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tv   KRO Non News  KRON  July 16, 2024 11:30pm-1:31am PDT

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r-o-l-a-i-d-s spells relief. >>now from kron 4, the bay area's local news station. >>thanks for joining us. you're watching kron-on live on air and online. i'm
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stephanie rothman. we start tonight with elon musk saying he's moving x headquarters from san francisco to austin, texas. he's also moving space x, which runs out of southern california, the world's richest man making the exit strategy, citing a new california gender identity law and crime in downtown san francisco, the exxon or post on his social media ste. quote, this is the final straw when announcing his 2 companies would move us. express his frustration with governor newsom signing of a bill banning school districts from requiring parents to be notified if their child to size the change their gender identity. and musk added he's also quo had enough of dodging violent drug addicts just to get in and out of the x building in san francisco's soma neighborhood. the building and company were rebranded x last year after most bought twitter and fire. the ceo. another top executives back in 2022, he also fired laid off or loss the majority of its workforce afterwards. and last summer,
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he had a giant x sign installed on the building. but it was brought down after city officials opened an investigation and files a complaint over that signage at the said he did not plan to move the company out of san francisco, but now he's changed his mind. mayor london breed responding to acts leaving on kron. 4 news today. >>i don't know where this is coming from or if this is, you know, old back when he was here more frequently and i think it's really you know, we have a communication relationships were we? we talk and my goal is to do everything i can to ensure the success of any business that's here in san francisco. you know, sadly, this is a distraction. i remain to any business that wants to do business here. and i think this is very unfortunate. >>and switching now, it's been pretty hot in texas. po what's the rest of the week looking like here at home, lawrence? >>well, we've been enjoying some nice weather last couple days around the bay area. lots
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of sunshine and temperatures pretty comfortable outside. let's check out your wake-up weather tomorrow morning. gets going looks like that fog will of move back on shore. we're seeing some of that moving in right now. temperatures starting out generally in the 50's at 06:00am by 8 o'clock. you're headed out the door, those clouds already beginning to part a bit. temperatures warming up 50's and some 60's pop up inside the bay and the valleys by 10. you've got a lot more sunshine coming your way, especially inland and look at the temperatures warming up. we've got some much warmer weather on the way. >>thanks so much, lawrence. police are now naming the father of this 3 year-old girl, a suspect in her death. san jose police found 3 old ellie lorenzo dead over the weekend. this is just a day after she was reported missing. eli's mom told kron 4 she was staying at her father's apartment in fremont and was was supposed return to her mother's place on friday. but instead of driving la back to her mother, san jose. police say the girl's father. 42 year-old jared lorenzo joe
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for from his apartment in fremont to san jose and dumped her body in a trash bin. police say trash crews not knowing that she was inside the been transported the content to recycling facility on charles street. that's where investigators found her body on saturday and police say lorenzo drove to multiple bay area cities finally stopping in san francisco where he took his own life shortly after 11 on friday morning. >>and better pay and more respect. that's what more than 100 hotel workers in san jose working say they want as they rally downtown asking for a new union contract prom for shaq moment. reports from san jose. >>many of the hospitality workers who were marching are actually part of a union. and they say that the cost of living here in the bay area has continued to skyrocket while their wages have simply not caught up. many of them having to work 2 or 3 jobs just to 4 paying rent.
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>>marching. chanting. they're bringing the show right to the doorsteps of the hotels and restaurants. they work everyone out there. listening nodded has worked at spencer steakhouse for 30 years and says they have been fully open since the pandemic. they said they were going to be temporary. but another couple year she's fighting with other members of union called unite here local 19 and she says they have 4 priorities. better work. conditions better wages >>health insurance, just respect that holiday workers say these demands have not to go. she asians for a contract with the 3 large hotel company hilton, marriott and hyatt. i've been working there december so 1988. >>well, most the things and in the decades since he was hired at this hotel for his says the pay has not improved of many my co-workers have to work
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place for him. works. >>get that then out money pay the the message on most of these picket signs that reads one job should be enough. we make the money for them and they've they've been a sunday. have a lot of or have moved from san jose to modesto years ago. he said the cost of living out ways to commute by be enough. >>just by many of the people who are marching today told us that if they do not get a fair contract, they will continue to have these marches that we did reach out to marriott hilton and the hyatt hotels chains to find out how those contract negotiations are going. >>and we have got to hear back reporting in downtown san jose. jack molmud kron. 4 news. >>california has and has hit a new milestone in the fight against organized retail crime. governor newsom says chp has arrested 717 people
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this year recover nearly 7 million dollars in stolen goods in the bay area. the golden gate division of chp says they have made 61 arrests and recover more than $26,000 in stolen retail items. >>it's not just about responding to crimes that have already happened. it's also about identifying trends and finding ways to stop crimes from occurring in the first place. >>according to the governor's office, the state invested 267 million dollars to help fight retail crime to different communities around the state. the bay area received 43 million dollars. >>say >>shocking video showing a man blocking a waymo car and shouting at it. police say the man then beat up the car's passenger. it happened a couple weeks ago on buchanan street in san francisco. the victim's family says they have intellectual disability and the victim is now in the hospital fighting for their life. police are asking anyone
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who recognize the man in the video to call them with information. and police in sandler and row are investigating after a security guard at a target opened fire in order to stop a suspected shoplifter. it happened sunday at the target on east 14th street. police say a shoplifting suspect was trying to leave the store with the stolen backpack. the suspect had hit his pet pit ball with him. and as a security guard approached, the suspect, police say the dog got loose and ran towards the guard. the guard fired his gun twice, hitting the floor, not a dog north. the suspect wore injured and the suspect was taken into custody. police at this point in their investigation, though, say the guards discharge not of his gun was not done in a reckless manner. you'
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>>a memorial continues to grow tonight for the one year-old boy who died on monday. he marks the 5th family member killed in alameda. child's father is a suspected shooter. kron 4, 70 justices at the scene of the crime with how the communities coming together. right? this is where police believe the unthinkable acts happened right inside of this home behind us off of kitty hawk road here in alameda. >>a beautiful memorial growing outside of this home. neighbors telling us at night with the flowers and the candles, it brings a sense of closeness yesterday. city officials letting us know a 14 month old survivor of last wednesday's shooting has passed away. the young child is a son of the accused shooter. and today, investigators coming back to the home, the scene of the crime. this is off of
