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tv   News 4 Today  NBC  October 20, 2015 5:00am-7:00am CDT

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> it's been just over one year since the argosy casino sailed away from sioux city. but, the area where the riverboat casino docked, may soon be transformed. yesterday, the city council approved a 45-thousand dollar study new uses for the former arogsy casino site on the riverfront. parks and rec director matt
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possibly some fishing piers and some overlooks. mayor bob scott says its critical the public have a major input with developing the area. " the process should be that citizens have input first, then take it to the different planning deals and then put it on paper," said sioux city mayor bob scott. "i think it's important to have something down there that we can be proud of for years to come. mayor scott was also asked what he'd like to see, but he reiteratined he wants the public's input. sticking with sioux city parks and rec department... last night, the city council also approved submitting a grant of 318-thousand dollars to the vision iowa program for cone park. those dollars reflect the remaining money that's yet to be committed for the nearly $4 million-dollar project. summer is over, and sioux city's pools have been closed for two months. but, the discussion continues about what pools should close permanently. ktiv's brianna clark is live in the newsroom with the details.
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brianna? good morning al and sarah. earlier this year, a consultant recommended closing down two sioux city pools... lewis and leif erickson... and replacing them with splash pads. at yesterday's pool meeting, committee members weighed in on what they think should happen to the city's five pools. parks and recreation director matt salvatore says it's a big decision... and the committee is not taking it lightly. "swimming and pools are an important part of our community," says salvatore. there's a lot of people that take a lot of ownership and pride in them. so, we're making our decisions with all that in mind and we're delicately approaching the situation, trying to make the best decision possible." the committee will meet, again, on november 2nd to continue their discussion. that discussion includes the idea for a regional aquatics center. if built, it would be in morningside in the same area as the proposed cone park project. the proposal, al and sarah, includes waterslides, zero-depth entry and a lazy
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river. thanks brianna. after stating the police and fire headquarters is "falling apart," and lobbying for more than a year, sioux city's police chief received good news at last night's city council meeting. the city council approved nearly 2- point-2 million dollars to renovate the facility. the money will come from the city's capital improvement plan. the funds will fix the roof, siding, pay for a new h-vac system and address the plumbing issues. sioux city police chief doug young says he's pleased with the decision. "i'm looking forward and making the working environment in that building a lot better than it has been for quite a while," said sioux city police chief doug young. mayor bob scott says the project will take around 18 months to complete. more than two years after being red-tagged by the city of sioux city, yesterday, the council awarded a demolition contract for 15-29
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grandview bouldevard. the historic rose hill district mansion was built more than a century ago. over the past few years, owner jim gengler, tried to fix the property, but city leaders say not enough changes were made to meet minimum housing code requirements. gengler is responsible for the 60-thousand dollar cost of demolition. it's a story that would give any parent nightmares. a baby, left to die, in a vacant mobile home. 20 years later, investigators still don't have answers. storm lake police found baby john doe, wrapped in a sweatshirt, in the closet of a mobile home on october 17th, 1995. the two officers were on routine patrol when they found the baby's body. they noticed a boarded window had been broken, and they went inside not knowing the tragedy they would discover. an autopsy revealed the infant died of neglect, or exposure. the community came together during the baby's funeral, and then helped pay for a proper
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saturday marked 20- years since the discovery of baby doe's body. but, there is still no information on who baby doe's parents are, or who is responsible for his death. ktiv's tiffany lane spoke with the storm lake police department as they continue to investigate.
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"this is the mobile home park where 20 years ago, officers came across something they would never have imagined. and even after all these years, they say it's a day they'll never forget." "i think there's always hope anyday somebody could come forward and provide information about what happened or someone may have a suspicion as to who's involved," said lt. chris cole of the storm lake police department. "that's what we're hoping for." cole and police chief mark prosser have been looking into the case since the beginning. they say they have had leads in the past, but none turned out to be suspects. while they are hopeful and believe they will complete the investigation, they still reflect on the day of baby doe's funeral at the buena vista memorial "it was just a sad, somber day that we lay to rest an unnamed, small child, who's only family at the time were only people who were with him at the time were police and other community strangers to that child." a day which showed how one baby could bring a community together. in storm lake, iowa, tiffany lane, ktiv news 4.>> lieutenant cole says that he hopes they are able to
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still with the police department. if anyone has any information, you are asked to contact the storm lake police department by calling the number on your screen. a judge has ordered a 100-year prison sentence cut in half for an orange city, iowa woman responsible for the death of a care. autumn elgersma died in october of 2013... two days after rochelle sapp slammed her to the ground for not taking off her coat. last week, a judge ordered sapp's two 50- year prison sentences to be served at the same time. that effectively halves the sentence he handed down last year, when he ordered the sentences be served one after the other. sapp pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter and child endangerment resulting in death. the judge said he reconsidered because sapp had no prior record and has been a model prisoner. a review uncovered several "policy and procedural errors" that allowed an inmate to escape from an iowa prison for hours without detection. iowa state penitentiary released a summary of the investigation
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4 escape from fort madison prison. kestner, who's a sioux city-native, told investigators he removed screws on his shower to access a pipe chase next to his cell. he crawled up through that space, and into the attic. he then got onto the roof and climbed down a drain pipe. kestner claimed he made several practice runs and timed his escape during 4th of july fireworks, hoping the tower guards would be distracted. he was captured in rural illinois hours after his escape. oscar pistorius, the double-amputee olympic runner, was released from prison last night. he's under house arrest at the home of his uncle in pretoria. pistorius was acquitted of murder last year for shooting his girlfriend reeva steenkamp to death. he was convicted of culpable homicide, similar to manslaughter in the u-s. but prosecutors have appealed and will seek a murder conviction in south africa's supreme court. attorneys will argue the verdict former minnesota governor jesse ventura won last year
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against the estate of one-time sniper and author chris kyle before the 8th circuit court of appeals. ventura said chris kyle defamed him in the best- selling book, 'american sniper.' a jury awarded ventura one-point-eight million dollars. lawyers for several news corporations are hoping to overturn the verdict. they declared in a brief that "they are concerned about what they view as the unjustified and potentially crippling awards in this case." it's national school bus safety week and safety experts are trying to get a message out, not only to bus drivers, but to other drivers on the roads as well. ben: and i'll have your
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will settle in behind it and provide some cooler (yet seasonal) high temperatures in the 60s the rest of the week and weekend. it's with our next larger scale weather system from the southwest that will provide most of the region with some rain thursday (west) and friday and leave us cooler, but dry for the weekend. see graphics. >> there will be a lot of focus on see graphics. >> there will be a lot of focus on school buses this week because it's national school bus safety week. but the message safety experts are trying to get out might surprise you. here's nbc's chris clackum.
