tv News 4 Today NBC October 22, 2015 5:00am-7:00am CDT
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with a shop vac, some metal, a few pipes, a generator and wood chips, you can produce electricity. if you know how to combine those things properly. "the process itself is older technology," said chris jeffries. "it's very simple." chris jeffries created this gasifier. he explained the process as using the shop vac to create negative pressure, while wood waste is heated in a separate large cyclinder where gasses from unburned wood are then siphoned into a filter before feeding a generator. "it's a controlled combustion, a controlled pyrolysis," said chris jeffries. the city of south sioux city, nebraska, plans to plug in this technology. "we're trying to be self-sufficient and go as green as possible," said rod koch. mayor rod koch says using this gasifier will save the city $40,000 a year in electric costs. "it saves us from having to dispose of trees that are eventually going to die anyways because of this emerald
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borer ash," said rod koch. the unit will be much larger than this and will be placed here near the scenic park. as you can see they don't have the actual gasifier yet. the bioenergy unit is going to be hooked up to these transformers and the grid system which means the electricity is not just going to be used for campers or people in the park here, it could be used in households as well. "we're going to have about a ton and half capacity in their feed hopper," said chris jeffries. jeffries says upkeep is easy and the unit would only need filling about once a week. in south sioux city, nebraska, sam curtiss, ktiv news four.>> the city used a grant to pay for most of the project. and they say they're hoping to have it up and running before christmas. valero renewables operates 11 ethanol plants in the midwest. four of them are in iowa, including this one in hartley. yesterday, those plants kicked off their annual united way campaign. employees learned about the importance of giving back by donating to the united way, and completing community service with different organizations. while valero takes pride in its community service efforts, a spokesman says it also takes pride in how well the plants are doing, especially the one in hartley. "ethanol margins which is basically like the profit that you get from making ethanol are down compared to last year,"
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said day. "last year was an excellent, excellent year for ethanol. this year is a good year. it's just not as gigantic as last year was." valero has 11 ethanol plants in the midwest. four are in iowa. it also has 13 petroleum refineries in the midwest as well. yesterday mexico's government announced the capture of six people believed responsible for the july prison break by joaquin "el chapo" guzman, attorney general arely gomez said the alleged mastermind is a member of guzman's legal team who had access to the prison near mexico city. he was able to notify guzman of the operation's progress and receive instructions. about 23 prison officials and employees have also been arrested, some face criminal charges. city leaders in cushing, iowa lifted a boil advisory that was put in place after a pump failed in the city's primary well, last friday.
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well has been repaired, and is back in use. but, for the last five days, residents were told to boil their water because the water coming from a back-up well had higher levels of nitrates. city leaders say nitrate levels in the primary well are much lower. and bacterial samples came back as "satisfactory" , making it no longer necessary to boil water in cushing. today, folks living in soldier, iowa, will have to start boiling their water. city officials say the boil advisory is necessary after the main valve in the city's pumphouse broke. crews will begin the repair work this morning. residents are asked to boil their water starting at 9am. the suspect accused of killing a new york city police officer is set to be arraigned for the crime. tyrone howard is expected to be charged for the murder of officer randolph holder and could face charges for other crimes he's suspected of. officer holder was shot and killed in a confrontation with howard tuesday night. howard was a suspect in an armed robbery that had occurred moments earlier in
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east harlem. officer holder had been with the nypd for five years. he comes from a family of law enforcement officers. both his father and grandfather were policemen in his native guyana. one person is in custody after two ohio firefighters were held hostage last night in ohio. five amherst firefighters were called to a report of a brush fire. a man at the scene was attempting to burn leaves. when firefighters told the man to stop, officials say the man pulled out a rifle. three firefighters were then taken hostage. they were held for two hours. the situation resolved peacefully. and no one was hurt. students at umpqua community college in oregon held a memorial for those killed during a campus shooting earlier this month. the event was held at a local park and was led by the students themselves. there was drumming and musical performances by students. organizers said the gathering was about the campus community coming together to support each other. --sot--(thomas o'neill/umpqua community college foundation) "the students especially needed
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closure and the staff as well, but the students needed to be able to do this themselves and bring closure to their feelings." the night ended with friends and family of the nine victims sharing stories about their loved ones. the decorah eagles look to have a new home for this upcoming season-- but one they only partially built themselves. staff from the raptor resource center are building a new one for them after their old one was knocked down in a storm. brad hanson has our story.
