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tv   Today  NBC  October 18, 2016 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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>> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. it isooze day tuesday. >> uh-huh. >> october 18th. >> it sure is. >> what is that sound? >> that was -- >> all: wake up -- ? ? and i want to wake up where you are ? >> by the state of sound. do you know them. >> let me hear for a second. ?? >> no. but i likey. i like that. >> wait. you know what? >> actual music. >> i like that bounce. all right. another great show in store
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probably already know. ow good friend billy bush is no longer here at "today." >> he has been a joy for us. he was only here about nine weeks and so much fun to be around. always up for anything. a real team player. a really, really we're going to miss him. our thoughts and prayers go to him and his family of course. >> i loved working with him when he was here, filled in for kath, we want bill around eve best. >> he would like that, if we did this to billy. >> yes. cheers. >> okay. >> just ahead, the very talented, who's already joining us for a little toast as well, andrew reynolds is here. you've seen him in "glee" and hobo's "girls," appeared on broadway, "jersey boys" exhausted and here with something new. >> what a lovable -- >> it's morning. >> of course it is. >> morning wine. usually i put this in a coffee
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stemware. >> and no shames here. >> no hiding here. no problem. >> pesky critters coming into your home to escape the cold, except for -- >> 87 degrees, up to today. >> do you know what to do? >> ask lou. >> advice to get rid of unwanteds. >> chances are you've sung along with one of her very famous songs. legendary. >> looks beautiful. >> gorgeous. >> carol bayer extraordinary book. she tells the truth in a beautiful, beautiful moving way. funny at times. very -- it's sad. it's painful, but it's real. >> and when we bring up her song probably go, wait. i didn't know that was her song. ? don't cry out loud ? >> on my own. and my favorite, her prayer.
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oh, my gosh. can we wrap that up a little, guys? ? to a place where we'll be safe ? >> are you crying? >> oh! >> beautiful. [ singing in foreign language ] >> stop. it's perfection. ? will light your way ? >> and we got -- >> you know what? the perfect song for me today. today would have been my 30th wedding anniversary withy grateful for all the years i had with this amazing man. so, thank you, carol bayer sager for that beautiful song. >> i love you. >> i love you. ?? >> ah. jerry -- >> thank you, jerry. oh -- here, baby, you need them, too. >> and -- it's so -- >> thanks. >> oh. >> love you, honey.
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that's what i love about working with you, hoda woman. i can just be real. real. a real pain in the butt. >> i love you, kath. >> once again, thanking the wonderful friends at american express. >> what we're going to do today, instead of having a three-minute commercial, more of us. [ cheers and applause ] >> who knows what we're going to do next? >> so three minutes. remember, usually when there's a commercial, we're not having one. it going right through. talk about topic >> whenever i feel like i'm feeling right now i like to eat. i like to feed my emotional hole. >> oh -- >> i do. emotional, emotional! >> jerry! >> anyway, they have brand new m&ms out. these are -- >> unbelievables. >> best ones ever. caramel on the inside. okay. hold on. >> wait. >> andrew, come here, andrew. come here. you're going to -- >> go great with pinot greccio.
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>> what? >> what? >> that's delicious. >> you want another? >> no. i'm going to take a bunch. that's a tree. >> the caramel is not overwhelming. perfect combination. >> so delicious, and it's not like -- it's -- it's not tootsie roll hard. >> no. mooshy. >> mooshy. >> the bad news is, they're not available until may of 2017. >> what? why did we tease them? >> that's just mean. >> that's not nice. >> by the way, calories not so terrible. 210 for the whole bag. >> the whole hoda wants to believe it's 210. i didn't say it yesterday, because i didn't have permission, didn't have pictures but went to a beautiful wedding on sunday at this gorgeous place called the surf club on the sound in new rochelle. beautiful, beautiful place. my long time friend and manicurist, you've met her, jackie, her daughter born three weeks after cassidy was, jessica, married her -- her
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journo. they are mr. and mrs. bon journo. isn't that great? 2-year-old daughter stella who is just precious. >> a beautiful couple. >> they are and we wish them a lot of happiness. >> last night on "voice" battle rounds continued. one battle between team miley, between aaron gibson verse serriya called "i'll take care of ? you're so sure ? as one and one is two ? hey i just going ? ? i just got, i just got to make a move ? oh, yeah ? ? i just got, i just got i just got ? ? to take care of you, of you ??
