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tv   Today  NBC  December 9, 2015 7:00am-10:00am CST

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good morning. taking sides. critics and supporters of donald trump's controversial proposal to ban muslims from entering the country line up. >> what was proposed yesterday is not what this party stands if and more importantly, it's not what it country stands for. >> it's morally reprehensible. it runs counter to the constitution, and has consequences for our national security. >> who is cutting off people's heads and bombing buildings and bombing airplanes? not the christians, not the jewish, not the buddhists, it's muslims. you got that on camera? >> and how will that dominate campaign and will it help or hurt trump's chances whether people go to the polls? and the fbi looking into claims that one of the san bernardino shooters syed farook
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investigators trace his past to radicalization. explosion. another hover board burst into flames, this time at a mall. the device flaring up a second time after being extinguished. so what should you do if your kids have them on your holiday list? and who will it be? putin, trump, caitlyn all on "time's" short list of person of the year and we're revealing it to you exclusively today, today, wednesday, december 9th, 2015. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with matt lauer and savannah guthrie live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> and good morning, everyone. welcome to a "today" on a wednesday morning. the folks at "time" magazine gave us their short list for person of the year on monday and had a chance to pull it over along with our viewers.
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guessing. shall we say, the choice is going to be a bit of a surprise. i think you're right about that. we'll reveal it later on in the program. starting on a wednesday morning, though, and once again our top story is donald trump and the reaction to his calls to bar muslims from entering the u.s. the republican presidential front-runner receiving everything from praise for his idea to demands that he drop out of the race. we'll get into all of it, the fallout, the impact on the election, what it says about the mood of voters. let's start with nbc national correspondent peter alexander. peter, good morning. >> reporter: hey, matt, good morning. the republican party now has as big a donald trump problem as it's ever had. time and again his controversial comments only solidifying his base of support, and despite a lot of criticism, none of his opponents are willing to say they wouldn't support him if he becomes the nominee. maybe one reason why trump is touting a new poll that shows nearly 70% of his supporters would bolt with him if he left the party and ran as an independent.
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comments yet, donald trump standing firm insisting he's not a bigot on abc news. >> not at all, probably the least of anybody you've ever met. >> reporter: trump defending his proposed ban of muslims entering the u.s., arguing it would be short term. >> i have people that i have tremendous relationships with. they are muslim, and, barbara, they agree with me 100%. >> reporter: still, the backlash from leading republicans has been swift and overwhelming, jeb bush hammering trump. >> i reject out of hand that he is going tonight nominee. >> reporter: a spokesman for former president george w. bush saying he wouldn't give oxygen to trump's bluster. house speaker paul ryan -- >> what was proposed yesterday is not what this party stands for and more importantly it's not what this country stands for. >> reporter: ted cruz hoping to poach trump supporters careful not to criticize his rival. >> i commend donald trump forever standing up and focusing
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to secure our borders. >> reporter: for the grand ole party, an urgent dilemma, fail to stand up to trump and risk long-term damage to the party or confront trump and risk his running as an independent despite his past promise he wouldn't. >> i have signed the pledge. >> reporter: a trump third-party bid would likely gift wrap the white house for hillary clinton. many of trump's supporters unfazed by the controversy. >> i think it's a very fearful time in our country right now, and definitely to keep the bad ones out would be great. >> who is cutting off people's heads? who is bombing buildings? who is bombing airplanes? it's not christians. it's not the jewish. it's not the buddhists. it's the muslims. you got that on camera, sport? >> reporter: democrats aren't holding back. white house aides arguing trump's comments disqualify him to be president, denouncing him as a carnival barker. >> the vacuous sloganeering to the outright lies and even the fake hair. >> reporter: even philadelphia's
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>> he's a [ bleep ]. he has no idea what he's talking about. >> reporter: new hampshire voters go to the polls exactly two months from today, and a new poll taken just before his proposed ban shows trump is now almost 20 points ahead of his closest competitor, that's marco rubio. but be very clear -- this is something to watch. this race remains fluid. 56% of voters in that state are still trying to decide who they should support. matt and savannah? >> all right, peter alexander. peter, thanks so much. meantime, national security officials are voice their own concern saying trump's plan could make the u.s. a bigger target for terror groups like isis. nbc chief foreign affairs correspondent andrea mitchell has more on that. and i yeah, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, savannah. donald trump has been polling around 30% with republican voters since july, but his proposed ban on muslims entering the u.s. would isolate more than a quarter of the world's population. security experts say it's now gone beyond simply a campaign applause line and grown into a threat to u.s. safety and america's image around the world.
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>> reporter: former secretary of state hillary clinton calling donald trump's latest campaign platform a peril to national security. >> at a time when america should be doing everything we can to lead the fight to defeat isis and other radical jihadists, donald trump is playing right into their hands. >> reporter: and she's far from alone. current homeland security chief jeh johnson called trump's proposal to ban muslims from entering the u.s. irresponsible, saying it hurts efforts to keep americans safe. >> working with the muslim community, not driving them away. not vilifying them. not driving them into the shadows is absolutely critical to our national security efforts. >> reporter: danger centers around how it could match propaganda and could turn trump's comments into a recruiting tool. >> and donald trump is putting american lives at risk and
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risk and american diplomats at risk. >> reporter: and veterans, like this american congresswoman, herself an air force pilot. >> we've got many americans that are of the muslim faith that are peaceful and are serving our country and are a part of our society. >> reporter: at least 5,800 muslims currently served in the nation's armed forces, the plan seemingly ignoring their sacrifices along with most of interpreters and intelligence officers. add to that critical allies from the more than 16 predominantly muslim countries in the u.s. coalition to fight isis. >> every single poll nationally -- >> reporter: experts say trump's comments also threaten efforts of local agencies like the nypd. authorities tell nbc news more than 50 planned terror attacks have been thwarted thanks to tips from the muslim community. trump's comments prompted worldwide condemnation and rare criticism from foreign leaders
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never speaks out about politics in other countries. but for them, trump has indeed gone too far. savannah and matt? >> all right, andrea mitchell are thank you very much. >> chuck todd is nbc's political director and moderator of "meet press." good to see you. >> good morning. >> in another election cycle you might hear the comments coming from donald trump and write them off as coming from a fringe candidate. donald trump is not a fringe candidate. the republican front-runner and has 30% of the support depending on the polling and who are these people supporting him? >> folks not traditional primary voters, traditional republican voters, not participated in the party and anxious and upset. on the socioeconomic scale not doing so well. folks that feel in the economic recovery they have been left behind so he's been resonating, immigration thing, attack china, and, yes, they feel insecure so this muslim stuff is going to do nothing to shake those supporters. >> lets me go back to the first
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they are not typical republican primary voters. isn't that the bottom line question? if they show up and actually vote, trump wins? the polls demonstrate that. if they don't, if they are just telling pollsters, yeah, i like trump, and they don't vote, you have a different story. >> you do, but you have to give trump this. they are showing up to the rallies. he is getting thousands. marco rubio and ted cruz get hundreds, sometimes thousands. he gets thousands and if you're showing up for that, you're more than likely show up to vote. i think trump can't expand beyond that 30 and if you can't get beyond that 30 you can't win the nomination. he's created his own lane, conservatives and evangelicals and establishment business wing of the party. he's creating a work class wing of the party and that's just another lane. it's a third lane. could mean brokered convention. >> you're not sure about these people here. does he have the right number of people in the right states to win the nomination? >> no. bottom line no.
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to get 30% in any state he goes, that i believe. it isn't really differ that much and if the field is crowded early, that's enough to win iowa, enough to win new hampshire and enough to win south carolina, but when it's two or three candidates and you've got to get to the 50% plus one at some point, then that's where he's going to run into trouble. >> in your mind is the idea of an independent run by donald trump still alive, the possibility pledge not withstanding? >> anything with trump is a live possibility. at this point that's what republican party leaders is fearful of which is why they didn't go after him but i think something was very instructive yesterday. the republican party said we're going to fight the trump nomination for as long as it takes which means as long as trump is in this race, that means this thing is going to be a fight all the way to convention. if they can convince trump to get out suddenly you'll start seeing some form of normalcy return. >> all right. chuck, good to have you here, thanks. >> thank you, chuck. in related news from capitol hill, the u.s. house has overwhelmingly passed a bill
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who can enter the country without a veez a. as it is a -- a visa. as it is, the visa waiver program allows citizens of 38 countries to travel to the u.s. without first obtaining a vita and now anybody who has been in syria, iraq or iran or sudan in the previous five years would have to obtain a visa in order to get into the state, that is if this measure becomes law. countries in the visa waiver program would be required to share information on extremists with the u.s. the senate has already drawn up similar legislation. i want to talk about the shooting in san bernardino that is a driving force behind donald trump's proposal we've talked about already this morning. as investigators pour through the background of the shooters, we're now learning that gunman syed farook may have plotted a separate attack back in 2012. nbc national correspondent miguel almaguer is in san bernardino. miguel, good morning to you. what can you tell us? >> reporter: matt, good morning. now exactly one week since the shooting, the gunman's parents have been put on a terror watch list just as a precaution, this
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into the money, planning and support of this crime which may go back quite some time. >> we have several down in a conference room. >> reporter: three years before syed farook helped kill 14 and wound 21 fbi investigators have now been told the gunman may have talked about staging an attack in california, says a senior law enforcement official. killed by police with his wife tashfeen malik, the claim can't be verified, but it may bolster a growing assumption farook was radicalized long before he met and married malik. we know the pair practiced for years. the weapons were obtained from enrique marquez, a distant relative by marriage, converted to islam and attend the the gunman's mosque. he's being questioned but is not a suspected. -- a suspect. >> enrique was, i guess, liked
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he fit in perfectly. >> reporter: the fbi on the money trail. syed farook took out a loan two weeks before his killing spree. the $28,500 deposit came too late to finance the massacre. the money, say counterterror officials, may have been for their baby and grandmother to use after the bloodshed. from their home investigators have a trove of documents, but cell phones were destroyed, critical data could be encrypted. >> these individuals who don't leave a digital footprint are extremely difficult for law enforcement to track or even be aware of. >> reporter: it's not just physical evidence that investigators are looking for. they want to know if the gunman had any accomplices were. they helped coordinate and plot this terror attack. savannah, matt? >> miguel almaguer in san bernardino, thanks. breaking news overnight tied
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the third man who attacked the bataclan concert hall has now been identified. french officials say fouad aggad left his home in eastern france in 2013 and traveled to syria, but he returned to france a few months later. all of the paris attackers have been identified so far. they were french or belgian. 130 people died in the paris massacre on november 13th, and all three bataclan attackers were killed during that rampage. now to boston and the newest health scare linked to chipotle. officials believe they know what caused dozens of people who aid at this same restaurant to get sick. natalie is here with more on that. natalie, good morning. >> hey, guys, good morning. the number of cases have actually skyrocketed. early tests are now pointing to the norovirus and not e. coli as the culprit, but either way it's another shot to the chain's image. this morning things seemed to be getting worse for chipotle. officials at boston college say the number of sick students is growing from 30 on monday to 80 on tuesday. all of them falling ill after eating at a nearby chipotle
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>> sounds like people are kind of getting sick on their own until they realize it's a huge group of people and they all came into health services. a lot bigger than we all thought it was. >> reporter: the cause, initial testing suggests the norovirus which can cause stomach pain, fever and vomiting. the virus is highly contagious and can spread from surface contact or eating contaminated food. boston officials have cited this restaurant with multiple violations including keeping meat at incorrect teteeratures and allowing sick employees to come to work. >> they did not follow protocol. >> reporter: in a statement chipotle says "the safety and well-being of our customers is always our highest priority so our restaurant a achief land circle in boston is temporarily closed while we work with local health officials to investigate a number of illnesses among boston college students.