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adopt it after a storm blew their old one down.. howe says it was a gamble, but one that has paid off. "sure enough, to our surprise and satisfaction, it's actually come true now." (brad hanson, reporting) "the eagles showed up in early october, and since then have spent more and more time in this nest, making it their own, much to the delight of thousands of fans worldwide." "they're loving it. it's so neat to see how much people are enjoying the eagles already, just this early in the season." howe believes this is the first time a project like this has been undertaken--a nd successful. he says it's even more special because of the history behind this idea. "it's neat to think about, because it was one of the last things we were talking to bob anderson, our former director, before he died.. he was very excited about that. so really we've put something together that we would've done with him and now we've seen this great success." >> that was brad hanson reporting. work is nearly complete on a backup eagle cam near decorah.
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"it all started w/ a knock on the door they came to the door saying they were already doing work on a neighbor's house and that it would be a cheaper cost for us because the equipment was already in the area" leonard wanted a tall tree behind his home cut down. the company quoted him what he considered a good deal. (sot: keith leonard, homeowner) "we couldn't refuse the price" so leonard signed this contract and workers cut down his tree the same day. then returned the next day to finish the job. but.... (sot: keith leonard, homeowner) "but then they said, oh, sorry we don't have all the equipment what they were supposed to do is cut into really small pieces and remove it from the property" so the company offered to do other yard work (sot: keith leonard, homeowner) "mulching leaf removalal rereining wall" leonard gned a second contract. he paid for both jobs up front.... more than 36- hundred dollars. (sot: keith leonard, homeowner) "and never saw them again" this is what can happen when you hire a company without checking it out first. (sot: kevin brassler, "one problem is unlicensed workers, unlicensed companies running around with chainsaws who are just doing work on the fly. kevin brassler is with checkbook dot org. it found some charged momo than twice as much h their cocoetitors. for that reason... brassler says
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get multiple price quotes.... and you don't even have to be home to do it. (sot: kevin brassler, "you can tie a ribbon around the tree or rope around the tree or whatever some way to identify it and just call a bunch of tree care companies and ask them to come out and leave a bid" checkbook warns... never pay for a job up front. and avoid hiring companies that canvass neighborhoods theyeye red flags leonard d ys he wishes 'd thought of before now. (sot: keith leonard, homeowner) "i feel ripped off .. they came in seemed very trustworthy and they ended up not being" >> that was erika gonzalez reporting. still to come on news 4 today, northwest iowa community college attempts to break the world record for longest selfie line. we'll have the details coming up next.
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got on a full american suit." "every time a selfie is taken, there's a special meaning behind each photo. and with this activity, school officials say there's an important message they're trying to get across." "picture your success," said alethea stubbe, president of northwest iowa community colege. "your success is our story. selfies just fit into the theme so perfectly that we decided to do this attempt." students' classes were dismissed for a few hours so that they could all participate. some students at the event were seasoned selfie-takers. and others had a whole new experience. "are you someone who normally takes selfies?" said tiffany lane. "no m'am. i have a flip phone. so that's kind of hard to do." the school just fell short of the record. they had 445 selfies taken and the previous record was 531. next year, they ll attempt to break another world record. in sheldon, iowa, tiffany lane ktiv news 4.>> the record attempt was part of the weeklong homecoming celebration at the college called the
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she is descending into the bell of the stratus destroyer . i think there is a creator inside everybody. you just t ve to let it out." phillip isherwood founded the company after losing his public utility job during the 2008 recession. he tapped into his si fi obsession and started messing around with a homemade ghtsabre. (s/ phillip isherwood / sabreforge1:01-1:07) "18 mont ago we were running this out of a garage. it was me and two other guys. this is one of our really popular ones." now they sell over a m mlion dollars in product a year worldwide. his 30 employees will double to 60 by december with huge orders for halloween costumes, christmas and of course the movie's december premiere. (s/ phillip isherwood / sabreforge1:21-1:32) "mostly social media. people
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making friends all across the world and realizing hey this is a eclectic interest we have e d its not so eclectic. a lot of people share it so people are being more honest about their geekyness." all the parts are made and assembled in oregon city. the handles are called hilts and drilled and designed by fellow star wars buffs. the most powerful led lights in the business are drilled in along with the amazing cinematic sound effects. and that policarbonate blade is virtually indestructible in the duel. even for live action newbies ke me. "you're going to pull with the top hand and push with the bottom hand. left foot forward.. we're going to go high. a serious workout and some fun from some guys who arent hiding
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biden announces he will not run for president... democratic frontrunner hillary clintois in the hot seat. the former secretary of state squares off with the republican-led house committee investigating the 2012 terror attack on the u.s. consulate in benghazi. the latest from washington is on the way. and as we get closer to halloween... it's crunch time to get your costumes. while there's always the traditional route, there's also new costumes to dress up as. we'll head to a local costume shop to check out what's popular this year. and later... more younger diagnosed with colon cancer... but health screenings for it are recommended much later. in healthbeat 4... one man with the disease questions if that's old advice. but first ben....
