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tv   News 3 Live Today  NBC  August 30, 2016 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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>> dana: good morning. 4:29 on this tuesday. sun will be up in about an hour and a half from now on this final tuesday of august 2016. >> kim: anyone waking up and thinking of all the great movies gene wilder was a part of. >> dana: absolutely. one of my favorite was young frank >> kim: we're the wagners, kim and dana here at ksnv. >> dana: 105, we don't have too many of those left, do we? >> kelly: hopefully this will be one of the last. as you head out the door this morning, we're looking at 80-degree temperatures in the
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100 by hunch dime todd. at 4:00 105 is our expected high. cooler temperatures are on the way and a chance for showers. >> dana: nevada congressman hardy expected to be back at work later this week after suffering what his campaign called a minor heart attack. a spokesman said this happened yesterday and that the congressman underwent a routine medical procedure and has been hospitalized. hardy is running for reelection in a district that spans heave arely hispanic north las vegas. he was in the construction business. hardy's challenger tweeted well wishes for hardy. >> kim: police had to act fast to arrest a guy that was making threats on the internet.
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people at google concerned . the arrest report indicates that google believes it was an emergency involving imminent death. this guy's target gays , lessians and sateenist. he's armed to the teeth. looks like he's wearing a gas mask as well and being placed by otherso confessed saying he's not a killer but did confess to these rants online. within the rants he said that he's a christian warrior. he's tired of america and would start killing. we know this man is due in court later this week and we'll stay on top of the developments. >> dana: attorneys for michael solid will continue presenting their case as he stands trial
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he ran over him after stealing his ipad. the defense called two witnesses to the stand yesterday. solid was not one of them. no word on if he will testify in his own defense. >> it happens to be election day for several politicians affected by the current presidential campaign, the people who would like to occupy the white house next. also in the news today, a trump or about hillary clinton many of you are going to find offensive. sheer tracy potts. >> debbie and marco rubio and john mccain fighting for reelection today. >> people judge me on john mccain. >> all affected by the fallout from clinton versus trump. >> build strong borders, build a wall and illegal immigration.
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lay out specifics in tomorrow's immigration speech. he'll call clinton's plan guaranteed am nesty and governor cuomo after voters apologizing for tweeting this photo of clinton in black face. clinton's team has troubles too. top aid announced she's splitting with her husband, former congressman after more allegations of trump called clinton's ties to the couple bad judgment. >> hillary clinton can't afford another scandal. >> time to go live to west palm beach in florida talking to a
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dr. ben carson who he himself ran for president not that long ago. thanks for joining u. we know don trump will be in arizona tomorrow talking about immigration and a force to depart 11 million undocumented immigrants in our country. do you expect him to lay out that type of plan tomorrow in arizona? >> i what is going on here. yes, we want a wall. may not bay wall but it will be a barrier. more importantly we will begin to apply the laws that have already been written over the years that have not been applied by democrats or republicans. we don't know what the country looks like when you apply the
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element. have a much better visa type program. e verify. when you begin to do the things we have talked about for years, i think it will make a huge difference and most importantly put the american people first, put the american workers first. and then whatever is left over in terms of people who are here illegally, we will look at those things compassionately and fairly and do the right thing. >> dana: so you talk about does that mean a deportation force to deport people who are undocumented immigrants in this country or to deport 11 million undocumented immigrants? >> let me put it this way. thousand dollars laws are already on the books in terms of what we do with the criminal elements.
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we simply need to enforce the law. >> dana: i know you are going to appear with donald trump later this week in detroit and he's polling about 1% with african-americans in this country. how does he raise that number? >> you are referring to the nbc survey monkey poll 1% which isth subsequent says 8% and i think is continuing to go up. republicans have been late to the game. they have not gone into the african-american community. they've conceded that to democrats. i think that's the wrong thing to do. he's going to make a into these communities and talk about the schools and crime and incarceration rates and the kind
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those. if we are going to heal the nation, you can't have big pockets of illness or dysfunction. have you to treat the entire nation if you want it to be strong. >> dana: thank you for joining us today. >> kim: still to come this morning we take you to the u.s. open where we have an oops on the sidelines. we have a player chasing down the ball and there is a bit of a problem. you are going to talking about ahead. >> dana: that's one type of crash. we have another type of crash caught on tape. it shows the compassion of others as they race to help a driver escape his burning car. more of this dramatic footage ahead. >> kim: you just saw him at the vma's, puff daddy will be on
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>> dana: this happened at the u.s. open in new york as it opened yesterday. there is gail colors almost hit him on the foot. he was not seriously injured. you can see these guys will do anything they can to win a point. >> kim: they are professionals, right? parenting can fall into that category as well. a father in colorado makes quite a disturbing admission to police after crashing his car into another going 75 miles per hour. what did he admit to?
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>> dana: what is that in the skies? people were a bit alarmed.
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>> kim: insurance agents will likely be busy for quite some time following this storm it caused serious flooding. that storm dumping heavy rain and a ton of hail n. some places they had to pull out the snowplows because of the hail. when it comes to the rain, it left a lot of people stranded in their cars. some rescues caught on camera. the national weather service issuing a flash flood warning for the colorado springs area in particular. flood warnings issued along
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>> dana: a strange looking cloud caused concern in siberia. people thought they might be under a nuclear attack. so concerned that they called emergency officials. it's not anything to be dangerous. just a cloud. you get these all the time. it hits a certain level of the atmosphere and spreads out because itan >> kim: it does look like there is a space invasion but no. >> dana: around here you get airwaves comb over the local mountains and they look like flying saucers out there. >> kim: which is fun to drive around and play what do you see in the skies game with your 11-year-old. >> kelly: exactly. they do look like spaceships.