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reel ing from a nationwide e. coli outbreak. there are no related cases of e. coli in massachusetts, but 47 people have been affected in at least six other states. the recent health scares have sent chipotle shares tumbling, down nearly 19% this year. as popular fast food chain struggles to stay ahead of health scares and headlines. most people who contract the norovirus do feel better within two or three days. in the annual report though chipotle acknowledged concerns about food borne illnesses saying we may be at a higher risk of some competitors due to our use of fresh produce and meat rather than frozen and reliance on employees cooking with traditional methods rather than automation. so we'll see where this goes from here. >> any way you look at it, it's been a bad couplef months. >> bad couple of months for them, for sure. we turn now to chicago where mayor rahm emanuel has called a special city council meeting to address the growing crisis in
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a speech on police accountability. he's trying to restore the confidence in residents following the release of the video that shows 17-year-old laquan mcdonald being shot by a police officer 16 times. critics say the city was slow to release that tape and slow to seek charges against the officer. jason van dyke is now charged with first-degree murder. let's go to china now where hazardous smog is smothering the city of beijing again today. the chinese capital has launched its first red alert for pollution, closing schools, suspending work at factories and keeping halflff the city's vehicles off the streets. most of the smog is blamed on coal-fired power plants, along with vehicle and construction to the factory work. china is the first number and the renewable energy of wrap wind and some of the images we saw when we were there for the olympics and some of the buildings completely shrouded now in that smoke. -- in that smog.
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changed. now back to the dramatic video we showed you at the top of the show. a mall near seattle had to be evacuated after one of the popular hover boards burst into flames. as you can see, it was caught on camera. the smoke triggered the fire alarm and forced officials to temporarily evacuate. this is the latest in the string of hover boards catching fire. >> pretty scary to watch. >> exactly right. >> how is that going? >> mommy is getting a fire extinguisher. >> flame on. >> yeah. mr. roker has a check of the weather. >> that's right, we've been talking about the pacific northwest and take a look at video, portland, oregon. you can see mudslides now causing big problems. look at that the coming down the hill like that covering this road completely and more of the same coming in. in fact, as you go into western washington state you can see heavy rain moving through the area, and there's more on the way. so here's today's storm making
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another big storm making its way in on thursday for tomorrow, but this system right now is bringing that rain and the good news is if you look at rainfall and snowfall, this is now going to start to finally move south and get the sierra involved which is very important for the snow pack. the rain returns, the snow as far south as sierra. here's what we're looking at rainfall-wise. look at how heavy the rain is from the pacific northwest into northern california. southwestern oregon and northwestern california, could see seven inches of rain but here's the good news. look at sierra. could be upwards of three to four feet of snow in some areas and that's great for the snow pack helping to alleviate some of that drought. we're going to get to your local
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30 seconds.the day couldn't stop temperatures from warming to about 20 degrees above average for this time of year. and as more sun returns for wednesday, temperatures may be on the rise a bit momo again with highs in the 50s expected ere there is little e ow cover with highs being held to the 40s in northern siouxland with more snow cover. a front moves through by thursday giving us more wind but still very little in the way of cooling. cooler weather does move in for the weekend and a chance of a few rain showers will be with us on saturday and that could turn into a mix by saturday night and sunday. we'll then keep the cooler weath >> that's your latest ather. snaiai >> all right, al. thank you so much. coming up, how terror groups spread their messages of hate online and the growing concerns social media sites aren't doing enough to stop them.
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the exclusive first look at "time's" person of the year.
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is "today" on nbc. coming up, what was just discovered hidden beneath the "mona so what's your news? i got a job! i'll be programming at ge. oh i got a job too, at zazzies. (friends gasp) the app where you put fruit hats on animals? i love that! guys, i'll be writing code that helps machines communicate. (interrupting) i just zazzied you. (phone vibrates) look at it! (friends giggle) i can do dogs, hamsters, guinea pigs... you name it. i'm going to transform the way the world works. (proudly) i programmed that hat. and i can do casaba melons. i'll be helping turbines power cities. i put a turbine on a cat. (friends ooh and ahh) i can make hospitals run more efficiently... this isn't a competition! this thursday through saturday at kohl's... take a extra 20% off with your savings pass! use it on top of great gift sale prices! like toys and sleepwear - 50 to 60% off and 40 to 50% off boots and throws...
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kohl's cash. kohl's. the flu virus. it's a really big deal. and with fever, aches, and chills, mom knows it needs a big solution: an antiviral. don't kid around with the flu, call your doctor within the first 48 hours of symptoms and ask about prescription tamiflu. attack the flu virus at its source with tamiflu, an antntiral that helps s sp it from spreadinin in the body. tamiflu in liquid form is fda approved to treat the flu in people two weeks of age and older whose flu symptoms started within the last two days. before taking tamiflu tell your doctor if you're pregnant, nursing, have serious health conditions, or take other medicines. if you develop an allergic reaction, a severe rash, or signs of unusual behavior, stop taking tamiflu and call your doctor immediately. children and adolescents in particular may be at an increased risk of seizures, confusion, or abnormal behavior. the most common side effects are mild to moderate nausea and vomiting. anti-flu?
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officials are taking a closer look at expanding
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a recent engineering study found the law enforcement center would be able to accomodate an addition. an expansion would allow inmates currently held at the century-old prairie hills building to be moved downtown, so all inmates would be under one roof. the next step is to select an araritect to figure out t w to desisi the addition. ben?
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you know families today are so stretched... ...they're working two jobs; they're working extra hours, but paychecks have barely budged. raising familylyncomes is the defefing economic challenge of our time... i have a plan that will put raising incomes right at the center of our economy again. we've got to get back to making it possible... ...for anybody in america to go as far as their hard work will take them. that will be my mission as president. i'm hillary clinton,n, i approve this message
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> 7:30 now on this wednesday morning, the 9th of december, 2015. a great crowd out on our plaza. holiday crowd enjoying the scene and the tree in the background. back inside studio 1a. a look at stories making news. law enforcement sources tell nbc news that the san bernardino shooter syed farook may have discussed staging an attack in california as early as 2012. that would have been long before he met his wife. >> fallout growing over donald trump's controversial plan to ban muslims from entering the u.s. while he's standing firm behind his proposal. several mayors who oppose the idea claim they are ban trump from their cities. >> and a number of boston college students suffering from
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a number of chipotle restaurants has jumped to at least 80. health officials believe the problems are due it a norovirus not to the e. coli scare out west last month. >> and more on the war being waged by and against isis, using twitter and facebook to spread its message and can tech companies do more to shut them down? >> earlier this week google's executute directoto talked about targetinin terrorists online. without this type of leadership from government, from citizens, from tech companies, the internet could become a vehicle for fust dissing a gracious of poorly built societies and the empowerment of people with the wrong voices. >> tom costello covers cyber security and good momoing to you. >> reporter: goooomorning. this is not an easy challenge. as you know some of the biggest phone-makers have made it nearly impossible to hack into a phone and social media sites have privacy concerns about trolling
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but there's increasing talk in washington about potentially new laws that would force tech companies to do more in the fight againstst terrorism. it may be the closest thing isis has to an international command and control room. >> tomorrow it will be washington. >> reporter: youtube, facebook, twitter, what's, that instagram? social media provides the means for propaganda and communication and the oxygen for a terror movement. now growing calls for the tech world to help shut isis out. >> we are lose the war in cyber space. >> just as we have to destroy their would-be caliphate, we have to deny them online space. >> you are not muslims. you are terrorist. >> reporter: now a group of hackerer called anonymous who have a aacked the u.s. government in the past have joined the fight against isis callingn the world to joint cyber war this friday. >> we want to retaliate not with violence but with our intelligence about hacking.
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>> reporter: anonymous claims to have already helped close thousands of isis accounts and hundreds of websites, but it's a grind. once one twitter account is closed isis simply opens another, and even the best intelligence agencies struggle to penetrate private isis communications. >> they do plot online but it's so difficult to access the encrypted platforms it's almost impossible for law enforcement. >> reporter: reluctant to help government spy agencies social media sites try to police themselves. facebook tells nbc news it works around the clock to remove any content that praise or supports trifrm. same message from twitter. violent threats and protomotion of terrorism deserve no place on twitter. youtube says it removed 14 million videos last year alone. >> we have literally dozens and dozens of police officers on scene. >> reporter: but following the attacks in california and paris, congress is now considering new laws that would force tech
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the author of "isis, statef terror," j.m. berger. >> it's not possible to drive these guys completely off social media but it would be possible to drive their presence down to an almost negligible level. >> reporter: that's challenge, youtube telling nbc news it will and does take swift action against terrorist content, but many phone and tech companies have privacy concerns about helping any government agency monitor communications or tap into cell phones, especially as they try to fend off criminal hackers and importantly anti-terror units don't necessarily want to remove all of that terror content because they actually use it to monitor terror activities. guys, back to you. >> all right, tom costello, interesting subject. thank you very much. mr. . roker, check of the weather. >> all right. waiting for some record warmth. >> yeah. >> we're talking about 80%, 90% of the country being above normal and it's going to continue. that jet stream way up to the north and so that cold air is banked up into canada. look at what we see for today. 12 degrees above normal in
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that's eight degrees above normal and st. louis will see a high of 61. that doesn't seem that warm but that's what we should see in march and by this weekend a wide swath of record highs. indianapolis getting up to 65 on saturday and 75 in charlotte, new york city seeing a high of 61 and jackson getetng up to81 degrees on saturday, and it lasts right on into sunday as well. atthe day couldn't stop temperatures from warming to about 20 degrees above average for this time of year. and as re sun returns for wednesday, temperatures may be on the rise a bit more again with highs in the 50s expected where there is little snow cover with highs being held to the 40s in northern siouxland with more snow cover. a front moves through by thursday giving us more wind but still very little in the way of cooling. cooler weather does move in for the weekend and a chance of a few rain showers will be with us on saturday and that could turn into a mix by saturday night and sunday. we'll then kee >> and that'sour late weather. savannah? >ll right, al, thanks.
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behind "mona lisa's" smile. after a decade of study a french scientist saw a second image beneath da vinci's masterpiece. keir simmons has more on this surprising discovery. kooerks good morning. tell us abobo itit >> repororr: hey, good morninin that french scientist says in the second hidden image there is no famous smile and she looks to the side meaning mona lei seas's world renowned gaze that polls you wherever you are in the woman is not there. >> reporter: hidden behind the mona lisa's mysysrious smile is other painting, it claims and may be more, a secret she has kept for 500 years, unlocked by a french engineer using modern science called reflective light technology to look beneath layers. the pore trade behind the painting looks similar to the manitoba lisa minus some similar
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seems to be mission and one suggests there could be three paintings, paintings. the man who discovered add to doubts over who she was. like the plot from "the da vinci code" in the dan brown book messages were hidden in the mona lisa and the revelations are controversial. some folks already say they are a work of fiction claiming what's been discovered are just traces from the process of painting while the world famous louvre museum in paris wherere the mona lisa hangs has refused to comment. which you may think just makes it all the more mysterious. and how many millions of us must have stood in front of the mona lisa never knowing there was something we weren't seeing. the death tailed claims will be made in a tv show here in the uk tonight and then, guys, you bet there will be arguments across the art world. >> fascinating. it really is. kooerks
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isn't as simple as just flipping a switch. energy lives here. we are back at 7:42 and we're set to reveal the answewe the question we've been asking all week? who will be "time's" person of the year. >> now the moment of truth. nancy gib is the editor of "time" and welcome back. good to have you here. you gave us the short list on monday. was it just an exercise and you made the decision already. >> yes, we did. >> that's night. >> trying to build some suspense. >>the just churning our wheels. let's start with number five. iran's president hassan rouhani.
