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tv   KRO Non News  KRON  July 18, 2024 11:30pm-1:31am PDT

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>>now from kron 4, the bay area's local news station. >>thanks for joining us. you're watching kron-on live on air and online. always. i'm stephanie rothman. the final day of the republican national convention wrapped up with former president trump speaking in his first speech since the assassination attempt on saturday. reshad
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hudson has more from milwaukee. >>tonight it was standing room only and it's the moment many in this crowd have waiting for. and that's to hear from former president trump. >>former president donald trump took the stage to officially accept the republican nomination for president. i am running to be president. >>for all of american, not half of america. >>this was trump's first time speaking publicly since saturday's attempted assassination. there was blood pouring everywhere yet in a certain way, i felt very safe because i had god on my side after saturday's attack, trump says that led him to tear up his original speech and focus on bringing the country together. age when our politics too often divide us. now is the time to remember that we are all fellow
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citizens. trump's wife melania made her first appearance at the convention for the speech. american rocker kid rock performed for the crowd. this evening. also featured appearances and speeches from his son, eric trump, celebrity wrestler. >>hulk hogan and former fox news host tucker carlson. >>former president trump and his new running mate, senator jd vance will hold their first joint campaign rally in the battleground state of michigan. reporting in milwaukee, rashad hudson, back to you. >>well, trump supporters gathered san francisco here tonight to watch the latest night of the rnc. we are from the first vice chair of the san francisco republican party. >>it's a really special energy at the convention. i think people are fired up tremendously after the attempted murder of the president on saturday. i they have just gone to the next
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level be happens. trump the way what i rather have a slightly more diplomatic. okay. but i i like to fight fire with fire. i think he gets a lot lobbed at him. people's personalities. so fundamentally change after about the age of 50 not looking for a fundamental personality change. what would expect that this near-death experience for him. she cannot. he's he's a person is a human being. >>as the president's campaign is calling an all-staff meeting for tomorrow. it comes as calls for biden to step aside in the race for the white house continue to grow. former president barack obama and congresswoman nancy pelosi are the latest in the slew of people to speak out. and the washington post reporting obama feels biden should take a good look at whether he has a shot at beating donald trump. obama adding the path to victory is fading with top democratic donors also threatening to pull the plug on contributions and members of his own party pushing biden to step aside for another nominee. meantime, pelosi
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privately warned biden the democrats could lose the ability to seize control in the house if he did step away from the race. political analysts, david mcewan shared insight on this path forward. >>it's a far cry from this election being over. democrats are going to have to find a way forward because they're headed to chicago next with this disarray as opposed to the unity and the wind behind the sales that the republicans feel they have right now. >>currently, president biden continues to be isolated at home in delaware, recovering from covid-19. this is his 3rd bout with the virus. and switching gears. let's take a look at the weather. here is kron 4 chief meteorologist lawrence karnow to tell you what to expect as we head into the weekend, lawrence. >>alright, weather time. it is all about the heat going forward here. started to heat up in some of the valleys today. some places all the way up to 100 degrees. i think go over that in some spots inland for tomorrow. so tonight we do
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have mostly clear skies around the bay area right now. a couple patches of fog trying to form along the coastline. not going to be much, though, and that means we're off and running. and here comes a big dome of high pressure building back in. that is going to send the temperatures soaring around the bay area. here we go as we'll see very hot inland 90's and triple digits. heat advisories are up until 11 o'clock tomorrow night in the north bay. the east bay also into the south bay. as we're expecting that hot weather really just kind of settling in here for tomorrow. may cool down just slightly over the weekend. but boy, not by much. and then we're going to things right back up in the next week. so here's a breakdown of your temperatures. yeah, we're looking at about 102 in concord tomorrow. 102, in livermore, 100 of morgan hill. 92 in san jose. 86 in oakland. pretty comfortable. 74 and sunny and bright in san francisco. this is one of those cases, as i said before. >>that this person should not have the opportunity to have to be out on parole in 20
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years. it just does not make sense. >>the alameda police chief, a straight-a tonight over decision made by the district attorney's office following a mass shooting that killed 5 eople. the man accused of the shooting and killing his wife. her parents and 2 young sons has been charged with murder. but the police chief is not very pleased to say the least says the charges are not enough. shot. joshi tells kron 4 that shane killian, the father accused of killing his 5 family members inside of his home needs to be charged to the fullest extent of the law. the alameda county district attorney's office announced they are charging killian with 5 counts of murder. the chief says he spoke with alameda da pamela price. understand why her office to not add multiple murder special circumstances. he tells us da did not budge, says this decision sends a disappointing message to family and community members grieving this tragic loss. >>are not going to be special
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circumstance charges. that's concerning. when i hear that they're going to be 200 some odd years of the possibility of of of this individual receiving over 200 years. also know that it's possible that this individual could receive 25 years hand. be eligible for parole in 20 years. that's a concern absolutely disappointed. i'm a father. i know what these this family went through. i know what the baby's went through. this is one of those cases, as i said before that this person should not have the opportunity to have to be out on parole. >>kelly and is currently being held in santa rita jail without bail. and the investigation continues into the attacks on more than a dozen asian senior citizen women in oakland near the west lake christian terrace. at least one suspect is in custody. but the investigation is still ongoing. so far it's not consider to hate crime. mayor sheng thao, though, she says even if race was not a
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factor hate crime charges should still be considered. >>i believe that there is you know, of course, is an ongoing investigation. but i would say that, you know, targeting our elderly is a hate crime in itself in regards this is the majority, a senior citizens. >>anyone with information about these attacks is asked to call oakland police. you're wan-on lthursday was
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the last day of the republican national convention wrapping up with former president donald trump officially accepting the republican nomination for president. for more reaction on this kron
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four's catherine heenan spoke with time's up a cairo. >>i'm joined by tom del beccaro. tom is an author. he is the former chairman of the state republican party. what did you think of the speech? >>as we spoke about earlier this evening, rarely do candidates get to reintroduce themselves, send the circumstances, whether it is the difficulties in the economy or the difficulties the democrats are having. and especially the assassination attempt have given him a second chance. >>all though. >>the speech could have been a little shorter from from my perspective, the reality is that the first 30 minutes we're incredibly moving. his tone analogy was was heartfelt. and i think it reached a lot of people. they have not seen not side of him. that was similar to what happened to reagan. quite honestly, because they were told reagan was a particular
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way. but reagan showed is different sides, that's when became a more a fuller candidate. and a better president. and i think tonight that opportunity exist. we're more divided today than before. so in many ways, i've said over the years trump could give away winning lottery numbers and and not find any favor. but i did think that he advanced if you are voting for trump, he advanced his cause the all right. and to put it simply, we were hearing that he would sound like chain. >>change did he? well, the first 40 minutes was riveting even after that. the remaining 50 minutes, 90 some minutes. he was. if you watched trump speeches, this was a milder version of those speeches. see it. prior to this could get into it out on the path. look, both candidates biden said
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some have said some pretty harsh things. this is that the age we live in. but this particular speech wasn't the same kind of speech you would have given in march. there's no question about that. he constantly talked about unity. in fact, the 3 words that were used most tonight, we're thank you. the many times he thinks people thank people and the word unity. and that's a good thing. >>and again, that first part of the speech was quite compelling. i mean, describing what it felt like to get shot. and he told the story pretty well. i thought. and everyone seemed to be listening intently. we were listening intently here in the studio and then it kind of veered off into being a stumps. i conventions convention speech, but you're making the point. what what do you expect? i posted on social media on facebook that have never seen anything like this before. and i've been watching look this. this idea. politics writing history books about politics is my gig. >>i've never seen anything like this. it was it was a
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very subdued moment when usually the these are fakes. at these conventions over the years going back. a couple centuries worth. we've had some pretty harsh comments at at conventions. people should look james garfield the way he campaigned even before he ran for president, they we had some. some tough speeches in the past. but this was an the most half. but it did have some red meat. you know, that's what these conventions are about and we'll have to compare it to the democratic convention. whoever gives that acceptance speech. all right. he did to you did bradford said crazy. nancy pelosi as he put it? >>he did mention biden, tom, but he never got into the dilemma. biden is now facing with whether he should step down leave the race so take he didn't go far with that. yeah. will take that for what it is
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that say he could have, you know, that's fertile ground. but he stayed away from it. >>nancy pelosi is one of the most unpopular politicians in america. but only mention her twice, he stayed away from specific name. so i think on balance this particular speech was not. the invective was way down compared go look at other cnvention speeches and now hard-hitting. they were but he still donald trump. he still has is drill, baby, drill lines and and his main focus on the way he presents. this was a subdued version. now we'll have to see whether the unity states and by the way, it's it should be easy for him to do this because there is disunity on within the other side so he should stay in the eu. need lane. all right. we're out of time, but thank agree was a little long aside from whatever else. >>but back to you.
