tv Today NBC February 20, 2016 7:00am-9:00am PST
7:00 am
nnsuy c good moinrng. pesurur satday. ghhita ss keesprenidalti co esntts inou sarth caolin and vane dadatoy. do ldnaru t pmpseoido t winou sth ro calina w mhileg akinyet heanot cron rowsi veron st enatemtt a a rally. h >> teook 50 bullets aend h di tpped ihemn pig's d.bloo on frnetrunr. >> y easo tsay's let make amicerare gat n.agai u yo canve enri pntt than o a baseba >>co mario rub hgopin toom bece th eab estmelishannt ctedidan o e th daye hld couno kckis h e- ontime mentoreb jus bt h ouof th cee ra. an mee,whil t onheem dtiocrac , sidearhilliny clston'e hug olead bvere erniersands in va ne da,gone. at the rac too close to llca. i >> haave infeelg, s,folk we 'reng goi toak meis htory mo to.rrow
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>>s a bclill nintoom ces tois h fe wi's fedense. >> hillary's opponental tked ab touow h bad i have enbe. w >>e're liveh wit both ceras. >> > and direct hit. a ivmassyce clone hngitti the island of fiji today. the topin wds htiitng over 177 le mir s pehour. >> d > ans girl gwith!oals the u.s. won'mes nnaatioloc scer teamas eilyti beangni tridad in gotoba t inheur tontname. that means they heavun p ched rtheike ticort f o.ri today, saturday, february 20th, 2016. nn>> aerouncro: fbcm n , news ithiss "t"oday livero fmtu sdio 1a inke rocerfell a.plaz >> andco welme to "t"oday on th is sdaatury inmorng.
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nd>> a'm ihe sleineles jon on ale gsidn dylaerdrey. ic erasa h the day off. >> int spehe tee wk cinrossg the at ste. we did cbiolumnda a lgtexinon an wd lo cryount in lechar.ston w feng this eaclr. fewnd uedecides votef lt e.ther d anpl peoe a sreickth of e ca gnmpai llcas. >> andan dyl ander i wne i las s.vega cayou wnnotatch .tv >> i was ligambng. yo eru weat wgchin leteonvisi. >> i didl telr. he u yo canp chot i waith ifkne. >>ou y canl fee it. l get'so et tthe topstory. two biges votn ihe t race for pr enesidtth in ere pntside ial arprimy. ll pos inou sarth caolin areow n .open lddonamp tru is etexpecod t win lyeasi erthe, but forhe t stre, e'thers a hdeatetl bat teo ni finsh i theop t t.hree fo r deatmocrs, it is daneva. hi y llartoclinndn aer bnie sa snder are virtually in a dead heat e.ther sthattatecu causeser lat y.toda weav h feull cagoverne oh bot
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teiniervw in the ntexr hou with tosenarcr mabio ruo. t' letas srt thisor mningh wit c' nbs hallie jonackser coving rthe iaceoun sth canaroli. ll ha gie,moood g.rnin ep>> rr:ortey, he g.crai od gorn moing. we h arengeadint iheo tin fal pu orsh f thest fir in theth sou arprimhey wre nyearlry eve ca atndidase het somhingo t ov pre. is thni mornng os thi vgotin y,da i itson dtrald umpai rsing eb ey wrowsithon certrovsial mmcoents. is thni morsng aep rcaublins an bl tkethe atste, thete staf o playks looik le .this do tnald orumpn top, but rngaisi ey wsebro at aou sarth caolin ll raasy lt t.nigh tthis fimeor tngellito a sry tabouer genohal jn hipersng to akilltu cenry >> iip dped 50ul b iletsn g'pis bl anood eyd tht sho o 49f those lepeop. e th 50th person, hsae yidouo g ba ock tou yr peeoplnd a youel tl
7:04 am
>> ep rteorr: aorccngdi ttho e ru rmo tckragin web site sn .copesom,re the is node evince it everap hd.pene um trp'sme comntsin comg the same y dar ovehe t rksemar on iraq. >> i wasin agast it. r >>teeporftr: aiger hhthliging hi oss pnitio t onrahe iwaq r, ne wer intsviewug sgestet somhing different. hwithdowarrn steor befhee t war. re>> a yorou fad inviring aq? >> ue i gss .so ep>> rr:orte n foxewsfi congrmin th is ivinterewoo tack pl aefter th e start oef thq ira war. >>ks loo like are toumends cc sufress mom aarility dpstanoint dpstan.oint ep>> rr:orte t the crumpigampan sp red.onde e,quot truid d notay s he sudorte thewar. he cntommeed on thexe eoncutif o thenv inasiom fro maarility dpstan oointayne der aftt i ga ben. w noh wit his cntommes on ted .cruz hcruzngittick ba. >> easyo tysa l'setak me am aericat gre aiagn.
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ba llseba cap. >> or rep ater: super pac orsupp ctingruz with robols cal ou abet thfe contederafl ag. cruz cigampaningh witl phi be ron.rtso i>>nemagi phil rtsoberon as ba amorssadth of eni uted ti naons. >> or repter: m rarcoubione joid by s couthinarolaer govninor cki ha lley ll haeyilley ha ley. hi ams cnpaig wniarng toat wch fo uor qte dtyirri tsckro fm cruz y.toda e th twon i aoc feriousig fht for co send. je usb both n far hibend. hi s mrothey bhis desi. >> it's amg.azin 90ea yrs d.ol st illoi gng rostng. >> or rep iter:usn bh trcouny, he is hgopin s couthinarolona w't be his last d.stan john khasic't isnve en inou sth ca naroli today. i hens i e newndnglaoo lking ah teadeo thri pesmari erthe. benso carn hgopine h can
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i its still dd onalptrum inhe t ad hesline and inhe tto edirial pa thges eeis w.kend he "tl waletstre urjo anal"s tr tumpo rseeleahe t tax resturn be foreup sersd tueay orcn mah st 1. >> hallie jonacks inth sou ca naroli. an thu.k yo a ond t theoc demrats in the rt vi dualeadea h wtithla hilry cl ninto and be ernisas.nder da tosy i csaucu day ien th state. what once looked tbeo an eyas ce ra for conlints iow n a dog fi ght. we e havsnbc'st krienel wker wi th more. ep>> rr:orteei she,nelld goo inmorng. p tout thisn ibl gam ingterms, hi y llartoclinncn oade h a st htraig flush here. no e w thonvermtat senoril wl have ani win nghand. es the cseaucuils wavl hen a cteffe t foreshe rt oef th un cotry. it es comn dowto turn t.ou arhilliny cl atonnd be erni ersandaks mingsi clongrg atsumen in ad nevria f dayt.nigh >> iav he a elfe,ings s,folk
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rrtomoe'ow wreng goiwi to ren he in daneva. w >>ave heot a l ofor wk t do o my iefrnds. i think ita is ilprivtoege do is th wo brk,ut wee havo t do it getoerth. r >>teeporitr: wheh te rac de ckadlo ted,hey spenthe tal fin w fes dayhr cisro cgssin the e.stat ticouratng l ainosnd af n-ricaicamerans. al clcaritiol t wnginnie. her ue>> gss ?what th sere' a csaucu in nedava. >> so much at sketan ithe tielecon. on te oforhe mnse contequeial sidecions. >> or rep ater:hend tpa cam iigns at he ingup. hi y llartoclinncc agusin srsande of not being a deatmocr. s >>ovhe lheed tsi pre.dent ovhe leres h a andhall tt f.stuf kwe wnowtha tthas ill a t.abou thats iin tryog t win srtuppo twithhe aanfricri-amecan uncommity. ep>> rr:orteor fprmer enesidt ll bint clieton gting ithnto e
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s hiec asptsf o hisre pncsidey. >> t thaaicampasgn hn bee rkrema fably ep>> rr:ortead nevasa w sseuppod b to ae an tfterhthoug for cl n.into dtheeoublig ditea ld eravapoted to 1%. d anf jef hlrastonel tling aandre tc mi.hell >> itou cld goit e herway. that is whyou y a seells thi viactinty ohe t last day. ep>> rr:ortent clionic pked up do enenrsemrot fonm csgresbe memr sjame clneybur. ouit celld hper he in daneva. liif cnton loses rehe, itou wld be aev dtiastaosng ls cgomin on th e heels of newhairmpshe. s ifrsande loses, itse rai s tiquesonut abo hisli abityo t erais the toelec.rate ba o ck tyou. > >>nk thau. yo
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ford h arenoere c w nb nt cotoribur th fankseior bitng wush . t' letas sitrt whon dtrald iumpn ut soh canaroli. ll haieen medtione hcr desibed th mee anrica galeneror mane th a urcentgoy aho sgotin aup gro of mu s.slim ithishas wte h.said >> heoo tk 50ul blets and he diedm theigin plo's bodnd a adhe his h menoa ld hisle rifs d an hein ledp u the0 5eo p ple tandheyt sho 49 of thoseeo pple an e d th p50thnersosa he id you go k baco tr youeo pple andou y te llm thet whaenhapped. fand 2or5ea yrsre then' wast a ob prlem. >> n,agaial donumd trp talking ab tout ahiscamerin ragenel. ov er inhe t ipphils.pine do tnaldrumpli hurnsng i oultsn
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no wea rep otingenlin esfabl. >> tishis si contstenh witis h mp ca.aign brcelegatin 9 on w/11ere sl muims. neno o canoi pnto t f tactso ba hick ts up. th eue qnstio is h dowoes hear fe to day? yo anu wubt rio too d well. yo ntu waic kasoh t do .well onsomeoe te takz crund aru tmp on. >> t whas doe it look ?like >>t ihasbe to a close d.thir t no awo blohiut trd. if z crund aru tplmp sit 70%f o vothe ndte a r thenemaiingit wh %. 20 ithat asbl proorem fhe t ta eshmblisente. lan o rubiuris s wging ithy.hale >>nd at whaenhapp tso trsump' ca gnmpai ife hes com in sdecon or d?thir idconsgerin i hes allbo aut wi g?nnin t>> i ihinkt is a ryeall ibterroule etcom formp truf i thatpphaens.
