tv Today NBC February 5, 2016 2:07am-3:00am PST
2:07 am
it eb's fruary 4th. we go've t a edload,oa ldedw sho da toy. is thy ladro fewm n alzesand' wi u s she' tlikehege bigsthi tng -- >> 's she t.ho - >> -llin a ofew nze d.alan he>> se camll a the wayo t see us . >>ab ann ellenglabine haslo fwn fitm row neanzeal bd tothe wi . us weand no're oit gng to say and bo ey arer h armsti red. i'no, otm n goingo t say .that h>>ow is that ?guac is that cidelious? >> s it' .hers eso wno k'sw itng goibe to -- >> go so od. >> he tn's sheng goima to omke se so f rt oaop pcorn thing for us fo e r thgabig nme o ndsuay. >> pon.pcor andom heemad s.frie otchipleay mo. d >> yon'toue lov her ceacnt? >>he sld couk talus to d allay lo .ng s>> cheldoual tknd a talk. two ambush meoakrsvere a congmi. cwesehone o lucky ladym frothe la a.zz d ane on oofur festafrs. ho ouw abtat th? sh e'sel ctiebraerng h5 2th dd weing nianarversy. w soe'reoi g tngoal tkut abo at th. a >>obnd b bby'swiack erth h tt lioyle bes mil's who so cidelious. >> t oh,hat baby. >> stchrisine' hngoldi him. >> bosbby' doaiwnstanrs, led mis is stup?airs >> yes.
2:08 am
>> wlle' get a cselop-u othf e ba .by y>>'vout e goto sees thiit ltle bo s y'ou.tfit >> !oh >> we he ntr ove to anjone. be ecausis chr itines --ri dves me y.craz ok lo p howoureci s heis. s >>he'sng goi tveo haom se be autys,item and'r youine gog to de wonwr ho we everiv led ouwitht them. ac incord g toy,bobb you may ve nentr wa a fliace- ftn.agai >> whato d myounea aiagn? ec>> bause we all want it. >> t wha yhaveou d?hear 'v>> ieee bnt waior fgethi ts da r y foonso lg -- >> c i ban'tveelie d yout idn' lgindueou yfrsel fheor tt las5 1 teminus. i >> ft'slyinal vearrid. be n & jesrry' hason de shiometng ey thne've vere don rebefo. th avey heut debned a icere cam th wi no c ireamn it. fo urla fvorse mad withlm aond .milk o>> nry dai at all. >> niro day. i sobe've eaen r ading tbouthese an d i'ven beenk thiingbo aut th ndem a'v i beeende wonring ab thout em. that one is pbki cooes with ni valla- -'sthatnu peattt buer co s okieand nivalla. i pdoste p agrhoto oaph tfhisn o my ta insgramag peau becse ias w
2:09 am
'm>> isi u sng a.poon cenoti's whong usi a foftrkli. is th is alre rly,yeall li des.ciou hi>> tss haam carel and eecoff- - , oh alooke t th kschun. i >>t's kychun! >> s i'mod glaha tt -- ow>> h'st tha dietf o yours in gog? n >>ot well. h >>dol on. s >>het wen to her terrainor f e thst fire timthis rnmoing. no hew s's dngiggi- - a bit e d woulbe good, n.ho he ere w .go i' eeve binn dyg for isth. 's it c gotelaram. ey thd saiitte tasiks le ice m.crea ay ok. ld ho .on l>> abiost gft o lotf bignk chu osf ch atocole. o >>y h, mgod. ou>> ye lov,this and you ul co hdn'titave t forheon lgest .time ait's good day? e' shs bhireaterng vy heavy. >>s it'ot t callycahemiorl f me. th inis k sd oftuff i is --l fee it. wh ben iinite omto sngethi -- oh , my .gosh it ot's g ffcoee, camera al,nd ch atocole. d ane'thers no dairy. i >> j'll custarry on wthith e sh ayow bn's doint the'k shs mi cop ng ufor. air >> ,no i'm not. soodgo. ou>> y't dont wans u to try all es thfle s,avor do u?yo >> 'swhats thi e?on
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th e ey'rg goineto b rngolli out in g theryroceto ssres thi nt moh. at thne os iethhu cynk eymonk. at whn 's iank chuy eymonk? >>everything. all kis ndhuof cofnks ng this. o >>i oh, lovena bana. >> oh, my god. si'mo happy. ie likt thane o >>ha tt'sll reay odgo. h >> ow'syours? >> ll reay odgo. lo i ve isth. pei hos thiis mgakin for sc faininatleg teonvisi. t >>'shere no dairyn i it. hi>> woule y'reit s ttinghere lidroong. i wwishe couldha s iretht wi l alofou y butt' iois gng to be ll roouing t soon. dwhatu o yok?thin 'swhatr you -- >>hu cnky eymonk. t >>rehey' all good. >>hu cnky nkmo!ey >> 's lete tak a lookt a so inmeth dg weon'tal usuly th s is i wthee'ay wred useo t ngseei. jlo. gh rit? st ju allmm glaed .up d anha tt'spe casr arsmt, her yf bod.rien s she' ojustf ne ogrthe eat be esautith of woe rld. but her bieoyfr cndraspete posd a ndbehi-s-thescene devio. theyid d a madubssh of a paropul cvinedalle thete whiir gl rap. >> oh, i like rap. >> st ckarbus. >> yes. >> ipch.otle >> yes. >> a yog s.pant >> yes. m >>ore arsts.buck
2:11 am
yes po chitle y es og ya pants yes e morrb staucks i >>on d g'tethe t bsdu.mash albut lybansody'al t aking bout owis hge gorshous oke los wi t thouupmake. >> sheas hgon't tro a d p of upmake on. sh oke lokes liit a ltle rlgi. >> d sheoes ayanyw. e' shs 46r o mesog.thin loshe 20oks . >> youno kwha w bt'sadbo aut ?me >>ye ah. he>> wstn i art shiomet-ng - i'm urpictingel mysthf wit thaent maente cnn'sjuake hast s ivingt, inshavg .it th t'en is .gone a >>y lad wee lov a lot,el cine on dino, hored herus hband st yey erdaat aem mloria in las ve gas. gu itess te laslmd atos three ur hos. d ane ren ailngelse pasdwa ay la onst mthft aer aea rlly ng le bthye attlwith nccaer. th eren h hebrotr, mere, mberdied ictrag aallypl coueay ds r.late so in cele spokeor f about 20 mi s.nute stshe edreamli it ve to her .fans --and au bechese s hasn a ad inorfag sen ba. he>> sll reay ,does yeah.
