tv FOX 10 News 10pm FOX November 9, 2016 1:00am-1:30am MST
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who is that? is that the mayor that showed up? oh, rudy got up here. another great man who has been a friend to me, but i will tell you, i got to know him as a competitor. he was one of the folks that was negotiating to go against those democrats, dr. ben carson. where is ben? [cheering and applauding] >> and by the way, mike huckabee is here someplace. he is fantastic. mike and his family, sarah, thank you so much. general, mike flynn. and general kellogg, we have over 200 generals and admirals that have been endorsing our
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we have 22 congressional medal of honor recipients since. we have tremendous people. a very special person who believes me. and i read reports that i wasn't getting along with them, i never had a bad second with him. he is an unbelievable star -- that's right. how did you guess? let me tell you about him. and i know it, i know it. there. i know it he is a superstar, but i said, they cannot call you a superstar on the same win. you can't be called a superstar like secretariat if secretariat came in second, secretariat would not have the big, beautiful, bronze a bust at the track at belmont. i will tell you he is really a star, he is the hardest working
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come appear. where is he? come appear. boy, oh, boy. it's about time you did this, reince. my god. no, come here. say something. >> ladies and gentlemen, the next president of the united's dates, donald trump. thank you. it has been an honor. god bless, thank god. >> amazing guy. our partnership with the rnc is so important to the success in what we have done. so i also have to say i've gotten to know some incredible people, the secret service people. they are tough and they are smart and they are sharp and i don't want to mess around with them.
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to a big group of people and they read me down and put back down in the seat, but that they are fantastic people. i want to thank the secret service. [applauding] >> in the law enforcement in new york city. they are here tonight. these are spectacular people. sometimes they are under appreciated we appreciate them. it has been a historic offense, but to be really historic we have to do a great job. i promise you that i will not let you down. we will do a great job. i look very much forward to being your president and totally
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years, four years, or maybe even eight years you will say so many of you worked so hard for us. you will say that that was something that you really were very proud to do. and i can't thank you very much. i can only say that while the campaign is over our work, our movement is really just beginning. we are going to get to work immediately for the american people and we are going to be doing a job that hopefully you will be so proud of your president, you will be so proud. again, it's my honor. it's been an amazing evening. it's been an amazing to your. , and i love this country.
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>> and there you have it, donald trump's first address as the president-elect of the united states. is it possible he was returning to the microphone? it is not. some panel that has been with us for the better part of the last nine hours. let's begin with john bussey, the associate editor of "the wall street journal" who has reported that markets around the world are collapsing. >> yes, markets are down. they are down substantially. to the wall street prism, you have to figure out what it means for an economy that accredits for a quarter of the global economy.
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crease of against december, and perhaps not seeing them as chair when the term expires at the end of 2018. the country is asked to operating abroad. and shipping back to the united states. they get penalized. in the we weichert clinic weaker dollar might help, but there are so many question marks, is there a trade war w i don't think so, but the language was of that sort during the campaign. so, a lot of uncertainty. a lot of things that we are going to have to see play out before we can be sure that the u.s. economy is under the new president. >> a.b. stoddard, of real >> endless questions, obviously. we started off on the right notes. it's very, very impressive measured speech about coming
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donald trump, and it was the right note to strike. i don't know if he is going to be doing some interviews in the coming days, talking about people who weren't with him, but he definitely was on the mark tonight. >> josh letterman, the white house correspondent for associated press. >> about half of the country is watching this and thinking, they don't know the other half of the country. they are deeply concerned about the period of uncertainty that we are heading into. and to the went off after and targeted over the campaign. comments on president-elect to unify the country, all of those people that they do have a place in the country that he is going to lead. that speaks tonight with a step in that direction. we will see if he can follow through. >> tom blevins, the founder. >> one of the craziest elections that we have ever seen culminates in one of the biggest upsets, if not the biggest upset in political history. in addition, i think the
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realigning election. the republican party just elected someone who is a perfectionist, in many ways he has changed the republican party. for better or worse, moving forward, and republicans are going to have to establish that. and democrats are going to have to grapple with what happened tonight and change the party as well. >> josh letterman, a.b. stoddard, and john busey, our executive producer is ken rosenberg. he has been wi the night, the senior producer is john glenn, the vice president of the news here is jay wallace. are things to all of the researches in line who have put in countless, hundreds of hours to make this unbelievable night of possibility on the fox broadcast network. coverage continues now on fox news channel on satellite and cable, and will throughout the night. fox and friends will be on there in the morning. in morning news on this fox station will talk about the
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and your neighborhood. what your own legislation changes will mean for you and your family. if your new sentiment -- senators or congressmen, leader boards all to be covered on "good day in the morning" on this fox station. and i will see you here tomorrow. for shepard smith reporting, 3:00 eastern, noon pacific. it will be a whole new world. and we just witnessed the biggest upset in a modern american history. the vice president elect of united states is a man named pence. and the president-elect is donald j. trump. not that long ago he was a character on howard stern's radio show, and then was saying, "you are fired" on the apprentice. and then struck a chord and said, we need change. i will be your voice. i will be your change. i will be this country back in your direction.
