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tv   Early Today  NBC  February 9, 2016 4:00am-4:30am CST

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i like to say there is always a bull market somewhere. i promise to find it for you on "mad money." i'm jim cramer. see you tomorrow. it's tuesday, february 9th, coming up on "early today," official voting has already begun in new hampshire, the candidates scramaming for what may be a make orreak day. nigh details on the monster storm. president obama gets serious about fighting the zika virus. plus peyton hits disney after 112 million americans watched super bowl 50. drones over take piloted aircraft. and it's fat tuesday. "early today" starts right now. good morning. l eyes on n n hampshire today as voters head to the polls for the
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for the 100th time voters in the tiny town voted at midnight, all nine of them. john kasich personally called all nine. he was the only candidate to hold an event in the town. kasich actually won while sanders swept it with four, hillary clinton, 0. and overall, sanders has the early upper hand over clinton, 17-9, while kasich, trump and cruz are in a three-way tie. donald trump is in more hot water, this time over his repetition of a use of a derogatory term describing ted cruz. we shouldd warn you, viewers may find t ts offensive. >> she just said a terrible thing. you know what she said? shout it out because i don't
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you're not allowed to say and i never expect to hear that from you again, she said i never expect to hear that from you again. she said he's a puszosse, that's terrible. >> i'm blushing. how are we allowed to say that? anan he's been touting building a giant border wall with mexico. former mexican president has harsh words for that plan. >> mexican people, we are not going to pay any single cent for such a stupid wall and they need to know that. >> trump is the clear frontrunner in new hampshire but the fight for seksdcond place is now a toss up between cruz, kasich, bush, rubio and christie. andri chris christie is continuingin
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>> his campaignn . >> rubio flying high after iowa is in damage control mode for the criticism hereceived over his repeated talking points during saturday's debate. our own lester holt asked him about. >> but in repeating itver and over again, it played to the issue that you're a bit contrived, rehearsed. >> and understand people when they're running for office are going to say whatever they need say. >> to see a head le to say you chched. >ut that's just part of the process. >> on the other side of the aisle, the race is getting more personal with clinton attacking the sanders campaign saying they're being sexist. and hillary stating a recent
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something she addressed last night. >> i have no idea what they're talking about or who they're talking to. we're going to take stock but it's going to be the c cpaign i'i' got. i'm very committed to them, they're committed to doing the best we can. we're going to take stock, what works, what doesn't work. we're moving into a more diverse electorate. it would be malpractice to say what worked? what do we need to do new and out? >> and currently 538 has sanders odds of winning at greater thatt 99%. and evenhough it shows sanders with a large lead, let's not forget she did pull off a stunning upset last time. tracie, good morning. what kind of reshuffling are we looking at? >> reporter: let's start with
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this is where hillary clinton, in 2008, became the comeback kid. she e s notot forecected to win that primary and she did over president obama. this time she's double digits behind bernie sanders as she's able to get out of new hampshire, not winning but losing by single digits. they're going to consider that a success and move on to what she just said like more diverse areas like south carolina and she has huge leads down there. and on the other side, it's a fight. cruz and rubio at the top of that list and then we have john kasich doing so much better here than iowa and in one poll already in second place. he's a possibility to come in second here. along with jeb bush and maybe
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why you're seeing him really go after rubio so far. so it's a four and maybe five way t for the second. and they're expecting a big turn out. >> tracie potts, thanks. flint, michigan is seeing its first led contamination lawsuit. daughter sophia showed high levels of led at her one year check up. they were threatened with child protective surfaces if the levels didn't decrease. the test was done afterer they switched the water to the river later to have found caused pipe cu curosion. locol local officials have declined to comment. thousands of passengers
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biggest cruise shihi are expected to arrive back at shore. more than 6,000 were ordered to take cover. they tweeted images including shattered glass. none seriously injured. and royal caribbean is promising full refunds. president obama is asking congress for nearly $2 billion to fight the zika virus, much of it going to the cdc for mosquito control, vaccine research. it's spread to 26 countries in the america. it's thought to cause severe birth defects. as new hampshire voters head to their polling places a winter storm is moving up the coast. blizzard conditions were nfirmed on nantucket with
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folks heading to primaries could see up to eight inches of the white stuff. and great to see you, rafael but are we going to make it to the polling places? >> they will make it. it's moving away now. we have another storm but it's much weaker. light snow breaking out from the northwest to the great lakes. that's the trend later on today. mainly light snow and 32 in boston, 36 in new yk city. 22 in chicago. chilly but dry for mardi gras and hot out west, near 90 in los angeles. here's a look at your primary forecast. no major weather in new hampshire, port smith 40 degrees. and a look at tomorrow, frigid. 11 in minneapolis and a light snow lingers across the northeast. still hot out we.
