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tv   Early Today  NBC  February 16, 2016 4:00am-4:30am PST

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a liar. >> n wheot bh m rarcoubio and donald trump scream lria liar, it mesak youde wonr how they dwoul handle dealing with n.puti to music's biggest t.nigh performance. and theti mulple tributes that ghbrouwnt do the ushoe. pl us wkeicd atwer,he adtornanoes dri dvingw snoau cse c havondarou the u.s. >> > a magicalen momnt iex mico r fothe faulithf. poand pe cifrans. nd a a curreatero fem th de opthse f thrpola exvort. ly"earay tod"rt stas now. > >>nk thas for being with us. e thtl bate l hinesaven beewn dra be ntweeub repnslica and crdemoovats hoer wul shoild fl th e vcyacant lefn i theup s reme t courrafteus jticent aonin scalia's h.deat blrepus icanare dinoublgnd a tr ngiplin, dow that the no timinaonul shod be left teo th xt ne esprenidt. bea lief binecomg atl bate cry t onhe cigampan l.trai >> ien intd toak me 2016 a rerefendumth on e u.s. supreme t.cour >>e' wotre nin mov fgrdorwan o a mi nounnee atil tfterhe tielecon.
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al itlow o t pphaen. >> oen ther othid seth of e ai dsle,raemoctsay st thais it pr enesidamt oba's onresplisibity. >> t forhe esprt,idens thioi bls wndoo t shiometerng vy mpsile, st jung doi hisob j ande wec expt e thtesenao t do the .same >> itou weld b theei hghtf o ir onresplisibiorty f the re icpubleaan lhiderstp no to ve ha v aote on a neeominm fro th e idpresent. >> and thete whise hous add that e thidpreswient nllotnn aeounc a neeominil untgr conesset rurns fr reom bexak ntee wk and that he do t esn' oplannin makg aec ress po apenintmt. l at feastheor te timng bei. c' nbsra tcie pottsoi jns usro fm wa gtshiniton werh whe f theight es go next. od goni mor ng,tr.acie >>oo gd mog,rnin erev.yone e wherit goes nexts i pderesint ob prama lyobabki picng ain nomee o whmay oray mot net g a v ote ohereapn c itol.hill you justrd hearo fmen sator y leahwhoow nay sst tha the idpresdoent hesave art shot lis an hed t gy'veote mores nam to osprop e tom.hi bu t theue qnstio isth wher er o annot yf o thoseen pottial no esminel wil gever vet aote he re.
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it ur's pe pocsliti. >> m frotocapilll hi- - i >>t is g.wron it n isot resisponble. >> tohe tam cnpaigil tra- - >> al tk about coicwarde. ta lk about ruobstnictiosm. >> oc dem aratsrehi pusng back hard at blrepus'ican sareful to givesi pre odentbamaup s reme t cournenomie a vote. >> et l h'save a heg.arin t' lesr hearo f omurst conntitues at whhe ty inthk. thand en .vote no yt sa noe vott a all. >> thepl peoef ohi tous cntry sh ouldd sen a veryar cle ss me tage,ishat nothe t wayur o ticonsontutiwo rks. >>he tynt poiut o anyntho edkenns y wawonir fbymed a de atmocr seenatn isi predent ag re fan's inalyear. >> thest conioitutns doeot n in eclud etixempson for eiolectn ar ye fs ororhe t prenesidt's la erst tm in fiofce. 'r wee in anct eleion ,year'm i t nong goi tore p ttendshat' n ot opartef thtm aerosphics rehe. >>he tub repnlicaan ctedidas si inhest t acrepltemenor f st ju siceacaliho snould t be idpresobent sama' oichce. >> theub repnslicaul shod re .ject ini thhek tew n pderesintul shod ve hat thaonopti.