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i >> fee tlheov le ins thi room. iee fhel t ngstreth. d an his wharmt being rctefleed in all of you. k thanagyou foain rng beie her th wi ushi ts evg,eninor f this au bel tifuuttribe to monouamr. ne re, ie lov you. so h. muc rc mei. od goht nig. pl[ ap ]ause h.>> o ay>> mbee w sdnhoul'te havwn sho at th. ye ah. >> t thawas .hard th asat w rdha. >> godle b ssr.he w>>eov le her. >>ll a t.righ etso l's e,segu hoda. >> theup sower bl wahis ts ek weend, as you owkn. sote panusne jt rseelead seom pe suwlr bome comlsrcia -- >> ylmou asaost id oppoboer wl. >> i did.
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ay pltrers tyingo do their ug das'hterir ha. >> what ae cut idea. >> y' thealre c ilingy t dadddo. e on ofm theurfeatites prgtsbuh ru g nninbackea dongel wamillis th wi d histeaughr earh. atake .look >> ddday? >> yeah. >> y canou likeut phe tow b deinsihe t aibrd? >>yeah. >>id i dknn't ow w she gasoing h to miteh wit this. sh ane ch tged gheamen plap uon me . bo om. >> s it'goto t tbe sheame as e throthe braid. >> ahye. 's itng goibe to thee sam ashe t he otair brd. st jubo -- om. lookt a atth. ithise s thgedeanillo ws liam aicurtlln ca. 's it f theirstim teve we' had da tiddy wmehile i'mng doi her ir ha. l aldoyou ison py s,tail can doyou et som hing?else ye s, i can >> how abadorle. h >>ow cute. >>t' thas so t.swee >> ian cai't wrt fo all the su boper cowl cimmer als,outhgh. knyou ow? >>yeah. he>> ty'reoi gngbe to .good th arere ine go bg tomee so good es on. t >>hahis s ppenall themeti. yhaveveou eolr t adto s-ry -
2:14 am
reyou'li telng ary sto ands it' ingettalg reonly lgnd a gaspy. >>nd a yeou'rop hing t'shere in go bg to ee annd to itr on eve a hlpunc oineomf seor st. >> ,wellhe t ancudiees ior bed d anpethe rson tngellihe try sto nohas idea. jtheykeust nep o -- he>> tiny thhek ty're infascg.atin >>aggasbging onalg. a ononnd . il stoil gonng ? >> yout jus't canel bieve it. thyou think mereuste b ant poi to this. d an tthen sheytopnd a t'shere ok>> ay. se re farchrom uc bleerkey found tthat ahereuere csch whi you ou she ld bable to see in op pele's faces. za yck'sngawnile whi ourch at's in go.g on 'sthat -- h >>e's aslway d.bore >> y theay se who sbeuld e ablo t pi pck un ot i very icqukly. om>> seoe p jpleust do notav he the .chip th oney dav't he the .chip i d kon'tnow why w eeven tdalke ou ab bt itseecauve we'ot g the ip ch. >> weug tho whte sedkippt tha pi toc. >>yes. ok ay. le got's k bacheto t ice m,crea ic whs h walyreal scfaininatg. ok ay. tnow,s hat'true,t tha aot l of lepeopno canadt re a .room ey tht juse comre barling in, ey th't don rzeealit tha two pe aopleitre s ttingherein havg
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>>mp intorta erconvonsati. >>yes. >> tlexacy. al ghl rit, f.yose >> y ver funny. er evy'ybodsts ju -- >> re we'us jtin tryg toll sta llti iha,odut b's let get it ov er thwi. t >>onhis ies a leittl th acrowbk. 's it farom up gro cdalle tlc. >> oh, iem rem berth.em nd>> ais it aon s cgdalle ab"by by bay. bab" ithit . ov l e b ere ththe wi m youngorni, on no n and ight ut bou y g'veo ot toobe g d a hand talt's ghl ri t i ln my ife >> n' whets ioi gngo t do me sog?thin om>> cuping ht rige. her oholdn. ua sex lity >> t oh,s hat'yowhy veu lo it. wa g.itin e'thert s goe to beaa rson for is th.
