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tv   Today  NBC  January 31, 2016 7:00am-8:00am PST

7:00 am
pp(ae)laus nn(ancou)er dila aesennd gentlem, miss i mitzorgayn.
7:01 am
la(appuse) (ancnnou er)it "mzi"! stngarrizi mitno gayr. la(appuse) thwi g hers.uest.. ..and. noand w, he mre's.itzi he (cg erinapand seplau) o,hell w andmeelco mtoowy sh. shi sould ay my"to ci speal" ane d thonreasse i u w the ord ci"speal" isth so at llyou've be mpry iedress stand itay w h me thfor ole whure ho ind steaayof s ing ."hey yoysu guna gonch wat tzmiyni gar or o? what"huh?
7:02 am
ohis, th! ithisals rerely gat. 'sit p thecterfeng thito e hav y ife ou'rggointo a do vitele ssionhow. u yo wknowhy? 'sitpe a s kcialit. i asent wayr foit. m i'lyreald glad i di tooca beituse e hasthveryining it ithaton'm geena n d tomy do w. sho mecoe, herli tsteniso th. (c inheerd g anauapplse) he(cg erinensuddtoly sps) 'bhow thout at? i n'haveent ev nedoth anyyeing t. it re's gorat fgh lau s--st lio en t.this ou (lugd la)hter (lteaughddr su senly)tops au(lr)ghte (lteaughr) mmm!w hot 'bou!that d anvei haevn't aien sytd an hing y funnyet! llweu', yo ll neguver whess hiat t.s is dni dino't katw whwa it ths ei er uni til treadnshe ititrucons. d anrdaccotoing ki my t,
7:03 am
pp(ae)laus ry eve lbody movesbay by b y ut m dbaby lon'tnoove bodyt bu me n y obodmebut ry eve,body eytht wanabmy b y b y ut m dbaby won'tnoant bodyt bu me t s hat'n plaieeto s he smy is et swe topaieot nd am i ahe vir loanng m no kowws hdo to r he duty l she moves e lio ke nr othe can
7:04 am
ry eve lbody movesbyy ba ut bba my onby dov't lboe no dy mebut n odobbuy t (auspplae) h yea yyeah eah, yyeah yeah,yeeah ah
7:05 am
y yeeah eaah y h, yeeaah yeah, yahh ye ea yyeh , ahahyeea yyeh ,ah ahyeea yyeh ah ho w a! (sincattg) noand w, la adiesennd gentlem, rdwom fro gyour as ancompy.
7:06 am
la(appuse) ytanyoime nnu warna tu e th, pagerei'm ady. i ireadret alady. , oh hi.- i-oui thi ght alwas one. y!he enarou't y.., uh. oooh! oh! or geamge hn?ilto , nonono, m.t hi um ...ll weat, thy 's s?it i oh at, th 's reinte'!stin , ohknyou hoow w u yondremiof me ? weyoll, rtu so a re mminde ooff ne oplthe ttunke otbr bhershoack me. , ohn'i doint th k eni evw kno.them yon'u doowt kn e thkeplunrott bs?ther llweer, ths e warajay y, ray,y ja a jj,aund m.rice ur ma ice? , yeahicmaure.
7:07 am
do i thn't i ink everd haplthe reeasu. u yo'tdidn ? no. , well'sthatll rea y yoosur ls. ohes, bl s myle uncly bil. ok loal at esl th e typretss dreeres he. !whooex mcuseise, ms. t bun'i doint thu'k yo re ossuppo ed th touc.that , welluli wo tdn't touch his g thin awith-f tenpooot le. mei o an t ytell ga, iyot m pureontatith to abink out. mei than, at's kithe f nd os-dres- weyou dar a resske lit tha hbackome, bosomeskdy aus yo yife ou'rcea nil, gir be yforeanou c say aryou yoe-- enu ar't! ye els, wnyl, a bodyul cookd loyo at u teand hall tu't yo re aicerta nly gniceirl. nousw, j t hon ld oe,thereo rom. do i tan't o ke ttiflir n' swithgetranrs. sni wa 't tiflirng. we myll, e nam is maula rde peue. m i' bfrom,ozoo stwegi virnia. irflayt aw , ro fmeo, alirtway. doyou unn't taders nd.wa i fsn'tinlirtg. , well ysee,e ou'r justke li b thebaoys 'ltheyinl dre k th milk thbut oney wo 't dmithe '!lkin t isa hat ?fact -huhuh. we ifll, 'l youcul exe,se mi thave mo gop.akeu u yo mgon'upake wi hoth w? nono, u, yodo unn't tadersnd. nit'shaot tndt kiof eu makp. vei hawe to ar upmake t forhohe sw. -huhuh. mae uricdathe ?ncermm ?
