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tv   U.S. Farm Report  NBC  January 31, 2016 6:00am-7:00am CST

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snowzilla that blasted the south and east, to rumors of widespread drougug hitting a field near you. and in john'n' world... "time to fess up, were you watching dowtin abbey instead of watching the playoffs?" now for the news the market related news. from widespread rains to widespread drought, one weather forecaster thinks the extreme switch could shake up the markets this year. bill kirk at weather trends spoke to farmers at the top producer seminar in chicago, illinois this week calling for 6 dollar corn. he says el nino typically drops off quickly. and we're already seeing those pacific ocean temperatures cool. but whenenooking ahead, he thinks iowa could see the second hottest july on record with much of the cornbelt turning drastically drier. 2016 is 2012 all over again. i don't want to
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different, but the weatherers as bad as 2013. we are forecatsting e hottest, driest conditions since 2012. a little more widespread drought potentially. and then the disaseter that's' going on down in brazil. too dry then too wet right at harvest. the crop is going to be the second hottest and driest in brazil. so bad news coming in and makes the market go bang for those fokls down south. and then bad news about july here. we'll have one of the hottest july's in many years in the corn belt 4:57:34> kirk says he has trillions of data points to back up his forecast. oil prices rose to a three week high thursday on hopes major oil producing countriecould trim output. the russian energy minister announced opec could discuss a 5 percent cut in production at a february meeting. if an agreement is made, it will be the first global deal in over a decade to help clear the growing inventory. cattle prodcuers could be facing less turbulent times in 2016. that's as cattlefax thinks the downward spiral in price could be coming to an end. cattlefax says the market correction has mostly
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head ts year, stocker operators could face tight margins, but the cow-calf producers may see green. analysts say tight global protein supplies coupled with a rong export market in both 2014 and 20101 created the perfect storm for the market to peak, then plummet. that's it for news. let's check in with meteorolgoist mike hoffman for weather. mike, there's a pretty big storm brewing out west. how bad could it be? thanks, tyne. no doubt there is going to be a huge stoto for a large part of the lower 48. we will get to those maps in a moment. n the meantime, drought monitor no problem east of the rockies, still a problem in many parts of california and western nevada although i'm sure you are saying this big storm is coming through, you know, how can there still be this extreme to exceptional drought? but it takes a long time to get out from a drought of this magnitude, but we are slowly eating away at that area out
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monday, big storm through the four corner region, lots of heavy snow for the southern half of the rockies, a little bit of rain you get a little farther south some scatter snow fartrtr north, off to the eastern partsof the country showers along this first cold front, this will bring in some cold air setting it up for the big snow storm for the middle of the country. now by wednesday, this storm is already into the northern great lakes. the track of it is going to make a big difference in whether you get heavy snow or heavy rain or both where you live. it is probably going to take a track east and then cut up northward into the great lakes, but it is a little farther east, but you may get snow where they are forecasting rain, so this is just something to watch. still big time snows in parts of the western great lakes the way it looks right now for wednesday with rain along the east coast, but most of the western parts of the country just becoming very cold and that's going to continue as we head into friday. very cold air for the eastern half of the country, a few lingering snow showers in the great lakes, maybe a couple of showers in south florida and the nene storm system not nearly as heavy, but it will be spreading some snow into the northern plains and
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we will be back in our next half hour with a longer range forecast. thanks, mike. when we come back, it's our first marketing roundtable from the road in 2016. we'll head to the top producer seminiar in chicago, illinois. you watching u-s farm report with host tyne morgan, commentator john phipps meteorolgist mike hoffman and farm directotoal pell. u's farm report, timely. trusted. tradition.
