tv The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon NBC December 1, 2016 11:34pm-12:37am PST
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>> finally tonight, a brand-new hotel opens up in the middle of the resort. >> inside the sos, the old.sahara. 289-room luxury rid >> private spaces and even secret entrances. the official grand ope [ cheers and applause ] ?? >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- emma stone.
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and featuring the legendary roots crew. >> questlove: 582 pennsylvania! >> steve: and now, here he is, jimmy fallon! ?? ?? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh, hey everyone! welcome! thank you very much! thank you very much. hot crowd. hot crowd tonight. welcome! welcome, everybody. welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome to "the tonight show." this is it. you're here. that's the show. [ cheers and applause ]
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about. of course, the holiday season is in full swing, and i saw that macy's has hired over 80,000 seasonal employees. yeah. so, good news, the busiest shopping time of the year is being run by people who have had exactly one day of training. [ laughter and applause ] so, that's good. "so you -- you want the wrapping on the outside of the box? [ laughter ] i'm just saying -- you didn't ask me for that. just doing my job." [ laughter ] added a total of 216,000 jobs over the last month, as stores hire workers for the holidays. and this is nice, i heard that mall santas are now able to have their checks direct deposited right to the liquor store. [ cheers and applause ] isn't that nice? isn't that sweet? it's a nice -- it's a sweet thing for the holidays. of course, rockefeller center is jammed with people here to see the christmas tree. [ cheers and applause ] oh, yeah. isn't it beautiful? if you go outside, you hear the
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yelling, "stay with me! [ laughter and applause ] "stay with me, don't -- no, i can't carry you. i don't -- i don't know if they have a bathroom. does anthropologie have a a bathroom? i don't know. i'll just buy a dish towel." [ laughter ] get to some news here, i saw that donald trump is considering sarah palin to be his secretary of veterans' affairs. yeah. palin says she's great at helping veterans, and john mccain was like, "wrong." [ cheers and applause ] yesterday, jill stein officially requested a hand recount of 4.8 million ballots in michigan. but donald trump says he's going to fight it, by shouting out other numbers while they're trying to count. [ laughter ] "70. 19. start back at 1." this is interesting, i heard
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tend to put off customers and hurt sales. >> tariq: that's right, jimmy. that's why i don't endorse anything. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: good for you. good for you, tariq. >> tariq: i won't sell out to "the man." you can't buy me, jimbo. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: uh, okay. >> tariq: that's right. you can't buy me, but you can buy my new grill. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] the tariqi torch personal grill. >> jimmy: oh, wow. >> tariq: it's like the george foreman grill, except it doesn't let all the grease slide out where it's wasted. 'cause grease is the word, you heard? here, let me demonstrate. >> jimmy: no, tariq, i'm sorry. wait a second. i'm so, so sorry here, but what are you doing? >> tariq: not now, jimmy. see, the tariqi torch personal grill keeps all the fat trapped right on top of your hot meats.
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it makes grilling easy, peasy, and greasy. take it from me, tareezy. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: tareezy? >> tariq: that's right, jeezy. >> jimmy: all right. well, can i at least get one of those burgers? >> tariq: no. this thing takes about three hours to heat up. this is -- this is just prop meat. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: prop meat? give it up for tareezy, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ?? you did something different. yeah. hey, guys, of course football season is in full swing and i saw that the nfl has been trying new ways to make watching football more fun. yeah. and i don't know if you've noticed this, but the referee calls are now all auto-tuned. [ laughter ] i think it's pretty catchy. take a look at this. ?? ? false start offense number eight
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? off sides defense number 95 ? ? holding number 64 that penalty's declined rushing the passer number 94 ? ? defense that penalty's accepted 15 yards first down ? ?? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: first down. first down. oh, i thought this was pretty cute. michael phelps shared a video where he gives his six-month-old baby his first swim lesson. [ audience aws ] i gotta say, the kid really seems to have his dad's focus. take a look at this photo here. look ath [ laughter and applause ] check this out. i saw that play-doh has a new app that lets kids 3d scan their creations, and show them on their ipad. while kids said, "hey, if i have an ipad, why would i be wasting my time with play-doh?" [ laughter and applause ] it's an ipad. some news for pet owners. the fda just released a a statement saying that
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pets, just like it is to people. you'll know when you smoke too much, when your parrot is like, "polly wants you to crack a a window." [ laughter and applause ] "and where's paul with the damn crackers?" and finally, this is one of those videos we saw online that just really made us laugh. it's these two italian grandparents that are facetiming with their granddaughter. and she's walking to the library -- home from the library, or something. i guess she was walking alone and her grandparents were not happy about this. >> what's the matter? >> my god, gaby, what are you, crazy? new york to new jersey my ass. >> see, you got grandma upset. >> what did i do? >> oh, my god. she's gone -- see, that's the library. >> where? >> that's the library. >> listen. >> the library. >> why don't you walk with somebody? >> she's frozen! oh no, she's not. oh yes, she is. >> what is she doing outside? >> she's in the library.
