals. yeah, that know is a person out there. they like maybe fight. >> we're the only get one you've got all your animals out. i got there. yes, all i even if living outside. >> us to outside. and as you can see, still very much a community in shock wondering how this fire was able to spread so quickly and ravaged their homes and their property. now, still to come later this weekend, fire crews say they will be back on scene to investigate the cause of this fire. in tracy jack moment. kron 4 news. >> and we continue our coverage on that growing corral fire again, that is burning just southwest of tracy this morning. the san joaquin office of emergency services issuing the following evacuation orders just about 10 minutes ago. it reads, quote, wildfire on corral road east of i-580, areas west of the california aqueduct south of corral hollow creek west,
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alameda county and south to stanislaus county should leave. now residents again living in those affected areas need to leave. now, this is an evacuation order. fire officials say that the fire is about 15% contained. so slight across the morning here. but there is still much to tackle. following the developments on this corral fire again from a southwest of tracy. again, please stay tuned to us on air and also on our website, kron 4 dot com for the latest on evacuation warnings and orders. anwar next story here. governor gavin newsom signed a bill delaying a proposed $25 minimum wage law for health care workers. the law was originally set to take effect tomorrow. it will go instead into place on july. 1st, the governor and democrats behind the doing so will help the state navigate. it's projected multi-billion dollar deficit. republicans have long argued
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the new minimum wage is unaffordable in could for some rural hospitals to close. >> it is clear that these workers need this in order to help support their families. this is just bad policy. and frankly, the only route is the completely the bill altogether. >> supporters of the new minimum wage law say it's expected to impact more than 400,000 health care workers across the state. once it finally goes into effect. the number of people experiencing homelessness in contra costa county is going up contra costa health releasing new numbers showing an 18 and a half percent increase in the number of unhoused people compared to last year. preliminary numbers show more than 2800 people without housing. this year's count shows a majority of the homeless between the ages of 25 54. 7% were under the age of 18. and you up was the city with the most homeless, followed by richmond, concord
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and martinez. ticket sales company. live nation says a hacker group is trying to sell stolen data from ticketmaster on the dark web. group called shiny hunters announced responsibility for the hack claiming top store and personal data belonging to 560 million customers. ticketmaster confirmed the hack friday in a filing in a federal filing rather live nation says it identified unusual activity on may 20th before launching an investigation. the company does not believe the hack had an impact on business or operations. no carrier robberies have become an issue recently. but mail carriers also face four-legged threats. dog bites remain an issue for usps workers as bryce moore reports, the postal service is asking homeowners to do what they can to prevent the problem. >> it's the u.s. postal service's dog bite awareness week. officials stressing folks keep their dogs secure when carriers or outs to live or email. i spoke to one who
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was bitten by a dog incident. i had about 11 years ago when i got bit. >> i was about to uphold someone's house to deliver their mail i required a signature and that's when the dog came from behind me. and let's on to my arm mizzou. she was out for a few months before returning to delivery duty. officials tell me delivery does not resume in these cases until the dog is properly restrained carriers are also trains to use their satchel as a physical barrier when delivering to a front-door and carry this dog ray in case things get serious the active ingredient is basically cayenne pepper and it's a very low percentage like about 2% or needs to be a situation where they feel threatened. >> and that that that the dog is actually actively pursuing the carrier. it's not just that the park. >> officials say there's been a bigger emphasis on drivers honking their horn upon arrival to alert to the dog of their presence and that the customers well might have time to prepare and put the dog
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away in a different room with the packages being delivered to the door. you to put dog >> all it takes is that one there rushed now. officials say keeping your canine secure during deliveries is mostly about their driver safety. but your convenience is at risk as well. if their carriers feel yo mail. i think we all want the same end goal, which is for your mail to be delivered. >> and the best way for that to happen is for it to a safe process. >> some good rules of thumb keeping your dog in another room. if you have a front store delivery or making sure your pup is least if they're in your yard. >> and that was bryce moore reporting for us. according to a 2023 dog attack, ranking report, california ranked as the top state for these attacks with 727. well, governor gavin newsom issued a proclamation for the start of pride month yesterday, pride month is recognized throughout the month of june. in a statement, newsom says this is a time to, quote, celebrate the resilience of the lgbtq+ community and they're hard
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fought victories to advance acceptance and equality. the rainbow flag has now raised over the state capitol. in the east bay, the city of walnut creek expanded pride event scheduled for june ranging from yoga in the park to this drag queen storytime plus crafts on saturday they hosted the drag queen story time events. it went on without any disruption from demonstrators. tiktok is reportedly building a special algorithm just for the u.s.. this is to prepare for a potential sale of the business efforts to rebuild the algorithm would allow the popular video sharing up to operate separately from bytedance potentially clearing the way for it to remain operational. if tiktok was sold to a u.s. buyer. the department of fish and wildlife is working with the oakland zoo to care for some rescue toads. check these guys out the 6 granular toads are restricted species in california and were shipped illegally if what into the environment, they could be dangerous to other wildlife.
