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tv   AG Day  NBC  October 19, 2015 4:30am-5:00am CDT

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agday-brought to you by the dependable, long lasting chevy agday-brought to y y by the dependable, long lasting chevy silverado. good morning i'm tyne morgan. clinton griffiths is off today. usda releases its latest crop progress report this afternoon. but we already know north dakota corn harvest is way ahead of schedule. normally many north dakota farmers won't begin shelling corn until early november. but as cliff naylor shows us many y oducers will already have their crop at the elevator before e first snow hits the fields. a dry summer and fall have given north dakota farmers a head start on harvesting late season row crops. dustin goehring - corn rmer: for us, this i ireally early, it's nice if we can get if off before we get any bad weather. it's easier on our
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never fun. dustin goehring usually doesn't start the corn harvest until early november, this year he might be finished cutting his crop by then and he's also saving lots of money because the crop is already dried down. jackie buckley - morton county extension agent: with the price of corn the way itits, three bucks or less, they don't want to run it through the dryer because that costs money. wayne bodvig planted 13-hundred acres of irrigated corn this spring and his yields are good. he says abundant sub soil moisture levels in the spring havevellowed many producererto bringing in goododields despite a dry growing season. jackie buckley - morton county extension agent: wheat yields were really good, the corn crop will be good, the sunflower crop looks really good as well. d d weather does have a down side, even if the farmers don't have to deal with it's effects until next year. wayne bodvig - corn farmer: since the first of july on my farm i've probably had a one-and-a-half inches of rain, total. our sub- soil is very dry around here, slough and ponds are dried up, even the big water
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is going down quite a bit. without good rains before freeze up, or lots of snow this winter, farmers won't have sub soil moisture to fall back on for the 2016 growing season. but for now, farmers are taking advantage of dry weather to get row corps in early. i'm cliff naylor reporting for agday. ) sunflower harvest usuallll doesn't begin until after there has been a killing frost, the state's first widespread killing frost occurred two weekends back. cropwatch this morning shows some rather dis- heartening photos from south carolina which got hit by those very heavy thunderstorms. some parts of the state got two feet of rain in one weekend. peanuts and cotton were especially hard hit. mike hoffman has those images for us, mike. good morning tyne. . 're still learning about the aftermath from the extensive flooding in south carolina earer this month. these pictures are from watts farms in williamsburg county. the area received two
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crops down the river. they said they've never seen anything like it, and it will still be a couple weeks until they know the extent of the damage. the south carolina "nass" office shows just 17-percent of the peanut crop is harvested. it's usually about half by now. and ron had quite the help harvesting in east central illinois last week. he told us soybean harvest is in the books for 2015. yields were pretty impressive, ranging 65 to 80 bushels per acre. and now that they're halfway done with corn, it shows just how variable the crop is this year. ron says his fields are anywhere from 144 to 225 bushels per acre. thanks, mike. a new w udy has some scieieists calling for the removal of growth promotants in the global livestock stor. a study from the proceedings of the national academy of sciences
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shows global antiobiotic use in animals is epxected to increase 67 percent over the next 20 years. chicken and pork production will feed the majority of that increase. the researchers ththk china will lead the world in animal antiobioic use, but countries like indonesia, negeria and peru will have the highest percentage increases through 20-30. the scientists say they're concerned about the consequences of such an increase, and wouldldultimatley like totoee growth sromotants removed in all food animals. after a week-long firestorm prompted by the obama adminstration removing pork from the federal prison system, the government is putting the meat back on the menu. owa senator chuck grassley is chairman of the senate judiciary committee, and oversees the federal prison system and expressed dismay over the decision. the administration said the decision was based on surveys of prisoners' food preferences. ithe national pork producers council battled back,
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prisoners are denied certain rights, bacon should not be one of them. in washingtononfter last week's court decision to put epa's waters of the us rule on hold, another court decision goes against the agency. the epa filed a motion to consolidate the lawsuits filed against it over the waters of the u.s. rule. that motion has been rejected by the u.s. judicial panel on multi-district litigation. the panel denying a government petition for consolidating of the cases. the decision appears to be a victory for critics of wotus but will complicate the process moving forward. the american farm bureau says ultimately what they hope to see are elected officials stepping in. farm groups are calling on the senate to pasass- 11-40 the federal water quality protececon act. it would stop the wotus rule and require stakeholders including
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rule. usda releasing a new survey tally from the 2012 ceceus of ag. it finds t tt a majority of u.s. land in farms--62 percent-- is operator owned. the rest is rented and that portion has held relatively steady since 1950. 30 percent of all land in farms today is rented fromsomeone other than a farm operator. still ahead ted siefried of zaner ag hedge joins me at the agribusiness desk as we discuss the south american bean cp and its impact on prices. have you ever considered becoming a foster parent? now that can include raising an oyster! we'll explain when we head in the country. plus machinery pete is here. (for 150 years cargill has been working side by side with farmers and the agricultural
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continue to look forward and are excited to offer online grain