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franciscan way near shoreline drive. they searched inside of this white car that was later towed away. now the father, 54 year-old shane killian has been behind bars at the santa rita jail since the shooting. police say killian shot and killed his wife mother-in-law, father-in-law, 6 year-old and now the 14 month-old son who passed away this morning. police say after getting shot last wednesday night, the father-in-law walked over to a neighbor's house to call for help passing away. a short time later, neighbors still in shock having to process what happened and explain the tragedy to their children. just hard to believe. still. >>still trying to process it with the kids. it said. you know, we have to look out for each other and speak up. if we see things that there was nothing that i think indicated this week happening so. >>as of now, no motive has been given. killian was charged with 4 counts of murder and one count of attempted murder. we can expect that to be changing
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soon. and last week, the da's office saying that killian could be facing up to 230 years behind bars. >>if convicted reporting to just as kron. 4 news. >>convicted murderer scott peterson and his defense team were back in court tuesday. we're going to get a new ruling on new dna testing. this comes as peterson's mother in law speaks out for the first time since his latest attempt to be free from prison. kron four's will tran has the details. >>just stepped outside of the courtroom and scott peterson, no doubt about it. he's back inside the courtroom. he did not make any stays misstatements whatsoever. he's leaving it up to his attorneys to comment for him. he has glasses on. at times. he's paying attention, even taking notes. he is looking for a new trial. so what's going on right now is the attorneys prosecutors, defense team still going over evidence and
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whether or not the judge will allow the defense team to look at 645 pieces of evidence that they think could help him get a new trial. prosecutors say this is a fishing expedition that they do not deserve the right to look at all of that evidence. but we shall see as the judge is still intently, asking questions on both sites. scott peterson has maintained his innocence throughout all of this. he was actually convicted at the same courthouse 20 years ago. he claims that he was not the killer, that, in fact, laci was kidnapped and killed by someone else. they will make a decision. the judge will make a decision on who we'll test that 15 and a half inch piece of duct tape that was found on lacey's pants when she was recovered from the berkeley marina. now that will determine whether or not there was scott's dna or someone else's da dna on it. and again, scott peterson is looking for a new trial
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watching very closely. of course, not just the defense or prosecutors, but also sharon road show the mother of laci peterson and she has a lot to say about this. she broke her silence yesterday. so here's what she had to say. very scathing when it comes to her former son-in-law, she says each are temp he makes for freedom. feels like ripping the scaf from the wound, meaning the family's trauma. he continues to file claim after claim time after time. i believe this is not about proving his innocence, but instead about his relentless pursuit to be free from prison. >>when will this speaking of prison, sharon rocha goes on to say scott peterson has put her in a prison of grief where there is no escape for him. back to you. >>more news
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protecting homes from wildfire risk is behind a new set of rules in california. this comes as some parts of the state are in drought and wildfire season is upon us. kron four's terisa stasio has the details. >>watch. this is a demonstration between 2 homes, the one on the right build with fire resistant materials and a defensible space of 5 feet. one on the left lax, a defensible space and has more traditional building materials found on many homes, especially in fire-prone areas. as you can see, the home on the left goes up in flames quickly. i want to hold late nights. it's greater than 90% chance it will be completely destroyed. so we need to prevent. >>the ignition of the home
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from the start. steve hawkes is with the nonprofit insurance institute for business and home safety hawks was also with cal fire. he has seen firsthand how destructive california's wildfires can be like the caldor fire in south lake tahoe that burned nearly 222,000 acres. >>and destroyed more than 1000 buildings, including many homes. he says that the institute is now helping to educate the public, especially in light of new rules that are expected soon by the california state board of forestry and fire protection. one of the rules being discussed to stop wildfires is to create 0. that means that there would be nothing flammable within 5 feet of your home. >>despite immediately surrounding the home, that's where over the years we put a lot of flammable items. malt, as you mentioned, with the fence attached directly to the side of the house plants. other combustible items in there. but we found, you know,
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that that zone is just so important that it be non combustible. >>kim george is a fire marshal with south lake tahoe where they are already putting into place new measures. doesn't guarantee it makes it different. we have an amber storm. we can't take i say line topic time that we have so much to lose. this is such an amazing place in community. we don't while communities way to find out the extent of the new rules. >>and how that may help or hinder homeowners as they face a new landscape with insurance companies, raising fees were canceling policies altogether. kron 4 reached out to find out when the new rules may be introduced. but no one from the state agency responded to our calls. theresa kron. 4 news. >>a death row inmate could soon be a free man. thanks misconduct on the part of prosecutors who work for alameda county's previous district attorney. a federal judge ordered current da pamela price to review alameda
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county's death penalty cases after allegations prosecutors have been keeping blacks, jews and members of the lgbtq community off of juries as kron four's. dan kerman reports that review has now led to the re-sentencing some death row inmates. >>we are now following the law. we will not have an office where people are not held accountable for violating their ethics or engaging in prosecute or misconduct. it was earlier this year with one of alameda county da pamela price's prosecutors. >>uncovered notes indicating prosecutors had purposely kept blacks and jews off the jury of ernest dykes. a man sentenced to death in 1995. for the murder of a 9 year-old when prosecutors or courts discriminate in jury selection. it is. well settled in our laws that not only are you violating the rights of the defendants. >>but u of i lighting the rights of victims to a fair trial. you're violating the rights of jurors and community
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members to participate in our jury system. >>now, based on this misconduct in the state's racial justice act, texas being re-sentenced, which will result in his release next year. i do believe that that is a proper resolution at this time. we have thoroughly vetted that situation. we have spoken with the family members. we have worked with the court as well as cdcr to ensure that in the event that we expect mister dykes to be relief, that he will not be a danger to public safety. that is our first concern. >>dikes along with another death row inmate may be the first of many to be re-sentenced a federal judge has ordered price to review alameda county death penalty cases dating back to 1978 prices already found members of the lgbtq+ community. we're also excluded from juries and she's found in 70% of these death penalty cases. prosecutor notes and jury selection are missing. there
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may well have been >>an effort to sanitize the files. we intend to look into that. hopefully with the assistance of the california attorney general's office. >>again, the da says they're still reviewing the bulk of those 35 death penalty cases. but so far they found misconduct on the part of 5 attorneys who used to work for the da's office, one who currently works for the da's office and is now being supervised as well as one judge. in oakland, dan kerman kron. 4
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it's time to get away and cash in at cache creek casino resort. to rock and to roll. to go all out or go all in with four stars and rising stars. northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place to do as much... or as little as you want. make your getaway now and cache in at cache creek casino resort.