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and that means these animals are illegal to own. the toads were brought to the oakland zoo's veterinary hospital to be examined and treated. >> coming up on kron 4 more major road closures going to places weekend. we tell you where and how best to avoid them. and hundreds of students left in limbo this morning after their college admissions exams are canceled due to a wi-fi issue. now the city is responding. >> well, we continue on with those onshore winds today. and that will also be felt in the east bay. this is most of the alameda county's you'll notice now tri valley getting them as well. that's keeping the elevated humidity levels up there and dew point values. we like that going to check into a hot forecast coming our way, though, next week called for though, next week called for morning news continues.
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live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla.
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>> all right, 9.13, this gorgeous morning live. look outside at the golden gate bridge that's blue skies out there. is sweet. yeah, it is. there's the flag flapping there with the onshore wind that we've been talking about and >> the fog is peeled away for the most part, but there's some problem areas. sfo. >> as one, although they have delays not related to that. about a 2 and a half hour delay due to construction at all. that's a may cause some issues. if you're in travel there. meanwhile, half moon bay still working to try to peel this away. so this is going keep temperatures will suppress, but all is being pushed inland with the wind pattern. 70 going on in iraq. a lot of 60's east upper 50's for right now in the east bay shoreline with 67 up to santa rosa. futurecast for not much
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to see except the fog on the way we're mostly sunny today. fall comes back again tonight. yeah. that little system i talked about look at this thickens up that marine layer. so in the morning might have some coastal drizzle, but maybe even in the afternoon or late morning and those higher elevations, as that layer just comes across our topography and the uneven ground may produce a little stray shower going very, very, very slight all that. but we'll get the cloud cover and that does that can up that marine layer. so that's good news. there that starts to erode away. get into tuesday and away. those highs go for about 3 days. it looks like that's going to hold. let's get back to those winds just to get a quick shot here. the macro view here covering everybody not as intense as yesterday. so i think the readings inland today may be a more in the teens. they're still not going to pop in the 30's like they did from yesterday except along the coast. that will be pretty active monday. same kind of deal, although aloft, we're going to have some of the cloud just showed you and potentially a little stray sprinkle. let's show the moisture levels at the surface
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of this is relative humidity and its relative the temperature. but let's give it a run here. dries out a little bit this afternoon. okay. marine layer comes back in the morning hours. what about the afternoon? not too shabby because that marine layer is going to be thicker tomorrow. it will be pushed in by that little system dropping south. so kind of interrupt things. perfect timing, although we'll have to deal with some scattered clouds and our future. then overnight, we'll have again that marine layer coming back in appeals away by tuesday morning. that's where starting to go off for heat spike by that point. an-way, tuesday into wednesday. clearing a nice going on for today. we've got 70's for the base. 80 ish happening inland early part of the week. monday got those scattered clouds and mild tuesday and wednesday is the heat spike day finishing off the week. lots of sunshine, maybe. but we also get some scattered clouds maybe by friday. kind of interesting. all right. let's get right to it in terms of what it looks like today. 66 san francisco, 72 for oakland, 78. meanwhile for san jose, 85 going on for high all the way up to antioch, 87 for santa
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rosa. that is waiting to get to around 90 or so we get later in the season. there's the cooler temperatures for you at the coast next couple of days. got 95 cooking in here by tuesday. that's just a taste we get to wednesday. oh, yeah, because wednesday we're going to get as high recall is 99 degrees. well, it we have a chance of pop and maybe 100, a couple selective spots. and he's right. is that breaks a little system coming in from the south will cover our way. and that's all fine and dandy. but sometimes in the late summer months that could produce some scattered thunder showers, too. so >> that's maybe so much this go around on it and also want to get your perspective to on the condition that firefighters are up against as they're battling this corral fire. that's just outside of tracy. >> i we what are we talking about terms of maybe the winds and also middle of the week is going to lose the winds. it's going to get a little drier, though, to which doesn't happen. you know, have the onshore winds in morning, get some better mixing >> we'ln bring some drier. and so at that point, got to watch out, ok, well, fingers crossed. they can get a handle on it soon. thanks a lot. if you bet. within 1000 students
