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tv   KRON 4 News Weekend  KRON  August 25, 2024 7:00am-10:00am PDT

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that helps heal your skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. jack: thanks for joining me on today's adventure. ask your eczema specialist from the columbus zoo, i'm jack hanna, hoping you'll join us next time as we go into the wild. >> now on the kron 4 morning news, a san jose business hit with multiple burglaries within a month. the latest response from city officials. and deadly shot sideshows
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breaking out and delay whole enrichment after hundreds of cars raced across city streets. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 7. >> good morning. thank you so much for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm stephanie lin. >> it's sunday august, the 25th. let's check in with day for our first look at the weather. good morning, dave. well, good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. and we've shaken off the fog blues today see a lot more sunshine going on. and those warmer temperatures to just in one day. you're going to see that pop. you're going to feel a particularly well inland as we raced about 90 or so for a lot of highs. beautiful sunrise occurring actually behind us vantage point. but you can see the shadow that the hills cast along the east bay shoreline. so nice and beautiful that few to the way some fog here. and there is a couple little pockets, but that erodes away. real quickly, great day for the beaches in the coast today. we'll get a lot of sunshine going on as well. not much the way a vegetation.
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yeah. up in northern nevada but not impacting us and everything is pretty much put hpto rest there. now the winds got a mention this a little bit later on, but they're relatively calm now. single digits tunnel so knocking on surface movement will get it with daytime heating and all that, but not quite the intensity that we got from before these to good breeze that we're getting upper 50's seemed to be the number nyr about 60 hayward at 60 61 for antioch and 60 for san jose. but look at this. we're talking about warmer temperatures, but we're not starting off with that. well, that's what drier will do for you. get a lot more movement to get cooler nights. you get warmer days were trailing by almost a dozen degrees up there up north and a half a dozen across the wider bay for today, 75 at 11 o'clock at to 84 on our way to 90 in some pockets will mourn your forecast in a bit. step. all right, dave, thank you. breaking overnight, one person is hospitalized and 2 others displaced after a fire in san francisco. >> the flames broke out in the 1800 block of terrible avenue.
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terrible street between 1700 between the 171900 block is closed as of 4.50, this morning. crews are still on scene. in the south bay burglars hit a business in san jose saturday morning for the 3rd time 3 weeks. was jeff moment brings us the latest. >> not once, not twice, but 3 times us at kron. 4 have been here to the funny farm restaurant in the evergreen neighborhood in san jose either for an attempted break-in or a successful break-in in the restaurant tells me every single time they're broken into. it brings about much closer to potentially shutting down. now i did talk with local city leaders who tell us that they believe that these burglaries targeted attack. >> every single break like this weekend. we're just 2 weeks ago and this broken door just days before that one. i can't believe this. i can't even believe it like makes co owner of the funny from restaurant monica levi wonder
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how much longer her business has left here immediately. you kind of have the sense of like not true. it's not believable. you know what, what has happened in the last week? that's cause u.s. 3 break-ins in 3 weeks. you know, each break and is costing them thousands of dollars. this most recent break-in, the suspect broke glass still wine and broke into their safe worth. thousands of dollars. this could definitely be the one that that that just does us. for news first reported on funny farms troubles at the start of august. then the doors were broken. local leaders told funny farm they were working with police to increase enforcement. then just 4 days later, tablets, and moore was taken. police then stayed on scene for hours investigating. police did a walk-through of all the neighboring businesses. and i don't appreciate just a lot of talk. i need action. but now levi sped up. she says enforcement has been too slow because of police staffing. this is a very, very nice area. this is a very, very
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safe area yet where ignored in the middle of the night when there's nothing open. i've gotten the reassurances. the department's is leaning in on following every lead to oak. and ellis is the councilman for this district in san jose and has been working with san jose police and these nonstop break-ins. >> he says the thief is the same single person. every time he says it must be someone who knows the restaurant's layup by no means. is this a random at this point, whoever this mystery suspect is the people at funny farm need answers fast. everyone shocked. that is it happening and for levi who wants her customers happy and to keep her staff continuing to serve this neighborhood. and that's the hard part because i feel like i'm disappointing them. if i don't do everything, they can stick around. >> but i i don't how much more i can do. >> in the san jose, a townhouse fire displaced 14 people and killed 2 dogs. flames broke out around 3
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saturday afternoon on says sarah way near quimby road. fire crews say at least 2 units in the complex caught fire, forcing evacuations in nearby buildings. one firefighter suffered burns to their face. the red cross is working to help the affected people find temporary housing. a deadly sideshow broke out in vallejo just after midnight saturday. police say 2 shootings happened while hundreds of cars took over the streets. the incidents leaving one person dead and another in critical condition. and this was the scene just before 01:00am near harbor weigh-in mare island way. police say as many as 500 cars engaged in dangerous stunts, damaging the roadway. and then there's this a ring of fire. you can see dozens of people jumping in and out of the flames dangerously close to those spinning cars. there. police arrived around 12:45am. to
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break up this side show and respond to reports of 2 shootings. one person was found dead at lewis brown wrote another the hospital to be treated for gunshot injuries. no arrests made yet in connection to the shootings. but police did arrest 4 people in connection to the side show. and those sideshows beginning ballet hope, but did not end there. biden on 3 other east bay city saw their streets taken over about 15 minutes after police chase the crowd out of allay a side show started in crockett at the intersection of san pablo avenue and street where hundreds of people gathered jamming access to it. and about 30 minutes later, there was this for a sideshow in richmond, about 100 cars walking the intersection of cutting boulevard and harbor way there. police say one driver who was trying to get out of the scene or escape. the scene drove right at police. he was chased down and arrested. and finally in oakland, there was another
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side show and another ring of fire. as you can see there, this lasting less than half an hour after police started to break it up around 03:00am. it's not clear yet whether these early morning sideshows were connected at all. a san francisco police this morning continue to investigate a shooting that happened in broad daylight saturday. emergency calls came in just before 3 in the afternoon about shots fired at the intersection of haight and masonic. police think an argument may have led to the incident. this area closed off for about 4 hours as officers investigated. no suspects or victims found yet. oakland police continue to investigate 2 separate missing persons cases. both involving girls who disappeared last month. twelve-year-old cary at a rather karen escobar, korea was last seen july 5th on 86 avenue near international boulevard. she was wearing a black shirt and blue jeans. police say she has brown eyes, red hair and a tattoo on her left hand. as you can see there. and another young girl
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has been missing since july. 30th, 15 year-old angelina she was last seen near loma vista avenue. she has black hair and brown eyes. police do not believe the cases are connected. police arrested a suspect in connection to a fatal shooting. 47 year-old fenton ward is accused of killing a man inside a business on solano avenue 3 weeks ago. the victim died 2 days after the shooting war has been booked into the solano county jail. and san francisco police continue their search this morning for 2 people accused of robbing a postal service worker. it happened just before noon saturday near an apartme building on bowman court officers sa2 people robbed the worker at gunpoint, then drove off no injuries reported. anyone with information should get in touch with san francisco police. and authorities up in humble county are not happy about surfaces. goes renewed push to bust the homeless out of the city. humboldt county supervisors voted tuesday to
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said mayor london breed a letter saying they're, quote, dismayed to learn. humble county is among the top 3 destinations where the homeless are being sent. los angeles and sacramento counties are the other 2 popular or rather the 2 other most popular state destinations. according to san francisco's department of homelessness. and earlier this month, mayor breed ordered city workers to offer unsheltered people bus tickets out of the city before offering other services like shelter. new this morning. state officials could declare the white sturgeon as a threatened animal species. this fish, which can be found in the san francisco bay are dying from toxic harmful algae blooms, overfishing and climate change. the san francisco bay keeper and the california sportfishing protection alliance have petitioned the state to list the white sturgeon as a threatened species. the state department of fish and wildlife is asking for public comment to be sent by the end of october. and a rare august
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rain in downtown oakland, just one part of the bay area. they got some light drizzle early saturday morning. this video shared by one of our producers, victor demand. as you can see, all the ground saturated a bit with that rain there. and as is often the case, although not usually this early rain in the bay area means snow in the sierra. this is a look at palisades tahoe yesterday that some snow getting kicked up from strong gusts of wind. as you can see there, a lovely in chile seen. coming up on the kron 4 morning news. a new push to the south bay to dry younger voters to the polls in november. >> we're taking a road trip. the latest rivian this one juices up at tesla superchargers. i'll show you how it works. i'm rich demuro. that's coming up rich on tech. >> all right. let's turn up those temperatures a little bit for today. crews and right through the 80's crews and kind of work going to get near 90 in some pockets. he folks well inland. it's going to be
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warm, though, is the early part of the week wears on. we'll have more on that kron. 4 mornini news continues.
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>> all right. welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news this weekend, 7.13, on sunday and a beautiful view of the golden gate bridge is not gorgeous day. yeah. looks like it's all lonely. there are other bridges, guys. you know, that is the theory is good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. >> and the haze that you saw
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there, we have a little bit we can see here in the east bay shore like just a touch, but not that fog. we traditionally see a lot so big differejce to what will was yesterday. so right from the get-go, as the shadow starts to retreat and the sun starts to rise up over the east bay hills. temperatures for you. a 50's going on. 61 now for antioch, 60 for hayward. 58 for oakland, 60 for san jose. pointed out earlier these numbers are actually a little cooler than what we saw from yesterday. couple of the fact we don't have the fog in the cloud cover kept temperatures support overnight, but also that drier air tends to dance around a lot more then more moist air that we had from yesterday. so we'll see a little warmer numbers today. also, the view from future cast for not much the way of fog, but out to the coast is popping up there a little bit. for us pretty much beginning to end. sunshine looks good for the coast as well. different story, though, for tomorrow. however, we can see not just for the start. yeah, we get that in the morning hours. but hard to really clear the coastal looks like in the afternoon sea might have some pesky clouds
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lingering a little bit into the afternoon, even though the general trend for everybody is warming up early into the week, winds basically the takeaways,yuneventful do want to note these offshore winds that are popping up there little bit around. sullivan county, but we're not getting a lot in the way of winds. this typical onshore wind thing. so as we walk into this heat pump, remember, that's one of the little elements that we kind of look for a little bit when you don't get a lot of a surface winds doesn't help. the mixing process doesn't bring that marine layer aaron inland as much. we get it in the afternoon, but not as much as sometimes will get war, not having the bump back to the sunshine. we are today summer as well. 90's happening inland. another summer dance goes into early into the week with near 100 happening inland. now, right now there no statements we might hear about some later. this is getting very close to the cusp where this truck to issue may be heat advisory. they may do that for sacramento, but well, we'll see if anything develops. but as of now, nothing late in the week, sunny, but not as hot. they'll be a break in this and then we
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get to saturday. still looking at numbers in the upper 80's. so not a complete drop that we saw from like this weekend. we do see a loner backyard here. so we're still working on timing and all those details. but we do see the trend. there's a nice drop. after early he pump 74 today, san francisco looking sunny and nice, sunny and pleasant for oakland at 79 to 85 checking in san jose. they're the bigger numbers. you see a little bit more oranges encroaching up in the north. a little bit south bay, too. east bay shoreline is treated to a lot of 80's 79 for oakland, 74 for san francisco. not to shabby here at half. moon bay at 69 feeling a lot more like the summer program next couple of days when quite tower there in the blue skies 1998. going on for monday. tuesday. at 99 of i mentioned, though, some spots may get to around 100 tuesday wednesday is the kind of the 2 days to watch statements. those are the days will be impactful, ok? all right. thanks for keeping an eye all of that for us. dave, you've got all right. >> a group of south bay nonprofits launched a campaign
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to get younger voters to the polls on election day. it happened thursday. a nice ace east side, san jose's. you can see there. >> organizers say the goal is to mobilize voters from underrepresented and vulnerable communities and empower them to participate in the democratic process. >> many of these youth are going up in families you know, parents that never had the opportunity to so they come from my house that, you know, there's no boating education. there's not really you know how to register to vote, how you know, if i even have the power to vote, right, so many of these years would be the first to vote in a families. and that's when we come in. we want to educate them to know that you are carrying the voice of your family and generations before them. that didn't have the power that you have now. >> advocates say voting needs to be part of the discussion year round and not just in november. a host of new restaurants is coming to the stonestown galleria in san francisco supreme dumplings and lisa layer looking to open by the end of the year. this will be the first location outside of seattle for supreme
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dumplings. the ramen and izakaya are also set to open in the beginning of next year because a key replaces gram cafe and pancakes which closes on tuesday, august. 27. in the east bay 15,000 fans can expect to watch the oakland roots play at the coliseum. the team share the latest details with us, including with the field will look like in coming seasons. the team says it plans to orient the field along the 3rd base line which believes will make for the best viewing it atmosphere and experience for fans and players. the main seating area for fans will be the left field. 3rd base line, lower bowl. the field surface will be all natural grass. the coliseum also serves as the home for the oakland seoul next season. and a new chick-fil-a restaurant open in gilroy and check out that line, in fact, around the parking lot the restaurant opened thursday. this is at the shopping center on chestnut street. customers say it was worth the wait.
