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tv   Today  NBC  November 23, 2016 7:00am-10:01am PST

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good morning, ambassador haley? donald trump picks his first female cabinet member, ambassador nikki this as trump acknowledges he won't be following through on some of the proms he made during the key to the campaign. promises like this one. >> i am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation. disturbing past, authorities are learning more about the 24-year-old driver who crashed his bus in chattanooga, killing
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suspension all in the last few years. >> i've been calling and complaining about this bus driver since august. >> so should he have been behind the wheel? turkey trot, 48 million americans set to hit the roads, rails and skies over this thanksgiving holiday. will you be one of them? this morning, we're spread out across the country to help you get where you're going as smoothly as possible. and what a room. >> this is like a really good class. >> president obama awards his last presidential medals of freedom to a high group of people who weren't above posing for a mannequin challenge to end all mannequin challenges. today is wednesday, november 23rd, 2016. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with matt lauer and savannah guthrie live from
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welcome to "today" on wednesday morning. and you know the expression, can you smell what the rock is cooking? >> i've never heard that expression in my life. >> take a look at what we have going on rockefeller plaza. >> this is a who's who 30 celebrity chefs all here on our plaza all armed with one tip for your thanksgiving dinner. we cannot wait to get started. it's like the super bowl of thanksgiving. >> it wil a making a key foreign policy pick. his one time critic, south carolina governor nikki haley also happens to be his first female cabinet member. kristen welker has details on this. >> reporter: good morning to you. a source confirms for nbc news that mr. trump has tapped his former critic, south carolina
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dr. ben carson is mulling an offer to serve as secretary of housing and urban development. all of this as that wide ranging interview is shedding new light on the president-elect's policies. >> so what we want to do is what we're asking -- >> this morning, transition sources tell nbc news president obama trump has asked south carolina governor nikki haley to be his ambassador to the united nations. the daughter of indian rising star in the republican party. haley would be the first woman appointed to trump's cabinet. trump touching down in florida tuesday night after a day of stoking questions about whether he's moderating some of his key campaign positions. most notably, his vow to take action against hillary clinton over her e-mails. >> if i win, i am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation.
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a decision first reported by nbc. trump elaborating during an hour-long interview with journalists at the "new york times" saying i don't want to hurt the clintons. i really don't. she went through a lot and suffered greatly in many different ways .i am not looking to hurt them at all. the campaign was vicious. it's a stunning reversal from candidate trump. the blowback swift. conservative news outlet breitbart which openly out, calling this a broken promise. on the trail, trump said he wanted to tear up the paris climate agreement, a multi national environmental accord. but on tuesday, he told the "new york times," i have an open mind to it. on torture, mr. trump once touted waterboarding, but after consulting with retired marine general james mattis, a contender for defense secretary, concluded the tactic is not going to make the kind of
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are thinking. and one day after this disturbing video captured a white nationalist group gathered in washington, d.c. celebrating trump's victory with nazi-like salutes, the president-elect denouncing hate groups in his strongest terms yet, telling the times it's not a group i want to energize. and if they are energized, i want to look into it and f energyize, andin if they are energized, i want to look into it and find out why. >> reporter: defiant when it came to questions about potential conflicts of interest with his business telling the times the law is on his side. he also boasted to "the new york times" the trump brand is certainly a hotter brand than it was before. meanwhile, as for secretary hillary clinton a group of computer scientists urging her campaign to ask for a recount in three swing states after finding voting irregularity and there is
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considering. >> kristen welker, making us jealous with her location. residents are still reeling from the shock after five elementary schoolchildren were killed and injured critically. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, savannah. 12 of the children involved in the bus accident remain here at the hospital. six of them are innt care. because of their age and because some of them lost brothers and sisters as well as close friends their parents and doctors have decided it is still too early to tell them not everyone survived the accident. pushing forward with his investigation, a team of ntsb investigators getting its first close-up look at the mangled wreckage of the school bus trying to determine what went so horribly wrong. and this morning, new,
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24-year-old johnthony walker facing multiple charges stemming from the crash that killed five elementary schoolchildren and injured 24. nbc news has learned that walker has a less than perfect driving record. state records show he received his license to drive a school bus in april. five months later he was involved in a minor bus accident. no one was injured and in 2014 he had his personal license suspended for 25 days for failing to show proof of they're complaining about the school bus. >> reporter: jasmine martin's 6-year-old daughter zaira died in the horrific crash and two of her older kids were hurt. >> i've been calling and complaining about this bus driver since august. i called the board of education. i called the school. >> reporter: nbc news reached out to both the board and the
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back. >> reporter: cordasia jones was just 9. she would have turned 10 in three weeks. her brother was not on the bus, but he's scared now. >> i don't want to ride the bus no more. >> you don't want to ride the bus anymore? you just don't feel safe? >> reporter: last night, hundreds turned out for a solemn standing room only prayer vigil. there were balloons for the children and hope. >> god is going to turn this situation around for the good and that's what the families captured >> the national transportation safety board along with local investigators say that they hope a review of the videotape that was recorded from the onboard video system on the bus will help explain what happened, but right now the focus is on the speed the bus was traveling. savannah? >> that's just awful. kerry sanders, thank you so much. we will look deeper into this and we have more in the next half hour on school bus safety and we'll take a closer look at
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we want to turn now to thanksgiving travel and some 40 million americans on the move and we have our travel center ready to help you make the most of your holiday. we have it covered this morning starting with steve carnacy with the rail, the roads and the airports. steve, what is going on here? >> specialiing in gridlock. this is the number of americans who are hitting the roads. see if i can get this to work. it is up this year. the going out and traveling the vast majority will be some flying and some taking trains. why is the number up this year? the economy is a little better and these are some of the lowest gas prices we've had in a while. the question of where people are going, we'll try to show you that if i can figure this screen out. the most popular destinations and a lot of people treat this like a vacation, san francisco, vegas, orlando, new york and it is a driving holiday when you
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these are the five worst places in the country if you're hitting the roads. and i can vouch tore one of these personally. i grew up here using i-8el 4 boston going down to connecticut every thanksgiving and that thing can be a parking lot on a day like this. >> steve proving once again he can do it all. >> thanks, steve. >> happy thanksgiving. as you pointed out, travel by car is going to be kicking into high gear today. we have tips about the best time to hit the road to grandma's how. how is it looking out there? >> s we're on the west side highway in new york city. figured we probably shouldn't travel too far from home at this point. but if you have to travel for thanksgiving, you might want to consider leaving right now. the worst times to travel are 3:00 this afternoon and 4:00 p.m. on saturday. if you can't leave today before 3:00 p.m., though, you might want to consider leaving on thanksgiving day itself. it's actually considered one of the best days to travel. if you need an app to help you get where you need to go, the
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it's community driven and it uses users' drive times to reroute you based on those reports. trust waze. download it and follow it. aaa says their top reasons for road rescues are flat tires, lock outs and dead batteries. so make sure your car is serviced before you get out on the road. have a good play list, make sure you're just in a good state of mind with pa i also recommend not driving anywhere near us because we are certainly slowing things down on the road this morning. >> good tip. thank you. nbc's tom costello covers aviation. he's at reagan national airport. tom, there seems to be some renewed talk about possibly long security lines. we all talked about that back in the summer. what's the status? >> yeah. so far, so good. here at reagan national airport, we're looking at about a
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hanging, that is on the end of the line. on precheck today, we're looking at about 10, 15 minutes or so. the best way to get this information realtime is on the tsa app. you type in your actual airport you want. it gives you a realtime status update. what you can't control is the weather, of course, but the tsa says we should not see the kind of checkpoint choke points we saw last spring with lines running one and two hours, if you will. the l.a.x., chicago o'hare, dfw and jfk. we're expecting nationwide volume systemwide, 2.3 million people per day, but 2.5 to 2.8 million today and sunday. these will be the busiest days. and the tsa has opened up a new command center at its headquarters office where they track the status of the 30 busiest airports down to the actual checkpoints.
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the lines are at a specific checkpoint at a specific airport. they're looking at what they call hot spots, those problem areas that pop up. they've had one pop up today in louisville, kentucky, because of a power outage, but that's already, they say been addressed. also, working with the airports and their lines, they project passenger volume that can respond, they can staff up if necessary. nationwide times average background 30 minutes on the tsa regular line, under 15, in fact, under 10 on the prechecked lines. they've also got dog teams run, 165 dog teams nationwide. if they can clear a line of passengers with dogs, those people can move that much faster. so now they're looking at how they can move these lines throughout the day. they've staffed up dramatically. they've really recovered from what they had back in the spring with those long lines. the advice today if you're traveling over the next few days, again, don't pack liquids
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pack them in your hard body, if you will, in the cases that you check. also, make sure you remember that you're going to have to take off your shoes, take out your laptops. the more that you're prepared and ready, you can speed things along. guys, back to you. >> tom, as always, thank you. only one other x factor, the weather. mr. rockier posing. >> oh, sorry. >> what are we looking at? >> we're looking at a couple of hard spots our weather is concerned. we really, right now, as far as the airports here in the eastern half of the country, minneapolis, chicago, detroit, some minor delays at st. louis and also for houston. but chicago o'hare, periods of rain, gusty winds. it should clear up later this evening. out west, seattle-tacoma possible delays due to showers and storms. hot spots as far as the roads, i-94, i-80, i-65 is going to be problematic from chicago to nashville.
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we're going to be looking at rainey travel throughout the day. sunday for your trip back, the eastern half of the country is not too bad. the only problem is going to be boston. some minor delays in minneapolis, st. louis and down into dallas. boston logan may see problems. san francisco, some problems as far as showers and thunderstorms. and then on the road to i-80, i-5, i-90 out west causing problems as far as snowfall. here in the east in the looking from i-35 minneapolis to dallas, gusty winds, a lot of wet weather. san francisco to l.a., you're going to have some problems, as well, guys. >> al, thank you so much. and it was a very emotional day at the white house on tuesday as president obama awarded his final medals of freedom. 25 people received the nation's highest civilian honor as the president brought together one of the most impressive groups ever.