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>> big year for him. >> with the nuclear deal. >> brokered the new jersey deal and represents a gamble by the west that he represents a new political calculus in iran. >> these aren't from number of votes received or anything like this, just a list you created. at number four you went with black lives matter activists. >> really involved from an organic protest movement to an organized national political movement. they drove police chiefs and college presidents from office and they are holding candidates to account. really seen a major change in the way they operatehis year. >> all right.t. number three, going out on a limb and say this will be a shocker because people thought donald trump would be your person of the year. you put him at number three, why? >> all year long he has been saying things that were kind of disqualifying. lost count how many times so here's the test. if he who breaks all the rules can live to play another day then he writes the new rules. we're now going to find out if he is as good at winning votes as he is as news cycles and in
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position himself, will be here a year from now. in the history of the person of the year never named a presidential candidate as person of the year. of coursrs i heardllotted from beshds' people and ben carson. >> and from his people. >> and from him. he said i say there's no way they give it to me. they can't, mentally they can't, can't do it, even if i deserve it they can't do it. >> if he thinks he deserves has the whole next year to let the voters decide thatat >> at number two. this is thene that i will tell you that o o vieiers thought would be the person of the year. >> abu bakr al baghdadi, the leader of isis, who this year went from building a regional power to building a transnational terrorist franchise, and the expansion of its ambition and its operating theater poses such a significant challenge. >> what kind of a decision would it have been for "time"agazine to name him person of the year? would it have been impossible? >> nothing is impossible. we have named great villains in
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adolf hitler was person of the year, but in his case it also is worth bearing in mind that in many ways this isis year in whicic he has lost ground literally, and his power is partlyn opportunism. he did not invent middle east anarchy and did not invent the internet. he has just taken great advantage of both of them. >> didn't invent terror either. >> let's do number one, drum roll, please. >> it's chancellor angela merkel. >> c cncellor angela merkel is our 2015 person of the year, and in a year where world leaders were tested all through the year, no one was tested the way she was. over and over again, the threat to the european peace and security really fell to her, first the economic crisis this summer, the refugee cries thinks fall and now the return of terrorism in europe, and she has stepped up in a way that was uncharacteristic even for her. she's been a very long serving leader, longest serving in the west and controls the world's fourth largest economy, but this year she really was tested in how she would respond to s se of
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that any sleerd facing in the world. >> angela merkel "time's "person of the year. they are telling me donald trump is on line two. nancy gibbs. >> by the way, only the fourth woman to have a solo cover. >> and i suspect that is likely to be changing in years to come as well. >> thanks for always doing this with you. we enjoyit. congrats. the person of the year issue hits newsstands on friday. >> coming up, see this clever video that one of our viewers made for us. >> and a little later on porptsart, which was your favorite, the top music video of the year according to youtube, morning ted! scott! ready to hit some balls? ooh! hey buddy, what's up? is is what it can be like to have shings. oh, man. a painful, blistering rash. if you had chickenpox, the shingles virus is already inside you. 1 in 3 people will get shingles in their lifetime. after almost 3 weeks, i just really wanted to give it a shot. you know, i'm not eling it today. talk to your doctor or pharmacist today
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ththk you. thank you,gain. pat yourself upon your back. your shopping is done. you ain't no slack. rest at ease it's all ok. you ordered online and got them in the same day. navigate the app at will with incredible digital ninja skills. the holidays could not be better. maybe you have time to knit him a sweater. i don't know maybe a snowman. i could do that. let's get out of here. i'm just thinking.
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walmart. right when you feel a cold sore, abreva can heal it in as few as two and a half days when used at the first sign. without it the virus spreads from cell to cell. only abreva penetrates deep and starts to work immediately tolock the virus and protect healthy cells. you could heal your cold sore, fast, as fast as two and a half days when used at the first sign. learn how abreva starts to work immediately at don't tough it out, knock it out, fast. with abreva. [elf] here's one of our best elves, hard at work... [kid] what's back there? [elf] nothing... [santa] touchdown. come on... [elf] santa, the davidson's are here to see our workshop... [santa] oh... well...hello! uh, this is my sleigh! it's howow deliver all the e esents by myself! [team member] santa, you got anything else going to albany? [santa] by myself! [santa](muffled noises)
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it's how the holidays arrive. no matter how the markets change... at t. rowe price... our disciplined approach remains. global markets may be uncertain... but you can feel confident in our investment experience around the woror. calllls or your advisor.r. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. you do all this research on a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. your insurance company raises your rates. maybe you should've done more research on them. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates
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liberty mutual insurance. in 1919, my ancestor, marcel tolkowsky invented the ideal cut diamond, unlocking the true beauty of the diamond. for over 90 years we have continued to perfect this diamond. now kay jewelers brings you tolkowsky ideal cut diamonds- from the family that invented the ideal cut. at kay, the number one jewelry store in america. from our family, to the beginning of yours. yes! every kiss begins with kay. we're back at 7:50. we will dedicate this original room to matt lauer. >> oh, goody. >> joy to the world. matt, your early christmas present. so yesterday, as savannah called it, a rare slip of the tongue during an interview with maya rudolph on tuesday.
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lauer created a huge sensation on the internet. lighting things up. take a look at moment. >> so rumor has it you got the offer to do this movie by text mail? >> text mail. >> text message, sorry. >> the kids are calling it text mail. i was just text mailing. >> i read in an e-message that brinda was not a very good person. >> i hereby smoke signal. >> call me or just text mail. >> made a very rare slip of the tongue. >> text mail as opposed to text messagag. the good thing about it i'm sure i won't hear about it on that twitter thing. >> that twitter thing all over that flub. take a look, matt. here's some of the things our fans and viewers sent to you. matt lauer leaks new tech on on #today show breaking news and glen created a six-second vine dedicated to your greaess.
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there you are. i can watch that over and over. >> glen, you are good. >> glen has it done. look at you. >> looks like he's from "south park. ". >> the looks like "the simpsons." >> glen garcia has a future in animation. >> and sara if text mailing is wrong i tonight want to be right? was it an e-mail or text messages? >> it was a text message. i combined the two, erroneously. >> it's a thing. and we love it.
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th if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis like me... and you're talking to a rheumatologist about a biologic, this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. this is humira helping me reach for more. doctors have been prescribing humira for more than 10 years. humira works for many adults. it targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contrubutes to ra symptoms. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, a ahave blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common,
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are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. talk to your doctor and visit this is humira at work. just head around the corner to walgreens when you're searching for that perfect little something. walgreens has great gifts s ke toys, beauty gift sets and photo gifts, and it's all just a hop, skip and a bark away. walgreens. at the corner of happy and healthy.
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to the couple who set aside the whole day to sell their old car and buy a new one... oops. nana's got the kids til 9... but it's only 2. guess you'll just have to see a movie... ...then get some dinner.
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joining us on the phone is marcia donaghu of sisix city. the prize today is two tickets to the million dollar quartet, a presentation of "broadway at the orpheum," january 27th.
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event of spreading holiday cheer to siouxland assisted living centers? a) tree of love b) wreath of love c) holly of love d) mistletoe of love tis the season of the ktiv tree of love we dropped by the golden living center at hartington to help ktiv's very own sarah te slaa and ben dorenbach sang christmas carols and handed out gifts.
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came out t it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, the social network's year in review. a look at most talked about stories in 2015 courtesy of facebook's cheryl sanberg. good-bye plus size and helel curves.. the change in the fashion industry that's set to have a big impact on how women describe their bodies. and like mother, like daughter. melissa rivers like you've never seen her before. we'll fill you in on her cameo in jennifer lawrence's new movie, today, day, december 9th, 2015.. >> good morning.
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>> mother-daughter trip. >> all the way from california! >> all the way from washington. go hawks. here from south carolina. >> go, tigers. >> i need a job! >> we're back now 8:00 on a wednesday morning. it's the 9th day of december. 2015. you know the crowds are getting bigger a a bigger and seeing more santa hats. the holiday getting closer and everybody in a good mood and we plaza. >> just ahead, we've got jill martin. back-to-back "steals & deals" and stocking stuffers for every mber of your family, get thi wow. >> that might come in handy for our little secret santa thing we do around here. >> who did you get in secret santa? >> it's a secret! >> let's get a check of the top stories from natalie inside. natalie?
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the rift between donald trump and the republican party is growing wider this morning over trump's latest comments about muslims. nbc's peter alexander is live in washington. >> reporter: good morning. donald trump is standing firm about his proposed ban on muslims entering the u.s. saying he has no regrets saying we have to do the right thing and insisting he's not a bigot. in his words i'm the worst thing that's ever happened to isis. still, the backlash, as you noted has really only grown with most of all of his republican rivals piling on against this plan. party leaders from house speaker priebus. they have condemned it as well and so far nobody are willing to say they wouldn't support trump if he becomes the nominee. republicans in a tight spot with real concerns that trump could just leave the party and run as an independent and that that house to hillary clinton. trump even dangling that idea of a third-party bid in a tweet. he did so tuesday, touting a poll that shows nearly 70% of
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support him. natalie. >> the peter alexander in washington, thank you. the fbi is investigating whether one of the shooters in last week's san bernardino office party massacre had been planning an earlier terrorist attack. nbc news has learned that s sd farookokey have talked about striking a different target in 2012. that would bolster the emerging theory that he was radicalized before he met his wife and accomplice tashfeen malik. officials say the couple spent a year plotting the san bernardino shooting. the fbi is questioning relatates andd looking into f fancial preparions for routes made to finance the attack. french officials have identified the third terrorist who died while attacking the bataclan concert hall in paris last month. 23-year-old fouad mohammed-aggad was from the french city of strasbourg a a like the otherer had traveled to syria in 2013 to join the islamic state. the new information means that
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identified so far were either french or belgian and all were french native speakers. the co-founder of the northfacac outdoor company died tuesesy while kayaking and sufferedevere hypothermia after his kayak overturned in 39-degree water. he was a passionate conservationist who spent generously on environmental causes. douglas tompkins was 72 years old. and on a lighter note, princess diana' favorite tiara looked as dazzlzlg as ever when her daughter-in-law kate the duchess of cambridge wore it for the very first time tuesday night. the diamond and pearl cambridge tiara was a wedding gift -- to kate from queen elizabeth. duchess kate wore it to the annual holiday reception for diplomats at buckingham pail as. back over to you guys. looks stunning as always. >> always stunning. >> wears it well. >> well, now to a change in the world of fashion to have a big impact on how women feel about themselves. that's the hope.
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hoda is here to explain it. >> hi, kids. how are you guys. a call to action led by a group of young models. they want to do away with the label plus size from the runway and beyond in favor of the body positive curve. >> size, meet shape and plus size meet curve. two small swaps are having a big impact for women around the nation. in the professional modeling world, these are the bodies we often see on the runway, sizes ranging from 0 to 6. models above size 8 are typically labeled plus size despite fact that the average woman is a size 14. >> years of being sent to a different part of a department store, different store, making them feel different is what has given a negative connotation to the word plus or the term plus size. >> the term plus size is so inaccurate. i'm not plus size. i've never been plus size.