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>>a disappointing day for forty-niners fans as wide receiver brandon aiyuk has
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requested a trade us or sharing that information with kron 4 and telling kron 4 sports director jason dumas brandon wants to go where he is appreciated and fairly compensated. the learning this hour. >>it pretty much what you just i don't know. i saw going this way this fast, but we knew that the forty-niners and brandon aiyuk, we're going to come to a head at some point because brandon is on the last year of his rookie deal, a deal that is slated to pay him 14 million dollars next which well below the market rate someone who produces at the level produces. also just most high-level nfl players don't like playing with one year left on their contract because in the nfl, these contracts are not guaranteed. so if you get it really really hurt your earning potential. so it makes
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sense me and we see this in the history of the nfl all the time. things like this happen as people want to get paid. it doesn't always go to the extent of a player requesting a trade. but it's not the first be the last. so you know what i've been told and what had been message to me basically is that. graham wants his money, teach, you know, simple as that. i know. you know, we we kinda in a society. a sports fans wear. we want these players to sacrifice for the team to win a championship, blah, blah, blah, which is fine for some players do that. but, you know, some players also just view this as a job and they want to make as much money as they can, especially as an aptly. that only has limited window earning money. you know, the average nfl player doesn't. maybe maybe 6 years average you could say that the player probably play about 10. but, you know, average, you know, the average person works
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more than 10 years. once once his career is over, eat his earning potential goes out the window. kind of 4 way he's been groomed to do i have 2 questions for you. >>i get other forty-niners veterans are expected to report to training camp next week a week from today. july 23rd to they have to have this figured out by then and what teams could possibly be interested in it. >>well, no, they don't have to have to figure it out by 23rd. best. today were veterans report but veterans had to be tha couple weeks ago. brandon, it just simply didn't show up and he's probably does not want to show up to training camps. now, thankfully they find him. but if if they come to a middle ground and eventually comes to can't traditionally most nfl teams waive the fines and fine and let bygones be bygones. but differences are not settled by august, 3rd, july 23rd don't
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expect bringing it to be a training camp. not official report. that's just what happens. typically in these situations, probably just will not report to camp. it's bosa a few years ago on the night. great players was in a similar situation. he didn't report to camp. he didn't report to the team until like or made before the first game. and the first game was like the first week of september. so this drag through the entirety of training camp. entirety of the preseason into the first week of the season and even beyond. but just to give you guys, in example, 2 years ago, nick bosa reported like 4 days before their first game of the season. he missed all of training camp. just didn't show
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>>it's now been over 2 days since power has been out. it's a lot state prison. mason morrow spoke with those prisoners, families and shares what conditions are like inside those concrete walls. >>just hang in there. just keep fighting, holding on until something gives elamine should davis is encouraging words to her husband. husband.
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and more than 4,000 other inmates at california state prison solano. if we don't be a voice for them, they don't have a voice. power shut off at the penitentiary around 3 o'clock early sunday morning. there's hot water. there's no electricity. they don't have any fans running tuesday when fox 40 spoke with davis whose husband went into nearly 5 years ago. now, the more than 4,000 prisoners were nearing our 60 without power is very frustrating. heartbreaking. we really want is for people to be treated humanely. that will be a humanitarian crisis all over the news. >>if they wore people that we're in state custody, then amador is the stockton chapter coordinator for timed and the national organization that works with prisoners after they're released. >>but this week he's poking around inside the prison. the state department of corrections calculates is the 156% capacity. several 100 people are struggling to
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breathe. that people have been passed now all day long with over 20 people have a few strokes. a lot of women, mothers, sisters, wives are really concerned. >>i've had mothers crying because of the miscommunication. not really knowing what's going on. just minutes after our interview with davis, you heard from or salon, a loved one support working state corrections confirming power was restored just after 2 o'clock tuesday. just came only to shut down again. just moments later, one man say it will be up and running by tomorrow or by this time today. we're just going to keep pushing and pushing until something gives in solano county covering local news that matters. i'm mason mauro fox. 40 news. >>people in one los angeles neighborhood are speaking out about unusual series of break-ins. kimberly chang is in encino with more. >>ally, kuwait, like the same house so i was like to see
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what's going there's no way the same house got hit twice less than a week this house that was hit again. has signs out here response, but it's certainly not stop people are adding cameras some people are adding spikes to their gates. >>sadly, a number of people in the neighborhood are now armed. is scary to me but that's, you know, people are scared. >>this latest break-in happened monday night near moore, park street and liberty avenue in encino. according to this latest incident like they were a few days ago. detectives have video from that last break in just days ago and said it showed a light colored suv with 3 people pulling into a cul-de-sac. they recovered with hoodies and face masks in that break-in which happened around midnight july. 11th police said a woman child and a household employee reportedly sleeping when thieves shattered a glass back door and went in the occupants woke
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up called 9-1-1. hit in a room. the 3 did not come into contact with the thieves. detective said the suspects took off after ransacking the master bedroom and discovering that the occupants were there. i think we've had like 5 homes hit in the last couple weeks. maybe >>and quelled 5, including this one being had twice. mostly they've been happening during the day. not at night. mostly they don't happen when somebody is at home because it's a much more serious crime. when that happens earlier we spoke with in encino resident who claims his home was burglarized in glendale last year. so he moved to encino a few months ago hoping that it would be safer if kind of like weird. it's like someone like right. sector house went through everything, knows the ins and outs of your house are ready. so you don't know if going to come back for a second time because like the cop said they might come back for a second time that, you know, they took or didn't take an oath that we had a camera found in neighbor's bushes across the street that was watching our house for like 7 days. i believe a camouflage camera call-up last camera. >>so it's kind of ridiculous nowadays try to prevent as much as they come.
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>>will continue a
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southern california woman is facing murder charges for the heartbreaking deaths of her twin boys. authorities say the toddlers were exposed to fentanyl. has she is set to be arraigned. family members spoke out about the young lives lost. sara welch is in van nuys where the arraignment took place. >>this is really for the family. this is justice james of the 3 year-old twins and happier days. >>the 22 year-old went before a san fernando valley judge on 2 counts of murder for the deaths of her 2 boys. justin and josiah. far as >>the babies are. the family
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years really devastated? devastated. >>family members huddled and consoled one another outside the courthouse. james is charged with the boys deaths after they died from exposure to fentanyl july 11th. it happened at an apartment sherman way in canoga park. the boys had just celebrated their 3rd birthday. they still have a life, a long life to live that we hoped and wished to. >>able to see. but unfortunately, they were taken way too soon to be the da's office hasn't said exactly how the toddlers came into contact with fentanyl. paramedics attempted lifesaving measures and both boys were rushed to the hospital where josiah died that night. >>and just in 2 days later in los angeles. >>we have a major problem with fentanyl. and it is impacting a lot of innocent children. i have 5 cases that i'm looking at. this is one of the 5. and i have 4 additional cases.
