tv Today NBC January 12, 2016 7:00am-10:00am PST
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popular tourist district. at least 10 dead. 15 injured. reports it was a suicide bomber. nbc's richard engel is there live. nothinto hide. sean penn defends his controversial interview with the wanted el chapo as new images emerge of his secret journey to meet the elusive drug lord and the dramatic raid that landed el chapo back behind bars. crimson pride. alabama outlasts clemson to win college football's national championship. the school's fourth title in just seven years. >> reaches for it. and a morning show first. it is america's most famous address, 1600 pennsylvania avenue, home to every u.s. president but one, the center of power in america. >> the cost of freedom is always high but americans have always
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>> site of some of the most important events in history. as president obama gets set to deliver his last state of the union address to the nation tonight. we'll talk to him. >> you wanted to unite people, and they are not united. is it a failure? >> and the vice president as well, an unprecedented morning live at the white house today, tuesday, january 12th, 2016. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is a special edition of "today" at the white house with matt lauer and savannah guthrie live from washington, d.c. and good morning, everybody. welcome to a special edition of "today" on this tuesday morning. we're on the steps of the white house. i have to say that qualifies as special. we are on the north portico, a moment of history for us, for this show and where so much history has been made. >> on the cool scale this one is
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we want to say thank you to the white house and the obamas and everyone here for the access they have granted us. it's unbelievable. >> they have rolled out the red carpet, the blue carpet and green carpet and so much to show you. shall we go inside, shall we knock. just for you, ladies, it's cold out. >> i'm going to knock loudly. hope they are not late sleepers. >> welcome to the white house. the obamas have so graciously invited you back to my old stomping grounds. >> jenna bush hager. >> seems like a time warp here. >> i'm going to shut the front door. >> that's good. there's a little bit of a chill. when jenna walked in they said hey, twinkle. her old secret service name. >> because of the twinkle in the eye. >> we're here on a very big day for the guy who lives here. later tonight president obama will travel a short distance to the capitol and deliver his final state of the union address. the white house shared some exclusive photos with us. take a look, the president working on the address in the oval office with top advisers
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in fact, we were given an inside look into how this speech comes together. >> we're told this is going to be unlike any state of the union that the president has delivered. not going to be a laundry list of agenda items but a big view picture of the country's future and in this heated election year it will be closely watched. >> i spoke with the president about this speech and a lot of other topics on monday and we'll have that interview coming up in a moment, and as we mentioned we'll hear from vice president joe biden as well. that will be a live interview. let's start this morning with the state of the union address. nbc national correspondent peter alexander is over on capitol hill. peter, good morning to you. >> reporter: matt, good morning to you. what a special day here on the "today" show. this won't be the president's last state of the union address, i'm told it will be his shortest and might be the shortest state of the union address that's been delivered in more than 25 years. the president and lead speech writer exchanging drafts of this address early this morning after midnight. president obama, even as seven in ten americans think the
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direction, will focus on upbeat optimistic vision of the future, even as he has less control over this country's political agenda than ever before. behind him tonight for the first time will be the house speaker paul ryan and also perhaps for his last time in the chamber the vice president joe biden. after more than 40 years in public service he says he'll not run for the president of the united states, of course. democrat members of congress have been encouraged to bring muslim-americans with them to show open mindedness in the face of some of the republicans campaigning, including that of donald trump. the first lady will leave a seat empty for victims of gun violence who do not have a voice and will also be joined by a syrian refugee. we'll see you moments from now. >> peter alexander from capitol hill. nbc will bring you the state of the union address at 9:00 eastern, 6:00 out on the west coast.
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to be inside this building. we want to give you a better sense of where we're standing right now. here's an overview of the white house complex that sits on 18 acres. on either end you have the west wing and the west wing. the west wing is where the oval office is and the east wing contains the first lady's office and staff and we're just a short walk away from there now in what's known acts executive residence, the central building in this complex, and specifically we are in the blue room on the residence state floor. >> the blue room is used for a lot of different things, where president obama was sworn in for his second term, that in 2013. it's home to some lighter moments as well, like the president introducing pope francis to sonny and bo, the house as well and the blue breen is joined by the red room and green room. we'll take you on a rare live tour of it all coming this up morning. but first let's talk about our wide-ranging conversation with president obama. we walked these halls with him on monday and talked about tonight's speech, his legacy as president and the campaign to take over the highest office in
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you're greeting us on the eve of the state of the union, your final state of the union. are you going to miss the ritual of walking into that room and looking out over a joint session of congress and members of the cabinet, supreme court, dignitaries up above, are you going to miss that ritual? >> it's a wonderful spectacle. i remember the first time i did it, and you're standing behind the door, and mr. speaker, the president of the united states, and you walk down that row and members of both parties are on either side and they will shake your hands, and as you said, you see all of government gathered in one place. >> it's the one time of the night where even the opposing side stands and cheers you. >> that's not just the cheers. it's a sense of a celebration of democracy there. no doubt that i will always remember the ritual, whether i'm
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leading up to it, i don't know. we'll see how this one goes. >> as you stand in that room, you will be looking out over a room that arguably is as divided as it has ever been. do you see that as a failure of your presidency? you came to town saying it was about hope and change. >> right. >> you were going to change the tone in washington. you wanted to unite people. >> right. >> and they are not united. is it a failure? >> it's a regret. i could not be prouder of what we've accomplished and sometimes we look at the past through rose-colored glasses. it's been pretty divided in the past. there's been times where people beat each other with canes and we had things like the civil war so there have been times where it's been pretty rough, but ere'no doubt that politics in washington are so much more divided than the american people are, and part of what i want to do in this last address is to remind people, you know what.
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going for us, and if we can get our politics right, it turns out that we're not as divided on the ideological spectrum as people make us out to be. >> i know in your speech it's traditional to say the state of the union is strong. when it comes to the emotional state of our union and when i go out and talk to people the words i hear them most often in terms of how they are feeling right now. >> right. >> they talk about fear. they talk about frustration. they talk about fatigue. >> right. >> any of those words surprise you? >> no. i think, you know, we went through a lot over these last ten years. we went through katrina. we went through the iraq war. we went through the worst financial crisis in our lifetimes. we are still battling terrorism. people are still recovering from some of the economic blows that hit, and it is sometimes important for us to step back
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we've come. the economy right now is doing better than any other economy in the world by a significant margin. we remain the strongest nation on earth by far and there are no existential threats facing us, but if we make some good choices now, whoever the next president is, whoever is controlling the next congress, there's no reason why we shouldn't own the 21st century. >> you said there's no existential threat facing us. that fear though is still incredibly real. >> yeah. >> and in some ways it's driving the current presidential campaign. you've got a guy like donald trump and others who have recognized and identified that fear. >> right. >> and in some ways they are running on it. >> yeah. >> do you take responsibility for that, and the reason i ask it is people said after eight years of george w. bush in the white house the american people were hungry for your message of
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>> right. >> so after seven years of the obama presidency do you feel you're responsible for a certain hunger out there for the message that donald trump is putting out? >> the message that donald trump is putting out has had adherence a lot of times during the course of our history. you know, talk to me if he wins, then we'll have a conversation about how responsible i feel about it, but i'm pretty confident that the overwhelming majority of americans are looking for the kind of politics that does feed our hopes and not our fears, that does work together and doesn't try to divide us, that isn't looking for simplistic solutions and scapegoating but looks for us, you know, buckling down and figuring out how to do we make things work for the next generation.
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stand and dlifrn deliver that state of the union address in no part of your mind or brain can you imagine donald trump standing up one day and delivering a state of the union address? >> well, i can imagine it in a saturday night skit. look, anything is possible, and i think, you know, we shouldn't be complacent. i think everybody's got to work hard. >> our tour ended in the oval office. i would never have guessed in a million years that i would step into the oval office, probably the most recognizable office in the world, and step in here with you and say this. what did you make of sean penn and el chapo? seriously, when you saw that picture of him shaking hands and know that he spent seven hours interviewing him, what did you make that have? make of that? >> first of all, i want to compliment the mexican government because, you know, them capturing him and as we go through an extradition process potentially, he is disabled and that affects their ability to -- the mexican government's ability to really crack down on some of the terrible crimes that are committed by these narco
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important. now in, terms of how an interview like that gets set up and journalistic ethics, i figure you're probably in a better position to opine on that. >> last question. isis is in a better position to opine on that. >> last question. isis is such a huge concern for people. not only carrying it out in the middle east, but inspiring attacks in europe and here in places like san bernardino. i think even in philadelphia over the weekend. your daughters are young ladies. when they get to be your age, president obama, do you believe in your heart that they'll be living in a world that is dealing with the threat of radical islam on a daily basis? >> i am absolutely confident we will have defeated isil. i don't think we have to wait until they're 54 for that to happen. ultimately, what isil represents is a blind alley for the region and people will recognize that. the same way that over time they
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saw that this doesn't lead anywhere. >> you have a lot on your plate and you're nice to spend time with me. i really appreciate it. >> okay. >> mr. president, thank you. >> happy new year. >> you too. >> there's something cool standing next to the president in the oval office. not only time that he spoke about his family. he talked about the balancing act of being president of the united states and being a husband and father. we'll talk more about that. as a matter of fact in the next part of the conversation we'll have talk about what he hopes that he can inject into the state of the union tonight that americans haven't heard before. >> looking forward to that. >> by the way, tomorrow, perspective from the other side of the aisle. we'll sit down with house speaker paul ryan. >> we'll hear from vice president joe biden. we'll step down and do that in a couple of minutes but let's go to natalie.
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an explosion in the popular istanbul tourist area has killed ten people and injured 15 others. state run television said it was likely carried out by a suicide bomber. richard engel has the latest for us. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. that explosion took place just about 30, 40 yards behind me. there was not a tourist in the world who does not know this location. it is the heart of tourist istanbul right between the blue mosque and a witness told us that this morning around 10:30 he heard an explosion. came out, saw bodies on the ground. the core groups that were here, the school groups that were here, ran away. the tourists went back to their hotels. they closed the door. all the shops in the area pulled down their shutters. the turkish president says that a syrian suicide bomber is believed responsible. natalie, back to you.