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top producer's seminar is broughto you by channel. seedsmanship at work. learn more at >> welcome back
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top producer seminar in chicago, illinois. a great panel with us today. we're going to jump right into the debate. everyone wants to know how this acreage picture's going to shake out. chip, we'll start with you. you think overall acres are actually going to b bup this year? >> ah, i do. we've got to take into consideration that last year we lost some acres to prevent plant and everything. total corn and soybeans about 170.6 million. this year, i think, we're going to be closer to that 173.5, 1 1 million for total corn and soybeans. now, how that gets split up there's going to be some room for debate in there, but right now i'm sitting at about 89 million acres on corn. call it 84.5 to 85 million acres on soybeans, so, yeah, a little bit of a lift there. >> and, bill, even if we see corn acres go up, what is the carryout picture look like for next year? >> yeah, even if we raise the corn acres close to a million acres, which is what we're guessing, if a trend line
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our carryover actually shrinks just a little bit, which is pretty encouraging. if we have a really bad yield it could get pretty exciting, but we have to plan on trend. >> chip, do you agree with that? >> i definitely agree with that. i guess i would be maybe a little more on the side that we could lose a few corn acres. i agree with chip that, you know, with the prevent plant last year the total acreage planter wise, assuming we have a normal spring is probably going to bounce up a little bit, but i just think we've been too low too long. been talking to bankers this winter. i think the fringe areas, the far north and the north dakota and some of the let more marginal ground in the south could swing out of corn. >> right now when you put pencil to paper, matt, what makes sense r you? >> well, i think the roi for most people on reasonably productive farmland says you should plant corn, but in my opinion i'm kind of like chip. you know, given the
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there's a lot of producers that are not quite in the cash position that they were in before, and so when you get in a marginal type of situations, especially if it's a high input or high cash rent deal it's pretty tough for a guy to put a pencil to corn and really make that work, and i think that unfortunately in some situations the bank may have a little more to say about that this year than what they have in the last few years. >> well chip, we had some pretty excited top producer attendees this week when the weather trends guy said we're going to have the worst drought we've had since 2012. it's going to be more widespread. we're looking at six something corn. he had everyone excited. >> yeah. >> be the voice of reason here. do you think that's alistic this year? >> well, if the drought's as bad as what he says it's going to be then, yeah, it is realistic. you can put those numbers in play, but i sure wouldn't market for them. i wouldn't lay my marketing plan out in anticipation of even $4.50 corn at this point. i think what we need to do is, is keep in mind that number one, one of the reasons we all get excited about that is because it's going to happen on that chip's farm, not this chip's farm is where the drought's going to happen, and so i'm
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yield. i think we need to look very seriously at how we look at our break even levels. let's look at how many dollars per acre it costs me to put in an acre of corn, and then whatever combination of price and yield i'm getting in total dollars coming back in on revenue. quit thinking about $5 corn or $4 corn. let's think about $750 an acre, and how am i going to get past my total cost. once i get past my total cost on potential revenue, i'm going to be more aggressive in making some cash sales this year. i'm going to back it up with some call option, but i'm going to be pretty aggressive on the cash side. >> matt, how is the situation different this year than 2012? even if we have a weather scare with carryout and everything. what is the realistic picture right now? >> i think going in we're coming down off of a higher commodity prices, whereas in 2012 we were kind of building. we'd had fairly good times for quite some time. i think going into this year most producers are looking at the situation we've had the
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more corn in '14 at $5 basis the board. we wish we would have marketed more corn in the middle of the summer last year, so i think maybe the different situation for me is i think people are more cognizant of the fact that we need to be a little more careful when we get rallies of actually taking advantage of those. yes, we need to cover them just in case we have a catastrophic weather event, but we also need to latch on when we get in the profit zone. >> does that weather scare have to happen in july in order to see a big run up on price? >> no, that's the thing is the timing of that and where, like chip said, how much damage does it do? i was thinking this morning too, you know, nobody was expecting a drought in 2012. usually these things take you by surprise, and so i'm not throwing cold water on that at all because these long range weather guys have been pretty accurate for a while, but my point is, is kind of like chip, hey, let's think about if we do have that drought. the uncertainty right now we're
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psychology in june july when it does get a little dry? so fast forward yourself psychologically out there and have a plan to know what you're going to do if and when that happens. >> worst yet, psychology-wise what if it doesn't happen? >> um hmm, exactly. >> i mean, you're going to be looking at the headlights coming right at you. you're not going to be able to move. >> well, if it's not weather what could give these markets a boost? bill, i'm going to ask you that when we come right back, so don't go anywhere. we'll be right back on u.s. farm report.
