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tv   The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon  NBC  February 25, 2016 10:34pm-11:37pm CST

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[ cheers and applause ] >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- gerard butler -- jenny slate -- musical guest the 1975. and featuring the legendary roots crew. >> questlove: 425 washington state.
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[ cheers and applause ] talkin' about. that's what i'm talkin' about. hi. oh, i love you! i love you! come on. welcomom welcome, welcome to "the tonight show." thank you for being here. i appreciate it. [ cheers and applause ] looking good. here's what everyone's talking about. tonight in houston, texas, there was yet another republican debate. [ light laughter ] even the people on "grey's anatomy"y"ere like, "how long does this go oh?" [ laughter ] is iover? [ applause ] tonight was the tenth republican debate. you can tell the candidates are getting bored up there 'cause at one point they took turns
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[ laughter ] you don't have to do that. it was funny. but cruel. that's right, there was another debate, i'm not saying they're running out of topics but this one was "batman versus superman." "on one hand, batman is an eccentric billionaire just like me, but on the other hand, superman is super just likik me." [ laughter ] interresting debate. [ cheers and applause ] last night, john kasich said his favorite president was george washington -- [ light laughter ] because he could have been president forever but stepped down after two terms. while trump said his favorite president was george washington 'cause he also wore a fantastic wig. [ laughter ] [ growling ] down boy, down boy. [ light laughter ] mitt romney recently accused trump of having a bombshell in
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responded by tweeting that romney blew an election. yeah, donald trump is fighting with mitt romney. even the oscars we're like, that's just too white. [ laughter and applause ] that's too much. we don't need it. >> jimmy: that's too white. in a new interview, donald trump's wife, melania, said that she speaks english, italian, french and german. which is good 'cause if she ever becomes first lady she'll need to apologize for her husband in at least those four languages. [ laughter ] that'll come in handy. [ applause ] >> steve: good start. >> jimmy: it's a good talent tg have. some more election news. the south carolina democratic primary is saturday and hillary clinton holds a a double-digit lead over bernie sanders in the state. when asked how he'd go after southern voters, bernie sanders said, "please, call me colonon sanderer" [ lalahter and applause ] colonel sanders. >> steve: colonel sanders. >> jimmy: yeah, i don't know why we didn't think of that
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and hillary clinton appeared on the "steve harvey show" yesterday. and she saididhe prefers thin crust pizza totoeep dish pizza. yeah. when asked what her favorite toppings are, hillary was like "i will release my favorite toppings when all the other candidates release their favorite toppings." [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] okay? fair is fair. a lot of people are excited about this. facebook just launched some new reaction buttons. [ chchrs ] they're kind of like ejis but instead only having the option to like something, people can react to posts with love, wow, haha, angry. it's pretty good start. but we have a few other suggestions that might be even more helpful. take a look. first there's, "we get it, you're engaged." [ laughter ]big deal. [ cheers and applause ] next we have the, oh, good, another 18 paragraph post about bernie sanders. [ laughter and applause ] >> steve: scroll, scroll. >>
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"damn, daniel." [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: damn >> jimmy: damn, daniel. [ light laughter ] damn, daniel. you saw that, right? that's great. >> jimmy: damn, daniel. if you don't know it, just google it. it's funny. finally a new movie about power line workers called "life on the line" just released its great. the movie looks great. there's one small problem. the trailer spells kate bosworth's name wrong. this is real. see how they spell it. look at thisis kate boseworth. put an "e" in it. that's pretty bad, right? but it's actually not the only thing they got wrong. take a look at this trailer it got worse from there. >> get ready for the year's most moving drama starring kate bosworth. ademy award nominee, sharon stone. and golden glo winner, john travolta.
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calling triumphant and flawless. "life on the line." >> jimmy: that can't be correct. someone's gettininfired. weweave a great show, you guys. give iup for the roots! [ cheers and applause ] thank you very much, everybody. welcome to the show. it's a good one tonight. it's been a great week so far. there's more ahead. tomorrow night tony award winner nathan lane will be here on the show. [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: i love nathan lane. >> jimmy: plus keri russell will be here. [ cheers and applause ] and one of my favorites, comedian mary lynn rajskub will be here tomorrow night. >> steve: yes. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: doing some stand up. >> steve: doing stand up. >> jimmy: yeah. and of course we'll do thank you notes. that's always on fridays. but first, he's a talented actor and a charming, charming guy. i love this guy.