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that's a look at your national forecast, now here's a look at your weather. and chilly with more light snow across the northeast. we could have impacted travel from philadelphia, slushy roads towards new york city, chilly in the southeast, temperatures in the 30s in atlanta. and that's your primary forecast. >> thanks, rafael. t trains collided head on, leaving four dead and dozens injured. details up next. plus, new details on johnny manziel's latest legal troubles and you're watching "early today."y." bound presentation fill you with optimism? do you love your wireless keyboard more than certain family members? is your success due to a filing system only you understand? does printing from your tablet to your wireless printer gigi you a jolt of confidence? if so, you may be gearcentric. someone who knows that the right office gear helps you do great things.
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office depot officemax. gear up for great. choose the one new revlon ultimate-all-in-one. our revolutionary mascara delivers 5 lash-transforming benefits. volume, length, definition, lift, and intense color. choose love new revlon ultimate-all-in-one mascara. (cell phone rings) where are you? well the squirrels are back in the attic. mom? your dad won't call an exterminator... can i call you back, mom? he says it's personal this time... if you're a mom, you call at the worst time. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico.
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where are you? it's very loud there. are you taking a zumba class? [music] no, no, no, no, people are both softftnd strong... ye which is why our products are t. angel soft. today is -- we do have breaking news right now. pp. two comutor trains killed at least four people.
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tweeted in part, our thoughts are with the injured. and we have new information on johnny manziel 's alleged beating. manziel hit her so hard on january 29th that it ruptured her ear drum. she still can't hear but doctors believe it was healed. he she applied for a protective order. he has agreed. and he will pay for her attorneys fees. manziel's attorneyas not returned calal seeking comment. the widow of ex-isis leader has been charge wouldd with a roll in the death of hostage kayla mueller, who was working as a humanitarian atdid worker in
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court documents say she she and her husband held young women. and he had owned mueller. she is currently in iraqi custody for terror related activities. the north korean satellite is now quote tumbling in orbit. north koreaens celebrated the launch with fireworks and it reportedly flew over the super bowl an hour aftft the game ended in san francisco. today is the last day of e mardi gras season. in new orleans, hoards of revlers are getting ready for one last day of partying p. good morning, sarah. >> reporter: good morning. you know, the celebration and security both unprecedented. the party down in the street
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some haven't stopped and moror than a million people expected heren the big izegize izeeasy. the costumes. the parades and of course the beads. all part of an iconic mardi gras experience. a feast for the eyes and ears. >> beyond. >> definitely beyond our expectations. >> reporter: bringing locales and visitors a lot. >> you get to know where they coming from. >> reporter: security is tighter than ever before with so much surveillance, fbi says visitors should always assume they're being filmed. and many officers undercover. >> we want you to have aood time but we will not tolerate
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>> reporter: it's been cool and rainy but not enough to cancel any of the scheduled event. not even slowing the celebration. and all of this that you're seeing right now live on bourbon street ads up to big bucks for the local economy. an estimated $840 million in economic impact. that is a reason for businesses to celebrate, at least once this maqdi gras madness wears out. >> thanks. let's get down to business. according to the federal aviation administration, there are now more registered drones than registered piloted aircraft. the agency has registered more than 325,000 drone owners since launching the program last year. therer are 300,000 regisisred aircraft. due to a growing number of
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companies ar vying for the streaming rights of thursday night football. but a decision isn't expected for a few weeks. an nfl player is under investigationion we stop arthritis pain, so you don't have to stop. because you believe in go. onward. today's the day. carpe diem. tylenol 8hr arthritis pain has two layers of pain relief. the first is fast. the second lasts all day. we give you your day back. what you do with it is up to you. tylenol . quilted northern works so well people can forget their bathroom experience.
