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tv   News 3 Live Today  NBC  November 9, 2016 4:30am-5:00am PST

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here from the winners and those who are saying goodbye to congress. >> dana: welcome in. it is 4:30 on this wednesday , the day after the election. and to call it a political earthquake may be an understatement. >> that's what nbc news dubbed it. as we look at the white house there. donald trump going to 1600 pennsylvania avenue. decision 2016 one for the record books. you are waking up to news we have a president elect donald trump. >> dana: let's go live now from new york city. we still have not heard from hillary clinton. she has not given a concession speech. do we have any idea when that might occur? >> yes, we do. we know that donald trump is
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hillary clinton didn't want to give her concession speech last night although she called donald trump congratulating him on his victory. she's going to do that at 10:30 our time so in a couple of hours. after that president obama is expected to speak. he has also invited donald trump to the white house on thursday. things are starting to happen now that we know that donald trump is the president. ovl with the outcome of this election. not his supporters of course. inside the headquarters last night the environment, the atmosphere was energizing. everyone erupting into cheers, crying, holding signs when it was all announced yesterday. donald trump taking to the stage for his acceptance speech congratulating hillary clinton for a job well done and also telling everyone that she had a
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he was going to bring about changes here and that is what people are looking for. he said he plans to lower taxes and to fix the economy and to bring the country together. he was very effective in those battleground states winning florida, north carolina, ohio and pennsylvania turning a traditionally blue state michigan into a red state. he was very effective in doing that and the american voter that they would like him as the president. although hillary clinton does have the popular vote. donald trump has the electoral vote. we'll see what happens in the up coming four years. we are expecting hillary clinton to give her speech in a couple of hours at 7:30 your time. reporting live in new york city. >> dana: did you say that hillary clinton leads in the popular vote?
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we're hearing she's leading in the popular vote but it doesn't change anything for donald trump. he got the coveted electoral votes needed to win the election and if everything is done 100% because congress thews approve trump in on january 6. we'll see if things change and what hillary clinton does in her concession speech. things could be >> kim: thank you very much for kicking off our live team coverage this morning. a group of people not happy about president elect donald trump set fires in the streets of san francisco. dozens gathering outside of his headquarters on market street. this did happen after they
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trump. at least one protestor was injured in all of this. >> dana: clinton tweeting this out, this team has so much to be proud of, whatever happens tonight thank you for everything. she will be giving her concession speech in new york city at 7:30 this morning pacific time. nbc news will be all over that when it happens three hours from now. >> kim: on this wednesday after the election we take you 11:00 last night when this was happening, her supporters in new york city saw she was not going to become the first female president. >> everybody should head home. you should get some sleep. we'll have more to say tomorrow. i want you to know, i want every person in this hall to know and i want every person across the
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know that your voices and your enthusiasm means so much to her and all of us. we are so proud of you. and we are so proud of her. she's done an amazing job and she is not done yet. so thank you for being she has always been with you. >> kim: in case you went to bed and missed that speech last night, he came out. he ran her campaign. he addressed all the supporters and said they thought it was too close to call at that point so they were not going to do anything more that night. then it wasn't long after that hillary clinton called donald trump and conceded the race to
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from her in about three hours from now. >> dana: the president of the united states calling donald trump last night. we understand from trump's campaign manager that it was a warm conversation. there will be a peaceful transition of power. the two will work together. he's going to be sworn into office on january 20. a lot of work to be done to get donald trump into the white house. >> kim: and they are already starting that process. donald t a will meet together tomorrow at the white house. that is already scheduled. that is one thing we can count on in america is the peaceful transition of power. one thing we can count on in southern nevada is the gorgeous weather. >> dana: the peaceful transition to the weather center. no earthquakes here but we have a political earthquake nationally. what can we expect in terms of the weather today? >> yesterday we tied the high at
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one today. more sunshine around the area. more warm temperatures. 78 at noon and 80 at 4:00. we'll talk more about this warm weather and how long it will last coming up. >> dana: we have a lot to talk about locally as well in this case. katherine masto heading this is the latest information we have expanding the background check, closing the loophole for the gun show purchases out there. yes at 56.7%. no at 43.3%. i've seen the numbers and clark county carried the day in regards to question one. background checks on all gun purchases in this state looks like it's going to pass. >> kim: one of the races the
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katherine cortez masto up against dr. joe heck. >> good morning from the aria where it is a tale of two democratic parties nationally for democrats the unthinkable happened, president elect trump. for state democrats it's different. the reid mastowon the democratic seat hay reid is giving up. >> because i'm going to hold him accountable. i'm going to hold him accountable just like i have when i've called him out when he wants to sexually assault women.
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build a wall with mexico and attack the gold star families and pow's, i'm going to call him out on it. >> today we elected an immigrant to the united states house of representatives. we have a lot of work to do in this country and i look forward to taking on those challenges. >> rose season leag republican in district 3. state democrats delivered nevada, clinton carried us. much soul searching about losing the white house and where this party goes now. >> we have to correct one thing on question 1. background checks for all gun
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out of clark county only. there are 17 counties to be counted here in the state of nevada. clark county was the only county to vote in favor of question 1. the other 16 counties voted against it. we know that we have more than 2 million people here in clark county so the greatest majority of people from our state live here in clark county. question one is going to be close and i don't know that we can call question one either way for you and have that coming up. while nevada republicans did not do as well this year, they are celebrating donald trump's win. danny losing to jackie. dr. joe heck losing to katherine cortez masto.