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so cauth narolils pol reunleliab. ey th are doneh witdl lan ainesnd esphonnd aal hff otheeo pple in so cauth naroli areel wiress ho olusehds. go ingfod,rwar we haveo t seef i cruzs iho w i allctuamy a nc coderne thwi. if he d'toesn doel w ilnou sth ca liro nna,otes neclysari nrumbe bone,trut sseong ,cond w he ill havero tublen i the c.s.e. esstat. t >>ouhe snther st.ates t' lesal touk abb t je fbush or a ndseco. s weaweb j bushro ttut o his hebrot tr inowhe lnt coury. adhe h m hisrothe comepaamngigni st yey.erda he le pult d outhall ope stns i so cauth narolire whe f hisr athe brand rothe won. if he dnooes ftisinh we,ll what enhapps? e>> hl wile havo t tnkhibo aut ingettoug t. handeds nee tosu perade his no doe rs hldshoue hav aho st in
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ot isherwte, i isd har toma igine ve go brnorcaush nvn co hinceis do .nors h soutlicaro inas a greatte sta tfor bheush fa.mily rohe b iughts n hi amomnd br r.othe ashe wop hinge h would get the ha ley doenenrsemt. th atre inc taseshe espr.sure >>sa he eid h wasap dispointed by . it pehe slmnt aost $100li milon so far. e>> hll sti hasot a l oonf mey ft len ithat pac. c heould sinustat i erlong. th uee qnstios il wilhe t ta eshmblisnoent ntt wahiing m to ge utt ond an ope up aan lre fo so e meon.else nd>> aet l'sal touk abhet t crdemoats. daneva was cdeonsired the we nster fillrewa for hryilla cl n,into y ifou will. is thni morshng, ie is dn aead at he. w we terengalkiin behhed t en schies ts mog.rnin u yok taltabou ssportna aeslogi and moumment. w hoow plerfuha ttan c be. le bt's iringnni bernde saers he re. he et gshi tsnd a ifs thi enhappoes, des h have the mo umment t toakes thi thh?roug >>t is ior heriblor fla hilry if
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ithatsan p ficor theli cnton ca gnmpai. e thpa cam higneeas bhen tre lo .nger hii tnk hryillalt uelimatyil wl ev pr aile,ther but itl wil be os cle. t no a total worin fla hilry. >> elanise d rohald, t hank you. >> n itheed baat 'srbere nam in so cauth naroli. i >>l wilen sd it to u,yo my iefr.nd nk tha you, both. fa amilyndri fends sayoo ged-by t toathe lupe s creme ourt icjustent a oniniascal. s hiun f weralille bd hel in a fewou hrs a hfterisvi serce to th isnt coury was horoned on fr .iday snbc' pete wiiallsms i in sh waoningth wit remo. pe gote, od inmorng. >> d goomog.rnin st juiceca ss lia'fineerunalt a the libasifca o theio natnalin shre of the iulmmacate cotincepon. th eke cast wasar criedt pashe t erform lawle crksnd a into the tgreal hal of theup s remeurcot. mo hare t4,n 000pl peoeed fil
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-bgood ayesfterai w itingngn lo li sneha tt wppraedun aroed th bu ngildi. so long, theou crtad h tyo sa en opra ext time. es prt idenaobam and oba ss payed bon hgorin the etcask. andra a pwayer ids sath at e co furtyridaor mning forbe memrs t ofheam fily andem rniai ng gheit juicstes. ilhe wlel cteebra the mass at e thun f aeralndur bialch whis i ari pvate mocereny. thete whise hous saysi pre dent aobam b haseen rineachg out re di tctlyoep rcaublin lrseade te inllthg hement iendso tmove ah weadith the nanomi.tion stheeenatem dtiocrac lreade isaysout cakld te a month to me nat tha nenomie. at the faluner y,todall aig eht of s themeuprert couus jstice ll witt aendng aloh wit two ti rered juesstic. hn jol pauenstevd s and davi ersutt. t >> hanku,yope .te
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has been slammed by a m ajor oncycle. nd wied speres ar nea 180il mes an r houh witts gus of nyearl 0. 22 ithats equalo t a corategyiv fe rr hue.ican cthealapity cit isep rngorti e thow per is t.ou e ther govtnmen dreecla adte sta meof ecyrgen for the next 30 da sys a its 00900,0es rtsiden e arngfacite quo an ordeal of e tht mosve gra kind. a nd aluffzaen tneeth ean co uch willac f aelt adurt cou af tterhero ponbati olviioatn. he fdleo t micexo wchhis i a ol vinatio of ptirobaonft a here edkillou frpl peoea in k drun indrivrag cshr fou years ago. >> > andep joshyl dan fhrenc is sc dedribes arm aed and da oungers.
7:16 am
-y 16olear-itd h ttingheal feme fi ofovcer heer t .head hehe tabn grhebed unr g and dtrie toho sot her. shes sayha tt gunle fai d to .fire chfrenas hn bee inuv jeenil cu ystodfo bere. >> et> l t'sabalk out theth weaer no w. ndyla iser heit whhe the cck of e th caforest. ca en w tabalk outt whaenhapped wi hath ttin wd in icchago? >> tit'shedy win tyci,ut b tshi oktot i to- - >> another level. >> il72-m-he-an ourwinds. look atht wisanom. th peroohi tngan c'tta snd in wi sndik let. tha hwsoutdoest suglak parh wit -m 72anile-r-hou s.wind aeg catory one hcaurriasne h nd wips u to 74 m pileshoer ur. yo eu sela gss binreak tg onhe dibuilngs. stree letoppd. po wwerutas o inev seral eaars. asit w ain waydy dh wit thed win rn waings in ef.fect now wel wil starto tee s tshing ea se a bit. lo tok a the jstet .ream th sis ie mor l wikehat s youee inpr ar il omay.
7:17 am
wiallongpe temreratuos tar w ump ifsigntlicany. mo alhest tnt eire cryountil wl e sepe temreratubos aveve arage y.toda inhe t areas in tlahe p ainsnd esmidw0t, 2o t0 3eg dreesbo ave agavere. ll dahoas s huldit 80 today. sp firing eld,.78 na llshvie, 67. th sat i3 1re degesve abo av e.erag th pris seads waeastrd. wa gtshind.on, c.,63 desegre y.toda rewe ase clo to 60 in y nework ci lty taterhis rnafteoon. we y sta inhe t 50s tghhrouhe t esmidwst a weo g tghhrou the xt ne salever days. yonew drkropsk baco the t0 4 w>>heeather: n re ithe werathent ceer. ty'odares fo icastns o the baotllyo wuldouo vr tror f it. 73d ananyunn. ydrd anea pl.santl rtnostheads winto 5 ce 1i
7:18 am
oigngoingto in > >>nd at' thaurs yoes latt fo >> lady tn, hanku.yo >> no ow tfethe itud wplh ape d anfethe l derarngove.ment fethe ayds s the tcoech y mpanis re ngfusihe tue reqst becausehe t ancompsy i worried about its bottom line. nbc'tes sveat pnerso has remo. r >>orep tter: bhecealanh wit se tycuri andva pricys it ahe t ocoreef th dteispu whit apple d an theer fedal vegomern.nt idfr bayoref geinivghe t po opitrtun tyo red,spon fed eral ecprossutor adrgueud a jge ou shld force the tech giant to ea crte aro pgram tock cra syed rizwan faokro's niseorxe eticusvere a clialng eth oerrd aan drogeus prenecedt. li nikeng any stwof tareo a nu rclea bomb thatn i theng wro nd haous cld ttehrean theva pricy
7:19 am
>> i itst jus onene pho w,no but ouif yld buit tha wapathy, ot whers cillomeoo l fkingort i andou yno canton ctrol those people and when they use it for go od rppu.oses >> or rep bter:ut pcurose tors tcall ahatn erovemstatent. ap cpleouldnt maiainto cus odyf th eof sartwend a doesot n qu rea ire dbackoor or hack its s.user ngsayi r thealefus isce con rned for b itsesusindes modl an rk magetin stgyrate. ex spert t say bherand hinges on acprivy and c thenyompads nee to fi tghtheer ordo t pctrote itprofs. l alle whili bilreonaidi candate do tnaldrumpal corls f a bo t.ycot >> letpp alen ope up the pshone so e wd fin outhe wrese the th sreat are cgomin .from idi sa bttoyco applent uily the doit. yc bothott em. who cares? r >>teeporher: te casea alrdy r undewayn i thert couf o pcubli
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fo r od"tay,"te sve pasottern, nb wsc nes , loleanges. >> ir> vgin hasle rolutd ots i newce spatcrafh wit sirha ricrd an brsondi leanghe t way. ac spftecraty uni was veun.iled cthe iraftsig destoned e tak istourts to thee edg of the ac spe. e th firstpa safcecr btrokert apa du ring at tesli fght in 1420. br nansoop hes the newt tes htflign s can begi fin aew nt mohs. >> >he t. u.s n'womes sroccem tea g is toingeo th rio omplys.ic e thamteli chencd a spot last night at qualiinfyg natour.ment th oney w 0.5- th laey py for theou tenrnamt ch onampi shiprrtomoow. bo thms tea knowhe tyre aea hded t to sherumme megas. >>on i dhi't tnynk aevone er se ouriy slubdodteea tusm a. >> l> a book aackthe t week's
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c.nb al tkingut abo being ioun sth ro ca dlinagurin the imprs.arie wtheereath is ntfac.asti >> it wstill ay fatintasc. 60s andar pcltly oudys.skie >>o n exs.cuse he>> wnhe t wereaths i a ssme , it mas.tter >> yes. ke eps fksol at >> >ti sllo tom c heere on rdsatuayni morngn o od"t,"ay ca hitc yngou up on theed mical ad heslinem fro theat lestew ns about zika virus to icamera's ow gringro pblemit wh it. dr . tanaslie'n ithe ho use.