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>> small town rise like want to be like that chick-fil-a. we went to at the beginning of life. we've had kids with like, say, no, want first. >> all right. well, this is the 26 chick-fil-a in the bay area. look at how excited everyone it everyone is. this is the first want to gilroy. the company says they plan to hire about 130 full-time and part-time workers. another new location opens in concord before the end of the year. and various brands join forces to make long-distance trips in electric cars. easier. rich demuro reports in this edition of rich on tech. >> rivian powered by tesla. i'm taking a second generation. rivian are one s on a 350 mile road trip to northern california. what's different about this road trip is that this rivian is running the latest software which lets you charge at tesla superchargers. nearly every major automaker has adopted
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tesoa's north american charging standard. i've got about 34 minutes before my future evs will have tesla's charging port built in. >> current models require an adapter on my drive. the rivian is rugged and commanding. get comfortable for such big suv. this car has so much power. if there's one quirk, it's how fast the tailgate pops open. best to stand back. rivian's big touch screen automatically chooses charging stops along the way and lets you filter by network. and my first stop. a surprise. okay. this is kind of crazy. so i just got to the tesla charger station. >> and it's all coned off. perhaps the system didn't realize the station was down for maintenance. and so now i've got to figure out if i can find another charge your nearby. luckily, there are many along my drive, but to be safe. my next stop is a rivian charging station. this is a sign of the times in this parking lot. you've got 3 different brands of charging stations.
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>> charge point over there. rivian behind me and tesla right in front of the experience reminds me that fast charging can be pricey, not as expensive as gas, but it's creeping higher. although i could have made it to my hotel without another stop. i still need to try tesla. i've arrived at the tesla charging station. i'm going to grab the adapter and see if this works. it takes me a minute to figure out the adapter that once plugged in. it starts to charge. that's rich on tech. i'm rich demuro. >> all right. new this morning, tesla is looking for someone hire and they want it. that person a train. it's often this humanoid robot. this is what you're looking at on the screen. there. the data collection operator would train this robot by acting out tasks in a motion capture suit. the position does require walking over 7 hours a day while carrying up to 30 pounds. so if you're up for the job, the pay rate is $48 an hour. well, that is so cool. tesla is taking job applications on its website.
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just getting a peek into our futures right there. that is some interesting looking technology. well, still ahead, a local health expert walks us through the dangers of west nile virus. >> as more infected, mosquitoes are found.
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when we're young, we're told anything is possible... ...but only a few of us go out and prove it. witness the greatness of anna hall on a connection worthy of gold: xfinity mobile. only xfinity gives you the most powerful mobile wifi network, with speeds up to a gig in millions of locations. and right now, xfinity internet customers can buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity.
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nile virus continues to be a concern in the bay area this summer. >> santa clara county vector control workers say in just the last week they've discovered infected mosquitoes in parts of san jose and palo alto earlier this summer. a contra costa county man died after getting infected. we spoke with a public health expert with cal state east bay and he says that while west
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nile is rare, there are symptoms to look out for. >> so headache, fever, diarrhea, and in some cases are particularly if you've been exposed to a lot of mosquitoes you see those things, it's prudent to get checked out by doctor most cases. there is unfortunately no vaccine or no treatment, but most cases subside over there on their own in a period of weeks, maybe a month for those little bit less fortunate. and the vast majority come out of it. just like doctor and skate after the infection takes its course. >> and in santa clara county mosquito spraying happens, it affected neighborhoods wednesday night around 10 o'clock. anthony fauci, the nation's former top infectious disease official was hospitalized this month with west nile virus. a spokesperson says fauci was laid up for 6 days. is now recovering at home? the 83 year-old is well known as the face of the response to the coronavirus pandemic under president trump and biden, he's expected to make a full
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recovery. southee officials warning about this tiny bug which might look pretty big on your screen. this bug is killing trees. it's called the shot hole. borer beetle. it is about the size of a sesame seed. the insect was recently found in san jose. it's not clear how or when it arrived in the bay area, but it might have come from southern california. the county is asking residents to help out by reporting any infested trees. it's 7.26. and still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news, the race for the white house becoming a sprint. >> it's both parties fight for >> it's both parties fight for your vote. alright. what's the definition of character to you? umm... would you be a superhero or a supervillain?
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if you could say one thing to big tobacco, what would it be? it's so important in this time of change that we reclaim our sacred ways. i had to open my eyes. you can't continue to do this. deep breath. i'd want to ask them “why?” (♪♪)
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i'll say what city hall insiders won't. we have a drug, homelessness, and economic recovery crisis, because the system that's supposed to fix things is the problem. record budgets. fewer officers. business killing bureaucracy. the insiders won't change a system built for their benefit. i'm daniel lurie and san francisco needs a mayor unafraid to take on the status quo, bring accountability, and stop the excuses.
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morning news health officials taking another step to combat covid. the latest on the new vaccine. and an east bay food pantry is getting food to students in need during the school year. the latest on this life saving program and how you can help. all right, 7.29 this morning. thank you so much for joining us. back here on the kron weekend morning, nays. i'm stephanie lin. let's check back in with day for a look at our weather this sunday a day. a good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. and for the most part, it's much clearer day even from the start, not everybody is getting that. but >> that will clear out for us and that we will go to a kind of a mostly sunny mode for on balance today. next thing is warming things up. now this is half moon bay. yeah. a little bit of fog. hang at the coast here. however, this will probably clear out for a decent afternoon for you going on. the different story is probably tomorrow. you'll see a little bit more in the way of fog and also into tuesday as everybody starts to warm up
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here. temperature check for you. a lot of 50's and some lower 60's already on the board. now, these numbers are a little cooler than what we saw 24 hours ago. here's a little drier. therefore, we got to a little cooler overnight and we will see that this afternoon with warmer temperatures, though. so a little bit more in the way of a gap between the low and the high. don't tennessee, when you have a bit more moisture in the atmosphere as far as what's going on some not that clean the bigger scale rather. we're waiting for a high pressure cell to anchor itself and it's gonna provide the other he pump that we're expecting early into the week. numbers are going to be racing to about 100 or so. early part of the week between monday and wednesday. no statements have been issued yet. but the really hot stuff gets you're probably tuesday and wednesday, 75 at 11 o'clock. 84 by 2 most readings well inland obese above 90, but we still have a couple pockets of might see that we're going to get into that. checking your 4 zone forecast and also that extended to stephanie. >> all right, dave, thank you so much. a pittsburgh man is charged with murder after a deadly fight. police arrested.
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28 year-old billy ray darby this week. investigators say he's connected to a fight that happened tuesday morning on railroad avenue. the victim suffered serious head and neck injuries. they were rushed to a hospital where they died. no details yet on what started that fight. a 31 year-old man could be sentenced to more than 2 centuries behind bars for crimes in the east bay. joseph carroll was found guilty last week of killing 3 people and other crimes in oakland dating back to 2009 at that time, carol murdered a man in a drive-by shooting and tried to kill his brother who was injured. carroll was also the gunman in a deadly drive-by shooting in april 2011. pamela price of the level and scope of the violence was outrageous, adding that she's proud of the hard work and dedication displayed by the trial team. if sentenced on all charges, carol, could get more than 200 years in prison. redwood city police are investigating a crash that killed a cyclist. it happened friday august 16,
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car hit the cyclist near sequoyah high school. the driver of the car remained at the scene and cooperated with investigators. a fire broke out at an apartment building in daly city friday night. it started around 05:00pm on south may fire avenue. residents got out safely. one person was treated for smoke inhalation. it's not clear yet how the fire began. a tech company meta is going after an iranian hacking group believed to be targeting officials associated with president joe biden and former president donald trump. the parent company of facebook says it has blocked a small cluster of whatsapp accounts linked to malicious hackers. the scheme was reportedly intended to exploit various public figures. meta says it will share more information with law enforcement. for your local election headquarters. g a wave of momentum from the democratic national convention. well, republican nominee donald trump is hoping to steal back the spotlight. news nation reporter alina shirazi has the story.
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>> and do you want a president who's going to get us out of the war's end? he's going to rebuild the middle class in this country. >> robert f kennedy junior suspending his presidential campaign friday ending days of speculation. hours later, kennedy took the stage in arizona with republican candidate donald trump. when you stand up. >> you bring on some trouble for yourself, but you have to do what's right you have to do what's right to the country. i will tell you we are both in this to do what's right for the country. that's one thing i can. >> meanwhile, trump and vice president kamala harris continuing to target voters, both releasing new ads focusing on the economy. paris not only supports taxing service workers. tenders news reports confirmed biden and harris weaponized the irs to confiscate your tip money. >> middle class families like the one i grew up in. they want common sense solutions. you want lower prices and lower taxes. i believe you
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want to just not get by, but you want to get ahead. >> we must create an opportunity economy where everyone has a chance to get a car loan, buy a home, start a business. >> harris also took to social media today to lay out how she intends to cut taxes more than 100 million americans will get a tax cut and we will do this by restoring to tax cuts designed to help middle class and working americans. >> the rnc also revamping a previous biden ad now attacking harris on her border stance. >> we've been to the port you haven't done before. i haven't been to europe. i felt don't understand the point that you make today. the trump campaign also releasing a memo on harris's extended honeymoon phase post dnc saying, quote, >> post dnc, we will likely see another small balance for harris and the public polls.
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post-convention bounces are a phenomenon that happens after most party conventions. we need to keep our eye on the ball. that is the polling in our target states. our goal is to get to 2.70, and winning the states is how we do it. >> that was news nation reporter alina shirazi reporting for us. trump has planned events for most of next week. mostly in battleground states. meantime, the harris campaign takes a bus tour of georgia. one of the states contends considered critical to winning that election. all right. lots of eyes on this and for your healthy fda has approved new covid vaccines. and as kron four's, dan kerman reports, those doses could arrive at your local pharmacy within days. >> if you're looking to protect yourself from the current surge in covid-19, search likely to arrive this winter. the updated covid-19 vaccine will be arriving at your local pharmacy within days. thursday, the food and drug administration approved new versions of both the pfizer and moderna vaccines
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for covid-19. if you >> are at high risk for bad outcome. if you get covid, for example, if you're 65 or over, any age with some underlying conditions that put your high risk. and it's been more than 4 months since your last. >> i would i would get it now. uc berkeley, infectious disease specialist dr john swartzberg says. >> in addition to those at high risk, those traveling in the next month should also consider getting it sooner than later for others. those under 65 with no underlying conditions and not traveling. experts say you might want to wait. most people should get it in october. this will peak on bodies of the time when people are gathering for holidays. thanksgiving. >> late, you christmas, at cetera. hanukkah, ucsf, infectious disease specialist dr peter chin. hong says. >> those who have had covid this summer can also hold off 3 to 4 months post-infection.
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but he says those who have had no vaccine in over a year are most vulnerable and should not wait. >> for the people i see in the hospital, i didn't take care of a single on the vaccine within the year. it was usually people who got the law shot more than a year ago. experts say these vaccines are designed to prevent severe illness, hospitalization and death and must be updated as new strains develop. but they say work is underway on vaccines that will also prevent infection regardless of the strain. there's been a lot of money for lee recently created vaccine development for these newer types of vaccines. >> vaccines that are cause give universal coverage vaccines to prevent infection in vaccines. that last a lot longer than just a few months. there's a lot of money into that right now. i think we're going to see the fruits of that within the next couple years. dan kerman kron, 4 news. >> times they're only meals come from school. so we
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alleviate issue by making they're fed when they're not with >> in pittsburgh, students at martin luther king junior high school picked up free groceries. thanks to the food bank of contra costa and solano school food pantry program. the goal is to keep families nourished and keep the kids concentrating on their studies instead of worrying about their next meal. >> you have didn't have to worry about with all them, this site functions year-round, which is great because there's no summer meal gap. >> which means our students are getting consistent. nutrition over. >> the entire calendar year. >> the food bank also offers a program that provides breakfast lunch and snacks for students over the weekend. officials say on average the school pantry program feeds about 344 community members every month. in san jose native taylor averill returned recently from paris with a bronze medal. this was his first ever olympics. a team usa's volleyball squad. we
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hosted an event at west valley college to encourage young aspiring athletes. >> i did have a family and the people that raised. it's having success. you going to do this, doing to give back to the kids and like worldwide there along the way, like this what it's about, especially moving forward in my career is i'm honored to be >> it's really great to see them give back like that. avril graduated from brenham high school in 2010 and of course big congratulations on that bronze medal. >> coming up on the kron, 4 morning news, nasa says 2 astronauts stranded in space will not come home until 2025. reason why coming up. and the basketball world celebrated black mamba day. a look at how people honored and remembered. we bright.
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>> those champagne to ring in 2025, here's a look at your highs today. we've got near 90 or so going on. well inland. yes, summer is back after moon bay still battling some fog this morning. 69 looking, though, for that clear on out there. checking your 4 zone forecast. we come back up.
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if you have heart disease and struggle with ldl-c... even with statins and a healthy diet... listen to your heart. talk to your doctor about repatha. repatha plus a statin lowers ldl-c (bad cholesterol) by 63%, and drops the risk of having a heart attack. do not take repatha if you are allergic to it. repatha can cause serious allergic reactions. signs include trouble breathing or swallowing or swelling of the face. most common side effects include runny nose, sore throat, common cold symptoms, flu or flu-like symptoms, back pain, high blood sugar, and redness, pain, or bruising at the injection site. talk to your doctor about repatha.