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ou>> y spend m too tuchime on ,this daho. seatome ice m.crea >> .go y baby bab baby c >>ome ,onma anda. co n,me o j go,oe. t ge gmylsir orve ge t myan dce ewcr. b aby baby baby >>t' isy onlau becsehe tvey ha le mis. ey the hav akit menes sorse fm. the reyou' aro gwn mawon. >> tlc, y"bab baby ."baby b >>heut wn ist i going to do so inmethg? t >>wahat s it. at th h wasniappeng. >> t jusa reermind,od h ias on ussiri xm -- la>> p sying ltuff ikethat. >> ve eonry mday and dnwey.esda weand are theogetr on xm ch lanne 108. u yofican snd u there. onwe dno't kwhy wou y wouldan wt to. es alpecif ly ie we'rg doin thsomeliing atke eicing eae crm. >> i butdat's friry-ee. and finally ben & jerry's has nedo it. >> wo tom wenho w rarely cut eithhar irre aou in r meuakp chairs gettingus amb hmaerkeovs as s wepeak asa hod .eats pl inus fgeroo fitds whig b orflavyo if tu'reinhrow ag
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d an alookts thi abldorae leittl b tothe wi us. >> love .it >> re we'ng goiha to veom se n.fu andho'sda gngoio tee kp ngeati. pe gh rir t aftethis. m i'oijust gwang to you.tch od anregot mo. savmore oings n carrainsunce? ke lirs renteuran insce. mo s re s at thot a's n ll,inbro-te. shake o geictohas mo rcycled rvanur instoance, o. oh, 'sthat m a lotore. oh h, i yeall'm a about, morey brteddelosevt. o. geict expect greangsavi s a whand loole .t more rkwooning fe my llet a g day ave pmeheain kn my ees. t bu i snow,ontep thisemachin d ge an nt myumber wh h ictchemamys r. s dolchl's om fcustrtit oinhotic serts. no t w i geatimmediliefe refr foom my n.ot pai ne my kin. e pa
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ug eah! hrnrtbu! ne bno o ournsatn my wch! tr kay aler-seltzbu heartrern chliefews. they work fa ast'tnd donte tasalchky. mm amm...azing. ha i eartve h.burn alka-seltzer hrtea burn efchreliews. en joy the relief. dr y?y spra 'sthatun f. lrit's aryeady d! not waimeti. isthgr is t.ea it v'ssoery .ft n ca ii keepaut? (lghs) al cal the re ove.of d.. ow i...ndrn a y rsantipent pirasp ray. th s ere' ea morelenjoyab to wayt geibyour try ps' illir fibeumgood gplmies nergus eppy suort. 's it f a newupiber sent plem thatsuhelps repport ritygula d in anescludam b vit hins to coelpt nvero food mm hemmm, tre gse aood! wnice phiork,s!llip stthe ta oy sideber,f fi
2:19 am
>> 's> itt jushr t meeore days un thtil ane ps therface off ag t ainseth cobrons. d annc charees a ifou y're not ro th awinger supl bowar pty reyou'ng goibe to ng goi to one. o>> s y'todasoo fdea t amsked w neanzealdin cul sarytar an llnabee nglabine toac pk her abagsnd bring al songome perecirs foet somhing sweetnd a vo sary. >> aelnnable is aes liftyle rtexpe t anduthe arho of "the eefran rge cook." lc weome. >> c youalame el thay wro fmew n anzeal sd tos?ee u >> ov i leei bheng re. y >> oudo. aw e.esom he>> soi's gng toak m ae ton of uf str f fous. >> we so et'd brteet g going. 'r weine gog to makeom heemad ie frd s anlwe'l justo dhe tm wi th tapoto,e ric r,flouhi wch lyreales makhe tm chyrunc in a
2:20 am
re ally, leanand then ahi cepotl yo ma. d anthene' w greoingo t make so meco poprnn ig a basoand me amguacole. a >>omnd se acgu. >> he tri tckit whot psatoe su nt wa to palrboihe tmor f about n teteminus. at thay w when yomou c ce tout th heem t ny'reoiot go ng t take onso lg. >> ersoft. t >>rehey'of ster. an dn thet ius jtct ayuallns mea yo n u caereith cuthe t imnto cthinhips ori -- e quit like incuttepg thg cu g ttin ithemunn chks. an lid i etke g atingrgn oanic ta poecto b tause ihen canat e e hi>> ws ch ihethe y alth opartf t itrioo, ght? >> t andiche nine th bg isy pa kircoongm theou yel reaseom se t oftahe srch. so y' thee ll bchcrunyriecrieunchr. re thble taonespos ofve oliil o. an isd th is theag mic edingr.ient rit'sflice our. an yd ifouan wted to yould cou e spicthem up. cputajunce spi ihen re, cumin, me sog thin likethat. j >>ustti coatng iit wh that? >> jtusti coa ngit. >> .okay >> andom seky fla .salt u? yo oh>> . th neat o'sng goibe to .good e'thermes sogthin fdlrienboy aut aer pap bag.
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t aboua paper d an'shere themp intorta thing. y isou't don pheut tme morha tn on eer lay k.thic rwothethise stey eam. d anwayou nthe ticm nnde a cr y.unch yocan e u sethhow gat's toingo t gem the all chyrunc and tycrus? a >>nd h youaveap pn er othe bo ottomatf th- - ha>> t st iso youon d'te hav to a dony esdish. >> he ssn doeo't d ds.ishe no>> , i don't. >> yomasennai. get atl lite- - >>al usulyha we vee.on >> she hasap p tersowelow d n th ere. >> e' herhes t mayo. th ice trk is yanou c do .this 'r weeng goio t put everyinthg- - k than you,y.hone ytever ghingoes in here. uyose u td to thinkhathe wn you ma deay misonna yeouad hha to ve yo onur tguegi hanutng ohe t side ofr youou mth and- -e limes mak it ea rllysh frend a agfr.rant d an.zest ch leipot. l weove it. >> of co.urse >> oop. >> 't don say it, kath.
2:22 am
fa a armili t onesto mopl peoe. h >>tlonesy. ovget erer he. o >>kay. th ooat lamks fr iliatoo. i >>'t donw knof ini ca peco. >> i sawne or ove at hoda's e.hous >> hey, look. seexcu .me >> wow, thatas w stfa. >>id d thatus jtpe hap inn one co send? >> t tha hjustneappe od inne se .cond ow>> w. 'sthat crazy. >> i ands it deoulicis? i >>t is deoulicis. >>t iis deoulicis. >> and yanou cvo flart thany a h whicwayou y keli. so you can put -- t >>s hat'it. >> ha we mve ae.inut bwe'dr ettego. >> w are geoing to try esthe? o >> s ocomever .here th s is iheanotler cverit ltle in thg. t >>'shereer sevveal or .here >>ha wet ar we ma,king ipchs? >> o, ne' wreak ming pcpoorn. is -- i >> ln aeittl n >> iita ltle we e lik gsba. knyou ow in myw sho ion d'tse u an asy pltic. >>oh, you don't? y >>ou d uon'tse anywh at? n >>o aspltic.