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who sees all and forgets nothing.
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super bowl 50, peyton was accompanied by his children who were a guest of honor at the victory parade. they beat the carolina panthers. it was manning's second career super bowl victory. and cam newton was under fire throughout the super bowl but it was a media blitz that sent the quarterback back to the locker room. he abruptly walked away from reporters ananomments by bronco's player separatedy just a black curtain may have triggered the early exit. >> they just played better than us. i don't know what you want me to say. they made more plays than us. and that's what it comes down
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now it all makes sense. lesean mccoy, according to a police report, the officers were hospitalized after a brawl. he was not arrested and an investigation is ongoing. the new york knicks fired head coach derek fisher. he won only 40 games midway through his second season as head coach. associate coach takes over on an interim basis. and the nets were down two until joe johnson sank a three footer off the glass. the nets who also fired their head coach earlier this season are in secondd to last place in the eastern conference. just ahead, lennau dunham
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own a piece of john lenin? [music] no, no, no, no, people are both soft and strong... yey! which is why our products are too.
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now lena dunham won't be attending the press tour. she's been diagnosed w wh indroe meet -- endro meet reoesz. and cheryl boon isaac address the lack of diversity by saying we all know there's an elephant in the room. i have asked that elephant to leave. and the new show with samantha b premiered. >> the rest of it was hillary trying to distance them anceance herself from wall street and bernie sanders tried to signal a waitress. she knows you always tip with smileysmileyas like pow!
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it just kinda like...wiped everything pennies 6x cleaning my teeth are glowing. they are so white. 6x whitening i actually really like the 2 steps. step 1, cleans step 2, whitens. every time i use this together, it felt like... ...leaving the dentist office. crest hd. 6x cleaning, 6x whitening i would switch to crest hd over what i was using before. choose the one new revlon ultimate-all-in-one. our revolutionary mascara delivers 5 lash-transforming benefits. volume, length, definition, lift, and intense color. choose love
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leading the news in the los geles times, gas station canopy culapss in torrance. they were surveying cracks in the structure when it fell two cars were also under the awning at that time and the department of building and safety is investigating the incident. turning back to new hampshire primary. when it comes to campaign photo ops, they've seen it all from the candid to the crazy and now the cuddleycuddly. peter alexander.
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that granite state fits the bed rock of the campaign. this year red, white and blue are united in pink. in deano's hands. one one's nonpnptedisananursuit and posing with his favorite child hood campaign. his approach. >> i have a good luck charm, would you like to pose for it? this is the chris christie. it's like with confidence. this is the rick perry, governor of texas. he held it up like it was a dead sh. >> reporter: and cruz's cradle and kaks misto it for a campaign contribution. hillary clinton was cautious. >> she put her arm around me and insisted i was in the picture
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>> reporter: trump played along. in 2008, a guy in iowa passed around a mr. potato head. >> i'd love to be in a worldld where dino flynn stone influences politics. >> reporter: this is proving real politics isn't extinct. >> it's really all in how you hold him. >> instead it was a personality test. >> i'm voting for the guy who gives him a big hug next time. celebrating birthdays, krooed and fantastic 4 actor turning 29. and joe peshy and carol king actually turns 74. keep it here for more news, weather and sports. thanks for watching "early
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