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tv   KRO Non News  KRON  July 15, 2024 11:30pm-1:30am PDT

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>>on monday, former president trump name ohio senator jd vance his running mate to provide more perspective on this kron. 4 shots.
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>>you're watching kron-on live on air and online. welcome back. i'm stephanie rothman. >>former president donald trump arriving at the republican national convention's opening night wearing a bandage over his rght ear. a stark reminder of the assassination attempt over the weekend. i like it cheered when he entered the booth on stage. he appeared a bit emotional. >>taking it all in as speaker zatko their support for the former president. the convention comes just 2 days after he was grazed by a bullet in an assassination attempt at a political rally in pennsylvania tonight. trump standing next to his pick for vice president ohio. senator jd vance. was among a short list of potential vp picks that included florida senator marco rubio and north dakota governor doug burgum. it's
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currently in his first term asked senator voted back in 2022. in 2016 presidential election race. vance was also a vocal opponent of trump, but he later changed his position arguing he was proved wrong by trump's performance in office. and the democratic national committee reacting to trump's announcement of jd vance as his running mate releasing a statement that says in part, quote, and jd vance and bodies maga when out of touch extreme agenda and plans to help trump forces project 2025 agenda on the american people. let's be trump fans ticket will undermine our democracy, our freedoms and our future end quote. the convention comes as the fbi is now leading the investigation to how gunman could have gone and closer to try to assassinate former president trump. the secretary of homeland security, alejandro mayorkas says they are beefing up security protocols across the board. our washington correspondent jessi turn or reports.
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>>our entire administration, he's grateful that former president trump. >>it's okay. 2 days after an assassination attempt on former president donald trump, federal law enforcement officials are ramping up security measures for trump and president joe biden maintaining the safety and security of the president, the former president and their campaign events. he's one of our most vital priorities. homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas says president biden and former president trump are the subject of constant threat. we are in a heightened in very dynamic threat environment. majorca says he is also working to select the person who will lead an independent review into trump's attempted assassination. president biden requested it and the findings will be made public so that the american people have confidence. my orcas would not answer questions about the security at saturday's shooting in pennsylvania. but some local officials are releasing more details. rifle was pointed at the officer,
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tom knights, the manager for butler township, says one of his officers was lifted to the roof for the shooter. was. >>the shooter pointed his rifle at him than the officer lost his grip and fell did sustain ankle injury. officials say moments later the gunman started shooting. i think all law enforcement on site did everything that they could. butler county sheriff michael sloop urges the public to hold off on jumping to conclusions. i hope they're not made a scapegoat because that they did their job to the best of their abilities. the fbi is leading the criminal investigation. >>in washington, i'm jessi tenure. >>well, following saturday's political violence kron 4 sarah stinson spoke with some local pro trump supporters today saying they're still reeling from what happened. >>people driving home from work on 5.80, in pleasanton, honked in support of a trump rally monday afternoon. this just 2 days after an attempted assassination was made on former president donald trump. trump supporters described
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watching the terrifying moment on tv. i was paralyzed. >>and shocked somebody would do something like that to anybody. let alone a former presidents that we're watching it live and my wife broke down in tears. and when we didn't know it was happening, it was just it was gut-wrenching. supporters say they were relieved to see trump was ok after being grazed by a bullet. >>he was seen at the republican national convention monday night with a bandage over his right ear, our president show at much strength and resilience and he stepped in. >>yeah, showed this is 7 hours ahead of his appearance at the rnc. trump announced his running mate as u.s. senator jd vance of ohio. the 39 year-old is now in his first year in the senate. >>as previously worked as a venture capitalist in silicon valley, trump supporters say they're very happy with a younger nomination. he's a good man. he's smart educated.
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he's got youth on his side. also. >>we need to get dinosaur is out there. i feel like taking dance is young invigorating. he was definitely attract the millennials and younger gen i knew whoever picks. it would be the right person for our country. >>to unite our country. nice out there. >>for more on the weather here is com for chief meteorologist lawrence karnow. lauren. >>see more of that fog a little bit later on tonight for that. nice cool seabreeze help bring down the temperatures around the bay area today. what a nice place to be as we had a change n the pattern outside colgate can fill up some fog as we head through the night by tomorrow morning. but look at the numbers. they backed off again. remember last week we're looking temperatures a 10409 degrees. some places inland, even up to 110. plus. well, now we're a good 20 to 30 degrees cooler than that time. so i'm much more comfortable around the bay area's. those numbers are really backing off. so that is some good news for the bay area tomorrow. i think we'll
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see that again. we're going to see another nice day ahead. plan on fog in the morning. some sunshine in the afternoon. and the san francisco in that cool breeze will blow about 66 degrees downtown. if you're headed oakland about 74 degrees after some patchy fog becoming mostly sunny, pretty comfortable. 74. and in san jose, a 79 degrees, mostly sunny skies should be just a pleasant day there. in fact, the next couple days here to see some nice weather head. although we start to warm up a little bit, much warmer weather in the forecast.
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it's time to get away and cash in at cache creek casino resort. to rock and to roll. to go all out or go all in with four stars and rising stars. northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place to do as much... or as little as you want. make your getaway now and cache in at cache creek casino resort. magic cauldron it's time to brew... a happiest halloween with so much to do. just a pinch of pumpkin... a dash of bat... a sprinkle of joy from my witch's hat. potions keep stirring... mix halloween flare. now, add some friendly spirits... that haunt the air. put magic and treats at every corner to be seen... come alive my cauldron... brew the happiest halloween.
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on monday, former president trump name ohio senator jd vance his running mate to
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provide more perspective on this kron four's justine waldman spoke kron four's political analyst michael so what does this choice of ohio senator jd vance, a about the gop ticket? >>it's a safe choice and someone who basically starting in 2022. a converted to trump ideology. he's one of america's most arden's and eloquent speakers energize that base. he's young. he be seen as the next generation donald ideology legacy. so i mean, and he's from ohio, which is a state that usually it safely and the democrat in the republican column. but since of the dobbs decision, there's been some doubt about that. this i think it's a decision made make sure they keep that firmly in republican camp because they absolutely must win ohio in order to win the electoral college. >>so he's 39 years old. doesn't have a lot of
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political experience. he sort of a newcomer here to politics, as you mentioned, had been critical of president trump in the past. what is his depths of work have to say about the gop ticket as well. >>it's really not as much about experiences about you that bp candidate on the campaign trail is really start of the attack dog. the person who goes after the other the other side, the other candidates, someone who can energize crowds and basically not do any damage, too, to the top of the ticket. i think that's why they chose vance. he doesn't have as of recent history as saying the any word in terms of attacking donald trump. basically everyone who is and doors down one point or another has attacked them previously. you know, this is just something that's going to be. it's interesting choice and it's a safe choice and certainly from an ideological point of view, it's a it is white ensure that his base continues and has a reason. i think coming up.