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>> jimmy: she's at the liberry! we have a great show tonight, you guys. give it up for the roots! [ cheers and applause ] ?? ?? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hi, everybody. welcome, welcome. it's been a great week so far. and there's more ahead. chelsea handler will be here. [ cheers ] john legend. john legend will be here. [ cheers and applause ] and we're all going to play a a game of "charades", so be sure to tune in for that, and of course "thank you notes." so it's going to be a good show tomorrow night. [ cheers and applause ] tune in. but first, we have a big show tonight. she's getting tons of award buzz for her fantastic performance in the new movie, "la la land." it's a musical. she's unbelievable in this -- in this picture. man, oh man.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: just amazing. just -- i can't wait to -- to talk to her. later in the show, emma and i are going to play a singing edition of "the whisper challenge." >> steve: oh. >> jimmy: plus from the "walking dead," jeffrey dean morgan is stopping by. [ cheers and applause ] people love "walking dead." oh, and we have great, great, great holiday music from kacey musgraves. look at this. [ cheers and applause ] "a very kacey st nice green vinyl. >> steve: green vinyl. >> jimmy: oh la la, green vinyl. ho, ho, ho. >> steve: ? green vinyl ? >> jimmy: guys, it is time for "tonight show" hashtags. here we go. [ cheers and applause ] ?? ? hashtags hashtags ? ?? >> jimmy: now this is a -- this is a game that we play on twitter, where i send out the topic, and you send in the tweets. so, since it's the holiday season, and soon people will be
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sent out a hashtag called #officepartyfail. [ light laughter ] we got a ton of great ones, so now i'd like to share my favorite office party fail tweets from you guys. here we go. this first one's from @barneys5. she says, "a coworker was so drunk, our boss had to get her out. we put her in a cab. she got out at the next street and came back." >> steve: yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: party's not over. ?? laura's back. >> steve: [ vomitingnd [ laughter ] >> jimmy: [ slurring ] back with a vengeance. in 3d. this one's from @garvey1977. he says, "i woke up with a a bruised knee and flashbacks of performing the worm in front of all the company executives." [ laughter and applause ] i think i did the worm. i think i did the worm last night. >> steve: at least i hope i did the worm.
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>> jimmy: oh, you did the worm all right. [ laughter ] ?? this is -- >> steve: worm. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: this one's from @abbotlucas. he says, "my coworker mooned the camera in the party photo booth, not realizing all the photos would be put on facebook the next day." [ laughter ] hey, who's the bald guy? who's the bald twins that work [ laughter ] this one's from @cagirlinadcworld. >> steve: cagirlinadcworld. >> jimmy: she says, "i had never been to a sushi restaurant. i was eating edamame and realized that i was eating the ones people had already chewed." [ audience ohs ] >> steve: nice! [ laughter and applause ] >> steve: ew! >> jimmy: ew! ew, that's so gross! i hate edamame!
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[ laughter ] i can't believe you did the worm last night! [ laughter ] this one's from @kdubs117. she says, "our christmas bonus was a $25 gift card to the place we worked." [ audience oohs ] >> steve: the company store. >> jimmy: yeah, scrooge, man. this one's from @everyonesayimboss. black tie to our christmas dinner party. turns out, so did the wait staff." >> steve: oh. >> jimmy: at least you leave him a tip. [ applause ] [ light laughter ] "i can't believe i did the worm last night." this last one's from @soytodobueno. he says, "we had a pinata. instead of candy, we filled it with mini-bottles of booze. alcohol and glass flew everywhere." that's a nightmare. there you have it. those are our "tonight show
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favorites, go to we'll be right back with emma stone! [ cheers and applause ] ?? ? ? hi. how can i help? ? ? rick is my favorite customer. he's trying something new today. i'm making a spiced sweet cream cold brew. you get that cold sensation holding the cup but then when you drink it down, it warms your body up.
