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tv   News 4 Today  NBC  October 16, 2015 5:00am-7:00am CDT

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"remembering our fallen" display honors the nation's soldiers who lost their lives fighting for our country. but this tribute is a little different from other memorials. we'll check it out. and a special siouxland army veteran who dedicated years of his life to serving the country is in the spotlight. injuries forced him out of the service, but no his bravery is helping other veterans return home from war. also... health care organizations are pushing the use of some smartphone apps to help and later... it starts with a call to the child abuse hotline and ends with help and hope for kids in crisis. we'll take a look at what happens when someone picks up the phone to report child abuse in nebraska. but first, here's ben.
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for many, we won't see much relief this afternoon as temperatures for some chilly friday night football festivities tonight! there is another frost/freeze threat late tonight/saturday morning for areas east of sioux city where your temperatures will drop to near 30 degrees. temperatures will rebound a bit better over the weekend with highs in the 60s both saturday and sunday courtesy of steady southerly winds. eventually the 70s make a brief return next monday and tuesday with shower chances tuesday and wednesday. wx timer @ :40 >> a special tribute to honor our nation's fallen soldiers is on display for a short time in siouxland. that exhibit might be quite a bit different from others you've seen before. the "remembering our fallen" exhibit serves as a stark reminder of soldiers' duties. it features more than 90 fallen nebraska soldiers depicted in personal
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and military photos. there are similar exhibits in 14 states. you can see the exhibit at the little red hen theatre during wakefield's balloon days festival this weekend. the collection of notes, photos, and videos is touching for many. "some ladies overseas who voted overseas for the first time and they're holding up their finger full of ink so proudly," said val bard. "that wouldn't of happened without the sacrifice of not just the ones behind us but all those who served with them." the exhibit opens today at 5. and the last chance to see it in wakefield will be sunday from 12 to 4. a siouxland man dedicated more than two decades of his life to serving and protecting our country. todd landen was in the army, but severe injuries prevented him from continuing his service. ktiv's tiffany lane has the story of how that was taken away from him.
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continuing his service." todd landen has experienced many things in his life that many of us could never imagine. he served for 21 years leading him to the high rank of army first sergeant during i rose through the ranks quickly. i went through the most challenging training the army some things that a lot of people couldn't imagine. it was an landen was most recently with the 101st airborne division, known as the "no slack battalion," and led 150 people. in 2005 he left for iraq and was part of the raid to capture and kill saddam hussein's sons. in 2008, he was diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury which led to chest, back and stomach injuries to name a few. "we were getting ready to redeploy to afghanistan and they were like hey with the extent of your brain injuries, not only are you not going to be a senior leader, you're not going to be in the army anymore." landen eventually had to
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retire and spent a few years going from hospital to hospital around the country. eventually he made his way to sioux city in december 2013, where he lives with his wife aprel and daughter brianna today. "todd is an amazingly strong man im very very proud of him." landen has had more than 20 surgeries and counting after being struck by 12 roadside bombs. and even with all the injuries, landen says he would be serving now if he could. "it isn't over. i took an oath to protect and defend this country and nobody's relieved me of that yet." a heroic statement from someone who's contributions to the country will not be forgotten. "landen has multiple awards for his service, including a bronze star, an army commendation medal for valor in combat, a purple heart and a combat infantry badge. tiffany lane, ktiv news 4. >> with landen's disability, there were a few things that needed to be done to accommodate his injuries. the homebuilder's association of greater siouxland started the "landen project". it's part of the project for patriots, a non-profit
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helping to make housing more accommodatin g to veterans. as part of the project, 7- hundred square feet will be added to the landens' home. the expansion will include a lift, customized cupboards that provide the army veteran with better access and bigger bathrooms. "well they're just great people, and it's the humility, and they're so humble and deserving. this vis not something that they asked for, this is just one of those warm, fuzzy stories." there will be a fundraiser for the landen project on november 5th starting at 5 p-m at the orpheum theatre in downtown sioux city. as part of the fundraiser, there will be a special screening of "the hornet's nest," an in-depth documentary on landen's 101st airborne division. president obama announced the u-s will keep a significant military presence in afghanistan longer than he had planned. the president announced yesterday that more troops are needed to stay in afghanistan longer to keep that country secure, even though the combat mission is over. by stabilizing
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afghanistan, the president says americans will be safer. sot: president obama (no super) :15-:23 i believe this mission is vital to our national security interests preventing terrorist attacks against our citizens and our nation. the president reassessed his plan to draw down the number of troops by the end of 2016 because of recent taliban advances. this abrupt turn around keeps our presence at 98-hundred troops through next year. then drops to 55-hundred in 2017. retired army colonel jack jacobs warns stability will be a balancing act that requires more than what the president announced. obama opened the door to add more troops in the future if the situation continues to slide. israel is closing off jerusalem's most sensitive holy site today to young muslim men. restricting access to the al-aqsa mosque compound is aimed at calming the recent deadly wave of violence between palestinians and israelis. israel set up roadblocks in palestinian neighborhood s in east jerusalem yesterday (thursday) and deployed soldiers
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across the country. a south african parole board has ruled that oscar pistorius can get out of prison next week... and move to house arrest. the double-amputee olympic runner who shot his girlfriend to death has served nearly a year of his five-year sentence for manslaughter. prosecutors will appeal pistorius' sentence. they want him to be convicted of murder. a fire broke out at an ethanol plant in northeast nebraska last night. firefighters responded to a call from siouxland ethanol in jackson just before 7. the heat was contained inside a structure designed to withstand temperatures of 16-hundred degrees. the fire only reached about 7-hundred degrees. the substance that caught fire wasn't ethanol. fire departments from dakota city, ponca and south sioux city responded to the call. no one was hurt. south dakota's minimum wage will go up by a nickel-- to 8-55-- in january. that's because of a cost-of-living increase built into the law that voters approved in december 2014. the voter-approved law took effect in 2015. it initially raised the minimum
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hourly wage from $7.25 to $8.50. it also increased the hourly tip wage to half the minimum wage, and tied future increases to the cost of living. move over denim. as yoga wear has found its comfortable niche, jeans sales are slouching. why we're ditching our denim next on news 4 today. ben: and i'll have your
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forecast next! >
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wx timer @ 2:45 freeze warning in effect for most of siouxland today until 9 am frost advisory in effect for eastern and southeastern siouxland today until 9 am freeze warning in effect for eastern siouxland saturday 3 am until 9 am after a frosty start to friday for many, we won't see much relief this afternoon as temperatures only rise into the 50s making for some chilly friday night football festivities tonight! there is another frost/freeze threat late tonight/saturday morning for areas east of sioux city where your temperatures will drop to near 30 degrees. temperatures will rebound a bit better over the weekend with highs in the 60s both saturday and sunday courtesy of steady southerly winds. eventually the 70s make a brief return next monday and tuesday with shower chances tuesday and wednesday. see graphics. >> it's a tough time to be a pair of jeans. sales are down 6- percent in the u-s for
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traditional denim. even the folks at levi strauss admit their profits are way down due to falling sales. so what's replacing denim? bob hansen says it's all about comfort.
