tv FOX 10 News 530pm FOX October 6, 2016 5:30pm-6:00pm MST
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back to our big story of back to our big story, hurricane matthew barreling through the atlantic ocean along the east coast. the storm has blown through haiti and the bahamas leaving behind massive damage and loss. >> at least 264 people in haiti have died. president obama has declared a state of emergency in florida. and 2 million people in that state have been told to move in here is another live look at the storm from a camera in daytona, beach. the storm expected to make landfall as early as midnight arizona time. when it hits, winds expect to be around 145 miles per hour. that's hard to imagine. >> man, and the damage. you can watch continuing coverage. we want to remind you on fox 10 news now we will be streamig live events surrounding this hurricane throughout the night. head to you find a link there.
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new at 5:00, this is such a shocker. chandler police arrest a man who could be behind a series of suspicious fires in the city since april. and in the strange twist that man talked to fox 10 about those fires a few weeks ago. danielle miller is live with the story. >> such a strange twist and turn of events. just a few weeks ago we spoke with tom leaper. extremely concerned about the fires that were going on in his neighborhood and he was a was responsible and come to find out he was arrested in connection with several of these fires. the most recent fire happening right here at his next-door neighbor's house. police are telling us that leaper admitted to them to starting this fire. he told them that he used a syringe filled with gasoline and put it on a mop and he lit that mop on fire. >> right after dark usually
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was about midnight. >> 31-year-old tom leaper who you heard from a previous story was describing several suspicious fires that have happened in his neighborhood near mcclintock and chandler. leaper told us a neighborhood meeting he feared for his family's safety. >> i have two young children and my neighbor has two young children and they are very close to our houses. it's scary. getting worked up thinking about it. >> the fires began in april and most recent one happening at leaper's neighbor's home on septembe leaper was arrested today in connection. leaper admitted to police he started this fire and southeasterly others. he would get uncontrollable urges to set fire and act on those urges. he told police he needs help. neighbor john lewdy says leaper was always the first person to show up at all of the fires even though he never put him as the suspect. >> he would be talking to everybody. i would ask him what was going
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same here if you see anybody over here you let me know. i let you know. like i said, if it's true, is that strangest thing ever. >> police say leaper has a history of arson and tell us that he spent time in a treatment facility as a juvenile. he is now charged with four counts of arson and seven counts of endangerment. reporting live, danielle miller, "fox 10 news." a court hearing has been delayed for a scottsdale man accused of kidnapping and raping an unconscio surveillance video photos captured 28-year-old rodolfo ramirez carrying an unconscious woman in a parking lot and sexually assaulting her several times. including in his own home and then later dropped her off at an intersection in tempe. she was completely incapacitated at the time. he is facing several charges. phoenix police searching for a couple that used a credit card that was stolen during a robbery
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take a close look at the surveillance video see if you recognize anybody in here. they say the man in that red shirt you saw and a woman in a black dress they used that card at a store near i-17 and happy valley road. they were driving an older model suv. the robbery happened back on september 16th near 27th avenue and deer valley road. again, a family pet was killed in that robbery a boxer mix found dead in the home. jewelry, electronics were stolen. if you hav call silent witness at 480-witness. local animal shelters are full and many pets are in desperate need of a new home. new policies are keeping dogs alive longer at county facilities but that also means the space fills up quickly. andrew hasbun has been at one of those county shelters today. he has been looking into it and joins us live with more. >> they are having to put multiple dogs in one kennel. to free up space the county works with some no kill shelters
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too. >> the dogs are ready for new homes but they are just aren't enough people looking to adopt to keep up with the number of dogs coming in. >> right now we have about 460 big dogs in 240 kennel. >> recently extended their 72 hour hold on dogs brought into the shelter to five days. euthanasia at the county shelter is now down by two-third compared to last year. so animals are staying ali longer but without increased adoptions, free space is limited. >> it's what the public wanted. we are happy to do it but now we need the public to help souse we can maintain it and continue doing that. >> many dogs are adopted out, some are also sent off to no kill shelters. and other rescue groups but those facilities are stretched thin, too. >> we are at a maximum capacity right now. we have multiple dogs in foster or shelters full. >> good boy. >> shelly parker works with
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takes some of the dogs brought into the county facilities. they are overwhelmed and need to find home for their pet too. >> we have 10 to 20 calls a day seeing if we can take a dog or a cat or someone found a stray with a mom with a litter of puppies or a box of kitten. we come to work some days and there are boxes of kittens or puppies sitting on our front porch with a note, please take. >> if you can't a-- you can microchip your p it always has a collar on. that way if the dog gets lost and ends up at the sheltter can be returned and won't take up space in the kennels. i'm andrew hasbun, "fox 10 news." voters will decide whether recreational marijuana will be legal in arizona. but today 31 people were awarded licenses to open new medical marijuana dispensaries. licenses were awarded by the arizona department of health