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brought to you by channel. seedsmanship at work. learn more at >> welcome back to u.s. farm report. okay, bill, we've been talking about weather, but if the weather scare doesn't happen what could boost prices in n 16? >> well,
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multiple hedgeon, but honestly right now i'm flat. i'm watching the funds, and they're massively short right now, and they're trading on a deflationary basis, which is accurure, but if we see stability in the world and we see this dow market start to flatten out, a if we see crude oil start to flatten out that's my main things i'm watching is the dow and the crude and if that starts to flat i think these funds are going to short cover. now, let's take it a step further into the summer. if we see the labor market, which right now the number of unemployed people works out to about .25 people per square mile in the united states, which is very tight. if we see wage pressure raisisi wages, that's inflationary, and them i think the funds will start to reverse into a long position. and i think that that could really be a pretty significant thing that will help us get back up to equilibrium where we think equilibrium bebengs. >> okay, chip, what are your thoughgh on
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important in my mind, we just haven't seen a lot of wage expansion here over the last year. the participation rate in the labor market concerns me a lot. we've had people just exit the market, and i just think that the economy isn't nearly as good as what some people are thinking right now. so i think you're right, bill, that if we would get into an inflationary vironment it would help the commodity mamaets. i just don't see it happening. i mean i'm on record calling for a quarter point interest rates at the end of this year. >> and the bad thing is if we don't see all those things happen and we have a normal yield it's a deer innthe headlight. >> yeah. >> chip, let's talk about oil price i mean, we've seen this price continue to go down. who knows when it's going to start going back up, but when it does how fast could we see oil prices recover? >> well, that's the question. with the spark plug in the middle east being something that could ignite us very
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turmoil or conflict there it's probably going to be a slower process, and that's fine. you'd rather have a slow grind back up to $45, $50, than some sort of conflict or issue in the middle east and just skyrocketing back to $60. so i think the key is how you get there. i do think it can slowly happen, and i agree with these guys. i think it's all titi to the dollar in a lot of ways for the whole commodity sector. and you want to talk about a crowded trade. >> yeah. >> there is a ton of longs that have been there for a year, year and a half, and so that's an old bull market now. and if you get any sign that the dollar can weaken up i think that can drive some of that short covering. >> matt, let's look at the positives of tpese lower oil prices. we're enjoying cheaper gas, and as consumers look at that, more money to spend. are we seeing improvements in beef demand when they're penciling out their budget and say, hey, i can afford this steak. are we seeing that impact with consumer demand yet? >> well, that most generally is what happens, you
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months it's not really been the rosiest of pictures. i think whenever you look at total numbers the call is for, i think, 10202of last year. to me cattle numbers still are not overwhelmingly large by any stretch of the imagination. i've been saying for quite some time, whenever we look at -- are we going to chew through these higher weights? once that happens i do this we're going to be able to rally the cattle market, but, you know, in my opinion there's a lot of guys that are cyclical cattle traders. i don't think they're going to buy in, and we're not going to go back and make new highs for these numbers yet. >> chip, when do we eat through these higher weights? i mean, looking at these feeders $500 per head losses. >> i think we are we've seen a top in the weights. the weights are going to be coming down. the computer says they ought to be weighing 1400 pounds, they're scaling up at 1280 or 1300 right now. so i ink we are starting to see the weights come down for us. that's going to eat into that beef production a little bit. i think we'll get a draw on beef and
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cold storage stocks that's when we'll start to seeee little bit of lift to the pressure off the market. >> do you have any hope for cattle producers, chip? >> i do, in the short run in the next three months, say, but matt touched on it earlier. these numbers are building. that's what record high prices do is they slowly build the herd and it kind of fixes itself. they say the cure for high prices is high prices, so i think the top's in, but that doesn't mean we have to go back to $100 cattle any time soon. i think we're more in a range $110 on the downside, $140 on the topside. that's probably a good range for the next six or nine months. >> all right. we're going to get everyone's closing thoughts when we come back so don't go anywhere.