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>> as the dry season drags on,
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more of the state is experiencing drought conditions. more than half of sonoma county is now in the abnormally dry category. latest map also shows a large area of northern california in the same boat while yellow was the least severe drought category. the next worst category is expanding its footprint along the oregon border. we will know by thursday at the rain we got yesterday helped alleviate those drought conditions. all right. so with that, check in on our weather now taking a live look outside at this gorgeous view. what a beautiful thing to wake up to our mount tam camera showing this beautiful perspective. there are 7.43 this morning a day. we were just talking about the drought monitor, you know, how much of a concern is that to you? >> well, we're going to the wet season. so that's a good thing. the only thing is because remember when they do those charts and everything, when you get into the wet season and you're not getting rain, that's a problem because you start falling behind a lot quicker. see during the dry season get much rain anyway. so it doesn't move as much.
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but let's get the current map up there for you. this is how it looks like now. you see it wrapping around with abnormally dry conditions making its way to around santa rosa. so it's starting to encroach and parts of the bay area. you may recall just a couple weeks ago, this barely barely nobleton parts of the state. now it's starting to spread out a little bit more. i can expand this maybe later on. we'll do that. maybe perhaps another hit. just shows you how far as trying to get into our area. now we're going into maybe la nina, which tends to be for us a little drier than nino, which tends to be wet or so not the best scenario. but we'll continue to follow sfo looking good. no delays out that way. beautiful sunshine to start. tahoe had going up that way. not quite a where the snow is, but at lower elevations, temperatures check in at 76 for tomorrow. 81 81, you can see it's still very much summer like that was kind of freakish a little bit. but it's always win. it. detective, it's always like that. you get up there 20,000 feet above us. it's below freezing. but when you start to get a winter event like this, that actually gets to
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the ground a little bit. that's unusual. in august up there been 98 tonight at 9,000 feet. still, that's still an accomplishment. so little bit of flavor of winter while it's still very much knee-deep in summer and summer is going to be coughing, clearing its throat soon. we have 50's and 60's to the east bay up north 50 for santa rosa, 60 for san francisco. 55 half moon bay. we pointed to this earlier that these numbers little bit below where they were from this time yesterday. there's that from the low help us out a little bit. run the backside. and so therefore, we sometimes get some of those offshore winds a little bit that are showing up, get to midweek, end. this is not as impressive as what we've seen earlier in the summer, but it's enough to add a little bit of an extra boost. those temperatures so tuesday, wednesday, watch out might have some statements on that. however, we're waiting for a change was taking its sweet time. it wants an entrance here. okay. this low coming our way. we do see the cooler conditions as a cutoff low, meaning cut off from the service source of moisture. so it's not particularly very wet, might get some showers
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potentially with that. we've been a strong before, but its nice to really break the back of the heat spikes. we know that they'll be a little drop in temperatures come this week and still working on the details for us. 4 zone forecast for your sunday. plenty of sunshine going on. 74 san francisco to the coast. maybe some morning fog will take care of that by the late morning into the afternoon. even popping some lower 70's to, for example, 79 going on for burlingame. we have about an 80 to foster city mid 80's out of this pocket here, redwood city, palo alto. and meanwhile in the south bay, also mid 80's 87 morgan hill, 87 los gatos or still shy of 90 or so. east bay shoreline. some lower 80's encroaching tried. ali, this is what we're talking about. upper 80's scratch and some 90's, danville, walnut creek, concord here. 76 going on for berkeley. there's a decoupling here. 75 the lay. whoa. that number's going to be interesting because that sometimes tells us how much of that onshore wind you're getting into. gets cut off. you'll get warming 89 for fairfield. you'll get that warming later this week. 82
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for napa. 87. meanwhile for santa rosa, let's do it. here's the pop we talked about up to about 100. we don't want to do it, though. put 99 in there and then gradually retreating into the weekend. some cloud cover it all that student mr. low-pressure system coming our way to the bay area. they seem to be having timed out this with us. we like the 3rd week or so cloudy as lows. a little break from summer in the weekend. ok, what kind of you whipping? i know we're trying to do the sorts timed out just right. all yes, we want to be just right. thank you so much to do. >> a new device shaped like a penguin is helping kids with a fear of getting shots. this is in palo alto. >> and it's called the buddy guard. it vibrates on the patient's arm while they play a video game and the vaccine is a given year. the device the bodyguard is being used at lucile packard children's hospital in palo alto. we spoke with one patient who has used this device. put psych a vibration on on like your arm. so. >> pain of the needle poking
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pain is decreased very best. it will help with so many, much more. then it's putting needle. >> doctors say that. but guards could soon come in other forms like puppies, chickens and other kid-friendly shapes. i'm in favor of a unicorn. and there's another update on the 2 u.s. astronaut stranded in space. it was officially confirmed saturday, but they won't come home until 2025. >> so their 8 day trip will now be at least 8 months. news nation correspondent xavier walton brings us the latest. >> was a decision months in the making and right out of the gate. nasa's administrator bill nelson, very serious tone, but saying that sunny and butch would be returning home to earth in february, citing safety and saying it wasn't worth the risk. here's nasa's top guy. >> we have had mistakes done in the past. we lost. 2 space shuttles as a result of
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they're not being a culture. and which information could come forward. the decision to keep butch and suni aboard the international space station and bring the boeing starliner home. uncrewed is result of a commitment to safety. >> so what started as an 8 day mission for astronaut suni williams and butch wilmore has now turned into an 8 month mission after weeks of testing nasa and boeing making that very tough decision to keep the astronauts on the iss. officials say helium leaks and thruster issues in the proposed system where ultimately to blame for sunny and butch's extended stay in space. nasa ultimately calling on spacex during its crew launch in september. instead of sending 4 astronauts to the iss on its dragon capsule. spacex now only sending 2 astronauts making room for sunny and butch to hitch a ride home. >> we have a lot of work to do
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relative to the rest of the mission, which is bush and sunny, stay on the space station for some time and a return on crew. 9. we're considering that spacecraft with a couple extra 2 different seats. so we'll have 2 different crew members, 2 crew members on that vehicle we'll have it ready to bring. but since any home. >> now on the flip side, the polar is dawn mission is set to launch on a daring five-day journey around the earth. 4 civilians, including billionaire jared isaacman attempts. the first ever commercial space walk aboard a spacex crew dragon capsule. the crew orbits at a record-breaking height of 870 miles. mission not only pay is a is risky, but it also paves the way for commute excuse me for future commercial space exploration lodge is expected as early as tuesday. and saturday was kobe bryant day 8.24. the 2 numbers he wore during his 20 year career with
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the lakers reporter for reporter jennifer mcgraw has the story. >> no doubt a party going on in downtown la to celebrate kobe's life. there's again, but people also just said they wanted to come down here so they could feel a part of it. >> happy mamba day america. y'all know what it is. a 24 honoring the late lakers legend on elese a 24 kobe day. his jersey numbers. trevor noah, part of the city's history. we missed you. kobe fans from near and far from canada coming together as one to celebrate. and remember the superstar. i think it's a great thing. i think kobe was a great from his 20 years on the court to starting the mamba academy for underserved athletes. he's also honored for being a father. he said the example of how to be a great so, you know, just >> being there with my my son that he's in the best i can and setting forever funds between families across the globe. i'm a girl that. >> and he's a girl dad. and that's where it stemmed from all my post. i was put hashtag girl that it's a cool that you can share this with your dad.
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>> people even lining up to get a picture with his statue front of the house. kobe helped build. >> maybe is the best time to go ahead and share memories with my family. so i love it in an especially emotional day for does right angle who calls kobe friends very blessed. shouldn't even be here and making it back from after surviving brain surgery, he gave her the mamba mentality to keep going. but this man said deseret on it and kick its. no doubt a day of celebration and also a somber reminder of the lives cut short. >> now, forever memorialized here in downtown l a we miss you. kobe. you know, we're going to celebrate you. >> we'll be right back.
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>> instagram is taking a page from the past and it's made new feature. do remember setting a song to your myspace profile. well, now you can do the same on instagram. the social media site launched a new feature with the help of singer sabrina carpenter who pinned her new song taste to her bio. users can add their favorite song to their account by going to edit profile and selecting any track from instagram's library users can share up to 30 seconds of a song on their profile. i'm going have to give some some long thought. i what i want to tend to my instagram with a everybody in the studio with. they want to do. >> still ahead on the next hour, the kron 4 morning news at overnight. house fire breaks out in san francisco. plus a debt. a series of deadly sideshows involves hundreds of cars racing across city streets in vallejo and richmond. and state officials
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could declare this animal a threatened animal species. the reason why coming up on the kron 4 morning news. stay with us.
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i will never forget the picture that i have, i'm the only one that's not smiling. even though i'm with my close friends, i felt alone. i didn't feel pretty, i didn't feel confident. when i got invisalign, i built my confidence. it was the best investment that i could do. (vo) struggling with moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis? talk to your doctor about #1 prescribed entyvio, offering two maintenance options, including the entyvio pen. infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. pml, a rare, potentially fatal brain infection cannot be ruled out. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, or are prone to infections. liver problems can occur. entyvio. relief. remission. for real. ♪ entyvio, entyvio, entyvio ♪
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news. a san jose business hit with multiple burglaries within a month. the latest response from city officials. and deadly sideshows breaking out in vallejo and richmond after hundreds of cars raced across city streets.
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>> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 8. >> good morning. thank you so much for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm stephanie lin. >> it's sunday august, the 25th that's continue our news coverage with day for our first look at the weather heyday. a good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. and a little bit more in the way of sunshine to start the day here. we don't have the intrusion around the bay of the fog and the cloud cover that we had from yesterday. as a result, temperatures have been able to drop a little bit more so but they will warm up more. >> then we saw from yesterday little bit more mercury movement here on the temperature. here's a live look at what it looks like of the golden gate bridge. a little bit of that haze. don't forget the water. still relatively little chilly there. and a look at fog cast. a do want to point out that half moon bay is still kind of shroud. a little bit of ground fog that will probably clear out this afternoon. however, at coastal locations, probably tomorrow. it'll be a little bit more in the way of fog and clouds. you have to deal with them today. so our low is gone. you can hardly see the footprints of anything of it.
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we're getting a little bit of an offshore wind up in the north bay. not a lot. just a little bit of that helping to bring in some drier air with this. the arrows are kind of pointing in that general direction. most of the bay is going to be treated to little bit of an onshore wind, but not to be very strong. that's going to work in tandem early into the week with this warm up phase. we're talking about 50's up north 60's cover. good chunk of the east bay with 63 for san jose. quick contrast here. we're closing the gap, but still quite big up in the north bay with a more than a double digits, as you can see in spots, fairfield inn elsewhere. it's getting closer to half a dozen degrees behind again. we're closing the gap. 79 at high noon to 3 86. but the new target numbers around 90 where might even reach 100 come the next couple of days will be have more details on that in just a bit, stephanie. all right, dave, thank you so much. and breaking overnight, one person is hospitalized and 2 others displaced. >> after a fire in san francisco, the flames broke out on the 1800 block of
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terrible avenue. terrible street between the 1700 to 1900 block is closed. and as of earlier this morning, crews are still on the scene. in the south bay burglars hit a business in san jose saturday morning for the 3rd time 3 weeks. it was jack moment has the latest for us. >> not once, not twice, but 3 times us at kron. 4 have been here to the funny farm restaurant in the evergreen neighborhood in san jose either for an attempted break-in or a successful break-in in the restaurant tells me every single time they're broken into. it brings about much closer to potentially shutting down. now i did talk with local city leaders who tell us that they believe that these burglaries targeted attack. >> every single break like this weekend. we're just 2 weeks ago and this broken door just days before that one. i can't believe this. i can't even believe it like makes co
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owner of the funny farm restaurant, monica levi wonder how much longer her business has left here immediately. you kind of have the sense of like it's not true. it's not believable. you know what, what has happened in the last week? that's cause u.s. 3 break-ins in 3 weeks. you know, each break-in is costing them thousands of dollars. this most recent break-in, the suspect broke glass still wine and broke into their safe worth thousands of dollars. this could definitely be the one that that that just does us. for news first reported on funny farms troubles at the start of august. then the doors were broken. local leaders told funny farm they were working with police to increase enforcement. then just 4 days later, tablets, and moore was taken. police then stayed on scene for hours investigating. police did a walk-through of all the neighboring businesses. and i don't appreciate just a lot of talk. i need action. but now levi sped up. she says enforcement has been too slow because of police staffing. this is a very, very nice
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area. this is a very, very safe area. >> yet where ignored in the middle of the night when there's nothing open. i've gotten the reassurances. the department's is leaning in on following every lead to oak. and ellis is the councilman for this district in san jose and has been working with san jose police and these nonstop break-ins. >> he says the thief is the same single person. every time he says it must be someone who knows the restaurant's layup by no means. is this a random at this point, whoever this mystery suspect is the people at funny farm need answers fast. everyone shocked. that is it happening and for levi who wants her customers happy and to keep her staff continuing to serve this neighborhood. and that's the hard part because i feel like i'm disappointing them. if i don't do everything, i can stick around. >> but i i don't how much more i can do. >> and that was our jack moment reporting for us now in east san jose, a townhouse fire displaced 14 people in
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killed 2 dogs. flames broke out around 3 o'clock saturday afternoon. also, sarah way near quimby road. fire crews say at least 2 units in the complex caught fire, forcing evacuations in nearby buildings. one firefighter suffered burns to their face. the red cross is working to help the affected people find temporary housing. a deadly sideshow broke out in vallejo just after midnight on saturday. police say 2 shootings happened while hundreds of cars took over the streets. the incidents leaving one person dead and another in critical condition. and this was the scene just before 01:00am near harbor way and mare island way. police say as many as 500 cars engaged in dangerous stunts, damaging the roadway. there. and then there's this a ring of fire. you can see dozens of people jumping in and out of the flames dangerously close to those cars. there. police
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arrived around 12:45am. to break up the side show and respond to reports of 2 shootings. one person was found dead at lewis brown wrote another person was sent to the hospital to be treated for gunshot injuries. no arrest may get in connection to those shootings, but police did arrest 4 people in connection to the side show. and the sideshows did begin in valais hope, but did not. and there biden, 3 other east bay city saw their streets taken over about 15 minutes after police chase the crowd out of wpallay the side show started i crockett at the intersection of san pablo avenue and merle hay street. hundreds of people gathered jamming access to i-80. about 30 minutes later, there was this brief sideshow enrichment about 100 cars blocking the intersection of cutting boulevard and harbor way. police say one driver who was trying to escape drove right at police. he was chased down and arrested. finally in oakland, another sideshow and another ring of fire. it also
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lasted less than half an hour with police breaking it up around 03:00am. it's not clear yet whether these early morning sideshows were connected. in san francisco. police continue to investigate a shooting that happened in broad daylight saturday. emergency calls came in just before 3 of the afternoon about shots fired at the intersection of haight and masonic. police think an argument may have led to the incident. the area closed off for about 4 hours as officers investigated. no suspects or victims found yet. oakland police continue to investigate 2 separate missing persons cases, both involving girls who disappeared last month. 12 year-old karen escobar. korea was last seen july 5th a 6th avenue near international boulevard. she was wearing a black shirt and blue jeans. police say she has brown eyes, red hair and a tattoo on her left hand. another young girl has been missing since july 30th. this is 15 year-old angelina she was last seen near loma vista avenue. she has black hair and brown eyes.