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thank you. actor sean penn is defending himself over a meeting with mexican drug lord joaquin "el chapo" guzman who has since been recaptured. penn says he has nothing to hide after photos indicated he was under surveillance when he met with the mexican actress who led him to guzman. meantime, mexico released this dramatic video on monday of the government siege that ended with el chapo's capture. the video shows marines firing shots as they barged into el chapo's safe house. el chapo made one last ditch effort to escape through the underground tunnel. mexico is starting extradition proceedings to guzman to the united states. and the party in tuscaloosa still going on this morning after alabama won the national championships late monday night. derrick henry scored three touchdowns for the crimson tide on their way to the 45-40 win over clemson.
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title in seven years. and for head coach nick saban it's his fifth. some good football. >> they're an awesome team. on a fantastic year. >> natalie, thank you. let's get a first check of the weather from the white house. al is outside what's called the navy mess. al, good morning. >> hey, good morning. this is here on the ground floor in the west wing. this navy mess was established by harry truman back in 1951. just down the hall is the situation room, we can't show you this. i can show you the greatest to go cup in the world. look at that. the presidential seal. this is where junior staffers order breakfast. for example, can i get a large oatmeal with raisins and brown >> absolutely. >> thank you very much, sir. it's run by the navy so that's hence the term navy mess. down here, this is where the senior staffers eat. mess. so kind of cool.
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people all working on the state of the union address tonight. it's a bee hive of activity obviously. let's get you caught up on the weather. show you what's going on. this cold, brutal blast of air, look at some of the temperatures with the windchills. it feels brutal out there. chicago, 6 below. feels like 15 in pittsburgh. 27 new york city feels like 7 in burlington. 7 million people under the windchill advisories. we'll get to your local forecast coming up in the next 30 seconds. you loved brad. and then you totaled him. you two had been through everything together. two boyfriends, three jobs... you're like nothing can replace brad. then liberty mutual calls, and you break into your happy dance. if you sign up for better car replacement , we'll pay for a car that's a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. see car insurance in a whole new light.
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>> all right. thank you very much, sir. >> you're welcome. >> hey, you know what. savannah is coming down, and she is going right in there behind those beautiful doors. she will be here in just a matt, can i get you anything? >> yeah. thank you very much. al. appreciate it. as we mention, savannah's going to talk to the vice president joe biden live in our next half hour, but right now we're really happy to have his wife dr. jill biden with us as she's getting ready, by the way, to head off to work. doctor, thank you. >> nice to be here. >> what time? >> 8:00 class. >> this is the first day of the
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>> busy day for you? >> exciting day for me. i go to school and then come back here for the state of the union. >> this is going to be your last state of the union in this capacity. what are your thoughts about that? >> well, you know, it's kind of bittersweet. it's been a great seven, eight years, and i've enjoyed -- it's been a great journey for me, for joe, for our family. i have some regrets. >> for example, what? >> well, i guess i'll miss the excitement, i mean, look at this, on my way to school i get to come to the white house to have an interview. >> is it ever a little bit frustrating to sit in that box and watch that speech and see the room so divided? i just talked to the president about it. >> i think it is sometimes. you know, when joe and i first
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as divided as it is now. there was a lot more civility, and it's a big difference. >> your husband made news last week. he was doing an interview and he said he regrets every day his decision not to run for president in this campaign. was it hard to hear him say that? >> it was because i know how he feels but, you know, i've always said joe would make a great president, and i still feel that way and it just wasn't our time. >> well, it's a pleasure to have you here. dr. biden. thank you. >> i don't want to make you late for school. >> my students wouldn't like that. >> i haven't had a chance to say thanks again for taking time. >> thanks, matt. coming up, savannah will have a live interview with vice president joe biden. he'll be with us for the whole half hour to share his thoughts on the time he spent and the time he has left here in the white house. plus, behind those closed doors television.
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nbc. inside look to this special place and on social media we'll tell you how you can be following along on our facebook, instagram and when your type 2 diabetes numbers aren't moving in the right direction, can be a burden. but what if you could wake up to lower blood sugar? imagine loving your numbers. discover once-daily invokana . with over 6 million prescriptions and counting, it's the #1 prescribed sglt2 inhibitor that works to lower a1c. invokana is used along with diet and exercise to significantly lower blood sugarin adults with type 2 diabetes. it's a once-daily pill that works around the clock. here's how: invokana reduces the amount of sugar allowed back in to the body through the kidneys and sends some sugar out through the process of urination.
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house from the outside on the morning that we're calling state of the union morning here on "today" as we've kind of taken over the white house. i don't mean that in a bad way. we've been granted incredible access, and we're very appreciative. i'm matt lauer back here in the blue room which is magnificent, but you want to see something else that's stunning. take a look back here and glance out this window. you get a great view of the south lawn with the fountain, the washington monument standing in the distance as the sun begins to rise here in washington. i'm alone in the blue room because savannah has made her way downstairs. savannah, good morning. >> good morning, matt. i thought you were going to say stunning view. this is the white house navy mess. this is a place where you mix and mingle if you're a member of the white house senior staff. i mean, even the plates are cool and official looking, seeing e pluribus unum. of course, this is something that has been around since the 1800s, where you might see cabinet officials meet back in the kennedy administration. there was actually a surprise
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kennedy, and it's a place where west wing staffers often come and get a great meal and talk business. might run into a senior administration official or perhaps the vice president of >> except we're not having breakfast. put our omelette order in, sir, good morning. thanks for having us here. >> welcome to the white house. delight to have you here. >> what's it like at the white house on a day like this, state of the union day? >> it's a day of great anticipation. everybody is excited. it's always a new beginning, and everybody is excited this year. we've come so far and we've got one more year to push a lot over the finish line so it's exciting. >> are you a little wistful and nostalgic, the last state of the union, the final year. >> no, not yet. we've got a whole year and a whole lot of work to do. >> what are your favorite places in the white house, such a pitch privilege to be in this building and work in this building which is so steeped in history.
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wiseguy saying that. you know, from the time i was a kid, i got here and i was 29 years old. i've been here for eight presidents, and no matter what. every time you walk into the white house you can feel the majesty of the oval office, and, i mean, it is -- and i'm in there three, four hours a day, every day with the president, and it is -- it just makes you feel privileged, privileged to be here. >> i was thinking about that because you have been in public office for 40 something years. don't make me do the math, but starting next year, next year's state of the union you'll be a private citizen. >> maybe they will have me in the box. maybe i'll be the special guest. >> have you started to think about what the after life might be like for you? >> well, i've started thinking about how i can continue to do what i'm doing now in private life and particularly working on things i care a lot about, but i've just begun to think about that. >> well, we're just beginning our conversation with you, sir. i know you've invited us to your west wing office so we'll lead on our way and right now let's go over to al in another exciting location here at the
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>> savannah, thank you so much. we're in the white house family theater. fdr converted this, this was basically a coat room and converted this during his presidency to make it a viewing room. well, obviously, as you can see, the tiered seats, these are the best seats in the house for the president, the first lady and their daughters, and it -- in fact, they just saw "star wars" here which is not too bad a place to see "star wars." they watch sporting events. this is the big screen. now, tonight, there's a much more interesting reason for this room. this will be the room -- these seats will be actually filled up with the family members of the guests of the first lady and the president. when you see those folks in the house chamber, when the president and first lady acknowledge those guests, their family members will be here watching all of that. it's really, really kind of a cool place to watch the state of the union, as you might imagine. let's show you what you're going to be watching if you're around the great lakes. we've got lake-effect snow to talk about, anywhere from 12 to
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we're looking at 40 million people under some sort of winter weather watch or advisory. rest of the country, windy and wet in the pacific northwest and more heavy rain coming in. el nino fuel, plenty of sunshine through the gulf. more cold air coming into the upper great lakes and the plains and that air is going to be making its way to the east along with some snow showers. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your >> hey, matt and carson, i found
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you guys have a great afternoon. >> looks good, really looks good. we found kind of a cool spot as well, al. we're here on one of the landings of the grand staircase right below the private residence. >> pretty cool. coming up, savannah is now making her way to vice president biden's office. up next they will talk about the issues that he hopes to tackle next year, the presidential campaign and his decision not to run as our unprecedented access throughout the white house rolls on, but, first, these messages. give me miles, lots of miles, under starry skies above. don't fence me in. let me fly any time, any airline that i love, don't fence me in. give me a mile and a half for every buck i spend. double my miles when the first year ends. no annual fees, no blackouts, let the fun begin. don't fence me in.
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and welcome back to "today" on a very special morning. we're with vice president biden. this is your west wick office. >> yes. >> something rarely seen, if ever, by the public, but you're very close to the oval office which i guess is the point. >> that's the point. no vice president in here until mondale. we were across the street and the so-called executive office building. >> i want to talk to you about a lot of issues of the day, but i want to start with the question that i think a lot of people want to know and seems strange to ask a public official this but there's such an outpouring after the loss of beau and people are wondering how are you doing, how is the family doing. >> we're doing well. we got through the holidays and every family's gone through it. we went through it and that's the hardest thing so we're focusing on the inspiration that beau was rather than the loss. >> one of the things the president is going to talk about tonight in the state of the union is this fight against cancer, something that you have taken the mantle of and have said is very, very personal.
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>> well, we're so close to so many breakthroughs in cancer. this is one of those infliction points, but they are sort of stove pipes. there's a lot of brilliant people doing a lot of important stuff but not enough integration, and i'm hoping and so far the response has been very positive from the leaders in the field to -- to let me be the convener of these folks and move things along more quickly, so instead of the breakthroughs occurring in ten years or five years. i think we can change, change five years. calling now? >> well, it feels like something that affects almost every american family, and i think i've worked very hard to research. the president has as well here, and so -- we both feel strongly about it. >> you know i have to talk politics with you. >> sure. >> you made some headlines last week when you said that you regretted not running for president.