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atwhou yee ndo t ceur a an>> r:chod gooinmorng. ami ri chestinm ki i andst i csaucu i dayna.evadeno urhows aray faevads owhowd webeteren b snieeandd an arhillly conint inand t jus hy emdaocr vticroteis well hto neo50he 2cu cautoca tstaide woe tderert papici iateni ropscesndec selgtin decrmoicato nnmiee for esprt.iden 3news w hillave craovege stitaratng 101:0 a.m. when uccatus s.arts tand thenune itn a 4:00 p.m. afor siapecl hour long
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bbriv ollera g or youet g enalimid te n etow l g'setn ima foronti ka oy >> ae littl ctronerovsy orve yobee'nc ssgon ma"foronti." wh syeom picolofe cefi arsre ca inll fgor a boycott. we are back on this saturday morning, february 20th, 2016. look at these a greatro cwd on rockefeller pl aza. we l wil head odeutsi and sayi h tohe tnm i a le ittl bit. >>le at 2ast0re degesme warr an tht las ekwe end. w>> iould say 60. >> aea ht wave. >> itas was 1 lekt we end. t>> i a maysl wel be 90. >> er> hse it whas i mgakin ad hesline t on shisdaatury inmorng. b ausy dayor f rubepcalins and mo des.crat ngmakiir the final ps usheheon t pr yimar andcu caus day. pu reanbliceas h tdingeo th polls ouin sarth caolin for the
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ilwe wlal tkiv le to satenor o marcorubi aboutow hmp intorta da toy'sma priry is for him. >> >ed jar efogls i agskin a fe lderaea applsrt cou for a or sh terensentce. he waste sennced to 15rs yeaor f ss pongessild chi porn andin payg r fo w sexither undage rlgis. th .se u. toat'srney oefficas h no t mmcod.ente > >> andal touk abhet ted tir fe et. hu dsndre ofpl peoeak tingt par enin t sstateua annl nc dahoe-atn. ey thrt staoved m aingndro gving st yey.erda dthe wayon'tto sorp f 46 hours. e th 700ce danrsno cant eesl p, ctheytanno sit dgurint tha ti me. al orl f a good e.caus th one mey rseaidef benits di pecatri cceanatr he t hershy's ch enildrho's alspit. >> t'> lears sttht wi r the ecap heof t heneadlis. f >> tromheig b talk on the mp ca taign arailndhe tes lattn o he otr iestors.
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at t >>ouhe sndou y'reea h irings sthe ooundfcr seamsin comgm fro sh waoningtc., d. >>nbs c'tela nstioatnalol pl sh gowin e'thers a new trfronrunne for there pntsideial no timinaon. th sis a t srumppins off his te last itcrs.ic a >>er pson whoui bldsal wlsnd a not bridges i nsot cishranti. >> an srsdend ali connt are in a de adea ht in daneva. an lid c gntonetsoo bedor f ckatta singrsande at t aown . hall e>> hsn doe'tn evew knoha wt the last two democratic pderesints d.di d anuyono k watwh? well, it's tr.ue >> s>ereval do.wn t>>woon mthsft aer theer tror ta athack t lteft 14 ddea in san bernardino, the hoipsene u d by ooneef th krsille hasit p ted fb i.
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un tlockheop pular 5 c likes thi on e,he t falederge juder orded pl apeo tre cateew n saroftweo t ckunlo the neipho. >>nd a tim cook says if it cr seate thetw sofare and it fell tinhe wngro ndhas, it c ould ckunlo any iphone. a andna tordoch tou dingown ne hear tal rurow tnf o cryentu, fl a.orid tonk bla oetsfw sno in the stea. t >>heto srmpe dum sdnownd a lo fts o it. el fuyed bni el o as part of the ivmassete sysmnn spaing 01,60 miles up theas et coast. >>nd a in flidor aa,n -y 18olear-utd o onl bai a hftere wa s aterresd and aedccusf o enpret tdingo be a ordoct. >>m.d. board exam. i' otm nin trygo t beone. no . >> e h does itnsis he haste lisd va lid crtiedenals. >> i went intops steo te tako t be wcomehere im a now.
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nu ja aary afterie pataint sed h ol steck che fsrom her and forginghe tm for cash. ethee tnager would notom cment heon t aatccus iionsn >> th> 58e thnn alua gmmray dsawarel cteebrahed tsi muc's bi tgges stars. ke ckndriar lamin takge homt bes ra p albumnd a getngti and staing o that paidbu triote the t black ve lisat mter memovent. abutig hhly aipnticated pe apcearan byle ade wasre mard by audio itgl.ches iel b mieveyrt hea had i >> was erambarssed toe wakp u th exe nt mngorni p andeople saying we still love you. sa i idid i dn't ask youyo if u il stovl le .me >> t>heer gnma srtho .hair he>> t new top dog. g>> anermaho srtai hdreoi pernt omfral corifanies b itn owsh. e th 3--oyear bldeatut o 702,0 ot her gsdo.
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y >>erou wte a the amgr mys. >> i wasn o r theedpe cart rebefoat wgchin every a- list wstaralk by me. >> gaag d idnot? >> he s did. she wasss dren ed iher mahogeo t ddaviow bie. to te be een frot ferm h was crinibedle. >> you see why ssee a .star seyou e aer pson andhe tye hav at th t""i faorct. >> he s zeood. >> t thaeadel orperfe.manc >> ich wated .it sh aie sd thero micephonl felon th e pianost s.ring th adat mte iou snd like ata guir d an out of .tune >> her icvoe. i'msi sentiveo t .that sh e's e.adel sandhell sti didn azi amang job. >> abtesoluly. >> s we ltillove her. al ghthou she d'toesn reca. l'set get athno cerckhe of th erefostca. >> ok .ay co ouplefca sedtterho swersnd a st orms pblossihre t toughhe ohio ri verva.lley
7:36 am
u yo tseehe sspec oeef grn? e th sercatted shs.ower ilwe wl seeso id lateand st errongrm stoats ler datoy. br hiefeavy douownpr and li inghtng. t noot a l of se everatweher. a ar mlgina risk ashi tols cd on frovt mesth to e .east wthis cilloolem ttupera res .down dahea of it,he ter vy g usty swinde likha w wte sawn i agchicyeo dastery. el ersewhee, w are lngooki at ertempesaturbe to bo aut 15 to 30eg dreesve abo eravage. 50 s and 60s uphe t east ascot. s 70 and80 shr tough the aiplns. ertempesatur w billebo ave agaverree pmutty ch w>>heeather: n re ithe werathent ceer. ty'odares fo icastns o the baotllyo wuldouo vr tror f it. 73d ananyunn. ydrd anea pl.santl rtnostheads winto 5 ce 1i
7:37 am
oiginng >> > andha tt'sou yrat lest fo streca. >> n,dyla t hanku.yo st ju d,aheae hav your eve cenotid yound a yourpo suse wa aleeys sm to get skiche wn yo urid k esdo? th maere ye b a sticienfic as reon. >> d > an rwhyondaou ryses i ap izolog fing or a with the pain d swanngelliof de my mo to ratereseve or odinary objects ti intingmida. do inmeg sosithing .mple.. an merit endu lotng af isif ra in changur vg yoiew of everyday things enciormaa helpy . a orencidiworks entlffery arby t agetinge sourc of rl ra eay t inlahe infion mmatesprocs. r foormany, a prenciesovid loerm ng-tefreli of mp ra sy.toms it elpe's hw d neiera patnts osand thhee not enolpedugh by t otherntreatmes. ot do ne or taka enciwith anot
7:38 am
du n e to aseincreaskd ri sofuserionf ionecti. ri ses ou esideecffants ccc our clud infaing fetal in.ctions ca lses ofaymphom luand ceng canr ha eeve bpon rerted. te r ll youdoctor if e you're topron or ave hy anfectinnio like an open sor te, fluhe, or a history of copd, cha nic rongluisea a orenciworsmay ouen y.r copd ouif yt 're nog gettinrelithe ef yo ed..u ne. as dk yourr aboctoorout encia. enci ora. yosee ur ra ifin a dnt wfereay. e'thersos inmethg be toidsa foexr orinplthg worle darou ynd.ou why should snacking be any different? erdiscov nin allave fl oors ofcrur cheeamyees taand to yp incuour itriosy. the laugng chiow.
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admy de me gavth arose sh es,u knyoow. he ha ran tmpant coy. iti get . t buknowyou hi i tyonk tou own ch.o mu tta gogemanari your sk. esan honiniot opn how isar edws d jone makessens ie ofngnvesti. unannont:cemeth rmis stose promi bs toee thbi t ofgges d theecade. totwithccal aioumulatofn to up ee threet. f ros wiad bll e shutwn idoinndefitely. d scanolhoare s oscl.ed mp ca sbell'so oups gt greawi olth a ca d and rednice.
