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tv   News 4 at Noon  NBC  October 16, 2015 12:00pm-12:30pm CDT

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attacks in benghazi, libya. huma abedin arrived on capitol hill this morning for the closed door hearing. she was a top state department aide when clinton served as secretary of state, and is now vice chairwoman of her presidential campaign. clinton herself is scheduled to appear before the benghazi panel next thursday in a widely anticipated d blic hearing. clinton and her allies contend the investigation is politically motivated after house majority leader kevin mccarthy linked clinton's dropping poll number's to the committee's investigation. the department of defense has released video of u-s air strikes on an isis controlled oil refinery in iraq. the u-s military said the strikes about 30 miles south of mosul were part of the u-s effort to disrupt financing from illegally- gained oil revenue. the refinery was being used by isis to produce oil for the black market. weapons were also stored there. earlier this w wk the u-s cocoition conducted 25 air strikes against isis targets
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syria. will he seek the democratic presidential nomination? we may learn in the coming days whether vice president joe biden is in. his family is reportedly completely on board with a white house bid at this point. c-n-n's jeff zeleny has the latest.
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minute he e t into the race, thehe entire narrative would change. and we start talking about the first debate in iowa in november." new this mning, a look inside biden's possible 20-16 r. a close adviser to biden, former delaware senator ted kaufman, sent an email, obtained by c-n-n, to his former staffers, asking for their help if the vice president decides to run. in it, k kfman says it will bebe campaign from the heart. a campaign consistent with his values, our values, and the values of the american people." kaufman went on to say, "if he runs, he will run because of his burning conviction that we need to fundamentall y change the balance in our economy ... and the political structure to restore the ababity of the middle clcls to get t ead." kaufman also writing in the email ... ... "biden believes we must win this election or, in the hands of the republicans, everything he and the president have worked for, and care about, is at stake." friends of biden who've spoken to him say he's not afraid to lose. even in the wake of a strong debate performance this week by hillary clinton and d ermont senator bernie sanders. (nat sounun the vice president has asked several democratic strategists in early states to work for him if he decides to run.
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fundraisers and supporters are also waiting in the wings to join his campaign and if he moves forward. >> four neligh, nebraska city council members have survived a recall effort. unofficial results from a special election held thursday show that ted hughes, leonard miller, stephanie wanek and dale wilkinson all received more votes of support than votes to recall. petitioners who forced the recall election say they'r'runhappy council membmbs support annexing some property without regard for future costs. > weather ad-lib after a frosty start to friday for many, we won't see much relief this afternoon as temperatures only rise into the 50s making for
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football festivities tonight! there is another frost/freeze threat late tonight/saturday mornininfor areas east of sisix city where your temperatures will drop to near 30 degrees. see graphics. >> a south sioux cici, nebraska woman and her husband from schuyler have died in a fiery collsion with a semitrailer. 26-year-old liliana chavez-ortiz and 28-year- old jorge medina were killed in which happened late wednesday fremont. authorities say the couple's suv crossed the nter line and rammed into the
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truck, which was hauling a combine. the truck driver, 53- year-old vernon white of ringsted, iowa was rescued from the cab and flown to an omaha hospital for treatment. a nebraska man who had part of his hand re- attached after a freak accident severed it this summerers now speaking about the episode and the amazing surgery performed by a norfolk doctor. ktiv- us92's rachel urbanski has the story-- and fair warning, some of the images may be a little graphic.