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(avo) through the subaru share the love event, we've helped the aspca save nearly thirty thousand animals so far. get a new subaru, and we'll donate another two hundred and fifty dollars to help those in need. ?put a little love in your heart.? there is a place wrere magic r and always leave you wanting even more. because one day just isn't enough.
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?? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our first guest is an academy award-nominated actress who stars alongside ryan gosling in the new movie "la la land," which opens in select theaters december 9th and everywhere december 16th. you must see this film. she's so great. everyone's great. welcome the lovely and talented emma stone! ?? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh, welcome back.
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>> jimmy: thank you so much for being here. >> thank you for having me. >> jimmy: and i want to get into the movie so we can talk about this, because i'm just flipping out about it. it looks so great. i saw it the other night, and it's -- like, it's just unbelievable. >> aw. >> jimmy: so, just -- i can't even -- no words. anyway, i have to say words. >> thank you. >> jimmy: yeah. >> thank you. >> jimmy: you're hosting "saturday night live" for the third time this weekend. >> yes. >> jimmy: that's the best. >> yes. >> jimmy: i love that you're back. >> it's so fun. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and it's been five years since i was there, so it feels like a -- it's really, it's really exciting to be back. >> jimmy: the laim "saturday night live" 40th. >> yes. >> jimmy: which was unbelievable. >> actually insane. >> jimmy: that whole day that you said was crazy because you were also doing "chicago"? >> "cabaret." >> jimmy: "cabaret." >> i was doing "cabaret." >> jimmy: sorry. >> i mean, kind of, like, same era. >> jimmy: starts with a "c." >> it starts with a "c," same era. [ laughter ] it was my last day of "cabaret," and the so the matinee -- then they, like, took me out of sally bowles and put me in, kind of, roseanne roseannadanna. >> jimmy: oh, i remember that. >> and then, i came to the 40th. >> jimmy: there's a picture of you and tina and amy and jane curtin.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: there you go. i mean, come on, dude. dude how fun -- i mean, and you were amazing in that. i go, "oh, how fun." no, you were. it was so good. >> no, it was just nice to do a a tribute to her, but i would not say that i have a very good roseanne roseannadanna impression. >> jimmy: yes, you do. >> but, it was such an insane day because i was, like, just ending the play and then being there and looking around, and they were -- it was, like, everywhere you looked, there were people that you had never seen in person before. >> jimmy: yeah. >> but you had seen pictures of before. >> jimmy: yes. >> and then, you know, we wound >> jimmy: right. >> you were at that party. you know. >> jimmy: yeah, i was -- >> you hosted that party. >> jimmy: was i there? >> yeah, you were there. i'm pretty sure you were there. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: i'm pretty sure i was. >> were you? >> jimmy: was i there? the after party will go down in history as the most legendry after party ever. >> it was total insantiy. >> jimmy: i couldn't believe it. i just -- dan aykrod and jim belushi was there, and paul mccartney. they were calling me onstage, and they would go, "jimmy fallon, come up here and host this and run this." >> so, and you did. >> jimmy: and i was, like -- they just -- we just --
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>> it got insane. i was dancing, and i stepped on a piece of glass, and i didn't know it. and so then, i just kind of was, like, "oh." and looked, and my heel was, like -- i mean, my foot was bleeding everywhere. and i sat down, and i was like, "what do we do?" and someone took a knife, pulled the glass out of my foot. and then, someone went, "do you want to come on stage with prince?" and i was like, "yup!" [ laughter ] and they just took me a minute later, and i was like -- with a a tambourine onstage, and it weird. i was like -- with a bleeding foot. >> jimmy: what a day for you, yeah. >> jimmy: that was wild. >> it was all one day. >> jimmy: you -- i know you love "saturday night live" because growing up -- did you ever -- you never auditioned, right, for "saturday night live"? >> i didn't -- no. i did not audition for snl. >> jimmy: no. >> but i did, when i was 12, i auditioned for "all that." do you know "all that?" >> jimmy: of course i know "all that." [ cheers and applause ] >> it was no big deal. >> jimmy: no big deal. >> no, it wasn't a big deal. >> jimmy: really, wait. you auditioned for "all that?" >> i went to an open call for "all that." we drove out from arizona, and i auditioned for "all that" when i was 12 years old. >> jimmy: and what did you have to do?