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in the east bay left in limbo this morning after their college admissions exams are canceled due to a wi-fi issue at the testing site. >> that's according to the college board. the incident affecting some 1400 students. one student we spoke with says that was not the only problem. i think around. >> after they took our phones cause they had. like these kind of small square boxes that put our phones in, but they don't have enough boxes for for all the phones. so then they just started pulling funds onto like the table to side. and at that are computers had been on for a while now and they're running out of battery and there wasn't like enough charger outlets sunday, like i just like. maybe turn off your computer for a little bit. and we'll tell you the wi-fi is on. >> the college board says the test was scheduled at the marriott hotel due to a quote, shortage of high schools and other institutions willing to serve as sat weekend test enters college board says all
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affected students get a full refund and steps are being taken now to make sure students can retest. heritage month wrapped up on friday. but we continue our coverage of the bay area's diverse communities every day. in case you missed it. here's our special report by sarah stinson on the golden state warriors, energetic hype man. franco finn. still the only asian american emcee in the nba. >> a familiar face in even more familiar voice to doug nation. franco finn has been the golden state warriors hype man for 21 seasons. a trailblazer in an industry where filipino representation is slim to none. i was the first. >> and only filipino american asian american hype man in the nba fan was born and raised in san francisco after his mom
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immigrated from the philippines in the 70's your mom back in the philippines. yeah, this my moment. the philippines. you can see graduated here far east in university. she's the first act or her family. >> and a loyal warriors fan credits his mom angeles for his love of sports side. sit right next to her and we would watch basketball. we watch warriors. watch all that. >> that love and passion. was definitely from the early beginnings of my mom loving the sport. >> he still lives with her. always putting her first. >> my mother is a true warrior. that still gets up. still stands up. i'm talking us know, cancer survivor stroke survivor covid survivor and now colon cancer survivor. what most people don't know is all that fun does after he steps off the court then serves on the executive board of the san francisco chamber of commerce hotel council and film commission. okay, my mom will see later somehow he still finds the energy in time
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for back to back events. he reached elementary kids. amy has an idea. >> being light pole goes on post various events for asian american and pacific islander heritage month. business and auctioneers i juggled 3 or 4 these in one day. >> but i'm not going to stop its just, you know, as long as my phone keeps ringing and they want a little bit energy. they want to hype man, a host of emceeing auctioneer. i'm here for the community of here for the people's so they use communities are as with reading to the kids. yeah. and i really still find time to volunteer. i want to really put my money where my mouth is growing up in the bay area. finan says he didn't see himself represented on the screen so he never even dreamed of hosting until after he graduated from santa clara university in 2002, he got his first on your job radio, disney. he was also selected to be part of stir tv. a magazine style show about
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asian-americans. but he got his big break unexpectedly while he was hyping up the crowd for a hillary duff concert oakland, mobile whole ahead, worriers executives and their daughters backstage. >> and their mouths were like. did you just get this arena hyped up as the opening act? >> for this pop sensation more than 2 decades and for nba championship rings later fence as he's now starting to feel like he's making a difference. and then i started getting messages on social media later in my career. >> from people in the philippines, asia all over the world saying. thank you for representing slight what there's not a lot of homes that look like you and last year friend got the honor of hosting the nba all-star game in utah and then go to his family's home country of the philippines for the federation international basketball world cup. and it was spectacular. it was like the homecoming. i never thought. >> researched about me. i had a press conference in says the
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most rewarding part of it all is being a role model to the next generation of asian americans. but they're like i've been watching you since i was, you know, 6, 7, 8, and now they're all grown out and said i'm doing what you're doing because i i know i can. so that's why. >> this month matters, visib%lity matters. and your voice matters. i'm sarah stinson reporting kron. 4 news. >> and we'll be right back.