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>>we're showing right now, michael, some live pictures from the republican national convention. there is jd vance standing right there. he was just picked by donald trump to be the vice president vice presidential nominee. he's standing there with his wife there, lucia. she would then become the second lady of the united states everything. a goes according to their plan there. she has sort of stayed out of the spotlight in years they do have some children together can get more to their love story at a later time. but he's there at the convention set to give a speech at some point today. how does to set the tone? >>well, he's basing going to give as rip-roaring stump speech as much as they can. that will set the tone for the republicans. what's going to be interesting is it do they use him to do the attacks and joe biden because i think part of the part of which are also hearing today is a trump is going move to a unity speech. you kind of hear nikki haley
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echoing that as that she has an invite to speak at the convention. the question is going to be how much is going to be unity? how much of that is it going to be red dog attack on joe biden and kamala harris. all waiting to see what he does. i would serve a mission that one of things that keep we mention, his wife, lucia, one of the things that he credits to his conversion. the trump is the fact that his his wife clerked for brett kavanaugh his 2 credits the credit to credit capital elevations, supreme court as part of his journey to the conversion to trump >>finally hear what will a vice-president vance do vice president pence could not or did not do? >>well, you and you certainly jd vance has been one of the most outspoken. i sure that they put it up on its of the electoral college theory that you have alternate slates of
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electors, which, of course, is what the the trump administration campaign is accused of attempting to do in violation of the electoral college so these said every stage of alternae electors, you let let congress make up its mind. so. >>you know, he's very much someone who is before 2020 has expressed concern about the insurrection now is basically mimicking the we want a free and fair election. and only as except a free and fair election, if it's 2 if it occurs by their definition of free and fair door says that the alternate slate of electoral college votes. just want to say from personal note, you know, this goes to show that just because you went law school doesn't mean that you're going to be raging liberal like me. there's a lot of there's a lot diversity here every point. but this is where this is something that i think that. this in the trump
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trump is really trying to get young people and that could be that because it is something that you can you can see it is also another part of that with us like events. 39 years old. he would be the 3rd youngest vice president in history of trump were to be re-elected so there's that there's that movement as well. >>our news as the
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republican national convention plays out this week. people are left wondering about the effect of saturday's attempted assassination of donald trump
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kron four's catherine heenan. talk to someone in the thick of things. this including a californian who serving as the convention, sergeant of arms. >>he's basically change his attitude about being president. i like i like that a lot. >>take a look what so will the drama of saturday's assassination attempt temper donald trump's approach to the campaign. shawn still says probably so. and while the choice of jd vance's running mate will be deceptive for all kinds of reasons, steele says the fact trump chose somebody who was once one of his most ferocious critics is significant. >>you know, compass rose to be the guy bench goal a full mean spirited to get even that kind of stuff. and the fact that it's taken of somebody that was. station 180 degrees, a post in 8 years ago. trump adjusted trump changing. still was also sergeant of arms for the republican convention in cleveland in 2016. he thinks
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the trump message has changed. >>you know, he hasn't been dollar casa he attempted assassination after debate. he didn't run triples in and make a lot of noise about it. so yeah, i still can t be tough. i can say tough things but it's much different than than 8 years ago when frankly, you kind of dreaded looking at twitter oh, my god, what you're going to say now, as think, you know, by bringing a nikki haley tonight speaking, are you kidding? that wasn't even on the agenda tonight to go. >>we talked to still just a short time after jd vance was announced as trump's running mate and steele as one of the republicans in the room who approves. come from a very poor broken background and i got a victim. >>became a success. very independent. i know it's about high tech also get along and closely with the working class. so it's kind of a new republican new, a new generation only lawmakers are
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echoing president biden's calls for unity following the attempted assassination of former president donald trump saturday. >>washington correspondent vinay simlot has reaction from both sides of the aisle. >>some americans saw the unthinkable. the former president and republican nominee for president shot in his upper tier one. a speech tonight about the need for us to lower the temperature in our politics in an oval office address on sunday evening, president joe biden called for unity and condemned to political violence. looks on. the correct in this country has got very heated. time to cool down. it's a message echoed by members of congress. i think it's on republicans, all democrats to come together to lower the temperature to measure the rhetoric. north carolina republican senator thom tillis says both political parties are responsible for the heightened rhetoric and its own eyes to police our own party in the
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middle of a bitterly contested presidential race. president biden and former president trump spoke on saturday night. one lawmaker says that's an example for americans. if they can do it, everybody can do it. investigators don't know whether the shooter was politically motivated. all respect each other. still elected leaders have used the violence on saturday to urge americans to be kind to each other. >>regardless of political views in washington and a some lot. in the south bay. police
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have identified person of interest in the death of a three-year-old fremont girl. a
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search for 3 year-old ellie lorenzo began on friday and came to a tragic end on saturday when they found her at a san jose recycling facility. san jose police brief reporters on monday afternoon. and that's where we find kron four's. dan kerman with the details. >>the search for 3 year-old ellie lorenzo is over. san jose. police say the coroner's office has confirmed the child found in the processing area of the san jose recycling facility about 4.30, saturday morning is absolutely tragic loss that iran does. it doesn't matter what we find out. whatever answers that we get, there's going to be no way to make sense of tragic loss like this or make sense of a child that the general freemont police launched a search for the girl on friday. >>after her mother reported her missing, the child had been visiting her father is freeman home on thursday. but at some point the mother learned the father had been found dead in san francisco. the father was a down deceased
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of apparent suicide in city of 7 san francisco. at this point, police will not say whether the father's suicide is tied to the child's death. we believe we we have an idea of what may have occurred. however, until we can have conclusive evidence we'd be in the wrong. it wouldn't be right for allie would be right for at least family for us to try to make that determination into. we have conclusive evidence to say so when asked if eli's father has a criminal past, police would only say they do not have a lot of history with this individual. police won't say whether the dead father is the person of interest. they've identified at this point. investigators are still trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together. and when they do, they will let the family know. they say it won't bring back kelly. >>but it will give the family some answers at police headquarters in san jose. dan kerman kron. 4 news. >>the vacaville community is continuing to come together to support the fallen officer's wife and 2 sons. mason morrow shows us how they're rallying around the officer's family.
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>>tears in my eyes multiple times over the few days. a lot of people really affected by and it's really sad. vacaville community grieving alongside the bowen family 4 days after the 32 year-old motorcycle officer matthew bowen, was reportedly killed by a dui driver. my employees. the first thing they said is what can we do? well, 24 year-old serena rodriguez was in a solano county superior courtroom for the first time conrad and the burger city teen grilled burgers for first responders. and then he vacaville yun ordering dine-in or takeout to support the police officer's family. it was a tragic we're just heartbroken. whatever we can do to just be a vessel for everyone to use us to get just a tragic loss and we feel for them and we support military vet and rapid in retired officer joe balance way. let know what it's like to lose a partner. my career. we lost a number officers. it's why they're vacaville police foundation raise $10,000. the
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pair presenting the bowen family. a five-figure check on monday. making sure that here for the police department will support and help them support family. and this is a very tragic time for them. a time of overwhelming despair met with uplifting camaraderie. >>burger city, not the only business in town opening its heart in its wallet for the bones, everyone's very supportive. and it's it's great to be a part of it, help in whatever way we can. but that's kind of like i we see vacaville is distraught.