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one of the areas that i've been particularly interested in is the area of children. we intend to be sure that everybody in this room and every child in this state is somebody. no matter whwhe they're born, no matter to whommthey are born. i want to make sure that every child has a chance to live up to his or her god-given potential. i've spent my life fighting for children, and i'm not stopping now. i'm hillary clinton,
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thoughts. bill, let's start with you. >> well, i think this is
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you were a guy like me and had stuff sold out a couple years out ahead. so my game plan this year is come up with a strategy where i can meet my costs, cover my costs, but then cover my sales so that if we do have that drought i'm in the game. >> good advice. chip nellinger? >> yeah, to build on that, have a plan. put yourself out in time. what if the drought comes? what if it doesn't come? have a plan now to know what you're going to do in both situations. >> okay. matt bennett? >> i think the number one thing for me is know your break even price for corn and soybeans, and when you get in the profit zone and we start to get a rally potentially let's not get bullish at that point. >> right. >> chip flory? >> being here at the conference or the seminar is "cultivate every opportunity." i'd change it up just a little bit and say "take every opportunity." when there's a profit to be made, take it. >> all right, thank you. please stay with us, john phipps join us when we come back. receive a free trial of the daily market letter and gain knowledge about current market conditions from the professionals at bower trading. view the markets like never
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many at the 2016 top producer seminar this week, including john phipps. for any other farmers who admit to watching downton abbey during playoff season, i have a question. amid all the major plot developments, emotional turmoil and romantic intrigues, did you find your interest most drawn to the minor storyline concerning assistant cook daisy's father-in-law, mr mason, who lost his tenant farm when the estate owners sold out, and whether he could get another one available from the grantham estate. given the truth and rumors of a still roiling 2016 land rental market in the midwest, edwardian england's system of permanent - and often perpetual - farm rental
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us as lady mary. almost. this somewhat feudal system might have lasted longer in england but for the imposition of steep inhertance taxes by parliament to pay for the world wars. indeed, it's why downton and neighboring estates are facing a perilolo financial future. the vision of rock solid land rental security can seem ideal as we cope with landowner negotiations this year, but it is helpful to recall the downsides for agriculture. good farmers had a harder time getting ahead, as there was no competitive arena to exploit your skills. farming was even more a closed, hereditary occupation with no way for even highly skilled non-farmers to get started. finally, the system protected both good and bad farmrms, meaning ag output was not very efficient, or able to change rapidly. i would imagine it was pretty frustrating for ambitious, capable farmers. still, the growing insecurity of tenant farming today makes even these disadvantages seem worth
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have to get even more dismal before landowners no longer enjoy as much leverage as they do today. thanks, john. still to come, we're off to texas to meet a dynamic dairy duo not afraid to take risks in order to pave a path for their three girls to come home to the farm. we'll introduce you to the 2016 top producer of the year next.
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the time has come to make a choice... about which candidate can actually make a difference for you. in a world as complex as this, we need a president as expeririced as hillary. in the situation room... at the negotiating table... and always on your side... fighting for children and families. with a real plan to get incomes rising... ...reduce drug prices... equal pay for women... ...and protect social security and medicare for seniors. she'll build on obamacare, not start over. break through the gridlock, not add to it. defend planned parenthood, not attack it. stand up to the gun lobby, not protect it. lead on foreign policy,
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we need a president with the experience and determination to get the job done. i'm running to make a difference. a real difference for yoyo and your familieie across our country. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. farm report. welcome back to u-s farm report. we have a jam packed 30 minutes ahead. and the winner is-- you'll get your first look at the 2016 top porducer of the year. john phipps has a full inbox this week. and baxter black isn't a city boy, and that's okay by him. now for the headlines, as viewers in the rockies, plains, midwest and even great lakes prepare for possible b bzzard conditions is week, our friendsdsn the south and east are still digging out. the fatal snowtorm dropped
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moved throughout the weekend in arlington, virginia.. as snow didn't s sp until early sunday morning. to the south, the fierce weather forced prodcuers to dump milk in kentucky. as you can see from these pictures, trucks couldn't make it down roads to pick up milk and officials still don't have an accurate count of how many pounds went to waste. the state's dairy development council tells us producers first faced ice, followed by snow, causing barns to collapse. as california farmers and ranchers receive welcomed rains, it's boosting hopes of a more tolerable year. and it's just announced this week farmers will receive a boost in allocated water. the department of water resources says water delivery estimates are now at 15 percent. that's up from the 10 percent announced just last month. it's not a full recovery, as the recent rains haven't completely healed the struggling state. area farmers haven't seen 100 percent of their annual water allocations in 10 years. meanwhile the federal agency which oversees the central water project has yet to release its
