tv News 3 Live Today NBC February 21, 2016 6:00am-7:00am PST
6:00 am
da toany, rdomot shoe.spre pl olus piceav he made an arrest onha tt deadly shooting on the las vegas sptrih tat kdillewo t nwome andnd woued a man. >> e> wve ner dteoubchd eaer oth. ap [ seplau ] an tdhis one's for you. >> kristina: a victory for hillary clinton here in the valley. weav hthe m rulestsmrohe t ne davaau >> > thisne is ws 3 today. ri>> kastine : winbeg this rn mowing bithinreakewg ns compmhenes
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en zzd mi hoy lesa thile .last lwe'lt pur ouekis in je.tionrr ad herdowam* entra e 6:22de cissunrielo it is 8 4 aurt o doowntwn siotuds swind are calm. u yo s caneeer upp0 4so tis 50h ndarouehe tll vaey. 46p ut a udisnellalrero a tund onregivalln oe.he moinunta. 46in metesqui. ou clods thort ealenerly ysunn. gh hi csloud andle pynt of ns suhineil fedterhr tough .them
6:03 am
ou tot,nighol co and snaeasobly so. olots.inonshe. we ve haha csnge early inhe t .week lwe'l goac bknt io the teios .sde lwe'le hav o eyen 80s and br fey.uar th sis i why ie lov las ve.gas an thuk yoer vy mu.chde d an cinreak ovghernit,t atleas 7p peolenc iinludg a 14r yeal od rlgi areho stea dd inh wat police aerl caling ado ranm tishoong respe. th eyap hedpenn i lakao,mazo mi anchigt las night. he t manu aro orve aiv fe ho ur ripeod.
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ey thap hdpene atul metipl ca lostione fivk wee were s hot andil kledut oeside thck craer rr bael. t wo osthert sho andle kild at e th erdeal.ship eethr osthere wer rthu. th eri sheffes giv a cinhillg unaccoft o what ppha.ened avwe hade hev seralho sngotis re heig toninht thent couy that arappebe to lareted. h weaveti mul ppleeeopld dealos lo lioks omke sy ebodindriv ndaroudi fineong panple d oo sh ttingdehem n ad ir thei kstrac. k >>inristpoa: alicestarreed da sltonlyhortte afmir htdnig. ey thanoave sonel rdease ade ta de oltn vi ydr ol li was t t into cusdy this d.ekenaq
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enviolce. th roconer hdeas iintifed fdie tthewotedor em fuimvictths bobnt7 2ed n ye olars d. > >>o a t newti smo,ing p fr sanci isal cled for a wo idrldwane b on d theeath na pelty. s heaid the cndommament ye unaha sll t no ikillss acim tyguilth as e ceinnont. popenc fra misade theom ctsmenqu d aheareonfe ancestgainar paltyta sgrtin to owmorr ine. rom pe ponc frais cedall forte betr is pron coionditns.
6:06 am
otsphtlig is onev nadahi ts we d.eken arhilliy clnton eremged with 53%po t ofa te vodoe erniersands on est*5 tent poihis beitnd wf e th vote. in cltonic pked u dp 19aelegtes. shewe stp there ptcincs and si canos. a wkee ago, this and one week te lar, conlintla cims ctviory. > >> i'mt graefulo tll a oclin n orsuppsterut oe thre. so me h mayaveou ddbte usut b we ne verou d ebtedotach her. [ rschee a anduspplae ]
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wa i o ty gr conaatulteen sator ersandns i aar hdou f rghtace re he. u yo tdurne out in everydor o cer ofena te staer dettiminaon d an ospurpe. ho telandas cinok wor wersho ne waver d.vereud in clston'xt ne srabas ijadoly ral in s.texa fi veks weego acl rde san hbediny b5 2oi psntut b cosled in it whn a aggressiveam cipagn roacss eth it all hit home withhe tou yng ndaiv dseer cmuomitny tthas i atwhe h told the crowdf o 600. > >> i am, a im ecispeallyro pud hthateren ia nevdae w are