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"london n s fallen" and "gods s this is himonth. gegerd butler is here tonight. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: giant movies. both movies, big movies. i'm going to catch up with gerard then he and i are going jack. why would i play that? >> steve: he's giantly muscular. >> jimmy: yeah, tough dude. >> steve: you ever see "300?" >> jimmy: plus, from the new disney animated film "zootopia," jenny slate is stopping by. >> steve: oh, love jenny. >> jimmy: we love jenny, too. i love this band. the 1975 is here. >> steve: yeah! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: it's called "the sound," " at's the name of the m. >> steve: how's your hip? >> jimmy: i threw my hip out. >> steve: again? [ light laughter ]
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>> steve: your new hip? >> jimmy: my brand new hip, yeah. >> steve: that's the third hip you've went through this month. >> jimmy: yeah, i know but it's a new cool thing, it's supposed to be thrown out. >> steve: oh really? >> jimmy: yeah. >> steve: they're disposable >> jimmy: it's disposable, yeah. i can now -- i'm so flexible now. >> steve: oh my god. >> jimmy: i do yoga. >> steve: yoga, yeah. >> jimmy: yeah, i just do downward facing dog. >> steve: constantly? >> jimmy: constantly, yeah. that's all i do. that's how i get to work. >> steve: oh, really, you downward dog it to work? >> jimmy: i downward dog it all the way to work, yeah. >> steve: you know what, why not, right? >> jimmy: yeah. >> steve: fantastic. >> jimmy: everyonenehould do it. i'm just telling you guys. the 1975 is here, guys. that's what i'm talking about. [ cheers and applause ] it's a good band, he's a good lead singer, isn't he? >> steve: he is an old school singer. >> jimmy: he's a good lead singer. and every band needs a good lead singer. i saw him on "saturday night live" -- >> steve: he was just fantastic. >> jimmy: this guy just blew me away. i go, oh, i love this guy. anyways. it's a fun show tonight. cheers and applause e so thank you for beingngere. guys, it's time for "tonight show hash tags." here we go. hash tags hash tags
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anyone out there on twitter? [ cheers ] well, we u u twitter on our show every single week so if you watch our show andou want to play along, we do this thing every wednesday where i send out a hash tag and we ask you guys to tweet out things based on that topic. so since "the bachelor," that's one of my jams. >> steve: my jams. [ cheers ] >> jimmy: that's my john, my john -- damn, bachelor. [ laughter ] it had its hometown dates episode this week which was -- >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: yeah. and so, i sent out a hash tag called #myhometownisweird. and i asked you guys to tweet out a funny, weird or embarrassing story about your hometown. something that happened. we got thousands of tweets. within 30 minutes it was a a trending topic in the u.s., so thank you for the tweets. [ cheers and applause ] it's funny. now i thought i'd share some of my favorite "my hometown is weird" tweets from you guys. here we go. this first one is from @ashnhorn31. she says "we only have one stop
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replaced because someone spray paints hammertime on it every time." [ laughter ] >> steve: come on. >> jimmy: that's genius. >> steve: that's genius. >> jimmy: stop, hammertime. >> steve: hammertime. [ laughter ] don't touch that. >> jimmy: can touch this. >> steve: i know, but don't >> jimmy: yeah, okay, i got you. [ laughter ] >> steve: damn, limmy. >> jimmy: damn, jimmy. this one's from @scottmalinoff. he says "my hometown used taxpayer money on a toad tunnel so toads wouldn't get hit by cars on the road. not one toused it." [ laughter and a alause ] a toad tunnel. >> steve: you know what we need, man? we need a toad tunnel. i'm sick of this garbage. >> jimmy: now he's got a train for toads to go through the tunnel. >> steve: that's all. it's gonna cost us up to $350 million. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: makes me laugh this one's from @erinoppy. she e ys "the town sign sasa home of 937 happy people and 4 grouches.
