tv News 4 at Ten NBC January 18, 2016 10:00pm-10:34pm CST
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siouxland girl. good evening and thanks for joining us. i'm matt breen. sheila brummer has the night off. two weeks from tonight, iowans will gather with their friends and neighbors, and take the nation's first, public step toward electiti a presididt. they'll gather fororhe iowa caucuses. tonight, ktiv's tiffany lane shares what you need to know before february 1st.
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particular," said suzan stewart, ththparliamentarian for the woodbury county republicans. it's an important process, butut there are a few steps you need to follow to take part. to caucus, you have to be a registered voter. you can register at your county auditor's office, or at the caucus site on caucus night. all you need is a valid id to prove residency. the caucus starts at 7:00pm, but you should get there early. to begin, representativ es from each campaign will address the caucus-goers. that's where the similarities-- between a republican and democratic caucus-- end. for republicans... "each candidate has a representative who can speak on their behalf for two, up to two minutes, to the entire group," said stewart. once republican speeches are over, you make your way to your precinct room if you are at a location with multiple precincts. that's when you hand in your ballot. "then the caucus chair whom they'll elect will run the caucus and that group will elect people to the precinct central committee, from the precinct to the central committee," said
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delegates to the county convention that's going to be held on march 12th." democrats on the other hand, have what's called a "call vote." after each campaign makes its pitch, democrats split up into groups, which support a particular candidate. if a candidate's support group doesn't meet a "viability" threshold, which is set at the beginning of the caucus, that "preference group" isn't "viable." those supporters must then re- align with another candidate that's still "viable." volunteers who will be counting votes from the presidential ballots. once those numbers are ready, they are sent to des moines for the final count. "now on caucus night, participants can wear clothing representing the candidates they are supporting. they are even allowed to provide things like brochures and stickers to promote as long as nothing is placed on the walls. tiffany lane, ktiv news 4." >> there are a variety of volunteers who are being trained for the big night. those volunteers help with check-in, counting votes, representing individual
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to find your caucus location, you first need to know where you normally vote. head to the iowa secretary of state's website. click on the "elections" tab, then "voters", and then "find your precinct/polling place." on that page, you type in your zip code and then your address. that will give your usual voting location. find that precinct information polling location" link. that will give you your caucus location for february 1st. it will be a busy week for presidential candidates as they criss-cross iowa with just two weeks left until the iowa caucuses. democrat bernie sanders will host a rally at sioux city's orpheum theatre, at seven o'clock, tomorrow night. then, on wednesday, republican mike huckabee starts a two day swing through northwest iowa. he'll host his "huckabee huddles" in cherokee on wednesday afternoon, and in sioux city, le mars, sioux center, rock valley and sheldon on thursday. republican rick santorum will host town hall meetings in sibley, rock rapids, sheldon and cherokee, on wednesday. and, on saturday, donald trump will host a
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campus at 11 a-m. we have times and location for all of these events inside this story at ktiv- dot-com. it's not as cold as it was yesterday but we might see some snow coming our way tonight. let's toss it over to chief meteorologist ron demers to see how much we can expect. winter weather advisory for southern siouxland tuesday it was cold again today but not quite as bad as what we saw on sunday. highs today reached the double digits in central and western siouxland and that warming trend will continue this week with a couple set backs here and there. but just as a slightly warmer air makes its return, so does a storm system that could bring siouxland some accumulating snow. the snow begins during the nighttime hours tonight. we could then see a steady light snow during the day on tuesday that will give the heaviest accumulation in southern siouxland with 2-4 inches possible in those areas. 1-3" will be likely in sioux city and central
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dancers, mimes and personal stories all touched on how the community can fight racism together. "if it wasn't for him we wouldn't be who we are today. we're coming forward, we are engaging all of our people together and that's what it's all about," said rhonda capron, sioux city councilmember. another celebration took place at morningside elementary. second graders sang songs, rapped and read poetry...all with messages from those who fought for civil rights. "he could make a difference without violence. that was one of the really important things that he learned form ghandi. we've been talking to our kids about how we can stand up and make a change without violence," said erin nelson, morningside e elementary music teacher. and about the late dr. king. "he did something for people all around the world," said graciela nuno, morningside elementary second grader. "he was a great man," said darren most, morningside elementary second grader. michelle schoening, ktiv news four. >> next year, sioux city will acknowlege m-l-k day as a national holiday. council member rhonda capron said that will mean even bigger celebrations and the celebrations for dr. king continued into tonight. a birthday concert was held at the mt. zion baptist church honoring dr. king. a staple of the annual event is
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celebration choir. the choir is compiled from members of the sioux city community. president of the sioux city naacp saysyst isn't just a celebration of dr. king, but a celebration of our country as a whole. "it brings people together. it helps us remember that we have come a long way but we still have a long way to go," said flora lee, sioux city naacp president. the concert honored past members of the siouxland community who continue to make an impact. "we had rabbi gordon who was an organizer. he founded the sioux city humane rights committee which is still in existence today," said flora lee, president of the sioux city chapter of naacp. the concert ended with a happy birthday song for dr. king. morningside college students made blankets as part of their martin luther king week of service. the activities are inspired by the quote from from dr. king, "what are you doing to help others?" other events coming up include writing thank-you cards and packing meals for veterans. students will also participate
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u-s senator john thune, of south dakota, reflected on dr. king's legacy while in dakota dunes, today. he called dr.king a "great crusader." "he was sort of a revolutionary figure but in a way that really depended upon peaceful protest, was always very respectful," said thune. "but he led a movement of people and he accomplished significant change for our country." thune says those changes have transcended time and should be remembered and applied today. president barack obama and first lady michelle obama spent part of their day volunteering at an elementary school as part of a martin luther king day service event. the first couple visited an elementary school, and helped plant vegetable seeds in a garden bed. president obama gave some of the kids advice about the value of spinach in the diet while they were filling the bed with dirt and seeds. later on in the day they helped pack bags with books for those in need. still to come.... salty, crunchy and perfect when watching a movie.