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(sot: rep. sheila jackson-lee/ (d) texas) "tomorrow will be nothing but a fiasco." democrats call it a partisan witch hunt. republicans say this could be the best chance to find out why four americans died in benghazi. (sot: rep. john boehner/ (r) ohio) "(are you looking forward to the house benghazi hearing?) i am." besides grilling clinton on her own emails... still being released... lawmakers are expected to unveil new information today: eight thousand pages of email from ambassador chris stevens. (sot: rep. peter roskam/ (r) illinois) "so where does the fault lie for the timing of this? it lies with the state department who only 36 hours ago has released some of ambassador stevens' emails." stevens asked for more security before he was killed. he didn't get it. clinton's team says those requests never reached her desk. (sot: rep. loretta sanchez/ (d) california) "i expect that secretary clinton will push back on the half-truths and the outright fabrication of these crazy conspiracy theories." the committee wants to know why stevens requests were denied? were there warning signs? and - given the risk - why were
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we there in the first place? today clinton's expected to push for more security training... and more diplomacy in risky areas. ("political ad") super burned in (clinton superpac ad, "republicans can play political games, but hillary clinton will always stand strong.") the super-pac backing clinton's campaign is running this ad today in d-c and four early voting states. our nbc-wall street journal poll found 44 percent of americans aren't satisfied with clinton's answers about benghazi. just over a third think the committee's been unfair and too partisan. i'm tracie potts in washington, now back to you. >> after months of anticipation, and speculation, vice president joe biden announced that he will not run for president in 2016. biden made his announcement from the white house rose garden, yesterday afternoon, with his wife jill and president barack
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obama by his side. the vice president said he believed the window of opportunity had closed for running a successful campaign. he did, however, say he won't be silent during the campaign, and urged democratic contenders to defend the legacy of president obama. "and this is what i believe. i believe that president obama has led this nation from crisis to recovery and we're now in the cusp of resurgence and i'm proud to have played a part in that," said vice president biden. it was believed that biden had been preparing for a presidential bid following the death of his son beau, and his dying wish that his father give it one last go. retiring house speaker john boehner says he's confident the gop's various factions will unite behind congressman paul ryan as the next speaker. boehner announced yesterday he's scheduled a vote among republican members for next wednesday. if all go as planned, the full house would choose its new speaker next thursday. boehner says he's confident that ryan will have the support he needs going forward.
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rep. john boehner (r) speaker of the house "this is not about us, not about us as leaders, not about us as members. our job is to do the right thing for the american people every day, now you've heard me say this multiple times but i'll say it one more time. if you do the right things every day for the right reasons, the right things will happen for our country." ryan told fellow republicans that he would agree to be a candidate, but only if gop members unify behind his candidacy. some hardline conservatives have expressed reservations. nebraska governor pete ricketts says the state is still working with the d-e-a to import lethal injection drugs from india. in may, nebraska lawmakers voted to abolish the death penalty over the governor's veto. that triggered a petition drive that got enough support to place the issue on the ballot, and prevent the law from going into effect until the november 2016 election. still, problems importing the drugs might mean the state can't carry out any executions before the election, which is barely
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12- months away. if you've had drive-through food recently, or been grocery shopping, you can't miss this next story. a new survey reveals more than half of food industry workers in the u-s and canada ... go to work sick. the center for research and public policy polled 12-hundred people working in food processing plants, restaurants and grocery stores. 51-percent said they always, or frequently, go to work when they're sick. 15-percent of workers said they wouldn't serve the food they make to their own families. mid-sioux opportunity is hosting their 7th annual mitten fundraiser to provide assistance to needy families. you can help by purchasing a mitten at any of the participating businesses for one dollar. all proceeds go toward meeting the needs of families in lyon, sioux, plymouth, cherokee and ida counties. all of the funds raised will be used to help families. that includes clothing, food, rental assistance or utility assistance. a list of places where you can purchase a
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mitten can be found inside this story at ktiv dot com. halloween is next saturday and kids are still searching for the right costume. from traditional witches to trendy t-v shows... there are so many characters to choose from. ktiv's tommie clark talked with some little shoppers to find out what the popular costumes are this halloween.
