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tv   Dateline NBC  NBC  January 31, 2016 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

7:00 pm
s. mrable ven e will bdoright wn. e th aothersere,re h a justass you ked. il -wu shl yoheow tinm sto theoom,un ras ple-oe? sef courctor, do . hy-caty., hone-l , mraterols. h ly. do , ctor i havee thgs ythinanou w ted he in ting oh, k than you. door[ se clo s ] wh gat'sn oing ohere? vi [ olet ]sorri'm ky toueep yoin waitr. cg, dwiukro cz, t i butohad th get peose paou wrs yd.ante sli miryay eve thing. my a sonsalways id, "mot iher,-"f you- wh yat arewo ou tdo reing he? an ed wher dwi cukro cz?why, ho i tyought teu invi.d us cudr. z krowicmeasked to t ask chem to
7:01 pm
rse. . dradhockst er, want i t you o meet s myr-iniste, -lawo-mrs. h- -w s here ierincath e? n -in the ucould, h--co s.uld mr a hollyer snd h on it was for uhe gin tn?arde of rs couhie. fox ll. n' i do t knowwhy ybever ody isin be mysg soouteris. ghi brousot you ofme as seb ptian's apers,ds a odndnd es. thisand , inthe thwag you .nted yo on'sur s h deaticcertif ate? -i w knoinhow pa ful musthis ft be--or youn -iish.span ca-in dse youreon't paniad si sh, have--d -i reaish.span lloh. weve, i haa tr atansl see you , wathere yss no m,tery m nowhatter at girlthe d sai tat the ime any orer oth time. say ite s th body so was at..mewh . ge damaald in f.ling here-w h did?e fallth -on ounde gr . er wh de elseu fao yo ll en whie you d hein tun hot s ... in tr the s seet of omedf gon orsakee?villag y -did hou seeodyis b t when ituwas re? rned-i a t was ivprimituntre co y.he -tn coffi tocamese us aled.d?-seale
7:02 pm
ors. hi ars hepet stophed and l. felll i'in wait ar the gnow.den th what is u ere yo me?want -y yes, ifl.ou wil h-dr.deocksta let yo show my su gon'sarden. it ery 's vuaunusl, li dke the awn cre ofn.atio bast ses ian'.garden i stcan y.ill cr ream i dthaming is?it do-- it seesn't eal.em r ri-cathe ne? ?-yes wo yould ou take ff jacyourket? it e's timfor heanotctr inje ion. wh itat is tthis ime? so inmetherg diff ent. -t thhe tru? serum , -yes texcept here is n cho su. thing as ? truth tor truhe sthum?er th tere is, alruthghl risot. e.mewher dow sit
7:03 pm
ed? ydo enjou oy co tiun bacngarkw?ds oh i lo, ive t.stjuit love .oh 0,! 10 98 99, 96 97, , 95-- i feoh! t el iy.alread -h nyow fun -c. yloseesour eyr fonutea mi . ca inthere, wa i ou nt y g to sive mengomethi .na ime it.yourt's s. nt yi wao ou tegive mal ur rl yotaesis nce. re ancesist w? to hat?-t e tro th -true is ththinone g ni haveesever rd.iste
7:04 pm iabastid,n sa th i"tru ts attohe botofm otto a bs mleswell." diwhy d-- ouopen y.r eyes diwhy trd you y kil tourl yoself? t isn' that evewhatdyrybo? wants ome oute waf th y? ermoth geo and rgegewould r t theiy. moned you'urget yoin build g. v aunt i-- go o n.-y w ou kno i twhat hinkre you'g tryino? to dha -wt? i k thinre you'ngtryipn to hymeotize .u' yokire loot meng a.. soig. stra ht. dyou'reomoing sng ethira st mnge to ye witheyesour . yeyour eis ts-- hatwh 'rat youyinge trdo to ? that-is t whayo iu feeloing'm d ? ee -i fecl... pr.ulia
7:05 pm