7:08 am
wyes, bell,ye. pp(ae)laus mymy, c, heinerta ly seliems nke aboice y. he b's aooit tge gor ousr foasmy tthte, .ough heal's tdl an erevngythi. !whew ia(phono cplrds g)ayin , okay, guyserlett "b"d ant don' ipusht. (m inen s igingrmn ha ony) h ooo oo e,h-we, boyari he d me psomey rettrebefo, buatt th 's re pallyy.rett hooupe y't dond min me bu' stinin, bu amt i oo a f l thfor heat tonre sg! w,noch whi o oneuf yo mis gitzir?ayno e we'r rjustrsehea ingso a erng he. oh t, issohat ? , wellh whicyoone u n'fixipr to ceactie? her thoh, neis o . ra"lau." , ohra"lau"! ay okys, gu -- mydo, i e lov htothear onat sg. , wello so dthwe. tat's he ospurp te ofrehis sahearl. eato he r ll we, nowsa my noore! l it'ly be msupleasore, n. puyou r t heigin b "d" leand r t he.ring e on ttwo,-fhreeour!
7:09 am
ts foo ttepsyohat aru hedo hewn tl hal l the taughflhat oats son ar ummet nigh t thacayou ven ne r qureite call a ound y l see aura th on aie tr n 'sthatsi pashrng t ough ho tyese e s h amow frilia eythm. see .. g she-ave-ah -ha! ou yryr vest firs kisto you no omw, c, e on bnow,oys. e'therous enorgh words f erevy!ybodn joit righin! mp(stofoing ot) tone,thwo, foree-ur. ha ts t waalaurbu e't shlys onre a d am ha ts t waalaurbu e't shlys onre a d am t wahat urs la a l and'saura dra eam t s hat'(hall ey) pp(ae)lausho ouw 'batt th ? thasat w. fun
7:10 am
evoderyb y's arso dcen ni h outere. vei ned r ha me a erbette. tim i imeaneat, rlly. weyoll, u go t righheon aowad n. wo i n't erboth n youreo mo. m i' gjust--onna oowh! hit'sn ot s it'inknowat' thr you door a iss lway open nd ar you path reis f we to alk m makesnde tele to ave lemy s' epinrobag ulled p nd ash sta ed be yhindcoour uch a t'nd iows kn in' noi'm act sh kled y botforgwoten rds boand nds a hend t s inks tain hthat aveie drond upe soms line ps kee o youe n th rback oads heby ter riv ms ofmoy me ry
7:11 am
t' it s nogiclin n' to r the aocksvynd i p edlantth on coeir s lumn nowat thds bin me so or inmethat' thso dymebod saiusbeca e y theghthou ft weogit trethe lkwa in' i jut's nost kwin' ha te t thd worl nwilleot b rscuorin' gior vin' n whelki wang alo mesolr raitroad anack ndd fi t thareyou'in mov ' on b theroack ads th by vee rif rs oemmy m ory foand urr hou's yousre j t g e entl on myd min ho tthugh eae whelt fi ds thand ote cllihes nes nd a j thearunkyndds a the wahighomys ctwe beuseen om shee otmar wo n's n'cryihe to thr mo er ca 'shuse rne tu ed i and gowas ne s i mtill right un inen sil ce
7:12 am
t thaersumm m sun bightmeurn 't 'mil ind bli b otut nwh to i ere otcann seeu yoinwalk t' onache badk ro s th by vee rilors f wing legentmy on d min d iy ip mofcup p sou back m frorga gu clin'lirack n' caonuldrso in rame tarin y d be my s ard'uga rongheni alcoe pil d a hirty pat'sd ulle lowro acy ss m face hr t coughd uppeshand ou'rhend t c tin an re i p ttendldo ho you m toeay brndst ad fin t yohat mu'regovin tonache badk ro s y brithe vers y of mrymemo r eveinsmil ', gevere ently on m mind
7:13 am
w ii ish was he (cg erinapand seplau) i p keeinhearu'g yo re conenceroud ab ht myneappi ss ll am thegsthin u'yoayre stoing me on cncscie e, i s gues l, weli if waslk wainin' r yous shoe ou i wt ldn'y worr none ou y y andfrour siend wisedorriut 'bo me 'm iin hav g lof ts o fun ou cg ntinerflow s on w the all t thatdon' thboe er mllat a yi plaolng sreitai lltin daw w a ith odeck f 51 mo s ckingetigar tes nd aat winch g "ctaap kingaano"ro , now n'do ttchameell 'v ithe no ing d to o
7:14 am