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kids how to stay safe by carrying a flash light, wearing costumes with lots of color, and always staying in contact with your kids. "stay next to your mom and you always have your phone," said 12-year-old trick-or-treater, bailey bleil. but the kids only have one thing on their minds... "you get lots of candy," said 6-year- old trick-or-treater, brylee bleil. "the candy. you get it for free," said 8- year-old trick-or-treater, lilyanna koogh. "candy pretty much," said 12-year- old trick-or-treater, bailey bleil. "you get tons and tons and tons of candy," said 8-year-old trick-or- treater, samantha koogh. while parents say their favorite part is seeing their kids happy and having a good time. "it's fun to see them thank people for what they're getting and also to get dressed up. get some make-up on, have fun and then go out together as a family," said lawton-bronson parent, carla bleil. "i think the most fun part of the job is seeing the kids all excited and finding them the costume that they want to be and getting them all ready," said sioux city party city general manager, dona mckillop. mckillop says overall, frozen and the descendants have been the two most popular costume choices for kids this year. tommie clark...ktiv news 4.
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and a few reminders from police to keep your trick or treaters safe this year. make sure your yard is clear of ladders, hoses, and pet leashes. halloween costumes should be made of fire retardant material, and the eye holes should be large enough for your kids to see well. if your older kids are going alone, plan and review the route they'll take. only go to homes with a porch light on... and never enter a home or car for a treat. a young man dealing with colon
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his story on the way on healthbeat four... ben: and i'll have your complete if you think storm damage is the only cost of climate change, think again. from the rising price of food to higher insurance rates for homes and businesses, the economic damage will only get worse. but with american-made clean energy, we can save money on electricity and spur innovation to create new businesses and jobs. it all starts with 50% clean energy by 2030.
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as this system moves northeastward, those showers will become fewer and farther between during the day friday and eventually dry up by friday evening. temperature-wise, highs and lows will be seasonal in the 60s and 40s respectively for the rest of the week and weekend with some sunshine expected heading into early next week before another rain chance returns monday night and tuesday.
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cancer is more advanced. so colonoscopy, which can detect cancer early, is recommended to those over 50 and those at higher risk. (sot: dr. david purdue, gastroenterologist) "if they've had family members who have had polyps or colon cancer they need to talk to their doctor about that." marvin falls outside those recommendations. still he tells others, don't shy away from talking about colon cancer. (sot: marvin arrivillaga, patient) "get tested a colonoscopy might be uncomfortabl e for 5 minutes but believe me dealing with cancer for life a little harder." >> that was renee tessman reporting. the farm market numbers are coming up next on news four... plus, a popular toy is in high demand, which could cause a shortage for christmas.
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the dow fell 49 points to 17,169. the nasdaq slid 41 and the s&p lost 12 points. today... the labor department releases weekly jobless claims today. freddie mac, the mortgage company, releases weekly mortgage rates. bundling your auto and homeowner's insurance could save you a lot of money. consumers can save an average of 295 dollars a year by purchasing their auto and homeowner's insurance from the same company. that's according to a study released today by insurance quotes dot com. the study also found the average savings of bundling car and condo insurance is eleven percent... while bundling auto and renter's insurance can save an average of eight percent. since everyone's situation is unique, consumers are encouraged to get bundled quotes and separate quotes... to make sure they're getting a good deal. everything is not awesome for lego. lego factories are running at full speed, but some children may not get their christmas wish fulfilled this year. the danish company warns it may not be able to crank out enough of its building
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bricks for the remainder of the year... due to high demand from toy stores in europe. lego has become the world's largest toymaker by sales, thanks partly to toys linked to movies, including "the lego movie." ben's back with a check on your forecast and we'll rundown today's top news stories from siouxland. and in the hollywood minute... tired of sitting through ads before watching a you tube video? instead of clicking skip ad... the video streaming site is offering a new service that will be ad free.
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here are some of the stories making headlines this morning in siouxland. south sioux city will soon be generating power from wood chips. it received a 216-thousand dollar grant that will be put toward a unit that creates electricity from gas produced by unburned wood chips. this is a smaller demonstration model of the generator. the city will also spend 50-thousand dollars of its own money, but officials say they'll save about 40-thousand dollars each year in electrical costs--- and have a new way to dispose of trees and brush. valero renewables kicked off its annual united way campaign yesterday. valero has 11 ethanol plants in the midwest, including this one in hartley, iowa. a company spokesman says they want the communities where they do business to be proud of having valero in town and they want their employees to proud that they work for valero. in addition to its ethanol plants, valero has 13 petroleum refineries in the midwest. a boil advisory goes into effect today in soldier, iowa, after the main valve in the city's pumphouse broke. crews will begin the repair work this morning. residents are asked to boil their water starting at 9am. meanwhile, a boil order has been lifted in cushing, iowa. that one started last friday after a pump failed in the city's primary well, but it has been repaired and the all clear has been given. and it was picture day at northwest iowa community college in sheldon, on a big scale!