-- oeit dussn't j tt have o do wwithu hat yoe.gave m erincath e, i' inm puttmyg out ds. han want i t you o putur yods i hanminto ne andve giall me ryourncesistae. pass t allishe res tance fr ouom ys r handininto m e. aherehare my nds,bu e't ther nos is resintance them. ou -yll'll teru the tory?e st , -yeslli-- i'. try g nothinoknot sp even.hierytd ng toly.exactl er evng eyt usbecavee i ha n i--n i caupget ? s, o yeurf co se, be but eful car . ll you'a feel le dlitt.izzy caoh! i
7:06 pm
an std up. no n.w i ca h, i -oiz'm dlpzy. he me. -it' l s al right.yo allu'reht rig. ho e.ld mi' n ve beeonelso l y.t let me! le leme!.t me esi suggu t yo hebring idr outs e, y if'tou don d mind,r.octo we be'll o right
7:07 pm
he atllo, c.herine w, c noriatheu'ne, yongre goi elto ttrl the ryue sto . -w o here dt?i star -w veherethr you ink sta it.rted i itthink rted sta d theseay n bastiabornwas , s in thihouse. ---cathy d -i minon't d. s let'lastart anter tht. tha n'why doegt we b in th wisu last mmer? su-last ? mmer su-last mmer. ho d w diinit beg? beg afteelthe duoaksing . don-oh,el't tabl atout ththy-, ca - ho-mrs. onlly, dnter't i.rupt r afteapthat h pened,e ne thorxt m sning i tarteditin wr dg my.iary.. in hi the tersord p n ul singchar, su "sh as, e isil stngl livis mo thig,rnin" an meating th. i was
7:08 pm
i dncoulgo o't nyut awhere. tthat'sthhe tru . e sh'twouldn t leaveoom.he r s justreat the -- or [ ge ge ] up,shuta. mam i wo wruld ite, w"sheup eoke arly m this.orning hashe cod her ffee,esse drend, w t forie a brlk."f wa ho -w? did he -s. did di i d. "f esrom adeplan c totranal s eet, "a ous thnggh beipu d byrsueac a p k erof sibwolvian es. ent "wugthro h e all th sigstopns. "c n't ould waitth for n e greegnsials. re"whehe did s k shthins e wa going,ba o thck tele duksing oa? "ethveryching ndilly a. dim bu ht that ot,ra mvenous"outh-- he w aasery v dinaorarry manried m.
7:09 pm
, well'rif you ste alill teive afg,r dyinthen 'r youiee obedctnt, do or.i he me took ow downt a pn tolace wh there akeey tss pahoport p tos. aid,he s r "mothegocan't oad abr e with mumthis s mer. yo gu'reo oing t go me with sthis ummerst inof mfad r.othe" exce hapt tast it wde her i a, t no his. cu [ z krowics. v] mrleenab. nd y-acoour ebusin s?astiane he -h blpedering m t backfe.o li inis parel, barcomona, r ale--osl thlye lovegn foreities ci n i'deeever s n-- weog saw tether. an osd th e-- idwhat dcall he m? the suthose dnshine whays,itere ay's alw s noonwe cand noast ws shado. ut -bn-- theut -bwh then at? at lfi, ama gh ahivebohe m titedraneer,an -iinrdn a ga en,to i aok his rm. kr[ cu]owicz u yo histook. arm yes? eeit skemed li sucha na l turatothing do, t he bule pul.d away
7:10 pm
er. di onlyt toid i tryan md showprecy aponiati s for hindki.ness dn i dit 't wan thto--waere ins noth.g else an,ywayas it w i therealfin am , dd sulaenly, ummest s r, h thatne bega e bstlere ass--nd go on. hhe--uldne coo 't g on.he ld couwritn't hie ers summ poem. ve i haot his nk heeboo re.e? se ti - tle-of"poem r" summe . d antethe dathe of ersumm. 1937 d . anthafter at, k pablan bges.aglank p es. ing,noth n but.othing e th's vpoetioocatisn hi somethatng tre ssts onngomethi f anine d thin was thef a eb oerspid. it ll's aho that m lds hi, overou est of dontructi .ry ve are few abl d toloo it a ne.t greas help i.needed id -i dit give sh. dne di 't. r-she's.ight fa i imiled hwasn. i bl't atoe th keep b fre wereom baking.