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announcer: 3 republican governors. but which governor won national praise for tough leadershipipandling ne hurricanes? which governor made his state number one in job creation? which governor led the fight to stop obamacare expansion in his state? and which governor laid out a tough plan to destroy isis months before the paris attacks? jeb bush. right to rise usa is responsible
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southern siouxland tuesday it was cold again today but not quite as bad as what we saw on sunday. highs today reached the double digits in central and western siouxland and that warming trend will continue this week with a couple set backs here and there. but just as a slightly warmer air makes its return, so does a storm system that could bring siouxland some accumulating snow. the snow begins during the nighttime hours tonight. we could then see a steady light snow during the day on tuesday that will give the heaviest accumulation in southern siouxland with 2-4 inches possible in t tse areas. 1-3" will be likely in sioux citytynd central siouxland with closer to 1" accumulations in the far northern parts of the area. a few more flakes may fly again tuesday night into early wednesday then maybe again by sunday. highs will still mostly be below average this week but much warmer than what we've seen the last few days with the majority of days
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there's no sign that sioux city's american pop corn company is slowing down. company president garry smith's great grandfather started the company in 1914, in sioux city. and, every fall for 100- years the big trucks roll into the yard loaded with the kind of corn that's perfect to pop. the company's jolly time brand competes with the giants of the popcorn field... orville redenbacher and pop secret. still, they turn out 60 million pounds of the stuff every year. "i think it's commitment. it's the smith family commitment to the company. our commitment to the employees, our commitment to making quality products, our commitment to being innovated and coming out with consumer relevant products," garry smith said. the smiths are forever tasting and testing to make sure their pop corn has what it takes. it puts a lot of pressure on garry, who has a lot of history to uphold. still to come to come on news 4 at 10 city leaders from northeast nebraska come together to demonstrate the area's progress. the details are coming up after the break.
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cordes: most nurses are tough. they're problem-solvers. they like making things better. people don't have access to healthcare because they just can't afford it. bernie sanders understands how pharmaceutical companies and major medical companies are ripping us off. bernie tells the truth, and he's been consistent. he understands that the system is rigged, and he's the only one who can bring real change.
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the house when they arrived on the scene. the fire was brought under control in about an hour, but fire officials stayed on scene for several hours in the sub-zero cold checking for hidden hot spots. the cause of the fifi was a failure of an electrical circuiuiin the attic. fire also damaged another sioux city home, saturday night. the blaze, inside 615 38th street, started in framing materials around the home's fireplace. the damage was contained to that area, and didn't spread to the rest of the home. no one was hurt. iowa governor terry branstad has designated this week as hazardous materials awaweness week. the governor's office says household hazardous materials are found in most of our homes. some of the things you can do to ensure everyone's safety is keep chemicals and medication out of reach of children. never mix household chemicals together. and, always be sure to read any and all instructions on disposing chemicals property. community leaders from northeast nebraska came together tonight for the 39thnnual joint city, county and school meeting. the evening aims to present leaders with a yearly progress
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ho-chunk ceo lance morgan spoke about the major flatwater crossing development. located on the missouri river, it'll include 600 apartment units and 400 single family homes. "this is an attempt to sort of think big and take a bigger bite," said ho-chunk ceo lance morgan. "that's the kind of thing that changes a whole community. morgan says they hope to start construction in the spring. what started as a dream, is now a reality for one sioux city tutor. new horizon, a tutoring business located in the dakota dunes, had their ribbon cuttiti ceremony this afternoon. the company has grown from one student to helping around 2,000 siouxland students. in addition to helping grade schoolers with their class work, they also offer act and sat prep. "so, i decided to take this on myself. to help the kids from the 3rd grade onward, so by the time they head to college they are successful right away," said new horizon owner manoj patil. he says the sooner your kids begin to prepare, the better. still to come.... work begins on a new mental health center to help siouxland kids in need. that story coming
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announcer: 3 republican governors. but which governor won national praise for tough leadership handling nine hurricanes? which governor made his state number one in job creation? which governor led the fight to stop obamacare expansion in his state? and which governor laid out a tough plan to destroy isis months before the paris attacks? jeb bush. right to rise usa is responsible
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there are two democratic visions for regulating wall street. one says it's okay to take millions from big banks and then tell them what to do. my plan -- break up the big banks, close the tax loopholes, and make them pay their fair share. then we can expand health care to all, and provide universal college education. will they like me? no. will they begin to play by the rules if i'm president? you better believe it. i'm bernie sanders and i approve this message. behavioral health took the first swing at their newest facility, autumn's center. ktiv's tommie clark was there for the groudbreakin g ceremony and spoke with the executive director of the center, and the family of its namesake about how special it's going to be.