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police do not believe the cases are connected. i hope police have arrested a suspect in connection to a fatal shooting. 47 year-old fence and warren is accused of killing a man inside a business on solano avenue 3 weeks ago. the victim died 2 days after the shooting. what has been booked into the solano county jail. san francisco police continue their search this morning for 2 people accused of robbing a postal service worker. it happened just before noon saturday near an apartment building obowman court officers say 2 people robd the worker at gunpoint, then drove off no injuries reported. anyone with information should get in touch with san francisco police. authorities up in humble county are not happy about san francisco is renewed push to bus the homeless out of the city by the bay. humble county supervisors voted tuesday to send mayor london breed this letter saying they are dismayed to learn. humble county is among the top 3
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destinations where the homeless are being sent wells angeles and sacramento counties of the 2 other most popular state destinations. according to the san francisco, department of homelessness earlier this month, mayor breed ordered city workers to offer unsheltered people bus tickets out of town before offering other services like shelter. and new this morning, state officials could declare the white sturgeon as a threatened animal species. this fish, which can be found in the san francisco bay is dying from toxic harmful algae blooms, overfishing and climate change. the san francisco bay keeper and the california sportfishing protection alliance have petitioned the state tillis, the white sturgeon as a threatened species. the state department of fish and wildlife is asking for public comment to be sent by the end of october. a rare august rain in downtown oakland. take a look. this part of the bay area. they got some light drizzle early saturday morning. this video shared from one of our
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producers victim. as you can see those gray skies out there. and of course, the ground saturated from that rain. and is often the case that rain in the bay area we're seeing also indicate snow in the sierra. this is a look at palisades tahoe yesterday and that's no getting kicked up from strong gusts of wind looking pretty chilly out there. coming up on the kron 4 morning news, a new push in the south bay to dry younger voters to the polls in november. >> we're taking a road trip. the latest rivian this one juices up at tesla superchargers. i'll show you how it works. i'm rich demuro. that's coming up rich on tech. and plenty of sunshine going on for today. we're bumping those highs, though, up a little bit more were juicing them up, if you will, getting up to about 90 or so in some of those pockets well inland. and that's only the beginning. more heating expected this week. >> kron morning news continues.
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i'll say what city hall insiders won't. we have a drug, homelessness, and economic recovery crisis, because the system that's supposed to fix things
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is the problem. record budgets. fewer officers. business killing bureaucracy. the insiders won't change a system built for their benefit. i'm daniel lurie and san francisco needs a mayor unafraid to take on the status quo, bring accountability, and stop the excuses.
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>> welcome back. and here's a live look of quite how are already blue skies taking hold in downtown san francisco. and we're seeing that in other spots around the bay. pretty good start to the day, but there are some pockets of fog here in they're going on. good morning, everybody. and a look at what it looks like in half moon bay. this a fog that i mentioned earlier, you can see starting to thin through allows some of that sunshine make its way through. this will probably clear out in due time couple of hours. however,
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tomorrow we might have a little bit more of a problem with for some of the coastal areas, not clearing out as quickly or maybe lingering through much of the day. temperature check for you. getting some movement going on. well inland. 64 already antioch, but a cooler 58 for livermore valley tried allie lyttle trailing just a touch there up north 50's 62 for san francisco and half moon bay got a pair of fives at this hour. so back to future cast for not a lot to see for today in the wake of everything that we've already had. however, tonight develops again, our marine layer and it will over parts of the bay typical fashion mall. however, during the daytime mixing out process, still slow to clear parts of the coast, maybe even some drizzle at times there. not so much during the day that maybe as we get into the night and starts to thicken up a little bit there. so that's when we think it's a little different than the rest of the bay. and as far as those winds are concerned, we have a little pop of some offshore winds up there to solano county, a to z a pocket that will almost always get it. we get these lows of these fronts or whatever you get nice onshore winds and all sometime
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drain. but when you get to the dry months, you don't get that. but then comes the offshore winds from that. what this is and very apparent. so not a whole lot. but the offshore, the onshore winds, rather that we are getting over most of the bay through the next 48 hours or not, that intense. just the afternoon breeze there, mostly local winds. that's good still. but when you have more active, when sometimes you get a little better cooling, if you can import this marine layer when air off to those inland spots. so as a result, temperatures will respond to that. and we will warm. expect about 100 or so inland as we get to say tuesday, wednesday zone later in the week. sunny, but not as hot as temperatures slide back on friday might to drop below 90 looks like into the 80's but may not see quite the break in the heat that we saw this past weekend. still kind of working on that. it looks like it may be more delayed and that means pretty nice for holiday. coming up, 74 san francisco, sunny and nice. 79 and sunny and pleasant. oakland, 85 san jose warmer and the nice
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temperatures popping in about 90 or so well inland. we got the oranges here covering a good chunk of the bay. 74 san francisco, 87 santa rosa and 85 for san jose. there's quite hour again. checking in temperatures for you. still double digits but getting close to the century. mark by tuesday. just want to put it up. there gets too crowded. there's nothing. so no, i'm not going put 99 up there, ok? alright, 99 will. and a 98 19. you go already. absolutely. thanks so much, dave. >> well, as the dry season drags on, more of the state is experiencing drought conditions. more than half of sonoma county now in the of normally dry category. the latest map also shows a large area of northern california in the same yellow is the least severe drought category. the next worst category is expanding its footprint along the oregon border. and we will know by thursday if the rain we got yesterday helped alleviate any of the drought conditions we're seeing here in the bay area. and a group
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of south bay off off. it's launched a campaign to get younger voters to the polls on election day. it happened thursday at eastside san jose. organizers say the goal is to mobilize voters from underrepresented and vulnerable communities and empower them to participate in the democratic process. >> any of these youth are going up in families you know, parents that never had the opportunity to so they come from my house that, you know, there's no boating education. there's not really you know how to register to vote, how you know, if i even have the power to vote, right, so many of these years would be the first to vote in a families. and that's when we come in. we want to educate them to know that you are carrying the voice of your family and generations before them. that didn't have the power that you have now. >> advocates say voting needs to be part of the discussion year-round, not just in november. most of restaurant is coming to the stonestown galleria in san francisco supreme dumplings and lace ole are looking to open by the end of this year. this will be the
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first location outside of seattle for supreme dumplings kazuki ramen and izakaya are also set to open in the beginning of next year key replaces gram cafe and pancakes which closes on tuesday august the 27th. chick-fil-a restaurant is set to open a rather. it's now open in gilroy. a line wrapped around the parking lot when the restaurant opened on thursday and check out that line. this is at the shopping center on chestnut street. customers say that it was all worth the wait. >> the small town rise like you want to be like that chick-fil-a. we went to at the beginning of it is so light. we've had kids who do like say no, want to first. >> this is the 26 chick-fil-a in the bay area. but the first in gilroy looks like it was quite a hit. company says they plan to hire about 130 full-time and part-time workers. another loop new location opens in concord before the end of the year. and a new device shaped like a
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penguin is helping kids with a fear of getting shots in palo alto. this is called the buddy guard. it vibrates on the patient's arm while they play a video game and the vaccine is ministered near device. the buddy guard is being used at lucile packard children's hospital in palo alto. and we spoke with one patient who has used the device. put psych a vibration on on like your arm. so. >> pain of the needle poking pain is decreased. very it will help with so many, much more. then putting a needle. >> well, doctors say bodyguards could soon come in other forms like puppies, chickens and other kid friendly shapes. i am personally in favor of the unicorn because it as a little horn, right? and then it's like, you know, you put the shot right next. the needle right next to makes sense, right? various brands join forces to make long-distance trips in electric cars. easier
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to me are reports in this edition of rich on tech. >> rivian powered by tesla. i'm taking a second generation. rivian are one s on a 350 mile road trip to northern california. what's different about this road trip is that this rivian is running the latest software which lets you charge at tesla superchargers. nearly every major automaker has adopted tesla's north american charging standard. i've got about 34 minutes before my future evs will have tesla's charging port built in. >> current models require an adapter on my drive. the rivian is rugged and commanding. get comfortable for such big suv. this car has so much power. if there's one quirk, it's how fast the tailgate pops open. best to stand back. rivian's big touch screen automatically chooses charging stops along the way and lets you filter by network. and my first stop a
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surprise. okay. this is kind of crazy. so i just got to the tesla charger station. >> and it's all coned off. perhaps the system didn't realize the station was down for maintenance. and so now i've got to figure out if i can find another charger nearby. luckily, there are many along i-drive but to be safe. my next stop is a rivian charging station. this is a sign of the times in this parking lot. you've got 3 different brands of charging stations. >> charge point over there. rivian behind me and tesla right in front of the experience reminds me that fast charging can be pricey, not as expensive as gas, but it's creeping higher. although i could have made it to my hotel without another stop. i still need to try tesla. i've arrived at the tesla charging station. i'm going to grab the adapter and see if this works. it takes me a minute to figure out the adapter that once plugged in. it starts to charge. that's rich on tech. i'm rich demuro. >> new this morning, tesla is looking to hire someone to train its optimus humanoid
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robot. check that out. the data collection operator would train the technology by acting out tasks in a motion capture suit. and this position does require walking over 7 hours a day while carrying up to 30 pounds. the pay rate is $48 an hour. if you're up for the job and tesla is taking job applications right now on its website. so we are getting a glimpse into the future here. i mean, these things could be assembling our cars and other things in the future. you could play a role in that. all right. in the east bay, 15,000 fans can expect to watch the open routes play at the coliseum. the team's sharing the details, including with the field will look like in coming seasons. the team says it plans to orient the field along the 3rd base line, which believes will make for the best viewing atmosphere. experience for fans and players. a seating area for fans will be the left field. 3rd base line, lower bowl. the field service will be all natural grass. the coliseum also serves as the home for the oakland soul. >> next season.
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>> still ahead, a local health expert walks us through the dangers of west nile virus has more infected. mosquitoes are more infected. mosquitoes are found.
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ok y'all we got ten orders coming in.. big orders! starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant..
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>> so headache, fever, diarrhea, and in some cases are so particularly if you've been exposed to a lot of mosquitoes you see those things, it's prudent to get checked out by doctor most cases. there is unfortunately no vaccine or no treatment, but most cases subside over there on their own in a period of weeks, maybe a month for those little bit less fortunate. and the vast majority come out of it. just like doctor and state after the infection takes its course. >> santa clara county mosquito spraying happens in affected neighborhoods wednesday night around 10 o'clock. fauci. the nation's former top infectious disease official was hospitalized this month with west nile virus. a spokesperson says fauci was laid up for 6 days but is now recovering at home. the 83 year-old is well known as the face of the response to the coronavirus pandemic under president donald trump and joe biden is expected to make a full recovery. itself. the officials are warning about this tiny bug which might look a little big on your screen.
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well, this guy is killing trees. it's called the shot hole borer beetle and is about the size of a sesame seed. the insect was recently found in san jose. it's not there. how or when it arrived in the bay area but might have come for the southern california. the town is asking residents to help out by reporting any infested trees. in 26 this morning. and still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news, the race for the white house becoming a sprint as both becoming a sprint as both parties fight for your vote.
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introducing, ned's plaque psoriasis. he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. otezla can help you get clearer skin. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla.
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it'll be raining cats and dogs again. time to waterproof with gorilla. waterproof with gorilla? gorilla waterproof patch & seal. of course. spray it, tape it, spread it, brush it to stop and prevent leaks. for the toughest jobs on planet earth.