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ar e nil. ait's allutbo lipocsti. t >>heyue argve en if anba oma mi noisnee nfcod.irme it ld couto be o lateha to nyve a ctimpas thi rmte. ck bae livnowha snnon a "w ngashipoton st" -eopde cam out er ovt.nigh asit w topoc demrat harryd rei incallisg th nlyaked ispartan, th at'she tay we h dibescred .it hes sayt thaub repnslicall reay e arns ingulti acamerisns a he pu t ity bin tryg to blockhi ts .vote >> teracits potiv le in c.d., k thanyou. >> rn> tunoing w to theac reor f e the white.hous rmfoer psirentde ge eorgusw. bh b isackn otheam cnpaig l.trai distanhong srulde toho srulde wi isth htl liteth broer. bjebushs iop hingo t cash i onn pa usst bhil famyuc sescessn i e thal pomett state. ro ca'slinaim prary. but sjeb' segtraty maye b too fr ruont- dnnerd onalptrum nt coinues to lead th feldie ah deaf o saturday's republican arprimy. an mee,whilmp tru is nerewing atthretos un r as a irthrtd-pay ca atndidre fosi pre adent fter
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ic whh he rs efertoci speal in sttereds an nodors, trump cl taimsheep rcaublitin na onal itcommistee au defg ltinon its ed plo ge tttrea himit wh sp reect. t >>he rnc,te betr getts i act to ergethau becse ine sigd a gepled. t buthe peledg isn'tei bng ho d noreby .them i sdigne a edplge, thele pdge is ben't ing hedonory b the c.rn the rnc does aer teribl b,jo a rr teible job. st juem rem wber ihat idsa, mbremen er ithis .room ine sigd a edplge. t bus it' a ubdodgle-eed edplge. an fd asar a is'mce conrned ed plge. >> s plu the draemocratic ce uscauc. s nbc'dan emshenanas h stlate. j >>ebh bus gotel hp oen th aicampragn tnil i s couthinarola hfromis hebrotr. erform pderesinteo gw.rge sh bu, wh oad hic choeds wor for gop fr ruont- dnnerd onalp.trum >> nd a in my peexcerien, the ro stt ngesonperssu uallysn i't
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or>> f his ,parthe t bonilliaire isdismsed jeb 'sbush mpca.aign >>he tan ctedida i d'ton tnkhi 's itng goi to enhapp. >>ar e ilieren th day, at aew ns co ennfertrce, umpep rd eatehis ta atcks aimedt ano ather ri val, crted uz. >> heoe dsn't evenav he the ri toght ve ser ases prt.iden veor en a runs esprt.iden ashe w bornn i dacana. i so willri bhang tt wslauit, if oehe dsn't ogapolize. >>at senruor czmi disssedmp tru an dge sug tstedhe s wuitas a sign of spdeioeratn. >> s thi ishe t mtostl rated ie'v erev seen donald today. >> oen th draemoctic ,side erformre sec otaryatf ste ll hiclary n intosefocud on tu sa'srdaycu cau isnne .vada wi hthesop to rouebndft aerer h ss lo inew nps ham thireoer bnie sa s ndershwho eie belves isnl oy erconcwined alth wrel stet. >> n i'mot a si-inglessue nd cae.idat usbecaise th a not ngsi-ileuess er>> bsanie s nderbrhas dushe of atf thrg chae andoo t hkis aicampogn t chmi.igan he d saiheet m witham fsilie af edfecty b theat wersi cris in fl int. us>> jmet com fro ati meeng wh ich was onef othee mor
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er ev atedtend. >>na aslystel bievehe tnt fli wa ter csiris isn ass iue ttha so res nate awithanfricri-amecan vo tersos acrshe t trcouny. da n shanenem n,nebc ws. > >>as lt n tighteshe b tt ofhe be st inhe tic mus world got thtoge feror the 58thmm gray ar awds. th owe shtu feared some epic orperfesmancm frothe t'nighs gg biest nnwiers,lu incding kendrick lamarnd aay tlor ifswt. d an also s momegovin tteribus to th ate llee gnn eyfr and david
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>> ma so reny gat orperfesmanc, t buht nig notho wittsut i apmishs, jasust kle adese who gh hilyic antedipatur retsn wa st up bagedsoy a prund m.oble >> ll sti pyrettoo g bdutft aer e th sshowhe tedweet tthhat e mi elcs f tl oneahe p ano