i av'm hloin' f ts o fun ou cg ntinerflow s on w the all ha tn't do t bo mther ae at ll yi plaolng sreitai lltin daw it w h a odeck f 51 ki smoigng ctearet s w andinatch g "cinaptaga kan roo" on del't t l me e i'vinnoth dg to o 't donl tel me e i'vinnoth d' to o 't donl tel me 'v ithe notoin' do 't donl tel me e i'vinnoth d' to o op(who ing) pp(ae)laus
7:15 am
y, boea i m tn toyoell u, foyou golks ovn' lise th keliog a hes lovp! slo pp(ae)laus
7:16 am
,yeah lli'ri be baght ck. (auspplae) 'bhow out !that ocomew.n no okloat t. tha anerd thame's a ericindanc'. an y ybodt don' tlikekihat fnd oda ' ncint ain'iopatrtic, u yo wknowi hat ?mean yoowu knt wha i-- !whoo pp(ae)laus hothw's at! (c inheerd g anauapplse) tone,thwo, foree-ur. (auspplae)
7:17 am
yo y u pa cyournsurar iance ium prem clikerklockwo . h montmoafter nth. a yeareafter y nen one, yoighthyu nedroplaa into h.ditc ...yeah iyourancensurpa comteny u lls yoay uto paip ag n.y whr pay forancinsue hif you pave to ay enevfo more g r usinit? if av you hrte libe muy dtualbleducti e fund , yo ulu conod pay de ibleductal at l. gn sito i up iammedowtely lyoer educur de $10 keand erep low $ing it 100nu anunally, 'stil ite. gon en thnu contiare to e n $thater100 ev.y year e'ther ls no timito w ho ymuchanou cn ear thand avis s aingsesppli toev veery e hiclouon ylir pocy. ca ll rnto lea more. chswitlibe to murty tual d yo anulu co ud save50p to $ 9. ibcall l mutertyual
7:18 am
r see carancinsu e inwha w ole net.ligh
7:19 am
b blue, lue wo my isrld e blu y mdworl bis lue i now 'm wit thou you y, gray gra y m ilifeays gr
7:20 am
g , reenn gree je my salouhe art ou i d ybted ou anw d noe we'rt apar ck blaac, bl k n thesight vei'wn kno y nowreou ae, goni' l m ale alon w wehen met t howrihe bsught n e shon n the dlove ied ow n r theowainb gis one ru(chongs siining nc fre h) ggris ris, le l ciegrest .is.. it (mpezi sg)akin styey,erdawe we ogre tr.ethe myand e lif s waweso set budat to y yo gu'reone
7:21 am
n wheetwe m ow h b thet righ sunon sh e n the dlove ied t nowaihe r nbow onis g e g , reenn gree m aly jeheous art i bt dououed y nd a w now ae're part b blue, lue y md worlluis b e wo my rld luis b e i nowit'm w yhout ou
7:22 am
pi tapng) th aat'sy vertairri nting,oise n'is?t it huh? , wellouof c rse, oeit d bsn'tr otheme bee causthi'm e e on'sthat kimaheng tse noi. t buouto y, o or tneanyo's whoin try g to enconce tratomon sngethi, rr(ieditat ) 'sthaty vertairri.ting lit's uike, h, mislam dng aoor. r (doos)slam th oeat d bsn'tr otheslthe r.ammo
7:23 am
esi guers evy ybod sdoeshiomet ng ithatatrritomes s.eone , wellinfor cestan -- (p rhone)ings o?hell an(m ) -mi tzi? - yah? ue ghoss w! llwe, now ghriayt aw, yoowu kns it'onsomeu'e yo re negover gunna ess. yobut owu knt whadoyou ? acyou lytual try ueto ghoss w. wewhll, i ile hesit re any d trueto ghoss w, lii'd ouke yme to omet s e of thmy oxaer eatsperfring s.iend ok , ayt'leses e.'sll. bith smi omfrro detit. uh - -uh! , it'situh, h.'s u .. lecharlss wion? e i se her, s she't righ hoverere. o,hellni joa e! (aisir k)sing ni(joa e) . hi m i'orso s'mry ie, lat u yo hknowheow tff tras.ic i haouve yer ord ed? - yeoh, 'ms, iin hav-g a- wewhll, reat a h youg?avin ch- a n icked salawisandch. , - ohlyrealli daryong, ouu sh ld tre y thrcwate.ress i ,meanit bs's aelolutviy dine. , well ai'vedylrea reorded. 'moh ie sur wthey mon't-ind-wa !iter erwait f, myd rien hhere as chd angemiher hnd--a! sh goe's hanna heve ter watscresin d steai and k thin hi'll..ave.