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>> we pick -- who do you pick? wait. take a poll. >> andrew? >> the man on the top. >> i'm going with the lady. >> me, too. >> i'm going with the lady, too. >> all right. let's see what happened. >> the winner of this battle is, aaron. >> thank you. >> aaron gibson moving on in the knockouts. congratulations. >> yes. >> the sound of a >> oh! that's another steal!
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da ? can't keep my hands to myself ? my hands to myself ? can't keep -- keep my hands to myself ? ? oh, boy ? i want it more than anything else ? ? can't keep my hands to myself ? >> they're in the water? >> wow! >> i'm looking at that thinking, she looks like a professional
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is she? >> no. she's a singer. but, wow. >> my gosh. >> that was something. >> what? >> speaking of hotness -- guess who's on the cove of "aarp"? luke perry. he is. yes, he's 50. >> for a decade, poster boy for girls all over the world. >> no one's going to believe this. >> the heartthrob, dylan, remember on "90210" just 24 in 1990. show last add decade. >> now a coverboy. >> "aarp." this is what one of the tweets read. you just made a whole generation of people who thought they were still young very depressed. >> yeah. but he's still here. you know? that's not a tragedy, that he turned 50. it's a tragedy if you don't make 50. >> exactly. that was depressing. [ laughter ] >> all right. apparently there's a halloween garage door nobody can believe. >> video been viewed 23 million
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>> smart. it's like the "jaws." that's so cute! >> wow. nice. >> is that it? >> that's it. it's very creative! >> sometimes they build these things up in the meeting. i don't know what i was expecting -- but i got to say, i'm incredibly disappointed that that's it. [ laughter ] >> what? >> i mean, it's clever, but it wasn't earth shattering t 23 million views would make me think it would be. >> and two. we just watched it twice. normally this is the time we throw to commercial, but we decided, well, our friends from american express blue cash every day card decided instead of going to break they'd keep our cameras rolling. guys want to start the clock? for three minutes, you're going to get more of actor andrew reynolds. >> come on over. >> while they switch sets and stuff, we're going to --
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we're sitting? we're sitting. all right. thank you, for all you do. >> point to the me. i don't know. ? oh, baby, baby ? i shouldn't have let you go ? >> well -- you could -- do it. >> okay. that is a part and cream on both sides? but i don't think that's scientifically possible. >> and rip it apart? how do you eat? >> shovel that. >> the whole thing? >> yeah. >> sometimes it's fun. i didn't twirl it? supposed to twirl it? >> it isn't possible. that's for you. i was like, do i work here now? >> you could. we'd love to you have. >> just smooshed it around. saying it's impossible to have cream on both sides. >> you just d. i just mooshed it around. >> then it's possible. >> no, it's not possibleants science. try it again. >> moosh it -- yes.
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>> science, right? >> try it. twist it until you get it on both sides what a real waste of cookies. i'm going to eat it, though. i've already had m&ms and oreos and wine. >> the most amazing place! >> what do you usually have at 10:00 in the morning? >> you know the drill. with the schedules. usually you're asleep at this time. >> yes, that's right. >> yeah. >> when you get home from two shows that night, you've had a two-show day what do you do to what? who was just here. chip and joanna gaines. fixer upper. i will watch -- that's like. >> what is it about the show that you like? >> um, it's -- >> good job. >> what i like, those houses are all, like, $30,000, and as a, like, living in manhattan, well, that seems reasonable. like -- sometimes you watch those house hunter shows, like, $1 million? but seems we should all be moving to waco, apparently.
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>> waco's a great town. >> ask you about your musical talent. can anybody sing in trained right? >> remember kathy -- who played peter pan. >> cathy rigby. >> could not sing a note until she wend to my friend's teachers. >> really? >> yes, yes. >> "party in the usa" is the song i'd like to sing. >> what's the use of -- singing is like sustained talking. right? ? party in my head like, y party in my ? >> you're not helping me. ? hey -- ? >> you're not helping me. >> miley cyrus. it's a lovely song. like your go-to karaoke? ? party in the usa ? >> see what what are you talking about? >> no, she can't. >> she knows. >> have you tried to teach her to sing in the past? >> she's scared to sing. she can sing. >> welcome back! >> she just -- we're back. >> she's scared to sing. okay?