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ar we ace b okn a sdaatury rn moing. gu iys,t'sim t teo d.tren >>e tim to d.tren er>> he'she t qiouestn for all th e wh ouen yr kidom c hesome with a co rld oto smach virus,ow h often b doothen parts get ?sick >> allhe tti me. n >>ewea resrch showsav hing a il chdng chaoues yr iemmun st syem. ady stu in theou jrnal found thatin havg a kidic radally rerewihes tun immete sysm of bo then paryts b %50 bseecauy the arexp e tosedo aid wege ran of ge arms ndbugs. b iveelie that. ius jt had a tht.ough rfo f theirst timeas lt night, i 'tdidn eatff o my leittl guy. she iin eaticg re krispy eatrts. idi sa lete m have a .bite i ug thoht- -
7:41 am
>> i'm going to pass. >> ha tt's s.gros is itou yrir rew oingrs i it ca ngtchi aldco? >> the s studyays its i re ngwiri. m i' ywithou. wi thhe tki 12 hads tut yoe hav inr youus hoe. a >>slway any run nose. ru n yrunnes nos aarre pft o feli. >> > erthe's a newwi tnst o one op st shngoppi. tu na? ootatts an?yone it couldap h tpenshanko t wle od fos. at thpa comnync lauhing ama sller ai chfn ore sto csdalle 365. e thre stoils wl beim aed at op sh opersn a dgbuet. ol whooe fds agddin a vtyarie of nd ve tors soet up shop ien th or stes. so f me otheor rumedst ,ores fa nshioai retlers andat ttoo rl paors. in a emstat went,hole foods is yhapput abo the,buzz b wute ve ha notic offyiall ancnnoued
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went a aicipeak mingse the an cenounsmenty ver onso. s itsound l aikeig h ehnd arwalmt. > >> andci sstentis in lnondo may ve hand sou a splimeur c feor th inrobbg acheadhes. a ncpeil. grab e.on i its asas ey as it dssoun. ey thou fndol hding aen pcil tw beeeoun yter eth,o gahead, xerelascl muses i tnhe jaw and th ates eas nsteion. yo reu aup sdposeo t dbiteownn o it. >> i am. d >> ioestp hel you larex? di u d yo tusedteo bin dowon pe sncil as a d?ki i d.di >> youw knot whael hps a he headac? a leittl tewar. ita ltle letynol. and rondaou rseypo azlogiegin r fo a otpho. ps po.tart 'l>> i clelhann selheinhile ts rn moing. ha>> t tt'she e.danc u yoot g .that a al legat btlet tha rdocke
7:43 am
the sringe iske lhaeft the co ouurthftse aer j audgeul r ed nsagaiert hue reqo st tbe re edleasm fro c theacontrth wit .sony dtheeal sfpeciyieshe sor wk al idongse dr. kelu. in ,2014 keishaed filhe t la twsuiin agast thedu procer os whame nse ias luc godbwal for se lyxualss ainaulterg h and dr nguggi r.he de tofamary. we sirdtiituaoron f hererthe. formation. members of the mmiia cpthaerf o the national police union vedot to co boytt the april6 2thho sw at the mnsarlidi staheum where s iste slado tck kioffer h urto. th eso reasn i shese uds thi ar ye s's buperowl toiv dide am anericits werh hck bla nt pa ahersntnd alii-poce
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e th miamie mov comesft aer pr aaise pndstrotef ohe tge sinr r fo theer panformce where her erdancors w belack tsberend a be lted amtimunion. nd aon rdaou r esey tarlyhey wareeekos pt the this preictu om prgotin herea apperanc on "the to tnigh ."show fa n ns itheot niced thetu picre sl r.imme ronda i ksnownor fit posive body ag ime. ap izolog tingos fan andwi shong th rie olgina and ucretohed ot pho. nd roaai sdhi t gsoesin agast ev hierytng i libeeve. i' rom pud e of ivernchf o my bo dy. w iillur assoue y itil wevl n er enhapp again. i >>pe sntim teit wher has lt ye orar f a orsty. that wasne o oef th tshing she edtalktl mosy about. wsheas veryro pud ofei b ang g bil gir andea hlthy girl. i >>ie belve her on that one. u p ,next aernothou rndf o
7:45 am
mleteet g my pen. i'm rvneous. a oflot tianticipaon. we il weel s what thedu pro cers ihaveton sorre fth us is dvwith aiquiil ls,-gelu' yo allskwh bodatacy s?he what knee pain? at swhe orbow?el what joint pain? l adviquligei- als sreo fast, they make pain a distant memory nothing works faster st ngerro or longer th ilan adv-g liqui els the world's #1 choice what pain? l.advi fortifying the gravity-defying... friend-connecting... strong... u. yo w neiaspeck l h.nouris grmulti-akain fl es uiwith qppnoa, ales, al anmonds spbed ras.rrie w nespecial k nourish. ifforty. heis ser o aftiqur llduid go? shoh, tte beoter n be. ou
7:46 am
it te's glun. e'ther is gold n themar sths.hell li golquidd. ke i tae n th,soundsom fr sid alles, of ch an orpeestra mingrforti enorrely f you. th ep ge je crande,heroke th awiivctnoise cae ellanconti tur toy n an istreeta nto mpsy.hony t 0%ge apr financing for well qualieifbuyed rs us $ plbo500 shnus ca15 on 20ep g je crande heroke.models stthe morded aware, g wardinersuv ev. nsat joh,on's odthe prn ucts i ourth baro time eutin wo trketogliher akem. tea mba con inatioeddesign tolp heve impro
7:47 am
whu ste yoatimulsee his nses. jo n'shnsoso . mo much re m i'e therbefor .ssie m i'e therrafor y. d ted lovebabasell. dr il. phes lik totcwaoth fo.ball nnrehoe, wts wanpp sloe y joon methe venu eayry d. si romye's t besndfrie. yneveles likda to nce. ha ttrriets wan f her riedmpshriwe as ll. icalnee anes likilla van iceeacrthm wico cho slate ayrupnd borainriw sps.nkle eythe givo me s bmuchack. i t can' ievennemagi i howco pould lyssibe giv wthem hateythe givme. e' wre back on aat syurda
7:48 am
ofou wld you ra.ther t'>> is sro fa .away d >>eeug dpo t come uph wit the tiquesons. >> s 60dseconn o the clk.oc >>e wrt stait wh neshei lle. ou>> would yat rher go about yo ur nlorma dayed nak, ri sey,ousl orl falepasle for a .year no 'd, ihe rat grout abo any rm noal day. w ioulde havo tk suct i up. >> work? at>> rthher isan ms y aearf o fe li? u yold wouhe ratisr m s ayear? ta lo in aarye. uyous jt gngoi toe hav toee s me . y >>omou ce to work kenad. tdon' t dohat ncdae. >> llheo! >> ld wouou yhe ratre bpp traed in n ava eletorh wit a bunch of t weog drs ora tppedn i aup gro eoof pple withor heribl br?eath wet . dogs ou>> would y ratrhee livit whout si murc o liveho witut tv? on>> d'tge fort what youo. d
7:49 am
>> ht rigan .swer >>er oth iwise'de hav no job. ou>> would y ratrhe bece ford to sa ery evngythi y on mour oindr rneveak spe ainga? >> ihi tnk you would say. p >>eleas t.don' >> still to ,come whyme ansrica st lil areot nti getnong eugh ee slnp o aly dai basis. >> y' there d.nake nd>> aha w ytanou c doo t help fi atx th. >> llheo, wod!rl
7:50 am
e thonpers l who hiveshaere s tolvsoobe pr alems sg biheas tld wor. an sd asllmas auryoit kchen table. that t'sobhe j. evy ery.da an w,d no f the lirstwhady ohelped get healthcare r fomi8 n e thnaser too whlphe ted cheyit seriga e thcrsearet sy of wtatetoho sod orup fri amendca are stad do oswn h ltilerseadeun aroed thwo rld, is the one candidate prfor enesido t whevhas yter hing tit takes eo do pveryart tof jhe.ob sh lle' never let anyone privatize ciso salurecyit meand redica. or t shu pdownedlannen paroothd. she'll takone g theobun l by,llfinat y gel equafopay mer won, d an tstopephe rcaublirons frim g ppinouall r ogprssrewa ay. n so ouafebr0try 2anh st fd uphior y.llar usbeca ye ifanou wprt a enesidt knwho hoows kw toameep aeric safe, and build a stronger economy,il hryla t's cheichoe. i n'womat pkemiros secai tn' keep. we can make rea dalfeifncreine pe leop l'sesiv.
7:51 am
7:52 am
7:53 am
at(c#2 vo ah) yeet...lak's te gsthina up h!notc d.adee..chse! v(cat) o #1weand ta gote havco d. (c vat#3o wo) ohoo, bacon! nothw 'sat t atyasla frvo v(cat) o #1weand ju're gest g ttintestard. (a) vow neisfreskiat c nccotiocs.on urfoel dioiclyusif drefe ntfloravom cnabiontis, demaor fat c bs,cay .ts to the womann ithemi 'sd-90ws shopptoer... you're ime 's tetto sbi this e.rd fre b hoted, loodkchecnd it a. see.. g aoter fev of 103... feel ' inngryhu? how 'bout a donut? 'm h iloot b..odedmi'ho blt d!oode he whet r it's -y30rs oeald 3 or o0-daysld, rm cailax wail apprse it liin as sttle a 30 ut mines. th and our en y onlyn concerewill b ho pew to se nd
7:56 am
a>>r:nchod gooinmorng. aihm ctirisimne k. odtouay celd bur a t ningntpoi rthisfoace e r thewhit.ouse mthisngornioc dem iratsevn n w gillrathesaucu spretiiden neemin. wsneysti 3el wile havmp co uccataus srts. anisd thal50 3s kidtiwaing rfoo ferrev flami ties ihisns a e tvento lare hn oowuro cummtyni mcanake aff dinerece. styop bad showll hisur ch1ch 0 to wouldor fop adtiond antefosr pa erentt.ven
7:58 am
8:00 am
butteunbo re iundu^t nex e oo gd moinrng. su rpe sardtuay. al l eyes onev naad andth sou ro ca tlina woday tithwoig hh akstessi preiadentlon cstest in ethosst .ates blrepus icanadalrety a the ll pos. mo descratre pngparica to iucusn vaneda laterto day. soh muc at staken i ne.vada ewhil in sthou rocali,nas it'n a ouall-ust poh tet g peeopl to th e llpos. we l 'llkta leiv toep rliubcan candidate satenor m arcobiruo. >> d>ecirt t.hi haeug cloycne equal to a ca gote fryeivur hcari mneesak la llndfa onfiji. mtheeronst storm packing winds of more than 175 miles per hour. the entire area uernd a steta of di ersast. ilit wel bou hrsef beorhe tul fl escopth of deeamag can be seen. >> nd> als girit wh algos.