7:24 am
i'avll hche a n ickedsala ndsa, wichyes. tnow,meell l alt abou nyourouew hse. jui anst cwanot o it titsee ! oa (j nie) oh 's, itt juserwond ful. as at a mofter t, fac w wed anteavto hu e yotoand m ov rier ffoday nnr dier. it or's s ot ofouur hrmsewa ing, yo owu knth, noeling atabore. st ju a youhend tth smi s an e d thysrile. , oh awe'dutbsol elyve lo it! cahen i lp dwithr,inneet swet?hear thoh, s ere'innoth dg to o, re .ally jui'm onst g na x fi hsomergambuers. yeoh, h-s, uhuh. i oh, know mothe anst fictastad sal! hayou o ve tmelet ng bri it! - weoh, fill, ne-- , oherwond ful, ouof crse, rity eall is a belot wttertuith .rkey -rk tu ey? - 'sthat it. i ahavepo 30-tuund rkey y in mzefreer th'vat iene bein sav g fostr ju r the pight.arty ohrl, da ing, indarl ig, it.nsis leatt th be oumy hrmsewagiing ft. ur- yot. gif .. no- etw, lee's s. avwe h e thrke tuey. wee havsathe lad, avwe he-- llwe n, wea eed lyrealal, re ly gohiod winte wone, de?'t w - n'i doint drk. d ansia polytive rrte dificrtesse. ni(joa e) i' am ont. die y bettrtrobe 's sterrawboury s.ffl\ yo n'u doowt kn, herouof c-rse- .- no buu t yo awillutbsolloely ve hefur-- nny!
7:25 am
thno, e ey'rfrnot ee, no. th lwey aplays riay b dge twithoohe c opersidn fray. i - t don' bplaye.ridg an- joie? u yot don' imindttf beiny br gs thope co ders,u?o yo cofe,oursif h youthave ope coers, shyou hould avee thanalex.ders oh ne, hohiy, t gs is onna ucbe seah grn.t fu i oh, cjust wan't ait. lenow set's e. hwethave ite sm hs, avwe he e thysrile. avwe he e thercoophes, t exalrsanded , anmathe llrshas. - hamars lls? n'i doent evw kno-who- jo - an? a?- wh - muyou e st by.craz s,- ye. yes u'yoevll ne er b able eato sl t ale thoslepeop! kn i ow! 'lwevel har youewhousngarmi matacy ple! no ee, swrtthea , i stinsi. af alter eal, d r. (kiss) whate arndfrier?s fo llwean, jo ie, ali rerely, hallytoave . run bu - dot i knn't ow-- 's- ittl seted. it - ll's atl setswed, eaeethrt. fr- .iday id- fray. oumy h se. k blac atie,igll rdaht, g?rlin , well-bgoodswye, eaeeth rt. - buuh, t-- vei lo, youindarl g. i'eell s s youoon. lli'd finaymy w. out e,byli darbyng, e. ni(joa e) do i evn't iken lrke tuey.