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presidency, barack obama celebrating american legends. >> this is like a really good class. ladies and gentlemen, i want you all to give it up for the recipients of the 2016 presidential medal of freedom. >> from sports star michael jordan -- >> he's more than just a logo, more than just an internet meme. there is a reason you call somebody the michael jordan of. michael jordan of neurosurgery or the michael jordan of michael jordan is the michael jordan of greatness. >> to music icon bruce springsteen. >> he was sprung from a cage out on highway 9. quiet kid from jersey. i am the president, he is the boss. >> king of comedy, lauren michaels. >> on "saturday night live," he's created a world where a band of no-names become comedy's biggest stars, where our friends, the cone heads and
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unfrozen caveman lawyer show up and tom hanks is on black jeopardy. >> actor tom hanks. >> america's dad has stood up to cancer with his beloved wife, rita. he's championed our veterans, supported space exploration and the truth is, tom has always saved his best roles for real life. >> and fellow film star, robber de niro. >> the name synonymous with tough guy. >> the yup including bill and melinda gates. >> the gates foundation has worked to provide lye saving medical care to millions. these two have donated more money to charitable causes than anyone ever. >> and one of the funniest women we know, brought to tears. >> ellen degeneres has a way of making you laugh about some
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to see somebody so full of kindness and light, somebody we liked so much, somebody who could be our neighbor or our colleague or our sister challenge our own assumptions. remind us that we have more in common than we realize. >> did you have a chance to see this? >> i didn't. i just got to see the ecxerpts. >> did you see it? >> no. >> i watched this for an hour live yesterday and hats off to president obama who made it to >> ask personal. >> yeah. >> we saw ellen getting choked up there. what a rare find, the room with all those people. >> although he said he doesn't laugh at any one person. >> yeah. me pretty well. >> it was a wonderful, wonderful event. >> fun. we should look it up online and watch the whole thing. by the way, ellen almost didn't make it into the event. she was denied access to the white house. well, you know what? she didn't bring her i.d.
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she must have made a call because she did finally get in about an hour later. once inside the white house doors, she made the most of it posting this mannequin challenge video. it's a who's who of americans such as robert de niro, bill gates among others. drop the mike. >> you cannot top that. >> that's amazing. >> mr. roker, you have the rest of the forecast? >> as we take a look at what's stretching from the great lakes down to the gulf coast. rain and mountain snow in the pacific northwest. high surf advisory southern california. windy in the northeast, but plenty of sunshine. we'll get to your local forecast coming up in the next 30 seconds. is kohl's black friday. stores open thursday at 6pm with incredible black friday doorbusters. get the playstation 4 or a 49 inch 4k hd tv for just $249.99. get $4.99 after rebate kitchen electrics. the fitbit alta is $99.99
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only once a year everyone gets $15 kohl's cash for every $50 spent. the first place to stop and the best place to shop is kohl's black friday. don't miss it! and that's your latest weather, guys. >> al, thank you very much. coming up, how safe is your child's school bus? jeff rossen looks at why millions of america's school kids aren't required to wear a seat belt. plus minding your manners. are you maybe dreading the
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some tricky subjects.
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our all star thanksgiving has
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at progresso, we are passionate about our art. and our art is chicken soup. behold our greatest opus. and do you know, if you mix up the letters of opus, what it spells? it spells ?soup!? soup is our opus! and we create with glorious chicken. attention pups and people! the toys"r"us black friday sale starts thursday at 5pm.
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with 40% off doorbusters till midnight. like barbie, paw patrol, and lego sets! in store only. toys"r"us ...awwwesome! ?spread a little love today? ?spread a little love my way? ?spread a little somethin to remember? philadelphia cream cheese, made with fresh milk and real cream. makes your recipes their holiday favorites.
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. >> hi, there. 7:26 on this wednesday. feels a little like friday, though, for a lot of people out there, kelly curran, considering a lot of people have a important weather forecast. >> and a lot of people travelling today, looking good here in vegas with lots of sunshine, blue skies out there, light winds, as well, so great news if you're driving or flying in and out of las vegas today. temperatures this afternoon, rising into the upper 60s, above normal, mostly sunny skies, a high thin clouds rolling in and tonight, the wind will pick up as the system passes through causing a a little bit of a dip
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degrees and sunny skies and another storm system on the way this weekend, and this will bring us rain and knock temperatures into the 50s. >> overall, not that bad on the roadways this morning. all right have checked out for holidays. we do have one accident on 215 westbound on gibson and this is a little bit slow but typically worse this time of the morning and the inbound 95 and 15, a little bit slow bo valley. so checking the travel times, sluggish on i-15 from the spaghetti bowl to tropicana, but that's about it. some people are already on vacation. >> this afternoon, it can be very busy between interstate 15 between here and los angeles expecting some 315,000 visitors in las vegas this weekend, most driving from southern california. meanwhile, we had a fire just hours ago here in the las vegas
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sandhill and flamingo on the eastside of the las vegas valley. the homeowner, thankfully, was not hurt, but we're sad to report that the family dog perished in this fire.
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?? okay. it's contagious, this mannequin challenge. it's 7:30, 23rd of november. 30 celebrity chefs all frozen in time ready to fire soon as they reanimate from the mannequin challenge, they are going to tell us how to get thanksgiving done in style. >> although i can tell you bobby flay you do not want to see dance in actual motion. >> he just broke the challenge. it only takes one. only takes one. back inside studio 1a let's take a look at some stories making headlines. police in venice, florida, saw something unusual earlier this
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a fire ball streaking through the sky. the brighter than usual meteor was spotted up and down florida's gulf coast monday night, some people as far away as georgia and alabama also said they saw it. donald trump has offered the position of u.n. ambassador to south carolina's governor, nikki haley, who was once a critic of the president-elect. this is, by the way, also his first female pick for his cabinet. trump also gave a revealing interview to "the new york times" and it seems he may be softening his position on promises, some of them quite controversial, including seeking prosecution of hillary clinton. trump is now saying that the clintons have been through enough already. mr. trump offered his condolences to the families of five children killed in that tragic school bus crash in tennessee. authorities are now learning more about the 24-year-old who was at the wheel during the accident. his driving record revealing a separate accident as well as a license suspension. he's now facing jail on multiple
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there are renewed calls for seat belts on school buses, so why aren't most kids buckled in? today national investigative correspondent jeff rossen is here with more on that. jeff, it's such a sad story and such an important question. >> it certainly is of the for all of us parents, devastating to watch. that school bus in chattanooga did not have seat bets. some of the kids were actually ejected upon impact. most kids are riding federal officials say seat belts would make school buses safer, so why aren't they required? this morning we are going straight to the top for answers. the scene in chattanooga is devastating. the bus split in half by a tree. >> a school bus flipped off the roadway. it is occupied with children. they believe there's ejections. >> reporter: inside the children weren't wearing seat belts. why? because their bus didn't have any. in fact, most buses don't.
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should have seat belts on every school bus in the united states. when you look at children from the age of 0 to 5, they are correctly restrained in the back seat of their vehicle. that's their habit. they know that's safer. they get on the big yellow school bus, where are the seat belts? >> most states don't require seat belts on school buses. only six states do, and there is no federal requirement. the consequences can be deadly. wapello, iowa, the driver of this bus losing control. kids sent flying out of their seats, injuring all ten on board. tulsa, oklahoma. another bus swerving off the road. four students sent to the hospital. experts say seat belts can make all the difference between life and death. just watch this crash test
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belts on. now look at the dummies that do. big difference. they stay in their seats. last september i went to see the administrator of the national highway traffic safety administration. >> would safety belts make them even safer? absolutely. >> so why not mandate that right now? >> that's really the question we've been looking at. there's no question that the safety belts would help, but the issue is beyond just that, how do we make student tranta >> with all due respect, they have been looking at this for a long time. what do you say to parents putting their kids on buses today, they don't want to wait? >> putting them on that big yellow school bus is still the safest way to get to school. >> reporter: there is still no federal law requiring seat belts. experts say until that happens, we could see more tragedies like the one this week. >> a great example is the bus driver. he has to wear a seat belt. why don't all the passengers
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belt as well. >> so it is the burning question, why don't most school buses have seat belts. let me show you. the seats, as you know from all of us on school buses, are high and padded. the thinking is this would keep the child in the seat, the tall seats keep them from flying out but as we see that doesn't always work and there's always a cost. it comes down to money. it would cost between $7,000 to $17,000 to retrofit every bus in th millions if not billions of dollars and take years to do. but they still say, they stand by it, that there should be a 3-point belt buckle on every single school bus in the country. >> why not start today. >> i agree. now let's turn to the weather and mr. roker. >> announcer: today's weather is brought to you by soma, the best gifts for her this season. still have a lot going on
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from houston all the way up into memphis and some messy weather, a mix of snow, rain and ice from saginaw on into green bay today. it's part of a storm system pushing through. it will weaken as it moves to the east but snow will develop into interior parts of the northeast and new england as we get into thursday afternoon. out west we've got a 1-2 punch of the storm. one system coming online already bringing rain and snow from seattle all the way down into northern califo but then this second system moves in as we move into thursday on into friday. back-to-back storms bringing a real mess into the weekend for the pacific northwest and some of this will make its way all
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don't forget to get that weather any time you need it this weekend on the weather channel. >> good idea, al. coming up next, past the politics, tips on how to keep peace at thanksgiving this year. see me. see me. don't stare at me. see me. see me. see me to know that psoriasis is just something that i have. i'm not contagious. see me to know that... ...i won't stop until i find what works. discover cosentyx, a different kind of medicine for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. proven to help the majority of people find clear or almost clear skin. 8 out of 10 people saw 75% skin clearance at 3 months.
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or something. "or something"? you don't just graduate from medical school, "or something." and we don't just pull smoked chicken, bake fresh foccacia and hand-slice avocado. there's nothing "or something" about it. ? get up for black friday. starts thursday, 6pm. walmart. kisses deluxe chocolates. with a whole roasted hazelnut, delicate crisps and layers of rich, creamy chocolate, they're twice the size of the kisses chocolates you love. say more with kisses deluxe.
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eucerin has been solving dry skin problems for over 100 years. discover eucerin advanced repair. it moisturizes dry, itchy, rough, skin. for immediate relief and proven 48-hour moisture. for healthier-looking skin... ...look for eucerin, now in the red cap. ? happy holidays from crayola. so when do i start? um, shouldn't it be "spokes-crayon?" can somebody turn on the a/c? i'm melting here.
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i'm okay. the holidays just got more surprising. you can find these great gifts and more in the crayola aisle. aaaaaah! each sold separately. ? ? ? i want a hippopotamus for christmas ? ? only a hippopotamus will do ? at the united states postal service, to homes than anyone else in the country. and more hippopotamuses, too. ? ? so whatever your holiday priority,
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we're back at 7:42. tomorrow millions of american families will gather but with the country so deeply divided, we just had a really tough election, a lot of people wondering how do you manage sticky conversations. >> here with advice, mr. manners himself, mr. thomas farley. who's more dapper than thomas, seriously. divided, going to gather family members and friends, they're not all going to be on the same side of the political spectrum. what are the rules? >> we want to aim for more gobble, less squabble this thanksgiving. so it starts with the host. the host is the one who really sets down the ground rules. ideally in advance today, today is the day, e-mail, text, phone call, we're going to create a politics-free zone and that's the dinner table. so you're putting it out there for all of your guests.