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she just doesn't believe she can. >> karaoke? >> yes. >> she's over kinging, karaoke. >> they have those in this neighborhood, a private room, no pressure. >> ooh. what fun? >> told me mimic the note. if you hit a note and i try to mimic it. you always sing fine with me. >> sing a note and let me try to mimic it. >> e. ?? >> it's happening! it's happening. >> this is not about us. so if you are series "girls" you know andrew from his role of elijah or maybe from his movie to the big screen starring in the "intern." heavyweights robert de niro and anne hathaway. >> and now falsettos story set in the earl open 80s following a new yorker who left his wife are
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his male lover. >> always difficult when that happens. >> did you miss broadway? >> i did miss broadway. so lucky girls usually from april to august and the past couple years i've been able to be in some shows, two years ago, and then "hamilton." >> sort of embarrassing that -- not embarrassing, embarrassment of riches, i suppose. >> played the king in "hamilton." >> i did. >> onstage a few minutes? >> nine minutes. that's >> but not gotting to do a full run of a show. this is very exciting to get to be back. >> term about your character? the lover? >> i play the lover. it's really a unique show and one that i fell in love with. saw it on the tony awards in 1992 and was at home and in omaha, nebraska, very little access to broadway, but the tonys were sort of the window to that and they performed a number and i completely fell in love with the show. >> wow. >> so it's very strange to be getting able to do it now with
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wrote "into the woods." >> and one of are the favorite creators. >> yeah. so it's so exciting to get to be a part of this broadway -- >> you've been there so much. >> a lot of pinching. >> like a pin cushion. >> yeah. >> do you have to retrain for broadway? once you haven't done it a while, what do you have to do to get back into broadway shape? >> a muscle memory memorizing the score, and this show is completely sung through. two acts. no a very specific challenge. you have to get your voice back in shape to do that, and, also, just memorizing that much material. >> yeah. >> it's sort of -- there's always a little moment where you're like, i don't know if i know this next part. >> "hamilton." >> make it happen. >> yeah. >> nine minutes and you found a way -- >> i messed it up. i messed it um. >> we've all done it. >> i decided to, i kept moving my mouth but just stopped, there was no --
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my microphone, think my microphone went out. i was like -- >> that's brilliant! >> i don't know. finally, alex the conductor yelled up the lyrics but i was -- i lost about ten years of my life in that moment. >> did people laugh -- >> everyone was baffled. like, is he having a stroke? what's happening? >> you never know with that king, what could be happening? >> yeah. luckily before the recording came out. now, it would be a real issue. >> everybody knows all the words. >> that would not be >> limited run. only doing it through january 8th, which is bittersweet but feels special we get to do this special show for a little while. >> do you know what the next project is? >> i don't, really. >> but that's -- >> much to my mother's horror. [ laughter ] i don't have a job. no. it's hard to say. well, "girls," we just finished or final season filming. that will air. >> starts to air. >> in 2017.
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that will keep me a little busy. >> please. you always got something. >> we're not going to throw a telethon for you. you'll be fine. >> coming here. stop by. >> and help us maul other things. we love you, andrew. we think you're absolutely adorable. >> that means so much. >> come back and see us anytime. all right? >> we love you, andrew. >> watches, either way, when we give it away. hoda loves to do that. to five lucky fans. >> do not listen to says. turning your bathroom into a spa, coming up after this. don't listen to anything she says. >> listen to everything. i only speak the truth. >> yes, i do. >> not that -- >> enjoy! >> announcer: more "today" is sponsored by the blue cash everyday card from american express. it's more than cash back. it's more than cash back. it's backed by the service and i'll have that goat cheese garden salad. that gentleman got the last one. sir, you give me that salad and i will pay for your movie
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can i pick the genre? yes, but it has to be a comedy. a little cash back on the side. with the blue cash everyday card from american express, you get cash back on purchases with no annual fee. throw. it's more than cash back. it's backed by the service and security of american express. it's more than cash back. packed with flavor, one hero was on a mission to save snack time. watch babybel in the great snack rescue. you want a piece of me? good, i'm delicious. creamy, delicious, 100% natural cheese. (achoo!) you can pick up the flu from surfaces for up to 48 hours. it's like having a sick family member in your home. but lysol kills 99.9% of germs including 8 cold and flu viruses. to help protect your home lysol that. (burke) at farmers, we've seen almost everything, so we know how to cover almost anything. even mer-mutts.