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disturbing videos... of drivers ignoring stopped school buses.. and the near tragic results. (natsound/student almost hit) "horn blowing...stop that car!" (nats:) "whoa! "he came here, wouldn't stop, so i just backed up a little." "as the semi went by, there's nothing but dust and i thought she was dead." incidents like this are at the forefront during this ...national school bus safety week. but experts maintain...ridin g a school bus remains the safest way to transport a child to and from school. (sot/ deborah hersman / pres, nat'l safety council :37 - :44 ) "they're big, yellow vehicles..they're conspicuous, they're easy to see and they're high. they got all the kids up, high out of the crash zone still, there's a push for longer stop arms....and mounted cameras... outside and inside the bus to encourage safe driving by everyone... ...including school bus drivers. (sot/ deborah hersman / pres, nat'l safety council 1:01 - 1:12 ) "school bus drivers should not be texting or talking on their phones but the larger problem remains other drivers... who, a recent survey just revealed, committed more than 78,000 illegal passing violations in a
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>> that was chris clackum reporting. in a recent survey, more than 100-thousand school bus drivers indicated that more than 78- thousand motorists passed their buses in a single day. in the span of a school year, that can add up to over 14 million violations. still ahead on news 4 today... from the cheshire cat to the mad hatter, the characters from alice in wonderland greet visitors at a siouxland library. we'll check out the new
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if you think storm damage is the only cost of climate change, think again. from the rising price of food to higher insurance rates for homes and businesses, the economic damage will only get worse. but with american-made clean energy, we can save money on electricity and spur innovation to create new businesses and jobs. it all starts with 50% clean energy by 2030.
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> the hull, iowa public library opened nearly ten years ago, and now a sculpture inspired by the characters from a beloved children's book greets visitors at the door. ktiv's tommie clark show us how the piece of art found its place in northwest iowa.
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eight months to create. "it's not something that you just see in every town or at every library. it's just something different and original," said co-owner of original art source, annette van voorst. it began with drawings, a prototype was made and then the cutting...weldi ng...and a powder coating was put on before the final assembly of the piece. roy hawkins created the piece, which pictures alice walking through the looking glass and parts of the story written out. hawkins has been welding for over 50 years, but he's never created something quite like this. "this is the first of its kind for me so ya my benches i make is probably the most 3-dimensial piece i've ever made," said owner of "r and r metal designs," roy hawkins. "it's just a fun, unique aspect to the library you know it's something that draws people's attention as they go past," said hull public library director, matt hoehamer. hawkins says he enjoys going to work every day because he gets to create all types of metal work, just like this unique statue. in hull, iowa...tommie clark...ktiv news 4. >> the library's director says they hope the statue will represent the library and inspire new people to
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bens got the answer in his forecast after the break. and the smell of popcorn is in the air. the salty and sweet crunchy taste of kettle korn. after the break, we'll meet the guy from illinois who cooks up batch after batch... and he tells us how he helped make the treat a sweet
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see graphics. >> leaves are changing colors, families prepare to travel to the pumpkin patch... and the air is becoming crisp with the smell of kettle korn. all of these are signs of fall. david amelotti introduces you to a man connected to the sweet, salty snack becoming a national seasonal tradition.
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burner on, add the oil, the korn and then you see it's ready to pop you add the sugar. stir it all up and get it out of there before it burns and then salt it and then you have kettle korn" over the last 30 years, frank dohman has become known as the kettle korn guy in the tri-states. "it's not all brown like carmel korn, it's not supposed to be brown. we try and keep it white, crispy the right amount of salt.. that sweet salty thing does it." no one agrees more than pride moore, she's been addicted to that taste for more than 10 years. "your eating it halfway through the bag and then somebody quick take it so i don't eat it in one sitting." dohman says jackie's kettle korn recipe, named after his wife, has evolved over time with experience being the most valuable ingredient. "there's different kinds of korn, the climate changes, some days it's humid. this popper gets so hot, not everybody can keep a good product flowing out." dohman learned from the best and the first. in 1985, newark missouri resident bill mann decided to start selling his families sugar korn. he invented the first popper, and with the help of dohman was the first to sell the seasonal treat "a paper bag that's all we sold
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and it grew from there. two years later, his wife coined the name kettle korn and that's where it all started and it's been going ever since." pride admires frank for his dedication and his local roots. "i can eat jackie's all year round, he's out here in the winter even, bundled up freezing." for dohman he says turning 60 won't stop him stirring the pot for another 30 years. "i keep working out to keep to be able to do it.. you know, i have to lift a little, work out, stay in shape, i'm tough (laughs)." >> that was david amelotti reporting. you can find duhman's kettle korn stand in
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it's . but we're back in just a moment with more news and weather for you on news-4 today. first though.. here's a look at some of the events on the
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good morning and welcome back to news 4 today. we've got a lot headed your way in this half hour including some new numbers in the race for the white house . a new poll still has donald trump in the lead - but ben carson is a very close second. we'll tell you where the other top republicans stack up. and on the democratic side of
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the race - many are still wondering if joe biden will jump in. the latest on the way. also... a local push to keep kids away from drugs. how siouxland parents, kids, authorities, and city leaders are working together for drug prevention. and later... this time of year, you see plenty of farm equipment in the fields... but a group of eastern iowa farmers are dusting off their old tractors to dig into the dirt. how they're preserving farming's past and showing off their vintage hobby. but first ben is on the outdoor weather patio this morning.