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means, how it will happen, and how all of us will be affected. we will be here to cover it for you fair and balanced, i am shepard smith. fox news new york. ? ? a stunning night across america as donald trump is now within a whisker of capturing the white house. if he captures another state, maybe arizona and michigan, he is the next president. >> so many people supporting of
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have people who have been pushing for hillary clinton feeling devastated tonight. let's look at the numbers tonight. we have a divided country although, i would say this is not as close as people thought it was going to be. >> oh, my goodness. >> donald trump in arizona has not been declared the winner but it is looking good for him. he has 49% of the vote. right now, he is beating hillary clinton. he has >> we're two-thirds away from the vote. as we look at the national vote, donald trump, again, with 71% of the vote nationally in, donald trump up by really, you know, it's just about a million votes. it is not that big of a margin. it may be 1.5 million or something like that. he has a lead and here is the
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college. >> as we move toward the electoral college, 270 is what is needed to win. it is state by state. these are all state elections to get to the number. we don't have the number right now. what is the number? >> reporter: donald trump at 254 and hillary clinton at 209. it has just been updated. >> he is 16 away. >> reporter: if he gets michigan, he has it. >> put arizona in it ri >> reporter: this is just a prognosis. >> what about new hampshire? >> reporter: you get to 269 so you're getting close if you get those states. really, if he takes michigan that is all he needs and we're waiting for pennsylvania as well. >> if he takes a lot of these states, we could be looking at electoral college sweep, not a sweep but a big electoral margin
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he was banking on michigan. >> wisconsin going to trump. some of these states were shockers. he won all the ones he had to, ohio, north carolina, florida, he started marching through the south and the midwest and looked like the unstoppable force. we'll see. we're not there yet. let's check in with the john mccain number. do we want to take a peek at that? john mccain winning another term to the washington 33 years. ann kirkpatrick railed against that saying it is time for him to go but voters went against that. >> he vowed he would work with whoever would be the next president. race of the night, paul penzone defeating sheriff joe arpaio. america's toughest sheriff, he
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lessened a bit with the showing that donald trump is making tonight. >> joe arpaio was an early supporter of donald trump. he got the launching pad at the phoenix convention center a year and a half ago. >> helen charge of the elections here in maricopa county. if you look back to the presidential preference election, it was a people waited in line two, three, four hours. she is losing to a former marine, a lawyer. he put out radio ads. he probably did not need that many because people were fed up with how the election went. helen purcell may not be able to keep her position. >> let's check in with liz
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this room, they were confident that trump was going to turn arizona red. they weren't sure what was going to happen nationwide. what a difference a few hours make. big, big cheers of this crowd after hearing the results in florida, ohio, idaho, i can go on and on. some of the states were supposed to be close and some were supposed to go towards clinton what a night it has been here. now what is going to happen here in arizona? you are reporting on the secretary of state's website. trump has a lead but we have seen the polls do weird and funky things here in arizona over the past few months. he has been up and down in the polls. he went down in october after
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released. he had a lead over clinton and now he kept that going here. what is going to happen is the big question. no answer to that as of right now. one famous forecaster said that trump was going to take the state. he had a 66% chance of doing so and that may be the case. i spoke to the chairman of the republican party and i asked him what he thought about the back and forth in the polls and he said trump is a disruptive nontraditional candidate. he knows trump will turn arizona red, he tells me. when asked about the country, he said we're going to have to wait and see but that was the beginning of the night. again, a much different mood here at the hyatt regency inside of this ballroom. we've seen huge crowds cheering.