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s waofout tune. >> >an rihasna w sseuppod to perform, but had to bowut o at e thstlain meut on doorct's or rsdeue d to britonchis. aas mvesi srmtoys smte resp maderisfry omhe tul gf co t as toinmae, suspected to adrns oeuctodhen dow in or fls ida'anpanhandle d ss mippissii,tr desg oyinmore athanen doz homes in urcenty, or fl vida,ideoap cdturehe t ntmomeom a wasan w pdullem fro the dsebri of her to o-rnadgedamamed ho. sc re tuershereme ford a human ch toain cryar h tero tysafe. mssissiippi oiafficls say or stmam dage was rteepord in0 2 ticounites wmeh hos stded,roye tr see dneowd a pndower ous.tage > >>nd a therm stoug broouht fr ch infes osh freno swo tthe ti naon's picatal. muchf o. d.c was under a wrinte or strnm wawiing th fears of da oungerivs drcoing ionditns. > >>to s wrmyereathet r turnso the stwe,bc neo metgirolost ra faelir m handa masore on that. >>or maj prnatteha cngeal finly co tminge o thstwe. it ee's bno sm warnd a so dry for so.long ethatnds motorrow. s let'ktrace som stneormiss.
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cayou en se thed coltsfron vi monsng o.hore ewe'rec exp hting eavyrain, it ar s riveugthroheh ter aftnoonn o eswedn day,,rainus gtyds win and si icgnifmoant inuntasn ows. u yosecan ee th rainen extding wn doo intth souern carnlifoia. e wherveyou'n beeoy enjing mp teureratntes io the 80snd a 90s. th gat's toingong chae as .well r for you sdthuray,no ather front ve mos shonoreng bri aingernoth ro ofund vy hea rain. t soherm stoyat pternas lts for f aayew ds d.ahea git's toingo be sytorm out east y.toda hwatcut o for tlraveay delros fm onbost, norew ytyk ci and wa gtshind.on, c. d an ithisurs yot las day to y enjoethesec rord traempesture l inos ans,gele 88 eedegrs. near90 in niphoex. and watch asy the .drop to70s owmorrh witho swersos acrs focali.rnia es alpecinly i sanfrscancio. 91 in oephnix. byand urth,sdayn dowth to e s60 l inos geanles.
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heweatowr, n cl,ouds dry in rt po, landertempesaturre the in th s.e 60 so in fallyli coong down. hayou neve oor meay dn i so rnutheli caiaforn. >> 90 inal pmpr singsn i fe rybrua. am g.azin elrafaha, tnk you. st htraig eaah wd,e'llel tl yo whu hic segment of the population is drinki anghell t ne wi. lu psou would y paydr huneds of us thoandsf ool dlarsor f -- a nsliceple ate? u'yo wrechatg inar"e tlyayod."ece pi ke ofeal co pruld ecotu t yoomfrbe dias?te wh f at it-one sildup cou pr t evendiheart sease? on e. fu wishkil thinrighng, t? bu ere t thneis o stepu yotakecan to p helt prevenranotheseri dious sease. mopneualcoccum pneonia. if a youorre 50 , older do one thse of e naprev vr 13 accine lpcan hect prote fro youm mo pneu pcoccalonianeum, ll an i thanessn t cacause hicougesng, ch,t pain di ulfficrety bngathi, an y evd mauten p you hin thetal.ospi i evenhaf you lreave a dy acbeen vcinated wi noth anether p vumoniane,acci nar prev m13 pay helpr e adovidondititeal proion.ct pr r 13evnas iused
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om 1 frra3 st tins oftehe bac riaat thau cse eu pnccmoconeal p.umonia you should not receive prnaev13 r youife havsehad a vere lerg aleaic rction to he tci vac ne or its ingredients. yif havoua e akenwe ed imnemuyste sm, u yoy hama aveower les rnsepo vto the.accine oncommid sefe ctfewes preain, re ordness llin sweg he at tti injecite,on s telimimod arm ,vement ti faeague, he, mdacheusclor p jointain, less et apphiite, cr lls, o.rash isget th don onee. yoask tour dochar or pistrmac t abouevpr13nar t .oday an cemenoun nt: sthisrotorm ps tomiseth be e t biggesheof tad dec e.with al totul accum ation up ofhrto fee roads will be shut down indefinity.el an hod sce ols arosedcl. be camp soull'so ps g greatth wiold a ca and ednice r. ma or rde f real,feeal li.