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>>kron 4 is your local election headquarters. a busy day for the republicans as the
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republican national convention kicked off monday in wisconsin with the vp pick and the aftermath of saturday's assassination attempt on donald trump. prominent democrats are still trying to figure out whether they should replace president joe biden as their nominee. for more on this kron 4 stephanie lin spoke with 2020 presidential candidate and founder of the fort party. andrew yang. >>all right. so to start off here, let's talk a bit about the vice-presidential nominee, jd vance, a really interesting candidate. you know, he's kind about his rags to riches story. he was a former critic of president trump. them not much political experience either. so walk us through the republicans strategy here with getting him on the ticket. >>jd vance is a very effective messenger for michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin particular hailing from ohio. he grew up in the midwest and understands that part of the country, but some very confident pick on the part of donald trump. i do wish that jd vance had and piled onto the in the wake of the trump
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assassination attempt. he said, hey, this is the biden administration's i prefer that he would trying reduce the temperature. but i think that's one reason trump likes him honestly is that he'll be a very effective attack dog and surrogate. >>okay. and walk us through the contrast between him on the ticket versus say. and mike pence who was obviously the vice president jd vance again is has a personality of his own. and so it's not this kind be in the background. no one notice you sort of figure. >>some of the other contenders were doug burgum moose. i'm a very experienced business person. marco rubio has own profile. so this is more of >>messenger of the beasts kind of and i think it. indicates a i know that jd vance's particularly friendly with some of trump's in particular see him being on the ticket. >>undecideds in the favor of
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trump at plus, one confident pick his that i don't think it does and i think trump felt like he was going to win this race. >>and he didn't need someone who's going to drag and moderates or maybe soften his profile with women. i think he thought i'm gonna win this thing. so it's going to pick want we can. all right. let's move on to the other big headline related to former president trump, which is the assassination attempt. of course, these are the shots heard around the world at this point. the images seen around the world to >>seeing the former president up on that stage and then holding, you know, his hand to face and the blood coming down. the secret service scrambling up political violence and threats seem to be on the rise, especially when directed towards lawmakers and people with externally facing a >>do you think this is the new normal year? >>unfortunately, i think it's been building for a long time threats against members of congress have gone up 5 to 10 fold. for example, a lot of them have been saying, look, we need protection. we need security. it's not like a member of congress has secret
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service in that way. so i think this is the new normal. incredibly unfortunate, stephanie. it's one reason i started the forward party is because i i thought we needed way to cool down the political temperature and make it so wasn't always blue versus red is not left or right. but and i feel like we got here now a little bit too late. honestly, ok? well, we're on the subject of the 4 party. how are things going with that? >>we're growing all the time in part because people are frustrated. people are fed up. people in california are. >>fed up. and if you go to ford party dot com, you too, can check it out join the movement of in independence and democrats and republicans were saying, look, we deserve better. we deserve leaders will listen us. all right. >>going back to the topic of the assassination attempt want get your perspective on this. the fbi were federal agents, those investigating this. they say that they found an ar 15 style weapon near the body of the alleged shooter. do you think that that discovery is going to change how the former president thinks about gun
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violence in stands with the nra. >>i doubt it you know, i don't think you're seeing any of that kind of introspection on the part of or his team. instead, the blame is as usual being cast across the aisle. i'm saying that the biden administration failed the former president in terms of secret service detail and make sure that is adequately protected. i wish that we were having a gun control discussion right now, but i fear we're not going to okay. >>i'm moving to the topic of the you've been quite vocal about the fact that you're not in favor of another biden presidency. you did stump for dean phillips until he at least decided to drop out of back in march still something that you feel strongly about. not seeing biden on the ticket. >>i'm in favor of a candidacy. if he was going to but as a math guy, he's not going to win and has not been on track to win for quite some time. and that was before this assassination attempt. i think at this point, if you're the democrats, you have to be trying to figure out how you
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can hold the because you're probably lose the senate and the margin of victory. if you're an joe biden as your nominee, in my opinion, is going to be a so at this point you should be trying to run someone who is younger and more dynamic to try and make it competitive in november. i do not think that joe biden is going to be competitive. and if you want to help out with that, go to pass that torch. biden dot com because there are a lot of folks who are concerned about having joe biden as the nominee. >>okay. well, you know, president biden has said that he thinks his vice president, kamala harris, is qualified to be president. what do you think? >>i was she did run for president. but in my opinion, the democratic party should have a mini primary. joe biden should step down and then there should be many primary where the top, let's say 6 candidates actually debate and as the american people would tune in, kamala would be there among that field. and that would be the way that whoever emerged from it would actually have the confidence and excitement of the american people instead of just sending joe out there to lose or saying we're going to win this
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person. let's have a real process and a real debate. >>are you going to run for president again on my stock response that stephanie is apparently i've got 40 more years, which is the unfortunate how you that's last in the studio. but i mean, it's an unfortunate where we are as a country. i'm the son of immigrants. i want good things for americans. i do not think that we're on track to deliver good things. >>unfortunately, i'm just going kind of help. >>all right. as we start to wrap things up here, want to get your take on local politics in san francisco. we have a big mayoral race. that's coming up. we understand that you're in town also for some local campaign events. >>is there a particular candidate in the race right now? that's really interesting, too. that can really change things for the city. >>i would say that if you are a city that's undergone the challenges that francisco has, you should not be voting for the incumbent. let me say that. i think the incumbent should be too ashamed to run. >>haha, she could prevail again is a sign of just how insular and dysfunctional our politics. our san franciscans deserve better leadership than you've been getting. so.
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>>lets see that that happens. in november. what do you think is the biggest challenge facing the next mayor of san francisco? >>know it. public safety crime, education, making sure that people >>are excited to live here. work here to go to, to bring their kids to school here. and i love this my parents met at berkeley, which is obviously right nearby. and it has seen better and again, you all deserve better leadership. you're getting right now. >>all right, andrew yang, thank you so much for your time. thanks. great to be here. >>some bay area residents were in the street showing their support for president donald trump after the assassination attempt. kron 4 shock moment reports from walnut creek. >>there's a lot of conflict about it because some people don't like hearing other people's opinions. o well. >>for it, lisa does broke with patriots. a contra costa putting some pro-donald trump banners on this overpass on highway. 24, it's more that
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supporting the candidate. yesterday's. >>assassination effort on president trump, the leading republican candidate. it's just shocking and we feel that we need to. >>encourage other americans to remember that we're founded on a great constitution. part about is remembering her right to freedom of speech cars hawking by and >>and we don't have to agree with you, but we have we defend your right to express your views. and palo alto right across the street from stanford university. it's much of the same this vendor selling hats and shirts with mister trump's mug shot. in addition to some flags that's crazy scalia was raised in japan and is an international college student here after japan's former prime minister was assassinated 2 years ago. she's interested in how america will respond to this. i just wanted to learn more.
