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tv   News 4 at Ten  NBC  November 26, 2015 10:30pm-11:04pm CST

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coverage, on the part of the bears. >> al: it's intercepted at the 45 yard line. acy porter. so, after three plays, and three first downs, rodgers, who has thrown only three picks all season, until now, throws one here. >> cris: chris prosinski is going to come here. and the ball ends up getting thrown to tracy porter. prosinski comes down. tangles adams, just a bit. and the ball goes straight to tracy porter. and aaron rodgers can't believe it. >> al: so, the only good news for green bay right now, is they have all of their time-outs. plus, you have the two-minute warning.
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so, the clock can be stopped four times. by thehereen bay packers if necessary. >> cris: you know it's a weird night when aaron rodgers gets intercepted here. >> al: at the 45 yard line of chicago. playing a little bit of clock pool. forte. a bad way to start. a gain close to five at the 50 yard line. will be second down. and green bay is going to take a time-out. skycam coverage tonight, being brought to you by -- geico. hovering above the field. venerable lambeau field. cutler started slowly. uncharacteristic numbers for aaron rodgers, with 31 pass attempts and 137 yards. averaging about 4 1/2 yards per attempt. >> cris: and it's been a weird run here. this team so hot in the beginning. and they went through the
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three-game slump and you come back against minnesota and say, okay is great with the world again. but this has been more like the three-game slump they ran in. it kind of started in denver, right? all of that man coverage. and the great defense. and maybe they come up with a little formula t tt other teams have copieienow. >> a a and they went to carolina and got beat. and went to home, and lost to detroit for the first time in a million years. and to the outside, forte. and he's going to pick up about three. got a flag down. so, that will stop the clock. before what would have been a third down and two. >> referee: holding, offense, number 55. ten-yard penalty. repeat second down. >> al: that will be second down and a lot more. grasu, the rookie center, is the guilty party. >> cris: clay matthews, right here in the gap. and grasu's going to come over. and right as m mthews was getting ready to reach out to
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the shoulder. and it was caught. >> al: the standings right now, minnesota, rooting for a chicago win. that puts them back in the driviv's seat, if they wininhis week, in atlanta. 7-3, chicago, would go to 5-6. and the lions have won three-straight to get to 4-7. langford, to the outside. he'll get battled up. and green bay should take another time-out, here, which they will, to give them one remaining. nfl fans, you can order your holiday gifts from >> cris: i thinknkt's easy, al, to talk about all of the packers' offense isn't doing this and whatever. bears defensively have played some football tonight. you know? looked like they caught a little bit of a break, a bad break early on.
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and really, they've squeezed down pretty good since then. nick fangio. it's so hard to see. right there. >> al: uh-huh. >> cris: comes over from san francisco. and he knows what he's doing. and they don't have great big physical bodies in t tt front ven. great linebackers the way he did in san francisco. but he knows who he needs. he's getting there. they're learning. they put up a good show tonight. >> al: really good show tonight. third and 14.. langford.. swings to the outside. turns it upfield. and he's going to be a little short of the first down. stopped by ha ha clinton-dix. and green bay will take its final time-out. now, you have a fourth and one. and there's -- you can't go for it. there's no way.