2:23 am
a>>hend w yneou'vot gt i ien th g ba whehrn ruoi dhing tngs in th e owmicrave all t hheeat il bupds uth in e mi.ddle so o s itsn doe'tur b yn jouust ke ma atl lit felatin rg like .that shyou bouldine do og ithen re. >> .okay a >>ndn the y jouust pop tinhat the owmicrave. an td it aakesbouthr tee mesinut an oud yet g orpopcn. >> s thiis deoulicis,y bthe wa y. >> icspes. s soome amcinnon, ilchale, st. o >>kay. sh itake up. i >>ik le it. >> t andhen- - re>> a youut pting a ccohotela to opn ?that >>yeah. >> t whare a youki tal ngabout? t >>ishis r you y.da >> a tnd oheerth -- erevhiyt'sng oonweur e.bsit >>ahye ,yeah. h >>er guolacame'sso awe metoo. e'>> wotve g amguacole,om heemad to lartilps chi. ss tot thandup a a you-re - >> all tyrigh. ofinduthi wchs jobou c eldarn thyou ndousa js of fobsrom meho. >> and y'bobbots ghe tdu proct th ilat wliv ge you ae- faclift th wigoout uning tderhe e.knif >> thnot at a onyusf ee nond e. >> r ollwive e--r
2:24 am
it p's aurleas me toyoeet u. a can hptoot dasteevo hierytelng w l? cthis wleanikas lw!e po ddit ahis ed trotheve lelel of co itan t. it j kiust kenda lied...wipever ngythi. clean 6x cleaning eemy t gth areng.lowith sey aree.o whit 6x ni whiteng i lyactualy realllike 2 the. steps st , clep 1eans , step 2ens.whit ery ev itimehi use ttos er, gethelit f..t like. .l..vingeahe tdent t isficeof. t creshd. 6x cleaning, 6x whitening i swwould o itch tt cresvehd o ir whatsi was ueforng be. eei've bmyn on l al feey.l dam i'!bushedyea oome t. seexcuco me...hrming t!ough ri he gde tavel w ce ofrtomfo wi dth schr.lsol massaging gel insoles. they pr're oven iv to gu coe yot.mfor h whicyohelps el u femo rgre eneized .a .. dllg.ay lon
2:25 am
> >>ouif y're readyo t look un yoanger red mo tibeau tful,hen yo u're ready f -or- >> bbbo bie'suzz. >> to "s"day'le stydi etorob bbie th iomass hereit whom suie qck be autyes fix fouor yinr skur, yo , hairyoand aiur nls. >> re whemi's les? >> ch watingom mmy over .here s >> tohesere ae somdu procts th amat cace ross myde sk. and oneth of e neweg catsorie i' min fding aot l ofn skiar ce sp icecif allyngaimi,y' there yi trong ty def gry.avit coof .urse f >> oco.urse s >>oee estde lauasr h ceom out swithhiometalng cledui liq d pe ta. th cise amtoun ie lat .2015 >> atwh? a >> wndvee ha atu picfre o ma alo', whers hen o set with .us >> hi , alma. et>> l t'sake ak loo ats thi
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wese u tdhee tapn oer h e.ey loand okt a theor befnde a the r.afte >> w.wo >>wa it s kindf o esimpr.sive th eey'r perolymst than whey the dr eyy tht lifnd a tetighn. >> y theht tig ten shekinhi w ch s makeit ar ppeato lift. i >>ho tught ist wa primveessi. ho r,weveyo if gu're toingoea wr ma okeupver tithat ht mig s tart to.peel wsow tant co beularef m how uch ayoupplyr ove atth. >> alma, youoo lk befuautil. >> next, droctont braas h me sog thinedcall m noore leneed ws, ahole .line an ds thiisis h-d 3il frle mask. d anleyou tavehisk mas on. yo tuu ac aallypply ith wit a us brteh afur yo dor youki s n icareen th inmorng. ow>> n wew knohy w alma's here. nd>> aou ypp aly thish wita br anush dou y let itl fil in. 's iten esslytiale lika erprim , a fi.ller so youet gs thill reaymo shot arappe uancenderou yr mpakeu th ifat lts andti nsghte. d ann,agai it gives youha tt bt su plelump and apreshe. it he'll tlpenight the lower to ecmids otionurf yo cefa.
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s >>ouo y canr weaeu mak opver th at. >> c youan. >> l howdoong l youtet iry d for? >> s thies tak a few teminus. cayou ndn a it workse lik a pr .imer ofone fa my tevoridu profocts r e th ineck.s drni dens g hrossas a faruicet rinolt thaif lts al reelly wl. l we'l thavehat lionne. danhe tna rit n.hasa >> we love .rita >> c shesolor yobesnce'r, hai do mas nna',hair j. lo's irha. sh owe knw s ho dtolea withai hr at thee's b tnghhrou erevngythi. an brd new. ev oderybbey's awen ngaiti the re e leaserof h soohampnd a co ionditanner erd hpl s eitnd re dyme. it l 'lotprt ecuryopl sit ends in re thyse wa andns ilytant make it looke lik youos almtad h a ir hacut. sh ne ca reeviv dyover edirha. sh bee's n en ilathe b wngorki on th oris fr ovewo t years. wa i so sit exco ed ttry this. an d lastut b notasle ot,ne o f avmy fe oritinthgs, zoia h as come out withs thiak ned ni ma.cure ve>> edyryboal's t aking bout .that ot>> nme . ha i t ven'd heart abouit. >>e i'v heard. hi>> t ls isikeak m feuporou yr il nas. rafteou yea w rredai nlis polh g orel nimas,curer youls naire a owyell. is tha is rcolo cotorrecr.
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d ans thid han has innothg. en evho t iughtoo l pksplurine th ettbole, itoe gs on eeshr, d anusit jt helps tint theor col tor youur nataial nckl ba. i soa t's t greakquic p >>eeople lov this. >> yeah. >>an ce w seetl lite lemis, ea plse? >> s he'keknocd t.ou b >>seecau chinristse'ee bn ngtaki -- >> ll we't juset g a e-closup. e th baby is asleep. >> ,oh he's so tecu. t >>arhe grdene she.uffl 'sthatt whaput my ktoids sl eep. it ll stiks worh wit cody. >> fthrom ear kiadashn co tillecon. th tte lile ler.athe >>ie sus welchit w sh momeoney id eas. >> s shed houlknow. pl us thela p azah mbusovmakeers af yoter ocur lewal ns.99 of.9% te bacria m onthore usan je t thhctrasan. ithe's ten "pungbat gym ink"g stne zeutralir. an e "pd thntrevean mold ewd mildon t hohe srtwer cuain tfor upyso 7 daray." sp
2:29 am
an en td evathe "s hlete'foot us" fungerkill. ovdisce er mor youways u cansose lynfl disint sectapray lp to heyo keep omeur hhe r.althie ge ret y toadho syourw oo r tswi rooth ttsch-uou pfromic nn eae'.sy leseamlyssnd blewis leth inadadg shes, sevenhaalon sdes jint usin10 mesut. tufor nalookral coing lor reaas yl as.ou are sh wow the youorldr roots with root touch-up. a arheatt cktasn doe c'tear rif you eveundaryy, or if you're young or old. no mattewhr aro you e he a taart atan hck cnappe wi outhwarnt if ou ye ha'v d aar heckt atta, a r bayen aspirin regime n calphent prevean r onothee. be e surk to talrto youdoct efor bu ore yobegin a anin rspirenegim. ba aspiyer rin.