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students attempted to break the world record for the most selfies taken at once. close, but no cigar. they had 445 selfies taken. the record is 531. yesterday's record attempt was part of the week-long homecoming celebration at n-i-c-c. organizers say they'll try to break another world record next year. a divorce is on hold for a kardashian... a familiar face to host this year's oscars.. and watch out netfix, there's a new kid on the block.. andy rose reports.
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chris rock will return to the spotlight! rock hosted the awards ceremony back in 2005, just months before the debut of his hit sitcom, "everybody hates chris." the 88th annual academy awards air on february 28th. move over netflix...youtu be is unveiling its new ad- free streaming service, dubbed "youtube red". the new service will let you watch youtube videos without ads, save videos to watch offline and play videos in the background on a mobile device. the price tag... you guessed it... $9.99 a month. for hollywood minute, i'm andy rose. >> it's ---. time for a break... but coming up in our third half hour of news 4 today... the popular decorah it's ---. time for a break... but coming up in our third half hour of news 4 today... the popular decorah eagles have adopted a new home. they're getting comfy in their new man-made nest. and the briar cliff men's basketball team is gearing up for the season. with many returning players, the team is taking the title of preseason favorite.
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good morning. thanks for joining us on this thursday october 22nd. coming up in this half hour of news 4 today... as researches look to find sustainable ways to provide energy, one siouxland town is firing up its renewable energy efforts.. by turning waste wood into electricity. also... the bald eagles in eastern iowa... made famous by the live stream of their nest on the web... have a new home. half built by the birds... the rest by humans... but the decorah eagles are settling-in in their new nest. and... a siouxland college got a big group of students together to snap a selfie... hoping to break a world record. could they do it? we'll find out. and later... we'll check out the briar cliff chargers... recently named the
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large cyclinder where gasses from unburned wood are then siphoned into a filter before feeding a generator. "it's a controlled combustion, a controlled pyrolysis," said chris jeffries. the city of south sioux city, nebraska, plans to plug in this technology. "we're trying to be self-sufficient and go as green as possible," said rod koch. mayor rod koch says using this gasifier will save the city $40,000 a year in electric costs. "it saves us from having to dispose of trees that are eventually going to die anyways because of this emerald borer ash," said rod koch. the unit will be much larger than this and will be placed here near the scenic park. as you can see they don't have the actual gasifier yet. the bioenergy unit is going to be hooked up to these transformers and the grid system which means the electricity is not just going to be used for campers or people in the park here, it could be used in households as well. "we're going to have about a ton and half capacity in their feed hopper," said chris jeffries. jeffries says upkeep is easy and the unit would only need filling about once a week. in south sioux city, nebraska, sam curtiss, ktiv news four. >> the city used a grant to pay for most of the project. and they
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say they're hoping to have it up and running before christmas. valero renewables operates 11 ethanol plants in the midwest. four of them are in iowa, including the one in hartley. yesterday, those plants kicked off their annual united way campaign. employees learned about the importance of giving back by donating to the united way, and completing community service with different organizations. while valero takes pride in its community service efforts, a spokesman says it also takes pride in how well the plants are doing, especially the one in hartley. "ethanol margins which is basically like the profit that you get from making ethanol are down compared to last year," said day. "last year was an excellent, excellent year for ethanol. this year is a good year. it's just not as gigantic as last year was." valero has 11 ethanol plants in the midwest. four are in iowa. it also has 13 petroleum refineries in the midwest as well. city leaders in cushing, iowa lifted a boil advisory that was put in place after a pump failed in the city's primary well, last friday. city officials say the primary well has been repaired, and is back in use.
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but, for the last five days, residents were told to boil their water because the water coming from a back-up well had higher levels of nitrates. city leaders say nitrate levels in the primary well are much lower. and bacterial samples came back as "satisfactory" , making it no longer necessary to boil water in cushing. today, folks living in soldier, iowa, will have to start boiling their water. city officials say the boil advisory is necessary after the main valve in the city's pumphouse broke. crews will begin the repair work this morning. residents are asked to boil their water starting at 9am. yesterday mexico's government announced the capture of six people believed responsible for the july prison break by joaquin "el chapo" guzman, attorney general arely gomez said the alleged mastermind is a member of guzman's legal team who had access to the prison near mexico city, and was able to notify guzman of the operation's progress and receive instructions. about 23 prison officials and employees have also been
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the suspect accused of killing a new york city police officer is set to be arraigned for the crime. tyrone howard is expected to be charged for the murder of officer randolph holder and could face charges for other crimes he's suspected of. officer holder was shot and killed in a confrontation with howard tuesday night. howard was a suspect in an armed robbery that had occurred moments earlier in east harlem. officer holder had been with the nypd for five years. he comes from a family of law enforcement officers. both his father and grandfather were policemen in his native guyana. one person is in custody after three ohio firefighters were held hostage last night. five amherst firefighters were called to a report of a brush fire. a man at the scene was attempting to burn leaves. when firefighters told the man to stop, officials say the man pulled out a rifle. three firefighters were then taken hostage. they were held for two hours. the situation resolved peacefully. and no one was hurt.