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except for i didn't know that you had to have characters. so, i thought they were going to give us sketches. and then, like, five minutes before i went not room, they said, "you need to have three characters when you come in the room." so, i was like, "okay." and then, i made up a couple of characters. >> jimmy: do you remember any of the characters that you -- >> i remember that one was a a cheerleader that couldn't spell what she was cheering. [ light laughter ] so i was like, "be aggressive, b-e -- a-r" and then, and then there was another one that was actually pretty nth sitter who is possessed. [ light laughter ] so as she's reading books to the kids, she's like, "and then goldilocks and the" -- [ demonic voice ] "three bears" -- [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: now, come on! >> i was just like -- >> jimmy: that's fantastic! [ girly voice ] >> "sorry about that. sorry about that." and then, i would keep reading. i would keep reading the book. >> jimmy: oh, my gosh. >> so it was a pretty special experience. >> jimmy: but you did not -- you didn't get that, but -- >> i did not get that. no. >> jimmy: i'm happy that you didn't get -- >> it's shocking, right?
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come on. but, i'm happy because where you ended up is just so great, and gosh, you're fantastic. >> oh, man. >> jimmy: and you know what. we love you here. but man, oh man, oh man, oh man, "la la land" was just a a home run, dude. >> aw. >> jimmy: you hit -- you knocked the cover off the ball. it is unbelievable, and i don't want to spoil anything for anybody because it's just so different and fun. and who's the writer, the director? >> damien chazelle. >> jimmy: damien chazelle? this guy? >> yeah, he wrote and directed "whiplash." >> jimmy: holy mackerel. >> he's incredible. >> jimmy: i just loved every second of it. you were so good. it reminded me, too, because you're a struggling actress in the movie, and ryan gosling is a struggling jazz musician. >> yes. >> jimmy: that's all i can really say, right? >> yeah. >> jimmy: i don't want to spoil it. but it was probably back to auditioning and having to drive and go to auditions, and you have to try to dress for the part and not getting it, and whew. >> i know. >> jimmy: but in the kind of romantic way, i was like, "i remember those crazy times. it was so, like, oh, 'life is just terrible right now.'" >> yeah. [ laughter ]
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go, "i appreciate it." and i remembered all -- i remembered not having clothes. >> yeah. >> jimmy: like, i have, like, two outfits. i mean, i had no money. so i would go, and somebody would say, "that's what you think a bike messenger looks like?" and i would go, "no, this is my only outfit. i have, like, two" -- [ laughter ] >> yes. that's the thing is a lot of time you have to dress up like the character, like, do your own costumes for the character so you have to own all these pieces of clothing to look like the people. >> jimmy: yeah, i would just to borrow from my roommate. i'm like, "do you have a a leather jacket? i have to be a bike gang member." >> "do you have some scrubs?" [ laughter ] "can i borrow your scrubs?" >> jimmy: scrubs, yeah. >> "you have scrubs, right?" >> jimmy: yeah, with my roommate -- hopefully you have a doctor as a roommate. dancing in this. >> oh. >> jimmy: you dance, you sing, you act. you're so charming. you are unbelievable in this movie. >> thanks. >> jimmy: i loved it so much. >> thanks, jimmy. >> jimmy: i know, i know. i'm freaking out. >> gee. >> jimmy: i'm gushing. [ cheers and applause ] but man, oh man, you are going to love this film. >> aw. >> jimmy: it is so fun. >> aw. >> jimmy: and just moving, and it makes you laugh. it makes you cry. and you guys have the best chemistry. and it's so different than anything i've ever seen. and this is what you get when you put the work in.