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lot of money." at target yoga pants start around 20 bucks, though you can easily spend 100 dollars or more at lululemon. what's the appeal? (sot: tanya mcanear, fashion teacher) "women want to feel good, they want to look good, and if you look good in yoga pants good for you." fashion changes and jeans may easily stage a comeback. but for now... (nats) reporter: (so when do you wear jeans these days?) mos: "december when it rains and i have to wear boots." >> that was bob hansen reporting. now tanya mcanear with bad madge have to wear boots." >> that was bob hansen reporting. now tanya mcanear with bad madge and company is quick to point out that fashion is often recycled. in the 80's it was tights and leg warmers... 30 years later it's leggings and yoga pants. but the denim manufacturer s are taking this threat
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each year thousands of calls come into the child abuse hotline. it's the first step to getting the kids and their families the help they need. we'll take a look at how the
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now that we're about two months into the school year, many schools are holding their teacher conferences. it's also a time of the year when more calls come it to the child abuse hotline... as teachers notice things that require a call. brian mastre shares what happens next.
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amanda nawrocki - child & family services administrator: "it's a big responsibility to call in. you're concerned about getting someone in trouble. you're concerned whether there will be retaliation. what are they going to ask me? will i know all the answers?" in nebraska - we are all mandatory reporters. meaning not just teachers or doctors are required to report suspected abuse or neglect. all of us are...even if we don't have many details to pass along. (4:46:50) amanda: "it could be just differences in parenting but we encourage them to call us - call the hotline - so we can make a determination if it is abuse or neglect and if we need to get involved with the family." after the call - the project harmony team gets to work. (5:16:22) "before project harmony, kids were taken to the police station." but executive director gene klein knew they needed a more welcoming place for children who may have been physically or sexually abused....their new place - in operation since 2011 - is kid friendly....full of warmth. just one aspect other cities want to copy. super: gene klein, project harmony gene klein: "prior to this model, it wasn't uncommon to have a child interviewed by 8-10 different
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before some charges were filed." the child is always interviewed first. but these days, he or she just has to tell the story a specially trained interviewer of limit the trauma. gene klein: "the staff sits where i'm sitting and the child sits up here. it puts them at an eye level with the adult. and it makes them feel more significant in the room and more powerful." as the interview takes place - law enforcement - legal experts - social services - those who already have offices in the building - watch on a big screen from a room next door. it makes it feel less like an interrogation for the youngster. gene klein: "the one-stop shop mentality really does reduce the anxiety for kids and minimizes the secondary trauma that the system kind of creates for these kids."
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longer needs to go the emergency room to be examined as used to be the practice....the doctor's office is just down the hall. dr. suzanne haney also has a better idea on what to look for because the child just talked about it. pediatrics dr haney: "they're done with they can start to heal." "let's talk about some of the strengths of the family to determine if we need an in-home safety plan or meanwhile - the team gets together for the next 30- days to figure out the next steps for the family. super: camas steuter, child welfare camas steuter, child welfare: "it's heartbreaking on many levels. many times the parents are struggling financially. they're struggling to parent. we see lots of families struggling with mental illness, substance abuse. not a lot of support systems." children aren't automatically removed from a home unless there's an immediate threat to the safety of the child. amanda: "we believe that children are best when being raised by their parents if they can do that in a safe environment." after all - it's about the kids. >> as we head into the weekend,
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as we head into the weekend, how's our weather looking? ben's got his forecast after the break. and a nasa spacecraft sends back photos of saturn's moon.
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in effect for eastern siouxland saturday 3 am until 9 am after a frosty start to friday for many, we won't see much relief this afternoon as temperatures only rise into the 50s making for some chilly friday night football festivities tonight! there is another frost/freeze threat late tonight/saturday morning for areas east of sioux city where your temperatures will drop to near 30 degrees. temperatures will rebound a bit better over the weekend with highs in the 60s both saturday and sunday courtesy of steady southerly winds. eventually the 70s make a brief return next monday and tuesday with shower chances tuesday and wednesday. see graphics. >> check out these new photos of saturn's moon! nasa released these pictures of saturn's icy moon enceladus yesterday after the spacecraft cassini obtained the images during its flyby on wednesday. cassini flew one- thousand-142 miles above the moon's surface. the images of the northern
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extremes of the ocean- bearing enceladus show the north polar region to be heavily cratered with stark contrasts. it's . time for a break. but when we come back... the two republican front-runners in race for the white house threaten to pull out of the next debate. first though.. here's a look at some of the events on the
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good morning and welcome back to morning. coming up... threats from two republican candidates.