7:26 am
ha - rry? h?- hu - yoare leu asdeep, ar? - uhuh-h. e'thermes sogthin hai o ve t, knowy.hone at wh? atwhyo do ntu wa d forrinne moto?rrow wh at? ll wee,, se m i'mg-akin - y-hone- mai'm oking ut romy g lceryist i and ywanto ou t mtellate wh u yo fwantinor dtoner owmorr. ro(gg)anin i oh, t don'.care at wh yeveranou wixna f. ohu , yothsay owat nt, bu moto nrrow aightnnt dier, reyou'na gon say h "ihaad tr t foh,lunc" omor sngethib dum tlike hat. knyou owow h a yous lwayget. - nei ho dstly con't are ywhatavou he. , uhdeyou , cideindarlg. , - oh ocomewen, sarethe t, tee,ll mt whaoudo yt? wan oudo yt wan ham? oudo yt wan?stew ydoanou w t robeast ef? ll- tewh me ouat yt. wan ay- okay, ok. ha - m. ha- m. al- ghl ri t. go - igod nht. odgoht nig , dear. ry(harre snos) y!harr hu - h! wh tat'sathe m ter mwithewy st? aw th, nos ing'mathe tter ywithstour ew. lo i ouve yewr st. fi x e th!stew yo idu sa w youd anteham. ,look ani chmyged d. min wa i tent sw. --well-- hon
7:27 am
rei alwrady doote amwn h. le itave . ham ll i'e havham. norl, da ying,aiou su d yo wantew st y ande ou'ra gonnstget ew. ew stm?? ha at whhe's tfe dife?renc n'i doret ca. at s thintmomel , alnni wa a do o is gleto sep. n'i donnt waina th k ou abnnt dier. ho n w caini thouk abnnt dier wh e en wn'haveent ev had kfbreayeast t? ff(sni)lingha ..rry. reyou'ol absy utelt.righ me i yoan, e u arlyrealal, re ly, lyrealal, reigly rht. - .yeah i, i' i, rrm soony, hey. aw 's, ity. oka od goht nig. (k iss) ngood.ight ar(hnory sres) s)(kis rrha y? - !huh? dwhatu o yo fwantreor bstakfa? (auspplae) oo (dl rbels)ring
7:28 am
hioh, , mrdas. ams! oh ll, healo, s ly. no hew, tld chiarren lee asep. an 'ld we al bee t thncrege y th r eateouif yd neeme. , - ohrethe y?genc -h- mmmm. yooh, gu're gonnao et t see ss"gue's whoth in ose clet?" s, yes it'fiour nirst ought t in r fouhsmont an 'rd weale rexcly e.ited it - er's tc.rifi 's itpo suptosed be eaa grvit moe. ohy,, bo'r youte no nngolia beiteve ! bo rey, a e yougover nna urbe sedpris! u yo see,is thl gir agoestoway e capcod to t tryrgo fo et heyfr bodrien o whiemarrr s heersist tinpehe o sning.cene ohd,, an, and and doyou knn't t ow it righ,away t buomit cutes oit a lbitle t lainter p thereictu thate' shmps teilorariny bld. ayanywe', sh s in cthisgeottae?, se an'sd itnd thug erinitand 's liinghtnd g an rit'sngaini ane d sh sees mthisreurder ane d thermurdeeer srs he tcwa,hing hsodee hi s in c hert,lose? see mei atan, st lea t you hink ait's he, butet la, r onfiyou utnd o o wheait rislly d , anboy! yoare u severisurpred! au 'couse yw kno o whs?it i hit'siser ster! itbut ot's nll rea y hestr sier anu d yotcan' llte d thereiffence l untilathe cest shene w n ahe's tboutllo ki. her d anwihis llg faf.s of llween, th j she ust tsfaind dea, awaysee? shand tse hi h her ead t onndhe as.iron
7:29 am