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hard on this. congrats on this one, man. >> thank you so much. >> jimmy: wow, i'm, like, blown away. [ cheers and applause ] i want to show a clip. >> that is so awesome. thank you so much. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: it is just great, buddy. i have a clip, but this is not a singing scene because i didn't want to show any singing. >> yeah, no. you don't want to ruin anything. >> jimmy: i don't want to ruin that part. no, of course. but, when you see it, you're going to love it. but, here's a clip. this is you chatting with ryan gosling at a club. this is "la la land." take a look. ?? >> i got a call back. >> what? come on! for what? >> for a tv show, the one i was ucoc?" >> yeah. >> congratulations! that's incredible. >> it's really exciting. i feel like i said negative stuff about it before. >> what? >> it's like "rebel without a cause," sort of. >> "i got the bullets!" >> yes. >> you've never seen it. >> i've never seen it. >> oh, my. you know, it's playing at the rialto. >> really? >> yes, you should -- i mean, i'll go -- i can take you. >> okay. >> you know, for research. >> for research. >> yeah. >> yeah.
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>> yeah, great. >> okay. >> for research. >> jimmy: yeah. [ cheers and applause ] man, oh man. emma stone right now, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] emma stone and i are playing a a singing edition of "the whisper challenge" when we come back. stick around, everybody. it's going to be good. >> what? >> jimmy: you ready for it? [ cheers and applause ] ?? this holiday, get an amazing deal ford year end event. ford, the brand with the most 5-star ratings... the highest owner loyalty... and award-winning value from kelley blue book. giving drivers what matters most. that's how you become america's best-selling brand. shop now during the ford year end event. get a thousand dollars ford smart bonus cash on select models, on top of all other great offers.
12:00 am
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lot of grocery and we want our neighbors to stohave access to good thingsod at affordable prices. the only thing easy in our community is fast food. ?? well hello! wow! we're here to offer some help. welcome! retirement, huh? (laughs) i mean, look at the size of this thing! who doesn't need a sweet potato that size? they took the time to care what our project was about. here you go. and that was something
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one person puts these headphones on. they're sound -- you can play this game at home. soundproof headphones, we're going to have loud music playing, i'm going to start it now. all right. now, the other person's going to pick up a card, i'm going to sing the song lyrics on the card and the person wearing the headphones tries to guess what they just sang. could be lyrics or the name of the song. >> wow. >> jimmy: all right, here you go. i'm going to sing you the song lyrics first. here's the card. can you hear me? can you hear me? can you hear me? here we go. okay. ? born down in a dead man's town the first kick i took was when i hit the ground ? [ light laughter ] ready? >> whatever -- am i too loud? >> jimmy: you're yelling, yeah. >> whatever you're doing looks inappropriate. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: what are you talking? >> there's no way you're doing it on the show. >> jimmy: all right, ready? >> go again. go again.
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? born down in a dead man's town the first kick i took was when i hit the ground ? >> the ground? >> jimmy: uh-huh. >> the ground. something in the ground? the what -- [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: born in the usa. >> raised in the ground? [ laughter ] ? born down in a dead the first kick i took was when i hit the ground ? >> get in the ground. >> jimmy: kicking in the ground is not a song. [ light laughter ] all right, ready? ready? refresh. refresh. ready? ? born in the usa i was born in the usa ? [ cheers and applause ] >> what? [ laughter ] i am -- i don't understand. [ laughter ] ? born ?
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>> jimmy: born >> hork. >> jimmy: born. [ laughter and applause ] born. >> boar. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: born. >> first. first? >> jimmy: first. >> word? >> jimmy: first. >> word. >> jimmy: born. >> boy. >> jimmy: born. >> boy. >> jimmy: born. >> boy. >> jimmy: no, born. [ laughter ] baby. >> having a baby? [ talking over each other ] >> jimmy: born. >> boy. >> jimmy: born. ? born in the usa i was ? >> "born in the usa." >> jimmy: yes, that's it! >> oh, my god. ?? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that was my fault. that was my fault. i screwed up. i'm sorry. i screwed up because i started with the beginning and i should have just went right to born in the usa.