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elgersma died because of head injuries sustained while in the care of her babysitter in orange and now, seasons center for action. and for kids to get help in a safe place that has her name on it is a wonderful feeling," said autumn's mother, jennifer gersma. monday morning, seasons started their newest endeavor... hammering. ...gutting the building for a long-awaited facility, autumn's center. season's executive director has had the comprehensive children's center in the works for a decade. "god places certain things on people's hearts and he showed me a need and he placed it in my heart and said you know you need to go do this and i'm not a big cryer by any stretch of the mean, but when i pulled up here today just to see the flags and to see marking the building and to see all the construction guys here and the big g uipment i got a little mmty's finally here," said executive director of saons center or behavioral health, kim scorza. "the groundbreaking ceremony monday morning took
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making autumn's center a reality." right around the time seasons started the campaign for the center, autumn passed away. that pulled at the heart strings of donors and, in turn, led to namininit after her. autumn's parents and siblings took the fir swings during the demolition of the existing building. knocking down walls... knocking down walls. kicking in plaster... kicking in plaster. and beginning a symbolic renovation. "to have this day be here where we could knock out a huge wall anan have oururamily here, it's awesome," saididautumn's mother, jennifer elgersma. in spencer, iowa...tommie clark...ktiv news 4. knocking down a big piece of plaster. >> the center's executive director says to have the facility close to the families they serve is a big deal because then they don't have to send their kids away to get the help that they need. the 3-million-dollar center is set to be compmpte in september of 2016. rk freund is in with sports tonight - because brad pautsch is in ames coveringhe big game. (mark) iowa state look hosting
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if you're travelling in 20-16 you're going to notice some new trends. we'll show you h hw millennials are changing the way we travel. and battling cancer at a young age is always difficult. we'll show you what one company is doing to make their battle a little easier. the season - but one of them probably should have been to iowa state. the cyclones led the sooners for almost 30 of the 40 minutes of the teams'
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now oklahoma is number one, this time making the trip to hilton coliseum. i-s-u is just 1-17 all-time teams. 1957 was the last time iowa trailed for most of the first 10 minutes -- but monte morris drives and scores to cut the sooner lead to 3. isu gets the lead midway through the half. matt thomas drops in the corner 3 -- it's 17-16 iowa state. later, cyclones down 4 - off the miss -- jameel mckay stuffs it back - mckay had 8 points and 13 boards. cyclones finishes the half strong -- morris has it swatted but georges niang nails the 3. iowa state led 41-35 at the break. second half - iowa state gets out to a 9 point lead - niang for three - niang had 22 points to lead the cyclones. oklahoma comes back to tie things up - but monte morris nails the three to put iowa state back o o top. morris added 20 points on
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clutch "j" with 24 seconds to go - and the court storm begins - iowa state hangs on, 82-77 win, their first over a number onon team since 1957. iowa is 5-and-0 in the big ten for the first time in 19 years, which has helped the hawkeyes ascend to number-9 in the ap poll. since conference play started, iowa is first in the league in scoring, averaging almost 78 points per game. the hawks are shooting 43 percent from three - also tops in the big ten. "i"iouldn't say surprised, because e every night, we're expecting to win," said senior center adam woodbury. "that's the mindset you've got to have, playing ainst the big ten. obviously, some people are going to be surprised about the 5-0 start, but we're confident in our abilities and what we're able to do." "i think we're going to keep level heads through this, and not pay attention to the rankings," said senior forward jarrod uthoff. "rankings don't matter until the end d the year. i think we'll fight through it and continue to win games." peter jok is the big ten player
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and a half points and one and a half steals in last week's two victories. the west girls fell out of last week's iowa girls basketball rankings. the wolverines, still 9-and-3 on the season, traveled across town to east high. west jumped all over the black raiders early in this one. second quarter - it's 23-to-4 - but east goes on a short run - the kick out to brooklyn malchow - she hits from the short corner. then east keeps it going - on the break - nice passing to kennedy franko in stride for the layup - east makes it 23-to-8. but west stifled that run real quicicy - darien ford - so tough to defend in the paint - she's there for the rebound and the putback. then, with time winding down in the half - alize goodwin - at the buzzer - drills the three. west - no trouble with east, 72-28. another cross town metro up at north high - the stars hosting bishop heelan. first quarter - mercy oyadare no - but grade mcloud is there for the putback - it's a one point game.
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the wing - three is true - crusaders take a four-point lead. north fought really hard at home - inside to breonia farris - gets mauled down there but somehow gets the shot to drop. north made a runut heelan would hold on - lexie stolen - fouled on the drive - count the basket. crusaders nip north, 55-52. tonight: light snow develops.
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