tv News 4 Today NBC February 11, 2016 5:00am-7:00am CST
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thursday, february 11th. coming up.. two sioux city teens are sentenced for their roles in robbing a bank last summer. we have their reaction from court. and more than a year after the death of michael brown, the department of justice is suing the city of ferguson. but the city says they hope to continue negotiations. that story's on the e y. also, as the zika oureak continues to spread in south america, concerns are cropping up in siouxland. we'll hear from some local specialists about the virus and what to watch out for. and later... it's one of the smallest restaurants in louisville, kentucky, but her food is a hit. we'll meet the seafood lady and learn her secret ingredient to success. but first, here's ben.
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viewing area yesterday ranging from sunny in the 40s out west to snowy and barely making it to 20 to the east, we'll basically see a reversal of yesterday's weather in terms of the timing of light snow. unlike yesterday, pretty much everyone will spend a fair amount of time under the clouds with occasional peeks of sun this morning before light snow starts to move into our western counties early this afternoon. it'll gradually spread eastward throughout the afternoon and evening and exit the viewing area by midnight leaving many with, much like yesterday, a dusting up to an inch or two ofofhe white stuff. high pressure will then make its way south into the viewing area fridayy which will translate to a day offdeceiving suushine with highs only making it into the teens. after dropping below zero friday night, we'll see another cold day saturday with the possibility of light snow from saturday into sunday as temperatures finally get a decent nudge back into the 30s and 40s late this weekend/early next week! see graphics. wx timer @ :40 >> it was a crime almost ripped it was a crime almost ripped from a hollywood movie. an inside-job on a staged bank robbery. and the two young women responsible for it were in court to learn their fate yesterday. ktiv's sam curtiss has the
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it's a tale of money, crime and now drugs. "i'm an addict and i always will be," said heaven zevenbergen. heaven zevenbergen used cocaine, oxycotin, marijuana and amphetamines daily. "high" on the idea to stage a bank robbery with friend aneglica perez according to her attorney. "i was using drugs at the time and, even though i would have never done what i've done if i was clean, it's no excuse," said heaven zevenbergen. the target.....zeven berggns emppyer at the time.... curity natitinal bank. in august... perez disguised...held zevenbergen up. walking away with $10,000. but it wasn't long after the buzz wore off. "locked her keys in the car and had no way to go," said james loomis. perez dumped the money in a nearby ditch. police arrested the two just a few days later. while zevenbergen confessed her drug addiction in court wednesday. perez's words were more sobering. "nothing i can say that takes away from the gravity of the situation," said angelica perez. judge jeffrey neary had a tough time making sense why the girls carried out the plan. a plan, that didn't include up to five years in prison. "the realityyis this one of of ththse lessons in life yyu're going to have learn the hardrdway," said judge jeffrey neary. sam curtiss, ktiv news four. >> the judge sentenced the pair to up to five years in prison.
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the bank. the man accused of shooting a sioux city police ofofcer is out of the hospital and now behind bars. 18-year-old isaiah mothershed was booked into the woodbury county jail. he was scheduled to maken initial appearance before a judge yesterday. that appearance was moved to this morning at 8. sioux city police say mothershed shot officer ryan moritz early sunday morning, as mothershed, and seven others, were being investigated for a robbery. mothershed is charged with two counts of attempted murder and five counts of first-degree robbery. nevada rancher cliven bundy was arrested late last night after flying into portland international airport. the 74-year-old faces federal charges related to a standoff at his ranch in 2014. it was not immediately clear what charges he will face. his sons, ammon and ryan bundy, and several others were arrested last month after occupying the malheur national wildlife refuge during a land-rights protest. the four remaining occupiers say
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the south dakota senate state affairs committe is considering a bill that would repeal the state's death penalty. the bill's main sponsor is republican senator arthur rusch of vermillion. he's a former judge who has prosecuted a death penalty case. rusch told the committee yesterday that he's seen first-hand how costly and hard it was on jurors and court persononl. he says death penalty cases are unfairly taxing on county governments and he doesn't believe the punishment is an effective cme deterrent. last year, the same committee voted down two measures to repeal or limit the death penalty. the u-s justice department is fed up with the city of ferguson. it filed a 56-page lawsuit claiming the city continues to violate the rights of afafcan americanan--- even after the shootingeath of michael brow the legal action comes after communicatio n between the city and the d-o-j broke down. mary moloney explains.