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>>to see what are we getting into? because i still have some years here analyze coming from too.
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convicted killer scott peterson back in front of a judge monday. the focus a piece of dna evidence says been cleared for retesting. the question is now who will pay for it? and where will it be tested? kron four's will tran has the details. >>the judge has not officially decided on who will test the 15 and a half inch piece of duct tape that was found on laci peterson's pants when her body was pulled from the berkeley marina before today.
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each side wanted their team to do the testing, but it appears prosecutors are in green to go with the defense team's recommendation to go with their company right now. the judge is asking the testers from that particular company how they will do the testing. this is important because we're talking evidence that was recovered approximately 20 to 22 years ago. so there's little dna left and they want to make sure how they tested will preserve moving forward. so right now, no official word from the judge, but it appears that the defense team will ultimately go with their recommendation. why is this so important? because scott peterson is looking for a new trial and he's hoping that duct tape proves, but he was not the killer. that piece of duct tape was the only dna evidence that the judge allowed few months ago. his defense team wanted more
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pieces of evidence. but the judge said only that piece of duct tape, depending on what happens. it could mean that scott peterson does not get a new trial. and this, according to many people, believes that they believe this is his best. and last chance to get a new trial. but if it shows that someone else's dna was on that duct tape, perhaps he will then get a new trial. so by no means, that mean he's a free man? even if it comes back, not him, but it is one step forward. i can tell you he is in the courtroom, not physically, but he is a virtually there right now. the judge is still listening to both sides. so it looks like it's going to happen for the defense team. a local rapper wa
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killed in a shooting in oakland saturday during the grand opening of a beauty store where she was holding a meeting. greed. another person was hurt and police are still trying to find the shooter. kron 4 sarah stinson reports. >>family and friends gathered outside glamour, beauty supply and oakland sunday. many in tears as they paid tribute to local female rapper and entrepreneur tend to god they confirmed to kron 4. she was shot and killed at a grand opening event for the beauty store saturday. 10 posted on instagram just before the shooting i got a grammy no play she also promoted the event a week before saying she would be at glamour beauty for a meet and greet. >>shots rang out at the strip mall on 40th street and telegraph avenue around 05:00pm. people ran into this
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donut shop to take cover. i heard some shooting i was part of like the music man who works there, who does not want to be identified, described the chaotic scene i just saw like today she would start running into my store and like, you know, they're shooting. they're shooting. >>and people start pulling out the parking lot and people were just running around. so and that's another step outside. the cops are pretty much already here. oakland police say when they arrived, paramedics found one gunshot victim who died at the hospital. another gunshot victim arrived at a nearby hospital sometime later. >>police say that person is expected to be okay. they're still working to identify the shooter. no arrests have been made. a man who works at a korean restaurant nearby witnessed the shooting. just guy before came by and started shooting. >>and that was that he does. was a runaway the came. >>bay area rapper and philanthropist mistah fab posted about the shooting saying he was booked to be at
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the same event. but quote, god had different plans. he also posted saying he would always remember tanned as a hustling go getter with the world of envision drive and courage. i'm sarah stinson reporting in oakland kron. 4 news. >>san francisco business owner is speaking the kron 4 after his store was severely damaged when a car crashed into it. the owner says cars were spotted doing donuts in the intersection around the time this happened. kron 4 stephanie justice spoke with the owner of market street cycles and has that story. >>there's the crime the craziness is at an all time high here. and it's. very discouraging and i i i might done. this might be it for me. john mcdonnell, the owner of marcus recycles, is now dealing with thousands of dollars in damage after a car crashed into a store at 3 o'clock monday morning. >>a security guard across the
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street says that he saw a car performing illegal activities at the time of the crash. the guy was doing donuts out in front. and smashed thing into the building, destroyed a lot of the brick facade >>heavily damaged both my security gate. tire tracks in circles through intersection as apd telling kron 4 that around 03:00am san francisco officers from the southern station responded to market and franklin streets about a car that crashed into a building. >>when paramedics arrived, they treated the driver for minor injuries. mcdonnell's says that this may be the last straw. just one thing after the this location was. he sent one 13 years ago when i opened it up. and there was a lot of construction, progress and business was supposedly going in on all sides and housing.
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and then, you know, the city was also saying they were going to redevelopment market and put a bunch of money into and then covid happened, which is i guess most of what went wrong there. and the went south. mcdonald is now focused on rebuilding is a historic building. he says the damage is going to cost around 15 to $20,000 to fix 3rd generation. san francisco to i love this town. >>so it is very, very sad for me to see what's happened to it reporting tiffany justice kron, 4 news. several nonprofit
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serving on house individuals in santa clara county are scrambling to keep some of their services. this after learning they will lose critical funding kron four's lezla gooden explains what happened. >>shawn cartwright, the co-founder of the un house response group that serves and provides to those in need says that its entire few budget has been cut shocked to find out the last week of june. >>we worked that there was no more funding for this vital food program that 3 benefit from for over 150 meals and that 3 other groups also benefit from cartwright's fully volunteer lead group works with lows in fish is another nonprofit where they receive ready to go hot meals to pass out to unhoused people. she says they expected the partnership to continue through august. initially levels officials try to blame the county. >>and then we found out that it wasn't the county that was and fishes had actually spent
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all the money that was supposed to go all the way through august and they have spent it back april so that they don't all this time and not told we reached out to loaves and fishes and received this statement loaves and fishes. family kitchen is proud of the meals we provided as part of the direct food assistance grant program due to funding reductions. it's unfortunate that this contract has come to an end. we remain dedicated to feeding our community, the direct food system grant coming from the american rescue plan. act. >>was set to conclude at the end of august. the county says the funds are managed directly by the nonprofit's. grant funds are spent for a are refunded for specific activities as out outlined in the agreement. >>and so each organization and spent a grant funds down a different cadence, depending on demand for the services. the county says there are other agencies that are working to reach out to those unhoused and in need of services. but house response
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group isn't sure what they're going to do these next coming weeks out to find this out. >>right before the end of the legislative session is really >>detrimental because first solid month, there's no government in all santa clara county. everyone is vacation and so to intentionally withhold that information tell government is on vacation for a month is really devastating. lezla gooden kron. 4 news. >>amazon kicks off another prime day. richard tomorrow has your shopping tips in rich on tech. >>it's amazon's 10th prime day running july 16th and 17th as usual. amazon promising millions of deals across various categories. amazon has essentially created their own shopping season. trae bodge is a shopping expert who post tips at true trade dot com because there's so much activity certainly don't want to be kind of telling lily
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all offer annual memberships. you shouldn't have more than one of those detailed memberships. you know, kick the one that serves the past and stick with that and shop that taylor rake early to get the best bang for your buck matter. that annual membership that's rich on tech. >>i'm rich demuro. >>our news
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>>now from kron 4, the area's local news station. >>welcome back. you're watching kron-on live on air and online on stephanie rothman. former president
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donald trump arriving at the republican national convention opening night wearing a bandage over his right ear. a stark reminder of the assassination attempt over the weekend. delegates cheered when he entered the booth on stage. he appeared a bit emotional, taking it all in as speakers echo their support for the former president. the convention comes just 2 days after he was grazed by a bullet in an assassination attempt at a political rally in pennsylvania tonight. trump standing next to his pick for vice president ohio. senator jd vance fans was among a short list of potential vp picks that included florida senator marco rubio and north dakota governor doug burgum is currently in his first term as senator voted in 2022. back in the 2016 presidential election race fans was also a vocal opponent of trump. but later