7:11 pm
e. ther the nowth tru 's ocomingnow ut. e mayb she'llmi adat rt why ealledhappen. t -whappdid ha en?ow -hil she km.led hi
7:12 pm
wh f at ihayou med a ldica geemerawncy roay fmem ho ?hemy curst hi ts. t can'thbreae. ywhateeou n md ise er ams ica'ieprembir mole di mealcal syert .stem
7:13 pm
t bu mwithe obil,help yo t u ge ohelpdeutsi h theome, wi ovth ce eragonnatiwide o onf ne olathe t rgesulcellar tw ne,orks at p the oressbuf a .tton i seprese d thonbutt and w lobeand tholdmehe ecyrgenca itme wmihin s,nute th wiinin m.utes mo hbiledielp ved sali my fe. q nostuen ioouabtht .at riit byongs liu reo ef t thereentiil fam y... to w kno ithatu f yoonare the..goou. ye havrisecuty. yifreou ae. hom.. hayou ecve sy.urit n i canygo ae whernni wa ga too, enevi if loam ane. bimoelle hepp ke gs me.oing it re's gecat b iausenot's stt juco ednfinth to hoeir ..use. h whic ftheylieel heke tvey hato y stahein tomir he. th ivis ghees te m thdofreem g toouo fot a r lkwaf ieythan cor fo go rir a de d ancoi red mmenlemobip helto bo anydy hell tbe num yr onscour reen fo frr a ee,fu olll croor be.chur l we'l ysendevou hierytyong edu ne! in includisg thse bati staon, pathe edtentil mobvie dece, an e d thrpwate proofntenda d ant wrisonbutt. cayou son al t addalhe fttl buon
7:14 pm
an gnd siheals velp e yn ifreou a nsuncosciou d anleunabpr to thess tte buon. ca odll tnday aei rec rve a isk-fr 0-ee 3trday ial. th isere eq no enuipm bt to uy an ld noteong-onrm ct.trac a for telimimed ti, yollu wio alsivrecea e efreeenmergeycy k box th wir you pplanasurche. in jo t theanhousf ds olepeop onnatiwide al y readg usinlemobip. hel if k youthnow t at islpheoued y an u d yo tknowithat hasd save lyourife, y whdnwoulou't yl telwothe rld? n'dottt seorle fed a m aicallertemsystt tha wonly aorksmet ho. re ermembmo... hbileelp. mo hbileelp. molebiel h p.
7:15 pm
idwhat dal reappely h
7:16 pm
we t wen ezto caboba de l o. udand, s denly, he tc swiomhed fr eventhe tingsbeo the ach. om frve the e nings the toch bea? i , frmeanheom tng eveni s he ato tnofter ons. en suddusly, coebasin s tiange chanhed to terno aft onshe on t. beach t ki-whaf nd oh a beac?was it wa as itli pubacc be h? es -ybl, pu ic. s li-it' sttlenttateme s like th haat t ht awa . -mrse.venabl af l ter al toli'veud yo hiabout stids faneious ss, yocan ptu acce a ssuchmetate nt? th asat seboutian wo ld gev y ery dae to somy, fdirt reebl puchic bear a neaorharb? at wh sheeverts wany, to sawa i er tnt hy o sa it. go on. do i ntn't wa o to g on. y everrnooafteu n yo and ouyour csebasin n stia wouldo go t frethisble puchic bea. asit we n't thnefree othe . ofree rne was ight xt t ne.o it th waere ncs a fe e een betwfrthe chee bea and e be ththach weat we ..nt to.
7:17 pm
ee. d an dingythin happe therethat tu disourbed y? -y es. t?-wha he gh bou t me ina bathit g sudi i andn't weat to w r. ugi la shed. i aid, can "iea't w.r that t'why, ians a sc dalto ay the j"birds. [ iccukrow z ] do whatmeyou an? iswas tht im suistmode? it w as aecone-piine bathit g su omadee f whitinsometh g. the but rwatema trde it arenansp t. i himtoldid i d n't t wantim io sw.n it hebut us jabt grd beanmy h d an ged drag d me in heto t. water al e wal th.y ind and i-- an cai utme ong looki. naked krow[ cu] icz whyd dio thhe ddoat? you w knowe dihy hatd th? ye s. rato attenct att.tion [ owiccukr z ] ecwhy? b ause he t hthouger you wlye lone ?di hid he t henk ld cou y shockouou yout ofprr de?ession yo wu know hy s i waitdoing . ld yi toou. was i urprocfoing r him.