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investigation is underway after a 16 year-old boy was shot and killed wednesday night. police are looking for the suspect. kron four's philippe reports from the scene of the crime. >>debi welsh started by rapid gunfire and eventually ducking for cover and urgent that and i have the floor. welch was standing on her porch at around 11, 30 wednesday night when gunfire erupted near her corner on the 100 block of carolina street in south vallejo. she did her best to stay hit it. i thought it was it like this ak party donors and the like that. so >>i wasn't about to go looking outside. let them see media
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eyewitness. when officers responded to the shooting, police say they found a 16 year-old boy suffering from at least one gunshot wound. officers rendered aid until paramedics arrived. but the boy died on bothers me. >>the violence and the danger and and the and security of. >>living in this city, police have not released a motive information on who pulled the trigger or shared whether or not the victim was armed. run stayner lives in the senior living community near the scene of the crime and heard the loud shots outside his open window but was not aware of boy lost his life until police reopened the area thursday morning. well, well, you know, never know. you never i'm not sure. i mean, you >>shame, shame. shame on them. as such. >>really been sadly, this marks the city's 12th homicide
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of the year and all of 2023. 22 homicides were reported here in vallejo. philippe djegal, all kron. 4 news. >>in the south bay elected officials and law enforcement in san jose are calling for more to be done to protect mail carriers and prevent mail theft as kron. 4 charles clifford reports. this comes after another break-in at a community mailbox over the weekend. >>well, across the country, the robbery of mail carriers. and that's from mailboxes have become a real problem. elected officials here in the bay area and law enforcement are hoping to step up efforts to do something about it. according to the postal service between 2019 2022, there was a six-fold increase in the number of mail carriers being robbed. 87% increase in the number of high volume mail. boxes like this one that are being broken into and robbed last year, more than 30 bay area mail carriers were robbed, including a san jose carrier who was robbed at gunpoint last november and a
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palo alto carrier who was beaten and robbed. the theft of mail is a lot more than just the theft of letters. u.s. representative jimmy panetta says that more needs to be done to protect carriers and prevent thefts. he recently introduced new legislation the mail theft act, which aims to improve cross agency efforts to stop mail, theft and would make investigating these crimes a top priority for federal law enforcement. all we're asking is that the united states postal service acts so that their letter carriers can yes, complete their rounds, but do it safely and make sure that they're able to deliver this mail to us. and we're asking the united states postal service to protect our mail in that fashion and do it quickly. so that we can protect our livelihoods and our communities particular concern thieves are robbing mail carriers to get the keys. they used to unlock mailboxes and that is calling on the postal service to start using electronic keys on mailboxes order to discourage these robberies in san jose charles
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clifford kron. alameda police c
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expressing frustration with the charging decision by the district attorney for the fatal shooting of the family of 5 in alameda. the chief saying he believes the charges against the father and husband accused of killing them are not tough enough. kron four's lezla gooden is in alameda with the latest details. >>yes, spoke with the chief of police who says that there are part of this case that he wished she could just and see because it's so disturbing. and then when he learned about the current charges of this case, he was very disappointed. >>as i said before, i don't
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think that every case should someone spend the rest of their life in jail? but i do think that there are some cases and this is one of them out chief of police in a shot. joshi says the suspect accused of killing his 5 family members inside of this home off the kitty hawk road. >>needs to be charged to the fullest extent of the law are not going to be special circumstance charges. that's concerning. >>when i hear that, they're going to be 200 some odd years of the possibility of of of this individual receiving over 200 years. also know that it's possible that this individual could receive 25 years and be eligible for parole in 20 years. that's a concern about county district attorney's office is charging 54 year-old suspect shane killian with 5 counts of murder and enhancements for the killing of his family. >>the chief says he spoke with the da on wednesday again to understand why her office did not add multiple murder
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special i think it's about a five-minute conversation >>and there. no changes in. at least as a as far as i know, there are no changes to the decision onto not impose. special circumstances. >>he says this decision is sending a disappointing message to the family and the community absolutely disappointed. i'm a father. i know what these this family went through. i know what these babies went through. >>this is one of those cases, as i said before that this person should not have the opportunity to have to be out on parole in 20 years. it just does not make sense. >>and the chief made it very clear that this has nothing to do with the da. it's simply about justice. and he believes the is sends the wrong message to people that if you commit crime like this, there's a possibility that she could get out of jail in alameda was going kron. 4 news. >>the oakland a's have finally released some details about
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their plans to finance a new stadium in las vegas. the details were shared at a las vegas stadium authority meeting this afternoon. kron four's dan kerman has the latest. >>and a meeting before the las vegas stadium authoriy. executives retracted the dome, if you will, on their plans for a new baseball stadium on the las vegas strip is executive sandy. dean told board members the 1.5 billion dollar stadium will be financed in 3 parts. 350 million dollars in taxpayer funds, which is 30 million less than earmarked by the legislature. another 300 million dollars will be borrowed through debt financing. but so far, while dean says there's been interest, the a's have yet to secure a lender. dean says the remaining 850 million dollars will be the responsibility of a's owner john fisher. dean says the fisher family could do all of the required equity for the project, but they would also like to have outside investors from the las vegas area. dean says they've
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held off on reaching out to potential investors until they had a more refined design of the stadium. he also shared details on the stadium itself saying the ballpark has been located just a bit northeast of the center of the site and the orientation of the ballpark will be towards the mgm grand in new york, new york dan kerman kron. 4 news. >>will continue
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>>turning now to all the latest headlines coming out of oakland kron 4 stephanie lin spoke with oakland mayor sheng thao. >>all right. so let's start with the recent attacks on more than a dozen seniors at wesley christian terrorists in
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oakland, we're talking about grandmothers, beaten and robbed in broad daylight. we know that police arrested at least one suspect, but they're not investigating this as a hate crime air. we know that all of the victims here are asian. so do you think this should be investigated as a hate crime? >>well, first and foremost, i want to say that this is completely unacceptable. i mean, we're talking about people who are so vulnerable. basically our parents or grandparents. we'll can all connect to that. and everyone has a right to safety in their own communities in their homes, getting out their vehicles. and it is our responsibility to protect the most vulnerable among us, including and especially i billy our elderly residents. and so i am grateful to the local police departments who have made several arrests. thanks to the people who have reported the crimes. and i want to implore for folks that if you have not reported the crime and you are a victim that to come out and make sure that you report these crimes so that we can make sure that those who are perpetrating this chaos in our community. but they are brought to justice. in the meantime,
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we're increasing the foot and car patrols of opd in the area and not just that. i know my office has been working closely with the community to ensure that we're giving them more information about how to keep themselves safe. to your point, your question around a possible hate crime. i believe that there is you know, of course, is an ongoing investigation. but i would say that, you know, targeting our elderly is a hate crime in itself in regards this is the majority. a senior citizens got it. and we know a lot of community organizers obviously speaking up about this saying the race of the victim should be put into consideration. >>they also claim that crimes against elderly asians are being normalized at your response to this. >>you know, this is it's just tragic. you know, we cannot normalize any sort hate crimes against any population, specifically our elderly residents. and so with that being said, we're looking closely into this is an active investigation. and i promise
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you that in any sort of hate crime here in the city of oakland, we will make sure that we are addressing it head on. you know, this is a vulnerable group in population and we will not stand for this. >>all right. we want to turn now to the incident that happened at the 76 gas station on hegenberger a showing a literal mob of about 80 people breaking into that business. the store owner tells us that opd failed to take the initial emergency call seriously. can you walk us through how that happened? >>well, what we saw on that video was appalling and those responsible for it must be held accountable. well, i've seen, you know, we see reductions in crime across the city this year, but acts like this reminds us that we need to do more. and i know the oakland police department has met with continues to meet with the business owner and employees of this establishment. and they're working towards holding people keeping the area safe. it is my understanding that when the call came in that there was you know, it wasn't raised to a priority one because of the way to the report was given.