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the summer and there are currently 99 dispensaries in the state. about 95,000 arizonans have medical marijuana card. >> democrats believe arizona is in play for the presidential election. democratic vice-presidential candidate tim kaine is coming to the valley. he will arrive tomorrow afternoon. a clear sign that they think arizona might go blue. it's possible. kaine has scheduled to attend a private fundraiser saturday. you may remember that two nights part in the vice-presidential debate. a new poll from emerson college in boston shows hillary clinton has moved ahead of donald trump here in arizona. clinton has a two-point lead, 44-42%. meanwhile a second poll from oh predictive sites that was released today shows that race is in a dead heat, tied at 42%. so it's close. we know that. emerson college also releasing a
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involving john mccain and ann kirkpatrick. the challenger. some were calling this the toughest challenge of mccain's career. the primary may turn out to be tougher than the general because right now mccain has a sizable lead, 52 to 36% over ann kirkpatrick. election day now just 33 days away. and another poll we are talking polls tonight. cnn giving a poll showing the president obama's approval his second term in office. 55% of americans approve of the job that the president is doing. is that the highest mark in the poll since the president was sworn in for a second term january 200013678 his approval ratings were higher in the monthing months of 2009. but he was riding a post election high then. >> in four days donald trump and hillary clinton will take part in the second debate of this campaign season. it will happen at washington
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missouri. fox 10 will have complete coverage of the debate live from st. louis. i will be there along with steve chaft. for your best coverage, keep it tuned for fox 10. one of the country's most visited monuments getting an upgrade a new museum in the work for the statue of liberty will be built outside of the plaza near the statue. the $70 million museum scheduled to open in 2019. close to 4.5 million people visit the statue every are you ready for the arizona state fair? are you ready for the food there? we will take a look at what's new on the menu for 2016. and some other attractions as well. plus this is the location of a new fault line discovered by scientists. where it is and why so many
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it is a fall tradition we are talking about here in arizona. the arizona state fair kicking off tomorrow and just like every year there are some new things to check out and marcy jones has a preview. for over 130 years the arizona state fair has brought family, fun and food together. with less than 24 hours until
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a sneak peek. you know for quality control. first up, sweet cheeks for some deep fried good ?nsz we are making chocolate covered, marshmallows deep fried. >> here we go. >> i think i have a little -- thank you! it's so good. >> what is -- i know that taste. what is that? >> it's a sweet bar. >> yeah. wow. you said something a little earlier that is very true. what happens at the fair. >> stays at the fair. >> calories do not count. >> then things got a little wild at the jurassic trail at dinosaur adventure. >> they are huge, they are awesome and animatronic and they move and they are so much funs in they growl, too. >> i got close, i'm sure dinosaur get away. >> it's so much fun and included
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you come to the fair and check this out for free. >> safety is very important. is what the contingency fan if these come to life and it is jurassic park. >> i hope you can run in those heels you got on because we will all be running if these do come to life. >> i love it what's the best part about work agent this fair? >> the best part is all of the memories you create. the people you meet just from people that come to the fair, people that you are working with. it's just a lot of fun. >> marcy jones, "fox 10 news." here i southern california probably do not want to hear. a new fault line if you needed another one has been discovered. it's along the sultan sea which is a couple of hours to the east of san diego. the announcement follows a recent rash kind of a cluster of almost 200 small earthquakes at the inland sea. this newly discovered fault line runs parallel to the famous andres fault. and for years scientists have warned that a major earthquake
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imminent. and i didn't realize the sultan sea was so beautiful. or is that just a nice picture? >> it could be a nice picture. >> not quite that beautiful. coming up, one man has a special delivery for domino's. why he filed a lawsuit against the pizza company. >> amazon continues to expand its empire and the new deal they are offering customers. and john and kari, if asu will stay in the hunt for the pac-12 south, todd graham insists this happen saturday night against ucla. we look ahead to college
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we throw this at you with the critical time of 5:48 and start talking about food and it's just not fair. >> it's difficult. >> an australian man wins $1,200 lawsuit against domino's never showed up. the manager offered a refund and never showed up. he decided, i'm going to sue the company and he won. domino's didn't show up in court for the case but they are considering an appeal now. >> tell me he will win more than three pizzas. >> he may say i want pizza for life and i'm happy. >> they might give it to him. >> in tonight's business watch, wal-mart expected to slow down the pace of its store openings