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festival." >> steve: i'm running for grouch. >> jimmy: this one's from @leslieebeth. annual pecan festival where someone's crowned nut queen." [ laughter and applause ] >> steve: really? different meaning in my hometown. >> nut queen. [ laughter ] >> steve: damn, nut queen. [ laughter ] >> steve: she's a nut queen. >> jimmy: yeah, that was your nickname in high school, wasn't it? >> steve: it was, yeah. for two unfortunate years. >> jimmy: made you the man you are today. >> steve: yes, it did. >> jimmy: congratulations. [ laughter ] thth one is from @hoosieieaddy. >> steve: oh. >> jimmy: no, but hoosier. >> steve: oh. >> jimmy: h-o-o-s, like hoosier, indiana, yeah. he says "my hometown celebrates
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with mellenfest which he's never for." >> steve: yes. [ applause ] >> jimmy: i'm busy. i was born in a small town. i grew up in a small town. but i won't go back to the small town. [ laughter ] this one's from @deepseadreamer. she says "there's a monument downtown meant to represent friendship. but everyone calls i toilet seat." look at this thing. [ laughter ] >> steve: come on, lift the seat. >> jimmy: he left the seat up again. >> steve: left the seat up -- >> jimmy: left the seat up again. >> steve: down, toilet seat. >> jimmy: this one's from @jbspivey. she says "my howetown is famous for onions. our mascot is a giant onion in overalls." there he his. >> steve: yeah. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i like that guy. >> steve: vivilia. >> jimmy: vidalia, good onion. >> steve: best onion. >> jimmy: it really is good. i like that dude. this last one's from @bnpertl. he says, "my hometown celebrates pork day complete with the highly sought after little miss pork queen." which was -- that was my nickname in high school. [ cheers and applause ] steve: that was your nickname? >> jimmy: those are our "tonight show hash tags." to check out more of our favorites, go to stick around. we'll be right back with
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our first guest is a a very talented and busy man starring in two new films, "london has fallen," which opens march 4th and "gods of egypt," which hits theaters and imax 3-d tomorrow. please welcome gerard butler! >> jimmy: i love you. good to see you. gerard butler. come on. there. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. >> jimmy: that's a movie star right there. that's a movie star buddy. thank you for being here. i appreciate it, man. you look good. you had a big weekend. you were the -- you were at the daytona 500. >> oh my god. >> jimmy: was that?
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>> jimmy: you did have fun, >> one of the most fun days i ever had in my life. i mean we had motorcycle low riders taking us to the event. my mum -- my family were with me, right, because they're, like, professional watcher zumbas. for two months every year. so they came to the event with me. my mom told me my -- this was [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it is fun. something. >> yeah. and then you get in the pace car and they take you around the track. marshal. >> jimmy: come on. >> yeah, yeah. in fact, it was -- it was it was a fun -- >> jimmy: that's an honor. >> a huge honor. >> jimmy: but you get to say, gentlemen, start your engines. did you get -- >> you get to say, drivers -- that's because it's not all gentlemen anymore. >> jimmy: that's right. yeah. drivers start your engines. yeah. >> drivers start your engines. so at the press conference before, john arset said, "so you have anything up your sleeve?" i said, yeah, yeah, but i had nothing up my sleeve. >> jimmy: no, they do this to you because they got to -- cause they make -- it's a giant deal. it's an honor to say this. >> yeah. exactly. >> jimmy: drivers, start your engines. >> and he said, what about saying this is daytona? like this is sparta. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: well that's 300. >> totally cheesy, but i'm a a cheesy kind of guy. >> jimmy: i like that.
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everybody. you got to join with me. because it was like, 200,000 people. i'm like, this is daytona. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. [ cheers and applause ] we have a clip. i want to show -- here's a clip of -- watch this. >> ready? this is daytona! [ cheers and applause ] drivers, start your engines! >> wow. >> jimmy: powerful. >> so my mom was with me, right, and she came up at the end and went, "oh my god, that i really think that was gonna be done well. well done so, i thought you were going to make a fool of yourself." >> jimmy: yeah, thanks mom. i appreciate it, yeah. i thought you did pretty good, >> pretty good? [ laughter ] let me show you. >> you'd do better off. it's done. right.
