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tv   Christian World News  TLN  September 20, 2011 9:00pm-9:30pm PDT

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just christians that suffer, even some muslims are victims. >> how international ministries are putting a new focus are reaching the youngest among us. >> hello everyone welcome to this week's edition of world "christian world news" i am george thomas. >> and i am wendy griffith. jesus and his disciples were jewish. the holely land was the place where he founded the church. jerusalem is the site where christians believe jesus will return to earth. >> the events taking place at the united nations has people concerned. they will likely asked the u.n.
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to be a state. >> a palastinian group build this chair to send a message. >> palestine has every write to become a full nation, to have our independence and our full membership in the united nations. >> they might have a chair but remains to be seen if they will get a seat at the table based on the 1967 borders. palastinian expert is telling cbn news, they are telling a different story in private. >> to be recognized is ending the conflict of '67 by confirming the '67 board of education
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border. >> 1967 borders are based on to lines following israel's war of independence in 1949. here is what they look like. 1947 borders look like this. created by the united nations partition plan called resolution 181. it created a jewish and arab state. even if the u.n. bases it on 1967 borders, it is not the end of the story. >> there is a consensus we are on the stage of destruction of israel. a hamas activist wrote the struggle is about the very existence of israel not on the borders. official palastinian television said we are drawing our new maps. when they israelis disappear
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from the history, we will build a new residential area, the mcgr mcgrabi corridor will be here. >> everything he controls, school books, media, ministers in government are saying the war is a religious war until the end of israel. >> as the nations prepare for a palastinian state, they might not realize what they are vote ing for. >> they don't know what the palastinian are talking among themselves. it is at abolishing the state of israel. this is the target. >> it remains to be seen how this will play out. it is likely the u.n. showdown would be the first step, not the last in israel's struggle to survive, chris mitchell, cbn news, jerusalem. >> thanks shg chris.
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stan is a christian journal ist, he is the creator of jerusalem news wire. he sat down with cbn to discussion the implications for the u.n. vote of palastinian state hood. >> we are here with jerusalem in the background. what are the implications? >> according to the prophet job, they are gathered for -- they are there to discuss pry primarily the division of israel and state of palestine. >> literal lliterally, do you t is a decision time and they are walking into the valley of
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decision? >> they are being pulled into the valley of decision. the lord is pulling them there. for decades, ongoing and relentless pressure to surrender the land and give into the people. the nations of the world have had time and time to take a side. they have typically always sided against israel. we are at the moment of truth, i think the lord is bringing them into the valley. my focus is on believers in the nations. christians understand, many understand this is a fatal day for the nations. they are going to make a choice with eternal complications. in hague and in lon don and south africa, they are calling on the governments not to vote for the division of the land of
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division of israel and palastinian. they want to avoid god's judgment. >> what are you trying to communicate to christians? >> christians need to be woken up to the critical times. we are living in cry crisis days. my words and christians wherever i can speak to them, get in touch with the lord and our response to be taken place. >> you can check out chris's new show called "jerusalem dateline" you can find it at >> for decades, wendy, the world leaders have been trying to bring peace to the middle east middle east without success. >> spiritual leaders there is a way to bring them together
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through the prince of peace. lee web has the story. >> reporter: the conflict between muslims and jews, arabs and israelis. in the christian community there is division. a small group of christians is try ing to bridge the gab. lee web this man lives in east jerusalem. the political divide is miles apart. they have one common bond, faith in jesus christ. >> he is the one that brings us together and through his scripture that melts all our differences so we come to the cross. >> we have god. we have messiah, jesus.
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we have spiritual of god. we have power of gospel that can help us. >> the help from god these men seek is to understand each other better and bring a greater unity between messianic christians. the jerusalem gateway helped bring them together for a highly unusual meeting in israel. >> my name is nashat. i am very biblical. we are called to be peacemakers. >> their mote ovation found in 2nd chapter of ephesians. apostle paul showed them they were alienated. verse 14, he himself is our
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peace made us one and broken down in flesh. >> we are one body of christ. you are my brother in christ. you are. it is not just a word. it is reality. you are more dear to those who are culturally related to me because you are in faith related to me. >> they don't sugar coat their differences. they have been experienced firsthand the turmoil that has divided their people. leon calls himself a sozionist that believes israel has a right. >> were there things that you didn't know? >> strong complicated situations and didn't know about this before.
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it was, it was built inside of me extra motivation to pray for him. >> pastor leon is doing something significant. >> nashat has built a greater understanding. >> holocaust is a big, big issue. we have to understand, it has been a learning experience for me. it is a long journey. it is not a rosie journey. reconciliation is not something we can just axxe axel. >> it is god who can bring about what has happened in their hearts. if he can do it with two men, he can do it with any number.