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the ball is at the 46 yard line. you have to boot it away. >> cris: i saw bill belichick go for it once at fourth and two. because he didn't want to face a great quarterback. that's a little same dilemma you have here. >> al: he went fourth and two, at his 25 yard line or so. >> cris: yep. >> al: at indianapolis a few years back on "sunday night football." >> cris: don't want to give number 12 too many opportunities. looks like he's going to get one more. >> al: rained all night. steady, soaking rain. temperature at the moment, rig at the freezing mark, 32 degrees. mcdonnell will send it towards cobb. cobb's going to let it go. takes a bounce into the end zone. so, aaron rodgers will go to
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work from the 20. >> cris: let's go back and take a look at that left elbow, getting hit. right there by houston. clearly, bothering him. comes off on the fieie. you can tell, just by the way he's handing it off with his right hand instead of his left, couple of missed throws. he's made a few good ones, too. he took off and run twice in that last one. here's the interception, as a result of getting tataled up with chris proronski. here we go. one of the great quarterbacks of our time, on the night they honored one of the great quarterbacks in nfl history, in brett favre. and you know he wants this win. >> al: the average rating in the league this year is around 90. that tells you what kind of ninit the guy who is the all-time leader in that category is having. and from the pocket, he throws. and devonteavante adams cannot haul it
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it will be second down and ten. >> cris: i think brett -- brett. i knew i would do thth eventually tonight. aaron, that time, wawalooking for his receiver to come flying in there. he needed to get on the other side of the linebacker. and he just sort of eased his way in there. and he didn't feel like he had time to wait. >> al: that swing out to starks. and james starks takes that out hustle up to the line of scrimmage. prosinski makes the tackle. under 2:30 to play. >> cris: get as many snaps off as you possibly can. and we have not heard a word tonight from james jones, have we? i don't think he's caught a ball. >> al: no. on the outside, by the tight end, perillo, to stop the clock, with 2:08.
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the two-minute warning. >> cris: a little bit of a prevent. you go for screens and brawls. and aaron rodgers runs are a possibility. plenty of time here. >> al: second down and six. a bobble trap. then, it's starks picking up the first down. thatatill take us to the two-minute warning. a good fwe beginning of this drive. good game thanksgiving night,
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over the packers. (music) woman: i'll never remember all the projects, presentations, or meetings i gave up my nights for. (music's drums intensify) but days like this, i'll never forget. get out there, in the 2016 ford escape. be unstoppable. this is my fight song take back my life song (music) it's got a short neck and a long history. the original miller lite steinie bottle is back... but not for long.
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>> al: postgame report. and throws that over to the green bay bench. second down and ten. >> cris: take a look here. throwing it any differently? doesn't look like he's protecting it in any way. the match-up you have to watch is on ththoutside right up there. you have pererll mcphee, their best, against the backup, don barclay. >> al: initially showing blitz. they back off. and rodgers down the middle, caught, on the run. cobb. cobb i iout of bounds at thehe9 yard line. randall cobb. 32 big yard there's. 1:4747o play.
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cris: no question. that w w the match-up they w we looking for all night long. and it's taken this long to take advantage of it. >> al: from the 19 yard line. rodgers. starks. and he gets tackled at the 16 yard line. that's a gain of three yards. second down and seven. 1:30 and rolling. >> cris: little dart route right here, is what they've been tryingngo get to all night l lg against the rookie, bryce callahan. and, boy, it has taken a long time for that to take effect. >> al: on second and seven. rodgers, flips it off again. and that one is incomplete. starks, having to go through his hands to make it a third and seven. >> cris: the screens just have been there.
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w, you're coming right down to the game on the line here. third down and opportunity for the chicago bears. they have not really been willing to come and try to go get aaron rodgers. also have to keep an eye on him now. here. there have been some gaps with him to run, if he chooses. >> al: three by one. three receivers to the left side. on a third down and seven. >> cris: three deep safeties. dabbed throughout that back. >> al: play clock at one. just do get it off. ananrodgers fires over t t middle. and that will be caught at the 8 yard line. deevonteavante adams. first down. tackled by porter. clock ticks down to a minute to play. >> cris: i don't think tracy porter can believe he didn't get a hand on that b bl. he wasll over that one. >> al: first and goal, on a drive that began at the 20 yard
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line. rodgers. rolling away. and fires at the last moment, incomplete. that stops the clock. mcclellin put the rush on.n. it will be 43 seconds. boy, they just got that play off. the play before, that play clock. you can see right there. just as it goes to z zo. >> cris: porter was right there. davante adams stayed with it for a huge first down. that would have been fourth down >> al: second down and goal from 43 seconds. good protection.n. dancing awaw. fires. out of the end zone. and incomplete.