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thousands of people showed up saturday for the 46 union
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street festival in san francisco enjoying live music and artisan market food vendors and live painting. >> union street between word ago streets stay shut down as the festivities continue today. you want to get there by news. you don't miss the start of the decades-old waiters race. that's a fun relay race that takes place out there too. today they are. asian art museum kicks off the summer with free first sundays. >> doors open from 10 this morning to 5 at night. there is a discounted special on exhibition tickets. the museum to the phoenix kingdoms which highlights 2 kingdoms that flourishe end of china's bronze age the discounted price is $15. >> we started working on in february. we started working with our partners in the city the creative team with red again is really incredible. >> offensive, fred, again and skrillex packed the streets of san francisco last night. you see them there pumped up and excited to see the deejays.
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and we also heard from some attendees. >> what they're doing downtown right now is i think is amazing. we're bringing 25,000 people back into the city. they said over 40% is like, you know, from out of state. so like my buddy said, doing great work for the city and we're really excited to be here for show. >> well, it sounds like they all had a great time. you can see all those people partying out there next to city hall. the concert ended at 10:00pm last night. but if you missed it and you want to see, fred, again perform, there are 3 more chances to do that this week. he is set to appear at the frost amphitheater in stamford. >> tuesday through thursday, this week. wow. still ahead, protesters take to the golden gate bridge to draw awareness to gun violence. their latest demands to lawmakers. now on
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the kron. 4 morning news state lawmakers under pressure to navigate a massive budget deficit. our capitol correspondent breaks down the latest. plus, mayor matt mahan delivers his state of the city address in san jose where he's prioritizing for the year ahead. and also happening today, lanes on 6.80, are closed for a pavement project. caltrans says this does affect southbound 6.80, between alcosta boulevard in san ramon and the i-5, a 6, 80 connector in pleasanton lanes reopen at 4 in the morning on monday. alc right. good morning. welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news who got a lot of news we're covering for you this morning. let's get you started this half hour at 9.30. but look at your
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forecast. stays far in the weather center, of course, tracking it all for they a good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. still some leftover fog here in spots here and there, although a lot of the city shots, we've been seeing a lot of sunshine, golden gates looking pretty good on that front, too. >> and we're going continue on with those onshore winds that will keep that humidity in the east bay quite nicely. here's a live shot of sfo and because of construction, they've got about 2 and a half hour delay in some of the flights here. so want to see how you are impacted by all of that for today. now up north, you can see those nice line that a piece of energy will break off on that tonight. tomorrow morning and drop across our region. there is a little chance of a little sprinkle, but we'll see some scattered clouds and that this fortifies, that marine layer. so that's kind of good news. 73 going on for antioch 60's in the east bay inland. also up north with the upper 50's lining up the east bay shoreline. there's some friday going on here were trailing in a couple spots. but ahead by half-a-dozen degrees up north, as you will notice again, lots of sunshine for today. temperatures in the upper
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70's, but we've got a couple of ladies cooking here too well inland that will be replaced by the 90's to near 100 middle of the week. we'll take a look at that extended forecast for you in the force on to stephanie. dave, thank you. >> this morning, berkeley police continue their search for a person who set a university patrol car on fire saturday. police say it happened just before 5 on barrows lane near south side of the uc berkeley campus behind sprawl hall. excuse me, the man was wearing dark clothing and ran towards piedmont avenue before officers arrived. anyone with information is asked to please call police. police arrested 80 cease-fire demonstrators at uc santa cruz friday morning. demonstrators upset about the conflict in gaza have camped out on campus since last month. tents and barricades blocking the main entrance to the campus were taken down by officers. protesters we spoke with said they think the school has gone too far.