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most of them are in and around. antelope valley. i'm saying and a lot of cases from the antelope valley that are dealing with children who have passed away and fentanyl was involved in those cases. >>family of james and her children helped to raise awareness of the deadly consequences of fenton all while praying. the boy's mother gets the counseling she needs. >>a chaotic pursuit through the san fernando valley last night. a carjacking suspects leads officers on a chase in a coffee store. carlos herrera is in north hollywood with the details. >>i glass there could have been a class in there at 9 o'clock when that wall. >>and shattered dreams. it's just you know, it's a sad thing. this we've had to buy business for 27 years. it's been a really great thing for 2 small los angeles based business is monday night after a carjacking suspect stole a
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coffee trailer and ventura county and led police on a wild one hour long pursuit. police say the suspect traveled into north hollywood and at one point ended up on the orange line busway before making a right turn onto avenue, losing control and smashing into the heartfelt education through the arts center, a multicultural dance studio. the force of a 15,000 pounds coffee cart literally shaking the walls from inside the studio where founder earth. the robinson says just hours earlier, children were rehearsing for an upcoming recital. those mirrors are not just. >>mears that you put on the wall and look at your face, their dance. where is old fashion, real dance mayor, isn't it like at least 2 inches thick? >>while eartha is thankful, nobody at the dance studio was injured. nats coffee express owner matt shields wasn't so fortunate saying employee who had been working on a trailer in a driveway might have come face to face with the suspect
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who is now in custody while he was in the trailer. >>i'm joe and jumped in the truck and drove off. >>that says he got maybe a quarter of a mile down the road and jump doubt his sister spending the night with him. yes, all that he's been released from the hospital ktla has tried reaching out to the employee to see how he's doing. meanwhile, matt says he has nothing to say to the man who took his livelihood away. >>you just can't go and get another trailer tomorrow. so right now out of work. but does don't take something that is not yours. it's always going to be repercussions. gram
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singer ingrid andress is responding to backlash over her rendition of the national anthem. plus, the band tenacious d is canceling australian leg of their tour over controversial comments about former president trump. jeremy parson has your entertainment report. >>you guys, we start with what everyone seems to be talking about. country singer ingrid andrus and her rendition of the national anthem monday night at the home run derby. watch. >>she >>received a lot of criticism for this performance with many on the internet comparing it to other famously bad national anthem performances today, ingrid posted on x will enter
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twitter explaining her side of the story. she says i'm not going to bleep you all. i was drunk last night. i'm checking myself into a facility today to get the help i need. that was not me last night. i apologize to mlb all the fans and this country. i love so much for that rendition. i'll let you all know how we have. as i hear it's super fun x o ingrid, course we wish her the best and several of her fellow country stars have already sent their support as well. now on to some other music news, the australian leg of tenacious d's, spicy meatball. torre has been canceled. the comedy rock duo comprised of jack black and kyle gass decided to not continue their tour after kyle. but a controversial comment about president trump's attempted assassination during a live show on sunday after singing a rendition of happy birthday jack ass. kyle. if you had a wish he responded with, quote,
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don't miss trump next time in response, jacques black took to instagram to say, quote, i was blindsided by what was said at the show on sunday. i would never condone hate speech or encourage political violence in any form after much reflection. i no longer feel it is appropriate to continue the tenacious d tour and all future creative plans are on hold. i'm grateful to the fans for their support and understanding about an hour after jack's response. kyle also posted a statement instagram. it said the line i improvised sunday night in sydney was highly inappropriate, dangerous and a terrible mistake. don't condone. i don't condone violence in any kind in any form against anyone. what happened was a tragedy and i'm incredibly sorry for my severe lack of judgment. that was his quote. no word yet on refunds for current ticket holders. those set to attend tonight show have been asked to hold on to their tickets until further information is available. and this just and tmz reporting kyle's talent agent michael green has parted ways with the singer and no longer represents him. we'll
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keep you updated as we learn more information about all of that. and that is your entertainment report in hollywood. i'm jeremy parsons. >>as we approach the olympics, they may have been born in the usa, but not every athlete will compete for their country in paris. jack doles caught up with some olympians whose family ties gave them an opportunity to compete elsewhere in this week's journey to paris. >>rings in flags. they go hand in hand at the olympic games representing my country, which is big usa. one grace country's athletes. take great pride in competing for their country, especially in the olympics. but for some the lure of the outweighs the need to represent the flags of their birth. my grandparents, they want represent mexico. they want to me to be proud of the mexican. austin gomez is a bit of a wrestling mercenary. he rushed for 3 different schools and college, including michigan. he was for the united states. but if the
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metals in paris, it will be from mexico. do you catch a lot of all the time? i think it's just like people. >>you hitting on me. >>because they want to be in my shoes. it's a similar story for michigan graduate myles amine. he'll wrestle for san marino. >>for people watching right now, just the first thing that they're probably going to do is look out what is san marino. it's an enclave micro state central italy before the tokyo games, san marino had never won an olympic medal. but i mean, what a wrestling bronze. he also carried the sand murray's flag, an opening ceremonies. what was that moment like? surreal. >>haha, i just remember where a guy walked in that state in the first i thought it was like take all this in. try to be as present as possible because, you know, you just never know anything like this will ever come again. alex rose carried the samoan flag in tokyo. >>despite being born and raised in michigan, his father immigrated from samoa. so he
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pays tribute to his roots with the traditional samoan tattoo and dreams of making history in paris. if i were to win an olympic medal for some i'd be the first male athlete ever do so. >>and that would mean everything to the island. some fans may not like the idea of seeing americans compete for other countries. >>but the rules allow them to pursue their olympic dreams. and for alex rose, austin, gomez and myles amine. family ties are strong on the journey to paris and jack doles. the do
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than 700 points to a new record high. and elon musk says he's packing his bags and moving spacex to taxes. here's ktla. david lazarus with money. smart. >>hey there, a monster day on wall street with the dow rising nearly 750 points to a new record high. the s and p 500 also hitting a new record as traders increasingly are convinced there will be a rate cut in september and they are also anticipating a win for former president trump in november. that's ushering in tax cuts and deregulation for businesses, which of course, in a wall street point of view would be a plus because that would boost profits. there some fundamentals that work here today. retail sales last month came in better than expected. bank earnings are coming in very strong. all of that gave a tailwind. but overall it was the sentiment that rate cuts are now a lock and the november election will lead to a more pro business environment. all of that was
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pushing stocks higher. let's now turn to elon musk. he announced today that he's going to move both spacex and twitter, aka x out of california and off to texas where he has already moved. tesla musk says he is doing this because governor gavin newsom has signed a new law that bars school districts from requiring parents to be notified of a child's gender identification. change. musk does have a transgender daughter of his own from home. he is reportedly estranged musk says laws like this and others make it untenable for him to stay in the golden state. so he's moving his companies to texas, although astute watches will of notice that as we reported before, he's already subleasing space in the twitter headquarters in san francisco. and spacex already has vast resources in texas. so it's not a big surprise that he's moving all of his concerns over their texas, of course, is seen as having a more pro business environment. then does california back to you?
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>>nasa is preparing for the next big step in artemis mission to the moon and eventually mars. on tuesday, the rocket stage of the mission left new orleans and heads to florida. kenny lopez has that story. >>crews and the shoe are busy prepping nasa's core stage of the space launch system or sls rocket to head out on the pegasus barge. it will be a 900 mile journey from the me shoe assembly facility in new orleans east to kennedy space center in florida, all built here we start from the welding side of it's designed. >>tested and shipped out to the kennedy space center. >>that's where it will be integrated with other elements of the rocket to prepare for the artemis to launch for the flight around the moon and beyond the challenges were, you know, getting a modified with the 2 leading into welding.
