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tv   News 4 at Noon  NBC  October 21, 2015 12:00pm-12:30pm CDT

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process doesn't respece or much care about things like filing deadlines, debates and primaries and caucuses." biden spent months deliberating with his family and political advisers about a potential late entry to the democratic primary. his decision bolsters hillary clinton's standing in the democratic primary by sparing her a challenge from the popular vice president. house speaker john boehner says he's fairly confident the gop's various factions will unite behind congressman paul ryan as the next speaker. boehner announced today he's scheduled a vote among republican members for next wednesday. should all go as planned, the full house would choose its new speaker the following day. boehner says he's confident that ryan will have the support he needs going forward. rep. john boehner (r) speaker of the house "this is not about us, not about us as leaders, not about us as members. our job is to do the right thing for the
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american people every day, now you've heard me say this multiple times but i'll say it one more time. if you do the right things every day for the righghreasons, the right things will l ppen for our country." paul ryan told fellow republicans last night that he would agree to be a candidate if gop members unify behind his candidacy. some hardline conservatives have been expressing reservations. hillary clinton goes back to capitol hill tomorrow to testify before the house committee investigating the deadly 2012 benghazi attacks. but today, democrats on the panel released the full 307-page transcript of testimony by a former top aide to then- secretary of state clinton. last week, cheryl mills and others testified behind closed doors about the attacks s the u-s compound in benghazi that left four americans dead, including the u-s ambassador to libya. mills was clinton's chief of staff at the state department. democrats have complained about what they call "selective and out-of-
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context leaks" they say have mischaracterized testimony by mills and other witnesses. > weather ad-lib quite a few clouds and a few showers off to our south and west might contribute to a few morning sprinkles today, but other than that conditions should remain dry. temperatures though will be quite a bit cooler with highs falling short of 70 degrees with some sunshine returning this afternoon. see graphics.
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>> "meet the press" moderator chuck todd talks politics during a visit to sioux city. he spoke last night at morningside college, analyzing the 2016 presididtial race. he outlined what he sees as the strengths and weaknesses of both parties. to an audience comprised largely of college students, todd spoke about the importance of younger generations and their voice in politics. "this is a huge problem for the future of the republican party," said chuck todd. "i mean there was a survey i saw recently that basically a third of millenials identified with the democratic party. a third identified with no party and only about 18 percent identified with the republican party." todd political director for nbc news. he was invited to morningside to to present the 2015 waitt lecture last night at eppley auditorium. before the lecture, he sat down
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with ktiv's matt breen and talked one- on-one about, what else... the 2016 presidential race.
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sanders. what's the advantage for biden if he gets into the race so many months after his competitors?" "he will suck up all of the attention, " todd said. "for a good three to six weeks it will be the joe biden show. whether it's you doing stories, or us doing stories, it's the curiosity aspect. so, he's going to get a run of attention, which will likely boost his poll numbers. i think he'll find his ceiling right away. so, will he get a small boost, or it it something that actually puts him competitive with hillary clinton." "with biden out of the race, clinton's lead surges to 25-percent over sanders," breen said. "with biden out, is clinton the nominee?" "in a one-on-one scenario with bernie sanders, absolutely," todd said. "i say that with one caveat. if sanders can will both iowa and new hampshire... we've seen this before. the whole world changes if one candidate sweeps both. it changes the way that candidate is perceived." "that same poll shows dr. ben carson surging... now within 3-points of donald trump," said breen. "why do you think republicans are gravitating to political outsiders in this campaign?" "in the same poll, we asked 'do you want new, or somebody with a little bit of experience?' and, it's not even close among republican primary voters. they want new even if it's inexperienced. even if it means people with backgrounds that have no connectivity to politics. they believe their leaders have failed them. this is a party that's dissatisfied with their own leaders in congress. they don't want the old guard, they want the new. "you spent some time with john kasich recently," breen said. "when talking bout the appeal of these "outsiders", kasich said, "when people have a health problem, sometimes
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people try alternative medicine... then when it gets real serious, they go hire a regular doctor." valid point?" "it's a valid point in a normal year," todd said. "but, this may not be a normal year. and, republican primary voters are that fed up." "chuck, thanks for your time," breen said. "you got it, buddy," todd said. >> a group of northwest iowa
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plans to sue osceola county over the distribution of tax revenue from wind turbines. they're unhappy that the board of supervisors has designated two-million dollars in tax increment financing money from the wind farm for repairs to the sewer system in the town of harris, population 170. wind farm revenue is usually dispersed throughout the county. opponents say the money should be going to school funding and other county projects. supervisor merlin sandersfeld says the harris project is in the best interest of the county as a whole. but landowner al brueggeman says doesn't want special interests to take ahold of the wind farm revenues. the opponents say they're preparing a lawsuit they plan to file within three weeks. woodbury county supervisors are again discussing the future of the prairie hills jail. last night, they looked at options to replace the aging facility, also known as the old county home off old highway 141 southeast of
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town. supervisor jeremy taylor estimates it would cost 1-point-2 million dollars to maintain the facility over the next 10 years. he says he's talked with several groups about closing prairie hills and expanding the law enforcement center in downtown sioux city by adding holding cells on the third floor. "studying whether or not the structural integrity can take the load limit or what we would want to put up there as far as the cell block spaces would be the first step," said jeremy taylor. the board discussed it, but took no action last night. on the way: patients at a sioux city hospital get a visit from the sioux city musketeers... and we've entered a stretch of cooler weather. meterologist ben dorenbach will be back with the full forecast. here's the live view from our skycam in spencer, iowa, where it's and degrees
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ben, it's a little bit cooler and a little bit cloudier. >
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it's a hat trick of meet and greets for a few sioux city musketeers players and some fans this morning. three muskies players stopped by unitypoint health - st. luke's to talk to patients. they took time off the ice to take photos, signed autographs, and hand out t-shirts. the hockey players say they enjoy getting out into the community to meet their fans. "i enjnj it because you can see the reactions on the people's faces when you come in and say hi and see how much it means to them and it just make my day knowing that i'm able to make someone happy or that happy, it just makes me happy," says jacob wilson, a denfensive man with the muskies. the muskies' visit was a welcome surprise for the patients a athe
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"it's hard to be in the hospit this long, so this was a treat to have you guys come," says jo thyr. "yeah, it was a nice surprise. i didn't expect this at all," says kevin thyr. the muskies were also sporting their pink in the rink jerseys that they will be wearing for their game at the tyson this saturday. sioux city takes on the tri city storm to raise money to fight breast cancer. back with farm markets after this...