witllas are a dam. y, bo'r youale ren ly ia for lot s ofisurprites wath thtu picre. 'swhats? thi rs(mam. ad s) , uhk than syou,.ally i s guesonwe we 't binneedug yo ghtonitet afl.r al ouso ys guy nngoaya ste, hom? huh ye - s. we- i ll, t don'e blamya. mothe s vie' not gthat areaty.nywa oh ! reyou'na gony sta,home e'therbes a mtter ovie elon tioevisnin toght! "t erhe tofror y"! , oh tgee,s hat'cta pi ure we be've yien do ng tsee! aboy,oure yr eve in a for risurpse! tsee,schis isientd t an his frgirl giendf o ofamto j--aica (auspplae) okokay, ay. vei gino up w. o wht?is i to - ttm ma!hews oh! matom wstthe! n'i doowt knon any e natomed ttm ma.hews at thob's ns ody'tfaul yobut wnur o! yooh, u. foavr he sen's.akes w,no't isnt thaedincr?ible wei ll, know ofall a youayre sing
7:30 am
th erey w men'tthe eier. i no, k thin i've llfinaary letoned tr conol mof st oirthe tiritahing t ngs ithatan do ..d uh. , wellseit u bd to e kif nd owibad e,th m t bu now, sti ju't don., uh i t don'lyrealhe botthr wi-- hey. heouy, yw knoe'therrts di tonlehis ns? re lyal. rithght ere. la(appuse) pp(ausla e)
7:31 am
tt prer y fo me 's shett pre y mefor a f ll otithe me s phe'syrettfo r me nd ani mornong, anon, ghd ni t ituc's splh a reeasuse to e eo somoone l pkingyrett stju m for e p y rettmefor 's shett pre y mefor ve er n heghthou ts p areyrettfo r me i andu f yo severeree h , wiyou avll h ae to gree hi tarngs oke lopring etty fjuste or m n whe hyour ieartavs he y anlld fuca of re a t ll a,oncehe ngr siwiing illl fe l th air gi(sinonng cestinu ) (auspplae)
7:32 am
he sre's pfotty r me s eto pr ty mefor e hery in mt hear s phe'syrettfo r me a f nd ivei lili my itfe weh on lasy ovelheas s t whaeta prlaty p ce myld world wou be pp(ae)laus
7:33 am
7:34 am
u yoy pauryoar can insurcepr liemium lockke mo aftenth ntr moh. yeftar yea enthig one nuht, yodrop hy ilanedinto a tch. ye ah... sesurpri... nsyour i curanceny ompalltetos you p pay un.agai pawhy iny for esurancif y avou haye to p morevenr e foitusing ? you ife havyliberttu mueducal de tibl,fund yo ulu conod pay de ibleductal at l. gn sito i up iammedowtely lyoer educur de $10
7:35 am
en thnu contiare to e n $thater100 ev.y year th s ere'imno loit t muhow ouch y e canarn an isd thin savppgs a tlieso er evhiy veoncle r youcypoli. ll ca to l mearnore. tswitchrto libetualy mu u and yod sacoulp ve $50 ca erll libuaty mut l r a fo qfreeoduote tay at se ine car e surancin ola whlie new ght. li y mubert itualcensuran .pp(ae)laus n'isist th aanngmazien inv?tion 's it a hadcrn inleediblu inf ence heon tld wor. h itduas ed,cate foin, rmedrtented.aine uitt h, i-sbabyits. 'sitll reaity quaze am ing peand s,rhap
7:36 am
atthan stronge cerglomnatio 'vwemee cokn to ndow ae. lov l"theshate ow." an(mtv on ) , hindfries! ceonin aga's, it me, insmilnig erdee anrson i'and ilm sm ingca bei'use rem he uron ode won rful sptrantiortaoton l. whweere l selsptrantiorta on cars. noybw ma e yollu cam thendsecos, car if'r youtwe a ro-cafa .mily an id ifd sol youur yost fir, car sui'm oure yd nee sea ccondar. we, llrehet esthcae hrse avouthndsaofs usun medesilef lint he tm. int facheof tte mat r, wee havt a lonuof uthsed ings th watfie indthn .em hu(click)ng dan eythea're o sy tbuy. ey thno're rdt ha btoikuy le e th cgoodars. d anlenow got's k bacnoto a ther e,movila a c, ssic 1from961. il "pfilow !ght" om(wquan sngeali) oh!! oh ohoo! , oh oh, k,brecas plee. nei imed t te to!hink ke ta t allimhe t e wayou nt.