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start your engines! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i almost had a heart attack. >> that is brilliant! >> jimmy: it is a blast. >> oh my god. >> jimmy: it is a blast. that is a fun thing to do. >> i feel like a wuss next to you. that was awesome. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no, never. >> that was leonides right there. >> jimmy: thank you. aww, i appreciate that. let's talk "london has fallen." this is a big sequel to "olympus has fallen." big action. you're a good action movie, star, man. this is just a fun, fun, fun movie. lots of explosions. you're saving the president. right? you're secret service. >> yeah, something like that. >> jimmy: yeah, you go to london. >> so we go to london -- i mean the last movie, you know, you went through hell with it. so i think the audience are very invested in who we are. so we decided now, let's take it on the road. take us out of our comfort zone. so we go to london. and it's a state funeral. and all the most important heads of states are there and of course turns out to be the british prime minister has died in kind of mysterious circumstances and turned out to be this massive attack. and they come at us from everywhere.
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president, london closed down and him and i on the road not knowing where to turn. so there's surprise action insanity around every corner. >> jimmy: how did they do all that stuff? it's got to be really crazy. the cgi or whatever it is. you're blowing up buildings in london. it looks so real, it's like -- >> it was a little weird. a little crazy. well part of it was in london and then rebuilt four city blocks in bulgaria as well. >> jimmy: is that right? >> so we rebuilt st. pauls -- >> jimmy: wow. >> yeah, it was crazy. in fact at one point the bulgarian prime minister was there and we doing the biggest shootout in the movie and he was there with all his bodyguards starring at me. and i'm like, does he know? i got to fire right at him. [ laughter ] you know, we don't want to say it. we're too scared. he's really -- he wants to watch it but his bodyguards want him out of here. >> jimmy: yeah, of course. >> and i'm gonna go, boom, boom, boom. >> jimmy: it was a very dangerous situation. well you're great at it. i want to show everyone a clip of this. here's gerard butler in "london has fallen." take a look at this. >> there was no chatter on this. none.
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and we had days. >> it's a blood bath. how did you do this mike? >> we only have to get it right once. today they got it right way more than that. >> mayday. mayday. mayday. marine three is down. [ cheers and applause ] >> actor. >> jimmy: that's your big-time acting movie. i love it. now gerard you're -- you play a a lot of tough guys in your movies, right? but i was wondering if you're tough enough for a game of slapjack. [ laughter ] >> yeah, i think it's funny you want to play with me now. >> jimmy: i don't know why i'm doing this. gerard butler, everybody. "london has fallen" opens march 4th. "gods of egypt" hits theaters tomorrow. we're gonna play a game of slapjack. something's going down right now.
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>>right twix has the same thing. they have packing tape like that over at right twix? try both. pick a side. twix bring it. how did you do that you didn't even move your hand?! it's all in the wrist schwartzy... alright, another game. alexa, what time is it? it's 5:43pm. i've got a table reading at 6:00... alexa, how's the traffic? the fastest route is 45 minutes to downtown. can we take the bike?! c'mon schwartzy! jason... get in the side-car. alright. proud of you, son. ge! a manufacturer. well that's why i dug this out for you. it's your grandpappy's hammer and he would have wanted you to have it. it meant a lot to him... yes, ge makes powerful machines. but i'll be writing the code that will allow those machines to share information with each other. i'll be changing the way the world works.
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go ahead. he can't lift the hammer. it's okay though! you're going to change the world. when sends craig wilson a ready for you alert the second his room is ready, ya know what he becomes? great proposal! let's talk more over golf. great. how about over tennis? even better. a game changer!