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do you mean you think you made the wrong decision or you're sorry that you're not running for president? explain. >> no, i made the right decision, i'm positive of that and the right decision for my family in terms of the timing that was available. what i meant was, and i was being directly honest was, that i care deeply about the plight. middle class and a whole range of other issues, and it's the best forum in the world to have your views known hand try to convince the public of your views, but we have a full year left as president and vice president, and we have a lot more to do. >> is it hard to let that dream go? because it's one that you've held for a long time. >> well, everybody thinks i've dreamt of being president. i've not dreamt of being president. here's what's hard to let go. from the time i was 28 years old i've held public office, i was a senator at age 29. every morning i've gotten up and had some policy concerns on my mind and that i was able to work
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it's hard to figure what replaces that, that sense of purpose when you're not in this office. >> for you is there no scenario in which you could see yourself getting into this race in 2016? >> i've learned never to say no, but i can't imagine one. i can't imagine one. if i win the lottery made, $1.4 billion. everybody says i can retire. i'll run. that's a joke. >> have you bought a powerball ticket? >> i've not bought a powerball ticket. >> i thought i'd do the natural follow-up. let's talk about the race. you said something in the race yesterday that some are interpreting as a diss of hillary clinton that she only recently has come to talk about the issues of income inequality that bernie sanders is talking about. did you mean it that way? >> well, for the last five years she's been engaged in foreign policy. this has been person's mantra from the time he's gotten involved, even when income inequality wasn't as serious as it is today it was his drum beat and that's what i meant, and
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good ideas, but bernie is pushing the envelope on this, and for everyone, for everyone involved. >> let's talk about donald trump. the president said to matt a few moments ago talk to me if he wins, and there is this sense that people don't think donald trump will be or can be elected president of the united states. do you hold that view? do you think he could be elected? is it possible? >> well, look, yes, go back -- yes. i think that's possible, and i hope that in we're -- if that were to occur, because it doesn't because i have fundamentally different views than he does, i hope he gets a lot more serious about the issues, a lot more serious about gaining knowledge about how this nation functions and foreign policy and domestic policy, but, look, that's a long way off. >> do you think he's been good for democracy, good for the process? >> well, look, i -- i think democracy -- the incredible thing about america is that it's
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anyone can get engaged. anyone can make their case and the american people will listen, but this is just a very, very beginning. i think it's premature to make any judgments about who is going to do what. >> you've said he's been very divisive. >> oh, i think he is divisive, and i think he'd have to acknowledge that he's very divisive and that's not healthy. we always do best when we act as one america. we always do best when we appeal to our better angels, and we always do poorly when we appeal to our fears and our -- and our differences. >> as we end, tell me how your relationship with president obama has evolved over these years. >> well, it's just -- look, we spent four to -- some days only four and some days seven hours a day together for the last seven years. we're friends, become close personal friends. we know each other's personal concerns. our families are friends. my grand daughters and his daughters are best friends. they vacation together and i'll
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granddaughter to come over and she says pop, i'm going to be at the white house tonight, i'm sorry, but all kidding aside. it's family, and he's become family, and i think probably no president and vice president on a personal basis that have been closer than he and i have been. >> as a private citizen next year you with catch the state of the union at home in your pjs like the rest of us. >> maybe they will invite me in the box, up in the box is joe biden, i don't know. >> nice to have you here. i should say it's good to be here. i'm in your office. >> you're always welcome. >> we'll be back with a lot more from the white house coming up,
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we are live at the white house, and when we said they welcomed up with open arms and you weren't kidding. i'm sitting as your desk. i saw a briefing book over here, but that's classified. we'll have much more straight ahead, including a couple of special guests, matt. >> he's making a very big mistake, savannah. he probably doesn't realize that. also, we'll have more of our exclusive interview with president obama. he opens up about one of the most difficult days of his presidency and why he says the chaos of the office has actually made him a better dad, but, first, your local news and
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the complexity behind her refund. so, you're getting this refund because your son is a qualifying dependent, and that makes you eligible for the child tax credit. test. ah...i can see that. good. excellent... i'm, i'm good now. ...good now. good...good...good! intuit turbotax. taxes done smarter. test. test. test. all the hard work... time in the service... community college... it matters. it's why we, at university of phoenix, count your relevant work and college experience as credits toward your degree. learn more at jane didn't like restrictions. not in life.
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[music] no, no, no, no, people are both soft and strong... yey! which is why our products are too. angel soft. when your cold makes you wish... could stay... bed all day... need the power of... new theraflu expressmax. the power to feel better. hello, nice to meet you. melda. i'm john. we invited you here today to get your honest opinion about this new car. to keep things unbiased, we removed all the badging and logos. so, what do you think it is? i would say lexus. maybe acura. feels like a bmw. let's look at the interior. reminds me of the inside of my friend's lexus. so, this car supports apple carplay siri, open maps. nice. wow. she gets me. someone really took their time laying this out. yeah. this car also has teen driver technology. it even mutes the radio until the seatbelts are buckled.
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i'm very curious what it is. what price range would you put this car in? fifty to sixty-five. the eighty-thousand dollar bracket. well, what if i told you this is the 2016 chevy malibu? this is a malibu? yeah, let's go check it out. no way, it's a chevy! oh, wow. and it sells for? it starts at twenty-two five. gasp! what? oh wow. i'm very impressed. yeah. i mean with all this technology? that's a game changer, really. i want one. i'll take the house, too. . >> 7:56 on this sunny tuesday morning. let's find out what's in store for us in terms of the weather with meteorologist kelly kern.
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>> we are looking at lots of sunshine and temperatures are chilly right now but warming up nicely into the afternoon. in fact, looking at a high of 55 degrees and warming up to 67 by thursday, with a slight chance of showers on saturday, but sunday and monday are looking great. >> we have an accident in the downtown area. this is on las vegas boulevard, the ramp to 95 south and you can see emergency vehicles on the side here and also the ambulance over here, so that will be a hiccup for people trying to make the merger to the 95. and the spaghetti bowl, a look at the southbound travel times, which are slow on the southbound i-15 inbound from summerlin parkway, it's okay. it's just rush hour traffic. >> our unlv alumni will be in the thomas & mac center with dave rice removed as the head coach over the weekend and a new era in terms of the students
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seen this caricature, calling him kem kong and the rebellion the students will unveil a new distraction for the new mexico free throw shooters. don't know what it will like like yet but we'll find out tonight at the first free throw, that game at 5:00 in the thomas & mac center and tomorrow morning, we hope you "wake up with the wagners" and tom hawley talking about a movie with ties to las vegas all tomorrow
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obama opens up to matt about his time in office, his future and the heated race to replace him in the oval office. >> a lot of the campaign rhetoric you realize has to give way to some very hard tough realities. then rare access, we will take you on an unprecedented live tour of the nation's most coveted address. and welcome back. >> this is really the heartbeat of the house. >> our very own jenna bush hager heads back to her former home to introduce us to some of her old friends that helped keep the white house running. today january 12th, 2016. good morning, everybody, welcome back on a really special day. we are here at the white house, we're facing the south lawn, we're looking at the washington monument and we are pinching ourselves. this is state of the union day, a day of excitement and anticipation here in washington and especially in this building. >> i'm not leaving. >> no. >> i've always wanted to stand here.
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pope came to visit, the ceremony was right there on the south lawn, this is your first time at the white house. >> absolutely incredible. marine one lands right here. >> smile and wave, boys. >> hi, mom. >> that's a postcard right there. >> one of those moments for >> it really is. you may not know it, but i am a bit of a white house history buff. >> oh, really. here. >> take everybody on a tour. >> come on, let's go inside. walk down, off the south portico here and enter the green room. sheet. okay? >> i'm not even looking down. i will tell you this is the first official family portrait that the obamas took was in this room. this is called the green room for obvious reasons. >> it is beautiful. john adams the first president to live in the white house used this as a guest bedroom. >> that's right. thomas jefferson used it as a dining room and he had a green kind of a cloth under the table and that's why they call it the green room. >> this was the site of one of the nation's earliest dramatic
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signed the nation's first declaration of war in this very room, that was of course, the war of 1812. >> do you recognize this coffee urn? >> that's john adams. >> jaa. >> john and abigail adams. >> absolutely. >> but wait. there's more. >> there's more. >> come on back out here as john tries to back up. we will walk out into the hallway, they call this the cross hall. >> they do a lot of entertaining right here at the white house. >> it leads to one of the most beautiful spots at the white house, the main entrance hallway and i have always wanted to do this. stop here for a second. >> okay. >> no, a little further up. give me your hand, other hand out. >> oh. >> look familiar? >> john travolta. >> it happened right here. >> and princess diana dancing here during a state dinner. speaking of state dinners, if you walk over here -- >> this is what they call the grand staircase.
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the first lady and whoever the special dignitary they are entertaining, they come down, stand on the landing here and take photos. >> when you are at the white house, you are surrounded by history, the chairs, lights, and most especially the portraits. there are presidential official portraits hanging everyone. this is bill clinton's, it is the first portrait commissioned and done by an african-american artist. >> and by the way if you walk in this direction bill clinton is looking straight across the entrance hallway at a portrait -- you guys will have to move, this might be hard to see here, but president george w. bush. >> i'm told that most of the portraits stay in their spots but they always have the two most recent administrations represented right here. >> lead the way as our game of trivia continues. >> we go back into the cross hall, we are just about to go into the red room but you don't want to miss this shot because this has to be perhaps the most famous portrait of a president, president john f. kennedy. this has found a home here, a
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look at it, when they have visitors people often take a selfie with it. >> here is a beautiful portrait of ronald reagan in the background here. this leads us now into the red room which, by the way, was not always red, it was turned red -- actually i think it was dolly madison -- >> it was yellow in dolly madison's late and dart turned red. >> margaret thatcher and ronald reagan held a meeting in this room, i don't know what they talked about, but it was obviously a history occasion. >> i have a picture from this room that i really like, it's the bush family, bush 41, bush 43 and children, it was taken right here in the red room and if you look closely you can spy jenna bush hager in her younger days right there. >> if we move over here to our left, we are going in a big circle. >> that's right. >> coming off the south portico.