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>> donald trump is holding onto his lead as ben carson edges closer. tracie potts is in washington this morning to break down the latest poll numbers.
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going great." (sot: rachael caswell/ trump supporter :12-:15) "i love his bluntness. he just tells it like it is." his numbers, up from last month. (sot: michael steele/ fmr. rnc chairman :17-:20) "trump's ceiling is, right now, limitless" (nats) ben carson's up too - now in a statistical tie with trump. (sot: dr. ben carson/ (r) presidential candidate :26- "it's time for us to bring god back to our country" carson's got the most support when you combine first and second choices. and far ahead among candidates republicans could see themselves supporting. marco rubio's a solid third. (sot: marco rubio/ (r) presidential candidate :41- :43) "we can't have another four years like the last eight years." carly fiorina - who got a bump after the first debate - slipped four points this month: (sot: carly fiorina/ (r) presidential candidate :48- :52) "i will not falter and i will not shrink from this fight." analysts say she failed to keep the momentum. as for the democrats, hillary clinton's off the campaign trail for a few days, preparing for her testimony here thursday before the benghazi committee. you. >> the presidential campaigns of both ben carson and donald trump have requested secret service protection. the department of homeland security confirmed the requests to nbc during a wasn't interested in receiving extra protection. but, he hinted that he had become a message. dr. ben carson / (r)
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candidate :31, "i recognize that someone like me who is very truthful and who really doesn't subscribe to all the traditional power structures is probably gonna be a target and i do understand that." a congressiona l advisory committee will determine whether the requests are actually granted. there are reports out that c-i-a director john brennan's personal e- mail account was hacked. according to various social media reports and a new york post interview... a teenager is responsible for hacking into brennan's personal e-mail account. the teen says he swiped brennan's contact list, a log of phone calls by the agency's former deputy director, numerous social security numbers, and even brennan's own lengthy application for security clearance, but no classified information. the f-b-i and secret service are investigating. the f-a-a has announced a plan that would require most hobbiest to register their drones. officials within the organization are scrambling to
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get registration rules in place before christmas. the consumer electronics association has forecast that 700-thousand drones will be sold this holiday season. but there's some concern about what that will mean for enthusiasts... and the industry. sioux county lawmaker john kooiker says he won't run for re-election to the iowa house of representatives when his term is up next year. kooiker, who's a republican, was elected to fill the house district 4 seat left open by the death of representativ e dwayne alons. in a statement, kooiker said he wants to spend more time with his nine grandchildre n. one person has already declared his intention to run for kooiker's seat. 22-year-old skyler wheeler works in sales for iowa information in sheldon. the republican is a 2015 graduate of northwestern college. according to wheeler, kooiker encouraged him to run. siouxlanders received some tips on how to improve their skills from a sioux city native. former gateway executive, bishop heelan grad and business coach, gene mcnaughton, was in sioux city yesterday to present a
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lecture he calls: "how to grow your leadership skills and positively impact more people." hundreds attended the seminar in bishop heelan's fine arts building hoping to improve their communication skills and increase productivity. mcnaughton says his focus is to help those who are struggling with their own bad habits to achieve their life goals. "we help people to get really clear on what it is they want to do and help them important, take the massive their approach and ultimately achieve whatever it is they want to achieve in life," said gene mcnaughton. during his lecture, mcnaughton discussed improving communicatio n with co-workers, time management, and he gave his six steps to success. it's never too early to talk to your kids about drug prevention. that's the goal behind the red ribbon campaign, a week long event aimed at teaching kids to stay away from drugs. the week begins next monday, but last night, siouxlanders, local law enforcement and the mayor's youth commission and others got together for red ribbon night at the long lines family rec center.
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elementary and middle school students. "drugs can harm you, and makign them aware so later in life they understand that," said amanda wilmesherr of the mayor's youth commision. siouxland cares is selling red tulip bulbs for one dollar for red ribbon week. to raise money for a cause, kids at one south sioux city, nebraska, elementary school are selling something you'll see on many front porches this time of year. "come buy your pumpkins!" the students at lewis & clark elementary are selling pumpkins. the money from the pumpkin sale will be donated to the food bank of siouxland to be used for the "backpack" program. area businesses donated the pumpkins. the teachers at lewis & clark elementary say the fundraiser teaches the kids a valuable lesson. "it was very important for us to show our kids that not only can you receive from your community, you can also give back to your community," said lewis & clark elementary reading teacher, erica bowman. "for them to hold this little fundraiser and be able to donate that money back to a program that helps them weekly is really, really important." the great pumpkin patch sale isn't over yet.