7:18 pm
or. th mpat eblty nue jayookotebgo ert biggig and b ger,so big, was it a bigtynd emp, alikeem big, pty blue a sea.nd sky d an lbefore ong, t wheneathhe waser wr warme the and h beacwdso cro ed, he t didn'e need moreanym atfor thse purpo . the fonese rom th free h wobeaccluld erimb ovth nce.e fe .. or ar swim it.ound so e' now hmed let r weaa ddecentitark su , d and i'a go to way fara end bof thendeach ate wricapostd rds ans.letter .. an ud keep p thi myerrd purson jonal... itills tit wa me t to meetshim ou idebathe esthhouse on thet.stre w heomould ct...e ou ow foll ed. ow[ cukr] icz d who' hfollow im? e hu th yngryeooung patple th clhad ovimbed fer the encefr fom theacree be h. p he'dt ass ou tipson am,g them
7:19 pm
m. d eachthay owd e crbigot gger, no gisier,ier.reed at t, w lasope stgoped t ing oue.ther an r d afte? thataf u ter yod stoppeg gointo ub the paclic be h? nethen o, a daydafew ys r afte stowe'd gpped oing to out bea thech-- w it as ina blazite g whday. ot -nzi a blaot bng hdalue y, a but ing blazwhhot e.ite on ?-yes awe hade lu lat nch a aty, shabbely lon rarestauthnt by a the seere. ba sewastian ites wh t asthhe wea er. he o had n e a whit suisilk t, it a whe tie, a wh paite nama. kand hetoucept hinghi as faceis tnd hthroa ndhere are.. the . th wite a whi si anlk hiedkerch f... d po angppinli hittle willste p isinto h a mouthhe tll time. d an hi knewhae was vingba a wd times ith hit anhear d i thathtt frig himened-- and
7:20 pm
"i w think done've e be caloza de i thbo. inkwe ne've do don it,ou't y?" ghi thou dt we' en th w there therechose ildrenthalong ach, ic whfeh was offnced irwith w e thefromta resurant. blour talee was thss yan aayard awom fr wir thence fe e... d anchthose .ildren er ths a e wa oband.f themth ookeey lked lick a floof cked pluds bir. an cd theyrtame da upingth to fe wire.ence.. f as i bthey'dbleen therown te byd,he win by t the-- he hote wiwhitrond fsem the a. d thanerey wl e alg callin out,, "pananpan, p." -t wehey lire cal bng for? readhe -t gy madeg obblines noisth wi m their..ouths. st nguffi f their ists to t in mheir..ouths. d an gmakingg obblines noisth witf frighnsul gri . w werrere so y 'd weto come la the p ce,bu ast it wat too l go.e to hy w-wt as itetoo la? to go tol -iu.d yo
7:21 pm
sbut hedoaid, "lookn't ho at ttlse litnstee mors. eg "bregars aia a socseasl di e hi in ttrs coun y. f "iokyou loem at th , geyou ot sickcof the y.untr s its poilth e e wholy countryou.for " [ owiccukr z ] go on. n.go o o gon. oii am gng on. - the-- ththe-nde bahi of cbeldren toganen ser.ade us t-began?o whatlay -pusfor i, onennstrum ts. e mu-mak isic, f youco calluld mu it sic. -o h? th insteir ntrume--s were theweretr ins umentsof cuss perion. u -do yohaknow wmeant i ? -y stes, inntsrume p ofioercussike n, ls?drum d anaras fs auli comad utke o hein thi wlate b ze t of shebeand ach, - ththe-ste insrument tinweres can tstrungher.oget .. an and-- d-d-- anan- ts od bitaf meotl, tsher bimeta of l...