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but after retreating and receiving the video footage, opd area captain did immediately connect or tried to connect with the business owners and tried to connect with him multiple times over that week. more so than that. i know that the chief last week had gone out to speak with the business owner and not just to actually implement some sort of deterrence. we'll be doing a follow-up regards to that. but again, this is unconscionable. this cannot be the new normal, not just for here, the city of oakland, but for the rest of the country. we're seeing that many moms are going into many different establishments. and this is you know, i'm very grateful to the partnership of the governor and not just at the attorney general, rob bonta for ensuring that we are taking retail theft situations like this seriously at a regional and statewide level only also brought up the new chief of floyd mitchell. >>if you walk us through what the work with the working relationship has been like
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between you and she's mitchell and his goals for the city. the rest of the year. >>yes, absolutely. you know, we've we are you know, this is a new relationship that he is amazing. i know that he is gone into the department working in talking to rank and file to understand from those who have been here for years to understand some of the barriers that we can overcome together. and so it's been just enjoy working with regards to the strategy. the strategy continues to you know, make sure that we're bringing crime down. and so that has been the ultimate strategy. cease-fire is our priority as we move forward to really target those who are at highest risk of actually victimizing our community and working closely with the different agencies, whether it is the sheriff's department, that debt district attorney's office to ensure that we do apprehend suspects and we do charge that they are held accountable. and so the is he wants to assure everybody that this is going to be something that he takes seriously and he
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has done nothing but just show up and do that part. so i'm very proud of the work that he's already done in the city of oakland. and i'm excited for our continued partnership with the community and going back to the situation at the 76 gas station. >>that particular area seems to struggle quite a bit with crime. a number of businesses like the starbucks subway the internet. they closed their doors in that area this year. what are the plans to revitalize area and make it safe again? >>absolutely. you know, then this goes back to the coliseum deal, right? if we can finally start developing in the areas like this to get more foot traffic and what have you with the investments that we put in. we know that we can deter crime from come to areas such as these. and so with that being said, my team has been out in the hague and burger corridor multiple times this 10 year working with the businesses out there working with the community. we've also funded ambassadors for the area which we saw that that helps decrease in crimes. more so than that, we're working with the sheriff's department
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and chp so that each piece that we have coverage in that area, whether it's from opd chp or the sheriff's department. and so we are seeing that some of the crime is being a of course, we want to get 0. and so we're going to continue to do that work to ensure that, you know, those who are trying to come into the city to commit crimes that they're being held accountable for it. >>all right. we're city just got a 15 million dollar grant to improve access for residents to high-speed internet. he walk us through the scale, this effort and how soon it will benefit residents. >>absolutely. my team and i we've been working on since last year and last week, the caliph and the california public utilities commission approved the first round of awards for the last mile broadband projects such as the 2 billion dollar last-mile federal funding. i can't program we just won. so this current expand internet access for underserved in underserved communities across california here in california, we did get the 50 million dollar grant. so what that means is that we're able to connect the
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community to broaband. this is a result of years of collaboration with the city of u.s. steve housing authority and many amazing community partners. and so we are excited for this. we're going to be launching more information about how this is all interconnecting with, you know, economic development, making sure that we invest in the community and of course, public safety is so stay tuned for that. but we're excited to have won 15 million dollars. grant to ensure that we have the last mile in regards to our broadband projects. okay. so let's talk a bit about the city's effort to fix its potholes your city council passed a >>300 million dollar plan to fix 400 miles of roads by 2027. we still on track here. we are yesterday just had a press conference. we know that here in the city of oakland, we're about 80 years behind in street maintenance. and so that's many, many years. >>so with that being said, i just want to say thank you to the voters for approving measure kk at the forefront renewing it under measure.