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you designate a room in the house where it's okay to talk about politics. >> the bathroom? >> it's like the smokers room and nonsmokers room. >> outside, down the street. >> if you think there are two who are really going to go at it, you're going to set a place setting for everyone so you're not going to sit the two battling parties next to each other or across from each other. >> how should you enforce? the host sets the rules you say. >> an ejector seat. >> boom, you're out. >> well, this is the tough thing, particularly if you're the the sheriff. so you designate some people to help you out. so the kids can be designated to give a blessing. i like the idea of having the children if they're crafty create little paddles that say things like no squabble today, it's all about the gobble. so they hold up the paddles when people start talking politics. >> or be like snl and play adele. >> what about folks who have
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media. some folks have been unfriended. this is the first time they see each other. what do you do then? >> this is the elephant in the room, right? you definitely want to acknowledge that privately. i would call the person aside and say i don't know if this was a mistake but i notice we're not friends on facebook anymore. how did this happen? allow the person to weigh in. it may be that for the sake of the friendship you want to wait until after the inauguration to become virtual friends again. if you want to save the friendship in real life. >> let's take politics off the table. sometimes there are old scabs that people pick when it comes to family feuds. >> thanks for putting it so well. >> it happens. it's like an old divorce or something happened and there's aunt bertha, she brings it up. >> the scabs are right on the table. >> puts a wrecking ball through dinner, so what should you do? >> you're not going to solve it in one night. in fact you're not going to solve it when you have an audience. i'd say yes, work on this but work on it privately. have the conversation in advance, don't do it with everybody around.
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of the booze. someone else's house, someone else's kid is disruptive and unruly. do you say something? >> unless the child is in danger or unless your belongings are in serious danger, stay out of that. it's a tough thing to tell somebody how to raise their own children. steer clear of it. >> if you're a guest at someone else's thanksgiving, is it rude to ask the host for leftovers as you leave? if you want to earn the leftovers, you better be the one helping clear the places and wash the dishes. that person gets first dibs on leftover. >> do you bring your own tupperware? >> that's a little presumptuous. >> people don't want to lose that tupperware. >> unless they're good about returning it. >> bring it back clean. >> ladies and gentlemen, thomas farley. >> happy thanksgiving, everyone. >> there you go, happy thanksgiving. >> thank you. >> hey, what happens if someone
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don't forget to catch the 90th macy's thanksgiving day parade -- >> smooth segue. >> al is going to be there, savannah will be there, i'll be there tomorrow morning, starts at 9:00 right here on nbc. >> that's right. >> it's almost like that high five. coming up next, president barack obama prepares for his final presidential turkey pardon. tamron has the very latest on this year's lucky before fibromyalgia, i was energetic. i was active. then the chronic, widespread pain drained my energy. my doctor said moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. he also prescribed lyrica. fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of overactive nerves. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. for some, lyrica can significantly relieve fibromyalgia pain and improve function, so i feel better. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions.
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changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. with less pain, i can be more active.
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liste of bad breath germs for a 100% fresh mouth. feeling 100% means you feel bold enough to... ...assist a magician... ...or dance. listerine?. bring out the bold? ?? ?? ?? ?? how else do you think he gets around so fast? take the reins this holiday and get the mercedes-benz you've always wanted during the winter event. now lease the 2017 gla250 for $329 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer.
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this is how fast you should get in here! the black friday sale starts thursday at 5pm with 40% off doorbusters till midnight. like barbie, paw patrol, and lego sets! in store only. toys"r"us ...awwwesome! ? ? ? snowmen with buttons, snowflakes with icing ? ? candy corn feathers, sure look enticing ? ? rice krispies treats, the fun doesn't stop - ? ? how many ways can you snap, crackle, pop? ? make the holidays a treat with kellogg's rice krispies. we invited women to a spa to test a new body wash. you may not feel it, but some body washes can contain cleansers found in dish soap. dove body wash is different. it has only the gentlest cleansers. it just made me feel good. this is dove. emerge restored. fortified. replenished. emerge everyday with emergen-c packed with b vitamins, antioxidants, electrolytes plus more vitamin c than 10 oranges. why not feel this good everyday?
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at zales, we believe the world needs more love that lasts. love that grows. love that's worth waiting for. love that answers the kind of questions your smartphone cannot. that's a diamond kind of love. we set each diamond in our endless brilliance collection to sparkle from every angle as a statement worthy of your lifetime of love. zales. the diamond store. it is time to talk turkey. tamron. >> guys, i love this. okay, so today president obama
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the presidential turkey pardon. so the white house has taken to social media to introduce us to this year's turkey. here are their names. savannah, you were asking me during the commercial break, tater and tot. complete with detailed bio cards for each one. what we know about tater is he likes to listen to meghan trainor and walks with a swagger. as for tot, he's a bigger fan of justin timberlake and we're told hebl while only tater or tot will be the title for national thanksgiving turkey, both will get the big pardon. choosing two turkeys is a tradition that started with obama at the request of his daughter, look how little they were, sasha and malia. they have been at their dad's side at every turkey pardon starting all the way back 2009. look at that, then and now. kids do grow up. through this year they'll be
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ceremony bringing his own brand of humor to the event. remember, he did a lot of dad jokes last year, to his daughters' dismay. so there you have it, guys, tater and tot. >> just a suggestion, tater feldman? >> oh, my gosh. did i already tell you? no, i'm just kidding. no, i'm just kidding. >> all right, tamron, thank you. america's beverage companies have come together to no, i'm just kidding. >> all right, tamron, thank you. bring you more ways to help reduce calories from sugar. with more great tasting beverages with less sugar labels, and signs reminding everyone to think balance before choosing their beverages. we know you care about reducing the sugar in your family's diet, and we're working to support your efforts. more beverage choices. smaller portions. less sugar.
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? starts thursday, 6pm.
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technology is useful. i just bought a book. and while i was telling you about the book, i downloaded a song. oh, and full disclosure, when we were just chatting about that song thing, guilty. the point is, life is digital. so, carmax, created a site where you can reserve a car online. come in when it's convenient, your car will be waiting. just another thing to make buying a car better for you... reads this tweet that i just posted. oh, that appears to be trending.
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. >> it is 7:56 on this wednesday morning. i'm kim wagner, and people are on the move. kelly curran, as we check in with you first, we're doing team travel and you have the forecast and so far, so good here in southern nevada. >> yeah, it's looking great. a live picture from the virgin nice light winds now and increasing later this afternoon. as we're looking at about 25 mile per hour gusts, stronger on mt. charleston, where we're currently seeing 45 degrees. mesquite at 48, sandy valley, 49 so a little bit cool this morning but the temperatures this afternoon rising above normal. 67, that will be the high today in las vegas so if you have any last minute errands so run, looking good. the winds kick up and dying down tomorrow morning and
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cooler and 62 degrees. >> we have local's traffic and tourist traffic, looking great considering all the carnado and southbound 15 into the bowl, no delay and past the bowl with another camera, it's actually slower than when i looked a couple minutes ago, maybe something occurred a moment ago. i think we may have had an accident not on the radar screen when i set this up, because all a a little bit slow on the southbound 15 and kim, we expect a lot of tourist traffic later this day. >> i love how you put it as far as locals and visitors, we now have a new story affecting both. >> 3, 2, 1! . >> the countdown and the reveal. the first major league franchise
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?? it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, turkey travels. whether you're hitting the road or taking to the skies, we've got all the info you need for a stress-free trip. plus today's all-star thanksgiving. we'rki best to help you prepare for your big feast. and jumpstart your shopping. we've got a special edition of steals & deals with items for everyone on your list, with mega discounts to be thankful for. today, wednesday, november 23rd, 2016. ? i've got sunshine in my pocket ?
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>> we're from florida. >> we made it on the "today" show! ? dance, dance, dance ? >> we're from cincinnati celebrating our 20th anniversary. >> we're from texas. >> all the way from tennessee, happy thanksgiving! and welcome back to "today." it's now 8:00 on a wednesday morning. 24 hours to go until thanksgiving day. if you're feeling a little bit overwhelmed, we've got 30 experts. 30 of the best culinary minds in the country getting ready with quick tips to make your thanksgiving a little smoother, a little tastier. >> they have been trying to do the wave all morning. >> come on, they can coordinate that, come on.
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>> wow, that's unbelievable. >> it's awesome. by the way, you can get those 30 tips online, you could watch with a pen and paper or you can check online later. >> we're going to make them available for you just in time for the holiday. >> speaking of thanksgiving traditions, if you do not feel like moving after watch the parade tomorrow, you don't have to. you can actually just enjoy a spectacular family friendly parade of pooches at the 15th annual national dog show. john o'hurley. >> great to be back with you again. >> and he brought some friends we'll meet in a minute. what's going on with the show this year? >> we have a record number of breed entries. last year 26 million people watched. we're expecting an audience even larger this year. it keeps growing. >> talk to us about some of the friends you've brought along with you. >> in addition to your civic duty, charlie is here, this is one of our new breeds we'll be introducing.
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four-ply carpeting, this is what you'd end up with. >> what's it called? >> it's a pumi. it's a hungarian hunting dog and it's won our hearts. one of the new breeds and one of the best and top winning golden retrievers you'll ever meet, that's tracker and a beautiful belgian down at the end also in the competition. great dogs. over 2,000 dogs entered. it's going to be a great year. >> that's fantastic. >> howy doing this? >> this is our 15th consecutive year. i can't believe i've kept a show alive that long. >> the dogs might have had something to do with it. >> how do you think charlie would do in that competition? >> charlie is a black lab so he'll have an awful lot of competition because that's the most registered dog in the akc. but just for civic responsibility, he's best in show for me. >> and also personality. is there a favorite this year?
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we have more of the number one of their breeds in the show than we have ever had before, so we're going to be looking at the best dogs in the country tomorrow. it's going to be a lot of fun. >> and you have your assistant with you? >> he's here every year and he gets a little bit bigger. >> how well you feed him. >> john, we can't wait. thanks for bringing these adorable dogs. you'll be back with kathie lee and hoda a little later on. the national dog show airs tomorrow after the parade at noon. by the way, catch the winner friday morning, best in ow right here on "today." now let's get to the news at 8:00. good morning, i'm tom costello at reagan national airport. we begin with the pre-thanksgiving travel, and we are off. 49 million americans expected to travel over the course of this thanksgiving day period. as it relates to air travel, we've got some long lines here at reagan national airport here in washington, but things are still moving along pretty quickly.