7:22 pm
o -int what?-c ls, ymbaknyou ow? -y ases, bratess pl gehit to ther.-tha att-thht's rig. nstin catten flauted oan cld-and d toasheergeth . s.cymbal otthe adhers h ... her otgsthin , rtall so this ofngs, th tingseyhat the'd mad or ke picn d up oacthe be h... aketo m soa-- a nort of ise. a- a mu- a- sic,ma ode outise.f no o on -g . a -ig m goin cothing opuld stnow. me ur yosin coustseba ian,s wanterhe eedtainhi by ters conc t? ri-ter of fied wh th i rink hezeecogni sod f me osithe mucians, me sothe of ,boysbe chtween ood ildholand der. dwhatdoid he d ? diomplhe c ain mto the aanager it?bout anwhat mgoager? d? u youndon't nddersta oumy c sin.-how yo do ?u mean- -he-ccephe aalted l... -- asw as hogs
7:23 pm
ver. ev ugen tho kneh he w at whwf was a ul s waawful, hathat ws wrt wa ongwa g,s wron ughe thot unht iinfitt g ve to eke ar tactny a ion ou abythit anhang wr,tsoeve exce o pt tdogo on ing ometas s ihingdin him .rected at dwhhiid tths someining dir himhiect o?m to d udhe sy pudenl hshed imself f awaythe rom e tablidand sa, y'"the tve got to stop hat. tmakeophem st that. noi'm wellt a . manha i eave a hondirt c.tion's itg s " wthathe fas t tirst ime outhat csebasin nstiad hattever aed..empt . reto cor ct huma a tun siation. th i atink th thatwas fahis rotal err. tahe sutlked oe of th aurestftrant aower thr ing hand a offul m paper oney on t abhe t le.he d fle thefromce plafo. i .llowed iit-- t wasal ite l whidoutse.
7:24 pm
kr[ cuz ] owicu yoedfollowba sen oustia t ofre the ntstaura to onho that ite t whetstre? un -r ning on ale beg th-ach- r -youlongan a b theeach? , no dno. wet. idn' n'we did et mover waithe f wirsti e-- mrarely anadeggy su,estion t buimthis td.e i di ow[ cukr] icz wh yat didgeou sug st? cous ebin s sastian eemed e to blyzeparaard ne enthe cetranth of .e cafe aiso i slet'd, "."s goi erremembsaid. i , "d thatown i wayhas the rbor and e we'rikmore l ely to f a ind eataxi ne.r ther "o y dor whwen't ba go ck in ha and mve thell u catas a xi? ohs , let't'do. le. s do'sthatr. bette" heand said,"a ou mre ygoad? in back filthatplthy evace? n er! at thg of gans kiddshoutevi hingle tous ab t me he to tters wai ." "o i h," said,el "wet'sl, ldo go wn s towardharbthe or. le not t's trymbto clihi that in tll drhis headfuleat." in cousti sebashoutan s ed,le "putase sh
7:25 pm
and hhe--tee star d up the p stee,street a with handstuc hk inkeis jact, wh i knere ew hhe wasa aving pain hfrompiis pals.tation t he buke walerd fastan sterd fapa in nic. fathe e ster h,walked th ude lo ter andsehe clo r otit g. se-clo gr what ot? -the ic mus. m-thegausic a in. -the us m.ic e- thno- the iseheof twi ban ey ther wowe foll ing. erthey wllowe fouping azthe blwhiting ree st et. . stuphtraigth up. tat wasnly he oopway soen, nt he wet wa tha y. krow[ cu]icz edhe triesca to pe om fr s thosets?tree he ed t tricao es frse s thotstree. e -but hdn'tcould fin oua way t. co-he fuldn'twaind a t.y ou the-didd banldof chi ren-- n -whe
7:26 pm