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some white house hopefulls are getting ready for another weekend of campaigning. and while donald trump and ben carson were front and center at the last debate... they might not even show up at the next one. more on the threat the two candidates are making in just a minute. and one of those presidential candidates, made a stop in siouxland for a special interview. while journalist usually cover the campaign visits, this one was for the younger generation of budding reporters. and... harvesting the fields plus deer mating season... can equal bad drivers. staying safe on the road just ahead. we start with ben this morning.
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tonight/saturday morning for areas east of sioux city where your temperatures will drop to near 30 degrees. temperatures will rebound a bit better over the weekend with highs in the 60s both saturday and sunday courtesy of steady southerly winds. eventually the 70s make a brief return next monday and tuesday with shower chances tuesday and wednesday. see graphics. >> in politics this morning: we're getting a look at who's raking in the most cash. and the next republican debate could be without donald trump and ben carson. tracie potts is in washington to
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(sot: hillary clinton/ (d) presidential candidate :00- :04) "yo estoy contigo, that's a promise." (san antonio, texas :06-:12) hillary clinton - in new hampshire today after a key latino endorsement - is sitting on 77 million dollars... far more than any other candidate has raised. in the last three months she by bernie sanders and ben carson. carson spent two-thirds of what he collected last quarter. he and donald trump sent a letter to cnbc threatening to boycott the next debate if it's longer than two hours and doesn't allow opening and closing remarks. elsewhere on the campaign trail: critics: jeb bush on the nfl and ray rice: (sot: jeb bush/ (r) presidential candidate :35- :38) "i think they mishandled this." carly fiorina on president obama's decision to leave more troops in afghanistan: (sot: carly fiorina/ (r) presidential candidate :43- :47) "i certainly support his recognition of reality." and joe biden: welker/ reporter"hav e you made your decision yet?!" biden nat sot "i can't hear you." still mum on whether he's running for president. he's got to decide soon. georgia's deadline is october 29. georgia's part of super tuesday. three other states, including new hampshire, require candidates to declare by early november.
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i'm tracie potts in washington, now back to you. >> some siouxland high schoolers got a rare opportunity... that's usually available to seasoned journalists. ktiv's brianna clark is live in the newsroom with the details. brianna? good morning al and sarah. presidential candidates are spending these next crucial months campaigning across the country. they're being interviewed by both national and local journalists. but thanks to one siouxland teen, a couple of high school journalists are getting a chance to interview one of the republican candidates.
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"i actually wasn't sure that it was going to happen, then when it did, i was pretty excited," says jacob. jacob, along with newsbreak anchor merabeth heinitz, got together with their journalism class and created a set of questions. nat being a business woman to now being a presidential candidate. is there something that sparked that interest. well i'd say it's more of a process than a moment. jacob and merabeth have interviewed a number of people for journalism class, but this interview was a bit different than the rest. "just being here with someone who's pretty much famous was nerve racking," says merabeth heinitz, junior at spirit lake high school. but once the cameras started rolling, these two journalists a group of high school journalists they asked really good questions. these kids are very professional, i really enjoyed it. they did a terrific job," said gop candidate carly fiorina. they even got the republican presidential candidate up on her feet to do a little 'end of the show' dance with their journalism >> after her interview, carly fiorina made her way to the clay county fair grounds
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in spencer, iowa. there she spoke to a crowd of about 100 people... sharing why she would be the best candidate for president. she says town hall meetings, like this one, are a great way for her to get out and meet people face- to-face. "i want to talk to people about their frustrations," says carly fiorina. "because, you know, the majority of american's think our political system and our government is completely broke, and i agree with them. i'm running for president because i think we need a different kind of leadership in the oval office." after her visit to siouxland, fiorina continued her campaigning in the des moines area. al and sarah? wow, brianna. just riveting stuff. santa claus isn't just coming town... he's joining city council. santa led all write-in candidates for the north pole, alaska city council during last week's election. santa claus is the man's legal name and previously worked as a senior park ranger. santa says his political
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platform involves promoting responsible growth and opportunities for children. "we have to be really, really resourceful and creative. i think it's a way to encourage and develop responsible growth and that will be one of the primary issues we'll all be addressing." santa, as well as the other winner, will be sworn in on monday. there's growing concern as the population of zebra mussels in some of the iowa great lakes grows quickly. it's especially noticeable on boat hoists that have been removed from east lake okoboji this fall. the matter was a topic of
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discussion at this week's spirit lake city council meeting. the concern for the city is protecting the intakes for the water treatment plant, which are located in big spirit lake. city officials are working on a project that would do that. they're appling for a dnr grant to pay for it and construction could get underway next spring or summer. other cities have already installed zebra mussel mitigation systems on their intake structures, which are located in west lake okoboji. this summer, a surgeon at a norfolk, nebraska hospital was able to save a man's hand after a waterskiing accident. now, three months later, that patient is talking about what happened, and the medical miracle that saved his hand. ktiv- us92's rachel urbanski has the story.... and just a warning... some of the images may be a little graphic.
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ski and tied it around his hand prior to prevent it from getting caught up in the motor. unfortunately, a sharp took to take off benjamin's hand. little did dr. tristan hartzell know he would be performing his third total hand replantation on a coworker's son. dr. hartzell initially had his doubts, "i had a very reasonable, very well educated family. ben's in college. his family is all full of professionals. i was very frank with him. i thought the surgery success would be very low, given the mechanism. we even talked about not trying [the surgery]." dr. hartzell said that the surgery went perfectly. they were able to save his hand because it was well preserved. "a testament to how good the first responders were was that for him, we didn't have to transfuse him his entire hospital stay. that's a good indication of who first took care of him at the scene at grand island to the helicopter and then to here did a good job of minimizing blood lose." while his hand may be reattached, benjamin still has about two more years of therapy to go. he doesn't have the sensation back in his
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fingers. the next few months he will have to keep his joints subtle and loose as possible. he currently sees dr. hartzell four times a week. "he has a great attitude. he knows it's a process. a lot of people give up and aren't willing to put in the time or effort. you can imagine two years of your life in therapy and multiple operations. it's a big commitment but benjamin sees the big picture and wants to get as good as possible." at thursday's press conference, benjamin had a great outlook on the progress he was making in recovery. "lately i have had a little bit of feeling back and tingling without each finger. it's getting better and i can tell it will get better along the way." for benjamin, tuesday marked the three month mark since the surgery. he has taken the rehab seriously and hasn't missed a single appointment. though he may have hundreds stitches in his hand, he hasn't let that limit his life - he even got the ok to go snowboarding from dr. hartzell.