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he changed his tune, arguing he was proved wrong by trump's performance in office. and following saturday's political violence. kron 4 sarah stinson spoke with some local pro trump supporters who say they're still really from what happened and showing their support. >>people driving home from work on 5.80, in pleasanton, honked in support of a trump rally monday afternoon. this just 2 days after an attempted assassination was made on former president donald trump. trump supporters described watching the terrifying moment on tv. i was paralyzed. >>and shocked somebody would do something like that to anybody. let alone a former presidents that we're watching it live and my wife broke down in tears. and when we didn't know it was happening, it was just it was gut-wrenching. supporters say they were relieved to see trump was ok after being grazed by a bullet. >>he was seen at the republican national convention monday night with a bandage
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over his right ear. our president show at much strength and resilience when and he stepped in. >>yeah, showed us. this is 7 hours ahead of his appearance at the rnc. trump announced his running mate as u.s. senator jd vance of ohio. the 39 year-old is now in his first year in the senate. >>as previously worked as a venture capitalist in silicon valley, trump supporters say they're very happy with a younger nomination. he's a good man. he's smart educated. he's got youth on his side. also. >>we need to get dinosaur is out there. i feel like taking dance is invigorating. he was definitely attract the millennials and younger gen i knew whoever picks. would be the right person for our country. >>to unite our country. that was kron 4 sarah stinson reporting the youngest victim and the sole survivor of last week's shooting in alameda has died. alameda city officials posted that one year-old died after getting shot at his home
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last wednesday. he was one of 5 family members shots. the others were the baby, 6 year-old sibling, mother and grandparents. the suspect, the child's father for 55 year-old 54 year-old excuse me, shane parish killing in made his first court appearance on friday. he was charged with 4 counts of murder and one count of attempted murder at the time. we, of course, now expect that to be changing. and a car smashes its way into oakland animal shelter. surveillance video shows a suspect walking in and taking off with a van. it happened this morning at the east bay spca center near the colosseum van is used to bring animals from other shelters, needing support. there you can see on. it's on your screen. that car slamming through the gate. that's pca says this is a real setback for them and they're hoping to find the person responsible. >>very upstanding. not only do lose the van that they completely destroyed our service to our gate, which
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very expensive replace. fortunately, there were no animals, nothing of value. the building was not touched. so all of most importantly, all of the animals are just fine. >>that's for sure. as pca says, they'll work to raise money to fix the gate. but if you happen see the van, you're asked to call police to find it. a bar and grill in campbell is out at least $30,000 after a burglary thieves made out with signed jerseys from joe montana. jerry rice as well thousands of dollars in cash kron. 4 shock moment reports. >>will the owners here at kirk's steakburgers and barred tell us it took them years to build up their collection of sports memorabilia and it could take weeks to actually find out how much they lost. walking through the campbell location of kirk's on south bascom and you notice some empty walls. this popular sports bar was broken into on friday just before 5 in the morning. we notice friday morning when we open the
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doors, we notice someone had been in here. the owner of the restaurant shared with us this video where you can see several thieves breaking into the front door with a crowbar and then clearing out the walls. some items are hundreds of dollars. others are priceless. >>well, i mean, we had the montana we had. i mean, all the all the burial legends. you know, what hurt the most was my to see that, you know, championship signed know what value add to these guys that broken here. but i thought that hurt the most of the owners are working with san jose police on the investigation. they were told the suspects are likely part of a string of burglaries that have happened in the neighborhood recently at the state burger tries to get and off. things were back to business on monday. something all they got stolen. it's pretty sad. patrons paying respects and some visiting for the first time is 12 weeks pregnant hasn't told anybody yet. so yes, get to tell a lot of people now. >>the regulations. yes. so she went she has been here before, but it's been quite a while. and she just really wanted
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that after also. until they get closer to catching the suspects, some of the stuff you can put value on people working here are determined that justice will be we're going to catch him. but simon, how he's going to happen. these guys have been doing >>this and a lot of the places. and it's like i said, it's a small community. and campbell, jack moment kron, 4 news. >>power continues to be out at the solano state prison marking more than 24 hours with without electricity. the president first one dark around 3 o'clock sunday morning pg and e have been trying to fix it since the california department of corrections and rehabilitation say the health and safety of all individuals both living in the prison and working. there are their top priority. they say a generator is currently powering most of the prison vacaville city officials, including the mayor are aware of the outage and say getting power back on is their top priority right now. the prison houses more than 3,000 prisoners. and for the first
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time in 9 months, drought conditions are back in parts of california. you can see some parts there in the state are marked in yellow meeting. they're abnormally dry. officials say the recent record-breaking heat waves and very little rainfall have contributed to these current drought conditions.
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>>and more news relating to former president donald trump. a judge has dismissed the federal classified documents case against the former president. for more on this kron four's grant lotus and vicki liviakis spoke with rory little professor of law at uc lot sf.
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>>a special counsel's are a way of the world robert mueller. most recently probably except did it surprise you that this judge kind of became the outlier in terms disallowing the special counsel. >>yeah. i mean, the way to put it is not surprised because this is a quirky judge, a very new trump appointed judge seems to be very political and his seem to make it clear from the beginning that she's never going to let that case go to trial. that classified documents case. it's not really surprising. shocking is a different word you know, we've had special prosecutors, not just a, you know, bob mueller in the last decade, but you go back to 1970, for a special prosecutor which investigated richard nixon and led to being resigned and accepting a pardon in the back to the teapot dome scandal in the 1920's, which nobody remembers nobody's even alive, really to remember. and very
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few. to to rule that today, attorney general has no power to appoint a special prosecutor is is quite stunning. and the other point is that if tomorrow the attorney general said, ok, fine, i'll just put a confirmed u.s. attorney into the position of the special prosecutor. the case could continue so dismissing the case is even sort of more shocking then just saying that the appointment is illegal. so interesting that it should come really on the heels of the weekend's assassination attempt. >>against the former president. do you wonder then is this the end of it? is there no accountability? >>well, i don't think it's the end of it. but point we've been hit with a sort of one to 3 news punch over the last 3 i'm not convinced it's coincidence that she issued this opinion on the first day of the republican national convention. there will be an
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appeal. this will be appealed to the 11th circuit. the 11th circuit has already reversed her once in this case. but in some sense, it doesn't matter because when she gets it back, she's got 5 other motions pending where she could take a swing and getting rid of the case. if trump is re-elected, he will simply drop the or the attorney general drop the case. so right now we're in a sort of a a difficult news trough of a very probe. trump news on lots of fronts. >>trump has yet to be and then, you his other legal matters seem to have, as you alluded to been pushed back where do you see? he's political future in legal future over the next i don't know for 5 months. >>political future. i mean, we know he's the nominee of the major party. one of the major so they'll be election in
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november. he he made when he may not win, but he seems to have established somewhat of a legacy at this point. the criminal cases will probably continue the new york case is the only thing that was left your case is sentencing. that sentencing is going to occur. i'm pretty sure in the next few but whether that will lead to anything. i mean, that's not frankly, a major case. so i think right now he you know, as though he has managed to slip thing is on a number of cases and we're going to have to see the election to see real where we end up. >>judge cannon has been accused of slow walking this case from the get go. how about her ability to oversee it? and and and then the other question, really, which is a little bit deeper, not know that it's illegal one, but, you know, has the public because he's been so drawn out, lost its appetite for ever finding out forever resolve this?