8:01 am
beating trinidad and tobago 05- at o theiclympli quagfyin ur tontname. at thns mea l thesadie areea hded to theol ympics. today, saturday, february 20th, 2016. yallouav hego to ande mak me ke li you ri>> tp from lamarynd. >> s it'y m biayrthd. >> happy biayrthd. >> rngunnihe ttr cenal pkar ra ma tthonroomorndw as it' her birthday. >> is aitor he he a s? >>s it'a girl! t'>> iys m first time in new york and we're from rhode lais.nd i>> t'mniur 9ngn iw nerkyo. >> welcomeac bko t od"t"ayn o sa rdtuay morning. a gwirong cwdro onhe t azpla. >> it feels like april. w >>el wil get oheut tnre i a bi t. gh riw,t no p the aollspere o inn ut soroh ca.lina th at state,f ourco nse,ear pe trfec inki picnghe tnt eve ual
8:02 am
n >>oou dbobt aut .it ga bi f dayotor bhou sth ca narolih wit theub repnlica im pr aaryevnd n fadaheor t crdemoaticca esucus. h weave youer cov oednh bot si des. in antmome, w weillpe s wakith nd caeidatat senorco mar rubio. first with hallieac jksonh wit e thep rcaublin race. od go inmorng. g >>ood rnmoing. p 40eeoplav hee com tghhroue her in the lastr hous adi cansdate t geea rordy f p theinush the tfirs inhe t south arprimy. na doruld toomp lking to mi do.nate she i rngaisiye esbrowh wit co ventrolrsiaco tsmmen. ary stoe hd tol at a rallyt las ni ght abouten g jeralohn pe ngrshiot sho mingmsuslih wit etbullste coan d ispig' blood. >> e hsaid he took 50 btsulle handeip dpedm the in s pig' d bloothand hoey s9t 4 ofse tho lepeopnd a t0he 5ther psone h
8:03 am
andou yl telhe tm what enhapped. fand5or 2 aryes,he tasre wn't a pr m.oble >>mp tru tgryino t make aoi pnt ou abilt myitar tneoughss. ru morra tgckin web site op sn.ces fomndouo n edevienco t su orppt the s htoryneapped. um trp piamng up aksttacer aft e thit posionn o is.rael uz crin tryog tht fig offar mco ru fbioheor ton seclad pce si po.tion ru sbio' cigampa wnngarni its sursorte ofot palenti dirty ic trroks fm cruz y.toda tandhen ,guysou y have jebh bus nghopith souol car winaillot n h beasis ltat ssnd ae w look ea ahod ter a vyy bus dayin votg da ny ith sou roca.lina sh lleinee. >>iehall,ha tyonk u. ut soroh ca tlina hisinmorng. he j uoinsves li a forn cl exeusiv ay"tod" show go mood g,rninr. si g >>moood g.rnin
8:04 am
ptrumye dastery,t las nightow dn s in couthinarolaka ming the rocontiaversoml csmentut abo the ge lnerand rouing upli musms and sh ngooti them in g'pis d.bloo nt set?imen t>> i is rrbizae. m i'e surpl peoere we ndoffeed. at th. at thot's nt wha u thed nite esstat is about. it isou dlbtfut thar eve ha enpp.ed nierevea hrdt tha s torybe.fore so , look,re we' iner a vyrd wei ar yere he. lepeop s aregayinha wrtevey the wa intnit policsod tay andre the se temso beo n unaccolitabity. weil wloc f ousn our ssmeage. wwe hillave aeb d oatevers thi su ise in n thefeext w ysda. e thidpresency is a suserio job. es alpeciowly ne mor thanerev. h i wopeean coc fus onhe t ouserisps aect of it and nothe t rc ciusas .pect >>h witt tha ,saidva eicngelals
8:05 am
so cauth naroli. dyet,d onalptrum l isngeadi in e th polls. at wh isr youho t oughthyn w um trsp idi leang the ev liange acalshand wst ir you me essag to?them >>ir ff st oall, let's seet wha enhapps y.toda at thhe's tol patl th uncots. wh oes cart whaeb somody said ar yes you ask aboutva eicngelal te vors. an evcagelitel voarrs coue abt e thed frendom ae liv out the ac teshing o ofur itfah. th aney wtur otu cul treoef rlect th e jeo creultu va.lues cthey aarebouthe tat nliona cu se.rity atheylso work. th avey heng you crehildndn a gyounlt adusn i their fa.mily th ey c aarebout the cost of go tingo cgeolle andlt heahar ce an ved einrythlsg ehae tt tt maers. r ou mgeessa ies th same for er ev.yone ilwe wl re tturneo thnc prisiple ofim litedov genernmtnd ae fre rpente arisetrnd snaong altion nsdefee de e.fens eif w do,thatri ameasca h a ch tanceo beet btern tha ist ha everenbe.
8:06 am
am anericso tve leaur o kids rs woffe oha tn eloursves. >> at senjeor, bub sh, youno kw s hith broeram cnepaigord fim h in l theow uncotry. he had hishe motram cnipaigng fo imr h aswe ll. he fheinisd sixth inow ia. l heostor endmesefnt oer govnor y.hale ho ws i itha tt you beateb jh bus d anck kno hutim of orathe ce fo odr go? w >>one d't deal with .that at th's t notayhe w wel deait wh it . h iavere toumendmis adonratior f buthe amsh f ailynd m.hi i' otm n in tshi reaco tve prent hi omm frni winng. i' nm is thie racau bec iset wan eto bsi pre odentef thte unid st .ates youan c go ony m webe sit rc cyoueean s i why'm nnruing. i h wis him the best. tii s hllaveme tresndouer plsona
8:07 am
d an his mifaly. he is a greater gov onorf idflornda aat gren. ma to day. se>> r,nato l aot ofol fks ta glkinut abo the esendorment u yo pdickefr up omer govnor le handy aim ttt scos a .well yo avu he a lotf oep rcaublins ba g ckinyou. if d youon'tis finh in the top o tw t inheal pomett state,s i th atsi conddere aos l fsor your ca gnmpai? >>,no ink thie wee n d to fi eld. th aerere sixeo pple rngunni fu call slepa cam ignsrehe. at th isal usu nlyot the seca. by theim teou y get toou sth ca naroliou, frrs yea ago, yoever knenew it wasn dowto mi omtt r aneyndew nt u yohavee fiv ftiull-me ca gnmpainds an johic kash has beenn iouand tf o sthetate and he s wasd econewin nps ham.hire ithis vs aeryif dntfere ec eltionro fnym aer oth year. we sawha tter aftew n shhampire. we will see a bitft aerth sou licarona.
8:08 am
do own t o twohrr tee oppele, you ad trnaitiol cagnmpai. wi ell b rtimpoant. afor o lotf oppe ile,t isut abo et wh yherouan c go on. we areea lvinge her thtonig and danevaor tomrow. me co. s >>orenatco mario rub in lu co,mbiath souro ca.lina na se ttor, yhankorou f your .time good. luck ha>> tnk you. thank you. et l'sur tno t the docemtsra no w. ll hiy arinclanton rnd beie sa s nder rarengunnik nec and ne ck. e thke stas are so .high h weavest krienel w wkerith .more ep>> rr:orted goomog,rnin ei she.nell cr seyetarli cntonnd aen sator ersands sndpeingli milons ur cotingic afrmean-anrica vsoter and losatin. ll hiclary n into hleadas ap evedorat.