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minutes ago, looking out at the washington monument. >> the blue room is where president obama was sworn in for his second term in 2013. it began on a sunday, so his first oath was taken here in a more public oath was then conducted the next day. >> the blue room was not always blue, it was once red. can you name the president who was married in this very room, matt? >> no. >> it was grover cleveland. can you name who he married? >> mrs. cleveland. >> no. >> in 1948 harry true man's staff noticed that the chandelier was actually swaying, do you know what that meant? >> exactly. they decided that this room and the entire area needed a renovation so they shut down the white house and a lot of structural work was done. >> it's very beautiful. the white house, again, has been so nice to grant us such access. i think we are about to meet
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come on, guys. we've got beau and sonny obama. >> here we've got beau and this is sonny, sonny is the little one. >> sonny is a bit of a rascal from what i understand. >> he's got a lot fof energy. >> seven and four. >> so cute. >> from my experience these guys -- they sort of have the run of the place, they can go where they want, they have great grounds, have fun out there. >> yeah. >> beau is actual lily given by ted kennedy to president obama. obama promised the whole girl they would earn a puppy because they went through the campaign as youngsters. >> thank you for bringing them in. i think we were more excited about this moment than anything else. this is really, really cool. we will have much more from the
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exclusive conversation with president obama, where he says the white house have been very isolated and how it has changed him as a dad. >> we are back with much more on a very special tuesday morning. but first these messages. you're unpacking already? yeah, help me find some mugs. sure. (beep) hey... o.k. they'll do. wake up to the mountain grown aroma of folgers. the best part of wakin' up so, where do you want to start? i think this is a pretty good place. is folgers in your cup erin: dear freshpet, when i first got max, my main goal was to feed him a quality diet. i decided to give eshpet a try. dexter: there's real chunks of vegetables and chicken in it. raul: and, if the food is in the fridge, you know it has to be fresh. patrick: he's a happy guy when he has his freshpet.
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you're quitting!? technically retiring, sir. with a little help from my state farm agent, i plan to retire in 15 years. wow! you're totally blindsiding me here. who's gonna manage your accounts? this is a devastating blow i was not prepared for. well, i'm gonna finish packing my things. 15 years will really sneak up on you. jennifer with do your exit interview and adam made you a cake. red velvet. oh, thank you. i made this. take charge of your retirement. talk to a state farm agent today. [ julie ] the wrinkle cream graveyard. if it doesn't work fast...
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clinically proven neutrogena rapid wrinkle repair. it targets fine lines and wrinkles with the fastest retinol formula available. you'll see younger looking skin in just one week. one week? this one's a keeper. rapid wrinkle repair. and for dark spots rapid tone repair. from neutrogena . adventures from $599, plus up to $300 to spend at sea. come seek the royal caribbean. offer ends february 15th. welcome aboard my starship. ahoy, mateys! it's full of things i love... and free of things i don't. just like chex cereal. it's full of stuff we pirates need. no artificial flavors, and it's gluten-free. eat up, me hearties! keep it down!
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back now on a tuesday morning, more of our special edition of "today" live from the white house. carson is here and we don't have the orange room, but will the red room do? >> it is doing just fine. thank you. we asked you to send us some questions using the #white housetoday. we've got a couple. we've seen tons of questions coming in. thank you. let's get to marge's. does anyone in the president's family including the president ever sneak downstairs at midnight to have a snack in the kitchen? the answer is absolutely yes. anything in the kitchen is fair game, the first family can make a list, the staff will get whatever they want, they can go down and have that. there is a smaller kitchen on the floor where they sleep. at midnight if they want something quick they cam go there. >> angela rights in, who else besides the president actually lives in the white house? >> the answer is no one. just the president and the first family are here.
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24./7, but everybody is on rotation. back in the 19th century some staff did live here, but today staff and workers have their own places. >> you can follow the conversation on all of the "today" show's social accounts using the #white housetoday. >> carson, thanks. we want to bring in a special guest, jason goldman is the chief digital officer in the white house. >> thank you for having us. you had some news to share about a partnership with facebook. >> we recently launched the president's facebook page and tonight we will be doing our first experiment with facebook live. you will be able to see the president live, talk about what he is thinking about for the state of the union sometime in the afternoon. >> jason, twitter recently released the list of its most retweeted tweets of 2015. >> okay. >> that's hard to compete with. >> the second one also one direction. third one, one direction. okay. also. >> okay. >> we got in here on the list.
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year. another moment that went viral, the president surprised some meeting. why do you think moments like that get so much attempts? >> i think the internet is a platform for human conversation, people are looking to connect and authentic moments are a great opportunity to see something behind the lens, to see the real people behind the scenes. you guys do this well with the tooth show, showing stuff behind the scenes is a great example of that and stuff that people look for. >> this is a new normal, the way that the president and the white house staff are all using social media, whether it's twitter, i know the white house just opened a senate chat account which officially makes snats chat legit. >> we started that yesterday and we have been posting snaps here this morning, some sneak i will some of you guys as you've been recording here on the white house. it's a way of showing what's going on here at the white house as we're getting ready for sotu and the state of the union, everyone is excited and that's a
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>> he went a little initial on us. >> an acronym. >> jason, thank you so much. >> thank you very much. >> i keep saying good to have you here. we are in your house, i have to remember that. oh, man. al is on the move by the way, he is outside in the first lady's garden. >> that's right, guys. this is the white house kitchen garden. it was planted spring of 2009 by first lady michelle obama with the help of some local elementary school kids. it is a constant supply of fresh produce for the first family and also for events that they have here at the white house. we are going to be back here in the garden, not too far from here is where the president works out in the basketball court. i'm going to be coming back during the growing season as the weather gets a little bit better to check on the progress of the garden along with the first lady. so pretty excited about that. all right. let's show you what we've got going on for today. we are looking at snowshowers as a clipper comes across the great lakes, it's ggsz to reinforce lake-effect snow, some areas may pick up another 2 feet of snow.
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northwest with windy conditions, plenty of sunshine through the gulf, back into the southwest. sunny through the plains, however, looking attribute alley cold temperatures with dangerous wind chills that are going to be setting in and spreading east. that's what's going on around >> and that is your latest weather. matt and savannah. >> all right, al. thanks. now to more of our exclusive conversation with president obama as he prepares for tonight's state of the union address. >> we covered a lot of subjects and we cover a lot of ground.
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house as we talked about how the office has changed him, both as a leader and as a father. this staircase here, where does this go? >> this goes up into the residence so if we have a state dinner or some very formal function michelle and i will go from the residence on the second floor and we will walk down. >> at the end of a long day, is it possible for to you walk up those stairs and ever leave the job completely downstairs? >> well, first of all, i never actually use these stairs. >> that's ceremonial. >> that's ceremonial. when they say they are a 24/7 job on this one they are not exaggerating. you take it with you. the one time that i can take it behind throughout my presidency i've been pretty religious about dinner at 6:30 with michelle and the girls and when i'm sitting around the dinner table then i'm a dad and we spend most of our time listening to the girls talk
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not interested in mine that much. >> teenage talk from personal experience can be more harrowing than what happens over in the oval office there. would your family ever say that that's the one part of the job that gets difficult, the fact that you're never 100% except for those dinners that you just talked about away from the job? >> my ability to function as a present father, a guy who is there and engaged, was maybe stronger once i got to the white house than before because when i was a senator i was commuting. the girls were still back in chicago. >> right. >> when i was campaigning for president i was gone all the time, and i don't have trouble switching off when it comes to listening to malia and sasha. that actually is a time when i can kind of block everything else out. >> the first time you and i sat down here was february 1st, 2009.
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if 54-year-old barack obama could go back and talk to 47-year-old barack obama who had only been president 11 days, what would you tell him that he didn't know about being president? >> well, i would tell him, first of all, that your hair is going to go grayer a lot faster than you anticipated. i think the most important thing i would say to an earlier version of myself would be to communicate constantly and with confidence to the american people because this place has a tendency to isolate you. you recognize that particularly during times of stress, the american people need to hear from their president in terms of what it is that we're trying to do and things i've done well during the campaign i've not always done well as president.
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president. obviously we all remember you stepping before the cameras and talking about your plans for >> yeah. >> and you became extremely emotional. >> yeah. >> i was surprised by that. i wasn't surprised about how i felt because the day that sandy hook happened remains one of the worst in my presidency and traveling up there for the memorial service and meeting with the families just a couple of days after those children and those teachers had lost their lives was as hard as anything i've ever done, but i didn't expect that evoking that would trigger those kinds of emotions. part of it is that, you know, we had just come back from christmas break. i had just spent time with my daughters. one of them is about to go to college and seeing those parent who i've gotten to know now over the course of several years and
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feels with that loss, it felt very personal to me. >> i would think that at an earlier point of your presidency had that feeling started to well up in you -- >> i might have clamp it had down. >> you might have suppress it had. >> yeah. there's no doubt that i am leers now. there have been times during the course. presidency where i've tightened up. you know, as you go into your last year you start realizing that ultimately how well you've done here is going to be judged not by tomorrow's polls or today's headlines, they will be judged by, you know, people who are looking back at you 20, 30 years from now and say you better let it rip. >> you're starting to sound a little like george w. bush who told me one day, matt, i'm going to be dead when my legacy is decided. early next year, if tradition holds, you and mrs. obama are going to go to the main door of the white house, it will open and a motorcade will pull in, right, and the incoming
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a woman going to get out of that car. how much jeopardy will your legacy be in if that person is not a democrat? >> well, i'm going to be working hard to make shower that it's a democrat and there's no doubt that given what the republican candidates have said that there are going to be some things that i think are really important that they are going to try to reverse. even something as controversial in the republican party as obamacare. when something works or the evidence shows that it's helping people and you want to stop it just for ideological reasons, it turns out to be a little more difficult. you know, certainly when they start dealing with foreign policy and if they think that somehow by talking a little tougher they are going to somehow change the complexities of the middle east, for example,
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works, and so i think there is a really use fulful awakening that thanks place when you walk into this office. a lot of the campaign rhetoric you realize has to give way to some very hard tough realities. >> just a little more of our exclusive conversation with the president conducted monday here at the white house, and look who else is here at the white house, nbc national correspondent peter alexander. hi, peter. >> not a bad spot. good to see you this morning. >> what have you got? >> we focused on the president's speech whiter, cody keenan, may have seen him and texted me at 3:50 a.m. and said finally wrapping up tonight and what's impress sieve the collaborative effort. he says he feels like he's a perpetual grad student but imagine that your professor is the president. he took us inside the preparations in his first ever television interview.