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un yoeog pple ioolalitic quicolit eprocnss i a way wee havnot se en in ag lon .time ev nadaas wn't the onlyas bs th eun grod i tnheld wor of li po.tics blrepunsica couthiarol twenheo tol pndls aic p ked lddonamp truth as ceirehoicn i the pgo pry.imar ma rurco ne.conda >> he> wyon iint's bifeautul an ed w areoi gngst to artlobl inwinnr g focoour y.untr slet'rususlet' her win ad nevnda anuet asta^he ts sec and
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ce onn sees athe top cova ensuspddeis hampanigel sa dintppoiingfi h.nis > >> i'mu prod of theo suam cnpaig c wthatave hn ru u our trcouny and somedv ateoca lu sostiono tgivee mor acamerins e thpp oniortuoty tis re .up t buthe pleeopf o waio,th sou ro ca alinandad nevae hav .oken so thonigt i'm snduspey mp ca.aign no. >> ah> yeah, ye. ch [ aeersppnd ae laus > >>k than ri>> ka:stinwa he si wthis h th monder a bthroerur retnedh wit hi sia mmi homeer afthe t chspee. na setor
6:10 am
ai trlo fily ral y.toda ande' well bee singe mor gop nd caesidatom cinghr thouge th ersilv e.stat ne avad is theex ntp sto onhe ts ve re icpublr pa cam.ail a ll fues rultsn o ws nec3lv.nom aurd oeb fac aooknd tetwitr ethim te now is 106:.ud mfastgovine wateescu o ca .meran screwedullel tiempom wroan fs ee fr zingr.rive
6:11 am
aystit wush .i ahavehmst..a. .. ne.of onymaie pinces y mli .fe heso wmyn hm astsya msmptoep k tmico bacngk y on mnglom -tercontrol medicine, talk i o ed ttomy doc r andd a founinmissecg pie y in mmaasthat tre.ment aionce-dreo ly benprevhmts astsya ms.mpto s breo iulfor adts wi stth anohma llt wetr condolle on on a lrmg-tehm astnta co roldime,cine ke liin an d haleiccortroosteid. eobr't wonla rep rce aeescuha inler sufor bddenhireatrong ps.blem eobrns opeai up s rwayelto hp ovimpreae brg thina for 2fullho4 urs. onbreo cs a tain otypecif medine
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om frhm astoba prlems d aninmay secrea r the iskosof hlipitaonzati in drchilnden ale adotsscen. s breo ifor not lepeop whose maasthwe is onll cletrol ad on lo erng-tthm asonma c troldime,cine li n ke aleinhartd coteicos. roid on ouce ythr ass ma i wellrocont,lled ur yoto docllr wiid dec ye ifou ca opn sto breprand ibescre a ff dit erenmaasthtr conmeol nedici, ke liin an d haleiccortroosteid. do t notbrake oreo mane thpr ibescred. yosee ocur diftor r youmaasth es n dompot i orovetsr gese wor. as urk yoto doc 2r ifur4-hoo bre d coul mbe angissice pie foryou. ee syo if eu'reblligir e fo
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su tspecedn drukve drir e r. t hisa syhi ts cdauseff traic ck ba o upshen tay b bgerid st yey.erda e th dr riveof eseryest'sdaydent eve b t go.away cepoli arees invttigaingcis thi deaccinia socl media. aan wom isul pled from a zifreeivng rern i h newhiampsre an id itsau chtgn o mecara. teafr cwsrend fou theo wnma in th egi fri dstfaov-mgin tewar.