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city of ferguson targets african americans . (loretta lynch/u. . attorney general): "the residents of ferguson he suffered the deprivation of their constitutional rights, the rights guaranteed to all americans, for decades. they have waited decades for justice. they should not be forced to wait any longer." federal investigators sasasome police officererwould stst people and arrest them withououcause -- and use unreasonable force -- to generate city revenue. (speaker): "they think i have this hoodie on, i'm a bad guy." the doj spent seven months negotiatihg with the cit -- to court system. but when the deal was submitted to council members for a vote tuesday night, they changed those terms -- by adding seven amendments -- that among other things modified deadlines -- fees -- and waters down staffing requirements. (mayor james knowles/ferg uson, mo): "there is no reason to enter into an agreement we know that we can not live up to. and financially impossible for us to live up to. and it serves no ones purpose for us toofail." the justice department waated lilitle time and d esponded withha court filing. but the action highlights a period of racial tension many in the city want to move on from. (speaker): "it's time to stop all this ferguson
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done." i'm mary moloney reporting. >> the sioux city police department requested money to add additional officers to one of ititunits. the police department asked city council yesteray for about 260- thousand dollars to add two officers to its traffic enforcement team. the request was made at the city council's operating budget review meeting for fiscal year 2017. chief doug young says it's in response to a community need for a dedicated group of officers that go out and promote traffic safety as s ll as enforce the law. "currently any requests are distributed amongst the district officers and to be honest with you, they get to those requests as opportunity rises," said doug young, sioux city police chief. the two officers would be in addition to the current selective traffic
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there are two officers already in the step unun. the city council also heard from sioux city fire rescue at wednesday's budget meeting. the department wants more money for maintenance issues like hvac and elevators. in fiscal year 2016, fire rescue received about 15 and a half million dollars in its operating budget. for fiscal year 2017, the department is asking for just over 16 million. "they update the contracts and they cost a little more money," said everett. "so, we had just a couple stations where equipment may be getting a little older. the contra costs a little more." fire chief tom everett says his department also increased training and provided wellness programs last year. and, they plan to do more next fiscal year. weather can cause severe damage to your vehicle. coming up next, what you can do to keep your car up and running. ben: and i'll have your complete
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from sunny in the 40s out west to snowy and barely making it to 20 to the east, we'll basically see a reversal of yesterday's weather in terms of the timing of light snow. unlike yesterday, pretty much everyone will spend a fair amount of time under the clouds with occasional peeks of sun this morning before light snow starts to move into our western counties early this afternoon. it'll gradually spread eastward throughout the afternoon and evening and exit the viewing area by midnight leaving mann with, much like yesterday, a dusting up to an inch or two f the white ssff. gh pressure will then make its way south into the viewing area friday, which will translate to a day of deceiving sunshine with highs only making it into the friday night, we'll see another cold day saturday with the possibility of light snow from saturday into sunday as temperatures finally get a decent nudge back into the 30s and 40s late this weekend/early next week!
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submerged in water... either by rushing waters or by you driving through flooded streets... the engine can be a total loss. the engine damage is actually covered by your insurance if you have comprehensiv e coverage, but... (sot: walt waggener, insurance agent) "if they don't have comprehensive coverage they're not going to have any help when it comes to paying for damage to the car" the best advice, stay out of those puddles. don't drive where your car or it's engine could be damaged. >> that was bob hansereporting. so while homeowners insurance does not cover flooding for your house... if you have comprehensiv e coverage for you car... flooding is covered. and if the check engine comes on in your car... let a mechanic
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all their questions answered. "basically he showed us the head measurements and how serious the disorder was and thankfully that we didn't have it. everything looks like it's on point with the measurements and everything," said fiance of expecting mom, shane dawa. and recently, a travel warning was declared so doctors say it's best to be safe and postpone that trip if you're pregnant, like lacee schraeder, who's 31 weeks pregnant with little braelyn sky. she's following the dr.'s advice. "just t stpone anything that you're going to do it's not worth your child's developmental issues or developmental skills for a week outside of the u.s.," said expecting mom, lacee schraeder. there's work on a vaccine, but flemming says it's still at least 2 years away. but, he thinks the virus shouldt become a widespread problem in the country if people play it safe. in sioux city...tommie
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>> the director of the centers for disease control willtestify before a senate committee this morning to discuss the threat of the zika virus. the c-d-c director along with officials from the national institute of allergy and infectious diseases will appear before the senate appropriatiti s bcommittee on labor alth and man services. the disease continues to rapidly read across south america, prompting many in the u-s to worry about the potential for travelers to bring zika to the united states. the c-d-c are continuing to warn women who may be pregnant to avoid travel to areas where zika is active. there's a chance for some more snow in siouxland today.
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basically see a reversal of yesterday's weather in terms of the timing of light snow. unlike yesterday, pretty much everyone will spend a fair amount of time under the clouds with occasional peeks of sun this morning before light snow starts to move into our western counties early this afternoon. it'll gradually spread eastward throughout the afternoon and evening and exit the viewing area by midnight leaving many y th, much like yesterday, a dusting up to an inch or two of the white stutu. high p pssure will then make its way sosoh into the viewing area friday, which will translate to a day of deceiving sunshine with highs only making it into the teens. after dropping below zero friday night, we'll see another cold day saturday with the possibility of light snow from saturday into sunday as temperatures finally get a decent nudge back into the 30s and 40s late this weekend/early
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"i never couldldind awesome, ally good tasting seafood." so she took the last of her savings ... (sot: nichelle thurston, the seafood lady) "it's a house made sauce... and it is delicious." and she started selling it out of her house. (sot: nichelle thurston, the seafood lady) "it was all just on a whim." it worked better than she or her husband expected. (sot: luke thurston,n,he seafood lady's husband) ) "getting off work and see two or 300 people standing on your porch waiting for your wife's seafood. i mean i can't tell you the feeling man." after two months, she moved to a food truck. (sot: nichelle thurston, the seafood lady) "it's made for at least two people." four months later, opened up the restaurant. (sot: nichelle thurston, the seafood lady) "this is my first time actually running aaestaurant. i think i've been doing pretty good at it.""her secret weaeaon is sosoial media. f fom posting pictures f her food, he's gained more than 20- thousand followers on instagram and more than 15- thousand on facebook. (sot: nichelle thurston, the seafood lady) "if it wasn't for social media i don't know if we
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between facebook and instagram, that's my customer base." (nats: customer) "i kept seeing everybody talk about the seafood lady, the seafood lady and then they posted photos of what they ordered and i was like, oh wow." besides social media, the thurstons thank god (sot: nichelle thurston, the seafood lady) "when it started, i prayed that it would turn into what it is now." (sot: luke thurston, tthe seafood lady's hhband) "she saad baby, one day goois going to less me and we're oing to make it someway somehow and it was with the crab legs and the shrimp." (nats) "see ya later baby." it's . time for a break. but we're back in just a moment with more news and weather for you on news-4 today. first though.. here's a look at what's going on around siouxland from the ktiv-dot-com community
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stake tonight as they meet for their second one-on-one debate. and, a young aspiring pilot in siouxland isislying high with a major award.d. we'll meetethe 14-year-old who is hoping to pursue a career up in the sky. and later... the baby blues. many moms struggle with postpartum depression. it isn't rare, but some are pushing for screening guidelines to help new mothers overcome those emotions. that's the topic of today's healtbeat 4 report. but first ben....