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you. and so what this means is that not only are major corridors will be paid, but now we're seeing our neighborhood streets get paid. and it's been a long time coming. we're excited that this year, this past fiscal oakland, we broke our own katie record and we pay 47 miles of streets in the city of oakland beating our 2022 record. and so we're on track to, you know, increase the numbers of miles pave every year. and again, this is in partnership with the community. and so we just want to lift that up that everybody loves new streets. but at the same time, it will be safer for all community members. >>all right, mayor will to tie things off here is so what has been, of course, a pretty dramatic months that recall effort against you as well as that ongoing investigation by the fbi. what do you want oaklanders to know right now? >>well, you know, this recall campaign was set in motion before i was even sworn in. and i think it's incredible disservice to our one democratic process to the voters into oaklanders in our
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city. let's be very clear that this is a distraction and a significant waste of taxpayer monies. what example is that the potential cost open taxpayers right not free is upwards of 10 million dollars it creates massive instability with negative ripple effects throughout the whole city. so, for example, each opd officers budgeted for $325,000 per officer. that's roughly 31 officer of it is up 40 10 million dollars and i want to remind everyone that we are in budget deficit. so as we're looking at you know, i know the oaklander oaklanders. we'll do the right thing. regards to the city of oakland, how we move forward so that we can continue to do the great things that we're doing, including with the open bollards in west oakland and in east oakland, with the development at the coliseum, we need to create new monies in the city of oakland so that we can stop taxing our property owners. and that is the goal so that oakland can thrive. so we're going to
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remain focused on doing the job. love what open voters elected me to do. we've been in office now for going on 19 months and we're excited that we've gotten so much accomplished already. and we're going to continue to move forward accomplish more things for our community 19 months in office in already so much happening and your administration, is there anything you think you might have? >>changed in those 19 months? >>you know, there's there is a lot you know, instability regards to, you know, the hackers coming in, hacking our system for many, many decades, the city had not invested in their infrastructure, you from like the great fled or what have you again, not invest in our infrastructure in. so now what we're getting us where we are sure that we're making those investments so that this doesn't happen again. of course, it has to start somewhere and we're going to take that seriously. and we have been in. so it's starting under my administration so that we don't ever have to go through these different crises. again. >>all for mayor sheng thao, thank you for your time. thank thank you for your time. thank you so much. me. dave's company just scored the
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police departments of san francisco are being sued for the alleged use of facial recognition technology. this despite the technology being bans back in 2019 kron four's gayle ong has more from the group behind the lawsuit. >>we had 2 whistleblowers come to us with documents showing that the problem is more widespread than the police admitted to more officers are involved. there's been more more uses or or outsourcing a request for other agencies to run as technology on their
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behalf. brian hofer is the executive director of secure justice, a nonprofit that advocates against government overreach. >>the group filed a lawsuit on tuesday against the city and county of san francisco alleging the use of facial recognition technology, which is banned in 2019. they have 42. >>pieces surveillance technology, but to not have approved these policies for them. those were due for years ago i have bent over backwards trying negotiate with and trying to work with chief sky and they're just flat out refuse to comply with a lot. so we need a court order. the lawsuit also accuses the city and county of san francisco. >>failed to submit annual reports and provide required information in annual reports. the suit alleges facial recognition technology is known for not accurately identifying individuals with darker tones and different genders. there are also concerns about hundreds of cases at risk for dismissal. if there are brady violations when a prosecutor fails to provide a defendant with evidence that could be
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favorable in their case. >>lot of these technologies simply don't work. so that raises the question, is this technology even affected at all? and maybe they can cut it can save money. but san francisco's facing a huge budget deficit. >>gayle ong kron. 4 news. the s
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homeless union continues to go head-to-head with the city of sacramento over alleged breach of contract for the city's efforts to shut down a homeless encampment within the city. there's a hearing scheduled for next year, but on thursday that if they happen right in front of the camp itself. kristin vartan joins us from the camp
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resolution with more. >>losing their home before getting permanent housing. that's what campers aleutian residents are worried about. my question is, where's the just said here? >>weren't smart you don't have a was a tourney. anthony prince who represents camp resolutions authorized residents standing his ground with the city, tried to conduct a fire inspection of campers aleutian thursday, allegedly without a warrant and was last time there was a fire, especially as well. this has been opened for about 2 so i originally looked over the plans for all of the rv's and everything about 2 years ago. >>so why did it take 2 years and to have another inspection? so this isn't a consider to be a state mandate inspections. so there is no mandate to do that. in one section. prince tells me that the city trying to make this inspection happened today allegedly shutting off camera
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solutions, water and not complying and giving them adequate electricity. our methods to force residents out anything. that's what they're doing is a constructive eviction. no question about it. we've already had people leave here because it was intolerable for them. all right. you've got you've got the temperature in. those trailers is 100 24th degree c die from them. fox 40 s the city of sacramento for a response to these allegations. they say they did not shut off campers. ocean's water. add that the city had been providing water delivery through the american rescue plan funding. but according to the county, those funds are now exhausted. the city writes, quote, according to the lease agreement, the lisi is responsible for providing utilities which include water and electricity and quote, they go on later to say, quote, to the city, coordinated date and time for today's inspection with mark marion, who is the least of the site. again, he agreed to the inspection. i think there's a time to work with city. sacramento law enforcement is cracking down on retail theft.
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>>dozens of people stealing from some stores stopped in their tracks by sacramento county sheriff's office. special unit deputies are vowing to protect businesses. say they need some help from voters. mason morrow reports. >>50 would-be thieves arrested from this target location here in north highlands. over the past weekend, sacramento county sheriff's office says from trying to steal everything from large electronics to small makeup kit, shoving them in their pockets and try to walk right out the front door. the sheriff's office tells me that it's not the first time they've had an operation of this sort at this location. it won't be the last unless the law changes right now. people are tired of it. target cvs and retailers in between. exhausted by brazen thieves. stealing from right under their noses. >>day after day off in the very same faces. this is >>a consistent problem where we are able to take a breath. detective ryan drummond and is organized retail theft team in the sacramento county sheriff's office almost overwhelmed conducting sting operations until they're blue
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in the face. we're going to be doing these regularly. we're not we're not done. nabbing 50 would-be thieves that this target on madison avenue just months after cracking down on the loose of gift card, scammers at the same store. this is. >>not a shock to us at all. this is a widespread issue to all the big box stores, all the mom and pop in the area. the reason it's so bad is because the laws are so broken. yolo county district attorney jeff rice, is helping lead the charge for retail theft reform in california. bring some accountability into turns back to the system. >>so that we can stop this retail theft crisis rice calling on voters to approve the homelessness, drug addiction and reduction act set to appear on voter ballots in less than 4 months proposition. 36 hones in on repeat retail crime bumping the thief's 3rd offense up to a felony crime. >>and adding up the value of multiple shoplift across the misdemeanor threshold set at $950. it is a chance for californians to change the direction on issues like
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retail theft. >>in again, california voters will have the chance to vote on this ballot measure when they get in the ballot is coming in november. but not every lawmaker is on the side of this retail theft reform. actually, state democrats decided to put their own ballot measure that competing one on the ballots come november. he was even backed by governor newsom, but they decided to accept last second, it would have included less jail time for some of those repeat offenders reporting north highlands coming local news that matters. i'm justin morrow. fox 40 news.
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now on to a dramatic rescue this week in the sierra summer,
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thunderstorms presented an extra challenge for both the climber and rescuer getting electrically shocked. dennis shanahan brings us the story. >>the video has no sound, but the visuals are plenty compelling even without the company meant of helicopter noise saturday afternoon, a mountain biker in alpine county found this rock pinnacle impossible to resist. he got off his bike in climbs to the top but didn't have the equipment to get back down safely. he did have cell service and was able to get a dispatcher. his location. he was alone and vulnerable to some dangerous weather at an elevation of about 10,000 feet in june. july will get big thunderstorms that form in the summer months and >>this just happened to be the very first time this season that that's happened. we spoke with sergeant brian sues at the chp valley division air operations base in auburn. he was the pilot saturday part of a 3 man crew coming to the hikers rescue. the high altitude present. a challenge for aircraft high altitude in an electrically charged
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environment. the victim actually said at one point that he just standing there on the rock was getting static. lea shocked one of the team members on the helicopter was a trained rescuer with el dorado county fire. we did a short hoist to insert onto the rock at connected to the aircraft the whole time which point are rescuer was getting by static in the area. so much soda wary damage. one of our handheld radios. but he was able to complete the rescue, securing the hiker in what's called a bowman hot seat, hoisting him to the aircraft and back to a landing zone where the hiker got a ride to his car from alpine county deputies. and that rescue was not what you would call an isolated incident. this helicopter and its crew are in the air every day. all summer performing rescues. >>last week they shared this video showing the rescue of a stranded kayaker on the south fork of the american river near camino a day before that they rescued a hiker who was suffering from heat exhaustion on stevens trail near colfax.
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sergeant susan urges hikers, bikers and swimmers to be prepared. don't go into the back country alone. know the dangers and to know your limits will be wary >>challenge over challenging yourself with something that you might not be a capable of are able to complete. >>but when a rescue is required, the chp air operations team is ready to fly, that there's a lot of risk with this job, but there's a lot of rewarding game. it's their job and they're fortunate to have the aircraft equipment and training to be able to do this for us. it's it's really just a sense of satisfaction and now in that we we did our jobs and we did it well. and you know, he gets to help go home and we go home as well.