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e dethonciside to ri a onave nd snemoy. eche d to ided savey monetcby swihing mohis letorcycinsu e ranccoto gei. er th se's no inhamein savy.g mone orideide n, rd.prou icgetoo moycrcle, t greaforates t r greas.ride >> ov> er 50 ppleoe weer kleild ye erstydan i air sestrik on se scven s hool handtaospinls i a.syri oneth of spe hosital was su tepporyd boc dtorsit whout rd boers. wh o is accusing russia or syria for the taatcks. >>hi t hseeas bn a pderiof o te iniensifd bog,mbin rt paariculn ly itheor n othf sy a.ri we haveon cmndeed tha itnhe t
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>> this comes dayswa aym fro a e-ceas bfireenetweia syr n rngovement forces and lsrebe. at thup's sdpose to go into ef ctfe by the ekwe's end. > >> y,todahe t eagles of death me retal tturnaro pis to co uentin theirw sho that was te interrup ad byro terrist ckattano on ervembth 13. >> for lack of a brette t way o ridescbe it, myen fridsie dd very bifeaut wully githreat co e,urag you .know m i' notoi gngo tet lhe tad b guyswin. >> a inernoth teinw,rvie band on frant mes jsehe hugays sshe t ta atck sgttrend henehis views on n gurocontlay singnt uilob nody has guns eboverydyas ho thave .them al hfwayou thrgh his ek weg -lon odourf comexi,op pe an frcisel cteebrassd mah wit hu dsndre ofho tdsusan of diinnogeusil pimgrins he t so rnuthete staf o iachpas. th eon ptiffss ble aedhi c wldho was lifted upit wh his ee whirlcha to coment iota conct wi opth pe frs.anci c ouan yie belvehi ts
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25 $3,000t a aonucti on aysund? la de iwarests ju one of thewe f at sthees wre w-lotdigite plas ca bn betough andol sdec dirtly by sires.dent plthe atesre asi conddere ve inntstmes. d i' ttake > >>slet' g detown toin busess wi th bccn's susanle e. od goni morng, susan. oo>> grnd moing, noshann. e thke marayts mta srt the ar .rows ksstocld cou t addo fr'siday in gasoo b bstedy a jump inil o espric. ud cr ue isp aiagn,e onc again, ov abe 0$3 are barl asic offials om frdi saubi arada ansi rusrea a inmeetg. the udsais, ssruia,ez venuela d anarguit aingreeg toez free pr tioduct on aarjanuy le.vels >> >ls a to wheordsle millsnnia an d dinrinkg mayri b tngoin md tcrafee b orreg k ieparts. bu ont dor't f agetbout .wine n aewtu sdywi shongle millsnnia k dran%42f o alle win in the u.s.t las year. mo re thanny aer oth ragenetion. d an athegevera twoes cas per onpers. ey thal're so sinhellgut o for