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jordan woods plus size. she, like many in the industry, now prefer curve model. >> the curvy woman is beautiful. when you think of curves, think of power >> reporter: 18-year-old whose best friends include kylie jenner and jaden smith has already gained over half a million instagram followers. >> there should be some light brought to sizing, to help uplift the girl that think that she's too big or things that she's too skinny or think that she's different than everyone else because, really, sizing doesn't matter. it's about being happy with the way you look >> reporter: body positive change is taking social media by storm and retailers are hopping on board. >> plus is equal. >> reporter: lane bryant's plus is equal campaign. >> everybody deserves to be celebrated. >> reporter: and to drop the plus organization are trying to revolutionize the way people
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n.october online retailer mod cloth eliminated the designation plus size from its website. >> as the movement grows and thisisisisisomes more vocal on social immediate yeah think to it. >> reporter: whether your runway is a catwalk or the sidewalk, it may being time to embrace the curves and leave plus size a thing of the past. and jordan hopes to inspire others with her message and although she does refer to herself as a curve model, she did ask why can't a model just be called a model. >> i agree. >> and i think in solidarity, >> yes. >> bat wings. >> oh, my gosh. >> we all have issues. curvy is hot bat wings. >> i do. >> you can't see them. >> that's why i'm wearing. >> we'll have a bat wing off. we will. >> having no real vested in this, i think curve is a better
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>> curve sounds like that. >> and if a size 8 is plus size we have a problem. i mean, that's ridiculous. >> i'm a 10 so we do have a problem. >> we asked people on, 81% prefer the term curve to plus size. it's better. hoda, thank you. >> meet you with a measuring tape after the segment. >> all righty. up next, we'll show you a gadget someone has created to help with performance anxiety at a urinal. >> yikes. >> no calling attention. >> and the best of 2015 on pops theart. the top music videos of the year. >> and facebook's sheryl i'm phil mickelson, pro golfer. my psoriatic arthritis caused joint pain. just like my moderate totosevere rheumatoid arthritis. and i was worried about joint damage. my doctor said joint pain from ra can be a sign of existing joint damage that could only get worse.
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and help stop further damage. enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders and allergic reactions have occurred. tell your doctor if you've been someplace where fungal infections are common, or if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. joint pain and damage... can go side by side. ask how enbrel can help relieve joint pain and help stop joint damage. enbrel, the number one
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you do all this research on a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. your insurance company raises your rates.
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for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. liberty mutual insurance. and that is where soup comes from. campbell's fresh-brewed soups. oh, i thought we were talking about babies. made for real, real life. mom! eat up, buddy. you'll get it this time. yeah ok not too quick don't let go until i say so. i got you... start strong with the laststg energy of 100% you're doing it! whole grain quaker oats. and off you go. when i lay in my tempur-pedic contour then i slowly feel it start to kind of wrap itself around me.
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with tempur-flex you've got the spring and bounce of a traditional mattress then it also adjusts to my body. my cloud feels so comfortable. it feels like somebody's hugging you. how can a bed do that? (vo) there's a tempur-pedic for everyone. find the feel that's right for you. give yourself the gift of your best night's sleep. treat yourself to tempur-pedic. [ dog barks ] [ bark ] there it is! [ gasps ] oh no! look, the sky's awake! that. was.
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all right. we're back. 8:12 to stalk about what's trending today. we know it's notoriously difficult to tell someone's tone in a text message, right? well, this morning some insight from researchers at binghamton university. they say putting period at end of a sentence in a text message makes you seem indiana is seer. >> what? interesting. >> here's an exale that we created. one friend ask do the you want to get dinner later and the other responds i'm busy, period. how about tomorrow? i miss you. the response, yeah, that works. >> i wish we could see it, not that you're reading isn't awesome. you can't get the feel of what the text message look like. >> maybe it was in a text mail. >> i -- >> i have one word response. if al texts me something, sure.
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write a full i out of habit put a period. >> i don't get the indiana is seer. if you say fine it could seem fine. >> if you do an exclamation point. >> i'm big on an exclamatiti point. >> you're bign emojis. >> we all should. >> oh, my goodness. >> good segue. staying on the topic of emotions. many people think men have a hard time opening up and women cry more and who knows if that's true but men online are revealing some of the top things that will make them cry. here's a look at thee pop answers. seeing their own fathers cry. >> wow. >> watching videos of soldiers coming home. >> yes. check on that. arguing with their wives, interesting. >> i could see that. >> if your wife starts to crime. receiving hugs from their kids when they comeome from kid. that's cute and, of course, getting kicked in the -- in the sezsitive area.
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>> memorial day parade to veterans day parade all the way down to -- >> the the notebook." >> last event that made me cry, derek k ter walking back out to shortstop on his last day at yankee stadium and bowing down or kneeling down at@ that position. buckets. >> i thought we were putting the tree up and ornaments and the thinking about my patients. >> sweet. >> i like that it's okay, too, for cries to cry. >> absolutely. >> the old stigma is gone. >> threat go, guys. >> how about this up. talk about a transition. >> oh, boy. >> anyone here uncomfortable -- i'm looking at you folks at home, i should be looking at you. anyone uncomfortable about using a public restroom? >> no, no. >> no performance anxiety at all? >> what am i doing? what's the perfrfmance? >> somee menet little stage fright whmt they walk into a public restroom especially when they use the urinal and now it's a new spligs and it's called the privy-pee.
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>> foldd the cape upnd when you go to a restroom you unfold it and you shield yourself from others. >> that won't call any more attention to you. >> going to get arrested after putting that on. >> you're like oh, it's obi-wan kenobi. >> i like this part. the device is still a prototype. how much more development does this need? >> it's like the snuggie. >> hello, i've got to use the john. >> you walk into a restaurant, restroom, three urinals. >> i go to the one on the end? >> why? are you? don't go to the middle one.e. >> let me ask you a question because then if you go to the middle one someone walks in they have no choice but to go next to you. >> let me ask you this. you walk in and you're at work and see someone you work very closely with at urinal which i think urinals is craze, i don't know how you guys do it. >> we stand up and we go. >> bututan you go in front of someone you know? >> could you go next to each other is.
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>> best one ever was early on on the "today" show, president nixon next to me. >> next to you. >> wow sglmd remember what the nickname was. >> not going to do the joke, not going to do it. >> that's an incredible conversation. >> i think we're missing out. >> no. >> come on. >> i don't think we're missing out. >> urinal envy. >> let's move . >> "pop start," melissaivers playing her mom in a new move, right? >> a tuchg role for melissa rivers playing her mother joan and "people" magazine has the first photos from the set of "joy." melissa has a small cameo playing her mom during her mom's years on qvc and called the transformation into her mother overwhelming and even stopped looking in the mirror, but melissa said it was a wonderful experience. by the way, "joy" hit theaters christmas day. quite incredible there.
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of the year, according to youtube, you ready, count it down in. third place "love me like you do" from ellie golding got 809 million vumpts finishing second with 872 million, "sugar" by maroon five and topping the list, a sentimental favorite that will make men and women cry, "see you again" with wiz khalifa honoring the late "fast and furious" star paul walker. up to 1.2 billion views. one other note. youtube says we spent the equivalent of 37 years watching top ten videde. i say we because it would takee all of us for that number. >> collectively all the hours spent watching the videos. >> just the top ten videos. >> wow. >> oh, my gosh. >> this year. >> i'm surprised "hello" wasn't on there. >> probably not yet. >> this is the millions but not that. >> number seven, i'm told. >> mr. roker. >> you know what.
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this year and take a look at some. numbers. this was from last year in boston and look at this, two years ago we had an average of 3.3 inches of snow covering 58% of the country. last year not as bad. 17.9% had about 1.2 inches of snow. look at it this year. i mean, we got almost nothing. only 14% of the country has an average of one inch of snow and don't see much getting added tothe day couldn't stop temperatures from warming to about 20 degrees above average for this time of year. and as more sun returns for wednesday, temperatures may be on the rise a bit more again with highs in the 50s expected where there is little snow cover with highs being held to the 40s in northern siouxland with more snow cover. a front moves through by thursday giving us more wind but still very little in the way of cooling. cocoer weather ddes move in for the weekend and a chance of a few rain shooers will be with us on saturday and that could turn into a mix by saturday night and sunday.
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weather around >> and that's your latest weather. savannah? >> from tragedies like paris to the presidential race and pop culture, we now share debatat and celebrate everything on social media. facebook chief operating officer sheryl sandberg is here. good to see you. >> thank you for having me. >> this is becoming our annual thing where we say wow all that have happened in one year. i can't believe it. >> facebook is where people come together to share what they care about andnd this yeaea was aard year. >> yeah. >> a lot of challenges for the global community and what you see on facebook is people coming together to meet the challenges and to feel less alone and to work towards solutions together. >> and we really see it in this list that facebook compiled of the top moment of the year. this i i what people were posting most. we'll put the list up. number six, marriage equality. seemed all of a sudden everybody had changed their pre-file picture and had that rainbow and this is one of those community
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getting together around an issue. >> 26 million people use the facebook rainbow filter to change their profile picture to the rainbow to show support, and that's pretty incredible. 6 million americans have already come out on facebook, and what we're seeing now is the number of people coming out is three times what it was a year ago and i think that's because people feel the support. people want to live lives as their authentic self and the best way to do that is with the support of a global sglunt it has been a hard year and lest we forget facebook is a global company and look what's rounding out the list, a lot of global events, the greek debt crisis and the syrian refugee c ces andnd just last month attacks in paris. facebook activated its safety check for that which is something you guys had done for natural disasters but never before for something like this. how did it work and how did it work in a situation like this? >> we activated safety check which allows people to check in and let everyone know that they
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over 4 million people did it. 360 million people were notified that their friends in paris were safe and now going forward we'll be using it for natural disasters as welel as the unfortunate violent events. i think what you see is that when these things happen people want to know that their friends and family are safe, but they also want to know howow they can help and that they want to feel connected that is hopefully the resilience that follows these horrific attacks. >> let's look at number one on the list and i have a feeling it might be number one, too, next year. the presidential election, this is something that everybody wants to talk about and not just voters and the candidates themselves really engaging on social media. >> one in four americans who are on facebook have commented or like to share something about the presidentia elections, and the as you just pointed out it wasn't even this year or next year. facebook is the new town hall. it's where people can have a real and more authentic and direct relationship with the people who represent themem >> it's the real definition of community when you're talking
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but you've got to the let me talk about pop culture. you guys are tracking that, too. >> absolutely. >> the top of it v show is "game of thrones" and top movie not even out yet "star wars." are you a "star wars" geek like i am? >> i'm a complete "star warar fan and have a son and ought boys and girls are "star wars" fans. it's amazing for a movie not yet come out to be number one already. >> before i let you go, i have to ask how you're doing, doing a difficult year when you unexpectedly lost your husband and you wrote such a moving and beautiful post about grief and love and i remember you telling me you weren't even show if you wanted to fest but the outpouring was so great. what was that like to experience facebook from that perspective? >> you know, i lost my husband, you know, tragically and suddenly and that's a horrible thing to live through and it's also a pretty isolating thing to live through as you try to rebuild and went back to work. no one knows what to say and
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deer in the heat lights and i wrote this post and wasn't sure if i feast and hit send on the 30-day anniversary of his day whicic has meaning i ithe jewish religigi and i shared, shared howo talk to me hand how i was feeling and it changed a lot. people knew what to say and people started talking to me more openly and even strangers because i'm not only person who experienced loss this year and previous years. i think loss and then trying to rebuild and resilience, such a huge part of the humanan condition,n, and by using and sharing on facebook i felt part of that global community, and as i look to the new year and my children and i have worked so hard to rebuild our lives and find happiness and joy and gratitude again, i think the suppororof strangers and our iends made a huge differenen. i always love to say i feel even closer to it in a much more and profound way. >> not easy to open your heart
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that so many people felt and cared for you. >> you feel not alone because anything you experiencnc no matter how tragic or devastating, there's many people in the world who have experienced that and there's something universal about the ability to share and connect and to say to someone else it gets better. >> it does. sheryl, it's great to see you. >> thank you for having me. >> have a wonderful holiday and hopefully we'll see you next year too. >> thank you. >> and we'll send it over to matt. >> savannah, thank you very much. jill martin is here with a
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>>the call for more volunteer drivers.