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renovations to a piece of sioux city sports history have finally reached the finish line. the track at sioux city's memorial field was in such bad shape, it was condemned last spring. six months later, bishop heelan's newly resurfaced track just needs the lanes painted, and it will be ready for the upcoming track season. with the newly renovated facility is only a few blocks from the school, and it will make getting to practice more convenient for heelan track athletes. "it's going to be big from a standpoint of last year, our kids weren't able to practice at our field," said bishop heelan athletic director, jason platt. "we had to drive to either east high or morningside or any off-site. so for us to just be able to walk or drive two or three blocks from school, come right after school and practice on our own facility is going to be big." bishop heelan's first track meet at memorial field is scheduled for may 9th. today... siouxland women will "go red" in the fight against
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heart disease and stroke. the "go red for women luncheon" will be held at the marina inn conference center in south sioux city. about 8-hundred people are expected to attend the event sponsored by the american heart association. this is video from last year's luncheon. heart disease is the number one killer of women in siouxland. the "go red luncheon" kicks off this morning at 10:30 a.m. and ktiv's sheila brummer will be the emcee for the event. al calling, texting and surfing the web.. all things you can do with your cell phone. but did you know, it can also be used to help save a person's life? ben: and i'll have your complete
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highs in the 60s both saturday and sunday courtesy of steady southerly winds. eventually the 70s make a brief return next monday and tuesday with shower chances tuesday and wednesday. >> more than 300-thousand people go into cardiac arrest outside of a hospital setting every year... the vast majority -- 90- percent -- of them die. c-p-r can help save them.. but many people either don't know how to do it or are afraid of hurting the victim. now public health experts are encouraging people to jump into action -- by using something that's very likely already at their fingertips. erika edwards explains in today's healthbeat 4 report.
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emergency?") we're taught from an early age to dial 9-1-1 in an emergency... but when we see someone go into cardiac arrest -- many people freeze. (sot: lawrence phillips, md - american heart association) "i think it's very scary to see somebody suddenly collapse." the american heart association and red cross have released updated c-p-r guidelines. they remind bystanders -- mobile technology can save lives. after calling 9-1-1 -- the guidelines say -- put the phone on speaker. then put it down to keep your hands free. (sot: lawrence phillips, md - american heart association) "some of that fear is resolved when you hear a voice telling you what to do and what the next step is." you do not need to have had c-p-r training to help. nat "you wanna put the heel of your fist in between the patient's breast bone, and interlock your fingers in the other hand, and extend your hand, and just compress." the guidelines also suggest
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using mobile apps that get citizens to cardiac arrest victims in public places -- fast. nat pulse-point is a non-profit that's worked with more than 13-hundred communities -- places like cleveland and fargo, north dakota. when someone calls 9-1-1 with a cardiac arrest emergency -- it alerts anyone nearby who has the app -- and is trained in c-p-r. (sot: dan ellenberger - ems director, university hospitals, cleveland) "you can say, wow, i'm right down the street from this, i can help, and it just puts hands on the chest faster." starting c-p-r quickly can double -- even triple -- the likelihood a cardiac arrest victim will survive. erika edwards, nbc news. >> the pulse-point app also shows users the location of the closest automated external defibrillator. if you're flying tomorrow, you may want to get to the airport early. we'll tell you why. also, stocks surge higher... and it's a dangerous time of year on the roads. the link between the harvest season and deer mating season... next on news four!
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the chance of hitting a deer increases in the fall... and there are two main factors that contribute to the rise. the harvest season and deer mating season can make the roads much trickier for you this time of year. brad hanson has more.
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similar accidents in clayton county over the past month--all of them costing drivers some serious money. (brad hanson, reporting) "a body shop owner here in manchester currently working on two cars that have collided with deer. he says they're going to cost about 5,000 dollars, the average cost anywhere from 3,500 to 5000 dollars per collision." but what's causing the uptick in car versus deer crashes? (trooper john stickney, public information officer) "right now as the fall gets to moving, with farmers in the field, it stirs the deer up and so they move unnatural to what they would regular do in the summer time or the spring time." stickney says the best ways to avoid crashes is to drive the speed limit and be aware of the prominent deer crossing areas. he also says it's important not to swerve off the road if you think you are going to hit one. "when drivers swerve, their car goes onto the gravel shoulder, so your car is half on the shoulder, half on the pavement, you feel like your out of control. so what happens is that a driver's normal reaction when they feel like their out of control is to overreact, and their vehicle ends up going sideways into a ditch, rolls over." >> that was brad hanson reporting. stickney says if you do hit a deer, the best thing to do is pull to the side of the road, and call the police. he says it's best to use your horn if you do see a deer on the road, but don't assume they're off the road for good once they leave. deer tend to be erratic, and could jump back to the road anytime.
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on wall street... financial stocks helped push the stock market to its biggest gain in almost 10 days yesterday. citigroup jumped after reporting that its earnings rose sharply in the third quarter. the dow climbed
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217 points to 17,142. the nasdaq rose 87 and the s&p gained 30 points. if you're flying american airlines tomorrow... it may be wise to check in early. come saturday, american airlines and u-s airways will merge their reservation systems and officially become one. officials say they don't foresee any issues, but of course, they can't guarantee the transition will be without any flaws. american says it has prepared conducting six full-scale tests with five million mock reservations. it's also increasing its staff at airports by 20 percent on saturday and has reduced its schedule by 200 flights. it's a cool morning in siouxland. some places have hit the freezing mark. ben's in next with the forecacst... and john stamos could be looking at jail time after an incident this past summer.