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>> now on the kron 4 morning news health officials taking another step to combat covid. we've got the latest on the new vaccine. an east bay food pantries getting food to students in need during the school year. the latest on this life saving program and how you can help. it's 29 this morning. thank you so much for joining us here on the kron. 4 weekend morning news. >> i'm stephanie lin. let's check back in with dave for a look at our weather heyday. >> warning everybody. and we've been battling a little bit of the fog in some selective areas, but most parts of the bay, it's been pretty much sunny to start and it's going to be warm this afternoon. now the cool down that we experience now turning and we're going to a warming phase early part of the week. first things first, let's check in with half moon bay because that was one of the problem areas. look at the sun pairing on through some of the intrusive fog here just as a side note issue, you'll probably see this a little bit more aggressive monday into tuesday. little bit here. meanwhile, our temperatures not too bad 60's going on the east bay with 50's littering
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the north and a little bit down south. 55, by the way, where we just were in half moon bay. quick contrast for you here. were trailing by say a half a dozen degrees or more in some spots here with this. so we are catching up in some cases in the north. they were more then a dozen degrees behind. so with relatively drier air, we close that gap a lot quicker here. now, what that system that we got yesterday long since gone, there's nothing upstream except again, that high. that's going to build a little bit. not quite as impressive some of its predecessors earlier in the summer here, but enough to boost those temperatures up to around the century. mark early part of the week. so the breakdown we'll try about 79, 11, 12 o'clock or so 3 at about 87, but still looking at highs in some spots, reaching at about 90 now we will reach maybe about 100 as we get to tuesday wednesday and then another cool down. it looks like into next weekend. of course, that extended forecast in your 4 zone all lined up for you coming up in a bit, stephanie. >> all right. thank you. a
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pittsburgh man is charged with murder after a deadly fight. police arrested 28 year-old billy ray darby this week. investigators say he's connected to a fight that happened tuesday morning on railroad avenue. the victim suffered serious head and neck injuries. they were rushed to a hospital where they died. no details yet on what started that fight. a 31 year-old man could be sentenced to more than 2 centuries behind bars for crimes in the east bay. joseph carroll was found guilty last week of killing 3 people and other crimes in oakland dating back to 2009 at that time, carol murdered a man in a drive-by shooting in tried to kill his brother who was injured. carroll was also the gunman in a deadly drive-by shooting in april 2011, pamela price, able level and scope of the violence was outrageous. she added that she's proud of the hard work and dedication displayed by the trial team. if sentenced on all charges, carol, would receive more than 200 years in prison. but with city police are investigating a crash that
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killed a cyclist. it happened friday august 16, a car hit the cyclist new sequoyah high school. the driver of the car cooperated with investigators. fire broke out at an apartment building in daly city friday night. it started around 05:00pm on south may fire avenue. residents got out safely. one person was treated for smoke inhalation. it's not clear yet how the fire began. a company meta is going after an iranian hacking group believed to be targeting officials associated with president joe biden and former president donald trump. now the parent company of facebook says it has blocked a small cluster of whatsapp accounts links to malicious hackers. the scheme was reportedly intended to exploit various public figures, but it says it will share more information with law enforcement. it probably local election headquarters. vice president harris riding a wave of momentum from the democratic national convention.
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republican nominee donald trump is hoping to steal back the spotlight. news nation reporter alina shirazi reports. >> and do you want a president who's going to get us out of the war's end? it's going to rebuild the middle class in this country. >> robert f kennedy junior suspending his presidential campaign friday ending days of speculation. hours later, kennedy took the stage in arizona with republican candidate donald trump. when you stand up. >> you bring on some trouble yourself, but you have to do what's right you have to do what's right to the country. i will tell you we are both in this to do what's right for the country. that's one thing i can. >> meanwhile, trump and vice president kamala harris continuing to target voters, both releasing new ads focusing on the economy. paris not only supports taxing service workers. tenders news reports confirmed biden and harris weaponized the irs to confiscate your tip money. >> middle class families like
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the one i grew up in. they want common sense solutions. you want lower prices and lower taxes. i believe you want to just not get by, but you want to get ahead. >> we must create an opportunity economy where everyone has a chance to get a car loan, buy a home, start a business. >> harris also took to social media today to lay out how she intends to cut taxes more than 100 million americans will get a tax cut and we will do this by restoring to tax cuts designed to help middle class and working americans. >> the rnc also revamping a previous bidenmad now attacking harris on her border stance. >> we've been to the port you haven't done before. i haven't been to europe. i felt don't understand the point that you make today. the trump campaign also releasing a memo on harris's extended honeymoon phase post dnc saying, quote,
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>> post dnc, we will likely see another small balance for harris in the public polls. post-convention bounces are a phenomenon that happens after most party conventions. we need to keep our eye on the ball. that is the polling in our target states. our goal is to get to 2.70, and winning the states is how we do it. >> that was news nation reporter alina shirazi. trump has planned events for most of next week. mostly of battleground states. meantime, the harris campaign will take a bus tour of georgia, one of the state's considered critical to winning the election. for your health, the food and drug administration approved a new covid-19 vaccines as kron four's. dan kerman reports the doses could arrive at your local pharmacy within days. >> if you're looking to protect yourself from the current surge in covid-19, search likely to arrive this winter. the updated covid-19 vaccine will be arriving at your local pharmacy within days. thursday, the food and drug administration approved
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new versions of both the pfizer and moderna vaccines for covid-19. if you >> are at high risk for bad outcome. if you get covid, for example, if you're 65 or over, any age with some underlying conditions that put your high risk. and it's been more than 4 months since your last. >> i would i would get it now. uc berkeley, infectious disease specialist dr john swartzberg says. >> in addition to those at high risk, those traveling in the next month should also consider getting it sooner than later for others. those under 65 with no underlying conditions and not traveling. experts say you might want to wait. most people should get it in october. this will peak on bodies of the time when holidays. thanksgiving. >> late, you christmas, at cetera. hanukkah, ucsf, infectious disease specialist dr peter chin. hong says. >> those who have had covid this summer can also hold off
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3 to 4 months post-infection. but he says those who have had no vaccine in over a year are most vulnerable and should not wait. >> for the people i see in the hospital, i didn't take care of a single on the vaccine within the year. it was usually people who got the law shot more than a year ago. experts say these vaccines are designed to prevent severe illness, hospitalization and death and must be updated as new strains develop. but they say work is underway on vaccines that will also prevent infection regardless of the strain. there's been a lot of money for lee recently created vaccine development for these newer types of vaccines. >> vaccines that are cause give universal coverage vaccines to prevent infection vaccines. that last a lot longer than just a few months. there's a lot of money into that right now. i think we're going to see the fruits of that within the next couple years. dan kerman kron, 4 news.
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>> times they're only meals come from school. so we alleviate issue by making they're fed when they're not with us. >> in pittsburgh, students at martin luther king junior high school picked up free groceries. thanks to the food bank of contra costa and solano school food pantry program. the goal is to keep families nourished and keep the kids concentrating on their studies instead of worrying about their next meal. >> if have to all didn't have to worry about with all this site functions here around which is great because there's no summer meal gap, which means our students are getting consistent. nutrition over the entire calendar year. >> the food bank also offers a program that provides breakfast lunch and snacks for students over the weekend. officials say on average the school pantry program feeds about 344 community members every month. it is a native taylor averill returned recently from paris with a bronze medal. this was his
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first ever olympics. a team usa's volleyball squad. he hosted an event at west valley college to encourage young aspiring athletes. >> i did have a family and the people that raised. it's having success. you going to do this, doing to give back to the kids and like there along the way, like this what it's about, especially moving forward in my career is i'm honored to be >> avril graduated from brennan high school in 2010. and we love to hear that success story. congratulations on your bronze medal. >> and today, we're just say a winning forecast this weekend. well, i think so. yeah. thanks for saying ron's metal has my picture came up. i like that connection. anyway. our temperatures today. >> we're going to be reaching to about 90 or so. but we're going to achieve near 100 well inland. by the time we get to early in the week, got those
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80's up north. so summer is coming back. going to check into that extended forecast will read a kron. 4 morning news continues. all
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right. a 42 this morning live look outside at the beautiful city of san francisco. see just a bit of fog out there and also just a lot of beautiful sunlight is beaming down on the city day. it's like a hazy, lazy, crazy days of summer. yes, good point being there, stephanie. good morning, everybody.
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>> and we're going to mix most of that out for sunny weather. we're seeing kind of that haze going on up to 70 as well. tahoe forecast now gets back in the summer as well. i know you heard about the snow from yesterday. crazy, huh? but tomorrow up to 75 80 for tuesday. 81 for wednesday, we're reminding you or remind you that we're still in the summer months as well as tropical sunny of the pacific. where am i am standing over. why? i'm sorry. tropical storm warnings have been posted there because they have a hurricane in their back door step there. this thing is expected to be departing, though it's moving towards the west. what's moving away from the island? however, over my shoulder, you can see another one. what's up with this? well, this is actually going on testify little bit. but by the time it gets near the hawaiian islands. its tracks ends in a little bit towards the north. it's going to weaken toward a prop tropical depression by that point. but some of that nasty weather may spray the islands a little bit of maybe less than perfect the next 3 or 4 days. but the good news is the track keeps it away from hawaii proper. unlike this thing, get all the
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way here. seem to look at it here. tropical storm warnings there been posted for the day today again, because there's a hurricane right off the shore. 67 for any, aka 58 for livermore. 61 conquered got those mid 60's lighting up the east bay shoreline. 58 for fremont and 50's. meanwhile, up north, let's get to the big stuff here going forward. there's our good friend. boy, that was a nice break from summer cut off low. keep that thought. okay. we get into later in the week. high pressure starts to build. sort of it's not the ideal spot. it's not quite the intensity. the what we've seen from before. so don't expect the numbers to be as elevated might be enough for heat advisory. the folks the nws are kind of looking at this saying with due as we get a little closer as the week wanes, the high pressure starts to move off and i'll get out of the way. likes to make a big entrance. here comes that low right now. doorstep here cut off low, not a lot of moisture with it and the winter months. we'll be talking about that. we like to get the rain but right now it breaks the summertime weather a little bit. so we'll get a little flavor of fall heading into the weekend, right? as we
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go into the unofficial end of summer come the holiday weekend. 4 zone forecast for you today. the sunday, 74 san francisco, most readings along the coast upper 60's to near about 70 79 going on for burlingame brisbane at 71. 82 going on for foster city. 84, meanwhile, for palo alto in the south bay mid 80's even inland are sub 90 today at least los gatos. an 87 along with morgan hill, lower 80's east bay shoreline tried valley. this is talking about where some of those higher temperatures are hiding out about 90 decoupling here in the east bay shoreline, where it's 80's and 70's the laos. 75. going to see some movement there, too. as we start to lose some of those onshore winds. 89 for fairfield, 82 for nap and 87 for santa rosa. no avoiding it is warming up early part of the week. come latter portion of the week. we back off a little bit saturday. this is put some clouds in there for right now. a return to some light rain showers. however, into the holiday weekend. just a touch.