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oh, my gosh. >> it looked like pork in the desert. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: all right, pork in the desert. that's a different -- that's a a hit song, by the way. >> pork in the desert. >> jimmy: pork in the desert. >> oh, my god. this is very difficult. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: let's put that -- here you go. >> it's so funny. >> jimmy: pork in the desert. >> it's genuinely so funny. i wish you guys could be in my head for that. >> jimmy: no, you can't hear, but they're having fun. >> god, it's funny. >> jimmy: all right, here we go. you pick that and i'm not gonna look. >> all right, okay. >> jimmy: wow, that's loud. okay. >> here we go. >> jimmy: blah blah. [ light laughter ] oh, hey. [ light laughter ] ? hit me baby one more time ? [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: let -- eat? eat? ? hit me baby one more time ? [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: what you're saying is inappropriate. [ laughter ] eat something? >> it kind of actually is inappropriate. okay. ? hit me baby one more time ? >> jimmy: hit me, mama. eat me, mama. [ laughter ] one more time.
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?? you're so good at it. >> jimmy: when you see it, you'll see what it looked like you were saying. >> honestly -- >> jimmy: i thought it was britney. [ light laughter ] oh, man. oh man, oh man, oh man. >> okay, ready? >> jimmy: uh-huh. [ laughter ] ? i'll have a blue christmas ? i'll be so blue thinking about you ? >> about you. about you. what? [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: let's do it again. all right? ? i'll have a ? [ laughter ] ? i'll have a ? >> going to scarborough fair.
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>> jimmy: i'll do a different voice. i'm sorry. ? i'll have a blue christmas ? >> i'll have a blue -- christmas without you! [ cheers and applause ] ?? >> jimmy: i was trying to do elvis, and it was awful, so i had to do a different voice. maybe cut through the speakers there. all right, here we go. do we have time? can we do one more? all right, we do one more. >> okay. >> jimmy: there she goes. okay, ready? [ laughter ] ? i like big butts and i cannot lie ? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i said -- i said baby. >> i like big butts and i cannot lie. >> jimmy: not like that. [ light laughter ] baby, i'm not like that. [ light laughter ] ? i said baby i'm not like that ? [ laughter ] >> yes. >> jimmy: i said, yes.
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>> ready? >> jimmy: yeah. ? i like big butts and i cannot lie ? >> jimmy: yeah, baby. bust it? yeah baby, bust it. [ laughter ] >> i like -- >> jimmy: i like me -- >> butts. >> jimmy: i like big butts and i cannot lie! sir mix-a-lot. [ cheers and applause ] oh, my gosh. you're unbelievable. emma stone, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] "la la land" opens in select theaters next friday and everywhere december 16th. oh, my goodness. jeffery dean morgan joins us stick around, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ?? remember 2007? smartphones? o m g ten years later, nothing's really changed. it's time to snap out of it. hello moto. snap on a jbl speaker. put a 70" screen on a wall.
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?? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guest was recently nominated for a a critic's choice award for his role as the terrifying villain negan in the hit amc show, the walking -- i know. [ cheers ] "the walking dead," which airs sundays at 9:00 p.m. ladies and gentlemen, please welcome jeffery dean morgan!
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?? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: nice to see you. thank you so much for coming on the show. >> thank you for having me. >> jimmy: i want to get into this role, because man oh man. >> jimmy: you are in a lot of trouble. [ cheers ] yeah, this is big. but why is negan bringing me candy? this is so -- this is very cool of you. that's so nice. >> negan is a co-owner in a a candy store up in rhinebeck, new york. samuel's sweets. >> jimmy: wait a second, samuel's sweets. >> yeah. >> jimmy: do you own this with paul -- >> with paul. >> jimmy: paul rudd? >> yeah. >> jimmy: i've heard about this. >> yeah, yeah. [ cheers ] >> jimmy: no, wait. wait. how do you own a candy shop? that's the coolest thing ever. >> i know, it's a crazy deal. paul and i have known each