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(burke) and we covered it, february third, twenty-sixteen. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ? we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ? ?? when you ache and haven't slept... you're not you. tylenol? pm relieves pain and helps you fall fast asleep and stay asleep. we give you a better night. you're a better you all day.
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it's brain teaser tuesday when we put your minds to the
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at >> ready, here it is. i can run, but i can't walk. i have a mouth, but i can't talk. a head, but i can't think. a bed, but i can't sleep. >> i think i node it, hodi. >> we'll reveal the answer after the break, plus joy -- >> i have a mouth but -- >> i know what i think. big winner of the trip to the wine country. joy is with us to share the winner that's actually healthy. >> what is it? >> i'm go going to tell you amp the break. >> lou is with us. >> i have a mouth -- >> you are going to love him. >> oh -- >> let's just go to ? ? i found a better deal on prescriptions. we found lower co-pays... ...and a free wellness visit. new plan...same doctor. i'm happy. it's medicare open enrollment.
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1-800-medicare. medicare open enrollment. you'll never know unless you go. i did it. you can too. ? ? it's back and bigger than ever! olive garden's never ending pasta bowl, starting at $9.99! endless combinations of your favorite pastas, sauces and toppings. and for the first time ever, chicken alfredo. plus unlimited salad and breadsticks. for a limited time. this is mr. kitty. mom doesn't know we have him, so we're using fresh step with the power of febreze to eliminate litter box odors for 10 days guaranteed. victory is ours! low dust fresh step with the power of febreze. mastering the art of refinement one dark chocolate rises above the rest lindt excellence created by our master chocolatiers pure, rich, darkly intense... made like no other
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yers of flavor experience excellence with all your senses and discover chocolate beyond compare try lindt excellence with a touch of sea salt. what are we going to do
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tv-commercial tv-commercial
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ray steiber: i was in charge of homicide. i know when something's not right. the attacks on question 1 are wrong. question 1 protects the right of law abiding nevadans to bear arms. carry. hunt. protection. it's all there. doesn't change. and no one goes to jail for swapping guns while hunting or at the shooting range. what changes is convicted felons can't run to a gun show
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yes on 1. case closed. it's brain teaser tuesday. before the break we gave you ris thilgds. >> run, can't walk, mouth, can't talk, bed, can't sleep. what am i? >> not what i thought. >> the answer is -- he knew t. filtering water, heating floors and so much more. >> when you have a household problem you don't know how to fix. only one thing to do. >> all: ask lou. >> home of. ? lou manfredini a name that rhymes with -- spagitini ? >> always love the pastas. >> putting in floors? >> i love this.
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floors? >> in my bathroom. 34569er bathroom. >> anyone watching, affordable and easy to do. a product called sun touch. two versions. buy this mat, pre-cut ready to go. goes on the sub floor under your tile. your tile contractor will put this down. literally lies on the floor. mortar if down. put the tile over the top like >> over it. >> a different version of theirs for larger areas. then a thermostat and/or timer. another company called warmly yours. same thing. thinking foil one can actually go under nailed down hardwood floor. heats up the surface. you walk into this luxurious bathroom and your feet of warm. >> hmm. >> a version of this at our own home. on a timer. 3:00 in the morning goes off. tile heats up. away at work, noon shuts back
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>> perfect, all right. >> and affordable. >> sylvia f. is having a problem with mice in the basement ceiling. mice come in from out of the cold. how do you stop that? >> a fresh packet there, smells like christmas. >> repellent right here, hoda and kathie lee that doesn't kill them. keeps them away. something about that christmas balsam smell that mice and rats don't like. this is a product called fresh cat. actually first invented -- >> smells nice. >> out in the fields. farmers would leave, go in for the night. field mice would get up inside and start to eat all the wires. they'd throw this in there or 0 version of this, old version, keeps them away. another version, and of course, traps. people are always, whenever i say this, there are glue traps. not the most remain way. these rapid kill ones, put a little peanut butter on the bottom, go inside -- they're done.