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high pressure will then make its way south into the viewing area friday, which will translate to a day of deceiving sunshine with highs only making it into the teens. after dropping below zero friday night, we'll see another cold day saturday with the possibility of light snow from saturday into sunday as temperatures finally get a decent nudge back into the 30s and 40s late this weekend/early next week! see graphics. >> in politics: hillary clinton and bernie sanders face off in their next debate tonight... and all the candidates have turned their focus toward the next primaries... in south carolina. tracie potts is fresh off the campaign trail... in washington this morning with a look at where they stand.
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to go negative: (sot: gov. john kasich, (r) presidential candidate :20 - :23) "well i'm not going to let somebody pound me. i have a right to be able to defend myself." ted cruz is counting on the state's evevgelical voters. (sot: sen. ted cruz, (r) presidential candidate :28 - 31) "the men and women of south carolina i believe want a consistent conservative." but donald trump has led every poll here in the last six months. in clemson, he hammered hillary clinton... and her stunning loss in new hampshire. (sot: donald trump, (r) presidential candidate :41 - :46) "honestly - women don't like her. men don't like her - take a look at what's happening to her." black lawmakers s e coming clinton's rescue. t t congressssna l black k aucus will endorse her totoy and send members states like south carolina with large african-american populations. (sot: charlie james, radio host :58 - 1:01) "the people in south carolina are angry right now and they want a candidate that reflects that." could that be bernie sanders? (sot: sen. bernie sanders, (d) presidential candidate 1:04 - 1:09)-- courtesy burned in "go your own way. the revolution is possible! you are the revolution!" fresh off stephen colbert last night... he'll face off with hillary clinton at a debate tonight. sanders' win is paying off. his campaign says he raised five
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donations overnight after winning new hampshire. i'm tracie potts in washington - ck to you. >> nine years to the day fter president obama first announced his candidacy for president, he addressed the illinois general assembly. the president spoke about the state of bipartisan politics in washington, calling his inability to change the country's politics one of his biggest regrets during his time as president. he reflected on his time in the illinois state semate, and the strides that he took there to reach across the aisle to republicans. president obama said that he plans on making political reform a focus even after he leaves office. defense secretary ash carter met his counterparts from other nato-member countries yesterday at a meeting of nato defense ministers in brussels. the defense ministers approved a new multinational force to beef up defens of frontline alliance members most at risk from russia. nato secretary- general jens
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said the new unit will be multinational and will rotate in and out of eastern european member states rather than being based there. he said military planners will decide on its composition during the spring. the presidents of the united states were ononisplay yesterday thanks to a local school. third grade students at clclk elementary school were assigned to share the historical importance of a united states president.. all while dressing and@acting like them. the school's gym was filled with posters and presentations this morning showcasing all of the hard work the students had done throughout this unit in their class. students say that the research was a long process but it was a fun one. "what do you think you learned most doing this project?" asked t.j. "making the big poster." said kohen coch. "oh right. did you have a good time making your costume and making your project?" asked t.j. "yeah." said kohen coch. "we had to type our speech, and
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to do a lot of research on the cow, as well as other computers," said olivia wagner. the students said they enjnjed showcasing theirirresident and hope there are more projects like this to come. an aspiring pilot was selected to receive an aviation award. impressive, considering he isn't even old enough to drive a car. the experimental aircraft association, local chapter 291, has chosen to give a "matching funds award" to 14-year-old kevin farias. kevin is an 8th grader at the holy cross blessed sacrament center. the award is given to the student who has shown the most desire to pursue a career in aviation. "i feel encouraged so that maybe in the future i can get my pilots license and then maybe one day i can apply for naval academy in annapolis," said kevin farias. kevin's father spent 11 years as a pilot in the united states navy. kevin credits his father for sparking his interest in flying. the president of the local
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association believes kevin has a bright future as a pilot. "kevin showed interest in maki aviation his career, probably the military," said eaa chapter 291 president, rick alter. "he was just a good fit for us to help him through that career path and maybe become an officer in the navy and fly airplanes for them." the award is for an estimated 4-thousand dollarar the money will pay for about half the expenses to not only attend ground school, but to pay for aircraft rental and instructor expenses. yesterday marked a special occasion for the norm waitt sr. ymca. the "y" has been part of the siouxland community for 130 years. dozens showed up for the celebration and to commemorate the impact the "y" has on helping people to live healthy lifestyles. "so we're introuducing a 130 day health challenen, a brand new 130 year annual campaign, and just pushing for more membership to get our impact and our message out, so more people know what we do, why we do it, and how long we've been doing it," said chris deroin,
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media coordinator. one board member hopes the 130th birthday of the center will help them continue gaining community support. "we feelelike we're a big part of the mmunity now and we f fl like ththe is a lot more support for us and we feel couraged to do our j," steve avery, a board member for the norm waitt sr. ymca. the birthday celebration includes several new events and activities throughout the year. plus, a big cake-cutting ceremony. blue bunny ice cream is transforming its image. officials with the ice cream company hosted a gathering in le mars yesterday to o nounce the big news. in the next month, you'll see ue bunny in a whole new light. the ice crcrm franchise has a new logo and new packaging. they also announced their new brand ambassador,"blu." they say they're adding fun to the ice cream aisle again. "blue bunny has always been about fun since its beginning and so how can we bring it to life and that fun to life? we landed on our new ambassador blu, we landed on the new logo, and you'll see fun in our advertising coming up, but
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see it when you pick up that container in the ice cream aisle," said blue bunny brand communications manager, liz croston. to support the brand re- fresh, blue bunny will also be launching a national media campaign that features their brand ambassador, blu. the number of moms suffering from postpatrum depression has gone up recently. up next in healthbeat 4, how one mother is helping others who are strukgling.