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most part lines are under 30 minutes at a regular checkpoint across the country, under 10 to 15 for precheck nationwide. but we could today and sunday see the heaviest record volume ever for airport travel. so if you are traveling today or sunday, get there early and plan to be prepared for the checkpoint experience. on the roads, of course, that's where most people are going to be traveling over the course of the thanksgiving day period, more than 45 million of us, the vast majority i should say, that is the biggest number, i should aaa right now saying that the average is $2.13 a gallon. with that and a better economy, people are hitting the road and off to see grandmother or wherever they're going on this thanksgiving day period. for the most part roads are good. for the most part good weather today. two problem areas to watch, chicago o'hare, and sea-tac in seattle. now some breaking news from the trump transition. south carolina's governor, nikki
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administration as united nations ambassador. haley met with the president-elect elect at trump tower last week. she is the first woman picked for his administration. if confirmed by the senate, haley would succeed samantha power. meantime his transition team confirms that president-elect trump offered the job of hud secretary to dr. ben carson, who is considering the offer. now to a major blow to the obama administration's plans to give millions of federal workers a potential raise. a federal court has blocked the start of a new rule that would have made an estimated 4 million more american workers eligible for overtime pay beginning december 1st. the court said the rule exceeds the authority of the department of labor. the administration wanted to shrink what's called the white collar exemption, which allows employers to skip overtime pay for salaried or administrative or professional workers who make
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well, the department of labor says it is considering all legal options. and on this wednesday morning, we have an important recall to tell you about, especially if you're about to hit the road for thanksgiving. toyota recalling more than 700,000 siena minivans in the u.s. because their sliding doors could open while the vehicles are being driven. the recall involves siennas from model years 2011 to 2016. toyota says if a circuit in that door gets overloaded while the unexpectedly. toyota is working on a fix and will be notifying owners in the next few weeks. coming up, our all-star thanksgiving team ready to go. 30 chefs and foodies have 30 tips that will make thanksgiving one for the ages this year, helping you save on everything from the turkey to the tableware. and enough about saving time, how about saving money?
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people say, let's just get a sandwich or something. you don't just graduate from medical school, "or something." and we don't just pull smoked chicken, bake fresh foccacia and hand-slice avocado.
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read a little somethin to remember? philadelphia cream cheese, made with fresh milk and real cream. makes your recipes their holiday favorites. the holidays are made with philly. at progresso, we are passionate about our art. and our art is chicken soup. which is why we are now using 100% antibiotic and hormone free white breast meat chicken in all of our chicken soups! behold our greatest opus. and do you know, if you mix up the letters of opus, what it spells? and we create with glorious chicken. this store is unreal. you never know what you'll find. i made my first boyfriend a cake in one of these! how'd that turn out? undercooked. look what i found. shared custody? what's your location? over.
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brownies at my place? i'll bring the lightbulb. get together and shop small on small business saturday. small business saturday is our day to get out and shop small. a day to support our community and show some love for the people we love. and the places we love. the stuff we can't get anywhere else and food that tastes like home. because the money we spend here can help keep our town growing. y. let's shop small for our neighborhood, our town, our home. get up, (all) get together and shop small. all right. time for the big fin irof our "today" food all-star thanksgiving. we have been getting you ready
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we've got 30 chef all-stars in our studio and out on the plaza. they're on hand with their 30 must-have tips. first, how we got here. we began november by pledging to help make your traditional thanksgiving meal memorable and delicious. >> thumbs up, right? >> talking turkey with the greatest culinary talents in the country. >> sprinkle it on the top. >> and our >> you're going to stir that around. >> dozens of recipes, from buns to the bird. and pies to potatoes. >> buttered biscuit. >> we mixed, mashed, and baftd. >> this is going to be so good. >> honoring the season's biggest and best. >> how does it taste downstairs? >> mmm. >> are you ready? this morning we're giving you
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these are real tips that will help you with your thanksgiving dinner and holiday. let's get started with our top ten thanksgiving trips -- tips and tricks. starting at number one, kate is apparently talking about getting better reception on your television. >> this is for your television set if you can't get the tv show. if you don't have a roasting rack, take aluminum foil, twist it into a coil, put this into your roasting pan, set you go. you also don't have to wash it, just throw it away at the end. >> katie lee, very good. number two, lydia, what do you have? >> the most asked question is how do you get the skin on the turkey nice and crispy. you want your turkey to look good and the secret is you glaze it with balsamic vinegar. glaze your turkey in the last
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and chris -- crisp. great italian way for turkey splendor. >> that's a good one. >> okay. let's go to number three, duke. >> dry brian is ten times better. essentially it's salting your chicken one to two days before roasting it. it's really easy. no clunky containers that don't fit in your fridge. just salt it two days before and let it go and then roast it when you're r that. are you supposed to rinse that dry brine off? >> no. whenever it's ready or turkey day, just put it right in the oven. >> someone just gave hoda that question. she doesn't even know where the kitchen is. >> she doesn't have an oven. >> she's like what is that? >> anyone can do it. come on. >> number four, mr. michael
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when roasting for large groups i like to do two turkeys. one for presentation for your rockwell photo and the other one so that you can break it apart and do the breast and leg separate for equal cooking times. >> wow. yes. >> that's a good one. >> perfect. and number five, adam richman. tamron's date. >> hi, boo. >> so take your butter and press great way to make the table look great, to get kids involved with the cooking process. looks good on the bread or rolls you serve, even on the mashed potatoes. >> super cute. two minutes left, five more tips. daniel, you're up. >> for thanksgiving, you want to cook a storm and you might run out of dishes. perfectly for bowl or for dishes, for your salad, for your
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looks so good on the table. you can even prebake it and scoop inside of it. >> it looks fancy. >> delicious. >> yeah. that's great. >> marcus, what have you got? >> so the holiday season, you want to save a little bit on the sweets. instead of marshmallow, we're going to throw the marshmallows away -- >> no! >> and we're going to substitute them with a little bit of spices instead. much more savory, much more flavorful and it will be super potatoes. >> michael. >> instead of using mixing bowls and plates to hold all of your ingredients, i use the plastic ziploc bags. i do it a day ahead of time. they take us less room in your refrigerator and once you're done, you can toss the bags after you've cooked your food. >> it's a fancy way of saying all the stuff that goes into
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>> thank you. sunny anderson, in english. >> we love calling something what it actually does. i don't know why we call this thing a cooler because it's also a heater. yes. if you're going somewhere for thanksgiving, it will keep everything that you have hot, nice and hot for you as you travel. >> hey, sunny, decaf, okay? >> what's up, matt? how are you doing, matt. >> thank you very much. >> i love to pick my platters in advance, it makes live a lot easier. so this is for stuffing, this is for pie and i put post-its in anything so i don't forget. done. we have time left. >> do you take the post-it out? >> way to go. >> we are just getting started.
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they're all going to be on we're covering everything this morning from decoration to dessert tips and all kinds of stuff. >> and you can get that on our website. but first, a proud "today" show tradition, thanksgiving tradition. we told you about on tuesday. we're hoping to revive this. starting back in 1956 with dave garoway, we would invite a high school marching band into our studio and onto the plaza the day before thanksgiving. the tradition kind of f this morning, it's back and better than ever. so let us welcome the green valley high school marching eagles from green valley, missouri. >> all right. ?? >> while they're doing that, i'm going to walk over and do the weather.
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performing, it's going to be 42 degrees with a 20% chance of showers. that's good news, so not too bad. oh, the winds east at 3 by around noon time, looking pretty good. >> hi, guys. oh, they can't talk. >> keep talking, al. >> that's it. >> that's all you have? >> no, i've got more. we've got more to show you. look at this heavy rain in the pacific northwest, plenty of sunshine through the south. we're looking at a few snow showers in the northern plains. light snow in northern new england and interior sections of upstate new york. the gulf coast looking pretty good. we've got plenty of sunshine through the mid-plains. all in all not a bad one.
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valley high school marching eagles. matt, savannah, hoda, look at them there. that's a good-looking band. >> al, thank you very much. time now for thanks and giving. we learn about the great work happening inside the walls of st. jude children's research hospital. >> hoda recently caught up with a young patient who she actually first met many years ago. >> she is such a sweetie. it was 2008 when i traveled to memphis and visited a group of really special kids who were patients at st. jude.
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from treatments to the times when they could have fun just like regular kids. one of those mini tour guides was a 6-year-old girl named abby geyser. today abby is 14. when she traveled to new york city recently, i got a chance to learn how her life has changed since then and i repaid the favor and showed her around studio 1a. this is abby geyser. the florida native is 14 and the second child of eight. she looks like a normal kid, she plays the piano, reads a lot and writes her own short stories. her mom says she has a great sense of humor. but what makes abby unique from most is that much of her childhood has been spent at st. jude children's research hospital in memphis. countless family photos show just how much of her life has been interwoven with hospital stays, but the good news is after battling two different forms of cancer, she's now cancer-free.
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story. >> and this past october she had reconstructive surgery at st. jude to insert an adult prosthetic bone in her leg after bone cancer had ravaged it eight years ago. >> that cancer required chemotherapy and surgery to remove the bone. >> what do we like about school the most? >> i first met abby back in 2008 along with a patient named amber. >> feeling okay? >> >> abby had been diagnosed with eye cancer when she was only four months old, but doctors at st. jude had successfully treated abby with chemotherapy and laser eye surgery, saving both of her eyes. later, though, the disease developed in her bones. >> go, go, go, go. >> seeing a typical day at st. jude through their eyes was life-changing for me. so now eight years later, i was
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with her and her mom in studio 1a. >> where are you from, abby? >> i'm from pensacola, florida. >> oh, nice. >> what a pleasure, abby. how are you doing? >> charlie, come here, charlie. >> hi, charlie. >> we have guys on computers doing incredibly important work. clickety clack. >> this is simple. >> i could take over your >> hello, sweetheart. >> after the tour, we sat down to catch up at the famed rainbow room here at 30 rock. i showed abby the video from 2008. >> how many kids do you want to have? >> 14. >> 14? that would be too much for me to handle. >> so tell me how you see your future. how many kids? >> 10 at least. >> 10 at least? >> yes. >> isn't that too much for you to handle? >> absolutely not. >> what are you thankful for
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and friends. after having that surgery, i'm really thankful to god for letting him keep my leg and my eye. >> thankful for that basic reminder to be grateful, so i gave abby some "today" show swag and made sure she new -- >> you can come back any time you want to and we'll be here for you. all right? >> thank you so much. >> you got it, abby. >> we love that little girl. you can see she's doing really well and we're hopeful she'll be off those crutches pre have my leg and my eye. when you think about what kids are thankful for, you can't imagine what she is. >> you've told us for years it's not only about treating cancer, it's about trying to get these patients back to a normal life. >> and the quality of life is our priority. instead of amputaing her leg, st. jude pioneered a procedure where they take out the
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putting a magnet on top of the prosthesis. now that she's an adult leg, we've put in the adult prosthesis and she can walk and run and dance like any other normal teenage girl. >> she's darling. we got to meet her last week, but it's really a lifetime of care. that's what i took away from this story. >> we're going to watch her the rest of her life like we do with all of our children, but it's interesting that she had these two cas. her leg. >> wow. >> such great work. >> marlo, thanks so much. >> tomorrow we'll catch up with a patient who beat cancer despite the odds and now she is a little fashionista. >> let's see what's going on outside. al? >> all right, guys. we are out here with our all-star thanksgiving team getting you ready for the best and easiest thanksgiving ever.
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respect 300,000 guests to our community this . is why peep come to vegas for thanksgiving. we have fantastic weather this time of year. beautiful, sunny skies. high, thin clouds on the preserve camera this morning. temperatures, was chill themorning. we bottomed out in the low 40s. we are warming up. lakes at 52. paradise 53 now.