8:09 am
to47%. ayfrid night,ot bhdi cansdate de mair thesi clong guars.ment >>10, ,20 30ea yrsro fm w,no lepeopil wl lbaook nck o what ha enpped in nevada anday shi ts s wa the bnieginf ng othe li poltica retivoluon. >> o s let's go csaucu moto.rrow le gt'set onhe t thpa. t' leins w this tielecon. le t'sak mee sur ourou crynt sstayn o ptheathf o pesrogrs and into the refutu. >> or rep ater:in w here inhe t at ste w boulderi cltica for toclinno tai regomn mmentum fro th ose lns i newmphae.shir for a winor f saernd cs,ldou eprov he ispe comvetitin i sh lleinende a aicrg. >> krn,istenk tha you. a steta of ergenmecy ardecl oeden th idslan nnatiof o ndfala.ll th sermtos iac pngki
8:10 am
ve waits wh theer powf o the cat ve firr hue.ican pcellhoneeo vidhos sws hs ouse be baedtter. > >> j audge redefus toay delhe t de tiposifon oil bl y'cosbs fewi. th eos depnitio is partf othe fadetima coneas againstil bl co y sbbyev senen womho wim claed he medefad . them a te frayrnitt auf bfalo st categeolleus sedpendve or a ibpossazle hingth dea erthe. ptheeolices invtitigangng thi de ath ofhe t -y21olear-tud sdent toet dneermif i shiometng he an drrik du hng agazinit rual was be ecausth of e death,he t alaph fi ra frnteyitas hee bn speusnd t by hesc.hool >> et> let's g ack cheth of e we rathe wdyith lan. m>>aybeou sntherlo f wrida ith w beloagavere teatmperure. u yo tseeethe jea strmff o to th rte noh. e tht nexrm stote sysm dopeveling
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we l arengooki in theor nstthea hifor inghs 5 the a0snd 60s. we l wil see t nheextrm sto emsystg drath in werarme w it billen rai ud p andown the st ea coast. he tre is iet gtinget togherac bk th hroug theoc rkieso int mo.nday ilwe wlrt sta to see it pcerodu ra ndin a seeverrm stosng alohe t lf gu t.coas av heaiy rnow dn the etas w>>heeather: n re ithe werathent ceer. ty'odares fo icastns o the baotllyo wuldouo vr tror f it. 73d ananyunn. ydrd anea pl.santl rtnostheads winto 5 ce 1i anead rlly qtuie oigvernn_ oiginng > >>nd at' thaous yres lat t fo streca. >>n,dylaha tyonk u. w no to a storyf ohw higay ro y.bber
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targeting the big trucks. it turnsut ohe trere a setafy co ernc wnshitha w ttyhe are stealing iensidau bectse i would wind upn i your minedicein cabet or bltae. scott dmfreeroan fasm kx in ll daas has.more sc gott,ood inmorng. >> or rep ter:aicr gg,ood mo g.rnin st june ole stosp elleciay ai trler fullf oar cgoo t net th sieve m $1onilli for remo. h weavexc evelusi videoho swing sthe ocopeef thme cris and how sit i cngosti us m aoneyhynd w po alicereug strgglin k toeep . up al tonghe icamera's wahighys. 18 werheelse hav beecomli milon do llarge tartsor f a new breed ofan btsdiue fngli m asias ve acbl mkkear tduinryst. >> he t ayre rniun ang ethus besin isso t salte the ufstf. >> ep rteorr: a binusses so big e thad buy gs nowav he wouarehses atthoo lk leik a>>llhe ttu sff youan wt for chstrismas i wt haeyth ntwa. r>>orepr:teol pice in gndra
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ipshngpien crte run by a suspected cargo theft ring. lapastef o stof drinks and other lapopuror psductin takgy bn a niorgazed groupcc aused of st ngeali by uctrk. he otrers bntak io trailers. in the videom frora trsvele su ine,ranc teshiev use aol bt ercutt andra cckpe on the lock d an goho sinpp ign search of emit tsyhe c sanl.el >> these folks are s.mart ep>> rr:ortees invtotigar ph pilliri hars has seen i a tloruckfad o sletonbo cowy ot bos. enstolie dt ppsumeles.nt e tht mos paropul areev beserag an d .food stinveorigatsnt ipterceedto slen ef bend bou for a black ma.rket t>>hose who salte it,o d tyhe acare tboutheat d ietir expes? no . r>>orepr:te eerxptsay s sleton
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on line andt a mom & pop sstore ttpuingus unsinpectstg cusomer atskri. companies tha ltose cargos pas on c theost cinharggsu conmers gh hier icpres. th est worot hpo s ats lre os an leges, daasll, chagico, de itsp te bheig lseosscr asos eth cotruny. mo ssttetas dnoo tav he a atstidewrge caohe tftas tk rc foe. ma ocny lolal pice dtmeparents n' doavt he itinvesrsgatoh wit iaspeclra tg ininorto wark cgo se cas. >> re the l isisow rk that you sdjuritiic.on >> reporter: soom cespani are inturng toow l .jack ey thck trat iro fm a cmaomnd ce ernt. >> 7/ 24/365. >> or rep uter: tsingolechnogy to k tractrthe ifuck ve it frers om s itut roe. d ant bai trasiler wiredit wh
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he>> tt beshi t yngou can do is keep thear cgo >> and onhe t ro, aductrrskere a av dioingxt era opsts. >> 'm ioo lngki forus soupicis ve eshiclt tha may hbeave en ll fogowin f meuior qte a while. >> or rep ater:ro pblemlo ang mo stor majig hshway cngosti ll bi.ions w >>ave heo t start sheomewre. we e havfi to ex th leprobm. i>>tinvesrsgato tusell om s e ocarg teshievke staut o re waeshous andlo folwve drirs av le fingilor mesti waing for em th toak me a .stop he otrers bntak ioar cgods yar li kehi t osn wndeekes or at he otmer tiens whin bus iesss ow sl. nein omp exalen i t, exasvethies ettarged ain sgleil trafer o az amonac pskageth wor .5$2 iomilln. cr aig. >> ot sct,as fticinang y.stor ot schat, tnk you. i itse lik sodomebuty of o a mob e.movi t>> i isry sca for the yeah.
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f toutolks o w there hoseetdiabveic ner.. ndoots ans bur s waittoy inda your y, yi hearou. evetoe ryonhiwith t s pain makthatrdes oy inarstask aoextrilrdinariny paful, i ouhear y. surmakeure yoct dorsor hea too you! ar i heec you b i wauseas whthere daen my fferd sued wi beth dianervtic ine pa. y ife ou havesdiabet andinburnotg, shoining pa youinetr fend or han's, doffert susi in lence! n step oup and yoask tour docr out abetdiabveic ner pain. te cll 'emc edri ysentou. > >>s thior mningn iay"tod's" ro p,undu h wenoave eat h lrd aot tabouik za ruvis, bhout suld we be conencerd? we e havr. dal natie araz w ith
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oo>> gd rnmoing, eishe.nell et>> lal's tkut abo the zika ru vis. no zikaqu mossitoend fouth in e ewher inhe t u.s.ld wouhe t ru viras tvel to? >> teohe ppleos mt in drange for be mico engosxpedit to are the lepeop who williv le inhe t gulf co .asts idflorula, gasf coout, yan c see it on theap mou ssttheaern un itedesstat. th apis m is reinteg.stin it en extds ferurth up ien th henortast. th aererewo t mitosqu toeshat n ca antr.smit otheosne mt crnonceedut abos i e thne oth in e gcoulf ast. ot an oherne tachat lytuals doe u go ap bit erhigh. c itlsan arao ttnsmi zika, but no tea nrly asff enticiely aes th yp egtii. >> t whaut abo cesoupl tgryin to eiconcve? >> thens couel we hbeave en gi ving peeopl based ondc c elguid,inesor f womenry ting to mebeco napreg tnt,heyho suld
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t tohe a wreas thereikhe za ru viras tssnsmiision gooning. th eig bgerst que wionitho n fi de aniternswe is l howong the ka zius viran civ lend asi posbly an tr zsmit aikandy stan i a n' mas erspm. th sat ihe tce confrn o the lecouprys t tingoce con iive f the man had exreposu. ou shheld tary we ado conm for th ure dnatio of the egpry.nanc u>> inderim estatedth is. mi nsllio ofen m are tgakin st teroostene rceepla ment apthery. $5 bonilliea a ynr i the rkmaet. do se thera thepies ?work >> neshei hlle, ierehas wts i te ininrestg. g weheot t hni sts.udie otwe g rtsesul from 3f o 7 inongog iestuds. e th one wee arki tal angbout da toooy lkedt a three tcou.omes ithatssi phycal tifuncon, vi tytali and slexua tifuncon. theynd fou that rcieplang te testos urone asing gel for one
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t no atdramlyicalut, b leittl ef ofectnhy plsicact fun aionnd ta vi.lity idit dmp i mroveood a bit. ud stasy w tooho srto t drawg lon rm teon cioclusns a tbouthe ge lnera abyilit ofit . is th ishe tir fst ryealll wel de edsignal tri ls toatook s thi e sinc ithetunstite ofed meicin ar chgeds u in .2003 >>et l'se mor ono tet som hing that aesppli to allf o .us la ckf o eeslp. th cedcay ss-t onehird ofs u n' dot getno eugh p.slee ue>> ghess where tte sta hadhe t hi tghesce perentag of thet bes p?slee wh>> ere? >> th sou da.kota howe suldov m se to outhtadako. i >> nt'sot .here >> iav hesa to yf i youre a tt geinges lsn tha the re encommdedgh roulyen sevou hrs fo r tsadul, the long termlt heah dcoullu incde itobesy, hy enpert asionndbe diates. wh anat c d youboo aut atth? tw f o othehi t ings likeos m t areee kping ary wor jol.urna ep ke atth.