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welcome back, tedd siefried, with me now with zaner ag. tedd, let's talk about the america picture right now. we are hearing el nino, possible flooding and things like that, but right now what type of weather scenario is priced into the market?> yes, the biggest concern that we have about south america at the moment, is the northern portion of brazil. they have been very dry, they are always really quite hot, but their two seasons are differentiated between rain or no rain and they have been late in getting that rain here this year, so south american planters waiting for more ideal planting conditions, have been waiting, holding back on planting. if you look at the plating progress numbers compared to the five year average, they are well behind in a number of areas --two percent compared to 40,
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soybeans react to that earlier in the week. however, it's kind of similar to the story that we saw last year, with the building el nino at the time. and then when those rains did come, they really ended up with a really nice crop up the. if that were to happen again, if this is really just a repeat of last year, i don't know if we should be getting too e eited about it quite yet, because in effect this about april 14, 15, for south america right now. they still have time. the bigger question is: if the first crop of b bns gets delayed long enough, then you start to worry about that second crop of corn, which is what a lot of them are looking at in the areas that are dry. the bigger problem is what if this el nino this year is different than lasasyear? last year, , had the mode-i-kay el nino interfering with the bigger el nino pattern and that allowed them to get the rains and it was good. this year, with our el nino peaking now and then declining going forward, maybe
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there are concerns out there. if that forecast stays hot and dry and they can't plant, that could turn the attention of the market to a weather market down in south america. we could continin to see things like we saw last tuesday. if that fades away and they get rains and they start getting planting, i'm worried that we could still see some harvest pressure as there are more bean bushels coming to market than what we are expecting. > all right, thanks so much, tedd siefried. please stay with us. we will have more agday, when we come back.> for professional marketing advice - specifically tailored to your needs - call zaner ag hedge at 312-277-0113) (agday - brought to you by basf. grow smart with basf and get the most acre after acre season after season) if it's about agriculture and it's
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yeah, i'm sure ititas and it did cool d dn a little bit t ts past week and it's going to warm up again in that part of the country, yeah, no doubt about that. and that's because a big ridge is going to pop back up into the middle of the country, leaving that trough moving away in the northeast, so it's still pretty chilly to start the week in the northeast, but that's going to be warming up in that part of the country as well. and this next system that came in to give parts of the west coast more rain, that's the second one for california, in the last 3-4 days. you know it takes a while to get out of a severe drought; you need to have multiple systems coming in one after the other for a whole season, so we will see if that works out. but putting the maps into motion, that trough kind of digs into the southwest and sits there for a while that could be a pretty goorain maker for
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the east and the trough builds into the west again and kind of slowly spreads that cooler air back farther to the east, so let's take a look at things as we head througthe rest of this week. above normal temperatures are expected from the continental divide, eastward all the way to the appalachians basically. that area of the country will start off on the cool side east of the mississippi, but then warm up and in the western parts of this above normal area it will probably start to cool down a little bit as we head to the latter parts of the week. near normal expected for most of the mountains and the west coast a a also near normal expected for the southeast up and down the eastern sea board, including the mid-atlantic. precipitation during this coming week expected to be below normal for the southeast, most of the eastern seaboard. near normal for much of theheorn belt the way itt looks, now some of these areas might be slightly below normal, but you are going to be close to normal. above normal then for the four corner region, on up and down the rocky mountain states, below normal for most of california again and late e the
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some of that tropical moisture gets involved late this week from a potential system there. the computer models have been howing that for a couplelef days. thirty day outlook for temperatures above normal from western minnesota back across the northern half of the plains, most of the west, as you can see, expected to be above normal, below normal temperatures for much of texas, especially the western areas back into parts of new mexico and above normal for new england. as far as the thirty day outlook for precipitation is concerned, this starts to look like and el nino situation and that's what we are in, but you typically get in to the effects from el nino as we h hd towards winter, so above normal for the southeast, southern mississippi valley, most of the central and southern plains back into the four corner region. below normal fofothe northern tier of states for the northern portions of the great lakes right along the canadian border, back into the pacific northwest. all right, that's a look across the country, now; let's take a look at some local forecasts. first off for bakersfield, california a mix of clouds and sunshine,
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turning chillier, high of 64 and falling. fayetteville, north carolina lots of sunshine, it will be cool though, high around 61 degrees.> thanks so much. when we come back, if you're in the market to buy some barely used equipment, machinery pete has some deals for you. machinery pete inviting you to check out my new website - machinery - offering farmers tens of thousands of used equipment listings to search. let machinery pete help
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(machinery pete tv - brought john deere dealer. nothing runs like a deere.) while much of the equipment sector is seeing softer prices, there are some pretty hot items on the market today. machinery pete saw record prices recently. he joins us this morning to tell us where.