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our seven day forecast, today's high 67. sunny skies there is a system that will blow through tonight. winds will kick up a bit. tell be a bit cooler tomorrow. 62, lots of sun. that is close to seasonal for this time year and sure beats the snow in the great lakes. >> kim: thank you, this is the season of giving and we are celebrating this week crime does not our local authorities kept busy last night. now they are looking for a killer. a person who gunned down a man in the street at nelis. metro says a dark colored sedan sped off from the scene and went toward nelis after. the victim pronounced dead at the sceneful police don't have a motive. if you about anything call crime stoppers. and also there is a new push
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busy road that connects las vegas to southern arizona. you saw the images may be the answer to figuring out who the jane doe was. we have all of this on our
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?? 8:30 now on a wednesday morning, the day before thanksgiving, november 23rd, 2016. lucky for us we have the country, 30 experts, 30 tips to make your thanksgiving great. our all-star thanksgiving now rolls on. >> by the way, this is pretty epic out here. while it's not all we have to be thankful for, savannah happens to be inside for a special small business steals and deals with up to 86% off everything from clothes, ties, jewelry, pant suits, all on discount. before we get to all that,
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>> we'll show you what we have for you. you can see on thanksgiving day, some light snow in northern new england. we're also looking at wet weather making its way into the pacific northwest. plenty of sunshine out through the gulf coast into the mid-mississippi river valley. tomorrow -- friday, i could say for the shopping, you're going to look at wet weather back through the northeast. heavy rain into the pacific northwest. sunny from the plains all the way down to the gulf. some showers making their way through southern texas. sunny through southern california into the where are you guys from? >> cleveland. >> cleveland, ohio. >> there you go. what's your name? >> the sheelors. >> they had to think about it for a second.
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don't forget whenever you need that weather, tune into weather channel on cable. oh, savannah. >> announcer: small business steals and deals is sponsored by american express, founding partner of small business saturday. shop small this saturday. >> all right, time for a special edition of jill's steals and deals. we're gearing up for small business saturday with exclusive deals on items to jump start your holiday shopping. maybe you need to treat yourself. jill martin is here with the deals. i love it because these are all family businesses, small businesses, not big
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so gifts or most of us are shopping for ourselves at this point. >> exactly. >> let's start with the barrel poncho. the retail, $565. these are 100% italian cashmere, so comfy and cozy. we're showing two here, but available in six colors. spotted on fans like sarah jessica parker and rihanna. the deal is $75, 86% off. >> that is an amazing deal. and there's six colors? >> six colors and you can see them all on >> includi >> the peter blair ties that retail $60 to $100. matt wore the bow tie that time so maybe this could be my holiday gift there. these are all hand sewn in the u.s. the retail is $60 to $100. the deal is $20 to $25. up to 75% off. what i love about this brand, there's really bold, fun prints. if you know someone with a different hobby, you can see there's sailboats. >> they pop but adds a little something. i like that. >> personality. >> okay, next.
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we didn't get some bath stuff. >> so this is always super popular, the retail $160. this is a five-piece set so you get everything that's grouped right there. you get the large candle, difuser, room perfume, travel candle and lotion available in four scents. the retail $160. the deal $48. that's 70% off. >> oh, great. >> you can also split it up into two gifts if you wanted to give, so it's one of those gifts -- my mom is a big -- she g okay. the scrub set, retail $70. it's a two-piece set. you get two of the same fragrance but there's nine fragrances. >> oh, it's a scrub, a body scrub. >> you get two of the same scent but you can pick from nine. i want to make sure everyone knows you get two of the same. retail $70, the deal $22. 60% off. there's brown sugar, vanilla.
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and you get two. two for $22. again, you can split the gift. >> this is one of my favorite, these necklaces. the retail $150. so this is 14 karat gold plated, the zodiak pendant necklace. i gave you leo so you see the little diamonds in there. it's a 20-inch chain so it's super nice because it's long and i know you usually wear that longer charm necklace so you could layer the deal is $45, 70% off. >> it's really pretty. very special. do it for yourself or with your kids initials or whatever. the trays are cute. >> if you go to there's so many different ones, holiday versions and fun statement pieces. you can use them for jewelry, change, on a coffee table. the retail $49 to $119. the deal, $15 to $36.
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there. it adds a little pizzazz to your table. >> and we also have a special web-only deal so if you go to, it's an exclusive deal and you can find out what it is there. >> oh, you're not going to tell us. you've got to get on the web and look. okay, let's run through the products one more time. the ponchos from barrel, the ties from peter blair, the candles from acquiesce, the body scrubs that la trays and the secret deal online. we have a whole week of steals and deals next week ending with the biggest ever. i'm just learning this, and it's an hour long. >> next friday. >> friday, december 2nd, that's going to be awesome. coming up next, some more tips from our foodie extravaganza. but first this is "today" on
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we're back, all-star thanksgiving extravaganza continues. we have 30 chefs. last hour we had the first ten tips, the next ten are up. missy robbins, explain what this is. >> this is for brining your turkey. it keeps it moist, there's herbs, spices, salt and sugar but we all have really small refrigerators do it in a garbage bag in a cooler. >> i love that idea. alex, what's your tip? >> a quick truss on a turkey, we don't want to deal with the string too much. wrap it around the back, come around the front, tie and it literally comes together in a few second and it's nice and beautiful but you've still got that wing exposed because my dad and i, we fight over the wings. >> no fights at thanksgiving.
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ed, what's your tip on stuffing? >> my tip is dry the bread. if you dry the bread when you make the stuffing, it will be fluffy instead of soggy. also i like to use the combination of rye and pumper nickel. also cut all your vegetables a day or two before so you're ready to be eating on thanksgiving and not so much cooking. >> so stale bread, fluffy stuffing. look who's here, curtis stone is here. how do you stuff a bird? beautiful stuffing, i put a little gravy on my actually because that's going to help keep it nice and moist. in terms of stuffing the turkey, you're literally going to pick it up and stuff the cavity like that. if you have a little left over, make sure you stuff it the day of, not the day before. you take that stuffing and get like a little cupcake mold or muffin and you get these little cupcakes of stuffing. >> thank you very much, curtis. i've got brian.
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cooked bird. >> the biggest question is how do you tell that the turkey is ready. if you invest a little money into one of these instant read thermometers with a probe, instead that down in between the thigh and the leg and forget about it. you can get one of these nifty little things here and you can go about your day working on your other dishes or side dishes and this will go off and let you know when the turkey is ready. >> like being at a restaurant and getting a table. >> you get a next and it's done. >> i've got brian y. you say a rested turkey is a happy one? >> exactly. mine is a little more low tech but if you want to have moist turkey on the holiday, everybody asks me that, give it a break, let it rest. take a little timer, costs a little bit less. when you take it out of the oven, you'll have the moistest bird ever. >> i've got seamus making the perfect gravy. >> obviously turkey gets a little dry and gravy makes it nice and moist.
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gravy to it, add some clove, cinnamon, mulling spices, strain that off and you've got a nice beautiful gravy. >> how about seamus mullen, huh? >> we're moving over to my pal, brian lewis. you like a little spice mix on the outside. >> absolutely. i like to take cinnamon as well, cinnamon, sage, orange peel, black pepper and thyme. let it cook and salt, a nice coarse salt over the top of the turkey and really lifts that flavor out. >> love it. everybody gets a little anxious about carving the bird, bobby. >> you know, al, every family has that uncle that grabs the carving knife at every thanksgiving and messes the bird up. i like to take the entire breast, both sides of the breast off in whole and slice it in
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together in shape and put it on the platter like this. take the dark meat, the thighs and legs and put those out hole. >> just put your half cup broth, half cup gravy and put it in a skillet and it makes it nice and moist. >> spectacular. >> really well done, thank you. 20 remember, you can find this advice at up next, timely tips for trimming the rest of your meal from sides to desserts. but first, this is "today" on
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we are back with more of our thanksgiving day tips. i lost my glasses there. here we go. >> we have our guys in place. we're doing centerpieces, side dishes, the last ten tips are here. we've got elizabeth, jocelyn, martha stewart, ryan, jordan. good morning, everybody. let us start with you. what tip do you have? >> okay. so if you need -- all you need is a glass of water. put it in the microwave until it starts bowling. dry it out, put it directly over the stick of butter and in a few minutes you have perfect room temperature butter. >> jocelynjocelyn.
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we have our store bought pumpkin pie, very pouring and average but we're going to make it fantastic. we're going to make a cut here with a biscuit cutter. we're going to pull it out and press it right here. and then we've got a little bit of bourbon whipped cream. honey, you could put this on dirt and it would be good. look at that. >> it looks genius. elizabeth, i love your you got? >> this is a can of sweeten condensed milk, some cocoa powder and salt, then you have a sticky chocolate spoonful and serve it on the spoons. >> just like this? >> just like this. >> i'm going to have to taste this. the baby needs it. >> nancy is here. nancy is looking great. >> i'm looking greater. >> see what you did there? >> go ahead. what do you have?
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ever, freeze your butter, grate it on the largest hole of a box grater. take the butter, toss it with the dry ingredients, add your liquids and bring it together until it just comes together. >> i love that. nancy, thank you very much. happy thanksgiving. what do you have for us? >> what happens on thag when you forget an ingredient? don't panic. these are some replacements. if you forget your vanilla extract, replace it like kalua. and if you run out of granulated sugar, you can replace it with one cup to one and a quarter cup of confectioner's sugar. >> for the forgetful people. hey, martha, how are you? what's your tip? >> well, you can't have thanksgiving without a beautiful centerpiece. and you can have an edible centerpiece. use a couple of cake stands, a
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on your persimmons, your pears, your walnuts. make sure you put a nutcracker on the table. >> leave it to you to make it look beautiful. >> all right. i have jeffrey in the house too. jeffrey, you say say no to fried onions. >> you can go to your pantry. and by the way, martha, that is beautiful. so go to your pantry if you don't want to fry some onions and put them on top. this is just bread pulse it, sprinkle it on, bake it and eat your brains out. >> you're daring me to taste that. moving on to andrew. a lot of people like the canned cranberry. you say no way, jose. >> if you want to impress someone with thanksgiving, bring out the homemade cranberry sauce. cranberry juice, cranberries, orange zest, a little maple syrup, bring it out and they're like, wow, homemade.
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>> ryan, so you're talking a quick kind of semi homemade gravy. >> think outside the can, mr. roker. what happens is if you do thanksgiving and forget to make your gravy, you can use cream of mushroom canned. a little sauted bacon and onion. a little turkey stock. put it on top and that quick-minute fix that you needed goes right on top. >> and jordan, last but not least, kind of a quick sauce for you. >> all right. take your dessert game from here to here. melt ice ea then you get your nice little glaze and pour it over your cakes, pies or strudels. >> fantastic. what a great idea. >> savannah. >> okay. hand me that microphone. i had to put down the chocolate just one second. once again, folks, the 30 tips are all at we have a lot of information. it was so good. by the way, this is a game-changer. coming up next, everybody sits down for our big thanksgiving meal and we give thanks.