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>>we begin now with breaking news >>welcome back. you're watching kron-on live on air and online on stephanie rothman. american airlines united and delta have requested a global ground stop on all flights due to a microsoft outage. this according to an alert from the faa friday morning. the faa is instructing air traffic controllers to inform pilots of the communication issues. flights already in air will remain airborne, but no american united or delta flights will take off the extent of the issue remains unclear right now. but melbourne airport in australia has also reported a global technology issue affecting their check ins. it's unclear how long the groundstop will last, though the faa suggested
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an update might be available in the coming hours. of course, this is a developing story. so we'll bring you more information as we receive it. and see the final day of the republican national convention wrapped up a former president trump speaking in his first speech since the assassination attempts saturday. and it was the longest speech at rnc accepting nomination ever. reshad hudson has more from milwaukee. >>tonight it was standing room only and it's the moment many in this crowd have waiting for. and that's to hear from former president trump. >>former president donald trump took the stage to officially accept the republican nomination for president. i am running to be president. >>for all of america not half of america. >>this was trump's first time speaking publicly since saturday's attempted assassination. there was blood
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pouring everywhere. yet in a certain way, i felt very safe because i had god on my side after saturday's attack, trump says that led him to tear up his original speech and focus on bringing the country together. age when our politics too often divide us. now is the time to remember that we are all fellow citizens. trump's wife melania made her first appearance at the convention for the speech. american rocker kid rock performed for the crowd. this evening. also featured appearances and speeches from his son, eric trump, celebrity wrestler. >>hulk hogan and former fox news host tucker carlson. >>former president trump and his new running mate, senator jd vance will hold their first joint campaign rally in the battleground state of michigan. reporting in milwaukee, rashad hudson, back to you. >>thanks for shot. the biden
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campaign is calling an all-staff meeting for later today. this comes as calls for president biden to step aside in the race for the white house continue to grow louder. former president barack obama and congresswoman nancy pelosi are both the latest speak out about this. the washington post reporting obama feels biden should take a good look and whether he has a shot at beating donald trump. obama also adding the path to victory is fading with top democratic donors threatening to pull the plug on contributions and members of his own party pushing president biden to step aside for another nominee. meantime, pelosi probably warm biden about the democrats and how they could be losing the ability to seize control of the house if he didn't step away sooner from the race. vocal analyst dave in the queue and shared his insight on the path forward. >>it's a far cry from this election being over. democrats are going to have to find a way forward because they're headed to chicago next with this disarray as opposed to
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the unity and the wind behind the sales that the republicans feel they have right now. >>currently, president biden continues to isolate at home in delaware as he recovers from covid-19. this is his 3rd time having the virus. and it was another warm one out there today. let's check in with chief meteorologist lawrence karnow. see what we can expect tomorrow as we head into the weekend, lawrence. >>alright, weather time. it is all about the heat going forward here. started to heat up in some of the valleys today. some places all the way up to 100 degrees. i think go over that in some spots inland for tomorrow. so tonight we do have mostly clear skies around the bay area right now. a couple patches of fog trying to form along the coastline. not going to be much, though, and that means we're off and running. and here comes a big dome of high pressure building back in. that is going to send the temperatures soaring around the bay area. here we go as we'll see very hot inland 90's and triple digits. heat advisories are up until 11 o'clock tomorrow night in
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the north bay. the east bay also into the south bay. as we're expecting that hot weather really just kind of settling in here for tomorrow. may cool down just slightly over the weekend. but boy, not by much. and then we're going to things right back up in the next week. so here's a breakdown of your temperatures. yeah, we're looking at about 102 in livermore, 100 of morgan hill. 92 in san jose. 86 in oakland. pretty comfortable. 74 and sunny and bright in san francisco. >>thank you so much, lawrence. a caltrain struck a pedestrian just outside the redwood city station around 5.30, thursday evening. a rider we spoke with says the train staff for about 40 minutes as emergency crews investigated the situation. 127 passengers were transferred to another station. it's not clear how serious the injuries were to the person who was hit. but when we have more information, we will bring it to you. and a mural in honor of luis manuel, argo. inglis is now up in the
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mission district at the intersection of 24th and folsom streets outside of row says jot job ali bistro candles, letters, flowers and fruit all laid out in a similar way for that family and the friends that place it beneath the mural. the 19 year-old was shot and killed early last month at dolores park. police are still investigating his death and have yet to release any new information about the potential identity or motivation of his killer. and 2 teenagers under arrest. and another one is still on the loose. they're accused of stealing cars from inside a person's garage in palo alto. according to police, they targeted a home on noel road tuesday morning. police say 2 of them got into an unlocked car. parts of the victim's driveway and use a garage door opener to open the door in the garage. police say they found the victim's car keys to a bmw and a volkswagen later that day, the texas found the stolen cars in san jose and
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arrested an 18 year-old and 16 year-old officers say they're still searching for the 13 who drove away with a getaway car. this comes after a group of burglars targeted danville neighborhood and a similar fashion earlier this week using garage door openers. police told us on monday the group gained access to at least 5 homes through the garage is using or door openers found in the cars. we should note that many of those cars were left on lock. it's important to always make sure you lock your cars and take you lock your cars and take your belongings with you. introducing togo's new barbecue beef sandwich.
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it's piled high with tender beef that's slow cooked and smothered in tangy memphis style barbecue sauce. it's no fuss, no muss. just tons of flavor. the best barbecue beef is only a togo's. try one today.