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>> so what's the mood amongst everybody right the mood is really, really we're we're quite frankly, were furious. people are out there. they're yelling and the screaming because this enormous violation of constitutional rights and a overboard reaction in terms the level of brutality that we're witnessing. >> the university says they have been asking demonstrators to leave and stop blocking access to the school. in a statement, the school defended its decision to involve police saying that they really needed to put an end to so-called unlawful and unsafe conditions, rather actions. they say demonstrators disrupted campus operations and even delayed access to emergency vehicles. in east bay and then found guilty for the 2000 a kidnapping and a 28 15 attack of a person got the maximum sentence from the judge in 2008 investigators say keith asbury approached a teenager near berkeley high school kidnap and sexually assaulted her. and in 2015,
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barry walked into a scary rather, walked into a brooklyn home and attacked a woman who did fight back in that situation. as ended up running out the front door in that case, investigators say justice was delayed in the 2008 case because the rape kit was not tested until 2014, 6 years after the crime. and alameda county judge sentenced asbury to 75 years to life. in the south bay. san jose mayor matt mahan delivered the state of the city address yesterday. this year's event at happy hollow zoo looked a little different council members helping to lead projects to beautify san jose from planting trees working on the vietnamese and japanese heritage gardens and cleaning up creeks as well. these initiatives emphasized a point in a mayor's speech to keep waterways in parks, clean from dumping an encampment. mayor mahan spoke on new efforts to provide more resources for the unhoused. >> was was our investment safe, sleeping sites. a lot of
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those are showing results in san diego here to what's already working san jose. it's our quick build communities made up prefabricated modular units deployed on public lands. all in all over the next year. we will move from 1000 additional people of unsafe conditions. what other was continue live on our streets along our creeks. >> and also encourage residents to be more involved in keeping streets clean over the last week he launched an adopt a block program where volunteers come it to weekly or monthly litter cleanup walks. as state lawmakers navigate a massive budget deficit, hundreds of crime victims took to the state capitol earlier this week demanding governor newsom approved funding for survivor programs. this comes after democratic leaders reached a budget deal they say will protect core services. our capitol correspondent eytan wallace reports.
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>> more than 200 crime victim advocates demonstrating outside the state capitol. your concern, governor gavin newsom's proposed budget will not invest in programs that they believe are crucial to help survivors of crime. everything from mental health services to legal assistance. how? >> the governor for him to do his job and for him to approve the budget. >> that gives all of us. >> they say as a stance today, the governor's budget proposal lacks the funding needed to adequately help victims. it comes as the governor has said he may have no other choice but to either cut or limit funding for some programs that the state faces a projected multibillion-dollar deficit. we are here to demand that california step up to meet its rocked responsibility to survivors while they are concerned with the governor's budget proposal, they applauded legislative democratic leaders for coming out with their own budget proposal. assembly speaker robert reid, son, senate president pro tempore mike
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mcguire announced the proposal wednesday claiming it will not cut core services include it in their plan. 103 million dollar investment for crime victims support programs. means our advocacy is working yet. >> just after this. good morning, everybody. the assembly budget committee met to review the legislature's budget proposal, a proposal that calls for 2 billion more dollars in education and homelessness pending the governor's proposal. in addition of that democratic leaders about their proposal will slash the governor's proposed cuts to state funded social services, including in-home care for eligible undocumented californians and cash aid for low income californians in the cow works program. we have ensured. >> at the budget is not balance most vulnerable populations but to balance the budget. democrats who came up with the plan are proposing 1 billion dollars in additional climate cuts and 1 billion dollars in additional prison cut. the plan also calls for the state to accelerate a pause of some tax credits for large businesses. these are difficult choices we have to
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set priorities in created in actions because that is what this moment requires. but republicans say they're frustrated. the plan was negotiated only among democrats. seems right now that the budget is very focused on a political narrative on a political ideology. and sometimes california's just want to the government to solvent. >> and the programs that they actually care about that actually affect their kids affect their daily lives. that's what we need to focus on that. >> and of course, this is not a done deal. the senate budget committee still needs to take it up. and of course, the governor will ultimately have the final say. the newsom administration confirms he is reviewing the proposal reporting at the state capitol. a tonn wallace kron. 4 news. >> the state insurance commissioner is working on bringing insurance companies back to california. but it's not seeing unanimous support from lawmakers helpers. dan kerman reports. >> with homeowners across the bay area and the state think drop by insurance companies mostly due to fire risk. the governor has proposed speeding up the review of insurance company rate hike requests to