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we could run! we must run so our children soar! >> reporter: behind the president's celebrated speeches he's the man tasked with translating images into words. >> this is the land of hope and dreams. this is where the magic happens. >> reporter: this corner basement office. >> no windows. the white house doctors give me vitamin d. >> reporter: cody keenum takes his boss' hand scribbled notes like these. >> what a soiled draft looks like. >> reporter: when you nail it. >> and turns it into powerful presidential prose. >> if prayer was made of sound, the skies over england that night would have deafened the world. >> reporter: ahead of president obama's last state of the union address we caught up with keenan in the midst of a coffee-fueled 48-hour writing binge. >> sir. >> reporter: including an oval office meeting with the president. the final days of a two-month marathon to perfect 6,000 words. where did you watch last year's state of the union? >> i watched it right here at this desk.
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>> chicken tenders and a budweiser. >> reporter: keenan first joined the obama campaign as an intern in 2007 becoming director of speech wright six years later. the moment you stare at a blank page what's going through your mind? >> equal mix of hope and fear, fear in that you want to know what to say and hope that you can make it into something nice. >> reporter: his speeches helped heal communities like new town and tucson where so many people struggled to find words. >> if there are rain puddles in heaven, christina is jumping in them tailed. >> reporter: the president's last least speech writer john favro says keenan captures emotion. >> coldy is a big-hearted guy who writes from the heart. >> reporter: keenan met his fiancee kristen, a researcher who fact checks his speeches. >> so she literally gets paid to tell me i'm wrong. >> reporter: how does that go? >> it's tense around state of the union team. >> reporter: that beard back, a superstition formed after keenan's first state of the union. >> it worked, and the president said you have to do that again. >> reporter: but posing as
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line, that was a one-time deal. >> secret service was displeased because i had a big metal hook cracked up laughing. >> to make opportunity real. >> reporter: be. >> reporter: with keenan's words etched into history the chicago native and northwestern grad still hopes to craft one speech more than a century in the making. >> chicago subs coming to the white house world champs, that's why i'm still here. >> reporter: and with all the finishing touches on tonight's address complete, the state of this union has never been stronger. after pulling a couple of recent all-nighters, hoping that cody address. nbc will have live coverage at 9:00 eastern, 6:00 pacific. >> want to play a little one-on-one one-on-one. >> we're r
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>> anchor: 8:26 am, look at all the sunshine this morning. >> it is beautiful and southern nevada and there's a local who is not enjoying the weather right now because she is back in d.c. getting ready for the state of the union address where she is going to be the special guest of first lady michelle obama during that speech. we are seeing pictures and also her out talking about a story that is near and dear to her heart. she is a homeless, former homeless veteran and her name is the ideas. she served during the vietnam war, she moved from a homeless shelter into a hotel renovated for our heroes. the obama administration is highlighting a challenge of the first lady has issued for local leaders all across our nation to reduce veteran homelessness. diaz is a great example of that visit representing southern nevada.
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national t.v. today, no big deal! >> meteorologist: congratulations to her. we definitely can't wait to see that tonight. as far as temperatures are concerned, if you're heading out the door this morning where warming up pretty nicely considering many of us were below freezing to start this morning.0 degrees downtown paradise ring valley, you're 42 right now. and this afternoon mostly sunny skies is what we're looking at with a high 55 degrees today and 57 by thursday. >> anchor: well the rebels in action tonight. taking on new mexico, the rebels playing with dave rice for the first time in 4 and a half years. >> the reason we're looking at them is because the student
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distraction it's 8:30 now on a tuesday morning, 12th day of january, 2016. it's a really pretty morning in washington, d.c., and here at the white house as we are bringing you the entire "today" show from 1600 pennsylvania avenue. >> and here's a part of 1600 pennsylvania avenue you almost never see which is the white house basketball court. this was a tennis court and when the obamas moved in they turned it into a full fledged basketball court and tennis court, you can use it for either. >> that's right, because president obama has his priorities in order and he knew we wanted some five-on-type. >> that's pretty impressive. >> they have brought college championship teams here and done games with wounded warriors. he's a big basketball fan. loves the chicago bulls.
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>> played basketball for a little bit in high school. >> can i mention that bo and sunny are so well behaved, just hanging out here with us, being adorable. >> i wish our kids were that well behaved. >> who wants to take a live shot here. >> carson. >> get in there. >> oh, come on. >> not going to get anywhere. >> natalie. >> come on, nat. >> high heels. >> on the record, savannah sunk a shot. >> she did. >> good try. >> i know. anyway, you know, our access here at the white house has been extraordinary, but, of course, this isn't the first time that the "today" show has visited the nation he's most famous address. >> its address is 1600 pennsylvania avenue, known, of course, as the white house. >> good morning, mr. president. >> good morning, dave. >> i've dodged your question. >> certainly, you're on live television so say whatever you like. >> president clinton, nice to meet you. mate lauer.
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>> welcome to the white house. thank you very much. >> how happy are you not to be running for anything? >> not as happy as michelle. >> for nearly 60 years "today" has brought the people's house into people's homes. >> beautiful mansion, is it not? >> all starting in 1960. >> i'm fascinated. and kind of proud, too, because, you know, i own a piece of that. i pay taxes. >> you own a piece of that, big daddy, how come they won't let you in? >> just one year later "today" made history when dave garrowway interviewed president kennedy at the white house. >> i'm delighted to have this chance through dave garrowway who is the first television interview with any president on a regularly scheduled program. >> when "today" goes inside the doors of 1600 pennsylvania avenue, often its residents end up in the hot seat. >> you know, you wouldn't want me to have -- >> oh, yes, i would. >> -- any problems. >> ear very hard on female reporters, mr. president.
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>> there have been unscripted moments and unexpected visitor arriving during a live tour of the white house with first lady barbara bush. >> look who wandered in, president bush, and can you stick around and talk with us. >> katie stayed with president bush for an impromptu live interview that lasted 18 minutes, an iconic moment in "today" history. >> do you have any knowledge. iran-contra arms for hostages deal? >> absolutely no, and no one has suggested i did. >> and at times the pressures of the presidency have been on full display. >> were you made -- >> my job is to protect this country, matt, and i'm going to within the law, and i can get second guessed by people all the time by people who don't live in the united states. september 11 was a bad day. for us it was a change of attitude. >> haven't the forces of militant extremism, jihadism grown strong on your watch? >> we've been continually able to maintain pressure on al qaeda
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>> are we safer under your watch? >> i believe we're safer. >> and "today's" visit to the white house have offered a look at the first family at home. >> speaking of the very actist roosevelt children, i understand they used to roller skate in this room as did amy carter. >> that's right. >> your grandchildren? >> no, i do not. look at these beautiful floors, no, i do not. >> i taught them how to slide down the bannister so you can thank me later. >> very much appreciate that. they have not broken any bones thanks to the lessons you made. >> taught them the proper way, safety first in this house. >> do you ever find it difficult to maintain that feeling of home in such a public place? >> very rarely. sometimes i like to come down here and there's one more reception and the house is open and i can't, but most of the time it shows very well as a home as america's place. >> and through the years each family has made us feel at home. >> i appreciate you appearing here this morning on my final day on the "today" program. >> i used to worry in the old days about maybe being
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theater or two and here i am closing out your show. >> we are in the white house kitchen where, among other things, you brew beer, while we're having this beer. this is al. >> he's not very impressed. >> 63% of the people admit to kissing their dog. >> we kiss ours. >> you're part that have group. >> >> i wouldn't say on a regular basis, but, yeah, i've been there. >> so has a lot of history here at the white house, but i don't think anything like today ever. >> never. >> another history-making moment. >> you got a check of the weather. >> you bet you. what's happening for today, looking at a lot of snow making its way through the great lakes as a clipper moves through. we're also looking hat more wet weather and snow in the pacific northwest with windy conditions. southern tier of the country looking pretty good with plenty of sunshine. a few showers down in southern florida. and for tonight's state of the union address, we may actually see some snow here in the nation's capital in the afternoon with windy conditions. partly cloudy tonight as people
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it will make it feel like that's about 22 degrees outside. >> that's your latest weather. >> all right, al. thanks. coming up, matt and savannah head into the white house kitchen just to give you a sense of how big this place is. they are having to hustle just to get there in time. after they will have a lovely meal once they do get there as we're entertained by the marine band.
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first, this is "today" on nbc. . we are pack on a tuesday morning with more of the un unprecedented tour of the white house. >> so nice to be in the white house kitchen and to be in the company of the white house executive chef. she has worked here for 20 years. thank you for having us. >> thank you for having us too. >> anything special about the state of the union morning for the obamas? did they say okay, we can have comfort food today? >> no, everything is in place. so we're getting ready for the lunch and for the reception as well tonight. but i'm going to show you our recipe later on. >> do you go make healthier food for the obamas? >> we try to make predominantly healthy foods for the obamas and
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garden out there, it's just basically like, you know, a few steps in the backyard. so as a chef it's a great luxury to be able to go outside to grab the food. >> what are you making? >> a shaved broccoli, it's a salad. very healthy. the reason i'm doing this recipe today is because it's so weird because washington weather has been so great. so we had some broccoli in the garden. >> take advantage of it. >> this is a simple recipe. at home, it's something you can do like cold or hot. but it's actually a dish that i was accustomed to growing up as a child. it's with fresh vegetables. so we're starting with two eggs. we have like half a cup of regular flour. half a cup of whole wheat flour.
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our recipes. >> can i just say you're from the philippines. >> yes. >> you came here in the '80s, i believe. >> yes. >> your first culinary job was at the sheraton hotel at o'hare airport in chicago. >> yes. >> and did you ever -- i mean, you couldn't have possibly imagined that you'd end up here at the white house. >> no, i never would have imagined. but it was such a blessing to be able to cook for first family and the president. what a great honor. so this is working. we're going to add on our milk. >> okay. >> got to be stressful at times though. this is the leader of the free world, after all. >> the cool thing about working here, you know, even with the stress that's around us, we're able to like as a team i have a very good team behind me. that pretty much make it easy to do whatever we're able to do. >> we're going to pretend we've done the magic of television and that mixture is complete. >> it's complete. savannah, have you done -- >> yes. i'll do a little cooking.