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to homebound seniors in five siouxland counties. more than 400 meals every day! but they're running short on drivers. volunteers arrive at connections area agency on aging around 11 a.m., then deliver over t(e lunch hour. lunteers say it's worth every bit of it to see the faces light up when they deliver lunch to the homebound. if you'd like to help out, click on the link inside this story at ktiv-dot-com. here's meterologist ben dorenbnbh.
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see gra 8:30 now. it's wednesday morning and december 9th, 2015, good crowd out on the plaza this morning. like to see that. and in their holiday finest. we've got some elves and people giving gifts for our toy truck and always happy to do that. want more information for our toy drive go to >> coming up, we are happy too have a true american hero, air force sergeant stone who helped thwart the attack on the train in france earlier this year and we'll talk to him exclusively. he's prepared to receive a very well deserved award. >> looking goooo glad to see him here and a special "steals & dedes" and jill has dug up bargaiai of 75% all for great stocking stuffers. >> and let there be light. martha stewart is here with
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glow to your holiday home. >> first, let's swing it over to al. >> season o o kindness on todayay is broroht to you by kisses deluxe. #saymore. >> and good morning. we've got a series of blackboards up here. folks writing out. we asked people to finish the sentence sharing kindness. okay. sharing kindness is contagious, mothers, daughters, refilling the toilet paper. we like that one, and we've got some over here. kindness is do something nice every day. that's awfully nice and compassion, selfless service to others. really nice. thank you so m mh for sharing that. we've been asking the folks and you don't have to be on our plaza to help put this in. go online and #sharekindness and tell us what you think you need
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what you've got going on. we are looking at -- becauau of el nino, the chance of a white christmas in washington, d.c. and the last five el ninos, non. zip. you don't have a chance. new york city, 16% chance of a one-inch snow depth on an average year and el nino years zip, nothing! forget about it, and you go up to boston, where you would have a 21% chance of having a white christmas. during a strong el nino year, you've got zero, nothing! a lump of coal. that's it. so don't expect, because we're in an el nino year, do not expect a white christmas in those three cities. we'll look at midwest a little bit later on. that's what's going on around the country. here'sthe day couldn't stop temperatures from warming to about 20 degrees above average for this time of year. and as more sun returns for wednesday, temperatures may be
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with highs in the 50s expected where there is l ltle snow cover withthighs being held to the 40s in northern siouxland with more snow cover. a front moves through by thursday giving us more wind but still very little in the way of cooling. cooler weather does move in for the weekend and a chance of a few rain showers will be with us on saturday and that could turn into a mix by saturday night and sunday. we'll then kee >> that's your latest weather. don't forget any time you neath need your weather go to the weather channel on cable or online. now let's go back inside to matt with a true american hero. >> that's for sure. thank you very much. 2015 has put spencer stone's bravery to the test. first, without hesitation the air force staff sergeant helped to stop a terror attack on a french train back ininugust. thth in october he survived a stabbing in sacramento, california. he'll return to active duty soon, but, first, spencer is here in new york to accept the uso's george vanclief military leadership award. he's with us now along with air force secretary deborah lee james. secretary james, sergeant, good to have you both h he. >> thanks for having us.
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>> yes, it has. >> are you happy to see it coming to an end? >> yeah, it's winding down hopefully. >> go back to france and your heroics along with two friends of yours aboard that train that helped to stop a terror attack. you were injured in ththprocess, though luckily not lili-threatening injuries. >> yes, sir. >> recovering fully from those? >> not fully. still have some work on my thumb, but it's coming along. >> and fast forward, october, sergeant. you're in sacramento outside a club and involved in an altercation. you got stabbed and the injuries from that were a lot more life-threatening. >> a lot more life threatening. they actually called out the homicide team originally because they didn't think i would make it. i was in the hospital and six minutes from the ambulance and surgery within 30, 35, so, you know, i can't thank the uc davis staff enough for saving my life. >> stab wounds to your heart, your lungs, your liver. could have easily gone the other way. >> very easily. >> secretary james, spencer is
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his actions, his heroic actions. i don't know if he gets tired of hearing it and we don't get tired of saying it in france on that day, talk about that award. >> we don't get tired of talking about it. the united states air force, all so very proud of sergeant stone. what happened on the train that day could have been a catastrophe for many, many people. you know, when something happens, there's sudden danger, most of us, the instinct is to flee and to hunker down and to get away from the gunshot of the firing of guns, but spencer stone and his two friends that day, they had the opposite instincts instincts. they went towards the fire, and because of their actions, evevybody on that train n nt home to their familieseseveryone lived. >> sergeantl how often do you replay it in your mind? >> every day. >> for sure. >> and do you always see it ending the way that it actually ended, or do you allow yourself
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right or a second later. >> all the time, yeah. >> is it hard? >> not for me. i think it just depends on the person, but there's so many other things that could have gone wrong and in one of them did it would have been a totally diffffent situation and mostly what comes to mind even more, even with the recent attacks in paris, my heart really goes out to france for that. you know, that really brought up, you know, memories. >> you bring up paris and secretary james, it seems that the battlefield is changing and memberssf the armed services, ordinary citizens might be called upon to act to prevent ac of terror and violence in different ways than we have been in the past. >> you're right, mt, the battlefield has become in many ways global, and these things can pop up, literallyly anywheree thanks to t t power of the internet and these people can now become radicalized and get access to information which 20 or 30 years ago simply was not possible. so i think it's a reminder for all of us that we've got to keep
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the middle east, first and foremost, and also have to take great care here at home. >> and when things happen unexpectedly, it's a aays nice to have people like sergeant stone on hand to help t people. >> absolutely. >> we really appreciate your heroism. >> thank you, sir. >> great to see you. happy holidays. secretary james, thanks to you as well. >> appreciate it. >> back in a movement this is "today" on nbc.
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"today" on nbc. all right. it's 8:39. time for another special edition of "steals & deals." we're filling stockings but not emting your pockets. "today" contributor jill martin is back with more. jill, good morning. >> good morning. >> did i read my research correctly, everything sunday 20 bucks? >> yeah. >> whoa. >> this will be great, and this will really help with the last-minute gifts that will arrive in time. >> people shoul get by the computer because this goes stuff. >> even the producers have
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>> producers aren't allowed. what is the first item. are we spinning it? >> we are spinning it. >> drum roll and spin. >> okay. >> so these are isotoner gloves. retail is $46. for men and women, and they have the smart touch. >> so you can talk on your phone. >> can respond when a text mail comes in. they come in faux, suede and nylon, all different fabrics. go to to save. the tail $46, 70% off. >> good. >> great teacher's gift. >> really, really nice. >> shall i spin? i'm just enjoying my role here. >> a nail polish set, retail 39.95. a set of two and a limited edition pouch and i don't know if you can tell. they say really fun things on it, party time. >> oh, cute. >> on the polish? on the polish? >n pouch. it's really like wraps it up if you put it in a stocking. celebrity fans include madonna
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the retail 39.95 and the deal is $11.95, 70% off and you can even split up the nail polish. >> one in two. >> that wouldn't be a bad hostess gigi. >> we did that yesterday. >> okay. >> next we have these are super cute. >> the initial key chains. and the retail $45 so 14 carat or rhodium plated brass implants the deal $13. that's 71% off and what i love about this it's personalized. really looks like you put a lot of thought and every initial we have. >> very, very cute. okay. i know somebody who will want these. >> thomas the train toys retail $36. each has a head light and each a magnet on back to connect t one another to get one this year, next year or have different people give to your child. always super popular and the retail $16 to $23 and the deal $6 to $9 and up to 63% off.
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it's not a "steals and deals" with we don't haveveewels. >> little miss twin stars, retail $66 to 88 and good from babies to teens. >> really. >> finished with crystals,` gold-plated, so that fred segal and a global brand, retail 66 to 88 and the deal $20, 77% off. >> nice. you got a lot of deals out of this. >> last but not leasas >> whooesn't need a self stick. >> everyone does. >> affordable charger so you get a full charge with the portable charger and the selfie stick. >> does matt lauer comes included? >> you get all of us. >> retail 59.99 and the retail $18, 77% off. >> i thought we outlawed them? >> we did. let's look at the products one more time. the gloves from ice toner and
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the jewely from ses see & co and thomas the train and little miss twin stars and gabba goods with the selfie stick. find more deals on the "steals & deals" page and go ahead and book mark that. >> thanks. >> coming up next, grueling work and we'll spend a day in the life of a professional fisherman, but, first, this is
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"today" on nbc. . we're back at 8:45 with our special series "24 hours with." >> "today" national correspondent craig melvin follows hard working people for aaull day to get a window on their world, and we're hit willing the high seas aid. >> we are. good morning. it's good to see you. we set out to get to know professional fishermen hooked on a job that keeps them busy while most of us are still fast asleep. gloucester, massachusetts, famous for its fishing. >> it is 1:54 in the morning.
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my man al is about to come charging down those steps. we are going fishing. what's up, brother? how are you? >> good, good, good. >> we're going to do some fishing. >> you ready? >> yeah. >> he is 49 years old and practically born with sea legs. at 2:31 in the morning he casts off ready to head to his office on the open water. al may be only fishermen on his boat but he's not alone. >> you got a start over there. >> a small group of ship captain, many sicilian immigrants and their sons head out together and around here it's a family business. you've been fishing for 35 years? >> yeah. well, i started sumumrs when i was 12 and full time after i graduated high school when i was 17. >> reporter: al runs through a pre-dawn check list before
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the ocean floor to catch the fish. you always drop the net right before the sun comesupup right. >> reporter: that's at4:38 aime and alex pekts a quiet morning. half an hour later. >> i don't like what i see here. i think the wire is snarled. shoot. i've got to haul everything back and unsnarl it. that could take hours >> reporter: wires open the net and keep it from tangling. at this moment whole day of fishing is at risk. al works frantically at sun comes up and reels the net back in and resets it. it's 5:34 aime and with only an hour lost we're trolling again. do you think people know how they get their fish? >> probably not. the public gets theirish andnd hopefully they can be more aware of where it's coming from and try to buy the domestic products over the impoed products, you know. quality-wise and, you know, helping out your fellow
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>> reporter: as he works in the wheelhouse at 8:14, there are some familiar faces. catch. most fish in this basket, dogfish and before noon he steam into the harbor and al unloads his catch at market. it will be weighed and auctioned off the following day. after al fill letet s se great sole for dinner. great looking fish. how will you prepare it? >> bread it and fry it. >> reporter: old school. >> old school. >> reporter: al invited us to the fish fry at home and brought along the old school, his parents, his father frank from sicily and fished for six decades. it's 5:26 p.m.,, al's's w we isabable home from work at an insurance company a their son and daughter home from college break. how often do you eat in the.