do hosewn tli idttle sete stre bes n tweeilthe budings, cthey frameveom ee.rywher thesoy onls way wa up. th we onlys ay waightstra up, seup tho st wheep reite st ets. the and wasun s likegr a whiteat nee boof nt a giast.. bea . th cat hadonaught e firhein t sky. an std sebakeptian g runninhtstraig up.i n'do t knowhe how ll r sti an.ev he ran t bu ranhean he rd an and he ran... er wh wase itte whi r ptand em ier. t -whaptwas em ier? whi-thekyte sd anghthe li t.e thoswhsteep streite etse and thd sun anythieverblng hiazed w ete and.mpty re -whe did e stthoss reeto?lead the -now re. [ iccukrow z ] erhe neved reach -- [ incather e ] everhe nch reathed e end. s they ntoppedre,owhe never. ept--excce- ex pt-- t?-excep
7:27 pm
me so athing,lace-a p... ru a in. ro -bonken stlikees, -- e -likwhat? helike the..-- t . tr en ance a tod ruine.temple ncsome a ient,ed truine.empl.. h whicenhe... tered. - and-theyand ... er ov himtook... e inthert- tha- kr [ cu]owicz an u,d yori cathe ne, at d whouid yen do th? di hear stsebareian sc am. he ea scr medju onc i-i- en- th i-- - i- --then i
7:28 pm
!help he !lp -andhe t then? n? ran-i. th mey let e run. didtheyevn't men seee. -run re whe-d? own. waitthe pers, police,..eople. ra t ofn ould bui ings ck bato w up --here to c whereseousin ian-bast - he e -- hwas... ly nakeing d... t onrokehe bonn st es. an d this yo n'u woevt belie. dy nobobody, nobo, no dy d couleve beliit. so [ ]bbing oo it las iked f-- thas if ey hadvour deimed h! i asey hf thorad t
7:29 pm
wit orivh kn es seor thoged jagcatin ns... madtheysie mu.c with f thas i tey'dtsorn bim of hi aw nday aed stuff.. them. he in ttlir litgobbe mlingouths. [ so g bbinuecontin s ] e ther't awasnnd soure anymo. e therthwas bu bat se- stian-iasebast n... in lyhog on on st es,to anrn... ushed cr
7:30 pm
oh y., cath s. mrle venab . er[ cathsobbine ]ing , ahe yothere.u ar th i t ough youre well o stickn dean. e'd wherur hs yoat? deoh, ar, u' yoet fll g,ever ole a whupday there rin theng,iggi t in she hot un, ngwatchi thoseawfu unl, hrdgry bis. do i own't knyo what e u seucin sibh terrhtle sig s. ooit's t muchfor obothmyf us, ng darli .[ erincathbbe soing ]
7:31 pm
ofe cours cgod is.ruel idwe dedn't ne ome to cheto tta encan das and alooktut the ..rtles. ind to f othatdiut, d we? no, e we'v alwaysabknown him.out s the avagee face hs toshowpl peoe, the and cefiers thinghe uts. sho llit's aer we evlly reae ser or hea nof him ow. body noms seeow to kn why. th ere diff is,ence no we kt w abou thhim.hee ot'trs don. th wheat'se're wkyre luc. est,go rda my rling.utlook o tha forvet fer. goi'm up ting eo seca the noptain w, ll teo him t changeour secourom for he. oh st, seba ian. a whately lov isummerent's be . tjust ohe twof us.
7:32 pm
. t justay ihe w t'swa alngys goibe. to weoh, uc are l ky, dar my,ling h toe ave onheranot edand nee no on, evelseer. bs ][ so ther eve's ssery poyibilit th heat ts girl' storyis t rue. oroh, ge ge, htell'ser she got ome to c whome.ith us -d r-octo-cat- nehering's goie to brighall t.l, -welan why cshe 't hcome-dome? oron't wshe ry. .will -w 'thy don you youtakethr mo er? c-sure.on, ome .mama th caerine?