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was found in california, triggering a 97 square mile quartentine. the bug is called an asian citrus psyllid, and has the potential to carry citrus eening, the disease that's wiping out a large portion of florida's orange crop, driving up prices. officials found the psyllid on a residential citrus tree in fresno. a herbicide containing 2-4-d is now in the middle of a coururbattle, but this time, it's e-p-a in the hot seat. this week, the ninth circuit court of appeals ruled e-p-a was out of line in vacating the registration for dow's enist herbicide last fall. instead, the court says epa can review whether it was right in approving the herbicide, but can't just drop its decision on registering the herbicde. dow does expect enlist to be available for the upcoming growing season. a chinese national accused of stealing patented corn seed in iowa will avoid trial. the des moines registst says mo hailong made a deal with federaraprosectors. mo
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secrets. he was charged two years ago with being a part of a scheme to steal trade secrets from dupont-pioneer and monsanto. . mo was one of several people accused of digging-up seed from fields in iowa and illinois, the seed was then packaged, to be sent to a chinese-based seed company. that's it for news...meteorologist mike hoffman joins us now with a longer range look at the weather. mike. that's right, tyne. we are going to do the 90 day outlook today, since it is about the first of february. here's the way things will shape up for this week. look at that big storm, that bowling ball that comes across the country, going to b ba big weather maker and then it all turns very cold behind it with that big trough settling into the eastern two-thirds of the country. here's the 90 day outlook. we will go month by month here: february below normal temperatures, still for much of the southern tier of states,
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going to do over the spring time is shrink that below normal area by march into the southeast and most of the southern plains, but the great lakes northeast, northern plains, northwest above normal. by april, we shrink even more just in the texas and new mexico and some surrounding areas with above normal in the ohio valley, northeast, mid-atlantic, back through the northern plains, into the northwest, 90 day outlook for precipitation, still above normal, west coast, most of the southern tier of states, below normal for the northern great lakes and up along the canadian border, back into montana. tyne? each y yr, our partners at top producer magaziningive out a highgh coveted award in agriculture each year during the top porducer seminar: the top producer of the year. this year's winner is a dynamic d d from the texas pananndle: donald and cheri de jong. we traveled to the dejong's this fall. and as you'll quickly see, it's their strong business sense and willingness to take a chance, that makes them elite. they often say leadership is a lonely pursuit.... but for donald and
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donald is the one that will make the deal. thinks that we can step over those boundaries. i am usually the one who says, okay, how are we going to pay for it, do it, operate." < i can't stand to sit there and read a 5050age legal document. i got add. it'll drive me nuts. and i'll miss stuff. she doesn't miss anything. it's balance in the office, on the farm and at home, that make the de jongs such a powerful combination. the two met at cal-poly state. cheri's family were grocers, and donald's were dairy producers. . his father came over from the netherlands. as one of seven kids, donald says college was his ticket out from some very tough times.
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the job was not. and so he returned to an industry he had once sworn off. - people in agriculture, by in large, good to work with. they say what they do and do what they say. and i can't say that for my experirice in that field." 3:22> so only six months into their marriage, they found a farm for sale in central texas. with the help of his father, cheri, donald and his younger brother got a fresh start. our banker called us and knew that we were looking for land in either texas or new mexico. told us there was a farm r sale, about 900 cows, in dublin, texas, and that when we made the decision totoom eon out." 4:34> they stayed there 15 years, but then the de jongs wanted to take a risk. [take sot
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from the family business, the de jongs decided to start a farm in the heart of the texas panhandle, while still living in dublin. < that was our first experience managing from afar. and we were failing miserably.> that's when they moved with their three girls north. and the business venture blossumed into much more.e. as soon as we got up to the panhandle, i always like to say we were at the rightr place at the right time and we knew the right people. in 2005 is when we started natural prairie dairy farms. the intention was to just start with 500 cows and just see how it went. because we had never bene in the o oanic business at htat time. and i don't think we had even broke ground yet d we were alreadyp to 3,000 cows> today, it's organic dairy has grown to 9 thousand cows today, with plans to bump that to 15 thousand by the end of 2016. [