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either kill them or repel them. >> keep them away. >> all right. >> exactly. >> next from jeanette r. interested in getting a water filtration system. >> big topic in particular with what happened in michigan with the lead. lead is everywhere. an older home, probably have lead water service. before you draw water without a filter run the water at least a minute before you put a glass underneath it. >> seems so wasteful, because we have a drought! >> i know, but drink lead in the water. >> i know. >> here's a bunch of, this is a product called, by zero water, and this is a pitcher that goes inside the fridge. pour it in there. reduces the amount of lead in water and the water stays cold. this unit since on your countertop and has the ability to filter out some of the chromium 6 that is a big deal from the erin brockovich movie. remember? >> yes. >> you fill this up.
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takes out 99% of the lead only costs about $30, replace every four months or so. what are you smiling at? >> somebody looking in the window. i'm sorry. >> and then -- >> you lost hoda. >> i lost hoda. >> something she -- >> even though sweet, only time in new york. oh, hey! >> invite her in. >> this unit is everse osmosis, takes everything out of the water including that chromium 6. about what i like about this particular unit, a lot of these reverse osmosis units, you use them, the water doesn't taste that great. this one puts minerals back into the water and so you have fresh tasting water that is clean to drink. this can all fit underneath your sink and all you need to do, put a separate spout. where you pour all your drinking water out of. >> thank you, lan manfredini. >> thanks for coming to new york. how ya doing? nice to see you!
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like lou to fix, tell us on our website and connect. only one can win. finalists ready to come in and find out which lady is about to snag a fabulous trip to wine country coming up right after this. ?? ?? ? and off you go, ? ?? ? and off you go, ? ? and off you go, ? for every step, every stride, every start, begin strong with the lasting energy of 100% whole grain quaker oats...
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you live a portable life. new dannon oikos nonfat yogurt drink fits right in it. with 10 grams of protein... and zero added sugar, zero artificial sweeteners, zero fat. just what you need to help keep you going. new oikos yogurt drink. be unstoppably you. when your eye's look good. it can change your whole outlook. hydra-nutrition for eye's from l'oreal. our formula with precious oils plus calcium nourishes with moisture . and visibly reduces dark circles and puffiness. it melts right in. hydra-nutrition for eye's from l'oreal skin expert/paris. we asked woman to smell two body washes and pick their favorite. i prefer b. b. what was a... bath and bodyworks. and their favorite... suave. really? i am impressed.
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oh, dishwasher, why don't you dry my dishes? oh, he doesn't know any better. you just need to add finish? jet-dry? in the rinse aid compartment. it's there for a reason. it dries much better than detergent alone. sorry dishwasher. finish? jet-dry?. for drier, shinier dishes. we got a tempur-flex... and it's got the spring and bounce of a traditional mattress. you sink into it, but you can still move around. and now that i have a tempur-flex, i can finally get a good night's sleep. buy the most highly recommended bed in america for as low as $25 per month and a 90 night free trial. sweet sun ripened strawberries. no artificial flavors. philadelphia? strawberry. rich..., creamy... ...and delicious.
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it is time to reveal the winner of our grape expectations recipe contest a. few weeks back we asked delicious recipe had to be healthy. >> and creative archts wine one of its ingredients. >> of course. >> narrowed it down to four dishes. shall we meet the finalists? >> do it. >> joanie from gainesville, virginia, created a family garden vegetable and sausage stew. >> next up. >> highia, brooklyn, new york.
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chili con carne. >> and lauren cook, alpine, new jersey. sweet potato pizza crust. >> and jen from cleveland, ohio cooked up lemony spaghetti squash scampi. >> i want it all. the hard work narrowing down the best recipes, poor thing, left in the hands of our "today" nutritio, before we say the winner, tough pick, trust me. everybody here is a winner thanks to all clad. our friends at all clad are sending all three finalists who don't win home with some pieces from their new d3 armor collection of pots and pans. >> great. >> you'll get a new pan and 12-inch fry pan to make all sorts of amazing meals and hopefully enter our next contest. >> can't wait any longer, joy. ready? reveal who our winner is.
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and the winner is -- the sweet potato -- lauren! >> yes! >> whew-hoo. >> you get a gorgeous bouquet of utensils. >> you and a guest headed to napa valley, vineyard, weekend of november 4th, three days with music, food and wine. trip includes two round trip tickets on south west and three-night stay at the napa valley marriott hotel and spa. best part, get to event with ms. joy bauer herself and showcase your recipe as well as a performance by adenah menzel. >> we are so -- >> let's! >> let's go cook. >> ladies, you're all winners. okay? i want to try that, too. >> come over here. >> thank you. >> all of these recipes are already on our website. >> we're going. >> going into the kitchen. >> okay. >> come on in! okay. we are going to make some sweet potato crust first.