11:00 pm
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i'm back with right here, i mean come on. yeah. [ cheers and applause ] "london has fallen" opens march 4th and "gods of egypt" hits theaters tomorrow. first of all, i got to say i'm honored to be your first insta. >> insta. >> jimmy: yeah. >> that what you call it? >> jimmy: yeah. >> as we are speaking my first ever instagram photo has just gone out. and it's me and jimmy fallon! [ cheers and applause ] yeah! >> jimmy: it starts with me and then it ends up just being pictures of your breakfast and stuff. yeah, yeah. you get bored pretty quick. >> or somebody good. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. it's like some -- or somebody good. thank you, i appreciate that. [ laughter ] oh man, you're gonna sla --
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gerard and i are about to play a game called slapjack. now it works the same as blackjack but at the end of each round, the winner gets to slap the loser across the face with a giant prosthetic hand. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> finally, finally a hand i can hold my penis with. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> you know how many years i've waited for this moment? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. sadly i said the same thing with baby arms. [ laughter and applause ] the first to win three rounds is the winner. we take turns dealing. no splits and if it's a tie, the dealer loses. gerard, as our guest, you're going to deal first. two cards each.
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good luck. all right. here we go. >> okay. you first. yeah? >> jimmy: yeah, that's right. yeah. eight, okay. eight's great. oh, i'm doing good. hit me. hit -- don't hit me. but hit me. hard, fist. >> all right. all right. go ahead. >> jimmy: yeah. well that's fantastic. hit me. give me a picture card. come on. i love this. i love this. come on. you got to beat 21. 11 right there, right? [ cheers and applause ] yes! you might as well flip it over. >> you were almost a jackoff. >> jimmy: i -- no i -- [ laughter ] we'll play that game next time you're here. let's see -- let's see what you end up having there. >> okay.
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>> jimmy: you got that, yeah. and then you got a hit. right? and you'll probably go over. there you go. that's perfect. hey, thanks so much for coming on the show. don't forget, you're the best, man. [ slap ] [ cheers and applaus] >> jimmy: that was in slow motion. i can't believe i just hit the gerard butler in the face. all right. [ laughter ] here we go. it goes, first one up to you, right? and then this one goes down to me. this one up to you. oh. 16 or six -- what are you going to do there, pal? >> hit me. >> jimmy: yeah. >> thahas okay. >> jimmy: what do you have? what do you have? you're looking at 12. 14. >> i'm gonna get -- >> jimmy: you got a problem, buddy. you got a problem. you got to know when to stop, now. [ laughter ]
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that's 18? 20. >> jimmy: 2020 >> 20. >> jimmy: oh, god. >> come on, baby. i'm getting ready. >> jimmy: i'm off this game. [ laughter ] >> you'll practice it. >> jimmy: it's a tie. what happens in a tie? >> dealer gets hit. [ slap ] [ lauguger ] >> jimmy: what did i say? just go ahead and do it. hit me, yeah. hit me here. [ slap ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: a rubber hand, it hurt me. on that one. that wasas real reaction, thatat one hurtrt >> i asked them to put a brick in it before. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: so that it hits. >> and they said thanks guys. >> jimmy: all right, here we go. this is to see who wins, right? are we playing to three or two? we're playing to three. >> three? okay. let's call this quick. okay. >> jimmy: yep. >> aw -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that really is -- >> that's the jack on. >> jimmy: itit the jack on.
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cheers and applause e >> jimmy: i'm not gonna feel it. >> come on. [ slap ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i let that one linger a little bit too long. i enjoyed that one a bit. can we see that? [ laughter ] all right. here we go. this is fofoall the marbles, buddy. you ready? up to you, right? >> yeah. >> jimmy: seven. and down an eight. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and up to you. that's not bad. you got ten. i got nine. >> hit it. >> jimmy: yeah. i have a feeling i'm -- i have a feeling i'm about to get slapped. the show. i really appreciate it, man. you're my favorite movie star. [ laughter ] come on. there you go. all right, all right. gerard just do it. just get over -- i've already
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[ cheers and appuse ] >> sorry, man. that was maybe a little hard. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that one, you really went up -- do we have -- can we get a replay of that? my hair whipped back. my hair whipped back. it almost knocked my toupee off. our thanks to gerard butler, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] you have my blessing. stick around! jenny slate joins us after the break, everybody! [ cheers and applause ]
11:08 pm
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my goodness is that smokymeatytasty- bacon?? you like bacon? i do backflips for bacon! make beelines for baban! i'm gonna beat you to bacon! (vo) what makes dogs do the crazy things they do? beggin'
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buying a home can be a huge undertaking. how one company in ohio is helping its employees travel the path to home ownership. and one washington state couple recently tied the knot in an airplane. we'll show you their sky high wedding.