2:30 am
ur one bn myns och wat! y tr-selalka htzerrneartbuli reews.efch they wk faor ast donndas't tchte alky. ..mmm.g.amazin ha i eartve h.burn alka tz-selrter hea burn efchreliews. jo ene rey th. lief y spdrray? 'sthatun f. lrit's aryeady d! not waimeti. isthgr is t.ea it v'ssoery .ft n ca ii keepaut? (lghs) al cal the re ove.of d.. ow i...ndrn a y rsantipent pirasp ray. (p y)olitel w wait, waiait,out! yn' caitt put like in t. tha.. h...youto rave iinset.t firs at's thed bakfr-on aledo. ke baitd-on? ne's gover rknna wo. sh idis?ssue tr urust yoas dishw her cwith pascadem.latinu erit pows... through... yo turesought stuck-on food. better than finish. casc ade. i t'srs thihuty ty,rsda and wdampereathld coudan't tmpenhe er enn gy oour a.plaz e>> wid d ait ltleet som hing erdiffent today. luwe p ockedneky lucad lym fro
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chher riair ght here in0 3oc rk r fo mb"aush maerkeovs." >> n andheow ty're ready for r theirebig cvealesourt oy ofur k cracmaker joe team. "t " odayricontr butoandty slist t tohers sta- - l ouisic l lari,a, la, ,la la, la >> nk tha, you esladi. nd>> ato "day" cobuntritor, neguinorss wecld rord erhold. >> andis ms qvc rshe jelf,ill ma .rtin nd>> a aan wom i e,ador be y th y. wa on>> de 't al ghl ri.ty ow>> n,l telyous, d u di thsomediing enfferist thk. wee es>> y. e ondyla, as you ,saidas w from th e azpla. >> yes. >> t and thenhe ladyho w et ce tteraheeo vidors f us, you ow kn,s doe allhe t -- >> us ambh rkwo. >> what w be doeefor and ytever.hing icwe pheked r. an hed s was soxc e bitedseecau to isday er h 25th veanniy.rsar ow>> h asfanttic. >> ll we'k taltoer hn ia se ndco. but first let's meet pat wilson. sh se' 66ea yrsld oro fm yo,rk nnpelvsyiaan. pa s t'moa erth of two dski. cu enrry tlrkwos as aor crapote teven anplner. isshe an avid ahmbus weratch d an cshe aameew frs yea ago but e sh'twasnck pied, but she
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she describes her eryvedayoo lk at umfrpy. >> 'r youe gingggli. i and knowha tt's outf o ha esppins. ca beuse yeou'vn beeou thrghuc sh a ou tgh meti. so wtha d toeshis mean to you? i >>m a soit excedut abooi dng th is. i' anve w ttedo cut m hyair for su ch aon lg time. iand hyardl wear anyak meup at l. al bu 'st itn beekind of aou rgh .year d an i justt wan shiometong t mtakey mind off ofit . >> ,well wee aroi gngo t make yo oku lo evene mor befuautil. ok ay? >> nk tha you smuo ch. ot>> go tov le and we've got h geroodri fend iruths rehe. ru th,le pase keepr yound blifold on forus jset a .cond ?okay d anlli'el t ylouhe w tn toake itf.of re he is pat wsoiln fobere. >> let'sri bng her out, hoda. et>> l s'see theew n! you myoh, h. gos t ge hoverere. >>.okay th rut, ge adrey,ru th. >>e tak y offblour olindfd d an reget ady. >> oh, my god!
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>> s youowee hd gooloyou okn i yo ur friend's eyes. yo u adrey, pat? l alghri t,t,pa is t'meti. sp rinight here. take a look. >> oh,y m gosh. oh , my d.go y>> louk oo bsouteaulif. >> e' w grengoio tedneom se, ba .by thank you, dear. >>ou y look gousrgeo. >> er cama 12. n' dot .move d >>on'tn ruihe t ma.keup e'>> wotve g. you >> l tel tushe story. um>> nber e,on her .hair e shcodid helor r ,hair but she dn diol't ctor i en,ough ob slviouy. f it.aded asit wra a gt y, ia was d.blon no whe s's aef deinitm war d.blon >> t' thas y.craz em>> rr,embei as ysalwa, say hahow ir color is so rtimpoant. kito sn color. th heen t mpakeu of secour. dan thenrs aene we're l ucky ghenouha to odve tay. ugavehis t gsreat cuhairt. ok to m offany esinch. yoand oku loyo r,ungee mor l.vita au bel.tifu ha>> tounk y. an thu.k yo an>> c s youtand ?it >> 'm ioi gngo tvehao tp u my .game
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ji , llrfpet ecfit. s>>o >>llwe,ha tst'ow h toea wr wh e it tin hewiernt. we leovin wrte ithissew ny b she.awni i and hloveow- - you't donve en ne ewed j welryith it. g bidroun of auspplae. u yojocan ouin yier frnd. ka dehn. sh 50e's rs yea oldm fro ma panalan, new eyjers. sh ise , ase wsaid, one ofur o st aff sh bee's oren w akingc t nb25for s.year toand isday 2 her5thed wding anniversary. so we decided to surpreiser h awithho w nle lewk.oo t'lewas >> !ah >> rpsu,riseka ren. >> ,ohy m gosh. >> y'todasou yr y.da t >> yhankou so much. >> aoure yti mor?fied a>> im so rtmod.ifie -i am-'m i ocshked. i' usm joct shked and teexcid. th yoank u. o >> oh,f secour. w soele puldou yut o of aned it. >>yeous, y d.di w ias inworkg. do mying job. >>re we'ng goiya to ounk y aw.ay >> ayok.