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you can still buy some pumpkins after school today until 5 o'clock. still ahead... many veterans come home with p-t-s-d. but a minnesota college student developed an app that can help those who suffer from night terrors. ben: and i'll have your
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a college student is getting noticed for inventing something to help people suffering from night terrors. his inspiration? his own father-- who struggled with the terrors-- as an iraq war vet. renee tessman has their story in today's healthbeat 4 report.
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watch or use the android phone to disrupt that or take them out of the deep sleep but keep them asleep." the mybivy app earned tyler and his team top prize - best ptsd mobile app for clinicians. (sot: sgt. first class patrick skluzacek, veteran) "i am very proud of him, yeah." it has yet to go through clinical trials. but tyler wants it on every veteran's wrist. (sot: tyler skluzacek, mybivy app) "my team and i kind of have a saying right now that my team and i won't sleep until the veterans can." >> that was renee tessman reporting. tyler says he has been working with the v-a and sleep experts. his team hopes to start clinical
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testing of the app next spring. when we come back... apple suffers its third app lapse within the past few weeks. and dusting off the old deeres and putting them to work. some eastern iowa farmers are revving up their vintage tractors and tilling up the land for old times' sake.
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the warm, dry weather means farmers are out in the fields harvesting. but one group is plowing with equipment you might not expect, and they're doing it for fun -- in dixon, iowa. elizabeth goodsitt reports.
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that's a relic from yester-year. ''it's a 1930 john deere g-t rated 23 horse power on the bell pulley and about 10 on the crossbar." dick bockwoldt knows tractors, and so do his buddies and fellow members of the ''deer valley collectors antique tractor club." ''we're plowing in the dirt today' and this is an annual thing every year." this long line of classic tractor fanatics spent hours plowing, playing and joking. "i've had this tractor many years and the reason it looks so good is because i turtle wax it every spring and every fall until it looks brown like a turtle! just kidding - this is the original paint job, or what's left of it!" many might consider a full day of tilling to be quite a bit of work ... but to these vintage farmers with machines to match ... this is just the opposite. s/ dick bockwoldt, farmer 1:03 - 1:09 "what they can do is come and play, that's what it's all about" it's like a hobby? yup. a hobby. that's what its about." and farmers are as friendly as they are fun -- letting our tiffany liou feel the excitement they feel -- first hand. "yeah first time on a tractor , how fun is that!" >> that was elizabeth goodsitt
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from dixon, iowa. some of the plows they used have been around since the 19-30's.
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on wall street yesterday, stocks closed with tiny gains after spending most of the day in the red. the dow climbed 14 points to 17,230. the nasdaq rose 18 and the s&p edged up a fraction of a point. the commerce department releases housing starts for september this morning and the labor department will report on state unemployment for the same month. want to secretly collect personal info from people? apparently there are apps for that...or there were anyway. the problem was discovered over the weekend....leading apple to remove 256-apps from the i-tunes app store yesterday.
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d-n-a' discovered software by youmi......a chinese ad thered data about the people who downloaded the apps. the info included email addresses, which were sent to youmi's servers. no word yet on what apps were affected. apple officials are now working with developers to fix these apps to make sure they're safe. in the meantime, they're banned from being downloaded. and if you plan to shop for the holidays while you should be working... you won't be alone. according to a report by a retail research firm, nearly 32 percent of consumers will shop online during their work hours this holiday season. in addition, 33 percent of those surveyed said they'll take a longer lunch break so they can shop. nearly 20 percent said they'll leave work early at least once to shop. and a bold three percent said they'll fake a sick day
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nebraska landowners who oppose the keystone xl oil pipeline are still trying to overturn a law that allowed the governor to approve the project... even though pipeline developer is no longer relying on it. pipeline opponents said yesterday they're concerned that companies could use the law in the future to avoid a state commission that regulates pipelines... opting instead for a governor's review and blessing. former governor dave heineman approved a nebraska route for the keystone xl in 20-13. but, the 20-12 law, which gave him that power is mired in court, preventing the project from moving forward. we're back with a quick check on your forecast and we'll run down some of this morning's top stories. and are you looking to score
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yeah... you and the rest of the world... as they're
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most of the region with some rain thursday (west) and friday and leave us cooler, but dry for the weekend. see graphics. >> > here's a quick look at some of our siouxland news stories this tuesday morning. the city council approves spending 45- thousand dollars to study possible new uses of the former argosy casino site on sioux city's missouri riverfront. parks and rec director matt salvatore says the area should count on green space, possibly some fishing piers and overlooks. mayor bob scott says it's important to have something the city can be proud of for years to come, and critical that the public be a big part of the decision. this past weekend marked 20 years since an infant boy was found dead in a vacant mobile home in storm lake, iowa. no arrests have ever been made, but police say they won't stop until they have answers. baby john doe had been wrapped in a sweatshirt and left to die in a closet. an autopsy revealed he died of neglect or exposure. the community came together and paid for a funeral and proper burial for the child. police still don't know who baby doe's parents are or who is responsible for his death. teaching children about the dangers of drugs at a young age. that's the goal behind the week-long red ribbon campaign.
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night, siouxlanders, local law enforcement and the mayor's youth commission got together for red ribbon night at the long lines family rec center. the message is simple: drugs can harm you, so they want to make children aware so later in life, they understand the danger. there's a new sculpture welcoming guests outside the public library in hull, iowa. the metal work of art features alice in wonderland walking through the looking glass. part of the story is written out on book pages. the sculpture took more than eight months to create. library staff say it's a fun and unique way to grab people's attention when they visit the library. star wars tickets are on sale. andy rose has that plus a terrifying tatum in today's hollywood minute.