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>>and all the processes to build a rocket for the first time. now you're probably wondering what it looks like inside the rocket. engineers here say that there's 4 different levels of scaffolding and ladders and it looks like a jungle gym. >>nasa's sls rocket is the only rocket capable of carrying a crew and large cargo into deep space in a single launch. boeing built the 212 foot core stage while lockheed martin built orion crew module, which will carry 4 astronauts to war. but we want to have. >>inflatable habitats on the moon. when you can reside on the moon. >>more news coming
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>>now from kron 4, the bay area's local news station. >>welcome back. you're watching kron-on live on air and online. i'm stephanie rothman. safety changes are coming to san francisco intersection where a crash killed a family of 4 back in march during a meeting this afternoon, residents voiced their opinions on new safety additions to west portal. part of the project includes a safer pedestrian zone near the west portal station. and as you can see on the original proposal, the plan was to limit street traffic. but it's more about a variety of safety precautions. now expanding beyond the bus station to a wider 10 block radius of the neighborhood and instead has seen in the designs. the final plan details ways to clearly define pedestrian space. adding more of it, installing
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speed, bumps, physical barriers and marking its is generally just stand out. the traffic will help with the safety guards. back in march, a family of 4 was waiting at the muni metro west portal station to go to the zoo when an suv driving the wrong way struck the couple and their 2 young children. investigators said the driver, 78 year-old mary lau was speeding and driving the wrong way into on-coming traffic couple weeks ago loud was charged with vehicular manslaughter. some saying the tragic death of this family wasn't the fault of the traffic and safety precautions. but up the driver. but others welcome the changes. >>because they've closed streets and market. this businesses are suffering. they didn't let you businesses are suffering attempting to do the same thing. west portal. that's why the residents are concerned. they're not businesses are going to prosper. there's a good feed in west portal the businesses. the help that money you're
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spending on, these changes could go directly to those businesses. they know how to run their businesses. you go. you guys know transit. we don't tell you would put transit lines. why are you telling us how to run our businesses? >>all the added traffic calming measures from the beacons to reducing turns added speed reduction tools and treatments means designing roads for safety over speed. that's what we like to see. we recognize that modernizing our streets to prioritize safety and to accommodate all the users can be difficult. but as the city, we have to embrace these changes to become a city where everyone can get around without risking their lives. >>the project is expected to be completed sometime this fall and onto the rnc on the second day of the national republican convention, donald trump's former gop rival showed up to support their presidential candidate. our reshad hudson has more from the convention floor in milwaukee, wisconsin. >>former president trump was back for night. 2 of the
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convention were earlier. 2 of his sharpest critics are the primary took the stage all in for trump. >>president donald trump energize the crowd again tonight when he entered the convention. trump joined his vp pick, ohio senator jd vance. tonight, the party unite behind candidate trump early campaign opponents. florida governor ron desantis and former south carolina governor nikki haley took to the stage to show their support for the republican nominee left. >>to the white house. >>haley who was one of trump's sharpest critics now says she will vote for him. donald trump has my strong endorsement here. >>also onstage several senate candidates hoping to flip the chamber from democrat blue to republican red this november.
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>>ohio's bernie marino is trying to unseat longtime senator sherrod brown. american dream that i live. >>as under attack from joe biden, it is a neighbors in the senate and west virginia's governor jim justice who brought his dog on stage is trying to win retiring senator joe manchin's seat baby dolls. got a prediction for everybody here. we're going to flip the united states senate. >>other high-profile speakers included arizona's kari lake and pennsylvania's state mccormick reporting in milwaukee, rashad hudson, back to >>things are shot. a 16 year-old is dead after police say a drunk driver crashed into his car according to richmond police. the crash happened just after midnight monday out south 20th street and ohio avenue. police say both drivers were trapped inside their cars. when help did arrive, the teenager unfortunately died at the scene and the other driver
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suffered only minor injuries but was arrested. he's facing charges of vehicular manslaughter and dui. lawsuit has been filed against california's brand new law that bans schools from alerting parents if their child identifies as transgender national law firm. the liberty justice center argues that parents have a constitutional right to know what their children are doing at school. and the parents of the legal guardians of their children, not governor newsom or other state leaders. the lawsuit goes on to say that it was filed on behalf of that, you valley school district and its parents. and governor newsom's office responded to this by saying this is a deeply unserious lawsuit seemingly designed to stoke the dumpster fire on this website rather than surface. legitimate legal claims are confident state will swiftly prevail. in this case. and the civic center bart station is getting some new fare. gates part bar plans to start replacing them on thursday is
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a look at one that's already been installed in oakland. the work at the civic center location will happen at gates close at the 7 street entrance. it's expected take several weeks to complete and the station's other to fare. gates will remain open as the work is being done. the new gates aimed to help with fare evasion as well as make it easier for riders with wheelchairs, bikes and strollers. the new parks and houses are coming to san francisco. these are renderings of some new homes, businesses and park expected to all replace parking lot surrounding stonestown galleria. 20% of the 3500 new homes will be affordable. housing mayor london breed says this type of development is what the city needs to reach its housing goals and build more affordable. seth.
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and it's a new era in oakland, the black panther, affordable housing complex is ready for move in. >>the brand 5 story building is on 7th street near oakland's main post office. it features 79 homes and on the ground floor, 5 businesses, including a grocery store, a fitness center and restaurant all be there. organizers say former inmates and foster youth will own and work at those businesses. and happening on wednesday, a new free water shuttle will officially start running across the bay. caring people between jack london square and alameda. the shuttle is scheduled to run wednesday through sunday for the next 2 years. officials say trips will be under 10 minutes and that the ferry is also ada accessible riders can bring their bicycles on board as well. and free music festival is happening this weekend in san francisco. back to the basics will start at 2 on
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sunday afternoon in front of embarcadero plaza is being put on by the same organizers that brought skrillex and fried again to civic center. >>it drew large crowds and they're hoping for the same organizers expect more than 2000 people to show up on sunday. it will feature several. the jays, including sacher a body who's played at coachella and also burning man. seems like a fun weekend ahead. you're watcelon
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musk announced x formerly twitter will move its downtown san francisco headquarters to austin, texas says the move is in response to a new california law that prohibits school districts from notifying parents if their
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child starts using different pronouns or identifies as a different gender than their school record shows. for more on that and the move and what's happening in san francisco. kron four's justine waldman spoke with san francisco mayor london breed. so this was some breaking news early today. accident was the leaving san francisco. >>well, one, how much notice did you have about tat? this was going on and then elon musk's reasoning. was really a dig at san francisco. he posted this that he's had enough of dodging gangs of violent drug addicts just to get in and out of the building. are you surprised that he's leaving that x is leaving downtown san francisco? and have you noticed that when you've been down there? well, actually, i was just down here when i you need to come here today. and and i'm in the area not just ex is located, but also in the alleyway. >>we extremely hard to clean up and clear out the area and it is pretty dead. i mean,