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we get a little closer. we'll put that together for you, stephanie. >> all right, dave, thank you. in san francisco, a local nonprofit supporting the underserved celebrates its 37th anniversary with a block party kicking off this afternoon in chinatown, ap a family support services provides cultural and linguistic support for families through parenting classes, mental health counseling and so much more. joining us live now to share more is fannie lamb, executive director and rose child to the board share of the organization as well. welcome to you both. >> i yeah. thank you so much for being here. now just to start off your congratulations on such a big milestone. tell us how it feels to get to this point. >> well, i think on the board for 35 years, i'm just really excited that it's expanding and growing. we started out was just serving infant children and then that we were 7. the whole absolutely have a for you. >> i am very excited. i have moved this and you got thing
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from unit nice. from hotel to district 3 years ago. and so this is the 3rd year grant avenue celebrating with our sponsors, don't us, but also the families and community members. fantastic know. tell us a bit about ap. a family support services are rows. you mentioned you've been with the board for. >> over 35 years now you've been close to 10 tell us about how you got involved with the organization and the services that you work so hard to provide. i'll share my story. >> i'm the youngest of 5 girls and my mom was a widow. so going out with a mother who who who has many wonderful, insufficient israeli verbally abuse, if you know, struggling to help the family survive and ap family support services definitely agency that she would have needed the services for. so with that, i'm just so committed to helping this cause, too have healthy families event. about you? how did get involved? >> i got involved when moved to the state 11 years ago and then i gave birth to my second child and then the separate depression. but at that time, i did not know who to contact,
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how to ask for help. and later some insight, heaviest all someone into this me to a pa and at that time, i'm much better. but i was like, oh, if i wish i could find a pa at that time, i could have save myself. you know, my family up at a time. and so since that volunteering as a volunteer joining parenting classes and then later on become upon to act as volunteers and become a staff about 2 years ago. fantastic. and walk us through the services that folks can expect when they say walked into one of your facilities because you do have several throughout. >> san francisco area. yes. so we won 3 big family. we saw center from china lca. >> haitian valley and sunday, though. so within this group, a family support services centers. this case management foot bank that behavior, health counseling, youth development, economic success program. so whatever need you help, we can support you. we cannot support you, we can come at you to other resources and testing in. did you see
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the demand? >> for your service is really go up, especially during the pandemic and post as well with so many issues happening today from inflation to job scarcity, that sort of thing? >> yes, i think inflation is really what happened after pandemic. we have seen a huge increase in moderate-income seeking for help family. we serve fairly low income to low-income family. we have seen a 5% increase in the moderate income families came for help. >> wow, ok, got it. and so what is the best way that perhaps if there is family that's out there that thinks that they may finder service is useful. how can they get in touch? >> they can call they can go to our say we have on social media to such a pa families to pass a fuss as and they'll be able find out information and give us a call we'll have people get back to and our many of the service is free is at low cost that is affordable. basically for those in need. we don't charge
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anything for all services. okay. so that's the food bank. the counseling pretty much the whole gamut. yes, okay. got it. and to its people want to chip in. if they want to help, is there a way that they can do that? yes, of course they can donate online. they can come to out event today on 37 in russia on grand avenue and then also also this, give us a call and send us a check. okay, wonderful. and so talking about today's big event of the big celebrations. walk us through what people can expect. well, in the beautiful weather today, there's going to be a lot of kids activities, a lot of giveaways. >> and such and this year in particular, there were not just agent in to tame it. we also invited to, you know, polynesian rashan asked tap hip-hop colombian. so it's going to be like great cultural exchange when they come to visit china town. so will be looking forward to visitors, families and tess. yeah, basically performances and cultural experiences that
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reflect the diversity of the families that you serve and also the families in the bay area as well. and this is admission is free the whole block. a fantastic again, walk us through how long this is happening for and this specific intersection, perhaps of people. know exactly where to go. it's on grant avenue between clay and sacramento. so it's a whole block party. so ongoing activities from 11, 30 to 2.30, okay, great. >> and what are some must watch. a can't miss sort of acts or or perhaps businesses that people should check out while they're in the area. oh, okay. >> what we have, of course, china town, all the delicious food that we want them to seize that. but really in particular didn't attainment myself. i'm really excited to have to ask tech the farmers, the russian performers that have not been in chinatown performing have a colombian performer. so it's going to be a lot of fun. okay. fantastic. and people can bring the whole
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yes. and as we wrap things up here, you know, they walk us through. >> the significance of being able to serve some many families who are in need here in the bay area over the years and really just what viewers need to know when it comes to helping those who are underserved in the bay area. >> and the 7 bay area bay area is that very difficult to switch some of the populations and some of the families, especially in the api community. they can be working many hours a week and they don't have time to come and pick up food. and we just try to find ways to support them in a way that is suitable for them. and we also have staff to speak more than 7 different languages and dialects. and that really helps to communicate with them and understanding that background and culture. >> all right. fantastic. that is fannie lamb, executive director of ap, a family support services and rose
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china board, chair of ap a family support services. thank you so much, ladies for your work and for joining us this thank you for having us. and we look forward to your viewers coming to visit us today. thank you, thank you. today. thank you, thank you. we'll be right back. they say the hardest part of getting something done let's go! hustle! is getting started. well, we did that 30 years ago, when california first took on the tobacco industry. this is not just about access. it's about the message it sends... now smoking is down 60 percent. lung cancer 42 percent. a couple of our cities have already ended tobacco sales. a california without big tobacco isn't just possible,
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it's already happening. i'll say what city hall insiders won't. we have a drug, homelessness, and economic recovery crisis, because the system that's supposed to fix things is the problem. record budgets. fewer officers. business killing bureaucracy. the insiders won't change a system built for their benefit. i'm daniel lurie and san francisco needs a mayor unafraid to take on the status quo, bring accountability,
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and stop the excuses. right. james spader is set to return to the marvel cinematic universe as the voice of killer ai all tron spears. first turn as the character gate came in 20 fifteen's avengers age of ultron according to the hollywood reporter, he will reprise the
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character in an unnamed series starring paul bettany vision. the untitled vision series is set to film next year in england. still ahead on the next hour of the kron 4 morning news. overnight fire breaks out in a home in san francisco. >> and a series of deadly sideshows involves hundreds of cars racing across city streets and allay and richmond. we've got the details and state officials could declare this animal a threatened animal species. we've got the reason why. coming up on the kron 4 coming up on the kron 4 morning news.
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introducing, ned's plaque psoriasis. he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. otezla can help you get clearer skin. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. ok, 500 deluxe garden gnomes. wow. i only meant to order five. there's not enough money in my account for these. i'm gonna get charged. two things i just can't deal with. overdraft charges. and garden gnomes. but your bmo smart advantage checking account
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gives you an extra day to avoid an overdraft fee. nice to see a bank cutting people some slack. mistakes happen. and we give you time to correct them. so, you don't like gnomes huh? what about that one? that one i like. a lot. ♪ bmo ♪
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4 morning news. san jose business hit with multiple burglaries within a month. the latest response from city officials. and deadly sideshows breaking out in vallejo enrichment after hundreds of cars raced across city streets. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at no. >> good morning. thanks so much for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm stephanie lin. >> it's sunday august, the 25th. we continue our news and weather coverage with mister day spa are dave, how's it looking with that forecast? a good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. we're going to bump up those high temperatures this afternoon to levels. we did see yesterday and we're off to a start this little bit more sunny for much of the bay. then we saw from the fog situation and clouds of yesterday as well. low pressure systems departed. so it's a different story. now. we do have some leftover haze and some fog in spots such as half moon bay. it's getting a little better. you can see some of that sun pairing on through there. but has to work
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its little magic here. do turn to sunny skies in the afternoon? there's what's left of that low. not a whole lot to write about. so we're clear on out and warming up as you're going to see in the early part of the week ahead. winds want to point this real quick. there is a little bit of a pop off shore up in the north bay. just a touch and the models say we might see a little bit that this afternoon. nothing too terrible. here we always get a little nervous with offshore winds. there will be that preponderance of onshore drift this afternoon in over the next 48 hours. however, it won't be particularly very potent. and that is usually in tandem with getting these heat bumps and spikes and so forth when you don't get much the way a surface winds that help to warm us up. right. we have temperatures in the mid to upper 60's in spots, particularly on the east bay shoreline, lower 60's up north with a cool 57 half moon bay. and here's your contrast. look at that were really closing the gap. we start the broadcast. we're more than a dozen degrees behind in spots in the north bay. now we've closed the gap only a couple degrees behind half moon bay at 5 so the breakdown today, lots of sunshine, 82 at 1 o'clock by 4 87, as we raced
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to some 90 ish numbers for highs going. more of that forecast coming for you in a bit. stephanie. all right. thank you. >> breaking overnight, one person is hospitalized and 2 others displaced after a fire in san francisco. the flames broke out in the 1800 block of terrible avenue. terrible street between the 171900 block is closed. and as of this morning, crews remain on scene. in the south bay burglars hit a business in san jose saturday morning for the 3rd time in 3 weeks. >> kron four's jack moment reports. >> not once, not twice, but 3 times us at kron. 4 have been here to the funny farm restaurant in the evergreen neighborhood in san jose either for an attempted break-in or a successful break-in in the restaurant tells me every single time they're broken into it brings them that much closer to potentially shutting down. now i did talk with local city leaders who tell us that they believe that these burglaries targeted attack.
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>> every single break like this weekend. or just 2 weeks ago and this broken door just days before that one. i can't believe this. i can't even believe it like makes co owner of the funny farm restaurant, monica levi wonder how much longer her business has left here immediately. you kind of have the sense of like not true. it's not believable. you know what, what has happened in the last week? that's cause u.s. 3 break-ins in 3 weeks. you know, each break and is costing them thousands of dollars. this most recent break-in suspect broke glass still wine and broke into their safe worth. thousands of dollars. this could definitely be the one that that that just does us. for news first reported on funny farms troubles at the start of august. then the doors were broken. local leaders told funny farm they were working with police to increase enforcement. then just 4 days later, tablets foods and more
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was taken. police then stayed on scene for hours investigating. police did a walk-through of all the neighboring businesses. and i don't appreciate just a lot of talk. i need action. but now levi sped up. she says enforcement has been too slow because of police staffing. this is a very, very nice area. this is a very, very safe area yet where ignored in the middle of the night when there's nothing open. i've gotten the reassurances. the department's is leaning in on following every lead to oak. and ellis is the councilman for this district in san jose and has been working with san jose police and these nonstop break-ins. >> he says the thief is the same single person. every time he says it must be someone who knows the restaurant's layup by no means. is random at this point, whoever this mystery suspect is the people at funny farm need answers fast. everyone. space shocked that is it happening and for levi who wants her customers happy and to keep her staff
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continuing to serve this neighborhood. and that's the hard part because i feel like i'm disappointing them. if i don't do everything, they can stick around. >> but i i don't how much more i can do. >> now jeff moment reporting for us. meantime, in east san jose, a townhouse fire displaced 14 people and killed 2 dogs. flames broke out around 3 saturday afternoon on sister away near quimby road. fire crews say at least 2 units in the complex caught fire, forcing evacuations in nearby buildings. one firefighter suffered burns to their face. the red cross is working to help the affected people find temporary housing. a deadly sideshow broke out in vallejo just after midnight on saturday. police say 2 shootings happened while hundreds of cars took over the streets. the incidents leaving one person dead. another in critical condition. and this was the scene just before 01:00am near harbor way and mare island way. police say as
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many as 500 cars engaged in dangerous stunts, damaging the roadway. there. and then there's this a ring of fire. you can see dozens of people jumping in and out of the flames dangerously close to the cars. police arrived around 12:45am. to break up the side show and respond to reports of 2 shootings. one person was found dead at lewis brown road. another person sent to the hospital to be treated for gunshot injuries. no arrests made yet in connection to the shootings. but police did arrest 4 people in connection to the side show. and those sideshows beginning ballet hope, but did not. and thereby don, 3 other east bay cities saw their streets taking over about 15 minutes after police chase the crowd out of allay a side show started in crockett at the intersection of san pablo avenue and street. hundreds of people gather jamming access to it. about 30 minutes later, there was this brief sideshow in richmond about 100 cars blocking the intersection of cutting boulevard and harbor
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way. police say one driver who was trying to escape drove right at police. he was chased down and arrested. finally in oakland, another sideshow and another ring of fire. this also lasting less than half an hour with police breaking it up around 03:00am. it's not clear yet whether the early morning sideshows were connected. francisco police continue to investigate a shooting that happened in broad daylight on saturday. emergency calls came in just before 3 in the afternoon about shots fired at the intersection of haight and masonic. police think an argument may have led to the incident. the area closed off for about 4 hours as officers investigated. no suspects were victims found yet. oakland police continue to investigate 2 separate missing persons cases, both involving girls who disappeared last month. 12 year-old karen escobar, correa was last seen july 5th on 86 avenue near international boulevard. she was wearing a black shirt and blue jeans. police say she has brown eyes,
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red hair and a tattoo on her left hand. another young girl has been missing since july. 30th, 15 year-old angelina she was last seen near loma vista avenue. she has black hair and brown eyes. police do not believe these cases are connected. police arrested a suspect in connection to a fatal shooting. 47 year-old center n-word is accused of killing a man inside a business on solano avenue. 3 weeks ago. the victim died 2 days after the shooting. warren has been booked into the solano county jail. francisco police continue their search this morning for 2 people accused of robbing a postal service worker. it happened just before noon saturday near an apartment building on foam in court. officers say 2 people robbed the worker at gunpoint, then drove off no injuries reported. anyone with information should get in touch with san francisco police. a 3rd is up in humble county are not happy. they say about san francisco's renewed push to bust the homeless out of the city. humble county
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supervisors voted tuesday to send mayor london breed this letter saying they are dismayed to learn humboldt county is among the top destinations where the homeless are being sent wells angeles and sacramento counties of the 2 other most popular state destinations. according to san francisco's department of homelessness, earlier this month, mayor breed ordered city workers to offer unsheltered people bus tickets out of town before offering other services like shelter. with this morning, state officials could declare the white sturgeon as a threatened animal species. the fish, which can be found in the san francisco bay are dying from toxic harmful algae blooms, overfishing and climate change. the san francisco bay keeper and the california sportfishing protection alliance petitioned the state to list the white sturgeon as a threatened species. the state department of fish and wildlife is asking for public comment to be sent by the end of october. a rare august rain in downtown oakland. check this out. just one part of the bay area. i
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got some light drizzle early saturday morning video shared by one of our producers. victory domingo shows those gray skies up above and the ground saturated with that rain. and as is often the case, though, usually not this early rain in the bay area means snow in the sierra. this is a look at palisades tahoe yesterday and that snow getting kicked up from strong gusts of winds looking pretty chilly out there. coming up on the kron 4 morning news. a new push in the south bay to draw a younger voters to the polls in november. >> we're taking a road trip to the latest rivian. this one juices up at tesla superchargers. i'll show you how it works. i'm rich demuro. that's coming up rich on tech. >> and we're gonna be warming things up over the next couple of days here. now, today's breakdown only gets us to the upper 80's and some close to 90 or so. but we may be pushing near the century. mark of the time we get to the middle of the week. back in a bit with your forecast. the
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kron morning news continues. is it possible to count on my internet like my customers count on me? it is with comcast business. keeping you up and running with our 99.9% network reliability. and security that helps outsmart threats to your data. moaire dida twoo? -your data, too.
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there's even round-the- clock customer support. so you can be there for your customers. with comcast business, reliability isn't just possible. it's happening. switch to reliable comcast business internet with security and get started for $49.99 a month. plus ask how to get up to a $500 prepaid card. call today!
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>> welcome back in live shot of the princess. a hotel that's on the water and ice few. as we start the day, look at all the blue skies that's at work already downtown. the fog, distant memory. for the most part, it's kind of hiding out in some certain spots. see a lot of sunshine today. not too about in the temperatures. it's still gonna be summer.