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th horee urs. >> t hankyou. >> bye. >> h sucvea lohily to ng tdo. sh hee's re with herus hbandim t. >> im tra, e isuryod. han nd>> aew a fhe of r coke-worrs. >> nbcsspo ie'sen th house. >> ts hat'ghrit. l >>et'soo ltk a karen before d angbrin out the w,ne5 2 years rrmakaied deren .kime ow>> w. >> m oh,shy go. >> oh , ye.ah tge adrey, dski. >> ll aig r,htou y ,guyse takff o your inbldsdfol. >> . wow myoh, . god >> c ian lo?ok >> yes,ou yan coo lk. >> h, oy md!go oh, my gosh! oh my, shgo. y>>ou look beautiful. >>ha t ynkou so much! myoh, shgo. y >>eah, i thinkou y're goodor f ot an25her years of magerria. i ryeall do. el>> tl usut abo .it >>.okay
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sh see uhed t rightor col but ju st erovedlapp ,ovpperlaed, laover, pped hsoerai hr was stalmoac blk. eit'sven berlackha t innt tha fo beicre p haso wt iad h to d woas i telighthned e seba, addedhe tse hi ghghliwhts, alich lf o a dd suraen eses aryes. t don'you k?thin >>yes. >> i ,mean an ad itlsoes mak the thin ,hair ddit a ms souch urtexte. b >>utt' thas anrs aene cuhairt. >>f oco.urse i aslway gett thace a in myk bac po .cket ofand rs coue e thtibeauful ke mafup oni e odh to make it all me co thtogeer. >>oh. w >>dohat you k,thin tim? >> ut bea.iful vei lo the hair. i ryeall do. it's ntfac.asti nd>> ael t al us tboutdrhis ess, ea i >>t'sew ny bsh e.awni u yoowkn i,'dik loue y tok tal t abouthedr ess. >> re whe y areakou ting her for yourveanniy?rsar e>> we weroi g tngo go to a french steakhouse soermewhe. bu t w e'llsee. >> ou yay mav he tont aep u yrou mega too.
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ou>> ys guyik l iet o,tohe t nbc e?poss re>> gat job, you .guys >> searne,th edi oh, erevy.ybod k thanalyou l somuch. >> t nex we aek, salpeci va inlente'say d. y ifndou ar youifsignt ican r othearent ieserd tegoo t ga kldandho h.comheit tne con ct ttbuonnd aay m wbelle' coshoe u.yo h>> towo meak meyon fm roeth co ormfoft ou yrom he. it s isspoleib. ri t ghteafthr .is heren ie cith,ty painrkarg is h find tod. ems sekelivery ee onivesdr. osand tho doe whul shoitd swgech to ico cabeyouse cou sauld vendhudsreca on inr ncsurae. peah, rfect. valet parking. ineven.g, sirll heo! 'shereey the ks. d, uano h, gn easy o ridmye, mate. , hm'twouldnso mind f thme oat elbeef wn.lingto.. ee to s muc howu h yo couldve sacar on rainsunce, go t ico ah! la(car aoundrm ss) it 's ok! les get'tht e daesl yqui liquid agelso.nd gbu e t thes gliquids elneare w. cimux ne tit'se he samendifferce.
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2:40 am
dishe dn a esixtenveea sanrch d ownarrowed de n th olistf du in fstryor peeopl lngooki to 4r a5u67in busfress om meho. ether m buste manyec bause of th nee uymmploent tusin.atio >> aot l p ofeeopl lngooki for th em. >> so yourum nber one isir dect >> yes. >> ild wou inemagi youd nee a ce n rtai otype fonpersy,alit t?righ g toont io that. >> so ablylute. i anme,he tre's8 1 monilli n,womet' i smaestited, that are d int irecsales. u yo know,he tyow thr pesarti and theyl sel ethvery fingrom mpakeu p toanots nsd pa-- to t >>rwuppeanare d all .that >> ihi tnks thin is ainrydust, if peeople hav everai sdyo to u yo n u ca sellanngythi. if y'rourye vero extedvert, a al re gtto-ge -er- o >> pronassiabate wout yhatou ke li. y >>avou h le tothike ero p.duct ou>> ye havto. >> l andoveow thringti parndes a ve haot a l of frs.iend bu ut yo't canee k gpoing back to th mee sapl peoein aga a and.gain ou>> yd neega birc cile. >> pthlus ey ryealle lik the ucprodd t ankeep cgominac bk for fi relills ke a mpakeu seca. >> ow hh mucyo do uak me in this ki f nd ointhg? >>he trere ata srtup costs. ait'sernywhome fr 00$1o t 00$2,0. d an ythenanou cak me -- the s sky'the t.limi at thha's weyt thl tel you.