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rhinebeck. >> jimmy: i love rhinebeck. >> and we know the guy that started this store 25 years ago, a guy named ira gutner and he passed away suddenly. and we didn't want the store to be anything else than what it was, and so we decided to step in and buy the candy store, and that was, like, two and a half years ago now. [ cheers and applause ] yeah. >> jimmy: that's pretty cool that you would do that. >> it is cool. it's a fun deal. >> jimmy: what a great town. >> paul and i have literally nothing to do with it other >> jimmy: yeah, i mean, how fun is that. you go in, like i own this candy shop. >> yeah, my kid loves it. >> jimmy: right? >> his kids loves it. yeah, we have another -- andy ostroy is also one of the owners and his kid loves it. so i mean the kids think it's fantastic. >> jimmy: what's the name again of the store? >> samuel's sweets. >> jimmy: samuel's sweets. is this right on main street? >> it sure is. >> jimmy: is there a cigar store in the corner? >> there is on the corner there. >> and a little french bistro there. >> jimmy: yeah, beekman arms. >> yeah, beekman arms. >> jimmy: i used to go there all the time with my parents. >> i just had dinner there the
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>> beekman arms is awesome. it's where alexander hamilton and aaron burr apparently had their first like sit down kind of, spat. their first spat that led over -- >> jimmy: over dinner? >> yeah. >> jimmy: over a four course meal? >> george washington kind of hung out. my kid can tell you the whole history of beekman arms at seven. he's obsessed with it. >> jimmy: i love that town so much. >> yeah. >> jimmy: shout out to everybody there and village pizza. >> well, you're from saugerties. village pizza, of course. >> jimmy: has it -- >> yeah, we go there all the time. >> jimmy: al, that's my man. al started in saugerties. river. >> jimmy: yeah, please give al a hug for me. >> i will absolutely -- i'll be back there tonight, but the big parade, the christmas spectacular is saturday night. >> jimmy: oh, that's right. >> so i'm sure i'm driving the truck in it or something. >> jimmy: do you drive in the parade? >> oh yeah. >> jimmy: what kind of truck do you have? >> i have two trucks. i have a farm truck, a '74 ford and the three on the tree deal and then the parade truck, which is a newer f150 and the kids sit in the back and throw candy out. >> jimmy: yeah, that's what i
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>> jimmy: i -- well. [ laughter ] >> i mean, we have trucks for specific reasons. >> jimmy: i got mine for when it's pumpkin season. >> see? [ laughter ] there's a reason. >> jimmy: put a couple pumpkins in the back. i can't put them in the car. >> that's awesome. no. [ light laughter ] and you got a big pumpkin and the deal. what are you gonna do -- >> jimmy: big pumpkin. ask me how big my truck is. >> how big's your truck? >> jimmy: big enough. [ laughter ] that's what you say to people, yeah. >> big enough for the parade pumpkin. >> jimmy: big enough, charlie bro. i got the f150, yeah. >> yeah, i got the same truck. >> jimmy: "tonight show" blue, i guess. >> nice. >> jimmy: custom color in michigan. yeah. >> yeah. >> jimmy: shout out to detroit. yeah, yeah, yeah. >> ford. >> jimmy: ford. >> hey, ford. >> jimmy: what a great truck. >> yeah, it's a great truck. >> jimmy: it's bigger than my first apartment. [ laughter ] biggest ever in my life. i love it. >> i'm a little obsessed with my truck too. >> jimmy: but you take it and you have a farm out there? >> i do. i have a farm. my wife and i bought a farm, like, five years ago now. and we have cattle and alpaca and a llama and chickens and,
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>> jimmy: no way. >> yeah, way. >> jimmy: i love that you do that. that's so rad. >> it's super cool. >> jimmy: and are you like a a manly man? are you like a tough, like a -- >> i mean, that's what i tell people. >> jimmy: yeah. [ laughter ] >> i tell people i'm a manly man. >> jimmy: you have a farm and you do the hard work. >> yeah, if i'm there, then i do the hard work. the hardest work is getting up at 6:00 in the morning on a a winter day when it's negative 17 and feeding all these creatures. that's when you're like, what was i thinking? i just want to sleep in. >> jimmy: take care of all those animals. it's fun. have are highland cattle, which look like a cross between a a woolly mammoth and i guess a a cow. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. >> so imagine that. >> jimmy: yeah, i mean, i do. i am imagining that. that's amazing. >> but we had our first baby in the spring and it was the coolest thing. >> jimmy: that would knock me out. >> and for my little boy to see that happen was -- it was spectacular. yeah, it was cool. >> jimmy: because you get that fun side of life. then you get to be the craziest villain of all time. >> yeah, yeah, there's that.