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caught up in the motor. unfortunately, a sharp turn by the driver was all it took to take off benjamin's hand. little did dr. tristan hartzell know he would be performing his third total hand replantation on a coworker's son. dr. hartzell initially had his doubts, "i had a very reasonable, very well educated family. ben's in college. his family is all ffll of rofessionals. i was very frank witt him. i thoughh the surgery success would be very low, given the mechanism. we even talked about not trying [the surgery]." dr. hartzell said that the surgery went perfectly they were ab to save his hand because it was well preserved. "a testament to how good the first responders were was that for him, we didn't have to transfuse him a single unit of blood during his entire hospital stay. that's a good indication of who first took care of him at the scene at grand island to the helicopter and then to hehee did a good job of minimizing blood lose." while hii hand may be reattached, benjamin still has about two more years of therapy to go. he doesn't have the sensation back in his fingers or the muscles needed to move his fingers. the nene few months he will have to keep his joints subtle and loose as possible. he currently sees dr. hartzell four times a week. "he has a great attitude. he knows it's a process. a lot of people give up and aren't willing to put in the
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time or effort. you can imagine two years of your life in therapy and multiple operations. it's a big commitment but benjamin sees the big picture and wants to get as good as possible." at thursday's press conference, benjamin h h a great outlook onon the progress he was making in recovery. "lately i have had a little bit of feeling back and tingling without each finger. it's getting better and i can tell it will get better along the way." for benjamin, tuesday marked the three month mark since the surgery. he has taken the rehab seriously and hasn't missese a sing appointment. though he may have hundreds stitches in his hand, he hasn't let th limit his life - he even got the ok to go snowboarding from dr. hartzell. >> a tribute to those who have died fighting for our freedom is on splay in wakefield, , braska. the exhibit "remebering our fallen" will be at the little red hen theatre during wakefield's balloon days
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videos that's touching for many. "some ladies overseas who voted overseas for the first time and they're holding up their finger full of ink so proudly," said val bard. "that wouldn't of happened without the sacrifice of not just the ones behind us but all those who served with them." it will be on display starting this evening at five. a sioux city man is pleading guilty to setting fires in several trash receptacles in morningside earlier this year. 24-year-old dadan morey has pleaded guilty four counts of arson. each count carries a prison sentence of up to 10 years. morey will be sentenced on november 4th. he initially pleaded not guiltly to six counts of arson and one count criminal mischief. authorities say the fires set by morey in the early morning hours of april 25th damaged two garagege two commmmcial buildings, the e trash receptacles and a fence. they were set in the alleyways between orleans and garretson streets
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and between s. royce and south st. aubin. a dozen woodbury county organizations are sharing one-million dollars in casino revenues for community betterment. missouri river historical development gave out the grants at a ceremony last night. the mrhd board received applications, then voted on the projects it deems most worthwhile. "the idea was to provide funding that would enable them to do the project," said mark monson, president of the missouri river historical development, incorporation. "some didn't get enough to do the whole project, so they're going to have to scramble a little bit. mrhd holds the state gaming license e r the hard rock casino. these grants come from gambling revenues at the hard rock. since 1994, mrhd has distributed more than 24 million dollars to woodbury county organizations. among the grants awarded last night are 200- thousand dollars for sioux citytyarks and creation. that money will go to ththcone park project. camp high hopes in sioux city
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dollars for a new cabin. and the city of correctionville received 125-thousand dollars to improve its swimming pool. meterologist ben dorenbach says we'll do pretty good in the sunshine department this weekend. but what about the temperatures? stay tuned f f the forecast, up next. currently, degrees in
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monday morning on news 4 today..
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many of us use our smartphones to get our news. but now tech giants are changing the way we see the day's events. and from parts of a video game to a prosthetic hand, some college students create an inexpensive limb. tune in at 5:00! morning yet this season.
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siouxland saturday 3 am until 9 am after a frosty start to friday for many, we won't see much relili this afternoon as emperatures only rise into the 50s making for some chilly friday night football festivities tonight! there is another frost/freeze threat late tonight/saturday morning fofo areas eaea of sioux city where your temperatures will drop to near 30 degrees. temperatures will rebound a bit better over the
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saturday and sunday courtesy of steady southerly winds. eventually the 70s make a brief return next monday and tuesday with shower chances tuesday and wednesday. see graphics. >> > wall street's been momostly
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we'll check the numbers after the break.. wall street's been modestly higher today. we'll check the numbers after the break.. and let's do lunch. members of the south sioux city chamber get together for a meal, and an update on the business climate in the husker state.