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watch unfold today. >> i don't think trump supporters were thinking this might happen. the odds were 3:1 against him and the polling was completely and totally wrong. >> the one poll was right was l.a. times and it showed trump winning. >> that is the only one. >> they asked the people who are you going to vote for and you think will win and everyone thought clinton would win. >> you can see regan breaking in 1980 over carter. >> this might be bigger. >> i think this goes down in history books, if he wins it. he is not there yet. >> donald trump, we talked to the folks down there but now we go to stephani with the democrats.
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paul penzone. what are their thoughts on where the presidential election is going? >> reporter: to be honest with you, the crowd has their mind off of the presidential election. they are energized by this win by paul penzone beating out sheriff joe arpaio or should i say former sheriff joe arpaio out of office now. many people now, their energy and spirits are high because of the wins locally and straight -- the democrats is looking good tonight. i'm going to bring in the chairman of the democratic party. yes, indeed, locally and statewide, you guys say things are looking good. when you look at the presidential race the numbers, i mean what are your thoughts? >> it is going to be a long night and very close. we're to energized about what has been going on in arizona.
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statewide, over 200 field people. we have gotten record numbers of volunteers involved and we're so proud how we increased early voting. it looks as if the hispanic early vote has doweled. they are still going to be counting for many days because of the provisional ballots. we're excited about having paul penzone. we picked up seats in the i haven't had a chance to focus nationally and it is looking good for our corporate commission candidates as well. >> reporter: when we talk about the presidential race, we know hillary clinton had many offices here and they were working the grounds here target and get the latino vote. unregistered latino vote makes up 20%, do you think everyone cast their vote after they
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arizona? >> this is a great butch. -- bump. we knew things would trend toward us. 2020 so it is a lot of work. we're going to keep building on what we have accomplished this year. >> reporter: thank you so much. kari, john, an ecstatic democratic party here. we'll see how things gone when they check in on the numbers here. >> her first presidential election and this is full of surprises. let's talk about paul babeu. he wanted to become the congressman representing district one. it is not going to happen. tom o'halleran will become the representative for that diss strict. district one includes sedona. it is the 10th largest
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tom o'halleran the former republican turned democrat. he is a former lawmaker will be representing that enormous district as a first-time congressman. >> he is a guy who would not put an elephant on his desk when he was down at the arizona legislature. he said i'm not going to identify as party. i'm going to work with everyone that is the kind of representative they gravitate let's check in with nicole garcia who is following the paul babeu loss tonight. he has to be devastated. again, it was a lot of money who hammered him on this issue at at the time he was head master. >> reporter: paul babeu has been media friendly and open to
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tonight, his campaign is not returning phone calls or texts of mine. he has been watching the results come in a private room. he won't be doing any on camera interviews until the race is called. what hurt him is the onslaught of the negative ads that ran against paul babeu. democratic groups poured in more than $2 million for the attack allegations that occurred at a boarding school that he oversaw from 1999-2001. this is his second bid for congress. he dropped the bid for congress in 2012 amid the controversy involving his gay boyfriend. it seems that paul babeu's past has come back to haunt him and affected the polls and results coming in.
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we're told he was watching the returns here at the hyatt. he did so privately and he is not going to give any on camera interviews tonight, unfortunately. many supporters here are happy about returns showing donald trump leading in the polls there. that is the latest from here. we'll send it back to you kari and john. >> all of the congressional competitive, paul babeu's had the least money put it in. republicans probably sensed he could not win and they left him hanging. >> when he won the republican primary that night while we were on the air, the attack ads started so it was nonstop for paul babeu. >> when we come back, we're going to talk about medical
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now how's that thing supposed to convince anyone to buy a car? it's just full of hot air and doesn't say much. like the labels you see on a lot of chicken packaging. the ones that say "raised without antibiotics." that's just a trick to get you to pay more money. fact is, by federal law, all chickens must be clear of antibiotics before they leave the farm.
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though i must say, he is somewhat hypnotic. don't fall for the hype, dale. dale? fresh. delicious. chicken, from sanderson farms. people love cheeseburgers... and spicy flavors like chipotle and jalape?o... wait! what if i put them together?! smoky chipotle sauce, pepper jack cheese, and jalapenos, on a buttery bakery bun. i'll call it the chipotle jalapeno burger! boom. someone got that, right? you'll call it the chipotle jalape?o burger. boom. good work everyone. another winner. introducing the chipotle jalape?o burger. new, from jack in the box.
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