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after the debut of the final trailer. they're expected to sell out at light speed. "star wars: the force awakens" opens around the world on december 18. "excuse me, i'm sorry." "yes, sweetie?" "what are the tiny cups for?" "they're coffee cups. they're for coffee." "what, are you running out or something?" gilmore girls fans get your coffee turines ready! lorelai and rory are coming back! multiple sources tell the hollywood reporter that netflix has inked a deal with warner brothers for a limited revival of the beloved series. according to the magazine, cast negotiations are underway. channing tatum normally has women swooning, but his halloween costume might have them scared instead. the star shared a photo of his winnie the pooh get-up on instagram. he captioned the photo, "pretty sure i terrified all the children at our daughter's halloween carnival today."
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coming up in our third half-hour... the latest on the swimming pool discussion in sioux city. will two of them be closed.... and what would replace them? the regular season is almost over for high school football. we'll take a look back at some of the best plays of the
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good morning. thanks for joining us on this tuesday october 20th. coming up in this half hour of news 4 today it's only been a year since the argosy casino left sioux city, but the city council has approved a 45-thousand dollar study to find out what can be built at the former casino site on the riverfront. and... 20 years later, the storm lake police department is still searching for answers on a baby doe case. we'll hear from investigators as they say they haven't given up hope on the cold case. and a shiny new sculpture welcomes visitors to a northwest iowa library. more on the inspiration behind the art coming up. but first, here's ben.
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should hold off until later this week. see graphics. >> it's been just over one year since the argosy casino sailed away from sioux city. but, the area where the riverboat casino docked, may soon be transformed. on monday, the city council approved spending 45-thousand dollars to study possible new uses for the riverfront property. parks and rec director matt salvatore says the area should count on green space, possibly some fishing piers and overlooks. mayor bob scott says its critical the public weigh in. " the process should be that citizens have input first, then take it to the different planning deals and then put it on paper," said sioux city mayor
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bob scott. "i think it's important to have something down there that we can be proud of for years to come. mayor scott was also asked what he'd like to see, but he reiteratined he wants the public's input. sticking with sioux city parks and rec department... last night, the city council also approved submitting a grant of 318-thousand dollars to the vision iowa program for cone park. those dollars reflect the remaining money that's yet to be committed for the nearly $4 million-dollar project. summer is over, and sioux city's pools have been closed for two months. but, the discussion continues about what pools should close permanently. ktiv's brianna clark is in the newsroom. brianna... they've been talking about this quite a bit. good morning al and sarah. earlier this year, a consultant recommended closing down two sioux city pools... lewis and leif erickson... and replacing them with splash pads. at yesterday's pool meeting,
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committee members weighed in on what they think should happen to the city's five pools. parks and recreation director matt salvatore says it's a big decision... and the committee is not taking it lightly. "swimming and pools are an important part of our community," says salvatore. there's a lot of people that take a lot of ownership and pride in them. so, we're making our decisions with all that in mind and we're delicately approaching the situation, trying to make the best decision possible." the committee will meet, again, on november 2nd to continue their discussion. that discussion includes the idea for a regional aquatics center. if built, it would be in morningside in the same area as the proposed cone park project. the proposal, al and sarah, includes waterslides, zero-depth
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after saying the police and fire headquarters is "falling apart," and lobbying for more than a year, sioux city's police chief received good news at last night's city council meeting. the city council approved nearly 2- point-2 million dollars to
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renovate the facility. the money will come from the city's capital improvement plan. the funds will fix the roof, siding, pay for a new h-vac system and address the plumbing issues. sioux city police chief doug young says he's pleased with the decision. "i'm looking forward and making the working environment in that building a lot better than it has been for quite a while," said sioux city police chief doug young. mayor bob scott says the project will take around 18 months to complete. more than two years after being red-tagged by the city of sioux city, yesterday, the council awarded a demolition contract for 15-29 grandview bouldevard. the historic rose hill district mansion was built more than a century ago. over the past few years, owner jim gengler, tried to fix the property, but city leaders say not enough changes were made to meet minimum housing code requirements. gengler is responsible for the 60-thousand dollar cost of demolition. it's a story that would give any parent nightmares.
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mobile home. 20 years later, investigators still don't have answers. storm lake police found baby john doe, wrapped in a sweatshirt, in the closet of a mobile home on october 17th, 1995. the two officers were on routine patrol when they found the baby's body. they noticed a boarded window had been broken, and they went inside not knowing the tragedy they would discover. an autopsy revealed the infant died of neglect, or exposure. the community came together during the baby's funeral, and then helped pay for a proper burial. saturday marked 20- years since the discovery of baby doe's body. but, there is still no information on who baby doe's parents are, or who is responsible for his death. ktiv's tiffany lane spoke with the storm lake police department as they continue to investigate.