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college in oregon held a memorial for those killed during a campus shooting earlier this month. the event was held at a local park and was led by the students themselves. there was drumming and musical performances by students. organizers said the gathering was about the campus community coming together to support each other. "the students especially needed some closure and the staff as well, but the students needed to be able to do this themselves and bring closure to their feelings." the night ended with friends and family of the nine victims sharing stories about their loved ones. a building effort by both bird and human for the decorah eagles. they now have a new nest after a storm destoryed theirs. we'll check it out next.
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thousands of fans worldwide." "they're loving it. it's so neat to see how much people are enjoying the eagles already, just this early in the season." howe believes this is the first time a project like this has been undertaken--a nd successful. he says it's even more special because of the history behind this idea. "it's neat to think about, because it was one of the last things we were talking to bob anderson, our former director, before he died.. he was very excited about that. so really we've put something together that we would've done with him and now we've seen this great success." >> that was brad hanson reporting. work is nearly complete on a backup eagle cam near decorah. the new director says they should finish work on that second camera on a different nest sometime in the next month. as football season wraps up..
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if you think storm damage is the only cost of climate change, think again. from the rising price of food to higher insurance rates for homes and businesses, the economic damage will only get worse. but with american-made clean energy, we can save money on electricity and spur innovation to create new businesses and jobs. it all starts with 50% clean energy by 2030.
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briar cliff has trotted out some young men's basketball lineups the last couple of years. those young players have grown up and today -- the chargers were chosen as the preseason favorite in the gpac coaches poll -- to win the conference. the chargers went 13-7 in the gpac last season and were 22-11 overall, earning a trip to the naia national tournament. the chargers have their top four scorers back, and they're all guards. shane graves, clay herreld, austin lefler and bryan forbes all averaged between 10 and 11 points per game. bc might be a little small, but they'll put up points. "we just got to be the more feisty team, the more aggressive team and just get after those 50-50
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balls because we know we're not going to win all the rebounding battles," said junior guard austin lefler. "we're not going to out- muscle people but we can out-quick them and out-hustle them definitely." "if you asked our guards a style we could pick it would definitely be this one," said junior guard shane graves. "we're run and gun and in your face pressure defense, which is the way we have to play." "a question for our team is how are we going to be when we match up against big, physical, methodical teams and there are some of those teams in our league who play that way," said head coach nic nelson. "whether or not we can defend and rebound with those teams is really going to determine how far this team can go." the chargers open the season at william penn on october 29th. the home opener is november 4th. here is the gpac men's preseason poll -- with briar cliff at the top with five first place votes. dordt is second with three first place ballots. northwestern is picked fifth and morningside -- who tied for the gpac title last year is 8th. morningside is the favorite in the women's gpac poll. the defending national champs got 11 of 12 first place votes -- coaches could not vote for their own team. briar cliff was
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story. selfies just fit into the theme so perfectly that we decided to do this attempt." students' classes were dismissed for a few hours so that they could all participate. some students at the event were seasoned selfie-takers. and others had a whole new experience. "are you someone who normally takes selfies?" said tiffany lane. "no m'am. i have a flip phone. so that's kind of hard to do." the school just fell short of the record. they had 445 selfies taken and the previous record was 531. next year, they will attempt to break another world record. in sheldon, iowa, tiffany lane ktiv news 4.>> the record attempt was part of the weeklong homecoming celebration at the college called the "annual days of thunder." it's . time for a break. we're back with our fourth half hour of news 4 today. first though.. here's a look at
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frontrunner hillary clinton is in the hot seat. the former secretary of state squares off with the republican-led house committee investigating the 2012 terror attack on the u.s. consulate in benghazi. the latest from washington is on the way. and as we get closer to halloween... it's crunch time to get your costumes. while there's always the traditional route, you'll also find something new to dress up as. we'll head to a local costume shop to check out what's popular this year. and one oregon dad asks his two sons what they want to be for halloween months in advance... because he builds their dream costumes around their wheelchairs. that story a little later. but first ben is on the outdoor weather patio. bring your jackets this morning.
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northeastward, those showers between during the day friday and eventually dry up by friday >> in washington: hillary clinton in washington: hillary clinton testifies today before the house committee investigating the deadly 2012 attack in benghazi, libya. it's their first hearing since january. tracie potts is on capitol hill with a preview.