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we're going to see more sales like this with large late model equipment and there's going to be good buys. i'm machinery pete. see you at the sales. > thanks, greg. as we first reported firday, despite high used prices, farm equipment sales are at a record low. that's according to the latest rural mainstreet index from ernie goss at creighton university. tht survey covers 10 states and is based on responses from ag bankers. the october r-m-i shows the farm equipment sales index slding to 10 point 8 from 14 point 2 last month. the r-m-i uses 50 as growth neutral. goss says s nkers remain pessisimistic about short and intermediate prospects for ag equipment delers and producers. the survey also ackowldeging that caterpillar's recent decision to layoff 5 thousand employees is having a nenetive impact on the entire central illinois area. coming up, find out how a "fosteparent" is helping to retore oyster beds in new hampshire. in the country is
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(in the country brought to you by the all new kubota ssv series skid steers. you asked for a quality skid steer and we delivered. visit your local kubota dealer totoest drive one today) along the east coat, the oyster population has suffered a dramatic decline in recent decades, but conservationists, restaurant workers and even oyster foster parents are working to change that. noreen nah-zeze from the associated press has our story, (it's a popular seafood delicacy. and it's taking a whole community to ensure its survival. from conservationists.... to restaurant owners.s.. even
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at about 10 percent of what we were even in the 1980s. there are multiple causes: disease is one of them, some water quality issues, sedimentation, over-harvesting." to combat the dramatic decline in the natural oyster popululion... the university of new hampshire has joined forces with a varietyf partners. ray grizzle and his team work with restaurants like this one -- in maine -- where oyster shells are recycled. "recycling the oysr shells is such a no-brainer. it feels great. some of the servers were struggling, you know, a busy restaurant, having to separate things is really not that thrilling. wfound ways to make it work." the shells end up here -- in special tanks at the u-n-h estuarine lab where microscopic oyster larvae can latch onto them. that's'shere the foster parents come in.... caring for the baby oysters in cages tied
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to their docks until they're ready to make it on their own. "the other fun thing has been having our grandchildren help and other grandchildren help in the community as well, to help us measure them. they get a big kick out of it. most people don't really know what an oyster looks like when it's not in the half shell waiting to be eaten." and they're not just good for dinner. once the oysters are big enough they're brought to these newly built reefs that provide a base for the oysters to grow. "in addition to food for humans, and other creatures as well, they are great at water filtration, they stabilize the sediments, they provide habitat for many other species." a hands on effororto help protect this particular speciesesnd the environment. noreen nasir, associated press. ) that's all the time we have this morning. we're glad you tuned in. for mike hoffman, and all of us at agday, i' tyne morgan have a
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find the team on facebook. where can you talk tomorrow's markets today? join chip flory five days a week for market rally radio- all marketrs all the time. (high strength steel for high strength dependability, the chevy silverado is the official news gathering vehicle of agday television)
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good morning. i'm sarah te slaa. al has the day off. thanks for joining us on this monday october 19th. coming up in this half hour of news 4 today... an 8 year old georgia girl is dead and her mother injured after a gun accidentially went off in their home. also... a six-year-old boy kills his little brother, after fifiing a handgun in thehe home. chicago prosecutors have charged the boys' father in connection with the shooting. where the boys found the gun. also, a special tribute to the men and women who gave all for our country. more on their sacrafice and the exhibit that honors them in just a minute.
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and later... the undead took
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