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yesterday. we had a few clouds over the spring mountains yesterday. not much over the valley. lot of sunshine topping out yesterday at 154. 1104.henderson -- 104. the afternoon will be higher. here is a look at high pressure is in control but it's going to lose control shortly that will bring increased moisture, wind and cooler temperatures. today's high 105. short sleeves a must today. light and variable winds. to night mainly clear skies. 82 for the low. i have a lot going on here. tomorrow mostly sunny, 104.
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thursday a chance of showers in clark county. friday chances of showers head eastward. breezy conditions over the weekend. 98 saturday, 96 sunday but the wind will be out of here, the moisture will be out of here for monday. 95 the high. >> dana: a local man is dead over an argument because he didn't open a door for a woman saturday night. detectives say a woman was upset the 31-year-old bronson did not hold the door open for her. that's when the man she was with pulled out a gun and shot him. if you know anything about what happened here, please call crime stoppers. apparently the person who pulled
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one. we go back to colorado for a dramatically different story. it's quite disturbing. a man there admitted he was trying to kill his two-year-old son in a car crash. the 29-year-old man in question admitted he intentionally left his two and a half years unbuckled and crashed his car on purpose going 75 miles per hour. why was he trying to kill his son? because he didn' father. you saw images of the little boy recovering in the hospital. now recovering with a cast on half ever his body and stitches on his head. his dad charged with attempted first degree murder, possession of a controlled substance, child abuse and vehicle cue larger group assault.
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california. three sea otters were shot to death in southern kam. their bodies washing to shore this. i washed to shore in mid august. a fourth dead sea otter washed ashore a short time later. officials have offered a $10,000 reward to anyone who can provide them with information about these >> kim: dozens of activists are expected to deliver petitions for more than 600,000 outraged consumers over the epi pen price hike. those are going to be delivered to the the company headquarters. the groups petitioning are calling for legislative and regulatory reforms to stop the pharmaceutical giant from price
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version that is going to be half the price. still $300 which is teaks pensive for families and individuals that need them. the experts with consumer reports to the rescue. they have epi pen alternatives that are dramatically cheep. >> dana: have you to see this this crash on a new york highway involving 10 cars, including the car that had the dash camera on it. this tractor trailer started the whole thing with faulty brakes. this car catches on fire. the bystanders rush to get the flames out and get the person out safely. they did so. 10 people were injured, two of them suffered serious injuries.
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only suffered minor cuts and bruises. >> kim: which is amazing when you see this footage on your screen. we knee puff daddy is scheduled to rock the plaza this morning. >> coming up on a tuesday morning on today hillary clinton's top aid announces she's leaving her husband after yet another sex ting scandal comes to light. we'll have the latest on the scandal. he's apologizing but not backing down. diddy in the house s. he's back to catch us up about his new
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as we get started on a tuesday morning here on today. >> kim: some say it's hard to keep one the kardashian but is it puff daddy, p diddy. the world of ledge understand gene wilder. >> willie wonka has left this world. actor gene wilder changed it with his performances from his
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died at the age of 83 from complications of alzheimer's. his nephew said it never stole his ability to recognize those close to him. there was nothing wild about wilder in person. he had a sweetness ability him even when defecting a question. he was an actor who water colors who married four times. >> i thought she would pull through and live longer than i would. >> five years into the marriage
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a hard drinker with a quick draw. nor kids liked him. he was an expert if not growing up. >> a lot of men are babies. to grip comes easier to a toast to your imagination gene wilder. you'll live in ours. >> dana: great voice too. first it was find a panda. now another picture has people puzzled online. a school bus and while kids are getting it, a lot of adults are
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>> kim: this puzzle apparently easy for kids but stumped a lot of adults. no hint which end is the front or back. the question which way is this bus going? the answer here in the united states is it's going to the left since we drive on the right side of the road. the reason that's the answer is
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show the bus door so you figure they are on the other side closest to the sidewalk. 80% of kids under the age of 10 got the answer just about immediately. a lot of adults were stumped which leads to us asking for your best back to school pics. there is our 11-year-old daughter in her first day of middle school yesterday. we're seeing lots of friends and family meaning you the viewer at home continuing to going to make sure some of them show up on news 3 just like this one. >> dana: we know the cost of epi pens has many of you concerned. we have an alternative for you. coming up new at 5:00 our friends at consumer reports with an exclusive story about an inexpensive alternative to the epi pen. we're going to share that story ahead. >> kim: new in our 6:00 hour ,
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continues although this
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7-year-old child enough credit for the choices they can make. >> dana: lost and found. the hard earned treasure that one young girl found in the trash and returned to its owner. >> kim: nightmare. we have a creep out alert. hear what is going on in a certain neighborhood that has some children luising sleep. it has to do with scary clowns on the >> david: unlv football team opens their season on thursday. >> kim: bishop gorman has a game on friday night. sanchez used to coach for that team. he's at the university which is


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