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centralized management company called agrivision. < because we have all of these farming operations we have the accounting centralized, the human resoruces centralized here in this office. i oversee the finance area, everything that's coming out, data entry, people, im ean there's just a lot of moving parts, so i o orsee everything like that 13:58> my oldest brother has a saying that if you're not on the dge then you're taking up too much space. i don't want to be on the edge, but i want to be pretty close. 14:55> while the operation has grown by leaps and bounds, the priority has stayed the same -- dont' sacrifice quality for quantity. "we do a really good job, to be quite honest, and our buyers love doing business with us, so we've been able to grow as they want more milk."> quality goes beyond just the final product, investing in employees, as well. it's sort of a two way street, right, we want htem traraed, so they do a good job for us, but weweope they're getting some benefit and value as well."> from good salary, wages and benefits, to offering hispanic workers the chance to
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employ 300 people, but donald sees that growing to 1,000 before his career is over. that's why immigration reform will play a major role. < the country is living in lala land and ignoring it. it will get solved and we have to figure out a way to have a humane way to have labor transfer across borders. > he's passionate about policy, and the family, with the next generation waiting in the wings. < i have three daughters that are currently in college right now we're hoping they come back to this operation. this is a family operations. it's not just myself and donald.> i would say they take after their mother very well. > and those strong traits are why donald isn't concerned about the next generation taking over the family farm. < you don't have to win every battle you havavto compromise. and i hope we got that into them. but then also not being pushovers and being strong enough to say and being aggressive and my girls are all very aggressive. > donald and cheri say they owe it to the girls to provide opporutnity,
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to pursue their dreams, opportunity has turned into success. c cgratulations to theede jongs. you can sesethe other finalists by visiting top producer hyphen online dot com. when we come back, join phipps rejoins us. i'll take a look inside my mailbag this is machinery pete- invting you to check out my new website- offering farmears tens of thousands of used equipment listingk to search. let machinery pe help you find and value your next piece of used equipment. > each week. the u-s farm report
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had more feedback than normal. so, today, john is giving us at
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risk. from john hubley in iowa: "i am a farmer in iowa. i tune in to watch farming nene not to listen to john express his liberal political opinions. they are frankly offensive. he is quite arrogant to think anyone cares to hear his rambling opinions. if he doesn't stop i will stop watching and recommend to all my friends and family to do the same." from mariah roberts in syracuse, indiana: "just watched your commentary about terrorism. my husband and i both said, "finally!" someone that agrees with us! thank you for bringing those points to light in a factual, tactful way. we felt your response was appropriate and respectful--qualities that aren't always present when this issue comes up in everyday conversation, unfortunately." from a viewer who requested anonymity: "i am oddly comforted by the demonstration that not everyone is as complacent and inattentive as you seem to be.
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comparison with accidental firearm deaths. i admit to being a bit surprised in that you usually manage to sound much more reasonable. your assessment of the threat of mass destruction, which has already been historically validated, is truly laughable. but on a personal level, perhaps you are right. your greatest threat may be senility. i'm glad that at least you chose to acknowledge that viewer by name, and offer a mug." and from erin weir in kansas city, missouri: "thank you for your commentary on terrorism and gun control. it's so refreshing to hear people using critical thinking skills when presenting their ideas. whether one agrees w wh john doesn't matter. what matters is that we engage in calm, rational, and fact-based discussions on issues. this is the best antidote for terrorism. the ability for us to have these discussions and listen to each other's opinions wililgive us
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mornings. thanks, john. and he does read each of your emails. if you have a question or comment, you can email john at mailbag at u-s farm report dot com.
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west to visit baxter black. living in town, boy it's hard. lord it's hard. even the dog don't like the back yard. spent all my life on the back of a horse and that's the life i would be glad to endorse, except i've got a new baby and the kid
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and packing mules. and so we gave notice and moved into to town, but it is just for a while, till we get the down to buy place to run a few cows and a horse for the kid, because she ain't got one now and a place where my wife can look up the stars and hear crickets, coyotes, not a chorus of cars. maybe i'm dreaming, dreaming is ok to help on old cowboy get through the day--it gives the old brain some time to unwind. knowing tomorrow it is back to the grind and i bet my old dog before i turn out the lights. he is wishing like me that we were elsewhere tonight, but for the time being our dreams have to wait, because reality comes every morning at 8. he used to break horses, he used to herd sheep and he worked in a feedlot
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raise horses and cattle in style. but time pulled a fast one, life took a turn, dreams pulled the wool over his eyes, because it takes more than wishing and workininall day to buy a ranch and survive, so now he sells saddles or vaccine or seed or writes for the livestock gazette, doing whatever it takes to stay close to the land he will never get. and ag economics or ranch real estate and his hat, boots and gloves, collecting his check as he goes down the road from the folks that he wishes he was, but he knows he is lucky to have a job that lets him stay close to his roots. he may ner own the ranch of his dreams, but at least he can pay for his bogts.