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(sot: emily barnes, overcame postpartum depression) "it had gone undiagnosed for all these years and i didn't understand." for more than five years and with all three pregnancies... she suffered from postpartum depression. (sot: emily barnes, overcame postpartum depression) "all of the sudden i was having panic attacks and i was in hysterical tears." struggling with intense emotions... she realized they were wrong, but not rare. (sot: dr. rabiya suleman, ob/gyn) "common enough that it's in about 1 in every 8 people." doctor rabiya sulemamasees depressionn expecting and new mothers all the time. she's already using the recommended depression screening guidelines. (sot: dr. rabiya suleman, ob/gyn) "we screen them immediately after they have the baby, we screen them in our office as specialists of women's care right when they come in for their postpartum visit." (sot: emily barnes, overcame postpartum depression) "the recommendati on is absolutely a first step. it has to happen that women have the ability to talk openly and honestst and it has to happen early and often." ememy is now a resource for other mothers. (nats) because she believes there are many others out there -- feeling the pain and the guilt -- she often felt.
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postpartum depression) "the 1 in 7, 1 in 8, that's the most accurate we can get based on who we can actually get to. i think the number is actually higher because of women like me who lived in silence because maybe they were afraid if they told somebody the things they were feeling their child would be taken away." >> that was lexi sutter reporting. emily works with the pregnancy and postpartum resource center to help others going through the same struggle. coming up after the break... youtube is creating a kid's show using beatle's music. and burger king is adding a new item to their menu this month.
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this year. the nasasq climbed nearly 15 points and the s&p 500 slipped a fraction of a point. traders were encouraged yesterday by word from federal reserve chair janet yellen that the central bank will be cautious about raising interest rates. it's a kids' show built around the music of the beatles. with more on that story and other business news, here's ktiv's kaitlyn kinney.... thanks guys. netflix is bringing the beatles tunes to families across the globe with an animated original series called "beat bugs." the series will feature five bug-like creatures living out childhood adventures to the music of the fab four. over 50 songs made famous by the beatles will be performed by today's music artists, including eddie vedder, p!nk, and others. "beat bugs" will crawl its way into netflix subscribers' homes in augugt. youtube also plans to takeken streaming services -- such as netflix and hulu. youtube eleased three
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movies yesterday. it also launched a new series. it's in response to similar moves by competitors. the original content is a part of youtube's "red" subscription service. it costs about 10-bucks a month to do away with the ads and get access to youtube originals and the company's music service. itter is changing titilines to out of order... in hopes of making life easier for its users. twitter is rolling out an algorithmically generated timeline. that means tweetthat twitter thinks people most want to see will appear at the top of the timeline beginning with the most recent first. twitter says the change will offer a better experience for users who risk missing the best tweets when they're away from the service. the new timeline will be turned on by default in the coming weeks... but users can turn it off. and forget the burger wars, burger king plans to heat up the hot dog wars by adding grilled hot dogs to its menu. the fast food chain has partnered with kraft oscar mayer to make the hot dogs
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two types... classic and chili cheese. all the dogs are 100 percent beef and will be served on baked buns. and to stick with burger king's "have it your way" motto, customers will be able to add or take off toppings. burg king's new hot dogs will be available starting febrry 23rd. thanks, kaitlyn. when we come back this morning, we'll run down the top headlines from around siouxland. and ryan reynold's new movie deadpool hasn't even been released yet. but there's already talk of a sequel. that's next in the hollywood minute.
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ir amount of time under the clouds with occasional peeks of sun this morning before light snow starts to move into our western counties early this afternoon. it'll gradually spread eastward throughout the afternoon and evening and exit the viewing area by midniit leavvng many witit, much like yesterdaa, a dusting up to an inch or two of the white stuff. high pressure will then ake its way south in the viewing area friday, which will translate to a day of deceiving sunshine with highs only making it into the teens. afte dropping below zero friday nighl, we'll see another cold day saturday with the possibility of light snow from saturday into sunday as temperatures finally get a decent nudge back into the 30s and 40s late this weekend/early next week! see graphics. >> > the teenager charged with attempted murder in the shooting of a sioux city police officer makes his first court appearance this morning.
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a look at the stories making headlines in siouxland. 18-year-old isaiah mothershed will be in court at eight o'clock this morning. he was released from the hospital yesterday. police say mothershed shot officer ryan moritz in the thigh as police were investigating a robbery early sunday morning. they say mothershed then shot himself in the leg while struggling with officer moritz for the gun. mothershed is charged with two counts of attempted murder and five counts of first-degree robbery. two teenage women who staged a bank robbery in sioux city have each been sentenced to five years in prison. 19-year-old heaven zevenbergen and 18-year- old angelica perez were sentenced wednesday after pleading guilty to second-degree theft. last august, perez walked into the security national bank branch at hy- vee on hamilton, disguised as a man. she warned zevenbergen with a note that she had a weapon. zevenbergen, who was a teller at the bank, gave her 10-thousand dollars. in addition ot the jail time, the women must repay the stolen money. sioux city police are askiki for
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additional officers for the department's traffic enforcement team. chief doug young made the request for an additional 260-thousand dollars to the city council yesterday. the council is working on the budget for the next fiscal year. the two officers would be in addition to the current selective traffic enforcement officers. an aspiring pilot is being award. 14-year-old kevin farias was given a "matching funds award" by the e cal chapter of the experimental aircraft association. kevin hopes to be a pilot, just tlike his father, who was a u.s. navy pilot for 11 years. the award is given to the student who has shown the most desire to pursue a career in aviation. it will pay for about half the cost for kevin to attend ground school and for aircraft rental and instructor expenses. let's take a trip to tinseltown with johnny depp, daniel radcliffe, and d certain foul-m-mthed superhero! david daniel h h today's hollywood minute.