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>>well, you hope not. i mean, it's actually a very serious problem when a president leaves office. there's a new president. >>in place there's a statute that governs how all the records have to be handled. and the former president decides to take, you know, 25 boxes down miami and hide them. and there seems to be a fair amount of evidence that he attempted to obstruct the investigation to wear those documents where and what they were and who had them. and it's a shame that public does lose its interesting things like that. donald was somewhat responsible for this invasion of the capital 4 years that 3 and a half ago that we have another january the beginning of next year. certainly hope the public hasn't lost its appetite for us. having consequences to actions like that. but we're not right now. we're not in a good period really have a lot of faith in the legal system because system doesn't seem to be able
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to process all the maneuvers that donald trump and his lawyers have managed to put together. >>well, let us hope that if there is a transfer of power in january is more peaceful than what we saw last time, we're a little have to leave it there. thank you for your time tonight. us soccer watch p
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turns into chaos during sunday's copa america championship. multiple people were injured and at least one person was stabbed in los angeles. gene kang reports from the scene.
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>>this witness describing a blood seen as >>nick, after what was supposed to be a celebration among colombian soccer fans turned into a violent brawl >>was >>a lot of island, more than 200 people, including family and friends, gathered under white tents next to the sub work alum be on a restaurant in pico union on sunday to cheer on columbia in the copa america tournament. but minutes before the game ended, police say multiple fights broke out. medics rushed one stabbing victim and 2 others to the hospital as crowds waving. colombian flags grew. officers in riot gear could be seen moving to help stop people from fighting and throwing glass bottles. broken glass still littering the street on monday. i pretty shocked me it its stance. disappointing soccer fans like giuliani. julia, we're hoping to east sunday night's loss by eating some colombian food. she was greeted with closed gates but says she's not
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surprised by the fight given the games, multiple delays people even more cautious and >>you know, we were waiting, but i waited an hour it was another hour think people were already overwhelmed and board drinking aside. she's now worried fights like this. give the sport a bad name and its. >>disappointing because it does give him a image on on the sport. you know, people start to link that people are violent because of the sport, but i don't believe that that's the cause of it, i think is just people are right. and because they're violent. >>former los angeles county sheriff lee baca is home safe after he went missing for several hours. baca suffers from alzheimer's and wandered off jennifer macgraw resin el monte with how authorities able to track him down. >>somehow the former sheriff managed to get 6 or 7 miles away from his home in san marino here to l money. thanks to good samaritan and then id bracelet. he was located.
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>>a distress call made sunday after retired la county sheriff lee baca wanders off from his san marino home. he's 82 and suffers from dementia. his family extremely worried. i would say >>the concern was great. chief john encontro quickly alerted nearby agency years after 24 hours likely injured. increase. >>it was very important for us use as many resources as we could. not just because he's former sheriff but he's a resident here in san marino. baca was last seen standing in his driveway at 4.39. sunday. investigators used bloodhounds to track his steps, but the trail goes cold. >>they believe he either got into a vehicle or boarded a bus. it would be 7 and a half hours later at a denny's where he was spotted. the manager said the man seemed confused that was wearing a medical id bracelet with a phone number able to call in police quickly
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reunite baca back home with his wife. sadly, it's a disease that affects more than 55 million people. and it's unclear why patients tend to wander. >>there's no way did happening to the brain to know what they're seeing with their sinking >>the connections just aren't functioning. doctor, mark, like or is a neurosurgeon with the california institute and brainstem center's, he says some patients like baca could benefit from research. i also do something called transcranial magnetic stimulation. >>it's a technique to stimulate the brain. actually has been shown do have some for patients with certain types of dementia. and in some cases it's working best we can say is that at least help slow the process. baca, a well-known law enforcement leader for years after serving as >>la county sheriff for 16, he was sentenced to 3 years in prison for obstruction of an fbi case into abuse in county jails. his battle dementia first revealed during the
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legal cases in 2016. she's an contro says the former sheriff is still very active in the community and then they're grateful he was found safe and now home. the chief says that the former sheriff was in good spirits, but he also wants to stress how important those id bracelets are and tracking devices for our relatives with medical conditions. >>in el monte, jennifer macgraw ktla. federal judge has
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out former president donald trump's classified documents case. she ruled that special counsel with a legally appointed our washington correspondent maddie beer-temple reports on the
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ruling and has reaction. >>in a legal victory for former president donald trump. his florida classified documents case is now dismissed are urging donald j trump with felony violations. national security laws. trump appointed judge aileen cannon sided with trump's attorneys who argued that special counsel jack smith's appointment was unlawful. cannon said smith's appointment by the justice department without a presidential nomination for senate confirmation violated the constitution. also at issue. congress did not authorize money for his role. smith allege that trump kept highly sensitive government materials at mar-a-lago after he left the white house and resisted efforts by the fbi to get them back. former president trump praised the ruling on truth social and said he hopes it leads to the dismissal of all of his cases. i thought the judge made a wise decision. tennessee republican congressman tim burchett said it was the right
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move. they're just all in the constitution. but senate democratic leader chuck schumer called the ruling breathtakingly misguided. he said it, quote, flies in the face of long accepted practice and repetitive judicial precedents. california congressman adam schiff also critical of the ruling writing, quote, today's precedent shattering decision in florida is further proof that the guardrails of our democracy are coming down. smith can appeal the case for a higher court to weigh in. it's unclear yet if that will happen in washington. i'm maddie beer-temple. for
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more on how day one of the
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republican national convention played out kron four's graham, lotus and vicki liviakis spoke with san jose state political science lecturer donna crane. >>donna, thanks for your time. good to see you. how do you make sense process? what has happened the past few days when you consider that the shooting saturday? you know, the court case that was thrown out today. jd vance says here the biden issues that are still there. yeah. head spinning where we start. >>it's a lot to process and we have to remember that we're still in july. so it's possible you know, when we talked late october, these events of recent days will be no 3rd, 4003th and 5th on the list you know, a consequential happenings us so we better pace ourselves. well, i'll tell you what, here's what i'm looking for. given everything that's happened in the last 2 weeks. here's what i'm looking as i watched the rnc convention this week. i'm