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if you think storm damage is the only cost of climate change, think again. from the rising price of food to higher insurance rates for homes and businesses, the economic damage will only get worse. but with american-made clean energy, we can save money on electricity and spur innovation to create new businesses and jobs. it all starts with 50% clean energy by 2030.
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at the little red hen theatre during wakefield's balloon days festival this weekend. it opens today at five. there are similar exhibits in 14 states. a man who was forced to retire from a 21 year army career because of a traumatic brain injury is getting some help from the homebuilder's association of greater siouxland. the group is adding a 700 square foot expansion to todd landen's sioux city home. the "landen project" is part of the "project for patriots, which makes homes more accommodatin g to veterans. the expansion at landen's house will include a lift, more accessible cupboards and bigger bathrooms. a fundraiser is planned for november 5th at the orpheum theatre. fire breaks out at the siouxland ethanol plant near jackson, nebraska. damage was apparently minimal as the fire was contained insidida structure designed to withstand temperatures of 16-hundred degrees. fire departments from dakota city, ponca and south sioux city responded to the call. no one was hurt. journalism students at spirit lake high school get a chance to
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interview a candidate for president. republican carly fiorina visited the school on thursday at the invitation of senior jacob voss, who emailed her campaign. merabeth heinitz, who anchors the school's "newsbreak" t-v program says it was nerve- wracking interviewing somebody so famous. for her part, fiorina says she enjoyed the experience. she says the students were very professional and asked great questions. uncle jesse... actor john stamos, is charged with and some artists prank an emmy-winning show. andy rose has the details in today's hollywood minute
5:47 am the middle of the emmy-winning showtime series homeland. they were hired to write arabic graffiti on the set. so they reportedly spray painted phrases like "homeland is racist" and "homeland is rubbish".. which the artists say they were protesting how the show portrays arabs, afghans, and pakistanis. one of the show's says he actually admires the "artistic sabotage" (nats: say a little prayer) prayers for a "my best friend's wedding" sequel might have just been answered. a-b-c is reportedly on the film. the 1997 rom-com starred julia roberts as a woman trying to sabotage her best friend's wedding to a perky cameron diaz. the movie's writer and producers are onboard for the project. for hollywood minutetei'm andy rose. >> it's ---. we're back after the break with more news and weather for you on this friday morning. we'll hear from a siouxland army veteran who is using his time in the service to help others. and bragging rights were on the line last night in a match up for rivals norfolk catholic and pierce. which team took home the win? highlights in the sports fource
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good morning. thanks for joining us on this friday october 16th. some of the stories you'll see in this half hour of news 4 today... a special exhibit is in siououand this ekend. "remembering our fallen" honors the nation's soldiers who lost their lives fighting for our country. but this tribute is a little different from other memorials. we'll check it out. and a special siouxland army veteran who dedicated years of his life to serving the country is in the spotlight. injuries forced him out of the service, but now his bravery is helping other veterans returning home from war. also... a rivalry on the northeast nebraska. match up between norfolk catholic and pierce in the sports fource morning wrap.
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after a frosty start to friday many, we won't see much relief this afternoon as temperaturess for some chilly friday night football festivities tonight! threat late tonight/saturday city where your temperatures will drop to near 30 degrees. temperatures will rebound a bit better over the weekend with highs in the 60s both saturday and sunday courtesy of steady 70s make a brief return next monday and tuesday with shower chances tuesday and wednesday. >> a special tribute to honor our nation's fallen soldiers is on display for a short time in that exhibit might be quite a bit different from others you've seen before. the "remembering our fallen"
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duties. it features more than 90 fallen nebraska soldiers depicted in personal photos. there are similar exhibits in 14 states. you can see the exhibit at the little red hen theatre during balloon days festival in weekend. the collection of notes, photos, and videos is touching for many. "some ladies overseas who voted overseas for the first time and they're holding up their finger full of ink so proudly," said val bard. "that wouldn't of happened without the sacrifice of not just the ones behind us but all those who served with them." and the last chance to see it in wakefield will be sunday from 12 to 4. a siouxland man who was forced 21 year army career because of a brain injury is adjusting to life out of uniform. and now, todd landen is getting organization. ktiv's tiffany lane has more.