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>> in terms of ingredients, it's a lot of regular things everybody has in the kitchen but i want you over here to start with our crust. we have, so -- sweet potato you're adding in. tell them first, steam it in the microwave. >> steam it, poke it or bake it, however you want to do it. and with it. >> a little whole grain flour, reduced fat mozzarella cheese. put in those eggs. either use egg substitute or >> that's it. moosh all that in? >> you moosh this all together. trump into your spring pan. >> yes. >> pop in the oven about 25 minutes and -- >> voila! >> would you believe this? >> then what do you do? >> now comes the fun part. >> tell us. >> go for it. >> take your wine and. >> of course you are. >> pour it into a pan. >> yes. >> and saute vegetables in the wine to get that beautiful flavor. of the wine. just like soaks it in, okay.
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like, too. >> pretty much low-cal. >> chardonnay? >> pinot greccio, chardonnay. whatever you like. the recipe is so forgiving. put any vegetables in. whatever you want. >> what am i doing? >> build the pizza here. >> you put the cheeses on, lauren. >> what do i do. >> sauce goes on. cheese after. >> cheese at the end. >> veggies on. >> a little turkey meat over there. >> yeah. ground turkey. you c >> a little bit of that on. >> sprinkle with cheese. >> that's right. >> who cares about the pizza? we're going to napa! >> right. bring out the wine. >> that's coming up, right. >> yes! it's coming up. november 4th. three november 6th. that brunch, i'm co-hosting it with idina menzel. guess what we are serving, your sweet potato pizza. >> amazing. go to
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awesome. delicious. [ cheers and applause ] >> revealing true stories, some of the most famous songs of all-time. >> catch up with songwriter, the great carol bayer sager, next. ? i've got to hide from your love ? ? go paperless, don't stress, girl ? ? i got the discounts that you need ? ? safe driver ? ? accident-free ? ? everybody put your flaps in the air for me ? ? go paperless, don't stress, girl ? ? i got the discounts that you need ? ? accident-free ? ? everybody put your flaps in the air for me ? i can't lip-synch in these conditions. ? savings ?
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the year's #1 new cleansing sensation, micellar water from garnier skinactive. the micelles attract dirt like a magnet. to 1. cleanse 2. remove makeup and 3. refresh no harsh rubbing, no rinsing. micellar water from garnier skinactive. ls to see your numbers go up, despite your best efforts. but what if you could turn things around? what if you could love your numbers? discover once-daily invokana?. it's the #1 prescribed sglt2 inhibitor that works to lower a1c. invokana? is a pill used along with diet and exercise to significantly lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. and in most clinical trials,
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invokana? works around the clock by sending some sugar out of your body through the process of urination. it's not for lowering systolic blood pressure or weight, but it may help with both. invokana? can cause important side effects, including dehydration, which may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, lightheaded, or weak, upon standing. other side effects may include kidney problems, genital yeast infections, changes in urination, high potassium, increases in cholesterol, risk of bone fracture, or urinary tract infections, possibly serious. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis, which can be life threatening. stop taking and call your doctor right away if you experience symptoms or if you experience symptoms of allergic reaction such as rash, swelling, or difficulty breathing or swallowing. do not take invokana? if you have severe liver or kidney problems or are on dialysis. tell your doctor about any medical conditions and medications you take.
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it's time to turn things around. lower your blood sugar with invokana?. imagine loving your numbers. there's only one invokana?.
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joe heck's and donald trump's views on women are disturbing. heck voted to defund planned parenthood 10 times. he was even willing to shut down the government over it. and they both outlaw abortion. "do you believe in punishment for abortion?" while heck co-sponsored legislation to criminalize abortion, even in cases of rape. donald trump and joe heck are not for you.