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a ot btle inhe tas pt ntmoh. > >> andne chise cmeonsursou bght lynearf hal of the rlwod's xu luoory gasds lt arye. stheypentrl neay $117ll biion. thand e csehineerovtnmenay ss m120onilliri toustst wen ov aserse in 2015. co buntritingo tof12% ba glol en sp.ding tbacku.o yo a >>rill ght, susan,ha tnk you. >> us> jt d,ahea a seriousea hlth is masue yel sidinene oth of e s nba'stbe. >> > and the u.s. n'womesoc scer am tere scodow han my goals? we're going to let youw, kno xtnen oar"e tlyayod."el essoa keybrd mo hare tain certlyn famimemb ers?is r su yous cces adue tog filin sy ostemu nly yotaundersnd? do pesntinriomg frta your blet our to ylewirentss prier give you a jolt of cfideone?nc sif mo, yougeay be ntriarcec. me soo one whs thknowheat t rightfi ofearce g he yolps reu do gngat this. d th ans ere'acone pl he that itas . all
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up so san andh dwiceaand cld n an,real d aninfeelgog sood, ortf. d anlo500 car ries o.less th cle n paeainir mengsu. at er pana. od fo s as itd behoul. at hi hillsarm,re fce spie is thic sp life hyat's w cra ourenftsmn seasoy everage can youx coaeaout grort flaveffo ssrtlely. llhie shirrmfaca. bee us it'swodorth g inright. hathiillsarre fhem, t are'sre oasonlour sasw rotuted rkeystta fe soresh secos ndter afrvcag, winnoe ont slyl eveay erice,sle wubledose th sue ree lts arinsometh g tor.savo
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s thi rnmo "ing,y"todaak tes u yoeh bthind ene sce ast the gr s ammyfor c'musi s re -bcordinreakg ghnit. > >> let'she cckpo s rtsnow, sh all we? baiglt heahca sre for theia mmi heat's chris bosh. the a.p. is rorep ttinghat the rw foisard li deangh wit alo bod iclotisn hef lt calf. ha d aim s iilarssuet las asseon. bo ssh i etexpecod tt meeit wh ct dothors ayursd to dcuissshe t us e of bloodhi tsnner and a ur cofse o eatrt.tmen then aig nht toem remberor f th e.s u. women's national soccer team as forwardry cstalun d pnut qonuite a .show the 23-year-old sdcore five s goalheas t.s easy de atfe pedrtuerio co 10-0 in an piolymcli quag fyinmega. li bke aalaseb > >> the se-rconddanke ksaans yhjaksaw avenged last month's loss to oklahoma atste. e thoycowb gsot as cselo as
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pulled away forhe t 94-67 oublowt. >> >gi virnia tookts i home nn wisting reak to8 1am ges as they datominedth norol carina estat 3.73-5 d an rehe's your p.a. topen t me ban's basketll. anvillova resmainbe numr one, ge g ttin44 of 65 t-firseplac ns kaotas g theth o er21 rsfiplt-e actevos. fo edllow by okmalaho, waio, rt noroh ca alinahend tt resof th osee.ther bu art mch mas,dnes iszy cra y,ou ve ner .know >> > just ahead, we rememrbe inpr'sceat le otpre,egva tyni. > >>at the grammys, fasonhi was h asot as the simuc. wh koleiltd ith on e redar cpet? 'lweshl yow, d i'ked li.. t. isom 'a gonn ttake hispoopitrtun dy tot.irec thk anu,yoe' wllal cyol u. ev g,eninm fil,noirsm aoke,phtmos..ere. .. u'yore y angouar fanmh dd ane adtrise ou ycor w.