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retail giant wants to bolster its on-line business and improve its foreign operations. wal-mart only plans to open 130 stores in the next year and 55 in 2018. and one more perk to amazon's prime subscription services. this is great. amazon has unveiled prime reading which gives subscribers access to more than 1,000 kindle books as well as magazines and other published works for free. in addition to the new perk, prime subscribers receive free two day searching on most items along with access to the amazon video streaming service and amazon music. and finally on to wall street and that's pretty good tough day. down a bit and that's tonight's business watch. the question was there all along for the asu sun devils,
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come away with a 41-20 loss. now the next test if they will stay in this hunt for the pac-12 south hosting ucla saturday night. the basics for todd graham are simple. when you see juju smith was a long night in that first half against usc. you imagine todd graham saying it's about the fundamentals and better tackling and then you the run after the catch again justin davis with the touchdown. that will be one of the bigger issues. they changed their offense to a pro set offense and one of the better young quarterbacks in the pac-12 in josh rosen. here is todd graham on what must change saturday night against ucla. >> when you have a game like that on the road, we didn't -- we started off pretty well. felt pretty good about it and
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playing. even when it was 17-6 it felt good. the last three minutes of the half was -- we were 14-6 and then 27-6 and then we give up a hitch route and that's just poor tackling. >> big game saturday night. we will talk more about that the next day or some as for sunday, fox nfl kickoff at 8:00 and fox nfl sunday show at 9:00 and then the falcons take on the denver broncos. major leag b season rangers hosting the jays and what an onslaught of offense for toronto. jose about adista, this single scores josh donaldson, 2-0 toronto. marco estrada was the big difference maker. troy actual ski's triple -- actualilous key's triple and martin score 10-1 the final. the bluejays over the rangers in game one of that post season.
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james p. walsh: to keep our community safe - ead of his own political agenda. paul penzone has been a decorated crime-fighter for over 20 years. a police officer, undercover investigator, and dea task force agent of the year. paul penzone caught murderers, put drug kingpins behind bars, and created award-winning programs that protect our community. paul penzone...
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can you believe this? new music from the rolling stones are returning to their roots. they will release a blues album on december 2. this could be good. the rolling stones were instrumental in making blues a major part of rock and roll and they were heavily influenced by early rock acts like chuck berry and bo diddley. they have a d soon mila kunis and ashton kutcher could soon have a little boy. kutcher accidentally revealed the gender of the child during an interview. kunis is due around thanksgiving. took awhile but sir anthony hopkins has joined twitter. i feel he is a bit above this. >> he will regret this. >> within a few hours he had 19,000 followers. the oscar winner is currently
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judge judy continues to rake in the dough. according to forbes, think about this now, judy brought in $47 million last year. so a little less than a million dollars per week to do that show. however, in terms of tv hosts, she far behind the leader. dr. phil brought in $88 million over the past year. i'm marc martinez. we have live team coverage of hurricane matthew monster storm barrels down on florida tonight. plus, how taco trucks are helping people to get ready for our upcoming election. we will see it when we come back
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this will kill you. >> a dire warning from florida governor rick scott and first tonight at 6:00 first responders and voltaires in the valley are -- volunteers in the valley are on standby and what's going called a monster storm on track to slam coastal florida tonight after killing more than 100 people across the caribbean, most of them in haiti. let's take a live look in florida. you can see it as dark there tonight. officials have told those in the line of danger to get out and this live shot. some 2 million people in the southeast ordered to move inland. matthew is the most powerful hurricane to hit the atlantic coast in more than a decade. and tonight phoenix firefighters and other members of ayres' urban search and rescue team have been told by fema to be ready to deploy. the crew says they are trained for any situation they might be facing. >> from heavy breaching, breaking, lifting and moving of structural k30e7binant --
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wide area searches, whatever the mission requirement asks for. and the crew has been deployed to disasters before including hurricane katrina. and walt disney world, sea world, universal studios and other attractions they shut down today and they will be closed through tomorrow. it's not often the theme parks close their doors but many have during major storms including hurricane charlie in 2004. and hurricane floyd in 1999. >> the scientists tell us this is likely the largest and most powerful hurricane to hit the united states in a decade or so. >> with hurricane matthew roaring back up to category 4 strength and packing 140-mile-per-hour winds, president obama declared an emergency in florida. ordering federal aid to supplement local storm response efforts and authorizing federal agencies to take action. >> there are those who doubt the intensity or the severity of the storm. they need only look at the
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