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"todd landen was in the army for over two decades. but severe injuries prevented him from continuing his service." todd landen has experienced many things in his life that many of us could never imagine. he served for 21 years leading him to the high rank of army first sergeant during that time. " i rose through the ranks quickly. i went through the most challenging training the army had to offer and i got to do some things that a lot of people couldn't imagine. it was an honor and a privilege to serve." landen was most recently with the 101st airborne division, known as the "no slack battalion," and led 150 people. in 2005 he left for iraq and was part of the raid to capture and kill saddam hussein's sons. in 2008, he was diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury which led to chest, back and stomach injuries to name a few. "we were getting ready to redeploy to afghanistan and they were like hey with the extent of your brain injuries, not only are you not going to be a senior leader, you're not going
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to be in the army anymore." landen eventually had to medically retire and spent a few years going from hospital eventually he made his way to sioux city in december 2013, where he lives with his wife aprel and daughter brianna today. "todd is an amazingly strong man im very very proud of him." landen has had more than 20 surgeries and counting after being struck by 12 roadside bombs. and even with all the injuries, landen says he could. "it isn't over. i took an oath to protect and defend this country and nobody's relieved me of that yet." a heroic statement from someone who's contributions to the country will not be forgotten. "landen has multiple awards for his service, including a bronze star, an army commendation medal for valor in combat, a purple heart and a combat infantry badge. tiffany lane, ktiv news 4. >> with landen's disability, there were a few things that needed to be done to accommodate his injuries. the homebuilder's association of greater
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siouxland started the "landen project". it's part of the project for patriots, a non-profit helping to make housing more accommodatin g to veterans. as part of the project, 7- hundred square feet will be added to the landens' home. the expansion will include a lift, customized cupboards that provide the army veteran with better access and bigger bathrooms. "well they're just great people, and it's the humility, and they're so humble and deservg. this vis not something that they asked for, this is just one of those warm, fuzzy stories." there will be a fundraiser for the landen project on november 5th starting at 5 p-m at the orpheum theatre in downtown sioux city. as part of the fundraiser, there will be a special screening of documentary on landen's 101st airborne division. president oboba announced the u-s will keep a significanan military presence in afghanistan longer thahe had planned. the president announced yesterday that more troops are needed to stay in afghanistan
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longer to keep that country secure, even though the combat mission is over. by stabilizing afghanistan, the president says americans will be safer. sot: president obama (no super) :15-:23 i believe this mission is vital to our national security interests preventing terrorist attacks against our citizens and ourur nation. the president reassessed his plan to draw down the number of troops by the end of 2016 because of recent taliban advances. this abrupt turn around keeps our presence at 98-hundred troops through next year. then drops to 55-hundred in 2017. retired army colonel jack jacobs warns stability will be a balancing act that requires more than what the president announced. obama opened the door to add more troops in thehe future if the situation continues to slide. israel is closing off holy site today to young muslim men. restricting access to the al-aqsa mosque compound is aimed at calming the recent deadly wave of violence between palestinians and
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israelis. israel set up roadblocks in palestinian neighborhood s in east jerusalem yesterday (thursday) and deployed soldiers across the country. a south african parole board has ruled that oscar pistoriri can get out of prison next week... and move to house arrest. the double-amputee olympic runner who shot hisirlfriend to death has served nearly a year of his five-year sentence for manslaughter. prosecutors will appeal pistorius' sentence. they want him to be convicted of murder. a dozen groups shared more than one- million dollars to help better the community. missouri river historical development gave grants to woodbury county organizizions during its " "ecial projects grants" awards ceremony yesterday. e mrhd board memberseceived applications, and then voted on the most worthwhile projects. "the idea was to provide funding that would enable them to do the project," said mark monson, president of the missouri river historical development, incorporation. "some didn't get enough to do the whole project, so they're going to have to scramble a little bit.
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mrhd's has contributed more than 24 million dollars to woodbury county organizations since 1994. this time around... the sioux city parks and recreation received 200- thousand dollars for the cone park project. camp high hopes received 150-thousand dollars for a new cabin. and the city of correctionville, will use the 125-thousand dollars it got to improve the community's swimming pool. mrhd jointly holds the state gaming license for the hard rock hotel and cacano in sioux city and pays for the grants through gaming revenue. some beautiful scenery in pic of the day next. stay tuned. and i'll have your complete
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our pic of the day comes to us from primghar, iowa. eunice wilson sent us this stunning snapshot of the evening harvest. she says she brought out dinner to the guys in the field and had to capture the colorful moment. and another brilliant sun set. my mother-in-law, denelle dvorak of wagner, south dakota took this one.
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phototrapher and she was s ading hoho from a visit with u uand had to pull l over to take a picture. to see your photo on pic of the day, you can email it to us at ktivnews@ktiv .com or you can post it to our facebook page. somemeigh school football action last night. two teams with a big rivalry on the gridiron went head to head. top-ranked norfolk catholic hasn't been tested much this season. but pierce was trying to upset the knights. the highlights next in the
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>> in their 7 and 0 start, the norfolk catholic football team has been truly tested just once. but they were tested on thursday. ktiv's brad pautsch has more in the sports fource morning wrap.
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possession they get things moving -- or austin freeman gets things moving - cuts across back outside for 27 yards - gets the jays in the redzone. and on the first play of the second quarter - tggart baile connects with brady starkel and pierce is out in front 7-0. the knights come right back and pound the ball on the ground - dylan kautz outside cuts back in here. david engelhaupt finishes it off two- yard score that squares it at seven at the half. the knights pour it on in the second half - and stay unbeaten 35-7. fifth-ranked bishop heelan -- going across the river to take on south sioux city. the crusaders score the first five points of the match -- after the over- pass -- samantha mccababgets a 2- hand 'slam dunk' for the kill. heelan wins the first set -- freshman nicole jacobsen comes flying in -- and puts it deep and down. 25-21 crusaders take the set. south sioux kept it close. savannah chamberlain rises high like wilt chamberlain -- that's a kill. but the cardinals didn't have enough. heelan's taylor ferguson with the set to alex hope -- heelan gets past south sioux, 2-zip. a triangular at siouxland christian -- 22 and 10 hinton, looking for their fifth straight win -- taking on 17-10 ridge view. the raptors come out strong. harlee wagoner with the big smash. ridge view is up 10 to 3. hinton scores four of the next five points to get back into it. bryce klein shows the nice touch -- and finds the floor. blackhawks only down 4. ridge view keeps s the pressure -- megan wiese hits it off the block and down -- but the raptors ran out of steam. hinton's allyssa traver rises up for the point. the blackhawks win the first set, 25-19 and beat ridge,
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2 to nothing. check on more football on sports fource extra at 6 and 10. for more go to i'm brad pautsch with the sports fource morning wrap. >> as we head into the weekend, hohos our weather looking? as we head into the weekend, how's our weather looking? ben's got his forecast after the break. and a nasa spacecraft sends back photos of saturn's moon. a lunar look... next.