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just 60 days. the time. >> is important in terms of the rate decision making and that's what we're promoting as short-term step and continue to promote the larger package in partnership with the insurance commissioner. this is an important element. >> of what needs to be a multi pronged fix so we can get back to doing business in california. >> rex frazier's with the personal insurance federation of california, which represents large auto and home insurance companies in california. oftentimes it takes months and months before an insurance company even knows where it stands with the state. under this proposal, the state at 60 days and every 30 days thereafter they would have to declare where they stand on a rate filing that accountability. that's good for everyone. the governor has proposed a plan that is not going to get homeowners access to more coverage and affordable price. but carmen bill burr with the group consumer watchdog thinks the proposal gives away too much. what the governor has proposed
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will tie the hands of the insurance commissioner and reviewing rate hikes and cut public participants out of the process. and that is guaranteed to lead to higher unjustified rates for california homeowners. now it'll be up to state legislators to decide whether to include the governor's insurance proposal as it stands or change it when approving this year's budget. dan kerman kron, 4 news. >> happening today, the oakland ballers are putting finishing touches on raimondi park ahead of opening day on tuesday. they're inviting residents to help out the theme of this first season is built by oakland. opening day is sold out against the yolo high wheelers. and that's expected to be a fun day as well. as temperatures warm up a beloved water park in the south bay is getting ready to open with a new name. kelly bunga offers. 23 acres of water attractions at the san jose location previously known as raging waters. a sacramento-based company took over the lease for the site earlier this year. they did
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not announce exact date for the grand opening but said tickets will be available soon. ali wong the day. >> yeah, we're really could use that this week. coming up ahead. this is why excessive heat coming our way really tuesday, wednesday and thursday, the 3 kind of days we're watching out for. we'll have a look at that. plus your 4 zone forecast. but for one, 4 zone forecast. but for one, it used to. you can't leave without cuddles. but, you also can't leave covered in hair.
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with bounce pet, you can cuddle and brush that hair off. bounce, it's the sheet.
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>> all right, taking a live out a live look out. excuse me out at the embarcadero this sunday morning. just a beautiful start to your morning at 9.43. this sunday.
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what are you keeping an eye looks pretty good. as you mentioned around the bay there, stephanie. along the coast to some problem areas still with that fog, hang around the mountains. look pretty good year. somebody checking in. >> like this. let's see about those forecast numbers for tahoe. get a load of this already short sleeve shirt weather for this week ahead. what's going summer up there, too, as well? this is going to break down, though. we get into friday and you might have potentially little shower passing by there. i'll get to that part of the forecast and a bit. first things first before we get to all of that, little piece of energy dropping south from this overnight tomorrow and the late morning hours, particularly across the bay will be some scattered clouds, maybe in little sprinkle thrown in there potentially on the outside. basically what's left over of the system and that's going to delay our warming trend. so that's why tuesday's the first day we want to watch out for all of that and the wednesday, maybe thursday as well. but that this is kind of nice to kind of thickens up that marine layer a little bit as well. onshore winds in place. this is the same program we had
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from yesterday. i think back off a little bit on the winds, not as intense as we saw yesterday, although still hang in along the coast here with the intensity does pop a little bit tomorrow. and even as late as tuesday. all right. back to this again, boom. there's a little system to watch out for then. the high kicks off his or heat spike. watch the south interesting. we sometimes see those things in august september when they do happen that time of year, we get some of this. what looks almost like a monsoon type pattern that can sometimes throw some mid-level moisture our way. and that means some thunder showers to watch out for. we'll call this right now. kind of benign on that front may be up in the mountains. they may get some showers, but our impact still not exactly sure. 4 zone forecast here for today. 66 san francisco to the coast at around 60 upper 50's at work there. so not a big change again, we're still working on that fog. 68 going on for burlingame. 71 foster city. 74 for palo alto in redwood city. meanwhile, in the south bay, upper 70's east bay shoreline into the lower 70's tri valley
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popping near 80 81 for walnut creek berkeley. 71. we'll do about a 72 for the 85 for fairfield. and it looks like an 87 for santa rosa. so we build on this not so much tomorrow, but into tuesday. here we go. boom. 95. 99. on monday or wednesday could see potentially 100 plus happened in some spots. there. and we quickly backtracked with some scattered clouds. what i mentioned coming up from the south into next weekend, stephanie? yeah. really starting to feel like summer there, dave. and as we head into the heart of the summer. >> you might considering a cruese for your next vacation? well, travel enthusiast in redmond joins us live now with a look at the benefits of cruising morning taking, you know, the cruise industry has changed so much there. there was a time when cruising had a reputation for, you know, you sat by the pool. you had a fruity drink to but that industry has changed so dramatically in the past few years. and that while that