7:37 am
llweec, brk... i't. nooh, , snit iou't y. it us's jatt th , ,well e we'v konly enownotach herr fow a fet.shor.. ar yes. whoh, iy am asod?frai wh n'y cabet i a wreal?oman i wish uli colpd he, you i but hneed elp lfmyse. broh, yeck!o!ou d !my atthus's jndt wol!erfu te tell, ll! (m )itzioh ! , welle thertisn'mu o ch t.tell it us's jatt th, i'mwe afll, oraidmef won. , ohfohow atrtune! nor t fo-you- r fome! k.brec brbut aeck,holl ttose s ries t abou tyourd orri aloversffai! ju ubst ptylici. (c)rash enth'r youale re ly jus st a agoodams i .
7:38 am
(i timitaocng rdsk hu on)ma i eny evbe be .tter , oh'sthat ndwol,erfuck bre. s now'hamy c nce bob.. nle. soi'm d glayo deu unndrsta. oh do, i er undd.stan d-an!- oh i twillo ry t!help fobe tres hiesgo y anrtfur.he.. ec brk... ecbr'lk, istl jue havnoto k w whouat yter innsntio. are breck? breck! h! ooo ohll, we. nit wever ouldve hake wort.d ou
7:39 am
(ausppla e) okthay, s is iern. t noinsmiln,' ert jusern. i sbeenintandre' he for h 18, oursnoand ' thinenhappin'. ouso yt wano me te?smil mei yoan, au'remet hobe in d hiwatcovn' mies. d ansti'm onuck s thilocar t anm d i'ingettli' a httleot. thyou itink as's etcy wa hin' e thesmycrumie movs t nighr aftet?nigh yoinu th'sk it funr fome, ngowni o andtipera ng a cabig por em?rium wiixth sar seploate oncatis? thyou ink kei lilo my lt inife? n'i doent eve likmy d lotowowntn! gsoolood n ' eromis c in' dto aioecisn. omfr o now n, yo ou'reurn yo. own orno m-ye yo o se' llincars to un a bf ch oatungr eful ryblead -eyeiezombs. i'llm caa ing ancab ttd ge in' a woyou wnder hy i'llm caa in' cab usbecagoe i out thssand cofarars houndere. ll wem , i't,smar atthhy's w. sni waor't bstn yey.erda woi 'tuldn i gete n onheof t se le imons hf ithead wonels it! d anknyou ow ywhatanou c do? cayou ayn stal up ghl ni t, wathtch xte neie mov, e th mnext,ovieth xte neie mov, i'but avm le cin',.lyde loi'm onng ge. thlye onng thian i wft of toflohis tt issihat gn!
7:40 am
, welln'i caldt hoth rte cumuain onch lger. , look, lolay.hone maheybe t jus n'ainnt go ha beere. lli wine, hoy. ki'llhoeep pin' too. an d, ohla, lo. oc knm k 'e tdeadhtonig. ggdoitone ! e mayboui sh ldald to her thelat tm egra said wbillisas m isingtin acon. i but hknowucow mish thw shome toans , her uand,h... i k thinouhe wdolda ne sathe hime tng. reyou'ol absyutelri pght,ops. wo i hauld ve. llwe , thyoank onu, s. !bill w, nos. pop ho sw ishe? e'shnns go a be t greanow. ca i rdn haaily w t elto tr l hereyou'k. bac , nono. n'i dontt wa her k toi'now rem he. i- do- i han't ve lveryong. m i' oonly n -ma 20e inut.pass
7:41 am
buout, yt jus t go!back iit--n't do t seaiem fr! ir fa? it un's fpony, ps. fabut ssirnems seeg lon agod anawfar ay. pp(ae)laus
7:42 am
la(appuse) d(tapnganci)
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(r m hythgechan js toazz) th(rhytum retorns gi ori nal esorch vtralonersi) th(rhyanm ch ges alto wtz)
7:44 am
thyoank vu somuery ch befor heing re. pei hoyo eu'veednjoy s ourhow. lii'd o ke tkthan gmyouorgeess guts. wet ren' sthey?uper pp(ae)laus d anpei ho a you nd i t doaghis reain ooal sn. anthu.k yo odgoht nig. he (cg erinapand seplau) er(cheaning pld ap ause lgetsr)oude oh! ana st odingonvati! secour c you an'te seit. tbu atthha's w it its. k thanyou. (c inheeropg sts) no(kg)ckin atwh? now
7:45 am
goigod nht.
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