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nbc. >> >in comg up,ow hhi ts cenhick di oush c hldelp youiv lone a>>erfthe tesse mgesas. vo: acssroca ameri ,lepeopak are taring chof tge theirdiype 2 abetes onwith nin-insultoza vic . a for e, iwhilk tooa pill owto lbler my gaood sur. t bun'it didmet get to go my al. so sked i ado my ctor viabout a ctoz. he s viaid ctoza worksfferdiy entlilthan pls. d anmes co ainen. p viozact i provs en to lower blood sugar and a1c. tit's aken aoncean day, .y time viactozno is wet for losights, bu mt itp ay helseyou loe somhtweig. vict oza w worksurith yoy bodto r loweooblsugad inr way 3s:
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vivo: ctozaan i is tanjecble ipprescr medtioneicin mthatmproay ilove barod sug a ins widultypth tabe 2 dietes wh d en use with adietrcnd exeise. it s iconot redmmendeas t irhe ficst medation to at d treteiabeshs and ould be unot insed e peopl wi e th typdi1 esabet iabeor d ticacketo.idosis vict aoz has no beent tu seddi thwiealt me imsuliinn. ctoz vi ia ins not sulin. ot do nvi take a ctozyo if u haversa pe or onallyfamito hisry of ulla medry d thyroi,cancer mult eiplenendocrias neoplsyndia tromeype 2, ioryou f earal rgle to icctvia oz or a ony itfins ediegrnts. symsmptof oria sesoual rgleeaic riocty n maclinude initchh,g, rasif or dlty ficuthbrea ing. outell yctorr doyo if u get oa lumpellir swn ng iecyour nk. risedeous sits effec hap may peneoin po ple wh victake toza, incl inudinflg maamon oti fthe ncpaas (rencpaatitre).is stop taking victoza and call yo durr octoghriayt aw if you have signs of pancreatitis such as severe pain that will not go awainy r youdoabmen
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th owiwir thout vomiting. tell your doctor about all the mediciyones tau ke and if you have any medical conditions. ta vkingtoic wza hita lfsuuronyl oeasur innli y malocause ood w blr.suga mostthe mo com en side affectsheadre , ache,nausea di , arrheamiand vo.ting esidets ffeclecan dead to iohydratn, whmaich e y caus pkidneyems.robl y ifr ou ipill'tsnin giv gthyou coe yontrol u need as urk yor docto ab noout lin-insuozn vict.a
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ns. >>c an ghor:moood g.rnin ci amsthri kine aimtnd i is auc dcusnay ilos ev n shouray awom frliadoev nslatho snwdow benetweni berae srsndeeand hiyllarin cl.ton^a an jd in aust fs.ur ho odemticraoc vsterll wiad he oonemi 2 theau50 cca lonstioen tas wte tidentrea pcirtiepate th berni pesrocfs oe sandel snecti decrmoicato nnmiee for prenesidt. wsne 3l wilve have corage rstag tinat:0 110m. a.en wh ca sucuststar. danen the tun a int00 4:m. p. orf aec spialur hog lon
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we are back onhi tsat sdaury morning, february 20th, 20.16 a lelovyro cwd outer he datoy. a little warmer. >> l aot waerrm. loa t erwarm. e >> wlaare eest w ikendnro fnt heof t fire t.pi y>> me fac wasmb nu. y >>ouou ctldn'ee foul yr cefa. >> hi t iss good. t >>his is ad goo owcrd. rt bihds.ay ari tplet biayrthd. i t wenr ove andd saihe w ires e thrd thiip trlet. ha ppyir bythda noelnethess. rr ma fied5or 4 years. >> . nice >> ti s sllpeinakg to each heotr? i e lovit . >> g,craie we hav awe set 16. ghrihet . re >>ap hpywe set .16 >> eryvedybooe gs awe. >> we r allbeememr thed goo old .days s uco mho t get to thiss thi ha lf hour. ilsttol om c he,ow pope frans'cioms csment n isheot t rs fiimt tee h orer othol fks
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we il wghl li utenndp a help u yo get over erwint'sas lt hump. ma riorm angstro w hillelp you. >> nd> a cngooki up ahi ccken di itsh wyh kegr inntedieeen grdgrntedieso t he ylpoue liv lo.nger la dyasn h the fostreca. t iil wle b wmearrcr aosshe t un cotry. rewe aoo l akingt ae nicay d for the pmariryow dn in south ca rtpa lyoucl,dyem traperetu s60s an d. 70s xcno e.uses inheadutg o todaneva, mp teureratrees ae nic out that y. wa a50snd 40sn iom sf e othe rt no phernartsf othe state. wn doth sour nea lass,vega5 7 de sgree and hisunsne. th iere ns roain toes msp u the im prsarie or ucca.uses weav he sercatthoed swersnd a dethunrmrstos. pe eslycials thi anofteron and ov ghernihrt tough l st.ouis and utsornhell ioiin asndes w tern uckentndky a tesennese. ereastn halff othe coy,untr ertempesaturve aboav e.erag a50snd 60sn ihe t pl.ains
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gu >>at we her: ihereen th heweater cr.nte atodfoy's streca o isne th llba otuyoou w vldt.or i n73 aenn suy. drny ald pnteasal noartheinst w ds 5 randyeallie qutrn ovet.ighhoron_ g oing >> w>elw asayee s shuc lelovy gn si osen thpl aza. ur yoot's g y.mess at whpe hap tned hisinmorng? >> its i ait ltlell chiy whit co eeff. >> ou ye'rh wit aro c fwdrom or flida? >> s. ye atheyreit vising us. >> iue g bssylo fdari dastanrds, it s ich illy. youke picd a good rnmoing. u youl shode hav hbeenereas lt we d.eken wthatas .cold ys gu. > >>nk tha you. j i fust ooundut terwitt is pl exg.odin
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gyououot yrea lther hat. >> alrely? >>yeah. dyouon'tel bieve me? 'm>> ie sury m wifeou bght it. t'>> iars sh tp assahey y. >>ha t nkyou. th atea mns alot. thank you. a tlof oeo pple areal tking about pope anfrsci h and ies abackhet t vanaticer aft the ek weg lonis vito t ximeco. ewhil there, h headlu bnt comments about donald trump. he isot n their fste popo t wade into picolital tewars. snbc'nn aeho tnmpso ist a cavatityn ci. r >>teeporoor: grnd mo ing, ei she.nell theic vatans iin trygo t tamp wn dohe tur f oorver the pepo's mm co.ents e thpo serkesp ssongayin the po wpe'sordser wote n aer plsona ckatta. heid d m notonentiru tmpy b .name nowik lees popef boreim h i, hes t inidhe m odleef thit polical ba dete. pe ponc fraaiis ptd a thede borr as a stpaor. t bu the words onhe tal papne pla
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ngsayi aer pson who thinksnl oy ab outui bgldinls wal and not br sidge isot n richn.stia >> for ael rusigioea lder to es qu ation rspe fon'saith is di cesgraful. >> it wtasn' pope frs'ancis te innntio g toetnv idolven i pthatcuartilar idcandate. hii tnk itas wal donumd trp's re onacti o and therlepeop's re onacti irns tus thi ainto li poltica odepise. ep>> rr:ortey theav he a hryisto of ilsming, but cinlashg on li pocy. jo auhn piil oo tkss iue with toclinn ausnd br h fo pthero tiaboroson pnitio and the republican for the second iraq war. be ctnedion admdishe pderesint ob famaorpo supgrtinrt abo ion andte sllm ce rechsear. and thist pas emseptber,ra fncis durge cgronseso t teakct a oionn atclime anchge. >> the eonnviralment ch ngalle-e - ep>> rr:orte it it s no just
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po rape fisncn i1420er h aend la st we,ek hsae id thehu ch rc esdoot nee n dinprs.ce an isd thk weeedshower angr ove so e meoninpullimg h on a wh eeirlchave or a rspeon. i>>on d l'tikeig fg htinwith e th.pope ep>> rr:orteer aft, all the 'spopein bus iesspes ace, not tipolics. fr sanci o isn theor recd op ngposils wal orce fensro f m thear pontitit thaar sep tateshe stpaleniniari terestorim fro ra iselr orathe wizor enre fces in un h tgaryo keep out mitsgran. f asorti cri wcshoay she t ti va hcanas s,wallho tseal wls bwere iuilten th ninth cey.ntur tandheea hrt oft. ser pet's libasica and squares ipe o tno er ev.yone t >> yhank ou,anne. p u ,next what
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at th w's ain. t buine imaginearnwig it tce. u ca yothn wiit the clei doub shcad. car et it lu eas yoasrn c h back e.twic w onceu hen yoand buy n agaias u yopay. 's ith ba casck th asen cckh bain aga. thand cat's ackash ba-win win. th tie cibl doushe cad. carth ly ce onthard s at letrnyou eash bcatwack eice onpuverysercha wi% th 1ouwhen ynd buy aas 1% pa you y. wi wth twoto eays arn, it makes a lot of other cards em se-sid oneed. on hee of tl pe coo rkss of thiplace you is e canatch as mureal ceyo as .u want it's ke ili'goinm gorto w getk toom s e. rialghty. t we jus cerlikeeal. makwe, e it,eat itve lo liv it,.e it in(laugh
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ah not ok q toouick n' dot t leilgo unt s io.ay s i yogot ..u. st roart sth ng witlastthe ing oenergyf 100% u'reyooi d it!ng grwhole quakain ater oans. ofd u f yo.go kn owow hou yn eare the titl...rl wos d' mbest?om byta searting wch daya ith ecperflatly baugnced m.. of. ve gi' tots. him!mo cmccaf\es boffea rew smoothblend. nthat'soo sot tg,tronne but akver s nommy'nat a onpkin hey.
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8:39 am
> >>ar we ace bk onur satday rn mo wing aithtl litep hel to ge t you overwi 'sntert las h.mont y ifou are finightgin caber fev w ase a fwaitor ngspri's ar l,riva wee hav .help fi rst g up, greattsadgeh wit ri mao trarmsong. od go inmorng. g >>moood g.rnin >>ou y h aave lot to do. >> e wil wl wind downit w ghslove eeto kp frsinge rmwa. eth a-glovell a uowsso twi spe an ypd tne o the e.phon th sat iea rlly good. cayou don ll a-m elaind a xt teing. u yo have the noise hhus bl touehotar eephon was a .mike you canee kpr you ears warm and pl ay music. >> nd ahe ty'rewa rm. >> s thi isil ava aablethe t am eazonrolectnic e.stor ey th are omawese. >> it wanto keephe tm on.