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co tansulaknt mboes a ut5,$2000 a .year thnot ire fst arye. ?okay akit tes a while. tbutheea rl m coney iomesn cr renguiti otheren wombe to ns contultas. y >>etou gie a pf ce othe onacti. y >>etou g c assommi oionnir the 'sthat y howakou me e thou-- y ve haha to ve afo com lrtevel th wiin askoug yren fridsbe to ulconss.tant on>> cncfidee. a >>ound yrri fends andil famy b torouy fm you. >>a hodas h no pemroblit wh at th. >> allright. le mot's veo t--s thi kisindf o a coola. ide 'r we tengalkibo aut air vtual stassi rant,?ight >> .yeah ithiss al rea gngrowi field. rt viual stassiant. th s is icabasillyoi dng all the gsthin that anis asstants doe bu int doemg th fromou ywnr o .home ka>> oy. e>> w allctuay --e whave a vi lrtua atassis hntere's who on sk ype. hi. >> t' whasou yr name? >> ssmelia. >> hi, limessa. >> soel m wissa bould oeur rt viual stassiant, suzy. dohow tes i work? >> ssmeli ba'seen atu viral stassifoant n r tearyes. fr erom h home. hashe s salevercl s.ient s she't buil bthisesusiners ov at the. tim hashe o s twhtdaug 7ers, 9 and, d anaus hbandho wor wkser v y
2:42 am
sossmeliowa, h'd you get ar stted? >> my thmon-er-is law'a rer,alto iand sedtartor wking as her si ast.stan pandeeoplth in eic offeed ask how'm ing doiry eveg thinand justrt staed quing.irin iand ranh wit .it thand ienel dev aopede nic ie cle ntel aofll itrndusiesm fro thattwneork. t>>shat' a fstantaic eaid. >> itms seeik le it'sh suc a ar smt thing. they onlss iueld wouli be ke if yp skide dn'tor wkr o if me sog thinpedropt d ouhein t mi oddlef an itampornt ntmome. es dot tha enhapp? an owd hyo do eau ditl wh it? >> . yes ta loth of teshing i do are alactuffly ome cara. yo u ,know off of ypske. so s it' myostl e-,mail xtte. d it'toesnll reayat mterut abo th at. bu t itld cou enhapp. de tefinily. >> shesn doe't haveo tgond a ck pini up nny a'sbodyry d ea cl.ning 'sthatt' whaods go. i >>at's y ver fbllexie job, gh rit? u yoabare ole tan balorce w aknd fe lih withi tits, whki wortng a ho sme a atu viral siast,stan gh rit? 's it exfl?ible >>.yeah i >> don'thi thenk san cr hea us . s >>he's ryeall t.swee >> and suzy, yanou cak me a et prooty gvid lioing d ngthat? >> c youanak mboe aut 00$25,0. nddepe--ing ft a yereou'vor wked
2:43 am
s it i laeittl lo,nely outhgh. yo n'u dovet ha a lot of - - ou>> yhir cn ldre arethere. >> ht rig. ites giv youle flixibiutty bou y do han't have tt waterle coor it chchatry eve day. >> ou y'reki talbong aut omin-he yc daare. oui wmald iginere the a are lot of ay lers withur ins aancend li incensdg an all >> aig hhly rateguled stindury. >> as ihot sbeuld . i >>hot suld be. >>t' is onef o othenesha t t ldshou be. li uno ke smany heotrs. >> al totly e.agre fthiseelsur natal toan m y n.wome rthey taise heirdski,he tvey ha e thilskanls, od s theyan wt to ta nke o two or teehrid ks or fourid ks. e thleprob tm isithat hi is ghly re tegulad d ane therhiare gh tustarp costs. c itean b upo t 00$10,0. $2 0.0,00 usbecau e yo thaveo rfietrot ur yo .home hayou o ve t shaveyafet gu reonlatis. u yo thaveano chhege t robathoms. >> h higrainsunce. >> yo so nu'reotng goi toe mak ymoneig rhtwa ayba problyes unls u yot jus haave fewki ds. d ane theris a cap. u yonecan haver veor men tha5 1 ikidsurn yo home. >> resu. bu hot w'd want to? st ju kig.ddin zy su. .joke riall ght? do n't-m elai .me n'i dot do e-mail. thank you, suzy. a>>ll t.righ e theseaids sndoued eeswt. ch k ectouha wwet e'vot gor f you
2:45 am
ri t ghteafthr .is wh iens t'uryoob jpr to totec wothe s rld'tegreaatst nion,it ou's yspr rebionsility to ol s tveorhe w ld'sgr steatell chas.enge th s is iwewhy rc sear h fo thebe ndst agh bri.test y wh tweinraor fry eve tuevenyalit andon l teand war, hein t, air sp e acd anenevyber cacspe. o we iperatempn a coworllex d newith oe simplion.miss n.wi th s ere' ea morelenjoyab to wayt geibyour try ps' illir fibeumgood gplmies nergus eppy suort. 's it f a newupiber sent plem thatsuhelps repport ritygula an cld inesudam b vit hins to coelpt nvero food m, tmmmm ahesed!re goo wniceork, phillips! the y tastf side ofiber, omfrip phills'. y happveanniyrsarnn didaer, 'rlin thcan ucis mveh lobe an cleed abytl litt e biawof dtrn ula? y oheah.
2:47 am
> >>levae'ntinys das ict exaly te ysn dam fro now. andot n mhingakesrt heast mel re moha tnom heemad odgoies. >> yo if ntu wa tour se prisyour sw e eetihior wpp uom se tatre s r foethid k wse've gotel dusicio s idea tfromouhe fnder and it edfor o stylee mtt predy an od "tay" taasstemtery abb rslaon. y whoudo ye havs un ire f nch maidtfouits? re>> athn't ey cute? he>> ty're anspky. th e ey'rvery anspky. >> s add teo th enambice. >> 'r you segayine w don'td nee ktonowow ho t b takeoe makny a of se thein thgs. >> no , .no yoand n'u doedt ne s topend a unforte. d ancayou n get t whehole fyamil vo in.lved ewe'rta sg rtin withxoxo ok coies. yo edu ne to s wtartaith ar sug iecook .base my or faveit reecip is onle sty l meg.ivin yobut n u caanuse ngythi. or stuge bowhht, eratev. y ifanou w gt toarab oo ckie we go're toing oa lpd un othe tifrosng.
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he>> slr's aeady made thetl lite iecooks. >> a youdylrea t cuthem out. >> us we cedkiooe ttcus,erak bed emthn ithe .oven an led pi it , ongis.rl this is not thee tim toat w ch our iswaestlin. >> oh, weer nev .do nd>> an the after g youet that nd ki s ofedmear ndarou. >> hmscaer. >> hmscear it, dyho. >> ha tt's lngooki aubel.tifu >>e w take it very -- wl,elne o of s uesdo. very ouserisly. >> pr seinkl it on. >> so yavou he thesere g at lelitt xoxos kis okcoies. >> very tecu. bandad forr you teeth but who s?care he>> t ay're leittl bad fouor yr h.teet wit's wo thrth e rgsplue. >> erch,ries .hoda e'>> woire dng onlymbre chocolate ppdied cheserri. d adtta lioole flod co.ring dunkhe tm i sn, tetm he yonr ou rcpathmen r,pape letm the set up
2:49 am
th arese e door f a engall'stine day y.part ga inlentise's t forhe esladi. ha>> tt's abadorle. >> let's go over here. >>nk thaors f kiasng. he>> tse are cmoinnan s.roll th s is i -like- >>t thaou y buyn ithe e.stor t>>s hi tishe dinefioitofn es awome. usbecayoe buuyhe t imthn e st ore. we ol unrled .them soscisrs. no atw wh'r youine gog to dos i troll themdowarh eac other. ak>> me a arhet. d diseyou ate th, addy and ac gre? >> son eve theid k cs danot. i andn theou ych pin it. ak>> m aetl lite t.hear >> re ahe tse emth? he>> trese a them. y ifakou be tlihem hike teys th ld hoir thepe shall reay well. t >>rehey' hesharti. >> arhe.tish >> i't donw knoha tt- - hi, ys gu. ad nddy a grace. >> aanddy acd gre. n >>e o on mtoldeye the wer co .ming he>> te y arinhelp ugsh wit some he thalr-ieh istioponops.tion 'r wee hiisng datoy.