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well wik looat then eorff ri>> ka:stinoo grnd mo aingnd omwelce .back re moan th 350hi cnldrein as fter ca rere asti waiauspo top adod to in^erostya.m fas.ilie er h io mren ohe tor efft to ma tchthes kid inh tet sysem wi erth penmant faesmili. ycarlpt adoedi fveld chirennd a as hio bcalogil aqar.kidsej sh nd her hndusba sedtart off ascaopt_os fbiol icos.repa ei thrnt iesert e mi si tlariso th onee yars ago. at rs fiaithace un m areore
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gibrinngls tooik le a ngfiprertiinng inmache. ar sh fonordwhaid itile teaenay m be a hero p tcesssl heui i t don't thauli cod t ake onn a older ch.ild er the are sutpporrv seicesat thr^a wi ou doha tt andel hp tmeethehi cld's needs. >> > iee fl likeo symaneo pple e ar msisgin t.ou so h muco s she ispe oon t ingrowerg hil famy more. >> st kri ina:hao y f in'ould imakett ou do qustyey,erdae paon c tactr clthe coark duntytmeparofent fa lymi services. clean up is underywan i: rfi af r teeonf ode tehparton strtgesam
6:20 am
windsop t ped314le mis per .hour e th colapites mak theor wst of th toe srmch muf o gifitos po wer. qu klicy. th aeyre ugrgineo plep to remain in drsoo ats yhe cealr tesre and po wer lineselm fro thero le trmke wee caforest. i tk loosut bealifu >> er j: ryit s iiage gorous. se re oun siunrid c imagn mi gaw feig hh cl,ouds s wind c hyidit %.35 thatll wi bedi heang uple coor on thear fst ea side. 46re deges wsindre a calmlo ala iila
6:21 am w 3er pcenthe t la re tivemhuy.idit 45n ihe tou snther lahighndsnd a 39ll a other in blue amdiond. 45 tesqui akwe te aoo lutk oto inhe t pat vicic. at thl wilee kp usig hh and y.dr a leittlr beezy as altpl coufe oo sy sstem inctteran o tayuesd and ou r traempestureil wle bea hding do wn. lo tok aes the highs today. 77 down in .crimmad
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empemi ran er uppcr 40s. 36ve or at mpparu. no rthez brete a t5o 10 miles pe r hour. lo wy ocl arlye 5 a teafnrnoo 5:28ve ohrnigtig tonhtos almt a fu ll .moon in malely car and 47 eedegrs. nwidson ctrolprinent boate 1o t 15. 5 or6 f the snowde borrsn ad sk .iers 78h withe tth norez bree de pivelong. 7 day faorecster ptfec tghhrou nd moay. we ic p ainds es tu tdayehosds win wrol ds d ownn i_ss.
6:23 am
af ooternnn ad ae nicar wm up 75 o n thayursd. pe upr 70s on sdaatury and aysund. ch inrist cth wi ?that 'm ipy haphe to ar were ain gog eto b inhe t 80s. ytoda were a tngalki atbou re scgseninr fo ccervial ercanc. were a tngalkiab out why this hmont is sor trmp intortaanno w andthy iror is ci cruoral fen womge to re sc.enedos ho mmw cos on i?this it st is veill omry canmon d rl woldd wire the is 00275,0 at derohs fm ccaervil ca.ncer wee hav hadodavhe t epanaturame s ince the75 s andtill 004,0 at dehs. >> st kri: inaat th is a lfot o
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wedoal usu sly^apame sarshy wkristis i th oat snatampornt to t?ge m ostf oethos 4,000op pele thatd die d irseenscre he tyikelt tha cd oul bhaveeen pr teven n andpy das, we ve ha therat tes wing cun roccue t th same.time ether is nodd aedra ext time or de addra ext pmos o tlaeden.test o m weake i ft asanast rnl paia asibpossle. it .s i itamporntn ih tattl lite itestt couldnd ieed syoave ur fe li. u yo canet g ihet wnyo u get ya nu anxaal er snedou itvha cngedua t asnfte.o t getit. >> h> tere iso nway to tell.
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your slexuaiv actity and you kn haow wtit wh wasr youas lt testow h was youris hytor ofa pp sm sear andta stuss aar f as the v. hp >> st kri ina: how d t t to inv cerical ca?ncer woue thderpheiges he rs veasus w c theeauss i th v andhe tus caema of n ca s ncerwiand hath tstt te iing e havdeiegat osvhpngesti thenyour pryderovi de cideou y't dond nee aap p
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laporisff o roadcoleehic ckstruik a bdee ri vethe e hicledrollov a un oeare bikid rerd die at the scene. theve drirs i urnde stinvetiigaon. a end wctlo folgwinor eacio seri_n. cr oash tar mndylaar p kway this mog.rnin ometre tlls u as piestr w mway wa glkin sbuck dr .iver at thv driaser w ca.ught e th ptredesian t wasaken teo th ho aspitl. at th me qrsinteonectiun phu s d wbutneopetor n igarin ml p so ea th ospit36:al. th yoank oru fni joing la i.usntcerr fe rybruaad as po an r aar pcoahe tanatiorn ar eea jslou o ofur wereath here.