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so call 844-560-link. get up to 40 megs of high-speed internet for just $20 a month for one year when bundled with a qualifying home phone plan and autopay. speed may not be available in your area. call today. ?? all right. it's great to have our 30 all-star chefs around one thanksgiving table, which is amazing. don't forget their tips are online, but we thought we would get ready to wrap things up with some holiday thanksgiving thoughts.
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>> yes. >> would you like to share it? >> you know what, great food and lots of friends and family. >> martha? >> i think of friendship and family and fun. >> that's how i feel at this table. we've got marcus samuelson here. we love having you all year long. what does this mean to you? >> thankfulness and deliciousness. look at this, all of the chefs and all the great friend. >> hoda. i know thanksgiving means a lot to you. tell us. >> stretch pants. i'm very thankful for an elastic waistband. >> we feel you, me too. >> all right. so should we propose a toast? >> yes. >> everybody raise a glass. i want to say that you guys bring so much to us all year long. food, of course, but so much of your talents. you remind us that as has been said already, food is not just
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it's about friends, it's about love and it's about community. and food brings people together. so here's to more food. happy thanksgiving, everybody. >> thank you so much. >> cheers, cheers. >> this is amazing. >> this is the most epic table. >> thank you, everybody, for being here. we loved having you. it just means so much to have your talents. >> who's entertaining the biggest crowd on thanksgiving? shout out numbers. >> 25. >> 42. >> how many are you doing, michael? >> 600. >> by the way, those of you who have restaurants, who's open on thanksgiving?
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>> i'm going to daniel's. >> before we go, don't forget the parade tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. our show will be on too. don't forget all of the tips that these beautiful chefs have given us are online, and their recipes for every dish you've seen this morning. this food is not going to waste, we will donate it. happy thanksgiving to all. we love you, see you at the
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>> dana: 8:56 on wednesday morning. kelly is kind of feels leak a friday around here being doesn't it? >> kelly: isn't that great. wednesday feels like friday. take a look outside. blue sky out there. few high, thin clouds from time to time. winds be increasing not enough
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pahrump you are at 48. boulder city 55 and today highs climb above normal. las vegas 60. 67, sunny. are breezy over night that will bring in cooler a for thanksgiving day. a high of 62. a storm system arrived wet weather on sunday. 50's fur highs. >> dana: stay off southbound i-15 we have been doing great. now we have an issue. send it down we have an accident on southbound i-15 and sahara. 1 travel lane is blocked. that is the issue. very slow coming on southbound i-15. hit the surface strait streets until you are past sa hartasm >> the rebels looking good last night. played at home at mac center in
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number three on your jersey you have been able to choose the three. it is green. one of the three hold overs from last year's team. marvicinity's era started. how about a steel. one of 11 for the rebels. jaywell in with the ball from one end of the court to the other. blow out northern arizona university. lumber jacks going down 110-71. rebels have a three a trying to make it four and one
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this morning on "today's take" a celebrity shift is our co-host. then two last-minute side dishes for your thanksgiving feast. plus the biggest black friday toy deals and a sur giveaway for you at home, coming up right now. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today's take" live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. welcome to "today" wednesday morning november 23rd, 2016, the day before thanksgiving. i'm al with tamron and we have celebrity chef curtis stone who was just part of our
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anything to eat. i said we've got food here. oh, okay. >> i skipped breakfast this morning but we were all moving around so fast, i didn't get a bite of anything. >> well, curtis has you covered. >> i watched when bobby flay was on and i saw you didn't bring anything so i'm going to learn from bobby's mistakes. i made some turkey sliders. it's a turkey barbecue sauce. it's a good way to use leftovers. >> that's a beautiful side that you can serve on the big day. >> this is unbelievable. curtis, where do you get your inspirations, especially like after thanksgiving when you've made this huge meal and we have food overload? >> look, when you've got leftovers, you have to think what do i do with it. paninis are a great thing for them to land. anything with cheese and warmed-up turkey is good.
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thanksgiving in australia, but your wife is american. >> she sure is. >> so you have some of that tradition going on. >> her mom is korean so she will throw some kim chi on the table. so it's a big melting pot. i do a little australian stuff. my wife is american. it's such a beautiful time, thanksgiving, when you can celebrate traditions. >> i love the melding of a family and reminding us what family is, the diversity of it all, wth back ground. you have a new tv on fox. tell us about it. >> it's an all new show that's come over to america. we made a celebrity version and we have these very, very interesting -- >> oh, brandy and ray jay? >> and they host dinner parties in their homes. the other celebs come and they judge them. so you can imagine there's a few -- a few catty words said here and there. >> for example, al roker is a celebrity.
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>> that's right. we'd walk around and look at all the stuff on the wall and make comments about the way he dresses his house. >> oh, wow! this is getting a little too personal. i don't know about that. >> that's awesome. >> it's good fun. >> and what's the goal of it? >> to make fun of people. >> it's a cooking competition. so you see these celebrities. sometimes at their most vulnerable point when they dropped their guard and they're standing there cooking in their kitchen. they say all sorts of funny it's a competition and we're going to see who's the best -- >> in my home i have an open kitchen so people can sit on the other side and watch me cook. i never let anyone cook because i get nervous. >> so you got a kitchen so everybody could watch you now. >> yeah, because i thought it was a good idea so you could be cooking and drinking and talking. but when people watch me cook, i blow it every time. >> do you really? >> every time. >> maybe you should have a
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of drinks before they sit down. >> so get them drunk. >> yes. >> now, congratulations in order. i understand your wax figure, you have a wax figure now in sydney, which is kinds of cool. >> amazing, congratulations. can we see it? >> but the best part is you did the mandatory scaring of passers-by. >> which one is you? >> oh, he's moving there. >> so that's where my wax figur in to get their photo. >> look at that poor guy. >> it was so fun, i didn't want to leave. >> you are brave because they have that rolling pin in their hand. >> something happened like this to you. >> matt and i, our wax figures are on 42nd street and so i did the same thing. we had the same deal. i'm paired with matt.
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you take your life into your hands. >> i've got to go by and see you on the days that you're off. >> that's what i do, just hang out. >> and scaring people. so curtis, have you ever done anything like this, this morning, where you've done all of these chefs hanging out? >> 30 chefs in one place. the only time that ever happens is when we do a good food and wine show somewhere, like up in aspen we do one with food and wine. >> it's amazing. >> it's so fun. but chefs don't get o quite badly behaved if i'm being really honest. this morning it was early enough they did behave themselves. >> chefs are like rock stars. you have the fans but then you have the edge. >> naughty. i think it's -- >> you're rascals. >> we're rascals. >> watch this when they tried the mannequin challenge. i think you did fantastically until flay blew it. >> what happened? i didn't see it. >> here we go. everybody is doing terrifically.
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table. and still doing well. >> it looks so -- >> look at sunny, she's owning it. >> it really looks -- >> steady. rock steady. >> there's bobby. >> no, no, bobby is with kathie lee. >> okay. he loses it. right there. he blows it. >> come on. >> i think that would be awkward when you're staring right into someone's eyes for a long period of time like bobby was. i'll let you off, bobby. >> thanksgiving guests apparently. >> that's right. we brought back -- >> grain valley high school. >> we used to bring a marching band through the studio. and we let it lie fallow for a while but we revived it with the grain valley high school marching band who stormed our studio. >> were you in a band, al? >> i was in the band.
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whistle. i would just whistle. i'd aapproximate what the flute would sound like. >> do you play anything? >> i'm so unmusical. i'm tone deaf as my wife tells me. i'm good in the kitchen but not good with an instrument. >> how good are you in the kitchen? >> it's time for #ask a chef. we've had some amazing chefs co-hosting all week so we have some questions from our viewers. >> these are from actual >> this is jesse from dallas. what's your recommended pre-thanksgiving appertif? >> i would stay with champagne. >> me too. that's my favorite. >> we broke out the eggnog. >> in fact i just made a martini on the facebook live. >> what's in it?
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it's great quality gin, ver moout and a little sort of orange bitter. >> kathy from smithfield, rhode island. bacon on your turkey? what do you think? >> i think bacon is good with everything around the holidays. >> there's bacon in the potatoes. the turkey, you want to keep it nice and moist and the best way to achieve that is through a brine. >> that's a hot topic, though, because bobby brine. >> dry or wet? >> wet brine. >> we had one of our chefs said just salt it a couple of days ahead of time. i've done that with chicken. >> so much to talk about. >> casey from ocala, florida. what's the safest way to defrost a turkey? >> the safest way is in a refrigerator. the fastest way is under running water. if you put it in a big pot and have the water running over it.
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>> how many days does it take a turkey to defrost in a refrigerator? >> several. four or five, so you're too late. >> too late. >> and you're too late. >> how do you do it? >> you go out for dinner. will, from tampa, florida, which part of the turkey is your favorite and why? >> certainly the thigh. it's the juiciest part of the turkey. >> i'm a wing person. >> really? >> not enough meat there. >> i know, you always say that. >> not enough meat. >> and i think the skin is so delicious if you get it nice and crisp. >> on the thigh? >> oh, i don't think i've ever tried it. >> i'm a thigh man. up next, ellen gets a high honor from president obama but she almost didn't make it. find out why she wasn't allowed in the white house at first. >> that's so funny. >> that's so funny. >> and of course the a oh, look... ...another anti-wrinkle cream >> that's so funny. >> and of course the a in no hurry to make anything happen. neutrogena? rapid wrinkle repair works... one week. with the... fastest retinol formula available.
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"one week? that definitely works!" rapid wrinkle repair. and for dark spots, rapid tone repair. neutrogena?. "see what's possible." as our ocean spray cranberries, which is why we're declaring it "the unofficial official fruit of the holidays." the fig's gonna be so bummed. [ chuckles ] for holiday tips and recipes, go to we're rapidly losing credibility as handymen. mom washed our clothes. [ chuckles ] one wash with tide pods and we're right back where we started. we look like catalogue models! who trusts a clean handyman anyway? we can't look this good! dinge is the dirt the bargain detergent can't get to.