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when i say that there are no one on the streets, there's nothing around the area. so i don't know where this is coming from or if this is, you know, old. >>back when he was here more frequently and i think it's really you know, we have a communication relationships were we? we talk and my goal is to do everything i can to ensure the success of any business that's here in san francisco that has a genuine commitment is staying and i want to make sure that we're focusing on all the great businesses like where their global headquarters is located here and i mean, we still have the most artificial intelligence companies that are here and starting up in san francisco than almost anywhere. and we have opportunities to continue to work with businesses to grow and thrive. and i think, you know, sadly, this is a distraction. i remain to any business that wants to do business here. and i think this is very unfortunate. and i think what's even more unfortunate is his commitment
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to give 45 million dollars a month to make sure that someone who has attacked trans kids, lgbtq community and women's reproductive freedom that someone would even conceive of giving someone like this resources to return to office, to create chaos for people like us here in san francisco and women, especially all over the country. so no love lost than in. seeing elon musk tasting his businesses out of the state of california and out of downtown san francisco. not suggesting anything other than you know, we have clearly disagreements and my job as mayor is to make sure that the doors are open to work with anyone who wants to do business here. our values are a completely, you know, different story and our values here in san francisco is that we protect our lgbtq community and we protect women's reproductive freedoms and we don't agree with supporting people who are opposed to those things. and so when you were down there near a axes
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headquarters you noticed that there were a lot of people down there. now there our ambassadors, urban alchemy. they were they were there yet. you're not workers per se. i mean, ex-husband had people working there in the office for a while. office vacancy rate in san francisco is now the highest it's ever been. but there was the smallest increase since the 3rd quarter of 2021. so we're now almost 37% of office vacancy rate in san francisco. how are you going to try to get this? this is when you have such as big company like actually being in. there were so many tax cuts that were made to bring the company there when it was twitter, just how all those businesses around there were excited about opening up cafes and restaurants. that's all the employees that are going to be there. and now that's all going away. well, san francisco has been the place of know and making it difficult. and we're putting forth this november reforms for tax to to deal with the
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tax challenges that businesses face and to provide certainty to businesses. we since i've been in office there been over 14 new taxes that have been passed that have layered financial responsibilities that have created issues, especially around start-up businesses. so we need to reform our tax structure and more importantly, we can't just be this 95 downtown financial district and limiting the number of things that you can do in a particular building. we have to get to yes. and part of getting to yes is making sure that our offices can be more than just offices. they can be housing. they can be lab space. they can be retail space. all of those things wrapped in one in union square. i'm excited about the old imax and building which is going to continue to be retail at the bottom. but office in the middle and housing overlooking beautiful union square providing more opportunities excuses, which is not been the case in the past and making downtown a 24 7. >>neighborhood rather than a
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95 financial district. that is our plan, providing incentives getting to yes, we rezone downtown so that you don't have to go 2 to 3 year process to rezone a building to convert a housing or to dorm room space, making it easier for people to do more and to get to yes. and what's happening at stonestown because you have a proposal here that's going to bring >>3,500 new homes, 6 acres of parks, plazas open space. a new child care in senior facilities. that's pretty ambitious. it is ambitious. but, you know, the west side of san francisco >>has not done its fair share in terms of building more housing. and this is an opportunity to take, you know, the parking lot. and i mean, the mall will still be there and to get really creative and provide a robust community there right next to san francisco state many people who, in fact grow up in san francisco, they want to stay in san francisco. and if we don't get serious about
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housing production, you know, the next generation of san francisco growing up will not have an opportunity. so this is an ambitious plan and it's one that doesn't destroy sound housing, which is not something that i support. but it looks at an underutilized site and makes it robust and provides an opportunity for student housing for family housing, for a place where people can be and right next to a mall space. this is exactly the kinds of neighborhoods that we should be creating in our city. there's opportunity for growth there. >>after the attack, the attempted assassination attack and former president trump, president biden has talked about sort of lowering the temperature in politics. you yourself at city hall recently defaced with some racist and sexist remarks. i'm wondering what your your view is and what's happening in politics that way. how do you think we can reduce the temperature? yeah, and i think we we have disagreements and i don't think there's anything wrong with disagreements and >>still being able to have
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conversations or to compromise or to work together in some way. but no matter what we should never, ever condone attacks of any nature, whether it's races, rhetoric out there and things that are being said or its physical assaults in what happened. tragically, you know, with donald trump in that situation as much as you know, i despise what he stands for, what he says and what he represents. i would never want to see something like that happen to anyone. and so i think that we as leaders have to set the example. but we also have to be careful about the rhetoric that we put out there because we we have to buy example, demonstrate like, hey, wait a minute. i disagree with this person, but i don't believe in this or i don't support this. and as you can see, president biden and vice president kamala harris immediately came out, you know, opposing what happened in making it clear where they stand. and that's important for us to do no matter. republican democrat in this society as a way to set an example as leaders to ensure
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that people know this is not ok ever in any circumstances. and do you believe the president biden's should stay in the race to support him in his reelection? i'm supporting president biden. and i want to be very clear. i am very grateful to the biden administration for everything that they have done to support san francisco. we're getting more help from the u.s. department justice. the drug enforcement agency to arrest drug dealers on the streets and to hold them accountable. we've gotten billions of dollars in transportation support. we work with the hud secretary who has provided vouchers and resources to help get people off the streets and into housing. and we've worked incredibly close with the biden administration and he's very talented callan, camp. cabinet members to support and uplift this city. and i know that if we continue to support him, we will get exactly the same thing if we the alternative is is it scary to think about? leaders
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in washington worry about the growing influence of china in the pacific to combat china's recent aggression towards taiwan. bipartisan delegation from congress visited the nation. washington correspondent vinay simlot explains their from the detention of a taiwanese fishing boat. 2 chinese fighters and bombers conducting exercises near taiwan. american lawmakers are trying to combat china's growing influence in the pacific trying get very aggressive, a very hostile house foreign affairs committee chairman michael mccaul says taiwan is vital to the world economy.
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>>the u.s. international trade commission says more than 90% of the world's most advanced chip manufacturing was located in taiwan in 2021. china was to invade >>that would shut down and creating economic >>crisis. that's why he lead a bipartisan delegation to taiwan earlier this year. pennsylvania democrat chrissy houlahan says her reasoning goes back to american ideals. the united states has a vested interest in making sure that the people of taiwan are able to maintain a democracy that they had for so on capitol hill. many lawmakers believe china is gearing up to be ready to invade taiwan by the end of this decade. >>they believe president she wants to create an imperial china that continues to grow. well, lawmakers were in taiwan. they say the chinese military encircled the island looked every bit like a blockade. mccall says the u.s. military study that action
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terms of what they would be doing in the event of an invasion. the pentagon says secretary austin has said he does not an invasion of taiwan is imminent nor inevitable. lawmakers say these types of trips are designed to discourage an invasion. >>in washington, i'm today some lot. more than 100 hotel
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workers in downtown san jose. today we're rallying and marching, demanding a better pay for their work. kron. 4 shock moment has the details. marching. chanting.