2:50 am
if you cut aaw stry berr thleng awiseutnd cit a ltle di ouvot u t yo ahavear het. >> t' tha s so.cute an atd whre a k youidsng doi rehe? >> ha wart yoe guu ysindog? >>atth. atth w'st haeythe 'rindog. >>he trey' minakgom shietng el .se >>ou y ndeeom se heartum gmy ca s,ndiee som etpr.zels ic stemk th on in. t ea faewle whi'r youe at it. m i'g gointo joeny. iandt's aoo gd k.snac s >> iitki wor ongrot n alrely? >> r noty.eall ou>> yw kno?what itbut ll's a. fun t'>> ites cu ywanay. n>>ew ripeces on to y.dam/coodfo. >> e we arckban ia menomt but rsfit this is "today" on nbc. >> excellent job. vei hast a..hma. .. ne.oma of pnys iece miny feli. w son hestmy aa hmtosymp kms eptmicoacng bk m onloy erng-tcom lntrome nedici, i taedlk d to myr anoctofod miund a pissing ece y in mthasrema tmeatnt. on aice-do ly breentsprevhm astsya .mptoms eobrfor is tsadul wi stth at hma noonwell cledtrol on g- a lonstterm aconthma rolcimedine, like in an cohaled terticos.roid eo wbr ron't aeplacee rescuhale inr su for breddenngathiem probls. eo brns u operwp ai hays toelp ov impreathe brfoing llr a fuho 24 urs. breo
2:51 am
at thre inc tasesisk he reaof dth stfrom aobhma prlems d ma ancry inheease t riskospiof hzatali itionn ch enildr a andscdoleents. ibreot fos noopr pesele who th ass wema ionll cd trolleon a -t longastherm onma ctrol nemedici, a likehalen inrtd coroicosteid. youoncethr aswema is ntll coed,roll your to doc dr willifecide you st can reo op bprand e escriba diff t eren casthma ontrolcinemedi, n like ad inhaleicoscortidtero. otdo nbr take ore eo m thancrpres.ibed se ure yor doctoour if ymaasth otdoes nve improgets or se wor. yo ask octour d 2r if b4-hourreo becould si a misieceng p foryou. f see i eyou'reble ligi for 12 th mon as freeeot mybr. .com yo gu'rengettier 3 h e. alhrigt? erhee go s. ye p. [ru chinc ]ng oh! hec, ddar csour &reamon oni , ndat salne& vi.gar !wowwo w! owh y dido ou d?!that n i cathsee h rougblthe olindf d. m [anale cenounprr ] esingl ! ou shs ldert don'arjust cs.ry padthey ry carfa your ssns' pa, ionspeho ds, andreams an mad e, aybha ce atnc ..
2:52 am
kei tare pictuuns of sseris, t buthwiba my pckain coi 'tuldnle sep an t d ge iup.n time en thound i fve ale pm. aleve pm is the only one to co ine mbfea sa a sleepsid plu e thour 12 h rpainngelievist th orengevf ale. i'm back. e alevor apm fte bet.r am jat?ne ugcoif yh cou heaanmer . t evdon'hien tutnk abo it. mi took ducinexr mym foph colegmy ugh. ye ab whamiout ke? it o workscon his too.ugh h!coug w it on orkscohis o.ugh to nex mucieldm rweieves drt and y hscoug2 for 1hours.
2:53 am
t iise timor f "ok,ot n ."ok eewe s a lfot oel ctiebries ph raotog wphedthith caeir ndts a dogs bute someb celse hava ta foste er th icexot. >> yd flowe mayr athe gwasiven a re ra andxo etic o-twh-montold r.tige spari hnilto had aka kinjou oni dno't katw wh that is. d anis lade vanprpumas hht eig an sws. >> as we dkeit is okay or not ok o ay thaveti exoc imanals. er>> hwhe's wate t hado say, if u yo acaret all. >> 'm ilw aays mfuncoblortae me doatsticingni a tmalswohat uld be pi hapn er ir thei nownalatur tahabit, daho. t >>mahat kes sense. ayi s as l aong yseou'r angbidi t byawhe l yanou ce hav any kind of et a p youwa nt. t buoras fi' me mck stiwiing th ieblak. ak ble elshton. my >> i and'mck stiingit wham bbino d an .lois , no -it's-t wha t arethhe oer es on? >>lu lu. ion dkn't .ow s >>imomett es isfeelik le i- - i do care. lo i hove tseth oer ones. ou>> y're hgavin aer supl bow pa thrty isenweekd, look whate w .have is th isssdeert. 's itoo a fltbale mad enlytire of ch atocole. i >>$5t's om0 frar hry & d.davi h whicnis a angmazi coy.mpan
2:54 am
ge ft itheor ter sup .bowl or>> fsd tueay. it l wilvedelir r fodatuesy. >> .no tu sa.rday ha>> wd t dii say? >>datuesy. >> oh. t >>roomorwy emm --0 5 s.buck y >>lou'lin defyitel get ity b es tuday. so abrry out that. ju - st -eth swhoas wr ove for me t athatoi p.nt mwehtigs allweo. g i>>s t'erov. s>>nkpay. >> o. n > >>ismy m isionmps sile. to make you money. i' hem treleo l vee thinplayg fi foeld l r alstinves.or there's always a bull market you findt. i "m onad mstey" nartsow. >> >ey hm , i'ercram! we e lcommato "ned moy." lc wetoome me cra.rica fr nbom cmac 1 .rket he otopr peanle w mt toake fr s.iend jui'm ryst ttoing e savsoyou me ne moy. j mys ob ijunot o st trtenteain
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