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a very funny and talented actress who stars in the new animated disney film, "zootopia," which opens in theaters and 3d on march 4th. ladies and gentlemen, please welcome jenny slate! [ cheers and applause ] jenny slate! you look gorgeous. thank you for coming back to the show. >> thank you. >> jimmy: i appreciate this. >> i appreciate being asked back. >> jimmy: oh, please. we love -- >> yeah. >> jimmy: we love jenny slate. does anyone ever call you jennifer? >> no, because that is not my nameme >> jimmy: okay. [ light laughter ] all right. i was tryin'. >> no. >> jimmy: sorry. okay. >> you know, they don't. i am from boston, and not even -- [ cheers and applause ] okay, there you go. >> jimmy: it's not like we doubted you. sure, yeah, you're from boston. yeah, i can see that happening. yeah. >> you're french! we can tell by your accent..
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and well, my mom didn't wanna name me jennifer because she jennifa. [ light laughter ] hey, jennifa. >> hey, jennifa. bring over the sugah. >> jimmy: you thanked me back stage -- you thanked me for not asking you to play slapjack.k. >> oh, yeah. jimmy: yeah, well, yeah. >> well first of all, they really slapped the bananas out of each other. you did. >> jimmy: yeah, we did. yeah. each other. >> you slapped the bananas out of each other. >> jimmy: oh, my gosh. yeah, we slapped the bananas out of each other. yeah, we did. yeah. >> you did. >> jimmy: but you say you're not good at lying, you're not good at poker. >> i don't. first of all, i don't know how to play it a aall. >> jimmy: you don't know h to playoker? it's easy. >> that's what everybody says. but i never understand. >> jimmy: okay. >> and -- >> jimmy: good thing you don't play. >> so there's that. i'd just give up. >> jimmy: yeah. well, now i wanna play you. [ light laughter ] >> well, you should because i have a horrible poker face and i don't like -- like, invited to a game night where they played a game where someone's >> jimmy: yeah. >> you know,hen you pick -- i
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when the lights went back on, like, the host was like, so -- it's me, i'm sorry. i don't -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i can't lie, i can't lie. >> i will leave. i didn't murder anyone in real life. this is a game. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: i'll let myself out. sorry, yeah. >> sorry. thanks for the wine. >> jimmy: you were saying that when you ran for class president, that was your thing, honesty was your thing. >> oh, big-time. >> jimmy: wait, so, when were you class president? >> okay, i ran for class president in ninth grade. >> jimmy: okay. knew i wasasunning against a a really popular person. and i was just like, i'm gonna go for it. and my speech was basically like, you might want to vote for marissa, but i actually care about this and this is all i have. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: this is all i have? >> jenny slate, this is all i have. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: come on, you have to vote for that person. >> y yh. li, everyone is like, oh, darnit. that dork is so upset. [ laughter ] she can have this fake job and then all four years.
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[ light laughter ] >> jimmy: that's it, yeah. vote for me. this is all i have. >> this is all i have. >> jimmy: and so did you do -- so, you were class president for just ninth grade? >> yeah, no, four years. all four years. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah. >> jimmy: wow, that rerely -- you had it for four years. >> that speech works a the ti. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, that's all you have. i was a soci director for my senior year. >> yes. >> jimmy: and we had a -- we were almost like a boy band, we were all, like, named js. jimmy and jerry and joey. so, we called ourselves the j-5. [ light laughter ] ] we said, keep '92 2 ive, vote j-5. [ light taughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: and we kept it ali. >> yeah, you have to. >> jimmy: they voted for us. >> yes. class of '92. i mean, class of '99. >> yeah, no, no, no, me too. [ light laughter ] i'm 21 years old. yesterday. jimmy: i'm glad thahayou're 'cause i was telng you this one time i got busted in a lie you're from. >> i a >> jimmy: and i got -- i went i went to the aquarium, they boston.