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6:32 am
b utod tay76 or gsgeou des.gree t if iherenys abody that has hoy be rtteth wea inhe tnt coury datoye txt .me k >>inrista: and lfoook rdrwa to your f 7ull dayec forastsilgut iien qu is e goin hoyoo lkte betr later on. al ril .ght lo fokwaor trdo it. br ineakg erovt.nigh cepoli inhi mic hganur in cu ostdyho w teyh saye wnt on a ra ndom sinhootg e.spre it hnappeed in kazolamao, igmichanas lt t.nigh th ean mr dovero aundivor f u shouresngfiri ashe hn beent idedifie ason jas lt daon. fi veeo pple ingludi al wgirl aendilleojaso
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o twur osle kildt ahe t de shalerip. no hew, ty are5 lein tryo tgufi red hoout ndw abarso emeonld wour2 a t. hing ha to ve sodomebyun g ning lepeop drn foenppar onreaspoksttacalesych of the uncomm aityndn a cymuomtyni for at th maertt. >> >ol pceirr ateesdal dnto orshytlft aer dnmi.ight e th 45e yldar o facesti mulple counts of first degree murder and attempted murder. new this morning at least 14 people dead in siayrft aer explosion. the blast was cauhtg bywo t hiveecl syrian stateed mdaihe t
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ettargedy blos g.mbinn hb > >>orhoan modseh bind barser aft li poayce s heho st andle kild me wonn o the sptri andou wnded a man. he a fcesti mulple chs.arge alan attercionpa s t vi ceolen. e thrrone i hasifdentdieed fi t hewo tal feme vmsictiot bh7 2 ye arsol e th vmalem icti alcoreinverg f mrour sgeryctimo l calas ithospal. >> ol> p ari drveta sdye e,scenbr u h bityue tr uck. no d wor onla muche w ttherlpeari d wi acll fch s.arge >> h>ryillant clion sedecur a iwinn theve silr testa,a donld
6:35 am
w itheas telo o endhef t r dr foe_ e je .bushn sou w e morthhe tir ftsin the hsout gop pryrimand ahe ti ftrs in the west draemoctic ca. ucus ep>> rrortehe: tub repnlica fi ieldsma sller and theol p ls iwhentes com toio t-fronerrunn w \wr lddonamp tru iig tinhtenisg h pgri on the goom natinn,iot i isghtou nay,st an,vi el itefuauti ywhen i d, salvaubel.tifu its id har tou rn for pr enesidont dtrald ump sawa ge hu pay off inou sarth caolin rdsatuay tnigh. his win so commanding he m ay vehanc cliresive eeinglou de telegaast >> k lucpas w a lady.