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the la pd, firefighters and atf both combed a massive property full of junk and sun valley. neighbors have been complaining about the hazardous situation for years and they're demanding the city forced the property owner to finally clean up the mess. annie rose ramos is in sun valley with the latest. >>for the first time we're hearing from the councilwoman who represents this district who acknowledges that this case has been a tedious process in order to get it through the courts. now it's up to one judge to decide if the city is going to step in and help clean out this 6 acre property that has remain filled with all this junk for years. but we also heard much to residents is frustration. the councilwoman in knowledge she's known about this issue for years. i've had my eyes on this property. >>i'm going back to post let tuna fire, which is when we began the engagement. >>the department of building and safety. and so again, as it was going through the courts out. we could not
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jeopardize the efforts that we're going through the courts at that so yesterday there was acknowledgment of knowing about this property since 2017, the big lead to a fire. >>i mean, at this point that is 7 years ago and really the property looks essentially the same or worse. so that's what's really troubling right now. >>we know that there several raids yesterday. we know that officers were here. but right now we don't know what they found. we don't know when that information is going to be released. nothing has changed on the property and we don't know what the status is of the person who lived here. david ferrer yesterday, we finally saw some agencies responding to this illegal junk dark sky 5 overhead filming inspectors coming in to assess exactly what is on this 6 acres of land. it was an operation led first by the la pd who brought in their bond detection team in dogs to sniff out whether there were any explosives. last time agencies were on this property was back in 2021. when they found over 100 cars, some of them stolen. >>and hazardous material along with traces arsenic and lead
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and even a bomb that the lapd had to call in the marine corps to assist with. now, here is a big reason why this neighborhood is concerned. we have video we're going to show you of one of the fires that started on this property back in 2021. with multiple homes located on one road. residents tell us they're worried they could be trapped with no way out behind all this junk. this property is owned by a woman in her 80's. mary ferrara anderson. david is the one who lives here is collecting all of this jump. police confirming he was taken into custody tuesday. bail set at $155,000. and his mom was also arrested and jailed for this same issue. and you're looking at notices they're posted by the city of los angeles. one of them is a warrant to inspect. i spoke to the fire department of la city who says they are leading this assessment process. they were unable to confirm whether or not the coming back for a second day of that assessment. but they did confirm to me that what they found on the 6 acres behind me will be made public. we don't know exactly
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when. as for the city council member, she says her weight she's waiting on that assessment to be completed and then handed over to the city's attorney's office to figure out that that next step is the city stepping reporting from some valley rose ramos, ktla. 5 news. a new way to use the ap
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watch and microsoft teaming up with canada. ridge tomorrow has more for us with rich on tech. >>here's what's happening in the tech world. microsoft's ai powered alternative to is now available for ios and android. the app is called microsoft designer and it helps you create. and and it designs
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like for a social media post or a school fire without a lot of experts skills. you can also create images designs and photos just by describing what you want to do. you can generate stickers, avatars mana grams, carbs, invitations and more. now the basic version gives you 15 free uses per day. you can also pay to use it more designer came under fire earlier his year for helping users generate violent and images. but microsoft says they're working to ensure the ai is used responsibly. tender has a new feature that will look through your photos and suggest which ones you might want to use as your profile pic. the new feature is called photo uses ai to identify pictures that have good lighting composition and more filtering out group photos or those that might violate guidelines. tinder says users often struggle to choose the perfect picture. this will help them create a dating profile faster and easier and get more matches
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for privacy. data is processed on device. tender does not see our store facial data and users get the final say on which pictures are actually upload and finally, a new device called tiny pot is getting some buzz. it converts an apple watch into an old school. i pod with some high tech features. the folks behind the gadget say it's a handy way to leave your smartphone behind but still stay connected since you have access to phone calls, messaging music maps, pod casts siri and more tiny pot has a scroll wheel for navigating apple watch menus and uses the same charging cable. you already have. there are 2 models. one has a scroll wheel. that's $80. one doesn't. that's $30. keep in mind if you do leave your phone behind and want to make calls, you have to have cellular and there's one feature you can't get on the watch. even with the tide pod and that's your camera still. i kind of want one of these. you can buy lakes. mention on the website, rich on tech dot
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tv. i'm rich demuro. that's rich on tech. >>there could be light at the end of the tunnel for the long-delayed and over-budget people mover at lax. a completion date may be set, but it will cost a whole lot of money. la porte officials may approve another 400 million dollars for the project bringing the cost people mover to nearly 3.4 billion dollars. alina abovian is in van nuys with more. >>hi there. while they are not only considering this new budget, but they're also considering a new date for completion. a deadline to finally get it done. now, take a look behind me. we are here at van nuys airport in van nuys and the meeting is now under way. this is agenda item number. 28. but the actual vote won't happen in till they go into closed session. now, as far as the additional 400 million dollars goes to complete the project, but also to settle some legal issues with the contractor. according to a report from la world airport ceo john acre meant the additional funding is
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needed to address claims filed by the contractor lax integrated express solutions over issues related to compensation production and timeliness. the board in may of this year already approve some 200 million dollars in additional money for the project, including the 400 million dollars. they are considering now bringing the total amount to 550 million. if the board approves the money today, the project could be complete by 12/8/2025. that is the new date set for a deadline considering the project is already very delayed. also taking the budget to 3.3, 4 billion dollars from the original budget. 2.9 billion. the people mover is part lax is larger. 30 billion dollar update. project renovation. the airport broke ground on the people mover back in march of 2019. eventually it will carry some 30 million passengers a year resulting in 117,000 fewer vehicle miles traveled per day. its an electric train system about 2
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and a half miles of elevated rail originally scheduled to be complete this year, even though it's been significantly delayed, the project is still aiming to open and be ready for the 2026 fifa world cup. and for the 2028 olympic and paralympic games with any government, there's a lot of oversight just to make sure that there's a everything is done correctly and there's checks and absolutely. it might take a little longer, the full effort is to get it done and hopefully they'll get approved and that will move forward. >>now, if the new budget, the new 400 million dollars and the new completion date is approved today. the issue will go before the la city council for a final vote has the very latest on leno. but even here in van nuys, ktla, 5 news. >>kron on will c
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after his death, a southern california native who died during world war 2 as a prisoner of war has finally been laid to rest on thursday. the remains of u.s. army air forces, private first class charles. our powers arrived this week in ontario. shelby nelson reports from riverside on the emotional tribute and burial service. >>on this day, 82 years ago, an american prisoner of war, only 26 years old, u.s. army air force private first class charles powers of riverside died defending his country. now, finally, the war hero laid to rest at the riverside national cemetery. before his flag draped coffin. a priest
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leading the burial service do not believe anyone. >>with generations of charles family joining to honor his legacy and service finally who were representing the family to to put him in his final resting place. charles powers never met his uncle, but >>he's never been forgotten to me because my name is charles. so i was named after him. the 2 connected through dna. his uncle's remains recovered in manila. >>among many other fallen soldiers, it was a 1941 when charles was a member of the 28th material squadron, 20th air base group. >>shortly after pearl harbor, japanese forces invaded the philippine islands where charles was fighting continued until u.s. forces surrendered at the bataan peninsula in april of 1942. charles was among those forced onto the 65 mile bataan death march before they were held in a prisoner of war camp. he became ill and died months later buried in a common grave. now, years later
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and through scientific advances, his remains recovered. charles may have been gone but was never forgotten. he returned home this week. i'm grateful for them for them and their service. yeah. and i think they can understand this more because it's about not being forgotten. and while this brings closure to much of his lineage. >>his family and supporters hope charles ultimate sacrifice can unify us all at a time of division. >>shelby nelson, ktla, 5 news. >>stocks kecia lacked as traders take chips off the tble. and mark zuckerberg is looking to get in the eye where here's david lazarus with money. smart. >>hey there. it's fair to say the nasdaq up the sniffles yesterday and today the dow caught a cold. the benchmark index falling more than 500 points today as traders decided to take profits in anticipation of a september rate cut yesterday, the nasdaq tumbled mostly as money flowed out of high value tech stocks and into small cap stocks that
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could benefit from lower interest rates. today, the selling was more broad base and that's a sign that wall street is seeking. perhaps a new storyline has enthusiasm over ai starts to wane. and as inflation starts to come under control, analysts say that political uncertainty is also causing jitters among investors. and that suggested perhaps for the next few months. well, you might want to fasten your seat belt. also after the closing bell, netflix reported its quarterly results. no surprise there. subscriber numbers are up. revenue was up. now, here's an interesting story. the wall street journal is reporting that meta, aka facebook is in talks to take out a roughly 5 billion dollars stake in europe's essilor luxottica the world's largest maker of a high where so what does that tell us? mark zuckerberg is suddenly really incident glasses. no, not so much. what matt is interested in is rea ban ray ban is putting out the smart glasses that many people are now using to access the
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metaverse as opposed to those vr goggles that nobody really seems to like. solar luxottica owns ray ban and a whole lot of other eyewear brands. and now, matt, it clearly wants to make sure they stay on board the next generation of the ray-ban smart glasses are due out in time for the holidays next year. back to you. a new t
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emerged of one. the secret service saw the man tried assassinate former president donald trump and when they knew he was a threats, the information comes as lawmakers press the head of secret service about why the man was able to shoot at the former president's so close
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washington correspondent vinay simlot reports all on those new details. >>days after the assassination attempt on former president donald trump. republican lawmakers ran after the head of the secret service at the republican national convention in secret service director kimberly cheatle didn't end up answering their questions at the we followed her through a mezzanine up some stairs up, a skip, getting faster and faster and we're trying to get answers out of her while flynn. north dakota senator kevin cramer says he wants more answers from the head of the secret service after a briefing on wednesday. lawmakers on the call say the secret service identified the 20 year-old gunman as a threat an hour out from the event 40 minutes before the shooting. they saw him looking through a range finder at 5.53. about 20 minutes before the shooting.
