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tv   Christian World News  TLN  April 24, 2012 9:00pm-9:30pm PDT

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>> today on "christian world news" a triple murder inside a print shop. hear why the victims were killed and no one convicted of the crime. and church verses state. he has won six world boxing titles, how manny found victory outside the ring. ultraconservative muslims gain influence in turkey and increased pressure on the christians. hello everyone i am george thomas. >> and i am wendy griffith.
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five years ago five were murder. and nothing has happened. >> the company is moving towards islamic fundamentalism. gary lane has that story from istanbul, turkey. >> reporter: april 18th, 2007, three are stabbed at a bible print shop. their throats slit. one year later the widow said the anniversary is just another day of remembrance. >> everyday i have to live without him. >> five suspects went on trial. five years later, still no conviction. church attendance dropped immediately in malt i. >> they documented 12 attacks
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against christians in 2011. this has led u.s. commission on international religious freedom for the first time to list turkey as a country of particular concern. nina shay says the turkish government is suppressing christian worship. result christian numbers are dwindling. >> they are very frail. we are going to see them vanish if turkey doesn't give them religious freedom. >> turkeys ambassador in washington calls this cpc politically motivated. the turkish government will not act against muslims. prime minister erden is shifting
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away from a pro-western position. >> to islamist, for example, the alliance with hamas. >> that alliance led to a shoot out on a flotilla found for gaza. opposition fighters in syria. nation positioning itself as a dominant mideast earn power. >> turkey is playing a role, turks have one thing on their minds, the economy. >> 25 percent of turks between 18-24 are unemployed. >> all the attention on israel and syria is effecting the turkish economy. there are not as many jobs as
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before. turkey must first solve internal problems and can focus on israel and syria. >> most turks enjoy a more open secular society. the shift may not come as a surprise. their nation has a long history of embracing western culture and eventually rejecting it. >> for one thousand years this stood as the largest cathedral. >> in 1453, they converted the basilica into a mosque blasting over the mosaicics like this one of jesus. in 1920s, mustafa established a state. it seems turkey is distancing itself.
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>> there will be a renewed caliphate. will it be the arab or ottoman caliphate. turkish-christians pray. thap continue their search for a brighter future. >> we need jobs and peace. we need a solution to our problem. >> gary lane, cbn news, istanbul. uganda war load kony -- covering every block of every city with stickers, signs and posters about kony. he is accused of killing thousands and building army by kidnapping and mutilating children.
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freelance journalist interviewed the war lord at a camp in the ugandaian bush. >> what was your impression of kony? >> joseph kony was very nice. he called me by my first name. he invited me to sunday breakfast. we had doughnuts together in the jungle. help didn't come across as the dangerous war lord he is. >> describe his army, who are they and why do they follow him? >> his army is made up of abducted children and young adults. the army is less strong than ten
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years old. might be 500-300 troops. these are very vicious troops well armed with modern arms and famous for going into villages, burning down houses, abducting children and sending those same children back to kill their parents. the reason they do that, a child will never run away if they can't run home therefore once you have killed your parents, you are with kony for life. >> what can you tell us about his spiritual beliefs? >> he says he is led by spirits and loathe through him and give him a device. he genuinely believes he is led by spirits.
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i would say he is demon cli possessed. i wouldn't be surprised in the slightest. he is known for child sacrifices and pretty grim things. >> kony 2012 campaign has been huge here. what are your thoughts? >> i was encouraged by the campaign. >> i don't know of a more positive solution to a deadly problem. i was encouraged millions across the world were talking about someone who has caused so much destruction and death. it was encouraging people are mobilized and people care about what is going on at the other end of the world. i was called by many of the government secret service out lets who wanted to know about my trip. when i said why don't you try to track him down, they all told me
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there wasn't enough political will to do so. kony 2012 has made the atroci atrocities he has made is so well known and there is a good chance we can track down joseph kony. >> all right. sam farmer, thank you for joining us. >> wow. inkrcredible interview. you can add your comments >> coming up, taking a stand in the face of a government mandate that violates teaching, u.s. officials call for a campaign of civilisobediences.