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>>they're bringing the show right to the doorsteps of the hotels and restaurants. they work everyone out there. listening nodded has worked at spencer steakhouse for 30 years, says they have been fully open since the pandemic. and we just stayed open for another almost a and in a week we just found out he had no they said they were going to be temporary. but in another couple of weeks will be a year. she's fighting with other members of union called unite here local 19 and she says they have 4 priorities. better work conditions, better wages health insurance, just respect. hospitality workers say these demands have not that. they're negotiating for a contract with the 3 large hotel company hilton, marriott and hyatt. i've been working there december so 1988. >>well, most the things and in the decades since he was hired
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at this hotel for his says the pay has not improved of many on my goal was just have to work place for works. >>the money pay the u.s. everything getting this the you know, we have enough time. who has been with family. and that's the message on most of these picket signs that reads one job should be enough. we make the money >>for them. and they've they've been a sunday get a lot of or have moved from san jose to modesto years ago. he says the cost of living outweighs the commute by going be enough. >>just by jack moment from 4 news. >>the white house is working to cap annual rent increases to combat the high cost of housing across the country. and president biden made the official announcement on tuesday during his trip to las vegas to rally support for black and latino voters. washington correspondent jessi tenure reports.
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>>about a 3rd of americans are renters. and president joe biden says most are paying far too much for their homes. we have to deal with corporate greed during his trip to nevada on tuesday, the president proposed a 5% cap on yearly rent increases the id. >>the courtroom house, he's able to raise your rent 3, 4, 100 bucks a month. according to apartment list. the average rental is about $1400. so the president's proposal would limit the increase to $70 a month. >>biden administration officials say the cap would last for 2 years and serve as a bridge until more housing units are built and housing units currently under construction. >>become available. but some industry groups criticized the plan because it doesn't immediately address the overall housing shortage. in a statement, the national multifamily housing council says rent control has been tried for decades and been a resounding failure. now is the time for actual solutions. not
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electioneering. housing costs have been a major driver of overall inflation. but the latest inflation report revealed a long-awaited decline that could help urge the federal reserve to make an interest rate cut soon. >>on monday, fed chair jerome powell stressed it's still a delicate balance if we use too early. >>you know, we can undermine the progress inflation. if we wait too late, we can undermine economic activity. the fed meets next at the end of the month. >>in washington, i'm jessi tenure. >>will continu
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california has reached a milestone in the fight against organized retail crime. according to governor gavin
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newsom, chp officers have arrested a record 717 people this year and recovered more than 6.8 million dollars in stolen goods. kron four's rob nesbitt spoke with the golden gate division of chp about their crackdown. the security camera footage of retail crimes shows how quickly they can occur. >>criminals targeting stores and leaving with the stolen merchandise. in a matter of minutes. governor gavin newsom started the states retail crime task force and 2019. but it was this year that a new record was set with nearly a quarter of a million stolen goods being recovered. year-to-date 167% increase and the number of related to those task force efforts. paying dividends. >>and we want to see work done. sergeant andrew barclay was chp golden gate division says there's been $26,000 and recovered items in the bay area. >>and 1.4 million dollars in assets. he says criminals often resell stolen items at places like flea markets through third-party retailers and online can range from those small operations all the
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way to very elaborate operation where we're seeing people across the state working for one specific and that is taking all the stolen items, fencing them and distributing them across the state or even across the country since 2019, chp has been a part of more than 2600 retail theft investigation statewide resulting in the arrests of more than 2800 suspects. sergeant barclay says proactive policing will help prevent future crimes against retail stores. it's not just about responding to crimes that have already happened. it's also about identifying trends and finding ways to stop crimes from occurring in the first place. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >>danville neighborhood remains on high alert tonight after a group of burglars were seen breaking into cars and using garage door openers to break into the homes. kron four's lezla gooden has more from blackstone drive with what neighbors are saying. >>on sunday morning around
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07:00am bring door cameras off a blackstone drive caught a group of people running away after breaking into jeffrey neighbor's home. so she chased them out of the house and out of the garage. >>and down the street here and just running and screaming. what's release sad and bizarre about this is. perpetrators while they were running from are. >>laughing at jeffrey tells us the group was seen breaking into several of his neighbors cart looking for a garage openers. they managed to get her garage opener out of her car and on driveway. >>open the garage, take things from her garage. and unfortunately, door into the house from the garage was left open and unlocked. so they were able to get into her house. she and kids were inside they went into her house, took her car keys minutes later, a few streets away. >>mike pulaski came face to face with the same group. 3
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guys were coming into my garage masks. black hoodies came they weren't expecting me. they're coming into the house. he says they broke into his car, stole several of his hunting knives and use the garage clicker to get inside. mike says he acted on instinct, chase them away and called police and open pd was fantastic. immediately responded. they sent units rather than coming to the house became an active i sent a picture. they taste a pursuit. but soon as they got alameda county. >>alameda county does not lead police it just like criminals get away. danville police tells us that they are investigating a series of car break-ins in neighborhoods. >>sharing that at least 8 cars were recently broken into with some resulting in a residential burglaries and suspects gained access to at least 5 garages using garage door openers, found the cars and many of the cars were left unlocked. citizens deserve to feel >>and right now we don't feel safe at and it's a direct
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result of the politics and the politicians, lawmakers that we put in power. and if we're not thoughtful about that, if we allow other people for other agendas to put people in power that don't protect us in our home and that's on wasn't good in kron. 4 news. in boxing, we'
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seeing a pair of fighters go 12 rounds, but a new league in southern california is turning the sport upside down. it features team competition having a group of fighters in a 24 round match. crystal ridge called with leave ahead of their playoff match on wednesday.
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>>it's boxing like you've never seen it before. is tcl debut it down those reach. kind of like a lonely sport. well, not anymore. team combat is the nation's first and only professional boxing lead where the athletes box in >>there are 12 teams in 12 cities across the country, including the los angeles police. we match is feature 24 3 minute rounds of nonstop want create something with the camaraderie of team? >>and that's what team come belibi encapsulate this explosive entertaining and exciting switched out after every route with 8 different weight classes. >>one round and you're done at first and it kind of like. >>easy because someone around like, no, it's not u.s. easy because of your phone is on train and one pushed right so a regular fight. let's say a
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fight. her own right. the first 2 rounds study into the maybe hit you-you. the power. well, right here going to have become my head is like mike tyson wrong. he's got more. not the most 6 of the 8 weight classes are for men and the last are for low for the la liga purple and gold. >>says when we get more opportunities, we should be getting more opportunities. and our relationship with everybody is great. you know, the coach is a great team is a great. a lot of the guys are really funny. she is so that itself is great. one of the things that makes team combat so unique is that it's >>what went into the idea to include women in on the bench. we're completely inclusive. everyone's mean you're all fighting a professional boxer? well, into this star each match, broken up into 3 period, ending with what they call the money route.