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looking for the extent to which professional versus sort of. we're right. like we've seen somewhere conventions in the i before my time. but the 1968 democratic convention, i remember as a young person, the 1992 republican convention, which was all about culture wars and all very and then, you know, we remember 2020 the republican convention with kimberly guilfoyle screaming out. you know, there several weeks somewhere. things that can happen at conventions looking to see if this one has more polished than it did in 2016 2020, which might indicate that trump and biden movement are moving forward in professionalism. i'm looking for the tone and there's a lot of sir flirtation with the idea of a unity message. what i've heard so far from the podium tonight hasn't delivered that. but we have 3 more nights to go. i'm also looking to see how the rnc handles these 2 very delicate issues of biden's the attack
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on former president there's there are those are obviously both legitimate things to talk about. i think there's risk of overplaying either of those so that that's a list of what i'm watching for. we have heard that there there is at least in a unity message. also, you that trump given what he experiences a life changing. >>you know, event is embracing that as well. why are we going to see a kinder, gentler trump or is that a temporary phenomenon? >>well, i suppose it's possible that we might in one and that would be interesting, i think, but i it does not seem likely to be durable. it's just not his personality. and it's i think it's not the theme of the message he wants and needs to deliver in order to win this election. let's contrast. let's imagine that he does give a speech whose theme is unity? but let's also
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have a look at who he's picked for. his vice president. he had opportunity. get that from the field and he picks somebody who doubles down on the message, right? he's he's choosing to go deep into that better support rather broad more broadly across the country. pick up more more inclusivity, expand the tent of that's not his choice. so i think we already have an indication that even if it is a unifying stage, i'd be really surprised if it if it sticks. >>there's a move to pick express your project confidence from trump like he thinks he's going to win. now we just picks the guy that he likes versus trying to. i don't know. maybe marco rubio could help them with the latino vote. >>well, i think it indicates that he is all in on his message that the there he is not at all but a moderate it.
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he's not going to change his core. his you know, jd vance is known for being many things, but he that some of the talent he has our he's he's a he's young, he's and his identity. is that of are actions that the identity adopts is that of a blue cap. blue collar worker from ohio. we know that that's not been his personal bio. those are all key to trump's appeal. so i think it indicates that trump feels this is a winning identity, a winning message for him. so little earlier today when president biden was asked the pack of jd vance. >>i don't know if we have that tape. if you want to roll it. go ahead. roland, respond to that. >>trump on the issue. mission. >>okay. so clone of trump on the issues, the issues being,
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if you could delineate 3 of them. >>up for policies. so jd vance believes we should not be engaged in foreign conflicts in general, especially in ukraine, which is a big change from republican orthodoxy for sure. and also maybe a bit out step with where the american public abortion is is what i might have said. although trump is clearly trying to do it to step around because i think understands it's a difficult issue, but they both are for they are they're against choice. >>and i think issues around protectionism. so let's talk about trade tariffs, those kinds of things, again, very different from where the republican party has been traditionally, but they both embrace that set of issues. so they're like thing i want to you know, in 2016, trump picked pence because he needed
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some extra to give to sort of cultural conservatives within republican party. i think the fact that he's picking van snow tells us that he doesn't feel he needs that anymore. he has their support. salt lake. >>i think, you know, you're talking to the bay area done. a lot of democratic voters watching this. and, you know, given the struggle biden had at the debate and then i think a lot of people were freaking out and then you throw in the shooting on saturday. >>at the rally as some people are taking that shooting to almost. >>mean, it's a foregone conclusion. now that trump is going to win, can you reasonably talk those people off the edge? >>or >>are they right? >>the best i can say is that history does not bear that that there is often. and i think we should expect a rally around the flag effect of
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sympathy of fear of alarm, perhaps a pulling back, if you will, from are the negative partisanship place that we're in. but i actually think that's going to be short-lived. i think that there's going to be a lot more content coming out of this election. people are going to react to new information and they're going i think eventually settle back to where they started a few weeks ago. that's the best i can do for them is 2.2 episodes of history. >>but would you say is it fair to say that things are looking better for trump than biden right now? >>absolutely. what if this is i think it today it is possible election to lose. leave it at thank you so much for joining political science lecturer donna tonight. followi
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shooting, former president trump is now the 11th president to have an assassination attempt on their life. sydney kostus has more about its historical significance. >>march 30th, 1981, the last time in attempted assassination was taken on president ronald reagan. very nearly was an assassination and not just an attempt. he came much closer to 2 passing away from that bullet. >>then we initially new fast forward to july 13th 2024. >>former president donald trump takes cover after shooting broke out during his campaign rally in butler, pennsylvania, the former president sustained an injury to his ear. meanwhile, one spectator died and 2 others were injured. the gunman was killed. we sat down presidential historian larry
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cook in luzerne county about how this tragedy will go down in history throughout our american history. we had 11 presidents. >>that have had significant assassination attempts on their lives. and, you know, up until saturday evening, that was 10 when learning details after saturday's shooting. cook says there are many similarities between the attempted assassination of former president donald trump and teddy roosevelt. teddy roosevelt was in 1912. was a former. >>president who is trying to regain the white house. he was running on a third-party ticket. the bull moose party and he was campaigning in milwaukee, wisconsin, when an assailant appeared out of the crowd. >>and fired a bullet into the former president's chest. milwaukee also relevant in the news this week as president trump arrived there sunday for the republican national convention following the shooting, people will be talking about this. you know. >>2050 100 years from now. and >>well, beyond that, cook says, experiencing something of this magnitude represents
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how we're living through history and americans need to keep all victims in mind. we have to keep them in our thoughts and prayers and know that this really affects the entire country. you know, an attack on one of our leaders are former leaders is really attack on all of us. an attack on our country attack on our freedoms and democracy in dallas, sydney kostus. 28. 22 news. >>a maryland family says they owe their lives to their cat for saving them from a fire. the family made it out of their home sunday morning. but sadly, their cat did not. christian pena has more. >>the family living in the home right behind me devastated after losing the furry friend prince. the time without him, they most likely would not be alive today. >>a home near the brighton village area of gaithersburg destroyed by fire that officials believe started because of the faulty fridge before we got there, it was pretty dramatic. >>with the currents where we believe that. family had a chat in particular case.