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>> reporter: marcus, are we proud of dad? >> absolutely. i mean, being fromhis town,t means something to be a fishermen. >> reporter: these days there are fewer fishermen in gloucester. you ever think about getting into the family business? >> i wasn't allowed to. >> the things have been going downhill for a long time. it's not a future for hi. he's too young -- he'll be the last generation i think. >> reporter: as one tradition appears to be ending, another stretches on into the night, but not too late. the following morning, al is up again ready to see what the day holds and what it can bring home from the sea. >> oshie gosh, why there's a handful of fishermen in gloucester. gotten considerably golder and al tells us that this complex quota system has dug into his profits than will be the case until late april when the start of the new fishing season begins will. >> what's amazing he goes out by
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>> every morning. >> dangerous. >> very dangerous, and his wife worries considerably. every morning, still after 30 years. >> tough job. craig, that was cool. big thank you very much. >> thank you very much. up next, martha stewart is here to help lighten up your holiday season. savannah, you always tell me how crafty you are, wait until you hear some of thehe ideas..
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nbc. anncr: when the attacks come here... ...the person behind this desk will have to protect your family. will he be impulsive and reckless, like donald trump? will he have voted to dramatically y aken counter-terrorism surveillance, like ted cruz? will he have skipped crucial national security hearings and votes just to campaign, like marco rubio? 27 generals and admirals t jeb bush. because jeb has the experience and knowledge to protect your family. right to rise usa is responsible
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back now with more our hassle-free holiday. martha stewart is here to make your season bright with great ideas straight from the pages of "martha stewart live." good morning, happy holidays. >> good morninin >> congratulations. >> yeah. >> 25thanniversary. >> indeed. >> of the magazine. >> and it's a strong and beautiful magazine and so full of great ideas, i love it. >> really is. >> we have so many great ideas. >> let there be light here. >> great ideas to bring a little light into the holiday. start with a balloon. >> blow up balloons. >> makes it much easier, right. >> and tie it off and have a bowl that's about the right size for each balloon, okay? now this is just glue. >> half and half mixture of glitter and glue. >> put in some nice fine glitter, stir it in and then paint that all over your balloon. >> you take that and dip is in
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>> and do stuff like this, and if you have the time to do it properly like you do it actually looks -- >> once you put the decoupage and glitter on the balloon, uneven pattern, half the balloon dip it into a more tinselly glitter. >> the object is to cover the whole who would be the bottom half of the balloon. >> the bottom half and threat dry. >> overnight maybe? >> that one came off -- see if that will come off by self or break that balloon. >> break that balloon? >> and then you turn it upside down. >> and use it over here as a votive candle holder, a great project for kids and for adults. >> i love that. very creative. >> thoogs are beauteese are beautiful. >> you see them in hardware stores and home stores.
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mixture of glitter and glue, just paint all over the entire globe, and then sprinkle more glitter on it because the glitter reallyy does make -- this is white glitter. >> and once you've got that all covered, sprinkle it really great. >> and use these little l.e.d. lights inside and look at holder. this is really cutter, biscuit cutter and paint those if you like and just show how this goes right on top. >hat's really great. >> makes a beautiful, beautiful effect on your table. >> dim the lights so we can see that for a second. >> look how pretty that looks, beautiful. >> okay. >> and making a garland. you can see on the front of table here this beautiful garland. it's's string of lights, take a long string and pretty tinsel and if you hold that >> you stretch it out. >> good to have two people doing this.
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better to have the white strand of lights. >> unless you haveark green tinsel. >> and silver glitter, hang some ornaments with a little wire from here and embellish your mantlepieces and it's fire proof. >> do you use garland when you decorate a tree? >> i don't know. i have about 40 trees in my house. old trees, big trees. >> this is so sille and it's great. >> the take a piece of beautiful parchment paper, nice dipped translucent paper. >> want to get crafty. >> make these by using punches. >> have you used this punch. this is a punch that makes pretty little holes. don't do this on your table.
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self-healing cutting mat and make the holes all over it and with tape -- you know when you get flowers from your boyfriend or your girlfriend. >> or your husband. >> yes. >> or your husband. you -- you get these vases and save them. make beautiful cyri if you're doing everything right but find it harder and harder to get by, you're not alone. while our people work longer hours for lower wages, almost all new income goes to the top 1%. my plan -- make wall street banks and the ultrarich pay their fair share of taxes, provide living wages for working people, ensure equal pay for women. i'm bernie sanders. i approve this message becacae together, we can make a polititil revolution and create an economy and democracy that works for all
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the man who retiring iowa state representativ e ron jorgensen has endorsed to replace him in the legislature is picking up more support. republican jacob bossman is running for house district 6, which covers morningside, sergeant bluff, bronson and salix. on tuesday, bossman picked up endorsements from state senators and fellow republicans rick bertrand and bill anderson. " i feel like i share a similar temperament to rep. jorgensen," said jacob bossman, running for house district 6. "i think that i have the skills necessary to listen and represent the people of morningside, salix, sergeant bluff and bronson." jorgensen was first electt to the e use in 2010. he saysyse would be a "great replacement and representativ e of this
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to the upper this morning on "today's take" who is the person of the year? "time" magazine reveals its very surprising choice. then the must-see viral videos of 2015 that had everyone talking and clicking. plus, we'll help you deck the halls with easy diy decorating ideas. all that and more coming up now. >> announcer: from nbc news this is "today's take" w wh al roker, natalie morales, willie geist and tamron hall live from stewed yo 1a in rockefeller playsa. welcome to "today" on a wednesday morning, december the 9th, fwst. nice big crowd out on the plaza. inside, i'm willie along with al, willie and natalie. our morning jam iss a special o o as we c cebrate with our friends celebrating hannukah.
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>> sent to knee from one of our virus called "dance all night" by betsy hirsch and roberta smithline and there's no real hannukah jam so you can't really -- we're going to post it and give it some proper love. >> i like it. >> it's like a donna summer -- >> what does it have to do with hannukah. >> the lyrics. >> i can't heart lyrics. >> like the little ball and the ball goes along. >> it's the hannukah lights. >> m mbe if we stop talking and they play it out. raise your hands dance all night >> okay. >> there is a classic hannukah song and add am sandler wrote it 25 years ago. >> is there no room? >> they said a classic janel. >> there's a fourth version. >> i love that my viewers sent this to us. >> we're not dissing it.
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>> sandler. >> here's the adam sandler song. >> oh, no, you're losing it. you and jeffrey tambor said yesterday we eat allotted on this show. martha stewart gave us the best cookies ever. >> they are beautiful. >> it's unbelievable. >> the christmas nut ball, very nice. >> my christmas cookies never look like that. >> because it's martha stewart. >> she has elves, too, that help. >> martha's cookies when you open the box, a glow comes out. >> like ah. >> i actually feel bad eating the cookies. you can have some. >> the snowflake, look at that. >> it's lovely. >> season of sharing. >> maybe if donald trump got one these. >> hot off the presses news. "time" person of the year. a lot of people weighed n.saw the finalists, had eight of them from all walks of life, black lives matter activists and international leaders like vladimir putin and donald trump
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and who did "time" pick? here's the big reveal, it's versionnery exciting. angege merkel. >> boom. >> you say that exciting. >> are you excited by that? >> you know what, she has done a lot. >> the so you're excited about if? >> i do think the choice is -- i mean, it's interesting. i do think it's certainly -- >> yeah sglrks know, for better or worse as they say. longege rununng chancellor. >> right. >> she has had a tremendous impact for the million refugees that she's opened germany to to take them in and i think she's really started the whole crisis. >> and there haven't been enough women. >> i think willie is talking about the fact that obviously this is something that stirred controversy, conversation and people likely wouldn't run out to grab "time."
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>> i'm saying this year, is she the first person that jumps to your mind? >> you know donald trump was surprised by it. >> donald trump has just tweeted, speaking of hot off the presses. >> i told you "time" magazine would never pick me as person of the year despite being the favorite. they picked the person who is ruining germany. >> by allowing the million people into the country perhaps is what he's referencing. >> will be one of his closest allies if he becomes president of the united states. have to patch that up later. >> stable mate putin didn't win. he refers to putin as their stable mate because they were both on "60 minutes" but not in the same room or anywywre near and was the h hhest rated "60 minutes" and not a good game on before. >> he said he's been on the most covers -- more than any cover model in the world, so he didn't make one cover. >> that was a good trump, i like that. >> what else we got? >> so we all love apps, love the
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apple unveiled their best of 2015 and top three downloaded trivia crack, messenger from facebook and dub smanchlt remember . remember how that works. >> buhler, buhler. you're the one i want something strange in the neighborhood who you gonna call, ghostbusters >> i love that. >> the do you play trivia crack? >> we going to play. >> this is today's take versus season. you hit spin and there are different cat griggs, like five categories, sports, arts, okay. so here we go. and i say play. and it says what type of paint is men for drying quickly and being very elastic, oil, water color, pastel, acrylic. >> akrillic. >> a a we hit acrylic, and the, boom, correct. you keep playing until you're wrong.
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>> i like that. >> top iphone app heads up from ellen. >> i love that. i love that. >> it's like charades. >> that's really coco. >> saiai let's play but we don'tt -- >> i h he it. i've got it. >> let me get it here real quick. this is great. >> cookies, cookies. >> speaking of -- since it is the holiday season, as i am slowly -- the wi-fi in here is not good. >> anyway, you've seenent on ellen, it's fun, it's good, it's good. >> here we go. >> come on, kristine. >> come on. >> there you go. >> so icons, legends and stars, boom. >> how are you going to do this? >> we'll seeee them in the monitors so -- >> enable camera. okay. forget about it. it's all good. >> walk away at this point. >> it's all good. it's good. watch it on ellen and then can
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>> it's a good game. you ready for a little secret santa time. >> they are inn there. at went well. >> what did martha stewart put in these cookies i? blame you, martha stewart. >> what did you put it in. >> have you thought about your gifts for your colleagues. >> not even. >> % of people are stress being out aut picking and 39% believe their co-workers have regifted. >> there's nothing wrong with regifting. >> raise your hand if you regifted? >> i didn't always but why waste something or put it in a closet. >> recycling. >> it's not recycling. it's re-giving. >> office depot did that survey. >> it's time for our secret santa so obviously with four of us it's not so secret usually
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>> if you pick your own name -- >> price limit this year. >> oh, wait, wait, wait. i got two. it's all one. >> wait, i got myself again. got myself again. >> you always get sglurs okay. i'm good. >> i'm good. >> i'm good. >> good. >> all right. >> this is so exciting. we're goingo exchange gifts on christmas day. $40. >> good. >> good. >> the let's do it again. >> no. >> did you get yourself. >> no. >> let's do it again? >> you don't like your pick? >> i got this p pson twice. >> the merry christmas. the spirit of the season. let's do it again. the pacific northwest, today's storm and then we've got another big storm coming in on thursday. difference with this one as opposed to the one that's coming in on thursday the precipitation moves to the south so we're
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weatatr coming in early today and heavy rain and snow for idaho and montana and snow will finally break for the coast and then thursday, this next one moves inland and gets as far south as the sierra which is great news for the snow pack. rainfall going as far and just even south of san francisco. the heaviest rain though going to be along the organize northwest california coast. some areas there will get 7 inches of rain and look at the snow. great news for the sierra. the snow pack getting build up anywhere from 1 to 3 feet and maybe in some areas 4 feet of snowow that's terrific news and w we were expecting this in an el ninithe day couldn't stop temperatures from warming to about 20 degrees above average for this time of year. and as more sun returns for wednesdada temperatures may be on the re a bit more again with highs in the 50s expected where theris little snow cover
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being held to the 40s in northern siouxland with more snow cover. a front moves through by thursday giving us more wind but still very little in the way of cooling. cooler weather does move in for the weekend and a chance of a few rain showers will be with us on saturday and that could turn into a mix by saturday night and sunday. we'll then keep the cooler weather around into the first part of next week. >> and that's your latest weather. >> martha's cookies are insanely good. >> she said they were made yesterday. so they are super fresh. >> you could live on this for the next week or two. >> should do that for a living. >> she would be good. >> she has a magazine. >> coming up next, if you love carpool karaoke or love a good frank, boy, are you going to
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the top viral videos of drama? sometimes i like to push it. new push up drama mascara from maybelline new york our unique cup shaped bristles... p and coat... for volume so lifted. it's our most dramatic, pushed up lashes. maybelline's push up drama make it happen. maybelline new york. happy anniversary dinner, darlin' can this much love be cleaned
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oh yeah. one bottle has the grease cleaning power of two bottles of this bargain brand. a drop of dawn and grease is gone. announcement: this storm promises to be the biggest of the decade. with total accumulation of up to three feet. roads will be shut down indefinitely. and schools are closed. campbell's soups go great with a cold and a nice red. made for real, real life. lips appear to age faster than other skin. no worries. now, there's new chapstick total hydration. its 100% natural, age defying formula is clinically proven to provide healthier, more youthful looking lips. chapstick put your lips first i was not aware of how much acidity was in my diet. i was so focused on making good food choices, i had no idea that it was damaging the enamel of my teeth. i wanted to fix it, i wanted to fix it right away. my dentist recommended pronamel. he said that pronamel can make my teeth stronger, that it was important, that
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each day to help protect the enamel of my teeth. pronamel is definitely helping me to lead the life that i want to live. just head around the corner to walgreens when you're searching for that perfect little something. walgreens has great gifts like toys, beauty gift sets and photo gifts, and it's all just a hop, skip and a bark away. walgreens. at the corner of happy and healthy. right now, save 50 percent on the gift of the week. it's been another year of big and funny viral videos. >> so we're taking a look back at some of the most talked about videos with the head of culture an trends at youtube. kevin, good morning. >> good morning.