6:36 am
n everou dbted each other. we arel al in this tothge.erbe we ll aav hdo to ourpart. rn beanie ssdere. h mayon cedced ne xt ekwe'sri pmary but dton' un cotim h out. sit ile car to me that the wind is art ouks bac weav hhee t mo ummentconc ne o ck stir_xior fma b jebario af iter, dailepi to upck u enogh su ortin iowa, new hpsam hire andou scath nrolia. incontuing withmp tru sedtaff o ffar mubco rio and t eduzcr. 's let l ht's big wi inn naevadnd a at the sec le t'st puthis tghin .away > >>th bo sideswi sngtchi pl.aces de atmocr csgomin htere oou sth ca narolid an theub repnslica
6:37 am
both lineadg lase thote sta .wello tbacku.o yo k>>stria:inse tonater crd uz inpush tg toneal v es go baing o ck trea fi vsideyalle da toy. ha twit plake tace en ev ainghet tlaave connntiom s nt ce danevar son the re icpublan aitrl. stay ouned* sd tueesr fo danevae necaus. fi e rssult ethim t newos ira6:37. if yuope areoffeen l yer gh miant wempoo t s up. w ne sytud fndis areth anoer fibenet tato th mngorni cupf o e. jo adheed to t.cour ra 5pper0t cenr oddere to
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6:42 am
fa lymiun f. itving wronih chgrc mi aines feel eaclikedah y aisame g cofnce.ha wa i onted tt th pudse ody in mfavor. m soctory dold toab me toout bo x da-aan fvepprotmd treaent sigthatcanifiedntly r ucesadac heayhe dads for wiults hronth cigic mraine. o15rer moda hea cheysdaon a mth, cheati las hng 4 ooursrer mo .it s 'enprovac to lytualev prheent headacs. day an 'd itins edjectmy by do octorevnce 3 ery hsmont . fethe efof bcts oxot may pr sdea
6:43 am
t alerocyour dghtor riay,t awas cu diffiallty swng,lowi ea spbrking, ing,eath eyeleprob mms, ore weusclssakne becan n a sig of a-tlifenihreateding con.tion si ecde effay its mdenclurg allectic rea,ions cknend i aecnjon stie itin,pa tigufaane headd heac .n' doket ta botoxu if yove a han skiioinfectn. te r ll youor adoct bout myour hedicalry,isto scmu or lervneconde ioit,ns an med catidis,onnclu ingdibo litum tonunsxi , heseas t i maye ncreasthe of riskouseri es side.ffects thput ds oe odurn yo side. t visixchrbotomionic.cgraineom earnto l t how o saveouon yeatmr trent.
6:44 am
6:45 am
ur coant pl exa as ndat. th eap rperai sd h heasen be dr ivennt iok bancyrupt by ws lasuitnd ahe t cslaim at dto up $2 miion. > u>> lamacid b g opeasohf jonlenn's irha. os gol sr fo 9,$5000 styeyerda. theer buy wased basn ie th .uk nn leon pdlayehe t role ier. e codo twon rwa". ak dared comy atbou ati bripe my ar_ ep.troo he "comis ho gan\ai h6619. a 0 5 yeard olie pce of aihr.
6:46 am
owbr fn aook oturea wther fo streca. see ourk sies have htbrig.ened it iokonown _stihe tcoielo 36 itumidhay tral wild 52 e babgomin wn do. 42 at there pchp soolow dhen tre d annd wisre ae com and mi.lder 3 5 nweorthstin wds at five le mi-hs-anour. r ou traempeetur42edhangsua.50v 5 1 at tamounin's edge. 38 and7 3 in tmoun lecharn.stot ch it 5 wase t thtop ofhe t
6:47 am
'm iveinoho syow fo r us,he tse cdslouge linring ndarou. er thse i the n.stemtas en wh ynrokeedl couds like th at. th ieresd col air. llusuayic indsate all^ eol c front. e thst moiureto up ur h.nort yo u s canheee tno swto up deto aahutl nu it l wilesn inievh troe f ra ongef loco.rado ho ow dhes tat sound y toou s.folk 80 dthown e h er ovtnigh lowsid m 30.s up per 40s adroun theio reg n51 an dt tha is a low in berould y.cit
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6:49 am
> >>l tel ubos aut the zzpia.ari >> e> w haved^soaurestt,range lar me it 's ace pla forhe t eentir lyfami. u yot jusne oped twoon mthso ag or . so wh ate havyou nr pait w ca lo s_?here i pesur.ta we av hen beepe ongrati at pa cacity at ekwes.end d ane wav he ed han se re ioceptn. an eld tle mbo aut youuy gs are mo re of at resntaura first fo behere t gamesnd a darcaes. yo u can get allou y can y e
6:50 am