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tre isade a all boutinseizpog opitrtun y. si[ mu c ]defi ianceurs in o. bones ci acaltrea ps.rl cidelirrous bed ies anm.crea , softablechew , m calciuitplus v d. amin only from citracal. up so san andh dwiceaand cld n an,realan feeld g inod, gortsof. o 500 and ricalolees or ss. e theaclirn pagsinu. men p ata.aner afoodhos it s.uld be notit'sui a fixit y de's moncisi to ke bmautealasty . roc tirel stnotear vidy siblngreduci
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and the longer i use it thbette erit wksor. tinorecol exiorr nfrom. roc th me notods,ac mirles. smy ion andto used ch t wathe rpred cawset shon o tvno'mw, ial w tkingm.heli ifeprs unedictable be g inake fleefrsn't i. ca bei hause seve u ad headound shs folder yr 20ears. egused r, ularlyemovit res 10up to fl0% of akes keepg inu pryoecotdte ve like flae fo frefer li as (bl ebalvon t b inroackgund)th wirt healu faidare, ingerals owayse n th.rise symp wtomsbeorsen yocause urt hearisn't pumping well.(w ilater f roolingm) abou pt 50 ercentplof peoe e di w(doginhimperg)wi 5thinrs yeage of g dittinseagnod. therbut soe's gmethinca you .n do ta
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us becamoe the ou kre y tnow,rehe moy .. hi(dog wg)mperin to p keepiit pumng. > >>l alghrit. wnoo t seom eerntintantmeew ns th ismoinrng,as lt nit'ghs amgrs mysnwa't allbo authe t mu shfanio sndtateoudnc ideludad ly gagaho wur retnedit wh a flashy blueum nber hisky-gh heelsnd a raan oeng wig. >> t>raylowi sftwe sho odff her abs in a btrigh cedolor s kirt andro cp top. > >>nd ahr ce issienteigad hha tt napregglncy ntow eer a e-whitd capewngo. e thdre cpeart ld ookecefier thwill a the celeb fonashis. >> '80s sringe tyvani, ceprin's rm foroer p htegeas d aiedt the
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ca use of death. be nost k fwnor herhi t, as"nty gi rl." ev erre damed ofng bei james nd bo? conow beuld ou yr ch.ance toasman-inrt db0 1ro fthm e te laonst bicd flsk ip uor f ioauctn. ly on denyweten adre md e an othisne is eimstedato tel sl for $1.4 iomilln. e thwacar s dneesigdor fhe t bond fhirancwise, ell bhe tnl oy eonf oethen t to be released for public sale. re so farael. s now'your ch.ance > >> theew neo vids i the cioffialnn aemouncent thatar "st "warsso epide 8 hasun beg lm fiing. in jothing ste cas i nebecio del toro and laura .dern > >>my jim llfaon'sht tig ptsan go hit inm a little bitf o hot r watewithl wil fllerrend a ch inrist aagrauile. >> a new baby,'t ainha tt aag b of anbes. pe eslycialce sin you and i ha tven'po skenha tt one magical night we sd harethtogeiner ne
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>> now youte lis tno me, you t- fad facecobeb-noler. i t don' wknowho you are ort wha bu oltt hu e yolecrawt d ouof. t bus thi is my n.woma an dt thas iur o .baby
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inhe tig tt htesanof pts. ee bl gumdings? ma you k y thin a rit'st esulusof broohing td. har n it'sot. 's it s aofign ar eguly seasm die... st lie(r)erin h canveelp rerse... rl eay gum disease in just two weeks. li erst.ine(r) power to your mouth ! ea lding the nsewn ieth "wne yo imrk t les,"lninco miaemorlo t maget jor renovation. itil wl llyarge be fdundey b an 5 $18.iomillivn prate doonnati. e thng chailes wllu incdeni openg aca spe atbene thheor memialor f classrooms and exhibits. gr tiaffim froke wor wrshoui blt th eon mtumenth in e 1920s will al soon be ladispy.