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they they hope to get together and maybe even worshop. if the gospel doesn't bring reconciliation, there is something wrong with the gospel. lee web, cbn news. >> pressures they feel from non christians make it difficult to predict when and if a full reconciliation is possible in their lifetimes. coming up, indonesia is th world's largest muslim nation. why are they being persecuted for their own faith? we'll tell you more after this.
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>> welcome back, around the globe, religious minorities face hardships for their beliefs. paul strand has the story. >> reporter: hilary clinton came before the news immediate ya to
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explain religious rights are still the top priority for united states. >> gunman masquerading as security officers waylaid a bus of shia pilgram in eye rack. women were abandoned, 22 men shot and bodies left in the middle of the desert. >> worst persecutors, some believe much of us need to worry about religion will fade. reverend rob shank was at the state department to say just the op sit is true. >> world becoming more religious. strict religious groups are booming exponentially. the future of the world is a
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religious one, makes our diplomacy and international relations the most important thing we do. >> america's newest ambassador said the u.s. will keep the heat on whenever and however it can. >> too many countries do not allow people to exercise their religious freedoms or make it difficult or or dangerous to do so. >> paul strand, cbn news, the state department. indonesia is the most pop lar muslim country. what might surprise you certain kinds of muslims are also persecuted. lucille talusan has a report on an attack, some of these images are disturbing. >> in february, religious fin gnat schism boiled over in the
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small village. a mob of 1,000 hard liners attacked a small islamic sect shouting kafar. the arabic word for infadel. they clubbed three people to death. many muslims considered them infadels because they do not accept mohammed as the final proph prophet. after that ferocious attack, they abandoned their homes and none of them dared step foot there again. >> we are traumatized and i am glad they are gone. they have a different belief. they don't pray with us in the mosque. they are a cult and we don't want them in our village.
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>> 12 men part of the brutal murders are back in this place. one is still serving his term in jail. this incident has raised questions on the intolerance of this country towards religious countries. >> this man almost lost his arm defending himself from a ma shet mashedy attack. he was charged with disobeying the place and insighting sigh lens violence. he is angry his attackers are free and have been given a heros welcome while he is in jail. his lawyers say he can make an
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appeal. he would rather not. >> he is depressed and will not make an appeal. in this country, most of the time when the case involved religious minorities, the attackers get less sentence than the victims. when the victims make an appeal, there is danger of getting a longer term. >> [ foreign speaking ] it is scary for me to see muslims kill fellow muslims. i believe all religions come with peace and how to help others like our fellow indonesians, we fought for the independence of this country. we are still fighting for this country. i hope they will protect them. >> christian churches also targeted by muslim hard liners. christian churches have been closed and christian schools and students attacked.
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despite this terrible persian cushion, government officials remain silent. sydney jones is the director of international cry cis group. >> it condemns violence in generic terms. it won't urge the government to take protection and take a stand in support of constitution ally protected freedom of religion. these weren't just premeditated murders. these were lynch mobs of individuals taking stones and clubs and bashing the skulls in until these people were dead. it is as those these people were no longer human beings. the people doing the killings were no longer human beings. they clearly didn't see as human beings any longer.
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when a society comes to that point, there is something radically wrong. >> one violently kill in the attack, sadly this man was killed just weeks before he was born. >> for all the other victims, even if it takes a whole generation. lucille talusan, cbn news, chicksick, indonesia. one of the world est largest unreached people groups. the churchildren.
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>> young people between the ages of 4-14 respond to the gospel more readily than adults. >> church leaders from around
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the world are working to change the way the church ministers to children. stan jeter brings us this report from the 414 window summit in singapore. >> it is an entirely different way of telling the bible story. >> we believe munga is the major people reach. >> this man developed comic series after years of working in japan. when he started using a visual style youth understand, his results astonished him. >> far more than we have had in my 40 years of ministry. we get reports from people all over the world that have accepted christ. >> his ministry has placed a
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million cop copies in the hands of school children in uganda. >> they are the 414 window summit. >> 414 is an important age because it is so responsive of a time in the life of a young person. one dramatic statement is related to the future of christianity itself. if we don't reach this generation, there is no future for christianity. >> the parade of media products for reach ing this generation was led by cbn's "superbook" series retooled for an audience.
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mark matool is the director for cbn. >> there is a demand pent up hunger i think it is going to be explosive. >> once children are followers of christ, they themselves can being agents of change. >> i think the problem is we thought to entertain children. we have not paid attention to the tremendous resource. >> the new things about this movement is providing space for children to be the primary agents of mission for the 21st century. >> participants in the singapore conference are leaving with a whole new set of tools and ideas for mobilizing 414ers for jesus. in singapore, stan jeter, cbn news. >> we have a link to the 4-14 window website it is not the --
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>> it is the end of the show, folks.
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>> it is the end of the show, ere's mm i thought he was with you. no. jack! (playing twinkle, twinkle, little star.) tommy? go get him! don't stop! keep playing! here's the fun don't stop! keep playing! part! did you do this? great job!
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