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>> u.s. conference of catholic bishops is drawing a line in the sand with the obama
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administration. they say are violations of religious freedom. at the center of the story, a plan to make religious groups to make controversial coverage for employees. john waage explains. >> they produced a new document called our first most cherished liberty. the catholic leadership is challenging a mandate by the obama administration. it requires health insurance companiess to provide contraceptives, sterilization and abortion-inducing drugs to employees. >> never before has the government forced people to buy a product that violates their conscience. >> president obama argues that the services are for individuals only. >> these employers won't have to pay for or provide contraceptive services. women who work here will have
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access just like other women. >> after weeks of deliberation, the bishops issued this strong statement, if we face the prospect of unjust laws, catholics in america in solidarity must have the courage not to obey them. no catholic welcomes it. we must discharge it as a duty of citizenship and obligation of faith. polls show many catholics use birth control despite church teachings against it. they say it shouldn't be an excuse for the white house to violate the constitution. >> everyone has their religious liberty rights, you don't get to say i can force them to do it in violation of their rights. >> although the catholic church is at the battle, it is getting support
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from protestants and catholics. like rick warren who addressed it this week. >> i don't have a problem with contraceptions, i am an vab evangelical but support my catholic brothers and sisters. >> they are focussing quote, all the energies the catholic community can muster, john waage, cbn news. can christian employees be forbidden from wearing crosses at work? british government says yes. christians are taking their case to the european court of human rights. >> each day nurse shirley
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chaplin wears this cross as a symbolic reminder of her christian face. >> to me it is almost symbolic like a wedding band. i made the vows to be a christian at 16, 17. i have never taken it off. >> if the british government has it this way, she'll lose her rights to wear a cross the work that employers have the right to ban employees from wearing the cross and fire them if they insist on doing so. >> cbn news has been following shirley chaplin's case since 2010 when she filed for discrimination. >> by making that kind of statement, they make the cross an issue. >> williams however is deeply concerned of the implications that the government stands for the future of religious liberty
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for the uk and europe. >> i can hardly bear to think of what the implications are. as the director of the christian legal center, i don't contemplate losing. >> british government wasn't able to speak to cbn news about this matter. they said the equality act makes clear people have the right to express their views in a legitimate way as long as they don't discriminate against a particular group or individual. >> i am appalled. i can't believe it. >> to be honest, i am quite shocked we would do this. we call ourselves a christian nation. >> it is ridiculous, if it was a muslim, they would back them. >> shirley chaplin believes whatever the outcome of her
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case, christians need to make a stand. >> we need top stand and make other christians have a voice so we have the equality, which we all deserve. >> if this case is decided in the european court of human rights later this year. christians are praying it will pave the way for other others to wear their cross. peter wooding, cbn news, england. up next, manny pack man, the boxing champion says the only weapon he needs is of god. hear his testimony when we return.
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>> welcome back to "christian world news" tim tebow is known for using his popularity for
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spreading the faith. >> also manning pacquiao is doing the same. lucille talusan has the inspiring story. >> the boxing associaton named his him fighteder of the decade. manning pack-man pacquiao fight his way to the top. fame and fortune didn't comest. his parents separated when he was in elementary school. he had to leave home at age 13 and find a job to support his family. his difficult life changed when he managed to be on the philippine amateur boxings team.
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>> rest is history, pacquiao conquered every opponent. >> i went to church on sunday, but from monday-saturday, i was in the bar drinking, gambling. careless words came out of my mouth. i committed adultery. i didn't care. >> he says he felt the guilty of his sins. he remembers hearing the voice of god in a dream several years before. >> i remember receiving a letter from my mom that my sister stopped going to school, i cried, blaming myself for spending all the money on alcohol. i heard the voice of god in my dream. his voice was ten times louder
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than thunder. he said my child, my child, why have you gone astray. the first verse of the bible i read said god talked to men through dreams. wow! my dream was real. >> since thing pacquiao became hungry for the word of god. now he has bible study memorizing verses by heart. the word of guard is his weapon against temptation. >> keep this always in your lips, meditate day and night so you are careful to do everything. when you meditate the word, in your heart and mind, the holy spirit will guide you.
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manning believes god is coming soon. he says that god uses tim tebow and jeremy lin and himself to spread the word. >> pacquiao's pastor is his spiritual leader. >> these are god's billboards for the world to watch, world to hear, world to see. what is the message? you like what they are doing? fine, what about you? i believe we are in the last days. god is using these world champions to reach out to the lost. >> manning may retire from boxing soon. >> i am okay.
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i am meditating his words day and night. >> this will help him win his ultimate fight to glorify god. >> the one that stands firm in the end will be saved. when you accept jesus christ as your lord and savior, you have e internal life. >> lucille talusan, cbn news, manila, philippines. >> even sings, that is great. >> people are idolizing us. they are going to listen. >> especially when the culture is looking for upstanding people. >> pacquiao will fight against
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>> finally families of victims and survivors of the titanic disaster marked the 100th anniversary. there was one at the very spot in the atlantic ocean where the titanic went down. more than 1500 passengers went
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down. >> you may have seen the movies and heard all the stories, this is about a heroic pastor, john harper who gave his life to save souls. he put his 6-year-old daughter into a lifeboat and ran from person to person and gave his life vest to a man who refused salvation. he swam around to others to give them one last chance to hear about jesus. one survivor rejected harpers offer once, that new believer was rescued. harper died in the atlantic waters. that last convert has called himself john harper's last convert. >> i have never heard that. unsinkable ship, thank god for
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john harper. >> folks, thank you so much for


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