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third down and goal to go with 36 ticks. >> cris: we have seen, right there, has been n e guy they've been looking for this case. it was randall cobb. and what a strong job there by the linebacker, christian jones, staying with him, and taking that one away. >> al: that's a match-up you think you would want, cobb an jones. meanwhile, james jones, quiet all night. wide to the right, on third down and goal. >> cris: in the backfield, now. >> al: and rodgers, under pressure, gets away, throws and is dropped in the end zone. james jones, rodgers nearly gets sacked, keeps the play alive. jones can't hang on. they're downo their last play. >> cris: barely getting hihand in there that time, is tracy
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watch him just key it at the last minute and strip it out. so close for james jones. >> al: comes down to this play from the 8 yard line. fourth and goal. 29 seconds. rodgers, escaping to his left. fires in the end zone. batted and incomplete. intended for adams. bryce callahan, he's had a nice night. rookie free agent, played at rice. has done a job. and the chicago bears, heavy underdogs, will have come into lambeau field, on a night that brett favre gets his number retired, and pulled off pretty stunning upset. >> cris: unbelieieble. there's davante adams, right
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going to work his way in beyond the goal line. there's callahan all over him. the little movement, the little scramble, as you hope your receivers make some sort of a break, back to you. obviously, you can't come out of the end zone. t there was room to come back to the ball. but the high delivery, really gave no opportunity right there. these defensive backs, they should celebrate. they've had a great night. >> al: a kneeldown will end it. and i'll tell you, dessert tasted real good tonight for the minnnnota vikings. they can now control the nfc north because they go to atlanta, on sunday, and if they win that, they're back up on top, in the division. and so, for aaron rodgers and the green bay packers, they've now lost four of the last five. they seem to have had everything together last week.
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played their besgame of the season in minnesota. cutler and the bears come in and pull off the upset. >> cris: new papa. special gift for the baby. >> al: final pass of the game, aaron rodgers gets it away. batted away. and for mr. john fox in his first year as the head coach of the chicago bears, a very nice volkswagen postgame report,
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all of the rest, next. welcome tohe postgame report. >> 17-13, is the final score, on a rainy night. and the final play of the game was this, on fourth down and goal from the 8 yaya line. as aaron rodgers, who was 22 of 43 tonight, with 202 yards, had that one intended for adams. batted away. the chicago bears, we said at the beginning of the s sw, all season long, they've been an underdog in every game, meaning people don't think that much of them. that's five games they've won as an underdog. big win tonight for them. >> and you take away the game
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and a half that jay cutler was hurt. and they've been in every, single football game. they really have. i think the coaching stata they were able to assemble, because of the unusual change of coaches in denver and san francisco, has allowed them to put together a staff, that if they're given time, this will be a special year in chicago. >> you give them, time, adam gase, and vic fangio. we half kid around about the every great play they're existed there. who plays defense for the chicago bears? guys like callahan, stepping up tonight. >> tracy porter. >> you don't know who is going to come from whatever angle. they did a real good collective job, obviously. >> chris prosinski. defense tonight. >> they did. we have the madden players of the game. the old coach, selecting a couple of guys.