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>> jimmy: and this is like -- everyone in the world was talking about negan and what you -- what you did. i mean -- >> he's a bad guy. >> jimmy: he just really went for it. >> but he does it with a sense of humor and a little bit of charisma. but yeah, there's something about him that certainly is kind of polarized a lot of folks. >> jimmy: some people just are so angry, right? >> some people are so angry. a lot of people are kind of oddly sexually attracted to him. [ cheers ] >> jimmy: sometimes both. >> a little bit of both. a weird mix, for sure. >> jimmy: and a lot of people watch the show. i mean, there's a broad range of viewers from young people. there's old fans too. >> there's a ton of folks, and from all ages, and when there's so many, i figure kind of everybody that's -- one out of 100 is going to be nuts of your fans. they're going to be a little bit bizarre, a little wonky. >> jimmy: there will be one out of 100. >> but when you're talking about 15 million people, there's a substantial amount of crazy people. [ laughter ]
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yeah. >> jimmy: they find you. >> yeah, they'll find you. >> jimmy: really. >> yeah. it's been interesting -- since the show aired, this has been really my first trip into the city since we've been -- since negan's been kind of introduced, and you know, people are running down the street when i'm in a car, coming to, like, say, here, with baseball bats, like truckloads of baseball bats, trying to get know sign them. and it's insane. >> jimmy: it's also pretty frightening as well. [ light laughter ] >> it's a little bit frightening. >> jimmy: well, i got to tell you, the reason why you get nominated for awards and stuff like that is because you play it with a sense of humor and it's also a craziness as well. >> thank you. >> jimmy: but man, oh man, you do such a great job. >> thank you so much. >> jimmy: thank you for the candy. >> of course. >> jimmy: and best to the family. >> thank you. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you're a good man. congratulations. >> thank you, thank you. >> jimmy: jeffery dean morgan, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] "the walking dead" airs sundays at 9:00 p.m. on amc. we'll be right back with a a performance from kacey musgraves. stick around, everybody! [ cheers and applause ]
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...if you don't feel it in your heart. ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? anything christmas related added to a drink makes it 10 times better. so if you put holiday spices in a flat white that makes that flat white 10 times better because that's the legitimate mathematical equation for what christmas does to everything.
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>> jimmy: she is a a grammy-winning artist who is out with her very first holiday album, "a very kacey christmas." performing her original christmas song, "present without a bow," please welcome kacey musgraves! [ cheers and applause ] ?? ?? ? we've been moving too fast and we should slow down come and sit by the fire stop rushing around ? ? cause this time of year it's meant for two so don't leave me lonely
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? the holiday's just another day that's cold standing all alone under the mistletoe ? ? i don't feel the cheer ooh without you here there's no red and white stripes on a candy cane ? ? and silent night just wouldn't sound the same where'd the magic go ? ? all i know is me without you is like a present without a bow ? ?? ?? ?? ? before we know the wreath will come down the halls won't be decked ? ? there'll be no snow on the ground and the new year will come and bring lots of change ?
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sipping on champagne ? the holiday's just another day that's cold standing all alone under the mistletoe ? ? i don't feel the cheer ooh without you here there's no red and white stripes on a candy cane ? ? silent night just wouldn't sound the same where'd the magic go ? ? all i know is me without you is like a present without a bow ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? the holiday's just another day that's cold standing all alone
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ooh without you here there's no red and white stripes on a candy cane ? ? and silent night just wouldn't sound the same where'd the magic go ? ? all i know is me without you is like a present without a bow ? ?? ? ooh ooh ? ? oh me without you is like a present without a bow ? ?? ? oh me without you is like a present without a bow ? ?? ?? ??
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?? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: my thanks to emma stone, jeffrey dean morgan, kacey musgraves once again! [ cheers and applause ] and the roots right there from philadelphia, pennsylvania. [ cheers and applause ] stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers." thank you for watching. have a great night. i hope to see you tomorrow. bye-bye, everybody. thank you. [ cheers and applause ]
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?? ?? >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers." tonight -- casey affleck. star of "the librarians," rebecca romijn. from "snl," comedian michael che. featuring the 8g band with atom willard. [ cheers and applause ] ladies and gentlemen, seth meyers. [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: good evening. i'm seth meyers. this is "late night." how's everybody doing tonight? [ cheers and applause ] good to hear. very good to hear. in that case let's get to the news. hillary clinton made her first appearance since the election last night and told the crowd "there had been a few times this past week when all i wanted to do is just to curl up with a good book or our dogs and never
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