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surprise: this is a different kind of superhero story." even before "deadpool" hits theaters friday, fox appears pretty sure the r-rated action comedy will be a hit! according to the hollywood reporter, the studio has already green-lighted a sequel to the ryan reynolds romp, and the first film's writers are working away on the follow-up. (nat) now you see him -- now you don't! deadline-dot- com says johnny depp is set to star as "the invisible man," as universal reboots its classic monster movies. the first of those franchises to rise from the dead: "the mummy," starring tom cruise, due to hit theaters "harry potter" is headed into the jungle! daniel radcliffe is set to star in "jungle," based on yossi ghinsberg's memoir about spending t tee weeks lost andndrying to survive in the amazon. radcliffe posted on google-plus he can't wait to start work on "what should be a very intense and physical shoot." for hollywood minute, i'm david daniel. >> still to come in our third half
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good morning. thanks for joining us on this thursday, february 11th. coming up... two young sioux city women are sentenced for their roles in robbing a bank last summer. we have their reaction from court. and more than a year after the death of michael brown, the department of justste is suing the city of ferguson, missouri. but city leaders sasathey hope to continue negotiations to avoid legal action. that story's on the way. also, as the zika outbreak continues topread in south america, concerns are cropping
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with occasional peeks of sun this morning before light snow starts to move into our western counties early this afternoon. it'll gradually spread eastward throughout the afternoon and evening a ad exit the viewing arara by midnight leaving manyy with, ch like yesterday, a sting up to n inch or two f theewhite stuff. high pressure will then make its way south into the viewing area frid, whiih will translate to a day of deceivingsunshine wit highs only making it into the teens. after dropping below zero friday night, we'll see another cold day saturday with the possibility of light snow from saturday into sunday as temperatures finally get a decent nudge back into the 30s and 40s late this weekend/early next week! see graphics. >> it's a case that a judge calls "senseless." an inside-job on a staged bank robbery. and the two girls responsible for it in court to learn their fate yesterday. ktiv's sam curtiss has the story.
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august... perez disguised...held zevenbergen up. but it wasn't long after the buzz wore off. "locked her keys in the car and had no way to go," said james loomis. perez dumped the money in a nearby ditch. police arrested the two just a few days later. while zevenbergen confessed her drug addiction in court wednesday. perez's words were more sobering. from the gravity of the situation," said angelica perez. judge jeffrey neary had a tough time making sense ofofhy the girls carried out the plpl. a plan, that didn't prison "the reality is this one of of those lessons in life you're going to have to learn the hard way," said judge jeffrey neary. sam curtiss, ktiv news four. >> the judge sentenced the pair to up to five years in prison. the teens must repay $10,000 to the bank. the man accused of shooting a sioux city police officer is out of the hospital and now behind bars. 18-year-old isaiah mothershed was s oked into the woodbury county jail. he was scheduled to ke an initial appearce before a judge yesterday. that appearance was moved to
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sioux city police say mothershed shot officer ryan moritz early sunday morning, as mothershed, and seven others, were being investigated for a robbery. mothershed is charged with two counts of attempted murder and five counts of first-degree robbery. nevada rancher cliven bundy was arrested late last night after flying into portland international airporor the 74-year-old faces federara charges related to a standoff at his ranch in 2014. it was not immediately clear what charges he will face. his sons, ammon and ryan bundy, and several others were arrested last month malheur national wildlife refuge oregon during a land-rights protest. the four remaining occupiers say they will turn themselves in this morning. the south dakota senate state affairs committe is consnsering a bill that wowod repeal the state's death penalty. the bill's main sponsor is republican senator arthur rusch of vermillion. he's a former judge who has prosecuted a death penalty case. rusch told the committee yesterday that he's seen first-hand how costly and hard
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and court personnel. he says death penalty cases are unfairly taxing on county governments and he doesn't believe the punishment is an effective crime deterrent. last year, the same committee voted down two measures to repeal or limit the death penalty. the u-s justice department is fed up with the city of ferguson. it filed a 56-page lawsuit claiming the city continues to violate the rights of african americans --- even after the shooting death of michael brown. the legal action comes after communicatio n between the city and the department of justice broke down. mary moloney explains.
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generate city revenue. (speaker): "they think i have this hoodie on, i'm a bad guy." the doj spent seven months negotiating with theheity -- to reform the police dedertment and court t stem. but whenhe deal was submitted to council members for a vote tuesday night, they changed those terms -- by adding seven amendments -- that among other things modified deadlines -- fees -- and waters down staffing requirements. (mayor james knowles/ferg uson, mo): "there is no reason to enter into an agreement we know that we can not live up to. and financially impossible for us to live up to. and it serves no ones purpose for us to fail." the justice department wasted little time and responded d th a court filing. but the actiti highlights a period of racial tensisi many in n e city want to move on from. (speaker): "it's time to stop all this ferguson is going under stuff and get it done." i'm mary moloney reporting. >> the ongoing water crisis in flint, michigan, was the focus of a hearing on capitol hill yesterday.