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danea snasol affectiveness sodierrd. e thilphsip ligote iits grt.ea dantu viral rlieaty is real. 9 $9or f isth. i itsow peredy b ulocus. yo anu c p alay ton of gesam whit etham fyilr o leik i'm indog, i' smmmwi uingnder r.wate it es mak mel feee lik i'mn o a vi uartl cavaonti. >> s aou yov me lefto t ghrit? >> 'm iee sg inevyternghi. sh ksar andis fh and topth of e te war. ly on $99. yputourro andhoid pneth in ere. >> youer nev sadintppoi. th yoank u. t >> yhank fou horinav >> ladyn, il feeou y woulde lik ha flf o e.thes i >>ld woue likll af o them, ei she.nell k thanveyou mury ch. >> >f iit isoo td colut oside on ata syurda t,nigh py lento to d deinsi. h weavear ta bench .here ie lovs thior fpl coues whous jt
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sespou b orieoyfrrnd o gn sianifict r.othe it is ala bnket rtfo. it is notus jt for kids. if you areom h aendin havgab cin ve fer,et sa up tent. cyouavan he a game urtontname. e the gamou tenrnamt coan g all .year li ngghti. ke mat i fun. >> and if this epteee's inrockg. iov le e th pgirlarty deeeaid. s >>pa ogsutin are exivpense. cayou ken mar you cueticl oil. yo u can do aac f aialnd nails. y >> noueed fitavore th.ings hyouavexa esmple rehe. >> hr tow als girht nig fitavore th ings rtpay. yo uan cwa spou yror favite th ev yberyod bngri asif gtnd a
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wo i buldring clahocotehi cp ok coies. >> iov lehi ts inthg. th sis i s aweho ramfo. c it oomesikut lgee a l. u yo i mixitt wath wnder a it fo amsup. it a hasic ne t.scen i al ste my sbhusand' in the sh .ower >>al we avso hn e fu twithhe ki ds. >> gethe tam fily voin.lved yo hueavub bble art. u yo mixnt pai and soap andat wer an d owbl. >> okay. >> p iutt on erthe. >> ou yre a cinreatgge gorous art th wi bbbules. u yo f can ha>> tst i aat gre idea. ta tra, yhankoou s .much ai crg,r oveo t u.yo eo>> g trgeeo thes rcue al ghthou h weave a month of nt wier ,leftt i isot n toon soo toet gse houea rdy for rispng. ge orgeolntipha of geeorgth to e ueresc. h weaave z qui w ofhatsh we ould do g toet d >>ylans sayt i bis aifeautul we d.eken
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ou shld you clear out deade tre li ombsr wunait til sp?ring >>t wailunti rispng. >> onwrg. tdo ior befvee einryth tgakes ro ot. yo wuant tole c iar otut pe eslycialn o b aifeautulay d. ea clurn yods yarw. no wallo ethverying to grow upnd a eabe bulutifth in e ngspri. tiquestwon o, sdhoul youmb cli on the roofo tpe insct tleroub sp ots? >> ictnspero fm the ougrnd. >> t wha areou yng goi to do when gyouet up e?ther u yol wil notri bng the ma alteris. in brgbi lanocurs. flookorla pces yhiou thenk tre ar oue tranble rid bngpr in oos t fix. sh ould youai wt toan clehe t at tic in thear wmeron m othsr no w? >> y >>ou ndaile .it 'sthatt wha i'mki tal ngouabt. mo st astticon dav't he air co iondit.ning dyou won't tanteto g unp ihe t ersummn whesit i hot and if st.ling
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>> us bon tiqueson. >> ul shooud yak te yourts ven of tf whe tallo c oleanavr lee em th. on >>oo gd esqu.tion ttakehem off. ea>> lvehe tm .on we il wliv ge a you tie. eano rson to go unwiscrellng a of m the andan cleing emth. yo nu ca get a slapatund a brutte if kne. aput wetap per l.towe gor ove awithcu vaum. >> gegeorha, tounk y soh. muc eawe l trnedhis inmorng. > >>exup nt, a dioelicushi ccken di hash ttou celd b k the teyo li ving ngloer. rewe aoi gngo tat en o this tu sa rdayinmorng.
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th ankor f micong. e >> wwillak me are fean rge ch n.icke we haveat nural an nfti-iatlammsorie .here me tu aricnden gres andus mmshroo andli gardc an loshalts. al fl o t theseshingn mea wel wil ve li l aong hhyealte lifh wit de oulicis odfo. >>um ass winge d don'teep fry . it >> wel wilwn bro it inoc conut oi icl wh ah islt heafahy t. ll i' y putoou t work. >> i wdashe my ha nds. >> we haveos k sheralt andl i'l ha ve erpepp. th sis i csehine five spice. wh wate doh wits this iro bwnt i in cutocon oil. i have s tomehats i bedrown adalrey. c >>an you useon coc utl?oi >>t i his ahyealt t fatoko co th wi.
8:48 am
hi oigh tl, i isea rlly odgo. we have mesoro bedwnlr adyea. th net exinth ig wse willak te o itf ut othe pan with the co co nutoil. y ifddou a theieveggs .in loshalts. >> y the are not d.dice w >>e wlilet lm the .go wtheyill ebraz out. >>k looheat tie lads. t ofhey atheyaire w ftingsor u to ni fish. >> y theas tte s foreshnd a not sygrea. >> eacln. >> all oef th sp.ices >> icgarl. >> gcarli is .in w >> ihats isth? i >> its ae nic spice. the nice fenel. add that in. ilwe wddl ahe thi ccken back in. we l wil dee.glaz at ths i csehinee ric wine gaviner. is th is theui liqd fthrom e mu roshoms. th sat ill reayd goo forhe t
8:49 am
us hee tui liqitd whhi c cken oc stk. is th isoi gnggo to for 25 teminurs o .so ayouhedd tck chiacen bk innd a ve cor it. rafte 25 mis,nutel i'l a iddn gr een. we e hav a ton offe difrent erbitt wrintere g le ka tous m tardn.gree w >> ahatbout arcollds? er>> vewy kntrnuusitio. j weadust td inrehe ganens d es frngh ginder ame turric. yo n u catuget icrmer. geyou l t alheof te nic ar icomats. iwhenomt ceso ton ltygevi and ng lolt heahyli fe,ne oth of e fa sctorh wit a o bitfon cocut fl oakesp.n to ooneef thng this toed ruce
8:50 am
avwe helt heahy annnti-i -iantimmnflayator hyouave a lotf off stu for good al he th tat'she fatound oion ofur neimmusy .stem there gensl wil get tha ftor u. yo theshtsallond a ga. rlic ha>> tyonk u. y >>eeou ndo te como t my ushoe. w >>ave hine weer he as .well we knowin wlpe heu s yo live erlong. i >>ctt ayuall esdo. if youk looun arodhe t world, mo alstry eveul c wturehoas h se ardenthey, ty have wine as rt pa of the s.meal t >> yhankou for hgavin me. i >>f youik le to- -t i is tough alto titk wouh y mrouth full. if yikou le e thpereci, go to to coday.odm/fo. a weacre bk i . pb&jit'sts juj. pb& un ylessakou m re it.ight
8:51 am
e. eaersio tkemaha ta n stmie.ak asim se pl aas snyun, daybu stt jupe as t.rfec ywhenakou mpbe a wi&j muth s'cker s, 'thatths ffe diceerenbe n tweenaordivery ey ryda an qud exitisy ellideouci sinn aerevayydor soft ay w .be e caus awithe nam likeucsmker' is,hat s to be good. t look awethis f swesoet. go flaoey,haky, oappy. tstster l.rude it wa ... it wa ... pe rfect. at d melte,on
8:52 am
th wiwa just dter an da a sesh of .a salt no elthing se. it' sos tuall-na ral deliand s.ciou myhello e! lovth e e out. h...ugy todaamthe flute is o,to ow mmorrtiy at.tude.. yo heur motr... antonio. antioon. qu e? th ove.e st 's nitorot wking. bellcampic's mabrowavepsle sou. fmadeeaor real, rfel li. fortifying the gravity-defying... adventure-collecting... friend-connector... iffortheying t-p goingcelas... off-to-the-races... y-sedainiz..g. u.yo u'yo strreg.on and 'rwe te herelp yo hetaou sy at th. way specnew k ial h.nouris mu ailti-gresn flak wi noth quilea, apps, ndalmoras and iespberrs. new special k nourish. ifforty. y ife loou'rg okineto savmo y ne youonr
8:53 am
e thseizy e da mto gettore ou lif ofd e anremedicad. part just wi sh totcal weensgr or s finavgs l that'l hbe theightighlof da your y. no evw prthiew oe costur f yocopay before you fill. you n caen gev oet-dnelaol rpaco oyslen selansct p. cithe outi dcable csh coard meserin vndy y ha cwithckash bae twicurchon p.ases oncearnene whuy you bd , ann asagai p youay. 's cthatbaash , ck nowd an baccashaik agr.n late asit's c dh back vu.\j th de citie caoublarsh cd. th ce onlythatard s letyou rn ceah asck tbacewin ev oyerpu sercha th wiwhen 1% b you uy andyo1% as y. u pa
8:54 am
> >> shamus wasay singhi cckens i alt heahyak bre . fast >>it if s ioo gdlt heahy ic ch tken, fhatsat i ryealloo gd fo yor u. e>> wav he to try cutocon oil. its i .good a fe difrent fl.avor >>ta fan.stic evi n herave toe bak .it >>h wit atth, twihat llo dit wi ths u sthisdaaturrny moing. to owmorrll, i'ro int yduceo ou t a -y27olear-sid de tgnergakin ftheonashi world by orstm. b dehin thece snes of dl"fidern o the ."roof chand teersfao a tintasc tu sa.rday ee chors tu. yo
8:57 am
>> er modn.atio when g you get oneerig int netomfrry centundlink asm t privd ane they'r delbothediveron er a supt fi-fasneber twork ctdireyoly to e,ur hom it's zi ama ng. i itins amaz g,t bu ydohiou tnk his delivery was a ttlit le flahat on tone? ju -st -ye ah. paum, thul, i ink ait'se littlrebit moe, lik s "it'g!amazin " , wooh w.mooh, tm, thawas lyreal good. th you.ank
8:58 am
9:00 am
- and dave. g][son- -rruff uffeetwd t an dave atwhon a wulderf way stondpeou ydar wiy th ruff-ruf ftwt eed anveda atwhun a f dayrehego we yayff ruf-ruftw aneet ved da th ine spin agal wil utake sonno aerthre g aatendvretu thsay naeir mes awhatat gree gam psolay along at home 'rwef e ofon spthe gain ain knwho whows at igwe minht fd wi hthtyathe tam herst kita ungths ere we know we'lhal vea gimal cameti maa cagitil me play along at ho me y sar theisnamehe e re wgo rit'sruuff-ff ff- ruf!-ruf eetw- t t!twee d anveda da- !ve -rrufftwuff eetd an ydave eah- tone,thwo, free, our,vefinc brouno bo cke ayowboon or a h se. y,howdtn par ers!i' ttm hae y thtehamsr, wi y th mfuhat ll ueof qnsstio. hayee-w!
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