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we are back with more of "today's take" and a fella we love so much, our co-host today,
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i'm cooking dinner friday. what do i cook that's not thanksgiving-related because by friday you maybe don't want. i revisit the turkey on saturday. i skip a day. give it a rest and then go back in on saturday and probably sunday. but you said try seafood on friday. >> winter months are a great time for seafood. so you could grill some lobsters or make homemade french fries, oysters would be great, shrimp on the grill. >> shrimp on the barbie. >> i had shrimp yesterday. it was fantastic. so you've over. >> yes, i do. >> we have the perfect acoutrement for you. it's called the pause box. your guests come and put their cell phones in the box. you cover it up and it basically blocks cell phone signals and wi-fi. you put the box in. >> what kind of parties are you
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>> see, the idea is you just converse with your guests. >> but do you need to block my cell phone signal? >> because you would otherwise be tempted, because i've been out -- i've been to dinner with you. you are always -- so this way -- >> i've got three tv shows. i've got to -- i have a demanding mother. >> so you put it in the box. >> here's why i'm nervous about that. if you have kids, your kids may need to reach you, your spouse dinner. if it's that big of an emergency, somebody will call the house phone. what do you think? >> we don't have a house phone anymore, but i like the idea of doing that because you constantly are distracted by technology. >> i agree. >> you don't have to do it all night long. >> no. >> just a few hours. >> or during dinner. you know, by the time it's time for dessert, people can go. >> but i like the idea. i've gotten in the habit and i have done better because i'm just aware of the problem that i
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put it on the tail. but the idea that this makes me miss calls because it's blocking the signal. >> dinner last night, how many important calls did you get? >> last night dinner. two? >> none. okay. medal of freedom. you were talking about this. >> i didn't use my phone -- i did, i tweeted. yesterday the medal of freedom ceremony at the white house, president obama gave out the highest civilian honors to a laundry list of people that are bruce springsteen, robert de niro, robert redford, diana ross, michael jordan, ellen degeneres. ellen actually had trouble getting in the white house. after forgetting her i.d. -- >> they don't play at the white house. >> i had a whole issue once. she had everyone pose -- this is the big moment, the mannequin challenge. >> she eventually got in. >> that was her, so adorable. and then they did the epic mannequin challenge. savannah says she thinks this
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i can't tell who that is. look at that. >> i love kareem abdul-jabbar was there. here's the deal. >> bruce springsteen. this was an incredible moment. but those speeches -- >> bill gates. >> bill gates and melinda gates. when president obama was talking about each individual and their accolades -- there's the queen. cecily tyson, a friend of ours. the michael jordan of, like you're the michael jordan of chefs. >> that was really cool. let's take a quick look at your weather and show you what we've got happening for you. starting off with possible delays getting out today. airport delays, chicago, detroit, indianapolis, less problems memphis, seattle and portland. and then getting home on sunday, boston and san francisco, big problems. kansas city, st. louis, not quite as much.
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>> do you waou >> she's starting to crack up. i think you need to give it to her. >> yesterday we celebrated dylan and her baby is coming very soon. this was our ladies lunch for dylan. her very first baby shower. the baby is coming soon, i just wanted to share that with you. that's what we did yesterday. how adorable is that? and when she laughs, her belly shakes. it's the cutest thing ever. >> it's like santa claus. >> that happens to me too. >> yeah, right. up next, no idea what to wear for thanksgiving? don't stress. we'll show you how to turn some of your most comfortable basics
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into stylish dinner attire. >> i love that. >> after these messages. >> oh, more food. here's a little healthy advice. take care of what makes you, you. right down to your skin.
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aveeno?. naturally beautiful results? people say, let's just get a sandwich or something. "or something"? you don't just graduate from medical school, "or something." and we don't just pull smoked chicken, bake fresh foccacia and hand-slice avocado. there's nothing "or something" about it. the honey in honey nut cheerios likes to take its sweet time. that's why we make them for you. before danny got what he was dreaming about for the holidays. before his mom earned 1% cash back everywhere, every time. [ dinosaur growls ] and his dad earned 2% back at grocery stores and wholesale clubs. yeah! even before they earned 3% back on gas. danny's parents used their bankamericard cash rewards credit card
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so we can all sleep easier tonight. this morning on "today's style," back to the basics. open up your closet because we're going to show you how to dress up with what you already have for thanksgiving. >> celebrity stylist melissa gussy has put together outfits that are chic, stylish and leave a little wiggle room if you i like doing that. >> you don't want to be all stuffed in your clothes, nothing too tight. comfortable but cute. >> yep. >> let's launch in. what do you have? >> since it's tomorrow and we don't have much time to shop, we're going to use staples that we have in our closet already. so jeans. every woman owns a pair of jeans that they love, that they pull for every single day. here it is casually. how do we make it work, tomorrow a little bit more elevated look. here is ann marie and it's all
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it's structured, it totally changes the look of the outfit. i added a metallic turtleneck to give it a little edge. >> love that turtleneck. >> we have her jeans and then a metallic pump from old navy. a statement earring and she's good to go. what i love about this outfit is that ann marie is in her 20s but this can work for any woman, into 60s, even 70s for any shape or size. this really works for everybody. >> air time. easy and looks good. thank you, ann marie. it looks good. >> next we have a basic white button down, which i think is so underrated and so versatile. we just saw taraji p. henson wear one on the red carpet. >> if styled the way it is good. if you wanted to pump it up and make it a little more elevated. >> hello, vest. >> well, hello. >> exactly. it's all about the long vest. >> cute. >> which totally transforms the
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we did it with a pared pant. we gave a chunky its necklace and it all pulls together. i love a long vest. >> megan, you look amazing. i can tell you're feeling it. i can see it in your face. i can tell she's feeling it. you look great. >> because you want to feel special on thanksgiving. it's a special day and we should all step it up a little and that's a great way to do it. >> and i love that lip color. minimum makeup, a little lip color. looks like you put some effort to it. because you look fabulous. >> the next is a sweater, every woman owns a sweater whether it's a chunky knit or a thin. how do you wear it so it's a little more elevated for dinner time. so here we have renee looking adorable, just a pair of pants and sneakers but how do we make it work in a more elevated way. here we have the same gorgeous -- i love, love, love this. >> curtis, what do you think? >> i think it looks sensational. it really does. because the skirt really makes it a party, you know. >> i love this.
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this is good. >> and the necklace, you know, it's a party i want to be at. >> all of my words, yes. i love the color. it screams thanksgiving. we paired it with this metallic pleated skirt which is kind of not what you'd expect and it really works, and it's an elastic waistband. which is our best friend at thanksgiving. >> we have one more look. >> we didn't forget about the guys. a flannel button down. rocking the blue steel moment there. but how do you wear it a little more elevated? here we buttoned it up and gave him a cardigan which really -- >> same shirt. >> what? >> we gave him a cardigan, a nice skinny pant. >> he can still get outside and play a little corn hole afterward. it look great. >> melissa, you've done a great job. this is just the most beautiful table, my goodness. head to coming up, curtis, he's a fashionista but you know he's a chef. he's going to cook some simple
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weather.s explaining to me the acidity of foods and what they can do to your teeth. thinning of the teeth and leading to being extremely yellow would probably gross me out! my dentist recommended pronamel. it can help protect enamel from acid erosion. my mouth feels really fresh and clean and i stuck with it. i really like it. it gives me a lot of confidence. pronamel is all about your enamel. helping to protect your enamel. ? get up for black friday. starts thursday, 6pm. walmart. when people ask me where i get my glow, now i tell them this. new bright reveal peel pads from l'oreal. with glycolic acid- visibly reduces wrinkles and reveals brighter skin. all this power in one little pad.
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>> dana: good morning it it more than hump day it is the day before thanksgiving. and people on the move across america including here in the california this weekend. kelly, what can they expect in terms of weather. >> kelly: it is locking good. we're looking at mostly sunny skies. temperatures above normal. 65 at noon. 67 at 3:00 the winds will pick up. five-15 miles per hour today gusts to 25 miles per hour over night tonight and tomorrow
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travel, we're looking at breezy consist saturday afternoon. those will condition to sunday. sunday chances for wet weather and high of pick degrees. >> dana: chilly with 56. kelly, thank you. meanwhile over night a house fire on the east side of the las vegas valley it happen the close to sand hill and flamingo. the homeowner was not injured. the family dog did perish in . out. now we don't know what caused this fire in the valley. wee have a developing story a weird one a 10 however stand off near downtown las vegas. and the person who is held up inside according to police is gone. he was able to get through the fingers in metro and swat. it started close to charleston and 11th. somebody shot at somebody downtown. the wering person was not hit.
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sterling gardens on freemont. swat was called to the scene and surrounded the area. 10 hours later they went in and had no contact with the suspect. when they got there they did not find him. he is on the loose. if you have imagine a world where instead of rushing to buy we gave thanks for what we already have. at t.j.maxx, marshalls and homegoods we're closed on thanksgiving because family time comes first.
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welcome back. we are in the final stretch of our all-star thanksgiving. since curtis stone is our co-host today, he's going to show us some easy last-minute sides for tomorrow's feast. by the way, when he's not with us, he is the chef owner which was just named eaters most beautiful restaurant. congratulations. >> thank you, thank you. >> and you got editor's pick for best chef. very nice. so you prepared this for us earlier, your mashed potatoes with bacon. here's our grid, you've got bacon, some putter and cheese. >> some mascarpone and sour cream. it's kinds of like all the things that you imagine a baked potato should have with it.
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like? >> a russet, a big white potato is my favorite when you're boiling it. boil it in salted water, make sure it's as salty as the sea is what i like to say. then you strain these off. then what we're going to do is mash them, of course. this is your best friend. >> potato ricer. >> we get a couple of those guys in there. you don't need to -- >> should you let it cool first? >> i do it when it's warm. you'll get a much nicer push through. so that just pushes straight on through like that. then once you've got your potato puree, as it were, you start adding in your ingredients. mascarpone gives it this beautiful creaminess. sour cream gives it this delicious acidity. butter gives it this fantastic richness. bacon drippings. >> this is amazing. >> bacon drippings. >> i love you, curtis stone!
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don't let that fat go to waste. >> i probably would have doubled that amount. >> you totally could. you mix that together and add enough milk until it's the right consistency for you. throw it into a casserole dish or baking dish like this. cover it with parmesan cheese and you -- by the way, you can do this today, guys, and leave it in the fridge and then tomorrow you throw this into the oven and it comes out looking >> i love doing the little individual ones, fantastic. >> and if you do the little individual ones, then you can sort of pull them out if you need to on thanksgiving or you can leave them in the fridge for leftovers. >> now, you're going to make succotash which i've never had. to help us taste it, let's bring in our mystery guest. >> we have a mystery guest to come in and taste. >> oh, gosh.
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richman. i think you want to go over on that side. >> i do, i do. it's easier to cook on this side. >> why are you doing this to him? >> seriously? >> please, go over there. >> you don't understand what's happening here, do you? >> give me the background. >> background -- >> just in case someone at home doesn't. >> have a seat. >> all right. supposed to demo this. these guys have this -- >> what, al? >> a relationship. you have a relationship going. you've been out on a couple of blind dates, right? >> don't acknowledge this. >> no. i like his fiction, it's better than my reality. i like it way better. well, no, i mean it wasn't a date. i wanted it to be a date -- i wished it were. >> what do you have to give thanks for, adam?