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if you think storm damage is the only cost of climate change, think again. from the rising price of food to higher insurance rates for homes and businesses, the economic damage will only geworse. but withmerican-made clean energy, we can save money on electcity and spur innovation to create new businesses and jobs. it all starts with 50% clean energy by 2030.
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>> stocks were slightly h hher at midday as investors pore over the latest earnings
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business issues were on the menu at the south sioux city chamber of commerce luncheon thursday. members got an up on several key actions in this year's legislature. there was also discussion of business- related issues lawmakers will face in 2016. the presdient of the nebraska chamber of commerce and industry discussed how the business world in the cornhusker state stacks up to surrounding states. "from an overall cost of doing business, we actually rank pretty well," said barry kennedy. "when you just narrow it down and talk about taxes only, then we don't rank so well. we're considered to be a bit of a high-tax state." discussions in 20-16 will likely address nebraska's tax rate, workforce and funding for roads and infrfrtructure. pheasant hunting season starts tomorrow in south dakota and there's optimism about this year's bird count! and tom hanks stars in the cold war thriller "bridge of spies", based on
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actual events. it's just one of the movies we'll preview in the friday film feature when news four at noon continues.... and birthday wishes s our viewers. jerry sperry y wayne, nebraska is celebrating his 80th birthday today. jack kohler of norfolk, nebraska is celebrating his 91st birthday today.erlyn hanson of pierson, iowa is celebrating his 80th birthday today. if you or someone you know is having a birthday of 80 years or more or an anniversary of 50 years or more, please send in the ir name (and correct pron), address and telephone number along with their pictures to ktiv. please make sure to have all the information printed and send it in at t ast two weeks in advance. if you would like your picture returned please include a self addressed stamped envelope. happy birthdayrom all of us at
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here's a live look at west lake okoboji from okoboji skycam... south dakota's pheasant season opens tomorrow amid predictions that hunters will enjoy a better year than last. state wildlili officials estimate that the number of birds is up 42 percent this year due to a second consecutive year of favorable winter and spring weather. the pheasants- per-mile index is similar to 2011, when hunters bagged nearly 1.6 million birds.
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south dakota's pheasant season runs through january 3rd. the cold war is a hot topic in hollywood these days. this year, we've seen a handful of big-screen reenactments of the 40-year grudge, including "the man from uncle" and the chess movie "pawn sacrifice." now the masters of cinema take their turn with the ststen spielberg film "bridge of spies." here's raphael seth gives us a preview in the friday film feature.
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keeps his literary works under lock and key, as opening the pages releases whatever ghoulish creation he wrote about. "goosebumps" is rated pg. "there are parts of the house that are unsafe." home is where the heart is -- buried -- in "crimson peak." mia wasikowska plays a newlywed, crossing the threshold with husband tom hiddleston. but she soon finds out the ramshackle manor is full of shadows and creaks and p psibly human remains. "crimson peak" is rated "we have new i iormation on the presididt's military service." the truth sets robert redford free -- in a bad way -- in "truth." he stars as dan rather - the venerable cbs newsman fired for a controversial report. cate blanchett is his producer, uncovering damaging allegations against former president bush...only to have the supporting documents come up fake. "truth" is rated r. that's the box office preview, raphael seth, nbc news. >>
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buildings now. that's true. we had so many people there two year ago and the lines were so long that we opened up the extra building. we have the haunted house in the old original school house, wooden two story frame. the basement is really spooky downstairs, even in the daytime 's spooky. the other museum, wewepened that up last year was the first year we opened that up, it's interesting downstairs in that. we go into the old janitors room downstairs, and we've got an old coat room down there and a basement and it's kind of spooky down there. the money is going to used for the preservation of grand meadow? that's right. we've got a tuck pointing program going on, our main school, we want to tuck point that. the money will go towards the upkeep and maintenance of our schools. the haunted house in three weekends, october 17th 23rd 24th 30th from 7 to 11, you don't want to miss it. roy, thank so much for
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being here. thank you for having
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[m[mancholy music]
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