7:33 pm
[ ibno audialole d]gue nt ge lemen,i to wantomwelc e me you l scdica mhoolen... to ew our nti operaheatng ter. oughalth y, as sou can ee, isn itxa't ehactly w t woulyou lld ca new. ed usbe a to ra libenry whwa this schos a ol,
7:34 pm
kebut maorshift , notth rte impoinant th g hais tott we g it-- e tht tofirsde be votedchto psygeryosurin his tatst e, d an isthata stgreat waep for rd. you'now oire gwing to tnessperaan o..tion. ve nerforr pebemed infore st this -ate- a mylobotothe on nbrai w of a.oman.. su ing er afrom cute hi screnizophthc wi.drawal r ouafnew stmberf me , hndr. jowi cukro frcz hiom ccago,
7:35 pm
swab. inte[ termitmint hum
7:36 pm
up sew y, will ou? yo ve ju hawiust dtnesse licaa depete o rationon uman a hin bra, rf ped unorme dermo the mist pri tiveicsurgdial con..tions. ai hopeyony of u ewillcover enunter. ob[ erservmus inrmur]g cuse ex p us,lease. i -son, know hjust fow you eel...or s -fonix mocths, hr.kstade .. y-but ou'vego undt toanerst d-- h -ilistave tened..o you. is promhie me t s prand meomise that. i -butt- am no-i k- inow. i know, know. aryou e notst the boarate hd of ealth., well noti amit a wtoch docr. needi pe proairly trasned antssist
7:37 pm
lea atigst l hts tathat st.y li . i knowthisbut isa hostate al,spit erand th ie just sn'tou eneygh mons. for u ancad i omn't pruise yoat t th eherellver wino be e ugh. , well gi'll to backago chic oro e somwhplace erere th.e is hn, jo be yforethou do at, read s. thi o whioleis vnat ve ble? re you ouveal ynorar ig nce o ofr ur fai,city w ofchhi. mrsnave ble heis tic r ne at ohe time sbanr hu d ne ow od most.f it noe'w shdos a wi anw,shd ownse t. i and "...vewas erry int estedhe win tofork yourkrdr. cuz."owic e shavmust had e re riyour w te-up la unst s tday inhehe .rald .. ".woand i ifnder unthe fo dationi am st .. bemight of e as somansist ce." st assiance? so itn, we sih onurgnatone ne ock che,
7:38 pm
o, "als i therematts a er s ofgeome ur..ncy. s "ilihould ke iscuto ditss wh him. ul wo od 4:30dan tuesbe cy nionveent?" th todat'say. at whr is hency?urge kdo you now? bu no, knowt i t whas-ours i - of lacky.mone mon-her ey.s -she is?seriou at th 4:30 fteris a,noonll you' know. i tecan tll youchhis mu . b i'veyieen tror ng fs yearo just tesee th ve e u've yon beed herthat c's a pommandanerform ce. at thow s's huserioth i iink it s.d an is thisouseris too. mohare t mn 1200caental lises von'sn'iew cardt affo han todle. ftgood aon.ernodr ow. cukr icz. s, ye. sir
7:39 pm
-m . rsnablve e? a-imissm ox fll,hi mr vs.ableenec's s.retary -oh. you-and arecu dr. z?krowic es -y . ou -yinr appo tment wa r-s fo- our- -ftythir . 'r -you sece 23 eondsarly. ow-sit dasn, ple e. nk-tha you. ch [ meal wanic ]hine [ ]woman stiasebawan ald,ys sai her,"motn whescyou de end, 's l itthike ese godd s om t frache mhine." s she' won herown.ay ds. mrle venab h's onay der wown. ji feelkeust liange an l ng comirt to ea h... as lo i float-- f at-- into w. vie se n-bastia - s myason sebtian-- ve was erry intd este bin theneyzanti . yo are reu inte sted t inanhe byz tine,doct uhor, --
7:40 pm
ll we see, ithams t t em the r ofperoan byztium, en whce he reeoived p inpleie aud nce, hathd a hirone wduch, theringve conn,rsatio d woulysrise mouslteriiny ir the a, thetost cononernatihe of titor vis s. bue t as wviare liin ang oc dem racy,rsi revee pre thurocede. do i risen't . co i dowlaug [ hs ] w hoou ddo yoco, d -- i' oh, rry.m so n your ame. -u ukh, c.rowicz-c wiczukro . 's aitis pol,h wordin meanugarg "s ." iuh, amwe only g arinon ine earre g? havrgoti fo ten l mygeip rou ?oh se! excu me. i- i-guesi-i has i d been y toldere ou wdoa wiw. i i am. n moam ingurni. e whitmy swas on'stefavori. color -ppserhasu, dr. yogar, pectu exn ed adoold wi-pw-- bly.roba gwith at brarne oochcaand a d ne ange ea huruar tmpet. wei ll, llhave a thatook to larforw d to.s life iief.a th se ian bastysalwa said,"l steaife vels eg.rythin" ti want yo show ou gahis rden.