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? that's what friends are for ? >> catching up with an old friend, not old, longtime frie mid-80s, one of such a long list for carol bayer sager, put her stamp on more than 400 songs over the course of her five decade career. oscar, granny and golding globe win pen to paper for a new memoir called "they're playing our song" title of a great broadway musical you wrote with -- with
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>> good. so good to see you. >> i don't know what you're doing. >> i'm such a fan. >> you look so fabulous. we want t. you look incredible. >> thank you. >> we look back at your library, all the songs you've written and amazing people you've collaborated with. i know you don't have a favorite baby, but are there certain songs when they come on, you are -- >> yeah. i think they are like your soul songs. the ones that just, you still feel something here. you know? >> like "the prayer" with andrea bocelli and celine dion. >> wrote with david foster. >> i did. anytime he's involved, magic comes with it. >> he's brilliant. "i think "that's what friends are for" it had a higher cause. when stevie wonder was putting his voice on the record with dionne warwick, my friend at the time, elizabeth taylor came down to the studio to meet stevie,
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to me, we should give the money to amfar. the american foundation for age research, because elizabeth was the first star that ever came out and shared, really shined a light. >> because of her friend rock hudson. >> that's right. >> and that's probably raised millions. >> it has. and that makes me feel good, still today. >> it's not just the songs, of course, which is the sound track of your life and many of our lives. >> yeah. >> your ten-year marriage to burt bacharach a brilliant man in this own right. >> genius. >> you were madly in love and thought it would be forever. >> i thought i was madly in love. i think lacking back a lot of it was me inventing him as someone who he really never wanted to be sort of. so -- you know, and it's a lot of time when you -- when you're living together and working together.
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it's a business and a marriage and -- it just, i think -- went on overload, but i think -- one of the reasons i wrote the book was i wanted to be honest, and, two, to let people know that, you know, you should never compare your insides to someone else's outsides, because so much of my life, particularly my early life, i lived in fear and in anxiety and just was hardly inhabiting my li. lane was clear, and that was always -- i was able to always create, but outside of that, i was really sort of a mess, and -- people wouldn't know it. so i thought, maybe i can give some women hope, or men. >> you write beautifully about your relationship with your mother, who didn't encourage you. >> exactly. >> you've got to read the book. >> life lesson. >> really is. a must-read and a great read, too, for anybody. not just for women.
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>> it's a master class on songwriting as well. all the best. so happy to see you. >> so good to see you. >> thank for coming to see us. >> time flies when you're having fun, but we're still giving it away to five lucky ones.
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jim childs: one of the ways criminals avoid background checks is by going online and connecting with strangers to buy guns. as someone in law enforcement, i think that's dangerous. millions of guns are sold through websites like this, most with no background checks, no questions asked. why don't we require them online? a few clicks of the mouse, now a bad guy is armed - and potentially dangerous. and that's a threat to all of us.
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five of our viewers really happy, shall we? time -- >> all: give it away. >> this ek and the large from away luggage. >> wow. >> worth more than -- well, worth actually $475. >> lightweight pieces made of premium german polycarbonate unrivaled in strength and impact resistance. tossed around, just fine. >> plus, you need this stuff. >> i know. >> plus come with a built-in tsa combination lock, removable laundry bag, four spinner wheels and lifetime warranty. >> find out who wins. >> do it. >> you go first.
10:57 am
>> dwight dixon from mansfield, texas. >> way to go, dwight. we're all for you. i got one. i got nancy -- vegan -- veginsky. >> and wisconsin, melissa mckurnen from marlet, michigan. a lot of ms. >> i got lee ann schmezer. >> i love her. last portal, michigan. congratulations to all our winners. we shred the non-winning entries to make sure you enter again for next week's prize. for complete rules go to hoda and kathie >> celebrating a big anniversary for justin timberlake and his wife jessica biehl. >> and more hot hollywood couples. >> what else? three daughters tell us about moms needing fashion help.
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bye. >> the late evidence it's not uncommon for autistic kids to flap their hands. and so when i saw that, that was completely disqualifying. i'm a republican, but this election is so much bigger than party. my son max can't live in trump world. so i'm crossing party lines and voting for hillary. i don't always agree with her, but she's reasonable. and she's smart. she can work with people to solve problems. when it really mattered.
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11:00 am
>> today on rachael ray. the multitalented kelly clarkson. >> i can do this weird tongue thing. >> what is that? >> is not playing games with rache. >> you have to dance with an audience member. plus, hear and save room for patty melts. >> it's delicious. >> and now, are you ready for rachael? >> hello, and welcome. i am extremely excited about my first gaye guest, the first time she ever came to our show, we were like so here on everything we decided we were going to be besties forevs.


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