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make small talk with me. >> yeah. >> jimmy: he was goes, how was it? i go, oh, it was great. you know? and then he goes, did you see the whales? and i go -- >> in anquarium. >> jimmy: yeah, well, i guess there -- i don't know. there maybe is like a whale watcher thing. >> i doubt it. they're giant. >> jimmy: i didn't see the whale -- i didn't see the whales but i was lying and i go -- i just go, yeah, yeah, yeah, i saw the whale. i didn't feel like talking. he goes, you saw the momma? [ light laughter ] yeah, yeah, i saw the mom. he's like, was she with the babies? [ light laughter ] i go, yeah, yeah, the babies. he's like, two? i got, the mom was there with two babies. and i'm making up this whole lie in my head. he's like, did you have to take a boat out there to watch the whales? i go, yeah, yeah, yeah, take a a boat out there. [ light laughter ] lying. where's my hotel? i hate lying. i'm going into like what snacks they served on the thing. i've never been, i never saw the whales. okay, you got me, all right? but you were telling me your cab story, only what happened
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thing. >> oh yes, an uber. was? >> it was an u ur. i got in an uber. >> jimmy: this can only happen to you, by the way. >> yeah, for sure. yeah, for sure. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: damn, jenny. >> i don't even surfboard, brah. >> jimmy: damn, daniel. >> so, okay, i got in an uber, uber-x which as we were discussing is someone's personal car. >> jimmymyyeah. you know, so, you're like getting in a celica and -- [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. >> it's like 2:00 a.m. and, like, i had had maybe a a cocktail. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: at 2:00 a.m. yeah, one. >> totally. just one. >> jimmy: just one. yeah, of course. >> you know, to make other people comfortable. >> jimmy: yeah, thank you. >> yeah, and i'm in the car, i'm like -- you know, , d the guy's like, welcome to t t trivia cab. [ light lalahter ] and like starts to flick lights -- >> jimmy: i've never heard of this. is this -- can you do that? >> no, i don't think. >> jimmy: welcome to the trivia cab. >> trivia cab. >> jimmy: this is a "dateline" episode. [ laughter ] this could not end well. >> oh, yeah. >> jimmy: i would have hopped
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consntly. i feel like i'm just constantly always like -- jenny. jenny. then he's like, we're gonna play trivia, and i was just like, oh, i don't know any answers to anything. >> jimmy: yeah. [ light laughter ] >> including where i live. which my fririds put it in my phone. [ light lauger ] >> jimmy: you only had one cocktail. >> yeah, only one cocktail. >> jimmy: i ly had three martinis. >> that's right. it was milk with a little spritz of -- [ laughter ] so i like somehow answered all the questions right and i won and i'm very competitive. so, i was like -- and then -- [ light laughter ] isn't it nice to have a a beautiful, graceful actress >> jimmy: no, it is. >> but so, he was like, great. the prizes are in the trunk. >> jimmy: oh, my gosh! i told you! >> and i was like, the prizes are -- oh! girl, you're gonna get killed tonight.
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>> nuh-uh. >> jmy: jenny, i wanna talk about "zootopia." this is giant disney animated film. are you excited? did you freak out when disney called and said they want you to be in the movie? >> i truly -- it is an honor to be in a disney movie. >> jimmy: of course. >> straight-up american n nor. and when they -- it is. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: of course. >> you know? and when they called me, i was just, like, what princess am i gonna be? [ laughter ] yes. i get what this is. like give me my cartoon crown, i'm ready. >> jimmy: yeah.. gets you so psyched, yeah. here's your charter here. >> yeah. >> jimmy: you're a sheep wearing glasses. >> i'm a sheep. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: that's close. that's close to a princess. >> i was like, oh, so i'm, like, a dorky sheep who wears glasses and carries a lot of books and people kind of take advantage of her and she's sort of just dealing with that. that makes sense. >> jimmy: yeah, perfect. i was like, i'll take it! >> jimmy: you're great in it. and it+s super fun. it's fun, you know, the way disney does it. it's good for kids. but there's a couple jokes in
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that's really good. so, it keeps it moving. >> oh, yeah. >> jimmy: it's good. it's rad. and jason bateman's in it. j.k. simmons. it's just a -- you gotta great cast of people. >> it's wonderful. it's reaeay funny and it's really filled with action. i felt like when i was watching, i was -- even though i was in it. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: were you in a car? were you on a hoe? i was on a horse. uber horse. have you used that? >> yeah. >> jimmy: it's the best. >> oh, man. >> jimmy: oh, my gosh. can you get a -- how fast can you get a horse over here? [ light laughter ] you gotta get me to my hotel, man. >> big t te. yeah. >> yes. and jason bateman and ginnifer goodwin in "zootopia." take a look. >> she'd never let me get this close. >> you can't just touch a >> it's like cotton candy. >> stop it. >> where to? >> rainforest district. vine and tujunga. >> there, traffic cam through the whole city. well, this is so exciting, actually. i mean, well, you know. i -- i never get to do anything this important.