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thought of doing a whole lot of nothing can certainly be peeling vacations. >> now you can get to destinations that you never really thought you can go that list of destinations. keeps getting longer and longer and longer. and new finland is one of those places. now a quick jog or jogger fever, fresher the islands of newfoundland and labrador make up the most easterly province of canada. so that's where we are now. this part of the world is well suited to cruising. look at those colorful houses. there's enough coastline here to stretch across canada 4 times or just so take that in. and these are the colors. now, this is saint john's. this is the capital city. it's one of those places where, you know, time doesn't necessarily stood still. but it has certainly slow down. this is a fishing village within the city called kiev you can keep is it's a huge that is exactly it. it is cute is a good example of
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slower days. you can still watch the day's catch being clean. wow. you know, when it comes in or >> you can have a seat on the patio of a local brewery and in the view while you're eating the fish and chips. it's just one of those gorgeous spots that, you know, maybe might not have been on your radar 5 and even 10 years ago. but now the opportunity to go is there and you're traveling different now. yes, we are talking about cruising, but cruising options in newfoundland. i'm more limited them. let's say destinations like and the caribbean rise isn't a big ticket. what i would call destination. these are scenarios where you probably not going to see another ship. now in venture, canada is a cruise line and it's a name that's likely new to most folks. they due to newfoundland, circumnavigation itineraries every year. and what's unique about the sailings is that they include stops at destinations that other cruise lines don't go like, for example, this is
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koch population of about 150 people. absolutely smaller, smaller. so stunning coastal opportunities. there's also this wreckage of a well preserved small air pocket, a small airplane that safely crash-landed back in the 1940, so many things to see. but at the end of the day, what was really need about this? the 160 or so passengers stayed in town for dinner. we we went to a fish fry after hiking all day. the community through a fish fry in their town community center center right? and it was one of those affairs where it was form a line and pass the plate. it was relaxed. it was casual. they played music. they sang they were poetry, readings. it provided this beautiful snapshot of what the community that lived there actually is. and those are kind of travel experiences. they're really hard to find these days so we find them. they tend to resonate, getting a taste of how the locals live absolutely getting a taste of how locals
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now the cod fishing was the backbone of the economy in newfoundland, there isn't much moratorium enacted in the early 19. 100's now evidence of the significance of fishing is found everywhere. you know, look at the colorful boats. look at the colorful homes. this is cox's cove. now, this is what you're going to see kind on that coastline. but the landscape is so diverse. about a half an hour walk from the shoreline will this was the waterfall, folks. we're swim in. we're we're swimming. they were smiling ear to ear. obviously the fall colors. this was an early day in october of last year. we had great weather. how did we know about this waterfall? someone on the ship is from cox's cove you might want to walk very casually. you might want to walk to this waterfall. it's the people that know that give you these little tips. and obviously we all take advantage of the guys. kind of headed there. but you get these beautiful and you know
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who was there? awesome. the 600. and so residents may be that live there. so not a crowd. you know, i mean, you kind of feel like you have it to yourself now, the other part for my history lovers out there, newfoundland and labrador, tom, to for world heritage sites. that's a lot times you play a few. that is quite a few now. you don't have to be a history buff to love them. i was impressed. this is the red. they willing heritage site. i spent a lot of my time exploring on a kayak, which is a great way to do it. we had shipwrecks. we have the curious company of harbor seals. there are other spots. obviously this is a lot of meadows. you're going to spend most of your time walking. you've got a scenic stretch of coastline. this is the first and only known site established by vikings in north america. wow. cool. when you think about it again, this goes back to if you're a history buff, you're probably walking around losing your mind if you're not, you're going well. this is just kind of need. and there are some
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reconstructed norse tire north norse style side buildings. but it's really just simply the beauty of the you might meet docents strolling around kind of in period costumes help bring it to liking it. i liking but again and you know, it's kind of making it easy to understand, but you're going to be well by the by the coastline is essentially what this comes down to now. circumnavigation sailings like this typically last about 12 days. so this is really just a small, small taste of what you're going to see. but it's a good example of the unique options that expedition cruising can, you know, provide travelers looking for something that's maybe a little different from the norm. get a taste of a location. 12 days is a is a good taste. you really get to talk to people, especially in a place like new finland, when you're walking somewhere. don't be surprised if someone driving by stops in the car and just havoc love you know, hey, have you gone hiking?