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enforcers say they will not stop until they find answers. "to leave that child alone in that closet, where he died, was a needless event and one that when you talk about it or when we revisit the investigation and things like that, it just brings an overwhelming feeling of sadness," said mark prosser, public safety director for storm lake, iowa. lieutenant chris cole was one of the officers who found baby doe two decades ago when patrolling the vista estates mobile home park. and as years continue to pass, his anticipation of getting justice for the infant is still just as strong. su "this is the mobile home park where 20 years ago, officers never have imagined. and even it's a day they'll never forget." "i think there's always hope anyday somebody could come forward and provide information about what happened or someone may have a suspicion as to who's involved," said lt. chris cole of the storm lake police department. "that's what we're hoping for." cole and police chief mark prosser have been looking into the case since the beginning. they say they have had leads in be suspects.s. while they are hopeful and believe they will complete the investigation, they still funeral at the buena vista
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"it was just a sad, somber day that we lay to rest an unnamed, small child, who's only family at the time were only people who were with him at the time were police and other community strangers to that child." a day which showed how one baby could bring a community together. in storm lake, iowa, tiffany lane, ktiv news 4.>> lieutenant cole says that he hopes they are able to complete the case while he is still with the police department. if anyone has any information, you are asked to contact the storm lake police department by calling the number on your screen. oscar pistorius, the double-amputee olympic runner, was released from prison last night. he's under house arrest at the home of his uncle in pretoria. pistorius was acquitted of murder last year for shooting his girlfriend reeva steenkamp to death. he was convicted of culpable homicide, similar to manslaughter in the u-s. but prosecutors have appealed and will seek a murder conviction in south
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africa's supreme court. attorneys will argue the verdict former minnesota governor jesse ventura won last year against the estate of one-time sniper and author chris kyle before the 8th circuit court of appeals. ventura said chris kyle defamed him in the best- selling book, 'american sniper.' a jury awarded ventura one-point-eight million dollars. lawyers for several news overturn the verdict. they declared in a brief that "they are concerned about what they view as the unjustified and potentially crippling awards in this case." a supersized sweet potato next in pic of the day. stay tuned. and i'll have your complete
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check out this giant sweet potato in our pic of the day. don and mary ann krogman from le mars, iowa sent us this one. they say it weighed nearly 5 pounds. they were wondering if other gardeners have had the same kind of production in our
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to see your photo on pic of the day, you can email it to us at ktivnews@ktiv .com or you can post it to our facebook page. just one week left in the regular season for high school football. the playoffs start soon and teams have been working all season to perfect their plays. we'll take a look back at the best ones in the sportsfource rewind after the break.
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it's hard to believe, but playoff football is almost upon us. ktiv's mark freund has more in the sports fource morning wrap.
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denison-schleswig, 44 to 0. western christian outlasted unity christian - on 4th and goal from the 15 - tyson kooima hits joey horstman - western goes on to the 35-13 win. woodbury central quarterback ethan schutlzen found joe hayden twice for touchdowns - this one goes for 75 yards - the wildcats handle south o'brien, 42-15. 5 more touchdown passes for west sioux's porter hummel, gliding this 35-yard strike to justin negaard. the falcons fly past sioux central, 46-12. ridge view pulled an upset - grant anderson to garrett lamp - the raptors upend number 10 west lyon, 28-14. akron-westfield - wearing pink for breast cancer awareness - aaron allard, catching 2 passes for touchdowns - the westerners 24-13. out to nebraska - crofton's tanner crosely on the halfback dive from 2 yards out -- the warriors move to 6-2 with a 26-14 win over
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hartington cedar catholic. stanton's michael sieh goes into the endzone on the keeper as stanton shuts out ponca, 20-0. that's the sportsfource rewind. the new iowa ap football poll is out. no siouxland schools make the 4a rankings - dowling catholic is still first. in 3a, sgt. bluff-luton stays at number-9. bishop heelan is still receiving votes after edging storm lake. in 2a, spirit lake stays at number-2, with four first place votes. they are one of four undefeated teams in the class. in 1a, south central calhoun is 6th. hinton and western christian are 8-9. ridge view and pocahontas area get votes - west lyon drops out. west sioux, still unbeaten, is third in class a. logan-magnolia is sixth, with two first place votes. and in 8-man, newell-fonda drops into a first place tie with gilbertville don bosco. m-m-c is fourth. graettinger-terril/ruthve n-ayrshire is ninth and west bend-mallard is receiving votes. see the entire poll on for more sports, you can head over to our website, i'm mark freund with the sportsfource morning wrap. >> 80 degrees in october... pretty
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but those temps won't stick around. ben's got the details in his forecast after the break. also from the cheshire cat to the mad hatter, the characters from alice in wonderland greet visitors at a siouxland library. we'll check out the new welcoming sculpture.
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and now a sculpture inspired by the characters from a beloved children's book greets visitors at the door. ktiv's tommie clark show us how the piece of art found its place in northwest iowa.
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over 50 years, but he's never created something quite like this. "this is the first of its kind for me so ya my benches i make is probably the most 3-dimensial piece i've ever made," said owner of "r and r metal designs," roy hawkins. "it's just a fun, unique aspect to the library you know it's something that draws people's attention as they go past," said hull public library director, matt hoehamer. hawkins says he enjoys going to work every day because he gets to create all types of metal work, just like this unique statue. in hull, iowa...tommie clark...ktiv news 4. >> the library's director says they hope the statue will represent the library and inspire new people to check out what's inside. it's . time for a break. we're back with our fourth half hour of news 4 today. first though.. here's a look at some of the events on the
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good morning and welcome back to news 4 today. we've got a lot headed your way in this half hour including some new numbers in the race for the white house . a new poll still has donald trump in the lead - but ben carson is a very close second.
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we'll tell you where the other top republicans stack up. and on the democratic side of the race - many are still wondering if joe biden will jump in. the latest on the way. also... a local push to keep kids away from drugs. how siouxland parents, kids, authorities, and city leaders are working together for drug prevention. and later... we'll meet a guy who prides himself on being a little corny. the illinois guy says he's made kettle korn the seasonal tradition that it is. ben's on the weather patio. ben, i'm likin' this forecast today!