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filling while this is going. >> yes. let's get that going. >> great. >> real quickly, what do we have here? >> let's start with a dressing first. real, real quickly. this is just rice vinegar. this is honey. from the garden as well. >> wow. >> so this year we did almost like 150 pounds of money from our wonderful garden. because we have the bees. >> now you're showing off. >> mix all the ingredients. emulsified dressing. it works well, and add in a lime. some of the lime juice as well. the cool thing about the salad, it could be a winter salad or just whatever. you know, time of the day. it's a good -- >> savannah has done a great job over there. mixing the dressing that goes on top of the ingredients. can i show off the finished product?
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but first, this is "today" we welcome you back, everyone, to the white house, on a very special edition of "today." the center of power in america. also though a real working home for the first family. jenna bush hager. good morning. >> it feels like old times. i always loved coming back here. history. and now one woman is making history of her open. angela reed is the first woman to be chief usher of the white house. she works with the dedicated, tireless crew that my family
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few have if privilege to walk these halls. but when my family is asked what we mismost about 16 -- miss most about 1600 pennsylvania avenue, it's not the house, but it's the the people are who make this house a home. and chief usher angela reed is the person in charge of keeping this home running smoothly. >> i am just so grateful to the taking a chance and bringing me on board. >> reed manages the president's home more than 100 rooms and 90 people including butlers, cooks and florists. she handles everything from state dinners, the annual easter egg roll. i heard that this job came serendipitously at a party of all places. >> yes. interesting story. summer of 2011 i went to a pool party, and -- >> you were in your bikini? >> that's --
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so i met a young lady who told me that there was a position open at the white house for the chief usher. but i googled the white house cold and i left a message. foreignly for me, -- fortunately for me she passed the message on. >> then angela reed became the first female chief usher of the since 1885. >> it was less about breaking a gender barrier. it was about the astonishing, unbelievable opportunity of serving the president and the first lady and their family. >> reed's story is an unlikely one. she grew up in jamaica and began a career in hospitality. now she makes sure this remains home sweet home for the first family. >> this is the heart beat of the house.
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of my friends. so nice to see you again! thanks for coming to say hi. >> any time. >> what's it like -- >> von everett is a beloved white house butler. >> i started working here part-time back in the '80s when president reagan was here. >> but i knew you as a 7-year-old. >> yep. >> so i don't want to make anybody feel old, but it's been 25-plus years. >> making him feel old. >> and myself. but i have known you forever. >> should we smell this? >> yes, this is one of my favorite places. >> welcome home. >> >> on my grandfather's inauguration day, the white house flower shop was my first stop. my sister and i made bouquets for my grandparent's bed side. these florists say they're big fans of the new boss, she brings her heart and support to us. that's really important. >> she runs from me. i try to hug her too much. >> hi! >> and a trip to the white house
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big hug from one of my favorites. and beasley and barney's too. dale haney is a legend. he's worked at the white house for more than 40 years and he has a special way with the four-legged residents, past and present. >> i dubbed dale the dog whisperer. >> we know barney and beasley loved who the most? you know it. >> always your father. >> returning here is like a dream. visiting old friends and appreciating the great house once again. and now the woman who runs it is living her dream. what would you say to that little girl from jamaica? do you think she'd believe you're sitting here right now? >> well, she would believe it because aim that little girl. however, for other little girls who may not think it's possible, i think it's really a combination of hard work, focus. desire and really opening that
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itself. >> so i feel really lucky that whenever i come back here everybody is so warm and so welcoming. i was here in june a couple summers ago to interview president obama for father's day. it's so fun to see these people i have known since i was 7 years old, they came, there's buddy. who i would go talk to about football. and chris, who you just interviewed. used to make me my favorite bean tacos and i miss that oatmeal and latte too. when people ask what it's like to live in the magical place, it's the people who work here that make it home. we miss them. >> and they miss you. they worked so hard to make you feel comfortable. >> barbara and i watched the inauguration, the parade and we came over early because of course we were 7 years old. we couldn't wait to get into the white house. and we got into this door and
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florist met us and said, come into the flower shop and make bouquets for your grandparents and we did. she's since passed away, but she did the flowers at my wedding. >> oh. >> the fact that we got to be with these people for so many years. >> and we referred to it just briefly this morning but when we all arrived in a group at 5:15 in the morning we came to the first security check point the nice man who was checking our i.d.s, he did say twinkle is back at the white house. thought it was really moving. >> my code word was twinkle, not to be confused with tinkle. >> only when you were naughty. >> they probably wanted to call me tinkle. after watching you guys come in here and imagine what you feel. you've interviewed everybody.
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incredible to see the history. itch never been to some of the >> and what about the crew, >> yeah. >> i never heard the staff of the white house say on so many occasions, you want to go where? said that all morning long. by the way, we mentioned several times today the president delivering his final state of the union address tonight. you can see it here on nbc. 9:00 on the east coast. 6:00 out west. >> how many selfies were taken this morning? love the picture with you and matt as john travolta -- >> we couldn't resist. well, it's just an absolutely beautiful morning and we're so thankful to be here. again, i want to thank the white house and our crew and our staff for this special day. we want to leave you with some beautiful sights and sounds of the morning that was. >> that's right. here's a little bit of our experience at 1600 pennsylvania avenue. see you in a little while.
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white house. that qualifies as special. >> and the cool scale, this is off the charts. >> should we go inside? should we knock? >> welcome to the white house. >> kind of taken over the white house. a great view of the south lawn. let's get a first check of the weather from the white house. al is outside, what's called the navy mess. >> the greatest to go cup in the world. can i get a large oatmeal, matt, can i get you anything. >> into the red room which was not always red. >> the blue room where president obama was sworn in for the second term. >> you're greeting us on the eve of the state of the union. >> we have a lot of good things going for us. it turns out we're not as divided. >> you might run into the senior administration official or perhaps the vice president of the united states. >> i think probably as you know the president -- >> beau and sonny obama.
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>> hi, mom. >> >> anchor: hi there, it is 8:56 am on this tuesday morning. kim and dana wagner here live. when we have a great start this morning. >> running to the border, that is the state line where they sell the powerball ticket the closest place to las vegas. did you know, that technically according to an attorney we spoke to, buying lottery tickets for other people and transporting them across state lines is a federal offense? >> i did not know that. >> people are sending someone down there with all of their
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and if they win they will share it of course, i doubt they will bust anybody on this one, if they do itowever, if you're going to share this with your office you should get a write up of some contract. it can be brief according to a local attorney. but there have been problems in the past with a guy in new jersey who wanted and did not want to share with his coworkers. >> not good. not a good situation. but right now as we go to kelly in the weather center, say did you know, the temperature this week are right that normally essentially? >> meteorologist: almost normal, temperatures are on the rise. i am wondering, what is the fine? if you transfer the ticket across state lines'm pretty sure 1.5 billion you can probably deal with it. right? right now temperatures are rising nicely, green valley up to 46 degrees right now. summer land 43, much improved from below freezing temperatures dealing with earlier this morning.
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pennsylvania avenue in an unprecedented broadcast and are we finally going to get those cars that can fly? and hillary duff is here. all that is coming up next. from nbc news, this is "today's take," live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. welcome to "today." it's tuesday morning, january 12th, 2016. i'm not sure you and i deserve anyway. "hail to the chief." i'm here with tamron holding things down in studio 1a. today has been live at the white house, unprecedented access to the residence. natalie and al are getting in position right there. how about jenna bush-haguer, welcoming.
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>> absolutely. as willie mentioned, an unprecedented view. we've all had the honor of going to the white house but never seen it from this vantage. it was enjoyable to see all the history buffs get into what we were seeing there. politics aside, this is the nation's house, this house belongs to the people and you get a chance to see your home that you own. >> natalie and al are going to take us through a little of what they saw this morning, but this does come on the day of the president's final state of the union address. earlier he did speak to matt about that speech tonight and faces. >> as you stand in that room, you will be looking out over a room that arguably is as divided as it's ever been. do you have see that as a failure of your presidency? you came to town saying it was about hope and change, you wanted to unite people and they're not united. is it a failure?
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i could not be prouder of what we've accomplished, and sometimes we look at the past through rose colored glasses. it's been pretty divided in the past. there have been times where people beat each other with canes. >> it was interesting to hear the conversation, but also as they spoke, sort of weaving their way through this incredible place. on the walking toor mattur, matt asked him how he balanced his time as a family man between the presidency and his family. >> when they say this is 24 hours a day, this one really is. the one thing i've been pretty religious about dinner at 6:30 with michelle and the girl. and when i'm sitting around the dinner table, then i'm dad. we spend most of our time listening to the girls talk about their days and they are
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my ability to function as a present father, a guy who's there and engaged was maybe stronger once i got to the white house than before. because when i was a senator, i was commuting, the girls were still back in chicago. when i was campaigning for time. and i don't have trouble switching off when it comes to listening to malia and sasha. >> and it's interesting now when the family leaves the white house, you'll have a college student and one on the way. and you think about the image of those little girls on that stage in chicago and now they are young women headed to that journey of higher education like so many others. but the balance was interesting. obviously the meaty part of this is the state of the union, this being his final state of the union and by all accounts from the white house intel, we will have some big headlines wednesday. >> and it was interesting hearing him talk to matt about
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unburden. he's ready to say what's on his mind and i think we've seen a lot of that over the years. >> savannah got a chance to sit down with vice president joe biden. there was a recent interview with mr. biden where many interpreted he was maybe regretting his decision not to jump into the 2016 race for president. here's what he said to savannah. >> i made the right decision, i'm positive for that, and the right decision for my family in available. what i meant was and i was being directly honest was that i care middle class and a whole range of other issues and it's the best forum in the world to have your views made known and try to convince the public of your views. but we have a full year left as president and vice president, and we have a lot more to do. >> for you is there no scenario
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getting into this race of 2016? >> i've learned never to say no but i don't see one. if i won the lottery maybe, $1 billion. >> even vice president biden getting in on the lottery. >> he's going to be a part, even if he's not in it,s me s meit, he's going to be a part of this democratic race. >> it seems folks on both sides, particularly independents, people not sure what part they want to align with, they see this voice as a trustful person. but meanwhile, al had some pretty cool highlights to show us earlier from the navy mess hall, the family theater room.