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has no regrets. >> people chose other individuals. i have no regrets in what i've done and where i've stood. it's been nothing but a privilege. i thank you for the opportunity and those of you who voted for us. i want to especially thank my wife and my family. >> dana: he had support from senator harry reid and a politically culinary union. democrats now look like they have three congressional seats here in the state of nevada.
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one republican will remain. the other three congressional seats in the state of nevada look like they are going democratic. >> kim: we want to talk about how the world is reacting, specifically the markets and the dow futures did not look good when it looked like there was going to be a president elect donald trump. in japan their stock average finished down 920 points. the market started slightly looking strong. when james comey cleared her days before the election looked like the world markets were starting to respond. once they saw it will be a different person in the white house than they initially thought when they started the day, the markets started to tumble. >> and the mexican peso dropped as well. they were concerned about a
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on their money there. we'll have more on the financial markets coming up in just a little bit. a man has died after police say he opened fire near a polling station. at least one person killed. find out if the shooting had anything to do with the election coming up. >> kim: we're taking a break from politics this morning to focus on this, a dog with a disability working with police. talk about obstacles to
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>> dana: 100% of the precincts
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clark county carried the day for background checks on all gun purchases in this state. all rural counties voting no but there was enough positive ? ? ? pgh clark county to carry the day. this is question two legalizing recreational marijuana and it passed this. is urban area versus other areas in our state. legalizing >> kim: as far as the marijuana question that is going into law. >> it will become state law. >> doesn't have to be on the ballot again what i'm trying to say. >> no. >> kim: we take to you japan to focus on this special dog. a police dog. talk about overcoming obstacles.
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blind but not getting in the way of having fawned doing great police work. being trained to do what other dogs here in the united states do with local law enforcement and we wanted to be able to share this success story this morning. >> dana: while donald trump won the election, his young son had people talking too. there he is in the background of his dad's victory speech early this morning. what he did that h talking. >> kim: from american politics to the royals who is pretty hot tempered this morning because of how the american media is
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>> kim: we take you live to the heart of new york city. about 7:30 this morning our time
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clinton. she did concede the race last night when she made a phone call to president elect donald trump. she has devote face the nation. that will happen a couple of hours from now. >> dana: her camp in shock this morning. needs a little time to digest what happened. donald trump's campaign manager saying that is fine. they are allowing her to digest this. we're going to hear a concession speech that will be very important for this >> kim: all analyst calling it a political earthquake. no shakes when it comes to our local weather. >> kelly: tying a record high yesterday 83 and i'm sure record turnouts yesterday at the polls as well. here is a look at the red rock visitor center camera from yesterday. abundant sunshine. temperatures topping out in the low 80's. 70's at red rock.
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here is a look at the current temperatures. downtown at 57. summerlin 60 and henderson 59. these temperatures well above normal. the normal low should be 4-9d for today's date. you want a jacket this morning but you're not going to need hit the afternoon. this big ridge of high pressure in place. tons of sunshine today with a high of 81. the record for today's date 82. we're going t tying it again today with light variable winds. to night the low 58. that is well above normal. above normal temperatures for the rest of the seven-day forecast. veterans day 77 for the high. mostly sunny, mid 70's for the weekend and @s start ticking back up. >> kim: a gunman is dead after killing a man and shooting two
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several hours. officers found the shooters body inside his home. the shooting was not related to the election. >> dana: we're going to show a couple of questions that did pass. this is question three, 100% of the resinates reporting. this is the energy choice. ng energy has a monopoly in the state of nevada. if this passes years, voters have to pass it once this year and once again two years from now, the majority of the states saying yes on this one. question three giving us energy choices will pass in the state of nevada this time. it has to pass again two years from now. this is balloted question four. this is for sales tax on medical implements within our state.
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votes. and because this is a constitutional amendment, this will have to pass again two years from now. if you buy a wheelchair in this state, you won't have to pay sales tax on that. >> kim: on the topic of talent on nbc news, we have an early heads up of what to expect this morning on today. >> good morning. coming up on a special edition of today complete coverage of do the presidential race. we'll break down how he pulled it off. >> we'll hear from the trump campaign, impact on wall street and how world leaders are reacting and what a trump white house will look like. >> kim: across the pond where prince harry is unhappy and blasting the american media. >> dana: he's asking them to leave his new american
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with a brunette american actress, it's a story that has women have been pining after the bachelor prince, that is harry's 35-year-old girlfriend megan. >> she's one of the stars of the legal drama suits. >> now that she's harry's love interest , the prince ballistic on the press. a statement says the past week has seen a line crossed. his girlfriend has been subject to a wave of abuse and harassment. the palace statement cites the smear on the front page of a newspaper , the undertones of comment paste pieces. her mom is african-american and her dad is white. she is a u.n. advocate for
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it comes to her own character rachel on soups. >> this season every script began with rachel enters with a towel. not doing it anymore. >> prince harry is worried about her safety. after all his mother, princess diana seen holding harry a car crash while being chased by paparazzo. this is not a game, this is her life and his, the press was playing the game of decoding their romance. >> they are both wearing the same beaded bracelets. >> her instagram account was analyzed for clues down to the image she posted of two bananas
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beard. >> dana: we're going to take a
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>> to all republicans and democrats and independent across this nation, i say it is time for us to come together as one united people.
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speech coming up. >> kim: big night. it was a race the entire world was watching because the balance of the united states senate was hanging there. what happened between dr. joe heck and katherine cortez masto. >> dana: dow futures down overnight. what we can expect when the markets open in an hour and a half from >> dana: good morning. a new day in america. >> kim: nbc news declared president elect donald trump winning the race. it was an upset of a big magnitude. they are calling it a political shakeup. >> dana: polling was wrong. we have not heard from hillary clinton yet.


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