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donald trump is holding onto his lead as ben carson edges closer. tracie potts is in washington this morning to break down the latest poll numbers.
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far ahead among candidates republicans could see themselves supporting. marco rubio's a solid third. (sot: marco rubio/ (r) presidential candidate :41- :43) "we can't have another four years like the last eight years." carly fiorina - who got a bump after the first debate - slipped four points this month: (sot: carly fiorina/ (r) presidential candidate :48- :52) "i will not falter and i will not shrink from this fight." analysts say she failed to keep the momentum. as for the democrats, hillary clinton's off the campaign trail for a few days, preparing for her testimony here thursday before the benghazi committee. i'm tracie potts in washington, now back to you. >> the presidential campaigns of both ben carson and donald trump have requested secret service protection. the department of homeland security confirmed the requests yesterday to nbc news. carson, himself, suggested during a book-tour stop in texas that he wasn't interested in receiving extra protection. but, he hinted that he had become a "target" because of his campaign message.
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candidate :31, "i recognize that someone like me who is very truthful and who really doesn't subscribe to all the traditional power structures is probably gonna be a target and i do understand that." a congressiona l advisory committee will determine whether the requests are actually granted. there are reports out that c-i-a director john brennan's personal e- mail account was hacked. according to various social media reports and a new york post interview... a teenager is responsible for hacking into brennan's personal e-mail account. the teen says he swiped brennan's contact list, a log of phone calls by the agency's former deputy director, numerous social security numbers, and even brennan's own lengthy application for security clearance, but no classified information. the f-b-i and secret service are investigating. the f-a-a has announced a plan that would require most hobbiest to register their drones. officials within the
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organization are scrambling to get registration rules in place before christmas. the consumer electronics association has forecast that 700-thousand drones will be sold this holiday season. but there's some concern about what that will mean for enthusiasts... and the industry. sioux county lawmaker john kooiker says he won't run for re-election to the iowa house of representatives when his term is up next year. kooiker, who's a republican, was elected to fill the house district 4 seat left open by the death of representativ e dwayne alons. in a statement, kooiker said he wants to spend more time with his nine grandchildre n. one person has already declared his intention to run for kooiker's seat. 22-year-old skyler wheeler works in sales for iowa information in sheldon. the republican is a 2015 graduate of northwestern college. according to wheeler, kooiker encouraged him to run. siouxlanders received tips on how to improve their leadership skills from a sioux city native. former gateway executive, bishop
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mcnaughton, was in sioux city to present a lecture he calls: "how to grow your leadership skills and positively impact more people." hundreds attended the seminar in bishop heelan's fine arts building. mcnaughton says his focus is to help those who are struggling with their own bad habits to achieve their life goals. "we help people to get really clear on what it is they want to do and help them really orchestrate why it is important, take the massive action to be able to measure their approach and ultimately achieve whatever it is they want to achieve in life," said gene mcnaughton. during his lecure, mcnaughton discussed improving communicatio n with co-workers, time management, and he gave his six steps to success. it's never too early to talk to your kids about drug prevention. that's the goal behind the red ribbon campaign, a week long event aimed at teaching kids to stay away from drugs. the week begins next monday, but last night, siouxlanders, local law enforcement and the mayor's youth commission and others got together for red ribbon night at the long lines family rec center. the target audience was
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elementary and middle school students. "drugs can harm you, and makign them aware so later in life they understand that," said amanda wilmesherr of the mayor's youth commision. siouxland cares is selling red tulip bulbs for one dollar for red ribbon week. kids at lewis and clark elementary school in south sioux city are selling pumpkins to help feed the hungry. money from the pumpkin sale will be donated to the food bank of siouxland to be used for the "backpack" program. local businesses donated the pumpkins. teachers at lewis & clark school say the fundraiser teaches the students a valuable lesson. "it was very important for us to show our kids that not only can you receive from your community, you can also give back to your community," said lewis & clark elementary reading teacher, erica bowman. "for them to hold this little fundraiser and be able to donate that money back to a program that helps them weekly is really, really important." the great pumpkin patch sale continues today after school until 5 o'clock. the salty and sweet crunchy
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taste of kettle korn. after the break, we'll meet the guy from illinois who tells us how he helped make the treat a sweet national tradition. and i'll have your complete forecast next!
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the area with highs primarily in the 70s. a few sprinkles can't be ruled out this afternoon, but as far as measurable rain chances are concerned, those should hold off until later this week. as a cold front moves through tonight, high pressure will settle in behind it and provide some cooler (yet seasonal) high temperatures in the 60s the rest of the week and weekend. it's with our next larger scale weather system from the southwest that will provide most of the region with some rain thursday (west) and friday and leave us cooler, but dry for the weekend. see graphics. >> leaves are changing colors, families prepare to travel to the pumpkin patch... and the air is becoming crisp with the smell of kettle korn. all of these are signs of fall. david amelotti introduces you to
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a man connected to the sweet, salty snack becoming a national seasonal tradition.