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seen a picture of that room before, al. there you were laying back. >> that's the navy mess. that started in 1951 by harry truman. this is the theater where the family watched "star wars" this past weekend. there's the balcony. we played hoops on the court. we had a good time. we did some blue room selfies. i took a selfie or two in the white house theater, which was fun, holding a basketball. hoops. i think a lot of us have been here if you've even done a tour of the white house, maybe you've seen some of the rooms that we showed you, but you got a real sense of the behind-the-scenes access that we had today. it was truly remarkable. and the white house staff, i got to just say -- >> amazing. staff.
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beginning of the day till now that we were escorted everywhere, we were well taken care of. i have to thank you. >> i couldn't find that door where i heard the door creaking for vice president biden where he said i can't imagine any circumstance that i would be in but you never say never. i love that. >> exactly. >> so for people -- >> it's such an incredible day. we also got to spend time, willie and tamron, with sonny and bo, some of the most famous resident here at 1600 pennsylvania avenue. can i tell you how well behaved these dogs are. they did not make a peep the entire time. >> and they were so well behaved. i wish ou kids were that good. it amazing. >> that's a great picture. >> we have to say thank you to our crew. they've been working on this day for so long now. we pulled it off and all thanks to them. they do the hard work for us. >> our producers and writers, it really was amazing. >> it was extraordinary to watch
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you see the social media traffic. i think people really get the magnitude of what was happening, that this was an eventually for morning television and for obviously the white house staff. i'm sure they were excited as you mentioned as well. but it was exceptional to watch it play out. >> though you get a real sense of, okay, get out. >> will, it is the state of the union today. >> they're very busy. >> there's enough going on. get out. nice having you but don't let the door hit you where the good lord split you. >> and you're outside at 9:01. >> we're outside. >> as we were leaving, they were letting tour groups in. so it very much -- today is a normal day, even though it is the state of the union address tonight. they still allow the tourists in and some of the traffic as usual. we had to cut through the tourist traffic to get in our
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>> we saw you in thegarden. i know you're going to go back weather permitting when it more seasonable. >> we have a clipper coming across. it's going to bring more snow to the northeast and then lake effect snow. we may see snow here in the nation's capital sometime this afternoon. that clipper will bring heavy snow to maine. look at these temperatures. it going to feel like 2 peebelow in chicago, 7 above in cincinnati, 13 in st. louis and then things bit. wednesday that cold air gets
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every's all righ >> that's it, man. we got to get out. >> got to move it! >> now you have to get off the lawn! >> get off my lawn! >> great job, guys. >> we'll see you back here tomorrow. >> coming up next, you know him "lost." now he's teaming up against with his "lost" producer for a new program called "colony." more after this. that is until one of you clips a food truck, ruining your perfect record. yeah. now you would think your insurance company would cut you some slack, right? no.
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in particular may be at an increased risk of seizures, confusion, or abnormal behavior. the most common side effects are mild to moderate nausea and vomiting. anti-flu? go antiviral with tamiflu. for six years we've watched josh holloway try to escape a mysterious tropical island as sawyer on the hit tv series "lost." sawyer is still there and josh is here with us as he's reunited any." take a look. >> i know it might not seem it, but our hosts are here for our benefit. >> come out there with me, snider. not the greens on the flats. let me show you a few things and tell me if you still believe that. >> there need to be some controls in place.
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but all of this, it's temporary. once we've satisfied their needs, they will leave. everything will go back to normal. >> what needs? >> and it will go back to normal. >> good morning. >> this is good. we're all pulled n.congratulations on it. >> thank you. >> we're going on a new journey with you. >> yes, you are. it's a fun one. i don't know how fun -- it's going to be fun. it's a little stressful at the beginning, i would say. >> kind of like "lost." >> stress can be funny. >> tell me if i'm describing this right. it's kind of like a dystopian los angeles sometime in the future but not too far in the future and what's happened? what's going hon? >> well, it's bomb ten months since the arrival of an enemy unlike we've ever faced before, so they were strong enough not
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that says something, so it's -- it's still los angeles. there's still palm trees. there's still people in cafes running around in your normal life, seemingly. however, it's kind of more like world war ii paris where you see the old photos of someone sitting in a cafe in their fur coat and then there's nazi storm troops going down the champs-elysees. it's about that. it's about colonization. it's about the choices that you have to make under those circumstances, whether to resist and face those consequences, to cooperate and the pit follows of that so it's an espionage thriller with a hint of sci-fi. >> collaborative and you're with the "lost" producer there.
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reason that you were sold on it or just a sci-fi junk? >> are you? >> a little bit of both, but carlton i've been wanting to work with carlton for many years. loss. schedules schedules, karltson a busy man with a few shows on air but our schedules didn't coincide and we've been watching each other's work and it just happened that we were both available and he called me and said i have an offer you can't refuse. shoots in l.a. i'm listening. >> i get to keep my hair long, i'm in. >> i'll shave it if you want, whatever you want, but it was -- it was great to -- feels like an old pair of jeans working with an old friend. we have a short hand. we can discuss anything. he's very agile creatively so nice. >> got to be nice as an actor. we were just talking before we went on the air, everybody
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"walker texas ranger." >> great snow. >> wow. >> yeah, baby. >> look at that hair. >> wow. >> talk about that hair. >> is that a weave? >> that was quite a journey, i'll tell you. that will -- i actually have short spike el hair, as you can kind of tell and then they se wp in this weave happened they waxed down moy hair to match with it, so in the morning i look like billy ray cyrus right out of "achy breaky heart." that thing was up, long, my wife, girlfriend at the time and she is like that is so wrong. that. >> get in the shower, first thing to wash it and get on the water and it turned to one large dread. i'm like oh, my god now i have a dread with spikes. took us about an hour for her to all back.
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>> and hi to wear that for like nine days that thing. >> you owned it. >> i owned it. >> chuck norris. >> chuck. there were so many chucks i couldn't tell, there was a chuck over there talking to kids and a chuck over there on a horse. he had like seven chucks. and i'm like which one is don corleone of texas? >> good stuff. >> it was fantastic. >> the new show is fantastic as well. "colony." josh, thank you so much. premiers this thursday, 10:00, 9:00 central on our sister network usa. coming up -- >> good job, josh. it's the newest series from the creator of "sex in the city" "younger" and the we'll talk with one of its stars hilary duff who has been we stop arthritis pain, so you don't have to stop. because you believe in go. onward. today's the day. carpe diem. tylenol 8hr arthritis pain
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the first is fast. the second lasts all day. we give you your day back. what you do with it is up to you. tylenol . it's olive garden's new take on lighter italian fare. three new mediterranean inspired dishes. savory shrimp scampi sauteed in a mouthwatering garlic sauce. and flavorful new! chicken piccata. all under 575 calories. only at olive garden. general mills is removing artificial flavors and colors from our cereals. so you can love cereal.
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9:07 am
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>> now she's a mom with a hit tv vv "joininger. request the request the good to see you. >> good morning. >> your character killsy is quite a card, quite a card. part of the reason why this show is so successful and even been picked up for the third season, as we've said. >> we have which is awesome. makes us feel really good about season two and by the time we wrapped we were picked up for news. having so much fun on the show. so much in it for everyone, and really for women 20 to 50, and we -- we have a lot of fun. we do some crazy things. >> look at the scene. you're getting measured in underwear. >> yeah. >> i like that you call her a little bit of a hot mess. >> yeah. >> but you do get to sing which i lofrk and i think we've got a little clip here doing fleetwood mac's "little lies." let's see if we can listen to some of that
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>> just going to listen to it. >> that's audio. >> i'm obsessed with fleetwood mac. >> are you. >> so scary to cover such a big song, but we did it for the promo of the show which was awesome to blen the two worlds. >> to your point about the show and how women, i guess, from 25 to 55 can relate to these characters. what was it about kelsey as willie said, you've called her a hot mess that pulled you in. you're not a hot mess. you've got it all going on. >> i'm not had a hot mess. maybe occasionally. >> give us an example the last time you were a hot mess. >> oh, gosh. pretty much every time i try to get to the airport it's a hot mess. there's been a few late nights in my life that i've been a hot mess but nothing too extreme. she is a little bit of a wild card but she also is super driven with work, an i love showing that side of a 20-year-old because that's what your 20s are all about, right. you're trying to prove your worth but you're also willing to stay up too late. >> trying to balance fun with
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>> we'll play a game diouf or bluff, variation on two things that are a truth and a love. if it's true it's a diouf and if it's fake it's a bluff. >> good with this. >> okay, let's go. >> i'm drawing a blank now. did i i am dying to own chickens. >> i believe that. i think that's true. >> that's true. >> okay. >> i do 1,000 crunches a day. >> from your body, i'm going to say yes, you do. >> you gave a little tell, you were smiling. >> total bluff. >> never in life. >> i would have believed it but you had a smile. >> this added an awkward moment for wilily who would have had to look down. >> i say yes, you do. >> got one more. was a bluff. >> i think we ended on a good one. >> that was like hard to come up, by the way. so simple. i like -- what is interesting fact.
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say hello to luca, the does the smell of a freshly bound presentation fill you with optimism? do you love your wireless keyboard more than certain family members? is your success due to a filing system only you understand? does printing from your tablet to your wireless printer give you a jolt of confidence? if so, you may be gearcentric. someone who knows that the right office gear helps you do great things. and there's one place that has it all. office depot officemax. gear up for great. nothing seems to work. your hair is still thinning. you may have inactive follicles. reactivate them with women's rogaine foam. the only once a day treatment proven to regrow new hairs up to 48% thicker. revive your va-va-voom.