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they looking through the range finder. again, they still let him take the stage knowing there was a threat responding to a potential threat. isn't mind boggling to me? republican lawmakers have called on the head of the secret service to resign over a lack of transparency. >>it's not only inappropriate and disrespectful but it's it's dangerous. cheatle says she has no intention of resigning. they need come aboard to my shun. the secret service director is expected to testify on capitol hill on monday. >>in washington, i'm some lot. >>president joe biden testing positive for covid-19. comes as calls grow even louder in his own party for him to withdraw from the presidential race. washington correspondent maddie beer-temple reports on what this means for his already shaky campaign. >>the announcement he just tested positive for disappointing to the las vegas crowd. president biden was set to speak to wednesday. the
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white house confirmed the president has covid and is experiencing mild symptoms. the president returned to delaware wednesday night where he is isolating and the white house says will continue to carry out all of his duties. te president's doctor says he is still experiencing mild symptoms in this taking the antiviral drug paxlovid the news comes as republicans rally behind their candidate, donald trump. while some top democrats, including california congressman adam schiff publicly say the president should pass the torch privately. former president barack obama and house speaker nancy pelosi have reportedly expressed concerns about his abilityto win a spokesperson for speaker pelosi has dismissed those reports writing they misrepresent, quote, any conversations the speaker may have had with the president. what democrats have told the president is basically. >>this is what we can say
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privately. don't make us say it publicly. host of the hill sunday, chris dyer will says the walls have closed in on the president, but california senator alex padilla says covid won't slow the president down and neither will calls to quit is committed to the campaign is committed to winning in november. while the president sidelined. vice president kamala harris is on the campaign trail after north carolina. >>in washington, i'm maddie
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the league last stone and kaylee rice both make history with their emmy nominations. plus, the cast cobra kai celebrates the release of the
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6th and final season of the series. >>dayna devon has the details in the entertainment report. >>we start here with in the history being made for to indigenous actor says first, his academy award nominated actress lily gladstone for her role in this hit hulu stuff and to turin 10 years. >>we show up, you my home start investigation. >>gladstone makes history as one of 2 indigenous women to be nominated for acting emmys. she reacted to the news in a statement to entertainment weekly that reads in part, i am so touched by this nomination. i wholeheartedly share the honor with the stellar cast. i'm forever grateful been brought along for the journey. actress cali reese's also made history for her emmy nomination in the 4th installment of this hbo series. 6 years. because of all really reese was nominated
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for true detective knight country. recent gladstone are the second and 3rd ever indigenous actors to be recognized for their work on screen. in the 76 year. history of the television academy awards. reece reacted to the news of her nomination in a statement to the associated press. we're making history as the first 2 women nominated. it means the world to not just us individually, but us as a whole. it's an amazing time in history and the long-awaited part, one of the 6th and final season of cobra kai is out now on netflix. >>we've been through a lot to get to this point. but now finally on the same page. >>we recently had martin cove on who's played the role of john cree since the first karate kid in 1984, he told us about saying goodbye to william zabka who plays johnny lawrence as filming wrapped. we said goodbye. i believe. >>in that scene i can't really
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tell you the yeah, it was a very emotional scene and i think both of us just hugged for real off-camera on camera within the last night, martin in the cast of cobra kai season 6 took to the red carpet. >>to get an early screening of the series stars like ralph william zabka and jacob bertrand were all in attendance. ralph talked about the significance of the series to so many fans we have for generations of fans that love these characters. it's we're very grateful. it's really special part 2 of season 6 will hit netflix november 15th and part 3 doesn't have an exact date yet, but it will be sometime in 2025. that's your entertainment report here in hollywood. i'm dana devon. 2 popular television legends have sadly passed away. we're just learning about lou dobbs, the conservative political pundit and veteran cable tv host has died. >>he was 78 years old and a
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giant of television and stand-up comedy. bob newhart has also passed away. ktla. it's a cold. has a look back at the incredible life and career of the king of deadpan. >>i feel so good. i'm going to take the afternoon off. >>with a deadpan stammering delivery in an unassuming face. bob newhart was the unlikeliest of stars born in 1929. knew or didn't get into show business until was 30 leaving behind his life as an accountant to make the jump to showbiz. if you're good at it, it's table. i >>and i knew what i knew. it could last an economy. so i just i said, i'm going to take a year off and see i can make any money being funny. newhart was soon signed to warner brothers records 1960, released the button-down mind of bob newhart, the first comedy album to reach number one on the billboard charts winning 3 grammys in the process. i made the been a mind and it took off. i really want prepare for what happened.
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>>newhart's comedy success soon lead to a starring role in the bob newhart show. the series ran from 1972, to 1978 and paired newhart with one of his real life. best friends actress suzanne pichette may be sleeping giant. now that's we can to hospitals of america can't >>he found more success in the 80's starting as a vermont innkeeper in the hit show. new heart. after 8 years newhart ended with with tv guide, voted as the greatest series finale when it was revealed. the entire series was just a dream by his character from the bob newhart show. the final episode ended with a cameo from his original tv wife suzanne pichette. what is i wasn't in keeping this. a little town >>married to real life wife, jeanne, for 60 years. bob, you
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her had 4 children. >>yes, i i raise buddy. >>steadily in his 70's and 80's delighting fans on the big and small screens. so you. >>you have you have any. 6 single recurring spot on the hit tv show. the big bang theory. finally, one new heart, his first emmy in 2013. it seems like last week i made the album and >>middle of the week i did the 2 tv shows it went by so fast for somebody who who didn't think it was going last all that long.