an d add sfome unk bacre the as el wl. l aly da event forh te mifaly.ud i itns ouse unhe t pnd.eken ut abo aretotascora la fa he re. di om ce upd^gah witme eaid? 's heig' b pdeea lov he o c imesnnd a dso.edanc sit iun fctharaher ts kid lyreal love. d ano hw doesr youpa comny stand out fromajrtidheot me gas, aesrcad andy allwe? ourra opetion wemidare a 60,000 ua sqeere ft andn thee wav he a rg lae megaroomnd a we have bu mpers car and inbowlg. k >>inrist ya: rou ae leocatd at
6:51 am
> >>riht. k >>inrist ia: its a big sp.ace you havexa esmplee her of espriz. itesal is del mayo at g st rentaura. s we etart dveryitay wkih mang sa uce,ghdound, a o all gr innedierets aad mere fshai dly and theam ges arel caled mpredetion megas. thats i the funar ptut abo it . co nguntitickend aesid e arxa esmple .here we havel alin kds of andoizpr bu ttrehe is somethingor ev neeryon iur o rptedemion co r.unte k than fyouorin havg us. an dll stipepara.come todos th den willut p a
6:52 am
teafr havei st .. .o.. onemaf pnyces ie min yfeli. so w n he astmya hmmptosy kmstepco ngmik bac on m loy -terngcom rolntme cinedi, talk i o ed ttomy doc r andd a founinmissecg pie y in mmaasthat tre.ment aionce-dreo ly benprevhmts astsya ms.mpto s breo iulfor adts wi stth anohma llt wetr condolle on on a lrmg-tehm astnta co roldime,cine ke liin an d haleiccortroosteid. eobr't wonla rep rce aeescuha inler sufor bddenhireatrong ps.blem eobrns opeai up s rwayelto hp ovimpreae brg thina for 2fullho4 urs. onbreo cs a tain otypecif medine at thre inc tasesishe r dk ofeath om frhm astoba prlems d aninmay secrea r the iskosof hlipitaonzati in drchilnden ale adotsscen. s breo ifor not lepeop whose maasthwe is onll cletrol ad on lo erng-tthm asonma c troldime,cine li n ke aleinhartd coteicos. roid on ouce ythr ass ma i wellrocont,lled yo durtoocwir dllidec ye ifou ca opn sto breprand ibescre a ff dit erenmaasthtr conmeol nedici,
6:53 am
6:55 am
ta ek aoo lk. ta9 8 yrsea old she h as un rgfotaetebl af rte remetirenthe tte sisr has been wnalkimitien s.hall > >>n whe cirst i lu vorenteetigh hours aa dy mfro 8:00 to 4:00n i the rnafte.oon itak mes me feel so odgo. eshak mes her re tro pinvid orcomft. > >>bing doi egrat. you lookete bet >> reporter: ahoel rusigio orsuppt. >> le> bss you. wgetell onso. l altrigh.
6:56 am
r >>teeporher: s cmeis th gu siblesnng ir he .life mhowat psient do we seeha tt s haonno eo te comtoit vis em th? fe li ist whama we ke it. bu et w have tveo ha cemo it pos me titiurn opa lwehen ilow kno t whaque oi dlaemohe ts. gh righin and toov lell a th tose whatean cro aund us. it is ci prethous eat wl telq l ev neeryooh mucs ap we iprec ate t andm theat theo lve th em. e sh wn'ouldt hiave nyt aer oth y. wa ri>> ka:stin ts winen 00$1 fi crstard cesourtyf oh te il ch'sdren sphol.ita
6:57 am
mm coyunitl tel usur o story and itsubmm thera tou on ooacebal de pa s t' leatook datoy's refot.cas >> > wow. ho ouw abut s aese pl nteasan deit w .eeze typret76 >> ri ksc di coverard.mi i assedme paynt. aw oo, sht. oo shhit! t bs isad. weno! go're od! th s is i fyour tirstmiime gssinpa a t.ymen an u'd yootve g theovdisct er i,card so wo we t n'kehi up your apr for paying late. at ths 't!grea it gr is eat! (b h otmusiltaneously) thank you.
6:58 am
get the it card with late paymenfot esrgivens. when g you get oneerig int netomfrry centundlink asm t privd ane they'r delbothediveron er a supt fi-fasneber twork ctdireyoly to e,ur hom it's zi ama ng. i itins amaz g,t buou tdo y hhinkivis del erys a walelitton flat on that e?st ju --ahye. um ul, pain, i thitk lit's abitle lt more ike,"i amt's "azing! w.oh, wooh m,, mo thatre was gooally thk gh [ si s ]fe eel lik lla hoinywood ..sider. ay, ok wi'll iork ont. it ...wm h pris tv gpluserig inteenet sp d enfrom clinktury
7:00 am
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