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snyder declined an invitation to testify at the house democratic committee hearing. his spokesman said snyder had to deliver a budget speech to state legislators. the democratsonly committee asked snyder to deliver his first public testimony on the flint crisis. flint mayor karen weaver joined other officials and public health experts in testifying. the sioux city police department requested money to add additional officers to one of its units. the police department asked city council yesterday for about 260- thousand dollars to add two officers to its traffic enforcement team. the request was made at the city council's operating budget review meeting for fiscal year 2017. chief doug young says it's in response to a community need for a dedicated group of officers that go out and promote traffic safety as well as enforce the law. "currently any requests are distributed amongst the district officers and to be honest with you, theheget to those requests as opportunity rises," said doug young, sioio city police chief. .
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addition to the current selective traffic enforcement program unit. there are two officers already in the step unit. the city council also heard from sioux city fire rescue at wednesday's budget meeting. the department wants more money for maintenance issues like hvac and elevators. in f fcal year 2016, fire e scue received about 15 and a halmillion dollars in its operating budget. for fiscal year 2017, the department is asking for just over 16 million. "they update the contracts and they cost a little more money," said everett. "so, we had just a couple stations where equipment may be getting a little older. the contract costs a little more." fire chief tom everett says his department also increased training and p pvided wellness programs l lt year. and, they plan to do more next fiscal year. one of the hottest new restaurants in louisville, kentucky is also one of the smallest. coming up after the break, we'll meet the woman in charge, known as the seafood lady. and i'll have your complete
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(sot: nichelle thurston, the seafood lady) "it was all just on a whim." it worked better than she or her husban expected (sot: luke thurston, the seafood lady's husband) "getting off work and see two or 300 people standing on your porch waiting for your wife's seafood. i mean i can't tell you the feeling man." after two months, she moved to a food truck. (sot: nichelle thurston, the seafood lady) "it's made for at least two people." four months later, opened up the restaurant. (sot: nichelle thurston, the seafood lady) "this is my first time actually running a restaarant. i think i've been doing pretty good at it." hersecret weapon is social media. from posting pictures of er food, shehes gained more than 20- thousand followers on instagram and more than 15- thousand on facebook. (sot: nichelle thurston, the seafood lady) "if it wasn't for social media i don't know if we would be where we are today. between facebook and instagram, that's my customer base." (nats: customer) "i kept seeing everybody talk about the seafood lady, the seafood lady and then they posted photos of what they ordered and i was like, oh wow." besides social media, the thurstons thank god (sot: nichelle thurston, the seafood lady) "when it started, i prayed that it would turn into what it is now." (sot: luke thurston, the seafood lady's husband) "she said baby, one day god is going to bless me and we're going to make it someway somehow and it was with the crab legs and the shrimp." (nats)
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trying to wrap up the gpac title. to do it, the second- ranked mustangs would have to beat #16 dakota wesleyan -- a team morningside has beaten 22 straight times. momoingside coach jamie sale looking for his tenth gpac regul season c cmpionship -- and fourth straight. close game in the fourth quarter -- dakota wesleyan's erica herrold drops in 3 of her 20 points. we're tied at 54. it's not tied for long. lexi ackerman with the strong drive to put the mustangs in front. ackerman had 22 points. mustangs down a point with under 6 minutes left. jessica tietz with the pretty reverse layin. it's 61-60 morningside. tietz led all scorers with 32 points. two more on the hoop and hack. morningside wins 80 to 74 -- the mustangs clinch their fourth straight conference championship. "i'm very proud of them, especially the seniors," said head coach jamie sale. "this is a great conference and to win this conference isn't easy and they've ddne it four times in a row now. to do it with three games left,
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still have more games to win," said senior jessica tietz. "we're not going to quit, we're going to win it all the way. we're going to win the gpac tournament. it's just an honor to play with these girls and have girls that work hard." isu head coach steve prohm beat the red raiders by seven points back in january. the red raiders keeping it close early -- toddrick gotchers connects with zach smith for the dunk to tie the score at seven all. the cyclones looking for some separation -- abdel nader drains the three pointer to g ge iowa state a three-popot lead. georges niang keeps ththcyclone ahead -- he hits the baby hook -- iowa state led by as many as nine. it goes to ot -- tied at 80 -- tech throws up a prayer to beat the shot clock -- red raiders up 3. isu had a last chance to tie it -- but matt thomas' 3 isoff -- isu loses 85-82 in ot. for more go to i'm brad pautsch with the sports fource morning wrap. >> we could see some more snow today in siouxland. ben's got the details after the break. and the concern surrounding the zika virus is spreading in north america. we'll talk to one of the top
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answered. "basically he showed us the head measurements and how serious the disorder was and thankfully that we didn't have it. everything looks like it's on p pint with the measurements and everyying," said fiance f expecting mmm, shane dawa. and receny, a travel arning was declared so doctors say it's best to be safe and postpone that trip if you're pregnant, like lacee schraeder, who's 31 weeks pregnant with little braelyn sky. she's following the dr.'s advice. "just postpone anything that you're going to do it's not worth your child's developmental issues or developmental skills for a week outside of the u.s.," said expecting mom, lacee schraeder. there's work on a vaccine, but flemming sayayit's still at least 2 years away. but, he thinks the virus shouldn't become a widespread problem in the country if people play it safe. in sioux city...tommie clark...ktiv news 4.