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can hear more from baxter by visiting baxter black dot com. whn we come back, it's tractor tales and our country church salute..
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john deere with it's working clothes on. this model a was built in 1941, rightn the middle of the production years for this style tractor. the a series ended in 1952, but remains one of the more popular style tractors john deere produced. interestingly enough, out of my 20 antique tractors, this is the only john deere that i have. i just got this back after i bought it three years ago. i had some difficulty getting it runnini and friends of mine helped me out andd finally got it there, so i had a ball driving this thing this morning and hoped to come back when the rain stopped and play
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five mph and that's where the antique tractors really are therapeutic for r . i love driving ararnd my small town inn massachusetts here and visiting people and going to antique shops and going to the local restaurants and just drive up in my tractor and enjoy it and it's a good way to spend a sunday morning. this one is one hundred percent running... the hitch, hydraulics need a little work. we got to play around with those a little bit, but this is ready for me to enjoy for a little while before i take it all apart and restore it. it will be on the list of things to do, but it is a long list. it came from northern massachusetts, a guy i know who is a scrapper brought it to me like he brings most of the tractors that he gets first, so i get to look at them first before he scraps him, i saveve them from m e scrap pile and i am so glad that i did, because somebody paid a lot of attention into this--there's a lot of
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somebody really put some thought and care into this machine and i saw that immediately and this was worth saving and i am glad that i did. it is definitely going to be fun. thanks, al. this week, we have a very special church from the northwest, the st. andrews episcopal church of chelan, washington. the unique church has a striking interior, as it's made entirely of logs. to transport the logs, they had to float them down lake chelan in the late 1890s. the church is over 110 years old and listed in the national historical registry. thanks so much for sending that in. if you have a treasured church, please share it with us by emailing us the information. please stay with us - cropwaych is next.
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one of the areas that i've been particularly interested in is the area of children. we intend to be sure that everybody in this room and d ery child in this state is somebody. no matter where they're born, no matter to whom they are born. i want to make sure that every child has a chance to live up to his or her god-given potential. i've spent my life fighting for children, and i'm not stopping now. i'm hillary clinton, and i have always approved this message.
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animims are able to play and have a little fun. tonia told us she was driving and came across some cows, but only this one had snow on its face. mike, i think that's what you call a winter, black- white face cow. and there's plenty of powder in pure michigan. greg shooks says his cherry trees are sleeping in peace this winter. greg is in torch lake, oh it's pretty, a gorgeous arrea. we have some friends up there it is beautiful. but it's been mil this winter. yeah, they've had a decent amount of snow though. they always do. so, this next system that we see this week, i saw forecasts that it could go all the way up through michigan. what are you thinking . until it comes out of hte rockies we don't knwo the exact track yet. it's always the case. the storms come across the rockies get kind of mixded up and messed up in there i would say so the exact track we can't tell but osmeone is going to get buried out of
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well. some of those folsk need it htanks so much mike. as always, we want to hear from you, send comments to mailbag-at-u-s-farm-report-dot- com or check us out on facebook and twitter. for all of us at u-s farm report, i'm tyne morgan. thank you for watching u-s farm report. be sure to join us right here again next week, as we work to build on our tradition. have a great weekend, everyone. the chevy silverado is the official news gathering vehicle for farm journal
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good morning. down to the wire. just one day now too until the iowa caucuses. the candidates making their final pitches in the hawkeye state as a new poll shows donald trump surging past ted cruz and hillary clinton holding on to a very slight edge over bernie sanders. we're live in iowa. back behind bars. a day a aer an escaped inmate turns himself in, his two accomplices are caught in a $% dramatic takedown, ending a
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>> it was clear to us that these
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