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>> oh, i'm more of a glorified secretary. i think mayor lionheart just wanted the sheep's vote. but he did give me that nice mug. >> oh. >> feels good to be appreciated. >> smell weather. likes to use. i called him lion fart once. he did not care for that. let me tell you. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: jenny slate, "zootopia" opens in n eaters we have music from the 1975 next. stick around, everybody. my moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis made a simple trip to the grorory store anything but simple. so finally, i had an important conversation with my dermatologist about humira. he explained that humira works inside my body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to my symptoms.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guests are celebrating the release of their second album, a greaea title called "i like it when you sleep, for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it." [ cheers and applause ] they're going to celebrate by hosting an event for fans tomorrow in new york city's lower east side, so check it out. performing "the sound," please welcome the 1975!
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well i know when you're around cause i know the sound i know the sound of your heart well i know when you're around cause i know the sound i know the sound of your heart well i know when you're around cause i know the sound i know the sound of your heart well i know when yoyore around cause i know t t sound i know the sound of your heart i can't believe i forgot your name oh baby won't you come again she said i've got a problem with your shoes and your tunes but i might move in and i thought that you were straiait now i'm wondering you're so conceited i said i love you what does it matter
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i don't regret it but i'm glad that we're through so don't you tell me that you just don't get it cause i know you d d well i i ow when you're around cause i know the sound i know the sound of your heart well i know when you're around cause i know the sound i know the sound of your heart it's not about reciprocation it's just alalabout me a sycophantic prophetic socratic junkie wannabe there's so much skin to see a simple epicurean philosophy and you say you say i'm such a clich\ i can't see the difference in it either way and we left things to protect my mental health but you call me when you're bored and you're playing with yourself you're so conceited i said i love you
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if i lie to you i don't regret it but i'm glad that we're through so don't you tell me that you just don't get it cause i know you do well i know when you're around cause i know the sound i know the sound of your heart well i know when you're around cause i know the sound i know the sound of your heart well i know when you're around cause i know the sound i know the sound of your heart well i know when you're around cause i know the sound i know the sound of your heart
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well i know when you're around cause i know the sound i know the sound of your heart well i know when you're around cause i know the sound i know the sound of your heart well i know when you're around cause i know the sound i know the sound of your heart well i know when you're around cause i know the sound i know the sound
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's the way to do it. damn, daniel! the 1975. the new album is out now. we'll be right back, everybody!
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[ cheers and applause [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: my thanks to gerard butler, jenny slate, the 1975, and the roots right there from philadelphia, pennsylvania, ladies and gentlemen. stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers." thank you for wahing, have a a great night. i hope to see you tomorrow. bye-bye, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] >> announcer: from
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seth meyers." tonight -- angege bassett, sports broadcaster, rich eisen, music from misterwives, featuring the 8g band. [ cheers and applause ] ladies and gentlemen, seth meyers! >> seth: good evening! i'm seth meyers and this is "late night." how's everybody doing tonight? [ cheers and applause ] fantastic. in that case, let's get to the ws. the oscars are this sunday, which marks the official end of black history month. [ laughter ] there was another republican debate tonight, which means there are only three more republican debates on the schedule. i just hope that's enough time to get some insight into the little orchid. [ laughter ] tell us what you're thinking. cnn and telemundo both carried tonight's debate, so questions


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