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representatives of every team in the nfl are at the hall of fame village in canton, ohio, each hoping to take home a championship. the opening ceremonies were held thursday for the nfl flag football championships. but as dave nethers reports, the games are already underway. >>280 the st. cowboys >>descending on the hall of fame village in can you know, i think it's a dream come true for a lot of them. and this is something that don't never forget, you know, for the rest of their life representing all 32 nfl teams. so ballot card cowboys from indiana wearing cleveland browns gear represent even vying for the nfl flag football championship. i feel like teams here can really mess with us. there. he's people to
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come into northeast ohio first, which were really happy with you got. >>germany, great britain, china, australia and mexico, canada and its worldwide. as you see, she's been better. >>i think you have team china uk's here. so just showing that it's a worldwide school. >>kids who persevere through qualifying rounds like those at brown stadium from which girls from 3 cleveland area, high schools, the sealy months advanced to bring home a national representing the browns. we raise our girl to believe brown or they're here to bring home a championship. i mean, be about intense kind of tough. but if we can get done, maybe they can get it sports, it's entertainment. its youth inspiring the future. >>game, its diversity. >>female athletes, male athletes. it's it's a phenomenal. >>with a championship played in tom benson, stadium. the shadow football greatness and amazing to be here. and we're so grateful for this experience is beer. oh, it's
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awesome. like. >>you never think something like this could happen. and then opportunity came along. it is great to be here. >>3 on 3 basketball made its olympic debut in tokyo. and while the women of team usa came home with a gold medal, the men on the other hand, they didn't qualify for the games. but as maria lenapah lower as shares this summer, it's going to be a different story. >>the men of team usa, 3 x 3 basketball have a mission on their minds winning gold at the paris olympics. that's responsibility that we take seriously. >>you know, that put us chest or any time. we want to be able to go out there and and be able to that's expected in basketball. 3 x 3 basketball is fundamentally the same as five-on-five basketball. but with a few changes, just a much quicker pace. you're playing half court. >>and that's 12 0nd shot your plants in 90 games or first of 21. it goes by ones and twos. >>and its continuous play. i think it's more geared towards
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more versatile players, people or more dynamic. they you know, it sounds obvious, but dribble pass and shoot, right? everyone has to be able to do all those things pretty well. but there is not much space for a specialist in addition to doing everything well, they also have to gel as a team. those guys are. >>like brothers to me where family we've been through so much together to be able to achieve our olympic dreams together as a unit. i think it's going make it that much more special. and they're all looking forward to continuing this journey together for opening ceremony. i think that's going to be unbelievable coming out in the boats be a part of the paris olympics is obviously a dream come true. a 3 x 3 basketball competitions begin on july. 30th on the journey to paris. i'm marielena balouris
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>>here we go again. we have some triple digits beginning to show up today. i think more so as we head around the bay area tomorrow, especially as you get over the east bay hills, it is going to very, very hot again. so we've got advisories for heat across the bay area continue until tomorrow night as the hot temperatures. but along the coastline, the and you're still going to sneak in a couple patches of fog. that's a much cooler weather out toward the beaches of clear right now up for the golden gate bridge were likely some fog there little bit later on. temperatures. yeah, they jump today about that. it was a 10, 11 degrees warmer around many parts of the bay area today as high pressure started to build in overhead. and how about that 100 degrees today in antioch, 98 in concord, 98 in livermore, 88 degrees in san jose. temperatures along the coastline about that 65 degrees in compared to the rest, the bay area and half moon bay and 66 in san francisco out the door right now. you can see the change in the pattern. of course, you've got the cool numbers along the coastline, but looking inland,
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70 degrees in livermore, 76 conquered 87 degrees in brentwood. so we're starting to see the effects of that ridge of high pressure building in overhead. and all of a sudden we're going to talk about that hot weather as we get toward tomorrow afternoon. it's going to get uncomfortable outside. and here comes big dome high pressure, that same one that's really been kind of bringing the heat. the bay-area much of july. it will strengthen tomorrow. rolling back. going to be interesting on saturday and sunday. there's this little weak embedded in this ridge. and this the kind of week and that ridge just slightly as we head in towards saturday and sunday, probably help the temperatures back off just a little bit over the weekend as we're going to see the seabees kind of ramp up. but oh, boy, it's not done as we get no, next week we're going watch a ridge kind of dominate our weather again building right back in bringing the heat to the bay area monday tuesday, wednesday of next week. many places will likely be talk about triple digit temperatures yet again up there tomorrow. he look at about 74 degrees downtown san francisco. 68 a nice day in the sunset tomorrow. 67 degrees in daly city about 65 in half. moon bay inside the bay. a warm things up
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generally in the 70's in a burning game to 85 degrees in foster city. 84 in mount view starting to get hot in the south bay 90's begin to creep up. 98 degrees in campbell about 96. let's count maybe 100 and morgan hill tomorrow. then you get over the east bay hills. that's where we started to not turn up these temperatures quite a bit 102 tomorrow and let more 100 pleasanton 100 to one walnut creek, maybe as high as 105 degrees of brentwood in discovery bay, 102 in concord. there you go. you get the idea this is where we're headed now for tomorrow. think we'll see these a cool down slightly as we get in toward the weekend. but back in the 90's. so still staying hot inland. and then here we go. we get into monday tuesday, wednesday of next week. i think tuesday probably going to the hottest day of the next 10 as we see that ridge of high pressure really just kind of expand in the bay area. on 4 sports. >>well, with baseball's all-star break on its final day, you know, the giants and the a's are gearing getting geared rather for their 2nd
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half a run of the season. but until then, we'll head to scotland for are headlining sports story of the day. it was round one of the open championship taking place this week at royal troon golf course where it clearly the perfect summer weather for fans enjoying the pinot green out there. the chris summer breeze. you can just see it from here, right? dog swimming in the waters. the stock from goff now, obviously tiger woods. he was looking to bring back some of his magic from years gone by. but he couldn't conjure that up. today he missed his birdie, put here at the 7th hole. tiger shot 8 over 79 today. and with that a huge round tomorrow. so probably missed the cut 3rd straight major his fans. they're not excited about it either. last year's open winner, though, brian harman, will he knocks home this par putt at 12? the defending champ shot a 2 over 73 today. the tour's hottest players, scottie scheffler and the other hand, well, he's in the mix after one round. nice approach here at the par 4
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11th hole. he lays it up on the green and pretty much what gets the birdie a little bit later. scheffler finished the day at one under 2 players, though, are the top of the leaderboard. this shane lowry right here roles in the birdie at 11, he actually led most of the day shooting 5 under 66. lowry got caught on the of day. find this guy, dale brown, now brown, his birdie right here, 2 of his last 3 holes shooting a 6 under 65 take the outright lead after day. one of play. now after day's play, tiger actually took stand to talk about his disappointing performance in round one. take a listen to side into a whole lot of things right today. >>end up 3rd hole and physically feeling a lot better than did begin the after the end of last year, it was tough and i haven't played a whole this going to play a little bit more. but has been saving for the majors just in
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case i the something pretty major and then take myself out of it. >>well, earlier today, buddy hield was in town. he addressed the media for the first time since becoming a warrior. he also appeared at san francisco state university earlier today for the warriors academy, the basketball academy that these it was the camp going on answer, some questions for the kiddos put up some practice shots so they could see what he had before. he stepped up there with the nation. any sign some autographs for the kids is will that last season with the sixers hield averaged 12 points per game. he was 3 rebounds per game in nearly 3 assists as well that he shot. 43.6 for 6 from the field with 38.6% from 3. now those numbers are actually down from previous 2 seasons. the 31 year-old hopes improve those numbers this upcoming season with the warriors. he also talked in his introductory press conference about how he plans to fit >>with the warriors already calling him splash. but take a
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buddy hield's 20 taking a daily impact us impact. this will have a lot just watch a lot of film i watched i played my whole life in college. >>even when they wanting to watch the ball moving the way dream on and way coast, steve i just that a good fit. but i everything will takes time. and jimmy hard. >>and that does it here for us at kron-on will be back with the morning news at 5 o'clock.k. i'm stephanie rothman. thanks for watching and have a great night.
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♪ rise ♪ ♪ rise ♪ ♪ rise ♪ (alarm beeping) ♪ rise ♪ ♪ and thrive! ♪ (♪♪) belvita!
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♪ ♪ >> nischelle: tonight... remembering bob newhart. >> it has been a good life. >> nischelle: "e.t."'s time with the comedy legend. from tv superstar... >> there will be a couple of surprises.


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