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these are my favorite spots. so yeah, it's you're not going find tour operators are going find people that live there. and that is the beauty it. wonderful. now does one have to be in really great physical shape to participate in something like this? because part of the perks of being a cruise may be for folks like seniors is shouldn't have to move so much. and what i would say to you is anybody can do this now. i mean, if you're going home and you want to do those serious coastal hikes, obviously get into shape before you go. i mean, they you know, know what your own levels are, but that walk to the airplane wreckage straight. easy walk. not a problem whatsoever. and there were people walking on that that we're young. there are people walking on that that that were older. so you're not limited things to do. absolutely. and, you know, truthfully, depending on the time of year you go. if you go in the spring, you'll see more wildlife simply from the ship. so if you're having one of those days, really take it easy, hang out on the ship. watch the puffins go by while that's amazing. lots of opportunities. so you just know who you are, know what
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you want to do. but there are certainly options for every fitness, local level on a sailing like this. fantastic are traveling. is dana redmond, thanks for the insights. >> always fun to travel. all right. we'll be right back. it's time to get away and cash in at cache creek casino resort. to rock and to roll. to go all out or go all in with four stars and rising stars. northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place to do as much... or as little as you want. make your getaway now and cache in at cache creek casino resort.
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>> google announces a new smart watch for kids. it's called the fitbit ace lte. >> the watch is designed for kids ages 7 and up. encourages them to stay active through interactive games on that launch. and this technology features real-time location tracking calling messaging. it also contains you don't need a companion smartphone for this.
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the device is water resistant has a 16 hour battery life sells for around 230 bucks starting june 5th. yes, all services 10 bucks a month. early buyers get a year of service for half the prize money. what do you think, dave? you want hope. human thing for a look at tommy. got she? it's going. >> you know why animators behind that bush? i think anyway, 95 tuesday, we're going to top the century mark or so by wednesday. latter portion of the week. that is actually not coming from the northwest that's bubbling up from the south. and we got to watch the late summer months because sometimes that can be some thunder showers. >> potentially with all of that was called some scattered clouds for us. so watch the middle of the screen. that's what it's going to get hot and toasty. but in the meantime, onshore winds continue. alright, very good. thanks so much, dave. appreciate that. and in the 90 it is summer. yeah. officially >> yeah. all right. well, thanks so much to all of you for joining us here on the kron 4 weekend morning news.
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i'm stephanie lin states far from all of us here on. thanks so much for joining us and take good care of yourselves take good care of yourselves this weekend. when migraine strikes, do you question the tradeoffs of treating? ubrelvy is another option. it works fast to eliminate migraine pain. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness. ask about ubrelvy. ( ♪ ♪ ) ♪ (just one kiss) ♪ ( ♪ ♪ ) with reynolds wrap, cooking becomes so easy you can feel like the chef of your kitchen. easy prep. easy cook. easy clean. reynolds wrap.
9:59 am
10:00 am
> anncr: the following is a paid program from joel osteen ministries.


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