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going to be more so in the next couple of days. good morning. and here's a live shot of the east bay shoreline. we saw earlier in the day. of course, those shadows from the east bay or east bay hills. now with the sun higher up, we're getting sunshine everywhere. nice blue skies, blue bay as well. temperatures are also moving to lower 60's up north east bay shoreline is looking at upper 60's, antioch at 67 livermore. 62 half moon bay at a cool 57. and 66 for san jose. futurecast for relatively uneventful that we do have still a little thin, thin fog at the coast here. but on balance, looking pretty good today. lots of sunshine overnight. yeah, we get the traditional fog, blah, blah, blah. that mixes out for much of the bay. however, along the coast might have some problem areas a little bit. looks like some sprinkles trying to develop by tomorrow night. again, not unheard of here, but contrast with elsewhere. that may be a little bit of a problem area keep the fog around. and also a second issue, too. we have a pop of some offshore winds up there to solano county. that's
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somewhat typical after a low passes are a front. you get the onshore winds, maybe some showers, not a dry summer. we don't tend to get that except for what we've had lately. then in the back side you get the offshore winds. that's what the real problem as we're getting a little bit of that. but not a lot. we could be a lot worse. now are onshore. winds are not going to be will get the breeze and all - that. basically local winds being driven by daytime heating. but when you lose a lot of winds, we do have some should note that you really get those heat spikes going on here. and sometimes when they're completely shut off, that's when you get some of the crazy numbers, too. but the elements aren't together for all that. today. we're back to sunshine and summer. we got near about 90 going on inland. we bump that to near 100 or so tuesday wednesday. no statements yet. i'm still kind of looking at things we may have. some color is a shunt maps for you later. then late in the week at sunny, but not as hot in 80's by friday. so we're going to back track again. it looks like the best drop appears to be into sunday monday, right in time for the hallway holiday and the
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unofficial end of summer just timed perfectly for that blue skies today. 74, sunny and nice. san francisco, 79 for oakland. 85 san jose and 90 ish happening in part the east bay up north. we've got 80's and 69 going on for half moon bay. but make no mistake about it. with princess in the background. 98 for monday and tuesday. and 99, i feel good to be on the water. >> thanks. cool off a little bit the land as a way of heating up. doesn't look a nice day for cruz and made any ideas of where you'd want to head to. if you're on a cruise boat. >> about honest, don't know. a lot of the i have been on boats before. i'm not a big play person because i like to shrink that down and gets ready go over as you prefer traveling by air. yeah, i know. but you've done g forces more than i could probably handle. so, you know, you know, i did get a chance angels it was thank you for
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that little escape. the appreciate it. >> all right. well, as the dry season drags on more the state is experiencing drought conditions more than half of sonoma county. now in the abnormally dry category. the latest map also shows a large area of northern california in the same boat. and while yellow is the least severe drought category, the next worst category is expanding its footprint along the oregon border. we'll know by thursday if the rain we got yesterday helped alleviate those drought conditions. a group of nonprofits like the campaign to get younger voters to the polls on election day. it happened thursday in east side. san jose organizers say the goal is to mobilize voters from underrepresented and vulnerable communities and empower them to participate in the democratic process. >> any of these youth are going up in families you know, parents that never had the opportunity to so they come from my house that, you know, there's no boating education. there's not really, you know how to register to vote, how you know, if i even have the
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power to vote, right, so many of these years would be the first of families. and that's when we come in. we want to educate them to know that you are carrying the voice of your family and generations before them. that didn't have the power that you have now. >> advocates say voting needs to be part of the discussion year-round, not just in november. restaurant is coming to the stonestown galleria in san francisco supreme dumplings and they sew lay are looking to open by the end of this year. this will be the first location outside of seattle for supreme dumplings key ramen and izakaya also set to open in the beginning of next year because if you are places gram cafe and pancakes which closes on tuesday, august 27. and a new chick-fil-a restaurant is open and gilroy a line wrapping around the parking lot when the restaurant opened on thursday. this is at the shopping center on chestnut street. just looked at how big the crowd got there. customers say it was worth the wait.
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>> because small town rise like want to be like that. chick-fil-a. we went to at the beginning of it is so light. we've had kids with like, say, no, want to first. >> well, this is the 26 to delay in the bay area. but the first in gilroy, the company says they plan to hire about 130 full-time and part-time employees. another new location opens in concord before the end of the year. a device shaped like a penguin is helping kids with a fear of getting shots and palo alto. it's called the buddy guard. it vibrates on the patient's arm while they play a video game and the vaccine is given near the device. the buddy guard is being used at lucile packard children's hospital in palo alto. we spoke with one patient who used put psych a vibration on on like your arm. so. >> pain of the needle poking pain is decreased. very just it will help with so many, much more. then putting a needle.
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>> doctors say bodyguards could soon come in other forums like puppies, chickens and other kid-friendly and various friends join forces to make long-distance trips in electric cars just a bit easier. rich demuro reports in this edition of rich on tech. >> rivian powered by tesla. i'm taking a second generation. rivian are one s on a 350 mile road trip to northern california. what's different about this road trip is that this rivian is running the latest software which lets you charge at tesla superchargers. nearly every major automaker has adopted tesla's north american charging standard. i've got about 34 minutes before my future evs will have tesla's charging port built in. >> current models require an adapter on my drive. the rivian is rugged and commanding. get comfortable for such big suv. this car has so much power. if there's one
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quirk, it's how fast the tailgate pops open. best to stand back. rivian's big touch screen automatically chooses charging stops along the way and lets you filter by network. and my first stop a surprise. okay. this is kind of crazy. so i just got to the tesla charger station. >> and it's all coned off. perhaps the system didn't realize the station was down for maintenance. and so now i've got to figure out if i can find another charger nearby. luckily, there are many along i-drive but to be safe. my next stop is a rivian charging station. this is a sign of the times in this parking lot. you've got 3 different brands of charging stations. >> charge point over there. rivian behind me and tesla right in front of the experience reminds me that fast charging can be pricey, not as expensive as gas, but it's creeping higher. although i could have made it to my hotel without another stop. i still need to try tesla. i've arrived at the tesla charging
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station. i'm going to grab the adapter and see if this works. it takes me a minute to figure out the adapter that once plugged in. it starts to charge. that's rich on tech. i'm rich demuro. >> new this morning, tesla's looking to hire someone to train its optimus humanoid robot. check this out. the data collection operator would train the technology by acting out tasks in a motion capture suit. the position want requires walking over 7 hours a day while carrying up to 30 pounds. the pay rate is $48 an hour. if this is something you're interested in and tesla's taking job applications right now on its website. wow. really neat technology. they're kind of spooky, too. still ahead, a local health expert walks us through the dangers of west nile virus has more infected. mosquitoes are found.
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>> west nile virus continues to be a concern in the bay area this summer. santa clara county vector control workers say in the last week they've discovered infected mosquitoes in parts of san jose and palo alto earlier this summer, a contra costa county man died after getting infected. we spoke with a public health expert with cal state east bay. he says that while west nile is rare, there are some symptoms to look out for. >> so headache, fever, diarrhea, and in some cases are so particularly if you've been exposed to a lot of
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mosquitoes you see those things, it's prudent to get checked out by doctor most cases. there is unfortunately no vaccine or no treatment, but most cases subside over there on their own in a period of weeks, maybe a month for those little bit less fortunate. and the vast majority come out of it. just like doctor and state after the infection takes its course. >> santa clara county, mosquitoes bring happens in affected neighborhoods wednesday night around 10 o'clock. anthony fauci, the nation's former top infectious disease official was hospitalized this month with west nile virus. a spokesperson says fauci was laid up for 6 days but is now recovering at home. the 83 year-old is well known as the face of the response to the coronavirus pandemic under president trump and biden, he's expected to make a full recovery. southee officials are warning about this tiny bog which looks pretty large on your screens. but we promise you it's tiny and it is killing trees. this is called the shot hole borer
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beetle. it's about the size of a sesame seed. that was found recently in san jose. it's not clear how or when it arrived in the bay area that might have come from southern california. the county is asking residents to help out by reporting infected trees. still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news, the race for the white house becoming a sprint as both parties work. >> to fight for your vote.
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if you have heart disease and struggle with ldl-c... even with statins and a healthy diet... listen to your heart. talk to your doctor about repatha. repatha plus a statin lowers ldl-c (bad cholesterol) by 63%, and drops the risk of having a heart attack. do not take repatha if you are allergic to it. repatha can cause serious allergic reactions. signs include trouble breathing or swallowing or swelling of the face. most common side effects include runny nose, sore throat, common cold symptoms,
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flu or flu-like symptoms, back pain, high blood sugar, and redness, pain, or bruising at the injection site. talk to your doctor about repatha. alright. what's the definition of character to you? umm... would you be a superhero or a supervillain? if you could say one thing to big tobacco, what would it be? it's so important in this time of change that we reclaim our sacred ways. i had to open my eyes. you can't continue to do this. deep breath. i'd want to ask them “why?” (♪♪)
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on the kron. 4 morning news health officials taking another step to combat covid. we've got the latest on the new vaccine. and east bay food pantry is getting food to students in need during the school year. the latest on this life saving program and how you can help. >> i 9.29 this sunday. good morning. welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news. i'm stephanie lin. let's get a quick check of our weather with dave sphar a day. a good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. we have a pretty sweet sunday coming your way. a little bit warmer here in the inland areas. a reminder it's still summer. >> the last official week, i guess, of summer coming our way in the forecast is going to follow suit with a lot of that as well. one of the things we've been monitoring this morning is the lack of fog over most of our cameras and so forth compared to yesterday. well, one of the problem areas here is half moon bay. you can see a little bit of haze still kind of hanging around. the sun is appearing on through there. that should clear out, though, for today. but the mentioning that that may become a little bit of a kind of a nagging
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issue a little bit during the day as we get into your monday, even though we're warming up in those inland spots will be seeing a lot of sunshine. 72 going on for antioch 60's, almost everywhere across the bay. except moon bay coming in at 57. and another thing we've been monitoring is the contrast to yesterday. we joined this morning with some dozen degrees or more behind yesterday's numbers. now where getting pretty close, just trailing a little bit down south. can see half moon bay about 5 degrees behind in san jose about 4 major low-pressure system are cut off low is gone now in the rockies and in its wake, high pressure will build. that means a warming phase. it looks like in the early part of the week today about 80 to 1 o'clock to about 87 come 4 o'clock. a numbers will be reaching a little higher than that. maybe about 100 degrees or so come tuesday into wednesday. more on that forecast later on. stephanie. all right. good. thank you so much. >> a pittsburgh man is charged with murder after a deadly fight. police arrested. 28 year-old billy ray darby this week. investigators say he's
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connected to a fight that happened tuesday morning on railroad avenue. the victim suffered serious head and neck injuries. they were rushed to a hospital where they died. no details yet on what started the fight. it's 31 year-old man could be sentenced to more than 2 centuries behind bars for crimes in the east bay. joseph carroll was found guilty last week of killing 3 people and other crimes in oakland dating back to 2009. at that time, carol murdered a man in a drive-by shooting and tried to kill his brother who was injured. carroll was also the gunman in a deadly drive-by shooting in april 2011, da pamela price said the level and scope of the violence was outrageous. she added that she's proud of the hard work and dedication displayed by the trial team. if sentenced on all charges, carol, could receive more than 200 years in prison. what was it? police are investigating a crash that killed a cyclist happened friday. august 16th. car hit the cyclist near sequoyah high school. the driver of the car remained at
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the scene and cooperated with investigators. a fire broke out in an apartment building in daly city friday night. it started around 05:00pm on south may fire avenue. residents got out safely. one person was treated for smoke inhalation. it's not clear yet how the fire began. and tech company meta is going after an iranian hacking group believed to be targeting officials associated with president joe biden and former president donald trump. the parent company of facebook says it has blocked a small cluster of whatsapp accounts linked to malicious hackers. the scheme was reportedly intended to explore various public figures. meta says it will share more information with law enforcement. >> it probably local election headquarters. vice president harris riding a wave of momentum from the democratic national convention. >> republican nominee donald trump is hoping to steal back the spotlight. news nation reporter leader. sure ozzy has more. >> and do you want a president
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who's going to get us out of the war's end? going to rebuild the middle class in this country. >> robert f kennedy junior suspending his presidential campaign friday ending days of speculation. hours later, kennedy took the stage in arizona with republican candidate donald trump. when you stand up. >> you bring on some trouble for yourself, but you have to do what's right you have to do what's right to the country. i will tell you we are both in this to do what's right for the country. that's one thing i can. >> meanwhile, trump and vice president kamala harris continuing to target voters, both releasing new ads focusing on the economy. paris not only supports taxing service workers tips. news reports confirmed biden and harris weaponized the irs to confiscate your tip money. >> middle class families like the one i grew up in. they want common sense solutions. you want lower prices and lower taxes. i believe you want to just not get by, but you want to get ahead. >> we must create an
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opportunity economy where everyone has a chance to get a car loan, buy a home, start a business. >> harris also took to social media today to lay out how she intends to cut taxes more than 100 million americans will get a tax cut and we will do this by restoring to tax cuts designed to help middle class and working americans. >> the rnc also revamping a previous biden ad now attacking harris on her border stance. >> we've been to the port you haven't done before. i haven't been to europe. i felt don't understand the point that you make today. the trump campaign also releasing a memo on harris's extended honeymoon phase post dnc saying, quote, >> post dnc, we will likely see another small balance for harris in the public polls. post-convention bounces are a phenomenon that happens after most party conventions. we
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need to keep our eye on the ball. that is the polling in our target states. our goal is to get to 2.70, and winning the states is how we do it. >> and that was news nation reporter elina shirazi reporting for us. trump has planned events for most of next week. mostly in battleground states. meantime, the harris campaign will take a bus tour of georgia. one of the state's considered critical to winning the election. for your health, the food drug excuse me, the fda approved a new covid vaccines as kron four's. dan kerman reports the doses could arrive at your local pharmacy within days. >> if you're looking to protect yourself from the current surge in covid-19, search likely lo arrive this winter. the updated covid-19 vaccine will be arriving at your local pharmacy within days. thursday, the food and drug administration approved new versions of both the pfizer and moderna vaccines for covid-19 curfew. >> are at high risk for bad outcome. if you get covid, for
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example, if you're 65 or over, any age with some underlying conditions that put you hire us. and it's been more than 4 months since your last. >> i would i would get it now. uc berkeley, infectious disease specialist dr john swartzberg says. >> in addition to those at high risk, those traveling in the next month should also consider getting it sooner than later for others. those under 65 with no underlying conditions and not traveling. experts say you might want to wait. most people should get it in october. this will peak on bodies of the time when people are gathering for holidays. thanksgiving. >> late, you christmas, at cetera. hanukkah, ucsf, infectious disease specialist dr peter chin. hong says. >> those who have had covid this summer can also hold off 3 to 4 months post-infection. but he says those who have had no vaccine in over a year are most vulnerable and should not
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wait. >> for the people i see in the hospital, i didn't take care of a single vaccine within the year. it was usually people who got the law shot more than a year ago. experts say these vaccines are designed to prevent severe illness, hospitalization and death and must be updated as new strains develop. but they say work is underway on vaccines that will also prevent infection regardless of the strain. there's been a lot of money for lee recently put facts development for these newer types of vaccines. >> vaccines that are cause give universal coverage vaccines to prevent infection vaccines. that last a lot than just a few months. there's a lot of money into that right now. i think we're going to see the fruits of that within the next couple years. dan kerman kron, 4 news. >> times they're only meals come from school. so we alleviate issue by making they're fed when they're not with
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>> in pittsburgh, students at martin luther king junior high school picked up free groceries. thanks to the food bank of contra costa and solano school food pantry program. the goal is to keep families nourished and keep the kids concentrating on their studies instead of worrying about their next meal. >> but you have didn't have to worry about with all them, this site functions year-round, which is great because there's no summer meal gap. >> which means our students are getting consistent. nutrition over. >> the entire calendar year. >> the food bank also offers a program that provides breakfast lunch and snacks for students over the weekend. officials say on average the school pantry program feeds about 344 community members every month. >> a jose native tabor averill taylor averill excuse returned recently from paris with a bronze medal. >> this was his first ever olympics. the team usa's volleyball squad. he hosted an event at west valley college to encourage young aspiring
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athletes. watch this. >> i did a family and the people that raised. it's part winning about having success. you going to do this, doing to give back to the kids and like the way, like this what it's about, especially moving forward in my career is i'm honored to be >> a privilege >> congratulations to him. and of course, big thanks to him for inspiring all those young people out there avril to graduate from brennan high school in 2010. way to go. team usa. >> and for today, moving up, temperatures up a little bit, too around 90 or so going on. well, in the east bay, 80 still up in the north bay. but there is a warming phase coming our way over the next couple of days. we're going to check in your extended forecast for us on kron. 4 morning
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is it possible to count on my internet like my customers count on me?