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>> lots to look back and go over. let's start with top ten. number nine, the dover, delaware police dashcam where the cop was singing "shake it off." >> police officer from delaware james jeff davis and caught on his dashboard camera singing taylor swift. seen a lot of kind of these lip synch videos over the year, very popular for a long time but this is the most the unexpected ones. >> has a daughter. >> and that's why he knew the words to the song. >> happening around the top ten. only time for five of them. number six, carpool creaky with the biebs. >> geesh and james cordin from the "late, late show." >> a big year for bieber, always popular on youtube. late night shows in general, three of the top ten clips from late night homes. the amount of time people spent watching on youtube was nearly double. >> too late for some of us to watch and that's how he love it. >> love that james corden has
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>> not just great clips and very shareable. >> pick your favorite. jennifer hudson at a drive through or maybe it was five guys. that's a great bit. >> number three, a prank from roman atwood. >> this is the crazy plastic ball prank, so this is where he fills his entire house and made a giant ball pit to bring his wife when she came hope. one of youtube's most popular pranksters, 8 million subscribers on his youtube channel. biggest video he put out this year. >> i want to know what the cleanup was like. >> who had to do it. >> number two, a super bowl commercial which i still -- makes me -- makes me laugh out loud. >> clash of clans revenge. an ad from the super bowl, liam neeson is in it. very funny and this is the fourth time that we've had a super bowl ad make the list. after the big game people come to youtube. >> got hear the speech.
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>> it's liam. >> you will regret the day that you crossed angry neeson 52. i love that. >> great ad. >> and the number one of 2015 is -- >> the top trending video of 2015 is "watch me whip, watch me n'-nae, the dance trend of the year, a video from a 5-year-old dancer who is adorable. this video has been watched over 100 million times. we saw tens of thousands of people uploading videos relating to the dance trend. let's watch her do her thing here. >> watch me, watch myrick boom, watch me. beach. okay. okay. watch me, watch me. watch me. >> she is a cutie, and her story is her mom is actually a choreographer so she's got built-in moves there. >> grew up in a family of dancers, yeah. >> fantastic. kevin, thanks so much. and if you want to check out
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of 2015 head to coming up next, which reality tv couple is expecting? we've got the my moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis made a simple trip to the grocery store anything but simple. so finally, i had an important conversation with my dermatologist about humira. he explained that humira works inside my body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to my symptoms. in clinical trials, most adults saw 75% skin clearance. and the majority were clear or almost clear in just 4 months. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores.
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ask your dermatologist about humira. because with humira clearer skin is possible. antlers on reindeer, gifts tied with laces polar bear noses, colorful faces candy canes wrapped up to the top, how many ways can you snap, crackle, pop? snowmen with buttons, snowflakes with icing candy corn feathers, sure look enticing rice krispies treats, the fun doesn't stop - how many ways can you snap, crackle, pop? there's a bazillion ways to make the holidays a treat with kellogg's rice krispies. how many ways can you snap, crackle, pop? there are some people you should give underwear to this holiday. and there are some people you shouldn't . people you should. shouldn't. janice! should. shouldn't. yes. no. should. no way. should. no.
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ha, nay. you shouldn't give underwear to everybody. but for those you do, give them fruit of the loom. introducing kisses deluxe chocolates. with a whole-roasted hazelnut, delicate crisps, and layers of rich, creamy chocolate, they're twice the size of the kisses chocolates you love.
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i think when people hear about memory care they're scared, they think that it's sad. i think it's important for everyone to know that there is so much more to memory support than the stigmas you hearabout. that these residents still have lives and their lives still matter and that they are still living their lives. that they're not locked away and that they still have a lot to live for, you know, that they have people that care about them and they have people that love them and i love them, so their lives still matter.
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get your mugs up, still remodeling the nightclub. do you see we've added a star, for you at home. it's hump day and let's pop up our glasses "pop fix." ching-ching. it must be true. really can't put baby i ithe corner.. 28 years after the original movie abc is work on a new three-hour version of "dirty dancing" starring the great jennifer gray and patrick swayze. no word on who will take on the role of ayze, abigail breslin has been tapped to play baby. the news comes as nbc's "wiz live" delivered ratings gold
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viewers tuning in to nbc to check it out. one key difference though, the w "dirty dancing" will not be live. i think that's a good idea because you don't want to practice that lift and it go wrong on tv. kelly clarkson must have won the christmas battle of cards here because look what she's done. the singer revealed her family's epic "game of thrones" themed holiday card yesterday which featured kelly, her h hband brandon and their kids in full costume with the famous #winteriscoming. i love kell clarkson for so many reasons but this card is amazing. take a look. 17-month-old river is not quite in the vibe. look at her with the big smile on the face, adorable while the rest of the family stays in character with the dramatic posing and while fans of the hbo show got a glimpse of the upcoming series when the network released three new seconds of footage "game of thrones"
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and tell me through twitter doo you believe snow is alive. >> i think he's alive. >> and a bachelor baby is on the way. congratulations to sean lowe and catherine who got together and the reality show built on love. television special. the couple revealed yesterday they are expecting their first child posting matching pictures on instagram and congratulations to them. reality show. there you have t.guess what else we love. patty labelle and her biggest fans are now teaming up, and this is incredible. james wright shinnel who rose to fame with this and he's going to appear live with patti labelle on the cooking channel and just for you, we've got a clip.
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>> the patti, patti, what's your name? patti, patti. >> listen, patti labelle "holiday pies" premiers on the cooking channel on december 16th. if you don't smile when you see, that good news for peat pie lovers, willie geist somewhere in this building. yesterday the ceo of walmart confirmed new shipments of the uber popular desserts have arrived in stores nationwide. we deliver the goods to you in "pop fix." holiday decor for your front door and more easy diy ideas
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what, you stayed when we go to the store, find my box of honon bunches of oats and i'm checking to see if i packaged it. best cereal in the world right there.
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disagreement, but a couple snow showers do appear to be possible saturday night and sunday, so we'll see how those chances play out in the coming days. see graphics. >> . >> officials are taking a closer look at expanding the woodbury county jail. a recent engineering study found the law enforcement center would be able to accomodate an addition. an expansion would allow inmates currrrtly held at the century-old prprrie hills building to be moved downtown. "the significance is it allows us to put all of our people, that we serve, the inmate population, under one roof," said major greg stallman, woodbury co. sheriff's office. "it helps with the overcrowding, we've been overcrowded here for decades." the next step is to select an chitect to figure out how to design the addition.
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> anncr: when the attacks come here... ...the person behind this desk will have to protect your family. will he be impulsive and reckless, like donald trump? will he have voted to dramatically weaken counter-terrorism surveillance, like ted cruz? will he have skipped crucial national security hearings and votes just to campaign, like marco rubio? 27 generals and admirals suppb bush. because jeb has the experience and knowledge to protect your family. right to rise usa is responsible
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taking a loooo at headlines. the fbi is investigating whether one of the shooters in last week's san bernardino massacre had planned an earlier attack. nbc news has learned that syed farook may have talked about hitting a different california targeted back in the 2012, and that may suggest that farook wasas radicalizeddong before he met and married his wife and accomplice tashfeen malik. meanwhile farook's parents have been put on a terror watch list as a precaution. police and air force officials in georgia are trying to find two afghan trainees who are missing. the two were assigned to moody air force base and failed to show up for work on monday. air force and defense officialsls said two were screened before they arrived in the u.s. more than a year oak and do not pose an apparent threat. new figures from the government show life expectancy in the u.s. has stayed the same
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a baby born last year can expect to live an average of 78.8 years. life expectancy for women is 81.2 years. for men it's 74.6 years. heart disease and cancer deaths were down but deas from alzheir's disease were up. apple has reportedly sheffield plans for a live tv streaming service. apple had planned to offer a bundle of about 14 channels for $0 to $40 a month but according to bloomberg it ran into resistance from media companies who wanted more cash for their content. so for now the report says apple will focus on providing a marketplace where companies sell shows and movies to customers through its app store. the new "star wars" movie didn't come out for anothth nine days, but that hasn't stopped from enthusiasts from getting in line a little bit early. take a look outside the scene outside the famed chinese theater. the line started forming over the weekend.