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>>was alerted to the fire according to p parents or with montgomery county fire and rescue services. crews received a call around 04:20am, on sunday about a house fire with people trapped inside the home. the families kept prince will one of them up alerting them of the danger tried to exit but couldn't do so because it's getting down to the first floor full smoke. the family eventually got out after someone who lives in the basin went outside and a painter's latter. helping the family escape. but for some reason, princeton got of the arms of one of the people in back into the room before succumbing to the smoke. in a statement to dc news now, the family says the smoke got thicker and thicker and before i knew my house was on fire. if you want from prince week coming up, we'd all be dead. the family goes on to say he truly saved our lives and i believe he is our angel other people inside the home worker. and he kept any doubts about your appliances. >>and the fire and rescue services recommending calling them at 3, 1, 1, to schedule a home safety evaluation. we're now reporting at a gated bring
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maryland christian pena. the scene is now. calls for
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change after 3 sea lion pups recently de la hoya covid san diego reporter chris delcambre. why has the story? >>on a beautiful sunday in la jolla. yeah. if you could, it's a big changes to be so close to these animals. sierra club seal society, volunteers are hard at work at the guys were asking him not to because they're seeing rise in coming area. carol. toye says as 100 stop by every day for the sea
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lions, here to inform the public. we line to give us here every year. we try to educate people and encourage people view these animal safety. >>she says 3 sea lion pups only a few weeks old were found dead in the jolla cove in the last week. i 9 pups born in the co so far, only 3 remain at last count. >>we know that there is somewhat tied it in the first months. but here going from 9 to 2 of 3 is very unusual. toy believe the deaths point to the continued mistreatment and harassment of the pups born here as well as a lack of proper oversight and management of wildlife and people. we feel that the current situation is really not acceptable. we shouldn't be doing what we would say is crowd control as you've seen on camera caught the moment a sea lion came on the beach. now she's moving away. so he's movie castle that his like that coming back up again.
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causing a potentially dangerous situation as they can weigh up to 800 pounds. and to me this points the fact should be somebody with authority to keep people the group is asking for rangers to be on the beach to keep people at safe distances. clear signs on the beach as well as cones or tape visibly show the public. what a view from it is important that he does keep kept open. but one of the conditions to keeping it open is to manage the situation. now, carol and other volunteers say they will continue to show up here to educate the crowd for as long as necessary. >>hoping something changes sooner rather than way. >>a young girl from maryland that once made history as the first black miss maryland rodeo is now heading to one of the biggest competitions in the world. murray saw say south down with her to learn how she's getting ready.
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>>this is who you are. you can make a difference. that's what 17 year-old marissa hotels are self. every time she hops on her boars are hard work and dedication to rodeo is now taking her to one of the largest youth rodeo competitions in the world. the 2024 national school finals rodeo wyoming. i'm very nationals. it's huge rodeo filled with people from. >>canada all over the united states, mexico. you're competing against the best of the best when she was 11. she got her first after getting straight a's for years with no prior experience in twenty-twenty hall and her father study and practice the sport. since then. >>it's been it's been a life to one sandwich chips. even broke many barriers he became the first four-time maryland high school rodeo all around cowgirl and went on to become the first african-american miss maryland high school
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rodeo twice. it was very nice. be an inspiration, especially to people of color because there's not a lot of us and the rodeo circuit. just the opportunity to be able to show people that things can be different as she prepares in hopes of winning this week's the competition. i'm excited because you're surrounded by a lot of healthy competition for the real victory is showing anyone that you can do anything as long as you stay focus and work hard reporting in prince george's or is this now? >>our news
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>>temperatures coming down around the bay area. in fact, maybe 20 almost 30 degrees
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cooler than last week in some spots. it was just so scorching hot. but now things have changed quite a bit. it looks like we're going to see high pressure, ali stay rather week, at least the beginning part of the week. then as we get toward the weekend starts to build back in that same ridge that was with us. well, its going to come back again about that up there right now. you've got a mostly clear skies out toward the golden gate bridge. nice evening out there. there's that's super bright. quite our out there looks like a flashlight out there tonight as we're seeing that breeze continuing outside that nice, healthy onshore flow. and that's what helped to cool us down today. and we'll see more of that again for tomorrow. temperatures took a major dip again. it was almost another 10 degrees cooler in livermore valley, 6 degrees cooler in concord. those places that are really hot inland, those really felt the effects of that onshore wind. and we went from well above average temperatures. well, it actually below average. how about this live? more checking in today? a much more 80 degrees compared to 109 last week. 81 and conquered much cooler there about santa rosa. beautiful 78
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degrees. san francisco. little bit below the average of 65 71 for high in oakland and 78 degrees in san jose along with that, we're seeing a lot of fresh air and that is a been another issue this last week that strong ridge overhead course we start to suffer with some of the plumes building up. and now that onshore wind really carrying that fresh air across the bay area. looks like it's going to stick around again for tomorrow. we're looking good and back to everybody and the green by tomorrow afternoon as a healthy sea breeze will continue. but boy, it's not gonna last forever. we'll see some changes coming our way forecast, though, for the winds. yeah. keeping most of that smoke away from the bay area over the next couple of days and then things going to start to change as high pressure begins to build him. well, we have come more fire start and that's because the monsoon picking up over the sierra nevada little lightning strikes up there. i mean, it was really get going this afternoon. we might see a little bit more of that activity again tomorrow. maybe not quite as strong, but still something to watch out for just takes one strike to start a fire all 60's and san francisco, mid 70's warm into oakland, 79 degrees in san
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jose. one for sports. tonight was the home run derby or the appetizer, so to speak to the all-star game tomorrow night. and we had. >>a sold-out crowd at globe life field. it came down to bobby witt junior and tay oscar hernandez in bonus time. hernandez right here. he worked his 14th home, run of the round. he started off slow, but he rallied late. so now is up to bobby witt junior who also started off slow. but 14 is the one to beat 5 seconds left. he hits his 11th home, run to half lives off too. that put them in great position to add to his total in bonus time in his final out with needed just one home run that high hernandez and that angle on do it. as you can see, it's going to go all wall. stay in the park. okay.
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oscar wins your home. run derby becomes the first dodger to win the derby in the process. he is also awarded the derby change from last year's winner vladimir guerrero junior. here's a fun day arlington. now, as you just saw, the all-star festivities have begun the best players in baseball in the world are in texas, the san francisco giants. they have 2 players there. logan webb and elliot ramos. meanwhile, mason miller of there's also there. we caught up with miller and ramos today before the home run derby. >>it's a great moment for me is a great move for my family. so it's a really good experience thought i was going to be here and not even you know, the season. here is blessing. this was my goal was to make an all-star you know, you don't really know realistic that is stationed so, yeah, it's every player's goal. every player stream making making all-star team
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received recognition yeah, you know, coming in this role, you know, set that as career going on us early this year. you know that the success that happened, he said there today is is super super >>and that does it here for us at kron-on will be back with the morning news at 5 o'clock. i'm stephanie rothman. thanks for watching.
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♪ ♪ >> nischelle: tonight... ♪ ♪ shannen doherty remembered. >> stay strong. have faith. >> nischelle: "e.t."'s time with the "90210" star.


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