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it is with comcast business. keeping you up and running with our 99.9% network reliability. and security that helps outsmart threats to your data. moaire dida twoo? -your data, too. there's even round-the- clock customer support. so you can be there for your customers. with comcast business, reliability isn't just possible. it's happening. switch to reliable comcast business internet with security and get started for $49.99 a month. plus ask how to get up to a $500 prepaid card. call today!
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>> all right, 9.42, this beautiful sunday morning. and take a look. this is sf all looking like a gorgeous day out there to fly debut. thinking about your next getaway. that is good. yes, you got that part, right? no delays happening out that way and not much the way of fog even this morning. >> just a couple little pockets where we're looking at it along the coast, which still may remain a bit. lets send another place. don't need
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airfare to get here. this is up to around yosemite and a lot of that fog that we had this, the haze that's pretty much mixed out. tahoe forecast has some are back lower 80's because that's what we're going to have in the bay area summer as well about 20 degrees above these numbers were expecting. this is ho-nay a tropical star cb hurricane and strengthen slightly. but it's tropical storm warnings that have been posted for the big island of hawaii going on because of that. meanwhile, goma. over here that actually is a pretty intense. however, the model's say it's going to actually lose a lot of punch and send it really north of the islands. that's good news, too. now, still, even if it does follow that forecast track and may spray the islands with some inclement weather, you may get some showers or something out of that over the next couple of days course that will continue to be monitored. but right now today, this sunday, tropical storm warnings, even though it is a hurricane with macswan about 85 or so to modest hurricane and moving away from the island chain, which is
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good news temperature check for you right now. we've got 60's some 70's poking out here and there fairfield 70 antioch, 72 60's up north with 59 going on for half moon bay. so our low is departing. here comes this high. i know it's askew and so therefore, the next couple of days going to be on the toasty side, it's not quite what its predecessors were not as potent numbers will not be quite as elevated as we've seen already this season. but getting up there around 100 or so. so watch out. why a maybe some statements coming up with that later on. so that takes care of the mid portion of the week. then things are changing again. another cut off low now, not a lot of moisture with this, but the thing about it is it breaks the back of he pumps going on. so that'll be nice again, looking at this next weekend. and this goes all the way to monday. so the unofficial end of summer, goes in tandem with what the weather wants to say. this go around 4 zone forecast checking in with you. 74 san francisco at the coast will keep the mostly in the 60's to near about 70 79 for
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burlingame. 82 foster city palo out to about 84 and the south bay. pretty much mirroring that type of activity. 87 los gatos, morgan hill 87 lower 80's line up the east bay shore line. try valley in the upper 80's to around 90 to shore looking at do have the decoupling between the 2 locations back to those winds. i mentioned earlier onshore. they do remain on most part. however, 75 for a delay when they start to lose some of those winds, you'll see some warming happening there, too. 89 fairfield, 82 for napa and it 7 for santa rosa. next couple of days will be a bit of a warming phase. before we take a big twist and turn taking a break for summer, looks like again by saturday of next week and into sunday into monday holiday monday. we'll see temperatures a bit cooler. stephanie. >> all right, dave and the weather is looking fantastic for our next event. the city of berkeley host, the biggest vegan food festival in one week boasting more than 99 vendors from all over the country, cultural performances as well. and even more.
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joining us live now to share more is biz earthly food festival. founder erica hayes. all good morning to you. thank you for having me. of course, at first of all, love the name is are what inspired that's the name that berkeley, that one of our nicknames we've always had. and so really all it you're going to missouri like i like that word let the uniqueness the quirkiness of berkeley everything that makes it all. so, yeah, absolutely. and this is the 4th annual year. yes festival. this is a pretty big deal. how does it feel to get to this point? you know, it gets bigger and bigger every year. this or 2022 t-shirt. but, you know, as we're coming up on our 4th year when a new location, we have new vendors and it's just really exciting to see people. >> we've had guests come as far as reno city, reno and nevada and folks are coming up from la. so we're just excited. have everyone come back for another bigger, better year. wonder fun. what inspired you to start this food festival? i have been event planning since i was 8 years and so i've traveled the country going to everyone else's food festivals. and i
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was like, i like how they do this. i don't like how they do that. so i decided to just take a chance. sports basement, berkeley lecture. erica, you could have a beacon festival here and we just run with it ever since. i love party planning a little bit planning wonderful as it sounds like it's going to be a great time out in berkeley. tell us a bit about what you've got planned this year. we also understand proceeds are going to benefit an organization as well. yes, over the last 3 years, we've raised over $8,000 for animal based nonprofit here in the bay area's or a been a factor this year again is heard and block animal sanctuary. i got to go to their sanctuary in vacaville and hug cows and taking all. this is really very cute. and so this year we're having like entire day long lineup of musical performances, including our headliner, said the to they'll be performing and we actually got him to go be good for the entire month of august. ok? so, yeah, it any reports back from him on how that experience has been going. we have gone out a couple of times. we came here to san francisco to solow hall next to ikea. and we had some of
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the most amazing be in puerto rican food being in nachos and he loved it so we can get him to go vegan for a month. everyone will find something to enjoy the festival stick and a walk us through some of the vendors of people. absolutely got to check out whether their yes. so we actually brought in litija plant-based, honey. they're made in the east bay. they'll be giving away 300 little honey bear's for guest and make injures little any of your amazing items there. we have a pineapple whip company. we have san francisco own that chefs will be serving up some of their soul food. there's just gonna be something for everyone. yeah, okay. fantastic. and this is family friendly. is iran as their cost of admission? yes. kids 17 and under are free will have a bounce. house will have all types of fun games and a portion of every ticket benefit heard and block animal sanctuary. so we suggest you buy your tickets. now and they'll be $14 at the door got and is our web site for people? yes, to some yes,
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please. check us out on a bit, right? that's the best place to go find tickets. and we're just really excited to have everyone come from all over and test again. as we start to wrap up here, a curious to get your thoughts on why vegan food, right? you are the founder of this huge festival every yeah. even be in for 8 years next month. i've done it for my health for the animals at all. everything in between. and so i think for me, this possible is goal is to myth bust that began food isn't rabbit food. it's not by grass to taste just like all the cultural foods that we grow, that we grew up with. and in a way that benefits our health, the planet and everything in-between. so come have the best of both worlds. wonderful and it for people who are curious about vegan food in who want to make that transition. i feel intimidated by are there any sort of baby steps are easy steps they can take right now to give a shot? come to the a will have dozens of free samples all day our sponsor prime routes will be giving away the gun fam, which is all day long. so okay, yeah. come out and try the samples and you won't regret
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it. i promise. wonderful. all right. erica hayes, a founder of the viz are clean, vegan food festival. thank you so much for joining us this morning. thank you so much. all right. we'll be right back.
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the making and right out of the gate. nasa's administrator bill nelson, very serious tone, but saying that sunny and butch would be returning home to earth in february, citing safety and saying it wasn't worth the risk. here's nasa's top guy. >> we have had mistakes done in the past. we lost. 2 space shuttles as a result of they're not being a culture. and which information could come forward. the decision to keep butch and suni aboard the international space station and bring the boeing starliner home. uncrewed is result of a commitment to safety. so what started as an 8 day mission for astronaut suni williams and butch wilmore. >> has now turned into an 8 month mission after weeks of testing nasa and boeing making that very tough decision to keep the astronauts on the iss. officials say helium leaks and thruster issues in the proposed system where
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ultimately to blame for sunny and butch's extended stay in space. nasa ultimately calling on spacex during its crew launch in september. instead of sending 4 astronauts to the iss on its dragon capsule. spacex now only sending 2 astronauts making room for sunny and butch to hitch a ride home. >> we have a lot of work to do relative to the rest of the mission, which is bush and sunny, stay on the space station for some time and a return on crew. 9. we're considering that spacecraft with a couple extra year 2 different seats. so we'll have 2 different crew members, 2 crew members on that vehicle we'll have it ready to bring. but since any home. >> all right. on the flip side, the polar is dawn mission is set to launch on a daring five-day journey around the year. 4 civilians, including billionaire derek isaac men attempt the first-ever commercial space walk aboard a space x crew dragon capsule. the krewe
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orbits at a record breaking high of 870 miles. the mission is not only risky but paves the way for future commercial space exploration launch is expected as early as tuesday on that travel their stuff. yeah, about this for you. how about that? you're going on that. you know what? i've actually always wanted to go into outer to space camp. and i was 13 years old. so i'm definitely interested to mean you're in line to buy your tickets and so forth. i'm thinking about it. you know, when they're in international space station in this thing. >> they're going to be the closest humans to point than anybody. that's and someone know where pacific. and that's that way we came. are the king spacecraft there because there's nothing there. that's the name of the game. so. >> anyway, your high temperatures today arout this. we're got some are back again around 90 or so going on the east bay up north, the 80's and those cool 60's to near about 70 along the coast. what's the going forward? it's back. so that means we're
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warming up middle of the week here tuesday, wednesday, no statement yet about heat advisory. business ears peeled for any of that, though. high pressure, then find the exits. let's go. let's go. let's move. let's move. here. comes that cut off low right in time for the holiday weekend. so give people a little flavor of ok, a little tease little the unofficial end of summer, something and the start of pumpkin spice season. well, not. yeah, we're get yet. and and the site or in a getting up to near 100 or so tuesday wednesday and that heading into the weekend, a little flavor >> of on and what is called little flavor here getting into september. there. and then when you get to october, think you bring up your spooky stuff. have the best time of the year. like i love. i love the fall. heading into the winter time. yeah, that's my favorite time. you're my birthday in october. you know, that's part of know i am a liberal, ok a witness that was full. >> all right. well, thanks so much, dave. and that's it for us here of the cross for weekend morning news from all
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of us here at kron 4. thank you so much for watching and see you back here bright and early next weekend. 7, 2, >> 7 to 10 they had too much fun here.
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> anncr: the following is a paid program from joel osteen ministries.


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