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(sot: rep. sheila jackson-lee/ (d) texas) "tomorrow will be nothing but a fiasco." democrats call it a partisan witch hunt. republicans say this could be the best chance to find out why four americans died in benghazi. (sot: rep. john boehner/ (r) ohio) "(are you looking forward to the house benghazi hearing?) i am." besides grilling clinton on her own emails... still being released... lawmakers are expected to unveil new information today: eight thousand pages of email from ambassador chris stevens. (sot: rep. peter roskam/ (r) illinois) "so where does the fault lie for the timing of this? it lies with the state department who only 36 hours ago has released some of ambassador stevens' emails." stevens asked for more security before he was killed. he didn't get it. clinton's team says those requests never reached her desk. (sot: rep. loretta sanchez/ (d) california) "i expect that secretary clinton will push back on the half-truths and the outright fabrication of these crazy conspiracy theories." the committee wants to know why stevens requests were denied? were there warning signs? and - given the risk - why were we there in the first place? today clinton's expected to push for more security training... and more diplomacy in risky areas.
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("political ad") super burned in (clinton superpac ad, "republicans can play political games, but hillary clinton will always stand strong.") the super-pac backing clinton's campaign is running this ad today in d-c and four early voting states. our nbc-wall street journal poll found 44 percent of americans aren't satisfied with clinton's answers about benghazi. just over a third think the committee's been unfair and too partisan. i'm tracie potts in washington, now back to you. >> after months of anticipation, and speculation, vice president joe biden announced that he will not run for president in 2016. biden made his announcement from the white house rose garden, yesterday afternoon, with his wife jill and president barack obama by his side. the vice president said he
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believed the window of opportunity had closed for running a successful campaign. he did, however, say he won't be silent during the campaign, and urged democratic contenders to defend the legacy of president obama. "and this is what i believe. i believe that president obama has led this nation from crisis to recovery and we're now in the cusp of resurgence and i'm proud to have played a part in that," said vice president biden. it was believed that biden had been preparing for a presidential bid following the death of his son beau, and his dying wish that his father give it one last go. retiring house speaker john boehner says he's confident the gop's various factions will unite behind congressman paul ryan as the next speaker. boehner announced yesterday he's scheduled a vote among republican members for next wednesday. should all go as planned, the full house would choose its new speaker next thursday. boehner says he's confident that ryan will have the support he needs going forward. rep. john boehner (r) speaker of the house
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"this is not about us, not about us as leaders, not about us as members. our job is to do the right thing for the american people every day, now you've heard me say this multiple times but i'll say it one more time. if you do the right things every day for the right reasons, the right things will happen for our country." ryan told fellow republicans that he would agree to be a candidate, but only if gop members unify behind his candidacy. some hardline conservatives have expressed reservations. nebraska governor pete ricketts says the state is still working with the d-e-a to import lethal injection drugs from india. in may, nebraska lawmakers voted to abolish the death penalty over the governor's veto. that triggered a petition drive that got enough support to place the issue on the ballot, and prevent the law from going into effect until the november 2016 election. still, problems importing the drugs might mean the state can't carry out any executions before the election, which is barely 12- months away.
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halloween? halloween is next saturday and kids are still searching for the right costume. from traditional to trendy... there are so many characters to choose from. and the type of costume they want to wear usually changes every year depending on what movies and television shows are popular. kids we talked to at a siouxland costume shop had plenty of ideas. "bumble bee, lady bug, we wore pirates, and then i was dorothy one time," said 12-year-old trick-or- treater, bailey bleil. "i worn a cheetah, a black cat, a tiger, a panther," said 6-year-old trick-or- treater, brylee bleil. "i've been a spider queen and a vampire," said 8-year-old trick-or- treater, samantha koogh. and a few reminders from police to keep your trick or treaters safe this year.