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the new papa. will be jay cutler. and tracy porter will be the other. they are the madden players of the game. and it's time for fine dining, down to michele. >> i got them both here. jay cutler, the new proud papa. did you grab a game ball and a turkey leg. this is what i is all about, with the madden thanangiving player of the day. i think that jay would be comfortable holding one of these you got the turkey leg? yeah. there you go. here. can someone help me get this to jay? i got it. see how you hold that because, i got to believe your baby girl is about that size.e. how isishe turkey? did you take a bite? tracy, that was a really small, little bite you just took, for a guy that took a bite out of the packers tonight. intercepting aaron rodgers, only his fourth interception on the what did you see about that play? >> pulled a lot of cheese out t there. you know, just a lot of film
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study, knowing what they wanted to do. and i knew they were going to come out with a quick game. my guys got a great pass rushing. and i was able to make a play on the ball. >> this has been an unbelievable week for you. you have a little girl, you take the bubuup here and win this game. what does this mean to you? >> it's huge. the offensive line played great. the weather conditionseren't what we wanted. defense down the line, they put us in tough spots and they bail us out every time. a lot of credit to those guys. >ou come in as prettytyig underdogs. did you feel like underdogs? >> i think we've been underdogs every game, if you go by the lines. it is, what is it. we love our coaches and our system. everyone believes in it, each and every game. and i think we're starting to figure out how to do it in games. >> what does this mean for you personally? your first win at lambeau? >> we had a lot of tries. and get the first one with these
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guys. it means a lot. that team in there fought for four quarters. it was a hard fought one. >> and the elements out there, tracy. what does it mean to you to get this win at lambeau, thanksgiving. it was the favre night and all of these things. how did you get that? >> it was huge. the whole celebration. we were their homecoming game, so to speak. we came in with the mentality, we weren't going to leave lambeau without a win. offense, they fought hard. put up points on the board. we fried to get the ball back as >> it was a big win for the chicago bears. jay cutler, the new dad, wants to get back. tracy porter, is full from maybe he will take the turkey with him. , cris, back to you guys. >> thank you, michele. thanksgiving night in green bay, wisconsin, turns out to be a party for chicago. playoff picture, carolina, undefeated. arizona, and minnesota, on top
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of the giants. the four teams that would go to the playoffs if the season ended ght now. een bay as a wild caca. a big game between minnesota and atlanta, coming up on sunday. so, there's a look at the nfc playoff picture. we will come back and take a look ahead to sunday night, when we come back. ok, we're here. . here's dad. mom. the twins. aunt alice... you didn't tell me aunt alice was coming. of course. don't forget grandpa. can the test drive be over now? maybe just head back to the dealership? don't you want to meet my family? yep, totally. it's practically yours, but we still needd your signature.. the sign then drive event. zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit, and zero first months payment on a new jetta
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football." welcome back to the volkswagen passat postgame report. here, now, al l chaels and cris collinsworth. >> we look at the nfc playoff picture. let's go to the other conference right now. new england is undefeated. cincinnati, denver, indianapolis, the other division leaders at the moment. pittsburgh and kansas city. they have been hot. they are the wild cards. and everybody else is in the hunt. and of course, we go to denver. very -- it's a fascinating match-up. we thought we were going to get brady and manning. we're going to get brady and osweiler osweiler. brock osweiler, that led them to a victory in chicago. 10-0, new england. looking for the undefeated season as was the case in 2007. how do you see this one shaping up? >> what's so interesting about new england is that here's a team that's undefeated. yet, they have what? at least three wide receivers banged up for this one.
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the offensive line, all sorts of injuries. reshuffling, tryryg to find the right combination up there. and tom brady keeps getting it done. and on the other side, with brock osweiler, you can't help what if he wins a second game on a row? what if they get on a little bit of a roll here? is he a guy with his mobilily that fits this offense pretty ll for gary kubiak. intriguing storylines for this one. >> and the temperature on denver on sunday night, just looking ahead, looks like it will be dry but cold. bring the scarf and everything else, and the thurermals. happy thanksgiving. >> back at you, partner. >> as the chicago bears come into town and beat the packers, 17-13. talk to you from denver on sunday night. until then, al micicels, cris collinsworth, michele tafoya,
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green bay.on this thanksgiving, people try and pick up early black friday a live report from a hot spot for shoppers straight ahead. and, tricky trtrel: some slick after sleet thenennow covered the roads. and, good cheer: one local restaurant serving up a free meal on this holiday. and, battle on the gridiron: big rivals get ready to go
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head-to-head in lincoln tomorrow. (nat sound of shopping crowd) hustle and bustle: people turn away from the turkey to try and cook up some holiday shopping deals, like this crowd at macy's in new york city today. happy thanksgiving! i'm sheila brummer. from coast to coast, shoppers getting a jump start on grabbing holidays deals. that includes here in siouxland. ktiv's tommie clark joins us with livelink 4 from target tonight! things were busy when they opened at 6 - what's it like there now? well sheila, it's definitely died down a bit. earlier, we spoke with shoppersrs who decided to go out on those early bird bargains.
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city opened at 3
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