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it. all right. so over there, i took the corn, i took all the inner silk out, i leave the outermost husk. i rinse it and leave the outermost husk and i wet it, put it in the microwave for six, seven minutes and you can see that it gets good and plump. if you plop one of the kernels with your thumb. >> this is curtis' recipe? >> no, this is my recipe. in rehearsal i was on the other side. >> okay, gon >> no, it's okay. i put it in the oven for five minutes, deniblettize. >> and it feels so good. >> edamame. >> yes. two cups. and a white onion finally chopped. put the edamame in. i usually like to serve that roasted flavor of the corn so i add it to the onions kind of like. >> do you like it? >> i love it.
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something that's going too fast. >> curtis, thank you so much. adam richman -- >> thank you. >> you're the gift that keeps giving, my friend. don't forget to watch adam's show, "secret eats" on the travel channel. next it's secret dates. for all our thanksgiving recipes, head to up next, a pay a visit to a small business that's had a big impact on myself and a small town, local community.
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we're non stop, we've gotta have our extra protein. oikos triple zero greek non fat yogurt has 15 grams of protein. zero added sugar, zero artificial sweetener and zero fat. and zero holding me back! oikos triple zero. be unstoppable. mmm dannon for a complete eye renewing effect try age perfect eye renewal from l'oreal. targets: puffiness, crepiness, under eye bags, dark circles, crows feet. age perfect eye renewal from l'oreal skin expert paris people say, let's just get a sandwich or something. "or something"? you don't just graduate from medical school, "or something." and we don't just pull smoked chicken, bake fresh foccacia and hand-slice avocado.
9:37 am
liste of bad breath germs for a 100% fresh mouth. feeling 100% means you feel bold enough to... ...assist a magician... ...or dance. listerine?. bring out the bold? every wonder what we're made of? no artificial colors, flavors, or sweeteners. nature valley granola bars. ?"all you need is love" plays?
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just by looking in my eyes. they can tell when i'm really excited and thrilled. and they know when i'm not so excited and thrilled. but what they didn't know was that i had dry, itchy eyes. but i knew. so i finally decided to show my eyes some love. some eyelove. when is it chronic dry eye? to find out more, chat with your eye doctor and go to it's all about eyelove, my friends. hon, i don't know if i deserve this - i don't really work with my hands. your usual? not for me - for him. hon, you have something in your hair. would you like an oatmeal scrub? i already ate, actually. hon, we listen to carol. make my eyes pop? is this supposed to happen? (screams) i'm just kidding. we should do this more often. hold hands? no, sit in crazy chairs. get together and shop small on small business saturday.
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and show some love for the people we love. and the places we love. the stuff we can't get anywhere else and food that tastes like home. because the money we spend here can help keep our town growing. this saturday is small business saturday. let's shop small for our neighborhood, our town, our home. get up, (all) get together and shop small. >> announcer: shop small on "today" is created with our partner, american express. shop small this saturday. we are three days away from small business saturday, an annual event co-founded by american express. there's one small business in particular that's important to me and my family. it's the crandall theater in chatham, nowhere.
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the day it opened nearly 90 years ago. it opened its doors on christmas day, 1926. named for walter s. crandall. it's a pillar of the chatham community. today it still stands as an independent small business, the center of main street. fred ulrichpresident of the chatham film club. >> this is a reflectionf things coming back. people want local, they want artisanal. this theater is on the cutting edge of that. >> it is. i think of it as the living room of the community. everybody in the community really owns it and supports it as members. and yet it's run as a business, just like any other small business. people have so many choices now on how they can see entertainment. what i love about coming to the crandell is everyone gets together and afterwards you're under the marquee and talking
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it all. it comes through in your experience of going to movies. >> all right. i'm ready to go to work, sell some popcorn. what's the movie tonight? >> "the girl on the train." >> oh, that's a two-bagger. all right. fred put me to work, first in the ticket booth. two. all right, that's 13. two? all righty, hold on. hey there. >> hi. >> how are you? >> i want to shake your hand. >> well, thank you. >> i'll get >> you bet. enjoy the show. >> thank you. >> next i tried my hand at concessions. i do consider myself a bit of an expert popcorn scooper. >> what do you like about coming to the crandell. >> we've been coming here since we were little kids. >> and good popcorn. with real butter. and then time to start the movie. >> good evening, everybody. welcome to the crandell theater, another great showing tonight, "girl on the train."
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community that's on main street, and so glad you're here. thanks for coming. i'm about to start the movie. are you ready? yeah! all right, here we go. i'm ready. i've got my take-up reel for the film. i can't wait. first time running a movie projector. where does this go? >> it's all digital now, al. >> this is like a computer. it's like a big >> that's correct. >> there's no film. >> there's no -- there's no film anymore, al. >> so playlist? how does it start? >> all you have to do is is put the mouse over play and hit play. the film is loading. right now if you hit this switch, push it down, just hold it in, you're all set.
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>> stand by. >> yeah. that stand by was from zach. good times. look at how he is. they opened up my mic a little early for you. that's zach. anyway, he's like our version of the cracrandell theater. kind of old and frayed around on as far as your macy's thanksgiving day weather. we'll keep showers away until very late in the parade if at all. by noon some clouds and winds very light so balloons will have no problem. zach is another story. that's what's going on around
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and that is your latest weather. coming up next, set your alarm clocks for midnight friday.
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? get up for black friday. starts thursday, 6pm. walmart. listerine? kills 99% of bad breath germs. this is 100% useful for a 100% fresh mouth. just ask listerine? users. the very people we studied in the study of bold. people who are statistically more likely to stand up to a bully. magician's act. listerine? kills 99% of bad breath germs so you can feel 100% in life. bring out the bold?. go to to join the bold percent for the chance to win
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there's only one egg that just tastes better. fresher. more flavorful. delicious. only one egg with better nutrition- like more vitamins d, e, and omega 3s. and 25% less saturated fat. only one egg good enough for my family. because why have ordinary when you can have the best. eggland's best. the only egg that gives you so much more: better taste. better nutrition. better eggs. better nutrition. ?? life can be messy... but with crayola color wonder... it doesn't have to be. don't you wish life could be this mess-free? color wonder. find it in the crayola aisle.
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e neflaunt the winged effect. new falsies push up angel mascara from maybelline ny. lashes so winged out, who needs false lashes? maybelline's new falsies pushup angel. make it happen. maybelline ny well this here's a load-bearing wall. we'll go ahead and rip that out. that'll cause a lot of problems. hmm. totally unnecessary and it triples the budget. we'll be totally behind schedule, right? (laughs) schedules. schedules. great, okay. wouldn't it be great if everyone said what they meant? the citi? double cash card does. it lets you earn double cash back: 1% when you buy, and 1% as you pay. the citi double cash card.
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okay, everyone, let the madness begin. we've got the 411 on the biggest and best black friday toy deals. >> we have toy insider mom lori scheck who has the scoop on the hottest toys this year and where to find them. lori. >> and the great deals. look at this, the it starts as an egg. it hatches. when it comes out, it's a baby. kids have to raise it from a baby to a toddler to a full-grown -- >> where do you get your hands on these? >> walmart will have these. they're usually $54.88 it's going to be $48.88 on black friday. >> and we've got a treat for our fans. >> spin master is providing ten of them for your online contest. ten lucky people will have a
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christmas. >> also moving on, we have ella. she's got a hatchimo. >> so we know that even our toy trains need to get tuned up sometimes. this is our thomas and friends workshop so it comes with thomas, but we can put any trains on here. we have lights, we have sound, we have a working crane so kids get to fix everything. it's usually $79.99, toys r us will have it for $48. we want the kidso something nice and soft. this is the alphabet and letter puzzle mat. it's usually $25. it's going to be $15, toys r us. >> lori -- >> i've got to keep it warm. burp it, take good care of that baby. >> it's a cabbage patch. >> so this is our farm friend cuties. they're adorable.
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onesies. they're all about a different farm animal. toys r us usually carries this for $9.99. they're going to be $5. >> this is my favorite. ella, i got more for you. >> something is happening here. >> it will hatch. turn it upside down. keep that baby warm. we love racing sets. it's a battery operated racing set by mario cart. >> and you've got skills, man. >> look how cool, so kids can play. it's usually $39.99. best buy and toys r us will both have this for $19.99 in store and online, by the way. >> come on, owen, beat him, beat him. look at you, owen, go! >> how fun is that? >> that is so cool. now this is awesome. >> this is really cool. these are locks blocks and it's whole system, a snap and lock system and it hinges so we can
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look at all the different things kids can build. the set that has 200 pieces is normally $69.99. it's going to be $34.99 on locks but all of their sets have black friday specials. >> and you put this together by yourself? >> all my myself. no, i'm kidding. >> i love that. this is so cool. >> so this is also great. this is a line from once kids and they're all about taking eco friendly blocks and adding arts and they're already colored or the kids can color them in. they're usually $18. they're going to have them on their site, which is for $9. >> oh, that's cool. curtis, were you a creative kid? >> that's really cool. you make a mess anyway as a kid so make a mess in the right spot. >> this is still the hottest collectible for little girls and they like everything. so what we're looking at is our
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so it will go with any other construction kit you have. it's usually $24.99. it's going to be $15 on toys r us. and gemma stone, i want you to introduce you to her. she's an exclusive limited edition. walmart will have her on thanksgiving. >> is this her? >> that's her. she's going to be $19.99 online and in the store. >> they're telling us to shuffle along. >> skylanders. for the very first time kids can so this is the skylanders imagine naters. kids can build their own skylander any way they want. so they can do the physical attributes, they can do the weapons. >> what's it normally cost? >> it's $79.99. it's going to be $39.99. >> what? >> at best buy, game start, walmart and most other retailers. >> that's a great price. >> and kids with order the one they created from skylanders and
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>> who needs ray steering wheel. so this is our y kart rocker. we don't need anything but our pedal power. look at those big tires. offroad, it's cool. usually $199. it's going to be $80 at toys r us. >> last, trolls. >> trolls the movie is so cool. >> we'll have it all online. today's facebook page your chance to win a lori, thank you. we're back in a moment. this is "today" on nbc. i wanted the same plan that my mother had. senior dimensions. i've had senior dimensions for over 20 years. and i love it! if you're eligible for medicare, take a look at the plan that offers you more than original medicare and is rated 4.5 out of 5 stars for quality and performance.
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ut on the plan that gives you more than original medicare. zero dollar copays for primary care doctor visits,specialist visits, hospital stays and preventative screenings. and, our fit for life club and silver sneakers? benefit gives you access to gyms and exercise classes at local facilities at no additional cost to you. you have until december 7th to enroll. don't wait. call now and find out if senior dimensions is right for you. it's what i want. it's what i want. senior dimensions! that's my plan! curtis, thanks for helping us out. >> thanks for having me.
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>> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. oh, hi, everybody! we're so happy you're with us today. what day is it again, hoda? >> wines day, wednesday. >> i forgot. november 23rd. >> yes. >> a lot of people hitting the roads and skies for the thanksgiving holiday. please, be safe, everybody, and that is "sleep without you" by brett young f. you're hosting thanksgiving, help, you're going to love this. a team of celebrity chefs gathered to reveal kitchen shortcuts. >> there they are.


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