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the u.s. preventive services task force says average risk women should get mammograms every other yore between ages 50 and 74. it says women in their 40s benefit less from screenings, but should make their own choice. some health groups urge mammograms every year starting at 40, although last year the american cancer society upped its starting age to 45. the nationwide israel of children's cold medicine is expanding. seven more retail chains including rite aid, dollar general and cvs are pulling the store brand medicine from their shelves. the cold syrup made by prego company comes with a small measuring cop win correct markings that could lead to an overdose. now the recall covers certain batches of grape and cherry medicine sold in four-ounce bottles and another recall to tell you b.milky way international is recalling eight-ounce containers of nice mandarin oranges over concern there could be glass in the bottle. the oranges were sold at
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the product no longer on the shelves so far. there's been one injury i should say reported. be on the lookout for that and a big congrats to the university of alabama. the crimson tide won college football's national championship late monday night. heisman trophy winner derrick henry scored three touchdowns for alabama on their way to the 45-40 win over clemson. it's alabama's fourth national title in seven years, and for coach nick saban it is his fifth. he's one of the greatest, and that's what's going on in the news around the country. since al is at the white house,
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>> and that's your latest weather. so imagine this, willie. a bracelet with ain pick button in case of an emergency. a tracking your heart rate and a car that can fly. >> gadgets that you'll soon be able to find and here with some of the favorites is our text expert. >> dewith start with the jetsons thing, the flying car. >> they are actual little saying it will be here within a year which is incredible to me but there's 3,600 companies and then so showcasing gadgets at ces. but nothing stood out more than
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$300,000 out in one year's time. you don't interest to pilot it. it will pilot itself. pretty incredible technology. >> why is that not a car? >> technically almost like a flying drone/flying car. >> but they call it a car. >> it's amazing. >> will we ever see this. >> i challenge the one-year time line that they have given it, but we'll see. >> let's start with the bracelets, smart bracelets. >> wearable technology very hot. wearable technology isn't always pretty. now trying to change the game. it's 292 and what's really cule about it, looks like a piece of jewelry. it will track your heart rate, distance and calories and what's neat you can tap it three times and go into distress mode and it will contact any of your said contacts if you have an issue. pairs with app, pairs with ios and android. >> so cool. >> tap it three times. i'd be worried that i have to think the it by sent. >> tamron, you asked about this
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tell me a little bit about it. >> staying on the trend of smartwear. from ombra. you can see the device, just like the bracelet, track your calories and distance right inside the device and pairing with an app. i've been testing this out for the last few days, not only does the bra give you good support actually works quite well in real time. >> you do have trouble with the heart rate monitor. >> a pain in the butt. >> and that's one place, but here underneath you just put it there, any medical concerns, what are we exposeing our bodies to? >> just like any low frequency bluetooth device. >> kind of obsessed with this. >> what's here with the kiks. >> remember the pump shoe. >> yeah, of course. >> now this is the first connected esshoe. as you can see, it's inflating and you can deflate it with the app and what's need about it digitsole. you can goal the inflation and
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temperature up to 113 degrees. heated insoles inside here and it will track all of your data as well like distance. >> where can he get these. >> they are pretty light. >> very light surprisingly. bricks. >> and they also have different inserts you can purchase right now on your line and they are starting to build with shoe partners different technologies within the shoe to heat your shoe up to 113 degrees. >> connected shoe technologies. >> when can you buy these? >> actually out on amazon. this baby within the next year. >> let's go over to the bike. >> this is amazing. willie, i would love for you to get on it. virtual reality is the big thing, this ear and from oculus to htc and playstation, amazing technologies on the virtual reality side but not until you try it out. this is a big that comes with virzoom and you put on the vr headset. >> i'll let you do it, and you can fly and drive your race car.
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having a bike that you can control. >> see, you're flying. >> hold down the red button. >> wait a minute. >> is this for exercise or just video game. >> look at my wings, my beautiful wings. >> you get -- you can actually pair it with an accessory and you get a whole different kind of workout. >> you like it. >> i'm flying, tamron, i'm flying. >> i've heard him say that once before after a party. >> thanks. up next, recently in hot pursuit of reese witherspoon on
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from soap star to leading man rod qodsky is becoming one of hollywood's go-to actors. >> a look first at how he shot to fame. rob kazinsky got his break playing bad boy sean slater on "east ender." trust. >> four years later he transitsed to villainous vam fire for the hbo show "true blood." >> if i do this, i want you to be mine forever. >> from saving the world in the science fiction blockbuster "pacific rim." >> you're going to get us all killed and here's the thing i want to come back from this mission. >> to becoming a love interest alongside sofia vergara and
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>> i kind of like your smile. >> i'm not smiling. >> then i got something to look forward to. >> rob has joined hollywood's elite on the big screen. >> this to imer he's starring in the much anticipated film "warcraft" on the popular series and first he stars in the new tv drama drama. rob it with us, the best version of him right now. good morning. >> so "second chance." tell us a little bit about the premise here. >> it's a wide-ranging premise. essentially i play jimmy pritchard, a 75-year-old ex-sheriff who is brutally and cruelly murdered and then given the chance at redemption but two tech billionaires. he's regenerated to becoming a 35-year-old version of himself
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version of himself, and then i solve crime on a weekly basis. >> ta-da. >> just like that. >> just have fun sitcom. >> it's all laughs. it's a very dark-themed tv show. you know, when you've got people like howard gordon who did "homeland" and x-files and you've got who make really dark stuff. we've actually stepped away from what is kind of a typical procedural format and made something a bit more -- the original title of this show was "frankenstein" and "looking glass" and now it's "second chance." the underlying theme of this it's very dark. >> wow. >> but it's a great concept. you've got five times human strength, super cool show and asking this summer about the "war craft" movie. gamers. >> and you said orgram doomphammer is the best
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>> if you played the game like i did. >> there i am. >> that's you. >> look at him. >> i've got to say, i worked out really hard for that. >> every day in the gym. >> every day. >> just eating cake. >> full method acting. >> it's a real pleasure to play him. he's a great character, and this film means an awful lot to me. it was a really important movie in my life because the game meant so much to me, and i got to play this character who -- i mean, he picks up people and head-butts them from the air. just a real sweet angry tough, mean, kind, awesome creature to play. >> just like you. >> just like me. >> that's what your wikipedia bio says about you. >> i'm either head-butting or i'm kind, and the film which comes out in june. >> yeah. >> i mean, it's anticipated and people have hey lost expectations on it, and i have more than anybody, and it's -- it's right up there. >> well, get ready for that
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converge and seek you out. >> i hope we won't disappoint them. >> congratulations on the new show, "second chance." so much going on premiers tomorrow night on fox. >> thanks, rob. >> how to bundle up without bulking you. my tuesday trend. rocks you don't understand. we want to stay warm but we don't want to look like micheline man. >> i just w i don't have like a pair of jeans i'm trying to get into; i've been down that road honey child. and i don't have like a dress
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im really just looking at 2016, as the year of my best body; that's what i want for you too. lets let 2016 be the year of our best bodies. we give you relief from your cold & flu. you give them a case of the giggles. tylenol cold helps relieve your worst cold & flu symptoms... you can give them everything you've got. tylenol eucerin intensive repair doesn't just moisturize dry skin, it intensively repairs it. with a unique triple action formula that exfoliates hydrates and fortifies skin. leaving it looking healthy and radiant. with intensive repair, from eucerin. [ scanner beeping ] sir, could you step aside? "sir"? come on. you know who i am.
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when cigarette cravings hit, all i can think about is getting relief. only nicorette mini has a patented fast-dissolving formula. it starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. i never know when i'll need relief. that's why i only choose nicorette mini. back now with my tuesday trend and with winter now going full chill ahead we wanted to show you how to stay stylish and warm without really having to bulk up so we brought in my buddy, lifestyle ed tore of good morning. >> good morning. >> we've talked about this before. you don't want to feel like the micheline man. >> no. >> but you also want to stay warm. >> yes. so it's a clever balance, and we've got crystal here showing us two very clever ways to layer starting with underpinning
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>> tamron, let's start with long underwear. doesn't look like it but this is actually long underwear. >> who makes this? >> by cuddle duds and check out this part, looks like leggings so it's super thin. >> we're not flashing you at home. >> don't even need to hide it. here's a second -- and you can get it at kohl's, just 18.99. >> love it. >> a second really easy way to keep that slim look is with this genius invention called the skinny shut. >> full disclosure, you just showed me this. i'm obsessed and want to go online and purchase as many as >> it's so school. >> why is it so cool? >> the top part is a shirt and the middle part is shapewear and sweaters. shirt i've been seen. >> crystal, you put on this sweater. >> and i'm going to show you guys how well it does. starts at just $49 and check that out. this is such a skinny sweater,
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>> can i tell you how obsessed i am with this look. love the whole thing. >> one more item. >> the big deal is when it comes to parkas, you want to elevate the parka. >> okay. you don't have to just wear them with jeans. what you want to look out for is a really sort of slim down parka. >> right. >> look for side ruching, tailoring. this one is frequents press and just $89. >> this is a tent for many reasons, you don't look bulky. you look warm and chic. you look fly. >> the oversized pom-pom and every man woman and child is wearing in. >> fantastic, i love this so much. >> let's see what we have next. >> next up we have rashonna. here she comes. you're in your dilemma in your fancy dress in the golden globes and you have to go out and how do you stay warm without ruining your outfit. we started with the first
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we're obsessed with the long classic coat and that's not all. take it to the next level. you stay glam and super warm by laying a faungs fur vest over. >> i just did this recently. had on a long trench and put on a faux fur vest over it. a great look in my opinion. >> and the yen why it works, tone on tone so it's elongating and proportion. >> you don't want to wear a parka with a nice jet. >> and this faux fur vest $40 from >> over-the-knee boot. >> in lieu of tight. don't always have to wear a short skirt. >> and don't feel like you're a pretty woman, over-the-knee boot sin appropriate, not that anything was wrong with "pretty woman" but it can look a little -- >> looks amazing. love the trend of wearing them over a long skirt. >> one guy in because we're going to throw the guys a bone since willie is not here. in our effort to throw a bone. come on out, you look so
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