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check out these new photos of saturn's moon! nasa released these pictures of saturn's icy moon enceladus yesterday after the spacecraft cassini obtained the imagesesuring s flyby on wednesday. cassini flew one- thousand-142
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miles above the moon's surface. the images of the northern extremes of the ocean- aring enceladus shothe north polar region to be heavily cratered with stark contrasts. it's . time for a break. but when we come back... the two republican front-runners in the raceceor the white house threaten to pull out of the next debate. first thgh.. here's a look at some of the events on the
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good morning and welcome back to news 4 today on this friday morning. coming up... threats from two republicic candidates. some white house hopefulls are getting ready for another weekend of campaigning. and while donald trump and ben carson were front and center at the last debate... they might not even show up at the next one. more on the threat the two minute. and one of those presidential siouxland for a special interview. while journalist usually cover the campaign visisi, this one was for the
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younger generation of budding reporters. and... you know the saying... a picture is worth a thousand words. well... forget the lip flap because one snapshot is could sell for much more than a grand. we start with ben this morning. a pretty cool day.
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getting a look at who's raking in the most cash. and the next republican debate could be without donald trump and ben carson. tracie potts is in washington to explain why.
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key latino endorsement - is sitting on 77 million dollars... far more than any ototr raised. in the last three months she took in 30 million... followed cars. carson spent two-thirds quarter. he and donald trump sent a letter to cnbc threatening to boycott the next debate if it's longer than two hours and doesn't allow opening and closing remarks. elsewhere on the campaign trail: critics: jeb bush on the nfl and ray rice: (sot: jeb bush/ (r) presidential candidate :35- :38) "i think they mishandled this." carly fiorina on president obama's decision to leave more troops in afghanisisn: presidential candidate :43- i certainly support his recognition of reality." and joe biden: welker/ reporter"hav e you made your decision yet?!" biden nat sot "i can't hear you." still mum on whether he's running for prident. he's got to decide soon. georgia's deadline is october 29. georgia's part of super tuesday. three other states, including new hampshire, require candidates to declare by early november. i'm tracie potts in washington, now back to you. >> some siouxland high schoolers got a rare opportunity... that's usually available to s ssoned jojonalists. ktkt's brianna clark is live in the newsroom with the details. brianna? good morning al and sarah. presidential candidates are spending these next
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crucial months campaigning across the country. they're being interviewed by both national and local journalists. but thanks to one siouxland teen, a couple of high school journalists are getting a chance to interview one of the republican candidates.
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good questions. these kids are very professional, i really enjoyed it. they did a terrificc job,""said gop candidate carly fiorina. they even got the repupulican prpridential candidate u uon her feet to do a little 'end of the show' dance with their journalism classmates. >> after her interview, carly fiorina made her r y to the clay county fair grounds in spencer, iowa. there she spoke to a crowd of about 100 people... sharing why she would be the best candidate for president. she says town hall meetings, like this one, are a great way for her to get out and meet people face- to-face. "i want to talk to people about their frustrations," says carly fiorina. because, you know, the majority of american's think our political system a a our government is completely broke, and d agree with them. i'm running for president because i think we need a different kind of
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after her visit to siouxland, the republican continued her campaigning in the des moines area. al and sarah? wow, brianna. just riveting stuff. santa clauauisn't just coming town... he's joining city council. santa led all write-in candidates for the north pole, alaska city council during last week's election. santa claus is the man's legal name and previously worked as a senior park ranger. santa says his political platform involves promoting responsible growth and opportunities for children. "we have to be really, really resourceful and creative. i think it's a way to encourage and develop responsible growth and that will be one e the primary issues we'll all be addressing." santa, as well as the other winner, will be sworn in on
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this summer, a surgeon at a norfolk, nebraska hospital was able to save a man's hand after a waterskiing accident. now, three months later, that patient is talking about what happened, and the surgery that saved his hand. ktiv- us92's rachel urbanski has the story.... and just a warning... some of the images may be a little graphic.
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know he would be performing his third total hand replantation on a coworker's son. dr. hartzell initially had his doubts, "i had a very reasonable, very well educated family is all full of professionals. i was very frank with him. i thought the surgery success would be very low, given the mechanism. we even talked about not trying [ththsurgery]." dr. hartzell said that the surgery went perfectly. they were able to save his hand because it was well preserved. "a testament to how good the for him, we didn't have to transfuse him his entire hospital stay. that's a good indication of who first took care of him at the scene at grand island to the helicopter and then to here did a good job of minimizing blood lose." while his hand may be reattached, benjnjin still has about two more yearsrsf therapy to go. he doesn't have the sensation back in his fingers or the muscles needed to move his fingers. the next few months he willave to keep his joints subtle and loose as possible. he currently sees dr. hartzell four times a week. "he has a great attitude. he knows it's a process. a lot of people give up and aren't willing to put in the time or effort. you can imagine two years
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commitment but benjamin sees the big picture and wants to getetas good as possible." at thursday's prere conference, benjamin had a great outlook on the progress he e s making in recovery. "lately i have had a little bit of feeling back and tingling without each finger. it's getting better and i can tell it will get bettef along the way." for benjamin, tuesday marked the three month mark since the surgery. he has taken the rehab seriously appointment. though he may have hundreds stitches in his hand, he hasn't let that limit his life - he even got the ok to go snowboarding from dr. hartzell. >> today... siouxland women will "go red" in the fight against heart disease and stroke. the "go red for women luncheon" will be held at the e marina inn conference center in n south sioux city. about 8-hundred people are expected to attend the event sponsored by the american heart association. this is video from last year's
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heart disease is the number one killer of women in siouxland. the "go red luncheon" kicks off this morning at 10:30 a.m. and ktiv's sheila brummer will be the emcee for the event. talk about a bargain. a photo bought for two bucks could be worth 5 million. what's trending is after the break. anani'll have your complple
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a california collector says he paid two-dollars for a photo... and found out its actually worth five- million-dollars. that's what trending this morning. the photograph turned out to be the second known photo of western outlaw "billy the kid." it dates back to 1878... and depicts billy the kid playing croquet along with several members of his gang-- the regulators. experts believe the picture was taken after a wedding outside of lincoln county, new mexico. randy guijarro says bought the photo as a last-minute decision. kagin's... the company handling the sale of the photograph... has appraised its value at five-million- dollars. the only other known billy the kid photo sold for two-point-three million dollars in
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a clip from the tonight show and celebrity birthdays. and we have a few birthday wishes for some special siouxland kids.