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andn i thele "teh,grap" un saa as, r,bai mindg friesnd a aqriua fumsndou iidnse micexan otri uaaqumris? wh aenhouttiri eesernt aed mexin cailjao tinvestigate a ri ott tha kdille9 4 inmates ltas we tekyheis dvecodre luruxusio am ieenitucs, ssh a saunas and rsba, thetr cond abangood wsere edhaul out and the ispron's pe suenrint hdanteeas bn starreed. jt s anir alineot pilios unnas h ma deg ndinonacticu to rbhe t use of er lass on ait.rpor air vngitl atianc plane had to rnretu toon l adonfter aer las d aimeat akp cocitff ad ectea lo pit's sivion. >> >pp shoingts car forse tho withbimo-rlityedelat di lisabi itiestow allsci speal ed nesar ceregivs wutitho hgavin toh pus a cart and ael wherchai at s theame time. all target stores wille havne o
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> >> ms inerhave rtuneadhe go anla's lstargeia d mond.ever th e 40ra4-catne sto comes int a 7 cmeenti atersndld cou beth wor er ov 4$1 min.llio the se-lcondstargemo diaasnd w on ally hatf thsi ze. > >> tfromhe dsepth ofhe t fr igid vo,rtext mee vioctaus. st ngandi 18ee ftal tl and5 3 feetdewi, it tookse the brothers 500ou hors t carve the ptscul ouref ut oto150 f ns o .snow w >>nhee' w nreotce iis fhing e we'rheout reki worng oen th ul sce.ptur >> don't you ever get ldco? >> >> ha wt doou y do for a living that can you do that all day? it'scrinleedib. e thth brohaers bveeenui bgldin ow sn sculpturesor f the past ve fi s.year is thr yea btheoys are tgakin do onnatioms fr vorisit tsose rai money for cleanri dinnkwag rte in haiti, that's great. f soaros almt $8,000e havn bee ra .ised alooket th tadeil. >>tibeau ful. t >> ilyreal .is
4:28 am
me g lting goinveon or texhe nt w feysdae, wig mht lose aeg l or o. tw thnot ole whine thhog, tugh. >> >eb celngratith birdays datoy, yo u may rbeememr hismm eick mp teerth on et,couren tnis ge leohnd jnce mnroe t 5urnsd7 an ice ts i8 5 and lavar bnurto of "r "ootsur tns .59 i'm sonhann r.mala an thorks f winatchgea "rly to "day. >> a: dand dealyo sho.ting trme ioesnvtigate a murder rhtig now. whhy tayey s c it be a lprue woithan ras. i. k >>: imamgr hmyhlighig.ts ewa hvehe tus mt seeom mentsn o th reedar cetp andn ota sge. mealindre bakst ill aow dn adhedeou yrt debay w. an>> dna: ahed tcepl coue.
4:29 am
heat relhionsip benetwe scaali andsb ginurgin comgp. u dgoosco mg.rnin live preictus of the bifeautul sla vegas s.trip >> : kimavwe h fe angeeliha tt a tlo of peeopl osin l aesngel are llstiyiartolng finlow grrd awa aightnd 'rweeit excedau becse wee hav e thtmusse eom mentsn ota sge. tarylowi sfth wit ag di k atanye wehst tatas wot no sub stle. d >> sana:onhe w a olbumhef t yehiar wach wns a u keicndrkntar lamse d k >>weim: ge'll at tofll oiv swha t in a moment. t firs fthisouabuleas w fther bufa.elly >> ly kel a: weinookl. oanul fab.oday
4:30 am
esthe traempeestur.el 72lblamoo n7nd 7a.:00 thbuma nororl fl tis ty aryeelos3. 6 c mweveay een brt flia yi w orrecigd hnhs is 80' llwe' tell you whennd aat itrng goiom cginpocap ua im>> ke: win begh wito inreakes 6 newnur oarackyd. a mans id dealo folwing ash cra nous rsell andomat decur. wave hen`lge imaons yti rescen. th ltu picrre fom hesthern sceel omfrro metar we eae hgrinl s las drriveng goith souimes ou bsun o tudecar arsppea to have run a lred aightnd sedlamm into aar c atth had g thereenht lig. ethve driatr th h wasit was ktaoen t thepi hostal where we tgod worha t hteas pdsewa ay. calo plicol seay aohlcolay m vha peyla aedac frton i tshi crhas. w welil be on the scene all inmornthg wi d theopevels mentin


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