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> stocks are moving higher at midday after several big u.s. companies delivered better earnings than expected,
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orange cones will be going up on morningside avenue next year. the city council held a public meeting at the morningside branch library tuesday to outline the plans. work will be done on the avenue from south royce to south nicollet, starting next spring. construction-weary residents have mixed mixed feelings aboututhe plan. "it's kind of split," said city engineer, glenn ellis. "a lot of people are glad that improvements are coming but at the same time they feel there's too much construction going on in the city. we do have a follow-up project after this one to take place the following year to extend to lakeport, so the construction will continue." it's a six-month project scheduled to start next april. still ahead.. the marching band... the tiger mascot... it was a full-fledged clemson pep rally in south carolina.
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not for a football game... but for a little girl. it was all about addie grace... and we'll have that story when we return. who's toughest on spending? fox news did the analysis and jeb bush had the best record. billions in pork, vetoed. eight budgets, balanced. and tax cuts every single year. right to rise usa is responsible for the content of this message. who has the plan for jobs? jeb. tax cuts for the middle class.
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eliminates special loopholes.s. an explosion in growth and new jobs. jeb: cut taxes. grow america. right to rise usa is responsible for the content of this message. here's a live look at west lake okoboji from okoboji skycam... clemson university football is currently riding high in the polls. but the school's band and mascot are number one in the heart of one south carolina family. the school staged a pep rally in
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honor of 10-month old addie grace, who was born with a rare, fatal disease. krysne brown has that story.
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the clemson band.. cheerleaders and piedmont community brought the game to her. (stephanie bolt/addie grace's mother) "to walk out here and see so much support and love is amazing." (krystyne brown/reporti ng) "addie grace even got a signed football with well wishes from clemson coach dabo swinney." (jonathan bolt/addie grace's father) "the coolest thing thaha has ever h hpened to me. it is pretty incredible." the parade came as a total surprise for the piedmont couple. but they say.. team addie grace has been surrounding them with support since day one. (jill lancaster/add ie grace's great aunt) "you know we hear so many bad things on the news, and this is probably one of the best stories that everyone needs to hear." now the family just hopes her ory.. of love and courage... will continue to swell. (tammy maddox/addie grace's grandmother) "it is absolutely amazing. just heart touching. addie has a definite purpose here." (nat sound) (tammy maddox/addie grace's grandmother) "god is in control of this and it is just amazing how many lives she has touched." >> >
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think again. from the rising price of food to higher insurance ras for homes and businesses, the economic damage will only get worse. but with american-made clean energy, we can save money on electricity and spur innovation to create new businesses and jobs. it all starts with 50% clean energy by 2030.
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season. we're ending on halloween and we're going to scare people a little bit. so give us a synopsis of wait until dark. wait until dark takes place in 1944 in greenwich village in new york. it's in the apartment of a blind woman. she has come into possession of a doll. this doll is so special that there are people that would kill for it. they're trying to get it from her, along the way she figures them out. things turn out alright in the end. it's a thriller, it's a lot of action and it's dark both literally and in theme. this might be maybe more adult, but kids are welcome too. kids are welcome. it would be rated probably pg-13, there is some murder in it. this is something a little different from your average play that you might see. it is. it's not just a feel good play about love and something like that, it's a little dark. it's meaty is the way i like to describe it. as the director, tell me a little about t ur cast. i have a six member cast, plus someone who has a cameo role. they're people from le mars and orange city. i have mark who is a veteran to our stage, rob has been on our stage before, we've got a new guy pete who people haven't seen, sophie plays a little upstairs neighbor girl, our leading lady is brandy from orange city playing the blind woman, she's done a fantastic job, the baddest of the bad is played by a man named
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scott also from orange city. wait until dark opens on the 22nd. be sure to get your tickets at lemarscommunitytheatre.o rg. richard, thanks so much for being here. thank you. thanks for joining us for around siouxland. >>
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thanks for joining us. have a great afternoon!
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. >> daniel: mm. >> nicole: there's something you need to know about me. >> daniel: oh, there's more? >> nicole: mm-hmm. i know how to make toast. >> daniel: oh, wow, that sets you apart. >> nicole: mm-hmm. so... >> daniel: yes? >> nicole: i propose... >> daniel: mm-hmm. >> nicole: instead of having a calorie--carb-laden irish breakfast, we go back to your place, i'll make whole-grain toast, and we'll have breakfast in bed. >> daniel: mm. >> nicole: and lunch. and dinner, if you're up to it. >> daniel: and what will we do in-between meals? >> nicole: oh, i don't know. i'm sure you'll think of something. >> daniel: mmm, that just sounds delicious. >> nicole: mm-hmm. >> daniel: yet, >> nicole: what? oh, no fun. >> daniel: oh, well, that's debatable. >> nicole: [laughs] >> daniel: look, t t reason we are eating here in the first place is so we can keep our minds on business
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