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welcomomto subway, what can i make for you? you'll love ouou new rotisserie-style chicken. 100% white meat, herb-seasoned pulled chicken, fresh toasted with melty cheese n' crisp veggies
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enjoy it while it's here! subway. eat fresh. if you think storm damage is the only cost of climate change, think again. from the rising price of food to higher insurance rates for homes and businesses, the economic d dage will only get worse. but wi american-made clean energy, we can save money on electricity and spur innovation to create new businesses and jobs. it all starts with 50% clean energy by 2030. so, what are we waiting for? if you didn't stay up last night for jimmy fallon... here's what
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on the show tonight bruce willis, sienna miller, and brns. you can catch the tonight show with jimmy fallon right here on ktiv at 10:35 after news 4. friday al- singer john mayer is 38 sarah- singer wendy wilson (wilson n illips) is 46 al- rock musician flea (red hot chili peppers) is 53 sarah- 57 sarah- a aress angela lansbury is 90 our first 4 on n birthday of the week is lizzie.
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lizzie has a special place here at channel 4. she's the daughter of our chief meteorologis t ron demars and his wife katie. lizzie loves to sing and dance, babies. turned 4 on sunday, october 11th. he's from sioux city and he loves playayg with legos, ridingng his bike, , d playing with his cousins. gavin from sioux city also turned 4 on sunday, october 11. gavin loves to play spiderman with his little brother and ride in the combine with his grandpa. next we have brooke from sioux city. she celebrated her 4th birthday on monday, october 12th. brooke enjoys singing, drawing, playing with friends, and gardening. also c cebrating a monday, october 12th birthday is jacob. he's from norfolk, nebraska. jacob likes kayaking, swimming, riding his bike and playing with his older sisters and niece. up next... is solomon. he, too, turned 4 on monday,
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and he loves trains, especially thomas the train and dinosaur train. ththas celebrated his 4t4t birthday on tuesday, october 13. he's from sioux city and he likes buzz lightyear and ninja turtles. a happy birthday to audrianna of sioux city. she also turned 4 on tuesday, october 13. she likes to read books, she's a big fan of disney's rapunzel, paw patrols and ninja turtles. from sioux city... cale. he also turned 4 on tuesday, tober 13th. cale loves preschool, and d ing to the park. celebrating her 4th birthday on wednesday, october 14th is emma. she's from elk point, south dakota. emma loves to swing, play with horses, and cheer on the cubs, cyclones and packeke. mason from sioux city also turned 4 on wednesday, october 14th. his favorite things are monster trucks and ninja turtles. he loves hanging out on the farm
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with his grandparents and playing with his cousins. he's from sioux city. a happy birthday to evee who celebrated a wednesday, october 14th birthday. she's from elk point, south dakota and she loves playing with her new kitten, riding her bike, tormenting her older brother and watating halloween movies. turning 4 today, friday october, 16th is wyatt from jackson, nebraska. wyatt loves school and playing with cars. a happy birthday to wyatt. celebrating his 4th birthday tomorrow, saturday october 17th is crue. he likes to ride in the combine and ride in the skid loaoar with his dad. crue isisrom wausa, nebraska. and our r st 4 on 4 birthday of the week is carter. he's from pierce, nebraska. he turns 4 tomorrow, saturday, october 17th. he loves to help his dad at work, play with his monster trucks and he loves thomas the tank. do you have a siouxland kid celebrating a fourth birthday? send us their picture about a week ahead of time, some fun facts about them and we'll put it on friday 4
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on 4's.
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> here's a look at some of the morning in siouxland. a tribute to those who have died fighting for our freedom is on display in the exhibit "remebering our fallen" features photos, videos and notes of more have died while serving their country. it will be on display at the little red hen theatre during wakefield's balloon days festival this weekend. it opens today at five. there are similalaexhibits in 14 states. a man who was forced to retire from a 21 year army career because of a traumatic brain injury is getting some help from the homebuilder's association of greater siouxland. the group is adding a 700 square foot expansion to todd landen's sioux city home. the "landen project" is part of the "project for patriots, which makes homes more accommodatin g to veterans. the expansion at landen's house will include a lift, momo accessible cupboards and bigger bathrooms.
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a fundraiser is planned for november 5th at the orpheum theatre. fire breaks out at the siouxland ethanol plant near jackson, nebraska. damage was apparently minimal as the fire was contained inside a structure designed to withstand temperatures of 16-hundred degrees. fire departments from dakota city, ponca and south sioux city responded to the call. no one was hurt. journalism students at spirit lake high school get a chance to ininrview a candidate for president. republican carly fiorina visited the school on thursday at the invitation of senior jacob voss, who emailed her campaign. merabeth heinitz, who anchors the school's "newsbreak" t-v program says it was nerve- wracking interviewing somebody so famous. for her part, fiorina says she enjoyed the experirice. she says the students werereery professional and asasd great questions.
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triggered mudslides, outside of los angeles. drivers stranded.. a major highway shsh down. we're live. . (out) also ahead.. (v/o) the results of a aew poll.. about how w e democratic presidential candidates did, after tuesday's debate. who fared best? we'll break it all down. (out) then.. (v/o) do you spe.. or dip? those new credit card chips are leading to a lot of confusion for consumers. what you need to know.. the next time you use your card. (out) and.. (v/o) amy schumer opens up in an emotional interview.. about self-esteem, body image, and how she's empowering women.. through fashion. (out) when we see you, here on today. >> the guinness record book sayaya 20 year-old man in venezuela h h the biggest feet in the world. jeison rodriguez' feet measure more than a foot long... one foot three-point-79 inches to be exact.
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good morning. breaking news.
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flash flooding triggers massive
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