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make sure your yard is clear of ladders, hoses, and pet leashes. halloween costumes should be made of fire retardant material, and the eye holes should be large enough for your kids to see well. if your older kids are going alone, plan and review the route they'll take. only go to homes with a porch light on... and never enter a home or car for a treat. one very creative oregon dad has been working on the costumes for his two sons for months. that's because he transforms the boys' wheelchairs into elaborate
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winston designers as he created toothless for keaton last halloween while jayce was gronkle from how to train a dragon. (sot: son) "there was dragons and instead of killing them they made friends with the dragons" (sot: daniel saunders, builds costumes) "when keaton wears it in the front yard people stop and look at it and they're like whoa that is so cool" (nats) ryan and his wife lana have already lost 2 children to the form of muscular dystrophy which has keaton and bryce in wheelchairs - (sot: ryan weimer, father) "i'm not smart enough to come up with a cure but this is something i can do that has impacted my family in a positive way" last year he created the non profit magic wheelchair with the goal of organizing volunteers all over the world - (sot: ryan weimer, father) "just the other day a new york city fire station contacted us and said hey we as a department would like to build one of these" a kickstarter raised more than 25 thousand dollars for magic wheelchair so this year 8 other kids across the country will join bryce and keaton trick or treating (nats) "giant chocolate bars" in a one of a kind costume (nats: kid humming)
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that was cathy marshall reporting. right now, magic wheelchair has more than a hundred requests from kids. each one submits a short video of how they want to transform their chair, and why. from marty mcfly and hoverboards to biff and the delorian... it was all about back to the future for one virginia couple as they said their i do's. that's next in what's trending. and i'll have your complete
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and celebrated their love of "back to the future" yesterday. mark and raquel mcleod got married at 4:29 in the afternoon. that's the minute that doc and marty arrive at october 21st, 2015 -- in the movie. they even rented a delorean for pictures. mark says he was a huge "back to the future" fan when he was a kid and even met christopher lloyd -- who played doc -- when he went to universal studios back in the early
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given a posthumous star on the hollywood walk of fame yesterday. the late bob kane created the character back in 1939, when it appeared in an issue of detective comics. his creation was so popular that batman got his own comic book a year later. kane served as illustrator until his retirement in 1968. he was also a consultant on the 1989 batman movie and its three sequels. kane passed away in november of 1998. his star is located on hollywood boulevard in front of the guinness world records museum scientists say a new species of giant tortoise has been discovered in the galapagos islands off ecuador, thanks to genetic testing. an ecuadorian scientist washington tapia took part in the investigation that identified the new species on the island of santa cruz. he called the discovery "great news" because a few years ago galapagos lost the famed giant
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al- actor jesse tyler ferguson is 40 sarah- movie director spike jonze is 46 al- reggae rapper shaggy is 47 sarah- christian singer tobymac is 51 al- olympic gold medal figure skater brian boitano is 52 sarah- actor luis guzman is 58 al- actor jeff goldblum is 63 sarah- actor christopher lloyd is 77
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think again. from the rising price of food to higher insurance rates for homes and businesses, the economic damage will only get worse. but with american-made clean energy, we can save money on electricity and spur innovation to create new businesses and jobs. it all starts with 50% clean energy by 2030. so, what are we waiting for? morning in siouxland. south sioux city will soon be generating power from wood chips.
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it received a 216-thousand dollar grant that will be put toward a unit that creates electricity from gas produced by unburned wood chips. this is a smaller demonstration model of the generator. the city will also spend 50-thousand dollars of its own money, but officials say they'll save about 40-thousand dollars each year in electrical costs--- and have a new way to dispose of trees and brush. valero renewables kicked off its annual united way campaign on wednesday. valero has 11 ethanol plants in the midwest, including this one in hartley, iowa. a company spokesman says they want the communities where they do business to be proud of having valero in town and they want their employees to proud that they work for valero. in addition to its ethanol plants, valero has 13 petroleum refineries in the midwest. a boil advisory goes into effect today in soldier, iowa, after the main valve in the city's pumphouse broke. crews will begin the repair work this morning. residents are asked to boil their water starting at 9 o'clock. meanwhile, a boil order has been
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lifted in cushing, iowa. that one started last friday after a pump failed in the city's primary well, but it has been repaired and the all clear has been given. and it was picture day at northwest iowa community college in sheldon, on a big scale! students attempted to break the world record for the most selfies taken at once. close, but no cigar. they had 445 selfies taken. the record is 531. yesterday's record attempt was part of the week-long homecoming celebration at n-i-c-c. organizers say they'll try to break another world record next year.
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cowell..when we get started on a thursday morning .. >> apple is giving its iphone- users new ways to express themselves. the tech company released an update to its mobile operating system yesterday. it includes more than 150 new emoji characters. there's a burrito, new happy faces, religious buildings, a middle finger.. even a giant hunk of cheese. the organization in charge of the emoji standard previously added skin tone options for a number of people emojis. now it's deliberating on which emojis to add next year. early contenders include an avocado, a selfie hand, a tumbler of whiskey and a shark. >
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good morning. the hot seat. hillary clinton on capitol hill this morning for the long-awaited hearing on the terror attacks in benghazi. will there be fireworks again? >> what difference, at this point, does it make? >> will there be new evidence revealed today in the case that has polarized so many? confession. the suspect in road rage killing of a 4-year-old girl in custody and reportedly admitting to the crime. the tip that police say led to his arrest. busted. mexican authorities arrest six people accused of helping el chapo escape. will those arrests bring authorities closer to their man? all i do is win win and clean sweep. >> strike three called. they haven't been to the world series since 2000, and the mets are on their way back. >> the mets beat the cubs to
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