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the director of the centers for disease control will testify before a senate committee this morning to discuss the threat of the zika virus. the c-d-c director along with officials from the national institute of allergy and infectious diseases will appear before the senate appropriation s subcommittee on labor health and human services. the disease cocoinues to rapidly spspad across south america, prompting many in the u-s to worry out the potential for travelers to bring zika to
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gop presidential field is smaller this morning. and the focus has shifted to next week's primary in south carolina. meanwhile, democrats hillary clinton and bernie sanders have a lot at stake tonight as they meet for their second one-on-one debate. and, a young aspiring pilot in siouxland is flying high with a major award. we'll meet the 14-year-old who is hoping to pursue a career up in the sky. and an amazing site from space. an astronaut captures a dazzling storm as it dances across the earth. that's coming up in what's trending. but first ben....
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of sun this morning before light snow starts to move into our western counties early this afternoon. it'll gradually spread eastward throughout the afternoon and evening and exit the viewing area by midnight leaving many with, much like yesterday, a dusting up to an inch or two of the white stuff. high pressure will tten make its way south into the viewiwi area friday, which willltranslate to a day of deceiving sunshine with highs only making it into the teens. after dropping below zero friday night, we'll see another cold day saturday with the possibility of light snow from saturday into sunday as temperatures finally get a decent nudge back into the 30s and 40s late this weekend/early next week! see graphics. >> in politics: hillary clinton and bernie sanders face off in their next debate tonight... and all the candidates have turned their focus toward the next primaries... in south carolina. tracie potts is fresh off the campaign trail... in washington this morning with a look at where they stand.
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presidential candidate e 11 - :1:1) "theequestion for people in south carolina is: whattkind of person do ou want behihid the big desk?" john kasich sas he'll try not to go negative: (sot: gov. john kasich, (r) presidential candidate :20 - :23) "well i'm not going to let somebody pound me. i have a right to be able to defend myself." ted cruz is counting on the state's evangelical voters. (sot: sen. ted cruz, (r) presidential candidate :28 - 31) "the men and women of south carolina i believe want a consistent conservative." but donald trump has led every poll here in the last six months. in clemson, he hammered hillary clinton... and her stunning loss in new hampshire. (sot: donald trump, (r) presidential candidate :41 - :46) "honestly - w wmen don't likk her. en don't like her - take a look attwhat's happening to her." blackklawmakers arr coming to clinton's rescue. the congressiona l black caucus will endorse her today and send members to states like south carolina with large african-american populations. (sot: charlie james, radio host :58 - 1:01) "the people in south carolina are angry right now and they want a candidate that reflects that." could that be bernie sanders? (sot: sen. bernie sanders, (d) presidential candidate 1:04 - 1:09)-- courtesy burned in "go your own way. the revolution is possible! you are the revolution!" fresh off stephen colbert last night... he'll face off with hillary clinton at a debate tonight. sanders' w w is paying off. his campaign says he raised five million dollars in small donations overnight after winning new hampshire. i'm tracie potts in washington -
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>> nine years to the day after president obama first announced his candidacy for president, he addressed the illinois general assembly. the president spoke about the state of bipartisan politics in washington, calling his inability to change the country's politics one of his biggest regrets during his time as president. he reflected on his time in the illinois state senate, and the strides he took to reach across the aisle to republicans. president obama said that he plans on makakg political reform a focus even after he leaves office. the presidents of the united states came to life at a sioux city school on wednesday. third grade students at clark elementary school were assigned to share the historical importance of a united states president.. all
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them. the school's gym was filled with posters and presentations this morning showcasing all of the hard work the students had done throughoho this unit in their r class. students say that the research was a long process but it was a fun one. "what do you think you learned most doing this project?" asked t.j. "making the big poster." said kohen coch. "oh right. did you have a good time making your costume and making your project?" asked t.j. "yeah." said kohen coch. "we had to type our speech, and we had to do a lot of research on the cow, as well as other computers," said olivia wagner. the stududts said they enjoyed showcasing their president and hope there are more projects like this to come. an aspiring pilot was selected to receive an aviation award. impressive, considering he isn't even old enough to drive a car. the experimental aircraft association, local chapter 291, gave a "matching funds award" to 14-year-old kevin farias. kevin is an 8th grader in sioux
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students who want to pursue a career in aviation. "i feel encouraged so that maybe in the future i can get my pilots license and then maybe one day i can apply for naval academy in annapolis," said kevin farias. kevin's father spent 11 years as a pilot in the united states navy. kevin credits his father for sparking his interest in flying. the president of the local experimental aircraft association says kevin has a bright future as a pilot. "kevin showed interest in making aviation his career, probably in the military," said eaa chapter 291 president, rick alter. "he was just a good fit for us to help him through that career path and maybe become an officer in the navy and fly airplanes for them." the award is for about 4- thousand dollars. the money will helplpay for kevin to attend ground school, as well as aircraft rentataand instructor expenses. a group of local high school
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support a good cause. several north high students are a part of a group called "caring closet." the group offers free clothing, shoes and other necessities for those in need. all the items were donated by north high students, staff and community members. one north high student says they have something for everyone. "we do have clothes for little kids, toddlers, babies, infants, um t tnagers, and then we have for cocoege students and adudus, we have prom dresses, we have work clothes, such as scrubs for nurses, we have other kinds of work clothes.@and we also have professional clothing. we have blazers, dress pants, dress shirts, and even a variety of shoes for all sizes and all styles." said araceli lopez, a senior at sioux city north high school the caring closet will be open from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. this saturury. the noaitt s sior ymca in south sioux x ty marked a special anniversary. the "y" has been part of the siouxland community for 130 years. yesterday dozens showed up for the celebration and to commemorate the impact the "y" has had on helping people to
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"so we're introuducing a 130 day health challenge, a brand new 130 year annual campaign, and just pushing for more membership to get our impact and our message out, so more people know what we do, why we do it, and how long we've been doing itit said chris deroin, digital marketinin& media coordinator. one board member hopes the 130th birthday of the center will help them to continue gaining community support. "we feel like we're a big part of the community now and we feel like there is a lot more support for us and we feel encouraged to do our job," steve avery, a board member for the norm waitt sr. ymca. the birthday celebration included a slice of cake for everyone. the y also has events and activities planned throughout the year. when you think of ice cream, who doesn't think of fun? that's the reason blue bunny has decided to transform its image. they hosted a gathering in le mars wednesday to announce the big news. in the next month, you'll see blue bunny in a
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the ice cream franchise has a new logo and new packaging. they also announced their new brand ambassador,"blu." they say they're adding fun to the ice cream aisle again. "blue bunny has always been about fun since its beginning and so how can we bring it to lie and that fun to life? we landed on our new ambassador blu, we landed on the new logo, and you'll see fun in our advertising coming up, but you'll also see it when you pick up that container in the ice cream aisle," said blue bunny brand communications manager, liz croston. to support the brand re- fresh, blue bunny will also be launching a national media campaign that features their brand ambassador, blu. a british astronaut took an impressive time lapse video from space. we'll show you his unique view on lightning in what's trending.