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december 18th and we're counting down and can't wait. >> and in otherer nene. >> yes. >> natalie, you cooked up this delicious apple galette. >> rustic apple pie, walnuts, pears, and the crust is homemade and you make a savory version as well and boast r r dee peas on >> part of the food sgleem are they as good as martha's cookies? >> still very warm. >> isn't it delicious? >> anyone. >> take a whiff of that. >> all right. >> why don't you take that over to the harlem globetrotters, you guys want some. you can havee some. youuan afford totoeat. >> hey. in the meantime. where 's the snow. what the heck. back december 8, 2013, 58% of the country had an average of
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last year 70.9% had an average depth of 1.2% and now we'rere under 15% of the country covered by an inch of snow. that's it. they like it >> you need to see this on camera. you took a bite and just replay what you just did >> that's after eating. >> there you go. >> i don't know ifthe e y couldn't stop temperatures f fm warming to about 20 degrees above average for this time of year. and as more sun returns for wednesday, temperatures may be on the rise a bit more again with highs in the 50s expected where there is little snow cover with highs being held to the 40s in northern siouxland with more snow cover. a front moves through by thursday giving us more wind but still very little in the way of cooling. cooler weather does move in for the weekend and a chance of a few rain showers will be with us on saturday and
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we'll then keep thth cooler weather around into the first part of next week >> and that's your late weather. ladies. >> all right. a thank you very much. if you've not already deck the the has of your home then carve out some time this weekend because we're about to show you some easy diy decor. >> the founder and ceo of life-style company is going to show us three places to focus your attention to make the most impact. >> happy holidays. >> congratulations, baby number two. >> i'm masking it. >> no, no, no. >> that's an extra busy holiday season. >> the easie ideas that i have. >> i love this idea and pay attention to your door, so easy. >> for those who don't know how to make wreaths. all you need to do is glue
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don't use hot clock or use a metal binding glue and tie it up with a bow. >> that's adorable. >> and reusable and take it out against next year. >> if you love gingerbread, these are tight filled with poly fill, the stuff that you put in pillows and wooden dowels to stick in a planter, good afternoon it with sugar and think of it as a snow effect. and these are just cardboard boxes with moss wrapped upp with l.e.d. lights and ribbon. >> cool. >> the fireplace mantle, a great place for decorations and i love what you did here with the garland. >> a big trick to maximize your mantle. a curtain rod under neat here and being held by the stocking holders.
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road and if you have a lot of kids and want to show off your cards on the mantle. >> looks more fashionable. >> that way you can also take advantage of the top of your mantle. see the beautiful bark candle. we golol foiled them and you can find these on amazon. really, really easy. take my good friend mr. mogge podge and start painting over the candle and this is usome stuff, gold foil. let it get tacky and dry. the golol goes face down and once you let i go for 20, 30 seconds, you peel it off. >> rust inning and elegant look. >> rustic chic. >> okay. the table. if you want to get the kids involved. one fun trick is to have them
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glue them together to make a runner. >> and i love the little ornaments. cute. >> so instead of traditional place cards. our over here. hot glue come washers and little elf yourself bodies. >> and then the peppermint. >> the peppermint platter. >> so fun. put pupper mints inside a cake pan and melt it down and mold it on top of a bowl. >> one o omy favorite y things that i've seen. >> and look at little napkins like elf hats. >> give this as a gift to someone. >> after dinner mints. >> britt morris, thank you so much. >> and congratulations, happy holidays to you and britt is taking over our pinterest board
9:26 am g.have fun on pinterest, on our board. coming up next, traveling for holidays and wrapping all the snow is starting to fall... and all the decorations are just right. the presents have all been opened... and our loved ones are gathered all around. so share that extra joy in your heart... and make this christmas even more special than the last. walmart has everything you'll need for a christmas meal they'll never forget. share wonder every day.
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to order your christmas arrangement visit your local store or go to today. fact you won't find the brand pharmacists recommend most for cold and flu relief at the shelf. advil cold & sinus is only behind the pharmacy cocoter. ask your pharmacist for fast, powerful advil cold & sinus. relief doesn't get any better than this. eat up, buddy. you'll get it this time. yeah ok not too quick don't let go until i say so. i got you... start strong with the lasting enengy of 100% u're doing it! whole grain quaker oats. and off you go. olive garden's all-new flavorfilled pastas, with raviolis so nice we filled them twice.
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an irresistible twist on an old favorite. plus unlimited salad and breadsticks. for a limited time. at olive garden. just press clean and let roomba from irobot help with h ur everyday messes. roomba navigates your entire home cleaning up pet hair and debris for up to 2 hours. which means your floors are always clean. you and roomba from irobot better together . you may not even think a aut the energy that lights up your world.
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we're exxonmobil. and the cleaner-burning natural gas we produce generates more of ourelectricity than ever before... ...helping dramatically reduce america's emissions. because turning on the lights, isn't as simple as just flipping a switch. energy lives here. > are you planning to travel, wrap g gts or dance in the coming week? >> or all of the above? >> there's a group of activities simultaneously. we'll learn half a dozen great hacks who will help you this season. >> expert brandy maloy is here. >> post-it note. >> i'm going to change your life. >> if you're anything like me i love to eat and work and i'm eating my doritos and so forth. >> crumbs.
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instead of tossing the post-it note and grab the sticky side and run it through the keys and you get ada had a moment. >> and then you have a snack. >> and you get allhat nasty stuff because sometimes i'll type and a key gets stuck and this saves your day. >> what are we doing here? >> don't want to ruin your manicure, this is a life safer so everyone take a staple remover. these rim possible to open up. >> i sometimes go to my neighbor's house to have him open it because ian't do it because i can't mess up the manny and you crab it and use the claw on the staple remover to separate the key wring and hey, mom, want to come by my house and grab my laundry, just kidding, you can take the key off without ruining your nail polish. >> unbelievable. >> save the manny, america. >> wrapping paper, it's everywhere. it's a disaster and the last
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upset so grab the rapping paper i want to save it while you're wrapping. take a toilet paper roll and slice it down the center and use it as a little holder. >> the you want to save the paper, right? >> look at that. >> the you won't get so frustrated when you're wrapping gifts. >> this will wait change you travel. >> have you ever been waiting at baggage claim and you see all your stuff everywhere and hope my stuff didn't fall out. a great way to keep the zippers together. use paper clips. won't let you lock up your thing and take the paper clip and one
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and zip it as tight as possible and then use the other side to connect the two and youou won't be sad that stuff got out of there. >> forgot your wireless blue tooth speaker and want to pump up the jam. >> this can save you as a party. used it. >> can bump up everything. i'm going to amp fight music using my smartphphe and a beer glasas let's hear it now. >> my favorite sglong here we go. watch and learn, guys. >> oh, my god. >> unbelievable. >> did someone throw a disco ball down? >> hey, you are amazing. >> make sure you finish your beer before you do that. >> right, right. >> and put that the in your luggage. >> isn't t tt the best. you saved the party. >> thank you so much. >> coming up next, the legendary trotted trot showing off their skills and teaching us a few
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brandy just showed us after these messages. when the flu hits, it's a really big deal. the aches. the chills. the fever. an even bigger deal? everything you miss out on... family pizza night. the big game. or date night. why lose out to the flu any longer than you have to? prescription tamiflu can help you get better 1.3 days faster. that's 30% sooner. call your doctor right away. and attack the fluluirus at its sourur with prescription tamiflu. tamiflu is fda approved d treat the flu in people 2 weeks ana older whose flu symptoms started within the last two days. before taking tamiflu tell your doctor if you're pregnant, nursing have serious health conditions, or take other medicines. if you develop an allergic reaction, a severe rash, or signs of unusual behavior, stop taking tamiflu and call your doctor immemeately. children a a adolescents in particular may be at an increased risk of seizures, confusion or abnormal behavior. the most common side effects are mild to moderate nausea and vomiting. call your doctor right away. don't lose another moment to the flu.
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many people clean their dentures with toothpaste or plain water. and even though their dentures look clean, in reality they're not. if a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that stillllxists on the denture, and that bacteria multiplies very rapidly. that's why dentists recommend cleaning with polident everyday. polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day. take zzzquil and sleep like...the kids went to nana's use... for the whole weekend. zzzquil. the non-habit forming sleep aid that helps you sleep easily, and wake refreshed.
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is a beautiful thing. every coconut has a dream. to come out of its shell. to show all the world its true, inner beauty. and then, in an ironic twist, get covered up by chccolate and almonds. almond joy mounds. what every coconut wants. [ freida ] there's a story behind my skin. my only makeup? true match. [ male announcer ] only true match has l'oreal's technology to match your skin's unique tone and undertone. 100% guaranteed. [ freida ] my skin. my story. my true match.
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to feel this special... you need to eat this special. i love it kellogg's special k... ...made with whole grains and fiber help a body thrive. i love it folic acid and vitamin d... make a body feel this good. start your day with 150 nourishing calories... a bowl of special k. i love it eat special, feel special. discover more ways to eat special ...with special k. >> okay. willie just called me out saying i have no game. >> well, we'll see. >> ah, yeah. >> have the world famous harlem globetrotters. an exciting time. they are celebrating 90 years of skilled showmanship and winning performances in front of millions of fans, six continents and in 122 countries and
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a lot of numbers. >> earlier just between some of the players, climbed high above madison square garden in new york city to show off their stuff. >> unbelievable. >> that's incredible. >> and the celebration is the best part. let's see one more. >> all right. let's welcome big easy lawson and cheese chis yom and moose weeks and hawk thomas. ladies, gentlemen, good to see you. good morning. >> we'll step aside and let you do your thing and then come back. >> fix your hair, girl.
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>> hey. >> oh, my gosh. >> around the globe. nice. >> he can do that all day. >> that's a good gif. keep doing that. can't move. >> the he can do that all day. >> oh, man, so fun to watch you guys perform. 90 years of the harlem globetrotters. what does it mean for you all to be a part of this? >> legacy that we, have 90 years, like i said and guys like wilt chamberlain and curly haines paved the way and the
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another 90 years, big's, cheese, t & t and doing things like new york fashion week, meeting the pope and doing collaboration with stomp and i like to see history and do so many things off the court and goodwill ambassadors. >> you are there. one of three female players. talk about pie neerts. you keep these guys in line? >> somebody has to do it. >> i'm loving it. >> so honored to be part of this team. 90th consecutive year and hopefully we'll get 990 more and keep the torch lit that all the people ahead of us lit so we're just excited about this year coming up, truly exciting. >> we'll have a face-off and it's not hair and hair because you and moose have the best hair but we'll have a face-off. >> i talked a lot, i hope i can back it off. >> willie says he's got game. >> you go first. >> you go first. >> okay. >> the money cheese. >> okay.
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>> i'm going to go, go behind the back, under the leg, turn around and shake it to the left, shake it to theright. >> i'm laughing at this the. >> go, willie. >> behin the back under the leg and shake it. >> wait, wait, wait. >> go over, go over. >> you can do over. >> no, no, no do overs. >> okay. >> wait a minute. wait a minute. i'm good. >> i got you. >> that was perfect. >> cheese, iet you down, man. >> the take the money. >> he's taking the change-maker. >> tone it down. >> i think we'll give it to the lady. >> the tnt. >> guys, thanks so much for being here. we love you. come back any time.
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harlem globetrotters. >> we love you guys. >> back in a moment.
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shake one of our longtime donors to today's toy drive is the direct selling company stamping up and sarah douglas isn't rim ceo. sarah, good morning. good to s you. >> good to see you. >> i would say what's happening but i'm going to say what's stamping? >> i love that. >> tell us about what you're donating. >> we're donating over $2 million in paper crafting supplies, so some of the things you see in the basket, we're super excited about that. it inspires creativity and who is using our products. >> and i love what you're holding here. great messages of love and joy.
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you cansioux city police may start wearing body cameras next spring. it was the topic of a legislative meeting tuesday including police and local and state lawmakers. more law enforcement agencies across the country have been using the cameras to record interactions with the public. officials say it's a big issue for the p-d in terms of retention of information, but it doesn't come cheaply. "it's a big issue for the police department in terms of retention," said pete groetken, a sioux city councilmember. "it's a very expensive part of maintaining records. so there needs to be some reasonableness to how we
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the police department in akron, iowa recently started using body cameras. here's meterologist ben dorenbach with weather.
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you know families today are so stretched... ...they're working two jobs; they're working extra hours, but paychecks have barely budged. raising family incomes is the defining economic challenge of our time... i have a plan that will put raising incomes right at the center of our economy again. we've got to get back to making it possible... ...for anybody in america to go as far as their hard work will take them. that will be my mission as president. i'm hillary clinton, i approve this message
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