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through the bag and then somebody quick take it s s i don't eat it in one sitting." dohman says jackie's kettle korn recipe, named after his wife, has evolved over time with experience being the most valuable ingredient. "there's different kinds of korn, the climate changes, some days it's humid. this popper gets so hot, not everybody can keep a good product flowing out." dohman learned from the best and the first. in 1985, newark missouri resident bill mann decided to start selling his families sugar korn. he invented the first popper, and with the help of dohman was the first to sell the seasonal treat "a paper bag that's all we sold and it grew from there. two years later, his wife coined the name kettle korn and that's where it all started and it's been going ever since." pride admires frank for his dedication and his local roots. "i can eat jackie's all year round, he's out here in the winter even, bundled up freezing." for dohman he says turning 60 won't stop him stirring the pot for another 30 years. "i keep working out to keep to be able to do it.. you know, i have to lift a little, work out, stay in shape, i'm tough (laughs)." >> that was david amelotti reporting. you can find duhman's kettle korn stand in
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the new trailer for the film "star wars: the force awakens" was released last night during monday night football. plus... ebony magazine's new cover is causing controversy. we'll have the details, next. if you think storm damage is the only cost of climate change, think again. from the rising price of food to higher insurance rates for homes and businesses, the economic damage will only get worse. but with american-made clean energy, we can save money on electricity and spur innovation to create new businesses and jobs.
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it all starts with 50% clean energy by 2030.
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here's a look at the tonight
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on the show tonight hillary clinton, dakota johnson, and fetty wap. you can catch the tonight show with jimmy fallon right here on ktiv at 10:35 after news 4. fans of that galaxy far far away got a peek at the upcoming "star wars: the force awakens" last night. the full-length trailer aired during halftime of "monday night football" on espn,
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which like lucasfilm, is owned by disney. tickets went on sale for the december 18th opening right after the trailer aired. heavy online traffic from fans crashed ticket sites like fandango for a short time. the trailer, which previews the seventh installment in the star wars film canon, features dramatic battle scenes and cameos of beloved characters han solo and chewbacca all over a classic john williams score. this is the first full length trailer after a pair of teaser trailers were released online earlier this year. ebony magazine is causing a stir with its new cover. it shows bill cosby's fictional t-v family underneath shattered glass. and an editorial is asking... what's to
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become of the cosby show's cultural legacy if cosby personally has been tainted. "the cosby show" was a ground-breaker in terms of depicting the african-american family life. some say the cover is good because it starts conversation about cosby. at least 35 women have accused cosby of sexual assault or rape over the years -- but cosby has never been charged -- partly because the statute of limitation has expired in most cases. britain's prince william spoke on chinese t-v yesterday about the need to protect wildlife. william appealed to the chinese people to do their part to protect elephants, rhinos and other animals. asian illegal trade in ivory and traditional medicine are driving forces of poaching elephants, rhinos and tigers. tuesday al- actor john krasinski is 36 sarah- rapper snoop lion (formerly snoop dogg) is
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al- singer tom petty is 65 sarah- actor william christopher is 83 >
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week. as a cold front moves through tonight, high pressure will settle in behind it and provide some cooler (yet seasonal) high temperatures in the 60s the rest of the week and weekend. it's with our next larger scale weather system from the southwest that will provide most of the region with some rain thursday (west) and friday and leave us cooler, but dry for the weekend. see graphics. >> we're wrapping things up on this tuesday morning. when we come back we'll have a recap of some of our top siouxland headlines this morning. plus... a site to see. a church that was covered by water is now visible because of a drought. that story is coming up after
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welcome to subway, what can i make for you? you'll love our new rotisserie-style chicken. 100% white meat,
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fresh toasted with melty cheese n' crisp veggies on freshly baked bread. enjoy it while it's here!
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here's a quick look at some of our siouxland news stories this tuesday morning. the city council approves spending 45- thousand dollars to study possible new uses of the former argosy casino site on sioux city's missouri riverfront. parks and rec director matt salvatore says the area should count on green space, possibly some fishing piers and overlooks. mayor bob scott says it's important to have something the city can be proud of for years to come, and critical that the public be a big part of the decision. this past weekend marked 20 years since an infant boy was found dead in a vacant mobile home in storm lake, iowa. no arrests have ever been made, but police say they won't stop until they have answers. baby john doe had been wrapped in a sweatshirt and left to die in a closet. an autopsy revealed he died of neglect or exposure. the community came together and paid for a funeral and proper
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burial for the child. police still don't know who baby doe's parents are or who is responsible for his death. teaching children about the dangers of drugs at a young age. that's the goal behind the week-long red ribbon campaign. it begins next monday, but last night, siouxlanders, local law enforcement and the mayor's youth commission got together for red ribbon night at the long lines family rec center. the message is simple: drugs can harm you, so they want to make children aware so later in life, they understand the danger. there's a new sculpture welcoming guests outside the public library in hull, iowa. the metal work of art features alice in wonderland walking through the looking glass. part of the story is written out on book pages. the sculpture took more than eight months to create. library staff it's a fun and unique way to grab people's attention when they visit the library.
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placed under house arrest. we're live in pretoria. (out) then.. (v/o) a rare, inside look at what facebook is doing to keep your information, safe.. ..and what their experts want you to change on your settings, this morning. (out) those stories, plus.. (v/o) the legendary bill murray stops by studio 1.a. when we get started, here on today. >> check this out... you can now get a glimpse of an extraordinary image of a 16th century church that was once covered by water. but because of a drought, the church appears in the middle of what once was a lake. the church is believed to have been built by spanish colonists and just recently emerged. this year the water level dropped 80 feet to reveal the 400 year-old roofless church. in 1966 a dam was built up river and the area was flooded. the last time it could be seen
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good morning. indecision 2016. the pressure on vice president joe biden intense to make his choice known. do democrats want him in the race? the surprising numbers out this morning. the hack. the fbi and secret service investigating hacks into the security. the hacker claims to be a high school student who picked his next target. arrested but not sorry. the driver accused of swerving into a motorcycle causing it to crash and charged with assault. will he apologize to the biker? >> to him?
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