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snow. unlike yesterday, pretty much everyone will spend a fair amount of time under the clouds with occasional peeks of sun this morning before light snow starts to move into our western counties early this afternoon. it'll gradually spread eastward throughout the afternoon and evening and exit the viewing area by midnight leaving many with, much like yesterday, a dusting up to an inch or two of the white stuff. high pressure will then make its way south into the viewing area friday, which will translate to a day of deceiving sunshine with highs only making it into the teens. after dropping below ro friday night, we'll see another cold day saturday with the possibility of light snow from saturddy into sunday as temperatures finally get a decent nudge back into the 30s and 40s late this weekend/early next week! see graphics. >> here's what's trtrding today..... british astronaut tim peake offered up an incredible view from the international space station, tweeting amazing images of lighting
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time lapse video. peake captured the dazzling storms as they crossed europe and africa. the footage shows a a ries of lightning bolts strikiki earth with a view that is truly out of this world. the eighth installment in the harry potter s sies will be released this summer. but it's not your traditional book. plus... ryan reynolds has earned a new title. and it's all because he's a dad. that story,
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on the show tonight kristen wiig, bob odenkirk, and elle king. catch the tonight show with jimmy fallon right here on ktiv at 10:35 after news 4. people magazine has named ryan year's "sexiest dad alive." it comes six years after the publication declared him the "sexist man alive." reynolds became a dad in december as he and his wife, blake lively, welcomed their daughter, james. jimmy fallon announced the honor tuesday on "the tonight show," unveiling the magazine cover featuring reynolds. the 39 year old told people having a daughter was a dream come true for him. if you thought "harry potter" was over and done with, think
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harry potter series will come out this summer. but it's not a traditional book. it's a hard cover version of the script book for the two-part play, "harry potter and the cursed child." the play opens on july 30th in london. the publisher announced on its website thatathe script will be released as a book the following day -- harry potter's birthday. the play is co-written by j-k rowling, jack thorne, and john tiffany. thursday sarah- actor taylor lautner is 24 al- rhythm-and-blues singer kelly rowland is 35 sarah- actor matthew lawrence is 36 al- singer-actress brandy is 37
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the timing of light snow. unlike yesterday, pretty much everyone will spend a fair amount of time under the clouds with occasional peeks of sun this morning before light snow starts to move into our western counties early this afternoon. it'll gradually spread eastward throughout the afternoon and evening and exit the viewing area by midnight leaving many with, much like yesterday, a dusting up to an inch or two of the white stuff. high pressure will then make its way south into the viewing area friday, which will translate to a day of deceiving sunshine with highs only making it into the teens. after dropping below zero friday night, we'll see another cold day saturday with the possibility of light snow from saturday into sunday as temperatures finally get a decent nudge back into the 30s and 40s late this weekend/early next week! see graphics.
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shooting of a sioux city police officer makes his first court appearance this morning. if you're just tuning in, here's a look at the stories making headlines in siouxland. 18-year-old isaiah mothershed will be in court at eight o'clock this morning. he was released from the hospital yesterday. police say mothershed shot officer ryan moritz in the thigh as police were investigating a robbery early sunday morning. they say mothershed then shot himself in the leg while struggling with officer moritz for the gun. mothershed is charged with two counts of attempted murder and five counts of first-degree robbery.
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bank robbery in sioux city have each been sentenced to five years in prison. 19-year-old heaven zevenbergen and 18-year- old angelica perez were sentenced yesterday after pleading guilty to second-degree theft. last august, perez walked into the security national bank branch at hy- vee on hamilton, disguised as a man. she warned zevenbergen with a note that she had a weapon. zevenbergen, who was a teller at the bank, gave her 10-thousand dollars. in addition to the jail time, the women must repay the stolen money. sioux city police are asking for more money to hire two additional officers for the department's traffic enforcement team. chief doug young made the request for an additional 260-thousand dollars to the city council yesterday. the council is working on the budget for the next fiscal year. the two officers would be in addition to the current selective traffic enforcement program unit, which has two officers. an aspiring pilot is being honored with an aviation award. 14-year-old kevin farias was given a "matching
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chapter of the experimental aircraft association. kevin hopes to be a pilot, just tlike his father, who was a u.s. navy pilot for 11 years. the award is given to the student who has shown the most desire to pursue a career in aviation. it will pay for about half the cost for kevin to attend ground school and for aircraft rental and instructor expenses.
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