7:41 pm
e suquit re.rethey t at me an likeliinvad. seyou t e, las springi ha sld a uhight, , a ctinylsioonvuofn y a tinveblood .ssel oh at d? whouid yorr doct it?call a dy omalavif li ng, at whe? els te af ir all,ie'd bur d sba hud and ana son. wii'm a d dow an a-- fu nny.-t th nhere'srd.o wo se lopa your rents, yo au'reann orph. se lor on youonly san, ard you nothg. , uhill-foxh -uh ,-uh-uhere whthare ey? t i pu them pin the.atio s theyement thrcel pat posimthis tome, frsaco penla. 's wthatthhy e ey werlate. an r otheand day we'dtahave so rved th. deat ocometon, docr. , in uhr you letteryo id au sagen urtent matr. sti mu, yo say u'reanmuch h tdsomeryourhan ot ph iographpan the per, t withou awfthat ul ra palipherna a u yos doctorwear. yo 'sur sonit favorlor,e cowh
7:42 pm
so hi like yos. st mu mue-- al i-i aimost s d u yoeemust m t son myas sebtian. ce o-forbif has t. -i she theho don wied? ye ass. l,t july uropin e e. he ha must eenve b y veryo oung t die. l al wpoets,r hateve ageth sey may oeem tos, ther undie yog. wk[ squa]ing s -it'pectunex ed.ik -ldae the wn reof cation. it s wastianebasde's ia.
7:43 pm
t noke unlilla weed-groome- jungl - an ankld fr y, tt a lirile terg.fyin so re was cn. atios so ioncreati. n -listehemto t , buzz buzz. -w s hat'rein the? th ,is wayfore be p ourdyoor la o diesngerf hu . la the metin na s t tonthe plaprs are d inte s on tagedattachthem to , th but int'e pr s ng fadi out. ose th tonesrehere a oldethe last p nts e on--arth su s rvivorhefrom t ageheof t f giant ern st.fore d an mhere's ly poor ady. they er nevwa get ay. lathe dedy exu s marthisusvelome perfuwh attrich tacts hem. ptheye lung hintolier chaance, ey nd th cevert.ome ou is thrati ope on rfyou pe corm isd?alle bouh, lo.tomy t -thaainlcert y is u an pnusual. lant-i th hate ieese fl s. xh fo foxill!!hill e shs felovegedinwi our adcked l y. xh fos raill' ather. brute ch suextr an anavagalce, re ly. om e fr farly all at to lringe sp
7:44 pm
iland whe's e shr unde glass,we e to havvi pro de herwi liesth f... own flt in aexgreat pense. ilfoxh dl, youhoo the . nors vlady'sngery huodayry t . oursof crse, mbl. venae. n i'veeeever s ann ec insustivoroan plforet be . t -whacais it ? lled-t ushe venap-flytr .a urdevoorgaing ,nismy aptl namedthe for esgoddovs of le. s. mrable ven , at whou was yn's r so?work me i asan,fride s om asy man timese as i'v tohadwe ans qr thatn,uestio owyou kn sti, itholl s cks mea le tlittalo reize... th asat seb ventian,ablepo the s et, wal stile quitn.unknow.. ts ou aide ofll c smaieoter f of, riendsudinincl g thhis mo er. -y soour a n was poet?-str y ictlngspeaki , lifehis h wasupis occation., se stians waet.a po -t thatwhhat's meaat i nt en whd i sailifehis hi was .s work caus bee e thf work o a poethe lis tofife t- a poe- an ced vi, versae th of lifeeta po t isk he wor poeof a t. an, i mecayou n't pa se therate m. i i-mean-- et a poe 's lifis wis hork,
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