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>>with a strategy takes over and the team's best fighter. once more, if you know, bring like sighting today, you know, there's a lot of big fires as well. get to see if everything around. see fireworks, everything around. just like any other team sports. the team with the most points at the end when. >>prime day kicked off on tuesday. and we have tips about what's on sale. plus, how to check if your account was involved in the recent a teensy hack ridge tomorrow has all the details in rich on tech. >>here's what's happening in the tech world. it is amazon's 10th prime day and already the deals are plenty. amazon promising millions of deals across 35 categories and already we're seeing deep discounts on electronics, including 30% off. apple watches and airpods up to 24% off. i headphones are also on sale. so are gift cards, the or rain, luggage, home appliances and more. some of
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the deepest discounts are on amazon's own brands, including kindle fire, raining and echo. >>things consumers are looking for is this year from the prime shopping experiences, shoes and apparel electronics. a lot of essentials deals on amazon basics, which is an amazon household brands. and what's this year is a lot of interesting hobby, leisure and travel products. >>a few shopping tips go to amazon dot com slash by again. this will let you see the stuff that you regularly purchase and see if that stuff is on sale. check for the items that you've saved in your car to see if any of them are discounted and price check any deals you find target walmart and best buy are all competing with discounts. was your data part of the most tnt hack. the company has a way for you to find out 18. he says that hackers illegally downloaded customer data from a cloud platform they use. the
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data includes records of calls and text for most 18 t cell phone customers. and some landline customers. the records show which phone numbers called or texted each other. but it does not include the content of the messages or count data like social security numbers. so far this data has not been made public. but if you want to check to see if your account was included in the breach, you can go to a tnt dot com slash a vent slash lander. you can finally to anything i mention here on my website, just go to rich on tech dot tv. i'm rich demuro. that's richaun tack. it
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their apple tv about an aspiring reporter for sues the murder of a forgotten young woman lady in the lake marks academy award winner natalie portman is debut starring on the small screen, ktla dot called gives us a look in the entertainment report. >>the series is based off the novel which itself is based off of real-life events. >>saw you many shorelines. any of this began a song? >>i read the novel first and i was just excited that there are that these 2 incredible characters, both trying to set themselves free. >>i became lady in >>their interaction with each other or lack thereof, that that is kind of the tragedy at the center of a story. you
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never want >>writing enjoy life. those same genes, the lighting. why did need to track my >>one, my favorite things about my job the. different time periods you get to everyone's >>costume designer she owned the tearing is just fabulous. you know, first day walking into office, i can see the to be boise have for cleo who wears what color, where they overlap and so much attention to detail. >>this what they should high school newspaper. people's lives are at stake.
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>>it's such an extraordinary opportunity to get 7 hours to explore a character. you get so much more room to find different shades of your your persona in director gave us so much room to. >>clay and improvising explore. and so many treasures came out of that. >>lady of the lake. start streaming through apple tv friday with your entertainment report. i'm doug kolk. >>more news coming
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>>we may get back to those hot temperatures again as high pressure going to start to build in fact is that same ridge of high pressure that is going to rebuild back in the bay or if you can believe that. but out the door right now, we do have a couple patches of fog that moved inside the bay. a little more that come overnight tonight and fill in some of the bay in the interior valleys to tomorrow. yeah, we're starting out with a couple of patches of fog early on. then here comes that sunshine again. should be another gorgeous day. just slightly warmer in some spots inland, then much warmer. i think as we get the weekend and next week as these temperatures are really going to soar, clouds gather along the coastline right now and they will begin to move on shore. but want to show you this ridge of high pressure member in the beginning of july, we're talking about giant ridge that really cranked up the heat that was wrong across the pacific. this is that same ridge of high pressure. boyd has had quite the life time moved on through started weekend. now it's retro grading. that means is coming back into the bay area building in so tomorrow, probably a little bit warmer. but here you go. start to roll back in as we get toward the
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weekend. how about that? again, that ridge rolling back and bringing us that dry desert air into california. that's going to send temperatures soaring around the bay area. fact many spots well inland, probably over 100 degrees as we get toward latter part of the weekend and early next week. temperatures tomorrow them enjoy below lot of 60's. maybe some low 70's in san francisco, 15 60's patchy fog along the coastline inside the bay. those number 66 degrees millbrae 67 and burlingame. 77, redwood city as you work way south. those numbers moving up in the 80's in many spots. there start to warm up the app that you get inland. almost 90 degrees in little more by tomorrow afternoon. so yeah, you're going to get the idea. you see the temperatures warming up the next couple of days and get hot in spots. but here we go. here's your 10 attempt for as we head through time that ridge of high pressure building back in. here we go. it is already been a hot july. we're going to see those temperatures soaring again. so this ridge of high pressure that is building in. yeah, it is going to bring some hot temperatures around much of the bay area. guys. on 4
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sports. >>baseball's best got together tonight in the heart of texas, we had 3 representatives between the giants and a's. we will show you how they faired tonight. and which superstar flexed his muscles? the most. >>bruce bocce and the american league taking on the tory lava flow and the national league homers pick things up in the top of the 3rd. no score to offer shohei ohtani. he is the best show in baseball right now. no doubt about it. nl strikes first. >>on that 3 run blast rock bottom of the 3rd logan webb because picked up right where he left off in his last start wasn't good. juan soto brings 2 runs in on that. and nl cut the deficit to one couple batters later, david frei lines it into left field for a base hit soto. and guess what?
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the couple more runs score and the a a tie it up at 3 apiece. not a great outing for web bottom of the 5th same score man on for jaren durant get this. that was his first plate appearance in an all-star game. those are 5 to 3 a out top of the 9th annual in the close it out and he does just that the a l they get to the when 5 to 3. they have now won 10 of their last 11 all-star games and there and was also named all-star game mvp. now we mentioned we had 3 guys who play on various teams in this game sees one was closer. as you know, tony mason, miller of the a's he lived up to the hype in his first all-star appearance, he threw a perfect 12 pitch ending 2 with the fast get this. he said all-star game record by throwing a ball a 103.6 miles
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per hour. he struck out both shohei ohtani and trey turner and he was credited with the win. so just a great night for mason miller. and for the a's really got to take every win. they can get. all right. now, this seemed inevitable. but even when it actually came down the news wire, it was still a bit surprising star wide receiver brandon aiyuk. >>has requested a trade from the forty-niners a week before he is supposed to report to camp. i still has one more year on his rookie contract with the niners. he is due to earn just over 14 million dollars this season. but as you see, often in the nfl, he does not want to play with just a year remaining on his deal remembers not guaranteed money and the 2 sides. they have not been able to come up with a number. they both teams as fair reached out to a source. i was told, quote, brandon wants to go where he
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is appreciated and fairly compensated and quote, last season i you let the team 75 catches over 1300 receiving yards and he was tied for the team lead with 7 touchdown catches according to espn, other teams have reached out to san francisco about a possible trade for iu. but they've been told the niners are not interested. i skipped the team's mandatory mini-camp last month that cost them over $100,000 in fines. who knows if the team will make him pay that now it appears both sides. they're just in a staring contest. first to blink loses. >>and that does it here for us at kron-on will be back, of course, with the morning news at 5 o'clock. i'm stephanie rothman. thanks for watching.
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♪ ♪ >> nischelle: tonight... ♪ ♪ >> there is no scale at the gates of heaven. >> nischelle: what killed richard simmons? his death under investigation. >> he was not


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